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Hodder & Stoughton The Unexpected Power of Mindfulness and Meditation
'Anyone interested in meditation should read this book.' The Dalai Lama'Ed and Deb remind us all just how important it is to look after the health and happiness of the mind. With warmth and humor they show us how to integrate the timeless qualities of awareness and compassion into everyday life.' Andy Puddicombe, founder, HEADSPACEThis book is essential reading for anyone - both newcomers to mindfulness and meditation as well as long-time devotees - wishing to make positive changes in their lives. It teaches you how to reach your quiet inner place where meditation and mindfulness can help resolve issues such as anger and fear, relationship breakdown, forgiveness, parenthood, and a lack of self-esteem. Read wisdom from the Dalai Lama, Jon Kabat-Zinn and Marianne Williamson who discuss their methods of maintaining good mental health and happiness. People everywhere now realise the profound benefits of mindfulness and meditation to reduce deep-rooted stress, calm the mind, become kinder, and find true happiness.
Springer VS Mehrsprachigkeit und Akteurinnenschaft
Einleitung.- Forschungsstand zu Kindern als Akteur:innen der Mehrsprachigkeit.- Sprachliche Ordnungen, Praktiken und Agency.- Die ethnographische Studie.- Feldzugang und Feldbeschreibung.- Praktiken der Mehrsprachigkeit und mehrsprachige Akteur:innenschaft.- Diskussion.- Fazit und Ausblick.- Literatur.
Cornell University Press Faith Made Flesh: The Black Child Legacy Campaign for Transformative Justice and Healthy Futures
Faith Made Flesh brings together the experience, insight, and stories of those actively addressing societal and educational disadvantages of Black children in Sacramento, California. Editors Lawrence "Torry" Winn, Vajra M. Watson, Maisha T. Winn, and Kindra F. Montgomery-Block seek to offer viable solutions to racial injustice by centering the voices of organizers, policymakers, educators, scholars, and young people alike. Focused on the Black Child Legacy Campaign (BCLC), a ten-year community-driven initiative to respond to disproportionate health outcomes, the contributors analyze the impact of the BCLC's successes, providing an empirically rich narrative of its transformative alliances and radical actions. Through timely and urgent case studies and personal reflections, Faith Made Flesh advances the need to address societal challenges through creative engagement with diverse institutional and individual stakeholders. The findings offer an innovative model to other regions aiming to cultivate thriving community-city-school partnerships that center the well-being of Black children and Black futures.
Random House USA Inc Elmo's Alphabet Fun (Sesame Street)
It's Alphabet Day at school, and Elmo is ready to learn his letters! This paperback picture book includes Sesame Street stickers for each letter of the alphabet!Elmo, Abby, Julia, and other Sesame Street friends are extra excited for school because today is Alphabet Day. Their preschool teacher has them singing the ABC song, decorating letters, and playing a fun alphabet game! Young children will love learning their letters with Elmo.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world. Sesame Street is the most trusted name in early learning.
Cannibal/Hannibal Publishers Cobra: A Pictorial and Poetic Revolution
With French as its working language, Cobra was pretty much the last truly European movement within Modernism. The group’s anarchic story is not just an important strand in art history — it remains as lively as ever and has inspired all sorts of artists who were never directly involved with Cobra. The work bequeathed to us by Karel Appel, Pierre Alechinsky, Constant, Corneille and other kindred spirits is as fascinating as ever, both raw and confronting, poetic and moving. It is with the same spirit of artistic joyfulness and freedom that this book showcases the masterpieces of Cobra art belonging to The Phoebus Foundation. With text contributions by Paul Huvenne, Johan Pas, Hilde de Bruijn, Laura Stamps, Piet Thomas, Piet Boyens and Naomi Meulemans. The preface was written by Karine Huts-Van den Heuvel.
Johns Hopkins University Press Milton's Latin Poems
In this collection, esteemed poet and translator David R. Slavitt brings to life John Milton's Latin poetry with deft, imaginative modern English translations. While Milton is recognized as one of the most learned English poets in history, his Latin poetry is less well known. Slavitt's careful rendering brings Milton's Latin poems-many written in his late teens-into the present. He keeps true to the style of the originals, showing Milton's maturing poetic voice and the freedom he found working in Latin. On the Gunpowder PlotO, sly Guy Fawkes, you plotted against your king and the British lords, but did you intend to be kindand make up for your malice in this thing with at least a show of piety? Do we findan intention, perhaps, of sending the members of court up to the sky in a chariot made of firethe way Elijah traveled. Or do I distort the simple wickedness of your desire? Featuring an introduction by Gordon Teskey, this comprehensive English-language collection of Milton's Latin poems pays due respect to a master. Poetry lovers, Milton fans, and scholars of either will welcome, enjoy, and learn from this work.
The University of Chicago Press The Story of Sapho
Ridiculed for her Saturday salon, her long romance novels, and her protofeminist ideas, Madeleine de Scudery (1607-1701) has not been treated kindly by the literary establishment. Yet her multivolume novels were popular best-sellers in her time, translated almost immediately into English, German, Italian, Spanish and even Arabic. "The Story of Sapho" makes available for the first time in modern English a self-contained section from Scudery's novel "Artamene ou le Grand Cyrus", best known today as the favoured reading material of the would-be "salonnieres" that Moliere satirized in "Les precieuses ridicules". The "Story" tells of Sapho, a woman writer modeled on the Greek Sappho, who deems marriage slavery. Interspersed in the love story of Sapho and Phaon are a series of conversations, like those that took place in Scudery's own salon, in which Sapho and her circle discuss the nature of love, the education of women, writing and right conduct. This edition also includes a translation of an oration, or "harangue" of Scudery's in which Sapho extols the talents and abilities of women in order to persuade them to write.
