Search results for ""author kind"
Amberley Publishing The Fifteen Guinea Special
The Fifteen Guinea Special was the last steam-hauled British Rail passenger service on 11 August 1968. A day later, the once living and breathing steam locomotives fell silent, some never to run again. Ian Hardman begins with an in-depth look into the Fifteen Guinea Special with first-hand accounts and explores how the train has developed to become a cornerstone of British history. Barry Scrapyard, Dai Woodham and the world-famous Flying Scotsman then played a huge part in inspiring the resurrection of steam and the saving of hundreds of locomotives from certain demise. Fifty years on, steam is alive and well and has re-kindled a flame in the hearts of the British public. This book takes a step-by-step journey into the twenty-first century following the highs and lows of the business of steam-hauled mainline charters, bringing the story fully up to date.
Little, Brown Book Group The Surgeon
Trusted surgeon. Loving wife. Murderer?Before my world came crashing down, I had it all. The successful career I dreamed of. The beautiful red-brick home where I could relax in front of the fire. The handsome, devoted husband whose blue eyes and charming smile always made me feel safe.As I call time of death, my voice is steady. My colleagues stand hushed around me, their eyes on me, confused, concerned.I have never lost a patient until today.My hands tremble inside their gloves. I slide down the cold tiled walls, my heart racing in my chest.I have never hated a patient until today.But what choice did I have, once I recognized him?And what will I do to protect myself, if someone learns the truth?A Kindle no.1 bestseller, The Surgeon is a totally gripping psychological thriller that will have you racing through the pages, gasping for breath until the final jaw-dropping twist. If you
Little, Brown Book Group A Game of Lies
IF YOU WERE HOOKED ON THE TRAITORS, YOU WON''T WANT TO MISS A GAME OF LIES... THE TWISTY SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING THRILLER AND NO.1 KINDLE BESTSELLERThey say the camera never lies.But on this show, you can''t trust anything you see.Seven reality show contestants arrive in the Welsh mountains to compete for a life-changing prize, not realising what they''re truly signing up for.Each stranger has a secret - and the show will force them to expose one another live on air.It''s not long before things take an even darker turn, and Detective Ffion Morgan is summoned to untangle the truth behind the scenes.And when a murderer strikes, every one of Ffion''s suspects has an alibi . . . and a secret worth killing for.''Twisty and clever'' Karin Slaughter''Clever plot and smart, sharp writing'' Shari Lapena''Packed with suspects, twists and turns'' Alex Michaelides
The Book Guild Ltd Bertrand and Wally Tackle the Clovehitch Virus Crisis: A Story of a Struggle for Survival of an Insect Civilisation
“William Hiccup,” said Bertrand, “you are evidently suffering from THE CLOVE-HITCH VIRUS!” “Well, I’ll be a popped-lipped wrong-hipped wobbity-wiggled-wobbled wonky-legged son-of-a-peg-legged clove-hitching post!” When Bertrand the beetle and Wally, a woodland wasp with a waspy mind, set off on a journey through the wood of Lower Tinklewigglebottom to Bertrand’s good friend Professor Clapperstein’s Research Institute, their voyage is abound with incidents and meetings of other insect acquaintances. A notable earwig scientist, inventor and discoverer, Professor Clapperstein has made a discovery from a human landfill site that will take the group on an adventure through time and space… But will the threat of the Clove-Hitch Virus Crisis follow them to this new world of aliens and medieval knights? As Bertrand the Beetle himself would say: “A Book as Bouncy, Bountiful and Brilliant as a King-Cut Kindled Candle.”
Ebury Publishing You Are Incredible Just As You Are: How to Embrace Your Perfectly Imperfect Self
Find happiness by embracing your perfectly imperfect self.This inspiring journal is designed to help you find your way in a world where comparison and judgement can make it hard to stay true to yourself. Using a mixture of prompts, tick boxes and space to write down thoughts, as well as uplifting quotes and thought-provoking words, this beautifully designed book by the creator of The Happy News will help you feel more confident in yourself and less anxious about what other people think. With advice on using social media in a positive way, embracing failure, celebrating your differences and finding people who make you feel happy, this book is designed to help you be kinder to yourself. Because when you embrace your insecurities, differences, and everything that makes you unique, you’ll realise that the only person you need to be is your strong, special, perfectly imperfect self.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc On Quality: An Inquiry into Excellence: Unpublished and Selected Writings
Featuring long-awaited selections from Robert M. Pirsig's unpublished writings, from before and after Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, an original collection illuminating the central theme of Pirsig's thought: “Quality”“The ultimate goal in the pursuit of excellence is enlightenment." —Robert M. Pirsig, 1962More than a decade before the release of the book that would make him famous, Robert M. Pirsig had already caught hold of the central theme that would animate Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: “Quality,” a concept loosely likened to “excellence,” “rightness,” or “fitness” that Pirsig saw as kindred to the Buddhist ideas of “dharma” or the “Tao.” As he later wrote in Zen, “Quality is the Buddha.”Though he was revered by fans who considered him a guru, the famously private Pirsig published only two books and consented to few interviews and almost no public appearances in later decades. Yet he wrote and thought almost continually, refining his “Metaphysics of Quality” until his death in 2017.Now, for the first time, readers will be granted access to five decades of Pirsig’s personal writings in this posthumous collection that illuminates the evolution of his thinking to an unprecedented degree. Skillfully edited and introduced by Wendy K. Pirsig, Robert’s wife of four decades, the collection includes previously unpublished texts, speeches, letters, interviews, and private notes, as well as key excerpts from Zen and the Art of the Motorcycle Maintenance and his second book, Lila.Since its publication in 1974, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance has established itself as a modern classic of popular philosophy; selling millions of copies and inspiring a generation, while serving as a perennial touchstone for the generations that follow. On Quality is a remarkable contribution to our understanding of one of the most influential thinkers and writers of our time.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Erlebnisgottesdienste mit Senioren: 30 Entwürfe für Altenheim und Gemeinde
Seelsorgerinnen und Seelsorgern begegnen im Seniorenheim wie auch in der Kirchengemeinde Menschen, bei denen die kognitiven Fähigkeiten aufgrund von hohem Alter oder Demenz abgenommen haben. Das Konzept der "Erlebnisgottesdienste" dient dazu, den Senioren in Gottesdiensten nicht nur Worte und abstrakte Gedanken anzubieten, sondern auch Gelegenheiten zu geben, positive Gefühle neu zu entdecken sowie hilfreiche Erfahrungen zu machen. Das Buch liefert neben dem theoretischen Teil mit Vorstellung des Konzepts dreißig Entwürfe, die auf die Bedürfnisse älterer Menschen eingehen und in Predigt, Andacht, Musik, liturgischen wie kreativen gestalterischen Elementen auf sie zugeschnitten werden. Die Gottesdienste wurden vom Autor vielfach in der Praxis erprobt. Dabei schöpft er aus vielfältigen Erfahrungen im Bereich von Jugend- und Kindergottesdiensten.
