Search results for ""author christine""
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Music For Little Mozarts: Music Workbook 1
National Council of Teachers of English College Credit for Writing in High School: The ""Taking Care of"" Business
Rowman & Littlefield 2013 Jamboree Adventure Guide: The Summit Bechtel Reserve, West Virginia
Introduction and orientation to the Boy Scouts' National Jamboree, held at the brand-new high-adventure camp, the Summit Bechtel Reserve, in the scenic New River Gorge region of West Virginia. Featuring a popout(R) map of the camp, this guidebook will prepare Scouts for the site layout, deciding what to pack, features of the camp, and outdoor activities-including rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking, archery, zip lines, and more. With all that is offered at the base camp, it's easy to Go Big, Get Wild.
Glasgow Museums Publishing I Say Nothing: Christine Borland
Jessica Kingsley Publishers A Parents' Guide to PANDAS, PANS, and Related Neuroimmune Disorders: Information, Support, and Advice
Having a child who suddenly develops PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Strep), PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) or related conditions such as encephalitis can be a daunting challenge for parents. This clear guide explains the symptoms and diagnosis of PANDAS and PANS, with treatment options and recommended strategies for supporting children at home, at school, and in community settings.The book covers key symptoms including OCD, tics, anxiety, sensory issues and personality changes, with practical advice on medical management, nutrition, lifestyle, and addressing social and behavioural needs. Each chapter also includes handy sidebars with key information to remember, and action steps for overcoming challenges, managing relapse, family self-care and providing children with the best possible support.
CABI Publishing Legumes in Cropping Systems
Based on contributions from members of the Legumes Future research consortium and complemented by articles from other research teams, this book provides a comprehensive overview of knowledge relevant to developing legume-supported cropping systems in Europe. It reflects the growing interest in using legumes to improve cropping and the current debate over the imbalance in European systems where the low use of legumes has caused concern in the agricultural policy community. This book supports informed debate and decision-making that addresses the associated challenges. Legumes in Cropping Systems presents current knowledge on this subject across 15 coordinated chapters. Each chapter addresses a specific aspect of legume cropping and provides insight into the relevant literature to help support understanding and explore the underlying processes that influence cropping system development. This book includes coverage of: · the role of legumes in cropping systems; · the role of legumes in European protein supplies; · environmental effects of grain and forage legumes; · current status of the major grain and forage legume crops; · economic effects; and · policy development. Written by an international team of expert authors and presented in full-colour throughout, this book is an invaluable resource for researchers in agronomy and crop sciences, agricultural professionals, policy makers, and students.
Bucknell University Press,U.S. Community and Solitude: New Essays on Johnson’s Circle
Samuel Johnson’s life was situated within a rich social and intellectual community of friendships—and antagonisms. Community and Solitude is a collection of ten essays that explore relationships between Johnson and several of his main contemporaries—including James Boswell, Edmund Burke, Frances Burney, Robert Chambers, Oliver Goldsmith, Bennet Langton, Arthur Murphy, Richard Savage, Anna Seward, and Thomas Warton—and analyzes some of the literary productions emanating from the pressures within those relationships. In their detailed and careful examination of particular works situated within complex social and personal contexts, the essays in this volume offer a “thick” and illuminating description of Johnson’s world that also engages with larger cultural and aesthetic issues, such as intertextuality, literary celebrity, narrative, the nature of criticism, race, slavery, and sensibility.Contributors: Christopher Catanese, James Caudle, Marilyn Francus, Christine Jackson-Holzberg, Claudia Thomas Kairoff, Elizabeth Lambert, Anthony W. Lee, James E. May, John Radner, and Lance Wilcox. Published by Bucknell University Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Ephesos as a Religious Center under the Principate
Devotion to Artemis dominated the religious culture of ancient Ephesos. But she was not alone. The city of Ephesos and its environs offered a rich panoply of religious options, domestic and public. Structures, statutes, coins, inscriptions, and texts testify to the remarkable diversity of religious ideas and practices in Ephesos. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Jewish religious traditions found loyal adherents among residents and visitors. Gods, goddesses, heroes, and emperors were worshipped. The contributions in this volume demonstrate that ancient Ephesos was a vibrant and competitive religious environment.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,U.S. Cell Biology of Addiction
Award Publications Ltd Treasury of Horse and Pony Stories
University of Hawai'i Press Hawai‘i Regional Cuisine: The Food Movement That Changed the Way Hawai‘i Eats
