Search results for ""spck publishing""
SPCK Publishing Secret Scriptures Revealed: A New Introduction To The Christian Apocrypha
Throughout history, Christians have expressed their faith through story. They created texts featuring important early Christian figures - like Jesus, Peter, Paul, Mary Magdalene, and Judas - to express their relationships to God and to the world around them. Some of these texts are found in today's New Testament, but there is a wide assortment of other texts that are not included in the Bible. This book offers readers a guide to the Christian Apocrypha, beginning with a description of scholars' efforts to recover and reconstruct the texts, followed by examinations of a number of key texts. It responds to a number of misconceptions and common questions about the Apocrypha and finishes with a discussion of the enduring value of the Christian Apocrypha.
SPCK Publishing Paul and His Recent Interpreters
This engaging companion volume to N. T. Wright's Paul and the Faithfulness of God is essential reading for all with a serious interest in Paul, the interpretation of his letters, his appropriation by subsequent thinkers, and his continuing significance today. In the course of this masterly survey Wright asks searching questions of all of the major contributions to Pauline studies since the early twentieth century.
SPCK Publishing Ten: Why Christianity Makes Sense
Lists can be an entertaining distraction but Ten demonstrates they can be stimulating too. With characteristic wit and candour, John Pritchard attempts to get clear in his own mind what he believes after 40 years of trying to faith understandable to others. Topics include: - Ten problems people have with faith - Ten things I believe about God - Ten things I don't believe about God - Ten words of wisdom - Ten clichés to avoid - Ten ways to pray - Ten lessons learned This is a great book whether you're sceptical about Christianity, feel there may be something to it, or simply want reassurance - in the midst of life's frequently bewildering moments - that it really does make sense.
SPCK Publishing Lectio Divina - The Sacred Art: Transforming Words & Images Into Heart-Centered Prayer
Lectio divina, which means sacred reading, is an ancient contemplative practice of listening deeply to the voice of God in sacred texts. In recent years there has been a reclaiming of the riches of contemplative prayer forms of Western traditions. Through the practice of lectio divina you become present to each moment in a heart-centred way. Gradually, the practice of lectio expands your capacity to sense God's presence until all of life becomes a cascade of prayer. Drawing on her own experience as a monk in the world, Christine Valters Paintner breaks open the movements of this spiritual practice. She makes them accessible to the contemporary reader who longs for a more pervasive experience of the holy in the everyday but lives far away from the sanctuary of a monastery.
SPCK Publishing A Philosophy of the Christian Religion: For the Twenty-first Century
A Philosophy of the Christian Religion offers a new kind of introduction to the subject. Whereas most introductions in the past have attempted to deal with religion in general, this book focuses on philosophical issues of special importance to Christianity. In doing this, Nancey Murphy also takes full account of how conceptual revolutions in philosophy now mean that what older introductions termed 'standard problems' have changed from the way they were dealt with in earlier eras. At the same time, this new introduction helps the reader to better understand how contemporary issues have come to take on their current force by placing them within the context of the most sophisticated account available of human reason: Alasdair MacIntyre’s tradition-constituted rationality.
SPCK Publishing For Everyone Bible Study Guide: Luke
Who was Luke? Was he one of Paul's companions? Was he a doctor? We do know that he was educated and cultured, writing for people far away from where Jesus lived. In his Gospel, we find the foundation of our Christmas stories and the best-loved parables, those of the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan. We see Jesus' concern for the poor and the marginalized, especially women and children. And it's Luke who tells us of the repentant thief on the cross and of the risen Jesus accompanying the people on the road to Emmaus. In these twenty-six studies, we discover Luke's aim - to present the good news of Jesus as clearly and unambiguously as he can.
SPCK Publishing Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes: Cultural Studies In 1 Corinthians
The result of over thirty years of research and lecturing, Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes is a ground-breaking study of Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians. Bailey examines this canonical letter through the lenses of Paul's Jewish socio-cultural and rhetorical background and the Mediterranean context of the Corinthian recipients.
SPCK Publishing How to Pray: A Practical Handbook
Many of us are aware of our spiritual nature, and we have a real desire and need to talk to God. Prayer, however, seems a difficult thing to do. While talking to our friends comes easily, we often think that talking to God does not. In How to Pray, John Pritchard takes us on a journey into prayer. He begins by showing us how to see the divine in everyday life and how to slow down enough to hear God. He makes a wealth of useful suggestions about: · how to pray · when to pray · how to pray with the Bible · how to pray with the imagination · how to pray with others · how to pray when the going gets tough. Whether you are just starting out in your prayer life or want to deepen and refresh it, this practical handbook will be a constant source of ideas and inspiration.