Guernica Editions,Canada Land for Fatimah
Four strong women: Anjali, an Indo-Canadian single mother who eagerly accepts an African posting with her non-profit organization; Grace, her dedicated but dominating colleague, who opposes her; Fatimah, a farmer ousted from her home and fertile farmland, whom Anjali befriends; and Mary, Anjali's kindly maid, who must secure the future of her son, Gabriel. In Land for Fatimah, Anjali involves herself in Fatimah's quest to find new land for her scattered community, and is thrown into a web of intrigue that upturns her safe, orderly world. Capturing the warmth and vitality of Africa, illuminating everyday heroism, the novel explores expat life, the forced displacement of the poor and the complexities of development.
Adams Media Corporation The Everything Kids' Math Puzzles for Pre-K: Learn about Numbers, Shapes, Patterns, and More with 100 Fun Puzzles!
Help your kids master challenging math concepts with these 100 fun and interactive puzzles and activities—whether they’re learning at home or need extra practice outside of the classroom.Welcome your child to the world of numbers! Now with The Everything Math Puzzles Book for Pre-K your children can have fun with these 100 puzzles and activities for kids from ages three to five. Whether your kids need help with counting and numbers, basic shapes, or grouping and comparing objects, this book will help prepare your child for kindergarten in no time. Unlike workbooks that teach through repetition, this puzzle book is a fun supplement for preschoolers everywhere so they can have fun while learning.
De Gruyter Vom Fossil zum Bild: Künstlerische Darstellungen prähistorischen Lebens
Von den Dinosauriern sind nur einige wenige versteinerte Knochen und Fußspuren erhalten. Dennoch sieht man sie quicklebendig im Kinderzimmer und auf der Kinoleinwand – alle wissen scheinbar, wie sie ausgesehen haben. Woher kommen diese Bilder der Urzeitechsen und anderer fossil überlieferter Lebewesen? Sie sind das Werk von Künstler/-innen, die naturwissenschaftliche Forschung und künstlerische Kreativität zusammenführen, um uns faszinierende Einblicke in verlorene Welten zu geben. Ihre Bilder – vom riesigen Wandgemälde bis zur delikaten Grafik – sind Meisterwerke, die nicht im Kunstmuseum zu finden sind. Dieser Band beleuchtet die bislang ungeschriebene Kunstgeschichte der Dinosauriermalerei. Er liefert klare und überraschende Analysen der Geschichte sowie des aktuellen Status der sogenannten Paleoart.
Ryland Peters & Small Its a Pugs Life
Renowned illustrator Gemma Correll presents sage advice for pugs of all shapes and sizes in this collection of hilarious cartoons.Life for a pug can be confusing. On the one hand, people stop in the street and squeal at the cuteness of your appearance, but on the other people don''t take too kindly to your desires to fart at will or lick yourself in public. So how does today''s pug learn to navigate through the pitfalls of the modern world? With It''s a Pug''s Life of course! Divided into two sections—Manners & Etiquette and Relationships—this hilarious guide will teach a pug everything he or she needs to know about life, love, and everything in between—whether that''s etiquette of the street or matters of the heart.
Starfish Bay Publishing Pty Ltd Zip, the World's Greatest Robot
Age range 1+Zip discovers he may not be the world’s greatest robot, with bold, bright illustrations and simple text for new readers.When Zip tries to prove he is the world's greatest robot, things don't go exactly as planned. Despite his imperfection, he finds he is his friend's favorite robot. This book is perfect for beginner preschool and kindergarten readers with bold, simple illustrations, appealing characters, and easy-to-read text with new words to expand young readers' vocabulary. Printed as a board book, the story is nicely designed for children and readers of all ages.'A charming look at the distinction between ‘perfect’ and ‘perfect for you.’...Proof that being loved is better than being the greatest.' — Kirkus, starred review
Titan Books Ltd The Girl With the Deep Blue Eyes
Cashed out from the NYPD after 24 years, Doak Miller operates as a private eye in steamy small-town Florida, doing jobs for the local police. Like posing as a hit man and wearing a wire to incriminate a local wife who's looking to get rid of her husband. But when he sees the wife, when he looks into her deep blue eyes...He falls - and falls hard. Soon he's working with her, against his employer, plotting a devious plan that could get her free from her husband and put millions in her bank account. But can they do it without landing in jail? And once he's kindled his taste for killing...will he be able to stop at one?
Bloodaxe Books Ltd The Print Museum
In her second collection, printer's daughter Heidi Williamson mines the rich language and history of printing to consider themes of belonging, parenthood, love, and how we communicate, and fail to communicate, with each other. Individual, familial, and cultural inheritance is explored - through subjects ranging from Gutenberg to Gill, Kindles, Twitter, ultrasounds, the death of Diana, 3D printing, climate change, childlessness, genes, and what is downloadable. By turns sensual, playful, and stark, The Print Museum collects exhibits and fragments from this fading industrial art and displays them alongside pieces driven by the same forces of longing, loss, transformation and delight. Winner of the Poetry Category and Book by the Cover award, East Anglian Book Awards, 2016.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC How Ali Ferguson Saved Houdini
Ali Ferguson has just moved into Lever Tower with his mum. It's not long before he meets Caitlin and the Alsatian dog she looks after, Falcon, who doesn't take too kindly to being walked on a lead. Caitlin introduces Ali to her best friend, Gez, and together the three set out to discover, firstly, why the foxes have disappeared from the area, secondly, why the owls have appeared and, thirdly, why Miss Osborne has, it seems, vanished...And how exactly her disappearance is related to the previous two. With the help of his friends and, significantly, Caitlin's dad, Ali and his mum begin to feel comfortable and happy in their new life without Ali's dad.
