Search results for ""Exit""
Seagull Books London Ltd Two Plays
A collection of two plays by Indian playwright Satish Alekar. Satish Alekar is widely considered one of the most progressive and influential playwrights in modern Indian theatre. This volume brings together two of Alekar's plays written over half a century apart, The Grand Exit and A Conversation with Dolly. In The Grand Exit, written in Marathi in 1974, a dead man insists on being cremated in an old crematorium that will soon be privatized. In this irreverent masterpiece, father and son confront the mundane to honor the former's final wish. A Conversation with Dolly is the most contemporary of Alekar's plays, and his first to be published before it has been performed. In this play, an old man finds himself locked down during the COVID-19 pandemic, surrounded by Amazon boxes, talking and listening to his devoted nurse Dolly. Both plays are followed by interviews with the playwright which shed light on the origins and design of Alekar's dramaturgical genius.
Les altures
Promesa fulgurant de l?art català de principis del segle XX i creador bandejat poc temps després per la mateixa burgesia que l?havia enaltit, el pintor, escultor i gravador Ismael Smith (Barcelona, 1986 ? Nova York, 1972) és una de les figures més queer, genuïnes i excepcionals del nostre patrimoni artístic. Les altures persegueix la seva trajectòria: a través de la ficció i amb un joc de veus que vol encarnar literàriament les tensions i els clarobscurs que Smith expressava en la seva producció. Sebastià Portell confirma el seu talent amb una novella coral sobre una vida travessada per la incomprensió i per les nocions d?èxit i de fracàs artístic.L?èxit i el fracàs artístics, a partir de la figura d?Ismael Smith, un personatge provocador que va sacsejar el món de l?art de fa 100 anys a Barcelona, París i Nova York.
Ara Llibres Els secrets de la felicitat
Arriba per fi Els secrets de la felicitat, el llibre més esperat de Sebastià Serrano. Després de l?èxit d?El regal de la comunicació i L?instint de la seducció, el gran mestre de la comunicació ens convida a descobrir la importància de les emocions per ser feliços a la nostra vida. Com expressem les emocions? On és la força dels afectes? Quin paper hi té el llenguatge? Com ens afecta l?acceleració amb què vivim? A Els secrets de la felicitat trobareu les respostes a aquestes preguntes i a moltes d?altres. I és que, com diu Sebastià Serrano, el bon estat general de la nostra vida depèn, i molt, de la informació processada a través de les emocions. Si som capaços de controlar i gestionar bé aquesta informació, podrem intervenir amb èxit en la nostra vida personal i gaudir d?extensos i intensos espais de felicitat.
Recent Toys Double Trouble
Two mazes, two balls, everything connected by giant gears. On their own, each maze is manageable. Can you find the way to remove both balls from the mazes simultaneously, though? Careful! The gears move at the same time, so a step towards the exit on one side may be a step backwards on the other.
Diari duna penjada 2. Quan no ets la reina de la festa
Recepta per a un desastre assegurat: quatre festes, dues amigues, el noi que t'agrada. Una noia perversa decidida a arruïnar-te la vida. Barreja-ho, obre bé els ulls... Comença l'acció! Estàs convidada a la festa! Nova edició amb format més pràctic: rústica sense solapes, perquè te?l puguis endur a tot arreu. Ara a un preu més assequible. Torna a gaudir de la sèrie de literatura juvenil amb més èxit internacional: 55 milions d?exemplars venuts a tot el món.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Understanding Peacekeeping
Peace operations remain a principal tool for managing armed conflict and protecting civilians. The fully revised, expanded and updated third edition of Understanding Peacekeeping provides a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to the theory, history, and politics of peace operations. Drawing on a dataset of nearly two hundred historical and contemporary missions, this book evaluates the changing characteristics of the contemporary international environment in which peace operations are deployed, the strategic purposes peace operations are intended to achieve, and the major challenges facing today’s peacekeepers. All the chapters have been revised and updated, and five new chapters have been added – on stabilization, organized crime, exit strategies, force generation, and the use of force. Part 1 summarizes the central concepts and issues related to peace operations. Part 2 charts the historical development of peacekeeping, from 1945 through to 2020. Part 3 analyses the strategic purposes that United Nations and other peace operations are intended to achieve – namely, prevention, observation, assistance, enforcement, stabilization, and administration. Part 4 looks forward and examines the central challenges facing today’s peacekeepers: force generation, the regionalization and privatization of peace operations, the use of force, civilian protection, gender issues, policing and organized crime, and exit strategies.