SPCK Publishing For Everyone Bible Study Guide: 2 Corinthians
The guides in this series by Tom Wright can be used on their own or alongside his New Testament for Everyone commentaries. They are designed to help you understand the Bible in fresh ways under the guidance of one of the world's leading New Testament scholars. Thoughtful questions, prayer suggestions, and useful background and cultural information all guide you into a deeper understanding of the Christian story and the Christian life. 2 Corinthians Illness and suffering in the ancient world were regularly regarded as signs of divine displeasure. Sometimes we think the same thing today. In 2 Corinthians, we see evidence of Paul's own suffering. The difficulties and pain he endured could be interpreted as God's punishment. Not so, says Paul. Trials come not because God is angry; rather, he requires us to trust him completely. Paul was breaking new ground here. He wanted the Corinthians to understand the comfort to be found in the suffering, death and resurrection life of Jesus.
SPCK Publishing For Everyone Bible Study Guide: Philippians
Things don't always go the way we intend. It's easy to feel discouraged when we cannot achieve what we hope for or when other people seem to make life difficult. Paul, writing to the Philippians from prison, certainly knew what it was like to have his plans thwarted. Yet, as this most joyful of letters conveys, he maintained a robust confidence in God's power and love. Paul's circumstances make this letter especially poignant, revealing as it does a man enduring huge difficulties and hardships. These eight studies on Philippians encourage us to face our problems with a Pauline fortitude, trust and hope.
SPCK Publishing Christ in the Wilderness: Reflecting On The Paintings By Stanley Spencer
In this devotional book, Stephen Cottrell reflects on five paintings from Stanley Spencer's Christ in the Wilderness series. These paintings give us startling insight into Jesus' own vocation and self-understanding of his ministry. They show his great love for the earth, for the whole created order and for all creatures within it. For Christians, the wilderness is a place of discovery. By dwelling in the wilderness of these beautiful and provocative paintings, Stephen Cottrell encourages us to refine our own discipleship and learn again what it means to follow Christ. His three previous SPCK books are all best-sellers. This book is excellent reading for Lent but can be enjoyed at any time of year. It includes full-colour illustrations, making it a lovely gift book.
SPCK Publishing Jeremiah for Everyone
Situated in the years leading up to the overthrow of Judah by the Babylonians, Jeremiah’s prophesies are set against a tense atmosphere of threat and invasion. Strongly warning of God’s judgment and the nation’s imminent catastrophe, Jeremiah lost credibility amongst his contemporaries as the years progressed, but the length of his book and the duration of his ministry establishes him as a major figure in the Old Testament. The fulfilment of his prophecies in later events of the Bible reassert the truth of his words and his speeches and prayers depict a God whose anger is a passionate response to the depths of love he feels for his people. Using personal anecdote, a witty and lively style, and drawing on his considerable theological knowledge, John Goldingay takes us deep into the unfolding story of the Old Testament.
SPCK Publishing Daniel and the Twelve Prophets for Everyone
The Book of Daniel begins with the trials of the Judahites in the aftermath of Jerusalem’s destruction by the Babylonians in 587 BC, when many were forced to live as immigrants in a strange land. It continues with visions relating to the trials of Judahites back in Jerusalem in a time of persecution four centuries later, visions that promise them God’s deliverance. The twelve shorter prophets are situated between the eighth and fifth centuries and speak both warnings and instructions to God’s people. For instance, Amos’s visions warn of Israel’s downfall, Jonah speaks to a wayward generation in Nineveh, and Haggai encourages the people to rebuild God’s temple in Jerusalem. Although these prophets appear at different times and preach to different audiences, they all have at their core an understanding of God’s overwhelming desire to connect with and reconcile himself to his people. Using personal anecdote, a witty and lively style, and drawing on his considerable theological knowledge, John Goldingay takes us deep into the unfolding story of the Old Testament.
SPCK Publishing 1 and 2 Kings for Everyone
Using personal anecdote, a witty and lively style, and drawing on his considerable theological knowledge, John Goldingay takes us deep into the unfolding story of the Old Testament.
SPCK Publishing Isaiah for Everyone
It was a time when worship was at best shallow and at worst idolatrous. It was a time when greed was breaking up society. It was a time when the great and powerful failed to protect the poor and the weak. It was the time of the kings of Israel and Judah. In an era of wickedness and unfaithfulness, God raised up the prophets to speak, to call his chosen people back to himself and to bear witness to the coming of the Messiah. Of these brave men and women, one of the most notable was Isaiah, whose messages of judgement, comfort and hope still speak powerfully to us today. Using personal anecdote, a witty and lively style, and drawing on his considerable theological knowledge, John Goldingay takes us deep into the unfolding story of the Old Testament.
SPCK Publishing Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther for Everyone
'Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther for Everyone' is John Goldingay's next installment on his biblical expedition through the Old Testament, in which he invites anyone who would like to join him for the every-man's theological adventure. Drawing on his considerable theological knowledge, John Goldingay turns his scholarly gaze towards three books of the Bible that hold much wisdom. These books tell us how the Jewish people persevered through oppression, the threat of genocide and intimidation. With strength and determination they rebuilt their community and began to worship as God's people again. For readers today, these insightful and inspiring stories - the faithful priest, the obedient builder and the steadfast Queen - sends ripples of hope, strength and guidance into today's Christian walk. With strikingly clear language and profound analysis, this Bible commentary will help anyone and everyone to understand and engage with the Bible.