North-South Books Normans First Day at Dino Day Care
Have courage, little dinosaur!It’s Norman’s first day at Dino Day Care. Who wouldn’t be nervous? First, Norman does what he does best: he makes himself invisible. But eventually he manages to find his courage—with a little help from a new friend and just a hint of magic. Sean Julian playfully reminds us that it’s okay to be shy. Everybody is different—and that’s a good thing. Perfect for kindergartens! 'Julian’s small, diverse groups of fetchingly drawn dino-tots happily stacking rocks outdoors or engaged in other social activities inside beneath the pterodactyl teacher’s calm but watchful eyes (and also a wall poster wordlessly promoting the notion of evolution) promise a reassuringly positive experience.' - Kirkus Reviews
Schiffer Publishing Ltd 37¢ a Fart and Other Infamous Animal Stories
Stay home, Lassie. Go away, Rin Tin Tin. The stars of 37¢ a Fart and other Infamous Animal Stories aren’t heroic animals. They fart, they play you for a sucker, they hump your leg, they get sick, and sometimes die. These 44 bittersweet and pee-in-your-pants funny stories are about REAL creatures. And no, it’s not just about cats and dogs. Snakes, guinea pigs, snapping turtles, bats, mice…they all have their stories. And in the end, when you close the book, you may even feel a bit more kindly toward mankind. Sprinkled with 60 charming illustrations, this is a warm, candid, and entertaining book for all pet owners and animal lovers.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure
Minecraft meets Diary of a Wimpy Kid in book 1 of the very popular 8-Bit Warrior series of the journal of a young Minecraft villager who dares to dream of becoming a Minecraft warrior! THESE ARE THE REAL BOOKS BY CUBE KID! DIARY OF AN 8-BIT WARRIOR WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED AS WIMPY VILLAGER KINDLES 1-4. The first volume of this best-selling unofficial Minecraft adventure series begins with Runt, our 12-year-old hero, about to choose his future vocation at the Minecraftia school. His options are less than thrilling: farmer, crafter, miner. But what this noob really wants is to be a warrior like his hero, Steve. So when he learns that the five best students in school that year will get the chance to start warrior training, it’s ON.
HarperCollins Publishers Jennie (Collins Modern Classics)
“If in doubt, wash!” What is it like to be a cat? Find out in this classic animal story from the renowned writer Paul Gallico. Peter Brown longs for a pet cat. One day, he is following a stray cat through the streets when he is knocked down and seriously hurt. On waking, he is astonished to find that he has turned into a cat… The world is a dangerous place for him, but luckily he is rescued and befriended by Jennie, a kindly stray tabby who has been abandoned by her owners. Adventures wait around every corner for the two new friends, as Jennie teaches Peter all about life as a cat. Humorous and touching, and packed with acutely observed feline behaviour, this is a beloved classic that’s essential for any cat-lover.
Little, Brown Book Group Full Hearts And Empty Bellies: A 1920s Childhood from the Forest of Dean to the Streets of London
Winifred Foley grew up in the 1920s, a bright, determined miner's daughter - in a world of unspoilt beauty and desperate hardship, in which women were widowed at thirty and children died of starvation. Living hand-to-mouth in a tumbledown cottage in the Forest of Dean, Foley - 'our Poll' - had a loving family and the woods and streams of a forest 'better than heaven' as a playground. But a brother and sister were dead in infancy, bread had to be begged from kindly neighbours and she never had a new pair of shoes or a shop-bought doll. And most terrible of all, like her sister before her, at fourteen little Poll had to leave her beloved forest for the city, bound for a life in service among London's grey terraces.
Zaffre A Lesson Learned: The new heartwarming novel from Sunday Times bestseller Rosie Goodwin
Nuneaton, 1850Growing up on a canal boat has meant life for young Saffie Doyle has been hard. Her mother, Olivia, was cast out by her well-to-do family when she fell in love with Saffie's father, a lowly boatman named Reuben. But as the years have passed, Reuben has become a bitter and cruel drunk, forced to work for the local crook, Seth Black, to keep their family afloat. Saffie always dreamed of becoming a teacher, despite her father's insistence that she had no need to read and write. Keen to nurture her ambitions, Olivia hoped to introduce Saffie to a childhood friend - the kindly and wealthy Marcus - who runs a free school for the local children, but when Olivia falls ill, she's unable to.One night, Saffie's 17-year-old brother and her father go out on a job with Seth Black and never return home. Saffie is forced to place her dreams on hold as she steps up to look after her family.With her younger siblings relying on her, will Saffie ever be able to live the life she hopes for?
