Search results for ""author gilbert""
Hurtwood Press Gilbert & George: The Paradisical Pictures
The paperback edition of THE PARADISICAL PICTURES is created to celebrate the opening of the Gilbert & George Centre in East London. Gilbert & George’s work confounds and rejects all art historical classification or affiliation to other schools or movements in art. As affirmed by THE PARADISICAL PICTURES, there is no formalist, aesthetic or conceptual precedent to the ideology and vision they convey with such intensity. The paintings are fantastical, allegorical, narrative, representational, psychedelic, absurdist, modern yet archaic, surrealist-grotesque, inflected with both tragedy and comedy, filled with pathos, touchingly eloquent of human frailty, age and exhaustion. THE PARADISICAL PICTURES suggest a chapter in a story that has been unfolding before them and will continue beyond them. This ‘paradise’ is not a destination but a stage on a longer journey. It is a dream of paradise and the exploration of an archetype that is both secular and sacred.
Hurtwood Press Gilbert & George: The Meaning of the Earth
The Meaning of the Earth offers a retrospective on the work and lives of the relentlessly controversial artists Gilbert & George, connecting their beginnings as Living Sculptures to their pictorial work of today. ---------- 'The Meaning of the Earth, Wolf Jahn's new book, explores the vision of our Art like no one has ever done before. Congratulations Wolf! Everyone loves this amazing and beautiful book. It is a masterpiece.' - Gilbert & George ---------- The Meaning of the Earth offers a retrospective on the lives and work of the relentlessly controversial artists Gilbert & George, placing them within the context of twentieth-century British culture. Wolf Jahn tells the story of how Gilbert & George found their identity in opposition to pervasive ideas around social conformity and religion after meeting in 1967. The artists staged an internal revolution, mining their psyches to create visionary and unwaveringly modern art. The ‘two people but one artist’ ask the questions that gnaw at us all: ‘Where do we come from?’, ‘Who are we?’ and ‘Where are we going?’ The book meditates on the artists’ role in this century, connecting their beginnings as Living Sculptures to their pictorial work of today. The Meaning of the Earth is a continuation of Jahn’s 1989 work, The Art of Gilbert & George. A playful philosophical interrogation of Gilbert & George’s work that truly grasps its cosmic scale.
Idea & Design Works Assassinistas
Bryn Mawr Commentaries Republic: Book 1
Fantagraphics Love And Rockets: New Stories #6
University of Minnesota Press Individuation in Light of Notions of Form and Information: Volume II: Supplemental Texts
Unique access to archival material of a major thinker, including presentations, early drafts, and a thorough introduction to the history of the philosophical notion of the individual The second volume of Individuation in Light of Notions of Form and Information presents archival documents detailing both the preliminary research conducted by Gilbert Simondon as well as sketches of early drafts and presentations of his work throughout the intellectual era of his eventual magnum opus. Volume II provides an erudite and important overview of a unique history of both the role the individual has played throughout history in philosophy, religion, and society as well as insight into the contemporary machinations and exciting milieu in which Simondon dared to tread as an interdisciplinary thinker in philosophy and psychology, as well as the new burgeoning fields of computer science and cybernetics. This companion volume provides insight into Simondon’s primary thesis, for which he is renowned by scholars in a wide range of academic disciplines. Readers across the humanities and the sciences, information theory, philosophy of technology, and many other fields now have a vital resource for intellectual exploration into the human’s ongoing relationship with the technological universe.
