Search results for ""author kind"
Penguin Books Ltd Notes on a Scandal
'Fascinating, brilliant, horribly addictive' Guardian From the day that Sheba Hart joins the staff at St George's, history teacher Barbara Covett is convinced that she has found a kindred spirit. When Sheba is discovered having an illicit affair with one of her pupils, Barbara appoints herself Sheba's chief defender. Yet all is not as it first appears in this dark story and as Sheba will eventually discover, a friend can be as treacherous as any lover. 'Superbly gripping' Daily Telegraph
New Harbinger Publications Little Flower Yoga for Kids: A Yoga and Mindfulness Program to Help Your Child Improve Attention and Emotional Balance
Wouldn't it be great if your child could exercise, have fun, and build concentration skills all at the same time? In 2006, the Little Flower Yoga program was developed by teacher and certified yoga instructor Jennifer Cohen Harper, when her successful use of yoga in her kindergarten classroom led to requests by other students, teachers, and administrators for yoga programs of their own. Little Flower Yoga for Kids offers this fun and unique program combining yoga and mindfulness in an easy-to-read format. Written specifically for parents and kids, the book aims at teaching children to pay attention, increase focus, and balance their emotions-all while building physical strength and flexibility. Based on a growing body of evidence that yoga and mindfulness practices can help children develop focus and concentration, the simple yoga exercises in this book can easily be integrated into their child's daily routine, ultimately improving health, behavior, and even school achievement.The book details the five main components of the program: connect, breath, move, focus, and relax. Drawing on these components, Harper shares practical activities that parents can use with their children both on a daily basis and as applied to particularly challenging issues. And while this book is targeted to parents, teachers may also find it extremely useful in helping students achieve better attention and focus.
De Gruyter Jeremias Altmann – YOUNG PROPHECIES / MACHINES: Zwei Werkserien / Two Series of Works
Zwei Werkserien von Jeremias Altmann In seiner künstlerischen Arbeit beschäftigt sich Jeremias Altmann mit den Themen Maschine, Mensch und Entwicklung. Die aufwendig gestaltete Künstlermonografie präsentiert die beiden Werkserien YOUNG PROPHECIES und MACHINES. In der Serie YOUNG PROPHECIES rekonstruiert Altmann seine eigenen Kinderzeichnungen. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Innenleben technischer Apparaturen im zeitlichen Wandel ist Ausgangspunkt für die Serie MACHINES. Die Präsentation der Serien wird ergänzt durch einen essayistischen Text des Künstlers, von Fragen kindlicher Entwicklungspsychologie bis zu Reflexionen zum Spannungsfeld Mensch/Maschine. Die ungewöhnliche Gestaltung des Buches mit zwei Leserichtungen erlaubt das spielerische Erforschen der Serien: Leseroutinen werden aufgebrochen; Texte und Bilder sind zu einer besonderen Einheit verwoben. Präsentation zweier außergewöhnlicher Werkserien des Künstlers Jeremias Altmann Unkonventionell gestaltetes Buchobjekt mit zwei Leserichtungen Mit Beiträgen von Barbara Herbst, Antonia Hoerschelmann, Esther Mlenek, Günther Oberhollenzer und Nina Schedlmayer
New Island Books Proverbs in Irish
Proverbs are, however, much more than that. They are windows into our past, and a friendly nod from our ancestors. Sometimes they can remind us of our parents or grandparents as we once again hear their kindly voices speak to us in words of folk wisdom. This book offers mainly Irish folk proverbs, but there is also a selection from Irish literature, the Bible, and other languages.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Yoga für Dummies
Sie suchen körperliche Entspannung und geistige Ruhe im hektischen Alltag? Sie wollen gleichzeitig Ihre allgemeine Fitness, Beweglichkeit und Kraft verbessern? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige für Sie. Georg Feuerstein und Larry Payne erläutern Ihnen die Kraft des Yoga als Weg zu mehr geistiger und körperlicher Gesundheit. Als Anfänger erlernen Sie in illustrierten Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen die Grundübungen und erfahren, wie Sie aus den vielen verschiedenen Yoga-Richtungen die passende für sich finden. Fortgeschrittene erfahren, wie sie ihr persönliches Yoga-Programm zusammenstellen und perfekt in ihren Alltag integrieren. Kindern, Schwangeren und Senioren ist jeweils ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet. So findet jeder seinen Weg zu mehr Ausgeglichenheit, Gesundheit und innerer Ruhe.