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Registers of Henry Burghersh 1320-1342: II. Institutions to Benefices in the Archdeaconries of Northampton, Oxford, Bedford, Buckingham and Huntingdon, and Collations of Cathedral Dignities and Prebends
Burghersh revealed as conscientious diocesan; new light on his involvement in invasion of Isabella and Mortimer in 1326. Henry Burghersh, bishop of Lincoln from 1320 until 1340, has not been treated kindly by historians. The largely hostile view expressed by early fourteenth-century chroniclers gives us a portrait of a man promoted to the office ofbishop solely as a result of family influence and royal intervention, but who subsequently betrayed the monarch who had favoured him, lending support to the rebellion of Thomas of Lancaster in 1322 and plotting with Queen Isabellato overthrow her husband. This edition of Burghersh's episcopal register reveals a different character. The bishop emerges as a conscientious diocesan and an administrator of considerable ability, while the evidence of his itinerary throws new light on the question of his involvement in the invasion of Isabella and Mortimer in 1326. The volume includes the first part of Burghersh's institution register, comprising admissions of clergy to parochial benefices, appointments of heads of religious houses, and ordinations of vicarages and chantries in the archdeaconries Northampton, Oxford, Bedford, Buckingham and Huntingdon. Dr NICHOLAS BENNETT is Vice-Chancellor and Librarian of Lincoln Cathedral.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Registers of Henry Burghersh 1320-1342: I. Institutions to Benefices in the Archdeaconries of Lincoln, Stow and Leicester
Burghersh revealed as conscientious diocesan; new light on his involvement in invasion of Isabella and Mortimer in 1326. Henry Burghersh, bishop of Lincoln from 1320 until 1340, has not been treated kindly by historians. The largely hostile view expressed by early fourteenth-century chroniclers gives us a portrait of a man promoted to the office ofbishop solely as a result of family influence and royal intervention, but who subsequently betrayed the monarch who had favoured him, lending support to the rebellion of Thomas of Lancaster in 1322 and plotting with Queen Isabellato overthrow her husband. This edition of Burghersh's episcopal register reveals a different character. The bishop emerges as a conscientious diocesan and an administrator of considerable ability, while the evidence of his itinerary throws new light on the question of his involvement in the invasion of Isabella and Mortimer in 1326. The volume includes the first part of Burghersh's institution register, comprising admissions of clergy to parochial benefices, appointments of heads of religious houses, and ordinations of vicarages and chantrys, in the archdeaconries of Lincoln, Stow and Leicester. Dr NICHOLAS BENNETT is Vice-Chancellor and Librarian of Lincoln Cathedral.
Wombat Books Spirals and Stars
It's 1993. Beth McMaugh is eleven years old and about to start her final year of middle school. Her best friend since kindergarten is Ashlee, but Ashlee is changing. She wears surf brand clothes now, and watches teenage TV and knows all the words to all the songs by Girlfriend and Peter Andre. Beth is terrified of losing her when they get to senior school, but Ashlee assures her that grade six is going to be the best year ever.On the first day, though, Beth enters her new homeroom to find Ashlee sitting with Kristy, Abbiand Nikki the popular girls. The mean girls. What is Beth going to do? Ashlee can't really want to be one of them. They must have trapped her into being part of their group, through some sort of heinous bribery. Beth has to save Ashlee, but how?Further complicating matters, there is a new kid in class a strange, loud, smart kid from Brisbane, called Jools, who listens to Queen and is obsessed with science fiction and all things nerdy. So obsess
Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd Death By Candlelight: How We Succumb
Sarah-Jane is a young woman living alone in the house she grew up in. She is celebrating her 31st birthday with her friends; they go for dinner, drinks and live music afterwards. Her friends give her an unusual birthday gift at dinner, a subscription to a sex website. This gift isn't something Sarah-Jane would have visited but she thinks why not give it a go. During this time of self-discovery, she meets different men and has very different emotional experiences, having never before gone through these types of sexual waves that flood over her with every meeting. Unfortunately for Sarah-Jane, during this journey she encounters death. Spiralling out of control, she goes through a dark transformation with each murder. Her sanity was long ago broken as her childhood trauma breaks free from the prison of her repressed memories. Her friendly, kindhearted, happy life slowly vanishes as she becomes a seductress, luring her victims to their death with the offer of sex. Sarah-Jane devises a cunning plan...
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Detective's Daughter
As winter closes its grip on snow-bound London, a cleaner determines to solve the case that her detective father never could. A Kindle number one bestseller. It was the murder that shocked the nation. Kate Rokesmith, a young mother, walked to the banks of the Thames with her three-year-old son. She never came home. For three decades, the case file has lain, unsolved, in the corner of an attic. Until the detective's daughter, Stella Darnell, starts to clear out her father's house after his death... Reviews for The Detective's Daughter: 'A haunting novel about loss and reconciliation, driven by a simple but clever plot' Sunday Times 'This book has a clever mystery plot – but its excellence is in the characters, all credible and memorable, and in its setting in a real West London street, exactly described' Literary Review 'A thoughtful, well-observed story... It reminded me of Kate Atkinson' Scott Pack 'A cerebral thriller... Evokes chills from more than just the frigid winter nights' Forward Reviews Magazine 'Lesley Thomson gets better and better' Ian Rankin
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Babes in Toyland’s Fontanelle
Babes in Toyland was one of the most influential and underrated bands of the 1990s. They rode the wave of the Minneapolis grunge scene crafting a unique sound composed of self-taught instrumentation and unabashed banshee raging vocals. Their stage presence was enigmatic, their lyrics vitriolic, and their Kinderwhore fashion ironic and easy to emulate. But what made them most inspiring was their ethos and a unique brand of sisterhood that inspired fans to create Riot Grrl and form legendary bands such as 7 year Bitch, Bikini Kill, and Hole. Despite the media's politicization of them as an "all-female" band, the Babes insisted their music wasn't a political statement but about personal expression. They would dismiss labeling their act as feminist, but their actions sent a positive message of what a female space within music could look like. Now, almost 30 years after their most seminal record, Fontanelle, was released, the legend of the band is being resurrected and re-spun to reclaim their proper space and context in the history of music and women in rock.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Vol. 21
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.The fight with Kokushibo, the highest-ranking demon among Muzan’s servants, is over. Although Himejima and Sanemi defeated Kokushibo and sent him to hell, the price the Demon Slayer Corps has paid is very high. Kiriya Ubuyashiki, the new leader of the Demon Slayers, struggles to recover from the losses. With the battle against Muzan far from over, the remaining fighters will need his help more than ever. Meanwhile, deep within Infinity Castle, Tanjiro and his friends come face-to-face with their nemesis at last…
Quercus Publishing Unforgettable Walks: Best Walks With A View
From Dorset's iconic Jurassic Coast to the picturesque Cotswolds and the rugged Peaks, join Julia Bradbury as she travels across Britain in search of the perfect walk. Britain is a nation of walkers. Walking is ingrained in our identity and has shown to be brilliant for our physical and mental health. Unforgettable Walks takes us on eight of Britain's beloved paths, showcasing our diverse and beautiful landscape at its very best. Follow in Julia's footsteps as she explores the natural environment and shares the stories past and present of the people she meets along the way, and her own experiences. With beautiful hand-drawn maps, illustrations - and tips for local pubs and sights - this book will fit as well on a bookshelf as in a rucksack.The WalksDorset: The Golden Cap WalkCotswolds: The Cleeve Hill WalkAnglesey: The Snowdon View WalkYorkshire Dales: The Malham Cove WalkLake District: The Borrowdale Valley WalkCumbria: The High Cup Nick WalkSouth Downs: The Birling Gap WalkPeak District: The Kinder Scout Walk
Penguin Random House Children's UK Notes From A Small Island: Journey Through Britain
After nearly two decades in Britain, Bill Bryson took the decision to move Mrs Bryson, little Jimmy et al back to the States for a while. But before leaving his much-loved Yorkshire Bryson insisted on taking one last trip around old Blighty, a sort of valedictory tour of the green and kindly island that had for so long been his home. The resulting book was a eulogy to the country that produced Marmite, George Formby, by-elections, milky tea, places names like Farleigh Wallop, Titsey and Shellow Bowells, Gardeners' Question Time and people who say 'Mustn't grumble'. Britain would never seem the same again.Since it was first published in 1995, NOTES FROM A SMALL ISLAND has never been far from the top of the bestseller lists, and has sold over one and a half million copies. This special hardcover eidtion is published to mark the book's unique place in the hearts of readers around the world and to celebrate Bill Bryson's standing as the best-loved travel writer and humorist of our day.
