Search results for ""Abrams""
Abrams Books Small Mouth Sounds A Play OffBroadway Edition
“Leaves you moved, refreshed and, yes, maybe even enlightened.” —The New York Times (Critic’s Pick)
Abrams Books Arlo Draws an Octopus
Abrams Books Planet Golf
A comprehensive, illustrated guide to the greatest golf courses outside the United States, this book takes you on tour through more than 130 courses in 20 countries.
Harry N. Abrams True Grit Young Readers Edition
Harry N. Abrams Rowley Jefferson's Awesome Friendly Adventure (Export Edition)
Harry N. Abrams Diary of a Wimpy Kid 8 Hard Luck
Harry N. Abrams Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics
Harry N. Abrams Diary of a Wimpy Kid #13 the Meltdown (International Edition)
Harry N. Abrams My Magical Easter Bunny
Proa LLegir Maragall ara
Sam Abrams comenta poema a poema i llibre a llibre tota la producció lírica de Joan Maragall, el primer poeta modern de Catalunya. Des de l'Oda infinita de Poesies (1895) fins al Cant espiritual de Seqüències (1911). Aquest estudi, adreçat tant al públic lector en general com a l'especialista, és una de les principals aportacions a l'Any Maragall, que commemora el centenari del naixement i el cinquantenari de la mort del poeta. L'estudi de Sam Abrams, escrit amb tota la passió i el rigor, no amaga la seva intenció: oferir una visió completament nova de l'obra poètica de Maragall i reivindicar-ne el mestratge artístic, la intelligència, la humanitat i la plena modernitat i vigència.
University of Texas Press How the Maya Built Their World: Energetics and Ancient Architecture
Maya architecture is often described as "massive" and "monumental," but experiments at Copan, Honduras, convinced Elliot Abrams that 300 people could have built one of the large palaces there in only 100 days.In this groundbreaking work, Abrams explicates his theory of architectural energetics, which involves translating structures into volumes of raw and manufactured materials that are then multiplied by the time required for their production and assembly to determine the labor costs of past construction efforts. Applying this method to residential structures of the Late Classic period (A.D. 700-900) at Copan leads Abrams to posit a six-tiered hierarchic social structure of political decision making, ranging from a stratified elite to low-ranking commoners. By comparing the labor costs of construction and other economic activities, he also prompts a reconsideration of the effects of royal construction demands on commoners.How the Maya Built Their World will interest a wide audience in New and Old World anthropology, archaeology, architecture, and engineering.
The University of Chicago Press Evolution and the Machinery of Chance: Philosophy, Probability, and Scientific Practice in Biology
An innovative view of the role of fitness concepts in evolutionary theory. Natural selection is one of the factors responsible for changes in biological populations. Some traits or organisms are fitter than others, and natural selection occurs when there are changes in the distribution of traits in populations because of fitness differences. Many philosophers of biology insist that a trait’s fitness should be defined as an average of the fitnesses of individual members of the population that have the trait. Marshall Abrams argues convincingly against this widespread approach. As he shows, it conflicts with the roles that fitness is supposed to play in evolutionary theory and with the ways that evolutionary biologists use fitness concepts in empirical research. The assumption that a causal kind of fitness is fundamentally a property of actual individuals has resulted in unnecessary philosophical puzzles and years of debate. Abrams came to see that the fitnesses of traits that are the basis of natural selection cannot be defined in terms of the fitnesses of actual members of populations, as philosophers of biology often claim. Rather, it is an overall population-environment system—not actual, particular organisms living in particular environmental conditions—that is the basis of trait fitnesses. Abrams argues that by distinguishing different classes of fitness concepts and the roles they play in the practice of evolutionary biology, we can see that evolutionary biologists’ diverse uses of fitness concepts make sense together and are consistent with the idea that fitness differences cause evolution. Abrams’s insight has broad significance, for it provides a general framework for thinking about the metaphysics of biological evolution and its relations to empirical research. As such, it is a game-changing book for philosophers of biology, biologists who want deeper insight into the nature of evolution, and anyone interested in the applied philosophy of probability.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Money Pitch: Baseball Free Agency and Salary Arbitration
Professional baseball players have always been well paid. In 1869, Harry Wright paid his Cincinnati Red Stockings about seven times what an average working-man earned. Today, on average, players earn more than fifty times the average worker's salary. In fact, on December 12, 1998, pitcher Kevin Brown agreed to a seven-year, $105,000,000 contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers, the first nine-figure contract in baseball history. Brown will be earning over $400,000 per game; more than 17,000 fans have to show up at Dodger Stadium every night just to pay his salary. Why are baseball players paid so much money? In this insightful book, legal scholar and salary arbitrator Roger Abrams tells the story of how a few thousand very talented young men obtain their extraordinary riches. Juggling personal experience and business economics, game theory and baseball history, he explains how agents negotiate compensation, how