Search results for ""Scarecrow Press""
Scarecrow Press Cain's Craft
The author looks at the master of the hard-boiled novel, James M. Cain, through six perspectives: the tough and proletarian writers; popular fiction writing as a career; writing for the movies and the adaptation of novels to film; the pure novel; the influence of American fiction on European fiction; and the aesthetics of popular culture. Through the perspective of the 'pure' novel, Madden provides a long overview of the characters, subjects, themes, and techniques of all Cain's 18 novels. With annotated bibliography and index.
Scarecrow Press The Best of Rob Wagner's Script
Rob Wagner's Script was a small, intellectual magazine—perhaps best described as a lesser, West Coast version of The New Yorker—published in Beverly Hills from 1929 to 1947. It was notable for the quality of its articles and essays and the celebrity status of many of its contributors. This anthology gathers together the best of the journal, including short stories by Charles Chaplin, profiles by Jim Tully and Dalton Trumbo, poetry by Jessamyn West, and articles by Upton Sinclair, Agnes de Mille, Sigmund Romberg, Eddie Cantor, and Ben Hecht. Of particular interest are some of the earliest writings of William Saroyan, Louis L'Amour, and Ray Bradbury.
Scarecrow Press Star Myths: Show-Business Biographies on Film
Studies the film biography genre - from The Great Ziegfeld to Mommie Dearest, with individual chapters devoted to such specialists as bandleaders, comedians, singers, dancers, actors, and songwriters. Covers over 125 bio-films made between 1930 and 1982.
Scarecrow Press Evangelicals United: Ecumenical Stirrings in Pre-Victorial Britain, 1795-1830
No dsicriptive material is available for this title.
Scarecrow Press Communication Throughout Libraries
Offers sound advice on the involved processes of talking, understanding, and working together in an organization.
Scarecrow Press Television Drama Series Programming: A Comprehensive Chronicle
"...Gianakos has done for television what Roget did for the Thesaurus and Bartlett did for Familiar Quotations. He has codified the industry, brought order out of chaos, made sense of what for decades was insensible. He is a pioneer, and his works will have a significant effect for generations."-From the Introduction by Allan Kalmus For more than a decade, Gianakos' truly comprehensive chronicles of American television have been considered classic references. This is the third volume in the long-anticipated 6-volume set. The overview blends a thorough discussion of individual series and specials with a political, sociological, and psychological examination of the whole range of powerful images conveyed. As in past volumes, a "Days and Times" section covers virtually all that was of dramatic import on and off the major networks and cable. Following are sections on series initiated previously; series inaugurated during the current period; series not previously chronicled; and a cumulative index of series titles.
Scarecrow Press Graham Greene: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism
Covers fifty years of criticism of Graham Greene, a leading man of letters on the English literary scene.
Scarecrow Press Original Music for Men's Voices: A Selected Bibliography
This revised edition provides names of compositions, composers, editors with their dates, vocal arrangements, instrumental accompaniments, literary and textual sources, publishers, catalog numbers, duration, and other information for some 1,139 individual compositions and over 200 compositions from collections.
Scarecrow Press Television Drama Series Programming: A Comprehensive Chronicle
"...Gianakos has done for television what Roget did for the Thesaurus and Bartlett did for Familiar Quotations. He has codified the industry, brought order out of chaos, made sense of what for decades was insensible. He is a pioneer, and his works will have a significant effect for generations."-From the Introduction by Allan Kalmus For more than a decade, Gianakos' truly comprehensive chronicles of American television have been considered classic references. This is the first volume of the long-anticipated 6-volume series. The overview blends a thorough discussion of individual series and specials with a political, sociological, and psychological examination of the whole range of powerful images conveyed. A "Days and Times" section covers virtually all that was of dramatic import on and off the major networks and cable. Following are sections on series initiated previously; series inaugurated during the current period; series not previously chronicled; and a cumulative index of series titles.
Scarecrow Press Index to Opera, Operetta and Musical Comedy Synopses in Collections and Periodicals
Indexes 1,605 titles by 627 composers.
