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HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Vixen: A Novel
Named one of the best books of 2021 by NPR, The Washington Post, and Financial Times“No one states problems more correctly, more astutely, more amusingly and more uncomfortably than Francine Prose . . . The gift of her work to a reader is to create for us what she creates for her protagonist: the subtle unfolding, the moment-by-moment process of discovery as we read and change, from not knowing and even not wanting to know or care, to seeing what we had not seen and finding our way to the light of the ending.”—Amy Bloom, New York Times Book Review"Depending on the light, it’s either a very funny serious story or a very serious funny story. But no matter how you turn it, The Vixen offers an illuminating reflection on the slippery nature of truth in America, then and now."—Washington PostCritically acclaimed, bestselling author Francine Prose returns with a dazzling new novel set in the glamorous world of 1950s New York publishing, the story of a young man tasked with editing a steamy bodice-ripper based on the recent trial and execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg—an assignment that will reveal the true cost of entering that seductive, dangerous new world. It’s 1953, and Simon Putnam, a recent Harvard graduate newly hired by a distinguished New York publishing firm, has entered a glittering world of three-martini lunches, exclusive literary parties, and old-money aristocrats in exquisitely tailored suits, a far cry from his loving, middle-class Jewish family in Coney Island.But Simon’s first assignment—editing The Vixen, the Patriot and the Fanatic, a lurid bodice-ripper improbably based on the recent trial and execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, a potboiler intended to shore up the firm’s failing finances—makes him question the cost of admission. Because Simon has a secret that, at the height of the Red Scare and the McCarthy hearings, he cannot reveal: his beloved mother was a childhood friend of Ethel Rosenberg’s. His parents mourn Ethel’s death.Simon’s dilemma grows thornier when he meets The Vixen’s author, the startlingly beautiful, reckless, seductive Anya Partridge, ensconced in her opium-scented boudoir in a luxury Hudson River mental asylum. As mysteries deepen, as the confluence of sex, money, politics and power spirals out of Simon’s control, he must face what he’s lost by exchanging the loving safety of his middle-class Jewish parents’ Coney Island apartment for the witty, whiskey-soaked orbit of his charismatic boss, the legendary Warren Landry. Gradually Simon realizes that the people around him are not what they seem, that everyone is keeping secrets, that ordinary events may conceal a diabolical plot—and that these crises may steer him toward a brighter future. At once domestic and political, contemporary and historic, funny and heartbreaking, enlivened by surprising plot turns and passages from Anya’s hilariously bad novel, The Vixen illuminates a period of history with eerily striking similarities to the current moment. Meanwhile it asks timeless questions: How do we balance ambition and conscience? What do social mobility and cultural assimilation require us to sacrifice? How do we develop an authentic self, discover a vocation, and learn to live with the mysteries of love, family, art, life and loss?
John Wiley & Sons Inc Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals, Implementations and Applications
Combines both the DSP principles and real-time implementations and applications, and now updated with the new eZdsp USB Stick, which is very low cost, portable and widely employed at many DSP labs. Real-Time Digital Signal Processing introduces fundamental digital signal processing (DSP) principles and will be updated to include the latest DSP applications, introduce new software development tools and adjust the software design process to reflect the latest advances in the field. In the 3rd edition of the book, the key aspect of hands-on experiments will be enhanced to make the DSP principles more interesting and directly interact with the real-world applications. All of the programs will be carefully updated using the most recent version of software development tools and the new TMS320VC5505 eZdsp USB Stick for real-time experiments. Due to its lower cost and portability, the new software and hardware tools are now widely used in university labs and in commercial industrial companies to replace the older and more expensive generation. The new edition will have a renewed focus on real-time applications and will offer step-by-step hands-on experiments for a complete design cycle starting from floating-point C language program to fixed-point C implementation, code optimization using INTRINSICS, and mixed C-and-assembly programming on fixed-point DSP processors. This new methodology enables readers to concentrate on learning DSP fundamentals and innovative applications by relaxing the intensive programming efforts, namely, the traditional DSP assembly coding efforts. The book is organized into two parts; Part One introduces the digital signal processing principles and theories, and Part Two focuses on practical applications. The topics for the applications are the extensions of the theories in Part One with an emphasis placed on the hands-on experiments, systematic design and implementation approaches. The applications provided in the book are carefully chosen to reflect current advances of DSP that are of most relevance for the intended readership. Combines both the DSP principles and real-time implementations and applications using the new eZdsp USB Stick, which is very low cost, portable and widely employed at many DSP labs is now used in the new edition Places renewed emphasis on C-code experiments and reduces the exercises using assembly coding; effective use of C programming, fixed-point C code and INTRINSICS will become the main focus of the new edition. Updates to application areas to reflect latest advances such as speech coding techniques used for next generation networks (NGN), audio coding with surrounding sound, wideband speech codec (ITU G.722.2 Standard), fingerprint for image processing, and biomedical signal processing examples. Contains new addition of several projects that can be used as semester projects; as well as new many new real-time experiments using TI’s binary libraries – the experiments are prepared with flexible interface and modular for readers to adapt and modify to create other useful applications from the provided basic programs. Consists of more MATLAB experiments, such as filter design, algorithm evaluation, proto-typing for C-code architecture, and simulations to aid readers to learn DSP fundamentals. Includes supplementary material of program and data files for examples, applications, and experiments hosted on a companion website. A valuable resource for Postgraduate students enrolled on DSP courses focused on DSP implementation & applications as well as Senior undergraduates studying DSP; engineers and programmers who need to learn and use DSP principles and development tools for their projects.
Harvard University Press A History of Private Life: Volume IV: From the Fires of Revolution to the Great War
The nineteenth century was the golden age of private life, a time when the tentative self-consciousness of the Renaissance and earlier eras took recognizable form, and the supreme individual, with a political, scientific, and above all existential value, emerged. The present book, fourth in the popular series, chronicles this development from the tumult of the French Revolution to the outbreak of World War I—a century and a quarter of rapid, ungovernable change culminating in a conflict that, at a stroke, altered life in the Western world.Guided by six eminent historians, we move from the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century, which conceived of man as a noble creature of reason, into nineteenth-century Romanticism with its affirmation of distinctively individual creatures in all their mystery and impulsiveness, exalting intuition as a mode of knowledge. More and more, men and women wanted to sleep alone, to be left alone to read and write, to dress as they pleased, to eat or drink anything they liked, to consort with and love whomever they fancied. Growing democracies advanced those wishes to the status of rights, expanding markets stimulated them, and migration encouraged them. That new frontier, the city, simultaneously weakened family and community constraints, spurred personal ambitions, and attenuated traditional beliefs.The authors dramatize the nineteenth century’s organized effort to stabilize the boundary between public and private by mooring it to the family, with the father as sovereign. Such chapters as “The Sweet Delights of Home,” “The Family Triumphant,” and “Private Spaces” describe the new domestic ideal of the private dwelling as a refuge from perils and temptations in the public arena, the father as benevolent despot, the wife as contented practitioner of domestic arts, the children as small versions of adults, equipping themselves to follow in their parents’ righteous footsteps. Particularly in England, the middle class was central to the formation of this homely standard, which spread to the working classes through evangelical preaching, utilitarian writings, and economic changes and improvements that resulted in a separation of home and workplace. At the same time, the gentry was transforming castles into country houses, knights into foxhunters, and landowners into gentleman farmers. The domesticating process also expressed itself in hygienic practices (soap, waterclosets, bathtubs), fashions in clothing, and vogues in sports, courtship, and lovemaking.From the time of the French Revolution, when private or special interests were looked upon as shadowy influences likely to foster conspiracy and treason, through the rapid transformations of the nineteenth century, the authors reveal the more radical forms of modernity that arrived with the twentieth century, with its explosions of trade and technology. Besides the external development of goods and conveniences, the expanses of the psyche were also being reorganized, bringing a new openness about sexuality liberated from procreation and marriage. Feminism, a relatively sporadic movement in the nineteenth century, became a more persistent force, while young people and the avant-garde continued to break the rules and push for change as an end in itself. As always, law lagged behind reality: in practice, more and more people rebelled against communal and family discipline. The declaration of war in 1917 put a hold on some of the flowering of individuality, but the unstoppable trend toward personality nurtured by private life was only temporarily curbed.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Leading at the Edge of Chaos: How to Create the Nimble Organization
Praise for Leading at the Edge of Chaos "If your organization is facing any anticipated chaotic event in the next six months-and who isn't-you should read Daryl Conner. His tough-minded definitions of winners vs. losers will make you think twice." -Craig E. Weatherup, Chairman and CEO, The Pepsi-Cola Company "Conner's new book is thoroughly original and useful on the mastery of leading change." -Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor of Business Administration, University of Southern California, and author of Organizing Genius "Daryl Conner has done it again! The leading authority on managing change has given us what we need right now. Leading at the Edge of Chaos offers prescriptive advice for leading in today's world, where the tempo and thrust of change has escalated. A must read for anyone who is still breathing and leading." -Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager(r) "Delightful and thought-provoking . . . [links] deep organizational research with useable 'real world' advice . . . I would recommend this book to others-senior line leaders and their management teams." -Kenneth Schwenke, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Aramark Corporation "In the new reality in which the human need for control is continuously assaulted by escalating change, Daryl Conner provides [organization leaders] . . . steps to take . . . in clear language and vivid images, with psychological insight and knowledge born out of broad hands-on experience." -Judy Bardwick, author of In Praise of Good Business and Danger in the Comfort Zone "Every executive who is leading constant change in their organizations should read this book." -Don Beattie, Chief Executive, Personnel, The BOC Group (U.K.) "Gone are the days when innovations and new ventures were incremental in scope and sequential in nature. In their place is 'perpetual unrest,' unending, fundamental changes . . . " -Daryl Conner In his 1993 classic, Managing at the Speed of Change, Daryl Conner showed managers how to implement business innovations on time and under budget. In this groundbreaking new book, he shows them how to ride the whirlwind. The tempo of change has sped up to a dizzying pace over the past few years. Globalization, rapid-fire technological innovation, and mounting pressure for shareholder value have pushed the markets into a state of ceaseless turmoil. What was cutting-edge change management theory just five years ago now seems naive. Success amidst such a maelstrom of change calls for much more than what change management models have to offer. It calls for a radically new kind of organization, nimble enough to adapt instantly to changing market conditions, and piloted by leaders versed in the art of Leading at the Edge of Chaos. This book is not about decision making; it is about execution. It is not about predicting change; it is about adapting to it at a moment's notice. Internationally renowned "Change Doctor" Daryl Conner defines the new roles that all leaders must assume in order to direct the changes that are crucial to their organizations' survival. He schools them in all of the essential components of the change process. And, most importantly, he arms them with action steps for instilling their companies with the nimbleness and resilience needed to survive and thrive in today's supervolatile markets. Conner also introduces the revolutionary concept of human due diligence-the human equivalent of financial due diligence and an indispensable tool for orchestrating major enterprisewide transitions. Strategic, results-oriented, and proactive, human due diligence focuses on people's capacity to absorb change as a limited resource, and offers tools for ensuring that there is sufficient capacity available to face the next challenge-and the many others sure to follow.
New India Publishing Agency A Handbook of Minerals, Crystals, Rocks and Ores
The book is divided into four sections, minerals, crystals, rocks and ores. Section A incorporates nine s, begins with presenting salient features of the earth--its structure and composition. The second Minerals and Mineralogy briefly tells about their diversity and their categorisation and introduces the interesting way they are named. Crystal chemistry the third is the heart and soul of mineralogy and deals in somewhat details about the building blocks of minerals -atoms and ions and the way they form diverse types of minerals are. It tries to tell why every combination of chemical compounds cannot result into a naturally occurring mineral. The fourth and fifth s deal with Properties of Minerals, physical and optical. The s describe various physical properties that are helpful in the identification both in hand specimens and as thin section under the microscope. These two s are adequately aided with a number of illustrations, photographs and photomicrographs to bring home the point. five deals with classification of minerals and their occurrence and forms a prelude to the next two s on descriptive mineralogy. Important silicate and non silicate minerals are described in s eight and nine. A brief description of mineral uses is dealt with in both descriptive mineralogy as well Section D on mineral deposits, however, the last , Mineral uses presents an overall picture and will be interesting as well as educating to students and even general readeSection B is devoted to crystals and crystallography. one introduces the subject while two presents basic crystallographic elements. three deals with the main six crystals systems while also giving a preliminary idea about stereographic projection and x-ray crystallography. Section C covers petrology, beginning with introduction to science of petrology, rock nomenclature. two is devoted to the study of igneous rocks, including their forms, composition, textures, structures, classification and description. Sedimentary rocks is the theme of three while different aspects of metamorphic rocks including kinds and agents of metamorphism and classification and description of metamorphism. The last portion of this also considers metamorphism in the background of global tectonics. five, the rock cycle presents a concise summary of geological events that have shaped the planet earth. The last section D is what geology is all about for a man on the street and its significance in nation building--the Ore minerals. It begins with what ore is and its place in human affairs as a well as presenting the important terminology in economic geology. two deals with ore genesis and presents various hypogene and supergene process that carves out ore deposits from non economic materials. three, mineral deposits and global tectonics is becoming a very popular theme among the earth scientists. A brief introduction of the same will be certainly appreciated by the student community and prompt them for further study in this direction. A general survey of India's mineral resources is the theme of four. It covers almost all of the commonly used ores, metallic, non metallic or fuels. The last of section D and the boom, 'Indian mineral industry: some facts and figures' will present where our country stands in the realm of mineral resources. Latest available data of resources, production, export, import, organisations that matter and other useful facts and figures are presented.
HarperCollins Publishers (Australia) Pty Ltd The Fast Revolution: 100 top-rated recipes for intermittent fasting from Australia's #1 food site
RECIPES AND MENU PLANS FOR 800-CALORIE DAYS, 250-CALORIE LIGHT MEALS, 125-CALORIE SNACKS. Losing weight has never been so easy, so sustainable, or tasted so good. The Fast Revolution makes the entire process not just doable, but also fun. This is intermittent fasting without the fuss. Expertly curated by's food and nutrition teams, The Fast Revolution is packed with more than 100 quick and easy healthy recipes all made with fresh ingredients.The Fast 800 and 5:2 Diets have been international sensations, educating us with the latest science around the long-term health and weight-loss benefits of intermittent fasting. Now, Australia's number-one, most loved and trusted food brand,, brings you The Fast Revolution, an inspiring cookbook where intermittent fasting meets real life, with innovative meal plans, delicious recipes, and calorie guides, plus tips and tricks you need to stay on track.The Fast Revolution is designed for everyone - no matter who you are, no matter your size, gender, exercise level or your dietary preferences. The Fast Revolution delivers recipes and planning tools to maximise the benefits of intermittent fasting to help you hit your magic 800-calorie target. The Fast Revolution also brings you closer to enjoying all the scientifically proven benefits of intermittent fasting -- from delayed ageing, to reduced risk of a huge range of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Vive la Revolution! What's inside:A game-changing formulaA perfect planner for fasting and non-fasting days. You certainly won't go hungry! The dishes in The Fast Revolution may be low in calories but they truly satisfy, with big flavour and lots of hearty goodness. They're also super easy to adapt for non-fasting days -- just follow the tips for doubling or tweaking the recipe to make it more substantial. Mix and matchThe meal choices are vast, and tailored for you with a top 100 recipe selection that allows you to build your fast days and non-fast days, block by block, using the mix-and-match guides. With a thumbnail picture shown of each recipe, these guides make planning your day and your week a cinch, whether you're someone who plans ahead or on the run. Nutritional information on all recipesEach recipe comes complete with an inspirational full-page image, and loads of tips and information, including a full nutritional panel to help you track your protein, carbs and fats, and of course count calories which are big and bold throughout. Also included with each recipe are at-a-glance key guides to vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free recipes, as well as make-ahead options. Your Fast Revolution dayCreate your own 800-calorie day or follow our handy plans. Just think of each day in terms of three key building blocks: main meals, whether breakfast lunch or dinner (around 500 cals or less) light meals (around 250 cals or less) snacks (125 cals or less). This includes bites and quick snacks that need no preparation or cooking in an Easy Calorie Reckoner. Yes, snacks! They're an essential part of the formula to keep you satisfied and on track with your weight loss goals. That's because The Fast Revolution is all about real life, not denying life's pleasures ... like beer, wine and other treats that are so often on the 'banned' list for other diet plans. Whichever the plan, and whatever the recipes you choose for that day, it's a given that they will be easy, nutritious, family-friendly, and super tasty. You seriously can't go wrong.
