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Nova Science Publishers Inc Recent Advances in Computer Aided Drug Designing
We are extremely happy to introduce our new book, Recent Advances in Computer Aided Drug Designing. While interacting with many researchers in the field of biotechnology and allied sciences, we felt that there was need for a book that could easily bridge the gap between in silico methods applied in structural bioinformatics for drug designing and wet lab workers. Today, when computational skills in biology and biomedical research are in high demand, this book presents updated content for methods and tools applicable in modern computer-aided drug designing. Researchers are pouring knowledge into databases that are publicly available and laboratories across the globe are accessing this information for analysis and further investigation. There is a battery of data scientists involved in development and maintenance of online databases. Alongside them, there is another class of programmers and scientists involved in development of software tools for analysis of this data. Modern tools based on machine learning are available to provide accuracy and efficiency with speedy analysis of biological and biomedical data. In many cases, analysis of readily available biological data helps to decide future directions for laboratory work. Indications obtained from such analytics save time and resources which could be very crucial in general. Publicly available protein three-dimensional structure and drug databank libraries have facilitated the drug discovery process. Millions of drugs can be screened in a few hours by using virtual screening tools. Molecular viewing tools can be used to visualize macromolecules and their interactions with drugs. Findings from such studies are being used to validate results directly in laboratories. Efforts have been made to cover all areas relevant for computer-aided drug designing to allow this book to serve as a standard reference book and meet the requirements of graduate students and researchers working in drug design and structural bioinformatics. Some chapters are dedicated to basic concepts in computer-aided drug discovery while other chapters present applications of the available tools in the field. Contents from exemplary method-based chapters are easy to follow and will help new researchers in applying contemporary tools for their studies. The book will also stimulate programmers and data scientists interested in developing tools for structural bioinformatics applications to develop new and improved versions of software. Chapters presenting the basic concepts of methods involved in drug design will help new learners in the field to meet the challenges of designing novel therapeutics by using computational tools. Cross-disciplinary research is in trend nowadays and such investigations involving experts of their respective fields are highly promising and fruitful. Drug discovery requires experts from health sciences and medical sciences, molecular biologists, bioinformaticians, biotechnologists, biochemists, statisticians, biophysicists and clinicians. For a complete piece of translated product such as a drug, inputs from specialist researchers are needed. Modern rational drug discovery approaches are truly inter-disciplinary fields which require a systems biology approach for successful ventures. This book covers all steps of drug design, from drug target identification to intermediate steps to successful clinical trials, making it truly essential for modern researchers in the drug discovery and structural bioinformatics fields.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Essential Topics in Baseball: From Performance Analysis to Injury Prevention
Baseball is a game of tabulation and tracking. While baseball has a long and storied history of analyzing performance, it was not until recent history that analytical approaches have been applied to the medical and physical aspects of baseball. In today's game, at every level, baseball players are tracked for factors beyond wins and losses, to help maintain player health, or in an attempt to improve performance. This book explores the future of baseball monitoring in the context of being able to handle, interpret, and extrapolate predictions from the masses of data being collected. In baseball, the throwing motion consists of a sequence of movements from the lower limbs to the upper limbs through the trunk. Failures in the sequence of movements can place an excess load on the upper arm and causes various disorders, the main causes being a high number of throws and inadequate throwing form. Too many throws will cause medial collateral ligament injury of the elbow and rotator cuff tear and periarthritis of the shoulder. As such, the authors aim to determine whether upper extremity strength is predictive of injury, how upper extremity strength can be reliably and practically tested in the clinic, and whether or not