Poke, spam musubi, and loco mocos are currently the rage on the mainland United States, and restaurants serving “local food” have popped up not only in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle but also in Chicago, New York, and Washington, DC. Who could have predicted the popularity of over-the-top and carb-heavy plate lunches, spam musubi, and poke bowls? What explains this? One quick answer is Hawai‘i Regional Cuisine. The twelve chefs who grandly announced in 1991 the establishment of what they called Hawai‘i Regional Cuisine may well have paved the way. Their commitment to using locally sourced ingredients of the highest quality at their restaurants quickly attracted the interest of journalists writing for national newspapers and magazines. Yet even after they gained national acclaim and celebrity, the HRC chefs never forgot local food, and many created haute-cuisine versions of Hawai‘i’s fare, such as saimin, the malasada, and the loco moco.Samuel H. Yamashita’s Hawai‘i Regional Cuisine: The Food Movement That Changed the Way Hawai‘i Eats is the first book dedicated to the HRC movement. It is based on interviews with thirty-six chefs, farmers, retailers, culinary arts educators, and food writers, as well as on nearly everything written about the HRC chefs in the national and local media. Yamashita follows the history of this important regional movement from 1991 through 2016, offering a boldly original analysis of its cuisine and assessment of its impact on the islands.Hawai‘i Regional Cuisine will satisfy those who are passionate about food and intrigued by how the HRC movement changed the food scene in the islands.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Where In The World Is Wilson?: A Story About Managing Screen Time
When Wilson receives a laptop to help with his schoolwork, he's obsessed! The Internet is an amazing place. In seconds, he can find answers to any question he asks. But soon, the screen becomes too all-consuming and Wilson doesn't spend any time off of it! It's almost like he isn't there anymore. Can Wilson go back to life before screens?The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything from digital addiction to eating disorders. Using a story-based approach, each book contains a relatable story that will help children understand themselves better, and be able to take practical steps to grow, develop and change. These books can be used by educators in schools, by counsellors and doctors in counselling sessions, and by parents who are helping their children cope with their emotions and struggles.In this series:
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds, Student Solutions Manual
The Student Solutions Manual to accompany The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds, 9th Edition is an essential resource for any student using the parent text in class. Providing complete solutions to all practice problems provided in the textbook, this book allows you to assess your understanding of difficult material and clarify complex topics. Fully aligned with the text, this book details structures, formulas, mechanisms, and more to help you pinpoint areas of difficulty and focus your study time for more efficient learning.
Johns Hopkins University Press Ethical Foundations of Palliative Care for Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimer disease afflicts more than twelve million people worldwide, and its incidence is increasing at a staggering rate. People with the disorder are living longer than have those in previous generations, and they require interventions for quality-of-life issues associated with palliative care. However, the symptoms of Alzheimer disease often fail to place such persons into settings where palliative care resources are available to them. Indeed, clinicians and other caregivers may be unsure about what constitutes effective palliation in these cases. At the same time, the ethical issues involved in providing end-of-life care to persons with Alzheimer disease remain on the margins of mainstream bioethics. In Ethical Foundations of Palliative Care for Alzheimer Disease, leading ethicists and clinicians from the United States and Europe explore ethical and scientific concerns about the diagnosis and prognosis of Alzheimer disease, challenges arising from applying palliative procedures to its symptoms, key philosophical and theological concepts central to our understanding of the disease and to end-of-life decisions, and the changing patterns of relevant medical, social, and economic policies. Cross-cultural, multidisciplinary, and state-of-the-art, this volume is a unique and important resource for bioethicists, clinicians, and policy makers everywhere. Contributors: David A. Bennahum, M.D., University of New Mexico; Pierre Boitte, Ph.D., Catholic University of Lille, France; Roger A. Brumback, M.D., Creighton University Medical Center; Wim J. M. Dekkers, M.D., Ph.D., University Medical Centre Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Elizabeth Furlong, R.N., Ph.D., J.D., Creighton University Medical Center; Eugenijus Gefenas, M.D., Ph.D., Vilnius University, Lithuania; Bert Gordijn, Ph.D., University Medical Centre Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Amy M. Haddad, R.N., Ph.D., Creighton University Medical Center; Soren Holm, M.D., Ph.D., Dr.Med.Sci., University of Manchester; Franz J. Illhardt, D.D., Ph.D., Freiburg University; Rien Janssens, Ph.D., University Medical Centre Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Givi Javashvili, M.D., Ph.D., State Medical Academy of Georgia, Tbilisi; Judith Lee Kissell, Ph.D., Creighton University Medical Center; Gunilla Nordenram, D.D.S., Ph.D., Karolinska Institute, Stockholm; Richard L. O'Brien, M.D., Creighton University Medical Center; Marcel G. M. Olde Rikkert, M.D., Ph.D., University Medical Centre Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Winifred J. Ellenchild Pinch, R.N., Ed.D., Creighton University Medical Center; Patricio F. Reyes, M.D., Creighton University Medical Center; Anne-Sophie Rigaud, M.D., Ph.D., Hopital Broca, Paris; Linda S. Scheirton, Ph.D., Creighton University Medical Center; Jos V. M. Welie, M.Med.S., J.D., Ph.D., Creighton University Medical Center.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Where In The World Is Wilson?: A Story About Managing Screen Time