SPCK Publishing Genesis for Everyone: Part 1 Chapters 1-16
The first in a major new series of guides to the books of the Old Testament written in an accessible and anecdotal style. The series is suitable for personal or group use and the format is also appropriate for daily study. 'In the beginning God created . . .' This gripping opening line draws attention to the irresistible creative nature of God - the One who is able to bring something out of nothing. There is no more fitting way to introduce us to the first and most obvious indication of God s goodness and greatness. The book of Genesis goes on to tell stories (both exciting and commonplace), offer profound mysteries, and engage us in the biggest issues of all: who we are, where we come from, and where we're going. Using personal anecdote, a witty and lively style, and drawing on his considerable theological knowledge, John Goldingay takes us deep into the unfolding story. He explores the character and nature of the God we meet so powerfully in that opening line, the God we can encounter daily on the journey through this revelatory book. And, as Professor Goldingay guides us in our understanding of these time-honoured words and the ancient world they describe, he helps us to apply what we read to our lives. This series offers a natural progression from the successful 'For Everyone' series of New Testament translations and commentaries.
SPCK Publishing Joshua, Judges and Ruth for Everyone
The dramatic accounts in the books of Joshua, Judges and Ruth take us from the cusp of Israel's entering the Promised Land to the eve of the founding of its monarchy. The high adventure (Joshua), horror (Judges) and love (Ruth) in these three books illustrate the spectrum of Israel's relationship with God: faithfulness and victory; sin and redemption; and loyalty and blessing. Using personal anecdote, a witty and lively style, and drawing on his considerable theological knowledge, John Goldingay takes us deep into the unfolding story of the Old Testament. And, as he guides us in our understanding of these time-honoured words and the ancient world they describe, he helps us to apply what we read to our lives.
SPCK Publishing The Pastor as Theologian: The Formation Of Today'S Ministry In The Light Of Contemporary Human Sciences
Guides ministers and trainee ministers towards a way of integrating theology, pastoral activity and personal faith.
SPCK Publishing Practical Theology in Action
Using everyday stories and case histories the authors explore pastoral situations and reflect on them theologically. This new edition has been extensively revised to take into account the changes of the past ten years. The first part of the book (The Foundations) looks at the theory of practical theology, and models for its application. The second part covers tools for practical theology; learning from experience, interdisciplinary working, theological reflection, action and spirituality; and to this has been added new material about mission in context today.
SPCK Publishing Confirmation Register C1
This publication is a useful confirmation register for use in churches around the UK.
SPCK Publishing The Christmas Story: Pack of 10
Richly illustrated by Candle Bible for Kids artist Jo Parry, The Christmas Story helps children discover one of the most important stories of all time. Through clear and simple text, children come to understand the events leading up to Jesus' birth and this special miracle. Introduces children to the reason why we celebrate this special day, and shares with them the wonderful gift from God.
SPCK Publishing The Lion Read and Know Bible
A paperback edition of a popular Bible. Over 50 stories, retold in simple language, are accompanied by 30 fun and informative encyclopedic double-page features throughout the book, which bring to life the cultural context of the Bible and highlight the point and purpose of these ancient stories. Spreads cover subjects including people and places, landscapes and creatures and traditions and worship to help young learners discover life behind the stories. A variety of both spot illustrations and larger pieces on every page makes a lively and engaging layout with plenty to encourage the young reader to turn the pages. Everything about this Bible is designed to make it appealing and accessible.
SPCK Publishing Good Disagreement?: Grace and truth in a divided church
At every level of church life from the local congregation to worldwide denominations, Christians can find themselves in turmoil and divided over a range of important issues. Many conclude that harmony is not achievable, and never will be. Can we, as Archbishop Justin Welby has asked, transform 'bad disagreement' into 'good disagreement'? What would that look like in practice? This book is designed to help readers unpack the idea of 'good disagreement' and apply it to their own church situations. It doesn't enter into specific contentious debates, but instead considers issues such as reconciliation, division, discipline, peacemaking, mediation and mission. It asks what needs to happen for those from differing viewpoints to both listen and be heard, and does not shy away from hard questions about unity in the gospel and the church's public witness. The book draws lessons from the New Testament, church history, and contemporary experience, with chapters from a dozen theologians and practitioners. They are editors Andrew Atherstone and Andrew Goddard, Tory Baucum, Martin Davie, Lis Goddard, Clare Hendry, Toby Howarth, Ashley Null, Ian Paul, Stephen Ruttle, Michael B. Thompson, and Tom Wright.
