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Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Der Energy Bus: Steigen Sie ein und Tanken Sie Positive Energie für Beruf und Privatleben
Eine Fahrt im "Energy Bus" rettet nicht nur den Job und die Ehe, sondern macht jeden zu einem glücklicheren Menschen. Steigen Sie ein: Eine positive Lebenseinstellung hilft uns auch in schwierigen Situationen nach vorne zu schauen, wie wir am Beispiel von George erfahren. Wir begleiten George, Teamleiter in einer Glühbirnenfabrik. Er war ehemals gefeierter Günstling seines Chefs, doch jetzt steht er mittlerweile nicht nur unter Dauerstress sondern auch auf der Abschussliste. Das wirkt sich auch auf sein Privatleben aus. Zu wenig Zeit für seine Kinder und zu wenig Zuwendung für seine Frau führen immer wieder zu Spannungen in der einst so harmonischen Beziehung. Seine Existenz ist nicht viel mehr als ein Scherbenhaufen. Doch das ändert sich mit dem Tag, als ihn ein platter Reifen zwingt, den Bus zu nehmen und er auf die Busfahrerin Joy trifft. Was er in diesem Moment noch nicht weiß: Joy und die Passagiere ihres Busses haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, gescheiterte Existenzen mittels zehn einfacher Regeln wieder auf den rechten Weg zu führen. Doch dazu muß man sich schließlich auf die "Behandlung" der immer lächelnden Busfahrerin einlassen und kann so schon bald erste Erfolge verzeichnen. Nutzen Sie als Leser diese Fahrt im ?Energy Bus? und finden Sie Ihren Weg zurück zum Erfolg.
Abrams Marvel Super Stories: All-New Comics from All-Star Cartoonists
The first-ever middle-grade anthology from Marvel Comics, featuring all-new comics stories by 15 all-star cartoonists Welcome to the Marvel Universe and the World Outside Your Window! The first volume in a brand-new middle-grade anthology series with Marvel Comics, edited by John Jennings. All of your favorite Marvel super heroes are here in all-new six page stories written and illustrated by some of the biggest names in comics for young readers. These mighty team-ups include— Black Panther: Jerry Craft (New Kid), Wiccan: Mike Curato (Flamer), Miles Morales Spider-Man: C. G. Esperanza (Soul Food Sunday), Iron Man: John Gallagher (Max Meow), Shang-Chi: Gale Galligan (The Baby-Sitters Club), the Hulk: Chris Giarrusso (G-Man), Spider-Man: Nathan Hale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales), Captain America: Michael Lee Harris (Choco Leche), Hawkeye: Ben Hatke (Zita the Spacegirl), Ms. Marvel: Priya Huq (Piece by Piece: The Story of Nisrin’s Hijab), Daredevil: John Jennings (Kindred: The Graphic Novel Adaptation), Thor and Loki: George O’Connor (The Olympians), Namor: Lincoln Peirce (Big Nate), Squirrel Girl: Maria Scrivan (Nat Enough), and Ghost Spider: Jessi Zabarsky (Witchlight). This renowned roster takes a fun, fresh look at Marvel’s greatest super heroes, delivering all-new comics for fans of all ages.
Gill Striking Back: The Untold Story of an Anti-Apartheid Striker
`Young shopworkers on Henry Street in Dublin, who in 1984 refused to handle the fruits of apartheid, provided me with great hope during my years of imprisonment, and inspiration to millions of South Africans.' Nelson Mandela Dunnes Stores cashier Mary Manning knew little about apartheid when, at the age of twenty-one, she refused to register the sale of two Outspan South African grapefruits under a directive from her union. She was suspended and nine of her co-workers walked out in support. They all assumed they would shortly return to work. But theirs were kindling voices, on the cusp of igniting a mass movement they couldn't even imagine. Despite harassment from the Gardai and disparagement from the Irish government and even the Catholic Church, they refused to be silenced. Within months they were embroiled in a dispute that captured the world's attention. In this searing account, Mary tells the extraordinary story of their public fight for justice, as well as her emotive journey of discovery into her family's past. Mary's mother had been forced to carry a secret burden of shame for her whole life by the same oppressive establishment Mary was fighting. Striking Back is a provocative and inspiring story that epitomises the resilience of hope and the human spirit, even under the most formidable of circumstances. It shows that each of us has the power to change the world.
Quercus Publishing Norwegian Wood: The pocket guide to chopping, stacking and drying wood the Scandinavian way
A PORTABLE, POCKET EDITION OF THE DEFINITIVE WOOD-CUTTER'S BIBLE - PERFECT FOR FATHER'S DAY"The book has spread like wildfire" Daily Mail"A how-to book with poetry at its heart" T.L.S."A step-by-step guide to preparing your wood store" IndependentWhether you're a seasoned woodcutter, or your passion is yet to be kindled, NORWEGIAN WOOD is a highly informative and entertaining guide for year-round wood management, and the perfect gift.Chopping and stacking wood is a pastime where the world makes sense once more. Because our relationship to fire is so ancient, so universal, it seems that in learning about wood, you can also learn about life.And who better to impart this wisdom than an expert from Scandinavia, where the extreme climate has obliged generations to hone and share their skills with tools, wood and heat production. Lars Mytting has distilled the wisdom of enthusiasts, from experienced lifelong growers, stackers and burners to researchers and professionals of combustion and tree culture.Part guide to the best practice in every aspect of working with this renewable energy source, part meditation on the human instinct for survival, this definitive handbook on the art of chopping, stacking and drying wood in the Scandinavian way has resonated across the world, with more than a million copies sold worldwide.More than 200,000 copies sold in English editions. The book that defined a genre.
Pan Macmillan The Burden of Proof
Full of suspicion and half truths, The Burden of Proof is Scott Turow's second Kindle County legal thriller. One afternoon in late March, Sandy Stern, the brilliant, quixotic defence lawyer in Presumed Innocent, returns home to find his wife Clara dead in the garage. They have been married for thirty-one years. Her suicide note leaves him just four words – 'Can you forgive me?' But on the 6th March Clara had expected to live . . .
