Search results for ""Author Axel"
Edition Axel Menges Franz Heinrich Schwechten Ein Architekt Zwischen Historismus Und Moderne
A point of artistic intersection between Historicism and Modernism.
Dielmann Axel Verlag vorort im schweigen
Dielmann Axel Verlag Heilbronn Heilbronner Land
Dielmann Axel Verlag Das Gewitter umarmen
Dielmann Axel Verlag Die Braubachstraße
Dielmann Axel Verlag Felsenmeer
Dielmann Axel Verlag Das Wunder von Runxendorf
Edition Axel Menges Klaus Kinold. Architectural Photographs: Photographs of Architecture
Text in English & German. The work of Klaus Kinold, born 1939 in Essen, is part of a tradition of photography, and particularly of architectural photography. Architecture was one of the most important themes even of early photography -- not least because it stood still. Initially this was an important characteristic, since exposure times were long. Thus began the affinity of photography with the documentary. Reality and representation were supposed to correspond. Quoting a statement by Roland Barthes, Kinold has referred to the still "mysterious bonus of confidence given to the documentary". At a time when digital photographic and processing techniques make all sorts of manipulation possible, the now rare quality of reliability is assigned to this attitude. It was self-evident for Kinold to explore the period whose very name included the term objectivity -- the New Objectivity (in German: Neue Sachlichkeit). The work of colleagues such as Werner Mantz, Hugo Schmölz, Arthur Köster and above all Albert Renger-Patzsch combined useful information and contemporary artistic expression. Walter Peterhans, photographer at the Bauhaus, called it the "magic of precision". At the same time, Kinold did not let himself be confused by the special effects indulged in by some modernist artists. His photographs indicate the structure of the surfaces of a building, the spatial depth and the details concealed in its shadowed sections, the proportions in which they present themselves to the user. The accuracy of observation, the precision in detail, the translation of three-dimensional objects into a convincingly construed image are among the virtues of the architectural photographer Klaus Kinold. What takes precedence in his work is not the moment at which a thing suddenly reveals its essence, a lucky coincidence, but rather the condition that is considered to be essential, set also by the right photographic standpoint. For Kinold, who owed a great deal to his teacher Egon Eiermann at the Technische Hochschule in Karlsruhe, including in his capacity as a photographer, logic, purity and clarity went without saying. Accordingly, predominant in his work, we find photographs of buildings by architects whom he could expect to have such qualities: classic Modernists like Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier and contemporaries like Alvar Aalto, Hans Döllgast, Herman Hertzberger, Louis Kahn, Karljosef Schattner, Rudolf Schwarz, Alvaro Siza. Architectural historian Wolfgang Pehnt, born 1931, has often reaped the benefits of insights gained from Kinolds photographic art. Pehnt has published monographs about German architecture since 1900 and about Expressionist architecture, but he has also written about numerous individual uvres. He formerly taught at the Ruhruniversität Bochum.
Edition Axel Menges Figures: A Project in St. Petersburg 2010-2012
The architect is at all times also an artist. How otherwise would he be able to tame the three-dimensionality of space and subdue the urges of physics and structural mechanics with the creations of his fantasy? This creativity is however mostly restricted purely to its own field. Rob Krier is an exception. For years, he has seen his love of art as a vocation -- one which he nurtures parallel to his work in construction. Fine art should stand in dialogue with architecture and it is Krier's ambition to have iconographic themes brought into the latter, so that they might speak equally to both the occupants of a building and to bystanders, moving them to thoughtful reflection. In his contribution to the European Embankment project in St Petersburg, Krier recently demonstrated the power of architecture and fine art to cross-fertilise. The architects in charge of the urban development of this district are Sergei Tchoban and Evgeny Gerasimov. Krier designed the façade for a 132-metres long building on the Newa riverbank one that looks across the water onto the rear façade of the Hermitage. The vibrancy of the architecture is enhanced by its sculptural ornamentation based on the Balzac theme, 'The Human Comedy'. In this regard, Krier modelled over 50 figures in white clay, as well as around 65 linear metres of reliefs. The short poems that comment on the sculptures also centre on the theme of mankind and its interrelationships in society.
