Search results for ""Author HERRERA"
Edhasa Invictus (XV)
En el año 54 a.C. el ejército romano patrulla a lo largo y ancho de un Imperio creciente, que abarca desde el Mediterráneo hasta el Mar del Norte, desde el Atlántico hasta las orillas del Nilo. Roma aplica brutalmente sus leyes y sus normas, y sus legiones son la fuerza de combate más eficiente y agresiva del mundo conocido. Tras sobrevivir a varios años de campaña en Britania, el prefecto Cato y el centurión Macro, dos veteranos de la legión romana, han vuelto a Roma. Sin embargo, su tiempo en la ciudad, peligrosa y polémica es corto, y muy pronto comenzarán un nuevo viaje con la guardia pretoriana. Su destino: Hispania, una colonia problemática en la que el enfrentamiento y la tensión con el Imperio romano se agravan por la amarga rivalidad existente entre los propios nativos. Allí, Vitellius, un veterano con vasta experiencia militar y ambición sin igual, intenta alcanzar la paz. Los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los dos amigos y sus compañeros de armas son, sin duda, diferentes a todo lo que han visto antes. Por un lado, la intriga y la traición de aquellos que buscan socavar al emperador Claudio. Por otro, Hispania se declara inconquistable...
RM Verlag SL Liliana Porter: Other Situations
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus 5 Pupil's Book
Each thematic unit presents key language in context and through activities, including songs and chants, stories, sticker activities and projects. Students work independently, in pairs or groups to develop core English language skills and 21st Century Skills, such as communication, collaboration and critical thinking. Four-page Checkpoints after every three units focus on Assessment for Learning and allow students to assess their own progress. Each book includes a Young Learner's Exams preparation section. 18 extra pages of reading skills 18 extra pages of grammar 6 extra pages of exam preparation Grammar is presented visually and practised interactively, to keep students involved and interested. Fun activities reinforce and motivate students to understand and acquire new language. Students are exposed to exam style tasks and formats from the beginning and throughout the course, building confidence in taking external exams. A variety of content from subjects such as Science, Maths, History and Art is presented throughout the course, introducing the necessary vocabulary for students to learn other subjects and achieve comprehension beyond the everyday.
Edhasa El hijo de Espartaco (III)
Libre al fin de la esclavitud, Marco está decidido a encontrar y salvar a su madre, que lleva ya tiempo secuestrada. Sin embargo, su amo, Julio César, pretende que lo ayude a acabar con las bandas de esclavos rebeldes, comandadas por Brixus, quien planea unir un ejército de esclavos y resucitar la causa de Espartaco. Pero Marco y Brixus son viejos aliados y comparten un secreto que puede acabar con sus vidas. Marco se debate entre su amigo y maestro. ¿Podrá convencer a Brixus de que no es el momento de una rebelión mortal? ¿Y será capaz de persuadir al César de que negocie la rendición de los esclavos antes de que haya más carnicería y derramamiento e sangre?
Graywolf Press Ten Planets: Stories
HarperCollins Publishers Inc My Spooky Halloween
My Spooky Halloween is the perfect board book to share with your little one as they discover all the traditions of their first holiday. This jack-o’-lantern–shaped board book is perfect for tiny hands and will help get any baby or toddler ready for Halloween. Filled with all the highlights that make Halloween fun—flying bats, haunted houses, web-spinning spiders—this adorable board book will delight young trick-or-treaters with its colorful and vibrant illustrations and easy-to-follow sentences.From smiling jack-o’-lanterns to cackling witches, share all the special treats that bring Halloween’s spookiness to life with My Spooky Halloween!