salary arbitration works, and how the free agency \u0022auction\u0022 operates. In addition, he looks at the context in which these systems operate: the players' collective bargaining agreement, the distribution of quality players among the clubs, even the costs of other forms of entertainment with which baseball competes. Throughout, Dean Abrams illustrates his explanations with stories and quotations -- even an occasional statistic, though following the dictum of star pitcher, club owner, and sporting goods tycoon Albert Spalding, he has kept the book as free of these as possible. He explains supply and demand by the cost of a bar of soap for Christy Mathewson's shower. He illustrates salary negotiation with an imaginary case based on Roy Hobbs, star of The National. He leads the reader through the breath-taking successes of agent Scott Boras to explain the intricacies of free agent negotiating. Although studies have shown that increases in admissions prices precede rather than follow the rise in player salaries, fans are understandably bemused by skyrocketing salaries. Dean Abrams does not shy away from the question of whether it is \u0022fair\u0022 for an athlete to earn more than $10,000,000 a year. He looks at issues of player (and team) loyalty and player attitudes, both today and historically, and at what increased salaries have meant for the national pastime, financially and in the eyes of its fans. The Money Pitch concludes that \u0022the money pitch is a story of good fortune, good timing, and great leadership, all resulting from playing a child's game -- a story that is uniquely American.\u0022
Emerald Publishing Limited Videogames, Libraries, and the Feedback Loop: Learning Beyond the Stacks
Videogames, Libraries, and the Feedback Loop: Learning Beyond the Stacks offers fresh perspectives of youth videogaming in public libraries. Abrams and Gerber delve into research-based accounts to explore feedback mechanisms that support important reflective and iterative practices. Highlighting how videogame library programs can evolve to meet contemporary needs of youth patrons, the authors equip readers to re-envision library programming that specifically features youth videogame play.
New York University Press God and Blackness: Race, Gender, and Identity in a Middle Class Afrocentric Church
Blackness, as a concept, is extremely fluid: it can refer to cultural and ethnic identity, socio-political status, an aesthetic and embodied way of being, a social and political consciousness, or a diasporic kinship. It is used as a description of skin color ranging from the palest cream to the richest chocolate; as a marker of enslavement, marginalization, criminality, filth, or evil; or as a symbol of pride, beauty, elegance, strength, and depth. Despite the fact that it is elusive and difficult to define, blackness serves as one of the most potent and unifying domains of identity. God and Blackness offers an ethnographic study of blackness as it is understood within a specific community—that of the First Afrikan Church, a middle-class Afrocentric congregation in Atlanta, Georgia. Drawing on nearly two years of participant observation and in‑depth interviews, Andrea C. Abrams examines how this community has employed Afrocentrism and Black theology as a means of negotiating the unreconciled natures of thoughts and ideals that are part of being both black and American. Specifically, Abrams examines the ways in which First Afrikan’s construction of community is influenced by shared understandings of blackness, and probes the means through which individuals negotiate the tensions created by competing constructions of their black identity. Although Afrocentrism operates as the focal point of this discussion, the book examines questions of political identity, religious expression and gender dynamics through the lens of a unique black church.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quantitative Business Valuation: A Mathematical Approach for Today's Professionals
Quantitative Business Valuation A Mathematical Approach for Today's Professionals Essential reading for the serious business appraiser, Quantitative Business Valuation, Second Edition is the definitive guide to quantitative measurements in the valuation process. No other book written on business valuation is as well researched, innovative, and bottom-line beneficial to you as a practitioner. Written by leading valuation and litigation economist Jay B. Abrams, this text is a rigorous and eye-opening treatment filled with applications for a wide variety of scenarios in the valuation of your privately held business. Substantially revised for greater clarity and logical flow, the Second Edition includes new coverage of: Converting forecast net income to forecast cash flow Damages in manufacturing firms Regressing scaled y-variables as a way to control for heteroscedasticity Mathematical derivation of the Price-to-Sales (PS) ratio Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) and Real Options (RO) Analysis Venture capital and angel investor rates of return Lost inventory and lost profits damage formulas in litigation Organized into seven sections, the first three parts of this book follow the chronological sequence of performing a discounted cash flow. The fourth part puts it all together, covering empirical testing of Abrams' valuation theory and measuring valuation uncertainty and error. Parts five to seven round it all out with discussion of litigation, valuing ESOPs and partnership buyouts, and probabilistic methods including valuing start-ups. The resulting work, solidly grounded in economic theory and including all necessary mathematics, integrates existing science into the valuation professionand develops valuation formulas and models that you will find useful on a daily basis.