Little, Brown & Company Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online, Vol. 7 (light novel)
During any difficult encounter, whether in game or in real life, it's always good to have an exit strategy. So when Karen Kohiruimaki gets completely blindsided by a rogue marriage proposal, she's able to respond with a smooth "P-Chan is more my type..." But when a handsome man appears before Llenn during her strategy meeting for the 4th Squad Jam, she gets a sinking fe
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Exits to the Posthuman Future
Exits to the Posthuman Future is media theory for a global digital society which thrives, and sometimes perishes, at the intersection of technologies of speed, distant ethics and a pervasive cultural anxiety. Arthur Kroker’s incisive and insightful text presents the emerging pattern of a posthuman future: life at the tip of technologies of acceleration, drift and crash. Kroker links key concepts such as “Guardian Liberalism” and Obama’s vision of the “Just War” with a striking account of “culture drift” as the essence of real world technoculture. He argues that contemporary society displays growing uncertainty about the ultimate ends of technological innovation and the intelligibility of the digital future. The posthuman future is elusive: is it a gathering storm of cynical abandonment, inertia, disappearance and substitution? Or else the development of a new form of critical consciousness - the posthuman imagination - as a means of comprehending the full complexity of life? Depending on which exit to the posthuman future we choose or, perhaps, which exit chooses us, Kroker argues that a very different posthuman future will likely ensue.
WW Norton & Co Media Politics
This significant revision shows how current issues like the normalizing of “alternative facts,” the management of the COVID-19 crisis, the 2020 election and Trump’s exit from office, and the proliferation of social media fit into a larger understanding of political communication. Shanto Iyengar, a leading scholar in the field, makes contemporary research accessible and engaging with new examples and data throughout. No book illuminates more clearly how media influences politics and how politicians use media to get elected, stay in power, and achieve policy goals.
Editorial Flamboyant, S.L. El monstre de colors
L?èxit de vendes El Monstre de Colors ara convertit en un meravellós desplegable! Un regal perfecte per a qualsevol nen o nena.Alguna vegada us heu fet un embolic amb les vostres emocions? Doncs això mateix li ha passat al monstre de colors, que haurà d?aprendre a posar en ordre l?alegria, la tristesa, la ràbia, la por i la calma. Amb aquest magnífic llibre pop-up i les seves illustracions expressives, el vostre fill podrà identificar amb facilitat les diferents emocions que viu durant el dia.
Taylor & Francis Inc Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Since the first edition was published, this book has become the standard text for trainees in oral and maxillofacial surgery preparing for their exit examinations (intercollegiate FRCS). This third edition represents a major advance with each chapter thoroughly revised and updated and relevant new topics added, such as robotics, laser resurfacing and face transplantation. Once again, the editors have selected renowned experts from around the world to author the chapters, ensuring that the book continues to reflect international best practices.Print Versions of this book also include access to the ebook version.
Capstone Global Library Ltd The Creature Collection
On a field trip, two friends discover a hidden door that leads into an ancient library. Strange snarls echo in the maze of shelves. Just as the pair searches for the exit, they come face-to-face with the collection’s keeper, the Archivist! This rogue librarian gathers tales of the world’s oldest, most terrifying creatures. Now she’s releasing the legendary monsters to take care of the intruders. Can the powerful Librarian swoop in to help the friends escape? Experience the Library of Doom like never before in this gripping, full-colour graphic novel!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Trading Without Gambling: Develop a Game Plan for Ultimate Trading Success
Many people perceive trading as nothing more than a gamble. But there are still people who consistently make money trading. How do they do it? They've learned to separate gambling from trading. And the way they do this, says author Marcel Link, is by developing a proper plan. In Trading Without Gambling, Link shows how to create and use a sound game plan to improve every aspect of trading–including finding trades, timing, knowing how much to trade, where to exit, and how to adjust risk–while leaving very little to gambling.