SPCK Publishing The Lion Storyteller Bible
The Lion Storyteller Bible broke new ground in its presentation ' both verbal and visual ' of Bible stories. It has been immensely popular, with sales in the UK exceeding 130,000 copies and editions printed in more than 11 languages. Since The Lion Storyteller Bible was first published Bob Hartman has established an international reputation as a storyteller and writer. This book integrates more than 20 new Bible story retellings with the 50 tried and tested originals. It also includes a useful appendix of Bob Hartman's hints and tips for storytelling. Newly commissioned illustrations throughout will capture as much warmth and appeal as those in the first edition.
SPCK Publishing Raising Children in a Digital Age: Enjoying the best, avoiding the worst
As featured on The Steve Wright Show on Radio 2. Equipping children to thrive and survive in the digital jungle Digital technology, social media, and online gaming are now a universal part of childhood. But are you worried about what your children might be doing online? What they might come across by accident? Or who might try to contact them through Facebook or Twitter? Whether you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, or youth leader, you will want children to get the most out of new technology. But how do you tread the tightrope of keeping them safe online, whilst enabling them to seize and benefit from the wealth of opportunities on offer? Bex Lewis, an expert in social media and digital innovation, has written a much-needed and timely book full of sound research, practical tips, and realistic advice on how to keep children safe online. She puts the Internet scare stories and distorted statistics into context and offers clear and sensible guidelines to help children thrive in the digital jungle. Media coverage includes: * BBC Radio 2: The Steve Wright Show * BBC Radio Tees * BBC Radio Newcastle * ITV Tyne Tees television * Real Radio * Sun FM * The Durham Times * The Northern Echo * The Sunderland Echo * Premier Radio * The War Cry For more information visit
SPCK Publishing Searching for Home: Advent reflections on the God who welcomes everyone: York Courses
For many years, award-winning journalist and author Cole Moreton has been involved in and worked alongside those offering relief and welcome to men, women and children arriving, in desperate straits, near his home on the south coast. Back in 2019, he wrote, 'The men, women and children risking their lives to cross the Channel in small boats are not aliens, invaders, migrants or some other lesser category of human to be dismissed. They are us.' Incarnation is a major theme of this exhilarating course. Mary and Joseph's search for a place to give birth to the son of God, and their terrifying flight to Egypt to escape the murderous intentions of King Herod, have clear echoes in the accounts Cole offers of contemporary journeys. And through his captivating exploration of Leaving Home, Fleeing Home, Carrying Home and Finding Home, we are enabled to reflect on our own need for guidance, sanctuary and comfort in the love of God, who ever walks beside us. For the first time ever, the course book is accompanied not only by a CD/audio download but also by a video, filmed on location by Monkeynut in a beautiful manor house outside Dover. Cole Moreton is joined in discussing the themes of Searching for Home by Bishop of Dover Rose Hudson-Wilkin, activist Bridget Chapman and Grmalem Gonetse Kasa, who came to the UK from Eritrea some years ago. COMPLETE LIST OF SEARCHING FOR HOME PRODUCTS: Course Book including transcript of video and access to online videos and audio downloads (paperback 978173918200 7) Ebook of the Course Book including transcript of video and access to online videos and audio downloads (eBook 9781915843272, both ePub and Mobi files provided) Pack of 5 Participants' Books: including transcript of video (Paperback 9781915843258) Participants' Book: including transcript of video (eBook 9781915843265, both ePub and Mobi files provided) Audio Book: discussion to support Searching for Home (audio digital download 9781915843296) Audio CD: discussion to support Searching for Home (CD 9781915843289)
SPCK Publishing You Can Be Serious! Meeting Jesus afresh in John's Gospel: York Courses
‘Both vintage and fresh David Wilbourne . . . [His] gift is to enable us to see again the face of Jesus delightfully present with us through our Lent journey.’ GRAHAM USHER, BISHOP OF NORWICH Whatever our church denomination, we all use the same Sunday Gospel from the Revised Common Lectionary. Year A focuses on Matthew, but during the first five Sundays of Lent, four of the Gospels are curiously from John. By basing each of the five sessions in this course on the previous Sunday’s Gospel, David Wilbourne provides a brilliant connection to the preaching and teaching that has just taken place. Serious yet full of life and humour, the course covers: Session 1: Temptation . . . On checking every word that comes out of the mouth of God Session 2: Strangers in the night . . . Nicodemus came to Jesus under cover of darkness: finding God in surprising places Session 3: The winner takes it all ‘You worship what you do not know’: upping our game with worship Session 4: I was blind but now I see ‘A god who can be understood is no god’ Session 5: Them bones, them bones, them dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! Contrasting events in John with parables in the Synoptics The course booklet is accompanied by a lively CD, in which David Wilbourne and guests from various denominational backgrounds, put forward their thoughts on the themes of the course. This York Course is available in the following formats Course Book (Paperback 9781915843012) Course Book (eBook 9781915843029 both ePub and Mobi files provided) Audio Book of Interview to support You Can Be Serious! York Course (CD 9781915843050) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download) 9781915843043 Transcript of interview to support You Can Be Serious! York Course (Paperback 9781915843005) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781915843036 both ePub and Mobi files provided) Book Pack (9781915843067 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) Large Print (Paperback 9781915843722)