Temple University Press,U.S. Legal Bases: Baseball And The Law
If baseball is the heart of America, the legal process provides the sinews that hold it in place. It was the legal process that allowed William Hulbert to bring club owners together in a New York City hotel room in 1876 to form the National League, and ninety years later, it allowed Marvin Miller to change a management-funded fraternity of ballplayers into the strongest trade union in America. But how does collective bargaining and labor arbitration work in the major leagues? Why is baseball exempt from the antitrust laws? In Legal Bases, Roger Abrams has assembled an all-star baseball law team whose stories illuminate the sometimes uproarious, sometimes ignominious relationship between law and baseball that has made the business of baseball a truly American institution.
Stanford University Press ‘The President Has Been Shot’: Confusion, Disability, and the 25th Amendment
A Stanford University Press classic.
Three Rivers Press (CA) All the Pieces Matter: The Inside Story of The Wire®
New York University Press Jewish Women Pioneering the Frontier Trail: A History in the American West
The image of the West looms large in the American imagination. Yet the history of American Jewry and particularly of American Jewish women—has been heavily weighted toward the East. Jewish Women Pioneering the Frontier Trail rectifies this omission as the first full book to trace the history and contributions of Jewish women in the American West. In many ways, the Jewish experience in the West was distinct. Given the still-forming social landscape, beginning with the 1848 Gold Rush, Jews were able to integrate more fully into local communities than they had in the East. Jewish women in the West took advantage of the unsettled nature of the region to “open new doors” for themselves in the public sphere in ways often not yet possible elsewhere in the country. Women were crucial to the survival of early communities, and made distinct contributions not only in shaping Jewish communal life but outside the Jewish community as well. Western Jewish women's level of involvement at the vanguard of social welfare and progressive reform, commerce, politics, and higher education and the professions is striking given their relatively small numbers. This engaging work—full of stories from the memoirs and records of Jewish pioneer women—illuminates the pivotal role these women played in settling America's Western frontier.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Identity and Social Cognition
In recent years there has been a rapprochement between the traditionally opposing theories of North American social cognition and European social identity theory.
Ebury Publishing Radionics The Subtle Anatomy Of Man
Radionics is defined as a method of diagnosis and therapy which is primarily concerned with the utilization of subtle force fields and energies, for the purpose of investigating and combating the causes of disease which ravage humanity and the other kingdoms of nature. But in examining the history and development of radionics from the pioneering work of Dr Albert Abrams and Ruth Drown to the latest experimental work at the de la Warr Laboratories, David Tansley discovered a curious paradox. In literature on the subject, and in the rate books which provide the very core of radionic therapeutic measures, there are plenty of references to man''s physical organic systems, but little regarding the probability of underlying force fields which might govern and determine the health of the physical form.This book represents an informed endeavour to redress the balance by providing a simple yet practical outline of the subtle anatomy of man. The theory is not new: Abrams diagnosed at
Liverpool University Press Eyes Wide Shut: Behind Stanley Kubrick's Masterpiece
Twenty years after its release, Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut remains a complex, visually arresting film about marriage, jealousy, domesticity, adultery, sexual disturbance, and dreams. This was the final enigmatic work from its equally enigmatic creator. It has left an indelible mark on our popular culture and remains as relevant as ever. Much maligned and much misunderstood when it first came out, Eyes Wide Shut has since been the subject of an animated debate and discussion among critics, fans and academics. It has been explored from a wide variety of disciplines and methodological perspectives. This collection brings scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds together with those who worked on the film to explore Eyes Wide Shut’s legacy, discuss its impact, and consider its position within Kubrick’s oeuvre and the wider visual and socio-political culture.
Pegasus Books Kubrick: An Odyssey
John Wiley & Sons Inc Methods for Meta-Analysis in Medical Research
With meta-analysis methods playing a crucial role in health research in recent years, this important and clearly-written book provides a much-needed survey of the field. Meta-analysis provides a framework for combining the results of several clinical trials and drawing inferences about the effectiveness of medical treatments. The move towards evidence-based health care and practice is underpinned by the use of meta-analysis. This book: * Provides a thorough criticism and an up-to-date survey of meta-analysis methods * Emphasises the practical approach, and illustrates the methods by numerous examples * Describes the use of Bayesian methods in meta-analysis * Includes discussion of appropriate software for each analysis * Includes numerous references to more advanced treatment of specialist topics * Refers to software code used in the examples available on the authors' Web site Practising statisticians, statistically-minded clinicians and health research professionals will benefit greatly from the clear presentation and numerous examples. Medical researchers will grasp the basic principles of meta-analysis, and learn how to apply the various methods.