Pushkin Press The Village of Eight Graves
Nestled deep in the mist-shrouded mountains, The Village of Eight Graves takes its name from a bloody legend: in the sixteenth century eight samurai, who had taken refuge there along with a secret treasure, were murdered by the inhabitants, bringing a terrible curse down upon their village. Centuries later a mysterious young man named Tatsuya arrives in town, bringing a spate of deadly poisonings in his wake. The inimitably scruffy and brilliant Kosuke Kindaichi investigates.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Zeit heilt nicht alle Wunden: Kompendium zur Psychotraumatologie
Trauma ist inzwischen kein »Modebegriff« mehr und nach Ansicht kompetenter Traumatherapeuten auch nie gewesen. Die Traumaperspektive ist in Psychotherapie, Psychoanalyse, Psychosomatik und Psychiatrie fest etabliert. Es ist unabweisbar, dass Traumatisierungen, insbesondere in Kindheit und Jugend, die Lebensperspektive der Betroffenen zeitlebens überschatten und die Gesellschaft auf Jahrzehnte belasten. »Zeit heilt alle Wunden« drückt einen Wunsch aus. Dieser Spruch ist entstanden aus der Erfahrung von einem Teil der Traumatisierten, deren Störungen sich tatsächlich in einigen Monaten bessern. Beruhigend, beschwichtigend, vielleicht sogar abschiebend ist diese Redewendung jedoch bei jenen Traumatisierten, deren Störungen eben nicht von der Zeit geheilt werden, denen aber bisher nicht zu helfen war. Heute ist weit mehr möglich als noch vor zehn Jahren. Dieses Kompendium legt die Fortschritte in Forschung und Therapie zu zentralen Fragen der Psychotraumatologie vor. Einige Kontroversen sind inzwischen wissenschaftlich fundiert zu beantworten, etwa die Frage: Stabilisieren oder Konfrontieren? Hier lautet die einfache, klinisch lange bekannte und inzwischen empirisch belegte Antwort: Stabilisieren und Konfrontieren. Weitere Kontroversen werden zu neuen Fragen und Antworten führen.
Pushkin Press The Little Sparrow Murders
An old friend of Kosuke Kindaichi's invites the scruffy detective to visit the remote mountain village of Onikobe in order to look into a twenty-year-old murder case. But no sooner has Kindaichi arrived than a new series of murders strikes the village - several bodies are discovered staged in bizarre poses, and it soon becomes clear that the victims are being killed using methods that match the lyrics of an old local children's song... The legendary sleuth investigates, but soon realises that he must unravel the dark and tangled history of the village, as well as that of its rival families, to get to the truth.
The University of Chicago Press Boys and Girls: Superheroes in the Doll Corner
What can the richly imagined, impressively adaptable fantasy world of children tell us about childhood, development, education, and even life itself? For fifty years, teacher and writer Vivian Gussin Paley has been exploring the imagery, language, and lore of young children, asking the questions they ask of themselves. With the publication of Boys and Girls in 1984, Paley took readers inside a kindergarten classroom to show them how boys and girls play-and how, by playing and fantasizing in different ways, they work through complicated notions of gender roles and identity. This new edition of Paley's classic book reignites issues that are more important than ever for a new generation of students, parents, and teachers. The Boy on the Beach, meanwhile, continues Paley's work, going deeper into the mystery of play as she follows a group of children through the kindergarten year. Rich with the words of children and teachers themselves, the book delves into questions new and old, reminding us that Paley's interests and approach remain as vital as ever. Both books are vintage Paley, wise and provocative appreciations of the importance of play and the nature of childhood and the imagination.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Antony and Cleopatra
Edited, introduced and annotated by Cedric Watts, M.A., Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of English, University of Sussex. Antony and Cleopatra is one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies: a spectacular, widely-ranging drama of love and war, passion and politics. Antony is divided between the responsibilities of imperial power and the intensities of his sexual relationship with Cleopatra. She, variously generous and ruthless, loving and jealous, petulant and majestic, emerges as Shakespeare's most complex depiction of a woman: ‘Age cannot wither her, nor custom staleHer infinite variety.’ Unsurpassed in sumptous eloquence and powerful characterisation, Anthony and Cleopatra deservedly retains its popularity in the theatre. Its insights into the corruptions of power and the ambiguities of desire remain timely. This volume is part of the Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series, in which each volume has been edited by Cedric Watts. Readers wishing to know more of Cedric Watts’ work should buy his ‘Shakespeare Puzzles’, published by PublishNation (ISBN 978-1-291-66410-2), available from Amazon (both in printed and Kindle editions) and through all good bookshops.
