Search results for ""mer""
WW Norton & Co When America First Met China: An Exotic History of Tea, Drugs, and Money in the Age of Sail
Brilliantly illuminating one of the least-understood areas of American history, best-selling author Eric Jay Dolin now traces our fraught relationship with China back to its roots: the unforgiving nineteenth-century seas that separated a brash, rising naval power from a battered ancient empire. It is a prescient fable for our time, one that surprisingly continues to shed light on our modern relationship with China. Indeed, the furious trade in furs, opium, and beche-de-mer—a rare sea cucumber delicacy—might have catalyzed America’s emerging economy, but it also sparked an ecological and human rights catastrophe of such epic proportions that the reverberations can still be felt today. Peopled with fascinating characters—from the “Financier of the Revolution” Robert Morris to the Chinese emperor Qianlong, who considered foreigners inferior beings—this page-turning saga of pirates and politicians, coolies and concubines becomes a must-read for any fan of Nathaniel Philbrick’s Mayflower or Mark Kurlansky’s Cod.
Birkhauser Le Corbusier – Der Maler: Eileen Grays Villa E 1027 und Le Cabanon
In 1929, Eileen Gray designed Villa E 1027 for herself and her youthful partner Jean Badovici, but only lived there for three years. Today, the elegant house in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin in southern France is an icon of modernism. In 1937, Le Corbusier discovered the place and the "Maison en Bord de Mer". Inspired by the genius of the place and the light on the Côte d'Azur, he created a total of five large-format wall paintings there from 1938 onwards, some of which complement the building congenially, while others set counterpoints. In 1952, he built his Cabanon nearby and decorated it with murals as well. The book by the well-known architectural historian Tim Benton documents Le Corbusier's artwork at this special place and places it in his overall oeuvre. The fascinating photographs by Manuel Bougot capture the special atmosphere of the villa Le Corbusier's painting is lesser known but was formative for his lifelong preoccupation with polychromy After extensive renovation work until 2021, E 1027, as well as the Cabanon, is open to the public again
La huella del Infierno. Alex Stern 2
Riqueza. Poder. Asesinatos. Magia. Una de las universidades más importantes del mundo se va a ir derecha al infierno en la continuación de la novela superventas La Novena Casa, escrita por la autora número uno del New York Times Leigh Bardugo.Encontrar un modo de llegar al infierno y, una vez allí, llevarse un alma. Un plan sencillo, si no fuera porque la gente que realiza este peculiar viaje rara vez consigue volver y porque nunca se sabe qué huella puede dejar en una persona haber estado en un lugar como ese. Pero Galaxy Alex Stern está decidida a rescatar a Darlington, incluso si eso supone renunciar a su futuro en Yale.Como les han prohibido rescatarlo, Alex y Dawes no pueden pedir ayuda a la Novena Casa, así que reúnen a un equipo de dudosos aliados para la misión. Juntos deberán recorrer un laberinto de textos arcanos y artefactos extraños para desvelar los secretos mejor guardados del campus. Pero cuando varios profesores comienzan a morir, Alex sabe que no se trata de mer
Morir antes que las flores Literadura Spanish Edition
Durante un caluroso mes de agosto, en un viejo caserón segoviano con vistas a la sierra de Guadarrama, la memoria despierta y se transforma en un animal salvaje y cruel. La vida transcurre entre dos tiempos, dos mujeres, dos hombres, dos vidas y dos guerras. Un encuentro con el amor y, sobre todo, con la pasión por la escritura. Un recorrido por las playas de Argelès-sur-Mer, por el París de la posguerra, el Londres de artistas e intelectuales de los años cincuenta, el Madrid herido y los bosques segovianos. Se produce un encuentro extraño, lleno de dudas y desconfianza, un cara a cara con la propia identidad, con la muerte y el exilio español.Con la prosa envolvente y una atmósfera inquietante características de Eva Losada, el lector no querrá escapar de las conversaciones entre Ada, una enigmática anciana exiliada, y Livia, una joven e insegura escritora por encargo. Como únicos testigos: los muros de piedra, las montañas azules, el canto de las urracas y la mirada de Soa, un gal
Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd Sketches Sartorial, Tonsorial and the Like: A Collection of Light Humorous Verse
St Claire Bullock - a Professor of Philosophy, no less - in the intervals between pondering the great questions of life, turned his hand to penning light verse in the manner of Hilaire Belloc, Ogden Nash and Edward Lear. In rhyming couplets these wry and witty poems ponder the foibles and vanities of mortals. Some of these are captured in pen and ink drawings which caricature the subject of the poems. Each character is given an amusing name, beginning with Master Cecil Abercorn, through Clarence Castle, Serena Huff, The Marchioness of Mal de Mer, Major Houghton Reid and Thomas Tinkham Tattersall to Roland Washburn White. There are 70 poems in all of which 10 are illustrated. The illustration on the front cover relates to Rupert Ashe: 'The greatest pride of Rupert Ashe was his luxuriant moustache. He took great care to keep it groomed, And even, with restraint, perfumed. He brushed it upward every day, and it made such a grand display, that people who were not the wiser, imagined that he was the Kaiser.'
Ediciones Akal Privatizar La Cultura To Privatize The Culture
La esponsorización y la implicación empresarial en el ámbito de las artes visuales se han convertido en rasgos cada vez más frecuentes de nuestra vida cultural. De las exposiciones auspiciadas por Absolut Vodka al uso del autorretrato de Van Gogh por parte de ABN-AMOR para publicitar sus tarjetas de crédito, hemos sido testigos de un nuevo tipo de patronazgo en el que la unión del talento individual y el marketing multinacional está comenzando a difuminar las viejas y cómodas distinciones entre lo público y lo privado.El presente libro constituye un ambicioso intento de detallar las vías por las que los valores mercantiles y el ethos del libre mercado han permeado la esfera de las artes visuales desde la década de 1980. Al hilo de la cartografía de los diversos deslizamientos en la política pública que facilitaron por primera vez la entrada de grandes corporaciones en el ámbito cultural, Chin-tao Wu analiza el papel de los gobiernos a la hora de inocular los principios del libre mer
IRISH PAGES Kilclief & Other Essays: 2021
This long-awaited selection of essays and reviews from one of Ireland’s leading critics brings together a wealth of ref lection, observation and astute literary comment. It ranges in time from William Carleton to Edna O’Brien, and in subject matter from recent Irish poetry to ghosts, children’s books and MI5. Patricia Craig holds strong opinions on literary mer- it, and some of the essays collected in this book are less than adulatory. For example, she has included a highly critical, but good-humoured and amusing re- assessment of Somerville and Ross; and a couple of recent critical studies come in for a somewhat sharp evaluation.Where the tone is moderately unadmiring it is always justified (if provocative), and contributes to the overall balance of the collection. In short, Kilclief & Other Essays presents an original, diverting, intelligent and thought-provoking assem- bly of essays and reviews. Patricia Craig’s latest book should appeal to the general reader as well as to those whose interests are more specialised, and it deserves a wide audience, not only in Ireland but also in the United Kingdom and beyond.
Bonnier Books Ltd Kirsten Burke's Secrets of Brush Calligraphy
An inspirational workbook for complete beginners to discover and master the art of the brush. Kirsten Burke's Secrets of Brush Calligraphy is a uniquely creative and interactive book for anyone wishing to learn how to create stylish and decorative hand-lettered works of art using brush calligraphy.This book brings together the methods and practices taught in Kirsten's workshops, through easy-to-follow, enjoyable projects that will build your brush calligraphy confidence.Includes:- Tips, tricks and techniques for writing with a brush pen or paintbrush.- Calligraphy projects to build your skills.- Removable art cards, hand-lettered by Kirsten Burke to pull out, complete and treasure.Kirsten Burke is a world-renowned calligraphic artist and teacher. Kirsten is the 'Master Calligrapher' for luxury brands including Jo Malone, Tom Ford and Creme de la Mer and clients like the BBC, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre and Rolls Royce. Her best-selling greetings cards, wedding stationery and calligraphy kits can be found in high street shops, online and overseas, and her sell-out calligraphy workshops for adults and children are run from her beautiful industrial studios in West Sussex.
