Search results for ""author randy"
Country Music Foundation Press,U.S. Western Edge: The Roots and Reverberations of Los Angeles Country-Rock
Rare Bird Books Daughters of Darkness
Daughters of Darkness is a collection of fine art portraits of women in corpse paint. A nod to black metal and doom album cover art, Daughters of Darkness was photographed over 10+ years, with more than 400 models from all over the world, almost all of which did their own corpse paint and are fans of black metal. Daughters of Darkness features many celebrities, actresses, musicians, and models (some under the cover of corpse painted anonymity) all of whom donned only corpse paint for this book. Photographed by internationally renowned music and fine art photographer Jeremy Saffer, this project combines both his music photography and fine art photography worlds into a single project, which was conceived to capture the memory of flipping though albums in a music store and buying albums based entirely on the albums cover art (which often featured a nude portrait, someone in corpse paint, or both) prior to knowing the music or the band. Like the music that inspired it, Daughters of Darkness shows the duality of finding beauty in dark imagery, and finding darkness within beauty.
Cengage Learning, Inc Personal Financial Planning
Knowing how to handle money effectively is more important today than ever. Billingsley/Gitman/Joehnk���s market-leading PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING, 15E provides the tools, techniques and understanding you need to define and achieve your financial goals. Numerous examples and practical illustrations complement a common-sense approach. Interesting features and insightful financial planning tips work with current updates to keep content both timely and relevant. New content guides you in using today���s financial tools and technology as you learn how to improve your spending habits, ask a financial adviser the right questions, budget effectively and choose the right bank for your individual needs. You also learn how to evaluate if it's best to buy or lease a vehicle, select the best credit card, recognize priorities in buying a home and even plan for retirement. In addition, MindTap online learning system is available to assist in completing homework and mastering key skills.
Little, Brown & Company Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X: The Fatal Friendship (A Young Readers Adaptation of Blood Brothers)
Discover the remarkable relationship between Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X, and how their bond affected the movement for Black pride and independence in the 1960s in this nonfiction book for young readers.Freshly adapted for young readers, this in-depth portrait showcases the complex bond between Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X, revealing how Malcolm helped mold Cassius Clay into Muhammad Ali and influenced his rise as an international symbol of Black pride and Black independence. Yet when Malcolm was expelled from the Nation of Islam for criticizing the conduct of its leader, Elijah Muhammad, Ali turned his back on Malcolm, a choice that some believe tragically contributed to the minister's assassination in February 1965.Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X is the story of how Ali redefined what it means to be a Black athlete in America, informed by Malcolm's leadership. An extraordinary portrait of love, friendship, and power as well as deceit and betrayal, here is a window into the public and private lives of two national icons, and the tumultuous period in the American Civil Rights Movement that they helped to shape.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Skylab: The Nature of Buildings
A major overview of Skylab’s built works, from show-stopping residences to high-profile cultural projects, presented via a covetable book design that takes its inspiration from an album or LP. Skylab: The Nature of Buildings is the first monograph of the Portland, Oregon-based architecture and design studio. Founded by Jeff Kovel in 1999, Skylab has emerged as a leading creative force in the Pacific Northwest and North America. At the vanguard of innovative and sustainable design, the practice is known for a range of spectacular residences designed for leading creatives, as well as distinctive music venues, resorts, and other high-profile projects, including the N M Bodecker Foundation, Nike’s Serena Williams Building, and the Columbia Building. Presenting more than two decades of work, the story of Skylab is told by several influential contributors through reflective essays, interviews, conversations and anecdotes, as well as extensive project photography and illustrations that detail the firm’s design process. A uniquely crafted object, the book’s design is based on the concept of a double vinyl album, with four 'sides' (A, B, C, D), ten projects 'tracks', inside front- and back-cover gatefolds, and nine project 'interlude' foldout posters in the book. 'Our work balances on three themes: narrative, strategy, and regeneration', Kovel writes in the book’s Preface. 'Narrative is the "what" — a design process based on telling compelling stories. Strategy is the "how" — innovating best practices through construction and market intelligence. Regeneration is the "why" — our north star and the legacy of our work, defined by designing with nature as a partner, seeking to rebalance the relationship with land, time and people. This was the bedrock meaning behind our practice when we started in 1999, and it continues to this day.'
