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Guilford Publications Best Practices in Literacy Instruction, Seventh Edition
This authoritative text and PreK-12 teacher resource is now in a substantially revised seventh edition with 80% new material, foregrounding advances in inclusive, equitable instruction. Teachers are guided through every major component of reading, as well as assessment, motivation, teaching bilingual learners, strengthening connections with families and communities, and more. The book presents principles and strategies for teaching literature and nonfiction texts, organizing and differentiating instruction, supporting struggling readers, and promoting digital literacy. Pedagogical features include chapter-opening bulleted previews of key points; reviews of the research evidence; recommendations for best practices in action, with examples from exemplary classrooms; and end-of-chapter engagement activities. New to This Edition *Chapter on culturally responsive teaching, plus more attention to social justice and equity throughout. *Chapter on supporting students in the “invisible middle.” *Important new focus on social and emotional learning (SEL). *All chapters thoroughly revised or rewritten to reflect current research, theory, and instructional practices.
Guilford Publications Best Practices in Literacy Instruction, Seventh Edition
*Established, influential text and PreK-12 teacher resource with nearly 100,000 in print, significantly revised with 80% new material. *New chapters on social justice and culturally responsive instruction and on teaching students in the “invisible middle.” *Increased focus on social–emotional learning and promoting equity throughout. *Features for teacher training and PD include new and updated cases, descriptions of best practices in action, and engagement activities.
New York University Press Situating Sadness: Women and Depression in Social Context
It is well known that depression occurs more often in women than in men. It is the most commonly encountered mental health problem among women and ranks overall as one of the most important women's health problems. Researchers have studied depression a great deal, yet women's depression has rarely been the primary focus. The contexts of women's lives which might contribute to their depression are not often addressed by the mental health establishment, which tends to focus on biological factors. Situating Sadness sheds light on the influence of sociocultural factors, such as economic distress, child-bearing or child-care difficulties, or feelings of powerlessness which may play a significant role, and points to the importance of context for understanding women’s depression. Situating Sadness draws on research in the United States and other parts of the world to look at depression through the eyes of women, exploring what being depressed is like in diverse social and cultural circumstances. It demonstrates that understanding depression requires close attention to the social context in which women become depressed.
Indiana University Press St. Paul among the Philosophers
In his epistles, St. Paul sounded a universalism that has recently been taken up by secular philosophers who do not share his belief in Christ, but who regard his project as centrally important for contemporary political life. The Pauline project—as they see it—is the universality of truth, the conviction that what is true is true for everyone, and that the truth should be known by everyone. In this volume, eminent New Testament scholars, historians, and philosophers debate whether Paul's promise can be fulfilled. Is the proper work of reading Paul to reconstruct what he said to his audiences? Is it crucial to retrieve the sense of history from the text? What are the philosophical undercurrents of Paul's message? This scholarly dialogue ushers in a new generation of Pauline studies.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Intellectual Property Rights: Protections & Enforcement
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cystatins: Protease Inhibitors, Biomarkers & Immunomodulators
Nova Science Publishers Inc Military Medical Care
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Bee-Bim Bop! Board Book
SAGE Publications Inc Classroom-Ready Rich Algebra Tasks, Grades 6-12: Engaging Students in Doing Math
Stop algebra from being a mathematical gatekeeper. With rich math tasks, all students can succeed. Every teacher strives to make instruction effective and interesting, yet traditional methods of teaching algebra are not working for many students! That’s a problem. But the answer isn’t to supplement the curriculum with random tasks. Classroom Ready-Rich Math Tasks for Grades 6-12 equips you with a cohesive solution--50+ mathematical tasks that are rich, research-based, standards-aligned, and classroom-tested. The tasks: Are organized into learning progressions that help all students make the leap from arithmetic to algebra Offer students interesting mathematics problems to think about and solve so math is investigative, interactive, and engaging Provide opportunities for you to connect new content to prior knowledge or focus on an underdeveloped concept Engage students in conceptual understanding, procedural practice, and problem solving through critical thinking and application Come with downloadable planning tools, student resource pages, and extension questions Include additional support for students who may be struggling Every learner deserves opportunities to engage in meaningful, rigorous mathematics. And every teacher can develop mathematical thinking and reasoning abilities in students. Part of the bestselling series spanning elementary and middle school, Classroom-Ready Rich Algebra Tasks, Grades 6-12 is a powerful add-on to any core mathematics program at your school.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Infrastructural Optimism
Infrastructural Optimism investigates a new kind of twenty-first-century infrastructure, one that encourages a broader understanding of the interdependence of resources and agencies, recognizes a rightfully accelerated need for equitable access and distribution, and prioritizes rising environmental diligence across the design disciplines. Bringing together urban history, case studies, and speculative design propositions, the book explores and defines infrastructure as the basis for a new form of urbanism, emerging from the intersection of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design. In defining this new infrastructure, the book introduces new dynamic and holistic performance metrics focused on measuring what matters over growth for the sake of growth and twelve criteria that define next generation infrastructure. By shifting the focus of infrastructure our largest public realm to environmental symbiosis and quality of life for all, design becomes a catalytic co
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia Nostalgia in Transition 17801917
Referred to long ago as a ""disease"" of Swiss soldiers and Highland regiments far from home, nostalgia became known in the 1920s as more of a fleeting rather than debilitating condition. This book traces the development of nostalgia from a memory disorder in the eighteenth century to its modern formulation as a pleasant recreational distraction.