Walker Books Ltd Little Beaver and the Echo
An award-winning picture book favourite about a lonely little beaver in need of a friend.Shortlisted for the Children's Book Award, this is the much-loved story of Little Beaver, who lives all alone by the edge of a pond. He doesn't have a friend in the world. One day, when he starts to cry, he hears someone else crying too. So Little Beaver sets off to find this kindred spirit. Along the way, he's joined by a duck, an otter and a turtle, who each claim, "I do need a friend, but it wasn't me who was crying." Will Little Beaver ever find the creature who was crying, and make a friend at last? A story time favourite, this sweet, sensitive story of new friendship is brought beautifully to life by Sarah Fox-Davies's softly glowing landscapes and adorably furry characters.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Stellvertretung: Studien zur theologischen Anthropologie
Menschliches Leben bedarf der Stellvertretung. Eltern treten für ihre Kinder ein, diese dann umgekehrt für ihre alt oder krank werdenden Eltern, Freunde für einander, wieder anders Liebespaare. In funktionierenden Demokratien vertreten Abgeordnete die Bevölkerung. Auch elementare Äußerungen christlichen Lebens sind wesentlich Stellvertretung, etwa diakonisches Handeln oder das stellvertretende Bittgebet. Nach biblischem Zeugnis tritt Gott für sein Volk und für einzelne Menschen ein, um ihnen Gemeinschaft mit sich zu gewähren und sie in seine Nähe zu führen. Zugleich zeigen sich hier besondere Schwierigkeiten des Verstehens, weil unter anderem die Semantiken des Opfers und des stellvertretenden Leidens Jesu Christi aufgerufen sind, die nicht selten mit Empörung zurückgewiesen werden. Martin Hailer bietet für die komplexe Sachlage der Stellvertretungsthematik zweierlei: Zum einen wird die Rede von der Stellvertretung Gottes für Menschen entfaltet und nicht zuletzt durch ausführliche Bezugnahmen auf die klassischen Passagen Lev 16 und Röm 3,21-25 diskutiert. Zum anderen wird eine Reihe von Konkretionen zwischenmenschlicher Stellvertretung in theologischer Perspektive vorgestellt, unter ihnen Liebe, Freundschaft, das Phänomen des Vorbilds, Lehren/Lernen und das Gebet füreinander. Stellvertretung zeigt sich in all diesen Facetten als unverzichtbares Element einer theologischen Anthropologie.
Amberjack Publishing Company The Magnificent Flying Baron Estate Volume 1
Waldo Baron awakes one morning to find his inventor parents have turned their house into a flying machine, and they intend to enter into a race across the country in the hopes of winning the $500 prize. His parents' plans go astray when they are kidnapped by Rose Blackwood, the sister of notorious villain Benedict Blackwood, who intends to use the prize money to free her brother from prison. But Rose is not what she seems to be, and Waldo finds himself becoming friends with their kindly kidnapper as they race across the country in the magnificent flying Baron estate!
Chin Music Press The Last Light
Christmas Eve in Vacherie, Louisiana, finds the banks of the Mississippi alive with fire. Walter is consumed with planning the perfect bonfire-the one that will finally beat his brother's blaze and extinguish the lingering melancholy from his father's death. As Walter obsesses over wood, kindling, and structure, his family life teeters on the brink of collapse. Elizabeth Sanders' fiction has appeared in the Arkansas Review, the International Feminist Journal of Politics, and the anthology Something in the Water. She is from New Orleans and lives in New York with her husband and daughter. This is her first novel.
Eland Publishing Ltd A Visit to Don Otavio
Mexico, through the eyes of Sybille Bedford is a country of passion and paradox: arid desert and shrieking jungle, harsh sun and deep shadow, violence and sentimentality. In her frank descriptions of the horrors of travel - through bug-infested jungle, trapped in a broiling stationary train, or in a bus with a dead fish slapping against her face - she gains our trust. But it is the charmed world of Don Otavio which steals our imagination. He is, she says, one of the kindest men I ever met. She stays in his crumbling ancestral mansion, living a life of provincial ease and observing with glee the intense life of a Mexican neighbourhood.
Atlantic Books Amnesia: An 'ingenious' and 'twisting novel', perfect for fans of Peter Lovesey and William Ryan
Alastair Cunningham wakes up in hospital with almost total amnesia. But he knows that something terrible happened in his past, something that haunts him still. A young family friend, Clémence, is called in to help rekindle his memory. Retreating with Alastair to his remote cottage by a Scottish loch, Clémence finds a peculiar manuscript hidden away from prying eyes. Reading the prologue, she discovers a murder by someone very much like a young Alastair. The victim? Clémence's grandmother, Sophie. Could this kindly old man truly be a killer? Clémence becomes determined to find out what happened all those years ago, even if she must risk everything to do so...
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Alfred Adler Studienausgabe.
Adler untersuchte bereits in seinen frÃ"hen Schriften die große Bedeutung von sozialen EinflÃ"ssen auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung von Menschen. Dies veranlasste ihn, auch nach seiner Trennung von Freud zahlreiche Erziehungsfragen zu thematisieren und in seinen Veröffentlichungen zu behandeln. Der Band 4 der Alfred Adler Studienausgabe enthält die bedeutendsten dieser Schriften.Die kommentierten und mit editorischen Vorbemerkungen versehenen Texte Adlers behandeln unter anderem: die pädagogische Bedeutung der Beziehungserfahrungen von Kinder in den ersten Lebensjahren; pädagogische EinflÃ"sse auf die Entwicklung von SelbstwertgefÃ"hl und Selbstwertregulation; die Bedeutung emotionaler Faktoren fÃ"r die Ausbildung von kognitiven Fähigkeiten und das Zustandekommen schulischer Leistungen; die Entfaltung von GemeinschaftsgefÃ"hl als Gegenbewegung zum Streben nach Macht und Ãberlegenheit; Möglichkeiten der Prophylaxe von Entwicklungs- und Erziehungsschwierigkeiten und deren Bearbeitung in Prozessen der Erziehungsberatung. Adler war Ã"berzeugt, dass die nachhaltige Verbesserung erzieherischer Gegebenheiten an den Erfolg von weitreichenden ReformbemÃ"hungen gebunden ist, die der Dynamik unbewusster Prozesse Rechnung tragen. Deshalb verdeutlichen die vorliegenden Schriften auch Adlers Bedeutung fÃ"r die Entstehung tiefenpsychologischer Ansätze in der Pädagogik sowie die Schwerpunkte seines Einflusses auf die Reformpädagogik des frÃ"hen 20. Jahrhunderts. Diese beziehen sich vor allem auf die Bereiche der Familienerziehung, der Schulpädagogik, der Ausbildung von Pädagogen und der Konzeptualisierung sowie Institutionalisierung von Erziehungsberatung und sind bis heute von Relevanz. Zahlreiche Fallbeispiele lassen Adlers Theorie und seine Art des Arbeitens lebendig werden.
