Search results for ""author morris"
Big Finish Productions Ltd Revenge of the Swarm
The Doctor thought he had defeated the Nucleus of the Swarm. He was wrong. It survived within the TARDIS, and now has brought it back to Titan Base, to the point of its own creation. If the Doctor is to save the day, he must risk everything he holds dear.
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke Vol. 76: Oklahoma Jim
Kid Luck, still travelling with Old Timer, arrives in Mushroom City. After months in the wild, they're both glad to find a place where they can have some fun! While the old gold miner has every intention to enjoy himself, though, he immediately sends Luke... straight to school! A horrible sentence for the young cowboy-in-the-making, who is about to meet a quartet of already nasty little brats, and a pistolero with somewhat... flexible morals!
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke Vol. 73: The Prophet
Returned to their penitentiary by Lucky Luke for the umpteenth time, the Daltons meet a troubling character: Dunkle, a self-proclaimed prophet fond of fiery speeches. His continual preaching eventually converts the ever hapless Averell. Soon, all five escape together and find refuge in a friendly, welcoming community, where they sow chaos and discord each in their own way - unaware that Lucky Luke is already tracking them...
American Psychological Association Adverse and Protective Childhood Experiences: A Developmental Perspective
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can negatively influence development. However, the lifelong effects of positive childhood experiences (PACEs) can mitigate the detrimental effects of adverse ones. By integrating existing knowledge about (ACEs) with developmental research on preventing, buffering, and treating the effects of adversity, stress, and trauma on child development and subsequent health and functioning, this book identifies the most important of these (PACEs). It provides an interdisciplinary lens from which to view the multiple types of effects of enduring childhood experiences, and recommends evidence-based approaches for protecting children and repairing the enduring negative consequences of (ACEs) they face as adults. Students, researchers, clinicians, and health-care providers can use this research to understand the science of early life adversity, lifelong resilience, and related intervention and prevention programming to help those suffering from the lifelong effects of (ACEs). Chapters include many figures, graphs, diagrams, stories, and activities that aim to help readers apply the science to everyday life.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Finite Mathematics: Models and Applications Set
This set includes Finite Mathematics: Models and Applications & Solutions Manual to accompany Finite Mathematics: Models and Applications Finite Mathematics: Models and Applications emphasizes cross-disciplinary applications that relate mathematics to everyday life. The book provides a unique combination of practical mathematical applications to illustrate the wide use of mathematics in fields ranging from business, economics, finance, management, operations research, and the life and social sciences. The book features coverage including: Algebra Skills; Mathematics of Finance; Matrix Algebra; Geometric Solutions; Simplex Methods; Application Models; Set and Probability Relationships; Random Variables and Probability Distributions; Markov Chains; Mathematical Statistics; Enrichment in Finite Mathematics
John Wiley & Sons Inc Solutions Manual to accompany Fundamentals of Calculus
A solutions manual to accompany Fundamentals of Calculus Fundamentals of Calculus illustrates the elements of finite calculus with the varied formulas for power, quotient, and product rules that correlate markedly with traditional calculus. Featuring calculus as the “mathematics of change,” each chapter concludes with a historical notes section. Fundamentals of Calculus chapter coverage includes: Linear Equations and Functions Integral Calculus The Derivative Integrations Techniques Using the Derivative Functions of Several Variables Exponents and Logarithms Series and Summations Differentiation Techniques Applications to Probability
Elsevier India Dictionary of Energy: (South Asia Edition)
A dictionary that covers various aspects of energy and its role in society, as well as various areas critical to modern studies.