Edinburgh University Press The Erotic Thriller in Contemporary Cinema
A bold and original study, this is the first book to examine in detail a new genre which evolved since the 1980s in tandem with shifts in the culture of sexuality and the rise of video - the erotic thriller.
TouchWood Editions Victoria Unbuttoned: A Red-Light History of Bc's Capital City
Redleaf Press Game On!: Screen-Free Fun for Children Two and Up
It appears the days of fun and games for children have been replaced with apps and screen time. Electronic games promote individual play and connect us to screens, not people. Game On! is a collection of 300+ screen-free, traditional games and activities for children and adults that require minimal materials other than people and their brains to play. All games and activities are adaptable according to the players age, their interests, and their abilities. Unplug from screened, individual play and connect with Game On!
Trafalgar Square Crown Prince Challenged
Capstone Press Maps: What You Need to Know
Archway Publishing When Grandma Comes to Play
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Macomb Township
Elsevier Health Sciences Understanding Pharmacology Essentials for Medication Safety 2e
John Wiley & Sons Inc Explorations in College Algebra 6e Student Solutions Manual
Workman Publishing Party Receipts from the Charleston Junior League
The third Charleston Junior League cookbook reveals more secrets of the city's legendary hospitality.
BuilderBooks Land Development
Land developers know that success hinges on knowledge, planning, and experience. Whether you are new to the field or are looking to brush up your knowledge, Land Development is your comprehensive resource to this demanding and exciting industry. Packed with photos, illustrations, checklists, and practical guidance, the 10th edition is an indispensable reference for any developer or builder wanting to understand the essentials of residential land development.You will acquire extensive knowledge of the interrelated factors that contribute to a successful land development project, including: Market analysis; Financing strategies; Site selection and analysis; Master plan conceptualization; Environmental regulations; Site engineering and storm water management; Design of neighborhoods and streets; Innovations in housing types.The 10th edition of Land Development provides you with the latest details concerning major environmental regulations that affect land development, emerging demographics for targeted marketing, and new innovations in housing types. With land becoming an ever more precious resource in the midst of unprecedented population growth, the reliable information in Land Development will give you the edge that seasoned professionals use to acquire the most desirable tracts of land.Clearly written and logically organized, this classic text is used extensively in land development college curricula. This new edition also includes eight pages of full-color photographs of the nation's leading developments.
Simon & Schuster Australia Springwater Seasons
Clarion Books Una Larga Travesía Hasta El Agua: Basada En Una Historia Real (a Long Walk to Water Spanish Edition)
J.P.Tarcher,U.S./Perigee Bks.,U.S. I Know What I Saw: Modern-Day Encounters with Monsters of New Urban Legend and Ancient Lore
Bloomsbury Publishing USA Barbara Kingsolvers World
Uitgeverij Marmer BV Ferien auf Texel
UTB GmbH Griechische Antike
Stürtz Verlag Journey through Hanover Reise durch Hannover Ein Bildband mit ber 200 Bildern STRTZ Verlag
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Inclusive Design: A Universal Need
Stretching beyond the successes and challenges of universal design since the inception of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 and its amendment in 2008, Inclusive Design: A Universal Need details how an inclusive approach to design creates an accessible and aesthetically pleasing environment for a total population—not just the aging or differently abled. Fully covering CIDA accreditation standards that include both the application of ADA and universal design, the text further specifies the benefits of an inclusive approach to residential and commercial environments, product design, and technology.