Southern Illinois University Press Chicago Death Trap: The Iroquois Theatre Fire of 1903
On the afternoon of December 30, 1903, during a sold out matinee performance, a fire broke out in Chicago's Iroquois Theatre. In the short span of twenty minutes, more than six hundred people were asphyxiated, burned, or trampled to death in a panicked mob's failed attempt to escape. In ""Chicago Death Trap: The Iroquois Theatre Fire of 1903"", Nat Brandt provides a detailed chronicle of this horrific event to assess not only the titanic tragedy of the fire itself but also the municipal corruption and greed that kindled the flames beforehand and the political cover-ups hidden in the smoke and ash afterwards. Advertised as ""absolutely fireproof,"" the Iroquois was Chicago's most modern playhouse when it opened in the fall of 1903. With the approval of the city's building department, theater developers Harry J. Powers and William J. Davis opened the theater prematurely to take full advantage of the holiday crowds, ignoring flagrant safety violations in the process. The aftermath of the fire proved to be a study in the miscarriage of justice. Despite overwhelming evidence that the building was not complete, that fire safety laws were ignored, and that management had deliberately sealed off exits during the performance, no one was ever convicted or otherwise held accountable for the enormous loss of life. Lavishly illustrated and featuring an introduction by Chicago historians Perry R. Duis and Cathlyn Schallhorn, ""Chicago Death Trap: The Iroquois Theatre Fire of 1903"" is rich with vivid details about this horrific disaster, captivatingly presented in human terms without losing sight of the broader historical context.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Sweet Blue Flowers, Vol. 1
Fumi is glad Akira is back in her life. Even in kindergarten, Akira knew how to stand up for herself, and she was always willing to stand up for Fumi too. But Fumi’s first love recently got married, and Fumi is grappling with a broken heart and the fact that her sweetheart was another woman… Can Akira’s open heart help dispel the gloom Fumi has been caught up in?
Little, Brown & Company Mieruko-chan, Vol. 5
After finding a kindred spirit in the Godmother, Miko’s made just a tiny bit of progress in figuring out what the heck is going on with her eyesight. But a bunch of mysteries still remain—like who those freaky shrine maidens are and who that shady dude in the top hat is...As if that weren’t enough, Hana’s come down with a sickness that (may) have been caused by ghost possession!
Pegasus Books Eartha & Kitt: A Daughter's Love Story in Black and White
A luminous and inspiring portrait of a Black pioneer and artistic force—Eartha Kitt—and one of the most moving mother/daughter stories in Hollywood history.In this unique combination of memoir and cultural history, we come to know one of the greatest stars the world has ever seen—Eartha Kitt—as revealed by the person who knew her best: her daughter. Eartha, who was a mix of Black, Cherokee, and white, is viewed by the world as Black. Kitt, her biological daughter, is blonde and light skinned. This is the story of a young girl being raised by her mother, who happened to be one of the most famous celebrities in the world. For three decades, they traveled the world together as mother and daughter. Even after Kitt got married and started a family of her own, she and Eartha were never far from each other’s sides Eartha had a very difficult childhood growing up in extreme poverty in South Carolina. She described herself as being “just a poor cotton picker from the South.” She did not have her own familial ties to lean on after being abandoned by her own mother as a toddler and having never known who her father was. She and Kitt were each other’s whole world. Eartha’s legacy is still felt today. Not only do we still listen to “Santa Baby” every Christmas, but many of today’s most influential artists consistently mention Eartha, paying tribute to her groundbreaking stances on social issues such as racial equality and women’s and LGBTQ rights. And she is still widely remembered for her definitive portrayal of Catwoman in the classic Batman television series, voicing the character Yzma in Disney’s The Emperor’s New Groove, and her many other movie and Broadway roles. In these pages, Kitt brings her mother to life so vividly, you will feel as if you'd met her. You’ll embrace her love of nature, exercise, simple food, and independence, along with her lessons on the importance of treating people kindly and always being true to yourself. Filled with love, life lessons, and poignant laughter, Eartha & Kitt captures the passion and energy of two remarkable women.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies
Includes online access to new, customizable WJ IV score tables, graphs, and forms for clinicians Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies offers psychologists, clinicians, and educators an essential resource for preparing and writing psychological and educational reports after administering the Woodcock-Johnson IV. Written by Drs. Nancy Mather and Lynne E. Jaffe, this text enhances comprehension and use of this instrument and its many interpretive features. This book offers helpful information for understanding and using the WJ IV scores, provides tips to facilitate interpretation of test results, and includes sample diagnostic reports of students with various educational needs from kindergarten to the postsecondary level. The book also provides a wide variety of recommendations for cognitive abilities; oral language; and the achievement areas of reading, written language, and mathematics. It also provides guidelines for evaluators and recommendations focused on special populations, such as sensory impairments, autism, English Language Learners, and gifted and twice exceptional students, as well as recommendations for the use of assistive technology. The final section provides descriptions of the academic and behavioral strategies mentioned in the reports and recommendations. The unique access code included with each book allows access to downloadable, easy-to-customize score tables, graphs, and forms. This essential guide Facilitates the use and interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities, Tests of Oral Language, and Tests of Achievement Explains scores and various interpretive features Offers a variety of types of diagnostic reports Provides a wide variety of educational recommendations and evidence-based strategies
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Firebird
Sunmi’s gorgeous two-color teen graphic novel debut examines the power of resilience and reinvention, following the lives of Caroline and Kim, two queer, Asian American teenagers growing up in the suburbs of the San Francisco Bay Area, as they forge an unexpected connection.Caroline Kim is feeling the weight of sophomore year. When she starts tutoring infamous senior Kimberly Park-Ocampo—a charismatic lesbian, friend to rich kids and punks alike—Caroline is flustered . . . but intriguedTheir friendship kindles and before they know it, the two are sneaking out for late-night drives, bonding beneath the stars over music, dreams, and a shared desire of getting away from it all.A connection begins to smolder . . . but will feelings of guilt and the mounting pressure of life outside of these adventures extinguish their spark before it catches fire?