Edinburgh University Press A History of Everyday Life in Twentieth Century Scotland
Over the twentieth century Scots' lives changed in fast, dramatic and culturally significant ways. By examining their bodies, homes, working lives, rituals, beliefs and consumption, this volume exposes how the very substance of everyday life was composed, tracing both the intimate and the mass changes that the people endured. Using novel perspectives and methods, chapters range across the experiences of work, art and death, the way Scots conceived of themselves and their homes, and the way the 'old Scotland' of oppressive community rules broke down from mid-century as the country reinvented its everyday life and culture. This volume brings together leading cultural historians of twentieth-century Scotland to study the apparently mundane activities of people's lives, traversing the key spaces where daily experience is composed to expose the controversial personal and national politics that ritual and practice can generate. Key features: *Contains an overview of the material changes experienced by Scots in their everyday lives during the course of the century *Focuses on some of the key areas of change in everyday experience, from the way Scots spent their Sundays to the homes in which they lived, from the work they undertook to the culture they consumed and eventually the way they died. *Pays particular attention to identity as well as experience
Bristol University Press Black Mothers and Attachment Parenting: A Black Feminist Analysis of Intensive Mothering in Britain and Canada
Attachment parenting is an increasingly popular style of childrearing that emphasises ‘natural’ activities such as extended breastfeeding, bedsharing and babywearing. Such parenting activities are framed as the key to addressing a variety of social ills. Parents’ choices are thus made deeply significant with the potential to guarantee the well-being of future societies. Examining black mothers’ engagements with attachment parenting, Hamilton shows the limitations of this neoliberal approach. Unique in its intersectional analysis of contemporary mothering ideologies, this outstanding book fills a gap in the literature on parenting culture studies, drawing on black feminist theorizing to analyse intensive mothering practices and policies. Black Mothers and Attachment Parenting is shortlisted for the 2021 BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation
READ ALL ABOUT IT! David Spiegelhalter has recently joined the ranks of Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Stephen Hawking by becoming a fellow of the Royal Society. Originating from the Medical Research Council’s biostatistics unit, David has played a leading role in the Bristol heart surgery and Harold Shipman inquiries. Order a copy of this author’s comprehensive text TODAY! The Bayesian approach involves synthesising data and judgement in order to reach conclusions about unknown quantities and make predictions. Bayesian methods have become increasingly popular in recent years, notably in medical research, and although there are a number of books on Bayesian analysis, few cover clinical trials and biostatistical applications in any detail. Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation provides a valuable overview of this rapidly evolving field, including basic Bayesian ideas, prior distributions, clinical trials, observational studies, evidence synthesis and cost-effectiveness analysis. Covers a broad array of essential topics, building from the basics to more advanced techniques. Illustrated throughout by detailed case studies and worked examples Includes exercises in all chapters Accessible to anyone with a basic knowledge of statistics Authors are at the forefront of research into Bayesian methods in medical research Accompanied by a Web site featuring data sets and worked examples using Excel and WinBUGS - the most widely used Bayesian modelling package Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation is suitable for students and researchers in medical statistics, statisticians in the pharmaceutical industry, and anyone involved in conducting clinical trials and assessment of health-care technology.
University Press of America Foreign Policy in the Reagan Presidency: Nine Intimate Perspectives
In this work, distinguished political figures and journalists who worked closely with Ronald Reagan examine his role in foreign policy. Contents: Preface; Introduction. PART I: PRINCIPLES OF FOREIGN POLICY; Reagan's Foreign Policy Leadership, Sterling Kernek; Reagan and the Realities of Foreign Policy, Paul H. Nitze; Reagan and International Arms Agreements, Caspar Weinberger. PART II: PERSONALITY AND POLICY-MAKING; Reagan as Decisionmaker, John C. Whitehead; Serving Reagan as Negotiator, Max M. Kampelman; Reagan's Leadership: Mystery Man or Ideological Guide? Elliott Abrams. PART III: THE REAGAN STRATEGY: PERSONAL OR INSTITUTIONAL? Administration and Technical Assistance: A.I.D.'s Western Hemisphere Program, Dwight Ink; Reagan as Foreign Policy Strategist, Paul H. Nitze; Reagan's Triumph: Personal or Institutional? Don Oberdorfer. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.