On Call Watching From The Wings: 2023
What happens when the fairy tale you thought you wanted at twenty-two feels like a prison forty years later? Watching From the Wings is a heart-warming story of devotion, friendship, joy and passion, but also one involving disappointment, duplicity and betrayal. We all have our own journey of love. Katharine's is more complex than most. And she comes to realise that she has always chosen the wrong door whenever she had the chance to exit by a more promising one. Can she make a fresh start, or is it too late?
PROFESSOR PUZZLE Escape from the Tower of London
Moriarty plans to steal the crown jewels from the Tower of London and Sherlock Holmes needs your help to stop him! Using the wooden blocks and the forty different floor plan challenge cards, your task is to use your problem-solving skills to build a continuous safe path to the exit, avoiding fire, henchmen and guard dogs and collecting all the crown jewels along the way
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Exits to the Posthuman Future
Exits to the Posthuman Future is media theory for a global digital society which thrives, and sometimes perishes, at the intersection of technologies of speed, distant ethics and a pervasive cultural anxiety. Arthur Kroker’s incisive and insightful text presents the emerging pattern of a posthuman future: life at the tip of technologies of acceleration, drift and crash. Kroker links key concepts such as “Guardian Liberalism” and Obama’s vision of the “Just War” with a striking account of “culture drift” as the essence of real world technoculture. He argues that contemporary society displays growing uncertainty about the ultimate ends of technological innovation and the intelligibility of the digital future. The posthuman future is elusive: is it a gathering storm of cynical abandonment, inertia, disappearance and substitution? Or else the development of a new form of critical consciousness - the posthuman imagination - as a means of comprehending the full complexity of life? Depending on which exit to the posthuman future we choose or, perhaps, which exit chooses us, Kroker argues that a very different posthuman future will likely ensue.
Estrella Polar En Teo va a lescola
Avui és el primer dia de classe, i en Teo i el seu germà Pau arriben a l?escola amb moltes ganes de veure els seus amics i d?aprendre un munt de coses noves.Gaudeix amb En Teo va a l?escola, el major èxit d?En Teo descobreix el món, la collecció més emblemàtica d?aquest entranyable personatge. Una història molt propera amb illustracions noves i actuals.
Little, Brown & Company Toilet-bound Hanako-kun, Vol. 12
Shijima-san is willing to help Nene and her friends escape from the painting, but theydon't have much time to reach the distant exit. To make matters worse, Hanako-kun ispulling out all the stops to keep them from leaving. And when Nene pours all herfeelings into trying to convince him to let them go, she’s shocked by the genuineemotion that wells up from out of him...
Temple University Press,U.S. Degrees of Separation: Identity Formation While Leaving Ultra-Orthodox Judaism
Those who exit a religion—particularly one they were born and raised in—often find themselves at sea in their efforts to transition to life beyond their community. In Degrees of Separation, Schneur Zalman Newfield, who went through this process himself, interviews seventy-four Lubavitch and Satmar ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews who left their communities.He presents their motivations for leaving as well as how they make sense of their experiences and their processes of exiting, detailing their attitudes and opinions regarding their religious upbringing. Newfield also examines how these exiters forge new ways of being that their upbringing had not prepared them for, while also considering what these particular individuals lose and retain in the exit process.Degrees of Separation presents a comprehensive portrait of the prolonged state of being “in-between” that characterizes transition out of a totalizing worldview. What Newfield discovers is that exiters experience both a sense of independence and a persistent connection; they are not completely dislocated from their roots once they “arrive” at their new destination. Moreover, Degrees of Separation shows that this process of transitioning identity has implications beyond religion.
