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Thule Ediciones Y Tu Dragón, ¿Cómo Es?
Noches secretas
Mi vida estaba perfectamente organizada, suave y fácil como mi whisky escocés favorito. Tenía relaciones que empezaban y acababan. Mi lema era Sin ataduras románticas de ningún tipo.Hasta que conocí a Maggie. Una mujer joven y guapísima que trataba de encontrar su sitio en el áspero universo que es Manhattan. Se merecía algo mejor que un hombre de vuelta de todo como yo, por lo que la dejé marchar.Pero el destino me tenía preparada una sorpresa, y descubrí que era padre de una niña que no sabía que existía. Desesperado, contraté, sin verla antes, a una niñera que tenía excelentes recomendaciones. Cuando ella llamó a la puerta de mi ático, abrí para encontrarme con Maggie al otro lado.Ver cómo Maggie cuidaba tan amorosamente de mi hija me hizo querer aprender a ser buen padre. Pero tener a Maggie tan cerca era peligroso. Era un terrorífico rayo de sol que amenazaba con derretir mi helado corazón.La necesitaba para mi niña.Al menos, eso era lo que me decía a mí mismo?
Planeta Publishing El Viaje de Cilka
Downtown Bookworks Super Hero ABC
Archaeopress The History and Archaeology of Cathedral Square Peterborough
Northamptonshire Archaeology, now MOLA Northampton, was commissioned by Opportunity Peterborough (Peterborough City Council) to undertake archaeological work ahead of an improvement scheme centred on Cathedral Square, the historic centre of Peterborough. The construction of two triangular arrays of fountains in the central part of Cathedral Square formed the core of the archaeological investigation, which was undertaken from November 2008 to August 2011. The archaeological work identified a succession of stone surfaces from the creation of the market square in the 12th century through to the 19th century. The cobbled surface of the original market square was overlaid by an accumulation of dark organic silts, containing finds dating through to the 16th century. At the start of the 15th century the parish church of St John the Baptist was constructed over the western half of the medieval market square with a cemetery immediately to the west of the church. Following the closure of this cemetery by the later 16th century, a small area of floor surfaces were the probable remains of a building, perhaps the Sexton’s house, at the north end of Butchers Row. On the south side of the market square there were the remains of a rectangular stone building, dated to the late 15th to 17th centuries, perhaps containing shops. Between this building and the church, a raised area of rubble was probably a remnant of the plinth for the recorded market cross. The late 17th century saw the construction of the still extant Guildhall to the east of the church. The raising of the ground level and resurfacing of the square was probably contemporary with the Guildhall. This would have involved the removal of all existing buildings on the south side of the square, as well as the removal of the market cross. In the late 18th or early 19th centuries the square was again raised and resurfaced, now with pitched limestone. Shallow gutters between the pavement and the road facilitated drainage. A surface of granite sets of the 19th-century survived in a few places below the late 20th-century slab pavement, which has now been replaced by the fountain development.
Allen & Unwin The Shoes of the Fisherman
The pope is dead and the corridors of the Vatican hum with intrigue as cardinals gather to elect his successor. The result is a surprise: the new pope is the youngest of them all - a bearded Ukrainian. The Shoes of the Fisherman is the moving story of Kiril I, recently released from seventeen years in Siberian labour camps and haunted by his past. Not only is he the leader of a fractured Catholic Church, but he also finds he must confront his inquisitor and tormentor in order to avert another world war.
