Search results for ""inter-varsity press""
Inter-Varsity Press Pictures at a Theological Exhibition: Scenes Of The Church'S Worship, Witness And Wisdom
Many Christians are held captive by a picture of the imagination as a purveyor of false images, prone to idolatry. We live in a society fixated on images that have little or no significance. We are surrounded by models of the world that are not in touch with any truth outside of themselves. But we lack the resources to see and imagine things differently. Kevin Vanhoozer calls the church to a more biblical and premodern picture, one that sees every particular person, thing and event in the light of God’s act of reconciling the world to himself in Christ. Through essays on the church’s worship, witness and wisdom, Vanhoozer shows us how a poetic imagination can answer the questions of life’s meaning by drawing our attention to what really matters: the God of the gospel.
Inter-Varsity Press Calling on the Name of the Lord: A Biblical Theology Of Prayer
"At that time people began to call upon the name of the LORD" (Genesis 4:26 ESV). From this first mention of prayer in the Bible, right through to the end, when the church prays "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:20), prayer is intimately linked with the gospel?God's promised and provided solution to the problem of human rebellion against him and its consequences. After defining prayer simply as "calling on the name of the Lord," Gary Millar follows the contours of the Bible's teaching on prayer. His conviction is that even careful readers can often overlook significant material because it is deeply embedded in narrative or poetic passages where the main emphases lie elsewhere. Millar's initial focus is on how "calling on the name of the Lord" to deliver on his covenantal promises is the foundation for all that the Old Testament says about prayer. Moving to the New Testament, he shows how this is redefined by Jesus himself, and how, after his death and resurrection, the apostles understood "praying in the name of Jesus" to be the equivalent new covenant expression. Throughout the Bible, prayer is to be primarily understood as asking God to deliver on what he has already promised?as Calvin expressed it, "through the gospel our hearts are trained to call on God's name" (Institutes 3.20.1). This New Studies in Biblical Theology volume concludes his valuable study with an afterword offering pointers to application to the life of the church today. Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.
Inter-Varsity Press Keswick Yearbook 2014: Searching For Reality In A Confusing World
We have more access to knowledge than ever before but, paradoxically, we are still searching for truth – for a way to make sense of our questions. The questions don't stop when we become Christians, and so the 2014 Keswick Convention addressed the theme: Really? Searching for Reality in a Confusing World. During the three weeks of Convention we looked at the truth the gospel offers, how the Bible addresses the big questions of life, and how we can grow as disciples in an uncertain world. This Year Book includes a selection of talks given during the 2014 Convention: Bible teaching from Roger Carswell, Ian Coffey, Jonathan Lamb, Ruth Padilla de Borst, Becky Manley Pippert, Ivor Poobalan, Vaughan Roberts, David Robertson and Chris Sinkinson to help ground your faith in the life-transforming reality found in Jesus.
Inter-Varsity Press The Gospel According to Luke
This new Pillar commentary devotes attention throughout to the vocabulary, historical background, special themes, and narrative purpose that make the book of Luke unique among the four Gospels. Though the Gentile focus of Luke is often held to be primary, James Edwards counterbalances that by citing numerous evidences of Luke's overarching interest in depicting Jesus as the fulfillment of the providential work of God in the history of Israel, and he considers the possibility that Luke himself was a Jew. Edwards also draws out other important thematic issues in excursuses scattered throughout the commentary, including discussion of Luke's infancy narrative, the mission of Jesus as the way of salvation, and Luke's depiction of the universal scope of the gospel. This readable, relevant commentary attends to the linguistic, historical, literary, and theological elements of Luke that are essential to its meaning and considers Luke's significance for the church and the life of faith today.
