Search results for ""author a""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Industrial Potential of Russia: Analytical Study Based on Fixed Asset Statistics to 1992
Polity Press Ancestral Future
Wiley-Blackwell A Concise Guide to Clinical Trials 2e
The Merlin Press Ltd Studies in Manorial History
Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart DaF im Unternehmen: Kurs- und Ubungsbuch A1 + Audios und Filmen online
Wattpad Books GremoryLand Volume One: A WEBTOON Unscrolled Graphic Novel
Six old school friends are invited to be the first visitors to GremoryLand, a new horror theme park that promises an experience as unique as it is scary. But once this experience starts there is no turning back, and they find themselves tested beyond what they imagined, facing their most desperate fears in order to survive. To escape GremoryLand, these six friends must not just survive their worst nightmares - they also have to survive each other.
Button Books Three–Letter Words – Flash Cards
The laminated flashcards in this pack are ideal for teachers, parents and carers to teach common CVC words to children aged 4+. Each card has a single word in clear, easy-to-read text accompanied by a delightful illustration by Alain Gree. Notes are included with handy suggestions for games and activities with the cards.
Papadakis Blue Ice
Blue Ice is the new book from photographer Alex Bernasconi whose unique approach to wildlife photography has been honoured with multiple prestigious awards. Bernasconi's breathtaking panoramas reveal the spectacular beauty of the Antarctic landscape shaped by its extreme climate, while his wildlife portraits depict the surprising diversity of Species, highly adapted to the challenging conditions in which they live. A foreword by the British glaciologist Professor Julian Dowdeswell, Director of the Scott Polar Research Institute, explains the dynamics of the geography and ice masses, and the effects of climate change, while Dr Peter Clarkson draws on his personal experiences as a member of the British Antarctic Survey in his introduction, which also recounts the challenges of working and living in one of the harshest environments on Earth. Blue Ice provides a remarkable Visual record of an eco-system at risk, revealing the extraordinary, unexpected beauty of the Antarctic, the most remote and endangered place on Earth.
MQ - University of Nebraska Press Tailgate to Heaven
Palgrave Macmillan A Short History of Europe: From the Greeks and Romans to the Present Day
In this work, Antony Alcock recounts the historical development of Europe from the Greek city states through to the 2000 Nice Treaty on European Integration and the attack on New York of 11 September 2001. This Short History of Europe is told simply and accessibly, yet provides the political, economic, social and cultural context for Europe's increasing integration, based on the three pillars of Greek political thought, Roman law and the Christian religion, including analysis of new material, Antony Alcock brings his history fully up-to-date looking at such issues as the collapse of Yugoslavia, immigration and asylum seekers and finally consideration of the future of Europe in the twenty first century.
mineditionUS Dinosaur Surprise
What could be more exciting to a toddler than animals that turn into dinosaurs? Every animal in this book looks cute and small—until you unfold the flaps to reveal a much bigger dinosaur within! Is that a jellyfish or a Pterodactyl? Is that a parrot or a Triceratops? Open the flaps to find out...
Button Books My First Book of Nature
Alain Gree's beautiful illustrations from the 1960s and 70s are known throughout the world. With their naivety of form and bold use of colour, their charm is undeniable. Part of a delightful series of books under GMC's exciting new imprint, Button Books, My first book of Nature features Alain Gree's stunning vintage illustrations on every page. Aimed at children aged 0 to 2 years, My first book of Nature is a robust, wipeable board book with rounded corners. Its vibrant pictures and large, bold text will make learning about the natural world around them fun and absorbing for young children and toddlers.
GMC Publications Step–by–step Guitar Making
In this title, the Sussex based author provides accessible text, clear instructions, step-by-step photographs and a full-size plan of the guitar. Readers will learn how to make a steel-stringed OM cutaway guitar with 14 frets from scratch, following the clear step-by-step photographs and straightforward instructions. Suitable even for woodworkers with a basic level of skills, this is a rewarding project to undertake and will no doubt become a family heirloom. Packed full of handy information and expert tips, close guidance through the whole process from choosing the materials to the final stringing up and a full-size plan of the guitar to follow, readers can't go wrong. Plus this revised and updated edition features new and expanded material on: power tools and jigs, bolt-on and dovetail neck joints, alternative ways of making a guitar body, soundboard bracing for a Classical guitar and much more.