HarperCollins Publishers The Secret Pianist
Sisters. Traitors. Spies. When a British RAF Whitley plane comes under fire over the French coast and is forced to drop their cargo, a spy messenger pigeon finds its way into unlikely hands… The occupation has taken much from the Cotillard sisters, and as the Germans increase their forces in the seaside town of Boulogne-sur-Mer, Gabriella, Martine and Simone can’t escape the feeling that the walls are closing in. Yet, just as they should be trying to stay under the radar, Martine’s discovery of a British messenger pigeon leads them down a new and dangerous path. Gaby would do anything to protect her sisters but when the pianist is forced to teach the step-daughter of a German Commandant, and the town accuses the Cotillards of becoming ‘Bad French’ and in allegiance with the enemy, she realizes they have to take the opportunity to fight back that has been handed to them. Now, as the sisters’ secrets wing their way to an unknown contact in London, Gaby, Martine and Simone have to wonder – have they opened a lifeline, or sealed their fate?
Miedo viaje por un mundo que se resiste a ser gobernado por el odio
Unensayo brillante ynecesario quenosinvita avermásallá denuestrostemores.Desde el arranque del siglo XXI, el nivel de incertidumbre que nos hemos visto obligados a manejar en las sociedades occidentales ha aumentado sin cesar. Empeñados en no desfallecer, seguimos pedaleando tan rápido como pudimos, tantas horas al día como el cuerpo nos permitía, con la perenne sensación de que siempre podríamos habernos esforzado un poco más. Pero cuando un virus detuvo el mundo entero, salimos despedidos a la velocidad de la luz hacia un páramo desconocido, a solas con nuestros miedos.Miedo es un libro sobre los temores que han articulado nuestras vidas en los últimos años y que la COVID-19 ha evidenciado y agudizado, acelerando así el cambio de era en el que ya estábamos inmersos: la crisis del neoliberalismo, el cambio climático, la creciente desigualdad, los éxodos de migrantes y refugiados, la robotización del mer
El hombre que amaba a los perros Edición 15 aniversario
A los 15 años de su publicación, una edición conmemorativa de El hombre que amaba a los perros. Una de las novelas que sientan las bases de la literatura hispanoamericana del siglo XXI.Una extraordinaria novela sobre el asesinato de Trotsky. Elena PoniatowskaSu novela más ambiciosa. The New YorkerUna grandísima novela, hábilmente construida sobre una base histórica muy rigurosa. Jean-Claude Perrier, Livres HebdoEn 2004, tras la muerte de su mujer, Iván, que soñaba con dedicarse a escribir, regenta una modesta consulta veterinaria de La Habana. Y es el dolor de esa pérdida que le hace volver sobre un episodio de su vida, ocurrido a finales de los años setenta, cuando conoció a un enigmático hombre que paseaba por la playa en compañía de dos imponentes galgos rusos. Tras varios encuentros, el misterioso personaje comenzó a hacerlo depositario de unas singulares confidencias que lo llevan a la figura del asesino de Trotski, Ramón Mer
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Nice Cup of Tea
___________________ ‘Anything written by Celia Imrie is guaranteed to put a smile on your face’ - Good Housekeeping ___________________ The beautiful town of Bellevue-sur-Mer, tucked between glitzy Monte Carlo and the plush red carpets of Cannes, is home to Theresa, Carol, William, Benjamin and Sally: five retired expats who have pooled their resources to set up La Mosaïque, a divine little restaurant. But there is trouble in paradise: the friends are desperately struggling to make ends meet, and when the much hoped for sale of their Picasso mosaic falls through they realise it will take every bit of their talent and gumption to save La Mosaïque… The witty and enchanting third novel from the well-loved actress and Sunday Times-bestselling author of Not Quite Nice and Nice Work (If You Can Get It), perfect for fans of Katie Fforde and Fern Britton ___________________ Praise for the Nice series… ‘Her work has definite joie de vivre’ - Wendy Holden, Daily Mail ‘Hugely enjoyable’ - Katie Fforde ‘Utterly delicious’ - Joanna Lumley ‘Warm, light-hearted, fast-paced’ - Joanne Harris ‘Hugely entertaining’ - Julian Fellowes ‘Such a charming romp’ - Fern Britton ‘A shaft of early summer sunshine’ - Daily Mail 'A delicious piece of entertainment' - The Times
Peeters Publishers De Zanzibar a Kilwa. Relations Conflictuelles en Pays Swahili
Les communautes villageoises de la cote swahili sont des societes oA' s'affrontent une vision primordialiste des groupements humains locaux et une vision plus dynamique ouverte aux enjeux de l'histoire globale. Cette echelle de valeur (autochtonie/intrusion) releve elle-meme d'une histoire particuliere, celle qui caracterise depuis des siecles les relations de la cote swahili avec l'orient musulman puis l'ordre colonial europeen. Cet affrontement, dont les manifestations sont examinees dans leurs dimensions sociales, techniques et langagieres, donne a voir la societe swahili dans sa coherence cachee. En etudiant les hommes dans leurs rapport a l'autre (le colonisateur, l'allochtone), au milieu (la mer) et au langage, c'est la question de l'insertion de ces communautes dans des ensembles plus vastes qui est posee. Plus generalement, cet ouvrage est une reflexion sur la production d'un imaginaire de l'autre a travers la description des formes sensibles et vecues sous lesquelles les Swahili disposent de ce qu'ils subissent. Pascal Bacuez, docteur en ethnologie, diplome de l'Institut des Langues Orientales de Paris, Laureat pour le Programme Lavoisier du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres en 1998, Consultant aupres de l'Ambassade de France en Tanzanie et de l'Unesco, poursuit actuellement ses recherches dans la region de Kilwa en Tanzanie.
Birkhauser The Painter Le Corbusier: Eileen Gray's Villa E 1027 and Le Cabanon
In 1929, Eileen Gray designed Villa E 1027 for herself and her youthful partner Jean Badovici, but only lived there for three years. Today, the elegant house in Roquebrune-Cap-Mar- tin in southern France is an icon of modernism. In 1937, Le Corbusier discovered the place and the “Maison en Bord de Mer”. Inspired by the genius of the place and the light on the Côte d'Azur, he created a total of eight large-format wall paintings there in 1938 and 1939 onwards, some of which complement the building congenially, while others set counterpoints. In 1952, he built his Cabanon nearby and decorated it with murals as well. The book by the well-known architectural historian Tim Benton documents Le Corbusier's artwork at this special place, explores its controversies, and places it in his overall oeuvre. The fascinating photographs by Manuel Bougot capture the special atmosphere of the villa Le Corbusier's painting is lesser known but was formative for his lifelong preoccupation with polychromy After extensive renovation work until 2021, E 1027, as well as the Cabanon, is open to the public again
Cicerone Press Trekking the GR10: Through the French Pyrenees: Le Sentier des Pyrenees
Guidebook to the GR10, a 955km trek across the French Pyrenees from Hendaye on the Atlantic Coast to the Mediterranean coast at Banyuls-sur-Mer. Described in 55-day stages of 7-27km, the route can be completed in its entirety, usually in around 45 days, or in shorter sections using the bus and rail links found throughout the Pyrenees. Step by step route descriptions are accompanied by 1:100,000 mapping and gradient profiles. Useful practical information is also included such as when to go, getting there and back, camping, accessing fuel and water, plus handy equipment tips and more. The easiest, oldest and most popular of the three long-distance routes that traverse the mountain range, the GR10 is well waymarked and follows good mountain paths. For many walkers, the highlight of the route is the magnificent wildflowers and associated butterflies. For others, it's the spectacular mountain terrain, while those keen on bird watching will delight in scanning the sky for the many varieties of birds of prey that can be seen in the region, from the massive Griffon vulture to the distinctly coloured Egyptian vulture.
Peeters Publishers Commencements: Définitions, suivies de douze études
Ces « commencements » sont ceux d’un programme de recherches ouvert par l’École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem. La Bible en ses Traditions vise à rassembler sur un même support les traductions des versions majeures des Écritures, leurs annotations philologiques et historiques, et une exploration systématique de leurs interprétations religieuses et culturelles au fil des siècles. Il s’agit de réinventer le modèle de la Bible polyglotte. Éditer les Écritures au 21e siècle, en effet, ne peut plus consister à imprimer un texte unique — fût-il la version traditionnelle d’une confession particulière ou le texte « original » reconstitué, plus « scientifique » que le texte traditionnel. Les manuscrits de la mer Morte, l’histoire comparée des Écritures en hébreu et en grec, ont rendu à la Bible son statut de texte polyphonique, reçu en communautés croyantes aussi diverses qu’interreliées. Loin d’être un météore mystérieusement tombé du ciel, le Livre saint traverse l’histoire non seulement dans des manuscrits variés, mais aussi au fil de traités théologiques, de performances liturgiques, d’œuvres littéraires et artistiques, musicales et cinématographiques.