John Wiley & Sons Tulsa 1921 Reporting a Massacre
In 1921 Tulsa's Greenwood District, known then as the nation's “Black Wall Street”, was one of the most prosperous African American communities in the US. But on May 31 of that year, a white mob invaded Greenwood. Tulsa, 1921 shines new light into the shadows that have long been cast over this extraordinary instance of racial violence.
McGraw Hill Education India Looseleaf for Microsoft Office Outlook 2016 Complete: In Practice
Lee & Low Books Inc Yummy: The Last Days Of A Southside Shorty
SDC Publications AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals
SDC Publications Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Inventor 2023
SAGE Publications Inc The Daily SEL Leader: A Guided Journal
Everyone in your school community benefits when you invest in YOU. Social-emotional learning is one of the hottest education topics today. Most of the focus, however, has been at the student level. The truth is that school leaders can’t implement social-emotional learning effectively if they don’t deeply understand it for themselves. A deeper, renewed self-awareness and understanding of your own and others’ emotional needs is the key to promoting social-emotional learning across your school. Exploring and mastering core social and emotional competencies a little at a time with the help of this guide fits perfectly with the daily demands of being a school leader, team leader, or classroom leader. Using the core CASEL skills presented in six modules, this guided journal will help you: Become more self-aware of what each CASEL skill means for leadership Build stronger relationships throughout schools, classrooms, and communities Increase credibility and approachability Engage stakeholders confidently Because human growth and leadership go hand in hand, meeting students, teachers, and colleagues where they are at emotionally will begin a ripple effect and leave a lasting impact on your learning community. To do that, however, you must first focus on developing your own SEL skills.
Praxis Music Publications, Incorporated Scales Over Chords
CABI Publishing Soybean: Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Soybean is one of the world’s leading sources of seed oil and seed protein and is grown extensively, particularly in the Americas and Asia. Indeed, soybean is the lowest-cost producer of vegetable oil, since the oil is a coproduct of its protein-rich meal. Major advances have recently been made in our understanding of soybean genetics and of the application of new technologies to soybean improvement. Thus it is now possible, using molecular methods, to alter the protein and oil composition of soybean, as well as produce other foreign proteins in the plant. Further progress should permit the improvement of nitrogen fixation and other desirable traits. This book focuses on recent progress in our understanding of the genetics and molecular biology of soybean and provides a broad review of the subject, from genome diversity to transformation and integration of desired genes using current technologies. It is aimed at workers in legume agronomy, plant genetics, breeding and biotechnology.
Hauser & Wirth Anna Maria Maiolino - Entre Pausas
AU Press Teaching in Blended Learning Environments: Creating and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry
Teaching in Blended Leaning Environments provides acoherent framework in which to explore the transformative concept ofblended learning. Blended learning can be defined as the organicintegration of thoughtfully selected and complementary face-to-face andonline approaches and technologies. A direct result of thetransformative innovation of virtual communication and online learningcommunities, blended learning environments have created new ways forteachers and students to engage, interact, and collaborate. The authorsargue that this new learning environment necessitates significant roleadjustments for instructors and generates a need to understand theaspects of teaching presence required of deep and meaningful learningoutcomes. Built upon the theoretical framework of the Community of Inquiry– the premise that higher education is both a collaborative andindividually constructivist learning experience – the authorspresent seven principles that provide a valuable set of tools forharnessing the opportunities for teaching and learning availablethrough technology. Focusing on teaching practices related to thedesign, facilitation, direction and assessment of blended learningexperiences, Teaching in Blended Learning Environmentsaddresses the growing demand for improved teaching in highereducation.