Scarecrow Press Women in American Music: A Bibliography
Cites writings about women in American music, covering the period from 1776-1976. A total of 1,305 books and articles are included.
Scarecrow Press Popular Song Index: First Supplement: 1970-1975
An established source for words and music to popular tunes, folk songs, hymns, spirituals, sea chanteys, and blues. The main volume (1975) indexes 301 song collections published between 1940 and 1972. The First Supplement (1978) indexes 72 collections published from 1970 to 1975. This Second Supplement covers song books published from 1974 to 1981 and picks up a few titles published in the 1950s and 1960s. The arrangement is identical to the preceding volume: a bibliography of 156 books; index by title, first line of song, and first line of chorus; and a composer and lyricist index.
Scarecrow Press Teaching Singing
This textbook in vocal pedagogy utilizes a comparative approach in presenting the various contributions to singing instruction that have appeared in the published literature from 1941 to 1971. With a complete, fully annotated bibliography of the literature on voice culture between 1941 and 1971.
Scarecrow Press Germans to America (Series II), April 1848-October 1848: Lists of Passengers Arriving at U.S. Ports
Germans to America provides both genealogists and researchers of family history with the first extensive, indexed source of German surname immigrants. This entire project was planned to span the years 1850 through 1893, but now the series has been extended. The series reproduces information from the original passenger lists filed by all vessels entering U.S. ports from abroad. Ships that departed from German ports or carried passengers who declared themselves to be of German origin are included, with first and last names, age, sex, occupation, and province and village of origin (whenever available) provided for each emigrant. A complete index of names is included at the end of every volume. Germans to America may be ordered by individual volume. Standing orders, which receive a 10% discount, are also welcomed.
Scarecrow Press The Holiness-Pentecostal Movement: A Comprehensive Guide
Developing out of the (mostly Methodist) National Association for the Promotion of Holiness, the Holiness-Pentecostal Movement provided a theological consensus strong enough to unify the movement during its first decade of existence and to sweep almost the entire independent Holiness movement of the southeastern United States. Distinguished from the Holiness Movement mainly by insistence on speaking in tongues as "initial evidence" of baptism of the Holy Spirit, the teaching of the Holiness-Pentecostal Movement is foundational to a significant segment of groups descended from the Azusa Street revival, especially in Chile and South Africa. With this final volume, devoted to the Holiness-Pentecostal Movement, Charles Edwin Jones's landmark 1974 work has now been expanded into a three-part series, which breaks up his original book into 4 volumes on The Wesleyan Holiness Movement (2 Volumes), The Keswick Movement, and The Holiness-Pentecostal Movement. The series provides materials for study of doctrine, worship, institutional development, and personalities, as well as antecedent and related movements. It serves to illustrate the history both of the Holiness Movement and the rural-urban transition in which it developed. Theological reconsiderations, realignments, and changes, as well as the nearly exponential growth of the Movement since the original book's publication, make these new publications almost absolutely necessary.
Scarecrow Press The Solo Cello: A Bibliography of the Unaccompanied Violoncello Literature
Exploring in depth the repertory of the unaccompanied cello, this work lists more than 1,500 works from the Baroque era to the present day. It gives succinct information, including durations of works, and composers' dates and nationalities.
Scarecrow Press The Literature of Music Bibliography: An Account of the Writings on the History of Music Printing & Publishing
In tracing the history of writings on music printing and publishing, this book discusses the theory of music bibliography. It examines such major topics as historical surveys of music printing and musical commerce and property; and surveys specific subjects ranging from type-specimen books to patent registrations, from the history of music libraries to bibliophilic editions.