Las palabras calladas
La novela que narra el drama de los españoles exiliados en el campo de refugiados de Argèles sur mer.Eso es mentira. Todo lo que cuentas es mentira. Nadie puede sobrevivir a tantas calamidades. Te lo has inventado todo siempre para hacernos creer que eres un héroe y no un simple inmigrante español muerto de hambre como los que vienen a la vendimia. Tú no hiciste todas esas cosas y después no ayudaste a liberar Francia de los nazis, tú no eras más que un español desarrapado y muerto de hambre cuando llegaste aquí, un cerdo español.Con estas palabras, Mathieu renegó de su abuelo cuando era adolescente. Es febrero de 2019 y está atrapado en Portbou, punto final de uno de los caminos del exilio republicano español antes de cruzar la frontera. A sus cincuenta y un años, ya no quiere ser ingeniero, pretende ser fotógrafo. Cámara en mano, se pasea por los andenes de la estación de tren cerrada por la tormenta en busca de esa imagen.A través del objetivo ve
Park Books Imperfection - Atelier Stephane Fernandez
French architect Stephane Fernandez creates a 'silent architecture' that invests the landscape as much as it takes shape. He is a minimalist in expression and maximalist in attention to detail. He models rough, thick and fragile monoliths by digging, by movement of bodies and the generation of tensions between masses. Fernandez articulates his work around a permanent search for materials, the accumulation of models, sketches, plans and words. This first monograph on Stephane Fernandez features five of his realised designs that are emblematic for his approach: a childrens' pavillion (Saint-Raphael, 2005), a media library (Carnoux, 2007), a students' residence and laboratory building (Banyuls-sur-Mer, 2013), a cultural centre (Vertou, 2015) and a primary school (Cannes, 2018). An essay and a conversation with Stéphane Fenrandez by architectural historian Éléonore Marantz as well as a manifesto by the architect himself complement plans of the buildings and photographs of the five buildings by Berlin-based photographers Schnepp Renou. Preface is by Jean-Christophe Quinton. Text in English and French.
Peeters Publishers Une Economie Monetarisee: Athenes a L'epoque Classique (440-338): Contribution a L'etude Du Phenomene Monetaire En Grece Ancienne
Athenes est la premiere cite du monde grec dont l'economie fut veritablement monetarisee. Les riches gisements argentiferes du Laurion lui permettaient, en effet, d'emettre un monnayage abondant qui, de proche en proche, essaima dans tous les pays mediterraneens et contribua a populariser l'instrument monetaire. Les celebres " chouettes ", toutefois, ne se pretent guere aux methodes d'investigation traditionnelles en numismatique. Il est illusoire, par exemple, avec les moyens mis en ?uvre actuellement, d'aboutir a un denombrement des coins utilises a la production des abondantes series du Ve siecle. Cette difficulte bien connue est relevee ici comme un defi. Dans cet ouvrage, l'auteur s'essaye a reconstituer le cadre socio-economique dans lequel s'inscrit la production monetaire, depuis l'extraction du minerai jusqu'a la fabrication ultime des petits lingots d'argent que sont les tetradrachmes, en tirant notamment parti de la riche documentation epigraphique. Il etudie aussi les conditions particulieres de l'exploitation miniere, tente d'evaluer ses couts et, partant, le benefice des producteurs et ses modalites. Il s'efforce aussi de reconstituer les circuits de diffusion en Mer Egee et d'evaluer la place reelle prise par la monnaie dans le developpement de l'Empire athenien, de determiner ainsi les parametres qui dictaient le rythme et l'ampleur des frappes en Grece ancienne.
Peeters Publishers Le père Roland de Vaux, o.p.: Une biographie
Le Père Roland de Vaux, dominicain, a été une des figures marquantes contemporaines de l’École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, fondée en 1890 par le P. Marie-Joseph Lagrange. Arrivé à Jérusalem en 1933, Roland de Vaux y a vécu jusqu’à sa mort en 1971, une mort prématurée, celle d’un homme qui s’est donné tout entier à sa mission. Chercheur, professeur, archéologue, directeur de l’École biblique, auteur, directeur de recherches : nombreux ont été les domaines où Roland de Vaux a excellé. Ses domaines préférés ont été l’Histoire ancienne d’Israël et l’archéologie de la Terre sainte. Il est surtout connu pour son rôle dans les fouilles de Qumrân qui ont mis au jour les manuscrits de la mer Morte. Il a aussi joué un rôle décisif dans la réalisation de la Bible de Jérusalem, au lendemain de la Seconde guerre mondiale, un des nombreux conflits politiques qui ont marqué son existence. Roland de Vaux a laissé de nombreux disciples, biblistes et archéologues, qui avaient trouvé en lui un maître. Cette première biographie qui lui est consacrée relate les grands moments d’une vie vécue à vive allure, au cours de laquelle il a croisé et gagné l’estime de la plupart des grands savants de son époque.
Arnoldsche Joaquim Capdevila: New Jewellery in Barcelona
Joachim Capdevila (b. 1944) is a master of the art of goldsmithing, whose understanding of how to meld traditional handcraft with contemporary avant-garde jewellery is second to none. At the same time, his roots, which lie in painting, are unmistakable. Yet Capdevila does not just paint metal; his one-off jewellery pieces are rather the materialisation of a creative process in which metal and colour combine to become a completely new entity. The Barcelona-based jewellery artist has created a unique oeuvre in some fifty years, which is now being presented in a 175-piece-strong review for the very first time. In addition, Pilar Velez explores Capdevila's artistic development and his role as a pioneer and a major proponent of New Jewellery in Europe. Joaquim Capdevila is represented in numerous museums, including the Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim (DE), Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (DE), MAK Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art, Vienna (AT), Musee Olympique, Lausanne (CH), Royal Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh (GB), Collection de la Ville de Cagnes-sur-Mer (FR), Col.- leccio d Art de l Avui, Barcelona (ES), Museu de Montserrat (ES), Museu del Disseny de Barcelona (ES), Dallas Museum of Art, Rose-Asenbaum Collection (US).
Peeters Publishers La Chaine Sur L'Exode. Edition Integrale IV. Fonds Catenique Ancien (Exode 15,22 - 40,32)
La derniere partie du recit de l'Exode, apres le passage de la Mer Rouge, a moins pour objet les peripeties des quarante annees d'errance au desert que la constitution d'Israel comme peuple veritable, avec les deux piliers majeurs que sont la Loi et le Temple, celui-ci annonce par la tente qui abrite l'arche d'Alliance et par les prescriptions liturgiques qui s'y rattachent. Apres Philon, les commentaires chretiens ne sont pas nombreux et ont ete produit surtout par les allegoristes: Origene, Didyme, Gregoire de Nysse, et surtout Cyrille d'Alexandrie. Ce sont eux qui constituent l'essentiel de la chaine. Les antiochiens, notamment Eusebe d'Emese, sont beaucoup plus rarement nommes et sont en tout cas plus concis. Pour cette section de la chaine, la tradition primaire est perdue; on doit se contenter de la tradition derivee (le type III de la classification Karo-Lietzmann), oA' rien ne distingue de prime abord les citations litterales des citations remaniees, et qui a laisse se perdre bien des attributions. Les notes attirent l'attention de l'usager sur cette difficulte. Les fragments, devenus accidentellement anonymes, meritent une particuliere attention. La preparation de ce volume a permis d'augmenter le nombre de fragments connus, qui avaient echappe aux collections precedentes, notamment pour Philon, pour Diodore de Tarse, pour Severien de Gabala et pour Severe d'Antioche.
