Search results for ""Author Alexander""
Hatje Cantz Renoir (German edition): Rococo Revival
Like hardly any other artist, Pierre-Auguste Renoir has shaped our understanding of the atmospheric figure paintings of Impressionism. His painting La fin du déjeuner, which has been in the Städel Museum in Frankfurt since 1910, is now the starting point for a far-reaching examination of an important source of inspiration that accompanied him throughout his life: the Rococo. Considered frivolous and immoral after the French Revolution, this style of painting experienced a renaissance in the 19th century and was widely celebrated during Renoir’s lifetime. Published on the occasion of the Städel Museum’s major exhibition, this comprehensive volume explores Renoir’s multifaceted connection to tradition through illuminating juxtapositions of his art with 18th-century works and contemporaries.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany Hans G. Conrad: Interaction of Albers
Kerber Verlag Jan Wawrzyniak: Broken and Lost: Drawing
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Vom Kollegen zum Vorgesetzten: So entwickeln Sie Ihre Führungsstrategie
Die Übernahme von Führungsverantwortung ist eine große Herausforderung. Gerade für Aufsteiger aus den eigenen Reihen entstehen knifflige Situationen: Wie gehe ich mit den Erwartungen meiner Mitarbeiter, Kollegen und meines Chefs um? Wie vermeide ich unnötige Fehler und Fallstricke? Wie entwickle ich meinen eigenen Führungsstil? Wie führe ich ein effektives Mitarbeitergespräch? Wie kann ich motivieren und delegieren, mich aber auch durchsetzen und positionieren?Ein klar strukturierter Ratgeber mit vielen Handlungsempfehlungen, Beispielen und Checklisten, Quick-Start und Zusammenfassung am Ende jedes Kapitels. Jetzt in der 3. Auflage.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Handlungskompetenz im Ausland.: Trainingsprogramm fÃ"r Manager, Fach- und FÃ"hrungskräfte
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Psychoanalytische Blätter.
In Container steckt das lateinische Verb continere mit der Bedeutung von "beinhalten, enthalten, zusammenhalten". Die Moderne hat den Container als normierten Behälter "fër alles Mögliche" (Hannes Böhringer) gewählt. Mit ihm können die unterschiedlichsten Gëter und Personen "gestapelt" und transportiert werden - mit entsprechenden soziopolitischen Implikationen.In der Psychoanalyse hat der Container diskursverändernd Karriere gemacht. Bions Container-Contained-Begriff, aus Melanie Kleins Formulierung der projektiven Identifizierung hervorgegangen, fungiert unter anderem als eine Art Beziehungsmodell. Der Anklang dieses Konzepts hat Konsequenzen fër die psychoanalytische Theorie und Praxis. Das Buch will - ausgehend von Freuds "Motiv der Kästchenwahl" (1913) - die interdisziplinäre Behälter-Vielgestaltigkeit ausloten. Wie verschiebt sich der Container-Begriff mit seinem Transfer durch verschiedene kulturelle Felder? Welche Einsatzweisen und Implikationen werden wechselseitig deutlich - und mit welchen psychoanalytischen Effekten?
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Technik Und Medien Bei Den Brudern Junger: Junger-Debatte Band 3
JRP Editions Kenny Scharf: MOODZ
Fondation Hardt Le Sanctuaire Grec
Oxford University School of Archaeology Evolution of a Farming Community in the Upper Thames Valley
The site at Cotswold Community in the western reaches of the Upper Thames Valley has been a focus for human activity since Neolithic times. Successive Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman settlements developed within an increasingly open grassland landscape, which was heavily exploited for the growing crops and the grazing of animals. The spiritual lives of the inhabitants were glimpsed through a series of structured pit deposits and ritual monuments, including a potential Neolithic timber circle and Bronze Age round barrows. One of the most striking landscape features was a late Bronze Age/early Iron Age pit alignment that extended over 500m, possibly marking one of the earliest attempts at defining territory on a large scale. It was still a visible feature for some time as it partly dictated the position of the boundaries of a Roman farmstead, which occupied the site from the 1st to 4th centuries AD. The farm lay in the shadow of Roman Cirencester less than 5km to the north and may even have been involved in the recycling of refuse from this important urban centre. Following abandonment of the Roman farmstead there was no further occupation on site, although a small number of Saxon agricultural structures indicate continuing use of the land, which may now have been part of a locally-centred Saxon estate.