Holiday House I See a Rat
Dog’s nap is interrupted by an unexpected new friend! From two-time Theodor Seuss Geisel Honoree Paul Meisel, this Level C story is perfect for kindergarteners to read on their own.What is that?It is fast.It is gone.Dog is woken up from a nap by a surprising new visitor–Rat! But Dog soon realizes that Rat is more like him than he thought. They both love to play! Easy-to-read text and fun pictures follow Dog and Rat becoming fast friends. Perfect for kindergarteners and first graders to read on their own.A companion to his 2018 Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor Book, I See a Cat, Paul Mesiel brings young readers a new adventure with beloved Dog and a new pet friend.This book has been officially leveled by using the F & P Text Level Gradient(TM) Leveling System.For readers who have mastered basic sight words, Level C books feature slightly longer sentences and a wider range of high-frequency wo
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Augen-Sprechstunde
Etwa 29 Millionen Menschen werden in Deutschland pro Jahr in Augenarztpraxen und Augenkliniken behandelt, 44 Millionen gleichen ihre Fehlsichtigkeit mit Brille oder Kontaktlinsen aus. Grüner Star (Glaukom), Altersbezogene Makula-Degeneration (AMD) und durch Diabetes hervorgerufene Netzhautschäden gehören zu den häufigsten Ursachen für starke Sehminderung und Blindheit. Für die Erhaltung des Sehvermögens ist die Früherkennung entscheidend. Denn es gilt: Je eher eine Erkrankung festgestellt wird, desto früher kann man mit einer notwendigen Behandlung beginnen - und umso besser ist der Krankheitsverlauf. Durch welche Beschwerden machen sich die häufigsten Augenerkrankungen bemerkbar? Welche Ursachen stecken dahinter? Welche Behandlungsmöglichkeiten gibt es? Wie kann man der Entstehung von Augenkrankheiten vorbeugen, und welche Vorsorgeuntersuchungen (IGeL) sind sinnvoll? Gegliedert nach den Symptomen soll der Ratgeber als Entscheidungshilfe für richtiges Handeln dienen. Er hilft Symptome richtig einzuordnen, informiert den Leser über mögliche Erkrankungen und ermöglicht ihm so die Einschätzung, wie dringend eine augenärztliche Untersuchung erfolgen muss. Dabei wird nicht zur Selbstbehandlung angehalten. Der Ratgeber soll aber Ängste nehmen. Das Buch geht auf Besonderheiten bei Kindern, Erwachsenen und älteren Menschen ein. Die wichtigsten Vorsorgemaßnahmen und zusätzliche Informationen (z.B. „Wie gebe ich Augentropfen richtig?“) runden zusammen mit vielen Farbabbildungen das Buch ab.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Hybridization of Food Governance: Trends, Types and Results
Modern food governance is increasingly hybrid, involving not only government, but also industry and civil society actors. This book deftly analyzes the unfolding interplay between public and private actors in global and local food governance. Split into three parts, chapters focus on the legitimacy and integrity of private food governance, the hybridization of EU Food Law and hybridization in transnational food governance. Within these key areas, food scholars from diverse disciplinary fields present a fascinating array of original empirical case studies, showing hybrid governance arrangements in China, Europe and North America. Through these practical examples, they consider in detail how the responsibilities and risks inherent in these arrangements are allocated, how their legitimacy is ensured and the effect that they have on industry and government practice. Timely and discerning, this book will appeal to legal students and scholars focusing on regulation and governance and, in particular, those considering its relation to food. It will also provide guidance to policymakers on how to shape and direct the trends, types and outcomes of hybrid food governance.Contributors include: D. Casey, E. Fagotto, M. Faure, A. Fearne, M. Garcia, T. Havinga, M. Hussein, A. Kalfagianni, K. Kindji, K. Kirezieva, K. Kottenstede, P. Luning, T.D. Lytton, L.K. McAllister, T.A. Roche, E. Thomann, B.M.J. van der Meulen, P. Verbruggen
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Bach to Brahms: Essays on Musical Design and Structure
Presents current analytic views by established scholars of the traditional tonal repertoire, with essays on works by Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, and Brahms. Bach to Brahms presents current analytic views on the traditional tonal repertoire, with essays on works by Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, and Brahms. The fifteen essays, written by well-established scholars of this repertoire, are divided into three groups, two of which focus primarily on elements of musical design (formal, metric, and tonal organization) and voice leading at multiple levels of structure. The third groupof essays focuses on musical motives from different perspectives. The result is a volume of integrated studies on the music of the common-practice period, a body of music that remains at the core of modern concert and classroom repertoire. Contributors: Eytan Agmon, David Beach, Charles Burkhart, L. Poundie Burstein, Yosef Goldenberg, Timothy L. Jackson, William Kinderman, Joel Lester, Boyd Pomeroy, John Rink, Frank Samarotto, Lauri Suurpää, Naphtali Wagner, Eric Wen, Channan Willner. David Beach is professor emeritus and former dean of the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto. Yosef Goldenberg teaches at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, where he also serves as head librarian.
Penguin Books Ltd Exile and the Kingdom: Stories
The stories of Exile and the Kingdom explore the dilemma of being an outsider - even in one's own country - and of allegiance. With intense power and lyricism, Camus evokes beautiful but harsh landscapes, whether the shimmering deserts of his native Algeria or the wild, mysterious jungles of Brazil.Here a Frenchwoman is gradually seduced by the sheer difference of North Africa, a mutilated renegade is driven mad by the cruelty of his own people, and a barrel-maker watches the slow decline of his craft. A kindly teacher must choose between the law and a life, while a modest painter is out of his depth in the hypocrisy of the art world, and a French engineer discovers a new sense of belonging in a distant land.French novelist, essayist, and playwright. Albert Camus (1913-1960) was a representative of non-metropolitan French literature. His origin in Algeria and his experiences there in the thirties were dominating influences in his thought and work.Carol Cosman is the translator of many works from French, both literary and scholarly. Among the books she has translated are Jean-Paul Sartre's "The Family Idiot: Gustave Flaubert, 1821-1857," Honoré de Balzac's "Colonel Chabert," Simone de Beauvoir's "America Day by Day," and most recently René Daumal's "Mount Analogue".