Peeters Publishers L'"Ecrit De Damas": Le Manifeste Essenien
L'Ecrit de Damas est un document a part dans la bibliotheque de Qumran decouverte entre 1947 et 1967 sur les bords de la mer Morte. Une partie du document est connue des la fin du XIXe siecle grace a la decouverte de deux manuscrits dans la synagogue du Vieux-Caire en Egypte. L'un de seize pages date du Xe siecle de notre ere, l'autre de deux pages est une copie du XIIe siecle. Dix manuscrits de Qumran, copies au tournant de l'ere chretienne, comblent en partie les lacunes des manuscrits decouverts au Caire. Malgre les dix siecles de difference entre les manuscrits palestiniens et les parchemins egyptiens, une des copies medievales est tres fidele aux manuscrits de Qumran. C'est pourquoi on propose un texte reconstruit a partir des differents manuscrits. Ainsi, les manuscrits palestiniens de l'Ecrit de Damas permettent de restituer des parties du texte perdues dans les copies cairotes. Le Prologue, la premiere serie de lois, la derniere partie du code penal et la conclusion avaient disparu des manuscrits abimes de la synagogue du Caire mais ils ont ete retrouves dans les manuscrits de Qumran.
Outland Entertainment Old Norse For Modern Times
Never be lost for words again...with this book of lost words. Have you ever wanted to wield the silver tongue of Loki, or to hammer home your point like a Thundergod? Old Norse is the language of legends and the stuff of sagas, the inspiration for Tolkien and Marvel, for award-winning manga and epic videogames. It is the language of cleverly crafted kennings, blood-curdling curses, and pithy retorts to RagnarÖk. Old Norse for Modern Times gives you the perfect phrase for every contemporary situation—from memorable movie quotes ("We’re going to need a bigger boat." Þurfa munu vÉr skip stÆrra) to battle-cries to yell on Discord ("Do I look to be in a gaming mood?" SÝnisk ÞÉr ek vera Í skapi til leika?), from mead hall musings ("This drink, I like it! ANOTHER!" LÍkar mÉr drykkr Þessi! ANNAN!) to tried-and-tested pickup lines ("Nice tattoo!" Fagrt er hÚÐflÚriÐ"). With over 500 phrases inside (plus the chance to add your own!) it is the perfect guide for Vikings fans, whether they are re-enactors, role-players, or simply in love with Ragnar.
Michelin Editions des Voyages Le Guide Vert Nord Pas-de-Calais
Laissez-vous guider par nos auteurs ! Au cours de leurs innombrables tournées, ils ont déniché pour vous des lieux inoubliables ou insolites : - Les incontournables (classés 1, 2 ou 3 étoiles) : Lille***, Grand’Place d’Arras***, Côte d’Opale**... - Les coups de coeur : Flâner dans les ruelles colorées du Vieux Lille ; Filer à marée basse et à toute allure à bord d’un char à voile sur la plage de Berck-sur-Mer ; Déguster un potjevleesch arrosé d’une bière artisanale dans un estaminet des monts de Flandre... - Les bonnes adresses pour tous les budgets : se restaurer, prendre un verre, shopping, sortir, se loger - Les meilleurs spots en famille (activités pour les 6-14 ans) : Observation des phoques en baie d’Authie ; Initiation au char à voile sur la Côte d’Opale ; Escale au Musée portuaire de Dunkerque... - Des suggestions d’itinéraires : Du Cambrésis à l’Avesnois en 4 jours ; De Dunkerque au Touquet en 7 jours ; L’Avesnois en 3 jours à vélo... Retrouvez également : - De nombreux cartes et plans pour retrouver les principaux sites étoilés de la destination. - Toutes les infos mises à jour dans cette nouvelle édition.Ce guide est divisé en 6 micro-régions : Lille métropole ; La Flandre ; Du Hainaut à l’Avesnois ; La Côte d’Opale et la région de Saint-Omer ; Arras et l’Artois ; Escapade en Belgique. Pensez à utilisez en complément notre Carte Régional Hauts-de-France n°511. MICHELIN vous GuideVert la France de vos rêves !
Quarto Publishing PLC Power to the Princess: 15 Favourite Fairytales Retold with Girl Power
"Brilliant." —Kirkus Reviews, starred review What if princesses didn’t always marry Prince Charming and live happily ever after? In this stunning anthology – elegantly presented in a red, clothbound hard cover with gold-toned metallic debossing – 15 favourite fairytales have been retold for a new generation. These princesses are smart, funny and kind, and can do anything they set their minds to. Focused on issues including self-image, confidence, LGBTQ, friendship, advocacy and disability, these stories are perfect for sharing between parents and children, or for older princesses or princes to read by themselves. They teach that a princess is a person who seeks to help others, is open to learning new things, and looks for ways to add purpose to their lives and the lives of those around them. Get reacquainted with these powerful princesses: Snow White – champion of real beauty Sleeping Beauty – specialist on sleeping disorders Thumbelina – music producer and advocate Rapunzel – world-famous architect Belle the Brave – undercover agent Elisabeth and the Wild Swans – fashion designer Cinderella – prime minster and businesswoman Star and the 12 Dancers – dancer The Goose Girl – stand-up comedian Princess Sevinah (and the Pea) – founder of the Fairyland Dating Service The Snow Queen – winter sports coach The Little Mermaid – advocate for peace between mer-people and humans Zade – storyteller (of 1001 tales) and businesswoman Evangeline (The Frog Princess) – natural historian Little Red Riding Hood – environmentalist and Princess of the Wolves Power to the princess!
Peeters Publishers "Paroles D'hommes Honorables". Essai D'anthropologie Poetique Des Bedja Du Soudan
Les Bedja, au mode de vie agropastoral, sont les habitants autochtones d'une vaste zone qui, s'etendant du sud de l'Egypte jusqu'a l'ouest de l'Erythree, est delimitee au Soudan d'un cote par les rives est du Nil et de l'Atbara, et de l'autre par la mer Rouge.Cet ouvrage etudie leurs traditions orales au travers d'une anthropologie de la poesie, sujet jamais aborde auparavant. La poesie et le chant marquent tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne et sociale de ces Bedouins. La poesie recitee par les hommes est la plus frequente et la plus valorisee, celle qui est consideree comme la plus noble, la plus esthetique et la plus serieuse, celle qui reflete le mieux leur ame. Selon eux, seule leur poesie, et particulierement celle qu'on appelle habait 'poeme', exprime leur particularite par rapport aux autres groupes arabophones ou tigrephones. Elle derive notamment de principes de creation differents de ceux de la poesie arabe et exprime une realite originelle propre a la societe bedouine bedja, leur vision du monde, qui se caracterise par la notion du mouvement.L'analyse proposee, inspiree de la methode du "scheme narratif" etablie par S. Camara repose sur un vaste corpus oral recueilli recemment par l'auteur et complete celui, recueilli en 1970 mais reste inedit, par un autre chercheur bedja, Mohamed Adarob Ohaj. Un echantillon de 19 poemes avec leur traduction est fourni en annexe, en plus de ceux cites dans le corps de l'ouvrage.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc One Piece (Omnibus Edition), Vol. 22: Includes Vols. 64, 65 & 66
Join Monkey D. Luffy and his swashbuckling crew in their search for the ultimate treasure, the One Piece! As a child, Monkey D. Luffy dreamed of becoming King of the Pirates. But his life changed when he accidentally ate the Gum-Gum Fruit, an enchanted Devil Fruit that gave him the ability to stretch like rubber. Its only drawback? He’ll never be able to swim again—a serious handicap for an aspiring sea dog! Years later, Luffy sets off on his quest to find the “One Piece,” said to be the greatest treasure in the world… Luffy and his crew befriend some of the exotic mer-people on Fish-Man Island, a beautiful and dangerous underwater civilization. They learn that while some on the island are working toward a better relationship with humans, the Fish-Man Pirates are attempting to grasp ultimate power. Luffy and the Straw Hat Crew step into battle once again! * This best-selling manga of high seas adventures just got bigger with this 3-in-1 collection! * Releases 4 times a year for 26+ volumes. Series is ongoing. Original series is at 84 volumes and is ongoing. * 3-in-1 volumes 1–19 have sold over 175,000 copies (Bookscan, 02/17). * Single volumes 1–78 have sold through over 1.5 million copies (Bookscan, 02/17). * The best-selling manga in the world with over 400 million copies in print worldwide. * Frequent New York Times best seller (06/16). * Serialized simultaneously with Japan in VIZ Media’s Weekly Shonen Jump digital magazine.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Not Quite Nice