John Murray Press Promise
''A magical, magnificent novel, that amounts to a secret history of an America we think we know, but never really knew'' Marlon JamesThe people of Salt Point are afraid of the world beyond their rural town. Most of them are born, live and die never having gone more than twenty or thirty miles from houses that are crammed with generations of their families. But something shifts at the end of summer 1957. Change makes its way to Salt Point. The Kindred sisters - Ezra and Cinthy - grew up with an abundance of love. Love from their parents, who let them believe that the stories they tell on stars can come true. Love from their neighbours, the Junketts, the only other Black family in town, whose home is filled with spice-rubbed ribs and ground-shaking hugs. And love for their adopted hometown of Salt Point, a beautiful New England village perched high up on coastal bluffs.But as the girls hit adolescence, their white neighbours, including Ezra
Yale Babylonian Collection Ex Oriente Lux et Veritas: Yale, Salisbury and Early Orientalism
The essays in this book place Salisbury in the context of 19th-century Orientalism, with particular attention to the interconnected growth of Assyriology in Northern Europe and the U.S. Hitherto unheralded, Salisbury emerges as a founding figure in the development of ancient Near Eastern, Arabic, and Sanskrit studies, as well as in the rise of the American liberal arts university. Edward Elbridge Salisbury (1814-1901) graduated from Yale University in 1832 and was appointed Professor of Arabic and Sanskrit there in 1841. His remained the only University Chair of Sanskrit in America till 1854, when a separate ‘Professorship of Sanskrit and kindred languages’ was created, also at Yale. Salisbury also served as the President of the American Oriental Society, and was elected as a member of the Asiatic Society of Paris, Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences and a corresponding member of the German Oriental Society. This book presents expanded versions of the papers delivered at a symposium held during the 175th anniversary celebration of Yale's 1841 appointment of Edward Elbridge Salisbury as America's first Professor of Arabic and Sanskrit.
American University in Cairo Press Cinematic Cairo: Egyptian Urban Modernity from Reel to Real
A history of urban modernity in Cairo through cinema which"makes us see makes us see the movies in a whole new way" (Chris Berry, King’s College London)The relationship between the city and cinema is formidable. The images and sounds of the city found in movies are perhaps the only experience that many people will have of cities they may never visit. Films influence the way we construct images of the world, and accordingly, in many instances, how we operate within it. Cinematic Cairo: Egyptian Urban Modernity from Reel to Real offers a history of Cairo’s urban modernity using film as the primary source of exploration, and cinematic space as both an analytical tool and a medium of critique. Cairo has provided rich subject material for Egypt’s film industry since the inception of the art form at the end of the nineteenth century. The “reel” city—imagined, perceived, and experienced—provides the spatial domain that mirrors change and allows for an interrogation of the “real” city as it encountered modernity over the course of a century.Bringing together chapters by architects and art and literary historians, this volume explores this parallel and convergent relationship through two sections. The first uses films from the 1930s to the end of the twentieth century to illustrate the development of a modern Cairo and its modern subjects. The second section is focused on tracing the transformation of the cinematic city under conditions of neoliberalism, religious fundamentalism, and gender tensions. The result is a comprehensive narrative of the urban modernity of one of the most important cities in the Arab world and Global South.ContributorsAhmed H. AbdelAzim, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USAKhaled Adham, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, GermanyKinda AlSamara, Deakin University, Melbourne, AustraliaNezar AlSayyad, University of California, Berkeley, USADoaa Al Amir, October 6th University, Cairo, EgyptMirette Aziz, Misr International University, EgyptMuhammad Emad Feteha, The American University in Cairo, Cairo, EgyptFarah Gendy, Raef Fahmi Architects, Cairo, EgyptHala A. Hassanien, Architect, Wasl, Cairo, EgyptTayseer Khairy, Arab Academy for Science Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, EgyptMariam Marei, The American University in Cairo, Cairo, EgyptAmeer Saad, Architect, Dar Al-Handasa, Cairo, EgyptHeba Safey Eldeen, Misr International University, Cairo, EgyptMohammad Salama, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, USANour Sobhi, Misr International University, Cairo, EgyptSherin Soliman, Misr International University, Cairo, Egypt
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Trainingswissenschaft für die Sportpraxis: Lehrbuch für Studium, Ausbildung und Unterricht im Sport
Dieses motivierende und reichhaltig illustrierte Lehrbuch wendet sich an Studierende im Fach Sportwissenschaft sowie an Trainer, Auszubildende und Schüler in sport- und fitnessbezogenen Berufen und dient diesen als ideale Prüfungsvorbereitung. Es ist besonders geeignet als Begleit- und Vertiefungslektüre für Vorlesungen im Fach Trainingswissenschaft.Trainingswissenschaftliche Themen werden anschaulich, gut verständlich und praxisrelevant dargestellt. Auch interessierte Leistungs- und Freizeitsportlerinnen und -sportler erhalten eine ausgewogene Mischung von evidenzbasierten sportwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und praktischen Trainingstipps.Wertvolle Hinweise zu den Bereichen Leistungsdiagnostik, Trainingssteuerung, Monitoring und Wettkampfanalyse bilden das Rückgrat des Buches. Das Grundlagenwissen zum Kraft-, Schnelligkeits-, Beweglichkeits-, Ausdauer- und Techniktraining wird durch angemessene biologische Vertiefungen und durch Exkurse zu modernen Trainingsinterventionen erweitert. Dem klaren Plädoyer für Individualisierung und Sportartspezifität des Trainings wurde durch gesonderte Kapitel zu ausgewählten Sportarten Rechnung getragen. Neben dem Leistungssport, stehen auch die Besonderheiten des Trainings mit Kindern und Jugendlichen, mit Aktiven im mittleren Lebensalter oder mit älteren Masterathletinnen und -athleten im Fokus. Das Buch wagt den Spagat zwischen einer international ausgerichteten forschungsorientierten Trainingswissenschaft und der unweigerlich damit verknüpften Sportpraxis. Abgerundet wird das didaktische Konzept durch interaktives Zusatzmaterial in Form von Videobeispielen, die einfach mit der Springer Nature More Media App abgerufen werden können.