SPCK Publishing You Can Be Serious! Meeting Jesus afresh in John's Gospel: York Courses
‘Both vintage and fresh David Wilbourne . . . [His] gift is to enable us to see again the face of Jesus delightfully present with us through our Lent journey.’ GRAHAM USHER, BISHOP OF NORWICH Whatever our church denomination, we all use the same Sunday Gospel from the Revised Common Lectionary. Year A focuses on Matthew, but during the first five Sundays of Lent, four of the Gospels are curiously from John. By basing each of the five sessions in this course on the previous Sunday’s Gospel, David Wilbourne provides a brilliant connection to the preaching and teaching that has just taken place. Serious yet full of life and humour, the course covers: Session 1: Temptation . . . On checking every word that comes out of the mouth of God Session 2: Strangers in the night . . . Nicodemus came to Jesus under cover of darkness: finding God in surprising places Session 3: The winner takes it all ‘You worship what you do not know’: upping our game with worship Session 4: I was blind but now I see ‘A god who can be understood is no god’ Session 5: Them bones, them bones, them dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! Contrasting events in John with parables in the Synoptics The course booklet is accompanied by a lively CD, in which David Wilbourne and guests from various denominational backgrounds, put forward their thoughts on the themes of the course. This York Course is available in the following formats Course Book (Paperback 9781915843012) Course Book (eBook 9781915843029 both ePub and Mobi files provided) Audio Book of Interview to support You Can Be Serious! York Course (CD 9781915843050) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download) 9781915843043 Transcript of interview to support You Can Be Serious! York Course (Paperback 9781915843005) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781915843036 both ePub and Mobi files provided) Book Pack (9781915843067 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) Large Print (Paperback 9781915843722)
SPCK Publishing What's Up: 30 encouragements to fuel your faith
A boundary-breaking devotional for 7-11 years that aims to help children know who they are in Christ. There are so many distractions in life and it's easy to look for answers in all the wrong places, yet this book is an encouragement to look towards Jesus - no matter what's up! Engaging and fun, easy to read and accessible to all, the hopeful and reassuring words within this book tackle topical issues that young people face. Filled with inspiring Bible verses, purposeful prayers and space to reflect, What's Up facilitates spending time with God and helps to explore our God-given identity. The fun style of the book is eye-catching, and uses a range of engaging, child friendly graphics to bring to life the real-life stories told. This devotional also includes fun facts, challenges and opportunities to reflect and grow. Based on a range of experiences, Joanna has shared 30 encouragements that speak directly to some of the adventures and setbacks that tweens face as they grow and walk along their path in life. Whether it is reassuring those who lack confidence and are feeling left out, those facing challenging and uncertain choices, or young readers who need reminding that they are important, valuable and heard, the very personal voice of Joanna shines through the pages of this book, supporting, guiding and encouraging readers, whilst being open and honest-rather like a big sister. Joining Joanna, in cheering all readers on and offering encouragements from their own unique perspectives, are some of Joanna's friends - Rhys Stephenson (TV presenter), Emma Borquaye (Girlgotfaith), Pete Sheath (Creative media director) and Tracy Wood (Salvation Army Children's worker). What's up is also available as an eBook, and an audiobook with the devotional content read by the author herself, so enabling even the most reluctant of readers to engage with the content.
SPCK Publishing The Archaeology of the Bible
For the past 200 years archaeological work has provided new information that allows us to peer into the past and open chapters of human history that have not been read for centuries, or even millennia. In The Archaeology of the Bible James K. Hoffmeier provides the reader with an incisive account of archaeology's role in shaping our understanding of the biblical texts. Fundamental issues addressed throughout include how archaeological discoveries relate to biblical accounts, and the compatibility of using scientific disciplines to prove or disprove a religious book such as the Bible. This work is an ideal introduction to the societies and events of the Ancient Near East and their relation to our interpretation of the Bible.
SPCK Publishing The Corpse in the Cellar
It’s the summer of 1933, and Oxford don Clive Staples Lewis, better known to his friends as Jack, is on a walking holiday with his brother Warnie and young friend Tom Morris. When Jack’s wallet is accidentally destroyed, they visit a bank to replenish their funds – and walk straight into the scene of an impossible murder. The victim is in the vault of the bank alone, cut off by brick and steel from the rest of the world. Yet he has been stabbed from behind and the murder weapon has vanished. A ‘locked room’ mystery – which would have baffled the cleverest sleuths of the Golden Age of detective stories – is tackled by the brilliant mind and larger-than-life personality of C. S. Lewis, beloved creator of Narnia and formidable defender of the Christian faith.