Edition Axel Menges Second Look: Hitchcock: The Birds; Edwards: The Party; Scott: Blade Runner; Ruzowitzky: Anatomy; Scott: Gladiator
Text in English & German. Like literary texts, films often tell stories on multiple levels. Ridley Scott made an ironic reference to this when he called his legendary science-fiction film Blade Runner a "700-layer cake". These buried structures are created in two ways: by elements that resonate throughout the film itself and by references to other films, texts, myths, paintings, historical events etc. that are adapted in a specific way by the director, the scriptwriter and the production team. The heroine in Hitchcock's film The Birds, for instance, is a modern Aphrodite / Venus. Just as Venus, born from the sea foam, was carried to land on a seashell, Melanie is carried across Bodega Bay in a boat that is not much bigger than Venus' vessel in Botticelli's painting. Melanie's name is another reference to Aphrodite, who was also known as Melaina, "the black one". In the fist scene of the film, in which she enters the pet shop where she later gets to know Mitch and buys the love birds, Melanie is also dressed in black. The Venus-like Melanie is felt to be a threat by others within their world, and especially by more conventional women. One of them screams at her hysterically: "I think you're evil! Evil!". This creates a particular connection between love and horror in the film. The classical Aphrodite also had a dark side -- her union with Ares produced not only Harmonia, but also Deimos and Phobos: "dread" and "fear". Detecting hidden references is only the first step in creating an analysis; the next step is to elucidate the function of the reference within the film. For instance, what does it mean that Hitchcock's heroine is attacked by birds, whereas Venus was depicted accompanied by a dove? And why does Melanie, our "Venus", wear furs? Kirsch's investigations of this and other questions open up new perspectives on a number of films, with extensive illustrations allowing the reader to follow these in detail. The book invites us to take a second look at The Birds, Blake Edwards' The Party, Ridley Scott's Blade Runner and Gladiator and Stefan Ruzowitzky's Anatomy. Konrad Kirsch is a PhD in literature and an enthusiastic viewer of films. He has published texts on Georg Büchner, Elias Canetti, Robert Walser, Franz Kafka and William Shakespeare. Most recently, his article on Heinrich von Kleist was published in the Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie.
Edition Axel Menges BRAUN--Fifty Years of Design and Innovation: Fifty Years of Design and Innovation
Braun products have been shown more frequently at exhibitions than those of any other comparable company. Some people find that they reflect basic human values such as authenticity and integrity. For others, they are the very incarnation of German perfectionism. Braun is not merely a trademark; it stands for an all-encompassing concept. For the last five decades, this concept has spawned innovative products with an unprecedented regularity that begs to be explained -- especially as the era spanned by the history of Braun design is not exactly one characterised by continuity. Instead, the second half of the 20th century witnessed a dramatic change in living conditions. Prosperity and greater ease entered our daily lives, but also widespread disorientation and alienation. It is to the credit of those who set the Braun design project in motion that they were able to counteract this feeling of alienation -- which manifested itself to them not least in poorly designed objects of daily use -- with a vision of design reform. There had already been attempts made along these lines. What was new was that a commercial enterprise spearheaded the movement. Also new was the systematic approach, the application of design principles to modern products and the innovative dynamic thus triggered. Finally, the considerable commercial success this design project enjoyed was likewise a revelation. All of this led the company to establish a design department that was not merely an appendage, but rather an active decision-maker in the development of products from the initial idea to realisation. This is how Braun and design became synonymous.
Edition Axel Menges Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus, Stuttgart: Opus 68
In 1940, manufacturer Robert Bosch (1861-1942) opened the first hospital to bear his name. He was interested in promoting public welfare as well as his highly successful business activities. Since 1964, 92 per cent of Robert Bosch GmbH has belonged to the Robert Bosch Foundation, whose dividends benefit education, science, understanding among nations and health care. So in 1973 it became possible to open a new hospital complex in Stuttgart. There has been continual extension and improvement of the existing stock by Arcass Frei Architekten, and in recent years the geriatric rehabilitation clinic and the very stimulating chapel have been added, both by Günter Leonhardt, and also the entrance building by Joachim Schürmann & Partner.
Edition Axel Menges Steidle + Partner, Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven: Alfred-Wegener-Institut Bremerhaven
Text in English and German. The building for the Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung is near the city centre by the commercial harbour. What is striking is the unusual façade: a pattern is made with glazed tiles in white, grey and black, seeming more regular than it actually is.
Edition Axel Menges Reinhard Gieselmann: In Search of Style
Text in English and German. The extensive built work of the 1925 born Reinhard Gieselmann, focussing on housing and church architecture, is characterised by powerfully three-dimensional buildings, dramatic spatial effects, sophisticated handling of light and explicit material effects.
Edition Axel Menges Die Tektonik der Hellenen: Kontext und Wirkung der Architekturtheorie von Karl Bötticher
TEXT IN GERMAN. Tectonics is back on the agenda for contemporary architectural discussion. Up to now tectonics tended to be associated with the language of neo-Classical architecture, which seemed to have faded out because of the triumph of Modernism, but now the dogmas of Modernism are being questioned, interest is reviving in architecture using tectonic design principles. So DIE TEKTONIK DER HELLENEN, Bötticher's main work published in 1844-52, does not just provide a theory of tectonic form that is still estimable today, it also contains a theory about the central problem of the 19th century, that of taking over the stylistic forms of past epochs.