University of California Press Global Middle East: Into the Twenty-First Century
Localities, countries, and regions develop through complex interactions with others. This striking volume highlights global interconnectedness seen through the prism of the Middle East, both “global-in” and “global-out.” It delves into the region’s scientific, artistic, economic, political, religious, and intellectual formations and traces how they have taken shape through a dynamic set of encounters and exchanges. Written in short and accessible essays by prominent experts on the region, Global Middle East covers topics including God, Rumi, food, film, fashion, music, sports, science, and the flow of people, goods, and ideas. The text explores social and political movements from human rights, Salafism, and cosmopolitanism to radicalism and revolutions. Using the insights of global studies, students will glean new perspectives about the region.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas: STESSA 2012
Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas is a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of seismic resistant steel structures. It comprises a collection of papers presented at the seventh International Specialty Conference STESSA 2012 (Santiago, Chile, 9-11 January 2012), and includes the state-of-the-art in both theoretical and experimental research on the behaviour of steel structures in seismic areas. The book is organized in the following sections:- Performance-Based Design of Structures;- Seismic, Wind and Exceptional Load;- Material Behaviour;- Member Behaviour;- Connection Behaviour;- Global Behaviour;- Analytical and Experimental Methods;- Mixed and Composite Structures;- Passive and Active Control;- Strengthening and Repairing;- Codification;- Design, Fabrication and Practice.Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas aims to close the gap between the results of academic research, codification and application on the one hand, and common practice on the other. This book provides a complete framework of the most recent trends in the field of steel structures in seismic areas, with particular reference to the utilisation of multi-level performance based design concepts, the analysis of factors influencing the steel structure behaviour during strong ground motions, minimizing earthquake damage, seismic retrofit, the collapse behaviour of steel structures, recent developments in advanced large-scale experimental techniques, and the utilization of large-scale seismic testing facilities. The book is a valuable resource for engineers, academia and Ph.D. students in Civil Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Structural Engineering, Steel Construction, Steel Development, and Building Disaster Prevention.
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus 6 Pupil's Book
Each thematic unit presents key language in context and through activities, including songs and chants, stories, sticker activities and projects. Students work independently, in pairs or groups to develop core English language skills and 21st Century Skills, such as communication, collaboration and critical thinking. Four-page Checkpoints after every three units focus on Assessment for Learning and allow students to assess their own progress. Each book includes a Young Learner's Exams preparation section. 18 extra pages of reading skills 18 extra pages of grammar 6 extra pages of exam preparation Grammar is presented visually and practised interactively, to keep students involved and interested. Fun activities reinforce and motivate students to understand and acquire new language. Students are exposed to exam style tasks and formats from the beginning and throughout the course, building confidence in taking external exams. A variety of content from subjects such as Science, Maths, History and Art is presented throughout the course, introducing the necessary vocabulary for students to learn other subjects and achieve comprehension beyond the everyday.
Pearson Education Limited Big Fun Refresh Level 2 Big Book
What is New Big Fun? More fun, more content, more skills With an easy and friendly design and extra content New Big Fun gives you everything you need to deliver fun, creative and engaging Pre-primary lessons. A new Big Book brings variety and focus to classroom activities by keeping learners focused through developing a range of skills and knowledge relating to other curricular areas. The audio program includes vocabulary, conversations, narration and original songs and chants to delight both your students and you. New Big Fun is a big start that progresses to any English course, including Big English. Find out more at
Nova Science Publishers Inc Molybdenum: Characteristics, Production & Applications
HarperCollins Publishers Inc My Jolly Christmas: A Christmas Holiday Book for Kids
My Jolly Christmas is the perfect board book to share with your little one as they discover all the traditions of their first holiday. This holiday wreath-shaped board book is perfect for tiny hands and will help get any baby or toddler excited to celebrate the special day!Filled with all the highlights that make Christmas fun—delicious gingerbread houses, dazzling ornaments, and a cheery Santa Claus—this adorable board book will delight young readers with its colorful and vibrant illustrations and easy-to-follow sentences. From smiling snowmen to red-nosed reindeer, share all the special moments that make Christmas merry with My Jolly Christmas!