Open University Press Making Policy in British Higher Education 1945-2011
"Every Mike Shattock book on higher education is worth keeping and re-reading. Making Policy in British Higher Education 1945-2011 is a great story, very readable and full of wry humour. It is also a profoundly informative work that explains the policy and politics of higher education better than anything else that is available."Professor Simon Marginson, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne, Australia"As expected, Michael Shattock's mastery of the history of higher education policy-making in the UK is evident in every page - the temptation is to say every paragraph. This is a demanding analysis. It is packed, precise, judicious and immensely informed ... As a narrative about how policy-making occurs in the long run, how to read the relevant archival and other documents closely and how to avoid the easy generalizations arising from ideological partis pris, this study is an instant classic."Sheldon Rothblatt, Professor of History Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley, USA"In the last 30 years Britain has experimented with some of the most innovative higher education policies including academic quality assurance, research assessment, income contingent loan financing, tuition policy, information for students, and other efforts to stimulate competitive market forces. In this highly enlightening, meticulously researched, and fascinating history, university administrator and scholar Michael Shattock examines the individuals and financial policy drivers that have shaped British higher education from World War II to the present day and explores the impacts of these policies on the university sector."David D. Dill, Professor Emeritus of Public Policy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA"Michael Shattock's important new book could not be better timed. He offers a detailed, nuanced and (above all) intelligent account of policy making in British higher education over the past 60 years ... This book reminds us that novelty is more often in the eye of the beholder than the historical record. It also warns us that those who have forgotten past events are often fated to relive them - and that second (or third) time round is rarely an improvement."Peter Scott, Professor of Higher Education Studies, Institute of Education University of London, UKThis book aims to provide an authoritative account of the evolution of policy in British higher education drawing extensively on previously untapped archival sources. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the policy drivers since 1945 and up to 2011 and of the extent to which even in the so called golden age of university autonomy in the immediate post War period the development of British higher education policy was closely integrated with government policies. In particular, it highlights how the role of the Treasury in determining the resource base for the expansion of student numbers is key to understanding many of the shifts in policy that occurred. This close engagement with government coupled with the historical acceptance of institutional autonomy defines the distinctiveness of the British higher education system as compared with other countries. What the book also shows, however, is that policy was rarely driven directly by Ministers but emerged out of inter relationships between the Treasury, the responsible Department, the intermediary bodies, the higher education representative bodies and the research communities. The policy process was interactive rather than directed. The conclusions offer a new interpretation of the development of British higher education.
Human Kinetics Publishers Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies: Contemporary Applications
In this engaging and practical text, author Colleen Wahl presents a detailed and clear discussion on how to best use Laban/Bartenieff movement analysis (L/BMA), a system for observing, teaching, and analyzing human movement. Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies: Contemporary Applications offers a framework for understanding movement as it influences our perceptions of ourselves and others. In moving through that framework, Wahl explains what the movement analysis is, how it works, and how readers can use it in their lives. “On the most fundamental level, L/BMA seeks to help you address how movement is relevant in your life,” Wahl says. “The text is designed to develop your knowledge of the Laban/Bartenieff lens and cultivate it in meaningful ways in your life.” That knowledge is useful in a wide range of activities, passions, and pursuits—developing a fuller range of movement and expression in your moving body, developing choreography, coaching and teaching movement, observing and describing how movement is meaningful, and more. Wahl has been practicing and teaching the L/BMA framework to undergraduate and graduate students since 2006, when she became a certified integrated movement studies analyst. In her book, she • brings a contemporary voice to L/BMA in a way that evokes the senses and the felt movement experience; • grounds readers in the theory and provides numerous practical applications, showing readers how to apply L/BMA in all facets of life and in any career; • incorporates a rich diversity of experiences in the dance field and beyond from other certified Laban movement analysts who apply L/BMA in their careers and lives; and • provides tried-and-true tips for applying L/BMA in your life. The text is organized into three parts. Part I offers an overview and historical look at Laban/Bartenieff movement analysis and details the organizing themes and guiding concepts of L/BMA. You’ll also learn about the origin of the L/BMA concepts and how they have changed and grown over the years. Part II presents the five categories of the L/BMA framework: body, effort, shape, space, and phrasing. This section provides an understanding of the elements of movement and focuses on why each element is useful. Part III helps you take what you learned in parts I and II and use it in meaningful ways in your life. It includes chapters on integrating L/BMA into your life and on first-hand experiences from a diverse group of people who use L/BMA in the dance field and beyond. “The process of using this material to shed new light on what you already are interested in and to expand your perceptive and expressive skills is challenging and exciting,” says Wahl. “You can make changes in how you move in your life to be more effective, easeful, and whole. You can become more skilled in movement observation and description. You can teach and coach others in movement with greater clarity and possible inroads.” Throughout the text, Wahl offers suggestions for experiencing and cultivating L/BMA in your life. “I’ve designed it to help you perceive human movement with greater nuance and specificity, to talk about movement with greater clarity and precision, to coach movement with a greater rangge of possibilities, and to evoke the movement experience with a greater range of options,” she says. “Ultimately, I’ve designed it to organize your perceptions of movement and shed new light on its role in your life.”
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV Study Bible, Leathersoft, Purple, Full-Color, Comfort Print: The Complete Resource for Studying God’s Word
The full text of the trustworthy New King James Version with robust study notes, vibrant full-color images, and dozens of study resources to help you grow deeper in your faith.The New King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is a reliable guide for your journey into God’s Word. This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for study, including over 1 million words of custom content contributed by top evangelical scholars. Over 1,000 articles, notes, word studies, photos, illustrations, maps, and other tools, combined with the accuracy and clarity of the New King James Version, make this Bible a perfect choice to help you deeply engage and understand Scripture.Trusted by readers worldwide, the NKJV Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 2 million copies across translations.Features include: Beautiful full color throughout. Over 250 photos and illustrations of important places, artifacts, and pieces of art. Exclusive study tools that help you understand, appreciate, and live out what you read: Book introductions, book outlines, and timelines provide important and helpful background information, historical context, and content overviews. 15,000 Bottom-of-the-page study notes offer over 850,000 words of clear and compelling commentary. 345+ Word studies with Strong's numbers give insight into the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew words. 150+ Bible Times and Cultural notes deepen understanding of the historical context surrounding Scripture. 110+ Articles to clarify and expand upon key concepts in Scripture. Indexes and concordances that are easy to use and make it easy to find what you are looking for: Concordance of over 6,000 terms with 37,000 verses. “Teachings and Illustrations of Christ” of over 400 subjects addressed by Jesus. “Prayers of the Bible” of nearly 100 prayers in the Bible, who prayed them, and what they prayed about. “Subject Index to Annotations and Features” Articles that offer tips and information to get the most out of your study of the Bible: “How to Understand what the Bible Means by What it Says” offers a four-step process for rightly interpreting the Scriptures. “Thinking about the Study of the New Testament” provides an introduction to the New Testament manuscripts. “The Geography of the Gospels” gives an overview of the major cities and regions mentioned in the Gospels. “The Bible as History” addresses the importance of reading each book of the Bible in its historical context. “What Is Theology?” defines theology and proposes that theology must begin with the gospel. Tables that provide helpful information at a glance: “Harmony of the Gospels” details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels. “From Biblical Book to Contemporary Hook” provides the major theme, Christ-focus, implication, and helpful questions to prompt thinking and discussion for all 66 books of Scripture. “Parables of Christ” shows where you can find 39 parables in the Gospels. “Miracles of Christ” shows where you can find 37 miracles in the Gospels. “Prophecies of The Messiah Fulfilled in Christ” provides 43 Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament. “Monies, Weights, and Measures” 32,000 references linking to over 73,000 related passages and nearly 8,000 translation notes allow you to follow important words and thoughts throughout Scripture. 140+ Maps and charts throughout the Scriptures and in the back to show a visual representation of locations and themes in the Bible. Easy-to-read large 9-pt print size
John Wiley & Sons Inc Seasonality: Systems, Strategies, and Signals
a groundbreaking look at trading the markets with one of the most important forecasting tools available . . . "If you've ever wondered about the validity of seasonals or how to trade them, buy this book now!" --Glen Larson, Genesis Data Services "Jake does it again. This time his extensive research really leaps out as he makes seasonal trading easy to understand and a very useful tool for any commodity trader." --Jeffrey H. Fox, Fox Investments. Is there a "holy grail" of price prediction? Traders have long been in pursuit of one, and while a handful of strategies, techniques, and methodologies have proven noteworthy, the search continues for the ultimate forecasting instrument --if one does indeed exist. The theory and methods of seasonality may well prove to be a step in the right direction to this goal. In this unique new book, a leading seasonal trading analyst examines seasonality in-depth, elucidating the concise principles, numerous advantages, and enormous potential that make it one of the most important --and effective --methods currently available for targeting futures price trends. Over the years, considerable attention has been paid to the effects of interest rates, money supply, earnings, inflation, and other key factors on stock and commodity prices. Yet, the immense impact of seasonal price tendencies has been either grossly underestimated or completely ignored. Often overlooked, but equally significant, seasonality is based on the assumption that seasonal influences cause biases in the movement of market prices. Among its many advantages, seasonality allows the trader to formulate objective decisions founded on a logical, verifiable, and operational methodology, creating a backdrop of probable market trends in most time frames and in most markets, and providing historically valid input for use as an adjunct to other analytical methods and timing indicators. The essence of seasonality is found in its lengthy history and statistically testable methodologies. However, seasonal correlations are not 100 percent foolproof. Using seasonal data to time the market involves an unavoidable degree of subjectivity --unless you have a firm grasp of seasonal timing concepts and techniques. Now, in the first resource devoted exclusively to the subject, Jake Bernstein gives you the foundation necessary to implement this powerful tool effectively and with confidence. Balancing theory and practice, Bernstein provides a thorough, real-world understanding of seasonal timing concepts and techniques. Along with results of his own extensive research, he integrates the work of numerous market analysts, such as W. D. Gann, Art Merrill, Burton Pugh, Samuel Benner, and Yale Hirsch, among others, to create a pragmatic and highly functional analytical framework. With his accessible, comprehensive coverage of significant concepts such as seasonal spread relationships, key dates, and cash tendencies, you'll be able to discern seasonal patterns in monthly and daily cash and futures data. Once the basics are firmly in place, Bernstein leads you step by step through the essential process of formulating a seasonal trading program that incorporates important timing strategies and risk management tools. An ideal overview for any trader, investor, or analyst, this lucidly written and clearly organized resource emphasizes the validity and significance of seasonality. Jake Bernstein has compiled a comprehensive guide to the effective use of seasonal concepts and methods in the futures markets. This is a major work that belongs on the shelves of all serious traders.
Open University Press Policy
"This third edition of Hal Colebatch's book, Policy, is a welcome addition to the policy literature. Through as series of interrelated questions--such as Why worry about policy? What is it for? What does it look like on the ground? and How do we do it?--Colebatch interestingly unravels and elaborates on the key issues, both practical and theoretical, that constitute the field of policy studies. In a very succinct and highly readable style, the nine chapters weave together discussions of traditional models and approaches (e.g., process models, rationality, and incrementalism) with a presentation of newer emphases (e.g., social constructivism, discourse, and his own innovative concept of ''policy work''). He does it in ways that are accessible to the beginning university student, but that are, at the same time, helpful to the experienced practitioner. As such, the book is highly recommendable."Professor Frank Fischer, Rutgers University, USA "This 3rd edition, like the previous ones, offers students an excellent guided tour of the field of policy studies. The major strands of thinking and research are introduced as answers to a set of straightforward, commonsense questions, written in highly accessible, non-technical, easy to grasp prose.Yet, this edition has more to offer. Colebatch systematically reflects on the paradigmatic struggles over the meanings of 'policy' – as problem solving and authoritative choice in the corridors of power, as bargaining and negotiation in multilayered governance networks, and as political sense-making through collective puzzling. Asking how 'policy' works in practice, the author demonstrates the myriad ways in which these meanings permeate and colour each other. In doing so, Colebatch restores intellectual unity to a field that appears fragmented to many academic observers and practitioners."Professor Robert Hoppe, University of Twente, The Netherlands"This third edition of Hal Colebatch's volume, Policy, is a very accessible book that has the ability to meet the needs of a broad range of readers. The book provides a range of examples of the illusive world of policy; these examples travel the globe and allows the work to move beyond the original Australian focus in the first edition. The nine questions that serve to organize the volume are useful and provide access to the ever-growing literature in the policy field." Dr Beryl A. Radin, School of Public Affairs, American University, USA"This book is essential reading for all students of public policy and policy analysis. It is pleasure to read and covers a great deal of important material in a comprehensive and informed manner. I warmly welcome this new edition."Professor Wayne Parsons, University of London, UKThis new edition of a highly successful text provides an even sharper critical analysis than before of the place of policy in the way we are governed. It is a book about policy - not about what governments do ('public policy') or about particular fields of policy (such as 'health policy' or 'education policy') but about policy as a concept - an idea which makes sense of the way in which we are governed, and which we can use to be more effective participants in this governing. Policy is key reading for the student studying the subject, the public official or community activist engaged in making policy, and the interested member of the public who wants to know where policy comes from, and why it matters.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Say It With Charts: The Executive’s Guide to Visual Communication
This is today's most comprehensive, up-to-date business presentation guidebook. It provides easy-to-follow tools and strategies for creating powerful, interactive business presentations. As a professional, your career relies on reaching audiences, convincing them that your message is valuable, then making them remember that message. "Say It With Charts, 4th Edition", walks you through the entire visual presentation process and shows you - step-by-step - how to create compelling, memorable presentations. Business presentation tools have changed tremendously. A chart that once took ten hours - and ten co-workers - to prepare can now be produced by anyone with ten minutes and a computer keyboard. What hasn't changed, however, are the basics behind creating a powerful visual - what to say, why to say it, and how to say it for the most impact."Say It With Charts, 4th Edition", reveals time-tested tips for preparing effective presentations, then shows you how to combine those tips with today's technologies for sharper, stronger visuals. Look to this comprehensive presentation encyclopedia for information on: how to prepare different types of charts - pie, bar, column, line, or dot - and when to use each; hands-on recommendations on lettering size, color choice, appropriate chart types, and more; and, techniques for producing dramatic e-Visuals using animation, scanned images, sound, video, and links to pertinent websites. 'When well-conceived and designed, charts help us communicate more quickly and more clearly than we would if we left the data in tabular form' - From Chapter 1.Business is about communication. Every day, scores of questions must be answered, and each answer must be communicated quickly, completely, and with a minimum of confusion. Time has become our most valuable, irreplaceable commodity, and - in today's rapid fire, ultra-competitive business environment - delays or errors in communicating information are uncalled for, unaffordable...and unacceptable. "Say It With Charts, 4th Edition", shows you how to put your message in visual form and translate information and ideas into persuasive, powerful charts, visuals, and multimedia presentations - holding your audience's attention as you communicate exactly what you want, with no confusion.The newest edition of this bestselling classic covers every important point from previous editions and, in addition, shows you how to use today's digital technologies to create professional-quality, attention-grabbing visuals on your computer screen. Everything you need to know to make your charts and visuals eye-catching and memorable is in these pages, including: commandments for designing successful onscreen visuals; techniques for conveying your messages using visuals and visual metaphors; how to decide when to use a chart - and know when a chart could work against you; graphic representations of ineffective, counter-productive charts - with examples of how they could be improved; time- and money-saving methods to make one presentation template serve multiple audiences; and, hands-on practice projects and exercises to help you grasp each important concept.Over the years, "Say It With Charts" has become the standard guidebook for executives, sales managers, management consultants - all those who want to make their points clearly and concisely, whether speaking directly to a packed conference room or communicating on computer screens across the globe. Now updated for today's technological communications revolution, it will show you how to translate your most compelling data and messages into even more compelling visuals, and hammer home your message every time.