Skyhorse Publishing The Federalist Papers and the Constitution of the United States: The Principles of American Government
Widely considered to be among the most important historical collections of all time, The Federalist Papers were intended to persuade New York at-large to accept the newly drafted Constitution in 1787. Authored in parts by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay, the documents have been referred to and heavily cited countless times in all aspects of American government and politics. Their influence is undeniable, as they remain prevalent in our political climate today. This collection remains a vital benchmark in American political philosophy. Signed by the members of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787, the US Constitution is a landmark legal document that comprises the primary law of the federal government and outlines its three chief branches. The Federalist Papers were a rebuttal to the general public of New York’s initial dissuaded response to the idea of the US Constitution. This collection includes both the full text of The Federalist Papers as well as the entire text of the Constitution, so that readers may compare both documents and reference one another at their leisure. In addition to these documents, the book contains a foreword by constitutional scholar Dr. Louis Fisher. With its rich history, The Federalist Papers and the Constitution of the United States will educate you on the groundwork that shaped the greatest country in the world.
Guernica Editions,Canada Africadian Atlantic: Essays on George Elliott Clarke
This collection features essays on Nova Scotia-born poet, playwright and literary critic George Elliott Clarke. Instrtumental in promoting the writing of writers of African descent, Clarke's work has won awards including the Governor General's Award for poetry. He is also the recipient of seven honorary doctorates.
Princeton University Press Ptolemy's Geography: An Annotated Translation of the Theoretical Chapters
Ptolemy's Geography is the only book on cartography to have survived from the classical period and one of the most influential scientific works of all time. Written in the second century AD, for more than fifteen centuries it was the most detailed topography of Europe and Asia available and the best reference on how to gather data and draw maps. Ptolemy championed the use of astronomical observation and applied mathematics in determining geographical locations. But more importantly, he introduced the practice of writing down coordinates of latitude and longitude for every feature drawn on a world map, so that someone else possessing only the text of the Geography could reproduce Ptolemy's map at any time, in whole or in part, at any scale. Here Berggren and Jones render an exemplary translation of the Geography and provide a thorough introduction, which treats the historical and technical background of Ptolemy's work, the contents of the Geography, and the later history of the work.
Synema Gesellschaft Fur Film u. Medien Film Curatorship – Archives, Museums, and the Digital Marketplace
What are the major issues and challenges that film archives, cinémathèques, and film museums are bound to face in the digital age and at a time when there is an expectation of access on demand? What is curatorship, and what does it imply in the context of film preservation and presentation? Is there a concept of “cinema event" that transcends the idea of film as “content” or “art” in the era of information?Film Curatorship is an experiment: a collective text, a montage of dialogues, conversations, and exchanges among four professionals representing three generations of film archivists and curators. It calls for an open philosophical and ethical debate on fundamental questions the profession must come to terms with in the twenty-first century.The first edition of this book was jointly published with Le Giornate del Cinema muto, Pordenone, Italy.The second edition features a new preface by the authors.
Synema Gesellschaft Fur Film u. Medien Guy Debord – Das filmische Gesamtwerk
In his films Guy Debord (1931–1994) worked according to the following principle: do nothing you should, do everything you should not. Created between 1952 and 1978, all the films reflect this rule and confirm what he referred to as his “detestable ambition.”Gathered in a single volume for the first time in German, this publication unites the texts of all of Guy Debord’s films in a new translation: from his first film made in affiliation with the Lettrist group led by Isidore Isou, Hurlements en faveur de Sade (1952), an alteration of black and white sequences devoid of images; to works that originated in the course of his participation in the Situationist International, Sur le passage de quelques personnes à travers une assez courte unité de temps (1959) and Critique de la séparation (1961); to the adaptation of his best known theoretical work, La Société du spectacle (1973), followed by the response to his critics entitled Réfutation de tous les jugements, tant élogieux qu'hostiles, qui ont été jusqu'ici portés sur le film "La Société du spectacle" (1975) and his résumé, intended as an act of closure: In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni (1978).Texts and images are true to the French original edition and complemented by a list of sources for the quotes, Debord’s notes on his films, drafts of unrealized film projects, as well as the text of the TV documentary he coauthored, Guy Debord, son art et son temps (1994).