Candlewick Press,U.S. One Is a Snail, Ten is a Crab: A Counting by Feet Book
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Hollywood's America: Understanding History Through Film
Fully revised, updated, and extended, the fifth edition of Hollywood’s America provides an important compilation of interpretive essays and primary documents that allows students to read films as cultural artifacts within the contexts of actual past events. A new edition of this classic textbook, which ties movies into the broader narrative of US and film history This fifth edition contains nine new chapters, with a greater overall emphasis on recent film history, and new primary source documents which are unavailable online Entries range from the first experiments with motion pictures all the way to the present day Well-organized within a chronological framework with thematic treatments to provide a valuable resource for students of the history of American film
Taylor Trade Publishing Hoop Hysteria II: The College Basketball Trivia Quiz Book
Skyhorse Publishing It's All True: Walking by Faith in a Funky World
Jeff Slaughter is known throughout the world for both his amazing passion in worship leadership and his awe-inspiring lyrics, estimated to have been sung by forty-six million children worldwide. Yet, what’s less known about Jeff Slaughter is the tough journey of heartbreak and loss, joy and victory that led him to a place where he could finally share his remarkable story.It’s All True reveals both the tragedy and triumph of Jeff Slaughter’s life. Readers will no doubt draw encouragement and great strength from the story of a man who, despite difficult circumstances, has always found God to be right there with amazing grace, seeing him and his family through all obstacles. When Jeff tells such stories as witnessing his fourteen-year-old niece’s tragic death at a family Labor Day picnic and the lost battles with cancer fought courageously by both his parents, the reader will feel his pain. Yet, the reader will also experience joy through the many humorous moments of Jeff’s life and the new path God has blazed for him. Through it all, some of his most touching and meaningful songs have come from those experiences, including the song entitled “It’s All True,” which has provided the theme for Jeff’s life.
OM Book Service Loose Leaf for Comprehensive School Health Education
Guilford Publications Handbook of Adolescent Literacy Research
The first comprehensive research handbook of its kind, this volume showcases innovative approaches to understanding adolescent literacy learning in a variety of settings. Distinguished contributors examine how well adolescents are served by current instructional practices and highlight ways to translate research findings more effectively into sound teaching and policymaking. The book emphasizes social and cultural factors in adolescents' approach to communication and response to instruction, and sections address literacy both in and out of schools, including literacy expectations in the contemporary workplace. Detailed attention is given to issues of diversity and individual differences among learners.Winner--Literacy Research Association's Edward B. Fry Book Award
Little, Brown & Company Monsters of the Ivy League
If, like most Americans, you think an Ivy League diploma paves the way to Nobel Prizes, Wall Street riches, and a life of prosperity and happiness, think again. Consider these "distinguished" alumni:* John Fairbanks (Dartmouth AB, 1946), embezzler* Amy Bishop (Harvard Ph.D., 1993), mass murderer* Eliot Spitzer (Princeton BA, 1981; Harvard JD, 1984), disgraced NY governor and patron of prostitutes* Cardinal Bernard F. Law (Harvard BA, 1952), protector of abusive priests* Jeffrey Skilling (Harvard MBA, 1979), felonious Enron CEO* Madison Grant (Yale BA, 1887; Columbia LL.B.), eugenicist* Ann Coulter (Cornell BA, 1984), professional bully* Jonah Lehrer (Columbia BA, 2003), plagiarist* Theodore Kaczynski (Harvard BA, 1962), the UnabomberIn 85 brief profiles of murderers, rapists, racists, cheaters, lying politicians, slavers, oligarchs, war criminals, traitors, forgers, kiddie-porners, and other moral reprobates, MONSTERS OF THE IVY LEAGUE effectively--and entertainingly!--bursts the bubble of America's obsession with elite colleges.
Floris Books Fun with Maths Puzzles, Games and More: A Resource Book for Steiner-Waldorf Teachers
An inspirational and easy-to-use resource book for teachers who want to add interest and engagement to maths lessons. Part of the acclaimed Making Maths Meaningful series.The puzzles, games and activities in this book are designed to challenge students with new ways of applying core maths skills. Created by experienced maths teachers, with a focus on problem solving rather than solving problems, teachers will find activities to supplement all main maths topics -- from addition and subtraction to algebra and logic puzzles. Discover the perfect puzzle to inspire your class with this clear and easy-to-use resource.Fun with Maths Puzzles, Games and More includes:-- Puzzles -- categorised by age group and with full solutions-- Games -- engage the whole class or small groups with maths games that pupils will want to play again and again-- Maths magic tricks -- delight younger pupils and challenge older ones to figure out how they work-- Class activities -- practical exercises to bring maths into the real worldThis is a useful tool for Steiner-Waldorf teachers of Classes 4-12.