Scarecrow Press The Epic Films of David Lean
Widely regarded as one of cinema's most accomplished directors, David Lean helmed such classics as Brief Encounter, Great Expectations, and Oliver Twist. He twice received the Academy Award for best director, and two of his films, The Bridge on the River Kwai and Lawrence of Arabia won the Oscar for best picture. Both are featured on the American Film Institute's Top 100, with Lawrence of Arabia at number seven. Despite the awards and accolades for these motion pictures, many critics often look more favorably upon the smaller films that Lean produced earlier in his career, and in recent years his reputation as a director has diminished. In this study, Constantine Santas seeks to restore these now undervalued epics to the elevated esteem they once held. Without dismissing the earlier works or regarding them as irrelevant to Lean's evolution as an artist, this book shows that the epics, if analyzed from certain vantage points, are as worthy as any of Lean's previous films. In addition to Lean's Academy-Award-winning blockbusters, Santas also provides close analytical looks at Doctor Zhivago, Ryan's Daughter, and the director's final film, A Passage to India. Santas argues that the epics show a progression and refinement of Lean's work and that they are thematically broader and feature more complex characterization than his earlier films. In his analyses, Santas provides background material on the production of each epic; insights into structure, characters, techniques, and themes; and a look into the relationship between the films and their literary sources. Written in a clear and engaging manner, The Epic Films of David Lean will appeal not only to cinema students and scholars but also to the general fan of David Lean and his work.
Scarecrow Press The United States in World War I: A Bibliographic Guide
With the centennial of the First World War rapidly approaching, historian and bibliographer James T. Controvich offers in The United States in World War I: A Bibliographic Guide the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference bibliography yet published. Organized by subject, this bibliography includes the full range of sources: vintage publications of the time, books, pamphlets, periodical titles, theses, dissertations, and archival sources held by federal and state organizations, as well as those in public and private hands, including historical societies and museums. As Controvich’s bibliographic accounting makes clear, there were many facets of World War I that remain virtually unknown to this day. Throughout, Controvich’s bibliography tracks the primary sources that tell each of these stories—and many others besides—during this tense period in American history. Each entry lists the author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, and page count as well as descriptive information concerning illustrations, plates, ports, maps, diagrams, and plans. The armed forces section carries additional information on rosters, awards, citations, and killed and wounded in action lists. The United States in World War I: A Bibliographic Guide is an ideal research tool for students and scholars of World War I and American history.
Scarecrow Press Encyclopedia of National Anthems
Since the appearance of the first edition of the Encyclopedia of National Anthems in 2003, many new events and situations have radically redrawn the political boundaries of the world map and redefined the policies and goals of individual nation-states from Nepal to Afghanistan, Mozambique to Montenegro. All of these shifts have entailed the creation or adoption of new anthems or the modification of existing ones. This revised and expanded edition of the Encyclopedia of National Anthems not only makes the long-overdue updates to the national anthems of the world but also improves upon the quality and accuracy of the music sheets and historical backgrounds through consultation with a greater number and wider variety of source materials. Every political entity with non-Latin script now has its original lyrics documented in the book, while English translations have been modified to better express meaning and intent. Flags and maps have been added to the country fact sheets to provide a visual complement to the text. In addition to current sovereign countries, this edition includes in separate sections the anthems of international organizations; of Kosovo, South Ossetia, and other non-UN states; and of extinct countries, such as the former Soviet Union and East Germany. This collection does not adhere to any political stance but instead reflects the contested and complicated nature of the modern nation-state, whose boundaries remain fluid and ever subject to change. This new edition of the Encyclopedia of National Anthems is an indispensable reference source for students and academic scholars for school projects and academic research initiatives. Libraries will find the new edition a valuable addition to their collections, as will government and diplomatic missions requiring a handy reference for international exchange. For the casual reader, this compilation also provides a wealth of resources that both inform and entertain.
Scarecrow Press The A to Z of Fantasy Literature
Once upon a time all literature was fantasy, set in a mythical past when magic existed, animals talked, and the gods took an active hand in earthly affairs. As the mythical past was displaced in Western estimation by the historical past and novelists became increasingly preoccupied with the present, fantasy was temporarily marginalized until the late 20th century, when it enjoyed a spectacular resurgence in every stratum of the literary marketplace. Stableford provides an invaluable guide to this sequence of events and to the current state of the field. The chronology tracks the evolution of fantasy from the origins of literature to the 21st century. The introduction explains the nature of the impulses creating and shaping fantasy literature, the problems of its definition and the reasons for its changing historical fortunes. The dictionary includes cross-referenced entries on more than 700 authors, ranging across the entire historical spectrum, while more than 200 other entries describe the fantasy subgenres, key images in fantasy literature, technical terms used in fantasy criticism, and the intimately convoluted relationship between literary fantasies, scholarly fantasies, and lifestyle fantasies. The book concludes with an extensive bibliography that ranges from general textbooks and specialized accounts of the history and scholarship of fantasy literature, through bibliographies and accounts of the fantasy literature of different nations, to individual author studies and useful websites.