When Wilson receives a laptop to help with his schoolwork, he's obsessed! The Internet is an amazing place. In seconds, he can find answers to any question he asks. But soon, the screen becomes too all-consuming and Wilson doesn't spend any time off of it! It's almost like he isn't there anymore. Can Wilson go back to life before screens?The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything from digital addiction to eating disorders. Using a story-based approach, each book contains a relatable story that will help children understand themselves better, and be able to take practical steps to grow, develop and change. These books can be used by educators in schools, by counsellors and doctors in counselling sessions, and by parents who are helping their children cope with their emotions and struggles.In this series:
Texas A & M University Press Preparing for Pandemics in the Modern World
The Black Death. Cholera. Spanish flu. Swine flu. HIV/AIDS. COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2. Each of these pandemics has made (or, is making) a lasting impact on humanity. From the immediate mental image of the beaked masks worn in the Middle Ages (bubonic plague) and the birth of epidemiology (cholera) to recognizing the benefits of social distancing (1918 flu) and the harm of prejudice and misinformation (HIV/AIDS), pandemics have shown us how to survive infectious disease, as long as we heed their lessons.Preparing for Pandemics in the Modern World, edited by Christine Crudo Blackburn, brings together experts on pandemic preparedness and biosecurity to explore areas of weakness in pandemic prevention, preparedness, detection, and response. Even as COVID-19 makes its way around the world, leaders and policymakers are tasked with thinking ahead and preparing to effectively respond to the next such event - which experience shows us to be a matter of 'when', not 'if'. Inside, chapters are divided into sections on the lessons learned from the 1918 influenza pandemic, the application of the One Health concept, and the role of the private sector in responding to potentially devastating disease outbreaks.A chapter on the impacts of supply chain disruption - in light of COVID-19 - and an epilogue that discusses the current outbreak make Preparing for Pandemics in the Modern World a timely and accessibly written compilation on pandemic prevention, preparedness, detection, and response.
Alfred Music Classroom Music for Little Mozarts -- Deluxe Curriculum Kit, Bk 1: Book, CD & Accessories
Fordham University Press Working Alternatives: American and Catholic Experiments in Work and Economy
Working Alternatives explores economic life from a humanistic and multidisciplinary perspective, with a particular eye on religions’ implications in practices of work, management, supply, production, remuneration, and exchange. Its contributors draw upon historical, ethical, business, and theological conversations considering the sources of economic sustainability and justice. The essays in this book—from scholars of business, religious ethics, and history—offer readers practical understanding and analytical leverage over these pressing issues. Modern Catholic social teaching—a 125-year-old effort to apply Christian thinking about the implications of faith for social, political, and economic circumstances—provides the key springboard for these discussions. Contributors: Gerald J. Beyer, Alison Collis Greene, Kathleen Holscher, Michael Naughton, Michael Pirson, Nicholas Rademacher, Vincent Stanley, Sandra Sullivan-Dunbar, Kirsten Swinth, Sandra Waddock
Cambridge University Press Suicide Prevention: Stahl's Handbooks
The current suicide public health crisis and advances in clinical practice have increased the need for clear, evidence-informed guidance on suicide prevention in healthcare. This clinical suicide prevention handbook is an essential resource for mental health and primary care professionals, and any practitioner aiming to ensure their practice is up-to-date, patient-centred and consistent with the most current standards of care. Starting with a summary of the science and public health model of suicide, the book offers quick tips for suicide screening, risk assessment, interventions, and follow-up communication. It discusses medicolegal risk management, how health systems can prevent suicide and provides highly specialized guidance for clinicians following the loss of a patient to suicide. Focused sections include incorporating social media into care plans, telemedicine, issues related to culture and race/ethnicity, and working with specific populations. It introduces an integrated, prevention-oriented approach to suicide prevention, incorporating realistic supports, foreseeable changes, and strategies.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Pop! Lit For Kids (Set 5)
Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.