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Die Kunst des Modellierens: Mathematisch-ökonomische Modelle
Anhand einer Reihe mathematisch-ökonomischer Modelle sollen Studenten, Absolventen und Praktiker Anregungen zum Modellieren und Lösen praktischer Problemstellungen erhalten. Das Buch kann als Grundlage für Seminare zur Wirtschaftsmathematik, als Ergänzung entsprechender Vorlesungen an mathematischen und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultäten und als Nachschlagewerk dienen.
Hatje Cantz Fragments: Pots, Patchworks, Power Figures
The collections of the Museum der Kulturen Basel contain numerous fragments that bear witness to practices of sharing and connecting. They include fragments from history, remnants of destruction, and once powerful objects made up of single parts. The publication shows how these things were handled in the past, and still are today. It sheds light on what it means to divide, repair, reassemble, even to let something fall apart. Whichever, it is always a matter of (re)storing or creating a new order. Instead of seeing fragments exclusively as signs of loss or as witnesses to the inexorable passage of time, the authors focus on the power of connecting, the art of separating, and the force of destruction in the pieces presented.
Hatje Cantz Renoir: Rococo Revival
Like hardly any other artist, Pierre-Auguste Renoir has shaped our understanding of the atmospheric figure paintings of Impressionism. His painting La fin du déjeuner, which has been in the Städel Museum in Frankfurt since 1910, is now the starting point for a far-reaching examination of an important source of inspiration that accompanied him throughout his life: the Rococo. Considered frivolous and immoral after the French Revolution, this style of painting experienced a renaissance in the 19th century and was widely celebrated during Renoir’s lifetime. Published on the occasion of the Städel Museum’s major exhibition, this comprehensive volume explores Renoir’s multifaceted connection to tradition through illuminating juxtapositions of his art with 18th-century works and contemporaries.
Hatje Cantz Michael Wesely (Bilingual edition): Neue Nationalgalerie. 160401_201209
There is more to numbers than sums; they can also conceal histories, too. In this case, world-famous architectural history. For five years the renowned Neue Nationalgalerie (New National Gallery), designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, was closed to the public for renovation. Nevertheless, the photographer Michael Wesely was able to accommodate “four guests” inside the iconic building: Four cameras, each one pointing in a different direction, were installed on the ceiling. Every day they took between 600 and 1100 pictures with an exposure time of two minutes each. Edited into bewitching montages, this fascinating synopsis allows readers to envision the building’s metamorphosis as it was undergoing renovations. The long exposure time is an aesthetic coup, for ephemeral, restless, rapid movements contrast with the still, timeless quality of the architecture, presenting a sophisticated interplay of identity and change.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium pertinentes 2nd part
Springer Hydrogen in Automotive Engineering: Production, Storage, Application
„Wasserstoff in der Fahrzeugtechnik“ bietet einen allgemeinen Überblick über die verschiedenen Aspekte von Eigenschaften, Erzeugung, Speicherung und Anwendung von Wasserstoff. Schwerpunkte liegen auf der Thermodynamik der Speicherung von Wasserstoff sowie auf der Anwendung in der Fahrzeugtechnik und in der Energietechnik. Mit Bezug zu Forschungsvorhaben an der TU Graz und dem HyCentA wird der aktuelle Stand der Technik fundiert dargestellt. Als eigener Abschnitt wurde in dieser Auflage die Brennstoffzelle zur Stromerzeugung für Elektroantriebe ergänzt. Ein Verfahren zur Wasserstoffproduktion durch Pyrolyse aus Glycerin wurde neu aufgenommen. Ergänzt wurden Abschnitte über aktuelle Anwendungen, über Verbrennungsmotoren für Gemische aus Wasserstoff und Methan, über Werkstoffe sowie Fragen von Wirkungsgrad und CO2-Emissionen.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Principles of Biomedical Sciences and Industry: Translating Ideas into Treatments
Principles of Biomedical Sciences and Industry Improve your product development skills to bring new ideas to biomedicine The development of innovative healthcare products, such as biodegradable implants, biopharmaceuticals, or companion diagnostics, requires a multi-disciplinary approach that incorporates scientific evidence with novel and innovative ideas to create new and improved products and treatments. Indeed, product development and the integration of science with commercial aspects have become key challenges for scientists working in the pharmaceutical, biotech, and medtech industries. Using a multi-pronged approach to development, Principles of Biomedical Sciences and Industry combines ideas and methodologies from four of the central areas of focus in the biomedical arena: pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, biomaterials, and medical devices. In doing so, the book covers the entire product lifecycle, from translating a scientific idea into a prototype to product development, launch, and management. Principles