Inter-Varsity Press Dig Deeper into the Gospels: Coming Face To Face With Jesus In Mark
Anyone who has been through Sunday school can tell you that Jesus walked on water, fed the 5,000 and told a parable about a sower. Is there really much more to it than that? Aren't the Gospels supposed to be the "easy" bits of the Bible? Using Mark as a worked example, Andrew and Tim follow 'the most important things that have ever happened in the history of the world'. They help us see "a diagnosis of the human condition more perceptive than that offered by any physician, politician, philosopher or psychiatrist". They point to a solution that touches in the same moment both the horrors of hell and the glory of heaven. We come face to face with the Jesus of the Bible and see how to follow him in a way that utterly transforms our lives. The conviction of the Dig Deeper books is that God wants us to work hard at reading the Bible in order to discover its true meaning, hence the use of 'tools' to dig and dig again. It's an interactive and enjoyable process. Indeed, the authors want to make finding Bible treasure a real possibility for everyone. And to do so with receptive hearts, listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying. 'What a splendid book! A great resource for Bible study leaders and preachers.' - Peter Adam 'This book is a gold mine, not just because of the many rich ideas it contains, but especially because it enables us to discover the treasures of the Gospels... The resulting engagement with the gospel - with Jesus himself - is compelling and life-changing.' - Jonathan Lamb
Inter-Varsity Press The Guilt Book: A Path To Grace And Freedom
'Here's a great resource which is well based in the Bible and contemporary counselling practice and yet is practical, manageable, and provides a step-by-step guide towards being set free from guilt, as Christ intends. 'Derek Tidball, Former Principal of London School of Theology * Have you been forgiven but you still feel guilty? * Does something from your past nag away despite all your best efforts to shrug it off? * Do mistakes loom large in your thinking and do your conversations start with an apology? Many people are paralysed with guilt. Guilt robs you of freedom, peace and joy. It can make you feel unacceptable or isolated. Jesus' forgiveness is the ultimate remedy for guilt, but even for those who believe, guilty feelings can still present a lingering problem. The Guilt Book combines biblical theology and modern psychology, offering a fresh perspective and helping us differentiate between our true guilt, for which forgiveness is needed, and false guilt, for which a psychological approach will help. Together, we will challenge entrenched cycles of guilt, with their associated feelings of hopelessness and despair. Freedom from persistent guilt is possible. Peace is worth fighting for.
Inter-Varsity Press The Contemporary Christian: An Urgent Plea For Double Listening
The Contemporary Christian is John Stott's definitive and passionate plea to the church. Before we attempt to teach or evangelise, he urges, we must listen to God's Word and God's world. Only then will we be able to communicate the authentic gospel effectively.John Stott himself models this 'double listening' as he tackles five key questions: * Amid scepticism inside the church as well as outside, what is the authentic gospel? * In a world torn by pain and need, what characterises the obedient disciple? * Now that the Bible is often set aside as culturally irrelevant, how can we relate it with integrity to contemporary society? * Given the church's general lack of credibility, what is her calling and how can she fulfil it? * In a pluralistic society and a hungry world, what is the church's mission?
Inter-Varsity Press New Dictionary of Biblical Theology
In recent years our knowledge of the individual parts of the Bible has increased greatly, but our understanding of how they fit together has not kept pace. In particular, the relationship between the Old and New Testaments has been a neglected field of study. The latest in IVP's developing family of New Dictionaries, the 'New Dictionary of Biblical Theology' is an essential tool for students, preachers and ministers, as well as for scholars and others seeking a better grasp of the Bible's teaching. The aim of this prestigious dictionary is to integrate the various biblical books and themes into the overarching story of the Scriptures. The volume embodies three perspectives on biblical theology, which are reflected in its structure.
Inter-Varsity Press Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction Commentary
Surprisingly, in recent years evangelical exegetical commentaries on Isaiah have been few and far between. Now after over three decades of studying and teaching Isaiah, Alec Motyer presents a wealth of comment and perspective on this book. Although his emphasis is on the grammatical, historical, structural, literary and theological dimensions of the text, Motyer writes with an eye on its meaning for Christians today. Based on the author's knowledge of the Hebrew text, but utilizing the New International Version, the commentary easily accommodates readers without a working knowledge of biblical Hebrew. Preachers, teachers and serious Bible students of all types will find this commentary a wise, winsome and welcome guide to the prophecy of Isaiah. It may easily be the best one-volume evangelical commentary on Isaiah available today.
Inter-Varsity Press Tested by fire: The Fruit Of Affliction In The Lives Of John Bunyan, William Cowper And David Brainerd
Great privilege. Great pain. This is God's way: to take the privilege of faith and strengthen it with real trials so that we worship and witness with a greater passion for God. There is a certain irony to the fruit of affliction; John Bunyan's confinement taught him the pilgrim path of Christian freedom; William Cowper's mental illness yielded sweet music of the mind for troubled souls; David Brainerd's smouldering misery of isolation and disease exploded in global mission beyond all imagination. Irony and disproportion are all God's way. We think we know how to do something big, and God makes it little. We think that all we have is weak and small, and God makes it big. Barren Sarah gives birth to the child of promise. Gideon's three hundred men defeat a hundred thousand Midianites. A slingshot in the hand of a shepherd boy brings the giant down. A virgin bears the Son of God. A boy's five loaves feeds thousands. A breach of justice, grovelling political expediency, and criminal torture on a gruesome cross become the salvation of the world.