Anthology Editions Some Collages: Jim Jarmusch
Although Jim Jarmusch is best known for his storied career in independent cinema, over the years he has produced hundreds of pieces of collage art, the majority of which has been rarely seen by the public. Drawing inspiration from the largest medium of cultural documentation—newspapers—Jarmusch delicately crafts each work by layering newsprints on cardstock. These small-scale (notecard-size) pieces are often characterized by their tongue-in-cheek nature: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s faces are affixed to nameless suits, two Andy Warhols are posed in a X-Files-esque tunnel, various musicians perform with ever-so-timely surgical masks. Collected here for the first time, [Untitled] showcases Jarmusch’s profanely assembled vision.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Evidence-Based Practice: Methods, Models, and Tools for Mental Health Professionals
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), a trend started in the medical community, is rapidly becoming of critical importance to the mental health profession as insurance companies begin to offer preferential pay to organizations using it. Featuring contributions from top researchers in the field, this groundbreaking book covers everything from what EBP is and its relevance to behavioural health to specific models for application and implementation, building best practice protocols, and evaluating bottom-line effectiveness in your organization.
Fonthill Media LLc Texans at Gettysburg: Blood and Glory with Hood's Texas Brigade
John Wiley & Sons Inc Environmental Instrumentation and Analysis Handbook
A comprehensive resource for information about different technologies and methods to measure and analyze contamination of air, water, and soil. * Serves as a technical reference in the field of environmental science and engineering * Includes information on instrumentation used for measurement and control of effluents and emissions from industrial facilities that can directly influence the environment * Focuses on applications, making it a practical reference tool
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Engineering Construction Inspection
Introduction to Engineering Construction Inspection offers expert tools and advice on construction inspection for buildings and civil engineering projects, including construction of roads, highways, pipelines, reservoirs, water and wastewater projects, hydroelectric, and other large engineered projects. More than 150 informative illustrations supplement expert coverage of the activities and processes involved in observing and documenting a project through the construction phase–from initial site work and geotechnical work to major engineered structural systems in concrete and steel, and project acceptance by the owner.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Governance of Domain Names on the Internet
William B Eerdmans Publishing Co Shalom and the Community of Creation: An Indigenous Vision
Two Dollar Radio Two Dollar Radio Guide to Vegan Cooking: The Pink Edition
John Wiley & Sons Inc IT Career JumpStart: An Introduction to PC Hardware, Software, and Networking
A practical approach for anyone looking to enter the IT workforce Before candidates can begin to prepare for any kind of certification, they need a basic understanding of the various hardware and software components used in a computer network. Aimed at aspiring IT professionals, this invaluable book strips down a network to its bare basics, and discusses this complex topic in a clear and concise manner so that IT beginners can confidently gain an understanding of fundamental IT concepts. In addition, a base knowledge has been established so that more advanced topics and technologies can be learned over time. Includes a discussion of the key computer components, such as the processor and memory Covers the basics of data storage as well as the input/output process Zeroes in on basic hardware configuration including how to install hardware and software drivers Introduces various computer operating systems, including the Windows OS family, Linux, and Mac. Looks at basic networking concepts and design IT Career JumpStart is an ideal starting point for anyone looking for a career in IT but doesn't know where to start.
Persea Books Inc Human Landscapes from My Country: An Epic Novel in Verse
Mango Media Picturing America's Pastime: Historic Photography from the Baseball Hall of Fame Archives
Baseball Photography Classics“It’s a great addition to your coffee table, or as a gift to the baseball fan in your life.” ― New Release in Photojournalism, Photo Essays, Statistics, History, Sports Photography, and SportsPicturing America’s Pastime celebrates baseball through a unique photography collection of the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum’s unmatched archive of baseball photos. Preserving History, Honoring Excellence, Connecting Generations is the mission of the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. Now, with this unequaled collection of photos from baseball history, you can revel in the moments we share at the ballpark, the grand sweep of the stadium, the drama of the game, and classic images of baseball greats.Celebrate the history of baseball and baseball photography. Go beyond the standard highlights of baseball history in this collection of rarely seen photos that reveals the full landscape of our national pastime as no other collection can. Selected by the historians and curators at the Baseball Hall of Fame, the photographs reveal the rich relationship between photography and the game. Each image includes an historic quote and a detailed caption, often highlighting little-known information about the photographers and techniques used across the 150 plus years covered in the book.Experience the storied history of this great game through iconic images: Panoramic photos of historic stadiums A thoughtful Honus Wagner studying his bat Early African American team portraits and photos of such greats as Hank Aaron, Jackie Robinson, and Orestes “Minnie” Miñoso And much more! If you have enjoyed baseball photography books such as The Story of Baseball: In 100 Photographs, 100 Year in Pinstripes: The New York Yankees in Photographs, or Baseball: An Illustrated History, you will love The National Baseball Hall of Fame’s Picturing America’s Pastime.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation
A unique opportunity to learn about the most important developments in environmental applications of ionizing radiation This book makes it easy for scientists and engineers to acquaint themselves with the state of the art in ionizing radiation techniques for pollution control, environmental cleanup, and waste processing. With contributions by more than 100 researchers working in industry, academia, and government, it reports from around the world on the most important recent advances in the field. From the latest refinements in electron beam technology to new techniques for the purification of flue gases, and from radiation recycling of rubber wastes to radiation-induced cleanup of water and wastewater, this valuable resource covers all established and emerging environmental applications of ionizing radiation. The only book available in English to focus exclusively on the subject, Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation belongs in the working library of every aspiring or practicing scientist or engineer concerned with environmental pollution. Radiation has long been used in food processing, medical device sterilization, and polymer production, but only recently has it begun to be widely accepted as a valued component in environmental cleanup initiatives. The growing popularity of radiation as a means of neutralizing both natural and synthetic contaminants is due, in great part, to impressive results recently achieved by researchers worldwide using ionizing radiation methods, especially those involving electron beam techniques. Despite these many successes, there continues to be a conspicuous poverty of professional references on the subject. Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation fills that gap. Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation brings together contributions by more than 100 leading scientists from the Americas, Europe, and Asia. The first English-language text devoted exclusively to this exciting growth area, it affords readers a unique opportunity to acquaint themselves with state-of-the-art applications of ionizing radiation for solving environmental remediation problems. Featuring many fascinating and informative case studies from around the world, it brings scientists and engineers quickly in line with the latest advances in: * Electron beam design * Flue gas treatment using electron beams * Ionizing radiation in pollution control * Irradiation treatment of industrial wastes * Irradiation treatment of soil and biosolids * Irradiation and photocatalytic processes * New and emerging applications of ionizing radiation. Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation is a valuable working resource for civil, chemical, and environmental engineers and scientists involved with pollution control, water treatment, and natural and industrial waste treatment. It also belongs on the syllabuses of all graduate-level engineering courses in air and water management.
John Wiley & Sons Law Enforcement Responder Principles of Emergency Medicine Rescue and Force Protection
Emerald Publishing Limited Deviance in the Workplace
This volume is about deviance in the workplace. It defines deviance as departures from laws or organizational rules by workers, managers, or an organization as an entity. It brings together contributions by scholars in the sociology of work and of crime and deviance, and identifies workplace deviance as a subject shared by the two. The contributions center around two main topics: deviance-making processes, and the social control of deviance through workplace regulation to detect and correct deviant behavior.
Guilford Publications School-Based Observation: A Practical Guide to Assessing Student Behavior
Widely used to assess social–emotional and behavioral referral concerns in grades PreK-12, systematic direct observation is an essential skill for school psychologists and other educators. This accessible book helps practitioners conduct reliable, accurate observations using the best available tools. Chapters present effective coding systems for assessing student classroom behavior, the classroom environment, behavior in non-classroom settings, and behavior in a functional assessment context; also provided are guidelines for developing new codes when an appropriate one does not already exist. Procedures for summarizing, graphing, and interpreting data for different assessment purposes are detailed. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes 13 reproducible coding forms. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Economics Of Intercollegiate Sports, The
Does the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) exploit student athletes? Should athletes be paid? Does Title IX unfairly discriminate against men's sports? Are the salaries of head coaches excessive? Why is there so much cheating in college sports? Should the sports department be subsidized by the university? Why do universities place so much emphasis on athletics?The above are just some of the questions raised in this sports economics textbook specially designed to teach undergraduate students about the college sports industry. The book focuses on the unique cartel structure of the NCAA and its member institutions to shed light on the labor market for college athletes and coaches; the tension between athletics and academics; the finance of athletic departments; the role of the media and commercialization of college sports; race, gender, and legal issues; and the desirability and plausibility of reform.The book reinforces the economic analysis with a variety of examples of recent events and can be used as either a primary or secondary text.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Architect's Guide to Design-Build Services
The definitive resource for designer-led projects The Architect's Guide to Design-Build Services offers authoritative knowledge and industry insight to architects considering entry into the burgeoning practice of design-build project delivery. Written by architects and other professionals with expertise in risk management, law, ethics, finance, and contracts, this instructive guide addresses the roles architects can assume during a design-build project, including leading the project, acting as subcontractor, and forming a joint venture with a contractor. Developed by the AIA Design-Build Professional Interest Area, this book offers the real-world expertise of thirty industry leaders from the United States, Canada, and Mexico, who share their experience and know-how on such topics as: Starting out in design-build Risks and rewards of design-build delivery Succeeding in a design-build practice Design-build education Essential practice information Ethics and licensing laws State laws regulating both architects and contractors are summarized to help busy firms bring design-build projects through to successful completion in a variety of jurisdictions. The Architect's Guide to Design-Build Services is the most complete, definitive resource for architects, contractors, and attorneys involved in designer-led projects.