of Biomedical Sciences and Industry readers will also find: Several case studies from the most important product categories (pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, medical devices, combination products) Chapters dealing with toxicology and safety risks in development, as well as regulatory approval Key business aspects including how to secure funding, managing intellectual property, and price regulation in the market An ideal resource for teachers and students that conveys the information in an easily-digestible format Ideal for advanced students and young professionals pursuing a career in the biomedical and healthcare industries, Principles of Biomedical Sciences and Industry is an essential reference for those in pharmaceutical industry, biotechnologists, medicinal chemists, bio-engineers, pharma engineers, and management consultants.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Innopolis University - From Zero to Hero: Ten Years of Challenges and Victories
This open access book describes the development of Innopolis, a young Russian university established in 2012 to focus on teaching excellence in computer science, engineering, and robotics. It reports on the problems that were faced in the first decade of its development, and the adopted solutions. It shows how the key aspects for the development of the faculty, the curricula, the university structure, and the challenge of internationalization have been successfully addressed by the university management and professors, and how the solutions are scalable for other newly founded research organizations.The book is divided in five parts: “The Beginning” describes the very early days in general, from the foundation and start-up of the university with the related processes. “The People” reports on the initial hiring of the faculty members, the selection of students, and the curriculum development. “The Activities” provide information about the creation of the single research institutions and labs, and their relation to industry. “The Future” gives an outlook on the planned internationalization and faculty strategy. Eventually, “A Visual Journey” shows a selection of photographs illustrating highlights of the whole process and the current achievements. The processes and the components described built the basis for the development of Innopolis, and many of them still have a big impact on its present and its future. The fewer mistakes are made at the beginning, the higher the probability to fully achieve the initial goals.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Technical Foundations of Embedded Systems: Electronics, System theory, Components and Analysis
This textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to the methodological and technical knowledge necessary for the development of embedded systems. At first, the foundations of embedded systems from the fields of electronics, systems theory and control theory are introduced for computer scientists and engineers without extensive knowledge of electrical engineering. Subsequently, system components as well as digital communication between embedded system nodes are discussed. The book ends with procedures for the analysis of embedded systems and for real-time processing. It is aimed at students and users of computer science as well as engineers, physicists and mathematicians who are interested in the basics of developing embedded systems.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Chelyabinsk Superbolide
On February 15, 2013, the Chelyabinsk meteor sailed over Russian skies in a streak of light that was momentarily brighter than the Sun. The remarkable event and its subsequent shock wave were witnessed and documented by countless local residents, launching a widespread scientific expedition to gather and study the remaining meteoritic fragments.This book chronicles Chelyabinsk’s tale of recovery and discovery from the minds of many of the scientists who studied the superbolide, leading field experiments and collecting meteorites and meteorite dust across the region. The Chelyabinsk superbolide is a complex and multi-aspect phenomenon. The book not only presents the results of the scientific research but also details the firsthand experiences of those involved in such efforts, providing readers with a unique opportunity to look at the "inner workings" of science that are seldom shown to the public.Over the course of their studies, the scientists collected over 200 photographs and a dozen video recordings taken by nearly 40 different eyewitnesses. Many of those never-before-published illustrations and photos can be found in full color in the pages of this book.
Scotland Street Press Wilson's Ornithology and Burds in Scots
‘The crossbill is a bonny bird An she sings wi a guid Scots tongue Jip-jip-jip A’ll gie ye gip Gin ye meddle wi me nor ma young’ As a result of his travels across the North American continent in the eighteenth century Alexander Wilson pioneered the science of ornithological writing and illustration, becoming an inspiration for most of the ornithological works which followed. This new book celebrates the artwork of Alexander Wilson by reproducing his illustrations alongside new poems in Scots by Hamish MacDonald, looking at the habits, habitats, and characteristics of birds.