___________________ 'A funny, spirited read' - Daily Mail 'A hugely enjoyable romp of a novel' - Katie Fforde 'Utterly delicious in every way' - Joanna Lumley ___________________ Theresa is desperate for a change. Forced into early retirement and fed up with babysitting her bossy daughter’s obnoxious children, she sells her house and moves to the picture-perfect town of Bellevue-sur-Mer, just outside Nice. Once the hideaway of artists and writers, it is now home to the odd rock icon and Hollywood movie star, and, as Theresa soon discovers, a close-knit set of expats. There’s Carol, the glamorous American and her doting husband David; the British TV star Sally; the ferocious Sian and her wayward Australian poet husband; the sharply witty Zoe with her strangely youthful face and penchant for white wine – and the suave Brian who catches Theresa’s eye… As Theresa settles to the gentle rhythm of seaside life she embraces her new-found friendships and freedom. However, life is never quite as simple as it seems and as skeletons start to fall out of several closets, Theresa begins to wonder if life on the French Riviera is quite as nice as it first appeared… ___________________ Praise for the Nice series… ‘Her work has definite joie de vivre’ - Wendy Holden, Daily Mail ‘Hugely enjoyable’ - Katie Fforde ‘Utterly delicious’ - Joanna Lumley ‘Warm, light-hearted, fast-paced’ - Joanne Harris ‘Hugely entertaining’ - Julian Fellowes ‘Such a charming romp’ - Fern Britton ‘A shaft of early summer sunshine’ - Daily Mail 'A delicious piece of entertainment' - The Times
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Porcelain Moon: A Novel of France, the Great War, and Forbidden Love
From the critically acclaimed author of The Library of Legends comes a vividly rendered novel set in WWI France about two young women—one Chinese, one French—whose lives intersect with unexpected, potentially dangerous consequences.“East meets West in World War I France. In The Porcelain Moon, Janie Chang exhibits her signature trademarks—lyrical prose, deftly drawn characters, and skillful excavation of little-known history—to give us a rare jewel in a sea of wartime fiction!”— Kate Quinn, New York Times bestselling authorFrance, 1918. In the final days of the First World War, a young Chinese woman, Pauline Deng, runs away from her uncle’s home in Paris to evade a marriage being arranged for her in Shanghai. To prevent the union, she needs the help of her cousin Theo, who is working as a translator for the Chinese Labour Corps in the French countryside. In the town of Noyelles-sur-Mer, Camille Roussel is planning her escape from an abusive marriage, and to end a love affair that can no longer continue. When Camille offers Pauline a room for her stay, the two women become friends. But it’s not long before Pauline uncovers a perilous secret that Camille has been hiding from her. As their dangerous situation escalates, the two women are forced to make a terrible decision that will bind them together for the rest of their lives.Set against the little-known history of the 140,000 Chinese workers brought to Europe as non-combatant labor during WWI, The Porcelain Moon is a tale of forbidden love, identity and belonging, and what we are willing to risk for freedom.
Michelin Editions des Voyages Le Guide Vert Corse
Laissez-vous guider par nos auteurs ! Au cours de leurs innombrables tournées, ils ont déniché pour vous des lieux inoubliables ou insolites :- Les incontournables (classés 1, 2 ou 3 étoiles) : Le cap Corse***, La Balagne***, Le vieux port de Bastia**... - Les coups de coeur : Embrasser toute la Corse, du haut du monte Cinto ; Explorer les eaux cristallines de la réserve naturelle des Bouches de Bonifacio ; Prendre le large à bord du bateau «San Paulu», au départ de Macinaggio pour admirer le cap Corse ... - Les bonnes adresses pour tous les budgets : se restaurer, prendre un verre, shopping, sortir, se loger - Les meilleurs spots en famille (activités pour les 6-14 ans) : Rencontre avec les tortues d’ACupulatta ; Excursion en mer dans le golfe de Porto ; Nature et culture au parcGalea ... - Des suggestions d’itinéraires : Les merveilles de la côte ouest en 14 jours ; La Corse plein sud en 13 jours ; Les mystères du cap Corse en 7 jours ... - De nombreaux cartes et plans pour retrouver les principaux sites étoilés de la destination. - Les plus : 165 promenades et circuits- Toutes les infos mises à jour dans cette nouvelle édition Ce guide est divisé en 9 micro-régions : Bastia et le cap Corse ; Le Nebbio et les Agriate ; La Balagne ; Corte et sa région ; Porto, les Calanche et Cargèse ; La région d’Ajaccio et le haut Taravo ; Le Sud : Propriano, Bonifacio et Porto-Vecchio ; La côte orientale et le Fiumorbo ; Castagniccia, Costa Verde et Casinca. Pensez à utilisez en complément notre Carte Régional Corse n°528, notre Carte routière et touristique Corse.MICHELIN vous GuideVert la France de vos rêves !
The University of Chicago Press The Emergence of Tropical Medicine in France
The Emergence of Tropical Medicine in France examines the turbulent history of the ideas, people, and institutions of French colonial and tropical medicine from their early modern origins through World War I. Until the 1890s colonial medicine was in essence naval medicine, taught almost exclusively in a system of provincial medical schools built by the navy in the port cities of Brest, Rochefort-sur-Mer, Toulon, and Bordeaux. Michael A. Osborne draws out this separate species of French medicine by examining the histories of these schools and other institutions in the regional and municipal contexts of port life. Each site was imbued with its own distinct sensibilities regarding diet, hygiene, ethnicity, and race, all of which shaped medical knowledge and practice in complex and heretofore unrecognized ways. Osborne argues that physicians formulated localized concepts of diseases according to specific climatic and meteorological conditions, and assessed, diagnosed, and treated patients according to their ethnic and cultural origins. He also demonstrates that regions, more so than a coherent nation, built the empire and specific medical concepts and practices. Thus, by considering tropical medicine's distinctive history, Osborne brings to light a more comprehensive and nuanced view of French medicine, medical geography, and race theory, all the while acknowledging the navy's crucial role in combating illness and investigating the racial dimensions of health.
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Shadow Keeper
Moll Pecksniff and her friends are living as outlaws in a secret cave by the sea, desperate to stay hidden from the Shadowmasks. But further along the coast lies the Amulet of Truth, the only thing powerful enough to force the Shadowmasks back and contain their dark magic. So, together with Gryff, the wildcat that’s always by her side, and her best friends Alfie and Sid, Moll must sneak past smugglers, outwit mer creatures and crack secret codes to save the Old Magic. With more at stake than ever before and the dark magic rising fast, can Moll and her friends stop the Shadowmasks before it’s too late?Catapult into this page-turning adventure from the author of Sky Song, perfect for fans of J.K. Rowling, Michelle Harrison and Eva Ibbotson.'Reminded me of the very best of the Harry Potter books' Piers Torday, author of The Last Wild'A thrillingly wild adventure - bold, breathless and beautifully told' Jonathan Stroud, author of Lockwood & Co.'No one does edge-of-seat action like Abi Elphinstone' Emma Carroll, author of Letters from the Lighthouse'Abi Elphinstone’s books are full of adventure, wit, heart, and, above all, bravery’ Katherine Rundell, author of The Explorer ‘Abi Elphinstone is proving to be a worthy successor to CS Lewis’ The Times'A gifted storyteller... one of today's greatest children's authors' LoveReadingAlso by Abi Elphinstone:The DreamsnatcherThe Night SpinnerSky Song Winter Magic (anthology)Everdark (World Book Day)RumblestarJungledropThe Crackledawn DragonEverdark
Peeters Publishers Chen Cheng (1365-1457): Ambassadeur des Premiers Empereurs Ming
Chen Cheng naquit en 1365 sous le regne du dernier empereur mongol Shundi (1333-1367). Il connut dans son enfance les desordres de la fin des Yuan et l'avenement de la dynastie Ming (1368-1644). Laureat du concours du palais, il servit comme fonctionnaire du corps des envoyes diplomatiques sous les trois premiers empereurs Ming. Il mourut apres une longue retraite en 1457. Cette recherche vise a retrouver la trace de ce personnage pour lui redonner vie dans son epoque. Elle tente de presenter la vision des royaumes etrangers que pouvait avoir un voyageur chinois de cette epoque fortement marque par sa propre tradition. La politique de Yongle (1405-1424), fils du fondateur de la dynastie, tira son originalite d'une ouverture accrue sur le monde chinois, jusque vers un Occident lointain, ou les envoyes imperiaux se rendirent par voies de terre et de mer. La notoriete de Chen Cheng tient surtout a ses relations de voyages en Asie centrale. Sous le regne de Yongle, l'envoye imperial se rendit par trois fois aupres du fils de Tamerlan, Shahrukh, en sa capitale Herat. Au retour de sa premiere mission, en 1415, il presenta a la cour le "Journal de voyage dans les terres d'Occident" et le "Memoire sur les royaumes indigenes des terres d'Occident". Pour compenser la secheresse de son Journal et comme pour s'humaniser davantage a nos yeux, Chen Cheng nous offrit ses "Poemes de route". Si le chemin a travers les deserts et les montagnes n'est pas decrit minitieusement, on peut y suivre de loin en loin le cheminement mental de l'auteur et ressentir avec lui quelques emotions du voyage: joies, deconvenues, surprises, inquietudes mais aussi l'amusement de decouvrir. Chen Cheng n'est pas une figure dominante du pantheon des lettres chinois, mais il est surement representatif d'une elite talentueuse et cultivee de son temps, fidelement devouee a l'institution imperiale.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Francs et Orientaux dans le monde des croisades