Periplus Editions Gecko's Complaint: A Balinese Folktale (Bilingual Edition - English and Indonesian Text)
This colorfully illustrated multicultural children's book presents a classic Balinese fairy tale—providing an entertaining look into a rich oral tradition.Featured as a "Top Pick" on, Gecko's Complaint tells the story of a Gecko who once lived on the island we now call Bali, in a jungle dense with flowers and vines.After hundreds of fireflies disturb Gecko's sleep, he complains to kindly Raden, the jungle's lion leader. In his efforts to get to the bottom of Gecko's troubles, Raden discovers all too much complaining and far too many irritable animals. Can Raden help the animals with their troubles? Can peace and happiness return to the jungles of Bali?A simple yet absolutely delightful Balinese folktale for kids, this bilingual edition, which features both English and Indonesian text, is a perfect introduction to the true spirit of Bali. The Indonesian island of Bali has a strong art and storytelling tradition—folktales that have been passed down from generation to generation. As a nation with over 18,000 islands, Indonesia has hundreds of traditional languages and cultures, each with myths and legends to tell. With its backdrop of volcanoes, earthquakes, dense jungles, diverse wildlife and people, it is not surprising that Indonesia is rich with fabulous, imaginative tales.
Familius LLC 437 Edible Wild Plants of the Rocky Mountain West: Berries, Roots, Nuts, Greens, Flowers, and Seeds
From self-sufficiency expert Caleb Warnock comes the ultimate guidebook to living off the land. Packed with over 1,450 photographs of 437 edible wild berries, roots, nuts, greens, and flowers, this essential field guide will provide you with invaluable information on plant identification, flavor, seasonality, history, common synonyms, eating and preparation instructions, and more! It’s the most exhaustive reference book of its kind.Includes Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
Vintage Publishing The Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Saramago's Jesus is the son not of God but of Joseph. Mary Magdalene is his lover not his convert. In the wilderness he tussles not with the Devil – a kindly and necessary evil – but with God, a fallible, power-hungry autocrat. And he must die not for the sins of the fathers but for the sins of the Father. By investigating these simple inversions Saramago has woven a dark parable; a secular gospel of astonishing richness and depth.‘An original, wild and beautiful book’ Times Literary Supplement
Orion Publishing Co A Peaceful Retirement: The twelfth novel in the Fairacre series
Miss Read looks forward to her retirement - but it doesn't go quite as planned...When Miss Read took early retirement, she anticipated days of relaxation and calm. She couldn't have been more wrong! Instead she finds herself as busy and in demand as ever: on holiday in Florence, helping with church and school affairs and offering a kindly ear to her eccentric neighbours.As village life continues as always, Miss Read embarks on a local project and discovers a new talent, opening up an exciting chapter in her life.
Aiora Press Moscov Selim
Georgios Vizyenos (1849-1896) is one of Greeces best-loved writers. Moskov Selim is set in Thrace, a corner of Europe where Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria meet. Selim is a Muslim name, yet Moskov implies that he is a Russian. Vizyenos fascinating and moving story is set during a time of constant wars between Russians and Turks whose outcome would decide the future of south-east Europe: Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria were becoming independent of the Ottoman empire, while Greece was to gain huge territories at the empires expense. Although Istanbul would remain in Turkey, it would no longer be the seat of the Ottoman Sultan, who, as caliph, was the leader of the worlds Muslims. Vizyenos story evokes a time when Greeks and Turks could share each others joys and pains despite the hostile relations between their governments. Listening to the protagonists life story, the narrator of Moskov Selim discovers that this Turk is a kindred spirit, despite the gulf of nationality and religion that separates them.