Bristol University Press Women's Work: How Mothers Manage Flexible Working in Careers and Family Life
Shortlisted for the BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize 2019. What’s it really like to be a mother with a career working flexibly? Drawing on over 100 hours of interview data, this book is the first to go inside women’s work and family lives in a year of working flexibly. The private labours of going part-time, job sharing, and home working are brought to life with vivid personal stories. Taking a sociological and feminist perspective, it explores contemporary motherhood, work-life balance, emotional work in families, couples and housework, maternity transitions, interactions with employers, work design and workplace cultures, and employment policies. It concludes that there is an opportunity to make employment and family life work better together and offers unique insights from women’s lived experiences on how to do it.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Super-Duper Sporty Doodle Book
Spark your imagination and enter a super fun sporty world in this doodle and draw book brimming with cartoon characters, silly story starters, hilarious hidden pictures, doodle prompts galore, and more than 50 colourful stickers! Inside each book, you'll find 96 pages of fun! . Easy-to-follow drawing tips . Imaginative doodle prompts . Silly story starters . Hilarious hidden-picture pages . More than fifty stickers! AGES: 6 to 9 AUTHOR: Ryan Sias is a talented animator, illustrator and writer who has done work for Sesame Street, Nickelodeon, Jr., MTV and MAD magazine. His children's book credits include Sniff Sniff (Abrams), which he wrote and illustrated, and Are You Eating Something Red? and Are You Eating Something Green? written by Harriet Ziefert.
Fordham University Press The Garb of Being: Embodiment and the Pursuit of Holiness in Late Ancient Christianity
This collection explores how the body became a touchstone for late antique religious practice and imagination. When we read the stories and testimonies of late ancient Christians, what different types of bodies stand before us? How do we understand the range of bodily experiences—solitary and social, private and public—that clothed ancient Christians? How can bodily experience help us explore matters of gender, religious identity, class, and ethnicity? The Garb of Being investigates these questions through stories from the Eastern Christian world of antiquity: monks and martyrs, families and congregations, and textual bodies. Contributors include S. Abrams Rebillard, T. Arentzen, S. P. Brock, R. S. Falcasantos , C. M. Furey, S. H. Griffith, R. Krawiec, B. McNary-Zak, J.-N. Mellon Saint-Laurent, C. T. Schroeder, A. P. Urbano, F. M. Young
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Ultimate Star Trek and Philosophy: The Search for Socrates
Reunites the editors of Star Trek and Philosophy with Starfleet’s finest experts for 31 new, highly logical essays Features a complete examination of the Star Trek universe, from the original series to the most recent films directed by J.J. Abrams, Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Introduces important concepts in philosophy through the vast array of provocative issues raised by the series, such as the ethics of the Prime Directive, Star Trek’s philosophy of peace, Data and Voyager’s Doctor as persons, moral relativism and the Federation’s quest for liberation, the effect of alternate universes on reality and identity, the Borg as transhumanists, Federation Trekonomics, Star Trek’s secular society, and much, much more…! An enterprising and enlightening voyage into deep space that will appeal to hardcore fans and science fiction enthusiasts alike Publishing in time to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the original TV series
Bristol University Press Negotiating Cohesion, Inequality and Change: Uncomfortable Positions in Local Government
How are multiculturalism, inequality and belonging understood in the day-to-day thinking and practices of local government? Examining original empirical data, this book explores how local government officers and politicians negotiate 'difficult subjects' linked with community cohesion policy: diversity, inequality, discrimination, extremism, migration, religion, class, power and change. The book argues that such work necessitates 'uncomfortable positions' when managing ethical, professional and political commitments. Based on first-hand experience of working in urban local government and extensive ethnographic, interview and documentary research, the book applies governmentality perspectives in a new way to consider how people working within government are subject to regimes of governmentality themselves, and demonstrates how power operates through emotions. Its exploration of how 'sociological imaginations' are applied beyond academia will be valuable to those arguing for the future of public services and building connections between the university and wider society, including scholars and students in sociology, social policy, social geography, urban studies and politics, and policy practitioners in local and central government. Winner of the BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize 2014
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Super-Duper Snowy Doodle Book
Learn how to draw cool characters, finish writing fun story starters, and search through frosty picture puzzles in this 96-page doodle activity book. Perfect for budding artists, doodlers, and writers to snuggle up with when it's cold outside. With more than 50 stickers at the back of the book! Welcome to the frosty world of the Super-Duper Snowy Doodle Book! Learn to draw more than twenty chilly characters in wintry scenes and situations. Every page has a doodling, drawing, or hidden-picture puzzle, or a writing activity to complete - and there are more than fifty hilarious stickers included! Grab your favorite markers, crayons, or coloured pencils and get set to laugh and create! Inside each book, you'll find 96 pages of fun! . Easy-to-follow drawing tips . Imaginative doodle prompts . Silly story starters . Hilarious hidden-picture pages More than fifty stickers! AGES: 6 to 9 AUTHOR: Ryan Sias is a talented animator, illustrator and writer who has done work for Sesame Street, Nickelodeon, Jr., MTV and MAD magazine. His children's book credits include Sniff Sniff (Abrams), which he wrote and illustrated, and Are You Eating Something Red? and Are You Eating Something Green? written by Harriet Ziefert.