Canelo If They Knew: A completely gripping, twisty and unputdownable psychological thriller
'Grips from the first page. An emotive thriller which I couldn't put down.' Carys Jones, author of We Are All LiarsWhat would you hide to get everything you ever wanted?After years of infertility and heartbreak, Hannah and Charlie are finally going to get their dream family. Two-year-old Isabelle is a week away from being theirs; they just have to get through the final adoption approval process.But when a global popstar is found murdered at the celebrity members’ club in their sleepy Oxfordshire village, Hannah fears her past is finally catching up with her. Exposing the truth could see her lose everything… her husband, Isabelle – perhaps even her life.But Hannah doesn’t realise that Charlie has his own secrets, and, in trying to save her, has put them more at risk than she ever thought possible. As the couple get drawn in further to the murky world of celebrity and murder, they soon find themselves caught in a nightmare, forced to make terrible choices.How many bad things will a good person do to hold onto what they love?A twisty, utterly addictive psychological thriller that fans of Adele Parks and Lisa Jewell won't be able to put down. 'An irresistible setting, some truly killer secrets and a complex emotional heart.' Holly Seddon, author of The Woman on the Bridge'A pacy yet heartbreaking thriller...Fabulous read.' L.V. Matthews, author of The Twins'Beautifully written and brimming with secrets. I loved it.' Louise Jensen, author of All For You‘I thoroughly enjoyed this novel – Flynn has without a doubt cemented her place in this genre.’ Meera Shah, author of Her'A tense, emotional thriller with complex but relatable characters, and an agonising dilemma that grips from the first page.' Sarah Clarke, author of A Mother Never LiesReaders can't get enough of the secrets hidden in If They Knew:‘Honest, relatable and compelling. The plot unfolds perfectly…a must read! It truly is a book worthy of all the stars.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘Kept me on my toes the entire time… trust me, this is one you're gonna want to pick up.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘I guzzled this book up in 48 hours, absolutely loved it.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘Incredible and immensely enjoyable thriller. I could not stop reading.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘A fantastically written psychological thriller…kept me hooked and guessing until the very end.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘What a wild ride! I couldn't put this down…a rollercoaster of emotion and drama.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘Incredible thriller that immediately pulls the reader into the plot.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader ReviewPraise for Sophie Flynn:‘A splendidly twisty psychological mystery’ Daily Mail‘Expertly paced and totally compelling…a bruising exploration of motherhood and family secrets.’ Anna Bailey, author of Tall Bones‘A terrifying, twisty thriller in which seemingly no one can be trusted. Very cleverly written - I raced through this. Highly recommended.’ Catherine Cooper, author of The Chalet‘I sped through Keep Them Close…before being slammed by an ending I didn’t see coming. Nuanced and pacey, this is a must-read.’ Polly Phillips, author of The ReunionThe very definition of a page-turner, but also heartbreaking and relatable - a real rollercoaster of a read’ Charlotte Duckworth, author of The Perfect Father
De Gruyter Data Science: Time Complexity, Inferential Uncertainty, and Spacekime Analytics
The amount of new information is constantly increasing, faster than our ability to fully interpret and utilize it to improve human experiences. Addressing this asymmetry requires novel and revolutionary scientific methods and effective human and artificial intelligence interfaces. By lifting the concept of time from a positive real number to a 2D complex time (kime), this book uncovers a connection between artificial intelligence (AI), data science, and quantum mechanics. It proposes a new mathematical foundation for data science based on raising the 4D spacetime to a higher dimension where longitudinal data (e.g., time-series) are represented as manifolds (e.g., kime-surfaces). This new framework enables the development of innovative data science analytical methods for model-based and model-free scientific inference, derived computed phenotyping, and statistical forecasting. The book provides a transdisciplinary bridge and a pragmatic mechanism to translate quantum mechanical principles, such as particles and wavefunctions, into data science concepts, such as datum and inference-functions. It includes many open mathematical problems that still need to be solved, technological challenges that need to be tackled, and computational statistics algorithms that have to be fully developed and validated. Spacekime analytics provide mechanisms to effectively handle, process, and interpret large, heterogeneous, and continuously-tracked digital information from multiple sources. The authors propose computational methods, probability model-based techniques, and analytical strategies to estimate, approximate, or simulate the complex time phases (kime directions). This allows transforming time-varying data, such as time-series observations, into higher-dimensional manifolds representing complex-valued and kime-indexed surfaces (kime-surfaces). The book includes many illustrations of model-based and model-free spacekime analytic techniques applied to economic forecasting, identification of functional brain activation, and high-dimensional cohort phenotyping. Specific case-study examples include unsupervised clustering using the Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (MCSI), model-based inference using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data, and model-free inference using the UK Biobank data archive. The material includes mathematical, inferential, computational, and philosophical topics such as Heisenberg uncertainty principle and alternative approaches to large sample theory, where a few spacetime observations can be amplified by a series of derived, estimated, or simulated kime-phases. The authors extend Newton-Leibniz calculus of integration and differentiation to the spacekime manifold and discuss possible solutions to some of the "problems of time". The coverage also includes 5D spacekime formulations of classical 4D spacetime mathematical equations describing natural laws of physics, as well as, statistical articulation of spacekime analytics in a Bayesian inference framework. The steady increase of the volume and complexity of observed and recorded digital information drives the urgent need to develop novel data analytical strategies. Spacekime analytics represents one new data-analytic approach, which provides a mechanism to understand compound phenomena that are observed as multiplex longitudinal processes and computationally tracked by proxy measures. This book may be of interest to academic scholars, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, artificial intelligence and machine learning engineers, biostatisticians, econometricians, and data analysts. Some of the material may also resonate with philosophers, futurists, astrophysicists, space industry technicians, biomedical researchers, health practitioners, and the general public.
Oxbow Books Looting or Missioning: Insular and Continental Sacred Objects in Viking Age Contexts in Norway
Until now insular and continental material, mostly metal-work, found in pagan Viking Age graves in Norway, has been interpreted as looted material from churches and monasteries on the British Isles and the Continent. The raiding Vikings brought these objects back to their homeland where they were often broken up and used as jewellery or got alternative functions.Looting or Missioning looks at the use and functions of these sacred objects in their original Christian contexts. Based on such an analysis the author proposes an alternative interpretation of these objects: they were brought by Christian missionaries from different parts of the British Isles and the Continent to Norway. The objects were either personal (crosses, croziers, portable reliquaries etc.), objects used for baptism (hanging bowls), equipment to officiate a mass (mountings from books or reading equipment, altars or crosses) or to give the communion (pitchers, glass vessels, chalices, paten). We know from contemporary sources (Ansgar in Birka, Sweden in the ninth century) that missionaries brought this sort of equipment on their mission journeys. We also hear that missionaries were robbed, killed or chased off. Mikkelson interprets the sacred objects found in Viking Age pagan graves as objects that originate from the many unsuccessful mission attempts in Norway throughout the Viking Age. They changed function and were integrated in the pagan tradition.The conversion and Christianisation of Norway can thus be seen as a long-lasting process, at least from about 800 (but probably earlier) to the beginning of the eleventh century. As we must assume that the written sources on the subject are incomplete, the archaeological evidences are the main source. In addition to metal work and written sources, the dating and interpretation of stone crosses, rune stones, manuscript fragments and early Christian graves and churches are discussed. The main part of the manuscript regards the context of all these sources, studied in each part of Norway separately: Where do we find concentrations of objects that could support the interpretation of these being the result of mission attempts, and where can we combine archaeological and written sources to tentatively create more complete stories related to mission?One analysis is of special interest to British and Norwegian scholars and even a broader audience. It refers to the chieftain Ohthere from Northern Norway, who visited King Alfred the Great in Winchester in 890. The author finds a link between Alfred´s court and Ohthere´s farm which, it is argued, for was Borg at Vestvågøy, Lofoten, where the biggest Viking Age house in Northern Europe has been excavated. In the hall of this house were found a rare glass beaker with gold cross decorations, a Continental or British made pitcher, pieces of a bronze bowl and an æstel of gold. This last piece is only found in Northern Norway and in England, with Wessex and Mercia as the core areas. “The Alfred Jewel” (Ashmolean Museum) is also an æstel of the same main type, but much more splendid and with an inscription relating it to King Alfred. Mikkelson argues for a bishop being sent from Wessex and Alfred´s court on Ohthere´s ship back to Northern Norway as a missionary.
American Bar Association ABA/AARP Wise Moves: Checklist for Where to Live, What to Consider, and Whether to Stay or Go
The one book you need when considering a move. "Our homeowners are always asking us: Should I stay or should I go? This book helps you answer that question and move on from there, step by step. Everything starts at home, as we like to say. Home is where you start every day of every chapter in your life. With Wise Moves, you can make it good, safe, secure, and yours forever." --Drew and Jonathan Scott, HGTV's Property Brothers, editorial directors of Reveal magazine Considering a move? This easy-to-use guide helps you make the best choice for you, whatever stage you are in. Should you stay put? Would a few inexpensive renovations make your home the home of a lifetime? If you need a little help at home, where can you find it? Or should you move? And if so, where? And how to pay for it all? Topics covered include: Fitting your home to your needs Downsizing to rental apartments, condos, and coops Choosing independent living and active adult communities Finding quality assisted living and memory care Getting the best nursing care Buying second homes Deciding whether timeshares are worth it Moving abroad The authors, experts in the field who also have a broad range of personal experience, provide checklists in each chapter to help you discern your next steps and walk you gently through the process. "Everyone I know seems to be talking about downsizing or where to move next, yet there are so many considerations when weighing the rest of your life. This comprehensive book organizes everything you need to know, from aging in place, independent living, and assisted living facilities to paying for it all, with practical information and checklists to help your decision making. This is the book I've been waiting for someone to write." --Lee Woodruff, journalist, bestselling author, and cofounder of the Bob Woodruff Foundation for injured veterans "Cut the medical jargon, cut the legalese, cut the stereotypes and give us a map--clear and comprehensive--and a compass. That’s what this Wise Moves accomplishes, thanks to the vast experience and acumen of its two authors. Hurme and Frolik know their stuff and know how to equip you with smart tools for choosing or creating the right environment for your loved one’s or your own later years." --Charlie Sabatino, Director, ABA Commission on Law and Aging “A practical book filled with useful information. An invaluable resource for older Americans thinking about a move to a different home or locale.” --David English, Former Chair, ABA Commission on Law and Aging "So many people wait to plan a move to a senior living community until they're 'ready.' Unfortunately, by then, it's often too late. They make decisions in the midst of a crisis and miss the opportunity to live in an environment that will support their well-being. This book provides tools for proactively assessing what’s important in deciding your future." --Jill Vitale-Aussem, CEO of The Eden Alternative and author of AARP's Disrupting the Status Quo of Aging: A Mindshift
Sports Publishing LLC Back on Top!: The Alabama Crimson Tide's 2015-16 Championship Football Season
It was fitting that Alabama and Clemson put on one of college’s football’s greatest ever championship games on a magical January night in Glendale, Arizona, with a dazzling display of athleticism, power and heart. When it was done, the Crimson Tide emerged with a jaw-dropping 45-40 victory and secured an almost unprecedented fourth national college football title in seven years. Only Notre Dame, which topped the Associated Press college football polls four times in seven seasons during the 1940s, has come close to the same feat. But that was in an era when the Irish didn’t play in bowl games, college teams had shorter schedules, and there were no scholarship limits. Even the powerhouses of Miami in the 1980s, Nebraska in the 1990s, and Southern Cal in the early-to-mid 2000s, never won as many championships in as short a period of time.More astonishing, Nick Saban, who will enter his 10th season at Alabama this fall, is now being seriously compared to the most legendary coach in college football history, Paul Bear” Bryant, who won six national championships with the Crimson Tide. Those titles, however, were spread over Bryant’s 25-year tenure at Alabama. As great as Bryant was, Saban has now emerged out of his shadow and into a vaunted spot in college football history.Saban’s latest team, the 2015 edition, will be remembered for a dominating front seven on defense, a remarkable resurgence after a turnover-filled early season loss, and a running backDerrick Henrywho shattered the Southeastern Conference’s 35-year-old single-season rushing record held by Herschel Walker. In the process, Henry became Alabama’s second-ever Heisman Trophy winner, and finished with 2,219 rushing yards and 28 touchdownsSEC records not likely to be broken anytime soon. Back on Top! takes an in-depth look back at the Crimson Tide’s challenging 2015 season, beginning with the first game against Wisconsin on a neutral field in Dallas, and ending with the College Football Playoff’s national championship game in the Arizona desert. It wall also pitch forward to examine what Alabama fans can expect during Nick Saban’s 10th season in Tuscaloosa as the Crimson Tide reloads for another championship run.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Sports Publishing imprint, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in sportsbooks about baseball, pro football, college football, pro and college basketball, hockey, or soccer, we have a book about your sport or your team.Whether you are a New York Yankees fan or hail from Red Sox nation; whether you are a die-hard Green Bay Packers or Dallas Cowboys fan; whether you root for the Kentucky Wildcats, Louisville Cardinals, UCLA Bruins, or Kansas Jayhawks; whether you route for the Boston Bruins, Toronto Maple Leafs, Montreal Canadiens, or Los Angeles Kings; we have a book for you. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Pearson Education (US) Top-Down Network Design
Objectives The purpose of Top-Down Network Design, Third Edition, is to help you design networks that meet a customer’s business and technical goals. Whether your customer is another department within your own company or an external client, this book provides you with tested processes and tools to help you understand traffic flow, protocol behavior, and internetworking technologies. After completing this book, you will be equipped to design enterprise networks that meet a customer’s requirements for functionality, capacity, performance, availability, scalability, affordability, security, and manageability. Audience This book is for you if you are an internetworking professional responsible for designing and maintaining medium- to large-sized enterprise networks. If you are a network engineer, architect, or technician who has a working knowledge of network protocols and technologies, this book will provide you with practical advice on applying your knowledge to internetwork design. This book also includes useful information for consultants, systems engineers, and sales engineers who design corporate networks for clients. In the fast-paced presales environment of many systems engineers, it often is difficult to slow down and insist on a top-down, structured systems analysis approach. Wherever possible, this book includes shortcuts and assumptions that can be made to speed up the network design process. Finally, this book is useful for undergraduate and graduate students in computer science and information technology disciplines. Students who have taken one or two courses in networking theory will find Top-Down Network Design, Third Edition, an approachable introduction to the engineering and business issues related to developing real-world networks that solve typical business problems. Changes for the Third Edition Networks have changed in many ways since the second edition was published. Many legacy technologies have disappeared and are no longer covered in the book. In addition, modern networks have become multifaceted, providing support for numerous bandwidth-hungry applications and a variety of devices, ranging from smart phones to tablet PCs to high-end servers. Modern users expect the network to be available all the time, from any device, and to let them securely collaborate with coworkers, friends, and family. Networks today support voice, video, high-definition TV, desktop sharing, virtual meetings, online training, virtual reality, and applications that we can’t even imagine that brilliant college students are busily creating in their dorm rooms. As applications rapidly change and put more demand on networks, the need to teach a systematic approach to network design is even more important than ever. With that need in mind, the third edition has been retooled to make it an ideal textbook for college students. The third edition features review questions and design scenarios at the end of each chapter to help students learn top-down network design. To address new demands on modern networks, the third edition of Top-Down Network Design also has updated material on the following topics: ¿ Network redundancy ¿ Modularity in network designs ¿ The Cisco SAFE security reference architecture ¿ The Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) ¿ Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) ¿ Ethernet scalability options, including 10-Gbps Ethernet and Metro Ethernet ¿ Network design and management tools
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Science of Intelligent Achievement: How Smart People Focus, Create and Grow Their Way to Success
Smart strategies for pragmatic, science-based growth and sustainable achievement. The Science of Intelligent Achievement teaches you the scientific process of finding success through your most valuable assets: · Selective focus – how selective are you with who and what you let into your life? · Creative ownership – how dependent are you on others for your happiness and success? · Pragmatic growth – how consistently and practically are you growing daily? First, this book will show you how to develop your focus by being very selective with where you spend your mental energy. If you've failed to reach an important goal because you were distracted, misinformed, or overcommitted, then you know the role focus and selectivity play in achievement. Second, you will learn how to stop allowing your happiness and success to be dependent on other people and instead, start taking ownership over your life through creative work. Finally, you will learn the art of changing your life through pragmatic decisions and actions. Self-improvement is not the result of dramatic changes. Instead, science has shown that personal and professional change is initiated and sustained by consistent, practical changes. To grow, you must leverage the power of micro-decisions, personality responsibility, and mini-habits. Your own biology will not let you improve your life in any other way. What do you currently value? What are working to attain? Have you been taught to value your job title or your relationship with some other person above all else? Have you been convinced that the most valuable things in life are your paycheck, the number of people who say 'hello' to you at the office, and the number of people who say 'I need you' at home? Or, have you become so passive in what you value that you let anyone and anything into your life, as long as whatever you let in allows you to stay disconnected from the cold hard truth that when things really go wrong in your life, the only person who will be able to fix it and the only person will be responsible for it is you. If so…welcome to fake success. Passivity, dependence, and the sacrifice of practical thinking and personal responsibility to fuzzy, grandiose ideals and temporary feelings — these are markers of fake success. Intelligent Achievement, on the other hand, is not a moving target. It's not empty either. Instead, it's sturdy, full, and immovable. It's not something that's just handed to you. It's not something you're nudged to chase or coerced into wanting. Intelligent Achievement comes from within you. It's a collection of values that are aligned with who you are—values you have to protect and nurture. These values do not increase your dependence on other people and things. Instead, they relieve you of dependence. This kind of achievement is something that you have a part in building from the ground up—you know what's in it—you chose it, someone else didn't choose it for you. Achieving real success means you must focus, create, and grow daily. The Science of Intelligent Achievement will show you how.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Making the Invisible Visible: How Companies Win with the Right Information, People and IT
