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Boom! Studios The Backstagers Vol. 1
When Jory transfers to an all-boys private high school, he’s taken in by the only ones who don’t treat him like a new kid, the lowly stage crew known as the Backstagers. Not only does he gain great, lifetime friends, Jory is also introduced to an entire magical world that lives beyond the curtain. With the unpredictable twists and turns of the underground world, the Backstagers venture into the unknown, determined to put together the best play their high school has ever seen. James Tynion IV (Detective Comics, The Woods) teams up with artist Rian Sygh (Munchkin, Stolen Forest) for an incredibly earnest story that explores what it means to find a place to fit in when you're kinda an outcast.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Serious Fun: How Guided Play Extends Children's Learning
Guided play is a powerful tool educators can use to help preschoolers and kindergartners learn essential knowledge and skills in the context of playful situations. Apply the information, strategies, and ideas in this book to: Provide content-rich, joyful learning experiences Balance child-guided and adult-guided play Set up play environments with learning goals in mind Offer suggestions and questions during play to prompt children’s reflection and deeper learning Young children’s natural curiosity and dynamic imaginations can lead to exciting and meaningful learning opportunities. Discover how to provide guided play experiences along with opportunities for unstructured play to support children’s knowledge in key areas and their lifelong enjoyment and pursuit of learning.
De Gruyter Mit den Ohren sehen: Audioguides und Hörstationen in Museen und Ausstellungen
Audioguides gehören in großen Sonderausstellungen und in Museen von Weltrang zum Standardangebot. Aber auch in kleineren Häusern setzt sich dieses Medium mehr und mehr durch. Der Besucher wird auf anregende Weise unterhalten, während er sich ganz auf die Exponate konzentrieren und seinen Ausstellungsrundgang individuell gestalten kann. Eine eigene Variante stellen die Kinder-Audioguides dar, die nicht nur Kinder erfreuen. Die Beiträge in diesem Buch beschreiben Beispiele dieser – zumal wenn Kinder und Jugendliche sie selbst produzieren – oft sehr phantasievollen Zugänge. Die Publikation schildert die unterschiedlichen Herangehensweisen und Herstellungsprozesse von Audioguides in Museen. Experten aus Forschung, aus Museums- und Medienwelt geben einen umfassenden Überblick über den derzeitigen Stand der Technik und beschreiben konkrete Praxisbeispiel aus unterschiedlichen Museumsarten.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reinventing the Postal Sector in an Electronic Age
This compilation of original essays by an international cast of economists, regulators and industry practitioners analyzes some of the major issues now facing postal and delivery services throughout the world as competition from information and communication technologies (ICT) has increased. Competition has become increasingly important in the postal sector for some time in the form of alternative entrants providing mail delivery. However, the competition from ICT in the form of email and instant messaging, the Internet, Facebook and other forms of social networking and portable wireless devices such as the iPad and Kindle may be even more significant. Mail volumes are falling and the economies of scale that have made possible daily deliveries to every address are being eroded. This book assesses volume these declines resulting from this so-called `eSubstituion' and looks at the ways the postal sector can adapt to the rapid changes resulting from ICT. The impact of electronic invoicing on transactions mail, and the impact on bulk mail of electronic forms of advertising are examined. Strategies, including pricing and access policies, are discussed in the context of the increasing impact of ICT. A rethinking of the role of mail in an electronic age is taking place and this book provides the cutting-edge of this rethinking and the attempts of POs to reinvent themselves while continuing to meet the public's expectation of continuing ubiquitous daily deliveries of traditional mail products. Undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in regulation, competition law, innovation and public sector economics along with institutional libraries and industry professionals will find this volume informative and useful.
Tourbillon Pop-Up Topics: Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures
Engaging and fact-filled, Pop-Up Topics: Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures provides an exciting 3-D eye-view of the prehistoric world of animals. Tyrannosaurus, Argentinosaurus, Triceratops, and Quetzalcoatlus are some of the animals that leap off the pages of this pop-up book. - 10 big pop-ups! - Stats and brief, descriptive text for quick and easy learning - Sturdy construction that’s perfect for at-home or on-the-go Pop-Up Topics Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures is an informative guide to children’s favorite ancient animals. - Pop-up books for kids - Educational books for children aged 3 to 5 - Books for preschool and kindergarten children
Penguin USA Im Trying to Love Rocks
The fourth totally awesome, funny, and incredibly informative book in the I''m Trying to Love... book series!Think rocks are boring? Hard to like? Kinda just sit there, doing nothing?Why even write a whole book about them??Bethany Barton will tell you why . . . because we wouldn''t be here if there were no rocks!From the Grand Canyon to volcanos to diamonds and fossils, geology--the study of rocks--shows us where we''ve been and where we''re going. With tons of humor and scores of fascinating facts, Bethany Barton introduces younger readers to geology and why rocks matter . . . enough to write a whole book about them!
Roaring Brook Press Things in the Basement
It was supposed to just be a normal basement - some storage boxes, dust, you know, the usual basement stuff. But when Milo is sent by his mother to fetch a sock from the basement of the historic home they've moved into, he finds a door in the back that he's never seen before. Turns out that the basement of his house is enormous. In fact, there is a whole world down there. As Milo travels ever deeper into the Basement World, he meets the many Things that live in the shadows and gloom . . . and he learns that to face his fears he must approach even the strangest creatures with kindnesss.
