Search results for ""Liberty Fund""
Liberty Fund Inc Universal Economics
Liberty Fund Inc Writings on Standing Armies
Liberty Fund Inc Essay on the Nature of Trade in General
Liberty Fund Inc Scholasticism & Politics
Liberty Fund Inc An Account of Denmark: With Francogallia & Some Considerations for the Promoting of Agriculture & Employing the Poor
Liberty Fund Inc Letter Concerning Toleration & Other Writings
Liberty Fund Inc Man & the Statesman: The Correspondence & Articles on Politics
Liberty Fund Inc Political Economy, Concisely: Essays on Policy That Does Not Work & Markets that Do
Liberty Fund Inc Conversation with Harold Demsetz DVD
A professor at the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago in the 1960s and a primary figure in Chicago School Economics and in the field of Law and Economics, Harold Demsetz has contributed original research on the theory of the firm, regulation in markets, industrial organisation, anti-trust policy, transaction costs, externalities, and property rights. A member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Director of the Mont Pelerin Society, Demsetz is Arthur Andersen UCLA Alumni Emeritus Professor of Business Economics. Mark Grady, Professor of Law and Director of the UCLA Law School's Center for Law and Economics, interviews his former teacher at UCLA about the main issues and problems at the core of Demsetz's lifetime investigation into the nature of economics. Ken Lehn, Sam Peltzman, and Ben Klein provide critical and insightful commentary on the influence and impact of Harold Demsetz's work. Approximate running time: 86 minutes.
Liberty Fund Inc The Law of Nations Treated According to the Scientific Method
Liberty Fund Inc American Nation: Primary Sources
Liberty Fund Inc Commerce & Government: Considered in Their Mutual Relationship
Liberty Fund Inc Two Books of the Elements of Universal Jurisprudence
Liberty Fund Inc Principles of Equity
Liberty Fund Inc Origin of the American Revolution / Growth of the American Revolution: Two-Volume Set
Liberty Fund Inc Introducing Market Forces into 'Public' Services
Liberty Fund Inc Economics without Frontiers
Liberty Fund Inc Economics & Politics of Wealth Distribution
Liberty Fund Inc Institutes of Divine Jurisprudence, with Selections from Foundations of the Law of Nature & Nations
Liberty Fund Inc Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
This 1742 translation is a collaborative work by Frances Hutcheson and a colleague at Glasgow University, the classicist James Moor. Although Hutcheson was secretive about the extent of his work on the book, he was clearly the leading spirit of the project. This influential classical work offered a vision of a universe governed by a natural law that obliges us to love mankind and to govern our lives in accordance with the natural order of things. In their account of the life of the emperor, prefaced to their translation from the Greek, Hutcheson and Moor celebrated the Stoic ideal of an orderly universe governed by a benevolent God. They contrasted the serenity recommended and practiced by Marcus Aurelius with the divisive sectarianism then exhibited by their fellow Presbyterians in Scotland and elsewhere. They urged their readers and fellow citizens to set aside their narrow prejudices.
Liberty Fund Inc Present State of Germany: Or, an Account of the Extent, Rise, Form, Wealth, Strength, Weakness & Interests of That Empire
Liberty Fund Inc Origin of the Distinction of Ranks: Or An Inquiry into the Circumstances Which Give Rise to Influence & Authority in the Different Members of Society
Liberty Fund Inc Commentary on the Law of Prize & Booty, with Associated Documents
Liberty Fund Inc Commentary on the Law of Prize & Booty, with Associated Documents
Liberty Fund Inc Vindiciae Gallicae: and Other Writings on the French Revolution
Liberty Fund Inc Philosophiae Moralis Institutio Compendiaria: with A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy
Liberty Fund Inc Essays on the Principles of Morality & Natural Religion
Liberty Fund Inc Logic, Metaphysics & the Natural Sociability of Mankind
Liberty Fund Inc Principles of Politics Applicable to All Governments
Liberty Fund Inc Elements of Moral Philosophy: with a Brief Account of the Nature, Progress & Origin of Philosophy
Liberty Fund Inc Whole Duty of Man According to the Law of Nature
Liberty Fund Inc Education & the Industrial Revolution, 2nd Edition
Since the inadequacies of the Industrial Revolution remain a key factor in most critiques of capitalism and individual liberty, Education and the Industrial Revolution makes an important contribution to a better understanding of the period. The book provides a challenge to the educational establishment because it contradicts the long-held view that the Industrial Revolution was a disaster and that only government intervention and 'compulsion' brought the joys of education to people. West's investigations unearthed a large and growing market for education going hand in hand with the rise of industrialism and occurring prior to government intervention. By taking on such issues as supposed educational deficiency, market provision, actual literacy rates, theories of educational reform in the nineteenth century, and the realities of educational intervention, West helps us come to a richer understanding of liberty -- one that is little-known today but every bit as relevant as the day it was written.
Liberty Fund Inc Temporal & Eternal
Liberty Fund Inc Education & the Industrial Revolution, 2nd Edition
Liberty Fund Inc Characteristicks of Men, 3-Volume Set
Liberty Fund Inc Spur of Fame: Dialogues of John Adams & Benjamin Rush, 1805-1813
Liberty Fund Inc Political Writings
Liberty Fund Inc Ideas, Persons & Events
Liberty Fund Inc Externalities & Public Expenditure Theory
Liberty Fund Inc Making of Tocqueville's 'Democracy in America', 2nd Edition
Liberty Fund Inc Public Principles of Public Debt -- A Defense & Restatement