Temple University Press,U.S. Degrees of Separation: Identity Formation While Leaving Ultra-Orthodox Judaism
Those who exit a religion—particularly one they were born and raised in—often find themselves at sea in their efforts to transition to life beyond their community. In Degrees of Separation, Schneur Zalman Newfield, who went through this process himself, interviews seventy-four Lubavitch and Satmar ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews who left their communities.He presents their motivations for leaving as well as how they make sense of their experiences and their processes of exiting, detailing their attitudes and opinions regarding their religious upbringing. Newfield also examines how these exiters forge new ways of being that their upbringing had not prepared them for, while also considering what these particular individuals lose and retain in the exit process.Degrees of Separation presents a comprehensive portrait of the prolonged state of being “in-between” that characterizes transition out of a totalizing worldview. What Newfield discovers is that exiters experience both a sense of independence and a persistent connection; they are not completely dislocated from their roots once they “arrive” at their new destination. Moreover, Degrees of Separation shows that this process of transitioning identity has implications beyond religion.
Diari duna penjada 4. SMR sobre patins
Els consells de la Nikki per fer un numeret perfecte de patinatge sobre gel:1: Troba una bona causa per la qual patinar (guanyaràs punts si al Brandon també li agrada!).2: Fes equip amb les teves millors amigues, la Chloe i la Zoey.3: Digues a la Mackenzie que es retiri!!!4: Assegura?t que saps patinar... Nova edició amb format més pràctic: rústica sense solapes, perquè te?l puguis endur a tot arreu. Ara a un preu més assequible. Torna a gaudir de la sèrie de literatura juvenil amb més èxit internacional: 55 milions d?exemplars venuts a tot el món.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Angel Investing: The Untold Story of India
The book builds the fundamentals and construct of Angel Investing, grounds up from the learnings and experiences of top Angels in India, along with the universally acknowledged and accepted basics. It is based on experiences of top 20-25 Angels in India to build the construct across all aspects of Angel Financing – Angel Strategies and Investment Philosophy, Deal Origination, Screening and Selection, Managing Due Diligence, Valuation, Deal Negotiation and Structuring, Post-Investment Monitoring, Exit Strategies and building Angel Portfolio. The book brings in more consistency, structure and transparency in Angel Investing process in India, while streamlining and simplifying the fundraising process for entrepreneurs.
Parthian Books I, Eric Ngalle: One Man's Journey Crossing Continents from Africa to Europe
Eric Ngalle thought he was leaving Cameroon for a better life... Instead of arriving in Belgium to study for a degree in economics he ended up in one of the last countries he would have chosen to visit - Russia. Having seen his passport stolen, Eric endured nearly two years battling a hostile environment as an illegal immigrant while struggling with the betrayal that tore his family apart and prompted his exit. This painfully honest and often brutal account of being trapped in a subculture of deceit and crime gives a rare glimpse behind the headlines of a global concern.
Faber & Faber Rats' Tales
Rats' Tales brings together a hugely entertaining, dark and magical cycle of folk tales from around the world. The volume contains two texts for each story: Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy's wonderful prose and Melly Still's lively dramatization. Rats' Tales celebrates the power of storytelling and will be published to coincide with the premiere at the Royal Exchange, Manchester, in November 2012. On Beasts and Beauties, on which Carol Ann Duffy and Melly Still also collaborated: 'The first night audience did not exit from the theatre, they hover-crafted out of it on a balloon of bliss.' Independent
labutxaca Les incerteses sobre la creació del món
Després d?escriure la novella catalana de més èxit nacional i internacional dels últims temps, Jo confesso, Jaume Cabré reflexiona sobre el fet d?escriure, de llegir, de crear, de viure obert al misteri de la vida i del món. Les incerteses parteix dels interrogants d?un creador i home de cultura inquiet i acaba sent una llarga conversa íntima amb el lector, que esdevé còmplice d'unes vivències que enriqueixen i transformen.
Rowman & Littlefield You Know You're in New Jersey When...: 101 Quintessential Places, People, Events, Customs, Lingo, And Eats Of The Garden State
Many worry that these United States are becoming too much like each other—but Jerseyans know better. Fun for all ages, this trivia-cum-brag book highlights and celebrates the Garden State's history, traditions, cuisine, and lingo with humor. For example, you know you're in New Jersey when...* You celebrate Christmas by crossing the Delaware* Highways have jug handles* Birds flock to the World Series* Everyone asks "What exit are you?"* And more!