strengthening programs will have an effect on upper extremity strength ratios, as well as compare and contrast current throwing programs found in the literature. Additionally, ten right-handed college baseball batters participated in an experiment. They swung a bat towards five imaginary impact locations of different heights and lateral positions in the strike zone. They also hit a ball mounted on a tee stand placed in the strike zone which corresponded to the same five locations. The process was repeated seven times for each location, all of which were randomly assigned. Movements of the bat and ball were captured by an optical motion capture system at 250 Hz and 3-dimensional coordinates of the bat and ball were calculated. The freely available Statcast Trackman data provides continuous location coordinates for individual pitches using Doppler radar. This detailed spatial information can be employed to visualize a batter's ability across regions in and around the strike zone. As such, the authors summarize classical geostatistical methodology and show how it can be applied to real data. In another study, the authors explore hitting a stable ball mounted on a tee stand, rather than hitting a flying ball, to focus on the importance of vision in executing a batter's prepared or preplanned hitting movement for an impact location. This is achieved by eliminating the necessity of processing visual information regarding the ball's flight to predict the time and location of the pitch's arrival and modulate the movement with respect to the flight of the pitch. The closing chapter examines the long history of tobacco use in baseball that dates back to the 19th century and the creation of the sport. Athletes and coaches initially used spit tobacco as a way to keep their mouths moist during dusty games and to alter the baseball to improve grip and break.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Comprehensive Guide to Nutrition in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the single largest cause of infertility in women of childbearing age, with the incidence having risen from around 15 % to 21 % within 6-8 years. Not only has the incidence risen in this population, but in adolescents, PCOS is being diagnosed earlier and more frequently, than ever before. There is no written "diet" or single food that cures PCOS, but factors from Westernised eating such as trans fats, advanced glycation end-products and fructose overload, are factors which affect both the development of PCOS and the resistance to drug-related treatment of it. For the woman with PCOS, whether trying to fall pregnant of manage symptoms, it is of cardinal importance to understand that a "diet mentality"' is inappropriate, since the entire lifestyle should be changed to favour the menstrual cycle and the production of its hormones for at least 3three months prior to expecting normal ovulation. The awakening and development of the primordial follicle destined to become the ovulatory one, 85 days prior to ovulation, points to the compulsory consistency of improved eating habits and lifestyle. Almost every single food/meal/drink/snack has an influence on your ovulatory capacity. It is imperative that the PCOS woman seeking help for either symptomatic relief or fertility, understands the relationship of the hormonal chaos of PCOS to the hormonal chaos of a poor diet. The standard dietary composition, of 20% protein, 50% carbohydrate and 30 % fat, was used to treat PCOS since the beginning of research, after the discovery of PCOS as Stein-Leventhal syndrome in 1935. Weight loss was known to be the most important factor in treating PCOS, but no progress was made, and the drop-out rate of diets given to these women was extremely high. For some reason, women with PCOS could not adhere to a formal diet, and battled weight loss, although small studies could not confirm this. The answer to this probably lies in the disturbance of their hunger and satiety cascade, regulated by insulin. New drugs have seen the light and were tested on females with PCOS with mediocre results, showing that something else but the PCOS was at play. This book is dedicated to show the power and strength of poor dietary habits (and visa versa) on drug treatment of PCOS, and the lack of need for it when dietary habits and lifestyles are improved. In PCOS, drugs could probably never win over a poor eating lifestyle, which is a point often missed by fertility specialists eager to help with a quick -fix, rather than a longer process that can be maintained over the long-term. The mere fact that in women undergoing IVF treatment, end-stage-glycation products were found in their oocytes, tells a story of the horrendous effect of poor dietary habits on fertility. Both the keto-genic diet and intermittent fasting (done under professional dietetic supervision), either apart or together, have provided a means for quicker and safer weight loss, especially if time is of the essence in older couples.
