Search results for ""batsford ltd""
Batsford Ltd King Arthur - English
What is the origin of the stories of the Round Table, of Excalibur and the Holy Grail, of Sir Launcelot and Guinevere? And where was Camelot? King Arthur’s name has echoed down the centuries, conjuring up rich images of mystery and power, chivalry and romance. But did he exist at all? There is no evidence to prove he reigned in the fifth and sixth centuries; no eye-witness accounts of his coronation and no reliable manuscripts outlining his deeds. This full-colour guide examines the facts of the legends in the tantalising puzzle of King Arthur and his knights. Learn about the origins of the Round Table, the cult of chivalry and conflict between knights, and Arthur's shape-shifting half-sister Moran le Fay. From the origins of Arthurian legend to the new phase in the Arthurian cyce in the romantic revival of the early nineteenth century, read about the tantalizing puzzle that is King Arthur. Look out for more Pitkin guides on the very best of British history, heritage and travel.
Batsford Ltd English Fairy Tales and Legends
12 classic English fairy tales and their history, from tales of dragons to Robin Hood. Folk tales and legends are an intrinsic part of English national culture. In his book, Rosalind Kerven has revived the best English fairy tales for a new generation. These are stories of giants, dragons, fairies and Arthurian Romance. Together, they form a perfect introduction to the different types of traditional stories and their place in English oral and written heritage. Each tale is linked with a specific place or county in England: 'The Dragon Castle' from Northumberland, 'The Girl Snatched By Fairies' from County Durham, 'The Princess and the Fool' from Kent and 'The Dark Moon' from Lincolnshire. The book also includes notes on each story: the history and where it came from, its development and short summaries of many related or similar stories.
Batsford Ltd Celtic Fairy Tales and Legends
From mermaids to dragons, 16 ancient Celtic fairy tales retold with their histories The Celtic cultures of the British Isles – Ireland, Scotland and Wales – have produced some of the richest traditional tales in Europe. Three words best sum up their themes and flavour: adventure, enchantment and romance. In this book, Rosalind Kerven has revived the best Celtic fairy tales for a new generation. The stories are sourced from old folk tale collections from all three regions, alongside selected medieval Welsh and Irish texts. • Visit mysterious Otherworlds inside the hills and below the sea – including a land where only the truth is ever spoken. • Meet iconic characters such as the first great Welsh poet, Taliesin, and the mighty Irish hero, Fionn mac Cumhaill. • Cheer on bold Scots lasses such as Mallie Whuppy, as she outwits a fearsome giant, and Kate Crackernuts, who rescues a prince from bewitchment. • Encounter witches, fairies, a bogle, talking animals and strange underwater beings. Each story is retold from the medieval texts and oral storytelling traditions of Ireland, Scotland and Wales, with fascinating background notes and a long list of sources and further reading included. The background notes feature a list of source material, analyses of themes, and examples of similar legends from all over Europe.
Batsford Ltd The Poetry of Birds
A beautifully illustrated collection of famous poems written about birds to read and cherish as a source of comfort and joy. Poets have long looked to birds for inspiration and this anthology of 65 poems is an ode to the myriad of way that these creatures bring us joy and solace. The poets here represented are amongst the greatest who have ever lived, and their joint celebration of a common theme has resulted in an enchanting book. Amongst the poets whose work is included are Blake, Shakespeare and Wordsworth; Tennyson, Keats and Shelley; twentieth-century writers, amongst them Yeats, Laurie Lee and Ted Hughes; and such American poets as Thoreau, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost and Theodore Roethke. Each poem is illustrated by iconic artworks by JJ Audubon, creating a beautiful book to cherish for years to come.
Batsford Ltd Labradors: What labradors want: in their own words, woofs and wags
Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world, and no breed is as universally loved as the Labrador. A beautifully illustrated guide to Labradors, forming part of a new series and packed with tips and tricks to keep your furry friend happy. There are many things to consider when you become a dog owner. How often do I need to walk them? How much training will they need? What is poisonous to my pet? Am I overfeeding them? This playful and informative book takes a fresh look at the world of Labradors and explains everything you need to know about this lovable breed while celebrating their spirited personalities. Breed character, reasons to own a Labrador and likes and dislikes are covered along with information on training, grooming, diet and health. Illustrated by Meredith Jensen and featuring adorable photographs of pets, dog lovers will adore this playful celebration of Labradors.