LexisNexis UK Munkman: The Technique of Advocacy
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Hans Jonas: Nature Et Responsabilite
Rowman & Littlefield First Aid for Horse and Rider: Emergency Care For The Stable And Trail
This is the long-awaited how-to handbook for treating riding injuries in the field for both rider and horse, with step-by-step numbered instructions for the most common injuries and what to do until help arrives. Injuries range from insect and animal bites, allergies, and broken bones to head injuries, hypothermia, and hoof wounds. This is an authoritative pocket reference that combines advice from a reputable veterinarian and a medical doctor, a perfect package for first aid kits.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis Volume I: Great Economists Since Petty and Boisguilbert
This unique troika of Handbooks provides indispensable coverage of the history of economic analysis. Edited by two of the foremost academics in the field, the volumes gather together insightful and original contributions from scholars across the world. The encyclopaedic breadth and scope of the original entries will make these Handbooks an invaluable source of knowledge for all serious students and scholars of the history of economic thought.Each Handbook can be read individually and acts as a self-contained volume in its own right. It can be purchased separately or as part of a three-volume set.Volume I contains original biographical profiles of many of the most important and influential economists. These inform the reader about their lives, works and impact on the further development of the discipline. The emphasis is on their lasting contributions to our understanding of the complex system known as the economy. The entries also shed light on the means and ways in which the functioning of this system can be improved and its dysfunction reduced.Contributors include: T. Asada, T. Aspromourgos, M. Assous, V. Avtonomov, R. Baranzini, A. Baujard, A. Béraud, É. Bertrand, O. Bjerkholt, P. Boettke, D. Bögenhold, A. Brewer, G. Campagnolo, V. Caspari, V. Chick J. Creedy, F. Dal Degan, M. Dal Pont-Legrande, M. Dardi, J. de Boyer des Roches, D. Diatkine, V. Di Giovinazzo, R.W. Dimand, R. Dujmovits, I. Eliseeva, R.B. Emmett, N. Eyguesier, G. Faccarello, O. Favereau, A. Fossati, W. Gaertner, C. Gehrke, A. Giuliani, J. Glaeser, M. Gödl, R. Gómez Betancourt, H. Gram, M.E.L. Guidi, D. Haas, H. Hagemann, G.C. Harcourt, M.J. Holler, H. Janssen, J. Jespersen, J. Joachim Zweynert, P. Kalmbach, Y.-F. Kao, J.E. King, A. Kirman, H. Klausinger, M. Knell, S. Kolev, H.D. Kurz, B.J. Loasby, N. Makasheva, C. Martin, M. McLure, A. Molavi Vasséi, A.E. Murphy, L. Nellinger, S. Oliver, A. Opocher, A. Orain, T. Raffaelli, A. Rainer, G. Rubin, M. Rutherford, M. Salles, N. Salvadori,B. Schefold, M. Schneider, C.P. Schröder, M.H. Schütz, U. Schwalbe, R. Signorino, N. Skaggs, P. Spahn, P. Steiner, R. Sturn, H.-M. Trautwein, K. Tribe, R. Van den Berg, V. Vanberg, K. Velupillai, R. Venkatachalam, C.C. von Weizsäcker, L.R. Wray, K. Yahia
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Distribution of Tax Burdens
The Distribution of Tax Burdens brings together for the first time the most important published papers on tax incidence written in the past 50 years. The editors, two leading scholars in public finance, have written an authoritative introduction which provides a concise and thorough summary of the key developments in the field during this time.This comprehensive volume presents seminal writings covering the distributional impact of taxes in partial and general equilibrium models as well as in imperfectly competitive settings. The editors have also included significant recent contributions on tax incidence in dynamic settings including the important emerging literature on lifetime tax incidence. The articles have been arranged to allow the reader to understand the context and historical development of the field. This volume will be invaluable to graduate students and all scholars interested in the distribution of taxes in modern economies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis Volume I: Great Economists Since Petty and Boisguilbert
This unique troika of Handbooks provides indispensable coverage of the history of economic analysis. Edited by two of the foremost academics in the field, the volumes gather together insightful and original contributions from scholars across the world. The encyclopaedic breadth and scope of the original entries will make these Handbooks an invaluable source of knowledge for all serious students and scholars of the history of economic thought.Each Handbook can be read individually and acts as a self-contained volume in its own right. It can be purchased separately or as part of a three-volume set.Volume I contains original biographical profiles of many of the most important and influential economists. These inform the reader about their lives, works and impact on the further development of the discipline. The emphasis is on their lasting contributions to our understanding of the complex system known as the economy. The entries also shed light on the means and ways in which the functioning of this system can be improved and its dysfunction reduced.Contributors include: T. Asada, T. Aspromourgos, M. Assous, V. Avtonomov, R. Baranzini, A. Baujard, A. Béraud, É. Bertrand, O. Bjerkholt, P. Boettke, D. Bögenhold, A. Brewer, G. Campagnolo, V. Caspari, V. Chick J. Creedy, F. Dal Degan, M. Dal Pont-Legrande, M. Dardi, J. de Boyer des Roches, D. Diatkine, V. Di Giovinazzo, R.W. Dimand, R. Dujmovits, I. Eliseeva, R.B. Emmett, N. Eyguesier, G. Faccarello, O. Favereau, A. Fossati, W. Gaertner, C. Gehrke, A. Giuliani, J. Glaeser, M. Gödl, R. Gómez Betancourt, H. Gram, M.E.L. Guidi, D. Haas, H. Hagemann, G.C. Harcourt, M.J. Holler, H. Janssen, J. Jespersen, J. Joachim Zweynert, P. Kalmbach, Y.