Random House USA Inc Elmo Loves His Teachers! (Sesame Street)
A sweet book with Teacher Appreciation cards to press out and share—from Sesame Street's Elmo and you!Show your teachers that you love them—just like Elmo! Elmo loves his preschool teacher, his art teacher, his soccer coach, and all the other teachers in his life. This illustrated paperback book features Elmo and his Sesame Street friends showing their appreciation for their teachers. Plus there are press-out cards included for kids to fill out and give to their teachers and coaches on Teacher Appreciation Day, or any day!Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Theologische Schlüsselbegriffe: Subjektorientiert - biblisch - systematisch - didaktisch
Eine Einführung in theologische Kernthemen: elementar - fachlich fundiert - didaktisch erschlossen.Verfasst von den führenden evangelischen Religionspädagoginnen und Religionspädagogen des deutschen Sprachraums.Theologische Schlüsselbegriffe bilden den Inhalt des ersten, komplett neu erarbeiteten Bandes der bewährten Reihe'Theologie für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer'. Die Autorinnen und Autoren erschließen anhand von 40 ausgewählten Begriffen zentrale Themenbereiche christlicher Theologie. Jeder Begriff wird in dreifacher Weise entfaltet: aus subjektorientierter, fachwissenschaftlicher und didaktischer Perspektive. Hier finden Studierende wie Lehrende praxisbezogene Anregungen für einen theologisch fundierten und an Kindern sowie Jugendlichen orientierten Religionsunterricht.Die Artikel sind alphabetisch angeordnet. Sie ermöglichen eine klare Übersicht sowie eine elementare und verständliche Grundorientierung. Themen im Einzelnen sind u. a.: Abendmahl, Bibel, Evangelium, Gebet, Identität/Person/Selbst, Jesus Christus, Kirche/Gemeinde, Mensch, Reich Gottes/Gottesherrschaft, Tod/Sterben, Wunder, Zukunft/Zeit.
Skyhorse Publishing The Peanut Allergy Epidemic: What's Causing It and How to Stop It
Essential Reading for Every ParentIn the early 1990s, tens of thousands of children with severe peanut and food allergies arrived for kindergarten at schools in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States.The phenomenon of a life-threatening allergy in kids in only these countries occurred simultaneously, without warning, and it quickly intensified. The number of peanut allergic children in the United States alone went from virtually none to about two million in just twenty years. As these children have aged, the combined number of American adults and children allergic to peanuts has grown to a total of four million.How and why has this epidemic occurred? In The Peanut Allergy Epidemic, Heather Fraser explains:Precisely when the peanut allergy epidemic beganHow a child-specific allergy epidemic happened before, at the close of the nineteenth centuryThat in the early twentieth century doctors including the 1913 Nobel Prize in medicine winner identified vaccination as the cause of the first pediatric allergy epidemic impacting 50 percent of childrenThat more than one hundred years of medical literature describes how vaccination creates allergy to what is in the shot, air, or body at the time of injectionHow changes in US vaccination legislation sparked the allergy epidemic in childrenFraser also highlights alternative medicines and explores issues of vaccine safety and other food allergies, making this fully updated second edition a must-read for every parent, teacher, and health professional.
Exile Editions Luke Baldwin's Vow
A story of a boy and his dog and their adventures, which will appeal to the many children who are dog lovers. It is also a sensitive story of love and loss, and of making a new life for oneself. Although it was first published seventy years ago, only a few details (such as clothing) really indicate that it is not a contemporary story. Luke is not yet 12 when his father dies of a heart attack, leaving him an orphan. Small for his age and something of a loner, he moves from the city to the country to live with his aunt and uncle. He is naturally homesick and grieving the loss of his father. His well-meaning and kindly aunt and uncle do their best for him; but his only real friend and comfort becomes Dan, the farm's elderly, one-eyed collie. Practical Uncle Henry considers Dan useless now that he is too old to be a watch-dog and decides that Dan should be "put down." Luke, whose sense of dignity and loyalty transcend the practical, frantically tries to save Dan's life, providing for heart-racing suspense as he makes his stand against the expedient world of adults.
Workman Publishing Remodelista: The Organized Home: Simple, Stylish Storage Ideas for All Over the House
Buy fewer (and better) things. Store like with like. Get rid of the plastic. Display—don’t stash—your belongings. Let go of your inner perfectionist and remember that rooms are for living. These are a few of the central principles behind Remodelista: The Organized Home, the new book from the team behind the inspirational design site Whether you’re a minimalist or someone who takes pleasure in her collections, we all yearn for an unencumbered life in a home that makes us happy. This compact tome shows us how, with more than 100 simple and stylish tips, each clearly presented and accompanied by full-color photographs that are sure to inspire. Readers will learn strategies for conquering their homes’ problem zones (from the medicine cabinet to the bedroom closet) and organizing tricks and tools that can be deployed in every room (embrace trays; hunt for unused spaces overhead; decant everything). Interviews with experts, ranging from kindergarten teachers to hoteliers, offer even more ingenious ideas to steal. It all adds up to the ultimate home organizing manual.