Simon & Schuster Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons: Revised and Updated Second Edition
With more than one million copies sold, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is a remarkable step-by-step, phonics-based program that teaches your child to read in just twenty minutes a day—with love, care, and joy a parent and child can share. Now fully revised and updated with a Practice Guide for parents and an extra section with supplementary material! “[A] magical book...I’ve seen this method work in my own home, having used it with both of my children and watched that light go on.”—John McWhorter, The New York Times “Countless parents have told me they used this book to teach their child how to read when their child wasn’t being taught in school.” —Emily Hanford, host and lead producer of the APM podcast, Sold a Story: How Teaching Kids to Read Went So WrongIs your four-year-old or even three-year-old child expressing interest in reading, constantly pretending to read, and asking questions while you are reading&★ Do you want to develop a young reader but are unsure of how to do it&★ Is your child halfway through kindergarten and unable to read simple words without memorizing or guessing&★ Do you want to teach your child to read using the most research-supported method with a long record of success&★ Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is an adaptation of the most successful beginning reading program written for schools. More than 100 formal studies using the highest-quality research methods have documented the superiority of the Direct Instruction approach to phonics and other essential beginning reading skills. Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is a complete, sensible, easy-to-follow, step-by-step program that shows simply and clearly how to teach children to read. In 100 lessons, color-coded for clarity and ease of delivery, you can give your child the basic and more advanced skills needed to be a good reader—at about a second-grade level. Twenty minutes a day is all your child needs to become an independent reader in 100 lessons. It’s an enjoyable way to help your child gain the vital skills of reading. Everything you need is here for you and your child to learn together. Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons will bring you and your child a sense of accomplishment and confidence while giving your child the reading skills needed now for a better chance at tomorrow. Training videos and additional supplementary material are available for free at
Ideapress Publishing Wonderhell
WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER!AS SEEN ON GOOD MORNING AMERICA!Have you ever accomplished something you weren't so sureyou could do? Success has always been the end goal, but when you achieve it ...something infuriatingly predictable happens. You start wondering what more youcan do.Instead of success bringing you happiness, it hands you anincreased hunger to achieve something even bigger. And with that desire alsocomes uncertainty, self-doubt, anxiety and stress.Success, in other words, is kinda wonderful ... but it'salso kinda hell. Welcome to Wonderhell.Wonderhell is that space in your psyche where the burden ofyour newly discovered potential plops down, unpacks its backpack, and asks:Hey, you! Whatcha got for me?Living in an ambitious, results-oriented society, we oftenmischaracterize the turbu
Flame Tree Publishing Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
Little treasures, the FLAME TREE COLLECTABLE CLASSICS are chosen to create a delightful and timeless home library. Each stunning, gift edition features deluxe cover treatments, ribbon markers, luxury endpapers and gilded edges. The unabridged text is accompanied by a Glossary of Victorian and Literary terms produced for the modern reader. The most famous and enduring collection of fairy tales in the world, the first volume of Grimm’s Fairy Tales was published in 1812. Originally known as Kinder- und Hausmärchen, or Children’s and Household Tales in English, these stories form a vivid and fascinating body of work rich in folkloric significance. Often as dark as they are enchanting, these tales are teeming with magic, strikingly sinister villains, and daring quests. Gathered here you’ll find old-time favourites like Little Red-Cap, Cinderella, Rumpelstiltskin, and Hansel and Gretel, as well as lesser-known stories. The FLAME TREE COLLECTABLE CLASSICS are chosen to create a delightful and timeless home library.
Penguin Young Readers Group Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Ever since it was published in 1978, the picture-book presentation of Robert Frost's poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening has been an enduring favorite. For this special edition with a new design, trim size, and three new spreads, Susan Jeffers has added more detail and subtle color to her sweeping backgrounds of frosty New England scenes. There are more animals to find among the trees, and the kindly figure with his promises to keep exudes warmth as he stops to appreciate the quiet delights of winter. The handsome new vellum jacket will attract new and old fans as it evokes a frost-covered windowpane. This celebration of a season makes an ideal holiday gift for a child, a teacher, or a host. Robert Frost (1874-1963) is one of America's most celebrated poets and a four-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Susan Jeffers is the illustrator of such distinguished picture books as Three Jovial Huntsmen, a Caldecott Honor Book; Rachel Field's Hitty; and the ABBY A
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation
Over the past few decades, corporations have been neglected in studies of international political economy (IPE). Seeking to demystify them, what they are, how they behave and their goals and constraints, this Handbook introduces the corporation as a unit of analysis for students of IPE. Providing critical discussion of their global and domestic power, and highlighting the ways in which corporations interact with each other and with their socio-political environment, this Handbook presents a thorough and up-to-date overview of the main debates around the role of corporations in the global political economy. Bringing together international contributors, this Handbook provides a nuanced and global perspective on the IPE of corporations. With a multidisciplinary introduction to corporations from an IPE perspective, this Handbook investigates the role of the corporation in the twenty-first century and highlights the complexities of corporations and the environments in which they exist. Chapters provide insights into corporations' internal structures, how they are embedded in their national environments and how their transnational relations are structured, as well as their position in the global economy. Carefully written and edited to ensure accessibility, the Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation is a crucial resource for students of IPE seeking to deepen their understanding of the discipline as well as for postgraduate scholars who need reference material within which to frame their research. Contributors: C. Bakir, M.V. Balestro, T.L. Berge, D. Bohle, L. Campling, W.K. Carroll, J. Clifton, F. de Beule, D. Díaz-Fuentes, A. Dienes, M. Ebenau, S. Eckert, J. Eckhardt, D. Finchelstein, D. Fuchs, B. Ganson, J.