-F. Kao, J.E. King, A. Kirman, H. Klausinger, M. Knell, S. Kolev, H.D. Kurz, B.J. Loasby, N. Makasheva, C. Martin, M. McLure, A. Molavi Vasséi, A.E. Murphy, L. Nellinger, S. Oliver, A. Opocher, A. Orain, T. Raffaelli, A. Rainer, G. Rubin, M. Rutherford, M. Salles, N. Salvadori,B. Schefold, M. Schneider, C.P. Schröder, M.H. Schütz, U. Schwalbe, R. Signorino, N. Skaggs, P. Spahn, P. Steiner, R. Sturn, H.-M. Trautwein, K. Tribe, R. Van den Berg, V. Vanberg, K. Velupillai, R. Venkatachalam, C.C. von Weizsäcker, L.R. Wray, K. Yahia
Duke University Press Mexico's Once and Future Revolution: Social Upheaval and the Challenge of Rule since the Late Nineteenth Century
In this concise historical analysis of the Mexican Revolution, Gilbert M. Joseph and Jürgen Buchenau explore the revolution's causes, dynamics, consequences, and legacies. They do so from varied perspectives, including those of campesinos and workers; politicians, artists, intellectuals, and students; women and men; the well-heeled, the dispossessed, and the multitude in the middle. In the process, they engage major questions about the revolution. How did the revolutionary process and its aftermath modernize the nation's economy and political system and transform the lives of ordinary Mexicans? Rather than conceiving the revolution as either the culminating popular struggle of Mexico's history or the triumph of a new (not so revolutionary) state over the people, Joseph and Buchenau examine the textured process through which state and society shaped each other. The result is a lively history of Mexico's "long twentieth century," from Porfirio Díaz's modernizing dictatorship to the neoliberalism of the present day.
Duke University Press A Century of Revolution: Insurgent and Counterinsurgent Violence during Latin America’s Long Cold War
Latin America experienced an epochal cycle of revolutionary upheavals and insurgencies during the twentieth century, from the Mexican Revolution of 1910 through the mobilizations and terror in Central America, the Southern Cone, and the Andes during the 1970s and 1980s. In his introduction to A Century of Revolution, Greg Grandin argues that the dynamics of political violence and terror in Latin America are so recognizable in their enforcement of domination, their generation and maintenance of social exclusion, and their propulsion of historical change, that historians have tended to take them for granted, leaving unexamined important questions regarding their form and meaning. The essays in this groundbreaking collection take up these questions, providing a sociologically and historically nuanced view of the ideological hardening and accelerated polarization that marked Latin America’s twentieth century. Attentive to the interplay among overlapping local, regional, national, and international fields of power, the contributors focus on the dialectical relations between revolutionary and counterrevolutionary processes and their unfolding in the context of U.S. hemispheric and global hegemony. Through their fine-grained analyses of events in Chile, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru, they suggest a framework for interpreting the experiential nature of political violence while also analyzing its historical causes and consequences. In so doing, they set a new agenda for the study of revolutionary change and political violence in twentieth-century Latin America.ContributorsMichelle ChaseJeffrey L. GouldGreg GrandinLillian GuerraForrest HyltonGilbert M. JosephFriedrich KatzThomas Miller KlubockNeil LarsenArno J. MayerCarlota McAllisterJocelyn OlcottGerardo RéniqueCorey RobinPeter Winn
University of Nebraska Press Uses of Plants by the Hidatsas of the Northern Plains
In 1916 anthropologist Gilbert L. Wilson worked closely with Buffalobird-woman, a highly respected Hidatsa born in 1839 on the Fort Berthold Reservation in western North Dakota, for a study of the Hidatsas’ uses of local plants. What resulted was a treasure trove of ethnobotanical information that was buried for more than seventy-five years in Wilson’s archives, now held jointly by the Minnesota Historical Society and the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Wilson recorded Buffalobird-woman’s insightful and vivid descriptions of how the nineteenth-century Hidatsa people had gathered, prepared, and used the plants and wood in their local environment for food, medicine, smoking, fiber, fuel, dye, toys, rituals, and construction. From courtship rituals that took place while gathering Juneberries, to descriptions of how the women kept young boys from stealing wild plums as they prepared them for use, to recipes for preparing and cooking local plants, Uses of Plants by the Hidatsas of the Northern Plains provides valuable details of Hidatsa daily life during the nineteenth century.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Lacey Act: Federal Regulation & Protection of Wildlife & Plants