SPCK Publishing The Snares of Death
Everyone agrees that Bob Dexter, the prominent Evangelical clergyman, has a great deal of personal charisma. Those who know him realise that he also has an unshakable faith in his own righteousness, and a real talent for rubbing people up the wrong way. It is no surprise, therefore, that someone should want to kill him. In fact, when the Reverend Dexter moves to a small Norfolk parish, traditionally Anglo-Catholic, and begins remoulding it in his own image, his distraught parishioners are not the only ones with good reason to want to remove him. And there are secrets in his seemingly tranquil family life that Dexter does not even begin to suspect – until the fateful and eventful day of his death. Solicitor David Middleton-Brown and his artist-friend Lucy Kingsley step in to investigate. Their search for the truth culminates at the annual National Pilgrimage to Walsingham, where Anglo-Catholic pomp clashes with heated Evangelical protest, and feelings run perilously high. Too late, perhaps, David realises the danger: will he be in time to prevent a second murder?
SPCK Publishing Living in the Light
Living in the Light is part of the highly popular series of open-minded York Courses for discussion groups and individual reflection, crammed with questions to stimulate thought and lively debate.
SPCK Publishing Living in the Light: York Courses
Witnesses to a single event often give contrasting reports. When the event is God's coming to this world as a child it is not just fascinating, it is highly instructive. It opens our eyes not only to what God is like, but to how life can be lived to the full. This course explores the 'reports' of Luke, John, Mary and Paul. In doing so it engages with the distinctive nature of Christian spirituality and how we can give expression to it in our lives, thus living the light of Christ's coming. As with previous Advent York Courses, the standard study book is supported by an in-depth interview, covering all 4 sessions, between Robert Warren and Simon Stanley, available on CD, as a Digital Download or as a transcript in either paperback or eBook. Session 1: Luke's reporting of the coming of Christ Session 1: John's reflections on the coming of Christ Session 3: Mary's response to the coming of Christ Session 4: Paul rejoices in the coming of Christ This York Course is available in the following formats Course Book (Paperback 9781909107120) Course Book (eBook 9781909107977) Audio Book of Interview to support Living in the Light York Course (CD 9781909107960) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download 9781909107953) Transcript of interview to support Living in the Light York Course (Paperback 9781909107137) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781909107984) Book Pack (9781909107991 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) Large print (9781739182090)
SPCK Publishing Daring to See God Now: York Courses
Mark's Gospel begins with Jesus 'proclaiming the Good news of God'. But, what is this 'good news', and who is it for? Taking Mark 1.14-15 as a starting point, this course raises important questions about change, repentance, and how we can become in ourselves living evidence of the good news. Examples are taken from the rest of Mark's Gospel as well as contemporary and historic Christians. The five sessions focus on: Session 1: The Good News of God Session 2: The time is now Session 3: God is present Session 4: Change your mind Session 5: Live it! The course booklet is accompanied by a lively CD, featuring Anglican priest and Regius Professor Emeritus of Divinity at the University of Oxford, Keith Ward, the journalist and poet, Cathy Galvin, author and former Bishop of Llandaff, David Wilbourne, and former Methodist Vice-President, Rachel Lampard MBE. This York Course is available in the following formats Course Book (Paperback 9781909107236) Course Book (eBook 9781909107793) Audio Book of Interview to support Daring to See God Now York Course (CD 9781909107786) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download 9781909107779) Transcript of interview to support Daring to See God Now York Course (Paperback 9781909107243) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781909107809) Book Pack (9781909107816 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) Large print (9781909107823)
SPCK Publishing The Psalms: Prayers for Today's Church: York Courses
The ancient poems we call Psalms are over 2000 years old. They were written in very different times from our own when humans could travel at the speed of a camel, not at the speed of sound. But these songs have stood the test of time for they address many of the problems we still face: violence, injustice, anger and bewilderment. Why do the wicked prosper? Where is God when we suffer? In this 5 session course, Bishop Stephen Cottrell, a prolific and popular author, reflects on the psalms in general, and five psalms in particular. He invites us to join him as he does so. This York Course is available in the following formats: Course Book (Paperback 9781909107106) Course Book (eBook 9781909107632 both ePub and Mobi files provided) Audio Book of Interview to support The Psalms York Course (CD 9781909107458) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download 9781909107618) Transcript of interview to support The Psalms York Course (Paperback 9781909107113) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781909107649 both ePub and Mobi files provided) Book Pack (9781909107465 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) Large print (9781909107625) The five sessions focus on: SESSION 1: Know that the Lord is God (Psalm 100) SESSION 2: Out of the depths have I cried (Psalm 130) SESSION 3: How long, O Lord? (Psalm 13) SESSION 4: You spread a table before me (Psalm 23) SESSION 5: Unless the Lord builds the house (Psalm 127) The participants on the course audio are the Dominican Friar Fr Timothy Radcliffe; the Revd John Bell of the Iona Community; the Bishop of Dover, Rose-Hudson Wilkin and Revd Dr Jane Leach, the Principal of Wesley House Cambridge.