Simon & Schuster The Girl Who Saw Heaven: A Fateful Tornado and a Journey of Faith
A remarkable true story of one child’s journey into the afterlife after surviving a super tornado.When Ari Hallmark was in kindergarten, her family was caught in a powerful tornado in their hometown of Arab, Alabama. On April 27, 2011, Ari and her parents, Shane and Jennifer Hallmark, were putting the finishing touches on their new home, which Shane had built from scratch. Shane’s last-second decision to drive to his parent’s house put the Hallmarks directly in the path of a devastating EF4 tornado. Moments after the Hallmarks arrived at the home, the mile-wide tornado ripped the house off its foundation and flung it in the air. When Ari regained consciousness, she began sharing the extraordinary story of what happened to her during the tornado: she met her guardian angel and followed her family to heaven. The full story of what Ari went through—the six months of reoccurring dreams that foretold the tragedy, and the unexpected challenges she faced from the legal system after the storm—delivers a powerful message to the world: you will see your late loved ones again. Ari Hallmark is now a high school senior determined to share her hopeful message with the world. The Girl Who Saw Heaven is a uniquely poignant addition to near-death experience and heavenly encounter classics. Ari’s story will leave you with a different perspective of death and more hopeful of what lies beyond.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Das Kniegelenk: Erkrankungen, Verletzungen und ihre Behandlung mit Hinweisen für die Begutachtung
Das Kniegelenk, welches sich in der Abstammungsreihe als Bestandteil der hinteren Extremität bei den ersten auf dem Lande lebenden Tieren ausgebildet hat, nahm an der weiteren Evolution nicht in einem so großen Umfang teil wie Hände und Gehirn. Trotzdem ist seine Bedeutung für den Menschen groß, weil dieser die ihm eigenen Merkmale der geistigen Leistungsfähigkeit und der manu ellen Geschicklichkeit nur bei ungestörtem Fortbewegungsvermögen voll ent falten kann. Die Möglichkeiten einer Störung seines Ganges durch Kniegelenkverände rungen sind zahlreich. Angeborene und erworbene Formänderungen der Gelenk bestandteile, Beeinträchtigungen durch Systemerkrankungen des Organismus, Entzündungen, Verletzungen, Geschwülste, Arbeitsschäden und degenerative Vorgänge sind zu nennen. Obwohl Anatomie, Physiologie und die genannten Alterationen nach eingehenden Untersuchungen in ausführlichen Einzelabhand lungen beschrieben sind, ist die Orientierung über manche Fragen schwierig, weil eine zusammenfassende, auf die Praxis abgestimmte Darstellung der genannten Probleme bislang im In-und Ausland nicht erschienen ist. Diese Lücke auszu füllen, ist Zweck des vorliegenden Buches. Neu hinzugekommen ist in dieser Monographie eine ausführliche Besprechung des Femoropatellargelenkes auf Grund eines umfangreichen Literaturstudiums und langjähriger persönlicher Untersuchungen. Durch die gewonnenen Erkennt nisse ließen sich einige, bisher problematische Fragen einfach beantworten und manches "Mysteriöse" wurde geklärt. Das Buch dürfte für einen breiten Leserkreis interessant sein, vornehmlich für Chirurgen, Orthopäden, gutachterlich tätige Ärzte, aber auch für Internisten und Kinderärzte.
Esta nueva entrega de la serie 'Black Hammer', galardonada en los Eisner, retrotrae al lector a una aventura ambientada en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que viene a añadir complejidad y emoción al universo creado por Lemire y Ormston.Durante la edad de oro de los superhéroes, un equipo de élite de las fuerzas aéreas llamado el Escuadrón Martillo Negro se unió para combatir a los nazis, una variedad de amenazas esotéricas y su guerrero aéreo supremo, el Cazador Fantasma.Este volumen recopila los números 1 a 4 de 'Black Hammer ?45' del equipo creativo formado por Ray Fawkes, Jeff Lemire y Matt Kindt, además de una selección de bocetos.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Hypomnemata.
Patchworkfamilien in der Spätantike thematisiert das Phänomen der Wiederverheiratung nach Scheidung oder Verwitwung in Gesellschaft, Recht und Mentalität der jÃ"dischen, heidnischen und römisch-christlichen Antike. Postuliert wird eine Kohärenz zwischen einem im Wandel befindlichen jÃ"dischen Eherecht im ersten nachchristlichen Jahrhundert und der beginnenden Ausbildung einer neuartig christlichen Sicht auf das Gebilde Familie. Der im jÃ"dischen Recht schwindende Rechtsschutz fÃ"r ersteheliche Kinder in Patchworkfamilien gehörte zum konkreten Erfahrungshorizont der ersten Christen und kann mit verantwortlich zeichnen fÃ"r die reaktionäre Herausbildung einer konservativ-christlichen Scheidungsmoral.
Scarecrow Press Masks from Antiquity to the Modern Era: An Annotated Bibliography
While masks are some of the more prominent artifacts in the art, religious and dramatic worlds, there has not to date been a complete bibliography of the books, catalogs, and articles in the field. The more than 1200 citations in this bibliography range from making masks in kindergarten to academic books on the anthropological theory of masks. Arrangement is by type of resource, subdivided by geographical area and/or subject. An extensive keyword index is provided to increase the accessibility of the literature. This bibliography should appeal to a diverse audience—including librarians, teachers, art scholars, and students of art at all levels.
Knock Knock Knock Knock Comfort Calm Stress Soothers Oracle Tub
This little tub o' stress-relief magic knows you've got this& it's gonna be OK! It's chock-full of soothing, grounded messages to help cultivate calm & talk back to anxiety. (Kinda like little tiny oracle cards! But cuter!) Draw one whenever you want an ahhh from the Universeand a haha! Repeat daily, weekly, hourly, or minute-ly as needed. Oracle deck + sweet lil tub = ah-dorable mindfulness dispenser! File under: best anxiety-relief items & mental health gifts ever! Sturdy box [4 x 2.75 inches] + 75 diecut feather-shaped messages of self-care & reassurance!
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Trauernde begleiten: Eine Orientierungshilfe
Trauernden Menschen gegenÃ"berzutreten, ist nicht leicht. Wie kann man Trauernde begleiten, wie sie unterstÃ"tzen? Zum Beispiel, als Freund, als Nachbar, als beruflich Betroffener? Das sind zentrale Anliegen in diesem Buch von Stephanie Witt-Loers. Die Fachbuchautorin verknÃ"pft Theorie und Praxis eng miteinander und klärt anschaulich wesentliche Fragen zum Thema Trauer. Trauernde laufen Gefahr, außer dem Verstorbenen auch noch ihre sozialen Bindungen und den Kontakt zu ihrer Umgebung zu verlieren. Damit das nicht geschieht, ermutigt die Autorin auf den Trauernden zuzugehen und sich der Begegnung mit Trauernden zu stellen. Hier möchte Stephanie Witt-Loers unterstÃ"tzen, Orientierung geben und begleiten. Anregen möchte sie auch, sich mit eigenen Trauererfahrungen und Gedanken zum Themenbereich Tod und Trauer auseinanderzusetzen. Denn jeder von uns kann selbst trauernd sein oder zum Trauernden werden. Das Buch ist ein wertvolles Nachschlagewerk in der Begegnung mit betroffenen Menschen und wird fÃ"r Familien, Freunde, Nachbarn, Kollegen aber auch in Institutionen, in Hospizen, in Krankenhäusern, Arzt- und Hebammenpraxen, in Gemeinden, in Vereinen, in Firmen und in Schulen UnterstÃ"tzung und Begleitung sein.Die AutorinStephanie Witt-Loers ist Kinder- und Familientrauerbegleiterin und Trauerbegleiterin in eigener Praxis. Sie ist Fachbuchautorin und arbeitet unter anderem auch am Kindertrauerzentrum Thalita des Kinder- und Jugendhospizes Balthasar in Olpe. Als Fortbildungsreferentin ist sie fÃ"r Lehrer, Erzieher, Hebammen, Pflegepersonal, Sozialpädagogen, Seelsorger, Ãrzte, Trauerbegleiter sowie im Hospiz Arbeitende tätig und hält Vorträge zum Themenbereich. Die Autorin ist Mutter von drei Kindern und lebt mit ihrer Familie in Bergisch Gladbach.