Sourcebooks, Inc Plants Fight Back
Botany for kids! Beautiful illustrations in this nature book provide information on the clever adaptations that help plants survive.How do you survive when danger is near and you are rooted in the ground? Plants use their defenses and fight back!As readers turn the pages of this beautifully illustrated book, they will find fun and poetic language describing various situation where different plants find themselves under attack. This is followed by informative, science-based lessons about these plants and their survival methods. Backmatter includes a glossary and a STEM challenge activity to use at home or in the classroom.Backmatter Includes:Explore More for Kids: photos and information about the plants in this book.Explore More for Teachers & Parents: Literacy and Science connections!A perfect book for:parents and teachers in search of homeschool supplies for kindergarten (or any grade!)anyone looking for children's books to help instill an appreciation of our planet!
Random House USA Inc Spanish Is My Superpower! (Sesame Street)
Sesame Street's Rosita learns how to respond when strangers at the supermarket tell her and her Mami not to speak Spanish—this illustrated paperback is based on the video of the same name on the Sesame Street in Communities website.Rosita and her Mami experience racism when they are told not to speak Spanish at the supermarket. While discussing the upsetting encounter, Rosita is reminded how smart and special she is to speak two languages. And that the ability to do so is like having a superpower! This important book—inspired by the video of the same name on the Sesame Street in Communities website—is a helpful way to introduce a tough yet important topic to young children.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.
Rizzoli International Publications The Children's Heritage Sourcebook: Back-to-Roots Living for Kids and Teens
Parents, educators, teens, and children will find inspiration for back-to-roots living.Not only a resource for teachers and homeschooling parents, The Children’s Heritage Sourcebook is a cookbook, manual, and activity book teaching modern homegrown practices of self-sufficiency to children, teenagers, and adults alike.The activities, eighty-five recipes, and projects are complementary and pertinent to the curriculum of kindergarten through eighth grade, with some specific to the teen years. Seasonal cooking, pickling, and gluten-free sourdough making; natural history and information on raising and caring for animals like horses, quail, dogs, and rabbits; and craft and garden activities such as natural dyes, wreaths, flower crowns, and making your own herbal soap and skincare are all included.Lavishly illustrated with 250 full-color images from photographer Sara Prince, this reference book is comfortable on a classroom desk, on your kitchen table, or laid open for use in your backyard garden.
CrackBoom! Books I Just Want to Be Super!
One morning, Nino finds a mask that gives him amazing powers. He can’t wait to blast into action! But no one will let him do all the super things he wants to do. Instead, everybody tells him stuff like Put away your dishes. Get dressed. Be CAREFUL. Will Nino ever get the chance to show how super he can be? With empathy, humor and exuberant imagination, dynamic writer-illustrator duo Andrew Katz and Tony Luzano tell a story all children will relate to, one about stretching their limits and discovering just what it means to be super. Fans of Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes), Max (Where The Wild Things Are) and any kid with LOTS of energy will discover a kindred spirit in Nino. There are also character education lessons here, perfect for discussions both in the classroom and at home, on learning to use strength in a way that is positive and conscious of others "A super story for anyone who wants to be a superhero." -Kirkus Reviews
Vertebrate Publishing Ltd Day Walks in the Peak District: 20 classic circular routes
Day Walks in the Peak District – 20 classic circular routes features 20 circular walks, between 8.25 and 12 miles (13 and 19.5 kilometres) in length, suitable for hillwalkers of all abilities.The routes are split into three areas – The High Moors, Hills Tors and Edges and Limestone Country – and feature walks around some of the most wild and beautiful places in the Peak District National Park, including; Alport Castles, Back Tor and Derwent Edge, the Monsal Trail through Chee Dale, the Kinder Edges, Chatsworth, Stanage Moor, The Roaches, Lathkill Dale, Chrome Hill, Cressbrook Dale, Wolfscote Dale and Dove Dale.Researched and written by local hillwalkers, Norman Taylor and Barry Pope, each route features clear and easy to use Ordnance Survey maps, easy-to-follow directions, details of distance, navigation information, refreshment stops and local knowledge. The book is illustrated with stunning location photography, and also features a detailed Appendix.