Pan Macmillan Lovecraft Country: TV Tie-In
The New York Times bestselling book behind the HBO Series from J.J. Abrams, Misha Green and Jordan Peele (Director of Get Out)A chimerical blend of magic, power, hope, and freedom that stretches across time, touching diverse members of two black families, Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff is a devastating kaleidoscopic portrait of racism – the terrifying specter that continues to haunt us today.Chicago, 1954. When his father Montrose goes missing, twenty-two year-old Army veteran Atticus Turner embarks on a road trip to New England to find him, accompanied by his Uncle George – publisher of The Safe Negro Travel Guide – and his childhood friend Letitia. On their journey to the manor of Mr. Braithwhite – heir to the estate that owned one of Atticus’s ancestors – they encounter both mundane terrors of white America and malevolent spirits that seem straight out of the weird tales George devours.At the manor, Atticus discovers his father in chains, held prisoner by a secret cabal named the Order of the Ancient Dawn – led by Samuel Braithwhite and his son Caleb – which has gathered to orchestrate a ritual that shockingly centers on Atticus. And his one hope of salvation may be the seed of his – and the whole Turner clan’s – destruction.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Anglo-Norman Studies XXXV: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2012
A rich collection of articles on multiple aspects of Anglo-Norman and Norman studies, forming an indispensable addition to an understanding of this important period of history. This volume of Anglo-Norman Studies demonstrates yet again the multi-disciplinarity and European range of the series. As befits the proceedings of a conference held in Normandy at Bayeux, it contains two articles on the renowned Tapestry, and a consideration of the campaign of 1066; there are also several papers on the medieval duchy, their topics including its early tenth-century origins, the abbesses of Norman nunneries, abbatial investitures in the context of religious reform, the reign of Robert Curthose, the charters of a major aristocratic family, and historical writing in and around late twelfth- and early thirteenth-century Normandy. Alongside these are articleson landscape and belief, villein manumissions and the theology of the incarnation, the evolution of criminal law in Scotland, Bohemond of Antioch, the architectural historian John Bilson, and important aspects of twelfth-centurypoetry. David Bates is a Professorial Fellow at the University of East Anglia and was until recently a Visiting Professor at the University of Caen Basse-Normandie. Contributors: Lesley Abrams, Bernard S. Bachrach, Steven Biddlecombe, Alexandrina Buchanan, Howard B. Clarke, Edoardo D'Angelo, Gregory Fedorenko, Jean-Hervé Foulon, George Garnett, Véronique Gazeau, Paul R. Hyams, Sylvette Lemagnen, Monika Otter, Daniel Power, Alice Taylor, C.S. Watkins.
Elliott & Thompson Limited Saturday Night at the Movies: The Extraordinary Partnerships Behind Cinema's Greatest Scores
Discover the remarkable stories behind some of the most popular film music of all time; From Jurassic Park to The Lord of the Rings, Vertigo to Titanic, a powerful score can make a movie truly extraordinary. The alchemy between composer and director creates pure cinematic magic, with songs and melodies that are instantly recognisable and eternally memorable. So what is their secret?; Saturday Night at the Movies goes behind the scenes to reveal twelve remarkable partnerships, and how they have created the music that has moved millions. Discover how these collaborations began and what makes them so effective: the dynamic personalities, the creative chemistry, the flashes of genius. The best scores come from sound and image working together to bring the director’s vision to life, but many scores also stand alone as towering achievements of composition that have shaped the face of modern music.; Featuring such luminaries as Alfred Hitchcock and Bernard Herrmann, Christopher Nolan and Hans Zimmer, and James Horner and James Cameron, Saturday Night at the Movies explores the creation of film favourites such as Back to the Future, Fargo, Edward Scissorhands and many, many more.; Includes:; J.J. Abrams & Michael Giacchino; Kenneth Branagh & Patrick Doyle; Tim Burton & Danny Elfman; James Cameron & James Horner; The Coen Brothers & Carter Burwell; Alfred Hitchcock & Bernard Herrmann; Peter Jackson & Howard Shore; David Lean & Maurice Jarre; Sam Mendes & ¬Thomas Newman; Christopher Nolan & Hans Zimmer; Steven Spielberg & John Williams; Robert Zemeckis & Alan Silvestri