Lolli Editions Tools for Extinction
Eighteen international writers respond to the open-ended period of social distancing, closures, and illness caused by Covid-19. Compiled during the initial lockdown in Europe, this special collection is a meteoric publishing project with contributions from some of the most exciting and innovative authors working today. Original work by Enrique Vila-Matas, Olivia Sudjic, Jon Fosse, Inger Wold Lund, Vi Khi Nao, Patricia Portela, Lucie Elven, Mara Coson, Christina Hesselholdt, Jean-Baptiste Del Amo, Naja Marie Aidt, Michael Salu, Joanna Walsh, Jakuta Alikavazovic, Anna Zett, Emilio Fraia, Frode Grytten, and Olga Ravn Translations by Margaret Jull Costa, Zoe Perry, Martin Aitken, Denise Newman, Paul Russell Garrett, Damion Searls, and Rahul Bery Meditating on notions of distance and closeness, sameness and alterity, extinguishing and kindling, Tools for Extinction considers how a common pause might give rise to new modes of domesticity and shift experiences of time. What gestures and actions are we willing to perform to make ourselves, and each other, feel at ease - or at work? What tools and objects are useful, or unprecedentedly useless, to us in the process? And as our species' trademark proclivity for projecting ourselves into the future is disrupted, might we come to see the buildings, animals, plants, and foodstuffs around us in a new light? The anthology takes its name from Steven Brand's Whole Earth Catalog, a 1960s counterculture compendium of product reviews, essays, and articles on the themes of self-sufficiency, ecology, and alternative education. By giving "access to tools", a new social order and a more sustainable Earth was imagined. Compiled, edited and with a foreword by Denise Rose Hansen. Praise for Tools for Extinction The strongest lockdown literature - Michael La Pointe, TLS All the pieces here feel like they could end abruptly. They often do. This gives the collection a start and stop quality that feels appropriate. Our newsfeed minds are often diving in and self-ejecting out of intimate scenes from others' lives. Reading this book is akin to wandering around the authors homes, seeing if they've got any grand truths on the mantelpiece or in the basket on the landing. But there's often no lesson to be learned from solitude other than the experience of it. The hope carried in this book is that we can lean on fiction even beyond its breaking point - and our own - Republic of Consciousness Tools for Extinction grapples with the grief, trauma and anxiety of Covid-19 without presenting these phenomena as something entirely new. It is not a time capsule or a pandemic diary. It is not meant to be a record of an aberration to be read in libraries and schools in 2021 that look just like those of 2019. Tools for Extinction is meant to show that artists will have to adapt. The fact that the book came together in a few short months during a lockdown shows it can be done. And the resonance that the writing has for a reader still in lockdown shows that art still matters - Artist Books Reviews Tools for Extinction is acute literature. . . it signals the emergence of crisis-responsive fiction - Klaus Rothstein, Weekendavisen
Crown House Publishing Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality
Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality is a compelling study of the important elements that make up a person's core personality, and a detailed exploration of - and introduction to - how Time Line therapy works in practice. Written by Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall, Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality is a compelling study of the important elements that make up a person's core personality, and a detailed exploration of - and introduction to - how Time Line therapy works in practice. Utilizing discoveries made by Richard Bandler, Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality expands and updates our knowledge of how people actually store their memories, and sheds light on the effect that the system used for memory storage has on the individual. The authors contend that the concept of Time Line, or the notion of time that you have stored in your mind, shapes and structures your experience of the world, and therefore shapes your personality. Time Line therapy is therefore based on the premise that the client goes back to the first time they remember a particular problem, does change work - utilizing Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to eliminate irritating behaviors or issues - and, if necessary, goes to subsequent times when their behavior or response was a problem, and undertakes further change work to resolve it. Written in an informative and engaging manner, Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality offers readers the opportunity to see how Time Line therapy works - providing a clear description of how