Michael Walmer The Golden Arrow
Michael Walmer The Five Jars
Societe pour l'information grammaticale E. Benveniste Aujourd'hui. Tome 2
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Acoustic Emission and Durability of Composite Materials
In this book, two kinds of analysis based on acoustic emission recorded during mechanical tests are investigated. In the first, individual, analysis, acoustic signature of each damage mechanism is characterized. So with a clustering method, AE signals that have similar shapes or similar features can be group together into a cluster. Afterwards, each cluster can be linked with a main damage. The second analysis is based on a global AE analysis, on the investigation of liberated energy, with a view to identify a critical point. So beyond this characteristic point, the criticality can be modeled with a power-law in order to evaluate time to failure.
Resistance Books Middle East: War, Imperialism, and Ecology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Logistics Systems Management: With Microsoft Excel and Python Examples
INTRODUCTION TO LOGISTICS SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT The updated new edition of the award-winning introductory textbook on logistics system management Introduction to Logistics Systems Management provides an in-depth introduction to the methodological aspects of planning, organization, and control of logistics for organizations in the private, public and non-profit sectors. Based on the authors’ extensive teaching, research, and industrial consulting experience, this classic textbook is used in universities worldwide to teach students the use of quantitative methods for solving complex logistics problems. Fully updated and revised, the third edition places increased emphasis on the complexity and flexibility required by modern logistics systems. In this context, the extensive use of data, descriptive analytics, predictive models, and optimization techniques will be invaluable to support the decisions and actions of logistics and supply chain managers. Throughout the book, brand-new case studies and numerical examples illustrate how various methods can be used in industrial and service logistics to reduce costs and improve service levels. The book: includes new models and techniques that have emerged over the past decade; describes methodologies for logistics decision making, forecasting, logistics system design, procurement, warehouse management, and freight transportation management; includes end-of-chapter exercises, Microsoft® Excel® files and Python® computer codes for each algorithm covered; includes access to a companion website with additional exercises, links to video tutorials, and supplementary teaching material. To facilitate creation of course material, additional LaTeX source data containing the formulae, optimization models, tables and algorithms described in the book is available to instructors. Introduction to Logistics Systems Management, Third Edition remains an essential textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students in engineering, computer science, and management science courses. It is also a highly useful reference for academic researchers and industry practitioners alike.
Oxford University Press The EACVI Textbook of Echocardiography
This print edition of The EACVI Textbook of Echocardiography comes with a DVD and access to the online version on Oxford Medicine Online, for as long as the edition is published by Oxford University Press. By activating your unique access code, you can read and annotate the full text online, follow links from the references to primary research materials, and view, enlarge, and download all the figures and tables. This fully updated second edition of the official textbook of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging serves the educational requirements of cardiologists and all clinical medical professionals in echocardiography. It is fully-aligned with EACVI goals and reflects the core European syllabus. Published in partnership with the European Society of Cardiology and written by a team of expert authors, this textbook is a valuable resource on echocardiography and for accreditation through the EACVI. With its thorough and instructive text complemented by more than 500 full colour images and 200 videos online and as a separate DVD, The EACVI Textbook of Echocardiography is a one-stop, authoritative resource on echocardiography.
The Chinese University Press Wandering Mind and Metaphysical Thoughts
The present English-Chinese bilingual edition is the complete first book of poems written by Nobel Prize winner Gao Xingjian. His poems offer an array of snapshots over various themes where politics, dreams, and metaphysical concerns are mixed. With original art works by Gao, this collection advances his innovative experiments in poetry across cultural boundaries.
