Search results for ""author jean""
Editions Paradigme Remembrances Et Resveries
Les Belles Lettres Lenine Et La Revolution
Peeters Publishers La Splendeur de L'inebranlable (Aksobhyavyuha). Traduction Annotee. Commentaire. Les Auditeurs (Sravaha): Vol 1
Bayard Editions Jeunesse Mon copain bizarre
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Temps, Desir Et Vouloir En Grece Ancienne
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Politique d'Aristote: La Democratie a l'Epreuve de la Division Sociale
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Les Origines Du Jansenisme: V. La Spiritualite de Saint-Cyran Avec Ses Ecrits de Piete Inedits
Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner L'Impossible Heritage de la Tradition Grammaticale Volume 2
Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner L'Impossible Heritage de la Tradition Grammaticale
Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner Textes Economiques Et Administratifs: Transcription Et Traduction - Avt-Propos d'Andre Parrot
Classiques Garnier Il Etait Une Fois, Ou Deux...: Le Conte de Fees En Heritage
Classiques Garnier Les Poetes Fantaisistes: Une Anthologie
Klincksieck La Fascination Des Vampires
Les Belles Lettres Ecrits de Maitre Wen: Livre de la Penetration Du Mystere
Les Belles Lettres Apulee, Opuscules Philosophiques. Fragments: Du Dieu de Socrate - Platon Et Sa Doctrine - Du Monde
Clydesdale Cane Clydesdale Classics
Robert D. Reed Publishers Set Yourself Free: Live the Life YOU Were Meant to Live!
More than two thousand years ago a great master instructed the masses on simple techniques to live lives of passion, joy, and vibrancy. His pragmatic approach is as viable today as it was then; and by incorporating his methods, you have the power to live the exalted life for which you were designed. Set Yourself Free: Live the Life YOU Were Meant to Live provides an outline of these dynamic teachings. In this book, Jesus is used as a prototype for each person and his trials and tribulations are symbolic of yours. By learning through his example, we save time, effort, and frustration and move to enlightenment with ease and grace. There are numerous examples given of individuals who have overcome major challenges and obstacles to live dynamically and express the fullness of their divine potential. By following these teachings, you can do the same. Set Yourself Free: Live the Life YOU Were Meant to Live encapsulates the ultimate Hero's Journey which is to go within the self. A must read for anyone who wants to live an authentic life in the Light of the higher SELF. Jean masterfully weaves the stories of many enlightened souls and combines spiritual psychology to bring to awareness the true messages, which were meant to guide us to enlightenment. It is the ultimate journey in surrender, love, and healing. ~ Elizabeth Fuchs, JOYZEN, Creating Emotionally Resilient Communities I loved how Jean Walters shared her experience and evolution of the recognition of the Light. Jean has great clarity in her metaphysical reflections of spiritual symbolism. This inspires me to look beyond for the truth that always sets us free in everything, always recognizing our loving universe's support. I also loved the mention of the Universal laws being our servants. These writings are an essential part of humanity's evolution for higher understanding in living in harmony with all of creation! Thank you for sharing your living gifts of truth. ~ Natalie Rose O, Devotee of Love and Light I absolutely loved your book. The stories about people who struggled and overcame difficulties are inspiriting. I especially enjoyed reading the moving account of Mother Theresa's life. Everyone should read your book and find the light in himself. If everyone did, the world would be a much better place. ~ Pat Adams, Business Concierge Jean gives voice to the feelings, thoughts, and questions I have had, therefore allowing me to understand intellectually what I've known intuitively. Her teachings are invaluable as I work with my clients to help them move from stuck to their true potential, both personally and financially. This book will spur the reader into action with a new way to see the invisible (or intangible) and proceed thoughtfully through life. Jean takes metaphysics and a wide array of holy books and teachings, which can be confusing to most, and explains them in terms that inspire and motivate people to action. ~ Amy Baue, If you are ready for a journey to your True Self, Set Yourself Free: Live the Life YOU Were Meant to Live will give you the foundational building blocks to let go of your fears and claim the freedom of your True Identity. With Jesus as your prototype, you are given the tools to your God Power within. A must read for those on the path of enlightenment. ~ Gloria Boysal, Intuitive Coach Set Yourself Free holds healing messages for you. It will speak to your soul and teach you all about love. ~ Karen S Hoffman, Founder of G2D - Gateway to Dreams
ECW Press,Canada The Dhow House
HigherLife Publishing Passion For Fashion: Walking the runway of God's design
What keeps you Guilt? Shame? Self-doubt? Fear? Don't let any of those stand in the way of God's grand plan for you.Passion for Fashion will reveal that we are more than the clothes we wear or the accessories we add to an out?t—all for the sake of looking good on the outside. We are more than good looks and fancy clothes. Learn how our outside shines based on what we have on the inside.God created you to live with signi?cance, purpose and joy, and be an astounding person. You can be that person. Con?dentially walk the runway of life. And you can start today!
Wilderness Press Top Trails Glacier National Park
Chicago Review Press Code Cracking for Kids: Secret Communications Throughout History, with 21 Codes and Ciphers
People throughout history have written messages in code and ciphers to pass along closely held, secret information. Today, countries around the world enlist cryptanalysts to intercept and crack messages to keep our world safe. The book explores many aspects of cryptology, including famous people who used and invented codes and ciphers, such as Julius Caesar and Thomas Jefferson; codes used during wars, including the Enigma machine, whose cracking helped the Allies gather critical information on German intelligence in World War II; and work currently being done by the government, such as in the National Security Agency. Readers also will learn about unsolved codes and ciphers throughout history, little-known codes used today, and devices used over the years by governments and their spies to conceal information. This book includes hands-on activities that allow kids to replicate early code devices, learn several different codes and ciphers to encode and decode messages, and hide a secret message inside a hollow egg.