De Gruyter Jeremias Altmann – YOUNG PROPHECIES / MACHINES: Zwei Werkserien / Two Series of Works
Zwei Werkserien von Jeremias Altmann In seiner künstlerischen Arbeit beschäftigt sich Jeremias Altmann mit den Themen Maschine, Mensch und Entwicklung. Die aufwendig gestaltete Künstlermonografie präsentiert die beiden Werkserien YOUNG PROPHECIES und MACHINES. In der Serie YOUNG PROPHECIES rekonstruiert Altmann seine eigenen Kinderzeichnungen. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Innenleben technischer Apparaturen im zeitlichen Wandel ist Ausgangspunkt für die Serie MACHINES. Die Präsentation der Serien wird ergänzt durch einen essayistischen Text des Künstlers, von Fragen kindlicher Entwicklungspsychologie bis zu Reflexionen zum Spannungsfeld Mensch/Maschine. Die ungewöhnliche Gestaltung des Buches mit zwei Leserichtungen erlaubt das spielerische Erforschen der Serien: Leseroutinen werden aufgebrochen; Texte und Bilder sind zu einer besonderen Einheit verwoben. Präsentation zweier außergewöhnlicher Werkserien des Künstlers Jeremias Altmann Unkonventionell gestaltetes Buchobjekt mit zwei Leserichtungen Mit Beiträgen von Barbara Herbst, Antonia Hoerschelmann, Esther Mlenek, Günther Oberhollenzer und Nina Schedlmayer
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Normativer Individualismus in Ethik, Politik und Recht
Menschliches Handeln gegenüber anderen bedarf der Rechtfertigung. Diese kann verschiedene Anknüpfungspunkte wählen, so etwa Interessen, Bedürfnisse, Werte. In normativer Hinsicht ist entscheidend, worauf man sie zurückführt. Sind es in letzter Instanz nur Individuen? Oder gelten in letzter Instanz auch Kollektive und Werte? Daran knüpft sich eine Vielzahl an Folgefragen. Zu klären gilt etwa, welche Individuen maßgeblich sind und ob diese auch sich selbst gegenüber Pflichten haben. Lässt sich ein normativer Individualismus mit der Verpflichtung des Einzelnen durch den Staat vereinbaren? Ist er auch dann noch überzeugend, wenn es um Kinder geht, für die andere entscheiden? Der Sammelband widmet sich diesen Fragen, indem er aus verschiedenen Perspektiven nach den Voraussetzungen wie Folgen eines normativen Individualismus fragt.
Brookes Publishing Co Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation: Pre-K (ELLCO Pre-K) User's Guide
Ellco helps administrators, supervisors, and program directors gather the crucial data schools need to strengthen classroom quality and build better literacy programs, both by improving teacher development and comparing their practices with others.Originally published in 2002, ""Ellco"" was developed to measure classroom environments and their effects on early literacy and language development in pre-K through third grade. To strengthen the usefulness of the tool and better address the differences in settings between pre-school and early elementary classrooms, the new edition is divided into 2 parts: pre-K and kindergarten through third grade. The tools for each age group are parallel in design and layout with the same scoring system and the same level of guidance for use and interpretation.The new tool now consists of only 2 elements, the Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview. This edition includes descriptors for all 5 scoring levels.The User's Guides provide more information on how to use and interpret the results, including guidelines for conducting classroom observations, limiting bias in scoring, scoring guidance, providing feedback, research use, and data collection tips. Additions include research-based practices for increasing reading fluency, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, and more.
Green Writers Press Clark the Colorblind Chameleon
How difficult would it be for a little chameleon that can’t change colors because he is colorblind? Clark The Colorblind Chameleon is a modern-day fable written for a Kindergarten class when they were targeting a child for his differences. This story is especially timely with the political atmosphere of intolerance for anyone who is different. Often those very differences lead to brilliant creations and new ways of viewing and understanding each other, ultimately enriching our lives. Clark almost gets caught by a hungry cat, as he is the only chameleon who turns the wrong color and can be seen. Through the help of the Wise Chameleon, he learns how to work hard and push through his discouragement. After all his hard work, he not only can match colors, but discovers a talent for changing into fantastic colors no chameleon has ever done before!
McGraw-Hill Education McGraw-Hill's Spanish for Educators, Premium Second Edition
Communicate with your Spanish-speaking students and parents with confidence!McGraw-Hill's Spanish for Educators, Second Edition, gives you more than 3,000 Spanish words and phrases and the basic grammar needed to use them properly and with confidence. You will learn vocabulary that covers every aspect of a student's school career, from kindergarten enrollment through high school graduation.Designed to get you up and running quickly with all the Spanish you need to build stronger relationships with Spanish-speaking students and families, this practical guide features:• English-Spanish mini-dictionary• Spanish grammar primer• Hundreds of practical, hands-on exercises• Bilingual forms and letters for parents• Review of key vocabulary and pronunciation• Audio recordings of hundreds of key expressions, available via the McGraw-Hill Language Lab app
Seagull Books London Ltd Bad Words: Selected Short Prose
I now no longer use the better words. Ilse Aichinger (1921-2016) was one of the most important writers of postwar Austrian and German literature. Born in 1921 to a Jewish mother, she survived World War II in Vienna, while her twin sister Helga escaped with one of the last Kindertransporte to England in 1938. Many of their relatives were deported and murdered. Those losses make themselves felt throughout Aichinger's writing, which since her first and only novel, The Greater Hope, in 1948, has highlighted displacement, estrangement, and a sharp skepticism toward language. By 1976, when she published Bad Words in German, her writing had become powerfully poetic, dense, and experimental. This volume presents the whole of the original Bad Words in English for the first time, along with a selection of Aichinger's other short stories of the period; together, they demonstrate her courageous effort to create and deploy a language unmarred by misleading certainties, preconceived rules, or implicit ideologies. In the following decades Aichinger's work became increasingly dense, poetic, and experimential, culminating in the iconic Schlechte Worter (Bad Words) in 1976. This entire volume, along with a selection of short stories from previous books in this period, is presented here for the first time in English translation. Any false promise of a coherent, masterful world (with its insistence of "better words") is left behind. Instead, we have "bad words" minor everyday objects and the freedom that comes with vigilant and playful disobedience.
