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John Wiley & Sons Inc Classroom Discipline Problem Solver: Ready-to-Use Techniques & Materials for Managing All Kinds of Behavior Problems
This practical resource gives teachers at all levels hundreds of tested techniques and guidelines for maintaining control and order in the classroom. These have been developed and refined in the crucible of the modern classroom by teachers just like yourself and are ready to help you solve problems and create the disciplined environment that students and teachers need for effective learning. For easy use, all materials are printed in a special binding that folds flat for photocopying of the many forms, fact sheets and awards included, and are organized into five sections: I. TECHNIQUES & GUIDELINES FOR DEALING WITH 50 SCHOOL DISCIPLINE PROBLEMS provides over 150 specific ways to solve the various classroom management and control problems all teachers face, such as back-talking, student disputes, bullying, sexual harassment, theft, tardiness and truancy, incomplete homework, cheating, inattention, and vandalism. A few examples are The Swearing Stopper ... Five Ways to Quiet the Class Quickly ... The Behavior Control Ticket ... Hallway and Washroom Problem Solvers ... 18 Ways to Prevent Theft in School ... and What to Do When You Are Physically Attacked by a Student. II. PROBLEM-SOLVING MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES THAT KEEP STUDENTS ON TASK features over 40 techniques to assure a smooth-running classroom where discipline problems are at a minimum. Examples include The Class Parts Manager, a way to minimize the problem of students who come to class unprepared ... The Job Jar, a quick, constructive time-filler for students who finish work early ... and The Instant Newspaper Assignment, a technique to keep students working on task with high-interest, motivating topics. III. POSITIVE FEELINGS & CREATIVE IDEAS gives you nearly 65 ways to use positive feedback as a means of regulating behavior, including techniques such as Round 2-U, a way to deal with students who are continually late handing in assignments ... Earned Five-Minute Free-Time Cards ... and Positive Speak, an uplifting, affirmative approach that can have a tremendous effect on a student s academic performance. IV. CONCEPTS THAT PROTECT & TECHNIQUES THAT HELP offers scores of solid ideas that protect teachers, as well as students, in the ongoing classroom. The Sitting Teddy, for example, is a great idea for younger children who are afraid to ask to go to the restroom. 50 Strategies and Survival Guidelines for the First-Year Teacher is packed with sage advice for the beginner. Up-Front Assignment Chart facilitates student ownership of assignments. And Portfolios or Document Folders helps students keep their work organized. V. SPEAK EASY -- THE COMMUNICATION SECTION presents dozens of techniques and materials to facilitate communication with students as well as parents, colleagues and administrators, including 50 Communication Tips for Teachers ... Teacher-to-Parent Communication Form ... The Report Card Memo ... Two Daily Notice or Bulletin Systems for Quick Communication ... The Comprehensive Contract ... and many more. In the author s words, "CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE PROBLEM SOLVER is a 100 percent benefit for teachers. Ideas in this resource help to create the disciplined environment we all need. The techniques, strategies, and concepts were chosen because they were very practical. They are easy to use and are low cost. Some have great detail, others are simple, but they all have one thing in common -- they work!"
Juventa Verlag GmbH Die pdagogische Beziehung Pdagogische Professionalitt und die Emanzipation des Kindes
Julius Beltz GmbH Chronische Erkrankungen im Kindes und Jugendalter Psychologische und medizinische Grundlagen
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Logic of Culture: Authority and Identity in the Modern Era
This book proposes an analysis of the underlying 'logic' of culture, drawing on a wide range of material not previously examined in works of this kind.
The University of Chicago Press Theories of Vision from Al-kindi to Kepler
Kepler's successful solution to the problem of vision early in the 17th century was a theoretical triumph as significant as many of the more celebrated developments of the scientific revolution. Yet the full import of Kepler's arguments can be grasped only when they are viewed against the background of ancient, medieval, and Renaissance visual theory. David C. Lindberg provides this background, and in doing so he fills the gap in historical scholarship and constructs a model for tracing the development of scientific ideas.