to elicit the Time Line, and sharing step-by-step methods to subsequently help the client to release a limiting decision or trauma, remove anxiety, or set a future goal. All of these key aspects are explained using clear language and easy-to-follow steps, and the authors' expert commentary is further complemented by examples, exercises and transcripts in order to help the reader transfer the theory into effective practice. In Section I, the authors explain the NLP Communication Model and share their in-depth analysis of the filters - values, beliefs, attitudes, decisions, memories and meta programs - which we subconsciously use as we process the world around us and which form the basis of our personalities. Section II provides a comprehensive description of the Time Line and how it works: laying down a theoretical basis for the technique before offering insight into its practice and application with a demonstrative transcript of Time Line elicitation and change work in order to illustrate the concepts explored. In Section III the authors move on to carefully survey simple and complex meta programs (and how they can be changed) before exploring the formation, evolution and changing of values in Section IV, which includes a helpful exercise that gives guidance on how to elicit values from the client. Exploring many interesting contexts and how personality can be positively changed to help people live happier lives, Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality is a worthy addition to any therapist's or NLP practitioner's library and is suitable reading for anyone interested in behavioral change. Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality was originally published in 1988 by Meta Publications. Previously published as ISBN 978-091699021-3
St Augustine's Press Herman Melville`s Ship of State
William Morrisey unravels Melville’s “loomings” of the great whale, showing them to be important threads of politics and theories of governance. The Young America of Melville’s day valorized popular sovereignty such that moral law suppressed by the majority rule was bringing America to state of being that could only then be ruled by the mightiest of the mighty––the great Leviathan, who reigns in the boundless chaotic sea separated from “stable land.” The force of the created world and the necessary ordering achieved through conquest are dominating themes of Melville’s great tale, but as Morrisey observes approaching the great whale, ruler of the untamable seas, is for captain (ruler) an opportunity to destroy it. But for the sailor (the ruled) being close to the white whale is a moment for understanding, and in turn of being understood. Yet in what sense is being seen, for human beings of moral bearings, not also an impulse to self-impose? “The modern Ishmael wants to see, not to kill, perhaps to be seen, and surely not to be killed. Americans too need to come to terms with the white whale, if they are to perceive reality as it is without bringing destruction upon themselves.” Is Melville proposing an utterly new philosophy of ruler and ruled, of a proper gauge of the immeasurable chaos that is nature? “Does Melville also intend to be a founder in the ‘New World’?” Morrisey’s study is a compelling look at the early political moments of a new nation, but one that at the time perceived itself as already aging and maturing in the process of political voyage and adventure. Dangers lie ahead, Melville seems to warn, and in his disenchantment of the vigor of the Young America he once endorsed he tells the story of what really happens when democracy is idealized and the surrounding waters of chaos are thereby veiled; and yet also of what happens when one would seek to command the chaos only to transform into the unpredictably destructive prey he pursues, especially under the guise of moral outrage. Melville, like Ishmael, urges a new vision of both God and nature, and challenges the notion of rule in all its expressions. Americans, the people of the New World, are invited to be unafraid, but also careful. In wandering as on the open waters one wonders, beyond civic boundaries and conventions, and in that wonder one may finally come face to face with what is good and grand––but in beholding the great white whale, can one resist the urge to conquest, now that he is likewise by the leviathan beholden? Is the rule of man and the coronation of a specific dialectic of power an untenable victory, given that “‘Nature is nobody’s ally’: it wounds or kills any person or nation that violates it, impartially”? Morrisey writes with lucidity and weaves together elements of history, literature, politics and perhaps his own affinity for Ishmael’s passenger spirit to reveal just how broad and boundless of a narrative Melville’s Moby Dick truly is.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Startup Community Way: Evolving an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