This latest volume by Jean Richard is concerned with the evolution of the crusading movement and with the interaction between crusaders and indigenous peoples of the Near East. The articles look at changes in the concept of crusading, means of financing it, and forms of indulgence; at how the adoption of maritime transport created a need to control the sea, and how contacts with the Muslims could lead to peaceful means of resolving conflict and dealing with prisoners. In their lands in the east, the Latins accommodated the feudal structures they brought with them to local conditions, especially in the mountains. Both in this and in the religious sphere compromises were made, and in this co-existence each community preserved its individuality. The final section then considers roles played by eastern Christians in the contacts between Europeans and Mongols. Si les origines de la croisade retiennent l'attention, son évolution mérite elle aussi intérêt. La conception de la croisade, les modalités du financement, la forme d'indulgence, se sont modifiées; l'adoption du transport par bateau a nécessité la prise du contrôle de la mer. Les affrontements avec les Musulmans ont provoqueé des contacts, ainsi pour règler le sort des prisonniers; on a cheché des solutions pacifiques au conflit. Dans leurs possessions orientales, les Francs ont adapté le régime seigneurial aux conditions locales et, tout en gardant intacte leur structure féodale, réservé, surtout dans les montagnes, leur place aux chefs indigènes, Les contacts de civilisation sont réels, mais chaque communauté garde some individualité. Il en est de même dans le domaine religieux, où il a fallu adopter des compromis pout permettre une réelle coexistence. Et finalement les chrétiens orientaux ont été les agents du rapprochement entre Francs and Mongols.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Disenthralling Ourselves: Rhetoric of Revenge and Reconciliation in Contemporary Israel
Disenthralling Ourselves portrays contemporary Israel in a process of transition. Jewish-Israeli and Palestinian-Israeli communities share a nation-state divided by the separate truths of its conflicting fundamental narratives. This book considers ways of converting those separate and antagonistic narratives from fuel for conflict to seeds of change. Its purpose is to undo the convenient coherence of collective memory and master narratives through fostering a capacious moral imagination able to apprehend diverse, even contentious, stories and truths. Contemporary Israel functions as a case study in an in-depth and interdisciplinary exploration of conflict resolution, viewing Jewish-Israeli and Palestinian-Israeli documentary film, poetry, fiction, essays, memoir, peace initiatives, and other elements of collective narrative-building through a prism of three analogously themed Shakespearean plays. This comparative methodology is integrated with theoretical perspectives on reconciliation, resilience, critical reflection, and peace education in presenting concrete alternatives to the convenient comforts of the inimical master narratives that perpetuate what can now be seen as a hundred-year war. The readings offered in this book generate perspectives that can be adopted and adapted in relation to each other in the process of moving from a single static narrative of incessant warfare. The first section, 'Seeing in the Dark,' considers rhetoric and identity formation of cultures in transition. Its first half focuses on revenge cultures and reads Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice and Juliano Mer Khamis's documentary 'Arna's Children' in a fictive and documentary pairing of people stripped of all but revenge. Its second half considers rhetoric and Israeli identities in transition through the prism of Hamlet. Three genre-challenging authors represent Jewish-Israeli and Palestinian-Israeli narrative identity formation; Yaron Ezrahi, Emile Habiby,and Anton Shammas reflect a hybridity that emphasi
Little, Brown Book Group Death Doesn't Bargain
The Deadmen are back...But so are the demons who have broken free of their eternal prison and are bent on mankind's destruction. The worst of the lot is Vine, determined to claim their lives for taking hers. She will see the world burn . . . and has the perfect lure to destroy them all. One of their own.Kalder Dupree has never known a day of mercy. Born to the cruelest of mer-races, he sacrificed himself for his crew and is in Vine's hands. He expects no mercy or rescue.Yet Cameron Jack is determined to set Kalder free. As a Hellchaser, it's her calling, and she cannot allow even a not-so-innocent to be tortured for an act of kindness that spared her damnation.To defeat evil, it sometimes takes an even worse evil, and Cameron is willing to do whatever she must to make this right. If Vine thought she had her hands full before, she hasn't seen anything nearly as powerful as Cameron's resolve.Death Doesn't Bargain is the second historical fantasy title in New York Times bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon's Deadman's Cross series. Where Deadmen tell their tales, and every soul is damned or redeemed by the final choices they make.Praise for Sherrilyn Kenyon:'A publishing phenomenon . . . [Sherrilyn Kenyon is] the reigning queen of the wildly successful paranormal scene . . .' Publishers Weekly'Brisk, ironic and relentlessly imaginative. These are not your mother's vampire novels' Boston Globe'I couldn't put it down till I'd finished, I was utterly hooked . . . a fantastic read!''No matter the genre, Kenyon is an awesome read!' RT Book Reviews'A wild, wicked delight . . . no one does sexy, tormented heroes better - or more inventively - than Sherrilyn Kenyon' New York Times bestselling author Nicole Jordan
Industrial Press Inc.,U.S. The Productive Leadership System: Maximizing Organizational Reliability
Typical leadership training never seems to 'move the needle' in terms of creating more effective leaders. That's because the system that supports leadership hasn't changed. To get true improvement in leadership, organizations need to focus on accountability. There must be an asset management system that defines and assigns accountability. Then individual leaders can learn and apply productive leadership. The author has coined and trademarked the Productive Leadership System (PLS) which includes:A Productive Leadership Policy The Organizational Reliability Model(ORM). The Productive Leadership Model(PLM) A Productive Leadership Development Program The ORM overtly defines and assigns accountability across each leadership level. The PLM identifies the leadership roles, attributes, skills, sources of power and other aspects that productive leaders must master. The development program creates a leadership pipeline for professional development of current leaders and prospective leaders, and on-boarding the right people for leadership positions. The author includes a chapter on the human brain to show that leaders and followers are capable of learning throughout their lives, and the science behind creating habits and cultures. The book has several tools and exercises to help reinforce important concepts. Appendices include details on the Team Effectiveness and Motivation Survey (used in the 2015 Alidade MER/Plant Services Magazine Leadership Survey), an ISO 55000 overview and the Guidance and Execution Model, an example for developing processes and procedures. FEATURES: Recommendations for a full Productive Leadership Development Program and training, including: Characteristics of individual leaders: The desire to be responsible and having a personal mission, vision, and values that align with the leadership position. Leadership roles: Expert/technician, manager/administrator, coach, systems thinker, and visionary. Leadership attributes: Consistent, attentive, respectful, motivational, and assertive. Leadership skills: Time management, communication, empowerment, giving and receiving feedback, and conflict management.