SPCK Publishing Superstar: York Courses
'It’s 1970,' author David Wilbourne writes, ''Edward Heath becomes PM, Apollo 13 limps back to earth, and Jesus Christ Superstar takes the West End by storm, asking daring questions that gave colour to my former monochrome faith and fired my vocation. Half a century on, its message remains just as relevant, and we explore themes from its iconic lyrics in the 5 sessions of this course.' Session 1. Who is Jesus? 'Jesus Christ, Superstar, do you think you're what they say you are?' Session 2. Miracles: 'Prove to me that you're divine, change my water into wine!' Session 3. The Psalms: 'I only want to say, if there is a way, take this cup away from me , I don't want to taste its poison . . . ' Session 4. The Church: 'I don't know how to love him.' Session 5: Cross purposes: 'Did you mean to die like that, was that a mistake or did you know your messy death would be a record-breaker?' The course booklet is accompanied by a lively CD, where Canon Simon Stanley grills broadcaster Steve Chalke, author and bishop of Sheffield’s wife Catherine Fox and RC theologian Carmody Grey about the themes, with concluding reflections by Stephen Wigley, Chair of the Methodist Church in Wales. This York Course is available in the following formats Course Book (Paperback 9781909107274) Course Book (eBook 9781915843210) Audio Book of Interview to support Superstar York Course (CD 9781915843081) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download 9781915843074) Transcript of interview to support Superstar York Course (Paperback 9781909107281) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781915843227) Book Pack (9781739182038 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) Large print (9781739182038)
SPCK Publishing Superstar: York Courses
'It’s 1970,' author David Wilbourne writes, ''Edward Heath becomes PM, Apollo 13 limps back to earth, and Jesus Christ Superstar takes the West End by storm, asking daring questions that gave colour to my former monochrome faith and fired my vocation. Half a century on, its message remains just as relevant, and we explore themes from its iconic lyrics in the 5 sessions of this course.' Session 1. Who is Jesus? 'Jesus Christ, Superstar, do you think you're what they say you are?' Session 2. Miracles: 'Prove to me that you're divine, change my water into wine!' Session 3. The Psalms: 'I only want to say, if there is a way, take this cup away from me , I don't want to taste its poison . . . ' Session 4. The Church: 'I don't know how to love him.' Session 5: Cross purposes: 'Did you mean to die like that, was that a mistake or did you know your messy death would be a record-breaker?' The course booklet is accompanied by a lively CD, where Canon Simon Stanley grills broadcaster Steve Chalke, author and bishop of Sheffield’s wife Catherine Fox and RC theologian Carmody Grey about the themes, with concluding reflections by Stephen Wigley, Chair of the Methodist Church in Wales. This York Course is available in the following formats Course Book (Paperback 9781909107274) Course Book (eBook 9781915843210) Audio Book of Interview to support Superstar York Course (CD 9781915843081) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download 9781915843074) Transcript of interview to support Superstar York Course (Paperback 9781909107281) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781915843227) Book Pack (9781739182038 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) Large print (9781739182038)
SPCK Publishing On the Third Day: York Courses
The resurrection is the Big Story that turned a little Jewish protest movement into a world-transforming religion. And yet by Easter Monday we've almost forgotten about it and are planning our summer holidays. How can we re-capture the explosive power of the resurrection that ricocheted around the world? How can we live in the glow of resurrection and be an Easter people? How can 'there and then' become 'here and now'? That's what the On the Third Day course sets out to explore and discuss. The five sessions focus on: Session 1: Have I got news for you! Session 2: So what? The implications of the resurrection Session 3: ‘Let him Easter in us’: Personal discipleship in the light of the resurrection Session 4: Celebrating and praying Easter Session 5: A risen Church The course booklet of On the Third Day is accompanied by a lively CD, where Canon Simon Stanley grills New Testament scholar and author Tom Wright, writer Paul Vallely, Methodist minister Ruth Gee, and the Church of England’s first woman bishop, Libby Lane. This York Course is available in the following formats Course Book (Paperback 9781909107199) Course Book (eBook 9781915843173) Audio Book of Interview to support On the Third Day York Course (CD 9781915843104) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download 9781915843098) Transcript of interview to support On the Third Day York Course (Paperback 9781909107205) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781915843180) Book Pack (9781739182014 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) Large print (9781739182021)
SPCK Publishing So what are you waiting for?: York Courses
The season of Advent bends time itself. And for us, time drags or speeds by, depending on our circumstances and stage of life. Our attitude to time gives us clues about our attitude towards God. It's a cliche to say that we live our lives often waiting for life to start, but that's what many people experience, until they realise that they were living their lives all along. Christ, for whom we wait and to whom we will return, is both beyond us and beside us; outside time and bound by human time. Whether you're always in a hurry or have too much time on your hands, this course is for you, as we explore a spiritual life that encourages us to be active in the chronological world, and rooted in Kairos, God's time. The four sessions focus on: Session 1: Go with haste Session 2: How Long O Lord how long? Session 3: Prepare the way of the Lord! Session 4: Kairos and Chronos: is time running out? As with previous Advent York Courses, the standard study book is supported by an in-depth interview, covering all 4 sessions between Lucy Winkett and Simon Stanley, available on CD, as a Digital Download or as a transcript in either paperback or eBook. This York Course is available in the following formats Course Book (Paperback 9781909107175) Course Book (eBook 9781909107663) Audio Book of Interview to support So What Are You Waiting For? York Course (CD 9781909107687) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download 9781909107656) Transcript of interview to support So What Are You Waiting For? York Course (Paperback 9781909107182) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781909107670) Book Pack (9781909107694 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) Large print (9781909107700)