John Wiley and Sons Ltd After Lockdown: A Metamorphosis
After the harrowing experience of the pandemic and lockdown, both states and individuals have been searching for ways to exit the crisis, many hoping to return as soon as possible to ‘the world as it was before the pandemic’. But there is another way to learn the lessons of this ordeal: as inhabitants of the earth, we may not be able to exit lockdown so easily after all, since the global health crisis is embedded in another larger and more serious crisis – that brought about by the New Climate Regime. Learning to live in lockdown might be an opportunity to be seized: a dress-rehearsal for the climate mutation, an opportunity to understand at last where we – inhabitants of the earth – live, what kind of place ‘earth’ is and how we will be able to orient ourselves and exist in this world in the years to come. We might finally be able to explore the land in which we live, together with all other living beings, begin to understand the true nature of the climate mutation we are living through and discover what kind of freedom is possible – a freedom differently situated and differently understood. In this sequel to his bestselling book Down to Earth, Bruno Latour provides a compass for this necessary re-orientation of our lives, outlining the metaphysics of confinement and deconfinement with which we will all be obliged to come to terms by the strange times in which we are living.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Trust and Human Resource Management
An organization’s human resource management (HRM) policies and their implementation have long been claimed to influence trust within an organizational environment. However there has, until now, been a limited examination of the relationship between the two. In this unique book, the contributors explore the HRM cycle from entry to exit, and examine in detail the issue of trust and its links with HRM. Each chapter takes an aspect of HRM including; selection, performance management, careers and personal development, training, change management and exit, and offers a new understanding and insight into the role, importance and challenges to trust within these processes.This timely book will prove to be an invaluable resource for academics interested in trust, HR and organizational behaviour. HR professionals should also not be without this path-breaking study.Contributors: M. Ashleigh, J. Billsberry, C. Boon, S.E. Brodt, F. Buckley, M. Clinton, C.L. Cooper, J.R. Crawshaw, D.N. Den Hartog, A.M. Dionisi, G. Enosh, D. Guest, S. Harrington, M. Lindorff, K. Mather, A.K. Mishra, K.E. Mishra, V. Patent, J. Prichard, C. Rayner, M.N.K. Saunders, G.M. Schwarz, R.H. Searle, D. Skinner, S.S. Tzafrir, A. Wilson, L. Worrall
Otto el gos carter. Quin dia Un llibre per buscarhi coses
Torna el gos carter més famós del món!Després del gran èxit del primer llibre, l'Otto està més enfeinat que mai i ha de lliurar nous paquets, enxampar els seus destinataris i trobar els objectes amagats en divertits escenaris atapeïts de coses.Hereva del creador de "On és Wally?", Martin Handford, Tor Freeman ens proposa un llibre ple de detalls fascinants i divertits que hipnotitzaran a gran i petits i et faran riure durant hores i hores.
Lideratges valents
Lideratges, valors, esforç.Amb pròleg de Jordi Cuixart.El lideratge educatiu és un dels que més impacte té en la societat. Contempla una gran responsabilitat: liderar equips professionals que facilitin els aprenentatges en entorns educatius d?infants, adolescents i joves perquè acabin liderant la seva vida i els seus futurs projectes amb èxit. En definitiva, de les persones que contribuiran a canviar el món. L?escola educa líders. Des de la comunicació, el món teatral, la ciència, el voluntariat o l?esport, Lideratges valents és un recull d?experiències i d?idees de diferents líders que l?autor admira i que alhora poden ser referents en el món educatiu.
University of Virginia Press The Elections of 2020
The Elections of 2020 is a timely, comprehensive, scholarly, and engagingly written account of the 2020 elections. It features essays by an all-star team of political scientists in the immediate aftermath of the 2020 general election, chronicling every stage of the presidential race as well as the coterminous congressional elections, paying additional attention to the role of the media and campaign finance in the process. Broad in coverage and bolstered by tables and figures presenting exit polls and voting results in the primaries, caucuses, and the general election, these essays discuss the consequences of these elections for the presidency, Congress, and the larger political system.