This book presents a new way of seeing the business value of information, people and IT as well as a way of measuring and managing these capabilities in order to improve business performance. Packed with real-world examples, the book presents the best and worst practices companies have implemented to address these issues. Case studies from more than thirty international companies are strategically used throughout the book, including Banco Bilbao Vizcayo, Philips Business Electronics, Amazon, Dell Europe, Ernst Young, General Electric, IKEA, Ritz Carlton Hotels, and Wal Mart. This fascinating guide offers a diagnostic tool that senior managers can use to evaluate the three information capabilities of their company. Plus, the book provides hands-on management prescriptions on how to improve a company s information capabilities and how to use these capabilities in achieving business strategies and in the implementating change. We are all experiencing an information overload, be it internal to the organization or due to external influences of our own information intensive society. Much has been written on how companies should "tame the beast of information" and make it work in the organization's favour. What has not yet been covered is how an organization can actually comprehensively measure whether or not they are using information effectively to achieve better business performance, or in other words, how senior managers within an organization can measure "Information Orientation". Following a major 2 year global research project in conjunction with Andersen Consulting, the authors of this book have been able to demonstrate that when a company is high on IO it will be high on business performance. However, beyond just using IO as a diagnostic tool or a benchmark for the effective use of an organization's information, it can also predict the organization's business performance. Invariably, a company does not make the best use of available information. Having assessed why and where the failings are, this book will provide ways in which senior managers can actively manage the different elements of their Information Capabilities to improve the usage of information. Information Capabilities are defined in three ways: 1. Information Behaviours/Values 2. Information Management Practices 3. Information Technology practices. It is the total interaction of these three elements and the effective management of them that permits superior business performance. IO Maturity can be gained, but the authors illustrate that it is an iterative process that grows and changes in line with a turbulent environment. Managers of a high IO company realize the need to continually refine and improve their information use and to keep learning more about their business. IO begins at the top. It takes more than authorizing an IT investment and training staff to use information. It calls for different behaviours, values and practices by senior managers. This book provides the means to move towards IO maturity. It is the step beyond Information Technology to actually managing information. The aim of this book is to make a previously invisible dimension of business management visible. A manager, after reading this book, will be able to see, measure and manage the information resources, people and IT in the company and improve business performance.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Trading on Expectations: Strategies to Pinpoint Trading Ranges, Trends, and Reversals
Successful traders know that before stepping into the wilderness ofthe speculative markets, you need a solid understanding of basicmarket behavior. But the conventional methods often fall short ofproviding this basic knowledge. Academics assert one thing,economists and fundamental analysts another, and technicianssomething altogether different. And, seemingly, none of them agreewith each other. Trading on Expectations explores the ideas behind the dominantschools of analysis, and shows the validity of each anddemonstrates how each, albeit at different times, reflects what themarket is doing. Sometimes market prices can be predicted using theeconomists' models; sometimes prices follow a "random walk" as theacademics claim; at other times price is responding to thepatterns, trendlines, and breakout levels identified bytechnicians. In this groundbreaking new book, Brendan Moynihan draws on hisexperience as a trader, analyst, and researcher to develop a methodthat focuses on the prime mover of prices and incorporates thestrengths of the conventional methods. Drawing on theparticipant-focused Chicago Board of Trade Market Profile and thepsychologically focused Contrary Opinion, he synthesizes andmodifies the best in these different methods and skillfully createsa single model of market behavior --the Sentiment-ActivityModel. Moynihan carefully describes how the combination of participants'actions and expectations about the future determines the directionof prices in the markets. This dynamic interaction between actionsand expectations explains the emergence of the dominant phases ofthe markets: price trends, trading ranges, and trend reversals.What's more, Moynihan's unique model enables you to pinpoint thecombinations of activity and sentiment that determine the threestates of the market as they unfold, in time frames ranging from asingle day to several weeks or months. The Sentiment-Activity Modelalso provides a way to determine how the market is likely torespond to various news items, explaining the apparent anomalies ofprice behavior in the process. To document his finding, Moynihanprovides illuminating applications over a multimonth time period tofour markets: Treasury bonds, soybeans, deutsche marks, and crudeoil. Offering a new, more powerful way of understanding the dynamics ofmarket behavior, Trading on Expectations is a must-read for alltraders in stocks, options, and futures. "Brendan Moynihan has studied the 'real' economists and found thetruth about how human action and individual motivations determinemarket prices. Trading on Expectations combines the best of thetraders' economic and technical tools. I recommend this book toanyone who wants to learn how to trade more successfully." --BrianS. Wesbury Chief Economist Griffin, Kubik, Stephens & Thompsonand former chief economist Joint Economic Committee of the UnitedStates Congress "In today's fast-forward society, readers of this book can quicklyabsorb the real essence of Trading Reality that takes years tounderstand. In fact, many traders have come and gone withoutrealizing how successful traders operate. It could take years togather the perspectives of this book. The Hightower Report plans touse the book for training its analysts!" --David C. Hightower,Editor The Hightower Report "Where most market texts simply reheat and serve the same oldapproaches, Trading on Expectations offers a fresh perspective bycombining the best of several market disciplines into a logicaltheory and workable system for trading all financial markets."--Michael Zentz Director of Fixed Income Research PegasusEconometric Group
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals
"The European Parliament elections in May 2019 did not bring about the rise of populism in Europe that had been feared by many. Instead, while populism was contained, a broad pro-European majority emerged that today carries the new European Commission with its ambitious green, digital and geopolitical agenda. However, Euroscepticism remains a significant force to be reckoned with in national and EU-policy making. The present book offers a better understanding of the different types of Euroscepticism that exist across Europe. It also shows that Euroscepticism is best addressed by understanding well the often valid concerns that are at the origins of Eurosceptic forces. If this is done in time, Euroscepticism is not something to be afraid of. It is part of a vibrant European democracy that is resilient enough to embrace those who criticise the reality of the European project with good arguments; and that stands ready to develop and improve day by day to become a more perfect Union.” - Martin Selmayr, Head of the European Commission’s representation in Austria"This book comes at the right time. European integration seems more contested than ever, but is it really? This book answers this question by probing into 40 shades of Euroscepticism, within and beyond the EU Member States. It is a must read for academics and practitioners alike."- Christine Neuhold, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands"With this book, the authors offer readers of European politics a treasure trove, with valuable insights into the variety of populist and nationalist forces that oppose mainstream European integration. Faced with such a jumble of eurosceptic parties pursuing narrow and in many cases reactionary agendas, the need for proper federal political parties becomes self-evident. Only then will the diverse interests and aspirations of citizens be given realistic expression at the EU level."- Andrew Duff, President, The Spinelli GroupThis book sheds light on how the increasing prominence of Eurosceptic and nationalist parties is having an impact on the thinking of mainstream parties, their representatives in the European Parliament, and the future of Europe. It is timed to coincide with the strategic vision of Council, Commission, and Parliament, as well as the next phase of Brexit negotiations. The book provides perspectives on the future of the European project from authors in all the EU Member States, as well as neighboring European countries and potential applicant nations. Furthermore, it includes a Foreword by the Vice-president of the European Parliament.With many Eurosceptic parties now in national government, or winning European elections and thus exerting influence over the national debate, this book maps and analyses the nature and impact of Euroscepticism—and new nationalist tendencies—in the different party systems of Europe.As national political parties are the gatekeepers of the process of political representation, they play a pivotal role in mobilizing civil society and in setting the political agenda. They shape politics at a national level, but also determine the way in which Europe plays out—or does not play out—as a political issue. Thus, it is from the national capitals that the very future of Europe emerges.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Embracing Entrepreneurship Across Disciplines: Ideas and Insights from Engineering, Science, Medicine and Arts
Entrepreneurship is a discipline that can be taught across the disciplines. Angela Beeching's chapter demonstrates how the essential business concepts of entrepreneurship can be made relevant to music students. By using short case studies featuring musical entrepreneurs, Beeching's excellent chapter provides a context for teaching entrepreneurship that reflects musicians' values and priorities. As one might expect from Beeching, a luminary in the music entrepreneurship world, her chapter also includes insights for educators and practitioners from all disciplines inspired by our musical golden age of entrepreneurship.'- Catherine Fitterman Radbill, author of Introduction to the Music Industry: An Entrepreneurial Approach'Satish Nambisan has assembled a great team of authors who have produced a fascinating collection of chapters. The book does an excellent job of bringing together for the first time developments in entrepreneurship across disparate disciplines that have important research, policy and practical implications. Entrepreneurship can learn from other disciplines but fundamentally this is a two-way process as other disciplines can learn from entrepreneurship. This approach provides a much needed emphasis on the increasing richness of adopting a cross-disciplinary approach in understanding the scope of entrepreneurship.'- Mike Wright, Centre for Management Buyout Research, Imperial College Business School, UK and University of Ghent, Belgium'Entrepreneurship is crossing borders with great impact. After decades of being confined to business schools, entrepreneurship scholarship and teaching are being diffused throughout the university: in engineering, natural and biological sciences, social sciences, art, music, medicine and other schools and departments. This is one of the very first books that captures this important trend, identifying areas for research, teaching and outreach activities. Every chapter is written by an area expert, offering rich insights into the growing power of entrepreneurship as a discipline and a way of thinking and doing. As such, the book is a major reference to any entrepreneurship scholar. The editor, Satish Nambisan, did a masterful job in selecting authors and themes covered in the book. His achievement is simply remarkable.'- Shaker A. Zahra, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, USUnique ideas, insights and themes from diverse disciplines-from engineering, science and medicine to arts, design, and music-have the potential to enrich and deepen our understanding of entrepreneurship. This book brings together contributions from an eclectic set of entrepreneurship scholars and educators from different fields to advance cross-disciplinary entrepreneurial thinking.Embracing Entrepreneurship Across Disciplines draws on case studies and examples to provide a rich illustration of key themes and concepts, providing an opportunity to share lessons and best practices. It describes innovative programs and practices that could serve as templates for entrepreneurship educators and informs the development and evaluation of policies, programs and educational materials that cross or impact multiple fields.The creative, accessible ideas and insights offered in this book will appeal to a broad audience interested in entrepreneurship-from scholars and educators to practitioners and policy makers.Contributors: R.J. Anderson, G.D. Beckman, A.M. Beeching, R.W. Brown, O.R. Butler, L. Canning, J.D. Hart, A. Kant, D. Melton, A. Meyers, S. Nambisan, C. Patterson, J. Thomas
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Psychiatric Case Studies for Advanced Practice
Selected as a 2023 Doody’s Core Title! “This book will help students and clinicians gain a complete understanding of psychiatric assessment, become familiar with the symptoms that make up the major DSM-5 diagnoses, and formulate treatment planning by using actual clinical situations. It transforms difficult clinical concepts into clear examples, illustrating the process of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning.” —Candice Knight, PhD, EdD, APN, PMHNP-BC “For practitioners who see patients of all ages for psychiatric care and/or primary care, this book is a wonderful desk resource.”—Elizabeth Bonham, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, FAANGet much-needed exposure to real-world clinical scenarios and psychiatric evaluations, with this invaluable guide to positive, effective psychiatric advance practice nursing care. For an expert guide to providing patient-centered, evidence-based psychiatric care, keep Psychiatric Case Studies for Advanced Practice by your side. Practical and easy-to-follow, these more than 50 case scenarios clearly display the complaints, diagnoses, and treatments of the most common psychiatric disorders, supporting the critical decision-making skills of nurses practicing in a broad range of settings. Psychiatric, family, emergency, and general practice nurse practitioners of all experience levels will find this an invaluable aid for creating an informed, holistic practice.Follow the real-life cases and expert analysis of psychiatric patients of a wide variety of ages, backgrounds, and conditions . . . Real-world child, adolescent, adult, and geriatric inpatient and outpatient psychiatric case studies that emphasize problem-based learning and an evidence-based practice Current diagnostic content from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , 5th Edition (DSM-5), that includes DSM-5’s newer diagnoses—gender dysphoria, binge eating disorder, and autism spectrum, plus current treatments for alcohol and opiate addiction Sample routine screening tools that offer convenient checklists and handouts to support patient treatment Content presented in a simple format —organized by age and indexed by diagnostic category for quick reference Each case presented in a standard format: chief complaint, history, mental status, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment plan, and rationale for treatment prescribed—with questions at the end that guide you to create a diagnosis using the DSM-5 Cases addressing a wide range of disorders and supporting all experience levels in a variety of treatment settings—counseling centers, correctional facilities, homeless shelters, inpatient psychiatric units, and hospital consultation and liaison services Treatments and rationales that represent current, evidence-based research —treatment sections divided into psychopharmacology, diagnostic tests, referral, psychotherapy, and psychoeducatio Supplemental teaching tool for graduate psychiatric nurse practitioner/APN programs About the Authors Kathleen M. Prendergast, MSN, RN, APN, PMHNP-BC, is a former Instructor in Clinical Nursing, Columbia University School of Nursing, New York; a Psychiatric Consultant at Seton Hall University Counseling and Psychological Services; and a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner at Caldwell University Counseling Center in Caldwell, New Jersey. Kasey Jackman, PhD, RN, PMHNP-BC, is Postdoctoral Research Fellowin Nursing at Columbia University School of Nursing in New York City, and has taught courses in the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner program. Dr. Jackman is a psychiatric nurse practitioner at a psychiatric hospital and has previously worked in out-patient, partial hospital, and private practices
Royal Society of Chemistry Alternative Solvents for Green Chemistry
Everyone is becoming more environmentally conscious and therefore, chemical processes are being developed with their environmental burden in mind. This also means that more traditional chemical methods are being replaced with new innovations and this includes new solvents. Solvents are everywhere, but how necessary are they? They are used in most areas including synthetic chemistry, analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical production and processing, the food and flavour industry and the materials and coatings sectors. However, the principles of green chemistry guide us to use less of them, or to use safer, more environmentally friendly solvents if they are essential. Therefore, we should always ask ourselves, do we really need a solvent? Green chemistry, as a relatively new sub-discipline, is a rapidly growing field of research. Alternative solvents - including supercritical fluids and room temperature ionic liquids - form a significant portion of research in green chemistry. This is in part due to the hazards of many conventional solvents (e.g. toxicity and flammability) and the significant contribution that solvents make to the waste generated in many chemical processes. Solvents are important in analytical chemistry, product purification, extraction and separation technologies, and also in the modification of materials. Therefore, in order to make chemistry more sustainable in these fields, a knowledge of alternative, greener solvents is important. This book, which is part of a green chemistry series, uses examples that tie in with the 12 principles of green chemistry e.g. atom efficient reactions in benign solvents and processing of renewable chemicals/materials in green solvents. Readers get an overview of the many different kinds of solvents, written in such a way to make the book appropriate to newcomers to the field and prepare them for the 'green choices' available. The book also removes some of the mystique associated with 'alternative solvent' choices and includes information on solvents in different fields of chemistry such as analytical and materials chemistry in addition to catalysis and synthesis. The latest research developments, not covered elsewhere, are included such as switchable solvents and biosolvents. Also, some important areas that are often overlooked are described such as naturally sourced solvents (including ethanol and ethyl lactate) and liquid polymers (including poly(ethyleneglycol) and poly(dimethylsiloxane)). As well as these additional alternative solvents being included, the book takes a more general approach to solvents, not just focusing on the use of solvents in synthetic chemistry. Applications of solvents in areas such as analysis are overviewed in addition to the more widely recognised uses of alternative solvents in organic synthesis. Unfortunately, as the book shows, there is no universal green solvent and readers must ascertain their best options based on prior chemistry, cost, environmental benefits and other factors. It is important to try and minimize the number of solvent changes in a chemical process and therefore, the importance of solvents in product purification, extraction and separation technologies are highlighted. The book is aimed at newcomers to the field whether research students beginning investigations towards their thesis or industrial researchers curious to find out if an alternative solvent would be suitable in their work.
