Search results for ""author christine"
Reinhardt Ernst Kaufmann Küche Kaffeeklatsch
Reinhardt Ernst Focusing zum Ausprobieren Eine Einfhrung fr psychosoziale Berufe
Nymphenburger Verlag Rituelle Hausrucherung Rume Huser und Bros energetisch reinigen
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Manchmal ist es federleicht Von kleinen und groen Abschieden
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Da geht noch was Mit 65 in die Kurve
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Die Familien der anderen
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag Wenn du geredet httest Desdemona Ungehaltene Reden ungehaltener Frauen
Heyne Taschenbuch Tänzerin des Lichts
Heyne Taschenbuch Hterin der Seele Die SeaHavenSaga Sea Haven 02 Roman
Heyne Taschenbuch Spiel der Dmmerung Der Bund der Schattengnger 2 Roman
Heyne Taschenbuch Tanz der Wildnis
Heyne Taschenbuch Taviano Shadows Band 5 Roman
Heyne Taschenbuch Geliebte des Feuers Roman
Heyne Taschenbuch Wchterin der Erde Roman
Heyne Taschenbuch Tnzerin der Nacht Der Bund der Schattengnger 03 Der Bund der Schattengnger 3 Roman
Heyne Taschenbuch Geliebte Feindin
Herder Verlag GmbH Hochbegabung bei Kindern erkennen und begleiten kindergarten heute wissen kompakt
Goldmann Verlag Weiß wie Schnee
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Fachpflege Außerklinische Intensivpflege
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Rechtsanwaltsfachangestellte. 3. Ausbildungsjahr fall und praxisorientiert Schulbuch
Knaur Taschenbuch Warum ein Mann wenn man Meer haben kann
Julius Beltz GmbH Die Welt der Frauen und Mädchen mit ADHS
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Leon Pirat
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Gesunde Ernhrung Differenzierte Materialien fr den inklusiven Sachunterricht 2 bis 4 Klasse
Arena Verlag GmbH Mini Bandolino. Rätselspiele am Meer
Arena Verlag GmbH Mini Bandolino. Erkennen und Kombinieren
Arena Verlag GmbH Mini Bandolino. Das kann ich schon mit 3
Penguin junior A B C Buchstabenspaß für die Vorschule
Penguin junior Kleiner Wutbär brumm doch nicht
Penguin TB Verlag Wo unsere Herzen sich finden Zuhause in Glenbarry
Müller Rüschlikon Angst Stress beim Pferd
Diogenes Verlag AG Happy Birthday Geburtstagsgeschichten zum Feiern
Schoeningh Verlag Literatur und Sprache von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart EinFach Deutsch Unterrichtsmodelle und Arbeitshefte Unterrichtsmodell
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Klick 8 Schuljahr 8 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft Geschichte Erdkunde Politik Westliche Bundeslnder
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH English G Access Band 2 6 Schuljahr Allgemeine Ausgabe BadenWrttemberg Workbook Frderausgabe Arbeitsheft mit OnlineLsungen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH English G Access 01 5 Schuljahr Workbook Frderausgabe Arbeitsheft
Taylor & Francis Ltd On the Death of a Child
The death of a child - whether during or following birth, through illness, through accident, or through suicide - is one of the greatest challenges families, carers, friends, and the health and social care professionals who support them can face. This book provides professionals with practical advice, resources for further support and reading, and much-needed reassurance that whatever contact they have with the bereaved, and however inadequate they may feel to the task, they can make a difference. With revised material and an entirely new chapter reflecting recent developments in bereavement theory, the third edition of this classic text offers unique insights for professionals with varying levels of experience. From theory and narrative come practical ideas on what to say, what to do, how to behave, how to stay humble in situations where the only real experts are the bereaved themselves, and how professionals can look after themselves in what can be particularly traumatic and upsetting circumstances.