Button Books Farm Activity Book
This delightful farm-themed activity book will keep young children entertained for hours. The pages are packed with all sorts of enjoyable activities, including join the dots, spot the difference, colouring in, simple makes and other engaging puzzles. Fun and educational, the Farm Activity Book features beautiful, bright illustrations that will draw children in and keep them busy. Alain Grée's unmistakably rich and appealing style of illustration makes every page incredibly absorbing. And while children are enjoying the mazes, matching and counting, the activities will be helping them to develop a wide range of skills, including observational, conversational and motor skills. AGES: 4 to 11 AUTHOR: Alain Grée is a French author and illustrator of children's books. He has had over 300 books published, which have been translated into 20 different languages. He has also worked as a children's broadcaster on French national television, produced three detective novels, ten ship navigation books and been a journalist for 20 years for Voiles et Voiliers (sailing ships) magazine. He is currently a graphic designer and editor for various advertising publications. Alain's main hobby is sailing. He's owned several boats since the 1970s and has crossed the Atlantic Ocean twice. He finds his sailing trips provide the perfect time out to work on new children's stories and illustrations. Includes 100 stickers
Poolbeg Press Ltd A Telegram From Berlin
Watson-Guptill Publications Painting the Landscape in Pastel
Known for his use of luminous color, Albert Handell, whose lush landscapes light up these pages, provides lucid instructions to help first-time pastelists achieve impressive results as soon as they begin working with the medium. After reviewing pastel supplies, the author discusses landscape composition and how to establish large shapes first, abstract certain areas, develop a focal point, work from dark to light, and capture the illusion of reality through color. Stepped demonstrations isolate specific landscape aspects, showing how the pastelist depicts skies, trees, buildings, water, rocks, woods, snow, and light.
Palgrave Macmillan Memory in Culture
This book questions the sociocultural dimensions of remembering. It offers an overview of the history and theory of memory studies through the lens of sociology, political science, anthropology, psychology, literature, art and media studies; documenting current international and interdisciplinary memory research in an unprecedented way.
Palgrave Macmillan Modernism and Perversion: Sexual Deviance in Sexology and Literature, 1850-1930
Charting the construction of sexual perversions in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century medical, psychiatric and psychological discourse, Schaffner argues that sexologists' preoccupation with these perversions was a response to specifically modern concerns, and illuminates the role of literary texts in the formation of sexological knowledge.
Penguin Books Ltd The Nibelungenlied
Written by an unknown author in the twelfth century, this powerful tale of murder and revenge reaches back to the earliest epochs of German antiquity, transforming centuries-old legend into a masterpiece of chivalric drama. Siegfried, a great prince of the Netherlands, wins the hand of the beautiful princess Kriemhild of Burgundy, by aiding her brother Gunther in his struggle to seduce a powerful Icelandic Queen. But the two women quarrel, and Siegfried is ultimately destroyed by those he trusts the most. Comparable in scope to the Iliad, this skilfully crafted work combines the fragments of half-forgotten myths to create one of the greatest epic poems - the principal version of the heroic legends used by Richard Wagner, in The Ring.
University of California Press Green Inheritance Saving the Plants of the World
Nova Science Publishers Inc Qualitative Analysis of Hydrodynamical Models of Charge Transport in Semiconductors
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Annotated Multiple Choice Questions: Australian Medical Council
The Australian Medical Council (AMC) has prepared this book to assist overseas-trained doctors who are preparing for the AMC AMCQ examination. This book will be a valuable guide and self-assessment tool to assist in sitting for this exam. It also illustrates the best-practice principles for a wide range of medical conditions found in the Australian community. All medical students will find this book an invaluable aid as an educational resource in preparation for their clinical assessments, as should postgraduate trainees preparing for higher degrees across the spectrum of general and specialist practice. The questions are representative of curricula of medical schools at universities across Australia.