University of Nebraska Press Starring Red Wing!: The Incredible Career of Lilian M. St. Cyr, the First Native American Film Star
The epic biography Starring Red Wing! brings the exciting career, dedicated activism, and noteworthy legacy of Ho-Chunk actress Lilian Margaret St. Cyr vividly to life. Known to film audiences as “Princess Red Wing,” St. Cyr emerged as the most popular Native American actress in the pre-Hollywood and early studio-system era in the United States. Today St. Cyr is known for her portrayal of Naturich in Cecile B. DeMille’s The Squaw Man (1914); although DeMille claimed to have “discovered the little Indian girl,” the viewing public had already long adored her as a petite, daredevil Indian heroine. She befriended and worked with icons such as Mary Pickford, Jewell Carmen, Tom Mix, Max Sennett, and William Selig. Born on the Winnebago Reservation in 1884 and orphaned in 1888, she spent ten years in Indian boarding schools before graduating from the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in 1902. She married James Young Johnson, and in 1907 the couple reinvented themselves as the stage personas “Princess Red Wing” and “Young Deer,” performing in Wild West shows around New York and beginning their film careers. As their popularity grew, St. Cyr and Johnson decamped from the East Coast and helped establish the second motion picture company in Southern California, where Red Wing became a Native American leading lady in westerns until her career waned in 1917. After returning to the reservation to work as a housekeeper, she took her show on a two-year tour to educate the public about Native culture and lived out her life in New York, performing, educating, and crafting regalia.Starring Red Wing! is a sweeping narrative of St. Cyr’s evolution as America’s first Native American film star, from her childhood and performance career to her days as a respected elder of the multi-tribal New York City Indian Community.
Canary Street Press Christmas in Painted Pony Creek: A Holiday Romance Novel
Holiday House Inc The Selkie's Daughter
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Legal Concepts for Facility Managers
Legal Concepts for Facility Managers Facility management – as any profession encompassing multiple disciplines and integrating technology, people and physical space – is not only complicated but fraught with occasions to be exposed to various legal liabilities. Successful facility managers need the ability to manage risk well. They must understand the various ways the built environment can malfunction, anticipate the most likely problems and protect the owner’s interest in such a way that the building can be safe for occupants yet productive for business purposes. The Facility Manager must therefore know the major tenets of risk avoidance, including knowledge of possible legal obstacles. Legal Concepts for Facility Managers informs facility managers of their legal responsibilities and helps them avoid unnecessary exposure to liability. Each major legal theory is explained and illustrated with charts or case histories. Chapter discussion questions help students recall salient information and are also intended to be used as homework assignments or prompts for classroom discussions. As with any legal textbook expressly written for professionals who are not in the practice of law, the objective of this book is to inform students about their legal responsibilities. This text is not intended for students preparing to practice the law. It can be used in any course that teaches built environment professionals how to avoid unnecessary exposure to legal liability.
Penguin Putnam Inc Monsters Among Us: An Exploration of Otherwordly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena
Peter Lang AG Die Trilogos-PsyQ ® Methode: Mit vernetzten Symbolen zur Selbsterkenntnis
Mit Hilfe des Trilogos-Modells wird die Wahrnehmung geschult und die Verbindung zu unserem Wesenskern gestärkt: Eine eigene Methode wurde entwickelt, die die spirituelle Psychologie und die praktische Philosophie mit den Herausforderungen des Alltags (Gesundheit, Beziehungen, Beruf) verbindet. Im Trilogos-PsyQ®Training können durch Symbolische Kommunikation Brücken zu unserer ureigensten Wahrheit, zu unserem individuellen Lebenskern geschlagen werden. In uns allen schlummern mediale, seelisch-geistige Anlagen, die entwickelt werden wollen. Meditation, Kontemplation und Visualisation helfen, die feinstoffliche, seelisch-geistige Welt zu entdecken. Die Kraft des individuellen PsyQ (was denke ich? was fühle ich? was glaube ich?) wird für die Erweiterung menschlicher Kompetenz, für die Entwicklung der inneren Reife, genutzt. Körper-Seele-Geist bleiben in Harmonie – das Leben wird bewusster gestaltet und besser gemeistert sowie Entscheidungen in Verantwortung des Einzelnen für das Ganze leichter gefällt. Ganzheitlich entfalten sich IQ+EQ+SQ(PsyQ) in Verbindung mit dem höheren sowie niederen Selbst – immer in Verbindung mit dem höchsten Bewusstsein, der Schöpferkraft. Das in jedem Menschen vorhandene Potenzial selbstverantwortliches Menschsein (PsyQ) offenbart und entfaltet sich. Der Alltag – unsere Lebensschule, dient bei der Umsetzung der Erkenntnisse als wertvoller Spiegel. Woher kommen wir? Wer sind wir? Wohin führt uns unser Weg? – Verlassen wir mutig alte Ufer und machen uns auf die Suche nach unserem eigentlichen Selbst.
