Search results for ""ELSEVIER""
Elsevier Australia Essential Herbs and Natural Supplements
Elsevier Australia Money Mischief
Elsevier Australia Fire in Their Eyes
What drives some people to stand in the path of a wall of flame? Who are these brave, foolhardy, visionary firefighters? This intimate look at the elite groups that fight wildfires explores the trials, tragedies, and triumphs of these courageous few as they battle wilderness blazes from Alaska to Maine. From the grueling training of a smokejumper class in Montana, through harrowing fights with some up-close-and-personal wildfires, to a group of inspired conservationists who use fire as a tool for preservation, Karen Magnuson Beil takes readers where only a few have ventured--into the heart of one of nature’s most destructive and unpredictable forces: fire.
Elsevier Science Handbook of Neuroemergency Clinical Trials
Elsevier GmbH Atlas der Anatomie: Deutsche Übersetzung von Christian M. Hammer - Mit StudentConsult-Zugang
Netters Atlas der Anatomie beweist seit Jahren, dass Anatomielernen auch locker sein kann. Die preisgekrönten Abbildungen im typischen Netter-Stil führen Sie idealdidaktisch vom Leichten zum Schweren, von vereinfachten Darstellungen zu komplexen Strukturen. Detailreich beschriftet und von bestechender Klarheit und Präzision - so wird Anatomie greifbar! Praktisch: Die gesamte Anatomie in einem Band - ideal zum Mitnehmen in den Präpkurs Typisch Netter: Die Abbildungen treffen genau die Mischung aus realistischer Darstellung und didaktisch einprägsamer Schemazeichnung Schrittweise regionale Herangehensweise Umfangreich: Über 2000 aussagekräftige Abbildungen Zahlreiche klinische Bilder und Röntgenbilder helfen Ihnen in der ärztlichen Praxis Netter - der internationale Klassiker: der meistverkaufte Atlas im englischsprachigen Raum erfolgreich in über 60 Ländern der Welt übersetzt in bisher 7 Sprachen Neu in der 7. Auflage: Einführendes Kapitel zu Oberflächenanatomie, Nerven, Blut- und Lymphgefäßen Mehr als 25 neue Illustrationen von Dr. Machado, darunter klinisch wichtige Strukturen und schwer darstellbare anatomische Bereiche Neue Tabellen, die Strukturen mit hoher klinischer Relevanz für jede Körperregion übersichtlich auflisten und auf die entsprechenden Bildtafeln verweisen Mehr als 50 neue radiologische Bilder Zugang zu StudentConsult Das Buch bietet Zugang zur englischsprachigen Lernplattform StudentConsult. Hier finden sich die eBook-Ausgabe sowie mehr als 100 Bonustafeln. Einige Tafeln des Atlas bieten Selbsttests, um sein Wissen zu überprüfen.
Elsevier Australia Illustrated Dictionary of Midwifery
Elsevier Australia Neonatal Care for Nurses and Midwives: Principles for Practice 2nd Edition
Elsevier Australia Living with Chronic Illness and Disability: Principles for nursing practice
Elsevier Australia Integrating systems: clinical cases in anatomy and physiology
Elsevier Australia ESSA's Student Manual for Health, Exercise and Sport Assessment
Elsevier Australia Clinical Skills for Paramedic Practice ANZ
Elsevier Australia Examination Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Elsevier Australia Antenatal Consults: A Guide for Neonatologists and Paediatricians
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources
Elsevier Science Thematic Approaches to COVID19
Elsevier Science Resilient Health
Elsevier Science Actuaries Survival Guide
Elsevier Science Features Transmission Detection and Case Studies in COVID19
Elsevier Science An Introductory Handbook of Bayesian Thinking
Elsevier Science Focal Neuropathies
Elsevier Science Paraneoplastic Neurologic Disorders
Elsevier Science The Neuroscience of Depression
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Modern Optics
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry
Elsevier Science Evolution of Nervous Systems
Elsevier Science Hormones Brain and Behavior
Elsevier Science Comprehensive Remote Sensing
Elsevier Science Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry II
Elsevier Science Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry III
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Food Grains
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance
Elsevier Science Climate Vulnerability
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Health Economics
Elsevier Science Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Movement Disorders
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics
Elsevier Science Comprehensive Hard Materials
Elsevier Australia Mental Health and Mental Illness in Paramedic Practice
Elsevier India Dictionary of Energy: (South Asia Edition)
A dictionary that covers various aspects of energy and its role in society, as well as various areas critical to modern studies.