Knock Knock 6Pack Em Friends Every Great Woman Card
Trapped in a restaurant bathroom trying to figure out how to gracefully exit from a bad first date? Check. Lying awake obsessing over the current state of world affairs? Check. If you're lucky enough to have a friend who's always there for you, celebrate her. - Blank inside- A2 size (4.25 x 5.5)- Offset printed in Los Angeles onto heavyweight matte stock, using environmentally friendly soy inks- Comes with a matching kraft envelopeEm & Friends uses eco-friendly vegetable-based inks. Our cards are FSCcertified, and our envelopes are 100% recycled. In addition, our plastic card sleeves and MOQ inner bags are made from 10% recycled material, and are recyclable.
ong listed for the Childrens Spiel des Jahres Award 2022. Deep in the mine there is gold... lots of gold! But guarding it is the terrible Dragobert dragon. Don't get sizzled by his fiery breath! Collect the most Gold, keep an eye on Drago and get to the exit in time. With a healthy dose of luck and a pinch of daring you may escape the mine ahead of your players and with riches galore! This easy to learn card game comes in a fun magnetic closure box, making it a perfect gift for the game loving kids in your family. Part of the Open and Play range.
Cambridge University Press Success International English Skills for Cambridge IGCSE Workbook with Digital Access 2 Years
This series has been developed to support teachers and students of the Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language syllabuses (0510/0511/0991/0993). The ideal accompaniment to our Success International English Skills for Cambridge IGCSE Coursebook. Our workbook provides even more opportunities for students to practise key skills and prepare for assessment. Following the same structure as the coursebook, the workbook is filled with additional grammar practice and highlighted common errors, making it ideal for exam preparation and revision. Suitable for the syllabuses for examination from 2024 and for students seeking a course exit level of B2/C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Mar i cel Llibres infantils i juvenils Antaviana
Aquesta obra és una de les tragèdies romàntiques més conegudes d'Àngel Guimerà, que consolidà la seva carrera com a dramaturg i li donà fama internacionalment.L'obra narra l'amor impossible entre un pirata sarraí i una jove cristiana. Ambdós intueixen que la seva història els arrossega cap a un desenllaç terrible, però malgrat això prenen la decisió d'arribar fins al final. Portada a l'escena teatral en moltes ocasions, l'adaptació musical de l'obra per la companyia Dagoll Dagom, amb una posada en escena espectacular, tingué un éxit sense precedents.
El rei de la casa
La vida d'un gat no sempre és fàcil. Un dia ets el rei de la casa i de cop i volta, tot canvia...El llibre més divertit i trapella de l'any! El magnífic retorn de l'autora que ja va revolucionar la canalla amb el seu llibre "Sóc un artista". Una història per no parar de riure sobre un "príncep destronat" amb un gat com a protagonista. Un dels llibres amb més èxit de la darrera fira de Bolonya, traduït a més de 15 llengües.
Emerald Publishing Limited Car Park Designers' Handbook
Featuring more than 75 3D scale drawings and explaining their individual strengths and weaknesses, this book is the only comprehensive reference for car park layout design. The book also covers the practical design of parking elements including ramps, stalls, and traffic aisles, and provides guidance on key issues including security, fire escape requirements, drainage, signage and barrier control. The new edition includes: - Issues surrounding provision for charging hybrid and electrically powered vehicles - a topic as yet poorly addressed in the literature. - Optimum entry and exit locations that affect layout. - 50% more drawings - including scale drawings that can be used as templates in the layout design process.
Capstone Global Library Ltd The Index Insects - Express Edition
An extremely evil book marked with an X has unleashed a swarm of X-winged insects, and the bugs are on the hunt for their favourite food - books! When the hungry horde targets a bookmobile and the humans inside, can the expert Librarian force the deadly pests to exit? Or will they turn him into an ex-librarian? Uncover hidden dangers and dark mysteries with SECRETS OF THE LIBRARY OF DOOM, a page-turning chapter book series from best-selling author Michael Dahl.