Batsford Ltd 500 Chess Questions Answered: for all new chess players
An insightful new book that is perfect for newcomers to chess inspired by Netflix's Queen's Gambit. Written by one of the best chess communicators in the business, chess master and chess journalist Andy Soltis divulges practical advice and explains technical terms that chess books often overlook. From learning how to train your mind with chess information to choosing the best chess opening, dip in and out of this invaluable guide to improve your chess in a minutes. Chess questions answered in this book include: Is there a best way to study chess? How do I know if I have a natural talent? How important is chess memory and how can I train mine? How long should I think before choosing a move? Is there a proper way to think? Can I think like a chess computer? How do I develop chess intuition? Don't try to swallow too much information in one sitting. Dip in and out of these great chess questions to better understand the game and let the improvement happen incrementally.
Batsford Ltd Adam Dant's Political Maps
A timely, large-format collection of fine art maps from Adam Dant, looking at the fractious world of politics. Adam Dant’s Political Maps is an all-new collection of this highly regarded artist’s intricate, absorbing and beautiful maps, this time focused on the world of politics. Informed by his experiences as the official artist of the UK general election in 2015, these glorious works of art are amusing and subversive, hugely imaginative and packed with eye-catching detail. Themes range across the spectrum of British and global politics past and present, bringing in recent political upheavals (‘Stop That Brexit’) and current issues such as the controversy around certain statues (‘Iconoclastic London’), alongside more timeless subjects like a map of US presidents (‘Presidents of the United States of America’), and, of course, the pandemic (‘Viral London’). Other highlights include: ·Johnson’s London: Notorious places associated with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, including all the houses he has ever lived in ·New York Tawk: A visualisation of New York City through a century of its slang ·British Left Groups: A fascinating history of left-wing parties and pressure groups through the decades ·Quitting Europe: Brexit encapsulated in exotic European cigarette packets from the artist’s youth Witty, acerbic and intelligent, this unique collection will delight history enthusiasts, art lovers and politics buffs of all persuasions, and its large format guarantees hours of happy browsing of the densely packed detail Adam Dant brings to all his images.
Batsford Ltd Millie Marotta's Woodland Wild: a colouring book adventure
The new book from the author of the Sunday Times bestseller, Millie Marotta’s Animal Kingdom. Lose yourself in the calming world of woodland wildlife. Whether it’s statuesque pines or a steamy tropical forest, you will discover a wealth of beautiful and intriguing creatures that dwell in the world’s forests – from foxes, fireflies and fallow deer to lemurs, leaf frogs and lady bugs. Millie’s much-loved intricate drawing style will be irresistible for those who love to colour. Meander through a world of towering trees, leafy canopies, exquisite blossoms and underground burrows to meet a huge array of animals that make the woods their home. Featuring species from across the globe, this is a celebration of the world’s forests – vibrant and teeming with life – guaranteeing hours of relaxation and colouring fun.
Batsford Ltd Atlas of Imagined Places: from Lilliput to Gotham City
WINNER, Edward Stanford Travel Writing Awards 2022: Illustrated Travel Book of the Year. HIGHLY COMMENDED, British Cartographic Society Awards 2022. From Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot to the superhero land of Wakanda, from Lilliput of Gulliver's Travels to Springfield in The Simpsons, this is a wondrous atlas of imagined places around the world. Locations from film, tv, literature, myths, comics and video games are plotted in a series of beautiful vintage-looking maps. The maps feature fictional buildings, towns, cities and countries plus mountains and rivers, oceans and seas. Ever wondered where the Bates Motel was based? Or Bedford Falls in It's a Wonderful Life? The authors have taken years to research the likely geography of thousands of popular culture locations that have become almost real to us. Sometimes these are easy to work out, but other times a bit of detective work is needed and the authors have been those detectives. By looking at the maps, you'll find that the revolution at Animal Farm happened next to Winnie the Pooh's home. Each location has an an extended index entry plus coordinates so you can find it on the maps. Illuminating essays accompanying the maps give a great insight into the stories behind the imaginary places, from Harry Potter's wizardry to Stone Age Bedrock in the Flintstones. A stunning map collection of invented geography and topography drawn from the world’s imagination. Fascinating and beautiful, this is an essential book for any popular culture fan and map enthusiast.