Temple University Press,U.S. AIDS Alibis: Sex, Drugs, and Crime in the Americas
AIDS Alibis tackles the cultural landscape upon which AIDS, often accompanied by poverty, drug addiction, and crime, proliferates on a global scale. Stephanie Kane layers stories of individuals and events -- from Chicago to Belize City, to cyberspace -- to illustrate the paths of HIV infection and the effects of environment, government intervention, and social mores. Linking ordinary yet kindred lives in communities around the globe, Kane challenges the assumptions underlying the use of police and courts to solve health problems. The stories reveal the dynamics that determine how the policy decisions of white-collar health care professionals actually play out in real life. By focusing on life-changing social problems, the narratives highlight the contradictions between public health and criminal law. Look at how HIV has transformed our social consciousness, from intimate touch to institutional outreach. But, Kane argues, these changes are dwarfed by the United States's refusal to stop the war on drugs, in effect misdirecting resources and awareness. AIDS Alibis combines empirical and interpretive methods in a path-breaking attempt to recognize the extent to which coercive institutional practices are implicated in HIV transmission patterns. Kane shows how th e virus feeds on the politics of inequality and indifference, even as it exploits the human need for intimacy and release.
Orion Publishing Co Hygge: A Celebration of Simple Pleasures. Living the Danish Way.
Candlelight is hygge; the smell of freshly brewed coffee is hygge; the feel of crisp, clean bed linen is hygge; dinner with friends is hygge. 'Hygge', pronounced 'hoo-ga', is a Danish philosophy that roughly translates to 'cosiness'. But it is so much more than that. It's a way of life that encourages us to be kinder to ourselves, to take pleasure in the modest, the mundane and the familiar. It is a celebration of the everyday, of sensual experiences rather then things. It's an entire attitude to life that results in Denmark regularly being voted one of the happiest countries in the world. So, with two divorces behind her and her 50th birthday rapidly approaching, journalist Charlotte Abrahams ponders whether it's hygge that's been missing from her life. Is it a philosophy we can all embrace? In a society where lifestyle trends tend to centre on deprivation - be it no sugar, no gluten, no possessions - what does cherishing yourself actually mean? And will it make her happy? In Hygge, Charlotte Abrahams weaves the history of hygge and its role in Danish culture with her own attempts, as an English woman, to embrace a more hygge life. In this beautifully written and stylishly designed book, she examines the impact this has on her home, her health, her relationships and, of course, her happiness. Light a candle, pour yourself a glass of wine, and get ready to enjoy your more hygge life.
HarperCollins Publishers Seed
Trust Us' the Kindreds tell Pearl and so she does. A thrilling story of life in a cult. Fifteen-year-old Pearl has lived her whole life protected within the small community at Seed, where they worship Nature and idolise their leader, Papa S. When some outsiders arrive, everything changes. Pearl experiences feelings that she never knew existed and begins to realise that there is darkness at the heart of Seed. A darkness from which she must escape, before it's too late. A chilling and heartbreaking coming-of-age story of life within a cult, Seed was shortlisted for the Waterstones' Children's Book Prize in 2016. Fans of Jennifer Niven's All The Bright Places and Lisa Williamson's The Art of Being Normal will love Lisa's haunting debut. 'We are obsessed with Seed' - YA Loves magazine ‘Compelling and exciting … I would give it 5 stars’ – Guardian Children’s Books Look out for Lisa's heartbreaking new title, Paper Butterflies. Lisa Heathfield launched her writing career with Seed, her stunning YA debut about a cult. Before becoming a mum to her three sons, she was a secondary school English teacher and loved inspiring teenagers to read. Paper Butterflies is her beautiful and heart-breaking second novel. Lisa lives in Brighton.
Troubador Publishing Charlie Green and the Gods of Pompeii
Nobody could be kinder than time travelling adventurer Charlie Green, and it’s both a strength and weakness as he discovers in his latest adventure! After holidaying nearby to the ruins of Pompeii, Charlie learns that the volcanic eruption in 79AD buried the city of Pompeii, and many of its residents perished as a result under metres of ash and pumice. Struck by this, Charlie resolves to save a group of school children from a grisly death. Charlie decides to hatch a plan to use his magic aeroplane to return him to ancient Pompeii just before the eruption to lead the children to safety. However, what Charlie doesn’t know is that the eruption, and subsequent devastation, was created by the all-powerful Greek God Zeus. Very unhappy with the population of Pompeii changing their Godly allegiances to Roman Gods, he chose to make them pay the ultimate price. And anyone crossing paths with the ill-tempered God of Gods normally ends up on the sharp end of a lightning bolt… as Charlie soon find out when he arrives in ancient Pompeii and lands himself in more trouble than he could have imagined! With unseen adversaries appearing from both heaven and earth, and trouble brewing back in the modern-day Green household, Charlie will need all his irrepressible charm, innocent guile and courage to be successful this time.