The Way Forward for Entrepreneurship Around the World We are in the midst of a startup revolution. The growth and proliferation of innovation-driven startup activity is profound, unprecedented, and global in scope. Today, it is understood that communities of support and knowledge-sharing go along with other resources. The importance of collaboration and a long-term commitment has gained wider acceptance. These principles are adopted in many startup communities throughout the world. And yet, much more work is needed. Startup activity is highly concentrated in large cities. Governments and other actors such as large corporations and universities are not collaborating with each other nor with entrepreneurs as well as they could. Too often, these actors try to control activity or impose their view from the top-down, rather than supporting an environment that is led from the bottom-up. We continue to see a disconnect between an entrepreneurial mindset and that of many actors who wish to engage with and support entrepreneurship. There are structural reasons for this, but we can overcome many of these obstacles with appropriate focus and sustained practice. No one tells this story better than Brad Feld and Ian Hathaway. The Startup Community Way: Evolving an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem explores what makes startup communities thrive and how to improve collaboration in these rapidly evolving, complex environments. The Startup Community Way is an explanatory guide for startup communities. Rooted in the theory of complex systems, this book establishes the systemic properties of entrepreneurial ecosystems and explains why their complex nature leads people to make predictable mistakes. As complex systems, value creation occurs in startup communities primarily through the interaction of the "parts" - the people, organizations, resources, and conditions involved - not the parts themselves. This continual process of bottom-up interactions unfolds naturally, producing value in novel and unexpected ways. Through these complex, emergent processes, the whole becomes greater and substantially different than what the parts alone could produce. Because of this, participants must take a fundamentally different approach than is common in much of our civic and professional lives. Participants must take a whole-system view, rather than simply trying to optimize their individual part. They must prioritize experimentation and learning over planning and execution. Complex systems are uncertain and unpredictable. They cannot be controlled, only guided and influenced. Each startup community is unique. Replication is enticing but impossible. The race to become "The Next Silicon Valley" is futile - even Silicon Valley couldn't recreate itself. This book: Offers practical advice for entrepreneurs, community builders, government officials, and other stakeholders who want to harness the power of entrepreneurship in their city Describes the core components of startup communities and entrepreneurial ecosystems, as well as an explanation of the differences between these two related, but distinct concepts Advances a new framework for effective startup community building based on the theory of complex systems and insights from systems thinking Includes contributions from leading entrepreneurial voices Is a must-have resource for entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, executives, business and community leaders, economic development authorities, policymakers, university officials, and anyone wishing to understand how startup communities work anywhere in the world
Open University Press CBT for Mild to Moderate Depression and Anxiety
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Mild to Moderate Depression and Anxiety provides information and support using evidence-based, low-intensity psychological treatments involving cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for mild to moderate mental illness. Its main focus is on supporting the low-intensity worker (Psychological Well-Being Practitioner) with patient self-management. The book closely mirrors the key components of assessment, therapeutic relationship, treatment of low mood, anxiety and panic, signposting and basic psychopharmacology. Written in a step-by-step approach by experienced CBT trainers, this book offers:a strong focus on the process of assessment a breakdown of the important factors necessary for an effective therapeutic relationship a clear 'how to guide for the low intensity treatment of anxiety and depression an emphasis on how to get the best out of supervisionDesigned as a core text for modules 1 and 2 of the Postgraduate Certificate for Low-intensity Therapy Workers (IAPT), this book is also suitable for all undergraduate and postgraduate courses that require the student to have a basic skill set for the treatment of low mood and