Edition Axel Menges Jean-Yves Barrier: Architect and Urbanist
Text in French & English. Even though his viaducts for the TGV Atlantic line and several innovative projects rapidly brought him national recognition, Jean-Yves Barrier, who set up his own practice in Tours in 1990, managed to avoid involvement in fashions and trends. Whether he is dealing with homes, public facilities, offices, industrial buildings or shop design, Barrier approaches each project with a fresh eye, and tries to come up with a powerful idea that is then expressed spontaneously in his sketches. His initial insight is developed in very precise studies, bringing an architectural approach to the technical details. The originality of his buildings is inevitably associated with the renewal of form, a great variety of subjects and blending materials in a way that exploits the value of each to optimise the construction as a whole. Even though he was one of the first to realise a solar building (1978), an automated house (1990) and a low-energy apartment block (2001), these technical innovations are not his chief concern. The essential feature for Barrier is the correctness of the response applied to the programme and to the context, with consistent respect for the users. He combines generosity in his human contacts with rigour in conception and realisation. In all his exchanges with contractors, engineers, workmen and users, his taste for dialogue promotes a climate of confidence that enables every project to find its own distinctive quality.
Edition Axel Menges Built or Unbuilt: Architects Present Their Favorite Projects
Text in English and German. Personal favourite projects selected by architects of international distinction are presented in a book for the first time. Projects that were devised and realised, but also some that were never built. Speakers in the 'Architecture Today' lecture series that has taken place for the last twenty years at Tübingen University were asked to contribute. Invitations went to 'established' master builders, provocative young developers of new forms and technologies or significant representatives of regional architecture: a promenade architectural ranges from coolly functional to free artistic design, from architecture that feels committed to the Bauhaus aesthetic to deconstructive design. The idea for this book came from the 20th anniversary of the lecture series. The result is an exciting catalogue of very different projects from the last three decades, like museums, buildings related to science and education and to music and theatre, offices and homes, government and religious buildings, right down to the architects' own houses. The scale ranges from mega-projects for whole cities in Asia to a subtle design for a lift in Salzburg or two thoughtful architectural visions expressed in a 'Tower of Dreams' or just in an exhibition. These are all projects that attach considerable significance to their inventors. A clear majority of the choice of architects lit upon realised projects originating in competitions, direct contracts or a problem the architects set themselves. The choice of projects that stayed on paper arouses even more curiosity -- buildings that did not win first prize in a competition, but still have a great deal to tell about the wealth of ideas, context and philosophy in contemporary architecture, presented in this publication because their designers definitely wanted to make their mark. A variety of answers were heard to the question of why a certain project was chosen. The fact is that ultimately favourite projects are the ones that represent philosophy and design ideals, as well a the knowledge and skill of the architects and teams in a particular way. But above all they were projects that moved the architects.
Edition Axel Menges Androgynos--The Male-Female in Art and Architecture: The Male-female in Art and Architecture
This book deals with elemental basic architectural questions: the age-old subject of antithesis and thesis, unity and duality, contrast and harmony.
Edition Axel Menges Alfredo Arribas. Seat-Pavilion, Wolfsburg: Opus 44 Series
Text in English and Spanish. In 2000 the Autostadt, a show park for the Volkswagen group and its subsidiaries from Seat via Audi to Bentley and Lamborghini, opened in Wolfsburg. Alfredo Arribas designed the Seat Pavilion, and has brought off the brilliant trick of making an essentially reticent building into the focal point of the Autostadt. The structure is like a snail shell, forbidding and closed with the exception of a band of windows that seems to rise directly out of the surface of the lake on the Autostadt site. The irregular curve of the ground plan is reminiscent of a leaf or other forms borrowed from nature. Access is via two elegant ramps floating over the water and the site and thrusting straight into the centre of the pavilion: a homage to the old master, Le Corbusier. And then inside we are confronted with a surprise-packed exhibition landscape: a dazzling synthesis of acoustic and visual impressions that cast their spell over visitors as they walk round. Alfredo Arribas was a provocative newcomer on the architectural scene in Barcelona in the late eighties and is now an international success. He was probably predestined for this job like no other architect. He showed a highly personal flair for presenting spaces and goods from the outset, attracting early attention with his designs for discotheques and bars like the enormous Louie Vega (1988) discotheque, or the Torres de Avila (1990). The expressive tower for the Marugame Hirai Museum (1993) is also part of this creative phase, where forms did not necessarily have to be justified by functional logic. But Arribas' architecture changed into its business suit for the very next commissions. For example, even bankers in their pin-stripe suits feel perfectly at home in the cafeteria he designed for Norman Foster's Commerzbank headquarters in Frankfurt. Arribas is working on two large projects at present: a family entertainment centre in Bari and the Cite des Musiques Vivantes in Montlucon.