Hebrew Union College Press,U.S. The Body: Lived, Cultured, Adorned: Essays on Dress and the Body in the Bible and Ancient Near East in Honor of Nili S. Fox
The clothed and adorned body has been at the forefront of Nili S. Fox's scholarship. In her hallmark approach, she draws on theoretical models from anthropology and archaeology, and locates the text within its native cultural environment in conversation with ancient Near Eastern literary and iconographic sources. This volume is a tribute to her, a collection of essays on dress and the body with original research by Fox's students. With the field of dress now garnering the attention of biblical and Ancient Near Eastern scholars alike, this book adds to the growing literature on the topic, demonstrating ways in which both dress and the body communicate cultural and religious beliefs and practices. The body's lived experience is the topic of section one, the body lived. The body and the social construction of identity is discussed in section two, the body cultured, while section three, the body adorned, analyzes the performative nature of dress in the biblical text.
Oxford University Press Ecological and Environmental Physiology of Mammals
Mammals are the so-called "pinnacle" group of vertebrates, successfully colonising virtually all terrestrial environments as well as the air (bats) and sea (especially pinnipeds and cetaceans). How mammals function and survive in these diverse environments has long fascinated mammologists, comparative physiologists and ecologists. Ecological and Environmental Physiology of Mammals explores the physiological mechanisms and evolutionary necessities that have made the spectacular adaptation of mammals possible. It summarises our current knowledge of the complex and sophisticated physiological approaches that mammals have for survival in a wide variety of ecological and environmental contexts: terrestrial, aerial, and aquatic. The authors have a strong comparative and quantitative focus in their broad approach to exploring mammal ecophysiology. As with other books in the Ecological and Environmental Physiology Series, the emphasis is on the unique physiological characteristics of mammals, their adaptations to extreme environments, and current experimental techniques and future research directions are also considered. This accessible text is suitable for graduate level students and researchers in the fields of mammalian comparative physiology and physiological ecology, including specialist courses in mammal ecology. It will also be of value and use to the many professional mammologists requiring a concise overview of the topic.
Universitatsverlag Winter Anfange Und Enden: Narrative Potentiale Des Antiken Und Nachantiken Epos
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Interkulturelle Theologie - Quo Vadis?
McGraw-Hill Education 2t Connect Access Card for Experience History
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Music For Little Mozarts: Music Lesson Book 4
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Financial Management for Nurse Managers and Executives
Learn how financial management fits into the healthcare organization. Financial Management for Nurse Managers and Executives, 5th Edition covers the latest accounting and financial management practices distinctly from the nurse manager's point of view. Topics include how financial management fits into the health care organization, financial accounting, cost analysis, planning and control management of the organization's financial resources, various management tools, and the future of financial management with respect to healthcare reform and international accounting standards. This new edition includes updated information on the Affordable Care Act, Accountable Care Organizations, Value Based Payment, and Team and Population Based Care. Nursing-focused content thoroughly describes healthcare finance and accounting from the nurse manager's point of view. Numerous worksheets and tables including healthcare spreadsheets, budgets, and calculations provide you with specific examples of how to apply financial management principles to nursing practice. NEW! Information about the Affordable Care Act details how changes and developments affects coverage for millions of Americans. NEW! Value-Based Payment reimbursement information details what nurse executives need to know in order to use this new system NEW! Coverage of Accountable Care Organizations provides current information on one of the emerging forms of managed care and how it works within the financial system of healthcare. NEW! Team-and Population-Based care information covers how to work with healthcare professionals outside of nursing.