Scarecrow Press Reminiscences of an American Composer and Pianist
In 1996, George Walker became the first black American to win the Pulitzer Prize for music. This accolade, awarded for his composition "Lilacs," was just one of many Walker has received: Walker has been inducted into the American Classical Music Hall of Fame and has received six honorary doctoral degrees. Considered one of the most important American composers of the last century, Walker has produced works that rank among the finest in contemporary classical music. In Reminiscences of an American Composer and Pianist, Walker recounts the most significant events in his life and distinguished career as a composer and a musician. Beginning with his childhood in Washington, D.C., Walker reflects on pivotal moments that shaped his development as an artist. He recalls his early childhood, his professional debut as a concert pianist, his studies in Europe, and his connections with some of the world's most famous musicians. Along the way he includes analyses of some of his most important works.
Scarecrow Press The A to Z of the Non-Aligned Movement and Third World
During the long period when the world was divided between East and West and the Cold War threatened to turn hot with devastating consequences, the Non-Aligned Movement was one of the few institutions that consistently sought other outcomes not in its own interest, but that of all humanity. Consisting of over 100 states that are free of any formal alliances with any major power bloc, the Non-Aligned Movement provides aid to those countries striving to gain independence, eliminate poverty, and develop their economy. Just what the Non-Aligned Movement and Third World sought—and at times achieved—is set forth in this unique reference work, with its over 200 cross-referenced dictionary entries on important persons, organizations, and conferences, as well as the key issues and concepts. Entries are supported by an extensive chronology, an introduction to the movement, and a bibliography for further research.
Scarecrow Press Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy
With more than 800 topics from over 300 contributors, Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy is a comprehensive introduction to the Catholic vision of society, social relations, and the human being. It combines theoretical work on important topics and scholarly disciplines (e.g., economics, moral theology, natural law, philosophy, psychology); social science perspectives on a variety of topics (e.g., alcoholism and drug abuse, forgiveness and mercy, globalization); and treatment of practical policy implications that flow from applying the Catholic religious, moral, and intellectual tradition to contemporary issues (e.g., abortion, assisted suicide, immigration policy, school choice, torture). The book reflects a broad range of Catholic thought that is international in scope, but with an emphasis on the American situation. Its interdisciplinary approach offers insights from a variety of perspectives: theological, philosophical, historical, economical, sociological, political, psychological, and legal. The work will appeal to individuals who want a clear and accurate introduction to Catholic social thought and a Catholic-informed social science and social policy. One certainly need not be a devotee and advocate for Catholic social thinking to find this encyclopedia of good use as a handy reference tool.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of United States-Russian/Soviet Relations
For more than 200 years the United States and Russia have shared a multi-faceted relationship. Because of the rise of power the two countries enjoyed in the late 19th and through the 20th century, Russian-American relations have dominated much of recent world history. Prior to World War II the two countries had relatively friendly contacts in culture, commerce, and diplomacy, however, as they contested for supremacy during the Cold War relations turned hostile and competitive. With the apparent end of the Cold War with the collapse of the Soviet Union and of communism in 1991, the relationship continues to evolve and the future looks uncertain but promising. The Historical Dictionary of United States-Russian/Soviet Relations identifies the key issues, individuals, and events in the history of U.S.-Russian/Soviet relations and places them in the context of the complex and dynamic regional strategic, political, and economic processes that have fashioned the American relationship with Russia. This is done through a chronology, a bibliography, an introductory essay, and several hundred cross-referenced dictionary entries on key persons, places, events, institutions, and organizations.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Western Sahara
Western Sahara is the last remaining colony in Africa. When it was released from Spanish rule in 1975, it was only to be replaced by the colonial rule of the neighboring countries of Mauritania and the Kingdom of Morocco. Even then, plans for a referendum were made to determine the country's status, but this solution has continually been put off from year to year while the situation festers. The resulting struggle has become increasingly bitter over the years. It has divided the territories population-many of whom now live abroad as refugees-resulted in a prolonged guerrilla war, pitted neighboring states against one another, and exercised the efforts of the United Nations, the Organization of African Unity (now African Union), and other peacekeeping bodies. There is no shortage of failed compromises and unimplemented resolutions. All that is lacking is an equitable solution. This book provides substantial information on Western Sahara's history, society, and culture through the use of hundreds of cross-referenced A to Z dictionary entries, a chronology of events, an introductory essay on Western Sahara, and a bibliography.