anxiety/panic, i.e. psychology, counselling, CBT, nursing and social work. It is a useful practical companion to all who have an interest in or work directly with clients who experience common mental health problems. Colin Hughes is a BABCP accredited Psychotherapist, Registered Nurse and Lecturer at Queen's University, Belfast, UK. He has been involved in Nurse training, particularly postgraduate psychotherapy for a number of years and has a specialist interest in the field of personality disorders. Stephen Herron is a BABCP Accredited CBT Psychotherapist, working in the NHS and private practice. He is an Associate Lecturer on Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma CBT courses at Queen's University, Belfast, UK, and has been involved in CBT training for over 15 years. Dr Joanne Younge works as an Associate Specialist Old Age Psychiatrist and BABCP accredited CBT Psychotherapist in the NHS, and is an Associate Lecturer on the postgraduate diploma in CBT (BABCP accredited training course) at Queen's University, Belfast, UK. She has also devised and delivered a brief CBT skills training package for a Mental Health Community Team and has a special interest in supervision. "I have been looking for a book to use as a manual for CBT, and I am glad to say that I have found it! ... If you are in any way concerned with the practical way to apply CBT for anxiety or depression, you owe it to yourself to read this book."Dr Mamoun Mobayed, Consultant Psychiatrist, Director of the Program Department, Doha, Qatar "Let me put this succinctly - the authors have written a very helpful book. It is essential reading for anyone who is involved in the delivery of low intensity CBT for depression and anxiety... Everyone from GP's or Student nurses/AHP's to experienced mental health workers will be able to glean useful gems from this book, for example within the chapter on Assessment, the methods described could be fruitful for anyone seeking to establish a collaborative relationship and shared understanding of difficulties." Catriona Kent, Nurse Consultant, Glasgow Institute of Psychosocial Interventions
Tuttle Publishing The Mad Kyoto Shoe Swapper and Other Short Stories
"Otowa has woven a series of delightful vignettes of life in Japan, from a true historical story of feuding villages to a man who steals shoes at temples…and some highlighting the cultural differences between Japanese and American sensibilities, especially for women." — Ginny Tapley-Takemori, translator of Convenience Store WomanFrom the unique standpoint of an American woman who married into a Japanese family and has lived in Japan for more than thirty years, Rebecca Otowa weaves enchanting tales of her adopted home that portray the perspective of both the Japanese and the foreigner on the universal issues that face us all—love, work, marriage, death, and family conflict.The collection includes: A Year of Coffee and Cake—A young American wife in the Tokyo suburbs suspects her next-door neighbor of murdering an elderly relative. Rhododendron Valley—An elderly man decides to commit suicide to deal with his terminal illness and to spare his family pain. The Mad Kyoto Shoe Swapper—A reclusive young Japanese man enjoys the strange hobby of stealing shoes from temples, but it gradually consumes him. Genbei's Curse—A downtrodden woman loses her temper with her demanding, sick father-in-law. Years later, old and sick herself, she can now empathize with him. Trial by Fire—A true story passed down through the author's family of a gruesome trial to settle a land dispute in 1619. Love and Duty—The Japanese custom of "duty chocolates" (chocolates gifted by women to men on Valentine's Day) has repercussions for an American and a Japanese woman. Uncle Trash—Told in the form of newspaper articles, this is the story of an old man, his hoarding addiction, the annoyance it brings his family, and his eventual revenge. Watch Again—A man starts stalking his ex-wife and learns something about himself in the process. Three Village Stories—A tea ceremony teacher, a vengeful son, and an old man ostracized by his community are the protagonists in three vignettes of village life. The Rescuer—After meeting his death in a train accident, a young man finds himself in the position of rescuing others from the same fate. Showa Girl—Based on a true story from the author's family, a girl of fifteen has an arranged marriage with an older man just back from a POW camp in Russia in 1948. Rachel and Leah—An older American woman reflects on her long and not always happy marriage to a Japanese man. The Turtle Stone—Going from the 1950s to the present, this is the story of one man's efforts to keep the family cake shop alive in a Kyoto that is constantly modernizing. Illustrated throughout with the author's own black-and-white drawings, this captivating volume offers a unique and lovingly rendered insight into everyday life in modern Japan.