Batsford Ltd Sussex, Kent and Surrey 1939
A remarkable and eccentric insight into the south east of England in the pre-war period. Richard Wyndham's 'last look round' was a tour taken immediately before the Second World War in 1939 and was originally published in the following year as South-Eastern Survey. Wyndham is a very agreeable companion as he travels in his self-confessed 'haphazard' way around the counties of Sussex, Kent and Surrey. Often eccentric but always good fun, he drives 'for the most part on side roads only, and through villages and lesser towns.' A selection of Wyndham's own black and white photographs taken on his expedition are included. Sussex, Kent and Surrey 1939 is a wonderful insight into south east of England before the outbreak of the Second World War, which brought so much change to the country. Wyndham is a superb travel companion who completed the writing as he was called up for active service.
Batsford Ltd The Illustrated Letters and Diaries of the Pre-Raphaelites
The story of how a group of precocious young artists shook up the British art establishment, told through their works, letters and diaries. An illustrated history of the linked lives and loves of a group of supremely talented artists of late Victorian Britain through their passionate writings. It features the painters, poets, critics and designers: Ford Madox Brown, Edward Burne-Jones, Fanny Cornforth, William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais, William and Janey Morris, Christina, Dante Gabriel, and William Rossetti, John Ruskin, William Bell Scott and Lizzie Siddal. The artistic aspirations and achievements of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood are revealed alongside the interwoven dramas of their personal lives, in letters, diaries and reminiscences, while their genius is displayed in vivid paintings, drawings, designs and poems. The Pre-Raphaelites was a charmed circles of love, friendship and art. Within an ever-changing flow of affections, and intimacies as richly patterned as a tapestry, they worked together as companions, lovers and partners. They shared tragedy as well as happiness, critical hostility as well as success, even the griefs of infidelity and discord. These creative partnerships, which also created the firm William Morris and Co, revitalised Victorian art and design. The new edition publishes in time for the start of the Burne Jones Exhibition at Tate Britain, starting in October 18. It is a vital book in understanding the Pre-Raphaelite art, which remains as popular and moving as ever.
Batsford Ltd How to Learn Chinese: Without Even Trying
An easy way to learn Chinese – with games and activities Most people will tell you understanding Chinese is hard, but we’ve made learning this increasingly important language as simple as can be with fun games and activities. With simple tracing, diagrams, stories and memorable phrases, this book for the absolute beginner will have you mastering pinyin, so you can write and pronounce Chinese words, understanding perfect pitch and tone, simple grammar rules and basic vocabulary. This practical, useful guide will easily equip you with the fundamentals of Mandarin Chinese, covering all the material needed to pass HSK Chinese Proficiency Test Level 1. Discover Chinese characters, practise writing them and explore the stories behind the ancient graphics. Fall in love with this fascinating language and ignite a passion for a captivating culture. There are chapters on People: how to refer to yourself and others; Time: indicating and asking about time; Encounters: Greetings, interactions and introductions; Travelling: Transport and places; Food and Drink: Eating and shopping; Home: Around the house and describing locations; Activities: Actions and activities; Descriptions: How to describe things, including the weather; Work and Study: Learning and jobs. Each chapter includes a language lesson with Longlong the Dragon and Xiongmao the Panda, as well as an activity and an in-depth look at the basic characters. Written by Freya Yang, a native speaker and enthusiastic teacher of the language with experience of teaching both children and adults. Her use of original, engaging and easy-to-follow activities means learning is so simple, you won’t even know you’re doing it! Using simple, easy-to-understand games and activities and a friendly conversational style as well as fun illustrations, this modern language book is perfect for enthusiastic beginners.
Batsford Ltd A to Z Chess Tactics: Every chess move explained
An indispensable reference book of chess moves, perfect for any chess player, beginner or club player. This A to Z of chess tactics provides an explanation of all the key terms and jargon used in chess so you can understand them and put them into practice in your own game. From Castling to Zugzwang, from Underpromotion to Zwischenzug. Written in a clear and informative style, the book features a large section with Illustrative games from past chess masters and grandmasters which show the relevant chess definition in action. Plus there are exercises that illustrate the tactic defined – these test you on your ability to recognize the tactics learned, as that is how they will appear in a match. The exercises teach you how to seize the opportunities before they disappear as well as avoiding traps your opponent may leave. Useful for all chess players, this is an essential read for those looking to improve and understand the game better.
Batsford Ltd 365 Chess Master Lessons: Take One a Day to Be a Better Chess Player
Increase your chess knowledge within the year! In this book, Andrew Soltis analyzes 365 key chess games in an easy way for busy people. In this book, 365 of the most instructive short games of chess are analyzed, step by step, by well-respected author Andrew Soltis. Arranged as daily lessons, this book is perfect for chess players who would like to reach the next level of skill but can't devote hours and hours each day to study. Learn to feel confident with each tactic – each game features test-yourself quizzes (with answers at the back of the book) to help cement understanding, as well as chess diagrams for those who learn visually. Challenging tactics are revisited in later games to help you recognize when they occur and how chess masters use them to their full advantage. With this book, Andrew encourages you to learn to think like a chess master within the year. From Castling to Zugzwang, learn something new everyday!