Undena Publications,U.S. Documents d'epoque medio-assyrienne: Les sceaux
An edition of twelve previously unpublished texts: eleven from the Louvre and one in a private collection, containing a letter, juridical texts of the genre of KAJ and some administrative documents. These texts are of diverse provenienceNos. 1-3 certainly come from Assur Nos. 9-11 were said to have come from Tell Amuda by the dealer; the site is identified with Urkis It must be noted that the tablets, on the other hand , mention Kulishinas in a privileged fashion. Nos. 5-8 may come, in part, from the same Tell No 12 from the site of Suri These texts, in their diversity, allow us to examine a part of the Middle Assyrian documentation, in particular the question of knowing whether or not the Middle Assyrian Code mentions the ilku the status of the villagers ( alaiuand their the clause of the reapers..., etc., or approaches the question of miksu. The edition contains copies of the texts and diverse indices ( PN, GN, and DN) as well as the list of texts with commentaries . Begun under the direction of J. Nougayrol , by M.-J. Aynard , it was completed by J.-M. Durand. Mr. P. Amiet has kindly appended to this study a sketch of the seals and a commentary about them.
GMC Publications Leathercraft
Learn how to make lovely leather projects with a professional finish. This exciting new book features fabulous handcrafted items for your wardrobe and your home. Most of the projects are suitable for those new to leatherwork, and those who have some experience of the craft will be inspired by the exclusive designs. Projects include: Log and kindling basket, storage baskets, key fobs, pencil cases, writing set, booklets, necklace, scarf belts, tote bag, purse and wallet, and more.
Ideapress Publishing Wonderhell: Why Success Doesn't Feel Like It Should . . . and What to Do About It
AS SEEN ON GOOD MORNING AMERICAHave you ever accomplished something you weren’t so sure you could do? Success has always been the end goal, but when you achieve it ... something infuriatingly predictable happens. You start wondering what more you can do.Instead of success bringing you happiness, it hands you an increased hunger to achieve something even bigger. And with that desire also comes uncertainty, self-doubt, anxiety and stress.Success, in other words, is kinda wonderful ... but it’s also kinda hell. Welcome to Wonderhell.Wonderhell is that space in your psyche where the burden of your newly discovered potential plops down, unpacks its backpack, and asks: Hey, you! Whatcha got for me?Living in an ambitious, results-oriented society, we often mischaracterize the turbulent emotions that surround success, deeming them a “necessary evil”—a byproduct of one’s rise to the top. We tend to think that we just need to survive these difficult moments, to hang on by our fingernails and somehow get through these stressful, unwanted side effects of our success. We torture ourselves with a never-ending internal dialogue: I can handle this. Can I handle this?But we are wrong. Learning to live in this newfound potential can be exciting rather than exhausting. Emotions like fear, anxiety, and heartbreak are not collateral damage, slings and arrows to be absorbed and swallowed down, silenced and pushed aside. Rather, each emotion is a portal that shows us what more we can do, if instead we recognize that on the other side of this wonderful hell that we so badly wanted is another and another and another . . . but only if we choose to accept it.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering 2020: Practice Meets Foundations
This open access book provides an overview of the dissertations of the eleven nominees for the Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering in 2020. The prize, kindly sponsored by the Gerlind & Ernst Denert Stiftung, is awarded for excellent work within the discipline of Software Engineering, which includes methods, tools and procedures for better and efficient development of high quality software. An essential requirement for the nominated work is its applicability and usability in industrial practice.The book contains eleven papers that describe the works by Jonathan Brachthäuser (EPFL Lausanne) entitled What You See Is What You Get: Practical Effect Handlers in Capability-Passing Style, Mojdeh Golagha’s (Fortiss, Munich) thesis How to Effectively Reduce Failure Analysis Time?, Nikolay Harutyunyan’s (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) work on Open Source Software Governance, Dominic Henze’s (TU Munich) research about Dynamically Scalable Fog Architectures, Anne Hess’s (Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern) work on Crossing Disciplinary Borders to Improve Requirements Communication, Istvan Koren’s (RWTH Aachen U) thesis DevOpsUse: A Community-Oriented Methodology for Societal Software Engineering, Yannic Noller’s (NU Singapore) work on Hybrid Differential Software Testing, Dominic Steinhofel’s (TU Darmstadt) thesis entitled Ever Change a Running System: Structured Software Reengineering Using Automatically Proven-Correct Transformation Rules, Peter Wägemann’s (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) work Static Worst-Case Analyses and Their Validation Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems, Michael von Wenckstern’s (RWTH Aachen U) research on Improving the Model-Based Systems Engineering Process, and Franz Zieris’s (FU Berlin) thesis on Understanding How Pair Programming Actually Works in Industry: Mechanisms, Patterns, and Dynamics – which actually won the award. The chapters describe key findings of the respective works, show their relevance and applicability to practice and industrial software engineering projects, and provide additional information and findings that have only been discovered afterwards, e.g. when applying the results in industry. This way, the book is not only interesting to other researchers, but also to industrial software professionals who would like to learn about the application of state-of-the-art methods in their daily work.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Sozialraumorientierte Schulsozialarbeit: Prozess- und Wirkungsevaluation des Modellprojekts ‚Stadtteil in der Schule‘
Der Band dokumentiert die Ergebnisse des Braunschweiger Projekts ‚Stadtteil in der Schule‘. Ziel des Projektes ist es, Teilhabechancen für Kinder in sozialen Brennpunkten zu erhöhen, indem GrundschülerInnen und deren Familien der Zugang zu vorhandenen sozialen und kulturellen Angeboten im Stadtteil bedarfsgerecht ermöglicht wird. Anders als klassische Ansätze der Schulsozialarbeit orientiert es sich nicht an individuellen Problemen. Es ist nicht Einzelfall-, sondern Sozialraumorientiert und hat das Gesamtsystem im Blick, also Schülerinnen und Schüler, Eltern, die schulischen Mitarbeiter, aber auch die Akteure des Gemeinwesens. “Stadtteil in der Schule” versucht Ressourcen der Schule und der Zivilgesellschaft für Kinder zu nutzen und nutzt Techniken der Netzwerkarbeit.