Amberjack Publishing Company The Magnificent Flying Baron Estate Volume 1
Waldo Baron awakes one morning to find his inventor parents have turned their house into a flying machine, and they intend to enter into a race across the country in the hopes of winning the $500 prize. His parents' plans go astray when they are kidnapped by Rose Blackwood, the sister of notorious villain Benedict Blackwood, who intends to use the prize money to free her brother from prison. But Rose is not what she seems to be, and Waldo finds himself becoming friends with their kindly kidnapper as they race across the country in the magnificent flying Baron estate!
Chin Music Press The Last Light
Christmas Eve in Vacherie, Louisiana, finds the banks of the Mississippi alive with fire. Walter is consumed with planning the perfect bonfire-the one that will finally beat his brother's blaze and extinguish the lingering melancholy from his father's death. As Walter obsesses over wood, kindling, and structure, his family life teeters on the brink of collapse. Elizabeth Sanders' fiction has appeared in the Arkansas Review, the International Feminist Journal of Politics, and the anthology Something in the Water. She is from New Orleans and lives in New York with her husband and daughter. This is her first novel.
Eland Publishing Ltd A Visit to Don Otavio
Mexico, through the eyes of Sybille Bedford is a country of passion and paradox: arid desert and shrieking jungle, harsh sun and deep shadow, violence and sentimentality. In her frank descriptions of the horrors of travel - through bug-infested jungle, trapped in a broiling stationary train, or in a bus with a dead fish slapping against her face - she gains our trust. But it is the charmed world of Don Otavio which steals our imagination. He is, she says, one of the kindest men I ever met. She stays in his crumbling ancestral mansion, living a life of provincial ease and observing with glee the intense life of a Mexican neighbourhood.
Atlantic Books Amnesia: An 'ingenious' and 'twisting novel', perfect for fans of Peter Lovesey and William Ryan
Alastair Cunningham wakes up in hospital with almost total amnesia. But he knows that something terrible happened in his past, something that haunts him still. A young family friend, Clémence, is called in to help rekindle his memory. Retreating with Alastair to his remote cottage by a Scottish loch, Clémence finds a peculiar manuscript hidden away from prying eyes. Reading the prologue, she discovers a murder by someone very much like a young Alastair. The victim? Clémence's grandmother, Sophie. Could this kindly old man truly be a killer? Clémence becomes determined to find out what happened all those years ago, even if she must risk everything to do so...
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Firebird
Sunmi’s gorgeous two-color teen graphic novel debut examines the power of resilience and reinvention, following the lives of Caroline and Kim, two queer, Asian American teenagers growing up in the suburbs of the San Francisco Bay Area, as they forge an unexpected connection.Caroline Kim is feeling the weight of sophomore year. When she starts tutoring infamous senior Kimberly Park-Ocampo—a charismatic lesbian, friend to rich kids and punks alike—Caroline is flustered . . . but intriguedTheir friendship kindles and before they know it, the two are sneaking out for late-night drives, bonding beneath the stars over music, dreams, and a shared desire of getting away from it all.A connection begins to smolder . . . but will feelings of guilt and the mounting pressure of life outside of these adventures extinguish their spark before it catches fire?
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems
Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems Comprehensive spectroscopic view of the state-of the-art in theoretical and experimental hydrogen bonding research Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems includes diverse research efforts spanning the frontiers of hydrogen bonding as revealed through state-of-the-art spectroscopic and computational methods, covering a broad range of experimental and theoretical methodologies used to investigate and understand hydrogen bonding. The work explores the key quantitative relationships between fundamental vibrational frequencies and hydrogen-bond length/strength and provides an extensive reference for the advancement of scientific knowledge on hydrogen-bonded systems. Theoretical models of vibrational landscapes in hydrogen-bonded systems, as well as kindred studies designed to interpret intricate spectral features in gaseous complexes, liquids, crystals, ices, polymers, and nanocomposites, serve to elucidate the provenance of spectroscopic findings. Results of experimental and theoretical studies on multidimensional proton transfer are also presented. Edited by two highly qualified researchers in the field, sample topics covered in Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems include: Quantum-mechanical treatments of tunneling-mediated pathways and molecular-dynamics simulations of structure and dynamics in hydrogen-bonded systems Mechanisms of multiple proton-transfer pathways in hydrogen-bonded clusters and modern spectroscopic tools with synergistic quantum-chemical analyses Mechanistic investigations of deuterium kinetic isotope effects, ab initio path integral methods, and molecular-dynamics simulations Key relationships that exist between fundamental vibrational frequencies and hydrogen-bond length/strength Analogous spectroscopic and semi-empirical computational techniques examining larger hydrogen-bonded systems Reflecting the polymorphic nature of hydrogen bonding and bringing together the latest experimental and computational work in the field, Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems is an essential resource for chemists and other scientists involved in projects or research that intersects with the topics covered within.