Edition Axel Menges Heinz Tesar, Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuberg, Austria: Opus 38
Text in English and German. Heinz Tesar's buildings occupy a very particular place on the Austrian architectural scene, which is anyway populated by a lot of individualists. There is a great deal of creative imagination at work here, which always operates outside the scope of modern routine. The town of Klosterneuburg, north of Vienna, has become something like an artistic home for Tesar. The Schomerhaus, an office building whose huge oval central hall leaves convention far behind, and the Protestant church, which has a rounded floor plan like a tear-drop, were now followed by the impressive museum he has built here to house 4000 objects from the private Essl collection, which includes the most important collection of Austrian art after 1945. The floor plan is based on a triangle. Above a storage floor that runs the whole length of the building three individually shaped architectural entities are grouped around a green courtyard. The elaborately orchestrated section of the building on the short leg of the triangle accommodates the entrance foyer, staircase, library, offices and a flat.The long side of the triangle contains the hall for temporary exhibitions extending over two storeys; on the lower floor it is glazed on the courtyard side, and in the upper storey it is lit partly from the side and partly from the skylights in the slightly undulating roof. The hypotenuse is made up of a sequence of parallel galleries; they are topped by lanterns, which admit a great deal of daylight. Finally, Tesar gives the cubic building an organic touch with a curved flourish at the tip of the triangle. Following Gehry and Zumthor, who have recently made important contributions to the theme of art museums, Tesar is now offering a variant that responds very physically to its surroundings, creating individual spaces with a variety of light.
Edition Axel Menges Stefan Heiliger Design: A Retro-perspective
Text in German and English. Stefan Heiliger is one of the most prominent product designers in Europe, known for his -- often mechanically assisted -- recliners, easy chairs and couches. He has designed strategic ergonomic, social and comfort transitions between 'sitting-lying' and 'lying-sitting' more than almost any other designer. In his work diverse influences come together: first, familial heritage, his father Bernhard Heiliger's sculptural sensibilities; second, experiences gained during his studies at the famous Ulm School of Design, and during his time with Wilhelm Wagenfeld; and, last but not least, professional experience as a designer for Daimler-Benz in Stuttgart. The formal vocabularies that Heiliger uses in his recliners, easy chairs and couches have an inner relationship with his sports-car and coupé designs. The saucy radii, parables, hyperbolas and circular segments, the rhomboids, tetrahedrons and bevelled ovals witness a trust in the emotional, even erotic power of curvatures that may stem from automobile design. Also, the metaphors of frozen speed, which invariably characterise Heiliger's functional chairs, justify the term 'boldismo'. It seems evident that Heiliger is as much an emotional functionalist as he is a sculpturally thinking pragmatist. Heiliger, who has also passed down his talent and experience to students as a design professor for almost three decades, has compiled a decidedly contemporary vocabulary with new forms of spectacular body shells for the subject area 'comfort seating'. Today, he provides interior design products for the biomorphic 'blob architecture' in a congenial way without any fixation on axial orientations or rectangularities. The present publication document and interprets Stefan Heiliger's uvre and places it into a historical design context.
Edition Axel Menges Regenbogen-Blitze / Rainbow Lightnings
Text in English & German. Since beyond time, rainbow lightning has been exploring space, leaping from star to star and forming light beings and crystals of light on our planet, just as they do there. They bubble, flame, flare, flash, weave a web of light, attract, condense, become space that inspires and into which one can enter. Become figurines, cubes, gurgling sky discs, flying labyrinths -- cathedrals of light! Vibrating, stretching time, laughing, refreshing, exploding like dreams in buds of light, timeless and passing away. The rainbow flashes are particularly attracted to cities. There they magically sparkle pink-red, jasmine-yellow-gold, flower-blue and breathe new life into them. Beauty is their goal. If their light were sound, what sweet melody! What overflowing happiness rained down! What sound of light-worlds! The journey of the rainbow lightning travels to Mongolia, Belize, Rome, Kathmandu, Guilin, Norway, Dubai and Japan. Frozen for a moment, the bubbling lightning and light crystals suggest their vibrations as they travel around the earth and into space.
Edition Axel Menges Jean-Yves Barrier: Architect, Designer, Artist / Architecte, Designer, Artiste
After the first volume was published in 2009 under the title Jean-Yves Barrier. Architect and Urbanist / Architecte et Urbaniste, which documented 25 years of his architectural practice, this second volume is dedicated to architectural and artistic projects since the mid- 2000s. While the first volume focused on architectural and urbanistic projects, this second volume presents not only 25 new architectural projects of Barrier, but also a completely different facet of his work: the relationship between architecture and art. In this context, 'folding' becomes a fundamental concept that can be applied from design objects to art installations in public spaces and architecture. This new volume also shows once again the astonishing variety of architectural typologies that Barrier deals with in his current oeuvre. Whether it concerns residential buildings, collective housing, public facilities, urban design or functional buildings (such as supermarkets, an employment office or an engineering structure), Barrier never adopts a repetitive or doctrinaire attitude, but develops new solutions for each project, which can be found in his ideal 'lexicon of constants'. This is particularly true for the permanent search for urban coherence for the most varied interventions: in city centres, in derelict industrial zones or in diffuse peri-urban spaces. Contemporary garden cities, condensed and compact assemblies, collages or the interweaving with what exists represent possibilities for Barrier to requalify and redevelop forgotten or abandoned urban situations with contemporary architecture. This is accompanied by the search to create urban signs and new networks in urban space, with the attempt to perpetuate the existing layers of the city. But it is not only the city that serves him as an architectural projection screen, but also and in particular the manifold interplay between art, design and architecture, which is expressed in a specific method, an edifice of thoughts, which allows him to achieve a creative coherence on these various levels of scale and thus simultaneously connects different disciplines with each other.