Pearson Education Using Econometrics
Peeters Publishers Hartslag Van De Kerk: De Parochie Vanuit Kerkrechtelijk Standpunt. Deel I
Naast het gegeven dat dit boek bedoeld is als handboek voor theologiestudenten en als handleiding voor de parochies en haar pastores, inclusief dus alle pastorale werk(st)ers, vrijwillig(st)ers, parochiele medewerk(st)ers of hoe de functionarissen binnen de parochiegemeenschap hier of elders ook genoemd mogen worden, is het ook de moeite waard voor notariskantoren, want overal waar het civiele recht raakvlakken heeft met of mede normerend is voor de Kerken, wordt ook dit recht naast het eigen kerkrecht besproken zowel waar het gaat om het Nederlandse als om het Belgische civiele recht. Met zijn 25 pagina's bronnen- en literatuuropgave en de 541 pagina's tekst wil dit boek tevens een wetenschappelijk verantwoord commentaar zijn op het nieuwe R.K. Wetboek van canoniek recht, dat op 25 januari 1983 verscheen en kracht van wet kreeg op de eerste dag van de Advent 1983. In elf hoofdstukken wordt ingegaan op: de parochie in het algemeen (I), de parochiekerk (II), de rector van die kerk, de pastoor (III) die als belangrijkste opdracht - in de termen van Vaticanum II - de heiligingstaak heeft. Daarom worden achtereenvolgens de sacramenten behandeld als zijnde de voornaamste uitdrukkingen van de goddelijke eredienst: het doopsel (IV), het vormsel (V), de eucharistie (VI), het boetesacrament (VII), de ziekenzalving (VIII), het huwelijkssacrament (IX), en andere uitingsvormen van de eredienst aan God zoals uitvaart en begrafenis (X). De bestuurs- en verkondigingstaken zullen in Deel II aan de orde komen. Dit deel I eindigt met een hoofdstuk over administratie en registratie in een parochie (XI).
Peeters Publishers Le Yidich a Travers La Chanson Populaire
Peeters Publishers Patrologie et Oecumenisme: Recueil D'etudes
Peeters Publishers L'évolution du système verbal persan (Xe-XVIe siècles)
Le persan est seule des langues iraniennes dont on puisse suivre l'histoire depuis son ancêtre le vieux perse (552-350 avant J.-C.) jusqu'à nos jours. Les études diachroniques sont néanmoins rares: on considère souvent que le persan a peu changé depuis sa renaissance littéraire au IXe siècle. S'il est vrai que le persan a moins évolué depuis Firdousi (Xe-XIe siècles) que le français depuis Chrétien de Troyes, les changements qu'il a connus sont pourtant loin d'être mineurs. Et le secteur de la langue qui a connu le plus de changements est le système verbal, objet de ce livre. S'appuyant sur un corpus de textes persans et judéo-persans, dont des manuscrits autographes, cet ouvrage étudie les questions relatives au temps, à l'aspect et au mode, du Xe au XVIe siècles. Des faits de langue sont comparés à ceux d'autres langues indo-européennes, mais aussi de langues africaines, amérindiennes ou sémitiques. Certains d'entre eux s'avèrent être des invariants, par exemple l'affaiblissement du trait de concomitance, ou la disparition et la recréation d'un mode subjonctif.