Allen & Unwin That's Not a Daffodil!
When Tom's neighbour gives him a brown bulb, Tom can't believe it will flower. 'That's not a daffodil!' says Tom. 'Well,' says the old gardener. 'Let's plant it and see.'Elizabeth Honey has created a playful story that little children will enjoy again and again - about an inventive boy, a kindly gardener, a growing friendship and the promise of a bulb.
Waldorf Early Childhood Association North America The Mood of the Fifth: A Musical Approach to Early Childhood
Music is a vital part of the healthy development of young children and yet many teachers can struggle with this key area.This book collects together different perspectives on the theme of music in the mood of the fifth (that is, using a pentatonic scale of five notes), to help teachers, parents and carers understand and work with music at kindergarten level.The book includes classic articles by Jennifer Aulie, Wilma Ellersiek and Rita Jacobs, along with new contributions by Michael Deason-Barrow, Jana Hawley, Renate Long-Breipohl, Sally Schweizer, Estelle Bryer, Eleanor Winship, Jill Taplin and many others.A key resource book for Steiner-Waldorf teachers.
Starfish Bay Publishing Pty Ltd The Scarf, with Zip the Robot
Age range 1+Cat teaches Zip to knit, and Zip learns faster isn’t always better; with bold pictures and simple text for new readers.When Zip the robot sees Cat knitting, he wants to knit a scarf, too. But Zip soon finds knitting very boring, and even using his turbo boost doesn't help him knit faster! This book is perfect for beginner preschool and kindergarten readers with bold, simple illustrations, appealing characters, and easy-to-read text with new words to expand young readers' vocabulary. Printed as a board book, the story is nicely designed for children and readers of all ages.
Image Comics Rock Candy Mountain Complete
The Eisner-nominated, magical world of hobos in post-WWII America is collected for the first time in a brand new edition!The world''s toughest hobo is searching for the mysterious sinner''s Heaven-Rock Candy Mountain. But why? And why is the Literal Devil chasing him? Jackson will have to survive underground fight clubs, trainyard bulls, the toughest FBI agent you''ve ever seen, prison, newfound friendships and more if he will make his destination. A kung fu, hobo epic the likes you''ve never seen! By Kyle Starks with colors by Chris Schweizer, featuring a brand new cover cover designed by Matt Kindt! Collects Rock Candy Mountain #1 - 8 and includes additional bonus material!
Pegasus Books Eartha & Kitt: A Daughter's Love Story in Black and White
A luminous and inspiring portrait of a Black pioneer and artistic force—Eartha Kitt—and one of the most moving mother/daughter stories in Hollywood history.In this unique combination of memoir and cultural history, we come to know one of the greatest stars the world has ever seen—Eartha Kitt—as revealed by the person who knew her best: her daughter. Eartha, who was a mix of Black, Cherokee, and white, is viewed by the world as Black. Kitt, her biological daughter, is blonde and light skinned. This is the story of a young girl being raised by her mother, who happened to be one of the most famous celebrities in the world. For three decades, they traveled the world together as mother and daughter. Even after Kitt got married and started a family of her own, she and Eartha were never far from each other’s sides Eartha had a very difficult childhood growing up in extreme poverty in South Carolina. She described herself as being “just a poor cotton picker from the South.” She did not have her own familial ties to lean on after being abandoned by her own mother as a toddler and having never known who her father was. She and Kitt were each other’s whole world. Eartha’s legacy is still felt today. Not only do we still listen to “Santa Baby” every Christmas, but many of today’s most influential artists consistently mention Eartha, paying tribute to her groundbreaking stances on social issues such as racial equality and women’s and LGBTQ rights. And she is still widely remembered for her definitive portrayal of Catwoman in the classic Batman television series, voicing the character Yzma in Disney’s The Emperor’s New Groove, and her many other movie and Broadway roles. In these pages, Kitt brings her mother to life so vividly, you will feel as if you'd met her. You’ll embrace her love of nature, exercise, simple food, and independence, along with her lessons on the importance of treating people kindly and always being true to yourself. Filled with love, life lessons, and poignant laughter, Eartha & Kitt captures the passion and energy of two remarkable women.
Brookes Publishing Co Understanding RTI in Mathematics: Proven Methods and Applications
What do we know about RTI in math, why does it work, and how should K-12 teachers use it to ensure high-quality instruction and better outcomes? Find out in this definitive research-based text from more than 25 of today's top experts.Response to intervention - it's already improving reading outcomes in classrooms across the country, and this approach can be equally effective for K-12 mathematics instruction. This is the definitive volume on RTI in math: what we know about it, why it works, and how to use it to ensure high-quality math instruction and higher student achievement.Edited by National Math Panel veteran Russell Gersten with contributions by all of the country's leading researchers on RTI and math, this cutting-edge text blends the existing evidence base with practical guidelines for RTI implementation. Current and future RTI coordinators, curriculum developers, math specialists, and department heads will get the best, most up-to-date guidance on key facets of RTI in math: • conducting valid and reliable universal screening in mathematics • using evidence-based practices to provide a strong general education curriculum for effective Tier 1 instruction •• implementing explicit, research-based teaching practices for students who need Tier 2 and 3 instruction •• monitoring students' progress with high-quality tools and measures •• motivating and engaging struggling students receiving Tier 2 and 3 instruction •• teaching students to use an array of visual representations to help them solve math problems •• tailoring RTI for every grade level, from kindergarten through high school •• using RTI to target specific mathematical proficiencies and concepts, such as number sense, word problems, algebra, and ratios and proportionsFilled with vignettes, accessible summaries of the most recent studies, and best-practice guidelines for making the most of RTI, this comprehensive research volume is ideal for use as a textbook or as a key resource to guide decision makers. Readers will have the knowledge base they need to strengthen mathematics instruction with proven RTI practices - and help ensure better math outcomes for students at every grade level.