Klett Kinderbuch 3 Kinder und ein Tag
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Mein liebstes Kuscheltier ich. Paul geht zur Kinderärztin
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Mein liebstes Kuscheltier ich. Romy kommt in den Kindergarten
Central European University Press The Elefánthy: The Hungarian Nobleman and His Kindred
In an exploration of the life and customs of the Hungarian nobility, this text compares historical reality and legal literature on the example of one noble kindred: the Elefanthy of northern Hungary (present-day Slovakia). The text begins by outlining the customary laws regarding noble status, inheritance and marriage, as summarized in the famous code of Stephen Werboczy (1514). The author then compares these norms with the documentary evidence and establishes that the legal literature differs in regard to social mobility and kindred solidarity. With regard to this information, the fate of the Elefanthy family is traced through several generations, enabling the author to draw conclusions on the inheritance, the rise and fall of various branches, marriage strategies, and the "survival skills" of the kindred. In his summary, the author outlines some of the avenues for further research, including the peculiar Hungarian form of retainership (familiaritas), and the relationships between noble families and between the nobility and local communities.
Ennsthaler GmbH + Co. Kg Meine Kinder spiegeln mich Mit der SpiegelgesetzMethode Kindheit und Pubertt locker bewltigen
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Kindest Lie: A Novel
Recommended by O Magazine * GMA * Elle * Marie Claire * Good Housekeeping * NBC News * Shondaland * Chicago Tribune * Woman's Day * Refinery 29 * Bustle * The Millions * New York Post * Parade * Hello! Magazine * PopSugar * and more!“The Kindest Lie is a deep dive into how we define family, what it means to be a mother, and what it means to grow up Black...beautifully crafted.” —JODI PICOULT"A fantastic story...well-written, timely, and oh-so-memorable."—Good Morning America“The Kindest Lie is a layered, complex exploration of race and class." —The Washington PostEvery family has its secrets...It’s 2008, and the inauguration of President Barack Obama ushers in a new kind of hope. In Chicago, Ruth Tuttle, an Ivy-League educated Black engineer, is married to a kind and successful man. He’s eager to start a family, but Ruth is uncertain. She has never gotten over the baby she gave birth to—and was forced to leave behind—when she was a teenager. She had promised her family she’d never look back, but Ruth knows that to move forward, she must make peace with the past.Returning home, Ruth discovers the Indiana factory town of her youth is plagued by unemployment, racism, and despair. As she begins digging into the past, she unexpectedly befriends Midnight, a young white boy who is also adrift and looking for connection. Just as Ruth is about to uncover a burning secret her family desperately wants to keep hidden, a heart-stopping incident strains the town’s already searing racial tensions, sending Ruth and Midnight on a collision course that could upend both their lives.Powerful and unforgettable, The Kindest Lie is the story of an American family and reveals the secrets we keep and the promises we make to protect one another.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Igelino hat Hummeln im Bauch: Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen kindgerecht erklärt
Jedes Buch der Serie vom kleinen Igel Igelino thematisiert eine häufig vorkommende psychische Erkrankung im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Die Geschichten und Erklärungen sind auf kindgerechte, enttabuisierende Weise gestaltet und von einem jungen, künstlerischen Talent illustriert.Mit diesem Ratgeber erhalten Eltern und Angehörige die Möglichkeit, ihren noch jungen Kindern mit Hilfe der Geschichte von Igelino die menschliche Psyche im Falle einer Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitstörung (ADHS) altersgerecht verständlich zu machen. Hierbei liegt der Fokus jedoch nicht auf der eigenen Erkrankung bzw. den eigenen Symptomen, sondern auch in der Vermittlung von Wissen über psychische Störungen bei Familienmitgliedern, Freund*innen oder Klassenkamerad*innen mit Verhaltensauffälligkeiten.Eltern erhalten darüber hinaus wichtige grundlegende Informationen zur psychischen Störung, Tipps, wie eine solche Störung erkannt (und von anderen Verhaltensauffälligkeiten abgegrenzt) werden kann, wie man sich gegenüber Betroffenen verhält, sowie Informationen über Therapiemöglichkeiten, Anlaufstellen für Hilfsangebote und eigenständig durchführbare Interventionen in Form von Ressourcenübungen.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Mindfulness: A Kindly Approach to Being with Cancer
Mindfulness: A Kindly Approach to Being with Cancer offers people with cancer a means to bring mindfulness and kindliness into their lives, to help them cope with the challenge of a life-threatening illness. Adapts Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), an approach with a strong evidence base for people with recurrent depression, for the needs and challenges of people with cancer Presents the standard 8-week course of MBCT for cancer in a flexible format that is designed to suit each reader’s own particular timescale, context and situation Based on more than 15 years of program development and clinical application by the author, and the work and experience of mindfulness teachers in other cancer centres around the world Provides specific practices and approaches tailored to support the different phases of a cancer experience – from diagnosis and treatment to living with uncertainty and managing life with cancer Features five extended stories from people personally affected by cancer who have used mindfulness-based practices to support them in their own experience of illness, life and treatment
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Kindeswohl und Kindeswohlgefhrdung Jahrbuch fr Psychoanalytische Pdagogik 22
Grin Publishing Kindeswohlgefährdung und Kinderschutz
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Kinderrechte: Handbuch Des Deutschen Und Internationalen Kinder- Und Jugendrechts
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Zappelphilipp, Trotzkopf & Co.: Herausforderndem Verhalten von Kindern begegnen
In each group there are children, who the professionals through their behavior, such as great urge to move, aggression or differentiation from other children, challenge more than others. How can you integrate them into everyday educational life and create conducive framework conditions for their development without this challenge becoming too much? Based on the description of the respective behavioral patterns in children with conspicuously aggressive behavior, ADHD and autism spectrum disorders, the author presents the necessary development-promoting framework conditions in a very practical manner. Concrete and easily implementable ways of dealing with challenging behavior are shown. Ultimately, this knowledge not only helps the child. Active, concept-based behavior also reduces the workload of specialists who can experience themselves as successful and effective in their work. Now in the 3rd, revised edition!