Little, Brown Book Group One Life: The True Story of Sir Nicholas Winton
The book that inspired major motion picture ONE LIFE, starring Sir Anthony Hopkins and Helena Bonham Carter.'Remarkable' - GuardianSir Nicholas Winton rescued 669 children from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia at the brink of World War II. Most never saw their parents again; nearly all left behind were murdered. This is his story.In 1938, 29-year-old 'Nicky' cancelled a ski holiday and instead spent nine months masterminding a seemingly impossible plan to rescue hundreds of Jewish children and find them homes in the UK. Over 6,000 people are alive today because of his efforts.What motivated an ordinary man to do something so extraordinary? This book, written by his daughter, Barbara, explores the 106-year life of an incredible humanitarian, a man whose legacy only came to public light decades later.His life story is a clarion call to choose action over apathy in the face of injustice, and a reminder that every one of us can change the world. 'If something is not impossible, then there must be a way to do it.''Those of us who came on a Kindertransport from Prague and owe our lives to Nicky will be so grateful to Barbara for writing something so special' - Lord Alf Dubs, ex-Labour minister and 'rescued child'[This book was first published in 2014 as If It's Not Impossible... The Life of Sir Nicholas Winton]
Little, Brown Book Group Fall Down Dead
'Dramatic . . . gripping'The TimesThe dramatic, gripping new Cooper & Fry crime thriller from bestseller Stephen Booth sees the stunning Peak District prove fatal for one walking party.They knew the danger, but they went anyway..."Almost before she'd stopped breathing, a swirl of mist snaked across her legs and settled in her hair, clutching her in its chilly embrace, hiding her body from view. It would be hours before she was found."The mountain of Kinder Scout offers the most incredible views of the Peak District, but when thick fog descends there on a walking party led by enigmatic Darius Roth, this spectacular landscape is turned into a death trap that claims a life.For DI Ben Cooper however, something about the way Faith Matthew fell to her death suggests it was no accident, and he quickly discovers more than one of the hikers may have had reason to murder their companion.To make things worse, his old colleague DS Diane Fry finds herself at centre of an internal investigations storm that threatens to drag Cooper down with it. 'Makes high summer as terrifying as midwinter'Val McDermid'Crime writing at its finest'Daily Mail'A modern master'Guardian'A first rate mysterySunday Telegraph'Ingenious Plotting and richly atmospheric'Reginald Hill
Fordham University Press God, Justice, Love, Beauty: Four Little Dialogues
The four talks collected here transcribe lectures delivered to an audience of children between the ages of ten and fourteen, under the auspices of the “little dialogues” series at the Montreuil’s center for the dramatic arts. Modeled on Walter Benjamin’s “Aufklärung für Kinder” radio talks, this series aims to awaken its young audience to pressing philosophical concerns. Each talk in God, Justice, Love, Beauty explores what is at stake in these topics as essential moments in human experience. (Indeed, the book argues that they are constitutive of human experience.) Following each, Nancy’s audience is given a chance to engage with him in a process of philosophical questioning; the texts of these touching and probing exchanges are included in the volume. Despite the fact that these lectures were delivered to an audience of children, the intellectual level they achieve—while remaining easily comprehensible—is astounding. No attempt is made to simplify Nancy’s positions or to resolve the complexities that arise in the course of the talks or the question periods that follow. The work of opening performed here is fully in keeping with the strategy of Nancy’s philosophy as a whole. Thus, for readers unfamiliar with his work, God, Justice, Love, Beauty will function as an excellent introduction to Nancy’s larger corpus. As varied as the individual talks are, they share the motif of incalculability or the immeasurable. Broadly speaking, one could say that the various ways in which Nancy approaches this motif exemplify his deconstructive approach to think of human existence. As well, those treatments exemplify his conviction that the task of thinking is to develop original ways of communicating the incalculable. God, Justice, Love, Beauty is thus a skillful reminder that philosophy is important to all of us. The book is also a model of intellectual generosity and openness. Seamlessly moving from Schwarzenegger to Plato, from Kant, Roland Barthes, and Caravaggio to Caillou, Harry Potter, and the pages of Gala magazine, Nancy’s wide-ranging references bear witness to his commitment to think of “culture” in its broadest sense.
Chronicle Books A Little Snail Book
Welcome to the whimsical world of Little Snail and friends! Time to Go Home celebrates the different routes and routines each friend undertakes on their way home from school—with a playful twist at the end. Animals of all shapes and sizes abound in this sweet, feel-good board book infused with friendship and fun. • Themes of school and travel help the youngest of readers better understand the world around them. • Features bright, unique illustrations and bold, beautiful colors • Teeming with cute animal characters to make your little one giggle Little Snail serves up a delightful surprise, proving that the smallest of creatures can be special indeed. This charming board book delivers delight with wit, humor, and ample sweet and silly moments. • Ideal for children ages 0 to 3 years old • Resonates year-round as a go-to new baby gift for baby showers, birthdays, holidays, and more • A great pick for preschool and kindergarten teachers looking for a crowd-pleasing picture book for little students • Perfect for parents, grandparents, and caregivers • Add it to the shelf with books like Franklin Goes to School by Paulette Bourgeois; Preschool, Here I Come! by David J Steinberg; and Daniel Goes to School by Becky Friedman.