The Chinese University Press The Other Shore: Plays
Gao Xingjian is the leading Chinese dramatist of our time. He is also one of the most moving and literary writers for the contemporary stage. His plays have been performed all around the world, including China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, the Ivory Coast, the United States, France, Germany and other European countries. Born and educated in China, Gao studied French literature at the Beijing Foreign Languages Institute between 1957-1962. After the Cultural Revolution, he became a resident playwright at the Beijing People's Art Theatre. His works, including Bus Stop, Absolute Signal, and Wilderness Man, were trend-setting and have created many controversies and a wave of experimental drama in China. In 1987 he settled in Paris, France and continued to write in Chinese and in French. He was awarded the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government in 1992. The present collection contains five of Gao Xingjian's most recent works: The Other Shore (1986), Between Life and Death (1991), Dialogue and Rebuttal (1992), Nocturnal Wanderer (1993), and Weekend Quartet (1995). One finds poetry, comedy as well as tragedy in the plays, which are graced by beautiful language and original imagery. Combining Zen philosophy and a modern worldview, they serve to illuminate the gritty realities of life, death, sex, loneliness, and exile, all essential concerns in Gao's understanding of the existence of modern man. The plays are also manifestations of the dramatist's idea of the tripartite actor, a process by which the actor neutralizes himself and achieves a disinterested observation of his self in performance.
Duke University Press The Mexico Reader: History, Culture, Politics
The Mexico Reader is a vivid and comprehensive guide to muchos Méxicos—the many varied histories and cultures of Mexico. Unparalleled in scope, it covers pre-Columbian times to the present, from the extraordinary power and influence of the Roman Catholic Church to Mexico’s uneven postrevolutionary modernization, from chronic economic and political instability to its rich cultural heritage. Bringing together over eighty selections that include poetry, folklore, photo essays, songs, political cartoons, memoirs, journalism, and scholarly writing, this volume highlights the voices of everyday Mexicans—indigenous peoples, artists, soldiers, priests, peasants, and workers. It also includes pieces by politicians and foreign diplomats; by literary giants Octavio Paz, Gloria Anzaldúa, and Carlos Fuentes; and by and about revolutionary leaders Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata. This revised and updated edition features new selections that address twenty-first-century developments, including the rise of narcopolitics, the economic and personal costs of the United States’ mass deportation programs, the political activism of indigenous healers and manufacturing workers, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Mexico Reader is an essential resource for travelers, students, and experts alike.
Societe pour l'information grammaticale E. Benveniste Aujourd'hui. Tome 1
Fantagraphics The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers: Grass Roots and Other Follies (Freak Brothers Follies)
Editions Flammarion Art in Cuba
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin L'Excellence de la Vie: Sur l'Ethique a Nicomaque Et l'Ethique a Eudeme d'Aristote
Duncker & Humblot Europas Grundrechte Auf Dem Prufstand: Unter Besonderer Berucksichtigung Der Lander Mittel- Und Osteuropas
Stanford University Press Summer of Discontent, Seasons of Upheaval: Elite Politics and Rural Insurgency in Yucatán, 1876-1915
This book addresses a central problem often ignored by students of twentieth-century Mexico: the breakdown of the old order during the first years of the revolutionary era. That process was more contested and gradual in Yucatan than in any other Mexican region, and this close examination of the Yucatan experience sheds light on an issue of particular relevance to students of Central America, South America’s southern cone, and other postcolonial societies: the capacity of national oligarchies to “hang on” in the face of escalating social change, the outbreak of local rebellions, and the mobilization of multiclass coalitions. Latin American historiography has generally failed to integrate the study of popular movements and rebellions with examinations of the determined efforts of elite establishments to prevent, contain, crush, and, ultimately, ideologically appropriate such rebellions. Most often, these problems are treated separately. This volume seeks to redress this imbalance by probing a set of linkages that is central to the study of Mexico’s modern past: the complex, reciprocal relationship between modes of contestation and structures and discourses of power.
MQ - University of Nebraska Press Waheenee
Tells the story of Waheenee, a Hidatsa Indian woman, born in 1839 amid a devastated tribe. This book describes her life as a strong-willed, curious child, a spirited adolescent, and a skilled, hardworking young mother.