Batsford Ltd A Butler's Guide to Entertaining
The rise of the celebrity chef and the downturn in the economy has re-kindled an interest in all things culinary and encouraged the great British public back indoors to cook and entertain for themselves. Who better to steer you through the minefield of entertaining etiquette than a quintessentially English butler? This is the ultimate guide to entertaining in style from the man who knows how it's done, whether you are hosting cocktails for colleagues, afternoon tea with the family, or a full-blown feast for a legion of friends. Invitation etiquette and how to greet you guests is covered, alongside information on seating plans, place settings and organizing the table service. Plenty of information on estimating quantities, preparation and serving the food and drink is included, and there is even advice on steering away guests who have outstayed their welcome. Containing everything you need to know about entertaining, this is a must-have guide for any host with the most.
Batsford Ltd Her Ladyship's Guide to Greeting the Queen: and Other Questions of Modern Etiquette
Choosing how to behave in unfamiliar situations is one of the many minefields with which modern life abounds. In this amusing yet practical guide to modern manners, Her Ladyship offers invaluable advice on every aspect of etiquette, both royal and everyday. With guidance on basic good manners in a range of situations, whether at home, at work or abroad, as well as advice on what to wear when, eating out and dating, you will never again worry about awkward or embarrassing encounters. If you’ve ever wondered how to meet and greet the Queen and other royals, how to correctly address party invitations or about elegant ways of sitting down, standing up and getting in and out of cars, this guide is for you.
Batsford Ltd Exotic Botanical Illustration: with the Eden Project
An exciting approach to botanical illustration featuring exotic and extraordinary plant specimens. Striking plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables provide new challenges in colour, texture and form. Stunning finished paintings accompany simple instructions and step-by-step projects for a beautiful book that both guides and inspires. Strange and unusual specimens have never been more accessible – as more and more exotic fruit and vegetables appear regularly in our shopping baskets and our florists fill with flowers from every corner of the globe, this practical and beautiful guide to capturing strange and striking plants on paper has never been more timely. There is something for beginners and more experienced botanical illustrators alike, whether you wish to paint more familiar bananas, pineapples and other exotic fruits that are now widely available, or more complex orchids and even carnivorous plants. Acclaimed artists Rosie Martin and Meriel Thurstan (authors of the bestselling Contemporary Botanical Illustration and Botanical Illustration Course) run the popular botanical painting course at the Eden Project and are thus uniquely placed for this exciting take on the genre. The unusual colours and complex textures of exotic plants present a new challenge to the botanical artist, but this book guides you through each stage of the painting process with plenty of exercises and step-by-step projects. Fantastically illustrated with worksheets, colour swatches, sketches and stunning finished paintings this practical and inspirational guide is a must-have for botanical artists of all levels.
Batsford Ltd The Spirit of London
A reissue of a truly classic title on the Batsford backlist. First published in 1935, it is a wonderful snapshot of our capital before the Second World War, and a charming insight into our attitudes to urban life back in the Thirties. Our posh guide Cohen-Portheim offers us his interpretation of life in London through her people, her buildings and her history. The chapters include: Towns within Town Streets and their Life Green London London and the Arts London Amusements and Night Life Hotels and Restaurants Traditional London London and the British London and the Foreigner (surprisingly liberal!) It includes the iconic Brian Cook cover illustration of Ludgate Circus and St Pauls, and should be sought after for that alone. Add in the charm of the authentic voice of a 1930s Londoner, it should be enjoyed by all Londoners.
Batsford Ltd Instinctive Quilt Art: Fusing Techniques and Design
Bethan Ash's rich, colourful quilts are created using improvisational collage techniques. Working instinctively, she simply layers fabric shapes onto a prepared background and fuses them down, then adds stitching later. Each quilt is cut freehand, without the use of rulers or templates. In this groundbreaking book, she reveals the secrets of how she works, from basic dyeing and fusing techniques to design- and colour-awareness exercises and mixed-media experiments. In clear, easy-to-follow text, she gives the reader invaluable information on method, materials, technique and composition, and shows that improvisational quiltmaking is not merely 'messing about with fabric', but instead can form the basis of working freely and is the optimal way of broadening the reader's artistic talent. Illustrated with the best examples of fused quilts from around the world, this book is a visual feast of colour and pattern, and allows the reader to discover how the boundaries of traditional quiltmaking can be expanded through the use of imagination, inspiration and fusion.