F.A. Davis Company Pharm Phlash!: Pharmacology Flash Cards
The best flashcards to test yourself on the top drugs & prepare for the NCLEX®! Increase your test scores in pharmacology class. Build your confidence to pass the NCLEX®. Expand your understanding of pharmacological agents. Decrease and prevent medication errors in practice. These flashcards put critical clinical information for nearly 400 of the top generic medications at your fingertips. Each card features a single generic drug or a medication group to help build associations between common medications and includes indications for use of the drug, action of the drug, route/dosage information, adverse reactions/side effects, pre-administration vital signs, laboratory data assessment, drug levels, patient teaching, and more. Count on them for accuracy because each card is based on content from Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses®. AMAZING and MUST GET!“These cards are a MUST for any nursing student or even nurse! I use these for almost every single assignment from nursing process sheets to care plans. You need to get these immediately, and you’ll love them!! Seriously, I am so glad I stumbled upon these cards. Thank you to whoever invented these!”—Edgar G. GREAT for Nursing Students“I used these cards to pass my pharmacology final and my NCLEX in nursing school! I love these cards. They have all the info you need on the card, and even helpful tips.”—Cloie Updated & Revised! Completely reviewed and updated to ensure accuracy A color-coded, body-system organization reflects the information common to classes of medications. Each card features a single generic drug or a medication group to help build associations between common medications and includes indications for use of the drug, action of the drug, adverse reactions/side effects, pre-administration vital signs, laboratory data assessment, drug levels, patient teaching, and more. “Make the Connection” highlights information crucial to administering medications safely, understanding the clinical applicability of the information, and helps to develop critical-thinking skills. “Keep in Mind” provides key nursing considerations, including client teaching. Route/dosage information appears on the back of each card. Common abbreviations listed on each card, with a summary of the abbreviations on separate, introductory cards. A comprehensive, alphabetical Index makes it easy to locate drugs within the deck by trade, generic, or Canadian brand name. New! Card listing commonly used monoclonal antibodies, their brand and generic names, and indications for use New! Cards explaining the cytochrome P450 (CYP 450) enzyme system, how the enzymes effect the levels of other drugs with a list of strong and moderate inhibitors and inducers New! CYP3A4 inducer or inhibiter descriptions in the “Make the Connection” section on each card, when appropriate New! Cards for VMAT2 inhibiters in the central nervous system section
Johns Hopkins University Press Iliazd: A Meta-Biography of a Modernist
A captivating portrait of futurist artist Iliazd infused with the reflections of his accidental biographer on the stickiness of the genre.The poet Ilia Zdanevich, known in his professional life as Iliazd, began his career in the pre-Revolutionary artistic circles of Russian futurism. By the end of his life, he was the publisher of deluxe limited edition books in Paris. The recent subject of major exhibitions in Moscow, his native Tbilisi, New York, and other venues, the work of Iliazd has been prized by bibliophiles and collectors for its exquisite book design and innovative typography. Iliazd collaborated with many major figures of modern art—Pablo Picasso, Sonia Delaunay, Max Ernst, Joán Miro, Natalia Goncharova, and Mikhail Larionov, among others. His 1949 anthology, The Poetry of Unknown Words, was the first international anthology of experimental visual and sound poetry ever published. The list of contributors is a veritable "Who's Who" of avant-garde writing and visual art. And Iliazd's unique hands-on engagement with book production and design makes him the ideal case study for considering the book as a modern art form. Iliazd is the first full-length biography of the poet-publisher, as well as the first comprehensive English-language study of his life and work. Johanna Drucker weaves two stories together: the history of Iliazd's work as a modern artist and poet, and the narrative of the author's encounter with his widow and other figures in the process of researching his biography. Drucker's reflection on what a biographical project entails addresses questions about the relationship between documentary evidence and narrative, between contemporary witnesses and retrospective accounts. Ultimately, Drucker asks how we should understand the connection between the life of an artist and their work. Enriched with photographs from the Iliazd archive and a wealth of primary documents, the book is a vivid account of a unique contributor to modernism—and to the way we continue to reevaluate the history of twentieth-century culture. Accounts of Drucker's research during the mid-1980s in the personal archive of Madame Hélène Zdanevich, the poet's widow, lend the narrative an incredible intimacy. Drucker recounts how, sitting in the studio that Iliazd occupied from the late 1930s until his death in 1975, she was drawn into the circle of scholars who had made him their focus and were doing foundational work on his significance. She also coped with the difference between the widow's view of the artist as a man she loved and Drucker's own perception of Iliazd's significance within a critical approach to history. Iliazd is at once a rich study of a significant figure and a thoughtful reflection on the way a biography creates an encounter with its always absent subject.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The WTO, Agriculture and Sustainable Development