Emerald Publishing Limited Essays in Honor of M. Hashem Pesaran: Panel Modeling, Micro Applications, and Econometric Methodology
The collection of chapters in Volume 43 Part B of Advances in Econometrics serves as a tribute to Professor M. Hashem Pesaran. Hashem is one of the most innovative, influential, and productive econometricians of his generation, with over 200 papers published in leading scientific journals to his credit along with highly influential books on both theoretical and applied topics, significantly pushing forward the frontiers of knowledge in econometrics and economics. Thanks to his profound and pioneering work on theoretical and empirical questions, the economics profession has gained a much better understanding of both the power and limitations of econometric analysis. Reflecting the diversity of Hashem’s many contributions, this volume includes chapters on a wide variety of topics, including panel modelling, micro applications, and econometric methodology. The long list of topics includes studies analysing multiple treatment effects in panels, heterogeneity and aggregation, an exploration of the Orthogonal to Backwards Means (OBM) estimator, and an examination of potential reasons for anaemic productivity growth in Italy using recent dynamic heterogeneous panel data methods developed by Hashem Pesaran and his co-authors.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Quantitative Methods for Place-Based Innovation Policy: Measuring the Growth Potential of Regions
Building on the experience of more than one hundred innovation strategies for smart specialisation, this book uncovers insights into their recent implementation by regional and national governments in the European Union. Although designed to boost the competitiveness of Europe and its regions, chapters analyse why the implementation of this policy model was much more complicated than expected. Offering an in-depth understanding of territories and their complexity, and highlighting why this is crucial to the topic, this timely book explores the importance of place-based innovation policy instead of a one-size-fits-all variety. It provides new reflections on the conceptual approaches for the identification of innovation priorities, the data required, the methods through which the data can be turned into useful information and the mapping of the information available. This book's insights into how the economic, scientific, innovative and societal potential of cities, regions and countries can be measured will be useful for policy-makers looking to learn from the smart specialisation of Europe. Public policy and economic innovation scholars will appreciate the strong case studies analysed in the book combined with in-depth analysis of different methodologies. Contributors include: R. Capello, A. Conte, N. Cortinovis, T. Dogaru, S. Franco, E. Fuster, C. Gianelle, H. Hollanders, A. Kleibrink, H. Kroll, C. Lenzi, G. Mandras, F.A. Massucci, M. Matusiak, A. Murciego, J. van Haaren, F. van Oort
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Scottish Enlightenment: Essays in Reinterpretation
A collection of essays dealing with the history of the Scottish Enlightenment, its connection with the European Enlightenment in general, such major figures as Francis Hutcheson, Thomas Reid, and David Hume, and the making of theScottish identity. A collection of ten specially commissioned essays addressing five themes central to any study of the Scottish Enlightenment: one, the place [both physical and cognitive] of science and medicine in the Scottish Enlightenment; two,the institutionalization of enlightenment in the universities; three, the cultivation of the different branches of "the science of man" in the Scottish Enlightenment; four, the national and international contexts of enlightenmentthought in Scotland; and five, the historiography of the Scottish Enlightenment. Taking up these themes, the editor and contributors explore facets of enlightened culture in Scotland which have not been given their due in the literature, and reassess current interpretations of various aspects of the Scottish Enlightenment specifically and its relation to the European Enlightenment in general. Special emphasis is given to such major Scottish thinkersas Francis Hutcheson, George Campbell, Thomas Reid, and David Hume.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Water Resources: A New Water Architecture
Over 7 billion people demand water from resources that the changing climate is making more and more difficult to harness. Water scarcity and shortage are increasingly common and conditions are becoming more extreme. Inadequate and inappropriate management of water is already taking its toll on the environment and on the quality of life of millions of people. Modern water professionals have a duty to develop sound water science and robust evidence to lobby and influence national and regional development policy and investment priorities. We need to be bold and brave to challenge the status quo, argue the case for change, and create a New Water Architecture. Water Resources: A New Water Architecture takes a unique approach to the challenges of water management. The stress caused by our desire to live, eat, and consume is examined in the context of Governance, the role of policy, and the commercial world. The authors share their nine-step vision for a New Water Architecture. Written by three industry practitioners, this book provides students, young professionals, policymakers, and those interested in the sustainability of our natural resources with a pragmatic and compelling perspective on how to manage the ultimate resource of our time.
Seagull Books London Ltd Dispatches from Moments of Calm
On October 5, 2012, the German national newspaper Die Welt published its daily issue—but things looked . . . different. Quieter. The sensations of the day, forgotten as soon as they’re read, were missing, replaced with an unprecedented calm, extracted with care from the chaos of the contemporary. That calm was the work of Gerhard Richter, who had been granted control over Die Welt for that single day, taking over and imprinting all thirty pages of the newspaper with his personal stamp: images from quiet moments amid unquiet times, the demotion of politics from its primary position, the privileging of the private and personal over the public, and, above all, artful, moving contrasts between sharpness and softness. He had created an unprecedented work of mass art. Among the many people to praise the work was writer Alexander Kluge, who instantly began writing stories to accompany Richter’s images. This book, the second collaboration between Kluge and Richter, brings their stories and images together, along with new words and artworks created specifically for this volume. The result, Dispatches from Moments of Calm, is a beautiful, meditative interval in the otherwise unremitting press of everyday life, a masterpiece by two acclaimed artists working at the height of their powers.