Emerald Publishing Limited Black Mixed-Race Men: Transatlanticity, Hybridity and 'Post-Racial' Resilience
Winner of the 2018 British Sociological Association Philip Abrams Memorial Prize. Whilst scholarship has increasingly moved to consider mixedness and the experiences of mixed-race people, there has been a notable lack of attention to the specific experiences of mixed-race men. This is despite growing recognition of the particular ways race and gender intersect. By centring the accounts of Black mixed-race men in the United Kingdom and United States, this book offers a timely intervention that extends the theoretical terrain of race and ethnicity scholarship and of studies of gender and masculinities. As it treads new and important ground, this book draws upon theories of performativity and hybridity in order to understand how Black mixed-race men constitute and reconstitute complex and multiplicitous identities. ‘Post-racial’ conditions mean that Black mixed-race men engage in such processes in a context where the significance of race and racism is rendered invisible and denied. By introducing the theoretical concept of ‘post-racial’ resilience, this study strives to capture and celebrate the contemporary, creative and innovative ways in which Black mixed-race men refuse the fragmentation and erasure of their identities. As it does so, the author offers a corrective to popular representations that have too readily pathologized Black mixed-race men. Focusing on the everyday through a discussion of Black mixed-race men’s racial symbolism, experiences of racial microaggressions, and interactions with peers, Black Mixed-Race Men: Transatlanticity, Hybridity and Post-Racial Resilience offers an in-depth insight into a previously neglected area of scholarship.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Black Roses: Odes Celebrating Powerful Black Women
The poet and founder of the music collective Flowers for the Living pays tribute to all Black women by focusing on visionaries and leaders who are making history right now, including Ava DuVernay, Janelle Monae, Kamala Harris, Misty Copeland, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Robin Roberts, Roxane Gay, and Simone Biles—with this compilation of celebratory odes featuring full-color illustrations by Melissa Koby.Black women are exceptional. To honor how Black women use their minds, talent, passion, and power to transform society, Harold Green began writing love letters in verse which he shared on his Instagram account. Balm for our troubled times, his tributes to visionaries and leaders quickly went viral and became a social media sensation. Now, in this remarkable collection, Green brings together many of these popular odes with never-before-seen works. A timely celebration of contemporary Black figures who are making history and shaping our culture today, Black Roses is divided into five sections—advocates, curators, innovators, luminaries, trailblazers—reflecting the diversity of Black women’s achievements and the depth of their reach. These inspiring changemakers are leaving their mark on the world by creating new beauty in their respective art forms, heading movements, fighting for equality and to change the status quo, and championing new definitions of what’s possible in every meaningful way. Green lifts them up to create meaningful connections between these figures and our own lives and experiences.Black Roses spotlights and urges readers to learn more about Allyson Felix, Angelica Ross, Ava DuVernay, Bisa Butler, Bozoma Saint John, Charisma Sweat-Green, Dr. Eve Ewing, Dr. Janice Jackson, Dr. Johnnetta Cole, Eunique Jones-Gibson, Issa Rae, Janelle Monae, Jennifer Hudson, Jessica Matthews, Kamala Harris, Keisha Bottoms, Kimberly Bryant, Kimberly Drew, Lisa Green, Lizzo, Mandilyn Graham, Mellody Hobson, Michelle Alexander, Misty Copeland, Naomi Beckwith, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Phylicia Rashad, Rapsody, Raquel Willis, Robin Roberts, Roxane Gay, Shellye Archambeau, Simone Biles, Stacey Abrams, Tabitha Brown, Tamika Mallory, Tarana Burke, Tasha Bell, Tomi Adeyemi, and Tracee Ellis Ross.