Quercus Publishing Her Mother's Secret
'Sun-soaked escapism' BestFor many years Colette has avoided returning to her homeland - the magical island of Belle-Île-en-Mer in Southern Brittany - afraid to confront the painful memories she left behind. She is living on the Cornish coast when she hears about her mother Thea's failing health and realises that the time has come for her to go home. But can Colette ever forgive Thea for what she has done?Despite Colette's wariness, romantic Belle-Île still fascinates her. She takes on the running of her mother's flower shop and makes friends with Élodie from the Old Lighthouse where Thea once worked as a nanny and with the enigmatic Étienne who shares Colette's mixed feelings about the island. As Thea opens up to her for the first time, Colette finds herself softening and being drawn back into the landscape of her past. But can Belle-Île also be a part of her future?The ghosts of that past still linger. What happened all those years ago and how did it cause the rift between mother and daughter? It becomes clear that the beauty of Belle-Île hides a devastating family secret - one that Colette is determined to unravel at any cost.Readers love Her Mother's Secret'The ultimate feel-good read' Candis'A beautifully written story of loss and love, Her Mother's Secret is Rosanna Ley at her best' My Weekly'A must-read' 5* reader review'A real emotional journey with surprising twists and turns' 5* reader review'Beautifully written' Heat'A magical escape' 5* reader review'Another jewel of a read from Rosanna Ley' 5* reader review'A real emotional journey with surprising twists and turns' 5* reader review'Ley is a master storyteller' 5* reader review'A truly heart-breaking, heart-warming story' 5* reader review
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The British Navy, Economy and Society in the Seven Years War
An analysis of how Britain developed a superb supply system for the navy, with beneficial consequences both for victory in war and for Britain's economic development. A very important analysis of British naval victualling, with wide implications for economic as well as naval history. N.A.M. RODGER, All Souls College, Oxford This book, by a leading French maritime historian, discusses how Britain's success in the Seven Years War (1756-63) was made possible by the creation of a superb victualling system for the British navy. It shows how this system had been developed over the preceding centuries, how it balanced carefully the advantages of state control with the flexibility of commercial contracting, and how the system was designed to mesh with and support British strategic ambitions. It provides rich detail on how the system worked,how it was administered, how key products were priced, bought, stored and transported, and how it compared, very favourably, to equivalent systems in France and elsewhere. The book shows how the increasing efficiency of theVictualling Board enabled the navy to take advantage of agricultural, commercial and financial advances in the British economy to supply its front line fighting forces over ever longer distances and ever longer periods. The Victualling Board was one of a number of interfaces between the demands of the State and the supply facilities of the economy, to their mutual benefit. As a major purchaser through competitive tender, the Board made a positive contribution to the entrepreneurial spirit of British society. The book goes beyond maritime history by discussing how naval supply provided a huge stimulus for British finance, agriculture, trade and manufacturing, and argues that all this together was one of the principal causes of Britain's later Industrial Revolution. CHRISTIAN BUCHET is Professor of Modern History and Director of the Centre d'Etudes de la Mer at the Institut Catholique de Paris. Besides comparative studies of the British and French navies 1688-1783, he has written extensively on maritime environmental issues and is Secretary General of the National Council of the French Archipelago.
Hatje Cantz Hilma af Klint (Swedish edition): Konstnär, Forskare, Medium
Från att tidigare ha betraktats som en konstnärernas konstnär har Hilma af Klint (1862 - 1944), efter den första retrospektiva utställningen på Moderna Museet i Stockholm 2013 och den följande utställningsturnén som sågs av en miljonpublik, numera en etablerad plats i den abstrakta konstens historia. Centralt i hennes måleri är även frågan om andlighet. Hilma af Klint var en klassiskt skolad konstnär och ett medium som förvandlade andliga meddelanden till abstrakta och färgrika bilder. Ur en rad perspektiv undersöks i den här katalogen hur denna banbrytande abstrakta konstnär kopplade sin konstnärliga praktik till ett högre medvetande. I essäer av konsthistoriker, en kvantfysiker, en lärare i andlighet, en historiker i teosofi och esoterism, men flera, ges insikter om en värld bortom det synliga som fascinerar, nu kanske mer än någonsin. Katalogen har producerats i samband med utställningen med samma namn på Moderna Museet i Malmö, sommaren 2020. Once considered an outsider artist, after her show at the Guggenheim Museum was seen by more than half-a-mil-lion visitors, Hilma af Klint firmly established her place in art history. She has also been the subject of documenta-ry films and biographies. In 2013, Iris Müller-Westermann organized the first institutional exhibition of af Klint’s work. Now she presents us with the latest information and research in an extensive survey show at the Moder-na Museet in Malmö. Of crucial importance is the issue of spirituality in af Klint’s painting—how she managed to translate both the material and the immaterial world into a pictorial vision. The accompanying exhibition catalogue is the first to investigate, from a variety of perspectives, the question of how this trailblazing abstract artist linked her painting to a higher consciousness. Essays by leading historians of theosophy and a quantum physicist, among others, provide enlightening insight into a world in which both the visualization of atoms and spiritual séances alike became artistic material—a world that fascinates us even more than ever.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Healing with Light Frequencies: The Transformative Power of Star Magic
Access high-vibrational Consciousness Codes to heal your body and mind Star Magic Healing aligns you with high-vibrational Consciousness Codes and extraterrestrial light frequencies that expand your consciousness, shift your vibration, and speed up the healing process. Present on Earth in ancient Egyptian times, these Codes will transform your inner world and, in turn, upgrade your external reality. Through a series of major life events, Jerry Sargeant has reawakened this advanced soul technology and shares it here to help unleash the full potential of every living being. Jerry reveals how to connect with and harness extraterrestrial light frequencies to energize, uplift, and consciously empower your own life, others, and the planet. The author shares practical Star Magic Healing tools with step-by-step illustrations as well as visualizations, exercises, and meditations to shift your vibration and bring about rapid healing that lasts. He discusses holographic blueprints, pineal gland activation, quantum knowledge, parallel realities, shadow parasites, and the impact of crystals and sacred geometry. Offering basic, intermediate, and advanced ways of healing, the author explains how to work at the cellular level, clearly demonstrating how advanced healing is readily available for everyone. Learn how to activate your Mer-ka-ba field and open up to infinite streams of abundance. Jerry also shares real-life case studies, recounting how he has used high-vibrational light frequencies to successfully remove tumors, restore eyesight, heal hearts and relationships, and supercharge businesses for massive success. Star Magic offers an opportunity to heal at the deepest levels and find alignment with your life purpose. Star Magic Codes of Consciousness will connect you to the frequency of unconditional love, unleashing colossal inner wisdom and super-heightened awareness that enable you to manifest your perfect reality quickly. We each have the ancient power to heal and transform within us, and Star Magic offers the key to unleashing this power.
Cicerone Press The Pyrenean Haute Route: The HRP high-level trail
This guide presents the Pyrenean Haute Route in 44 day stages, which are divided between five sections: since each section starts and finishes at a location accessible by public transport, they can be walked individually if you don't have a spare month-and-a-half for a complete thru-hike. Although the route offers excellent opportunities for wild camping, each stage finishes at a mountain hut or village, meaning that you can sleep under a roof every night if you prefer. Clear route description is accompanied by 1:100,000 mapping. There are bad weather variants and alternatives to avoid the most technical sections, and the guide also includes optional ascents of 10 classic summits, including Vignemale, Pic du Taillon and the highest peak in the Pyrenees, Pico de Aneto. You'll also find helpful advice on travel to and from the route, equipment and safety. There are three main trekking routes across the Pyrenees from coast to coast: of these, the Pyrenean Haute Route (or HRP for Haute Route Pyrénéenne) is the most challenging - and arguably, the most spectacular. Unlike the GR10 and GR11, it is not waymarked and borders on mountaineering at times, sticking as closely as possible to the main ridge. It stretches 750km from the Atlantic resort of Hendaye to Banyuls-sur-Mer on the Mediterranean, crossing the French-Spanish border many times on its traverse. The hike calls for experience, navigational competence and self-reliance, but offers rich rewards as you pass through some of the most stunning landscapes the region has to offer. From the rolling green foothills of the Basque Country to High Pyrenean landscapes of aquamarine lakes nestled among 3000m peaks, the scenery is as varied as it is beautiful. Highlights include the karst terrain of Pic d'Anie, the Ossoue glacier, Lac de Mar in the picturesque Val d'Aran and the dramatic Cirque de Gavarnie with its towering cascade.
Bradt Travel Guides Seychelles
This new sixth edition of Bradt's Seychelles has been fully updated and remains the most comprehensive English-language guide to the country, with information on the biodiversity of the islands and updates on the conservation efforts (over 40% of the Seychelles' land is under environmental protection), presented in an easy-to-read format. New for this edition are expanded details of the many accommodation options, from many hotels that have recently been refurbished to higher standards and Félicités luxurious resort, to the growing number of B&Bs and small guest houses that offer a more authentic Seychellois experience. New places covered include the Outer Islands of Alphonse, Astove and Cosmoledo, while new practical information covers all the latest updates on getting around and details the significant increase in Marine Protected Areas. With plants and animals historically linked to Africa, Madagascar and Asia, and marine life native to the tropical Indo-Pacific region, the Seychelles is a haven for those interested in natural history. The authors provide fascinating coverage of the islands' fauna and flora, from mangroves and turtles to birds and nature reserves. Updated throughout, the guide reveals the islands many secrets, from coco de mer palm forests and bird sanctuaries to local markets and Creole cuisine. This new edition not only provides up-to-date details of where to stay, eat and relax, but also where the to find the world's tiniest tree frog and how to visit Bird Island to see the world's largest tortoise. Beaches, snorkelling and diving among the coral reefs, wildlife, sailing, festivals, the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Vallee de Mai and hiking in the mountains. all are covered in Bradt's Seychelles, making it an ideal companion for a dream holiday.