Scarecrow Press Swing Era Scrapbook: The Teenage Diaries and Radio Logs of Bob Inman, 1936-1938
15 year-old Bob Inman was given a radio for Christmas in 1935. From then until August 1938, he kept a meticulous log of all the radio shows he listened to and chronicled the hundreds of jazz shows he witnessed. Along with his collection of pictures and autographs, these logs eventually became seven large scrapbooks detailing the world of swing music in New York. Bob saw Benny Goodman at the Paramount Theater, Louis Armstrong at Loews State, Duke Ellington at Harlem's Apollo Theatre, Chick Webb at the Savoy Ballroom, Count Basie at Roseland, and hundreds of other prominent musicians and venues. Inman's descriptions of these trips form a social history of life during one of Manhattan's most vibrant and charming periods. Ken Vail has applied his talent as a graphic artist to enhance the presentation of these radio logs and turn them into a fascinating and useful reference source, which includes: · listings of commercial studio recordings for the period · autographs of hundreds of musicians · publicity photographs and original snapshots by Bob Inman and friends Together with a preface by Dan Morgenstern, this scrapbook will interest students and historians alike.
Scarecrow Press The Knowledge Entrepreneur
In a knowledge economy, it is most important that creative people with ideas, information skills, experience, and knowledge become engaged in entrepreneurial activity involving the creation and use of new knowledge for community, organizational, and personal development, in addition to developing new products and services. This book helps those who wish to engage in entrepreneurial activity realize that they too can work independently, both as an individual and within an organization. The Knowledge Entrepreneur introduces the principles, skills, and knowledge required to be a knowledge entrepreneur or "intrapreneur." It outlines the process for developing and implementing business plans and proposals for knowledge-based initiatives. It also offers insight into the nature of knowledge, innovation, and entrepreneurship. For the individual entrepreneur who is just starting to develop a business concept, employees who want to become employers, and for entrepreneurially-minded people working in larger information-related organizations (e.g. libraries and information, technology, and software businesses), this book will be an invaluable tool.