McGraw-Hill Education Avanti! ISE
Informed by second-language acquisition research, the Avanti! program for introductory Italian is known for its focused approach and flexible content, its emphasis on communicative competence, its opportunities for recycling, and its exploration of culture. With Avanti!, students begin to learn and practice the language while developing an authentic appreciation for Italian culture, both inside and outside of class. Avanti! is built around the following principles:Focus and Flexibility: Whereas most Italian programs attempt to cover too much material in the first year, Avanti! reflects a reasonable expectation that most beginning learners can acquire in one year of classroom instruction. The Strutture sections focus on the core structures that are necessary for meaningful communication at the elementary level. Additional structures are either presented “for recognition only” or appear in Per saperne di più, giving instructors flexibility to teach the grammar they want to teach. The Connect platform allows instructors to fully customize course content to meet the needs of their students, whether their courses are face-to-face, hybrid, or online. Communicative Competence: From the very beginning, Avanti! satisfies student's desire to communicate in everyday situations through a guided and gradual process of acquisition. In the Strategie di comunicazione authentic videos that open each chapter, students see and hear Italians of all ages and backgrounds using high-frequency, practical expressions that students can begin using immediately. Outside of class, McGraw Hill Connect® provides easy-to-use voice tools for synchronous partnered speaking practice and asynchronous chat (Recordable Video Chat and Voice Board powered by GoReact). With Avanti! students are always well supported in their practice whether in person or online, building their communicative competence along with their confidence. Recycling: Avanti! is designed to provide maximum exposure to vocabulary and grammar structures. Every fourth chapter provides practice of four previously taught grammar points, which are then followed by a related topic. Chapter 16 contains only review grammar sections, providing students with additional practice with challenging structures. With Adaptive Learning Assignments in Connect, students can practice key vocabulary and grammar points outside of class.Cultural Competence: In addition to providing a meaningful and extensive exploration of Italy's gorgeous and unique culture, the 5th edition of Avanti! places a new emphasis on the importance of intercultural competence. Students are asked to think critically about the experience of learning a language and how it can benefit people's lives through exposure to new skills, behaviors, and attitudes. The first of four new modules features a video interview of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri, who sets the stage for new learners by describing the challenges and benefits of learning a new language. Subsequent modules feature a series of interviews with a diverse group of young Italians, and new activities related to intercultural competence have been added to each chapter (Prospettive a confronto and Cosa vedi? Cosa capisci?). The former Cultura section has also been extensively revised in this edition, with all sections renamed and re-envisioned to develop discourse-level language skills while exploring rich cultural content. Following a sensitivity analysis, users will also find more inclusive representation of the regions of Italy, historical information, race and ethnicity, gender and LGBTQ, religion, body image, mental health, and gender roles.
Workman Publishing Burma: Rivers of Flavor
IACP Award Winner Naomi Duguid’s heralded cookbooks have always transcended the category to become “something larger and more important” (Los Angeles Times). Each in its own way is “a breakthrough book . . . a major contribution” (The New York Times). And as Burma opens up after a half century of seclusion, who better than Duguid—the esteemed author of Hot Sour Salty Sweet—to introduce the country and its food and flavors to the West.Located at the crossroads between China, India, and the nations of Southeast Asia, Burma has long been a land that absorbed outside influences into its everyday life, from the Buddhist religion to foodstuffs like the potato. In the process, the people of the country now known as Myanmar have developed a rich, complex cuisine that mekes inventive use of easily available ingredients to create exciting flavor combinations.Salads are one of the best entry points into the glories of this cuisine, with sparkling flavors—crispy fried shallots, a squeeze of fresh lime juice, a dash of garlic oil, a pinch of turmeric, some crunchy roast peanuts—balanced with a light hand. The salad tradition is flexible; Burmese cooks transform all kinds of foods into salads, from chicken and roasted eggplant to spinach and tomato. And the enticing Tea-Leaf Salad is a signature dish in central Burma and in the eastern hills that are home to the Shan people.Mohinga, a delicious blend of rice noodles and fish broth, adds up to comfort food at its best. Wherever you go in Burma, you get a slightly different version because, as Duguid explains, each region layers its own touches into the dish.Tasty sauces, chutneys, and relishes—essential elements of Burmese cuisine—will become mainstays in your kitchen, as will a chicken roasted with potatoes, turmeric, and lemongrass; a seafood noodle stir-fry with shrimp and mussels; Shan khaut swei, an astonishing noodle dish made with pea tendrils and pork; a hearty chicken-rice soup seasoned with ginger and soy sauce; and a breathtakingly simple dessert composed of just sticky rice, coconut, and palm sugar.Interspersed throughout the 125 recipes are intriguing tales from the author’s many trips to this fascinating but little-known land. One such captivating essay shows how Burmese women adorn themselves with thanaka, a white paste used to protect and decorate the skin. Buddhism is a central fact of Burmese life: we meet barefoot monks on their morning quest for alms, as well as nuns with shaved heads; and Duguid takes us on tours of Shwedagon, the amazingly grand temple complex on a hill in Rangoon, the former capital. She takes boats up Burma’s huge rivers, highways to places inaccessible by road; spends time in village markets and home kitchens; and takes us to the farthest reaches of the country, along the way introducing us to the fascinating people she encounters on her travels.The best way to learn about an unfamiliar culture is through its food, and in Burma: Rivers of Flavor, readers will be transfixed by the splendors of an ancient and wonderful country, untouched by the outside world for generations, whose simple recipes delight and satisfy and whose people are among the most gracious on earth.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Medical-Surgical Nursing
Provide quality nursing care for adults with medical-surgical and psychiatric disorders! Building upon the fundamentals of nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8th Edition helps you master the role and responsibilities of the LPN/LVN in medical-surgical care. The text addresses the special problems of older adult patients, then covers each major disorder by body system, presenting patient problems, goals, outcome criteria, and nursing interventions. As LPN/LVNs do not formulate NANDA diagnoses, the book is organized by patient problems rather than NANDA nursing diagnoses. Written by noted educators Adrianne Dill Linton and Mary Ann Matteson, this text helps you build the clinical judgment skills you need to succeed on the Next-Generation NCLEX-PN® examination and in nursing practice. UNIQUE! Older Adult Patient unit covers the special problems and disorders - such as falls, dementia, and incontinence - that are common to gerontologic patients, as this is the primary patient group for whom LPN/LVNs provide care. UNIQUE! In-depth pharmacology coverage includes Pharmacology Capsule boxes highlighting critical information for common drugs, Pharmacology and Medications tables including classification, use/action, side/adverse effects, and nursing interventions, and a Pharmacology Tutorial on the Evolve website covering drug classifications, how drugs work, and nursing responsibilities. Nursing care plans illustrate the application of content to the nursing process in realistic scenarios, with critical thinking questions to encourage thoughtful analysis of patient needs and nursing care. For each body system, an introductory chapter provides a refresher review of anatomy and physiology; to minimize repetition in subsequent chapters, relevant diagnostic tests and procedures are described; and common classifications of the drugs used to manage system disorders are introduced. Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! section at the end of each chapter covers key points and includes review questions and critical thinking questions to help you prepare for class tests and the NCLEX-PN examination. Put on Your Thinking Cap boxes ask you to analyze and apply concepts to clinical situations. Patient Teaching boxes provide nursing instructions, stressing the role and responsibility of the LPN/LVN in patient education. Health Promotion Considerations boxes highlight timely wellness and disease prevention topics. Nutrition Considerations boxes emphasize the role nutrition plays in disease and holistic nursing care. Complementary and Alternative Therapies boxes break down nontraditional therapies along with precautions and possible side effects. Coordinated Care boxes highlight the team approach to patient care, helping nurses prioritize tasks and assign them safely to assistive personnel. Cultural Considerations boxes promote understanding of the needs of culturally diverse patients when planning nursing care. Key terms include phonetic pronunciations and make learning easier with terms listed at the beginning of each chapter, shown in color at first mention in the text, and defined in the glossary. NEW! Next-Generation NCLEX® case studies and new-format questions help you prepare for the licensure examination. NEW! Discussion of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model helps in developing the decision-making skills needed to plan effective nursing interventions. NEW! Content on disorders is thoroughly updated, including infection control and pandemic responses.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast: A Blueprint for Transformation from the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation
The Only Innovation Guide You Will Ever Need--from the Award-Winning Minds at Mayo ClinicA lot of businesspeople talk about innovation, but few companies have achieved the level of truly transformative innovation as brilliantly--or as famously--as the legendary Mayo Clinic.Introducing Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast, the first innovation guide based on the proven, decade-long program that’s made Mayo Clinic one of the most respected and successful organizations in the world. Thisessential must-have guide shows you how to: Inspire and ignite trailblazing innovation inyour workplace Design a new business model that’s creative,collaborative, and sustainable Apply the traditional scientific method to the latest innovations in "design thinking" Build a customized toolkit of the best practices, project portfolios, and strategies Increase your innovation capacity--and watch how quickly you succeed These field-tested techniques grew out of the health care industry but are designed to work with any complex organization. Written by three Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation insiders--Dr. Nicholas LaRusso, BarbaraSpurrier, and Dr. Gianrico Farrugia--the book offers a wealth of transformative ideas and strategies.The concise, easy-to-implement methods can help jump-start your employees' creative potential, involve them in the collaborative process, and pave the way to the future of sustainable innovation. You get step-by-step advice on building leadership teams, accelerator platforms for speeding up results, and fascinating case studies of innovation in action from the files of the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation.In today's fast-moving world, it's innovation that drives success. This book gives you the keys.ADVANCE PRAISE FOR THINK BIG, START SMALL, MOVE FAST:"Truly great organizations do not just achieve great results; they are also relentless in the pursuit of continual improvement. This book offers both methods and motivation to leaders in any industry who understand that the pursuit of excellence is never-ending." -- Donald Berwick, M.D., MPP, President Emeritus and Senior Fellow,Institute for Healthcare Improvement"Do you want your organization to deliver a shockingly better customer experience? Here is Mayo's method that transformed the patient experience by making innovation systemic, the human side of innovation." -- Scott Cook, Cofounder and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Intuit"A powerful set of actionable, yet importantly nonprescriptive, principles for transformative change that will inspire and challenge all of us to reenvision a system that delivers health, not just care, for all our patients." -- Rebecca Onie, Cofounder and CEO, Health Leads"This book should serve both as a how-to guide for medical professionals and an inspiration for other innovators all over the country." -- T. R. Reid, reporter and author of The Healing of America"Powerful insight on how to deliver meaningful innovations time and again." -- Frans van Houten, CEO, Royal Philips"Leaders who seek to accelerate new innovation competencies can benefit from this hands-on guide." -- Sarah Miller Caldicott, great grandniece of Thomas Edison,and CEO, Power Patterns of Innovation"Read this book. . . . Copy its practices. It will save you years of misery and missteps as you build your own innovation revolution." -- Larry Keeley, Cofounder, Doblin Inc., and Director, Deloitte Consulting LLP
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Burgundy, Full-Color, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print: The Complete Resource for Studying God’s Word
The full text of the trustworthy New King James Version with robust study notes, vibrant full-color images, and dozens of study resources to help you grow deeper in your faith.The New King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is a reliable guide for your journey into God’s Word. This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for study, including over 1 million words of custom content contributed by top evangelical scholars. Over 1,000 articles, notes, word studies, photos, illustrations, maps, and other tools, combined with the accuracy and clarity of the New King James Version, make this Bible a perfect choice to help you deeply engage and understand Scripture.Trusted by readers worldwide, the NKJV Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 2 million copies across translations.Features include: Beautiful full color throughout. Over 250 photos and illustrations of important places, artifacts, and pieces of art. Exclusive study tools that help you understand, appreciate, and live out what you read: Book introductions, book outlines, and timelines provide important and helpful background information, historical context, and content overviews. 15,000 Bottom-of-the-page study notes offer over 850,000 words of clear and compelling commentary. 345+ Word studies with Strong's numbers give insight into the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew words. 150+ Bible Times and Cultural notes deepen understanding of the historical context surrounding Scripture. 110+ Articles to clarify and expand upon key concepts in Scripture. Indexes and concordances that are easy to use and make it easy to find what you are looking for: Concordance of over 6,000 terms with 37,000 verses. “Teachings and Illustrations of Christ” of over 400 subjects addressed by Jesus. “Prayers of the Bible” of nearly 100 prayers in the Bible, who prayed them, and what they prayed about. “Subject Index to Annotations and Features” Articles that offer tips and information to get the most out of your study of the Bible: “How to Understand what the Bible Means by What it Says” offers a four-step process for rightly interpreting the Scriptures. “Thinking about the Study of the New Testament” provides an introduction to the New Testament manuscripts. “The Geography of the Gospels” gives an overview of the major cities and regions mentioned in the Gospels. “The Bible as History” addresses the importance of reading each book of the Bible in its historical context. “What Is Theology?” defines theology and proposes that theology must begin with the gospel. Tables that provide helpful information at a glance: “Harmony of the Gospels” details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels. “From Biblical Book to Contemporary Hook” provides the major theme, Christ-focus, implication, and helpful questions to prompt thinking and discussion for all 66 books of Scripture. “Parables of Christ” shows where you can find 39 parables in the Gospels. “Miracles of Christ” shows where you can find 37 miracles in the Gospels. “Prophecies of The Messiah Fulfilled in Christ” provides 43 Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament. “Monies, Weights, and Measures” 32,000 references linking to over 73,000 related passages and nearly 8,000 translation notes allow you to follow important words and thoughts throughout Scripture. 140+ Maps and charts throughout the Scriptures and in the back to show a visual representation of locations and themes in the Bible. Easy-to-read large 9-pt print size
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chemicals and Long-Term Economic Growth: Insights from the Chemical Industry
"This magisterial volume will be the definitive study of the economics and history of the chemical industry for many years to come. The core of the volume is a study of the process of innovation in the first industry to employ science as a basis for technology. This extends over 150 years and covers four leading countries-Britain, Germany, Japan, and the United States. . . . The book will be of interest to participants in the industry, economists, and economic historians interested in growth, business school faculty and students concerned with corporate strategy, especially the management of technical change, and finally, policymakers who create the legal and political environment within which the industry has developed."-Dale W. Jorgenson, Frederic Eaton Abbe Professor of Economics, Harvard University "The chemical industry will continue to be a leading indicator of economic development in the century ahead. The research and conclusions of Ralph Landau and his colleagues capture the structure, processes, and future of the industry and make [this] book required reading for all who follow the field." -Frank Popoff, Chairman, The Dow Chemical Company "Given the magnitude and pervasiveness of the chemical processing industry which underlies all manufacturing, this study of the dynamics of interactions among technology, economics, and politics should become must reading for all serious students of industrial development." -S. Allen Heininger, Past President, American Chemical Society "A painstakingly thorough and insightful analysis of the global chemical industry. . . . It will be of great value to economic historians and economists concerned with the growth of modern industrial societies. It is must reading for executives and scholars concerned with innovation and competitiveness." -David J. Teece, Director, Institute of Management, Innovation & Organization Mitsubishi Professor, Walter A. Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley "The innovativeness of the chemical industry has made it a key player in the development of the modern world economy. Analysis of the industry's long-term growth therefore gives an insight into the interaction between science, technology, and economic progress, as this book demonstrates. At the same time, the analysis offers observations that are of great practical relevance to today's issues." -Professor Doctor Gottfried Plumpe, Bayer Corporation The chemical industry has been one of the world's best managed and most consistently successful business performers for 150 years. Now, drawing together fourteen of the most respected economists and industry experts, the editors of Chemicals and Long-Term Economic Growth present one of the most extensive studies of this industry in order to uncover the secrets behind this remarkable track record. With economic and managerial insights supported by specific real-world examples, this book shows how the development of the chemical industry can provide insights for achieving and sustaining economic growth. Scientists and business leaders in the chemical industry and many other technological fields, and economists generally, may benefit from the history and analysis presented in this book. This book examines: * The role of science, innovation, technology, and organization in creating economic growth and profits * Chemical industry growth in Germany, Britain, the United States, and Japan, including an analysis of relative strengths and weaknesses * The impact of macroeconomics, legal and financial institutions, corporate finance, and other policies and institutions on the behavior of chemical companies * The principle of comparative advantage-why certain industries excel in certain areas.
