Search results for ""Author L. Ron Hubbard""
Bridge Publications Inc The Dynamics
What motivates life? What motivates Man? Those were the questions L. Ron Hubbard posed when seeking workable answers to the problems of both the individual and society. After examining the whole of life in its variety and complexity, he isolated a common denominator to all living things-the Dynamic Principle of Existence: Survive! Here was a watershed breakthrough in Man's understanding of Man. For while "everyone knows" that life forms are surviving, survival as their sole motivation was a brand-new discovery. How, then, did survival apply to Man and his everyday existence? By examining the full range and depth of his activities in the light of this new discovery, the infinitely diverse behavior of human beings all aligned and fell into place. As he discovered, the Dynamic Principle of Existence actually breaks down into no less than eight separate but interdependent urges toward survival: An individual survives for himself (1); for the family and future generations (2); for the group (3); for Mankind (4); for all life organisms including the animal and plant kingdoms (5); for the physical universe of matter, energy, space and time (6); as or for the spirit (7); and of or for Infinity (8). Moreover, as L. Ron Hubbard further reveals in this lecture, so interdependent are these dynamics that a failure to work along any one dynamic can drag down the rest while, similarly, a concentration on a single dynamic will also injure the others. But an understanding and, hence, balance of all Eight Dynamics provides the path to achieving the lasting success and happiness that are the very essence of survival-for oneself, one's family, one's fellows and, indeed, the whole civilization. This, then, is not just wisdom about life. This is life.
Bridge Publications Inc A Postulate out of a Golden Age
To overcome tyranny is to win freedom as a people, a nation or even Mankind. Yet to benefit fully from their liberties, each man and woman must also be free-as individuals. In regard to freedom as a nation, here is the remarkable story of how one man, the Athenian statesman Pericles, envisioned a better future for Mankind-a future free from tyranny. Thus developed a principle at the heart of modern civilization-specifically, that the individual citizen has a right to his own opinions, a right to be heard and a right to know and participate in government. Moreover, as new tyrannies emerge to threaten those rights, here is a crucial message for our times and all times. Then again, toward the full attainment of that better future, here also is L. Ron Hubbard's personal story of how he kept his discoveries about the human mind out of the harness of a modern tyranny. And, in consequence, how individuals today can achieve a level of personal freedom never before possible.
Bridge Publications Inc The Wrong Thing to Do is Nothing
In a world of unpredictable forces racing headlong toward an uncertain future, how can a single individual control his own fate? How can he safeguard the well-being of his family, the prosperity of his group and the security of his nation? Must he mutely await the next unforeseen blow, which might well signal the end of all dreams and aspirations? Or should he endeavor by whatever means, through whatever plan, to secure the future for those he cherishes and the society in which he lives? Here, then, is Ron's unforgettable answer to such questions. What he reveals is not only a principle that spells the difference between success and failure in every aspect of life, it is also a fundamental truth by which we can guarantee our future survival as individuals, groups, nations and Mankind as a whole.
New Era Publications International APS The Cause of Suppression
Overcoming the Ups and Downs in Life: Why are some people ill more often than others? Why are some accident-prone? And is there a reason others live their lives on an emotional seesaw, doing well one day and badly the next? There is an explanation, and it has nothing to do with the gods, fate or the position of the stars. In fact, the actual reason behind these phenomena-and their resolution-has been explained in Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard was able to see through the complexities of human behavior and discover the underlying factors which explain the phenomenon of suppression in people-for it is suppression by others that causes these seemingly haphazard events. In the excerpts from his writings in this chapter, you will find out how to recognize people who wish you ill and those who should be your friends. You'll discover why some people do poorly in life and how you can help them regain their well-being. You'll learn about the mechanics behind this destructive yet commonplace situation and ways to counteract it. It is data that could actually change your life tangibly and instantly, just as it has changed the lives of others.
New Era Publications International APS The Way to Happiness: A Common Sense Guide to Better Living
A motivational book giving 21 points for a happy living, covering personal relationships, taking care of oneself, children, comptence, trust, loyalty, fairness, honesty, self-control, tolerance and many other aspects. The book appeals to anyone regardless of religious or ethnic background - having found an amaznig common denomiator of what any human being considers correct ways of living. The book is ideal not only for finding stability and motivation for oneself, but it is also perfect to give to others improving their behaviour in a gentle and yet effective way.
Galaxy Press L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 29: The Best New Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year
Bridge Publications The Way to Happiness
This is a visualised audio book. A motivational book giving 21 points for a happy living, covering personal relationships, taking care of oneself, children, comptence, trust, loyalty, fairness, honesty, self-control, tolerance and many other aspects. The book appeals to anyone regardless of religious or ethnic background -- having found an amazing common denomiator of what any human being considers correct ways of living. The book is ideal not only for finding stability and motivation for oneself, but it is also perfect to give to others improving their behaviour in a gentle and yet effective way.
New Era Publications International APS Ethics and Conditions
Man has long found ethics to be a confusing subject. In recent decades it has become more so. How does a person know if what he is doing is right or wrong? When he sees dishonest men hold power, criminals go free and traditional values cast aside, maybe he feels he should take the easy way out. "Others cheat on their taxes, why shouldn't I? Other kids shoplift, what's the harm?" But, regardless of anything else, a person has to live with himself. With many pressures pushing and pulling at a person, how can he be sure his choices will be best for himself, his family and every aspect of his life and his future? L. Ron Hubbard achieved a remarkable breakthrough in the field of ethics which included not only simplification and codification of the subject, but development of a workable technology with applicability to our daily lives, one which brings about increased happiness, prosperity and survival. These fundamentals, taken from Mr. Hubbard's body of work, even when combined with the section, "Integrity and Honesty and Doing What's Right," which provides yet more information on the subject, do not present the entirety of ethics technology available in Scientology. However, they do provide an exact means for an individual to gradiently raise his ethics level, increase his survival potential in any area of life and help others do the same. Thus ethics technology is the key tool you need to succeed in all aspects of existence.
New Era Publications International APS Communication
A man is as alive as he can communicate," L. Ron Hubbard wrote. And communication is a facet of life which he explored very deeply indeed, ultimately writing hundreds of thousands of words about this vital subject. Communication skills are essential in any sphere of human interaction. In fact, when all is said and done, on whatever level, communication is the sole activity all people share. The benefits of effective communication are too numerous to list, for they enhance all aspects of life from the personal to the professional. The ability to communicate is vital to the success of any endeavor. In this section you will learn what good communication consists of and how to recognize the bad, what the component parts of communication are and how to utilize them, and why more communication, not less, brings the individual greater freedom. Also included in this chapter are numerous drills that Mr. Hubbard developed which improve one's communication level and have great practical application to life. A thorough understanding of this data will provide you with tools you can use forever.
Galaxy Press Sci-Fi Fantasy 10th Anniversary Audioook Collection