Pegasus Books Castles
BookBaby The Night Before Catmus
Callisto Reference Current Trends in Hydraulics, Hydrodynamics and Hydroinformatics
States Academic Press The Economics of Money and Financial Markets
Arcadia Publishing HandCrafted Boats of Old Currituck Fishing Boating on the Carolina Coast
History Press Rogues Heroes of Newports Gilded Age
Open Road Publishing Best of the Florida Keys & Everglades: Volume 5
Ivan R Dee, Inc But Didn't We Have Fun?: An Informal History of Baseball's Pioneer Era, 1843-1870
The story of baseball in America begins not with the fabled Abner Doubleday but with a generation of mid-nineteenth-century Americans who moved from the countryside to the cities and brought a cherished but delightfully informal game with them.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Song for Everyone
Skyhorse Publishing The Green Beret Survival Guide
Skyhorse Publishing Smart Words and Wicked Wit of William Shakespeare
“Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit,” said the world’s greatest and most preeminent English writer of all time, William Shakespeare.Have you ever wanted to quote the most quoted writer in the English language? Deliver the most inventive and debasing Shakespearean insult (“Would thou wert clean enough to spit upon!”)? Recite titillating love poetry like a modern-day Romeo to his (or her) Juliet? Or commit a learned wisdom about life’s woes to memory? The Smart Words and Wicked Wit of William Shakespeare is the perfect pocket book to carry around in your arsenal. Laugh, cry, rage, and muse along with beloved (or not so beloved) Shakespeare characters like Hamlet, Lady Macbeth, King Lear, and Cleopatra on the topics of love, art, beauty—as well as life’s most irreverently relevant insights. Full of savvy wisdoms from works such as Twelfth Night, Othello, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It, and many others, this inspiring collection compiles the wisest and wittiest Shakespearean quotations that speak of the writer’s enduring legacy—even in contemporary pop culture.
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Jackson Hole
Amberley Publishing The Whos Who of British Crime In the Twentieth Century
The most notorious criminals in recent British history, brought together in one book. A darkly fascinating look at the changing face of crime.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ancient Egyptian Imperialism
Offers a broad and unique look at Ancient Egypt during its long age of imperialism Written for enthusiasts and scholars of pharaonic Egypt, as well as for those interested in comparative imperialism, this book provides a look at some of the most intriguing evidence for grand strategy, low-level insurgencies, back-room deals, and complex colonial dynamics that exists for the Bronze Age world. It explores the actions of a variety of Egypt’s imperial governments from the dawn of the state until 1069 BCE as they endeavored to control fiercely independent mountain dwellers in Lebanon, urban populations in Canaan and Nubia, highly mobile Nilotic pastoralists, and predatory desert raiders. The book is especially valuable as it foregrounds the reactions of local populations and their active roles in shaping the trajectory of empire. With its emphasis on the experimental nature of imperialism and its attention to cross-cultural comparison and social history, this book offers a fresh perspective on a fascinating subject. Organized around central imperial themes—which are explored in depth at particular places and times in Egypt’s history—Ancient Egyptian Imperialism covers: Trade Before Empire—Empire Before the State (c. 3500-2686); Settler Colonialism (c. 2400-2160); Military Occupation (c. 2055-1775); Creolization, Collaboration, Colonization (c. 1775-1295); Motivation, Intimidation, Enticement (c. 1550-1295); Organization and Infrastructure (c. 1458-1295); Outwitting the State (c. 1362-1332); Conversions and Contractions in Egypt’s Northern Empire (c. 1295-1136); and Conversions and Contractions in Egypt’s Southern Empire (c. 1550-1069). Offers a wider focus of Egypt’s experimentation with empire than is covered by general Egyptologists Draws analogies to tactics employed by imperial governments and by dominated peoples in a variety of historically documented empires, both old world and new Answers questions such as “how often and to what degree did imperial blueprints undergo revisions?” Ancient Egyptian Imperialism is an excellent text for students and scholars of history, comparative history, and ancient history, as well for those interested in political science, anthropology, and the Biblical World.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Foundations of College Chemistry Student Solutions Manual
Ermor Enterprises,U.S. Irreverent Acting
Ermor Enterprises Freeing the Actor: An Actor's Desk Reference
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Families
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Shoes, Shoes, Shoes
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Hats, Hats, Hats
Random House USA Inc Theodore Rex
Penguin Putnam Inc Believing Is Seeing: Observations on the Mysteries of Photography
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Between Two Windows
Mantikore Verlag Die verborgenen Tempel
Mantikore Verlag Stadt der Toten
Edition Nautilus Bird
Amadeus Verlag Jetzt gehts los Wir erschaffen eine neue Welt
Gerstenberg Verlag Pasta et al
Piper Verlag GmbH Das Mädchen aus dem Lager Der lange Weg der Cecilia Klein
Heyne Taschenbuch Hirn gegen Hayley
Downtown Bookworks Super Heroes Have Feelings Too
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke 14 - The Dashing White Cowboy
Some strange burglaries take place at each performance of the play "The Dashing White Cowboy" given by the company of W. Baltimore. Simply coincidence? Suspicious, Lucky Luke follows them. Unfortunately, it's he who is accused of theft in every city the actors pass through. After all, he's also a stranger. But despite this series of arrests, Lucky Luke won't let Baltimore and his troupe leave him behind, and he'll clear his name.