Classiques Garnier Recueil Poetique: (Bnf, Manuscrit Francais 22565)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Pharmacology of the Critically Ill
This book deals with how changes in organ function can affect the way the body handles drugs. Most books on this subject deal with how drug treatments affect organ function. This book approaches it from the other way round. The information in this book will allow safer prescribing of drugs to critically ill patients. This is a clinical governance issue. Quality of care and quality of drug prescribing is vital to patient safety. With clinical governance and since the Audit Commission report on Intensive Care in the UK, this is even more spotlighted.
Duke University Press Fragments of a Golden Age: The Politics of Culture in Mexico Since 1940
During the twentieth century the Mexican government invested in the creation and promotion of a national culture more aggressively than any other state in the western hemisphere. Fragments of a Golden Age provides a comprehensive cultural history of the vibrant Mexico that emerged after 1940. Agreeing that the politics of culture and its production, dissemination, and reception constitute one of the keys to understanding this period of Mexican history, the volume’s contributors—historians, popular writers, anthropologists, artists, and cultural critics—weigh in on a wealth of topics from music, tourism, television, and sports to theatre, unions, art, and magazines. Each essay in its own way addresses the fragmentation of a cultural consensus that prevailed during the “golden age” of post–revolutionary prosperity, a time when the state was still successfully bolstering its power with narratives of modernization and shared community. Combining detailed case studies—both urban and rural—with larger discussions of political, economic, and cultural phenomena, the contributors take on such topics as the golden age of Mexican cinema, the death of Pedro Infante as a political spectacle, the 1951 “caravan of hunger,” professional wrestling, rock music, and soap operas. Fragments of a Golden Age will fill a particular gap for students of modern Mexico, Latin American studies, cultural studies, political economy, and twentieth century history, as well as to others concerned with rethinking the cultural dimensions of nationalism, imperialism, and modernization. Contributors. Steven J. Bachelor, Quetzil E. Castañeda, Seth Fein, Alison Greene, Omar Hernández, Jis & Trino, Gilbert M. Joseph, Heather Levi, Rubén Martínez, Emile McAnany, John Mraz, Jeffrey M. Pilcher, Elena Poniatowska, Anne Rubenstein, Alex Saragoza, Arthur Schmidt, Mary Kay Vaughan, Eric Zolov
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Das Ziel des nun auch in deutscher Übersetzung erhältlichen Buches ist es, angewandte Mathematik und Ingenieurmathematik so darzustellen, wie sie heutzutage Anwendung findet. Das Buch basiert auf dem Kurs „Wissenschaftliches Rechnen" des Massachusetts Institute of Technology und versucht, Konzepte und Algorithmen zusammenzuführen. Beginnend mit der angewandten linearen Algebra entwickeln die Autoren die Methoden der finiten Differenzen und finiten Elemente – stets in Verbindung mit Anwendungen in zahlreichen Wissensgebieten.
University of Minnesota Press On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects
Few thinkers have been as influential upon current discussions and theoretical practices in the age of media archaeology, philosophy of technology, and digital humanities as the French thinker Gilbert Simondon. Simondon’s prolific intellectual curiosity led his philosophical and scientific reflections to traverse a variety of areas of research, including philosophy, psychology, the beginnings of cybernetics, and the foundations of religion. For Simondon, the human/machine distinction is perhaps not a simple dichotomy. There is much we can learn from our technical objects, and while it has been said that humans have an alienating rapport with technical objects, Simondon takes up the task of a true thinker who sees the potential for humanity to uncover life-affirming modes of technical objects whereby we can discover potentiality for novel, healthful, and dis-alienating rapports with them. For Simondon, by way of studying its genesis, one must grant to the technical object the same ontological status as that of the aesthetic object or even a living being. His work thus opens up exciting new entry points into studying the human’s rapport with its continually changing technical reality. This first complete English-language translation of Gilbert Simondon’s groundbreaking and influential work finally presents to Anglophone readers one of the pinnacle works of France’s most unique thinkers of technics.
Les Belles Lettres La Bible. (Torah, Nevihim Et Ketouvim).