Pearson Education Limited Big Fun Refresh Level 1 Big Book
What is New Big Fun? More fun, more content, more skills With an easy and friendly design and extra content New Big Fun gives you everything you need to deliver fun, creative and engaging Pre-primary lessons. A new Big Book brings variety and focus to classroom activities by keeping learners focused through developing a range of skills and knowledge relating to other curricular areas. The audio program includes vocabulary, conversations, narration and original songs and chants to delight both your students and you. New Big Fun is a big start that progresses to any English course, including Big English. Find out more at
Editorial Médica Panamericana S.A. Manual de obesidad mórbida
Ofrece una guía práctica en el abordaje del diagnóstico y tratamiento de la obesidad mórbida, tanto desde el punto de vista médico como quirúrgico.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Understanding Probability Models
This book intends to highlight how the Theory of Probability supports, not only statistical modeling but how it allows describing different real life phenomena. It gives clues for understanding the philosophic roots of probability and how they are present in different areas of knowledge. The readers may use the book as a source for understanding the philosophical development of probability concepts and of the intents to obtain mathematical models. The chapters deal with the understanding of how probability models are usable for determining: A Probabilistic model of the best flight value for the design on paper of a helicopter How to model the improvement of the behavior of water heating systems and of the reliability of systems Models for determining the probability of non responses in inquiries and to evaluate the missing data. The modeling of various problems related with the behavior of ordering models of use in decision rules and of general properties of Order Statistics. A unified study of the probabilistic aspects of two Metaheuristics: Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search. How to obtain the identification of econometric techniques for dealing efficiently with the study of economic growth models under endogeneity. This book will be of interest for biometricians, statisticians, economists, engineers dealing with control and reliability, as well for informaticians.
Candlewick Press,U.S. Cerca / Close
Candlewick Press,U.S. Imagine
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 1 Teacher's Book
The Teacher's Book provides step-by-step lesson plans, activities and ideas, a game bank, Student's Book and Workbook audio scripts, Workbook answer keys, and notes for using the Young Learners' Exams Practice Materials found in the Student's Book. Assessment for Learning techniques and ideas for developing 21st Century Skills are contained in each Lesson Plan.
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 4 Workbook
Nova Science Publishers Inc Solar Power for Communities: Guidance for Local Stakeholders
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus 5 Class CD
Excel in English and have fun with Big English Plus Think Big - Take a journey around the world with Big English Plus and learn about new people, places and ideas. Dream Big - Learn, play, share...succeed. BIG ENGLISH PLUS really helps you achieve your goals. Big English Plus - Have fun learning English with songs, games, stories and lots of activities. Impress your family and friends with your English language skills.
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus 4 Teacher's Book
The Teacher's Book provides: Step-by-step lesson plans Activities and ideas A game bank Pupil's Book and Activity Book audio scripts Activity Book answer keys Notes for using the Young Learners' Exams Practice Materials found in the Pupil's Book. Assessment for Learning techniques and ideas for developing 21st Century Skills are contained in each lesson plan.
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus 4 Pupil's Book
Each thematic unit presents key language in context and through activities, including songs and chants, stories, sticker activities and projects. Students work independently, in pairs or groups to develop core English language skills and 21st Century Skills, such as communication, collaboration and critical thinking. Four-page Checkpoints after every three units focus on Assessment for Learning and allow students to assess their own progress. Each book includes a Young Learner's Exams preparation section. 18 extra pages of reading skills 18 extra pages of grammar 6 extra pages of exam preparation Grammar is presented visually and practised interactively, to keep students involved and interested. Fun activities reinforce and motivate students to understand and acquire new language. Students are exposed to exam style tasks and formats from the beginning and throughout the course, building confidence in taking external exams. A variety of content from subjects such as Science, Maths, History and Art is presented throughout the course, introducing the necessary vocabulary for students to learn other subjects and achieve comprehension beyond the everyday.