-C. Graz, C. Gregoratti, T. Gumbert, H. Hveem, O.C. Iheduru, A. Jakli , D. Kinderman, J. Klinkhammer, H.-A. Lee, C. May, L. Mondi, G. Morgan, A. Nölke, S. Pinto, M. Pohlmann, A. Rebérioux, A. Roberts, G. Roudaut, J.P. Sapinski, V. Scepanovic, B. Selwyn, S. Tornhill, A. Wennmann, M.A. Witt, J. Woods, K. Young
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Narrative Praxis: Ein Handbuch für Beratung, Therapie und Coaching
Was ist unter narrativer Therapie und weitergehend narrativer Praxis zu verstehen? Welche konzeptionellen und methodischen Weiter- und Neuentwicklungen hat sie in den letzten Jahren erfahren? Wie kann in verschiedensten Kontexten und Settings narrativ gearbeitet werden, welche Impulse für schulenübergreifendes, beraterisches und therapeutisches Tun ergeben sich daraus? Dieses umfassende Handbuch informiert fundiert und facettenreich über Begrifflichkeiten und theoretische Hintergründe, vor allem aber über die Praxis narrativen Vorgehens in psychosozialen und organisationsbezogenen Arbeitsfeldern. Aus der narrativen Therapie von White und Epston, der Philosophie von Deleuze und Braidotti und aus anderen Quellen gespeist steuern mehr als 45 Autorinnen und Autoren von nationalem und internationalem Rang eine große Bandbreite an neuen kreativen Arbeitsansätzen bei, untermauern narratives Verständnis mit theoretischen Grundlagentexten, präsentieren aktuelle Ergebnisse narrativer Forschung und geben sozialkritischen Perspektiven Raum. Dieses Handbuch eröffnet therapeutisch, beraterisch und wissenschaftlich Tätigen in Zeiten des ständigen gesellschaftspolitischen Wandels eine Vielfalt neuer Denk- und Handlungsmöglichkeiten. Mit Beiträgen von: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Brigitte Boothe, Maria Borcsa, Britta Boyd, Rudi Dallos, Dan Dulberger, Sol D’Urso, David Epston, Simon Forstmeier, Thomas Friedrich-Hett, Katarzyma Gdowska, Alma R. Galván-Durán, Deliana Garcia, Julia Hille, Peter Jakob, Milena Kansy, Mathias Klasen, Thomas Klatetzki, Heiko Kleve, Tobias Köllner, Tom Levold, Gabriele Lucius-Hoene, Elisabeth Christa Markert, Afiya Mangum Mbilishaka, Jan Müller, Michael Müller, Jan Olthof, Meinolf Peters, Peter Rober, Tom Rüsen, Carl Eduard Scheidt, Thomas Schollas, Jasmina Sermijn, Monica Sesma, Claudia Schiffmann, Heidrun Schulze, Sally St. George, Jürgen Straub, Arist von Schlippe, Sabine Trautmann-Voigt, Arlene Vetere, Gerhard Walter, Kaethe Weingarten, Dietmar J. Wetzel, Jim Wilson, Dan Wulff. Die Beiträge von David Epston, Jan Olthof und Peter Jakob, Dan Wulff et al., Peter Rober, Jim Wilson (Wie man Bilder für therapeutische Geschichten mit Kindern findet), Rudi Dallos und Arlene Vetere, Kaethe Weingarten et al. sowie Afiya Mangum Mbilishaka wurden von Astrid Hildenbrand aus dem Englischen übersetzt.
Nick Hern Books Three Sisters On Hope Street
A funny, vibrant and moving version of Chekhov's Three Sisters, set amongst the Jewish community in wartime Liverpool. From the award-winning writer Diane Samuels (Kindertransport) and well-known actress and writer Tracy-Ann Oberman. Liverpool, 1946. A year after the sudden death of their father, sisters Gertie, May and Rita Lasky share their once grand home on Hope Street with their asthmatic brother Arnold, Auntie Biel (who still keeps her packed suitcase under the spare bed) and old family friend Dr Nate Weinberg (who claims, hand on heart, to be on the wagon). As the sisters regularly welcome GIs and pilots from the nearby American base, each continues her own search for meaning amidst the shattered remains of their city, in a rapidly changing world. Three Sisters on Hope Street was first staged at the Everyman Theatre, Liverpool, in 2008, transferring to Hampstead Theatre, London.
Planeta DeAgostini Monster Kanzenban n5
Encuadernación: RústicaHabía una vez un monstruo sin nombre, que se moría por conseguir uno. Así que decidió salir de viaje a ver si encontraba un nombre."Por qué esta extreña historia checa para niños ha descentrado tanto a Johan?Es posible que encontremos en ese libro alguna pista sobre el misterio de su nacimiento?Un misterio oculta otro misterio.Tenma intenta colarse en Chequia para buscar a la madre de Johan. Un policía fronterizo le descubre, pero logra escapar con la ayuda de Grimmer, un periodista autónomo. Los dos hombres parten sin preguntarse uno a otro qué les ha llevado hasta Chequia. De hecho, Grimmer también está muy interesado en el kinderheim 511 de la Alemania del Este. Ahora la historia pasa a tener lugar en Praga.
Penguin Putnam Inc First Night of Howlergarten
First-day-of-school jitters take on a whole new meaning at howlergarten, where future werewolves prepare for their big transformation!Most kids go to kindergarten, but there is a special place for those who turn into werewolves. Instead of attending school during the day, these supernatural students go to howlergarten at night! There they practice tracking scents, listening to whispers on the wind, and more. But when one student named Sophie doesn't seem to possess the basic skills, she worries she won't become a werewolf at all. What will happen if she remains human when the full moon appears? Will she still be accepted as part of the pack, or will she be cast aside as an ordinary outsider?
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten schreiben mit Word für Dummies
Sie würden gerne Ihre Hausarbeit in Word schreiben? Sie erinnern sich aber noch gut an das Chaos beim letzten Mal und möchten dieses Mal professioneller vorgehen? Daniela Weber erklärt Ihnen zunächst, was Sie vorab bedenken sollten und welche Einstellungen Sie als erstes für Ihr Dokument vornehmen müssen. Dann ist die Formatierung und die Erstellung des Inhaltsverzeichnisses ein Kinderspiel. Fußnoten, Kopfzeilen, Verweise, Tabellen aus Excel, Abbildungen, Formeln und Index ? das Buch gibt umfassende Hilfen und lässt kein Thema aus, sodass Sie sich, wenn es darauf ankommt, in erster Linie mit dem Inhalt Ihrer Arbeit und nicht mit Word auseinandersetzen müssen.