Seagull Books London Ltd "Air of Solitude" Followed by "Requiem"
Gustave Roud, perhaps the most beloved poet of Swiss Romandy, is widely considered the founder of modern francophone Swiss literature, along with Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz. Roud lived at his grandfather’s farm in Carrouge, Canton Vaud, for his entire life. In Air of Solitude, the first section of this two-part book, he stalks the structures and fields of his youth, composing memories out of his landscape. The narrator appears homegrown, expressing nostalgia for what is already in front of him. Yet, like an outsider, he remains distinctly elsewhere, unable to participate in the workday rituals of the men around him—a stalking shadow of unfulfilled yearning for affection and belonging. Air of Solitude explores the rural bodies and lives of the Vaudois, returning again and again to the desired male laborer Aimé. Between each section of Air of Solitude, Roud inserts short vignettes that provide fleeting and lyrical images that resemble allusions to half-forgotten memories. However, Roud leaves the relationship between the titled sections and the interludes ambiguous. As the book concludes with Requiem, the remnants of narrative shatter, leaving behind only the spectral tatters of memory as Roud confronts the enigma of loss in peerless, jewel-studded elegiac prose. With these two tales, Roud revives the pastoral tradition and injects it with distinctly modernist anxiety and disillusionment.
Seagull Books London Ltd Poetry and Time
For nearly half a century, German artist Max Neumann has worked to create, hone, and elaborate a visual vocabulary that is dark, compulsive, and forceful. A lifelong collaborator, Neumann’s paintings have accompanied the work of Cees Nooteboom, Seamus Heaney, Fernando Pessoa, and László Krasznahorkai, among many others. In Poetry and Time, Neumann’s haunting images are accompanied by a lyrical and penetrating text from poet Joachim Sartorius, who notes that a certain silence is at the very heart of poems, stating: “They know what it is they do, but do not say it.” Exploring this mystery, he considers examples from Dickinson, Rilke, and Shakespeare, among others, and examines the realities of transience and mortality at the center of poems’ reasons for being, their urge to form their own reality and abolish time while being inextricably bound to time. Sartorius’s ruminations beautifully complement Neumann’s series of thirty poignant paintings, making this volume is an extraordinarily rare and exquisite book.
Princeton University Press Black Out: Silhouettes Then and Now
The first book highlighting the historical roots and contemporary implications of the silhouette as an American art formBefore the advent of photography in 1839, Americans were consumed by the fashion for silhouette portraits. Economical in every sense, the small, stark profiles cost far less than oil paintings and could be made in minutes. Black Out, the first major publication to focus on the development of silhouettes, gathers leading experts to shed light on the surprisingly complex historical, political, and social underpinnings of this ostensibly simple art form. In its examination of portraits by acclaimed silhouettists, such as Auguste Edouart and William Bache, this richly illustrated volume explores likenesses of everyone from presidents and celebrities to everyday citizens and enslaved people. Ultimately, the book reveals how silhouettes registered the paradoxes of the unstable young nation, roiling with tensions over slavery and political independence.Primarily tracing the rise of the silhouette in the decades leading up to the Civil War, Black Out also considers the ubiquity of the genre today, particularly in contemporary art. Using silhouettes to address such themes as race, identity, and the notion of the digital self, the four featured living artists--Kara Walker, Kristi Malakoff, Kumi Yamashita, and Camille Utterback—all take the silhouette to unique and fascinating new heights.Presenting the distinctly American story behind silhouettes, Black Out vividly delves into the historical roots and contemporary interpretations of this evocative, ever popular form of portraiture.Published in association with the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC
Yale University Press The Essential Duchamp
An engaging and accessible introduction to one of the 20th century’s greatest and most enigmatic artists This richly illustrated publication explores the full career of the hugely influential and endlessly fascinating French-American artist Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968). A pioneer whose creative output was predicated on a fundamental questioning of what art is, Duchamp is well known despite remaining mysterious as an artist, owing to his elusive persona and the unconventional nature of his work. Focusing on the world-renowned Duchamp collection at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Essential Duchamp tells the artist’s story through four key periods. The book begins with his early paintings and engagement with the avant-garde, then charts his abandonment of painting and invention of the readymade. This is followed by the creation of his alter ego Rrose Sélavy and the optical experiments of the interwar years, and, finally, by the making of Étant donnés (1946–66), the project that occupied the artist in the final two decades of his life. Shorter accompanying texts include explanations of key terms Duchamp used for his innovative ideas—readymade, precision optics, pictorial nominalism, and infrathin—as well as interviews and statements by the artist about his own art and ideas.Published in association with the Philadelphia Museum of ArtExhibition Schedule:Tokyo National Museum (10/02/18–12/09/18)National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul (12/22/18–04/07/19)Art Gallery New South Wales, Sydney (April–August 2019)