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus 1 Activity Book
The Activity Book, with colour photographs and illustrations, provides engaging additional practice for each unit in the Pupil's Book. Activity Book pages can be used on an Interactive Whiteboard, projector and in MyEnglishLab. 27 extra pages of reading skills 9 extra pages of grammar
Editorial Funambulista S.L. La nsula inefable
Antonio regresa a la isla caribeña en la que sirvió como diplomático diez años antes. No se trata de un viaje sentimental: su propósito es descubrir en los archivos de la Seguridad del Estado quién le traicionó y qué papel jugó en su salida de la isla la misteriosa mujer (Ella) por la que perdió casi literalmente la cabeza.Recorriendo las páginas de su expediente rememora aquellos días vividos en un vértigo de ron, canciones surgidas de la máquina del tiempo, cuerpos como irresistibles imanes, espías fantasmagóricos, disidentes escurridizos como sombras e inquietantes horóscopos.En este caleidoscopio ibérico-tropical conviven, en improbable armonía, revolucionarios, meigas y orixás, segurosos fanáticos del Dépor y de Julio Iglesias, disidentes adoradores de Nino Bravo, travestis con ínfulas de prima ballerina, santeras en conexión astral con San Andrés de Teixido y unas apocalípticas teorías astrológicas pregonadas por un reputado polígrafo de Mondoñedo.Una divertidísima no
Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica de la Universidad de Málaga Mujer sujetomujer objeto en la literatura espaola del siglo de oro
Mujer 'objeto'/mujer 'sujeto' en la literatura española del Siglo de Oro
Kaizen Editores Siempre Juntos
Editorial Academica Espanola Santivañez: Alternativas Productivas ante efectos del cambio climático
Nova Science Publishers Inc Stochastic Programming: Theory, Applications & Impacts
UAM Ediciones AlMutanabbi frente a la encrucijada del siglo IV H.C. claves para una lectura del panegírico
No. 137: AL-MUTANABBÍ..Se hace un corte transversal de los distintos momentos que vive el poeta al-Mutanabbí (siglo IV H. / XC.), con especial hincapié en la evolución de la crítica y de la poesía; y se extrae la original voz del arte mutanabbí mediante el análisis formal de una serie de constantes, tal como aparecen en cinco piezas producidas a lo largo de su vida, cuyo original árabe y traducción pueden ser cotejados al final.
Almuzara Querer Como Las Locas
Genética de los monos
En Genética de los monos, María José Rangel narra su historia a partir de sus vínculos afectivos. Volviendo al pasado para hacer una colección de recuerdos, ella escribe cómo fue su infancia y juventud creciendo a lado de su madre, sus hermanas y hermanos, en una casa marcada por el divorcio y la intermitente presencia de su padre. Surcando en la memoria para hallar los inicios y los finales, Majo va encontrando su camino y la voz de su cuerpo, mientras intenta comprender el sentido de los embarazos, nacimientos, muertes y uniones que cuentan la épica de su manada: esa familia extendida formada no solo por quienes tienen lazos de sangre, sino también de amor y amistad. Escrita con dulzura, honestidad y un gran sentido del humor, esta novela es el retrato de una época, una bella reflexión sobre los afectos humanos, y un espejo que nos devuelve nuestro rostro convertido en un mono, un tigre, una serpiente o un mandril. La autora ha construido un altar para el corazón en duelo y la infini
Candlewick Press,U.S. Imagine
Penguin Putnam Inc Portraits of Hispanic American Heroes
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 4 Class CD
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 3 Class CD
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 2 Class CD
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 1 Workbook Audio CD
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 1 Student's Book
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Una revelación brutal / The Brutal Telling
Getty Trust Publications David Lamelas - A Life of Their Own
The renowned Argentinian conceptual artist David Lamelas (born 1946) has an expansive oeuvre, which shows his work to be evocative, restive, and exhilarating. This book, published to coincide with the first monographic exhibition of the artist's work in the United States, offers an incisive look into Lamelas's art. The guiding analytic theme in this book is the artist's adaptability to place and circumstance, which invariably influences his creative production. Lamelas left Argentina in the mid-1960s to study at Saint Martin's in London. Since then, he divides his time among various cities. While the typical narrative invoked about artists like Lamelas is that of "internationalism," Lamelas has always been more "postnational" than "international" in his nomadic movement, from one place or conceptual framework to the next.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins CAPE Accounting – CAPE Accounting Multiple Choice Practice
This CAPE Accounting Multiple Choice Practice book is an invaluable exam preparation aid for CAPE Accounting students. This book provides excellent practice for the multiple choice questions from Paper 1 of the CAPE examination, and has been specially written to help CAPE Accounting students improve their Paper 1 exam score.
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 6 Active Teach CD
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 1 Active Teach CD
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 6 Teacher's Book
The Teacher's Book provides step-by-step lesson plans, activities and ideas, a game bank, Student's Book and Workbook audio scripts, Workbook answer keys, and notes for using the Young Learners' Exams Practice Materials found in the Student's Book. Assessment for Learning techniques and ideas for developing 21st Century Skills are contained in each Lesson Plan.