James Currey African Theatre 19: Opera & Music Theatre
Compelling inside views of what characterises opera and music theatre in African and African diasporic contexts. Music is often cited as a central artistic mode in African theatre and performance practices. However, little attention has been paid to music theatre on the continent in general, and to opera in particular, with the exceptions ofa few noted genres, such as Concert Party or the Yorùbá "folk opera" of the 1960s, and the emerging research on opera culture in South Africa. This volume of African Theatre highlights the diversity across the continent from a variety of perspectives - including those of genre, media, and historiography. Above all, it raises questions and encourages debate: What does "opera" mean in African and African diasporic contexts? What are its practices and legacies - colonial, postcolonial and decolonial; what is its relation to the intersectionalities of race and class? How do opera and music theatre reflect, change or obscure social, political and economic realities? How are they connected to educational and cultural institutions, and non-profit organisations? And why is opera contradictorily, at various times, perceived as both "grand" and "elitist, "folk" and "quotidian", "Eurocentric" and "indigenous"? Contributors also address aesthetic transformation processes, the porousness of genre boundaries and the role of space and place, with examples ranging from Egypt to South Africa, from Uganda to West Africa and the USA. The playscript in this volume is We Take Care of Our Own by Zainabu Jallo GUEST EDITORS: Christine Matzke, Lena van der Hoven, Christopher Odhiambo & Hilde Roos Series Editors: Yvette Hutchison, Reader, Department of Theatre & Performance Studies, University of Warwick; Chukwuma Okoye, Reader in African Theatre & Performance University of Ibadan; Jane Plastow, Professor of African Theatre, University of Leeds.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Arthurian Bibliography II: Subject Index
Full indexes by topic, keyword and individual work\author form a complete subject-index, based on the indexes in source bibliographies. This is a complete bibliography of Arthurian literature to 1978, the result of five years' work by Professor Cedric Pickford and Dr Rex Last of the University of Hull. It consists of a complete alphabetical author-listing, with key numbers for each item, of all critical material recorded in the standard Arthurian bibliographies (Bruce, Modern Languages Quarterly, BBSIA and various other minor lists) with full indexes by topic, keyword and individual work,/author. The total is over 10,000 main entries, with all recorded reviews listed after each entry. Where summaries exist in BBSIA, this is indicated in the main entries. The computer programs have been specially devised and written for this bibliography by Dr Last, and programming and editing of the material has taken morethan two years. Updating volumes are planned to appear at five-year intervals.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Comprehensive Quality by Design for Pharmaceutical Product Development and Manufacture
Covers a widespread view of Quality by Design (QbD) encompassing the many stages involved in the development of a new drug product. The book provides a broad view of Quality by Design (QbD) and shows how QbD concepts and analysis facilitate the development and manufacture of high quality products. QbD is seen as a framework for building process understanding, for implementing robust and effective manufacturing processes and provides the underpinnings for a science-based regulation of the pharmaceutical industry. Edited by the three renowned researchers in the field, Comprehensive Quality by Design for Pharmaceutical Product Development and Manufacture guides pharmaceutical engineers and scientists involved in product and process development, as well as teachers, on how to utilize QbD practices and applications effectively while complying with government regulations. The material is divided into three main sections: the first six chapters address the role of key technologies, including process modeling, process analytical technology, automated process control and statistical methodology in supporting QbD and establishing the associated design space. The second section consisting of seven chapters present a range of thoroughly developed case studies in which the tools and methodologies discussed in the first section are used to support specific drug substance and drug-product QbD related developments. The last section discussed the needs for integrated tools and reviews the status of information technology tools available for systematic data and knowledge management to support QbD and related activities. Highlights Demonstrates Quality by Design (QbD) concepts through concrete detailed industrial case studies involving of the use of best practices and assessment of regulatory implications Chapters are devoted to applications of QbD methodology in three main processing sectors—drug substance process development, oral drug product manufacture, parenteral product processing, and solid-liquid processing Reviews the spectrum of process model types and their relevance, the range of state-of-the-art real-time monitoring tools and chemometrics, and alternative automatic process control strategies and methods for both batch and continuous processes The role of the design space is demonstrated through specific examples and the importance of understanding the risk management aspects of design space definition is highlighted Comprehensive Quality by Design for Pharmaceutical Product Development and Manufacture is an ideal book for practitioners, researchers, and graduate students involved in the development, research, or studying of a new drug and its associated manufacturing process.