Dielmann Axel Verlag Aus dem Siegerland nach Germanna
Edition Axel Menges Klaus R Uhlig
Text in English & German. Klaus R Uhlig, born in 1932 in Altenburg near Leipzig, is at first and foremost a painter of people. His upright figures, with a strong vertical emphasis and often depicted in groups, represent the emerging XXL generation. With his "Structurels", Uhlig created a painting style that combines classical realistic with modern abstract painting. Linking and overlapping numerous individual pictures to form a composite creates configurations that can be interpreted in many ways. Gil E Stein shows other aspects of his output in this publication. This includes works such as Das letzte Blatt der Welt or 9-11, which was actual-ly painted in 2001, and the group of pictures called "Arborel". The most striking feature of Uhlig's pictures is the positive impact they make. One contributing factor here is that a clear working philosophy lies behind their creation. Uhlig's work is intended to show "that our life and our social associations are wonderful because the things that connect us are wonderful and mysterious". He uses very many graphic and painting techniques to achieve this, including decalomania. The colour range of his work is defined by the Bauhaus colour theory. Uhlig's colourism and structurelism emerged on the basis of a classical training in art and architecture, moving through the stages of stonemason, Dipl.-Ing., Master of Arts, government building officer and Dr.-Ing. His professors in Weimar included Otto Herbig, who was close to Die Brücke, in Berlin the architect Hans Scharoun and the sculptor Erich F Reuter, and at Harvard University Le Corbusier when present at seminars. Here Uhlig also met Walter Gropius and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. After teaching at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Hamburg, Uhlig worked as a town planner in various German cities. He devised zoning maps for Göttingen, Heidelberg and finally for Cologne, where he worked as Stadtbaudirektor for many years. Uhlig lives in Cologne as a free-lance artist. Solo exhibitions have been devoted to his work in Europe and China, in cities including Berlin, Bologna, Brussels, Dresden, Hangshou, Leipzig, Cologne, Paris and Weimar. His work is to be found in state museum, public buildings and in institutional and private collections.
Edition Axel Menges Plusminus 20/40 Latitude: Sustainable Building Design in Tropical and Subtropical Regions
Important examples of realised objects show the interplay of use of nature resources, and the building technology that is added on. Natural ventilation, passive and active use of solar energy, use of rainwater and the energy potential of the soil are key issues. The use of photothermic and photoelectric solar technologies is presented in detail, along with use of the potential for drawing energy from the soil.
Edition Axel Menges Hilmer & Sattler: Buildings and Projects
Architects who believe that designs should be based on past architecture.
Edition Axel Menges GmbH The Solar Chimney Electricity from the Sun
Describes a viable alternative power source. Manzanares, Spain's solar chimney has proven to be effective.
Edition Axel Menges GmbH Occupying and Connecting Thougts on Territories and Spheres of Influence with Particular Reference to Human Settlement Thoughts on Territories and with Particular Reference to Human Settlement
A study that dates from 1995. It was written in the context of research into 'natural constructions' by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
Kungl. akademien for de fria konsterna Inside: Axelsson. Bohlin. Theselius.
HarperCollins Publishers SJ Axelby’s Interior Portraits: An Artist’s View of Designers’ Living Spaces
An artist’s record of the homes of 89 leading creatives from interior designers to ceramicists, antiques dealers, florists and chefs. SJ Axelby brings new life to interior portraiture, capturing in paint the favourite rooms of 89 leading creatives from interior designers to ceramicists and antiques dealers (and florists and chefs). A sumptuously illustrated record of a home or special project, each interior portrait is accompanied by a charming and quirky interview with the owner, in which we discover invaluable nuggets of design advice, cocktail choice, life hacks and so much more – all illustrated in watercolour by SJ. There is a long tradition of painting rooms to provide a record of grand homes, giving a glimpse into the life and times of previous generations. Today there is a resurgence of interest in our living spaces, but there is no book in the tradition of illustrated room portraiture to inspire you. SJ Axelby's Interior Portraits will take you into multiple unique and colourful homes, seen through the artist’s eye. Creating an authentic and characterful scheme is much like the composition of a painting: the shape, form, contrast, colour, pattern and texture all need to work in harmony. This pictorial guide includes not only Sarah-Jane’s original watercolours but scrapbook pages annotated with design wisdom from each room’s owners, which will enthuse and empower the reader to try new ideas in their own homes. It’s a creative who’s who of the international design world featuring mouth-watering compositions bursting with colour and pattern and displaying the true joy of a home that reflects its owner’s personality. With a foreword by Kit Kemp of Firmdale Hotels. Just a few of the creatives featured:Alexandra TolstoyAlice Stori LiechtensteinAnna SpiroAshley HicksBen Pentreath & Charlie McCormickCath Kidston PadghamErica DaviesFlora SoamesHenry HollandKit KempLucinda ChambersLulu LytleLuke Edward Hall & Duncan CampbellMatilda GoadPenny MorrisonRobert KimeSkye McAlpineSophie Conran