Rowman & Littlefield My (not so) Storybook Life: A Tale of Friendship and Faith
Fresh, funny, and poignant, My (not so) Storybook Life is old-fashioned humor mashed with literary spoofery. Elizabeth thinks of herself and her husband, Matt, as a modern-day Lucy and Ricky Ricardo. Together they’ve endured paint-color mishaps, sewage disasters, pest infestations, and a schnauzer that poops at tornado sirens. It’s hardly the domestic perfection a young Liz imagined while reading Anne of Green Gables and Pride and Prejudice. Could it be that these literary stalwarts had led her astray? Liz tells the story of her own path to happiness, along the way seeking revenge on her literary heroes: Jo March has to cope with a soul-sucking job, Elizabeth Bennett shepherds a Duggar-size brood of kids, and Anne Shirley deals with a penny-pinching husband. But every comedy is balanced by tragedy. Angela was one of Liz’s closest friends, a kindred spirit who, at age thirty-one, was diagnosed with cancer. Before Angela, Liz was discontented. But it was the journey she took with this friend that made her realize that her house and its decorations and plumbing and dirty-clothes-covered Man Cave were not burdens to be tweaked and perfected, but blessings to be thankful for.
Astra Publishing House Inheritors of Power
The third book of The Broken Trust continues an epic struggle for power, kindled in the hearts of two brothers, as it spreads to crack the foundations of their underground society.Many years have passed since the Eminence Nekantor and Heir Adon seized power, and life in Pelismara has found a fragile equilibrium under Nekantor’s thumb. Now the Imbati Service Academy suspects that Xinta, Manservant to the Eminence, may have taken control of Nekantor for his own sinister purposes, endangering what peace still remains. Imbati Catín, an Academy prodigy, vows service to Adon, balancing two core purposes — to advance her Master's designs on power, and to determine the full extent of Xinta's influence. When a trash hauler named Akrabitti Corbinan walks into a place he doesn’t belong, everything falls out of balance. Catín, who is investigating this newly discovered hidden library, immediately arrests Corbinan for trespassing. Nekantor then seizes Corbinan, believing he's a spy who sought to topple the government, and Xinta vanishes him before Catín can determine his intent. What was Corbinan really seeking? What dangerous information does the library contain, that Xinta might seek to control? And what might happen if someone more dangerous finds Corbinan first?
Random House USA Inc A Change of Plans for Elmo!: Sesame Street Monster Meditation in collaboration with Headspace
Elmo is all set to have a playdate, until it gets cancelled. Luckily, he learns fun breathing activities and a game to help get over his disappointment—based on the popular "Sesame Street Monster Meditation" video on YouTube, made in collaboration with the mindfulness app Headspace.When Abby gets the sniffles and can't have a playdate with Elmo, the furry red monster becomes rather disappointed. But he learns a game called 1, 2, 3, Freeze and discovers that a change of plans doesn't have to ruin his day! Preschoolers will love learning some Monster Meditation exercises along with Elmo in this colorful board book. Plus, there's an offer in the book for a free month of the Headspace app! This book is inspired by the popular Sesame Street Monster Meditation videos on YouTube that help young children learn mindfulness techniques along with their favorite characters. The videos are made in collaboration with Headspace, the mindfulness app. The art style in the books is the same as in the videos--bright and simple, to appeal to the youngest Sesame Street fans.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.
Random House USA Inc Getting Ready for Bed with Elmo: Sesame Street Monster Meditation in collaboration with Headspace
Elmo learns simple meditation techniques and plays a relaxing game to help him fall asleep--based on the popular Sesame Street Monster Meditation video on YouTube made in collaboration with the mindfulness app Headspace.Sometimes everyone needs to slow down and take some cleansing belly breaths--even Elmo! This terrific board book features Elmo learning a game to help him settle down and fall asleep. The game is a fun and simple one that all young boys and girls can easily learn and play by themselves at bedtime. Plus there's an offer in the book for a free month of the Headspace app!This is Book 2 in a series of 6 books, all inspired by the popular Sesame Street Monster Meditation videos on YouTube, that will help young girls and boys learn mindfulness techniques along with their favorite characters. The videos are made in collaboration with Headspace, the mindfulness app. The art style in the books is the same as in the videos--bright and simple, to appeal to the youngest Sesame Street fans. Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.
Fonthill Media Ltd The Jowetts That Got Away
Jowett Cars were built in Bradford, from 1906 to 1954. All pre-war cars up to 1935 were powered by a twin-cylinder horizontally opposed 7hp engine. In 1935 a new four-cylinder horizontally opposed engine was introduced with a 10hp rating running alongside the original twin-cylinder model which had been increased to an 8hp rating. Little changed during this pre-war period, many of the models were made in very small numbers, and sadly, there are no survivors today. The Jowett brothers experimented in the mid-1930’s with a new in-line power unit which did not go into production. The post-war period saw massive changes in the Jowett company, with both Jowett brothers retiring by the end of the war. The first all-new model was the Javelin saloon, launched in 1947 and the Jupiter sportscar in 1950. By 1951 there should have led to a completely new range of cars, vans, pick-up and estate cars, known as the Bradford CD range. There were plans for a racing Jupiter known as the R1 and to re-vamp the Jupiter for road use known as the R4. Sadly, none of these models materialised and Jowett’s history could have been so different had fate been kinder to them.
University of Wisconsin Press The Befana Is Returning: The Story of a Tuscan Festival
On the night of January 5, in certain areas of southern Tuscany, a costumed, singing troupe of characters visits residents’ homes, expecting to be fed and feted in a folk custom that has recurred in the region for centuries. This is the Befanata, a mumming tradition centered in Tuscany, whose main character—the Befana—is a kindly old woman or grandmotherly witch who delivers toys, candies, and gifts. Part of the Christmas season, the Befana is familiar in some form in much of Italy, but very little has been written about her, despite sustained interest in European mumming traditions in general. The Pigitliano Befanata is distinct in its emphasis on song and strong in its richly symbolic use of food, which is not only consumed at each home but is also carried away as a gift. The characters who make up the squad are unique to the Italian practice. They always include the Befana and her husband, the Befano, but other members of the befanotti vary from place to place over time. Siporin combines fieldwork and archival evidence to introduce the Befanata and its historical and social contexts: what it is, what it means, and how it feels. The Befana Is Returning is a deeply researched, deftly insightful presentation of this living tradition that adds a large missing piece to the array of contemporary ethnographic scholarship on mumming.