Indiana University Press Russia in the Era of NEP: Explorations in Soviet Society and Culture
" . . . a comprehensive look at an enigmatic era . . . " —Choice"This provocative collection of essays certainly takes some of the polish off Soviet socialism's golden age." —Journal of Interdisciplinary History"The authors and editors of this splendid volume deserve great praise. Their work moves the field of Soviet history several large steps forward." —Slavic ReviewLenin's New Economic Policy of the 1920s, although a relatively free and open potential alternative to Soviet communism, was also a time of extreme tension, as Russian society and culture were rocked by the forces of resistance and change. These essays examine the social and cultural dimensions of NEP in urban and rural Russia in the years before Stalin and rapid industrialization.
McGill-Queen's University Press The Legacy of 9/11: Views from North America
While 9/11 was understood at the time as a world-changing event in international relations, its uneven aftermath and the long-term effects for North America could not have been predicted. Twenty years later, The Legacy of 9/11 explores the political, economic, security and defence, and trade and border implications of the event. Written by a team of North American experts across many fields, the book foregrounds the fallout of 9/11 in Mexico and Canada as opposed to the more commonly discussed impact on the United States. Looking at the event and its aftermath through four lenses – ideas about North America; border, trade, and economics; security and society; and defence – contributors analyze the complex legacy of 9/11. Rather than serving as a catalyst to create an integrated, trilateral continent, 9/11 entrenched the North America we have today: three separate states with emphasis on two very different borders.From a reconsideration of internationalism, a rise in populism, and a shift in migration patterns to the interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq, The Legacy of 9/11 uncovers how successive North American governments reacted in surprising ways to the world-altering attack.
McGill-Queen's University Press The Peoples’ War?: The Second World War in Sociopolitical Perspective
Some 60 million people died during the Second World War; millions more were displaced in Europe, Africa, and Asia. The war resulted in the creation of new states, the acceleration of imperial decline, and a shift in the distribution of global power. Despite its unprecedented impact, a comprehensive account of the complex international experiences of this war remains elusive. The Peoples’ War? offers fresh approaches to the challenge of writing a new history of the Second World War. Exploring aspects of the war that have been marginalized in military and political studies, the volume foregrounds less familiar narratives, subjects, and places. Chapters recover the wartime experiences of individuals – including women, children, members of minority ethnic groups, and colonial subjects – whose stories do not fit easily into conventional national war narratives. The contributors show how terms used to delineate the conflict such as home front and battle front, occupier and occupied, captor and prisoner, and friend and foe became increasingly blurred as the war wore on. Above all, the volume encourages reflection on whether this conflict really was a “Peoples’ War.”Challenging the homogenizing narratives of the war as a nationally unifying experience, The Peoples’ War? seeks to enrich our understanding of the Second World War as a global event.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Geometric And Topological Methods For Quantum Field Theory - Proceedings Of The Summer School
This volume offers an introduction to recent developments in several active topics of research at the interface between geometry, topology and quantum field theory. These include Hopf algebras underlying renormalization schemes in quantum field theory, noncommutative geometry with applications to index theory on one hand and the study of aperiodic solids on the other, geometry and topology of low dimensional manifolds with applications to topological field theory, Chern-Simons supergravity and the anti de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence. It comprises seven lectures organized around three main topics, noncommutative geometry, topological field theory, followed by supergravity and string theory, complemented by some short communications by young participants of the school.