The University of Chicago Press The Social Lives of Forests: Past, Present, and Future of Woodland Resurgence
Forests are in decline, and the threats these outposts of nature face-including deforestation, degradation, and fragmentation-are the result of human culture. Or are they? This volume calls these assumptions into question, revealing forests' past, present, and future conditions to be the joint products of a host of natural and cultural forces. Moreover, in many cases the coalescence of these forces-from local ecologies to competing knowledge systems-has masked a significant contemporary trend of woodland resurgence, even in the forests of the tropics. Focusing on the history and current use of woodlands from India to the Amazon, The Social Lives of Forests attempts to build a coherent view of forests sited at the nexus of nature, culture, and development. With chapters covering the effects of human activities on succession patterns in now-protected Costa Rican forests; the intersection of gender and knowledge in African shea nut tree markets; and even the unexpectedly rich urban woodlands of Chicago, this book explores forests as places of significant human action, with complex institutions, ecologies, and economies that have transformed these landscapes in the past and continue to shape them today. From rain forests to timber farms, the face of forests-how we define, understand, and maintain them-is changing.
IVP Academic Intergenerational Christian Formation: Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, Community, and Worship
Peter Lang AG Stilistische Textanalyse: Eine Einfuehrung
Distributed Art Publishers Black American Portraits: From the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
A celebratory visual chronicle of the many ways in which Black Americans have used portraiture to envision themselves Spanning over two centuries from around 1800 to the present day, Black American Portraits chronicles the ways in which Black Americans have used portraiture to envision themselves in their own eyes. Remembering Two Centuries of Black American Art, curated by David C. Driskell at LACMA 45 years ago, this book is a companion to the exhibition of the same name that reframes portraiture to center Black American subjects, sitters and spaces. This selection of approximately 140 works from LACMA’s permanent collection highlights emancipation, scenes from the Harlem Renaissance, portraits from the Civil Rights and Black Power eras, multiculturalism of the 1990s and the spirit of Black Lives Matter. Countering a visual culture that often demonizes Blackness and fetishizes the spectacle of Black pain, these images center love, abundance, family, community and exuberance. Black American Portraits depicts Black figures in a range of mediums such as painting, drawing, prints, photography, sculpture, mixed media and time-based media. In addition to work by artists of African descent, Black American Portraits includes several works by artists of other backgrounds who have exemplified a thoughtfulness about, sensitivity toward and commitment to Black artists, communities, histories and subjects. Artists include: Alvin Baltrop, Edward Biberman, Bisa Butler, Jordan Casteel, Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Bruce Davidson, Stan Douglas, rafa esparza, Shepard Fairey, Charles Gaines, Sargent Claude Johnson, Deana Lawson, Kerry James Marshall, Alice Neel, Lorraine O'Grady, Catherine Opie, Amy Sherald, Ming Smith, Henry Taylor, Tourmaline, Mickalene Thomas, James Van Der Zee, Carrie Mae Weems, Charles White, Kehinde Wiley and Deborah Willis.
Cengage Learning, Inc Criminal Investigation
Master modern investigative principles and practices using the field-based approach strongly grounded in current research with Hess/Hess Orthmann/Cho/Molan's CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 12E. This best-selling text introduces established tools, practices and policies while detailing the latest innovations in investigative technology and science today. The authors clearly demonstrate techniques and practical applications using a captivating, reader-friendly presentation. The latest discussions introduce advancements in DNA evidence, incident review and solvability factors, terrorism and homeland security, electronic data searches, new case law, forensics and physical evidence, use of body cameras, and ethics as well as increasing standards of proof for stop versus search and arrest versus conviction. MindTap digital resources help you refine your skills and strengthen your understanding with video cases, career scenarios, chapter quizzes and interactive labs that explore investigative techniques.