SPCK Publishing Living in the Light: York Courses
Witnesses to a single event often give contrasting reports. When the event is God's coming to this world as a child it is not just fascinating, it is highly instructive. It opens our eyes not only to what God is like, but to how life can be lived to the full. This course explores the 'reports' of Luke, John, Mary and Paul. In doing so it engages with the distinctive nature of Christian spirituality and how we can give expression to it in our lives, thus living the light of Christ's coming. As with previous Advent York Courses, the standard study book is supported by an in-depth interview, covering all 4 sessions, between Robert Warren and Simon Stanley, available on CD, as a Digital Download or as a transcript in either paperback or eBook. Session 1: Luke's reporting of the coming of Christ Session 1: John's reflections on the coming of Christ Session 3: Mary's response to the coming of Christ Session 4: Paul rejoices in the coming of Christ This York Course is available in the following formats Course Book (Paperback 9781909107120) Course Book (eBook 9781909107977) Audio Book of Interview to support Living in the Light York Course (CD 9781909107960) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download 9781909107953) Transcript of interview to support Living in the Light York Course (Paperback 9781909107137) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781909107984) Book Pack (9781909107991 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) Large print (9781739182090)
SPCK Publishing Stories Jesus Told Colouring Book
Read the parables and colour your favourite Bible stories from Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen.
SPCK Publishing Stories Jesus Told
This omnibus edition includes eight of Jesus' best loved stories. Children relate to stories and there was never a better storyteller than Jesus. With delightful illustrations and easy to read text, this is an ideal introduction to this simple, short and often very funny stories, sharing truth, love and wisdom with young children. The omnibus edition features eight of Jesus' best loved stories: The Two Sons, The House on the Rock, The Little Gate, The Ten Silver Coins, The Precious Pearl, The Good Stranger, The Rich Farmer and The Lost Sheep.
SPCK Publishing Discovering Peter and Jude: Be Strong, Firm And Steadfast!
SPCK Publishing A Passion for Holiness
SPCK Publishing A Bucket of Surprises
For years J John and Mark Stibbe have recorded the most offbeat, shrewd and hard-hitting material they have come across in the course of their study and travel. With remarkable generosity they have agreed to share this selection with the rest of us. There's a new diet that is all the rage. You can eat all you see of everything you don't like. On the sixth day, God created the platypus. And God said : "Let's see the evolutionists try and figure this one out." Advice to fathers over 40: keep an open mind and a closed refrigerator. We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. There's a new remedy on the market for baldness. It doesn't grow hair but it shrinks your head to fit what hair your head has left. Education is forcing abstract ideas into concrete heads.
SPCK Publishing Fresh From the Word 2021: The Bible for a change
“God is a poet, paying exquisite attention, crafting the words to pull our heartstrings, connecting our pulse to the great pulse of life. God is a priest, intoning the chants that tie earth to heaven, invoking our prayers, summoning our spirits to reach beyond. God is a prophet, commanding our attention, provoking our outrage, channeling our best intentions.” So writes author and scholar Carla Grosch-Miller for the last day of 2021 in this year’s Fresh From The Word: The Bible for a Change. And indeed you will meet this God in the reflections of the writers in these pages. At turns poetic, priestly and theological, prophetic and inspiring, Fresh From The Word 2021 invites you to the discipline of daily Bible reading with readers around the world. Discipleship is the focus of Lent this year in Fresh From The Word 2021: discipleship as a way of following Jesus Christ ‘into the unknown’, growing, and facing challenges. Other themes include reading the Bible through the seasons, surprising women in the Bible, family tensions in Genesis, and riddles in the Bible, and more. The book also features continuous readings from the Gospel of Mark, the shorter epistles of the New Testament, Job, Galatians, Revelation, and the Minor Prophets. Fresh From The Word: The Bible for a Change 2021 will inspire your Bible reading in a time of change. Bringing together theologians, scholars, creative writers, church leaders, and activists from around the world, it offers notes, prayers, and further thought suggestions for every day of the year. Contributors this year include: Buenos Aires-based liturgist and activist Dafne Sabanes Plou on the mercy of God, prison chaplain and Pentecostal pastor Deseta Davis on God and prison life, blogger and playwright Aileen Quinn on growing with God, Shetland Methodist minister David Lees on numbers in the Bible, pioneer minister Tim Yau on Peter the church leader.