Floris Books The Sorcerer's Apprentice
When poor orphan boy Oliver becomes a sorcerer's apprentice, he enters an incredible new world. He learns wonderful magic spells, the secrets of nature, and how to make healing potions and oils from his kindly new master. But one day the sorcerer goes on a journey. Bored with his endless chores, Oliver enchants some brooms to do the work for him. But when the spell gets out of control, how can Oliver stop the magic? This classic tale about the importance of hard work was the inspiration for Disney's Fantasia. This beautifully illustrated edition is the creation of renowned artist Gerda Muller, creator of USBBY-honoured A Year in Our New Garden.
Pushkin Press The Honjin Murders
In the winter of 1937, the village of Okamura is abuzz with excitement over the forthcoming wedding of a son of the grand Ichiyanagi family. But amid the gossip over the approaching festivities, there is also a worrying rumour - it seems a sinister masked man has been asking questions about the Ichiyanagis around the village. Then, on the night of the wedding, the Ichiyanagi family are woken by a terrible scream, followed by the sound of eerie music - death has come to Okamura, leaving no trace but a bloody samurai sword, thrust into the pristine snow outside the house. The murder seems impossible, but amateur detective Kosuke Kindaichi is determined to get to the bottom of it.
Hachette Children's Group Baby Animal Friends: Baby Koala Rescue: Book 2
A tragic bush fire sparks a beautiful friendship between a young girl and a baby koala. Ruby is dreading changing schools as her autism makes it hard to befriend other kids. But when her dog finds a baby koala and her family agrees to foster it, Ruby quickly becomes the koala's best friend. Ruby loves quiet and routine, which makes her a perfect koala carer! A talented artist, she names the koala Pablo - after her favourite artist. Through looking after Pablo, Ruby befriends a neighbouring girl who loves painting as much as she does. Soon Pablo is well enough to move to a koala kindergarten. But is Ruby ready to move to her own new school?
Penguin Random House Children's UK Before Green Gables
Before she had arrived at Green Gables, Anne Shirley had a difficult early life. Orphaned as a baby, she was sent from one foster-home to the next, caring for other people's children even though she was but a child herself, and escaping from her dark reality through the power of her vivid imagination. Curious, inventive and outspoken, even at a young age, Anne battles to make a life for herself by searching out kindred spirits, finding solace in her books, and dreaming of the day she has a family of her own.Budge Wilson has developed the seeds of L. M. Montgomery's ideas into a fully realized, beautifully written story.
The History Press Ltd Cornish Folk Tales
The ancient land of Cornwall is steeped in mysterious tradition, proud heritage and age-old folklore. Before books were widely available, wandering ‘droll tellers’ used to spread Cornish insight and humour to all parts of the Duchy – exchanging their tales for food and shelter. Anthony James was one such droll teller, and this collection follows him as he makes his way around Cornwall one glorious summer. Richly illustrated with hand-drawn images and woodcuts, Cornish Folk Tales will appeal to anyone captivated by this beautiful land and its resident kindly giants, mischievous piskeys, seductive mermaids, bold knights and barnacle-encrusted sea captains.
Little, Brown Book Group Chasing You
While on a trip to Colorado, Meagan Atwood meets Grayson Bennet and is instantly taken by him. Not only is he smoking hot, but also one of the kindest guys she's ever known. A friendship develops but, as they give in to their mutual attraction, their relationship takes a very different turn.After moving to his home state after college, Meagan finds herself spending all her time with Grayson, and no matter how hard they fight it, this is more than just friends with benefits - are they destined to be together?In a relationship where nothing is as easy as it seems, will Gray and Meg get their longed-for happy ending...Book Five in the Love Wanted in Texas series
Random House USA Inc ¡El español es mi superpoder! (Sesame Street) (Spanish is My Superpower! Spanish Edition)
Rosita de Sésamo aprende a responder cuando extraños en el supermercado le dicen a ella y a su Mami que no hablen español. Este libro de bolsillo ilustrado se basa en el video del mismo nombre en el sitio web de Sesame Street en las Comunidades. Sesame Street's Rosita learns how to respond when strangers at the supermarket tell her and her Mami not to speak Spanish—this illustrated paperback is based on the video of the same name on the Sesame Street in Communities website.Rosita y su Mami se enfrentan al racismo cuando les dicen que se abstengan de hablar español en el supermercado. Mientras discuten el inquietante encuentro, a Rosita se le recuerda lo valioso y especial que es hablar dos idiomas. ¡Y que la capacidad de hacerlo es como tener un superpoder! Este importante libro, inspirado en el video del mismo nombre en el sitio web de Sesame Street en las Comunidades, resulta de gran ayuda para presentarles a niños pequeños el delicado tema del racismo. Sesame Workshop, la organización educativa sin fines de lucro detrás de Sésamo, tiene como objetivo ayudar a los niños a crecer más inteligentes, fuertes y bondadosos a través de sus muchas iniciativas a nivel local e internacional. Dichos proyectos cubren una amplia esfera de temas para familias de todo el mundo. Rosita and her Mami experience racism when they are told not to speak Spanish at the supermarket. While discussing the upsetting encounter, Rosita is reminded how smart and special she is to speak two languages. And that the ability to do so is like having a superpower! This important book—inspired by the video of the same name on the Sesame Street in Communities website—is a helpful way to introduce a tough yet important topic to young children.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf: Katechismen
Der vorliegende Band bildet den Auftakt zu einer kommentierten Edition der Werke des Grënders der Brëdergemeine, Graf Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1700-1760). Der erste Band versammelt vier Katechismen aus verschiedenen Lebensphasen des Grafen: Herrnhut (1723/25), Wetterau (1740/1742) und Pennsylvanien (1742). Die Katechismen sind so angelegt, dass die von Zinzendorf formulierten Fragen jeweils durch ein Bibelzitat beantwortet werden. Sie haben nur das eine Ziel: zur Bibel hinzufëhren und Kernsätze in Herz und Leben der Gemeinde zu verankern. Ergänzt werden die Katechismen um die Konfirmationsfragen der ersten Herrnhuter Konfirmation. Sie zeigen, welch hohen geistlichen Anspruch die Konfirmation an die Kinder damals stellte.
