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Sterling Retire Secure
Insights on Money Management from an Award-Winning Financial Columnist
AltaMira Press,U.S. Ethnographically Speaking: Autoethnography, Literature, and Aesthetics
This volume presents the latest explorations of the literary turn in ethnographic work by many of the leading people in the area. Centering on autoethnography, personal narrative, ethnographic performance, and the blending of social science and the arts, the articles collected here emphasize embodiment, experiential understanding, participatory ways of knowing, sensuous engagement, and intimate encounter. Drawing from disciplines as diverse as sociology, philosophy, performance studies, communication, family therapy, and English, the authors here demonstrate the many ways in which ethnography can be effectively conducted and expressed. The editors weave narrative and conversations surrounding the conference from which these pieces emerged into a reflexive volume which includes poetry, stories, theatre, and visual media as well as critical pieces. Accessible and jargon free, this book should excite scholars and students as to the expanding possibilities for ethnographic presentation.
Dalkey Archive Press Lily la Tigresse
The hilarious second novel from actress and bestselling novelist Alona Kimhi holds up a comically warped mirror to contemporary Israel, as well as the very notion of "chick lit."
Capstone Editions Pando: A Living Wonder of Trees
Cengage Learning, Inc The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Volume C: Late Nineteenth Century: 1865-1910
Stone Arch Books El Ataque de Los Murciélagos
Arcturus Editions Why Are Flamingos Pink?: Questions and Answers about Amazing Animals
Changing Lives Press Naked Calories: Discover How Micronutrients Can Maximize Weight Lose, Prevent Dosease and Enhance Your Life
Naked Calories reveals the naked truth about what you are eating and how your lifestyle habits may unknowingly be sabotaging your health. The secret lies in micronutrients, vitamins and minerals that are being stripped from your diet and depleted by your lifestyle. On the Caltons' six-year global research expedition they discovered that modern practices such as global food distribution, factory farming, and food processing are creating foods filled with Naked Calories--calories void of any real nutritional value. The dynamic authors break it down to a simple three-step plan and teach you how to source better foods, eliminate unhealthy habits, and make choosing the best supplement as easy as ABC. Naked Calories, this decade's Fast Food Nation, will help millions of people gain a new depth of understanding about how to maintain health in the 21st century. The Caltons are among the world's leading experts on the topics of weight management, lifestyle medicine and micronutrient deficiency. In 2005, they set sail on a 100-country, 7-continent, 6- year global expedition, exploring the dietary and lifestyle habits of people around the world. Their research has led them to conclude that micronutrient deficiency is the most widespread and dangerous health condition of the 21st century. As a couple they bring amazing energy, personal experience, passion and knowledge to an important subject people are just beginning to buzz about--the overwhelming health benefits of a micronutrient sufficient lifestyle.
Stone Arch Books Los Sujetalibros Horripilantes
Stone Arch Books La Cueva de Los Gusanos
Stone Arch Books El Ataque del Papiro
Stone Arch Books La Voz En El Baño de Los Niños Y Otros Cuentos de Miedo
Stone Arch Books La Mano de la Muñeca Dice Adiós: Y Otros Cuentos de Miedo
Changing Lives Press Naked Calories: Discover How Micronutrients Can Maximize Weight Lose, Prevent Dosease and Enhance Your Life
Naked Calories reveals the naked truth about what you are eating and how your lifestyle habits may unknowingly be sabotaging your health. The secret lies in micronutrients, vitamins and minerals that are being stripped from your diet and depleted by your lifestyle. On the Caltons' six-year global research expedition they discovered that modern practices such as global food distribution, factory farming, and food processing are creating foods filled with Naked Calories--calories void of any real nutritional value. The dynamic authors break it down to a simple three-step plan and teach you how to source better foods, eliminate unhealthy habits, and make choosing the best supplement as easy as ABC. Naked Calories, this decade's Fast Food Nation, will help millions of people gain a new depth of understanding about how to maintain health in the 21st century. The Caltons are among the world's leading experts on the topics of weight management, lifestyle medicine and micronutrient deficiency. In 2005, they set sail on a 100-country, 7-continent, 6- year global expedition, exploring the dietary and lifestyle habits of people around the world. Their research has led them to conclude that micronutrient deficiency is the most widespread and dangerous health condition of the 21st century. As a couple they bring amazing energy, personal experience, passion and knowledge to an important subject people are just beginning to buzz about--the overwhelming health benefits of a micronutrient sufficient lifestyle.
Stone Arch Books La Cueva de Los Gusanos
Stone Arch Books El Libro Sangrante
Stone Arch Books La Bestia de Las Escaleras
Stone Arch Books El Ojo del Cementerio
Stone Arch Books El Fantasma del Teléfono Y Otros Cuentos de Miedo