NewSouth, Incorporated The Southernization of America: A Story of Democracy in the Balance
Pulitzer Prize-winner Cynthia Tucker and award-winning author Frye Gaillard reflect in a powerful series of essays on the role of the South in America’s long descent into Trumpism. In 1974 the great Southern author John Egerton published his seminal work, The Americanization of Dixie: The Southernization of America, reflecting on the double-edged reality of the South becoming more like the rest of the country and vice versa. Tucker and Gaillard dive even deeper into that reality from the time that Egerton published his book until the present. They see the dark side—the morphing of the Southern strategy of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan into the Republican Party of today with its thinly disguised (if indeed it is disguised all all) embrace of white supremacy and the subversion of democratic ideals. They explore the "birtherism" of Donald Trump and the roots of the racial backlash against President Obama; the specter of family separation on our southern border, with its echoes of similar separations in the era of slavery; as well as the rise of the Christian right, the demonstrations in Charlottesville, the death of George Floyd, and the attack on our nation’s capital—all of which, they argue, have roots that trace their way to the South. But Tucker and Gaillard see another side too, a legacy rooted in the civil rights years that has given us political leaders like John Lewis, Jimmy Carter, Raphael Warnock, and Stacy Abrams. The authors raise the ironic possibility that the South, regarded by some as the heart of the country’s systemic racism, might lead the way on the path to redemption. Tucker and Gaillard, colleagues and frequent collaborators at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, bring a multi-racial perspective and years of political reporting to bear on a critical moment in American history, a time of racial reckoning and of democracy under siege.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Never Forget Our People Were Always Free: A Parable of American Healing
“One of the nation’s most prominent civil rights leaders” (Washington Post), a New York Times bestselling author, community organizer, investigative journalist, Ivy League professor, and former head of the NAACP, Ben Jealous draws from a life lived on America’s racial fault line to deliver a series of gripping and lively parables that call on each of us to reconcile, heal, and work fearlessly to make America one nation.Never Forget Our People Were Always Free illuminates for each of us how the path to healing America’s broken heart starts with each of us having the courage to heal our own.The son of parents who had to leave Maryland because their cross-racial marriage was illegal, Ben Jealous’ lively, courageous and empathetic storytelling calls on every American to look past deeply-cut divisions and recognize we are all in the same boat now. Along the way Jealous grapples with hidden American mysteries, including: Why do white men die from suicide more often than black men die from murder? How did racial profiling kill an American president? What happens when a Ku Klux Klansman wrestles with what Jesus actually said? How did Dave Chappelle know the DC Snipers were Black? Why shouldn't the civil rights movement give up on rednecks? When is what we have collectively forgotten about race more important than what we actually know? What do the most indecipherable things our elders say tell us about ourselves? Told as a series of parables, Never Forget Our People Were Always Free features intimate glimpses of political, and faith leaders as different as Jack Kemp, Stacey Abrams, and the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu and heroes as unlikely as a retired constable, a female pirate from Madagascar, a long lost Irishman, a death row inmate, and a man with a confederate flag over his heart.More than anything, Never Forget Our People Were Always Free offers readers hope America’s oldest wounds can heal and her oldest divisions be overcome.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Research Agenda for Environmental Management
Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.We face many important global environmental problems today, including climate change, biodiversity destruction, and environmental health issues. Key among the tools we have to understand and solve these problems is research. This Research Agenda argues for a transdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental management to provide better understanding and outcomes leading to practical solutions.By describing the key strategies needed to overcome common global environmental challenges and to undertake successful interdisciplinary environmental research, this Research Agenda demonstrates the possibilities for successful transdisciplinary environmental research. A series of case studies shows how this transdisciplinary approach to research has improved understandings of environmental problems and their potential solutions. Discussing the types of participation required and the difficulties of incorporating diverse groups into research projects, this Research Agenda provides lessons in how to successfully undertake transdisciplinary research in order to meet these challenges. A Research Agenda for Environmental Management provides invaluable insights for interdisciplinary researchers in all fields affected by environmental management as well as students and scholars engaged in environmental research looking for ways to successfully integrate transdisciplinary approaches into their work.Contributors include: J. Abrams, D.B. Agusdinata, G. Alonso-Yanez, B. Barnett, N. Basiliko, K. Calvert, D. Córdoba, T. de Souza, M. del Carmen Fragoso Medina, J.L. Dunn, A. Eastmond, D.J. Flaspohler, K. Floress, V.S. Gagnon, A. Giang, H.S. Gorman, R.B. Guerrero, K.E. Halvorsen, R.M. Handler, M.A. Hanif, R.J. Heffron, J. Heyman, L. House-Peters, A. Kantamneni, J.L. Knowlton, R.A. LaFave, J. Licata, H.K. Lukosch, E.E. Mata-Zayas, R. Medeiros, M.A. Mesa-Jurado, D. Minakata, A. Mirchi, C. Moseley, T. Moya Mose, T.H. Mwampamba, C.J.V. Navarrete, E.A. Nielsen, M. Ohira, E. Ortega, J.A. Perlinger, E.C. Pischke, E.W. Prehoda, V.D.P. Risso, J.C. Sacramento-Rivero, M. Samimi, D. Sanchez, C. Schelly, T.L. Selfa, R. Shwom, R.V. Sidortsov, B. Tarekegne, G. Tchobanoglous, N.R. Urban, L.P. Volkow, S. Walker, D. Watkins, R.L. Winkler