Batsford Ltd What It Takes to Become a Chess Master: chess strategies that get results
So you're a fairly decent chess player. You compete in tournaments, you play on the Internet. But you would love to make that leap to become a chess master. What do you need to know, how much do you have to practise, and how much of the success of the masters is simply a matter of innate talent, superior brainpower or just good luck? This useful book, aimed at all chess players who aspire to become chess masters, shows you what the masters know and you don't. Written by one of our biggest-selling and best-loved chess authors, in his trademark chatty, accessible but always informative style, this book is filled with practical exercises and test games that will reveal the secrets of how to join chess's elite ranks.
Batsford Ltd A History of Royal Britain in 100 Objects
Over 1000 years of royal history told through 100 fascinating objects. From the glory of coronation regalia to coins, from imposing statues to stamps, from distinguished medals to monuments, and from beautiful artworks to Edward VIII’s abdication document, each item in this book has a fascinating story to tell. Ordered chronologically by monarch, from Alfred the Great to Queen Elizabeth II, this fully illustrated book takes a regal journey through the centuries. Discover the significance of each object – some famous, others more obscure – and how the royal ruler connected to it shaped the course of history in this celebration of the British monarchy.
Batsford Ltd Crown's Royal Britain
Join us on a behind-the-scenes tour of the filming locations for the award-winning Netflix series The Crown. The series recreates the romance and intrigue at the heart of our very own royal family and within these pages we seek out the settings so integral to the story, linking each ‘fictional’ site to its real-life counterpart. Covering the first four series, starting with Princess Elizabeth’s marriage to Prince Philip in 1947 and concluding in 1990 – in particular with the relationship of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer following their 1981 wedding – this is the perfect opportunity for every fan of The Crown to follow in the footsteps of royalty. Stunning Ely Cathedral provides the backdrop to the iconic Westminster Abbey where Princess Elizabeth’s wedding took place, while Belvoir Castle, Hatfield House and Burghley House are just three of the fine locations that ‘double’ as Windsor Castle. Historic Winchester Cathedral transforms into St Paul’s Cathedral in the run-up to the wedding of Charles and Diana, its versatility also seeing it representing both Romsey Abbey and Westminster Abbey. Sweeping across Britain from London and the home counties to the Welsh treasure that is Caernarfon Castle, heading north to Manchester and Liverpool and onwards to the majestic Scottish Highlands, The Crown’s Royal Britain takes you on a royal tour of Britain and the venues that were an inspiration for this special drama.Many of the featured sites are open to the public so as well as learning about how these places played their part you can visit and enjoy the real spectacle in person.
Batsford Ltd Alan Turing: Remarkable Lives
Today, Alan Turing is a well-recognised name, but it was not always so. Until the last few years of the 20th century hardly anyone had heard of him or his achievements. All that changed when the British government permitted the story of Bletchley Park during the Second World War to emerge.We learnt that Alan Turing had had a pivotal role in breaking the Enigma cipher, used by German forces.This was so significant that it helped to shorten the length of the war. Alan Turing was an extraordinary man who crammed into a life of only 42 years other careers besides secret codebreaker: he was also a mathematician, computer scientist and biologist. For example, with Tommy Flowers he built the first computer. A man ahead of his time, many of his theories and calculations are still relevant today. In this guide to a truly remarkable life, recent research by Alan Turing's nephew, Dermot, has unearthed a fresh perspective and made entirely accessible this story to the modern reader.
Batsford Ltd Royal Homes and Gardens
Britain has a wealth of royal palaces, some owned by the Crown as part of the country’s assets, while others have been bought by members of the Royal Family themselves as personal residences. Each property has a fascinating story behind it, as well as its own unique place in history. This beautifully illustrated book looks at some of the UK’s best-loved royal homes, current and former, their buildings, gardens, treasures and, of course, their inhabitants past and present. Discover how these homes have evolved over the centuries and how they are being adapted for the future and the demands of modern life. Written by seasoned Pitkin royal author Halima Sadat, this easily digestible volume makes a wonderful companion for anyone visiting these impressive buildings and their beautiful gardens. Entries include: Hampton Court, Osborne House, Windsor Castle, Kensington Palace, Buckingham Palace, Highgrove, Sandringham and Balmoral.