The New Press The Queens Caprice Stories
NavPress Publishing Group Pursue the Intentional Life
Skyhorse Publishing Fields of Glory
C&T Publishing Journey to Inspired Art Quilting
Redleaf Press Foundations of Responsive Caregiving: Infants, Toddlers and Twos
Understanding the development of infants, toddlers, and twos equips caregivers with the tools and best practices needed to guide, teach, and care for them. This foundational approach provides information on theories of early development, components of high-quality, responsive caregiving, and strategies to support children in their earliest years.
Redleaf Press Activities for Responsive Caregiving: Infants, Toddlers and Twos
The first three years set the stage for a lifetime of learning. This book provides more than eighty activities and experiences to optimise very young children's intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development, as well as strategies that support responsive caregiving.
The New Press Lightning A Novel
Shawnee Press Music Games That Teach Rhythm Reading Skills
Counterpoint Joy of Man's Desiring: A Novel
New World Library Hiring the Heavens: A Practical Guide to Developing a Working Relationship with the Spirits of Creation
Trafalgar Square Fergus: A Horse to be Reckoned with
Fergus, the cartoon horse with an international following – now a bona fide social media star – is back! Following up the immensely popular 2015 release of the rollicking comic-strip treasury The Essential Fergus the Horse, this new book explores the rise and mass acceptance of natural horsemanship training techniques via a comical conversation between Fergus and 'The Lad', a young boy who is determined to ride him. Hilariously expressive illustrations and clever verse depict the dialogue between horse and human as The Lad maintains his amiable approach, regardless of Fergus' doubtful reactions and claim of equine superiority. Both endlessly entertaining and intentionally educational, Fergus: A Horse to Be Reckoned With is certain to inspire laughter in adult readers while making a positive impression on young, would-be equestrians.
Hal Leonard Corporation Andromache
Love? What does ÊloveÊ mean in this fearsome drama? Not much that is affirmative. Not much to heat the heart of a sentimental spectator. It signifies a passion that amounts to illness an alternately aching and frantic desire that cannot be slaked. The three characters who love strive to conquer love by straining their will power to its elastic limits.ÞAnd what does ÊlovedÊ mean here? Not the ecstasy of glowing with selflessness and basking in another's affection but a tormenting burden that cannot be shaken off can only be readjusted to serve as an instrument of convenience or harm. ÞÊfrom the Afterword by Albert BermelÊ
Rowman & Littlefield Bold Prayers from the Heart
Prayer that is provocative, often surprising in its simplicity and spontaneity, and allows God to truly touch and transform.
Little Simon Baby's Colorful World
B&H Books Ease Into The Bible
NavPress A Mother's Heart
Associated University Presses Mediating Fictions: Literature, Women Healers, and the Go-Between in Medieval and Early Modern
Connects the woman healer and the go between in early Iberian literature to the concurrent professionalisation of medicine
Alfred Music Symphony No. 2 in D Major, Op. 43: Miniature Score
DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley) Diosas Y Heroínas Goddesses and Heroines
Simon & Schuster Who Do You Love
Prentice Hall (a Pearson Education company) Can't Buy ME Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel
Random House USA Inc My Years as Prime Minister
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Once Upon a Marigold
Christian was clueless when he started spying on the royal family through his telescope. He lives in a cave with a troll for a dad, after all. If his dad had only warned him about all that mind-boggling love stuff, maybe things wouldn't be such a mess. Although then, maybe, Princess Marigold would be dead. But Christian wasn't warned. And now that he's fallen for the princess, it's up to him to untwist an odd love triangle - er, rectangle - and foil a scheming queen who wants to take over the kingdom, even if it means bumping off her own daughter.
Random House USA Inc The Difference: How Anyone Can Prosper in Even The Toughest Times
Yale University Press California, a Slave State
The untold history of slavery and resistance in California, from the Spanish missions, indentured Native American ranch hands, Indian boarding schools, Black miners, kidnapped Chinese prostitutes, and convict laborers to victims of modern trafficking “A searing survey of ‘250 years of human bondage’ in what is now the state of California. . . . Readers will be outraged.”—Publishers Weekly California owes its origins and sunny prosperity to slavery. Spanish invaders captured Indigenous people to build the chain of Catholic missions. Russian otter hunters shipped Alaska Natives—the first slaves transported into California—and launched a Pacific slave triangle to China. Plantation slaves were marched across the plains for the Gold Rush. San Quentin Prison incubated California’s carceral state. Kidnapped Chinese girls were sold in caged brothels in early San Francisco. Indian boarding schools supplied new farms and hotels with unfree child workers. By looking west to California, Jean Pfaelzer upends our understanding of slavery as a North-South struggle and reveals how the enslaved in California fought, fled, and resisted human bondage. In unyielding research and vivid interviews, Pfaelzer exposes how California gorged on slavery, an appetite that persists today in a global trade in human beings lured by promises of jobs but who instead are imprisoned in sweatshops and remote marijuana grows, or sold as nannies and sex workers. Slavery shreds California’s utopian brand, rewrites our understanding of the West, and redefines America’s uneasy paths to freedom.
Penguin Putnam Inc Alexander Hamilton: the Outsider
LMH Publishing Janice