Simon & Schuster The Rise of the Rest: How Entrepreneurs in Surprising Places are Building the New American Dream
Steve Case, New York Times bestselling author of The Third Wave and cofounder of America Online shows how entrepreneurs across the country are building groundbreaking companies, renewing communities, and creating new jobs—reimagining the American landscape “and [giving] us hope for America’s future” (Ken Burns).In 2014, Steve Case launched Revolution’s Rise of the Rest, an initiative to accelerate the growth of tech startups across the country. Rise of the Rest is based on a simple idea: cities can be renewed and rise again if they develop a vibrant startup culture. A visionary entrepreneur himself, Case believes that great entrepreneurs can be found anywhere, and can thrive with the proper support and investment. In fact, they’re key to the American DNA. After all, America itself was a startup. It struggled to get going and almost didn’t make it. Today it’s the leader of the free world, in part because it has the world’s largest economy—a testament to several generations of pioneering entrepreneurs. But America needs help keeping its promises, as it is harder today for innovators who live outside the major tech hubs. For most of the past decade, seventy-five percent of venture capital has gone to just three states—California, New York, and Massachusetts—while the forty-seven states making up the rest of the country have been forced to share the remaining twenty-five percent. And it’s even harder for some people no matter where they live. Less than ten percent of venture capital currently goes to female founders, and less than one percent to Black founders. Since new companies—startups—are responsible for net new job creation, it is essential that entrepreneurs everywhere have the opportunity to start and scale companies. Rise of the Rest is about leveling the playing field for everybody, and in the process creating opportunity and jobs for the people and places that have been left behind. This book tells that story and provides a hopeful perspective on the future of America. In The Rise of the Rest: How Entrepreneurs in Surprising Places are Building the New American Dream, Case takes readers on an exhilarating journey into the startup communities that are transforming cities nationwide. Rise of the Rest’s signature road trips, on a big red tour bus, have created significant local and national buzz and spotlighted communities large and small that have committed to a new tech-enabled future. Along the way, Case introduces readers to dozens of entrepreneurs whose inspirational stories of struggle and achievement match the most iconic examples of American invention. To date, Case has traveled to forty-three cities on his Rise of the Rest bus tour and has been featured on 60 Minutes, and in The New York Times, USA TODAY, Fast Company, and The Wall Street Journal. With dedicated venture funds, backed by an iconic group of investors, executives, and entrepreneurs including Jeff Bezos, Eric Schmidt, Meg Whitman, John Doerr, Sara Blakely, and Ray Dalio, Rise of the Rest also invests in the most promising high-growth startups located anywhere in the US outside of Silicon Valley, New York City, and Boston. The fund has invested in more than 175 companies across more than eighty cities, including: Phoenix, Chattanooga, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Louisville, Baltimore, Columbus, St. Louis, Green Bay, Madison, Buffalo, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Cincinnati, Miami, Dallas, Salt Lake City, Omaha, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Nashville, Indianapolis, New Orleans, and dozens of others.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Tick Achieve: How to Get Stuff Done
How many times have you thought of something crucial to do and then forgotten it completely? That's why people invented lists. And very useful they are too. If, and only if, they are used effectively. Put thirty things on a list, and it becomes too daunting. Put three things on, and there's no point in having a list. And so we have refined the art of list writing to allow for about ten or twenty things to do. But in truth, most lists are rubbish. Randomly assembled, they do little to help the author navigate their way through the maze of stuff to do. After all, the only point of a list of things to do, is to get things done. Tick Achieve does just that. It shows you how to get stuff done, with lots of little techniques tried and tested on scores of individuals over 25 years. This includes the cathartic and highly effective process of writing a list of what you are not going to do. The author has trained hundreds of people in the art of getting stuff done. There is no Big Plan as such (contrary to what many other books suggest). It's all about details, and they can be very easy to implement. Little things can make a massive difference. Once you get the hang of it, life gets easier. In a business context, and personally. You can sleep better and worry less. Concentrate on the things that matter, and leave out the trivia and irrelevant. Learn how to celebrate little bits of progress, look down your list, tick off a job well done, and shout Tick Achieve! EXAMPLE CHAPTER OUTLINE 1. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE "I'm too busy, I'm in a meeting": professional time wasting and how to avoid it Teams; what's the point? The problem with the business world: other people How to think more and worry less How being organised lets you take it easy Action not activity Outcome not output "If I do x, then y will happen...' 2. STRAIGHT TALKING AND GETTING STUFF DONE Permission to talk straight Cliché and jargon red alert list How to get to the point and get everything done quickly Some ways to say no politely How to liven up boring meetings Spotting business bull**** Cutting through it and moving on 3. LEAVE IT OUT Less really is more How eliminating issues gets to faster answers in business Write a list of what you are not going to do Improving your time management Simplifying everything Being totally objective about the past How leaving it out forces the issue 4. ONE IN A ROW How breaking big problems down into small tasks really works How to eat an elephant - in stages Knock 'em down one at a time Rapid sequential tasking: an alternative to multi-tasking The one-touch approach Tick, achieve, move on 5. LOOK LIVELY! The value of energy: in business, and in life generally Getting your attitude right Why lazy people are unhappy people Speed, that's the thing Spotting pointless people Ditching the time wasters Don't waste time yourself: beware aimless net surfers Cutting out the irrelevant stuff 6. HOW TO OUTTHINK YOURSELF Pre-arranging tripwires Dealing with problems Pretend the job is finished It's urgent - pretend it's not It's not urgent - pretend it is The art of outthinking yourself 7. TICK ACHIEVE The art of great list writing The Priority Matrix The Growing Pane and how to use it Tick achieve So have you done it?
Human Kinetics Publishers Recreational Sport: Program Design, Delivery, and Management
There are more opportunities than ever for employment in recreational sport, which means the need to prepare students with a solid foundation of the design, delivery, and management of recreational sport has never been more critical. Recreational Sport is designed precisely with that need in mind. This text provides a contemporary perspective of recreational sport management, offering a comprehensive picture of recreational sport management for people in or entering all sectors of recreation and leisure, including public, nonprofit, private, and commercial. “We saw a need for broad-based recreational sport programming that reflects the myriad of recreational sport activities and opportunities that are out there,” says lead author Robert Barcelona. “To meet those increased needs and interests, people need to have an array of programming and management skills in recreational sport.” Barcelona and his coauthors help readers gain those skills in part by simplifying the complicated process of designing and delivering programs in various settings in recreation and leisure services. They present a macrocosm view of recreational sport in communities—a view that reflects the most current, application-based research in the field. Their text places recreational sport squarely in the middle of the recreation and leisure curriculum and is supported by the recreational sport core competencies as developed by Barcelona himself. Those competencies are based on what recreational sport managers need to know and be able to do to grow and succeed in the profession, and they connect with the NIRSA recreational sport competencies developed in 2013. In addition, Recreational Sport offers the following: • Coverage for all age groups and sectors in a range of settings and contexts for recreational sport • International perspectives to offer students great insights into career opportunities • The latest theory, research, and real-world approaches to help both students and professionals who program sports • Case studies of real-world issues in recreational sport and examples of theory-to-practice applications The text comes with an array of online ancillaries that will prove invaluable to both instructors and students. The instructor guide supports and extends the chapter content and offers numerous ideas for learning activities, projects, and topics for papers. It also supplies chapter summaries, glossary terms, and links to websites that contain information for both instructors and students. The test package has multiple-choice, true–or-false, matching, and short–answer questions that can interface with learning management systems, and the presentation package offers a visual overview of the material to help students retain the concepts. “In teaching recreational sport for many years, I know that students first need to grasp the big picture of recreational sports,” Barcelona says. “We deliver that big picture in addition to information on design, delivery, and management that every student needs to know to succeed, regardless of what recreational sport organization he or she is a part of.” That big-picture element, along with the cutting-edge information on program design, delivery, and management,, sets this book apart. In the three parts of the book, students will be able to do the following: • Be grounded in the philosophical concepts that define the field • Learn about the core competencies they need to know to deliver successful programs and events • Gain insights about the settings and contexts where recreational sport happens and learn about key ideas, issues, and career opportunities in the field Recreational Sport is a textbook critical to students’ future success in recreational sport management, offering the big-picture view of the field while offering practical guidance in and real-world examples of successful design, delivery, and management of recreational sport programming.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV Study Bible, Leathersoft, Purple, Full-Color, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print: The Complete Resource for Studying God’s Word
The full text of the trustworthy New King James Version with robust study notes, vibrant full-color images, and dozens of study resources to help you grow deeper in your faith.The New King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is a reliable guide for your journey into God’s Word. This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for study, including over 1 million words of custom content contributed by top evangelical scholars. Over 1,000 articles, notes, word studies, photos, illustrations, maps, and other tools, combined with the accuracy and clarity of the New King James Version, make this Bible a perfect choice to help you deeply engage and understand Scripture.Trusted by readers worldwide, the NKJV Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 2 million copies across translations.Features include: Beautiful full color throughout. Over 250 photos and illustrations of important places, artifacts, and pieces of art. Exclusive study tools that help you understand, appreciate, and live out what you read: Book introductions, book outlines, and timelines provide important and helpful background information, historical context, and content overviews. 15,000 Bottom-of-the-page study notes offer over 850,000 words of clear and compelling commentary. 345+ Word studies with Strong's numbers give insight into the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew words. 150+ Bible Times and Cultural notes deepen understanding of the historical context surrounding Scripture. 110+ Articles to clarify and expand upon key concepts in Scripture. Indexes and concordances that are easy to use and make it easy to find what you are looking for: Concordance of over 6,000 terms with 37,000 verses. “Teachings and Illustrations of Christ” of over 400 subjects addressed by Jesus. “Prayers of the Bible” of nearly 100 prayers in the Bible, who prayed them, and what they prayed about. “Subject Index to Annotations and Features” Articles that offer tips and information to get the most out of your study of the Bible: “How to Understand what the Bible Means by What it Says” offers a four-step process for rightly interpreting the Scriptures. “Thinking about the Study of the New Testament” provides an introduction to the New Testament manuscripts. “The Geography of the Gospels” gives an overview of the major cities and regions mentioned in the Gospels. “The Bible as History” addresses the importance of reading each book of the Bible in its historical context. “What Is Theology?” defines theology and proposes that theology must begin with the gospel. Tables that provide helpful information at a glance: “Harmony of the Gospels” details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels. “From Biblical Book to Contemporary Hook” provides the major theme, Christ-focus, implication, and helpful questions to prompt thinking and discussion for all 66 books of Scripture. “Parables of Christ” shows where you can find 39 parables in the Gospels. “Miracles of Christ” shows where you can find 37 miracles in the Gospels. “Prophecies of The Messiah Fulfilled in Christ” provides 43 Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament. “Monies, Weights, and Measures” 32,000 references linking to over 73,000 related passages and nearly 8,000 translation notes allow you to follow important words and thoughts throughout Scripture. 140+ Maps and charts throughout the Scriptures and in the back to show a visual representation of locations and themes in the Bible. Easy-to-read large 9-pt print size
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV Study Bible, Leathersoft, Brown, Full-Color, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print: The Complete Resource for Studying God’s Word
The full text of the trustworthy New King James Version with robust study notes, vibrant full-color images, and dozens of study resources to help you grow deeper in your faith.The New King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is a reliable guide for your journey into God’s Word. This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for study, including over 1 million words of custom content contributed by top evangelical scholars. Over 1,000 articles, notes, word studies, photos, illustrations, maps, and other tools, combined with the accuracy and clarity of the New King James Version, make this Bible a perfect choice to help you deeply engage and understand Scripture.Trusted by readers worldwide, the NKJV Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 2 million copies across translations.Features include: Beautiful full color throughout. Over 250 photos and illustrations of important places, artifacts, and pieces of art. Exclusive study tools that help you understand, appreciate, and live out what you read: Book introductions, book outlines, and timelines provide important and helpful background information, historical context, and content overviews. 15,000 Bottom-of-the-page study notes offer over 850,000 words of clear and compelling commentary. 345+ Word studies with Strong's numbers give insight into the meaning of the original Greek and Hebrew words. 150+ Bible Times and Cultural notes deepen understanding of the historical context surrounding Scripture. 110+ Articles to clarify and expand upon key concepts in Scripture. Indexes and concordances that are easy to use and make it easy to find what you are looking for: Concordance of over 6,000 terms with 37,000 verses. “Teachings and Illustrations of Christ” of over 400 subjects addressed by Jesus. “Prayers of the Bible” of nearly 100 prayers in the Bible, who prayed them, and what they prayed about. “Subject Index to Annotations and Features” Articles that offer tips and information to get the most out of your study of the Bible: “How to Understand what the Bible Means by What it Says” offers a four-step process for rightly interpreting the Scriptures. “Thinking about the Study of the New Testament” provides an introduction to the New Testament manuscripts. “The Geography of the Gospels” gives an overview of the major cities and regions mentioned in the Gospels. “The Bible as History” addresses the importance of reading each book of the Bible in its historical context. “What Is Theology?” defines theology and proposes that theology must begin with the gospel. Tables that provide helpful information at a glance: “Harmony of the Gospels” details the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order showing where each event and teaching occur in the Gospels. “From Biblical Book to Contemporary Hook” provides the major theme, Christ-focus, implication, and helpful questions to prompt thinking and discussion for all 66 books of Scripture. “Parables of Christ” shows where you can find 39 parables in the Gospels. “Miracles of Christ” shows where you can find 37 miracles in the Gospels. “Prophecies of The Messiah Fulfilled in Christ” provides 43 Old Testament prophecies and where they have been fulfilled in the New Testament. “Monies, Weights, and Measures” 32,000 references linking to over 73,000 related passages and nearly 8,000 translation notes allow you to follow important words and thoughts throughout Scripture. 140+ Maps and charts throughout the Scriptures and in the back to show a visual representation of locations and themes in the Bible. Easy-to-read large 9-pt print size
Hodder Education STEP, MAT, TMUA: Skills for success in University Admissions Tests for Mathematics
Stand out, showcase your ability and succeed in your university admissions test. Whether you're taking STEP, MAT or TMUA, this essential guide reveals tried-and-tested strategies for building the problem-solving skills you need to secure a high score.Containing expert advice and worked examples, followed by multiple-choice and extended questions that replicate the exams, this guide is designed to improve your understanding of the admissions tests and help to build the skills universities are looking for.- Learn to think like a university student - detailed guidance, thought-provoking questions and worked solutions show you how to advance your mathematical thinking- Improve your mathematical reasoning - practise the problem-solving skills you need with 'Try it out' activities throughout the book and end-of-chapter exercises to track progress- Build a path through every problem - our authors guide you through each type of problem so that you can approach questions confidently, think on the spot and apply your knowledge to new contexts- Maximise marks and make the most of the time you have - at the end of each chapter, our authors give advice on how to tackle questions in the most time-efficient way and help you to figure out which ones will show off your abilityWhat are the STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper), MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test) and TMUA (Test of Mathematics for University Admission) admissions tests?These admissions tests are used by universities as part of the application process to test problem-solving skills and identify candidates with the highest ability, motivation and ingenuity.MEI (Mathematics in Education and Industry) endorses this book and provided two of the authors. MEI is a charity and works to improve maths education, offering a range of support for teachers, including expertly written resources.OUR AUTHORSDavid Bedford has a PhD in Combinatorics and has been a mathematics lecturer in UK universities for over 30 years. He is also an A level examiner and has extensive experience in preparing students for mathematics admissions tests. David is the author of the Hodder 'MEI Further Mathematics: Extra Pure Maths' textbook.Phil Chaffé is the Advanced Maths Support Programme 16-19 Student Support and Problem Solving Professional Development Lead. He is the creator and lead writer for the Problem Solving Matters course which is designed to prepare students for mathematics admissions tests and is run in partnership with the Universities of Oxford, Warwick, Durham, Manchester, Bristol and Imperial College London. He is also the course designer for Imperial College's A* in A Level Mathematics course. He is also the MEI University Sector Lead.Tim Honeywill has been teaching at King Henry VIII School, Coventry, since 2008. Before that, he was the Coventry and Warwickshire Centre Manager for the Further Mathematics Network (now the AMSP), based at the University of Warwick where he did his PhD. He leads a ten-week Problem Solving course for Year 12 students and is a presenter on both the Problem Solving Matters course and on a STEP support course for Year 13 students.Richard Lissaman has a PhD in Ring Theory, a branch of abstract algebra. He has over 10 years' experience as a mathematics lecturer in UK universities and 20 years' experience of supporting students with A level Mathematics, Further Mathematics and mathematics admissions tests.