mineditionUS School Is Coming
A touching, helpful story that tackles the school anxieties that so many young children face when starting kindergarten.School is right around the corner, but Martin isn't feeling very excited to begin kindergarten. His little sister, on the other hand, wishes she had a chance to pack a backpack, play ball with all her friends, and have teachers read stories to her. "He's so lucky!" she exclaims. Gently, Martin's mother helps him overcome his anxieties as she prepares him for what school will be like. By the time summer is over, Martin is feeling more confident than ever that school is the right place for a big kid like him.
Princeton University Press Beethoven and His World
Few composers even begin to approach Beethoven's pervasive presence in modern Western culture, from the concert hall to the comic strip. Edited by a cultural historian and a music theorist, Beethoven and His World gathers eminent scholars from several disciplines who collectively speak to the range of Beethoven's importance and of our perennial fascination with him. The contributors address Beethoven's musical works and their cultural contexts. Reinhold Brinkmann explores the post-revolutionary context of Beethoven's "Eroica" Symphony, while Lewis Lockwood establishes a typology of heroism in works like Fidelio. Elaine Sisman, Nicholas Marston, and Glenn Stanley discuss issues of temporality, memory, and voice in works at the threshold of Beethoven's late style, such as An die Ferne Geliebte, the Cello Sonata op. 102, no. 1, and the somewhat later Piano Sonata op. 109. Peering behind the scenes into Beethoven's workshop, Tilman Skowroneck explains how the young Beethoven chose his pianos, and William Kinderman shows Beethoven in the process of sketching and revising his compositions. The volume concludes with four essays engaging the broader question of reception of Beethoven's impact on his world and ours. Christopher Gibbs' study of Beethoven's funeral and its aftermath features documentary material appearing in English for the first time; art historian Alessandra Comini offers an illustrated discussion of Beethoven's ubiquitous and iconic frown; Sanna Pederson takes up the theme of masculinity in critical representations of Beethoven; and Leon Botstein examines the aesthetics and politics of hearing extramusical narratives and plots in Beethoven's music. Bringing together varied and fresh approaches to the West's most celebrated composer, this collection of essays provides music lovers with an enriched understanding of Beethoven--as man, musician, and phenomenon.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Das Alte Testament Deutsch (ATD) - Neubearbeitungen: Kapitel 1-20
Jeremia erlebte so einschneidende Erlebnisse wie die Kultzentralisation Josias, den Niedergang des assyrischen Reiches und den Aufstieg der babylonischen Macht sowie die erste Eroberung und endgÃ"ltige Zerstörung Jerusalems. Sein Leben war ein Zeichen, ein Bild seiner VerkÃ"ndigung. Zum Zeichen kommenden Unheils blieb er ehe- und kinderlos. So bildete er in seiner Gegenwart vorweg ab, was in Zukunft alle erleben sollten: Trauer, Klage, Gericht. Der Auftrag zur VerkÃ"ndigung, dem er sich zunächst heftig widersetzte, bevor er ihn annahm, bestimmte sein ganzes Leben. Jeremia äuÃ
HarperCollins Focus FIRE: The Complete Guide for Home, Hearth, Camping and Wilderness Survival
Master the art of building and maintaining a fire, as well as other essential survival skills, with this definitive fire field guide. Join experienced survivalist Ky Furneaux (featured on Discovery’s Naked and Afraid) and global adventurer Scott Donahue as they take your fire-making skills to the extreme.Whether you’re a seasoned outdoor expert or a fire-starting novice, you’ll master the art of making fires in your home or in the wilderness: find the perfect kindling build, contain, and control your fire safely put it out when the time comes Not only will you be able to build a fire safely, but you will know how to extinguish it properly—and what to do in an emergency situation in the event that something does go wrong. Develop skills that won’t fizzle out when you need them most with clear, easy-to-follow directions and helpful illustrations. Find out how to make fires in your home, in the woods, in the snow, or in the desert with a variety of fire-starting methods, and make sure that you always have the right supplies on hand. Explore how to safely and effectively use tools like axes, splitting mauls, hatchets, pocket knives, saws, and more.And—most importantly—learn how to make the best dang s’mores you’ve ever had.
New York University Press When Boys Become Boys: Development, Relationships, and Masculinity
Based on a two-year study that followed boys from pre-kindergarten through first grade, When Boys Become Boys offers a new way of thinking about boys’ development. Through focusing on a critical moment of transition in boys’ lives, Judy Y. Chu reveals boys’ early ability to be emotionally perceptive, articulate, and responsive in their relationships, and how these “feminine” qualities become less apparent as boys learn to prove that they are boys primarily by showing that they are not girls. Chu finds that behaviors typically viewed as “natural” for boys reflect an adaptation to cultures that require boys to be stoic, competitive, and aggressive if they are to be accepted as “real boys.” Yet even as boys begin to reap the social benefits of aligning with norms of masculine behavior, they pay a psychological and relational price for renouncing parts of their humanity. Chu documents boys’ perceptions of the obstacles they face and the pressures they feel to conform, showing that compliance with rules of masculinity is neither automatic nor inevitable. This accessible and engaging book provides insight into ways in which adults can foster boys’ healthy resistance and help them to access a broader range of options as they seek to connect with others while remaining true to themselves.