Batsford Ltd Oxford in Pictures
“Oxford still remains the most beautiful thing in England, and nowhere else are life and art so exquisitely blended, so perfectly made into one.” Oscar Wilde Oxford has for centuries inspired and delighted, and its beauty and antiquity have been celebrated by some of the most famous writers and artists in history. The unique characteristics of Oxford are captured in this stunning photographic collection – the famous colleges and grand buildings, the parks, the riverside walks and the wide streets. From Boars Hill to South Park, this beautiful book explores the familiar and the hidden Oxford. Extracts of poetry and prose from famous writers such as Lewis Carroll, Evelyn Waugh, Samuel Pepys, Dorothy L. Sayers and Jan Morris complement the images perfectly, creating a memorable portrait of this much-loved city.
Batsford Ltd The Loch Ness Monster
Step behind the scenes of the biggest mystery of the British Isles Loch Ness is one of the most popular visitor sites in the world. Its stunning beauty draws many, but far more come to experience the mystery of the monster that may lurk in its waters. Known affectionately as 'Nessie', this elusive creature has been chased with great zeal for over a century (it has been seen by over 1000 people) and this enthusiasm shows no sign of diminishing. A new edition, rewritten and with fresh new images, of a Pitkin classic that examines the evidence and the various sitings on this perennial mystery.
Batsford Ltd City of London: Secrets of the Square Mile
Pomp, pageantry, power and prestige are just a few of the words to sum up the history and vibrancy of the City of London. Beyond its fame as the financial heart of London, this new guidebook explores the Square Mile of London revealing the secrets hidden in its rich treasure trove. Neither square nor a square mile, the City of London seems to lie beyond the limits of logic. From St Paul’s, Wren’s Masterpiece to the Barbican, Europe’s largest centre for Arts, the City of London is a compelling blend of diverse visitor attractions waiting to be explored. Whether you pop into the Old Bailey, the scene of many a courtroom drama, amble through Lincoln Inn Fields or drool over the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London there is never a dull moment in the City... Learn why the Bank of England is known as the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street and the importance of Mansion House, home to the Right Honorable The Lord Mayor of London and looks at the traditions behind the Lord Mayor’s Show.
Batsford Ltd In and Around Chichester
A beautifully illustrated guide to the city and surrounding area Chichester is nestled beside the clear blue sea of Wittering's beaches and Chichester Harbour, a designated area of outstanding Natural Beauty and one of the few remaining relatively wild and undeveloped areas along the bustling South Coast. Further north, the chalk hills of the South Downs National Park encompass both fertile farmland and ancient woodland, providing diverse habitats. Chichester District, once used as ancient humans' hunting ground and the site of military invasion, now continues to draw sailors, walkers and creatives alike to experience its rich heritage and beautiful countryside. This informative guide takes in the wonderful sites that this coastal city has to offer, as well as attractions nearby. Also available in this series: Bath, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Ely, Glasgow, Lincoln, Liverpool, Norwich, Oxford, York.
Batsford Ltd Victorian Christmas Colouring Book
The Victorians gave us many of the Christmas traditions we enjoy today, from putting up Christmas trees to pulling crackers. This handy, pocket-sized colouring book embodies these customs in 45 unique illustrations. Colour in Victorian fireplaces adorned with stockings, St Nicholas with his sack full of presents, and scenes from the nativity. Why not de-stress and take a break over the Christmas period?
Batsford Ltd Magna Carta: The Lincoln Story
Magna Carta
Batsford Ltd Life in Ancient Britain
Life in Ancient Britain journeys through the ancient worlds of our ancestors: how they lived, how they shaped the landscape we know today, and how we know what we do, about their achievements. This guide offers a concise and lively introduction to the prehistory of the British Isles – covering the period from around 500,000 years ago when Palaeolithic hunters camped at Boxgrove in West Sussex, through the later Middle and New Stone Ages, and on to the Bronze Age and the start of the Iron Age. It describes how people first came to settle in Britain, and explores the rich mysteries of atmospheric ceremonial meeting places, barrows and stone circles. Also featured is the coming of the age of metals, when warrior-farmers created hilltop forts and settlements, stone brochs and lakeside villages – indeed the Celtic Britain that the Romans found, when they first landed on our shores.
Batsford Ltd Titanic: The World's Largest Liner
This is the story of RMS Titanic. In this authoritative and highly illustrated guide we explore what was the largest passenger steamship in the world when she set sail on her maiden voyage from Southampton on 10 April 1912. Just four days later she struck an iceberg and sank, resulting in the deaths of 1,517 people in one of the worst peacetime maritime disasters in history. Here we see how the ship was built, reveal what life was like above and below deck, uncover details of the fatal accident and the aftermath – and consider the world’s fascination with the subject ever since.