Luath Press Ltd The Warriors and Wordsmiths of Freedom: The Birth and Growth of Democracy
Did you know that the Declaration of Independence was based on a Scottish declaration of independence from the English from nearly 700 years ago? This book will take you from the days of William 'Braveheart' Wallace and Robert the Bruce during the Wars of Independence in Scotland, to the days when Scottish and Irish people emigrated to the American Colonies and helped George Washington and Thomas Jefferson fight for freedom in America during the Revolutionary War. Follow the thread from Scotland to America and come to understand how important one ended up being to the other in the development of democracy.
Hearing Eye Night Horses
Greenwich Exchange Ltd The Essential Accounting Dictionary of Key Financial Terms
Nova Science Publishers Inc Protein Conformation: New Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Higher Education Tax Credits
Nova Science Publishers Inc Chemical Plant Security
Kar-Ben Copies Ltd The Mitzvah Magician
Demeter Press Intensive Mothering: The Cultural Contradictions of Modern Motherhood
To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Sharon Hays’ landmark book, The Cultural Contradictions of Motherhood, this collection will revisit Hays’ concept of “intensive mothering” as a continuing, yet controversial representation of modern motherhood. In Hays’ original work, she spoke of “intensive mothering” as primarily being conducted by mothers, centered on children’s needs with methods informed by experts, which are labourintensive and costly simply because children are entitled to this maternal investment. While respecting the important need for connection between mother and baby that is prevalent in the teachings of Attachment Theory, this collection raises into question whether an over-investment of mothers in their children’s lives is as effective a mode of parenting, as being conveyed by representations of modern motherhood. In a world where independence is encouraged, why are we still engaging in “intensive motherhood?”
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Folk Art Murals of the Rufus Porter School: New England Landscapes: 1825-1845
Here is the long awaited update of research on the Rufus Porter Landscape Mural School, greatly expanding the knowledge and understanding of this uniquely American folk art field of the 1820s to 1840s. The text provides detailed documentation never seen before in print. The book takes the reader on a virtual tour of Porter School murals in the New England states, presenting and analyzing more than 400 colorful images, which will provide inspiration for historians, researchers, designers, and painters alike. It offers evidence regarding the attribution of these mostly unsigned works, and encourages readers to apply that evidence in reaching their own conclusions. In addition, there is a section concerning the preservation of historic murals and various challenges and threats to such preservation. Finally, the book offers a "how-to" section that interprets Porter's original published mural painting instructions in terms of modern equipment, materials, and supplies.
University of Illinois Press Elizabeth Packard: A Noble Fight
Elizabeth Packard's story is one of courage and accomplishment in the face of injustice and heartbreak. In 1860, her husband, a strong-willed Calvinist minister, committed her to an Illinois insane asylum in an effort to protect their six children and his church from what he considered her heretical religious ideas. Upon her release three years later (as her husband sought to return her to an asylum), Packard obtained a jury trial and was declared sane. Before the trial ended, however, her husband sold their home and left for Massachusetts with their young children and her personal property. His actions were perfectly legal under Illinois and Massachusetts law; Packard had no legal recourse by which to recover her children and property. This experience in the legal system, along with her experience as an asylum patient, launched Packard into a career as an advocate for the civil rights of married women and the mentally ill. She wrote numerous books and lobbied legislatures literally from coast to coast advocating more stringent commitment laws, protections for the rights of asylum patients, and laws to give married women equal rights in matters of child custody, property, and earnings. Despite strong opposition from the psychiatric community, Packard's laws were passed in state after state, with lasting impact on commitment and care of the mentally ill in the United States. Packard's life demonstrates how dissonant streams of American social and intellectual history led to conflict between the freethinking Packard, her Calvinist husband, her asylum doctor, and America's fledgling psychiatric profession. It is this conflict--along with her personal battle to transcend the stigma of insanity and regain custody of her children--that makes Elizabeth Packard's story both forceful and compelling.
Austin Macauley Publishers Max's Tail Saves The Day