Liverpool University Press The Rise of Man in the Gardens of Sumeria: A Biography of L A Waddell
Lieut.-Col. Laurence Austine Waddell (18541938) was a British Army officer with an established reputation mainly due to a work on the 'Buddhism' of Tibet, his explorations of the Himalayas, and a biography which included records of the 1903-4 military expedition to Lhasa (Lhasa and its Mysteries). Waddell was also in the limelight due to his acquisition of Tibetan manuscripts which he donated to the British Museum. His overriding interest was in 'Aryan origins'. After learning Sanskrit and Tibetan, and in between military expeditions and gathering intelligence from the borders of Tibet in the Great Game, Waddell researched Lamaïsm. He extended his activities to Archaeology, Philology and Ethnology, and was credited with discoveries in relation to Buddha. His personal ambition was to locate records of ancient civilisation in Tibetan lamaseries. Waddell is little known as an archaeologist and scholar, in contrast with his fame in the Oriental field, due to the controversial nature of his published works dealing with 'Aryan themes'. Waddell studied Sumerian and presented evidence that an Aryan migration fleeing Sargon II carried Sumerian records to India. He interrupted his comparative studies of Sumerian and Indian king-lists to publish a work on Phoenician origins and decipherment of Indus Valley seals, the inscriptions of which he claimed were similar to Sumerian pictogram signs cited from G. A. Barton's plates, which are reproduced in this volume. Waddell's life is reconstructed from primary sources, such as letters from Marc Aurel Stein at the British Museum and Theophilus G Pinches, held in the Special Collections at the University of Glasgow Library. Special attention is paid to the contemporary reception of his theories, with the objective of re-evaluating his contribution; they are contrasted to past and present academic views, in addition to an overview of relevant discoveries in Archaeology.
Zero to Ten Scientists and their Discoveries
Liverpool University Press The Rise of Man in the Gardens of Sumeria: A Biography of L A Waddell
Lieut.-Col. Laurence Austine Waddell (18541938) was a British Army officer with an established reputation mainly due to a work on the 'Buddhism' of Tibet, his explorations of the Himalayas, and a biography which included records of the 1903-4 military expedition to Lhasa (Lhasa and its Mysteries). Waddell was also in the limelight due to his acquisition of Tibetan manuscripts which he donated to the British Museum. His overriding interest was in 'Aryan origins'. After learning Sanskrit and Tibetan, and in between military expeditions and gathering intelligence from the borders of Tibet in the Great Game, Waddell researched Lamaïsm. He extended his activities to Archaeology, Philology and Ethnology, and was credited with discoveries in relation to Buddha. His personal ambition was to locate records of ancient civilisation in Tibetan lamaseries. Waddell is little known as an archaeologist and scholar, in contrast with his fame in the Oriental field, due to the controversial nature of his published works dealing with 'Aryan themes'. Waddell studied Sumerian and presented evidence that an Aryan migration fleeing Sargon II carried Sumerian records to India. He interrupted his comparative studies of Sumerian and Indian king-lists to publish a work on Phoenician origins and decipherment of Indus Valley seals, the inscriptions of which he claimed were similar to Sumerian pictogram signs cited from G. A. Barton's plates, which are reproduced in this volume. Waddell's life is reconstructed from primary sources, such as letters from Marc Aurel Stein at the British Museum and Theophilus G Pinches, held in the Special Collections at the University of Glasgow Library. Special attention is paid to the contemporary reception of his theories, with the objective of re-evaluating his contribution; they are contrasted to past and present academic views, in addition to an overview of relevant discoveries in Archaeology.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Parenting Strategies to Help Adopted and Fostered Children with Their Behaviour: Trauma-Informed Guidance and Action Charts
Difficult behaviour in children with developmental trauma comes from a place of hurt. It is often confusing, unpredictable and painful both to the child and the people around them, and can be a form of self-protection or coping with deeply rooted fears and anxieties. Traumatized children rarely respond to traditional parenting strategies, but once you understand the impact of trauma on children you can master 'developmental reparenting' strategies which do work - by validating their feelings, boosting self-esteem and encouraging open and honest conversations. The first part of this book guides you using easy to understand language through the latest science and research relating to trauma and its impact on the brain and executive functioning. The second part forms the heart of the book, laying out 35 action charts to addresses some of the very hardest challenges for parents and carers - from inappropriate sexualised behaviour and overfamiliarity with strangers through to tantrums, food issues and deception.Written by an experienced adoptive parent who was also a qualified social worker with expertise in trauma-informed parenting, this book will be a welcome relief to any family struggling with the challenges of living with trauma in the home.