Rudolf Steiner Press Strengthening the Will: The 'Review Exercises'
The review exercises bring the experiences of our daily lives to full awareness. By directing our attentive gaze to what has happened - whether in a single day or in whole phases of life - we kindle light in our will. Undertaking such a review backwards, in reverse sequence, or from an 'external perspective', requires a huge inner effort as we establish distance between ourselves and our daily experiences. In this essential handbook the editor has drawn together virtually all Rudolf Steiner's statements on the review exercises, supporting them with commentary and notes. Described from different perspectives and approaches, there are a surprising range of suggestions for carrying them out. Individual chapters focus on reviewing the day (transforming the power of memory); reviewing events in your life (awakening the higher self); reviewing the other's perspective (awakening social impulses); exercises in thinking backwards (illuminating the will); and more.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Oberon Anthology of Contemporary Norwegian Plays
‘If the essence of drama is conflict, the crossing of wills, of culture versus barbarism, the Norwegians have a natural spring to tap into – and it is explosive.’ – Line Rosvoll, Artistic Director of the Norwegian Centre of New Playwriting, from her Introduction. The Oberon Anthology of Contemporary Norwegian Plays brings together a selection of exciting playwrights reflecting the breadth and vitality of Norwegian theatre’s booming new writing scene. Six plays, translated by Neil Howard and published for the first time in English, demonstrate a common willingness to push formal boundaries and to find new ways to tackle the universal experiences of the human condition; grief and loss, violence, manipulation, abuse and despair. Grief Work by Eirik Fauske; Kinder K by Kristofer Grønskag; A Remarkable Person by Pernille Dahl Johnsen; Time Without Books by Lene Therese Teigen; Why Not Before by Liv Heløe; Watching Shadows by Hans Petter Blad
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd About Canada: Childcare
Answering frequently asked questions about Early Childhood Education and Childcare (ECEC) in Canada, this accessible investigation seeks to establish proper standards for childcare programs, kindergartens, and nursery schools, thereby supporting the development of youth and accommodating parents who work or study. Questions covered include Why doesn't Canada have an ECEC system, even though other countries do? What is missing in Canada's ECEC landscape and why? and Is ECEC primarily a public good, a private family responsibility, or an opportunity for profit-making? Identifying this system as a political issue, this argument proposes that Canada requires an integrated system of services, stating that the absence of universal public funding is detrimental to the future of the country's families, women, and children. Additional topics discussed include an analysis of the history of ECEC, politics and policies, and suggested improvements for the future.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Cat Ninja
Beware, villains! Cat Ninja may appear to be nothing more than a silly internet meme. But he is evil's greatest enemy, and the silent master of Kat Fu and carpet scratching! From Epic! Originals, Cat Ninja is a hilarious graphic novel series about a lovable cat with a heroic alter-ego.Raised from a kitten by a kindly old ninja master, Claude now spends his days as the pampered house cat of an eleven-year-old boy. But when trouble arises, Claude dons his mask and springs into action as Cat Ninja—Metro City's secret protector! In Book 1 of the series, follow our feline hero’s early exploits as he tries to keep his secret identity under wraps while thwarting the evil plans of slimy crooks, rampaging robots, and a certain rodent nemesis who lives under the same roof!
Penguin Books Ltd Our Mutual Friend
One of the BBC's '100 Novels That Shaped Our World''The great poet of the city. He was created by London' Peter AckroydOur Mutual Friend centres on an inheritance - Old Harmon's profitable dust heaps - and its legatees: young John Harmon, presumed drowned when a body is pulled out of the Thames, and kindly dustman Mr Boffin, to whom the fortune defaults. With brilliant satire, Dickens portrays a dark, macabre London, inhabited by such disparate characters as Gaffer Hexam, scavenging the river for corpses; enchanting, mercenary Bella Wilfer; the social-climbing Veneerings; and the unscrupulous street-trader Silas Wegg. Dickens's last completed novel is richly symbolic in its vision of death and renewal in a city dominated by the fetid Thames, and of the corrupting power of money.Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Adrian Poole
Springer Verlag, Singapore Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Experiments
This open access book is a pedagogical text on nuclear reactor experiments, covering almost all the experiments that can be carried out at the University Training Reactor, Kindai University (UTR-KINKI) with respect to reactor physics and radiation detection, and additionally including academic materials of test and research reactors, nuclear instrumentation, nuclear laws and regulations, in this main body. The book is an excellent primer for students who are interested in reactor physics, radiation detection, nuclear laws and regulations at universities, and the best textbook for students who have started to study the nuclear energy related fields to understand the basic theories and principles of the experiments in the fields of reactor physics and radiation detection. UTR-KINKI has been used for educational reactor experiments and basic research in a wide range of fields related to the use of radiation (neutrons, gamma-ray, beta-ray, alpha-ray, and X-ray), including reactor physics, radiation detection, radiation health physics, activation analysis, radiation biology, medical applications and archaeology. Also, UTR-KINKI has been actively engaged in nuclear education with its long history of operation, and has gained extensive experience in educational activities for undergraduate and graduate students, elementary, junior high and high school teachers, junior high and high school students, and general audiences.
Rutgers University Press 'The Lamplighter' by Maria Susanna Cummins
The Lamplighter was the first novel by twenty-seven-year-old Maria Susanna Cummins. It propelled her into a prominence that continued until her early death at the age of thirty-nine. A novel of female development, The Lamplighter is a woman's version of the quest story. Its heroine, Gerty, comes on the scene as a child abandoned in the slums of Boston. Rescued by the kindly lamplighter Trueman Flint, she learns to meet life with courage and honesty. The novel touched the hearts, validated the ideals, and assuaged the anxieties of a huge readership, and it remained continuously in print until the 1920s.