Workman Publishing Do Unto Animals: A Friendly Guide to How Animals Live, and How We Can Make Their Lives Better
#1 New York Times bestseller and USA Today bestseller The more we know about the animals in our world and the better we care for them, the better our lives will be. Former veterinary technician and animal advocate Tracey Stewart understands this better than most—and she’s on a mission to change how we interact with animals. Through hundreds of charming illustrations, a few homemade projects, and her humorous, knowledgeable voice, Stewart provides insight into the secret lives of animals and the kindest ways to live with and alongside them. At home, she shows readers how to speak “dog-ese” and “cat-ese” and how to “virtually adopt” an animal. In the backyard, we learn about building bee houses, dealing nicely with pesky moles, and creative ways to bird-watch. And on the farm, Stewart teaches us what we can do to help all farm animals lead a better life (and reveals pigs’ superpowers!). Part practical guide, part memoir of her life with animals, and part testament to the power of giving back, Do Unto Animals is a gift for animal lovers of all stripes.
Harvard University Press The Latino Education Crisis: The Consequences of Failed Social Policies
Will the United States have an educational caste system in 2030? Drawing on both extensive demographic data and compelling case studies, this powerful book reveals the depths of the educational crisis looming for Latino students, the nation’s largest and most rapidly growing minority group. Richly informative and accessibly written, The Latino Education Crisis describes the cumulative disadvantages faced by too many children in the complex American school systems, where one in five students is Latino. Many live in poor and dangerous neighborhoods, attend impoverished and underachieving schools, and are raised by parents who speak little English and are the least educated of any ethnic group. The effects for the families, the community, and the nation are sobering. Latino children are behind on academic measures by the time they enter kindergarten. And while immigrant drive propels some to success, most never catch up. Many drop out of high school and those who do go on to college—often ill prepared and overworked—seldom finish. Revealing and disturbing, The Latino Education Crisis is a call to action and will be essential reading for everyone involved in planning the future of American schools.
Tourbillon The Ultimate Book of Water
Discover the fascinating world of water! From a tiny drop to an enormous ocean, one of Earth's most important natural resources flows over land and underground, forms icebergs, and is even found in the air. This interactive book provides a comprehensive overview, exploring where water comes from and how it provides for all living things, and more! Readers can find out about the water cycle, dive into the ocean with marine animals, trace how water gets from a lake to our homes and explore ways in which water energy is used in our daily lives. • Supersized spreads feature detailed illustrations that just beg to be pored over again and again • More than 60 interactive flaps, tabs, pop-ups and more for hands-on learning • Educational content reviewed by an expert Fans of The Ultimate Book of Water will also enjoy other books in the Ultimate Book(TM) series, including Airplanes and Airports, Animals, Cities, Horses, Planet Earth, Space, Vehicles, and the Construction Site Book . • Great family and classroom read-aloud book • Nonfiction books for kids • Educational books for kindergarten and early elementary school students
Pan Macmillan Monkey Puzzle
"I've lost my mum!"Where is Monkey's mummy? It's not too much fun being lost in the jungle, and little monkey wants his mum. A kindly butterfly is keen to help, but they don't seem to be having much luck but they don't seem to be having much luck and keep finding the wrong animals! But eventually, they find . . . Dad! It's just as well that he knows exactly where mum is, and she's waiting with a well-deserved cuddle.Monkey Puzzle is a clever, funny and charming tale from the unparalleled picture book partnership of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, creators of The Gruffalo. This handy board book format is perfect for younger readers. It features the classic story with a stunning redesigned cover and beautiful finish, making it a must-have for even the smallest Donaldson and Scheffler fans! Also available in board book format and with striking redesigned covers are: The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo's Child, Room on the Broom, The Snail and the Whale, The Smartest Giant in Town, Charlie Cook's Favourite Book, and A Squash and a Squeeze.
Harvard University Press Moralia, XV: Fragments
Eclectic essays on ethics, education, and much else besides.Plutarch (Plutarchus), ca. AD 45–120, was born at Chaeronea in Boeotia in central Greece, studied philosophy at Athens, and, after coming to Rome as a teacher in philosophy, was given consular rank by the emperor Trajan and a procuratorship in Greece by Hadrian. He was married and the father of one daughter and four sons. He appears as a man of kindly character and independent thought, studious and learned. Plutarch wrote on many subjects. Most popular have always been the forty-six Parallel Lives, biographies planned to be ethical examples in pairs (in each pair, one Greek figure and one similar Roman), though the last four lives are single. All are invaluable sources of our knowledge of the lives and characters of Greek and Roman statesmen, soldiers and orators. Plutarch’s many other varied extant works, about sixty in number, are known as Moralia or Moral Essays. They are of high literary value, besides being of great use to people interested in philosophy, ethics, and religion. The Loeb Classical Library edition of the Moralia is in fifteen volumes, volume XIII having two parts. Volume XVI is a comprehensive Index.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Matilda (Theatre Tie-in)
Matilda is a brilliant and sensitive child, but her parents think of her only as a nuisance. Even before she is five years old, she has read Dickens and Hemingway and still her parents think of her as a pest. So she decides to get back at them. Her platinum-haired mother and car salesman father are no match for her sharp genius, and neither is the cruel headmistress Miss Trunchbull. And then the child prodigy discovers she has an extraordinary psychic power that can save her school and especially the lovely kindergarten teacher, Miss Honey.With a musical tie-in cover. The RSC have produced a dark and delightful adaptation of Roald Dahl's tale of a child genius, and her monstrous headmistressRoald Dahl, the best-loved of children's writers, was born in Wales of Norwegian parents. His books continue to be bestsellers, despite his death in 1990, and worldwide sales are over 100 million! Quentin Blake is one of the best-known and best-loved children's illustrators and it's impossible now to think of Roald Dahl's writings without imagining Quentin Blake's illustrations.