Capstone Global Library Ltd The Index Insects
An extremely evil book marked with an X has unleashed a swarm of X-winged insects, and the bugs are on the hunt for their favourite food - books! When the hungry horde targets a bookmobile and the humans inside, can the expert Librarian force the deadly pests to exit? Or will they turn him into an ex-librarian? Uncover hidden dangers and dark mysteries with SECRETS OF THE LIBRARY OF DOOM, a page-turning chapter book series from best-selling author Michael Dahl.
Image Comics Rogues Gallery, Volume 1
After years portraying the popular comic book character, The Red Rogue, Maisie Wade is desperate to hang up the spandex suit. When her exit from the Red Rogue's TV series leads to its unceremonious cancellation, Maisie finds herself trapped in her home by a group of unhinged intruders. Cosplaying as the character’s archvillains, these fans want to teach Maisie a lesson. To survive the night, Maisie must become the hero she has grown to despise. Collects ROGUES' GALLERY #1-4
Avni 3. Esbarjoacció
Després d?haver-se integrat amb èxit a la seva nova escola i haver tret valuoses lliçons sobre l?ús dels seus poders, què ens té reservat l?Avni en aquest tercer volum?Aventures, riures i bones intencions que molt sovint acaben en autèntics desastres. L?univers de l?Avni s?enriqueix amb nous personatges i noves anècdotes, però sense que canviï el personatge: encara és tan llaminer i maldestre com sempre, però també igual de generós i humil. A per la nostra motxilla, sortim d?exploració amb l?Avni!
Hodder & Stoughton The Last Word: an utterly addictive and spine-chilling suspense thriller from the TikTok bestseller for 2023
"I still have whiplash from this book""I. Am. Speechless. This book is RELENTLESS. Page after page of twists and turns.""WOW!! Twisty and super fast-paced.""Easily the best book I've read all year.'Real readers love The Last Word. If you give this book a one-star review, you might end up dead. THE PULSE-POUNDING NEW NOVEL FROM THE AUTHOR OF TIKTOK THRILLER SENSATION NO EXIT Emma is house-sitting on the rainy Washington coast with only her golden retriever for company. She likes the isolation, the peace and quiet, and the opportunity to read. But her latest pick, a poorly written and gruesome horror novel, is disappointing and Emma leaves a one-star review. A message dings back - the author, H.G. Kane, has replied and he's furious. Emma brushes it off, until disturbing incidents start to occur. Scratches in the night. A figure crawling around in the shadows. Kane has written sixteen other novels, all similarly sadistic tales of stalking and murder. He knows he's a brilliant writer - he just needs to make Emma understand... Expect the unexpected in this pulse-pounding novel of psychological suspense and terror from the critically acclaimed author of the TikTok sensation No Exit.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Understanding Peacekeeping
Peace operations remain a principal tool for managing armed conflict and protecting civilians. The fully revised, expanded and updated third edition of Understanding Peacekeeping provides a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to the theory, history, and politics of peace operations. Drawing on a dataset of nearly two hundred historical and contemporary missions, this book evaluates the changing characteristics of the contemporary international environment in which peace operations are deployed, the strategic purposes peace operations are intended to achieve, and the major challenges facing today’s peacekeepers. All the chapters have been revised and updated, and five new chapters have been added – on stabilization, organized crime, exit strategies, force generation, and the use of force. Part 1 summarizes the central concepts and issues related to peace operations. Part 2 charts the historical development of peacekeeping, from 1945 through to 2020. Part 3 analyses the strategic purposes that United Nations and other peace operations are intended to achieve – namely, prevention, observation, assistance, enforcement, stabilization, and administration. Part 4 looks forward and examines the central challenges facing today’s peacekeepers: force generation, the regionalization and privatization of peace operations, the use of force, civilian protection, gender issues, policing and organized crime, and exit strategies.