Chronicle Books The Elephants Come Home: A True Story of Seven Elephants, Two People, and One Extraordinary Friendship
The amazing true story of a herd of elephants, the man who saved them, and the miracle of love that brought them home. One day in 1999, Lawrence Anthony and Françoise Malby hear that a herd of wild African elephants needs a new home. They welcome the elephants to their wildlife sanctuary—Thula Thula—with open arms. But the elephants are much less sure they want to stay. How will Lawrence prove to them that they are safe and loved? What follows is a gorgeously illustrated real-life story of a friendship . . . and the story of the miraculous way that love given freely will return—greater and more wonderful than it began. • TOUCHING ANIMAL FRIENDSHIPS: Owen and Mzee, Tarra and Bella, Rescue and Jessica . . . touching true stories of the emotional bonds possible between species are charming, and speak to the limitlessness of love. • ELEPHANT APPEAL: Elephants are one of the most fascinating and charming wild animals in all of nature. This heartwarming true story will intrigue and inspire children, and turn even the most reluctant readers into elephant enthusiasts. • CONSERVATION THEME: This book tells the true story of caring for one of the world's most beloved endangered animals: the African elephant. This book is a great, upbeat jumping-off point for discussions of the importance of preserving endangered species and their environments. • ENGAGING NONFICTION: There's no better way to get readers hooked on factual books than to offer them real-life stories with heart and meaning. • STRONG CURRICULUM CONNECTIONS: The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) emphasize learning about animal habitats/biomes in K–2 curriculums, while later grades address topics like conservation and endangered species. With a depth of research and an engaging, highly visual narrative, this book is an excellent resource for librarians and primary school educators. Perfect for: • Kindergarten and elementary school teachers • Parents and grandparents • Librarians • Lovers of animals, wildlife, and the natural world • Zoo and natural history museumgoers
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Yoga für Dummies
Sie suchen körperliche Entspannung und geistige Ruhe im hektischen Alltag? Sie wollen gleichzeitig Ihre allgemeine Fitness, Beweglichkeit und Kraft verbessern? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige für Sie. Georg Feuerstein und Larry Payne erläutern Ihnen die Kraft des Yoga als Weg zu mehr geistiger und körperlicher Gesundheit. Als Anfänger erlernen Sie in illustrierten Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen die Grundübungen und erfahren, wie Sie aus den vielen verschiedenen Yoga-Richtungen die passende für sich finden. Fortgeschrittene erfahren, wie sie ihr persönliches Yoga-Programm zusammenstellen und perfekt in ihren Alltag integrieren. Kindern, Schwangeren und Senioren ist jeweils ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet. So findet jeder seinen Weg zu mehr Ausgeglichenheit, Gesundheit und innerer Ruhe.
Walker Books Ltd Little Beaver and the Echo
An award-winning picture book favourite about a lonely little beaver in need of a friend.Shortlisted for the Children's Book Award, this is the much-loved story of Little Beaver, who lives all alone by the edge of a pond. He doesn't have a friend in the world. One day, when he starts to cry, he hears someone else crying too. So Little Beaver sets off to find this kindred spirit. Along the way, he's joined by a duck, an otter and a turtle, who each claim, "I do need a friend, but it wasn't me who was crying." Will Little Beaver ever find the creature who was crying, and make a friend at last? A story time favourite, this sweet, sensitive story of new friendship is brought beautifully to life by Sarah Fox-Davies's softly glowing landscapes and adorably furry characters.
Ideapress Publishing Wonderhell
WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER!AS SEEN ON GOOD MORNING AMERICA!Have you ever accomplished something you weren't so sureyou could do? Success has always been the end goal, but when you achieve it ...something infuriatingly predictable happens. You start wondering what more youcan do.Instead of success bringing you happiness, it hands you anincreased hunger to achieve something even bigger. And with that desire alsocomes uncertainty, self-doubt, anxiety and stress.Success, in other words, is kinda wonderful ... but it'salso kinda hell. Welcome to Wonderhell.Wonderhell is that space in your psyche where the burden ofyour newly discovered potential plops down, unpacks its backpack, and asks:Hey, you! Whatcha got for me?Living in an ambitious, results-oriented society, we oftenmischaracterize the turbu
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Reroute the Preschool Juggernaut
Chester E. Finn, Jr. outlines the issues that define, animate, and complicate today's contentious pre-kindergarten debate in American education. He examines such topics as: which children really need it; how many aren't getting it; who should provide it and at what expense; what is the right balance between education and child care; and how to know whether it is succeeding.