Batsford Ltd The War Poets - French: Des Temps De Anthologie
This title is also available in English 80 powerful and moving poems from the First World War, including works by Wilfred Owen, Rupert Brooke, Siegfried Sassoon and W. B. Yeats. Look out for more Pitkin Guides on the very best of British history, heritage and travel, particularly for more titles in the Pitkin Collectibles Series.
Batsford Ltd Cambridge City Guide - Chinese
See below for alternative languages for this title An indispensable guide to help discover Cambridge, a city of both modern and ancient beauty whose rich history unfolds as you explore its ancient streets and buildings. This guide is based on two circular walks to show visitors the absolute best that the city of Cambridge has to offer, with extra diversions and places to visit for those who have longer to spend exoploring the city. Containing informative histories of the city and of individual buildings as well as modern-day attractions, the guide tells how visitors can enjoy the university colleges, where many great scientists lived and worked, and see the wonderful buildings, courts, gardens and unrivalled architecture of Cambridge. Look out for more Pitkin Guides on the very best of British history, heritage and travel, including other titles in our popular City Guides series. Also available in: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish.
Batsford Ltd Morse in Oxford with CD
Chief Inspector Morse, the curmudgeonly, real ale-drinking detective captured the heart of millions when he first appeared on our screens in 1987, played by John Thaw. The television show was an instant success with intricate plotting, a talented cast and its beautiful setting – the historic city of Oxford. This walking guide of Oxford brings this beautiful city alive, for both visitor and resident, by visiting colleges, museums and other memorable buildings. The guide details how notable spots in Oxford relate to incidents investigated by Inspector Morse, and gives information on their history and fame in their own right. Discover how Colin Dexter's award-winning books were adapted to become a popular TV series. Visit the scenes of crimes investigated by one of Britain's best-loved detectives. You can even try some of Morse and Lewis's favourite pubs. Includes a CD with some of Morse's music favourites, and a list of colleges, museums and public buildings featured in Inspector Morse episodes.
Batsford Ltd Cambridge City Guide - English
A detailed guide to help discover Cambridge, a city of both modern and ancient beauty whose rich history unfolds as you explore its ancient streets and buildings. This guide is based on two circular walks to show visitors the absolute best that the city of Cambridge has to offer, with extra diversions and places to visit for those who have longer to spend exoploring the city. Containing informative histories of the city and of individual buildings as well as modern-day attractions, the guide tells how visitors can enjoy the university colleges, where many great scientists lived and worked, and see the wonderful buildings, courts, gardens and unrivalled architecture of Cambridge. Look out for more Pitkin Guides on the very best of British history, heritage and travel, including other titles in our popular City Guides series. Also available in: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish.
Batsford Ltd The Bayeux British Cemetery
A poignant description of one of Europe's most well known war cemeteries. Based on interviews and personal experiences, this work includes images, including photographs by Corporal Eric Gunton of Number 32 Graves Registration Unit, who photographed the cemetery as it took shape. Look out for more Pitkin Guides on the very best of British and French history, heritage and travel.
Batsford Ltd Stonehenge & Avebury
This stunningly illustrated guide explores the history and mystery of these two sites, as well as looking at the rituals that survive today. Look out for more Pitkin Guides on the very best of British history, heritage and travel.
Batsford Ltd Brutalist London - 16 Notecards
Influential ceramics company People Will Always Need Plates bring you notecards depicting four stunning Brutalist architectural gems. These outstanding graphic illustrations of London buildings with their clean lines and bold blocks of colour have been used by the company on a successful range of plates, mugs and other objects which are fast becoming British design icons.
Batsford Ltd The Six Wives of Henry VIII
Divorced, beheaded, died; divorced, beheaded, survived. For over four centuries, popular imagination has been gripped by the story of King Henry VIII and his six wives - and by the tangled web of passion and intrigue that lies behind it. Henry's desperate hope for a son, a male heir for the throne of England, drove him until his death. This attractive guide looks at the King, each of his wives and the background of religious change that surrounds their stories. From Henry's first marriage to his brother's widow Catherine of Aragon until the end of his life with Catherine Parr and three heirs, this guide tells these stories with fascinating facts, artworks, illustrations and colour photographs. Perfect for students of history and anyone with an interest in one of England's most famous monarchs and his six wives. Look out for more Pitkin Guides on the very best of British history, heritage and travel.