Scarecrow Press On a Rock in the Middle of the Ocean
Scarecrow Press Aidan Chambers: Master Literary Choreographer
Aidan Chambers is currently one of the best and best-known writers of young adult literature in the world, as his recent awards will attest. For his novel Postcards from No Man's Land, he won the 1999 Carnegie Medal—Britain's most prestigious award for the most distinguished novel for children or young adults—and the 2002 Michael L. Printz Award for best young adult novel when it was published in the U.S. In 2002, Chambers became the first British recipient of the Hans Christian Andersen Award, an international award given every other year in recognition of an author's body of work (sometimes called the counterpart in children's and young adult literature to the Nobel Prize), since the award's inception in 1956. Because he has produced such a large body of diverse works, both critical and creative, because his works have been so widely acclaimed by both reviewers and award committees, and because he has become an integral part of the YA canon, often called the British Cormier because of his complexity and mature themes, it is all too appropriate that author Betty Greenway's examination of Aidan Chambers become the 25th addition to the Scarecrow Studies in Young Adult Literature series. This full-length study integrates the biography, creative writing, and criticism of one of the most important figures in young adult literature and incorporates these strands into a complete picture that will enhance the understanding of readers.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Fantasy Literature
Once upon a time all literature was fantasy, set in a mythical past when magic existed, animals talked, and the gods took an active hand in earthly affairs. As the mythical past was displaced in Western estimation by the historical past and novelists became increasingly preoccupied with the present, fantasy was temporarily marginalized until the late 20th century, when it enjoyed a spectacular resurgence in every stratum of the literary marketplace. Stableford provides an invaluable guide to this sequence of events and to the current state of the field. The chronology tracks the evolution of fantasy from the origins of literature to the 21st century. The introduction explains the nature of the impulses creating and shaping fantasy literature, the problems of its definition and the reasons for its changing historical fortunes. The dictionary includes cross-referenced entries on more than 700 authors, ranging across the entire historical spectrum, while more than 200 other entries describe the fantasy subgenres, key images in fantasy literature, technical terms used in fantasy criticism, and the intimately convoluted relationship between literary fantasies, scholarly fantasies, and lifestyle fantasies. The book concludes with an extensive bibliography that ranges from general textbooks and specialized accounts of the history and scholarship of fantasy literature, through bibliographies and accounts of the fantasy literature of different nations, to individual author studies and useful websites.
Scarecrow Press The Choral Music of Twentieth-Century Women Composers: Elisabeth Lutyens, Elizabeth Maconchy and Thea Musgrave
This book brings to light the choral works of three contemporary British women composers: Elisabeth Lutyens (1906-1983), Elizabeth Maconchy (1907-1994), and Thea Musgrave (1928- ). Earning solid reputations in Britain through their varying compositional styles, their music has revealed them to be substantial, prolific composers who are representative of major trends in twentieth-century British choral composition. Lutyens, often described as a musical pioneer, incorporates a highly personal and imaginative style in her use of twelve-tone technique, and her departures from the strict practice of serial writing are always highly personal and imaginative. Maconchy describes her own technique as 'impassioned argument,' using compositional tools such as contrapuntal textures in both her instrumental and choral works, resulting in a high degree of chromatic color. Musgrave encompasses many modes of expression, from her early choral works featuring tonal diatonic writing, to a free chromatic style with imprecise tonality at times. Complete with historical perspective, musical examples, and reproductions of choral texts, this resource of important and little known contemporary choral works demonstrates the diverse approaches used by these and other contemporary composers, and contributes to the growing literature on women in music.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Cape Verde
The archipelago forming the Republic of Cape Verde consists of 21 islands and inlets, 9 of which are inhabited. First discovered by Portuguese sailors around 1455, the islands were set up as a strategically secure base for trade along the West African coast and became stopover points for such famous navigators as Vasco Da Gama and Christopher Columbus. This small nation achieved independence from Portuguese rule in 1975, first as a nationalist one-party state and then in 1991 transforming into a plural democracy. Since independence, its growing tourism business has improved the living conditions of this once poor and undeveloped nation into the promising up-and-coming country it is today. This fourth edition of Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Cape Verde offers a comprehensive history of the country, linking the pre-colonial and colonial past with postcolonial events. Through newly created maps, a detailed chronology, an introduction, a bibliography, appendixes, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on important political and cultural events, historical figures, places, political organizations, and cultural groups as well as abstract cultural, social, political, and economic topics, this valuable resource for undergraduate and graduate students, professionals, and teachers of African studies takes an interdisciplinary approach to providing the most extensive and up-to-date assessment of Cape Verde history available.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Swaziland
Reaching back into earlier periods when the Swazi nation was being formed, there are entries on Swazi kings, queens, and others who played significant roles. The colonial era is also clearly delineated, and entries on important people, places, and events important to Swaziland's contemporary history are also included. The considerable material provided in the dictionary is buttressed by a solid introduction, a chronology, and especially a substantial bibliography.