Des Moines Art Centre,U.S. Phyllida Barlow: Scree
Since the 1960s, British sculptor Phyllida Barlow (born 1944) has pursued a unique investigation into materiality, form and process in the wake of the minimalist and postminimalist movements of the 1960s and 70s. Barlow's 2013 exhibition Scree, at the Des Moines Art Center, was designed specifically for the museum, responding to and residing within the architecture of its I.M. Pei wing. Built in 1968, this classically Brutalist architecture with its poured concrete structure and expansive windows forms the perfect backdrop to the artist's ongoing development of the minimalist legacy. Scree also includes 55 works on paper from the late 1960s to the present, which are juxtaposed with works she has selected from the Des Moines Art Center's Permanent Collections. These include works by artists who have been central to her artistic development such as Louise Bourgeois, Yayoi Kusama, Magdalena Abakanowicz, John Chamberlain and Eva Hesse.
Leuven University Press Self-Presentation and Social Identification: The Rhetoric and Pragmatics of Letter Writing in Early Modern Times
More often than not, humanist, scholarly and 'scientific' correspondences from the early modern period have been analyzed from a rather narrow point of view. They were either exploited to reveal new biographical and historical evidence or assessed as literary achievements, as precious (or not so precious) pearls of artistic prose and composition. However legitimate such an outspokenly positivist and aesthetic approach may be, it does not exhaust the various possibilities for historical and literary study that early modern correspondences offer. It may, for instance, be doubted whether the traditional approach enables us to address, let alone to answer, one of the key questions that can and should be raised when dealing with letter writing in early modern times: how did the genre function as a social practice? This question can be reformulated as follows: who was writing, what, for whom, and why? At first glance, many, if not most, of the correspondences seem to have functioned as a means to discuss business and family affairs, to express friendship (and, to a lesser extent, love), or to communicate scholarly information. If we scrutinize them more carefully, however, we will discover that epistolary exchange was far more signicifant and played a far more crucial role than this superficial enumeration of topics to be found in early modern correspondences would make us believe. It can indeed be argued that many humanists and other intellectuals wrote letters in order to define themselves as literators, scholars, or scientists. In other words, letters were used as a means of self-presentation and social identification. It is through letters that literators, scholars, and scientists presented a particular, quite often highly apologetic, self-image which they wanted to be divulged and perpetuated. It is through letters, moreover, that literators, scholars, and scientists defined themselves as belonging to a specific group of people who shared the same interests and ideals, and were engaged in similar endeavours. Although these issues have not been entirely neglected by scholars in the past, this book brings together philologists, literary historians and historians of ideas to reflect upon the phenomenon of letter writing, and concentrates on four particular issues: the rhetoric of letter writing, friendship and patronage, criticism and libel, reputation and fame. Moreover, particular attention has been given to the functioning of letter writing as a means of self-presentation and social identification, linking together more closely text and context, literature and society.
University of Minnesota Press Imagination and Invention
A radical rethinking of the theory and the experience of mental images Here, in English translation for the first time, is Gilbert Simondon’s fundamental reconception of the mental image and the theory of imagination and invention. Drawing on a vast range of mid-twentieth-century theoretical resources—from experimental psychology, cybernetics, and ethology to the phenomenological reflections of Sartre and Merleau-Ponty—Imagination and Invention provides a comprehensive account of the mental image and adds a vital new dimension to the theory of psychical individuation in Simondon’s earlier, highly influential work.Simondon traces the development of the mental image through four phases: first a bundle of motor anticipations, the image becomes a cognitive system that mediates the organism’s relation to its milieu, then a symbolic and abstract integration of motor and affective experience to, finally, invention, a solution to a problem of life that requires the externalization of the mental image and the creation of a technical object. An image cannot be understood from the perspective of one phase alone, he argues, but only within the trajectory of its progressive metamorphosis.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Drying of Ceramics: With Laboratory Exercises
This important book will make an excellent addition to anyone involved in the drying of ceramic materials. In order to accommodate readers with a wide range of interest and abilities, most chapters are divided into sections by basic and advanced concepts. Selected chapters include introduction to drying; water, air, and water vapor; drying mechanisms in particulate systems; psychrometry; characterization of dryer operations; dryer control; drying defects; and advanced drying technologies. The book contains problems at the end of each chapter (with answers to selected problems in the appendix) and laboratory exercises.