Batsford Ltd D-Day and The Battle of Normandy - German
On 6 June the greatest landing force ever assembled began the Allied Liberation of France and Europe. In this German translation of the Pitkin Guide, enhanced with many contemporary photographs and maps, visitors and veterans can visit the beaches, landmarks, museums and cemeteries of Normandy. Look out for more Pitkin Guides on the very best of British history, heritage and travel.
Batsford Ltd Ypres In War and Peace - Flemish
There are more languages available for this title: French, English For many, the name of Ypres invokes some of our most poignant poetry, written by soldiers at the front line. Reminders of the horrors and heroism of a terrible war await the visitor, but also the pleasures of discovering the richness of a heritage that stretches back over 800 years. Ypres in War and Peace provides not only a guide to events and memorials of the First World War, but also a revealing introduction to the fascination of an ancient and modern city - an ideal souvenir to take home. Look out for more Pitkin Guides on the very best of British and European history, heritage and travel.
Batsford Ltd Around Hoyland Then & Now
The area around Hoyland is very special indeed. Developed over 1,000 years, it is a microcosm of agricultural, architectural and industrial development, whose historical significance is without equal. Some of the buildings found here are of a quality which can be found nowhere else in England. This delightful collection by local historian Geoffrey Howse, whose great-grandparent’s shop gave Elsecar the name ‘Howse’s Corner’, includes many rare antique photographs of the area, each set alongside an image of the same view today. Deeply nostalgic and meticulously researched, it will delight residents and visitors alike.
Batsford Ltd Ealing Then & Now
Contrasting a selection of 45 archive images alongside full-colour modern photographs, this book traces some of the changes and developments that have taken place in Ealing during the last century. Accompanied by detailed and informative captions, these intriguing photographs reveal changing modes of fashion and transportation, shops and businesses, houses and public buildings, and, of course, some of the local people who once lived and worked in the area. Ealing Then & Now will delight all local historians and will awaken nostalgic memories for all who know this London Borough.
Batsford Ltd Chippenham Then & Now
Just how much has changed in Chippenham over the decades is clear when you consider that Edward Hutton described 1920s Chippenham as ‘one of the sleepiest places in England’. Today, the busy cattle traders in the Market Place of the 1890s and Chippenham’s tiny 1930s cottage hospital on London Road have now disappeared, but the town’s thriving population is at its highest-ever level, its beautiful historic buildings are more in demand than ever, and new industries, buildings and roads are appearing all the time. In this fascinating book, local historian Mike Stone compares archive images of Chippenham with modern photographs of the same scenes today, chronicling the changing appearance of the town and unveiling a wealth of historic detail and nostalgic memories sure to captivate local residents and history enthusiasts alike.
Batsford Ltd Thatcham Then & Now
Contrasting a selection of 45 archive images alongside full-colour modern photographs, this book traces some of the changes and developments that have taken place in the historic town of Thatcham during the last century. Accompanied by detailed and informative captions, these intriguing photographs reveal changing modes of fashion and transportation, shops and businesses, houses and public buildings, and, of course, some of the local people who once lived and worked in the area. Thatcham Then & Now will delight all local historians and will awaken nostalgic memories for all who know this Berkshire town.
Batsford Ltd Bournemouth Then & Now
This fascinating book explores the transformations that have seen Bournemouth develop from a small seaside town into a major South Coast resort and bustling centre of commerce. Beautiful archive images are skilfully contrasted with modern photographs taken from the same vantage point today, and show how Bournemouth has changed – as well as the familiar landmarks that have remained. From the gardens as they originally appeared, freshly laid out with a large fountain where the balloon now stands, to the East Cliff Lift, the Cloisters, the model boats once sailed at Children’s Corner and the peaceful surroundings of the ‘Invalids Walk’, Bournemouth Then & Now will rekindle fond memories for many people, and will delight residents and visitors alike.
Batsford Ltd London Then & Now
London is a city of enormous beauty, a dynamic, ever-evolving cityscape built up over hundreds of years of architectural evolution. However, amidst this riot of growth and splendour some truly iconic sights may be found, landmarks which been drawing tourists by the thousands since before the days of Queen Victoria. This stunning collection, collated by professional photographer Laina Watt, compares 40 rare archive images of Central London’s most iconic views and landmarks – including the Houses of Parliament, Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Street and Trafalgar Square – with modern images of the capital. In full colour, and drawing on only the finest images, it will delight visitors, residents and historians alike.