Scarecrow Press Handbook of the American Frontier, Vol. V: Chronology, Bibliography, Index: Four Centuries of Indian-White Relationships
The Handbook of the American Frontier seeks to bridge the gap between studies of indigenous Americans and those of settlers of European or African descent. Heard bridges this fissure in scholarship of nearly 5 centuries of history by using Native American-white interaction as a guide. He provides a unique perspective on the implications of American settlement and the interaction of numerous cultures throught the history of North America. The study has emphasized the careers of prominent frontier participants, and has presented articles on individuals and events that had a significant impact upon the shifting dynamics of frontier settlement and expansion. The Handbook contains hundreds of sources, both primary and secondary, and seeks to foreground the perspective of heretofore largely ignored groups such as women and blacks, and frequently misrepresented cultures of native North Americans. This fifth and final volume of the Handbook of the American Frontier consists of a detailed chronology beginning in 1513 and running through 1918 of significant meetings between Native Americans and settlers on the frontier, a list of books consulted during preparation of the five volume work, and a complete index of the first four volumes including thousands of names and hundreds of subjects of interest.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of the Wars of the French Revolution
The French Revolution rocketed from Paris and made its influence felt throughout the world. Vast changes occurred in the way people related to their governing bodies. Instead of acting as passive onlookers, the people of France directly involved themselves in the affairs of state. The monumental changes brought about by the French Revolution also changed the nature of warfare. A period of nearly uninterrupted conflict existed both within and outside of France from 1792 to 1802. To rise to this daunting challenge, the armies of the French Republic developed a new approach to waging war. Under assault by Europe's great powers and faced with internal struggles, the French Republic mobilized the full range of its natural and human resources. The call for volunteers produced a mass citizen army, and the government moved to provide new officers, new organizations, and new tactics. The French Republic nationalized the economy to equip its patriotic army for a decade-long struggle to preserve the ideals of the revolution. Most visibly, the Historical Dictionary of the French Revolution describes significant persons, places and events, encounters and battles, that substantially changed the nature of warfare at the end of the 18th century in Europe. Additionally, it gives a sense of the impact of these changes on the general course of human history, drawing connections between events to map out an entire time period of eventful change. The Dictionary contains a detailed chronology from the declaration of the French Republic in 1792 to the Treaty of Amiens in 1802. Numerous maps help to orient the reader. The entries are efficient and generously referenced, giving the reader detailed knowledge while simultaneously allowing a broad picture of this crucial time period. An introduction provides a useful overview for the general reader.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Equatorial Guinea
The third edition of this standard reference work brings the history of Equatorial Guinea into the second Nguemist dictatorship, which began with the August 1979 coup of Obiang Nguema. It explains the continuity of the Nguema dynasty, marked by violence, disregard for human rights, nepotism, corruption, drug trafficking, and the confiscation of oil profits by high ranking members of the Clan of Mongomo. This edition also adds essential detail to the Report on Human Rights Practices that was submitted to the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, January 30, 1998.
Scarecrow Press Propaganda in Twentieth Century War and Politics: An Annotated Bibliography
Collects and comments on materials about the theory and practice of propaganda in twentieth century war and politics. World War I was the first "total" war in history, and propaganda was disseminated to affirm the righteous cause, sustain morale, discomfit the enemy, placate allies, and pressure neutrals. The process continued in each war thereafter, down to and including the 1991 Gulf War, differentiating only to the extent that propagandists had access to ever more elaborate technologies of mass communications. The bibliography includes works about propaganda theory; sources that deal with the motivation, planning, and purpose of propaganda; includes sources relating to the media through which the propaganda was disseminated; and samples of actual propaganda, ranging from feature films to published pamphlets. The author has chosen entries that provide the most useful sampling of the great variety of propaganda theory and practice that has developed in the twentieth century, with reference specifically to war and politics.