Planeta DeAgostini Monster Kanzenban n5
Encuadernación: RústicaHabía una vez un monstruo sin nombre, que se moría por conseguir uno. Así que decidió salir de viaje a ver si encontraba un nombre."Por qué esta extreña historia checa para niños ha descentrado tanto a Johan?Es posible que encontremos en ese libro alguna pista sobre el misterio de su nacimiento?Un misterio oculta otro misterio.Tenma intenta colarse en Chequia para buscar a la madre de Johan. Un policía fronterizo le descubre, pero logra escapar con la ayuda de Grimmer, un periodista autónomo. Los dos hombres parten sin preguntarse uno a otro qué les ha llevado hasta Chequia. De hecho, Grimmer también está muy interesado en el kinderheim 511 de la Alemania del Este. Ahora la historia pasa a tener lugar en Praga.
Penguin Putnam Inc First Night of Howlergarten
First-day-of-school jitters take on a whole new meaning at howlergarten, where future werewolves prepare for their big transformation!Most kids go to kindergarten, but there is a special place for those who turn into werewolves. Instead of attending school during the day, these supernatural students go to howlergarten at night! There they practice tracking scents, listening to whispers on the wind, and more. But when one student named Sophie doesn't seem to possess the basic skills, she worries she won't become a werewolf at all. What will happen if she remains human when the full moon appears? Will she still be accepted as part of the pack, or will she be cast aside as an ordinary outsider?
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten schreiben mit Word für Dummies
Sie würden gerne Ihre Hausarbeit in Word schreiben? Sie erinnern sich aber noch gut an das Chaos beim letzten Mal und möchten dieses Mal professioneller vorgehen? Daniela Weber erklärt Ihnen zunächst, was Sie vorab bedenken sollten und welche Einstellungen Sie als erstes für Ihr Dokument vornehmen müssen. Dann ist die Formatierung und die Erstellung des Inhaltsverzeichnisses ein Kinderspiel. Fußnoten, Kopfzeilen, Verweise, Tabellen aus Excel, Abbildungen, Formeln und Index ? das Buch gibt umfassende Hilfen und lässt kein Thema aus, sodass Sie sich, wenn es darauf ankommt, in erster Linie mit dem Inhalt Ihrer Arbeit und nicht mit Word auseinandersetzen müssen.
Floris Books The Sorcerer's Apprentice
When poor orphan boy Oliver becomes a sorcerer's apprentice, he enters an incredible new world. He learns wonderful magic spells, the secrets of nature, and how to make healing potions and oils from his kindly new master. But one day the sorcerer goes on a journey. Bored with his endless chores, Oliver enchants some brooms to do the work for him. But when the spell gets out of control, how can Oliver stop the magic? This classic tale about the importance of hard work was the inspiration for Disney's Fantasia. This beautifully illustrated edition is the creation of renowned artist Gerda Muller, creator of USBBY-honoured A Year in Our New Garden.
Pushkin Press The Honjin Murders
In the winter of 1937, the village of Okamura is abuzz with excitement over the forthcoming wedding of a son of the grand Ichiyanagi family. But amid the gossip over the approaching festivities, there is also a worrying rumour - it seems a sinister masked man has been asking questions about the Ichiyanagis around the village. Then, on the night of the wedding, the Ichiyanagi family are woken by a terrible scream, followed by the sound of eerie music - death has come to Okamura, leaving no trace but a bloody samurai sword, thrust into the pristine snow outside the house. The murder seems impossible, but amateur detective Kosuke Kindaichi is determined to get to the bottom of it.
Hachette Children's Group Baby Animal Friends: Baby Koala Rescue: Book 2
A tragic bush fire sparks a beautiful friendship between a young girl and a baby koala. Ruby is dreading changing schools as her autism makes it hard to befriend other kids. But when her dog finds a baby koala and her family agrees to foster it, Ruby quickly becomes the koala's best friend. Ruby loves quiet and routine, which makes her a perfect koala carer! A talented artist, she names the koala Pablo - after her favourite artist. Through looking after Pablo, Ruby befriends a neighbouring girl who loves painting as much as she does. Soon Pablo is well enough to move to a koala kindergarten. But is Ruby ready to move to her own new school?
Penguin Random House Children's UK Before Green Gables
Before she had arrived at Green Gables, Anne Shirley had a difficult early life. Orphaned as a baby, she was sent from one foster-home to the next, caring for other people's children even though she was but a child herself, and escaping from her dark reality through the power of her vivid imagination. Curious, inventive and outspoken, even at a young age, Anne battles to make a life for herself by searching out kindred spirits, finding solace in her books, and dreaming of the day she has a family of her own.Budge Wilson has developed the seeds of L. M. Montgomery's ideas into a fully realized, beautifully written story.
The History Press Ltd Cornish Folk Tales
The ancient land of Cornwall is steeped in mysterious tradition, proud heritage and age-old folklore. Before books were widely available, wandering ‘droll tellers’ used to spread Cornish insight and humour to all parts of the Duchy – exchanging their tales for food and shelter. Anthony James was one such droll teller, and this collection follows him as he makes his way around Cornwall one glorious summer. Richly illustrated with hand-drawn images and woodcuts, Cornish Folk Tales will appeal to anyone captivated by this beautiful land and its resident kindly giants, mischievous piskeys, seductive mermaids, bold knights and barnacle-encrusted sea captains.