Inter-Varsity Press Imagine: A Vision For Christians And The Arts
Can Christian artists tough it out in the real world? Or can Christian art only survive when unchallenged, in the cordoned off enclave of the Christian subculture? If our music, writing, theatre, painting, artistic expression is insipid and uninspiring, how great is the God who allows it to represent him? How exciting is the life that seems to prefer drabness to colour, shallowness to complexity, security to risk? The world of the arts and media is where ideas are rehearsed and values are tested. And yet the Christian presence in that world is insignificant, and the church has not always been supportive. Are we fearful of opening ourselves to its influence, or are Christian artists too often swallowed up by the world where they seek to be salt and light? Steve Turner urges us to develop ways of being out there, of thinking rigorously but christianly, of finding a voice, of achieving an integrity in our artistic expression while maintaining a true spiritual integrity. Only then can our art naturally and inevitably speak of the hope that we have.
Inter-Varsity Press Self-esteem: The Cross And Christian Confidence
Self-esteem is a problem for many people today, including Christians. Low self-esteem can hinder people from achieving their potential, and prevent even the most dedicated Christians from fulfilling God's purpose in their lives. Yet properly understood, the gospel provides an important answer to low self-esteem. In this important book, Joanna McGrath, a psychologist, and Alister McGrath, a theologian, explore a number of crucial questions, including; what is self-esteem?; are Christians allowed to have positive self-esteem?; what about sin and humility?; are psychological approaches to counselling anti-Christian?; how can I nurture self-esteem in myself and in other people? They demonstrate the centrality of the cross to a Christian understanding of self-esteem, and the importance of secure parental attachment to God in Christ for an authentic experience of self-worth. Their analysis also provides a sure-footed guide through current secular approaches in psychology and psychotherapy, revealing some of the strengths and weaknesses of these views.
Inter-Varsity Press Hear, My Son: Teaching And Learning In Proverbs 1-9
In a groundbreaking work Dan Estes produces a systematic theory of education in how to live. He describes and explains the rich tradition of education in living underlying Proverbs 1 - 9, a tradition based on that most important concept, 'The fear of the LORD'.
Inter-Varsity Press Skilful shepherds: Explorations In Pastoral Theology
Pastoral theology is theology seen from the shepherding perspective. Relating to every aspect of church life - from leading congregations to counselling individuals - it calls for pastors with a good grasp of Christian doctrine and a wide range of skills. After defining pastoral theology the author examines its biblical foundations. He then surveys the various ways in which it has been understood in the history of the church. In his final section Dr Tidball considers five major themes - belief, forgiveness, suffering, unity and ministry - as examples of pastoral theology at work in the church today.
Inter-Varsity Press When God's voice is heard: The Power Of Preaching
"Good preaching is the present Word of God to his people", argues J. I. Packer. And it is to communicate this that is our first calling. In this inspiring collection of essays, experienced preachers explore the different aspects of preaching.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of Creation
This is a journey through the Bible, which is an exploratory walk rather than a motorway dash. The large number and diversity of biblical passages dealing with the theme of creation underlines its central importance to the biblical message. As a theologian (whose focus is the Bible) and as an eminent astrophysicist (whose subject is the visible universe) David Wilkinson is well placed to try to capture some of the richness of the biblical portrayal of creation. The key to this portrait, believes David Wilkinson, is to see Father, Son, and Spirit in the beginning, the sustaining, and the new beginning of creation, giving life and love in a generosity beyond our imaginings.
Inter-Varsity Press Studies in the sermon on the mount
With characteristic insight, Dr D. Martyn Lloyd-jones here offers a detailed and comprehensive exposition of one of the best known but most frequently misunderstood passages of scripture – the Sermon on the Mount/ The Sermon on the Mount, says Lloyd-Jones, is not a code of ethics or morals; it is a description of what Christians are meant to be. With his eye always on both Scripture and life, he explains and applied Christ’s teaching for Christians struggling to live like Christ. Originally delivered as sermons, the sixty studies in this devotional classic provide a fine example of clear, consecutive expository preaching from one of the greatest preachers of our time.