Independent Institute,U.S. Nature Unbound: Bureaucracy and the Environment
What if what we think we know about ecology and environmental policy is just wrong? What if environmental laws often make things worse? What if the very idea of nature has been hijacked by politics? What if wilderness is something we create in our minds, as opposed to being an actual description of nature? Developing answers to these questions and developing implications of those answers are our purposes in this book. Two themes guide us—political ecology and political entrepreneurship. Combining these two concepts, which we develop in some detail, leads us to recognize that sometimes in their original design and certainly in their implementation, major U.S. environmental laws are more about opportunism and ideology than good management and environmental improvement.
Guilford Publications The Mindfulness Matters Program for Children and Adolescents: Strategies, Activities, and Techniques for Therapists and Teachers
This indispensable resource provides a flexible framework and a wealth of engaging tools for teaching mindfulness to children and adolescents with varying needs in school or clinical settings. Numerous kid-friendly mindfulness practices are presented, complete with step-by-step instructions, sample scripts, suggested variations, and discussion questions. The benefits of mindfulness for enhancing children's social–emotional competencies are clearly explained. Clinicians and teachers are guided to select and sequence activities for groups struggling with specific challenges: stress and anxiety, depression, attention problems, behavioral and emotion regulation issues, and trauma. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes 14 reproducible handouts. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.
Phoenix International Publications, Incorporated It's Her Story Sacajawea a Graphic Novel
Rowman & Littlefield Ben Behind His Voices: One Family's Journey from the Chaos of Schizophrenia to Hope
When readers first meet Ben, he is a sweet, intelligent, seemingly well-adjusted youngster. Fast forward to his teenage years, though, and Ben's life has spun out of control. Ben is swept along by an illness over which he has no control_one that results in runaway episodes, periods of homelessness, seven psychotic breaks, seven hospitalizations, and finally a diagnosis and treatment plan that begins to work. Schizophrenia strikes an estimated 1 in 100 people worldwide by some estimates, and yet understanding of the illness is lacking. Through Ben's experiences, and those of his mother and sister, who supported Ben through every stage of his illness and treatment, readers gain a better understanding of schizophrenia, as well as mental illness in general, and the way it affects individuals and families. Ben Behind His Voices encourages families to stay together and find strength while accepting the reality of a loved one's illness; it illustrates the delicate balance between letting go and staying involved. It honors the courage of anyone who suffers with mental illness and is trying to improve his life and participate in his own recovery. Ben Behind His Voices also reminds professionals in the psychiatric field that every patient who comes through their doors has a life, one that he has lost through no fault of his own. It shows what goes right when professionals treat the family as part of the recovery process, and help them find support, education, and acceptance. And it reminds readers that those who suffer from mental illness, and their families, deserve respect, concern, and dignity.
Guilford Publications The Mindfulness Matters Program for Children and Adolescents: Strategies, Activities, and Techniques for Therapists and Teachers
This indispensable resource provides a flexible framework and a wealth of engaging tools for teaching mindfulness to children and adolescents with varying needs in school or clinical settings. Numerous kid-friendly mindfulness practices are presented, complete with step-by-step instructions, sample scripts, suggested variations, and discussion questions. The benefits of mindfulness for enhancing children's social–emotional competencies are clearly explained. Clinicians and teachers are guided to select and sequence activities for groups struggling with specific challenges: stress and anxiety, depression, attention problems, behavioral and emotion regulation issues, and trauma. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes 14 reproducible handouts. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.