Little, Brown Book Group Chasing You
While on a trip to Colorado, Meagan Atwood meets Grayson Bennet and is instantly taken by him. Not only is he smoking hot, but also one of the kindest guys she's ever known. A friendship develops but, as they give in to their mutual attraction, their relationship takes a very different turn.After moving to his home state after college, Meagan finds herself spending all her time with Grayson, and no matter how hard they fight it, this is more than just friends with benefits - are they destined to be together?In a relationship where nothing is as easy as it seems, will Gray and Meg get their longed-for happy ending...Book Five in the Love Wanted in Texas series
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Klassenrat als interaktive Praxis: Auseinandersetzung - Kooperation - Imagepflege
Heike de Boer setzt sich mit der Frage auseinander, was der Klassenrat für die Akteure bedeutet. Die interaktive Praxis des Klassenrates steht im Mittelpunkt der qualitativ-empirischen Untersuchung und führt zur Rekonstruktion der kindlichen Perspektive als Akteursperspektive. Peer-Interaktionen werden fokussiert, ohne die schulpädagogische Frage nach interaktivem Lernen auszublenden. Die konsequent ethnografische Sicht ermöglicht Irritationen der normativen Erwartungen an den Klassenrat und zieht eine Neubestimmung der Grenzen und Chancen nach sich.
Workman Publishing Show Me a Story: 40 Craft Projects and Activities to Spark Children's Storytelling
Encouraging children to let their imagination run wild, Emily K. Neuburger offers 40 inventive projects and activities that will inspire kids ages 5 to 12 to express themselves through storytelling. Younger children will love making story stones and a storytelling jar, while older kids will open up and thrive as they embark on guided story walks and inspiring journaling exercises. Sparking creativity while developing a child’s love of language, Show Me a Story will kindle a lifelong passion for both writing and telling original stories.
Aiora Press Moscov Selim
Georgios Vizyenos (1849-1896) is one of Greeces best-loved writers. Moskov Selim is set in Thrace, a corner of Europe where Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria meet. Selim is a Muslim name, yet Moskov implies that he is a Russian. Vizyenos fascinating and moving story is set during a time of constant wars between Russians and Turks whose outcome would decide the future of south-east Europe: Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria were becoming independent of the Ottoman empire, while Greece was to gain huge territories at the empires expense. Although Istanbul would remain in Turkey, it would no longer be the seat of the Ottoman Sultan, who, as caliph, was the leader of the worlds Muslims. Vizyenos story evokes a time when Greeks and Turks could share each others joys and pains despite the hostile relations between their governments. Listening to the protagonists life story, the narrator of Moskov Selim discovers that this Turk is a kindred spirit, despite the gulf of nationality and religion that separates them.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Alfred Adler Studienausgabe.
Adler untersuchte bereits in seinen frÃ"hen Schriften die große Bedeutung von sozialen EinflÃ"ssen auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung von Menschen. Dies veranlasste ihn, auch nach seiner Trennung von Freud zahlreiche Erziehungsfragen zu thematisieren und in seinen Veröffentlichungen zu behandeln. Der Band 4 der Alfred Adler Studienausgabe enthält die bedeutendsten dieser Schriften.Die kommentierten und mit editorischen Vorbemerkungen versehenen Texte Adlers behandeln unter anderem: die pädagogische Bedeutung der Beziehungserfahrungen von Kinder in den ersten Lebensjahren; pädagogische EinflÃ"sse auf die Entwicklung von SelbstwertgefÃ"hl und Selbstwertregulation; die Bedeutung emotionaler Faktoren fÃ"r die Ausbildung von kognitiven Fähigkeiten und das Zustandekommen schulischer Leistungen; die Entfaltung von GemeinschaftsgefÃ"hl als Gegenbewegung zum Streben nach Macht und Ãberlegenheit; Möglichkeiten der Prophylaxe von Entwicklungs- und Erziehungsschwierigkeiten und deren Bearbeitung in Prozessen der Erziehungsberatung. Adler war Ã"berzeugt, dass die nachhaltige Verbesserung erzieherischer Gegebenheiten an den Erfolg von weitreichenden ReformbemÃ"hungen gebunden ist, die der Dynamik unbewusster Prozesse Rechnung tragen. Deshalb verdeutlichen die vorliegenden Schriften auch Adlers Bedeutung fÃ"r die Entstehung tiefenpsychologischer Ansätze in der Pädagogik sowie die Schwerpunkte seines Einflusses auf die Reformpädagogik des frÃ"hen 20. Jahrhunderts. Diese beziehen sich vor allem auf die Bereiche der Familienerziehung, der Schulpädagogik, der Ausbildung von Pädagogen und der Konzeptualisierung sowie Institutionalisierung von Erziehungsberatung und sind bis heute von Relevanz. Zahlreiche Fallbeispiele lassen Adlers Theorie und seine Art des Arbeitens lebendig werden.