Hodder & Stoughton The Last Word: an utterly addictive and spine-chilling suspense thriller from the TikTok bestseller for 2023
"I still have whiplash from this book""I. Am. Speechless. This book is RELENTLESS. Page after page of twists and turns.""WOW!! Twisty and super fast-paced.""Easily the best book I've read all year.'Real readers love The Last Word. If you give this book a one-star review, you might end up dead. THE PULSE-POUNDING NEW NOVEL FROM THE AUTHOR OF TIKTOK THRILLER SENSATION NO EXIT Emma is house-sitting on the rainy Washington coast with only her golden retriever for company. She likes the isolation, the peace and quiet, and the opportunity to read. But her latest pick, a poorly written and gruesome horror novel, is disappointing and Emma leaves a one-star review. A message dings back - the author, H.G. Kane, has replied and he's furious. Emma brushes it off, until disturbing incidents start to occur. Scratches in the night. A figure crawling around in the shadows. Kane has written sixteen other novels, all similarly sadistic tales of stalking and murder. He knows he's a brilliant writer - he just needs to make Emma understand... Expect the unexpected in this pulse-pounding novel of psychological suspense and terror from the critically acclaimed author of the TikTok sensation No Exit.
Planeta DeAgostini Bola de Drac Landmark
Quina relació hi ha entre una nena robot i un nen que es transforma amb la lluna plena? Una podria ser la superforça, però la relació principal és el seu creador: Akira Toriyama. Un humil dibuixant que va començar la seva carrera a finals del anys 70 amb Wonder Island i que va tenir el seu primer èxit amb Dr. Slump, amb la qual va guanyar el prestigiós premi Shôgakukan el 1981.Però la seva obra més llarga, coneguda i internacional és sens dubte Bola de drac, considerada el manga més famós del món.Actualment, Toriyama és un reconegut dissenyador de personatges de videojocs, entre els quals destaquen els realitzats per a Chrono Trigger i Dragon Quest .
Shrek Grans Àlbums
El llibre més famós de William Steig en una edició de luxe.Aquest llibre forma part de la nova collecció GRANS ÀLBUMS: Els millors àlbums de la literatura infantil, en una cuidadíssima edició de gran format amb uns materials i acabat de luxe.Shrek, un ogre lleig i malhumorat, però amb un gran cor, recorre el món a la recerca d?aventures i es troba amb ases, bruixes, cavallers, dracs, i finalment amb una princesa tan horrible i adorable com ell. El personatge d?aquesta divertidíssima i tendra faula moderna va donar origen a la saga d?èxit Shrek (Dreamworks), la primera pellícula de la qual va guanyar l?Oscar al millor film d?animació.
Estupor i tremolors
Una mirada irònica i perspicaç a les diferències culturals entre el món oriental i l?occidental.Aquesta novella d'inspiració autobiogràfica, que es va convertir en un èxit internacional, explica la història d'una jove belga que comença a treballar a Tòquio en una gran companyia japonesa. Però al Japó actual, fortament jerarquitzat, la noia porta el llast d'un doble hàndicap: ser una dona i ser occidental. Aquesta doble condició la convertirà en el blanc d'una allau d'humiliacions i d'una progressiva degradació laboral, que la portarà del món de la comptabilitat a servir cafès, encarregar-se de la fotocopiadora i, fins i tot, ocupar-se de la neteja dels lavabos d'homes.Guanyadora del Gran Premi de Novella de l?Acadèmia Francesa.
Diari duna penjada 1. Manual de supervivència a linstitut
Hi ha res pitjor que anar a l?institut? Doncs sí, ser la nova penjada d?una escola privada superesnob! Com que tothom té un iPhone d?última generació, li he demanat a la mare que me?n compri un. Necessito un mòbil urgentment! Però, noooo! En comptes d?un iPhone la meva mare m?ha regalat aquest estúpid diari! A la meva mare se li?n va la pinça! Nova edició amb format més pràctic: rústica sense solapes, perquè te?l puguis endur a tot arreu. Ara a un preu més assequible. Torna a gaudir de la sèrie de literatura juvenil amb més èxit internacional: 55 milions d?exemplars venuts a tot el món.