Liberty Fund Inc Cato: A Tragedy, & Selected Essays
McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages Experience History: Interpreting America's Past
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig's China Trilogy: Three Parables of Global Capital: The World of Extreme Happiness; Snow in Midsummer; The King of Hell’s Palace
"Some playwrights have a gift to amuse; Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig has a darker gift. Anyone with romantic notions of Chinese culture will be unsettled by the jagged, unsentimental portrait of modern urban China."(Chicago Reader) Poetic and devastating, sensuous and politically acute, Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig’s China Plays explore the forces of global capital as they explode within the lives of everyday people in contemporary China. This volume collects together the three plays in the series, including Cowhig’s exploration of the human cost of development in China’s socialist market economy (The World of Extreme Happiness), of justice and revenge amidst ecological and economic catastrophe (Snow in Midsummer), and the tale of the trade in blood that brought the AIDS crisis to rural China (The King of Hell’s Palace). In addition to Cowhig’s plays, the volume includes a host of supplemental materials including an editorial preface and three (previously published) brief essays responding to each play by the editor, Joshua Chambers-Letson; a new introduction by theatre/performance scholar and dramaturg Christine Mok that explores the key themes in Cowhig’s body of work; a summary discussion between Cowhig, Chambers-Letson, and Mok, on Cowhig’s process and the political and aesthetic currents animating her work. The World of Extreme Happiness: "Fearless, zippily-paced, and satirical . . . Cowhig forces us down the long hard look path" (Independent) Snow in Midsummer: “Gripping and affecting… graceful and impassioned” (Times) The King of Hell's Palace: "A medical-scandal drama that we can't afford to ignore" (Telegraph)
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods, 3 Volume Set
The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods covers all communication research methods, from data collection to data analysis, from qualitative to quantitative, and from classical to modern approaches (such as psychophysiological measures, implicit association tests, and the analysis of big data). It introduces new and advanced methods and measurement tools that have been developed in other fields but which may be useful to communication scholars. This work features content from authors all over the world. Although there is some overlap to methods used in other social sciences (i.e., sociology, anthropology, linguistics, business, and philosophy), there are specific research settings and challenges that communication scholars have to deal with in their day-to-day work. To reflect this, the encyclopedia deals specifically with methods of communication research. It presents all of its information in three comprehensive parts: Foundations of Empirical Research, Methods of Data Collection, and Methods of Data Analysis. The first of its kind in ambition and scope, The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods offers: Key research topics in the field from a strong global editorial team Multi-disciplinary crossover to other social sciences Both qualitative and quantitative methods—and classical as well as modern approaches Basic, fundamental, and advanced methods used at the forefront of cutting-edge research Part of The Wiley Blackwell-ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication series, published in conjunction with the International Communication Association. Online version available at Wiley Online Library. Students and scholars need sound and comprehensive resources that map the field, explain key terms, and point to current debates and challenges. This encyclopedia meets those needs, and will serve as an important text for communication students as well as scholars independent of their topical focus and methodological expertise.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Social Learning Theories of Crime
The readings selected for this volume reveal the historical development of social learning theory, from its origins in differential association theory, through the role played by psychological behaviorism, to contemporary social learning theory and its further incorporation of social structure as the context within which criminal behavior is learned. The volume dispels common misunderstandings of the theory and emphasizes its foundations in both symbolic interactionism and behaviorism. At its core, the theory remains true to its origins in sociology, reflecting Sutherland's admonition that a complete learning theory must include macro- and micro-sociological processes. Besides conceptual treatments of the theory's development, the volume also presents data-based entries that convey the depth and breadth of social learning theory as an explanation of deviance. Social learning theory is demonstrated to be an explanation that spans the gamut of behaviors from gang activities to drug use to coercive sex to terrorism.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Psychology, Health Psychology
Psychology is of interest to academics from many fields, as well as to the thousands of academic and clinical psychologists and general public who can't help but be interested in learning more about why humans think and behave as they do. This award-winning twelve-volume reference covers every aspect of the ever-fascinating discipline of psychology and represents the most current knowledge in the field. This ten-year revision now covers discoveries based in neuroscience, clinical psychology's new interest in evidence-based practice and mindfulness, and new findings in social, developmental, and forensic psychology.
Yale University Press ¡A Su Salud!: Spanish for Health Professionals, Classroom Edition: With Online Media
¡A Su Salud! is an intermediate-level Spanish language program designed for students and practicing healthcare professionals. Learners work with vocabulary and grammar within the context of a telenovela called La comunidad, which features authentic Spanish spoken by native speakers in a variety of accents.Major features include: New readings from external sources on medical topics that spark student discussion Dozens of exercises from the original DVD program have been incorporated into the textbook A companion website ( that includes the 96-minute telenovela drama La comunidad, as well as dozens of additional clips that help students practice their language skills and learn more about the culture of their Hispanic patients A Recursos website ( with links to important language, culture, and health-related sites.
University of Illinois Press The World of Soy
As the most ecologically efficient and economical source of complete protein in human food, soy is gradually attracting more use in the American diet for its nutritional and financial value. Derived from soybean plants--the leading export crop of the United States and the world's most traded crop--soy produced for human consumption is part of a global enterprise affecting the likes of farmers, economists, dieticians, and grocery shoppers. An international group of expert food specialists--including an agricultural economist, an agricultural sociologist, a former Peace Corps development expert, and numerous food anthropologists and agricultural historians--discusses important issues central to soy production and consumption: genetically engineered soybeans, increasing soybean cultivation, soyfood marketing techniques, the use of soybeans as an important soil restorative, and the rendering of soybeans for human consumption.Contributors are Katarzyna Cwiertka, Christine M. Du Bois, H. T. Huang, Lawrence Kaplan, Jian-Hua Mao, Sidney W. Mintz, Akiko Moriya, Can Van Nguyen, Donald Z. Osborn, Erino Ozeki, Myra Sidharta, Ivan Sergio Freire de Sousa, Chee-Beng Tan, and Rita de Cássia Milagres Teixeira Vieira.