Allen & Unwin The Glow
Megan is obsessed with drawing fantastical creatures and she shares them with her best friend Li who writes stories to go with the pictures. They are kindred spirits with big creative dreams.One day everyone in town - except Megan and Li - is immobilised by a strange glow coming from their phones. Megan and Li are initially frightened and alarmed, but when they realise they are somehow immune, they set out to seek help.Soon a battle unfolds, a thrilling battle that pits all of their creative energies against the terrible monster that has ensnared everyone else around them.A wonderfully spooky novel from one of Australia's finest writers, and beautifully illustrated by Marc McBride.'McBride's illustrations take centre stage in this story, no doubt captivating those who love to draw and even those who don't. Not one for those who scare easily, The Glow keeps the reader guessing the resolution of the all-encompassing and menacing glow until the very end ... this new middle-grade novel is imagination at its best.' Books & Publishing
Workman Publishing Brain Quest Workbook: Pre-K (Revised Edition)
The ultimate kindergarten workbook, with hundreds of curriculum-based activities, exercises, and games in every subject. Updated with a new technology section, progress map with new stickers, and more! From Brain Quest, America's #1 educational bestseller. Loved by kids, teacher approved, and trusted by parents, Brain Quest Pre-Kindergarten Workbook reviews and reinforces what children are learning in the classroom in an instantly engaging, entertaining way. Each page is jam packed with fun activities, practice exercises, and games covering ABCs, 123s, writing letters and numbers, shapes and colours, vocabulary, phonics, science, and much more.What's New? ·Technology section Introduces children to the basics of computers, computer science, and logic ·Expanded social and emotional learning Explores feelings, interactions with peers and what it means to be part of a community ·Updated content Activities and illustrations are revised to reflect the diversity of children, their families, and experiences ·Support for parents and children Section openers preview upcoming content and provide directions and suggestions to help make learning stick ·A fun progress sticker map with stickers ·Helps children celebrate their accomplishments as they complete each section of the workbookComes with:·A completion certificate ·Mini Smart Card question-and-answer deckAligned with national and state standards and reviewed by award-winning teachers, this workbook appeals to children's natural curiosity, with interactive layouts and easy-to-follow explanations that take the intimidation out of learning. Plus, it's written to help support parents with explanations of key concepts for homework help!
HarperCollins Focus Two Old Broads: Stuff You Need to Know That You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know
Written by renowned surgeon and expert on the art of aging, Dr. M.E. Hecht, with her friend Whoopi Goldberg lending her unique point of view, Two Old Broads is laugh out loud funny and?tells it like it is for all of us who left middle age in the dust and want to be present, positive, and as extraordinary as ever in our golden years.Whoopi joins Dr. Hecht in a lively conversation about growing older with no apologies. Dr. Hecht, who passed away a few short months prior to publication, shares her 93 years of wisdom with Whoopi and their fellow “broads.” Together, these two kindred spirits will help you: stay active physically and mentally make finalizing your will more rewarding than it sounds navigate tricky subjects, such as whether you need a home aide win friends and influence people or take a nap, depending on the day discover joy in relationships even when your excretions outweigh your secretions get up financially, physically, and emotionally after a fall keep a sense of humor about getting older (of course!) Imminently practical and?rooted firmly in the adage that getting older is not for sissies, Two Old Broads is the aging book for the ages. You've survived the past; why not embrace the present and prepare for the future so you thrive and find more time to laugh along the way?
Springer Die Wutbanane
Dieses Kinderbuch erzählt anschaulich, wie die kleine Ida der Banane, dem Apfel, der Birne und dem anderem Obst im Obstsalat erklärt, wie sie ihre Interessen durchsetzen können. Durch diese Geschichte, die durch zahlreiche Illustrationen veranschaulicht wird, lernen Grundschülerinnen und Grundschüler, welche verschiedenen Regierungsformen es gibt, wie Mitbestimmung durch Wahlen funktioniert und wie Demokratie als Instrument der Interessenvertretung des Volkes wirken kann.
Tourbillon The Ultimate Book of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures
Discover the fantastic world of dinosaurs! The giants of the prehistoric era come alive in this highly interactive book, which includes flaps, pop-ups, wheels, and pull tabs to introduce the different types of dinosaurs and other creatures that lived millions of years ago. This comprehensive overview provides readers with informative and engaging text about how and where they lived, what happened to them, and much more! • Supersized spreads feature detailed illustrations that just beg to be pored over again and again • More than 50 interactive flaps, tabs, pop-ups and more for hands-on learning • Educational content reviewed by experts Fans of The Ultimate Book of Dinosaurs will also enjoy other books in the Ultimate BookTM series, including Airplanes and Airports, Animals, Cities, Horses, Planet Earth, Space, Vehicles, Water, and the Construction Site Book. • Great family and classroom read-aloud book • Nonfiction books for kids • Educational books for kindergarten and early elementary school students
Pajama Press Best Pirate
Scolded for being "clumsy and kindly" instead of "crafty and greedy," young pirate Augusta becomes determined to brave a scary treasure hunt alone. When she and a member of a rival crew both get in trouble, they disobey orders to work together and share the booty. Augusta Garrick has proven that her helpful and gentle-hearted ways don't make her a bad pirate. In fact, she is even a good pirate. But when her clumsiness destroys a treasure map and injures First Mate Scully, she knows she must learn to be even better. Eager to make things right, Augusta sets out alone for Crossbones Island. She may not have a map, but she is nimble and fearless! At least, she is trying to be fearless. But there are strange shadows on Crossbones Island, and the Tuna Lubbers' crew of fierce pirate cats is after the treasure, too. When she finds herself in a dangerous situation with one of the Tuna Lubbers, will Augusta manage to be the better pirate? From the award-winning creators of Bad Pirate and Good Pirate comes Augusta Garrick's third piratical-jargon-packed adventure.