Taylor & Francis Inc Tuning the Brain: Principles and Practice of Neurosomatic Medicine
Discover effective, outcome-oriented ways to help CFS patients who have endured useless or inappropriate treatments! From the author: For many years I have viewed brain function as a system of electrochemical impulses continually flashing through the brain. These neural networks can often be modulated fairly simply by ’tuning’ them. The point I have been trying to make for many years is that this process may be pharmacologically regulated extremely rapidly in a manner which does not yet seem to be recognized by the medical profession. In this remarkable volume, Dr. Jay A. Goldstein clearly presents both the theoretical and the practical aspects of his revolutionary approach to treating CFS and other conditions that have often been termed psychosomatic. Dr. Goldstein (author of Chronic Fatigue Syndromes: The Limbic Hypothesis and Betrayal by the Brain: The Neurologic Basis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, and Related Neural Network Disorders) shows how he achieves results for patients with CFS and a variety of other syndromes in days, rather than months or years. This well-referenced book answers questions, from the most basic to the most complex, including: What is neurosomatic medicine? How did Dr. Goldstein come to pioneer and practice this specialty? What abnormalities in brain function produce neurosomatic disorders? How can an understanding of these abnormalities help you provide effective treatment? Why do these treatments sometimes work so rapidly? What is receptor profiling, and how does it indicate the type of receptor dysregulation in an individual patient? In Part I: Inventing Neurosomatic Medicine, Dr. Goldstein describes the remarkable how and why of his life and his development of this new field of medicine, including his clashes with the medical/psychoanalytic establishment. One of the greatest medical innovators of the modern era, Dr. Goldstein has seen over 20,000 CFS patients and has experienced most of the pitfalls that having such a large number of patients entails. He shares his insight on legal issues, such as how to deal with the law and court systems, how to best provide expert testimony, and how to defend against spurious legal actions. In addition, Dr. Goldstein describes how he learned to work effectively outside of the managed care system. In Part II: Society for Neuroscience Conference Proceedings, the author shares his expertise to bring you experimental results and pearls of wisdom relating to neurosomatic medicine from the 28th and 29th Annual Meetings of the Society for Neurosciencethe largest and most important neuroscience conference in the world. Dr. Goldstein sorted through thousands of experiments presented at the conferences to bring you the most relevant findings. Part III: Pathophysiology and Treatment is essential reading for anyone planning to practice neurosomatic medicine. In this section, richly illustrated with over 70 pages of color figures and diagrams that make complicated concepts clear, Dr. Goldstein shares his knowledge about dozens of the agents he uses to help CFS sufferers and others manage their pain, fatigue, and other symptoms. This is information that simply cannot be found anywhere else, and will prove invaluable to all fledgling neurosomatic practitioners. This one-of-a-kind volume is thoughtfully put togetherfrom the extensive list of abbreviations near the beginning to the exhaustive references and an appendix with diagnostic criteria, a treatment algorithm, a medication list of treatment options available now or in the near future, and a checklist of CFS symptoms.
Achilles Books (Achilles Productions) The Wicked Lord Byron
THE WICKED LORD BYRON recreates the soul and voice of Byron, whose unforgettable character marks a defining moment in modern consciousness. The great poet lives his life as if forging his own legend. Self-obsessed yet self-sacrificing, because of the astonishing breadth of his point of view he can always see the funny side of the tragedy of human existence. He evolves into the most iconic personality of the age – with irresistible beauty, poetic genius, outrageous sexuality, and a commitment to the revolution against tyranny in England, Italy and finally Greece. ****On his deathbed in Missolonghi, where he has come to lead part of the Greek army in their war of independence from the Turks, the two halves of Byron’s soul, laughing Dandy and tragic Romantic, split apart and, occasionally arguing over details, relive the life story - a process that might happen to us all at the end. The young Byron has a strange and stressful upbringing - including being sexually initiated by his maid at the age of ten, and living in the shadow of his great uncle the first “Wicked Lord” who killed his best friend in a duel. At Cambridge, where he keeps a bear in his rooms, he is befriended by eminent Dandy and professional gambler Scrope Davies, from whom he derives his sense of style, and the rather more sensible John Cam Hobhouse. ****After taking the “Grand Tour” of Europe he touches on the spirit of the age in the poem CHILDE HAROLD’S PILGRIMAGE and become the first modern celebrity - ludicrously famous around the world, the favoured icon of English high society, the essential guest in a series of balls and fashionable events in Piccadilly. Countless ladies hurl themselves at the handsome poet. But he cannot resist the one forbidden fruit, a romance with his beloved half sister Augusta, with whom he conceives a baby. ******In order to salvage his reputation he makes a disastrous marriage which has the opposite effect - when his prim wife Annabella files for a separation, the resulting scandals cast him down from the pinnacle of the fashionable society he once dominated, and exile him to the turmoil of revolutionary Europe. He considers suicide in the high purity of the Swiss Alps, then makes friends with the poet Percy Shelley and his entourage. On one opium fuelled evening they hold a contest to write a horror story: Mary Shelley begins writing Frankenstein and Byron begins the first vampire novel, the two greatest monsters of fiction born on the same night. *****He goes to Venice and fornicates his way through the most orgiastic high society in the world, where both wives and husbands are allowed to sleep with whoever they please after marriage. But finally the endless promiscuity palls and he decides to "go no more a-roving/ So late into the night." He falls in love with the Contessa TERESA GUICCIOLI, and joins her family in the Italian revolution for independence from Austrian rule. ****When the Italian forces are ruthlessly crushed, he sets up the legendary commune near Pisa with Teresa and family, brother poet Shelley, Mary Shelley, and the piratical adventurer Trelawny. But Shelley’s tragic drowning destroys the little community, prompting him to leave Italy to give his life and fortune to the Greek revolution for independence from the Turks. ****Completing the narrative frame we return to Byron’s deathbed in Missolonghi, where the two halves of his soul, laughing Dandy and tragic Romantic, reach the end of reliving their life together, and finally make peace at the moment of death.
Living the Line LLC Moonray: Mother's Skin
"MOONRAY is gloriously epic, exploding scifi fantasy world daydreams in every wonderful way! I can't think of anything I've enjoyed more in recent memory!" -Michael Allred: Madman, Silver Surfer, Bowie: Stardust, Rayguns and Moonage Daydreams, Red Rocket 7, Superman: Space Age "Moonray is a deeply personal work built on top of a licensed property, that provides a stunning meta-mythical framework for how to live happily in 21st century." — Carson Grubaugh, The Strange Death of Alex Raymond, The Abolition of Man “Moonray is a heady rich stew of psychedelic science fiction, my favorite kind. And in the skillful hands of Brandon Graham and Xurxo Penalta, it’s served with an unsettling ease in every bite. The perplexing becomes the flavors. It’s joyful to get lost in it.” — J H Williams III, Echolands, Batwoman, The Sandman Overture, Promethea In a post-human world, the man of miium is born. Created to avenge a slain goddess, our nameless warrior travels an unrecognizable landscape, constantly evolving with new wonders and terrors: Zanikam pirates, deadly reflections, a living bridge, and a red tear in the sky. Written and drawn by Eisner-award-winning author and artist Brandon Graham (PROPHET, KING CITY, RAIN LIKE HAMMERS), and featuring artist Xurxo G. Penalta, Moonray presents a mind-altering new dawn for a distant sci-fi future unlike any other. This bold graphic odyssey births the Moonray universe, from comic book to video game and beyond. Moonray is a daring experiment in world-building, a true graphic epic that began in a truly unusual way. Moonray the graphic novel series shares its name and characters with a surreal 3rd-person multiplayer battle arena game set in a fantastical sci-fi world. Featuring intense combat, stunning visuals, and a world-class soundtrack, Moonray the game has been in development by the independent game developers Moonray PBC since 2019, and will be available publicly in an arena-combat form this fall of 2023. But Moonray was written and drawn almost entirely in reverse of the normal process of a video game “tie-in” book. Rather than developing a book based on a game, the game team is developing a game based on Graham's work. In Moonray Book One, Graham leverages his narrative freedom to create a story of untethered exploration, of naivete and determination, a graphic novel as gentle as it is thrilling. Brandon Graham was born in 1976, the grandson of pin-up artist Bill Randall. He grew up in Seattle around a lot of graffiti and comics from all over the word. His books include KING CITY, MULTIPLE WARHEADS, PROPHET, ROYALBOILER, and RAIN LIKE HAMMERS. Xurxo G Penalta is a Galician artist who’s collaborated with Brandon on KIEM and PROPHET. He's been published by Image, Dark Horse, IDW, Marvel, and illustrated for multiple music labels and live events. He focuses on science fiction and fantasy artwork in the European clear line style, with late 70s and 80s influences from comics, animation and film. Graham was born in 1976, the grandson of pin-up artist Bill Randall. He grew up in Seattle around a lot of graffiti and comics from all over the word. His books include KING CITY, MULTIPLE WARHEADS, PROPHET, ROYALBOILER, and RAIN LIKE HAMMERS. Xurxo G Penalta is a Galician artist who’s collaborated with Brandon on KIEM and PROPHET. He's been published by Image, Dark Horse, IDW, Marvel, and illustrated for multiple music labels and live events. He focuses on science fiction and fantasy artwork in the European clear line style, with late 70s and 80s influences from comics, animation and film.
Palgrave Macmillan One Second Ahead: Enhance Your Performance at Work with Mindfulness
Researchers have found that the accelerated pace of modern office life is taking its toll on productivity, employee engagement, creativity and well-being. Faced with a relentless flood of information and distractions, our brains try to process everything at once increasing our stress, decreasing our effectiveness and negatively impacting our performance. Ironically, we have become too overworked, unfocused, and busy to stop and ask ourselves the most important question: What can we do to break the cycle of being constantly under pressure, always-on, overloaded with information and in environments filled with distractions? Do we need to accept this as the new workplace reality and continue to survive rather than thrive in modern day work environments? Thankfully, the answer is no. In their new book, ONE SECOND AHEAD: Enhance Your Performance at Work with Mindfulness (Palgrave Macmillan; November 2015), Rasmus Hougaard, Jacqueline Carter, and Gillian Coutts demonstrate that it is possible to train the brain to respond differently to today's constant pressures and distraction. All it takes is one second. They propose that we need to learn to work differently so we are more focused, calm and have less clutter in our mind so we can better manage our time and attention. What if we could hit the 'pause' button on our day, step back, and meet challenges with a sense of clarity and purpose? And what if there was a way not just of 'getting things done,' but ensuring that what does get done are the right things to do? Based on a program in corporate mindfulness designed by Hougaard and the partners of The Potential Project, One Second Ahead provides practical tools and techniques as well as real-world examples and lessons from organizations that have implemented mindfulness on a large scale. Thoroughly tested in a diverse range of industries, this program has resulted in measurable increases in productivity, effectiveness, and job satisfaction. With the new mindset proposed in One Second Ahead, readers will be able to put an end to ineffective multitasking, unproductive meetings, poor communication, and other unhealthy workplace behaviors by applying mindfulness to every day work life. All too often, we think that being mindful requires engaging in a special activity like meditation or yoga. Sure, these activities are beneficial and important to train the mind, but there are many simple things we can do to be mindful all day long. One Second Ahead is a handbook for more mindful work that offers: Practical, easy to apply, tools and techniques to enhance performance and effectiveness in day to day work activities such as meetings, emails, communication, planning, creativity and more Real-world stories of how mindfulness changed the workdays of leaders and front line employees Tips for cultivating mental strategies and routines that can reduce clutter, increase focus, and rewire your brain to enhance presence, patience, kindness and other valuable mind states Simple yet detailed step-by-step instructions for a more systematic approach to mindfulness training to enhance focus and awareness Guidelines for a 10-minute-per-day mindfulness program that can reshape your life both at work and at home; A reproducible planning worksheet and further resources in the Appendix. One Second Ahead can transform daily work life by helping individuals and teams realize more of their potential through greater focus and awareness. The tools and techniques in this book can transform individual and organizational performance one mind at a time.
Intellect Books Becoming a Visually Reflective Practitioner: An Integrated Self-Study Model for Professional Practice
Professional practice is increasingly becoming more complex, demanding, dynamic and diverse. This important and original new book considers how self-study using arts-based methods can enable purposeful reflection toward understanding and envisioning professional practice. Ideally for visual arts practitioners on all levels, this book presents a self-study model grounded in compelling research that highlights arts-based methods for examining four areas of professional practice: professional identities, work cultures, change and transitions and envisioning new pathways. Chapters address the components of the self-study model, artistic methods and materials, and strategies for interpreting self-study written and visual outcomes with the aim of goal setting. Each chapter includes visuals, references and end-of-chapter prompts to engage readers in critical and visual reflection. Appendices offer resources and guidelines for creating and assessing self-study outcomes. The fluctuating nature of professional practice necessitates the pursuit of discernment and clarity that can be achieved through an ongoing reflective practice. Self-study is a systematic and flexible methodology for purposeful reflection on professional practice that embraces dialogic, interpretive, rhizomatic and visual inquiry. Self-study can occur at any level of practice and in the context of work-related professional development, formal study or as a self-initiated inquiry. An arts-based self-study model for visual arts practitioners is explored and focuses on four intersectional components shaping professional practice: professional identities, work cultures and communities, transition and change within professional practice and envisioning new pathways for professional practice. The self-study model is grounded in contemporary theory, practice and compelling research, and embraces robust strategies for understanding the complexities of professional practice that can include dual, multiple, overlapping, hybrid and conflicting professional identities, tensions within work cultures and unexpected changes within professional practice. Each chapter focuses on a component of the self-study model and an area of professional practice, concluding with references and end-of-chapter prompts that are aimed to facilitate critical reflection-on-practice and the creation of written and visual responses. With visual arts practitioners in mind, various arts-based methods for self-study are discussed that highlight visual journaling as a key method for engaging in self-study. Interpretive research methods are discussed to guide readers in understanding the phases and processes for interpreting written and visual self-study outcomes. Processes are outlined to help readers determine key insights, themes, issues and questions from their self-study outcomes, how to use them in formulating new questions and articulating new professional goals. Several levels for interpretation are presented to offer readers options relative to their professional needs and aims. Throughout the text, charts and visuals serve to summarize and visualize key chapter points. Images by visual arts practitioners appear throughout the text and represent a wide range of artistic media, methods and approaches appropriate for self-study. The appendices provide additional resources for enhanced understanding of chapter concepts and key terms, guidelines and rubrics for writing reflections, creating visual responses and using a visual journal in the self-study process. Primary readership will be visual arts practitioners at all levels. Ideal for university level graduate courses or as a guide for individuals and small groups of practitioners who seek to engage in arts-based self-study as professional development.