Inter-Varsity Press The Paul Quest
Inter-Varsity Press Life in Our Hands
Explores how Christians can make balanced ethical decisions.
Inter-Varsity Press The Futures of evangelicalism
Inter-Varsity Press Transformed by God: New Covenant Life And Ministry
What significance does the New Covenant have for life and ministry? Foundational to the New Testament understanding of Jesus is Jeremiah's promise of a "new covenant"--that God will transform our hearts. In this important new study, David Peterson expounds Jeremiah's oracle and its influence on the New Testament, as well as the relevance of the New Covenant for life today. Peterson demonstrates the practical implications of this new identity, especially for evangelism and the care of believers. As part of this renewed community, Christ-followers are empowered to point others to God's glory in everything. In Transformed by God, readers will find the biblical basis for New Covenant ministry and the power it provides.
Inter-Varsity Press Sermon on the Mount (Lifebuilder Study Guides)
What does it mean to seek first the kingdom in our relationships, values, ambitions, finances and commitment to God? Jesus' answer to these questions amazed those who first theard the Sermon on the Mount. In this guide, John Stott amazes and challenges us by the greatest sermon ever preached. This revised Lifebuilder Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader's notes and an extra 'Now or Later' section in each study. There are twelve studies in this book that cover Matthew 5 to Matthew 7.
Inter-Varsity Press Jonah, Joel & Amos (Lifebuilder Study Guides)
In today's world it's easy to wander away from God. Hectic schedules and the quest for success often mean that time with God gets neglected. But if we slow down long enough to listen, these three minor prophets - Jonah, Joel and Amos - can have a major impact on the quality of our lives. 12 studies for individuals or groups. This revised study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader's notes and an extra "now or later" section in each study.
Inter-Varsity Press The Fire Divine: An Introduction To The Evangelical Revival
The evangelical revival of the eighteenth century was a renewal movement of international proportions. David Ceri Jones offers a lively, accessible and informative introduction to its roots and main events, personalities and ideas, and assesses its wider impact.
Inter-Varsity Press Popcultured: Thinking Christianly About Style, Media And Entertainment
What does our faith have to say about film? Music? Art? Fashion? Comedy? Or all the rest of popular culture? How can the Ancient of Days possibly keep up with modern culture? What does the Bible have to say about the Beatles? But God knows everything there is to know about them: the Beatles made Revolver, but God made the Beatles. He shows us that understanding what drives pop culture is crucial for the church. It will help us relate to the stories, the poetry, the idolatry of our times - and so to speak powerfully to our culture's hopes and fears. Even more, it can strengthen our faith - reminding us of forgotten truths, challenging our assumptions and forging connections with the world around us.
Inter-Varsity Press Resistance Fighter: God's Heart For The Broken
One woman opens her heart and life to an extraordinary God, stopping at nothing to take him at his word. Susie Howe mobilizes others to fight injustice against the poorest of the world's poor: those with HIV, orphans, street children, and persecuted 'child witches'. We go on a sweeping journey from a mud hut in remote Zimbabwe, down the back streets of Manila in the Philippines; from the jungles of the Democratic Republic of Congo to war-torn northern Uganda. Meet some of the unsung heroes who bring life, hope and transformation to individuals and whole communities.
Inter-Varsity Press Housegroups (Rejacket): The Leaders' Survival Guide
Ideas, resources and encouragement for small-group leaders. Ever since New Testament times small groups of Christians have met to learn, to worship and to grow together. An effective group enables its members to thrive in their Christian life and make an impact in their world. This guide equips small-group leaders to steer a group with confidence and competance. Written by experienced authors with much wisdom it will give you the vision you are looking for. Chapters explore: - What makes a good leader - Prayer and worship in a homegroup setting - Troubleshooting - Reaching out to others ...and much more. Essential reading whether you're starting a housegroup, taking an existing group forward or revitalizing a group that has gone a little flat. This practical guide will transform your vision, develop your skills, focus your aims and enable you to lead your group with panache.