Springer International Publishing AG Die Erziehung der Vernünftigen: Politischer Liberalismus und öffentliche Bildung
Dieses Buch bietet die erste ausgearbeitete Darstellung politisch-liberaler Bildung und verbindet eine gründliche Analyse der theoretischen Grundlagen mit anwendungsorientierten Ansätzen für zeitgenössische pädagogische Herausforderungen. Neben einer eingehenden Auseinandersetzung mit den Unzulänglichkeiten der Rawls'schen Theorie und der Erörterung einiger zentraler Einwände gegen neutralitätsbasierte Beschränkungen in der Bildung bietet der Band eine aufschlussreiche Diskussion von Themen wie gleichgeschlechtliche Beziehungen in der Sexualerziehung, die Stellung von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund und das Recht religiöser Eltern, die Erziehung ihrer Kinder zu bestimmen. Das Buch skizziert ein politisch-liberales Bildungsverständnis, das einen nützlichen Beitrag zu den aktuellen Debatten über Liberalismus und Bildung leistet, wie er in der bisherigen Literatur zum politischen Liberalismus nicht zu finden ist. Es ist von Interesse für alle, die an der Schnittstelle von politischer Philosophie und Bildungsphilosophie arbeiten, sowie für Wissenschaftler, die ein breiteres Interesse daran haben, wie der Liberalismus auf die Herausforderungen des Wertepluralismus reagieren kann.
Tourbillon Ultimate Spotlight: Caring for Earth
A kid-friendly primer on caring for the Earth and living in harmony with nature. Inspired by the natural world, Ultimate Spotlight: Caring for Earth shows children how creating an environment that resembles the way plants and animals interact in the wild benefits everyone. Turn a page to reveal a pop-up of a multi-layered orchard, lift a flap to see how compost is made, and rotate a wheel to observe a tree’s transformation as the seasons change. • Flaps! Pull-tabs! Pop-ups! Lots of interactive and moveable parts • Detailed illustrations that beg to be pored over again and again • Educational content reviewed by experts Fans of Ultimate SpotlightTM Permaculture will also enjoy the interactive learning of other books in the Ultimate SpotlightTM series, including Extraordinary Animals, Volcanoes, Polar Animals, Rain Forest Animals, Savanna Animals, Dinosaurs, Firefighters, Trains, and Astronauts. • Great family and classroom read-aloud book • Books for 5 and up • Books for kindergarten and early elementary school students
University of Illinois Press Studying Appalachian Studies: Making the Path by Walking
In this collection, contributors reflect on scholarly, artistic, activist, educational, and practical endeavor known as Appalachian Studies. Following an introduction to the field, the writers discuss how Appalachian Studies illustrates the ways interdisciplinary studies emerge, organize, and institutionalize themselves, and how they engage with intellectual, political, and economic forces both locally and around the world. Essayists argue for Appalachian Studies' integration with kindred fields like African American studies, women's studies, and Southern studies, and they urge those involved in the field to globalize the perspective of Appalachian Studies; to commit to continued applied, participatory action, and community-based research; to embrace more fully the field's capacity for bringing about social justice; to advocate for a more accurate understanding of Appalachia and its people; and to understand and overcome the obstacles interdisciplinary studies face in the social and institutional construction of knowledge. Contributors: Chris Baker, Chad Berry, Donald Edward Davis, Amanda Fickey, Chris Green, Erica Abrams Locklear, Phillip J. Obermiller, Douglas Reichert Powell, Michael Samers, Shaunna L. Scott, and Barbara Ellen Smith.
The Creative Company Easter PB UK
A kindergarten-level introduction to Easter, covering the holiday's history, popular traditions, and such defining symbols as baby animals and eggs.
Waldorf Early Childhood Association North America Giving Love, Bringing Joy: Hand Gesture Games and Lullabies in the Mood of the Fifth, for Children Between Birth and Nine
This is a book of gentle, loving games and songs that incorporate the healing, enlivening qualities of gesture, touch, and movement.It will be an invaluable resource for parents, kindergarten and nursery teachers, homeschoolers, or anyone with an interest in keeping in touch with the kingdom of childhood. These games and lullabies are imbued with the idea that loving contact with children helps them to establish a careful, nurturing relation with plants, animals, people and things in their surroundings, and movement leads them to a keen awareness of their important place in all of it.A companion CD, also called Giving Love, Bringing Joy, is available (sold separately).
Workman Publishing Brain Quest Math Workbook PreKindergarten
Written and vetted by educators and aligned with math standards, discover the ultimate Pre-Kindergarten math workbook from America's #1 educational bestseller. It’s fun to be smart! From the brand that’s loved by kids, teacher approved, and parent trusted, Brain Quest Workbook: Pre-Kindergarten Math is packed with hands-on activities that introduce and reinforce essential math concepts that prepare children for kindergarten and beyond. The workbook includes kid-friendly explanations and targeted support throughout, plus an illustrated glossary and additional resources in the back. Concepts featured Counting & Comparing Sorting & Matching Shapes & Patterns Order & Position Comes with Stickers Progress map Completion certificate Mini Smart Card question-and-answer deck
American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics Launching into Commercial Space: Innovations in Space Travel
Previously available in Kindle format only, Launching Into Commercial Space chronicles the dawn of a fast-moving commercial space age in which initiative from the private sector is launching innovation into tomorrow. With the door closed on the Space Shuttle-era, the revolutionary commercial ""Space Billionaires"" of the 21st century are opening a new door. This is the story of the pioneers and private companies around the globe currently developing new spacecraft, planning futuristic spaceports, and seeking to offer a range of ""space travel"" services for all. Features the history, accomplishments, and future endeavors of: Paul Allen, Stratolaunch Systems, Jeff Bezos, Blue Origin, Robert Bigelow, Bigelow Aerospace, Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Galactic, John Carmack, Armadillo Aerospace, Elon Musk, Space X. Focuses on the companies expanding their commercial space activities, including: Alliant ATK, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Orbital Sciences Corporation, Sierra Nevada Corporation, Space X, Stratolauncher, Virgin Galactic.