Workman Publishing Love Notes to My Self: Meditations and Inspirations for Self-Compassion and Self-Care
Love yourself unconditionally. There are days when we all need it, an empowering reminder to nurture our spirit and encourage growth. With over 200 meditations, mantras, affirmations, and inspirations and with beautiful illustrations throughout, Love Notes to My Self offers the gift of meaningful positive change. Its goal is to help you with crucially important work of finding greater and deeper self-love—so that you can be kinder, gentler, and more caring with yourself and ready to share your compassion with the world.
Hodder & Stoughton A Passage to India
Dr Aziz is a young Muslim physician in the British Indian town of Chandrapore. One evening he comes across an English woman, Mrs Moore, in the courtyard of a local mosque; she and her younger travelling companion Adela are disappointed by claustrophobic British colonial culture and wish to see something of the 'real' India. But when Aziz kindly offers to take them on a tour of the Marabar caves with his close friend Cyril Fielding, the trip results in a shocking accusation that throws Chandrapore into a fever of racial tension.
The American University in Cairo Press Egypt’s Desert Dreams: Development or Disaster? (New Edition)
Egypt has placed its hopes on developing its vast and empty deserts as the ultimate solution to the country's problems. New cities, new farms, new industrial zones, new tourism resorts, and new development corridors, all have been promoted for over half a century to create a modern Egypt and to pull tens of millions of people away from the increasingly crowded Nile Valley into the desert hinterland. The results, in spite of colossal expenditures and ever-grander government pronouncements, have been meager at best, and today Egypt's desert is littered with stalled schemes, abandoned projects, and forlorn dreams. It also remains stubbornly uninhabited. Egypt's Desert Dreams is the first attempt of its kindto look at Egypt's desert development in its entirety. It recounts the failuresof governmental schemes, analyzes why they have failed, and exposes the main winners of Egypt's desert projects, as well as the underlying narratives and political necessities behind it, even in the post-revolutionary era. It also shows that all is not lost, and that there are alternative paths that Egypt could take.
Teachers' College Press Teacher as Curator: Formative Assessment and Arts-Based Strategies
Teacher as Curator provides a roadmap for using creative strategies to engage both educators and students in the learning process. Focusing on key qualities of culturally and linguistically responsive arts learning, chapters specifically demonstrate how arts integration strategies and formative assessment can be a catalyst for change in the classroom. Readers will be inspired by teachers and practitioners who have donned the role of curator to achieve significant results. Kindergarten–college educators will find research-based protocols and practices that they can translate into any educational setting. In digestible chapters, this resource provides a theoretical base for building artistic literacy into the curriculum and for developing multimodal opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding of content.Book Features: Explores the role of curation in the classroom. Highlights processes for innovation and multimodal learning. Showcases the work of teachers from different subjects and grade levels. Provides examples of integrated learning through lesson planning, curatorial maps, and learning stories. Highlights strategies that can deepen artistic literacy and engage students through formative assessment.
Yeehoo Press The Palace Rat
Perfect for fans of Kevin Henkes’ Mouse Adventures and Leo Lionni’s Frederick, or young readers taking their first steps towards independence!Henri is a palace rat living as the pampered pet of King Louis the XVI! He’s waited on paw and foot . . . but not everybody is happy about it. When a dastardly plan by the royal staff casts Henri out to the streets, he must find his own way safely home. Country mice take Henri in and kindly show him their ways of living. To survive, Henri will eat field strawberries, fashion new clothes out of rags to match the latest Parisian styles, and sleep on grass nests, dreaming of his return to the palace. In no time, Henri will become a popular figure, spinning rich and colorful tales of palace life for growing audiences. Yet every great tale must have a happy ending . . . and when the time comes for Henri to determine how his own story will conclude, will he choose to stay with his new friends on the street or return to his regal life of comfort?
African American Images Educating Black Girls
Making use of the latest trends and statistics, Educating Black Girls is a guidebook that looks at the academic performances of African American girls from kindergarten through high school. This work dissects such issues as the disproportionate number of black girls suspended from school; the low expectations of teachers; and the small number of African American girls who pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It also offers more than 50 potential solutions for improving academic achievement.
Chronicle Books School Years
Record and log milestones of your child's education with this cute and clever keepsake album. Bothparent and child can fill each pocket-there's one for every year from kindergarten to 12th grade-with photos, report cards, art projects, and other mementos. While keeping track of favorite subjects, teachers, hobbies, and friends with School Years, you and your child participate in an interactive andongoing memory book to cherish for years to come.