Alma Books Ltd The Warden: Annotated Edition (Alma Classics Evergreens)
When the peaceful atmosphere of Barchester is destroyed by a scandal concerning the financial affairs of an almshouse, Septimus Harding, the kindly but unworldly warden who is responsible for the care of the establishment’s twelve elderly residents, finds himself in conflict with his daughter’s suitor, the zealous reformer John Bold, who unwittingly unleashes the full might of the press against his prospective father-in-law. The first in the Chronicles of Barsetshire series, The Warden is both a humorous satire on the Church of England and a poignant insight into the manner in which public matters can affect private lives.
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC The Duke of Death and His Maid Vol. 2
DEATH KINDLY STOPS FOR THEEThe Duke loses a billiards bet with Alice, and his punishment is to take her to a little village festival in costume! His massive padded plague doctor costume will keep people safe from his death touch, but unfortunately, the festival isn’t so little this year. After he panics and finds himself lost, he runs into a child who can’t find his mother. Can he conquer his fear of the crowd long enough to help?
De Gruyter Mit den Ohren sehen: Audioguides und Hörstationen in Museen und Ausstellungen
Audioguides gehören in großen Sonderausstellungen und in Museen von Weltrang zum Standardangebot. Aber auch in kleineren Häusern setzt sich dieses Medium mehr und mehr durch. Der Besucher wird auf anregende Weise unterhalten, während er sich ganz auf die Exponate konzentrieren und seinen Ausstellungsrundgang individuell gestalten kann. Eine eigene Variante stellen die Kinder-Audioguides dar, die nicht nur Kinder erfreuen. Die Beiträge in diesem Buch beschreiben Beispiele dieser – zumal wenn Kinder und Jugendliche sie selbst produzieren – oft sehr phantasievollen Zugänge. Die Publikation schildert die unterschiedlichen Herangehensweisen und Herstellungsprozesse von Audioguides in Museen. Experten aus Forschung, aus Museums- und Medienwelt geben einen umfassenden Überblick über den derzeitigen Stand der Technik und beschreiben konkrete Praxisbeispiel aus unterschiedlichen Museumsarten.
De Gruyter Halsringe: Erkennen. Bestimmen. Beschreiben.
Zu den prachtvollsten Gattungen archäologischer Funde gehören die Halsringe. Sie bestehen aus Bronze, Silber oder Gold, sind aufwendig hergestellt und reich verziert. In der Vorzeit wurden sie von ausgewählten Männern, Frauen und Kindern getragen, repräsentierten Stand und Würde des Trägers und zeichneten ihn innerhalb seiner Gesellschaft aus. In Mitteleuropa gibt es Halsringe seit dem Beginn der Bronzezeit um 2200 v. Chr. Sie kommen bis in die Völkerwanderungszeit um 500 n. Chr. vor, bei den Ostseeanrainern sogar noch bis in das 10. und 11. Jahrhundert. Im vorliegenden Band 7 der Reihe Bestimmungsbuch Archäologie werden die einzelnen typischen Formen vorgestellt, beschrieben und abgebildet. Dazu kommen Angaben zur Datierung und Verbreitung der Formen sowie weiterführende Informationen.
Boom! Studios The Backstagers Vol. 1
When Jory transfers to an all-boys private high school, he’s taken in by the only ones who don’t treat him like a new kid, the lowly stage crew known as the Backstagers. Not only does he gain great, lifetime friends, Jory is also introduced to an entire magical world that lives beyond the curtain. With the unpredictable twists and turns of the underground world, the Backstagers venture into the unknown, determined to put together the best play their high school has ever seen. James Tynion IV (Detective Comics, The Woods) teams up with artist Rian Sygh (Munchkin, Stolen Forest) for an incredibly earnest story that explores what it means to find a place to fit in when you're kinda an outcast.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Serious Fun: How Guided Play Extends Children's Learning
Guided play is a powerful tool educators can use to help preschoolers and kindergartners learn essential knowledge and skills in the context of playful situations. Apply the information, strategies, and ideas in this book to: Provide content-rich, joyful learning experiences Balance child-guided and adult-guided play Set up play environments with learning goals in mind Offer suggestions and questions during play to prompt children’s reflection and deeper learning Young children’s natural curiosity and dynamic imaginations can lead to exciting and meaningful learning opportunities. Discover how to provide guided play experiences along with opportunities for unstructured play to support children’s knowledge in key areas and their lifelong enjoyment and pursuit of learning.
Brookes Publishing Co Understanding RTI in Mathematics: Proven Methods and Applications
What do we know about RTI in math, why does it work, and how should K-12 teachers use it to ensure high-quality instruction and better outcomes? Find out in this definitive research-based text from more than 25 of today's top experts.Response to intervention - it's already improving reading outcomes in classrooms across the country, and this approach can be equally effective for K-12 mathematics instruction. This is the definitive volume on RTI in math: what we know about it, why it works, and how to use it to ensure high-quality math instruction and higher student achievement.Edited by National Math Panel veteran Russell Gersten with contributions by all of the country's leading researchers on RTI and math, this cutting-edge text blends the existing evidence base with practical guidelines for RTI implementation. Current and future RTI coordinators, curriculum developers, math specialists, and department heads will get the best, most up-to-date guidance on key facets of RTI in math: • conducting valid and reliable universal screening in mathematics • using evidence-based practices to provide a strong general education curriculum for effective Tier 1 instruction •• implementing explicit, research-based teaching practices for students who need Tier 2 and 3 instruction •• monitoring students' progress with high-quality tools and measures •• motivating and engaging struggling students receiving Tier 2 and 3 instruction •• teaching students to use an array of visual representations to help them solve math problems •• tailoring RTI for every grade level, from kindergarten through high school •• using RTI to target specific mathematical proficiencies and concepts, such as number sense, word problems, algebra, and ratios and proportionsFilled with vignettes, accessible summaries of the most recent studies, and best-practice guidelines for making the most of RTI, this comprehensive research volume is ideal for use as a textbook or as a key resource to guide decision makers. Readers will have the knowledge base they need to strengthen mathematics instruction with proven RTI practices - and help ensure better math outcomes for students at every grade level.