Scholastic Happy Bunnies (BB)
Join a wonderful cast of bouncy, energetic bunnies as they enjoy all their favourite activities! This joyous board book is brought to life by the incomparable Axel Scheffler, illustrator of The Gruffalo and Zog. Hop into the pages of this wonderful board book and meet a whole warren of happy bunnies! But what does makes bunnies happiest? Is it running a race? Or going swimming in the sea? Or maybe it's watching TV with their families? Find out in this funny and charming tale by Frantz Wittkamp is translated by Alison Green, bestselling author of Kind. A celebration of spending time together with friends and family in the great outdoors Every spread features bright and cheering artwork by Axel Scheffler – with lots of enjoyable details for families to spot together Axel Scheffler is the illustrator of a whole host of beloved classic children's books such as Stick Man and Room on the Broom
Scholastic The Dog and the Chicken Thief
A fabulously funny picture book, illustrated by Axel Scheffler, the superstar illustrator of The Gruffalo and Zog. Each night, a farmer's chickens get gobbled up by a cunning fox. When the farmer has finally had enough, he decides the culprit must be found - and tasks his loyal dog with catching the chicken thief. Poor Dog searches and waits to no avail. And when Dog asks for help, things just get worse! Pig falls asleep, Sheep is too scared...who will help Dog catch the thief, and how? Tuck into this hilarious tale, illustrated by the one and only Axel Scheffler, written by Chantal de Marolles. A joyful clash of wits to be enjoyed again and again. Every spread features gorgeous original artwork by Axel Scheffler with lots of enjoyable details for families to spot together Axel Scheffler is the illustrator of a whole host of beloved classic children's books such as Stick Man and Room on the Broom Featuring a lively translation of Chantal de Marolles' original text by Alison Green, author of Kind
Pan Macmillan The Gruffalo and Other Stories
Your favourite Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler stories, read aloud by stars Imelda Staunton, Jim Carter and Steven Pacey.Go 'Grrrr . . .' with the Gruffalo, sing along with the Smartest Giant, help Monkey search for his mum and see if the little old lady can make some room in her house! The Gruffalo and Other Stories CD is brilliantly performed by well-known actors Imelda Staunton, Jim Carter and Steven Pacey, as well as by the author herself, Julia Donaldson. Each story also has a song and sound effects, with a total CD running time of an hour. Perfect for listening to at home or to brighten up a car journey with the much-loved creations of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. Stories: A Squash and a Squeeze Monkey Puzzle The Gruffalo The Smartest Giant in Town
Pan Macmillan The Bedtime Bear
Celebrate 25 years of this much-loved bedtime adventure from Ian Whybrow and Axel Scheffler – with a fun rhyming story and a flap to lift on every page!Bedtime isn't bedtime without your favourite bear, and Tom's bear is on his way! In The Bedtime Bear: 25th Anniversary Edtion, join Bear on his adventures as he finds his way back to Tom, from cycling through the jungle with a tiger to hitching a lift with a sheep in a jeep!Featuring a laugh-out-loud story rhyming story from award-winning author, Ian Whybrow, and colourful, witty illustrations by Axel Scheffler, illustrator of The Gruffalo, this is a bedtime book with a difference! With a flap to lift on every page, children will love joining in the fun as they help Bear find his way home to Tom in time for bed. More Tom and Bear books: The Tickle Book and The Christmas Bear.
Scholastic The Highway Rat Sticker Book
Join in with the Highway Rat's fun in this fabulous sticker activity book based on the bestselling book The Highway Rat, by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. Included in the book: over 400 stickers, colouring-in, dot-to-dots, spot the difference, mazes, simple word searches Jam-packed with sticker activities themed around the book, this is the perfect activity book for fans of The Highway Rat. From the author and illustrator of The Gruffalo, Stick Man and ZOG, which have all been made into animated films shown on BBC1 The animated film of Tabby McTat stars voice artists including Jodie Whittaker (Doctor Who) as the narrator, Rob Brydon (Gavin and Stacey) as Fred, Sope Dirisu (Gangs of London) as Tabby McTat, alongside Cariad Lloyd, Joanna Scanlan and Susan Wokoma. Look out for Jonty Gentoo by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler in 2024.
Scholastic The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf
The classic, well-loved story of The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf, masterfully brought to life by Axel Scheffler, illustrator of The Gruffalo and Zog. Three little pigs get busy to work - they must come up with new houses that will keep the big, BAD wolf away. Will it be a house of hay? A house of wood? Or a house of bricks? Join these three little clever pigs as they outwit the wicked wolf! A well-known children's fairy tale story illustrated by the one and only award-winning superstar, Axel Scheffler Hardback pocket-size format is perfect for little handsPart of a new series of fairy tale stories illustrated by Axel Scheffler, published by Scholastic. Watch out for Golidlocks and the Three Bears publishing simultaneously Translated by Alison Green, author of bestselling picture book Kind A guaranteed classic, to sit on children's bookshelves and be cherished for years to come
Dutton Books for Young Readers A Bird Will Soar
WINNER OF THE SCHNEIDER FAMILY BOOK AWARDA heartfelt and hopeful debut about a bird-loving autistic child whose family's special nest is in danger of falling apart.Axel loves everything about birds, especially eagles. No one worries that an eagle will fly too far and not come home—a fact Axel wishes his mother understood. Deep down, Axel knows that his mother is like an osprey—the best of all bird mothers—but it’s hard to remember that when she worries and keeps secrets about important things. His dad is more like a wild turkey, coming and going as he pleases. His dad’s latest disappearance is the biggest mystery of all. Despite all this, Axel loves his life—especially the time he spends with his friends observing the eagles’ nest in the woods near his home. But when a tornado damages not only Axel’s home but the eagles’ nest, Axel’s life is thrown into chaos. Suddenly his dad is back to help repair the damage, and Axel has to manage his dad’s presence and his beloved birds’ absence. Plus, his mom seems to be keeping even more secrets. But Axel knows another important fact: an eagle’s instincts let it soar. Axel must trust his own instincts to help heal his family and the nest he loves. (Cover image may vary.)
Scholastic Happy Bunnies
Join a wonderful cast of bunny characters as they enjoy all their favourite activities! This joyous picture book is brought to life by the incomparable Axel Scheffler, illustrator of The Gruffalo and Zog. Where are rabbits happiest? Is it when they're running a race? Or going swimming in the sea? Or watching TV with their family? This funny and charming picture book by Frantz Wittkamp is translated by Alison Green, bestselling author of Kind A celebration of spending time together with friends and family in the great outdoors. Every spread features bright and cheering artwork by Axel Scheffler with lots of enjoyable details for families to spot togetherAxel Scheffler is the illustrator of a whole host of beloved classic children's books such as Stick Man and Room on the Broom
Pan Macmillan All About Cats: Fantastically Funny Rhymes
All About Cats is a collection of hilarious rhymes . . . all about cats! These short, funny rhymes are brought to life with illustrations from Axel Scheffler, the bestselling illustrator of The Gruffalo. Cats are sleek, and cats are slick. They read, and do arithmetic!Have you ever seen a cat playing a piano? Or taking a bubble bath with a rubber duck? Find out what cats really get up to when people aren't around! Axel Scheffler's charming and witty illustrations introduce all kinds of cats – making mischief, playing games, singing songs and out on adventures. This collection of hilarious, quirky poems by Frantz Wittkamp is wonderfully adapted from German to English for the very first time by celebrated children's author David Henry Wilson.With fourteen delightfully funny short poems, and full-page colour illustrations by Axel Scheffler, the genius illustrator of Room on the Broom, Zog, The Smeds and the Smoos and many more, this collection is sure to entertain children young and old, and is the perfect gift for any cat fan.
Scholastic Bella Beetroot
A fabulous modern fable, this is a powerful princess tale with a twist! When Bella Beetroot is asked to do anything she doesn't want to, she holds her breath and goes until she goes bright red in the face - as red as a beetroot! And then one day, right in the middle of a tantrum, a mighty eagle comes and swoops her away, on an incredible adventure. She defeats dragons, doesn't marry a prince (no, thank you!), and is still home in time for tea... With stunning illustrations by Axel Scheffler, the illustrator of The Gruffalo this picture book for older readers is sure to become a family favourite. Perfect for determined children who want to strike out on their own With stunning full-colour illustrations by Axel Scheffler, illustrator of The Gruffalo Translated into English by Alison Green, author of the bestselling picture book KIND
Dutton Books for Young Readers A Bird Will Soar
WINNER OF THE SCHNEIDER FAMILY BOOK AWARDA heartfelt and hopeful debut about a bird-loving autistic child whose family's special nest is in danger of falling apart.Axel loves everything about birds, especially eagles. No one worries that an eagle will fly too far and not come home—a fact Axel wishes his mother understood. Deep down, Axel knows that his mother is like an osprey—the best of all bird mothers—but it’s hard to remember that when she worries and keeps secrets about important things. His dad is more like a wild turkey, coming and going as he pleases. His dad’s latest disappearance is the biggest mystery of all. Despite all this, Axel loves his life—especially the time he spends with his friends observing the eagles’ nest in the woods near his home. But when a tornado damages not only Axel’s home but the eagles’ nest, Axel’s life is thrown into chaos. Suddenly his dad is back to help repair the damage, and Axel has to manage his dad’s presence and his beloved birds’ absence. Plus, his mom seems to be keeping even more secrets. But Axel knows another important fact: an eagle’s instincts let it soar. Axel must trust his own instincts to help heal his family and the nest he loves. (Cover image may vary.)