Inter-Varsity Press Rise: One Life. One Way. One Master
The truth that Christians live by is that the best life possible is one that's lived in the presence of God; a life that is up close and personal with the mighty creator who made everything. Becoming a Christian isn't just about being saved from something but for something. The moment you say 'yes' to Jesus, you start out on the greatest adventure of your life and you discover something utterly priceless; a life lived side by side with God forever. Are you ready to RISE to that challenge?
Inter-Varsity Press Pure: Sex And Relationships God's Way
Pure' was developed and written against a background of increasing promiscuity and godlessness in twenty-first century Britain. It offers an alternative to swimming with the tide. It looks at God’s plan for creation, the impact of the fall, our wrong motives, and how we can live in harmony with God, which means of course living pure lives.
Inter-Varsity Press A Gracious and Compassionate God: Mission, Salvation And Spirituality In The Book Of Jonah
The book of Jonah is full of surprises, and this is no less true for us today than it was for its original readers. How is it possible that a city like Nineveh would repent? Why does Jonah seem so out of touch with the God who calls him to act as a prophet? And the end of the book asks readers the same question that God poses to Jonah: to what extent is their character truly in accord with that of the God whom they claim to serve? At the same time, Jonah centres on the grand theme of the Bible: the manifestation of God's unmerited grace to those who have sinned against him. However, despite its brevity, Jonah raises challenging theological questions regarding mission and religious conversion; and there is no shortage of fascinating historical aspects, along with the various unexpected plot twists. In this stimulating biblical-theological study, Daniel Timmer examines the book's historical backgrounds (in both Israel and Assyria), discusses the biblical text in detail, and pays special attention to redemptive history and its Christocentric orientation. He explores the relationship between Israel and the nations - including the question of mission - and the nature of religious conversion and spirituality in the Old Testament. Timmer also argues that the book of Jonah was written to facilitate spiritual change in its readers, and our study is not complete until we have wrestled with it on those terms. The New Studies in Biblical Theology offer creative expositions of key issues in understanding the Bible.
Inter-Varsity Press God Doesn't Do Waste: Redeeming The Whole Of Life
When God challenged him over his attitude to the environment, Dave Bookless did a total rethink. This led to major changes, not only in his family's lifestyle but also eventually in his career: full-time involvement in the global A Rocha movement that aims to care for God's fragile world. But in one sense this book isn't about going green at all. It's a personal account of a life lived in relationship. It's about roots and belonging, suffering and healing, identity and meaning, faith and doubt. It's about how in God's economy nothing need be wasted. This is a story about the messiness that each human being wades through in every area of their lives, and about a God who can take all that seems most wasteful and useless, and recycle it into something of infinite worth.
Inter-Varsity Press Single Issue
Nearly half today's adult population is unmarried. Most churches, however, emphasize marriage and family in a way that leaves many Christian singles feeling like second-class citizens. Although Jesus himself was single, the single state is often regarded as a problem in itself (rather than as having problems, as marriage does). By contrast, 'The Single Issue' sets out a positive, biblical view that honours singleness as a status equal to marriage. Avoiding trite advice on how to suffer through the single life, it offers practical insights on key concerns such as sex, celibacy and the constructive use of solitude - and points the way to a Christian community in which all members are equally valued.
Inter-Varsity Press Good News About Injustice: 10th anniversary edition: A Witness Of Courage In A Hurting World
The good news about injustice is that God is against it. God is in the business of using the unlikely to accomplish justice and mercy. In this tenth-anniversary edition of Gary Haugen's challenging and encouraging book, he offers stories of courageous Christians who have stood up for justice in the face of human trafficking, forced prostitution, racial and religious persecution, and torture. This expanded edition brings up to date his work in calling for the body of Christ to act. Throughout, he provides concrete guidance on how ordinary Christians can rise up to seek justice throughout the world.