Archaeopress Sur les chemins d’Onagre: Histoire et archéologie orientales: Hommage à Monik Kervran
A pioneer of the French Islamic archaeology in the Middle East, Monik Kervran (CNRS, lab The Orient & The Mediterranean) was first renowned for her excavations at Susa in Iran and the discovery of the Darius’ statue at the start of her career in 1972. She then directed in the 70’s and 80’s excavations on the Arabian coasts of the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman, at the main pre-Islamic and Islamic maritime centers of Qal’at al-Bahrain and Sohar. She also led researches in Central Asia and Eastern Iran, excavating Nishapur, and, since the 90’s, in the Indus delta where she opened excavations at Sehwan Sharif and Banbhore. Through the nineteen international contributions of this volume, the editors and contributors wish to highlight the variety of Monik Kervran’s scientific interests. In this way, they express their admiration and gratitude for her many achievements, in the archaeology, history, architecture, iconography and material culture of the Middle East and Western Indian Ocean during the late pre-Islamic and Islamic periods. | Pionnière de l’archéologie islamique française au Moyen-Orient, Monik Kervran (Cnrs, laboratoire Orient & Méditerranée) s’est illustrée dès le début de sa carrière par ses fouilles à Suse en Iran et la découverte de la statue de Darius en 1972. Elle a dirigé dans les années 70 et 80 la fouille d’importants sites portuaires de la côte arabe du golfe Persique et de la mer d’Oman, à Qal’at al-Bahrain et Sohar. Elle a également mené des recherches en Asie centrale et en Iran oriental, notamment à Nishapour, puis, depuis les années 90, dans le delta de l’Indus où elle a ouvert des fouilles à Sehwan Sharif et Banbhore. A travers les dix-neuf contributions internationales présentées dans cet ouvrage, les éditeurs et les contributeurs ont désiré mettre en lumière la diversité des intérêts scientifiques de Monik Kervran. Ils souhaitent ainsi exprimer leur admiration et leur gratitude pour ses apports majeurs aux champs de l’archéologie, de l’histoire, de l’architecture, de l’iconographie et de la culture matérielle du Moyen-Orient et de l’océan Indien occidental aux périodes pré-islamique tardive et islamique.
Taschen GmbH Great Escapes Alps. The Hotel Book
The Alps are Europe’s biggest and greatest mountain range. Formed millions of years ago, they became a popular destination for travelers in the late eighteenth century – first for adventurers and explorers, then for artists and writers, and finally for everyone who wanted to spend summer in the fresh air of this wonderful scenery or take part in winter sports. Angelika Taschen has followed in their footsteps and collected the finest hotels in the Alpine nations of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, and Italy. They include the Kranzbach near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, built for a British aristocrat, Gasthof Hirschen in the Bregenzerwald, where art-loving visitors have been welcomed since 1755, and the Seehof near Salzburg with its emphasis on contemporary art and fine cuisine. The journey goes to the Schatzalp in Davos, which Thomas Mann immortalized in literature in “The Magic Mountain”, and to picturesque bed & breakfasts with a personal touch such as Brücke49 in Vals and Maison Bergdorf in Interlaken. High above Chamonix, mountaineers have stayed overnight for more than 140 years at Refuge du Montenvers with its view of the Mer de Glace, the largest glacier in France. In the exclusive Megève, too, which Baroness Noémie de Rothschild put on the tourist map, travelers experience the Alps à la française in the chalet hotel L’Alpaga; and a bit of Italian dolce vita is provided by stunning addresses in the South Tyrol such as the Ottmangut in Merano, Villa Arnica in Lana with its nostalgic atmosphere, and Pension Briol near Barbiano, constructed in 1928 in the Bauhaus style and extended in 2021 with the addition of two extremely modern buildings. This opulent book of photographs presents the Alpine range and accommodation in large-format images, short texts, and useful details on prices and how to get there. Walkers, skiers, gourmets, and lovers of good living will find valuable tips and very special accommodation: former monasteries where guests still find peace and seclusion, a mountain hut at the heart of the Dolomites, and a youth hostel occupying what was once a sanatorium, a rare example of modern architecture in Switzerland that was declared a heritage monument in 2002.
APA Publications The Mini Rough Guide to Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
This pocket-sized travel guide to Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do, what to see and how to get around the destination. It covers top attractions like Promenade des Anglais, La Croisette, the Musee Matisse, Zplage, The Vieux Port, as well as hidden gems, including Cap d'Ail and Royal Fort. Our Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo guide book will save you time and enhance your exploration of this fascinating region. This Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo travel guide has been fully updated post-COVID-19. This Mini Rough Guide to NICE, CANNES & MONTE CARLO covers: Nice; Cannes; Monaco; Excursions.In this guide book to Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo you will find: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Experiences selected for every kind of trip to Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo, from cultural explorations in Vieux Nice to family activities in child-friendly places, like Colline du Chateau or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Mougins.TOP TEN ATTRACTIONSThis Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo travel guide covers the destination's top ten attractions not to miss, including Chapelle Bellini, Villefranche-sur-Mer, Promenade des Anglais, La Croisette and a Perfect Day itinerary suggestions.COMPACT FORMATCompact, concise, and packed with essential information, with a sharp design and colour-coded sections, this guide book to Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo is the perfect on-the-move companion when you're exploring Monaco.HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTSIncludes an insightful overview of landscape, history and culture of Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo.WHAT TO DODetailed description of entertainment, shopping, nightlife, festivals and events, and children's activities.PRACTICAL MAPSHandy colour maps on the inside cover flaps of this travel guide to Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo will help you find your way around.PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATIONPractical information on eating out, including a handy glossary and detailed restaurant listings, as well as a comprehensive A-Z of travel tips on everything from getting around to health and tourist information.STRIKING PICTURESInspirational colour photography throughout.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of this Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo guide book to access all content from your phone or tablet for on-the-road exploration.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd March Past: The Memoir of a Commando Leader, From Lofoten to Dieppe and D-Day
At the outbreak of war in 1940, Simon Frazer, the 15th Lord Lovat and a former Guards officer, was mobilized from the reserve list to join the Lovat Scouts, the British Army's first sniper unit that had been formed by his father during the Boer War. The following year he volunteered for one of the new Commando units then being created. Lovat was personally involved in the training of the Commando troops on the West coast of Scotland. He was eventually attached to, and led, No.4 Commando. On 3 March 1941, Nos. 3 and 4 Commando launched a raid on the German-occupied Lofoten Islands. In this successful attack, Operation Claymore, the commandos destroyed fish-oil factories, petrol dumps, and even eleven ships. They also seized encryption equipment and codebooks, as well as captured 216 German troops. Promoted to temporary major, Lovat led 100 men of No.4 Commando and a 50-man detachment from the Canadian Carleton and York Regiment in a raid on the French coastal village of Hardelot in April 1942. For this action he was awarded the Military Cross on 7 July that year. Lord Lovat was involved in further raids against the German-held French coast, most notably Dieppe, during which No.4 Commando destroyed the coastal battery at Varengeville-sur-Mer in a text-book commando attack. This resulted in Lovat being awarded the DSO. Such was the effect the Commando raids had on German morale, Lovat had 100,000 Reichmarks placed on his head, dead or alive. Promoted to brigadier, Lovat formed the 1st Special Service Brigade (later the 1st Commando Brigade) which stormed ashore on D-Day to secure the eastern flank of the attacking forces. In this, he famously instructed his personal piper, Bill Millin, to pipe the commandos and himself ashore, in defiance of specific orders not to allow such an action in battle. In the subsequent fighting Lovat was seriously wounded, effectively ending his active career. These are the memoirs of one of the most remarkable fighting figures of the Second World War, who was involved in some its more exciting and dangerous operations. Despite his aristocratic ancestry, he led from the front and, without doubt, Simon Frazer, Lord Lovat was a soldiers' soldier.