Plural Publishing Inc Behavioral Principles in Communicative Disorders: Applications to Assessment and Treatment
Behavioral Principles in Communicative Disorders: Applications to Assessment and Treatment covers basic principles of the science of behaviorism and applies those principles to the assessment and treatment of communicative disorders. It begins with the history and basic principles of behaviorism, as well as a chapter examining Skinner's (1957) concept of verbal behavior and functional units of verbal behavior. The text then discusses functional behavior assessment, the formulation of operationally defined target behaviors, discrete trial treatment procedures, and various techniques for increasing desirable behaviors and decreasing undesirable behaviors. The concluding chapters describe single-case research designs that support the efficacy of behavioral principles, and address ethical questions and historic controversies surrounding the application of those principles.Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) seek to change communicative behaviors in the clients they serve; the principles of behavioral science have many applications to the assessment and treatment of communicative disorders.There is a vast body of evidence indicating the efficacy of behavioral approaches in behavior modification, and SLPs have been charged by their professional association to employ evidence-based practices. Also, there is an appreciation for the usefulness of behavioral principles in treating clients with very severe communicative disorders, such as autism, apraxia, and dysfluency. This is evidenced by the development of the field of applied behavior analysis and the growing numbers of board certified behavior analysts (BCBA), with whom SLPs may be called upon to collaborate.Behavioral Principles in Communicative Disorders is primarily designed for practicing speech-language pathologists looking for detailed descriptions of evidence-based treatment procedures, as well as professors and students in university programs in communicative disorders. However, professionals in other fields, such as applied behavior analysis and special education, will also find this to be a highly useful text.
Accelerated Education Publications Ltd 11+ Verbal Reasoning Year 3/4 GL & Other Styles Workbook 1: Verbal Reasoning Technique
The 11+ Verbal Reasoning GL & Other Styles series covers verbal reasoning technique for the GL Assessment 11+ exams, CATs, Common Entrance and scholarship examinations for independent schools, and other styles of verbal reasoning test. This series of books is designed to be used in sequence from Workbook 1 onwards. The 11+ Verbal Reasoning GL & Other Styles workbook series is complemented by the 11+ Verbal Reasoning GL & Other Styles testbook that reinforces a child's verbal reasoning technique and knowledge. Answers, Progress Charts and a Certificate of Achievement are included at the end of the book. All our materials have been rigorously classroom tested. The methodologies have been successfully used in AE Tuition classes for over 20 years.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Planning Health Promotion Programs: An Intervention Mapping Approach
The Intervention Mapping bible, updated with new theory, trends, and cases Planning Health Promotion Programs is the "bible" of the field, guiding students and practitioners through the planning process from a highly practical perspective. Using an original framework called Intervention Mapping, this book presents a series of steps, tasks, and processes that help you develop effective health promotion and education programs using a variety of approaches. As no single model can accurately predict all health behavior or environmental changes, this book shows you how to choose useful theories and integrate constructs from multiple theories to describe health problems and develop appropriate promotion and education solutions. This new fourth edition has been streamlined for efficiency, with information on the latest theories and trends in public health, including competency-based training and inter-professional education. New examples and case studies show you these concepts in action, and the companion website provides lecture slides, additional case studies, and a test bank to bring this book directly into the classroom. Health education and health promotion is a central function of many public health roles, and new models, theories, and planning approaches are always emerging. This book guides you through the planning process using the latest developments in the field, and a practical approach that serves across discipline boundaries. Merge multiple theories into a single health education solution Learn the methods and processes of intervention planning Gain a practical understanding of multiple planning approaches Get up to date on the latest theories, trends, and developments in the field Both academic and practice settings need a realistic planning handbook based on system, not prescription. Planning Health Promotion Programs is the essential guide to the process, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to develop solutions without a one-size-fits-all approach.
Classiques Garnier Eustache DesChamps: Ca. 1340-1404: Anthologie Thematique