Inter-Varsity Press Cherished: Boys, Bodies And Becoming A Girl Of Gold
Rachel Gardner tackles head-on the issues facing teenage girls: self-image, the pull of the in-crowd, puberty, boys, sex, regrets and godly ambition. Credible yet shot through with biblical wisdom, parents and youthworkers can give this book to those they care for with confidence. To her readers, she writes: 'I realize that you don't know me so it might feel a bit weird me saying that. But it's true. I have written this book because I want to let you in on a bit of a secret; you are precious and your life is a gift to you. It's a secret because few of us know it and fewer actually believe it. I hope you will feel inspired to explore your abilities and dreams be encouraged to protect your heart and still keep it open to God and others appreciate your life and the mysteries in the world around you May these words of wisdom help you know that you are lovely, lovable, unique, full of potential and, above all, cherished. Rachel x'
Inter-Varsity Press Signposts: A Devotional Map Of The Psalms
There have been times of personal difficulty when the Psalms alone have been my source of hope, as they directed me to God and his rebuke and discipline but also to his unfailing love and forgiveness.' The Psalms have an extraordinary ability to enable people to give voice to joy, praise and thanksgiving and an equal ability to turn their fears, frustrations and failures into heartfelt prayer to God. The whole of life is to be found in them, the complete range of emotions and the raw reality of our precarious existence. Signposts provides a map to help readers chart their way through the Psalms, watch out for points of interest, and make connections between one place and another. This devotional book will repay careful reading with a Bible open alongside it. *A psalm per page makes for ideal daily reading or preacher's notes. *Short articles explore significant themes from the Psalms. *'Signposts' helpfully provoke reflection, action or response.
Inter-Varsity Press Just Sex: Is It Ever Just Sex?
Waiting for a baby is a painful reality for many. As long months pass the well-meaning optimism of friends starts to ring hollow. The emphasis on family at the weekly church service becomes an unwelcome reminder of what's missing. God seems reluctant to bless. Using a wealth of real life stories this deeply caring book offers practical resources to address the pain and encourages biblical thinking childlessness and infertility. 'We have learnt that we are not immune from problems and we grow as Christians as a result of them. Most importantly, no matter how awful and difficult it seems, God is in control of what is happening to us, even if we most definitely are not.'
Inter-Varsity Press Beyond the Edge: One Woman's Journey Out Of Post-Natal Depression And Anxiety
Broken, desperate and humiliated, I entered the house. When I saw Steve and Katherine, my heart felt like it was going to explode in agony. They did not deserve this madness in their lives ...' Cut off by a dense fog of post-natal depression and anxiety, Hazel Rolston felt pushed beyond the edge. But when the grim voice of Despair offered her the path of suicide, she knew instinctively that this was not God's way for her. Hazel doesn't offer us a formula for instant escape. But she does remind us that God is there, even if our feelings say the opposite. No matter how bad things feel, God is faithful to his wounded, broken people beyond the edge.
Inter-Varsity Press Real life Jesus: Meaning, Freedom, Purpose
Forty pilot whales lie stranded on Darlington Beach, Tasmania. Marine conservation biologist Andrew Irvine knows he must act fast... The Bible teaches that as the whale was made for the ocean, men and women were made for God. Our relationship with him is the environment in which we are free to be fully human. Author Mike Cain unpacks Jesus' claims in John's Gospel and shows us why they cannot be ignored: sin, forgiveness and restoration affect us personally. With humour, originality, passion and sensitivity, Mike asks us to look again at Jesus: the real-life version, not the caricature.
Inter-Varsity Press Longing for more: A Woman'S Path To Transformation In Christ
It used to be that a woman's choices were fairly simple: she went to school, got married, stayed married to the same man - for better or worse - and raised children. Standards of conduct and morality were widely accepted, and generally we knew what was expected. This is no longer the case. Today we can have a career, full-time or part-time, at home or away from home, or we can focus our energy and time solely on family and volunteer work. We can get married or stay single, have children - the 'regular way' or through adoption - or not. But choices do not necessarily make life easier - they often make life more difficult, because they produce guilt, self-doubt and stress. With compassion and insight Ruth Haley Barton identifies the pressure exerted on Christian women - by church, culture and from within - and the radical call of Christ to each of us to be free. Exploring eleven freedoms available in Jesus, she shows how Christian women can respond to the genuinely liberating call of Christ on their lives.
Inter-Varsity Press Sealed with an Oath: Covenant in God's Unfolding Purpose
I will make an everlasting covenant with you ... ' (Isaiah 55:3). 'Covenant' is a major theme in the Bible, and many Christian thinkers across the centuries have made it the organizing principle by which they understand the Old and New Testaments. The biblical material is undoubtedly plentiful, but some specific texts are also much disputed. In this stimulating overview, Paul Williamson offers fresh readings of many passages that contribute to the theme of covenant, highlights its significance for biblical theology, and explores its role within God's unfolding purpose. He concludes that covenant is essentially 'a solemn commitment, guaranteeing promises undertaken by one or both parties, sealed with an oath', and that its primary function is to advance God's creative purpose of universal blessing, from its inception in the primeval period to its consummation in the new heavens and the new earth.