Elsevier Australia Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injuries
Elsevier Australia Clinical Naturopathy: An evidence-based guide to practice
Elsevier Australia The Great Kapok Tree
A modern fable with an urgent message for young environmentalists. Spectacular. (School Library Journal)Lynne Cherry journeyed deep into the rain forests of Brazil to write and illustrate this gorgeous picture book about a man who exhausts himself trying to chop down a giant kapok tree. While he sleeps, the forest’s residents, including a child from the Yanomamo tribe, whisper in his ear about the importance of trees and how all living things depend on one another . . . and it works.Cherry’s lovingly rendered colored pencil and watercolor drawings of all the wondrous and rare animals evoke the lush rain forests. Features stunning world maps bordered by detailed illustrations of fascinating rainforest creatures.An IRA Teacher’s Choice * ABA Pick of the Lists * Reading Rainbow Review Book * NSTA-CBC Outstanding Trade Book for Children
Elsevier Health Sciences Bucks Simulated Medical Coding Internship 20232024 Edition Access Card
Elsevier Health Sciences Buck's 2024 ICD-10-CM for Physicians
Selecting diagnosis codes is faster and easier with Buck's 2024 ICD-10-CM for Physicians. Designed by coders for coders, this full-color manual ensures you learn the most accurate billing and reimbursement codes for medical services provided in physicians' offices and outpatient settings. As coders need extensive knowledge to code with ICD-10-CM - and to choose from the thousands of possible codes - this edition makes it easier with colorful anatomy plates (including Netter's Anatomy illustrations) to help you understand anatomy and how it can affect your code choices. In addition, it comes with durable spiral binding, and includes a companion website with the latest coding updates At-a-glance Guide to the 2024 ICD-10-CM Updates in the front of the book lists all new, revised, and deleted codes, providing quick lookup of the coding changes. Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting (OGCRs) are listed in full in the Introduction, at the beginning of each chapter, and integrated within the code set, providing easier reference to coding rules when they are needed most. Unique! Full-color anatomy plates (including Netter's Anatomy art) are included in a separate section for easy reference and cross-referenced within the Tabular List of Diseases and Injuries, to help users understand anatomy and how it may affect choosing codes. Full-color design includes consistent color-coded symbols and text, providing easier access to codes and coding information. American Hospital Association's Coding Clinic® citations include official ICD-10-CM coding advice relating to specific codes and their usage. More than 190 illustrations provide visual orientation and enhance understanding of specific coding situations. Items are included throughout the Tabular List to ensure accurate coding, providing additional information on common diseases and conditions. Additional elements within specific codes define terms and add coding instructions relating to difficult terminology, diseases and conditions, or coding in a specific category. Symbols and highlights draw attention to codes that may require special consideration before coding, including: New, revised, and deleted Unacceptable Principle Diagnosis Codes that call for the use of additional character(s) Includes, Excludes 1 and Excludes 2 Use Additional Code First and Code Also Placeholder X symbol reminds you to assign placeholder X for codes less than 6 characters that require a 7th character. Manifestation code symbol identifies conditions for which it is important to record both the etiology and the symptom of the disease. HCC symbol indicates diagnoses in the Tabular List associated with Hierarchical Condition Categories. Age and Sex edits from the Definition of Medicare Code Edits help to ensure accuracy by denoting codes that are used only with patients of a specific age or sex. NEW! Updated 2024 Official Code set reflects the latest ICD-10 codes needed for diagnosis coding.
Elsevier Health Sciences Buck's 2024 ICD-10-CM for Hospitals
Selecting diagnosis codes is faster and easier with Buck's 2024 ICD-10-CM for Hospitals. Designed by coders for coders, this full-color manual includes all the ICD-10 codes that you need for today's inpatient coding. As coders need extensive knowledge to code with ICD-10-CM - and to choose from the thousands of possible codes - this edition makes it easier with colorful anatomy plates (including Netter's Anatomy illustrations) to help you understand anatomy and how it can affect your code choices. In addition, it comes with durable spiral binding, and includes a companion website with the latest coding updates. At-a-glance Guide to the 2024 ICD-10-CM Updates in the front of the book lists all new, revised, and deleted codes, providing quick lookup of the coding changes. Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting (OGCRs) are listed in full in the Introduction, at the beginning of each chapter, and integrated within the code set, providing easier reference to coding rules when they are needed most. Unique! Full-color anatomy plates (including Netter's Anatomy art) are included in a separate section for easy reference and cross-referenced within the Tabular List of Diseases and Injuries, to help users understand anatomy and how it may affect choosing codes. Full-color design includes consistent color-coded symbols and text, providing easier access to codes and coding information. American Hospital Association's Coding Clinic® citations include official ICD-10-CM coding advice relating to specific codes and their usage. More than 190 illustrations provide visual orientation and enhance understanding of specific coding situations. Items are included throughout the Tabular List to ensure accurate coding, providing additional information on common diseases and conditions. Additional elements within specific codes define terms and add coding instructions relating to difficult terminology, diseases and conditions, or coding in a specific category. Symbols and highlights draw attention to codes that may require special consideration before coding, including: New, revised, and deleted Unacceptable Principle Diagnosis Codes that call for the use of additional character(s) Includes, Excludes 1 and Excludes 2 Use Additional Code First and Code Also Placeholder X symbol reminds you to assign placeholder X for codes less than 6 characters that require a 7th character. CC (Complications & Comorbidities) and MCC (Major CC) symbols identify codes associated with the presence of secondary diagnoses from MS-DRGs, and call attention to CC and MCC exceptions. Hospital Acquired Condition symbol clearly identifies conditions that will always be coded as hospital acquired. Manifestation code symbol identifies conditions for which it is important to record both the etiology and the symptom of the disease. HCC symbol indicates diagnoses in the Tabular List associated with Hierarchical Condition Categories. Age and Sex edits from the Definition of Medicare Code Edits help to ensure accuracy by denoting codes that are used only with patients of a specific age or sex. NEW! Updated 2024 Official Code set reflects the latest ICD-10 codes needed for diagnosis coding.
Elsevier Health Sciences Clinical Skills Perioperative Collection Access Card
Elsevier Health Sciences Clinical Skills Pediatrics Collection Access Card
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Vorklinik Finale Paket mit allen 25 Bänden fürs Physikum