American Psychological Association Healthy Development in Young Children: Evidence-Based Interventions for Early Education
This book shows experienced educators and mental health practitioners who work with young children (2‑5 years of age) how to implement programs and interventions based on the latest scientific research in day care centers, preschools, special education settings, and kindergartens. Every year brings new research studies that aim to describe early childhood development. Despite this boom in research, there has been little useful translation of these studies into clear recommendations for educators and mental health practitioners.Chapters in this volume offer guidelines on child assessment across five key areas of development—cognitive, language, behavioral and social-emotional functioning, adaptive behavior, and motor skills. Contributors describe interventions to help children meet age‑appropriate expectations regarding cognitive and emotional maturity, and other key developmental tasks including numerical understanding, early literacy programs; and play. Other chapters discuss broad policies and legal issues impacting early education. Special attention is given to interventions for preschoolers with developmental disabilities, and the unique needs of children who are culturally and linguistically diverse. Psychologists, speech‑language pathologists, social workers, and teachers will find a wealth of information in this comprehensive, practical volume.
Allen & Unwin That's Not a Daffodil!
When Tom's neighbour gives him a brown bulb, Tom can't believe it will flower. 'That's not a daffodil!' says Tom. 'Well,' says the old gardener. 'Let's plant it and see.'Elizabeth Honey has created a playful story that little children will enjoy again and again - about an inventive boy, a kindly gardener, a growing friendship and the promise of a bulb.
Rocky Nook How Do I Do That In InDesign
Adobe InDesign is the clear software of choice for designers in desktop publishing and typesetting. With it, designers create professional, eye-catching posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, presentations, books, and ebooks. But because it has so much power and depth, sometimes the things you need are...well...kinda hidden or not reall
Tuttle Publishing Japanese Legends and Folklore: Samurai Tales, Ghost Stories, Legends, Fairy Tales, Myths and Historical Accounts
Japanese Legends and Folklore invites English speakers into the intriguing world of Japanese folktales, ghost stories and historical eyewitness accounts. With a fascinating selection of stories about Japanese culture and history, A.B. Mitford—who lived and worked in Japan as a British diplomat—presents a broad cross section of tales from many Japanese sources. Discover more about practically every aspect of Japanese life—from myths and legends to society and religion. This book features 30 fascinating Japanese stories, including: The Forty-Seven Ronin—the famous, epic tale of a loyal band of Samurai warriors who pay the ultimate price for avenging the honor of their fallen master. The Tongue-Cut Sparrow—a good-hearted old man is richly rewarded when he begs forgiveness from a sparrow who is injured by his spiteful, greedy wife. The Adventures of Little Peach Boy—a tale familiar to generations of Japanese children, a small boy born from a peach is adopted by a kindly childless couple. Japanese Sermons—a selection of sermons written by a priest belonging to the Shingaku sect, which combines Buddhist, Shinto and Confucian teachings. An Account of Hara-Kiri—Mitford's dramatic first person account of a ritual Samurai suicide, the first time it had been reported in English. Thirty-one reproductions of woodblock prints bring the classic tales and essays to life. These influential stories helped shape the West's understanding of Japanese culture. A new foreword by Professor Michael Dylan Foster sheds light on the book's importance as a groundbreaking work of Japanese folklore, literature and history.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reinventing the Postal Sector in an Electronic Age
This compilation of original essays by an international cast of economists, regulators and industry practitioners analyzes some of the major issues now facing postal and delivery services throughout the world as competition from information and communication technologies (ICT) has increased. Competition has become increasingly important in the postal sector for some time in the form of alternative entrants providing mail delivery. However, the competition from ICT in the form of email and instant messaging, the Internet, Facebook and other forms of social networking and portable wireless devices such as the iPad and Kindle may be even more significant. Mail volumes are falling and the economies of scale that have made possible daily deliveries to every address are being eroded. This book assesses volume these declines resulting from this so-called `eSubstituion' and looks at the ways the postal sector can adapt to the rapid changes resulting from ICT. The impact of electronic invoicing on transactions mail, and the impact on bulk mail of electronic forms of advertising are examined. Strategies, including pricing and access policies, are discussed in the context of the increasing impact of ICT. A rethinking of the role of mail in an electronic age is taking place and this book provides the cutting-edge of this rethinking and the attempts of POs to reinvent themselves while continuing to meet the public's expectation of continuing ubiquitous daily deliveries of traditional mail products. Undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in regulation, competition law, innovation and public sector economics along with institutional libraries and industry professionals will find this volume informative and useful.
Tourbillon Pop-Up Topics: Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures
Engaging and fact-filled, Pop-Up Topics: Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures provides an exciting 3-D eye-view of the prehistoric world of animals. Tyrannosaurus, Argentinosaurus, Triceratops, and Quetzalcoatlus are some of the animals that leap off the pages of this pop-up book. - 10 big pop-ups! - Stats and brief, descriptive text for quick and easy learning - Sturdy construction that’s perfect for at-home or on-the-go Pop-Up Topics Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures is an informative guide to children’s favorite ancient animals. - Pop-up books for kids - Educational books for children aged 3 to 5 - Books for preschool and kindergarten children
Penguin USA Im Trying to Love Rocks
The fourth totally awesome, funny, and incredibly informative book in the I''m Trying to Love... book series!Think rocks are boring? Hard to like? Kinda just sit there, doing nothing?Why even write a whole book about them??Bethany Barton will tell you why . . . because we wouldn''t be here if there were no rocks!From the Grand Canyon to volcanos to diamonds and fossils, geology--the study of rocks--shows us where we''ve been and where we''re going. With tons of humor and scores of fascinating facts, Bethany Barton introduces younger readers to geology and why rocks matter . . . enough to write a whole book about them!