Inter-Varsity Press Sowing reaping keeping
Biblical and practical help for evangelism. Evangelism can seem intimidating but this book will help you tell others about Jesus by simply exploring what it means to sow the seed of faith, to reap the harvest and to nurture the faith as it grows: Sow, Reap, Keep.
Inter-Varsity Press Crying for justice: What The Psalms Teach Us About Mercy And Vengeance In An Age Of Terrorism
John Day explores the psalms that appeal to God for curse or vengeance, and the relevant New Testament teaching, to offer a biblical defence of the appropriate use of 'cursing' in the context of Christian ethics and justice.
Inter-Varsity Press He came down from heaven: The Pre-Existence Of Christ And The Christian Faith
Accompanying all the new studies of the life of Jesus has been the question of Jesus' identity. Was he anything more than a human creature? A key issue in this debate is the claim of Jesus' pre-existence as the divine, uncreated Son of God before his incarnation on earth. Doug McCready provides a thorough survey of the doctrine, covering New Testament teaching, Jewish and Hellenistic background and historical development. He carefully weighs the evidence and engages the arguments for and against the orthodox Christian conviction of Christ's pre-existence. Drawing on expert scholarship McCready makes this important subject of debate accessible to students and other non-experts who want to know the evidence and arguments for this central doctrine of Christian faith. This book will be especially useful as a supplementary text for theology courses on Christology or in biblical studies courses on the New Testament witness to Jesus Christ.
Inter-Varsity Press The God of Covenant: Biblical, Theological And Contemporary Perspectives
The theme of covenant is foundational to the Bible's story. From the beginning of the biblical narrative, God is revealed as the one who enters into covenant relationship with his people, and this theme threads its way through the unfolding account of God s involvement in his creation and its redemption. The essence of covenant is simple; the divine promise that 'I will be your God and you will be my people', but the implications are immense, and breath-taking. This volume explores the concept of covenant from a variety of perspectives. It examines relevant texts in both Old and New Testaments, discusses the development of the theme within the canon of Scripture, and also draws out some of its theological, ethical and contemporary implications. As befits such a magisterial topic, the discussion is wide-ranging and fascinating. The contributors are David L. Baker, Christopher J. H. Wright, David Firth, James Hely Hutchinson, Tan Kim Huat, Alistair Wilson, Andrew T. B. McGowan, Harry Bunting and Colin Chapman.
Inter-Varsity Press More Than Conquerors
Inter-Varsity Press Oasis of Imagination: Engaging our World through a Better Creativity
What should the church's cultural witness be? Too often, it has been marked by political strong-arming or fearful withdrawal into the "Christian bubble." There is another way: creative cultural engagement, using our imaginations to plant oases in the desert, breathable spaces that refresh, challenge, and draw together Christians and non-Christians alike. Oases refresh the soul, provoke discussion, challenge assumptions, and lead the imagination to a new place. In Oasis of Imagination, Ted Turnau lays out the Biblical mandate for engaging culture, and why the imaginative path holds promise. He explores the nature of the imagination from both Scripture and nature. He asks, "What makes a Christian imagination that resonates with non-Christians different?" He explores examples of Christian creativity done well from video games to movies to music to The Lord of the Rings. He challenges the church, artist and non-artist alike, to be intentional about their own imaginative lives, how artists and non-artists can support each other, as they together engage in building bridges and being cultural ambassadors to the wider community. In-depth and wide-ranging, Oasis of Imagination equips and encourages Christians, whatever their calling, to consider how to imaginatively enter into the broader cultural conversation, beyond the culture-warring and Christian bubbles. It seeks to provoke a conversation within the church between its artists and non-artists about how best to unleash our God-given creativity to shine light into the broader culture.
Inter-Varsity Press Food for the Journey Bible Themes
365 Devotional based on the Food for the Journey Themes series from Keswick Ministries. Delve into Bible readings for the whole year from the inspirational Bible teachers at the Keswick Convention.
Inter-Varsity Press Ezra and Nehemiah
This classic Biblical commentary from Derek Kidner explores the theology and text of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah.