Search results for ""author randy"
Barcharts, Inc Physiology
Functions and processes of the body and its anatomical parts.
McGraw-Hill Education Personality Psychology Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature 4e
Personality makes us who we are and influences every aspect of our lives, from how we interact with others, to how we respond in stressful situations. Personality Psychology uses a unique organizational framework to explore the six key domains of knowledge about personality: Dispositional, Biological, Intrapsychic, Cognitive-Experiential, Social and Cultural, and Adjustment. This fourth edition expands its practice-based approach while retaining a focus on the scientific basis of current understanding and integrates contemporary research while also covering classic viewpoints.Key features:
Zondervan Believe Storybook
Belt Publishing Democratizing Cleveland: The Rise and Fall of Community Organizing in Cleveland, Ohio
Biblioasis Dante's Indiana
Charisma House Betrayed: You CAN Find Healing and the Power to Move Forward When Others Let You Down
Multnomah Press If God is Good: Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evil
Histria LLC Gettysburg by Morning
It’s July 4, 1861, and the featured speaker at this year’s Independence Day celebration at Concord, MA, is high-spirited and fiercely patriotic Eloise Edwards. She rails against the South’s attack on Fort Sumter and the injustice of slavery. A newspaper article recounting the speech inspires her brother Edward to enlist. The siblings’ father, a War of Independence veteran, dies, and Edward decides he doesn’t want to join the Union army after all and runs away. Heartbroken, Eloise returns to the family telegraph office, committed to a life of boredom and servitude. The disappointment in her brother devastates Eloise. In a dramatic moment, she decides that she will take her brother’s place and fight for the honor of her family and the country. She joins the Massachusetts 20th and lives through several horrific battles, including the most devastating conflict in U.S. history, Gettysburg. General George Custer discovers her talent as a telegraph operator, and she soon rises through the ranks and to the war room at the White House, where she works daily with President Abraham Lincoln. One night, as Eloise sleeps at her post, Lincoln sees a copy of the newspaper article featuring Eloise’s speech. He reads it, is inspired by it, and borrows key phrases for the most famous speech in American history, The Gettysburg Address.
Multnomah Press The Purity Principle: God's Guardrails on Life's Dangerous Roads
Seed Studios, Inc. Happy to Do It: Get Your 'Snap' On!
Multnomah Press Lord Foulgrin's Letters: Novel About Spiritual Warfare
Atria Books Presidio
Tyndale House Publishers Does God Want Us to Be Happy?
Bonneville Call to Arms: Nations Fall
Hal Leonard Corporation Stalking the Red Headed Stranger
Barcharts, Inc Environmental Science
Tyndale House Publishers Courageous
McGraw-Hill Education Microsoft Word 365 Complete: In Practice, 2019 Edition
Tyndale House Publishers Starved For Affection
Bentley (Robert) Inc.,US Physics for Gearheads: An Introduction to Vehicle Dynamics, Energy, and Power - with Examples from Motorsports
Motorbooks International Corvette Chevrolets Supercar
Arcadia Publishing Rogersville
Arcadia Publishing Pittsburg 15 Historic Postcards Postcards of America Looseleaf
Harperchristian Resources The Story Adult Video Curriculum
Life Success Media GmbH Bringen Sie Ihren ersten Kreis in Schwung Die Grundlage fr das Duplizieren im Network Marketing
Pearson Studium Moderne Physik Ein Lehr und bungsbuch
SDC Publications Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Fusion 360: Spring 2020 Edition
SDC Publications Principles and Practice: An Integrated Approach to Engineering Graphics and AutoCAD 2019
SDC Publications SOLIDWORKS 2017 and Engineering Graphics
SDC Publications AutoCAD 2016 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals
CABI Publishing Diseases of Tropical Fruit Crops
Comprehensive information on diseases of the most important tropical fruit cropsChapters are devoted to a single or, in some cases, a related group of host plantsThe history, distribution, importance, symptoms, aetiology, epidemiology and management of diseases of each crop are described in detailThis book offers a comprehensive review of diseases of important tropical and some subtropical fruit crops. The history, distribution, importance, etiology, epidemiology and control of diseases of each host crop are covered, along with brief summaries on the taxonomy, origins and characteristics of each host. Additional information is given on the biology and pathology of the causal agents and on new advances that change or otherwise enhance our understanding of the nature and cause of these diseases. Plant pathologists, plantation and nursery managers, lecturers and those who are involved in tropical agriculture and horticulture will find this an essential reference.
John Wiley & Sons Inc BIM and Integrated Design: Strategies for Architectural Practice
"Ready or not, it’s high time to make BIM a part of your practice, or at least your vocabulary, and this book has as much to offer beginners as it does seasoned users of building information modeling software."—Chicago Architect The first book devoted to the subject of how BIM affects individuals and organizations working within the ever-changing construction industry, BIM and Integrated Design discusses the implementation of building information modeling software as a cultural process with a focus on the technology’s impact and transformative effect—both potentially disruptive and liberating—on the social, psychological, and practical aspects of the workplace. BIM and Integrated Design answers the questions that BIM poses to the firm that adopts it. Through thorough research and a series of case study interviews with industry leaders—and leaders in the making out from behind the monitor—BIM and Integrated Design helps you learn: Effective learning strategies for fully understanding BIM software and its use Key points about integrated design to help you promote the process to owners and your team How BIM changes not only the technology, process, and delivery but also the leadership playing field How to become a more effective leader no matter where you find yourself in the organization or on the project team How the introduction of BIM into the workforce has significant education, recruitment, and training implications Covering all of the human issues brought about or exacerbated by the advent of BIM into the architecture workplace, profession, and industry, BIM and Integrated Design shows how to overcome real and perceived barriers to its use.
Harbour Publishing The Wildest Hunt: True Stories of Game Wardens and Poachers
SDC Publications Autodesk Inventor 2021 and Engineering Graphics
Fox Chapel Publishing How to Make Outdoor & Garden Furniture: Instructions for Tables, Chairs, Planters, Trellises & More from the Experts at American Woodworker
Enjoy outdoor living to the fullest with these functional and decorative furniture projects for deck, patio, yard and garden. From Adirondack chairs, patio bars and picnic tables to showcase Victorian trellises and planters, the experts at American Woodworker provide complete plans and instructions for building great-looking pieces that will beautify your outdoor space. Expert advice on finishing and varnishing ensures that your durable wooden furniture will stand up to the elements for years to come. How to Make Outdoor & Garden Furniture offers 23 do-it-yourself projects for both novice and experienced woodworkers. Superb step-by-step photographs and excellent working drawings help ensure success for both amateur and experienced builders. Each project takes from just a few hours to a weekend to complete, making this book an ideal resource for transforming your outdoor decor.
Fox Chapel Publishing Great Book of Woodworking Projects: 50 Projects For Indoor Improvements And Outdoor Living from the Experts at American Woodworker
This title includes shop tested expert advice from American Woodworker on how to build 50 attractive & functional woodworking projects for all areas of the house, from storage for the kitchen and the outdoors, to furniture and heirlooms. With a variety of style and skill levels included, there is something for every woodworker in this book. Step by step guidance, workshop tips and plans for projects that can take a few hours to a weekend to complete, make this an ideal resource for woodworkers looking for a new project or wanting to spruce up their home.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd More Painted Ladies: Modern Military Aircraft Nose Art & Unusual Markings
Additional nose art and unusual markings as seen on today’s B-52s, B-1Bs , FB-111s, F-16s, F-4s, and many others, including Desert Storm markings.
SDC Publications SOLIDWORKS 2018 and Engineering Graphics: An Integrated Approach
NavPress Renovation of the Heart for Students
Rowman & Littlefield Mountain Biking Orange County California
This is the comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the extensive mountain biking possibilities in Orange County, California.
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge about Human Nature
McGraw Hill Education India Looseleaf for Microsoft Office Excel 2016 Complete: In Practice
Candlewick Press,U.S. Evermore Dragon
Candlewick Press,U.S. How Do You Wokka-Wokka?