Mirror Books The Journey: the boy who lost everything... and the horses who saved him
Abdul is just 7 years old when his parents are killed before his eyes.As a brutal war sweeps Sudan, Abdul and his 3-year-old brother are forced to flee.Their gruelling journey across the Sahara to a refugee camp in Chad is fraught with danger, and every day is a struggle against hunger and disease.Until one day Abdul is offered a chance to escape. A chance that could save him, but will force him to make the most heartbreaking decision of his life.Abdul's death-defying flight leaves deep scars. But his affinity with animals provides a lifeline, when he is offered the chance to work with elite racehorses. Including one owned by the Queen.____________________________________________________'What Abdul has gone through is simply unimaginable. But his story shows the incredible power of sport to bring people together and help them to heal, even after the most appalling suffering.' CLARE BALDING'A lesson to us all in courage and hope' LORD DUBS, who escaped Nazi Germany on the Kindertransport in 1939
DC Comics The Mystery of the Meanest Teacher
After angering a number of hostile spirits in England, 13-year-old magician Johnny Constantine has to find a way out of the country. Persuading his parents to send him to America, John arrives at the Junior Success Boarding School in Salem, Massachusetts. But once there, he finds himself to be something of an outcast. And he is also convinced that his homeroom teacher really has it in for him. Worse, he s convinced that s she s really a witch. Fortunately, John is able to find one kindred spirit at school with whom he s able to form an alliance another misfit named Anna, who also happens to have her own developing magical powers. John recruits Anna in his efforts to uncover the truth about Ms. Kayla and expose the Meanest Teacher s real identity to the world. Joined by a friendly demon named Etrigan, these two amateur sleuths will uncover clues and stumble upon forces beyond their control in a humorous series of misadventures.
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Solitude of Prime Numbers
A prime number is inherently a solitary thing: it can only be divided by itself, or by one; it never truly fits with another. Alice and Mattia also move on their own axes, alone with their personal tragedies. As a child Alice's overbearing father drove her first to a terrible skiing accident, and then to anorexia. When she meets Mattia she recognises a kindred spirit, and Mattia reveals to Alice his terrible secret: that as a boy he abandoned his mentally-disabled twin sister in a park to go to a party, and when he returned, she was nowhere to be found.These two irreversible episodes mark Alice and Mattia's lives for ever, and as they grow into adulthood their destinies seem irrevocably intertwined. But then a chance sighting of a woman who could be Mattia's sister forces a lifetime of secret emotion to the surface. A meditation on loneliness and love, The Solitude of Prime Numbers asks, can we ever truly be whole when we're in love with another?
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Plädoyer für die Legalisierung der Leihmutterschaft: Interdisziplinäre Analyse der Problemfelder und Regulierungsvorschlag am Vorbild der Lebendorganspende
Zahlreiche Menschen in Deutschland sind ungewollt kinderlos. Oft kann der Kinderwunsch heute mithilfe reproduktionsmedizinischer Behandlungen ermöglicht werden. Hat eine Frau keine Gebärmutter oder will sich ein Männerpaar seinen Kinderwunsch erfüllen, stößt die Reproduktionsmedizin jedoch an ihre Grenzen. In diesen Fällen böte die Leihmutterschaft einen Weg aus der ungewollten Kinderlosigkeit, den das geltende deutsche Recht allerdings versperrt. Die Beschränkung der reproduktiven Selbstbestimmung wird verstärkt kritisiert, und auch der aktuelle Koalitionsvertrag öffnet sich der Möglichkeit der Legalisierung der Leihmutterschaft. Ob die Argumentation gegen Leihmutterschaft die Beibehaltung der geltenden Rechtslage erfordert und wie ein alternatives Regelungskonzept aussehen könnte, untersucht Sophie-Marie Humbert. Dabei beschränkt sie sich nicht auf eine rein rechtliche Diskussion, sondern bezieht maßgeblich moralphilosophische Literatur sowie die einschlägige Studienlage ein.
Andersen Press Ltd The Bear's Winter House
Bear is preparing his house for winter by gathering moss, logs and branches to keep himself warm. His animal friends think he's being ridiculous and make fun of him - but as the winter approaches, Bear is cosy, while the others shiver out in the cold. Very kindly, Bear lets his friends in, but they are far too excited to sleep and cause a ruckus! Will Bear ever get some rest?
Harvard University Press Moralia, XVI: Index
Eclectic essays on ethics, education, and much else besides.Plutarch (Plutarchus), ca. AD 45–120, was born at Chaeronea in Boeotia in central Greece, studied philosophy at Athens, and, after coming to Rome as a teacher in philosophy, was given consular rank by the emperor Trajan and a procuratorship in Greece by Hadrian. He was married and the father of one daughter and four sons. He appears as a man of kindly character and independent thought, studious and learned. Plutarch wrote on many subjects. Most popular have always been the forty-six Parallel Lives, biographies planned to be ethical examples in pairs (in each pair, one Greek figure and one similar Roman), though the last four lives are single. All are invaluable sources of our knowledge of the lives and characters of Greek and Roman statesmen, soldiers and orators. Plutarch’s many other varied extant works, about sixty in number, are known as Moralia or Moral Essays. They are of high literary value, besides being of great use to people interested in philosophy, ethics, and religion. The Loeb Classical Library edition of the Moralia is in fifteen volumes, volume XIII having two parts. Volume XVI is a comprehensive Index.