Peeters Publishers Platonisme Politique et Theorie du Droit Naturel. Contributions a une Archeologie de la Culture Politique Europeenne. Volume II. Platonisme Politique et Jusnaturalisme Chretien. La Tradition Directe et Indirecte d'Augustin d'Hippone a John
La justice est-elle une illusion? Si tel etait le cas, que penser de l'Etat de droit contemporain, lui qui resulte d'une longue et continuelle recherche de la justice par les penseurs occidentaux? Avec Platon, la philosophie occidentale a en effet debute sa longue quete d'un modele pour batir la cite. Le modele de Platon, la justice transcendante ou naturelle (to; fuvsei divkaion), fut accueilli a Rome par Ciceron. Cette phase inaugurale de l'histoire de la philosophie politique occidentale est etudiee dans le premier volume de cette etude: "Platonisme politique et theorie du droit naturel. Contributions a une archeologie de la culture politique europeenne. Le platonisme dans l'antiquite", Louvain-Paris, Ed. Peeters, 1995.Le present volume etudie la reception chretienne de la doctrine de Platon, du Veme au XVIIeme siecle. Le lecteur rencontrera d'abord Augustin d'Hippone: l'eveque accueille, puis rejette la theorie platonicienne. Durant le Moyen Age latin, les juristes et le theologien Thomas d'Aquin assoient solidement cette doctrine dans la pensee chretienne en s'opposant a l'augustinisme religieux. De la Renaissance au XVIIeme siecle, Marsile Ficin, Jean Bodin, Jean de Serres, Francisco Suarez, Hugo Grotius, Samuel Pufendorf et John Locke retravaillent encore la notion platonico-chretienne de justice: contre le volontarisme, la pensee theocratique, puis la doctrine de Thomas Hobbes au XVIIeme siecle, cette tradition philosophique met la justice naturelle au fondement de la republique. Au bout de cette histoire se profilent les premieres declarations des Droits de l'homme, que cet etude envisage dans le sillage du platonisme politique et de l'un de ses heritiers majeurs, John Locke.Cette etude retrace pour la premiere fois la reception de Platon considere comme un penseur politique. Elle ouvre de fait une nouvelle perspective dans l'histoire de la philosophie politique. Elle corrige enfin les histoires anterieures du jusnaturalisme chretien, dans la mesure ou celles-ci ignoraient l'impact de la pensee platonicienne. L'etude est accompagnee de traductions francaises inedites: un ensemble de textes qui temoignent de la presence du platonisme politique dans la pensee occidentale.
Peeters Publishers Martyrius (Sahdona). Oeuvres Spirituelles, IV. Lettres a Des Amis Solitaires, Maximes Sapientiales: T.
Peeters Publishers Philoxene De Mabbog. Lettre Aux Moines De Senoun: V.
Peeters Publishers Martyrius (Sahdona). Oeuvres Spirituelles, II. Livre De La Perfection, 2e Partie (ch. 1-7): V.
Editorial Médica Panamericana S.A. 100 tcnicas de movilizacin con impulso en osteopata manipulaciones de alta velocidad y baja amplitud
La técnica de movilización con impulso, también conocida como ?manipulaciones articulares? o ?técnicas de trust?, se considera la base esencial del trabajo diario del osteópata. Por ello, esta obra es una herramienta de trabajo indispensable y de gran calidad para los profesionales sanitarios que trabajan con esta técnica
Prh Grupo Editorial El valle de los dinosaurios Valley of the Dinosaurs
Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A Guía rápida de Word Office 2010
Encuadernación: Rústica.Microsoft Word es la aplicación de procesamiento de textos más extendida del mercado. Con más de 25 años de existencia, se calcula que en el mundo la usan más de 500 millones de personas.En pocas horas podrá conocer lo suficiente de Word 2010 para crear cualquier tipo de documento, trabajar con plantillas, todo sobre formatos y estilos, manipular imágenes, dibujos y formas de texto, combinar correspondencia, automatizar tareas utilizando macros, etc. Todos los nuevos conocimientos que presenta esta Guía Rápida van acompañados de sus correspondientes Actividades objetivo y Prácticas. Con ellas podrá evaluar el progreso de sus conocimientos y consolidar lo que ha aprendido.Puede descargar los archivos a los que se hace referencia las Actividades Objetivo y en las Prácticas, junto con sus soluciones, en la web de Ediciones Paraninfo.
Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones Cómo vivir con un niñoa hiperactivoa comportamiento diagnóstico tratamiento ayuda familiar y escolar
La hiperactividad infantil es un comportamiento frecuente que plantea problemas en la familia y en el colegio siendo causa, a veces, de un bajo rendimiento escolar. Los autores estudian la hiperactividad desde el primer año hasta la adolescencia y dan pautas a padres y profesores para detectar esta situación cuanto antes y procurar su mejoramiento o solución mediante ayudas psicológicas, pedagógicas y médicas.(Abstract: HOW TO LIVE WITH A HYPERACTIVE CHILD - Behaviour, diagnosis, treatment, family and school assistance - Infantile hyperactivity is a frequent behaviour which raises problems in the family and in the school causing, at times, a low school performance. The authors study hyperactivity from the first year till adolescence and give guidelines to parents and professors to detect this situation as early as possible and to find improvement or solution through psychological, pedagogical and medical assistance).Extracto del Índice:1/ Qué es la hiperactividad infantil?
NubeOcho Whats that Terrible Growl
A sweet, creative rendering of a young child's imagination. ~BooklistGRRRRRRRRRR!! What is that noise? Is it a hungry, ferocious lion from the savannah? Or a fire-breathing dragon from a far-off land?Mysterious noises haunt this little boy. With every passing page, the anticipation will grow: what's the cause of this big GROWL? A lion? A mean, ugly ogre? A ten-eyed creature from outer space? Or perhaps something else, something unexpected?Stay for the final surprise in this intriguing tale for the smallest ones of the house by A.H. Benjamin and Merel Eyckerman.También disponible en español. (Also available in Spanish.)
Obelisco Sanadores, Un Camino Alternativo
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Die sogenannte Thronfolgegeschichte Davids: Neue Einsichten und Anfragen
de Gruyter Gruppentheorie II
de Gruyter Physik Der Halbleiter
Association pour l'Avancement des Etudes Iraniennes Further Topics in Iranian Linguistics: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Iranian Linguistics, held in Bamberg on 24-26 August 2013
The papers in this volume were presented at the Fifth International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL5), held 24-26 August 2013 at the Otto-Friedrich University, Bamberg, Germany. The conference was organized by Geoffrey Haig, Otto-Friedrich University, Bamberg; Carina Jahani, Uppsala University; Agnes Korn, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main; and Pollet Samvelian, Université Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris. It involved more than 50 participants, 33 oral presentations, and eight poster presentations, as well as keynote speeches by Bernard Comrie (Max-Planck-Institut, Leipzig) and Éva Jeremias (Eötvös Lorand University, Budapest). This biennial conference attracts international scholars with diverse backgrounds and theoretical outlooks who come to share their current research on Iranian languages past and present. Like the three volumes of selected papers that precede it, this one well reflects the range of ideas and approaches that the conference consistently exhibits. Les articles de ce volume ont été présentés au 5e Colloque International de Linguistique Iranienne (Fifth International Conference on Iranian Linguistics - ICIL5), qui s'est tenu les 24-26 août 2013 à l'Université Otto-Friedrich de Bamberg, en Allemagne. Ce colloque a été organisé par Geoffrey Haig (Université Otto-Friedrich, Bamberg), Carina Jahani (Université d'Upsal), Agnes Korn (Université Goethe, Francfort-sur-le-Main) et Pollet Samvelian (Université Paris III - Sobonne Nouvelle, Paris). Il a réuni plus de 50 participants; 33 présentations orales et huit présentations par poster y ont été données. Bernard Comrie (Institut Max-Planck, Leipzig) et Éva Jeremias (Université Eötvös Lorand, Budapest) y étaient les conférenciers invités. Lors de ces colloques bisannuels, des chercheurs internationaux, de diverses approches théoriques, viennent partager leurs travaux sur les langues iraniennes, anciennes comme modernes. À l'instar des trois volumes précédents, cet ouvrage se veut le reflet des différentes idées et approches présentées au cours de cette rencontre internationale.
Academie Des Inscriptions Et Belles Lettres Musée du Louvre fascicule 29: Les lécythes attiques à fond blanc
Ecole francaise d'Athenes La rencontre pacifique de deux mondes chrétiens: Les monastères de la Péribleptos et de la Pantanassa à Mistra
Ecole francaise d'Athenes Le mariage grec du VIe siècle av. J.-C. à l’époque d'Auguste
Brepols N.V. The Didascalia Apostolorum: An English Version