Pan Macmillan Happy Birthday Gruffalo
Julia Donaldson is the author of some of the world's best-loved children's books, including modern classics The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo's Child, which together have sold over 27.5 million copies worldwide, and the hugely successful What the Ladybird Heard adventures. Julia also writes fiction, including the Princess Mirror-Belle books illustrated by Lydia Monks, as well as poems, plays and songs and her brilliant live shows are always in demand. She was Children's Laureate 2011-13 and has been honoured with a CBE for Services to Literature. Julia and her husband Malcolm divide their time between West Sussex and Edinburgh.Axel Scheffler is a star illustrator whose instantly recognizable, warm and witty illustrations have achieved worldwide acclaim and numerous awards. In addition to his picture books, Axel is the illustrator of wonderful novelty and gift books for Macmillan, such as the bestselling The Bedtime Bear, The Tickle Book and
Pan Macmillan The Gruffalo Little Library
Julia Donaldson is the author of some of the world's best-loved children's books, including modern classics The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo's Child, which together have sold over 27.5 million copies worldwide, and the hugely successful What the Ladybird Heard adventures. Julia also writes fiction, including the Princess Mirror-Belle books illustrated by Lydia Monks, as well as poems, plays and songs and her brilliant live shows are always in demand. She was Children's Laureate 201113 and has been honoured with a CBE for Services to Literature. Julia and her husband Malcolm divide their time between West Sussex and Edinburgh.Axel Scheffler is a star illustrator whose instantly recognizable, warm and witty illustrations have achieved worldwide acclaim and numerous awards. Axel is the illustrator of some of the world's best-loved picture books, including modern classics The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo's Child. In addition to his picture bo
Pan Macmillan The Gruffalo 25th Anniversary Edition: with a shiny gold foil cover and fun Gruffalo activities to make and do!
This 25th birthday edition of The Gruffalo has a shiny gold foil cover and includes fun bonus material - a must-have addition to the bookshelves of all Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler fans!A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood.A fox saw the mouse and the mouse looked good.Walk further into the deep dark wood, and discover what happens when a quick-witted mouse comes face to face with a fox, an owl, a snake . . . and a hungry Gruffalo!Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler's The Gruffalo is an undisputed modern classic and has become a bestselling phenomenon around the world. This award-winning rhyming story of a mouse and a monster has found its way into the hearts and bedtimes of an entire generation of children over the past twenty-five years, and will undoubtedly continue to enchant children for years and years to come.The Gruffalo 25th Anniversary Edition features the classic story with a stunning foil cover as well as a letter from the author, early sketches from the illustrator, fun Gruffalo things to make and do and the lyrics to The Gruffalo Song to celebrate the anniversary year.
Sourcebooks, Inc All That We Are Together
Three years without seeing him. Three years without Axel.How do you move on from a broken heart?Three years have passed since Axel Nguyen shattered Leah Jones'' heart into a million pieces, and Leah has spent every moment of those three years distracting herself from the devastation. She tries to move on with Landon, a guy she meets in college, but she can only truly escape thoughts of Axel when she''s painting. At least one good thing has come out of all of it: her dream of exhibiting her work is finally coming true.Axel is achingly aware every day of how much he misses Leah. The moment he learns about Leah''s exhibit, Axel can''t think about anything else but to go see her. Being in the same room with Leah, as beautiful and magnetic as he remembers, leaves Axel desperate and Leah breathless in his presence. He offers to be her agent; she accepts. One work trip to Paris later leaves Leah and Axel full of pent-up attraction and wondering if thei
Pan Macmillan The Gruffalo and Other Stories Treasury
Julia Donaldson is the author of some of the world's best-loved children's books, including modern classics The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo's Child, which together have sold over 17 million copies worldwide, and the hugely successful What the Ladybird Heard adventures. Julia also writes fiction, including the Princess Mirror-Belle books illustrated by Lydia Monks, as well as poems, plays and songs and her brilliant live shows are always in demand. She was Children's Laureate 201113 and has been honoured with a CBE for Services to Literature. Julia and her husband Malcolm divide their time between West Sussex and Edinburgh.Axel Scheffler is a star illustrator whose instantly recognizable, warm and witty illustrations have achieved worldwide acclaim and numerous awards. In addition to his picture books, Axel is the illustrator of wonderful novelty and gift books for Macmillan, such as the bestselling The Bedtime Bear, The Tickle Book and Mo
Pan Macmillan The Gruffalo A PopUp Flap Book
Julia Donaldson is the author of some of the world's best-loved children's books, including modern classics The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo's Child, which together have sold over 17 million copies worldwide, and the hugely successful What the Ladybird Heard adventures. Julia also writes fiction, including the Princess Mirror-Belle books illustrated by Lydia Monks, as well as poems, plays and songs and her brilliant live shows are always in demand. She was Children's Laureate 201113 and has been honoured with a CBE for Services to Literature. Julia and her husband Malcolm divide their time between West Sussex and Edinburgh.Axel Scheffler is a star illustrator whose instantly recognizable, warm and witty illustrations have achieved worldwide acclaim and numerous awards. Axel is the illustrator of some of the world's best-loved picture books, including modern classics The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo's Child, which together have sold over 1