Harvard University Press Moralia, X: Love Stories. That a Philosopher Ought to Converse Especially With Men in Power. To an Uneducated Ruler. Whether an Old Man Should Engage in Public Affairs. Precepts of Statecraft. On Monarchy, Democracy, and Oligarchy. That We
Eclectic essays on ethics, education, and much else besides.Plutarch (Plutarchus), ca. AD 45–120, was born at Chaeronea in Boeotia in central Greece, studied philosophy at Athens, and, after coming to Rome as a teacher in philosophy, was given consular rank by the emperor Trajan and a procuratorship in Greece by Hadrian. He was married and the father of one daughter and four sons. He appears as a man of kindly character and independent thought, studious and learned. Plutarch wrote on many subjects. Most popular have always been the forty-six Parallel Lives, biographies planned to be ethical examples in pairs (in each pair, one Greek figure and one similar Roman), though the last four lives are single. All are invaluable sources of our knowledge of the lives and characters of Greek and Roman statesmen, soldiers and orators. Plutarch’s many other varied extant works, about sixty in number, are known as Moralia or Moral Essays. They are of high literary value, besides being of great use to people interested in philosophy, ethics, and religion. The Loeb Classical Library edition of the Moralia is in fifteen volumes, volume XIII having two parts. Volume XVI is a comprehensive Index.
Harvard University Press Moralia, V: Isis and Osiris. The E at Delphi. The Oracles at Delphi No Longer Given in Verse. The Obsolescence of Oracles
Eclectic essays on ethics, education, and much else besides.Plutarch (Plutarchus), ca. AD 45–120, was born at Chaeronea in Boeotia in central Greece, studied philosophy at Athens, and, after coming to Rome as a teacher in philosophy, was given consular rank by the emperor Trajan and a procuratorship in Greece by Hadrian. He was married and the father of one daughter and four sons. He appears as a man of kindly character and independent thought, studious and learned. Plutarch wrote on many subjects. Most popular have always been the forty-six Parallel Lives, biographies planned to be ethical examples in pairs (in each pair, one Greek figure and one similar Roman), though the last four lives are single. All are invaluable sources of our knowledge of the lives and characters of Greek and Roman statesmen, soldiers and orators. Plutarch’s many other varied extant works, about sixty in number, are known as Moralia or Moral Essays. They are of high literary value, besides being of great use to people interested in philosophy, ethics, and religion. The Loeb Classical Library edition of the Moralia is in fifteen volumes, volume XIII having two parts. Volume XVI is a comprehensive Index.
Harvard University Press Moralia, II: How to Profit by One's Enemies. On Having Many Friends. Chance. Virtue and Vice. Letter of Condolence to Apollonius. Advice About Keeping Well. Advice to Bride and Groom. The Dinner of the Seven Wise Men. Superstition
Eclectic essays on ethics, education, and much else besides.Plutarch (Plutarchus), ca. AD 45–120, was born at Chaeronea in Boeotia in central Greece, studied philosophy at Athens, and, after coming to Rome as a teacher in philosophy, was given consular rank by the emperor Trajan and a procuratorship in Greece by Hadrian. He was married and the father of one daughter and four sons. He appears as a man of kindly character and independent thought, studious and learned. Plutarch wrote on many subjects. Most popular have always been the forty-six Parallel Lives, biographies planned to be ethical examples in pairs (in each pair, one Greek figure and one similar Roman), though the last four lives are single. All are invaluable sources of our knowledge of the lives and characters of Greek and Roman statesmen, soldiers and orators. Plutarch’s many other varied extant works, about sixty in number, are known as Moralia or Moral Essays. They are of high literary value, besides being of great use to people interested in philosophy, ethics, and religion. The Loeb Classical Library edition of the Moralia is in fifteen volumes, volume XIII having two parts. Volume XVI is a comprehensive Index.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Bridget Vanderpuff and the Baked Escape
The first in a new madcap, hilarious series about Bridget Vanderpuff, whipsmart inventor and amateur sleuth with a taste for adventure. It's a recipe for fun with mystery, villainy, cake and sprinkles of silliness, heart and hope. Bridget Baxter is the very last orphan at the Orphanage for Errant Childs, left at the mercy of the awful Miss Acrid and her foul-smelling fish sandwiches. Miss Acrid's mission is to make Bridget's life a misery. But Bridget is more than a match for her. When kindly Mr Vanderpuff arrives at the Orphanage in search of a child to care for, Bridget thinks her luck has finally turned. Mr Vanderpuff is the village baker, and his shop is a world of wonders. But they soon discover that Bridget is absolutely terrible at baking. When Miss Acrid returns for the ultimate revenge, Bridget must open the Locked and Secret Door, navigate Miss Acrid's spiderweb of booby traps and use her unique baking skills to save herself – and Mr Vanderpuff – from certain disaster. Join Bridget as she dons her chef whites and gets the kwassongs at the ready... Baking isn't such a piece of cake.
Baker Publishing Group Keeping Your Cool – A Book about Anger
Stories to Encourage Positive Behavior in Small Children The preschool and kindergarten years are some of the most important formative years of a person's life. Habits and attitudes developed during these crucial years affect a child for the rest of his or her life. These years are also a challenging time for parents as their children test boundaries (and patience). How parents and children respond makes all the difference in the world. The Growing God's Kids series is designed to help young children understand their feelings, develop godly ways to deal with temptations, and form positive attitudes and behaviors that will serve them well in the future. In Keeping Your Cool, parents and children are encouraged to recognize the feeling of anger and find constructive ways to deal with it.
Random House USA Inc The Count (Sesame Street Friends)
Meet the Count from Sesame Street in this adorable photographic book!Learn all about the Count in a new Sesame Street board book with bold, bright photographs. Babies and toddlers will love turning each sturdy page to see what Count von Count decides to count, with help from Elmo and other friends. That's 1--1 red furry friend! Ah, ah, ah! Other titles in the series are Elmo, Cookie, Abby, Big Bird, and Oscar.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world. Sesame Street is the most trusted name in early learning.