Nova Science Publishers Inc U.S. Tax Reform: Challenges & Considerations
Nova Science Publishers Inc Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act
MP-NMX Uni of New Mexico The Devils Butcher Shop The New Mexico Prison Uprising
Not Stated Give Way to Night
The second book of the Aven Cycle explores a magical Rome-inspired empire, where senators, generals, and elemental mages vie for power.Latona of the Vitelliae, mage of Spirit and Fire, is eager to wield her newfound empowerment on behalf of the citizens of Aven--but societal forces conspire to keep her from exercising her gifts, even when the resurgence of a banished cult plots the city''s ruin. To combat this threat, Latona must ally with Fracture mage Vibia, the distrustful sister of Sempronius Tarren.While Latona struggles to defend their home, Sempronius leads soldiers through wartorn provinces to lift the siege of Toletum, where Latona''s brother Gaius is hemmed in by supernatural forces. Sempronius must contend not only with the war-king Ekialde and his sorcerers, but with the machinations of political rivals and the temptations of his own soul, ever-susceptible to the darker side of ambition.Though separated by many miles soon after their love affa
Prh Grupo Editorial Gloriana Presente. de la República Dominicana Al Bronx Gloriana Presente. a Fir St Day of School Story
Ediciones Cátedra El Tractatus de Wittgenstein guía de lectura
Planeta Publishing Historias de Esperanza
Unionsverlag Das Leben der Surrealisten
Casa Creacion Gracia punto. Grace Period.
Downtown Bookworks DC Super Heroes: Who's Who?, 25: Lift the Flaps to Reveal Super Heroes' Secret Identities!
Downtown Bookworks The Big Book of Super-Villains
Downtown Bookworks The Big Book of Superpowers, 17
Clanrye International Grammar: A Multilingual Perspective
Clanrye International Symmetry: A Mathematical Exploration
Murphy & Moore Publishing Recent Advances in Closed-Loop Neurophysiology
Murphy & Moore Publishing Finance and Financial Markets
Nivel Uno Del sueño al destino / Dream to Destiny
Charisma House Living Rightside Up
Nivel Uno Una mujer de bendición / The Blessed Woman: Learning About Grace from the Women of the Bible
Open Road Publishing Open Road's Best of the Florida Keys & Everglades
The New York Review of Books, Inc Conundrum
Candlewick Press,U.S. North and South: A Tale of Two Hemispheres
Hal Leonard Corporation Classic Overtures for Timpani
Aladdin Paperbacks Class Favorite
Te Herenga Waka University Press Prendergast: Legal Villain
James Prendergast is the most infamous figure in New Zealand's legal history, known mainly for his condemnation of the Treaty of Waitangi as ""a simple nullity"" in 1877. But during his lifetime Prendergast was a highly respected lawyer and judge. He was arguably New Zealand's dominant legal professional from 1865 to 1899, and his good reputation remained intact until the 1980s, when the Treaty of Waitangi finally returned to the centre of New Zealand political life. The more the Treaty has been celebrated, the more Prendergast has been condemned. Who was this legal villain? Was he really a villain at all? This comprehensive biography charts Prendergast's life from his upbringing in the heart of London's legal world through to his long and eventful reign as New Zealand's third Chief Justice. It provides fascinating insights into different parts of the 19th-century British Empire and, in particular, colonial Wellington, featuring bitter feuds, groundbreaking judgments, and personal tragedy.
Tyndale House Publishers Revelation Record Hc
Random House USA Inc Rage for Fame: The Ascent of Clare Boothe Luce
HarperCollins Publishers Inc On the Go
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sartre
A novel introduction to Jean-Paul Sartre's existentialist phenomenology. Draws parallels between Sartre's work and the work of Wittgenstein Stresses continuities rather than conflict between Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, and between Sartre and post-structuralist/post-modernist thinkers, thus corroborating 'new Sartre' readings Exhibits the influence of Gestalt psychology in Sartre's descriptions of the life-world Forms part of the Blackwell Great Minds series, which outlines the views of the great western thinkers and captures the relevance of these figures to the way we think and live today
Penguin Putnam Inc A Wilderness of Error: The Trials of Jeffrey MacDonald
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Tattooist of Auschwitz
Amadeus Verlag Endgame
Hentrich & Hentrich 1948
Amadeus Verlag Lockdown
Amadeus Verlag Es ist Krieg
Amadeus Verlag Die einen nennen es FAKE NEWS die anderen Enthllungen Terror Revolutionen Kriege wer und was dahintersteckt
Amadeus Verlag Was Sie nicht wissen sollen Einigen wenigen Familien gehrt die gesamte westliche Welt und nun wollen sie den Rest