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke 7 - Barbed Wire on the Prairie
Felps decides to plant lettuce on his property but rancher Cass Casey's cattle regularly ransacks his grounds. Furious, Felps wants to surround his property by barbed wire, which is regarded as provocation in the Old West. War is declared between the ranchers. Felps hires Lucky Luke for protection, and Lucky Luke will need all his skills as a mediator to reconcile everybody!
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke 4 - Jesse James
The story of Robin Hood has made a strong impression on Jesse James, and he would like to become a bandit with a big heart, like his hero. With the help of his brother Frank and his cousin Cole Younger, he decides to steal from the rich and redistribute the loot to the poor...But soon the trio is keeping the stolen money and spreading terror wherever they go. At Nothing Gulch, Lucky Luke is more than ready for them. But will he be able to rid the town of these desperados, when the population, terrorized, does nothing to help him?
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dictionary of Communication Disorders
This dictionary provides clear and concise explanations of terms used in the field of speech, therapy pathology and relevant terms in related fields including augmentative, alternative communication, hearing, linguistic, medicine, phonetics/phonology and psychology/psychiatry. Those working with people who have communication disorders and those who may be returning to this field will find the explanations easy to understand. Terms include assessments, therapy programmes and current theories in these fields. This edition has been thoroughly updated. It includes useful website addresses for manufacturers and suppliers of communication aids and publishers of assessments, and where to find useful information on the internet for various conditions.
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke 35 - The Singing Wire
1861. Abraham Lincoln orders that the First Transcontinental Telegraph line, currently interrupted between Nevada and Nebraska, be completed. Two teams, one heading east from Carson City and the other west from Omaha, will meet up in Salt Lake City. Lucky Luke joins the eastbound team. But when a $100,000 reward is offered to the first team to arrive, there's suddenly more to fear than the natural obstacles of the journey: A saboteur seems to be at work!
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke 32 - Rails on the Prairie
The First Transcontinental Railroad is stopped dead near its starting point, both in the East and in the West. Repeated injunctions from the president of the Transcontinental RailroadA" are having no effect: His workers are constantly prevented from working by agents of a mysterious traitor. But Lucky Luke witnesses one of the acts of sabotage and stops it. Soon, he is in charge of security for the entire westward push-and he will have his work cut out for him!
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke 29 - The Grand Duke
Grand Duke Leonid of Russia is in Washington to sign a commercial treaty on behalf of the Tsar. But this larger-than-life aristocrat has read too much Fennimore Cooper and wants to visit the West. The US government is forced to agree to his whim-but wisely chooses Lucky Luke to escort him to the cattle capital of the West: Abilene. A good thing, too, because the Russian Grand Duke encounters real American desperadoes on his visit!
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke 25 - The Stagecoach
Plagued by constant bandit attacks, Wells Fargo is falling on hard times. To restore public trust in their services, the company sends one well-publicised stagecoach from Denver to San Francisco. It will have the best whipA" as driver, a motley crew of daring passengers, and-to escort them and a precious cargo of gold-none other than Lucky Luke. A wise precaution, because every desperado in the country will be waiting on the coach's planned route -
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke 20 - The Oklahoma Land Rush
On 22 April 1889, the American government opened the new Oklahoma territories to settlement. In this volume, Lucky Luke acts as a government agent and ensures that every candidate for settlement is treated fairly. He has to deal with jealousy, corruption and greed. As in other Lucky Luke volumes, readers discover different aspects of the United States' conquest of the Wild West.