Octopus Publishing Group Destination Fabulous: Finding your way to the best you yet
'Full of uplifting advice, practical wisdom and kind intelligence: I certainly felt more fabulous after reading it.' Elizabeth Day'An encouraging and exhilarating celebration of ageing. Full of life-wisdom for mind, body and spirit.' Victoria Hislop'Brilliant - absolutely brilliant!' Lorraine Kelly'A witty, warm, wise and illuminating guide to how to be your best self, inside and out. Deliciously upbeat and brimful of positivity, it's a perfect roadmap for the years ahead. I loved it.' Mariella Frostrup'Finally a book that challenges our tedious fixation with youth and turns the old rules about ageing upside down and inside out. With practical advice and spiritual insights, Destination Fabulous offers the kind of life-affirming guidance for womanhood I only wish I had known when I was 20.' Chioma Nnadi,'Anna Murphy joyfully reframes the gift of growing up, and older.' Kenya Hunt'A joyous celebration of the pleasures of growing older, and an empowering manifesto for changing our attitudes to age.' Justine Picardie 'Perhaps the most important thing I have learned when it comes to appearance is that looking your best self is, more than anything, about what is going on inside. The more fully realised you are, the more you find your purpose, the more that will shine out of you and the better you will look.'Anna MurphyFrom the Fashion Director of The Times comes a wise, inspiring and invigorating guide to making the most of life as a grown-up woman - from the practical (how to dress your best) to the existential (how to feel your best).At 50, Anna Murphy feels more visible than at any point in her life to date. Her new book, Destination Fabulous, is the toolkit you need to embrace your age and celebrate the wisdom and inner beauty that comes with it.It's not about impossible goals. It's not about running a marathon (unless you want it to be). It's not about denying the ageing process, nor attempting to erase its signs. It's not about letting everything go, either. It's about balance. It's about the possible and the present. And it's about the future you want. How do you lift and smooth your face naturally? Should you go grey, and, if so, how? How do you deal with menopause? Anna combines her knowledge from years of writing about fashion and beauty with her openness to the alternative ways of thinking found in disciplines such as yoga and Chinese medicine. For her natural is always best.As for fashion, Anna knows better than anyone that this can be the ultimate route into surfacing the true you. She shares all her tricks for finding your way to a wardrobe that will transform not just the way you look but the way you feel. And she shares the highlights of her conversations over the years with super-stylish agers such as Iris Apfel and Miuccia Prada. How have they got it right?Drawing on the wisdom of writers as diverse as Pema Chödrön and Eckhart Tolle, Dorothy Rowe and Osho, Nora Ephron and Mary Oliver, she writes about saying goodbye to what doesn't serve you and welcoming what does; about forging relationships that work for you as well as others; and about finding your purpose, whether in your personal or professional life. Discover how the bumps on her road have helped her find her way to her true path. Her hope is that this book will help you to find yours, too.
City Lights Books The Meaning of Freedom: And Other Difficult Dialogues
What is the meaning of freedom? Angela Y. Davis' life and work have been dedicated to examining this fundamental question and to ending all forms of oppression that deny people their political, cultural, and sexual freedom. In this collection of twelve searing, previously unpublished speeches, Davis confronts the interconnected issues of power, race, gender, class, incarceration, conservatism, and the ongoing need for social change in the United States. With her characteristic brilliance, historical insight, and penetrating analysis, Davis addresses examples of institutional injustice and explores the radical notion of freedom as a collective striving for real democracy - not something granted or guaranteed through laws, proclamations, or policies, but something that grows from a participatory social process that demands new ways of thinking and being. "The speeches gathered together here are timely and timeless," writes Robin D.G. Kelley in the foreword, "they embody Angela Davis' uniquely radical vision of the society we need to build, and the path to get there." The Meaning of Freedom articulates a bold vision of the society we need to build and the path to get there. This is her only book of speeches. "Davis' arguments for justice are formidable...The power of her historical insights and the sweetness of her dream cannot be denied."--The New York Times "One of America's last truly fearless public intellectuals." --Cynthia McKinney, former US Congresswoman "Angela Davis offers a cartography of engagement in oppositional social movements and unwavering commitment to justice." --Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Women's Studies, Hamilton College "Angela Davis deserves credit, not just for the dignity and courage with which she has lived her life, but also for raising important critiques of a for-profit penitentiary system decades before those arguments gained purchase in the mainstream." --Thomas Chatterton Williams, SFGate "Angela Davis's revolutionary spirit is still strong. Still with us, thank goodness!" --Virginian-Pilot "Long before 'race/gender' became the obligatory injunction it is now, Angela Davis was developing an analytical framework that brought all of these factors into play. For readers who only see Angela Davis as a public icon the real Angela Davis: perhaps the leading public intellectual of our era." --Robin D. G. Kelley author of Thelonious Monk: The Life and Times of an American Original "There was a time in America when to call a person an 'abolitionist' was the ultimate epithet. It evoked scorn in the North and outrage in the South. Yet they were the harbingers of things to come. They were on the right side of history. Prof. Angela Y. Davis stands in that proud, radical tradition." --Mumia Abu-Jamal, author of Jailhouse Lawyers: Prisoners Defending Prisoners v. the U.S.A. "Behold the heart and mind of Angela Davis, open, relentless, and on time!" --June Jordan "Political activist, scholar, and author Angela Davis confronts the interconnected issues of power, race, gender, class, incarceration, conservatism, and the ongoing need for social change in the U.S. in her book, The Meaning of Freedom: And Other Difficult Dialogues." --Travis Smiley Radio Angela Y. Davis is professor emerita at the University of California and author of eight books. She is a much sought after public speaker and an internationally known advocate for social justice. Robin D.G. Kelley is the author of numerous books and a professor at the University of Southern California.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Sudden Money: Managing a Financial Windfall
From inheritances and divorce and insurance settlements to retirement payouts and the most recent phenomenon of stock options, the largest transfer of wealth in the history of America is now taking place. For some, this welcome event is relatively stress-free. But for those who are inexperienced in dealing with large sums of money, a windfall can be an overwhelming, even losing, situation. What is the difference between those who build on their financial gains and those who end up worse off than before? In this much-needed, one-of-a-kind book, top financial planner Susan Bradley gets to the heart of the matter by examining the emotional complexity of the windfall experience and how to manage it-and your newfound money-successfully. Whatever the sum involved, the impact of one's emotional state on the way money is handled--or mishandled--cannot be underestimated. In addition to the legal intricacies of receiving sudden money, the element of surprise that catches people unprepared also often leaves them there. Here, at last, is a type of "owner's manual" to sudden money that demystifies the process for recipients and their financial planners. Based on her work with countless clients, many of whose stories appear in this book, Bradley has developed a step-by-step program for moving safely through the three phases of building a solid financial foundation: Preparation and Planning Investing Monitoring, Giving, and Sharing Giving individual attention to each possible windfall event, Bradley addresses their distinct tax consequences, insurance and estate planning considerations, as well as the crucial emotional component. She also shares advice on how to put together the proper team of advisors, including an attorney and a therapist. When correctly handled, an unexpected windfall can provide expected benefits that will continue far beyond the lifetime of the initial recipient---and turn sudden money into lasting wealth. Turn Sudden Money into Lasting Wealth Maximize your wealth and minimize your stress and confusion with this unique, indispensable guide to handling a sudden financial windfall. Written by nationally recognized financial planner Susan Bradley, Sudden Money provides a complete program for successfully managing newfound wealth. Discover ways to: Stay calm and not make decisions based on your emotions Seek experienced, professional advice Avoid pressure from others Create and execute the best financial plan for you Most important, Sudden Money provides you with easy-to-implement, proven ways to ensure that your financial gains are more than fleeting good fortune. "A 'must read' for financial advisors and for clients who have received financial windfalls. Susan Bradley has detailed--in an easy-to-apply way--a new financial planning discipline that is sure to become a vital part of discussions about the burgeoning wealth in this country." —Ronni Burns, Wall Street consultant "This book is essential for anyone who receives a financial windfall. It's an easy read and packed with useful advice." —Don Phillips, CEO, Morningstar "Reading this book is like having a trusted friend explain what to expect, what to do, and what not to do at a happy time that can also be overwhelming and stressful. This book has been extraordinarily helpful to me." —Marci Shimoff, coauthor, Chicken Soup for the Soul "Women in particular are often ill prepared to manage a financial windfall. Without careful planning, it could turn into a pitfall. Susan Bradley's book is a sensible guide on how to handle instant wealth." —Jennifer Openshaw, CEO,, Financial Network for Women
Open University Press The Gift of Coaching: Love over Fear in Helping Conversations
In this book Erik de Haan encourages coaches to reflect on their coaching practices and reassess the tensions within the coaching relationship. Across its three sections this book is about developing trust, nurturing love in response to fears and tensions, and practicing humility as your confidence and success as a coach grows. Drawing on his long career, De Haan offers personal and thought-provoking advice for coaches. He highlights the benefit of making use of what happens before you start a session, listening to what is not being said, and disclosing all informational advantage you might have over your client. This book: • Features an array of personal experiences and helpful ideas to put into practice • Includes insights and reflections on coaching relationships to apply to all helping relationships • Uses a relational and inclusive approach to resolve the complex tensions inherent in coaching relationships • Explores the richness of listening, engaging, and understanding, as well as recognising the value of humility. The Gift of Coaching illustrates how coaching can help us process and integrate everyday fears and anxieties towards a place of love and acceptance for ourselves and our relationships. This is an entertaining, erudite and insightful read for both beginners and experienced consultants, coaches, and supervisors.Erik de Haan is the Director of Ashridge's Centre for Coaching with thirty years of experience in executive coaching and other organizational and leadership development. He is Professor of Organisation Development at the VU University Amsterdam, with an MSc in Theoretical Physics and a PhD in Physics with his research into learning and decision-making processes in perception. He has a registered psychodynamic psychotherapist and has authored more than 200 articles and sixteen books.“De Haan takes a forensic look at what it means to nurture another person’s experience and in so doing produces an essential and immensely powerful book.”Marina Cantacuzino MBE, Founder of The Forgiveness Project“Erik opens a window into his deep learning which will be of significant benefit to both new and experienced coaches.”Gina Lodge, CEO, Academy of Executive Coaching (AoEC)“'The Gift of Coaching' is a compendium of coaching research, wisdom, and case study examples.”Joel DiGirolamo, VP of Research and Data Science, International Coaching Federation“de Haan wields concepts like love, humility and quality of relationships like a maestro inspiring an orchestra. As one of the most highly published scholarly authors in coaching, he has provided a rare book with deep intellectual foundations, prolific empirical evidence and engaging stories. He has left little room for future authors to add more than he has already said about coaching.”Richard Boyatzis, PhD, Professor, Case Western Reserve University, USA“Erik continues to enrich the coaching space with his insights and his commitment to the maturation of the field and its practitioners. He asks some important questions about our role in these times that are well-worth the read.”Dr David Drake, Founder and CEO, The Moment Institute“Erik takes us back to the essence of coaching by illustrating the importance of trust, love, fear and humility through case studies, research and his own vast experience. This is a worthy contribution to our continuous search for understanding the building blocks of our profession.”Dr Nicky Terblanche, Head of MPhil in Management Coaching, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
SAGE Publications Inc Using Narrative in Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
′Jane Elliott′s examination of the use of "narrative" within the broad context of social science inquiry is a must-read for both qualitative and quantitative researchers, novice and expert alike′ - Journal of Advanced Nursing `This important book does an impressive job of synthesising a complex literature and bringing together both qualitative and quantitative methods of narrative analysis. It will become a milestone in the development of narrative methods. Although ground-breaking in many ways, it is very clearly written and accessible to readers from a wide variety of backgrounds and methodological experience′ - Nigel Gilbert, University of Surrey `An elegantly written, scholarly and accessible text. Jane Elliott shows a sophisticated appreciation of contemporary methodological developments, and makes a persuasive case for the use of narrative approaches in both qualitative and quantitative research. The book challenges and advances debates about combining methods, and shows how stories can work within and across conventional research boundaries. It is a truly original contribution to the literature′ - Amanda Coffey, Cardiff School of Social Sciences `An outstanding book. Jane Elliott breaks new ground by demonstrating to new generations of social scientists how the power of narrative can fruitfully be harnessed in social research. This is a "must read" book′ - Professor Mike Savage, University of Manchester This is a lucid and accessible introduction to narrative methods in social research. It is also an important book about the nature, role and theoretical basis of research methodology in general. Jane Elliott instructs the reader on the basic methods and methodological assumptions that form the basis of narrative methods. She does so in a way that is practical and accessible and in a way that will make the book a favourite with students and experienced researchers alike. Elliott argues that both qualitative and quantitative methods are characterised by a concern with narrative, and that our research data can best be analyzed if it is seen in narrative terms. In concrete, step-by-step terms she details for the reader how to go about collecting data and how to subject that data to narrative analysis, while at the same time placing this process in its wider theoretical context. She works across the traditional quantitative/qualitative divide to set out the ways in which narrative researchers can uncover such issues as social change, causality and social identity. She also shows how the techniques and skills used by qualitative researchers can be deployed when doing quantitative research and, similarly, how qualitative researchers can sometimes profit from using quantitative skills and techniques. "This book provides both a fascinating and a challenging read. What sets this text apart from other books on research methodology and methods is that it does not focus exclusively on either quantitative or qualitative research approaches, but rather attempts to bridge the divide. The book should be compulsory reading not only for those aspiring to undertake narrative research and those students undertaking higher degree research courses, but also for those more experienced researches wishing to explore contemporary issues in research methods and methodology. As a recent recruit to a lecturer-practitioner post with little recnt experience in the subject area covered by this book, i found it met my needs very well. I would certainly recomment this book for purchase." Dr Andrew Pettipher, University of Nottingham, UK.
Pearson Education Limited Yes, You Can Innovate: Discover your innovation strengths and develop your creative potential
Commendation - Non-fiction Book, Golden Door Awards Bronze REX Medal – Golden Door Awards for writers who arechampions for positive change YES, YOU CAN INNOVATE! IS A PRACTICAL HOW-TO GUIDE TO HELP YOU DISCOVER YOUR INNOVATION STRENGTHS. USE THE FREE ONLINE ASSESSMENT TO IMPROVE YOUR ABILITY TO CREATE VALUE OUT OF NEW IDEAS. Covering the six stages of innovation, find out which of the 6’I’s® is your personal strength: • IDENTIFY opportunities by understanding trends, patterns and future areas of growth • IGNITE ideas by creating novel solutions • INVESTIGATE by prototyping, testing and researching ideas • INVEST by having the courage, to create business models and persuade others to back ideas • IMPLEMENT by making an idea happen and creating value from it • IMPROVE by optimising your ideas and learning from success and failure Discover the skills required to successfully innovate, how to understand the problem you want to solve, and how to cultivate and implement innovative ideas. Whether you work for an organisation or are an entrepreneur, each chapter will equip you with a practical toolkit containing examples, activities and resources to help you build and improve your innovation skills. TAKE THE FREE ONLINE ASSESSMENT TO UNDERSTAND YOUR INNOVATION STRENGTHS, AND CHALLENGES, AND HOW TO HARNESS YOUR SKILLS, AS WELL AS THE SKILLS OF OTHERS, TO MAKE YOUR IDEAS HAPPEN. ENDORSEMENTS: If innovation matters to you – and it should – read this book with a highlighter in hand!” Scott Anthony, Managing Partner, Innosight, and author of The Little Black Book of Innovation and The First Mile “This book is the key to unlocking your inner innovator.” Lavinia Thanapathy, President, PrimeTime Business & Professional Women’s Association “Pithy, practical, and packed with compelling studies and useful tools. If innovation matters to you – and it should – read this book with a highlighter in hand!” Scott Anthony, Managing Partner, Innosight, and author of The Little Black Book of Innovation and The First Mile "The 6 ‘I’s of Innovation® is a simple yet powerful framework for planning, executing and delivering innovation in any organisation. Natalie's book is an essential companion on an innovator's bookshelf!" Charlie Ang, Founding President, The Innovators Institute and Ambassador, SingularityU, Singapore “Natalie Turner, whose journey I have observed with great interest and admiration for over a decade, has written a remarkable book which is offering a path through the jungle of innovating that is both easy to understand, and practical in its application. One important aspect where it differs from other innovation books is that it brings together the different stages of the innovation journey (process) with the different mindsets (people) that are required at each stage if we are to succeed. Structured around her Six ‘I’s® Model - which readers are invited to complete - the book is full of tips, tools and further reading. It should indeed convince everyone that they can indeed contribute to innovation”. Dr Bettina von Stamm, Innovation Philosopher, Story Teller, Catalyst; Innovation Leadership Forum and author of Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity ‘Yes, you can INNOVATE!’ is a must-have book for every HR and OD professional, leader of teams and business coach and for everyone who knows that innovation has long ceased to be the work of only a few. In today’s day and age, being able to innovate is tab