Transcript Verlag Deutschland schtzt seine Kinder Eine Streitschrift zum Kinderschutz
Herder Verlag GmbH Kinderrechte in der Kita Kinder schtzen frdern beteiligen
Butzon & Bercker Von der Schpfung den Kindern erzhlt Den Kindern erzhlterklrt 12
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Kinderzahnheilkunde
Diogenes Verlag AG Kinderjahre
Five Leaves Publications Kindling
Suhrkamp Verlag Kindergeschichte
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Kinderanästhesie
verlag das netz Kinderkunstwerkstatt Ein Handbuch zur sthetischen Bildung von Kindern unter drei Jahren
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Kindred Beings: What Seventy-Three Chimpanzees Taught Me About Life, Love, and Connection
In September 2008 Dorothy, a female chimp in her late forties, died of congestive heart failure at Cameroon's Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center. A photo of Dorothy's funeral, in which Dr. Sherri Speede was cradling Dorothy's head while her family of chimpanzees looked on, went viral after being published in National Geographic. The image was subsequently covered in hundreds of media outlets on television, in newspapers, and on blogs, deeply touching people around the world while showing once and for all that animals do indeed have feelings. Dr. Sherri Speede is the founder/director of In Defense of Animals-Africa and Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center. Now she gives us Almost Human, a touching and scientifically compelling memoir that follows the chimpanzee's life from the time Sheri met her while Dorothy was tethered on a chain at Luna Park Hotel in 1999 until her death nine and a half years later at Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center. In Almost Human, Dr. Speede describes her relationships with Dorothy and other members of her adopted chimpanzee family, and their relationships with one another. She demonstrates that chimpanzees, like humans, are capable of a broad spectrum of emotional behaviors. Dorothy was consistently kind, gentle, and forgiving. Along the way, Dr. Speede candidly reveals her own struggles as a stranger within a country and culture that were so different from what she had known. Books like Almost Human, which bring attention to the complex emotional lives of chimpanzees, can increase concern for their struggle to survive. But while this is a story about chimpanzees, it is also Dr. Speede's story. Major events in her personal life unfold in her story of Africa and run parallel to the development of Sanaga-Yong Center.
Clarion Books Achieve! Kindergarten
Butzon & Bercker Mein KinderMessbuch
Rowohlt Verlag GmbH Späte Kinder
Kaufmann Ernst Vlg GmbH Meine KindergartenFreunde
Klett-Cotta Verlag Risiko Kindheit
Loewe Verlag GmbH Malen und Rtseln Denkspiele fr den Kindergarten 4 Beschftigung fr Kinder zur Frderung der Feinmotorik und Konzentration
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Panda Kindergarten
Follow a day in the life of the panda cubs at China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda at the Wolong Nature Preserve, the largest research facility for giant pandas in China. Cubs are raised together in a protected setting—dubbed panda kindergarten—where they grow strong and learn skills that will help prepare them to be released into the wild when they are older. With spare text by veteran nonfiction writer Joanne Ryder and irresistible full-color photographs by Katherine Feng, whose work has appeared in National Geographic, Panda Kindergarten will delight young readers as they learn more about these amazing creatures.Supports the Common Core State Standards
Buchschmiede MehrwertGeschichten für Kinder
Peter Meyer Verlag Bodensee mit Kindern
Haupt Verlag AG Schule und Kindesschutz
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Kindred Souls
Guetersloher Verlagshaus Mein KinderKirchenBuch
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Das Kinderverstehbuch
Loewe Verlag GmbH Meine groe Kinderbibel