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Soviet Design: From Constructivism To Modernism. 1920-1980
The Soviet Union has left a vast heritage in interior design that is largely unknown in the West. Other than architecture and graphic or product design, interior design from the Soviet era has not yet been thoroughly investigated. For the first time ever, this book offers a comprehensive survey of the country's interior design culture between revolutionary avant-garde and late Soviet modernism. Drawing on archives that were inaccessible until recently and featuring a wealth of previously unpublished material, it documents the achievements of seven decades in the former socialist empire. Soviet design is often discredited as massive, non-ergonomic and monotonous. Yet a remarkable variety of original styles have emerged behind the iron curtain. The 1920s were marked by bold exploration and experiments at Vkhutemas and by constructivism, rationalism, and suprematism. Early in Stalin's reign constructivism was heavily criticised and post-constructivism and Soviet neo-classicism appeared alongside what became known as 'agitational furniture', inspired by the regime's propaganda. The 1930s brought Soviet Art Deco and eventually Stalinist Empire, which has produced some of the Soviet Union's most iconic buildings. In the late 1950s, after Stalin's death, the last Soviet 'big style' originated modernist and functionalist furniture, mass-produced to fit the small apartments in the Khrushchyovka multi-unit housing developments that were built in cities on a large scale. The 1960s mark the Golden Age of Soviet interior design, showing again influences by the early Soviet Avant-Garde and the Bauhaus, while most of the visionary work of a new generation of designers in the 1970s and 1980s remained unrealised.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis: Volume I: Eastern Europe
Cold Hub Press The Twelve
Exisle Publishing Violin And Cello
Luath Press Ltd Modern Scottish Painting
In 1939, Scottish artist and sculptor J.D. Fergusson was commissioned to write a fully illustrated book on modern Scottish painting. The Second World War made this difficult and the first edition of Modern Scottish Painting was published in 1943 without illustrations. This new edition – edited, introduced and annotated by Alexander Moffat and Alan Riach – finally brings Fergusson’s project to fruition, illustrating the argument with colour reproductions of Fergusson’s own work. Moffat and Riach frame Fergusson’s important art manifesto for the 21st-century reader, illuminating his views on modern art as he explores questions of technique, education, form and what it means for a painting to be truly modern. Fergusson relates these aspects of modern painting to Scottishness, showing what they mean for Scottish identity, nationalism, independence and the legacy that puritanical Calvinism has left on Scottish art – a particular concern for Fergusson given his recurring subject matter of the female nude.
Princeton University Press Research Design in the Social Sciences: Declaration, Diagnosis, and Redesign
A state-of-the-art approach to evaluating research design for students and scholars across the social sciencesAssessing the properties of research designs before implementing them can be tricky for even the most seasoned researchers. This book provides a powerful framework—Model, Inquiry, Data Strategy, and Answer Strategy, or MIDA—for describing any empirical research design in the social sciences. MIDA enables you to characterize the key analytic features of observational and experimental designs, qualitative and quantitative designs, and descriptive and causal designs. An accompanying algorithm lets you declare designs in the MIDA framework, diagnose properties such as bias and precision, and redesign features like sampling, assignment, measurement, and estimation procedures. Research Design in the Social Sciences is an essential tool kit for the entire life of a research project, from planning and realization of design to the integration of your results into the scientific literature. A must-have resource for current and future researchers who want to learn about the properties of their designs before they implement them Includes a library of the most common designs in the social sciences Provides a complete declaration of the canonical design for each library entry, describes the circumstances under which the design can be strong or weak, and explores the consequences of the choices under the research designer’s control Accompanied by online resources that can be used in conjunction with the book An ideal textbook for graduate students and advanced undergraduates
Thames & Hudson Ltd Vivienne Westwood Catwalk: The Complete Collections
One of the most thought-provoking and influential designers in the world – she once declared 'the only reason I'm in fashion is to destroy the word "conformity"' – Vivienne Westwood reinvented, changed and challenged the world of fashion for over five decades. Celebrating 40 years of catwalk collections, this book records the inimitable creations imagined by Vivienne Westwood since her first runway show in 1981, as well as those designed by her husband and long-time collaborator, Andreas Kronthaler. Complete with an introduction and collection texts by Alexander Fury, and biographies written by the designers themselves, Vivienne Westwood Catwalk offers a rare opportunity to chart the development of a uniquely creative fashion house. After Chanel, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Yves Saint Laurent and Prada, Vivienne Westwood – is the sixth new volume in the best-selling Catwalk series, which offers an unrivalled overview of the collections of the world’s top fashion houses through original catwalk photography.With 1300 illustrations in colour