Scarecrow Press Salvationist Samurai: Gunpei Yamamuro and the Rise of the Salvation Army in Japan
Arriving in Japan in 1895, the Salvation Army rose from a position of relative obscurity to national recognition within a space of twelve years. The cultural adaptation of mission and message was most directly influenced by the life and work of Gunpei Yamamuro (1872-1940), who helped transform the Army into an indigenous expression of Wesleyan-holiness mission, uniquely adapted to the needs of Japan's emerging industrialized society. Salvationist Samurai is the first English-language work to clarify the role of Yamamuro in relation to the progress of the Salvation Army in Japan. In light of the recent centennial celebration of the Salvation Army in Japan, it is fitting that this illustrated work be published in commemoration of its most prominent representative.
Scarecrow Press Back Beats and Rim Shots: The Johnny Blowers Story
Big Band music instantly reminds us of America on the homefront during World War II, lavish Hollywood musicals, and the jitterbug. Fans of big band music will enjoy Back Beats and Rim Shots, which vividly describes the life of jazz drummer Johnny Blowers (1911-2006) and the atmosphere of America during the time when the big band sound reigned supreme. Blowers's career typified the enchantment of the big band era and illuminates the fierce competition between the musicians as they struggled for success. Author Warren Vaché follows the life of the musician from his boyhood in a small southern town to the mean streets of New York, where he gambled on his future in music without friends or connections, until the almost unbelievable lucky break that put him on the road to success. Back Beats and Rim Shots chronicles the time Blowers spent recording for Vocalion with Bobby Hackett's first band at "Nick's," the famous jazz spot in Greenwich Village, as well as later recordings with industry titans such as Louis Armstrong, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and Billie Holliday. Vaché skillfully intersperses Blowers's recollections with a straightforward narrative. Including a discography, Back Beats and Rim Shots is a must for the music aficionado.
Scarecrow Press Selected Film Criticism: 1941-1950
Provides a cross-section of contemporary American film criticism from 1896-1960. The volumes reprint reviews in their entirety from periodicals such as Photoplay, Film Reports, The Moving Picture World, Variety, and The New York Times. Of immense value for gauging contemporary reaction_both popular and serious_to the best-known films of the past.
Scarecrow Press Selected Film Criticism: 1912-1920
Provides a cross-section of contemporary American film criticism from 1896-1960. The volumes reprint reviews in their entirety from periodicals such as Photoplay, Film Reports, The Moving Picture World, Variety, and The New York Times. Of immense value for gauging contemporary reaction_both popular and serious_to the best-known films of the past.
Scarecrow Press Everbest Ever: Correspondence with Bay Area Friends
Spanning two decades, from 1968 to 1989, the letters—written as jeux d'espirit and presented in the same spirit—touch on Thomson's life, compositions, and writings; Gertrude Stein and Marcel Duchamp; music criticism; travel, food and wine; the local musical scene; and plans (sometimes fulfilled, sometimes not) for concerts and recordings. The record Thomson's correspondence with composer and writer Charles Shere, soprano Margery Tede, and other San Francisco friends. Editorial annotations place the letters in context.
Scarecrow Press The Twentieth-Century Composer Speaks: An Index of Interviews
Scarecrow Press American Choral Music Since 1920: An Annotated Guide
Scarecrow Press Musical Americans: A Biographical Dictionary, 1918-1926
Scarecrow Press Anton Bruckner: A Discography
Scarecrow Press Germans to America, Dec. 1, 1890-May 29, 1890: Lists of Passengers Arriving at U.S. Ports
Germans to America provides both genealogists and researchers of family history with the first extensive, indexed source of German-surname immigrants who came to all ports in the United States between 1850 and 1893. This period witnessed one of the highest rates of German emigration in the nineteenth century. The series reproduces information from the original ship manifest schedules, or passenger lists, filed by all vessels entering U.S. ports. All volumes are arranged in chronological order by each ship's date of arrival. For every passenger list, the following information is provided: ship name, port of departure, port of arrival, date of arrival, and list of German-surname passengers. Ships that departed from German ports or carried passengers who declared themselves to be of German origin are included, with full name, age, sex, occupation, and, when this information is given, country, province or village of origin provided for each emigrant. One of the most important features of this series is the complete index of names at the end of every volume, making it easy to find a particular individual or family name. Germans to America may be ordered by individual volume. Standing orders, which receive a 10% discount, are also welcomed.