Despite the Doha declaration of November 2001, the failure to start a new round of global trade negotiations at Seattle in December 1999 and the hostility of protesters to the trade liberalization process and growing global economic and social disparities was a wake-up call for the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The ambitious goal of this ground-breaking book is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of liberalized world trade, in particular in the agricultural sector, and to investigate to what extent the current WTO agreements provide the necessary fail-safe devices to react to trade-related negative impacts on sustainability, environmental protection and food security. The background and interrelationship between the WTO, the tenets of sustainable development and the unique features of the agriculture and forestry sectors are explored, and conclusions regarding the deficits of the world trade system and its conflicts with basic societal goals – such as sustainability – are drawn. Agriculture and forestry have a particular affinity with what the authors call "strong sustainability" and are to be among the major agenda items in forthcoming WTO negotiations. The book proposes that sustainable agricultural production techniques such as integrated and organic farming provide a series of related services to community and environment which could be severely prejudiced by wholesale trade liberalization and the imposition of the large-scale production methods of the mega-trade giants of the USA and Europe. And yet the concept of sustainability is referred to only tangentially in the existing WTO agenda. The WTO, Agriculture and Sustainable Development argues that, without a formal recognition of this failing, the premise that free trade is inherently advantageous for all countries is a falsehood. Further, unfettered liberalization is unsustainable and a social and environmental multilateral framework must be agreed to reinterpret or adapt a host of WTO regulations that are at odds with sustainable development. The core problem is that, under the current system, import duties can only be differentiated by direct goods and services and not by their means of production – sustainable or otherwise. Therefore, a range of environmental policy measures in the agricultural sector, such as the consideration of product life-cycles, the internalization of external costs and a coupling of trade liberalization with ecological obligations are proposed by the authors. In addition, they argue that unsustainable economic short-termism must be curbed and the use of the stick of trade sanctions and the carrot of financial benefits for good environmental performance be permitted to promote sustainable agricultural practices. This book will contribute greatly in addressing the lack of basic theoretical arguments at the intersection between trade and sustainable development – a failing that has already been bemoaned by trade policy-makers. It is highly recommended reading for all those involved or interested in the WTO negotiations, whether from multilateral organizations, governments, industry or civil society.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Rethinking US Election Law: Unskewing the System
Recent U.S. elections have defied nationwide majority preference at the White House, Senate, and House levels. This work of interdisciplinary scholarship explains how ''winner-take-all'' and single-member district elections make this happen, and what can be done to repair the system. Proposed reforms include the National Popular Vote interstate compact (presidential elections); eliminating the Senate filibuster; and proportional representation using Ranked Choice Voting for House, state, and local elections. This timely analysis of election law and politics outlining key structural election reforms combines distinct analysis of presidential, Senate, and U.S. House elections reforms, while also addressing reforms at the state and local government level. The author argues for fundamental structural changes to U.S. elections like Proportional Representation and Ranked Choice Voting, without requiring any constitutional amendments. Analysis of recent political developments such as progress on the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, the adoption of Ranked Choice Voting state-wide in Maine, and the 2018 Supreme Court gerrymandering cases add real-world relevance and applicability. This sharp examination of a flawed system is vital reading for students and scholars involved in election law and political science, and is approachable enough for lay readers interested in politics and reform as well. 'Rethinking US Election Law is a timely, well-written argument in favour of electoral reform in the United States. It advances achievable solutions that could go a long way towards solving the country's current democratic breakdown, and is an excellent read for anyone interested in ''unskewing the system''.' - Erica Frazier, LSE Review 'Steven Mulroy's Rethinking US Election Law is a concise and refreshing book on US election law. The book takes the reader on a tour through the various and profound shortcomings of the country's reliance on single-member districts (SMDs) and demonstrates that, so long as these SMDs remain the principal building block of US elections, little can be done to resolve the many ailments that afflict the process. It is a powerful, thoughtfully-reasoned and clearly-written argument in favor of electoral reform.. . . Mulroy offers a compelling argument for electoral reform that should be required reading for the next redistricting cycle or for any undergraduate class on voting rights and redistricting. Even the most skeptical critic would have difficulty refuting his analysis.' - American Political Science Association 'Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, Rethinking US Election Law is a seminal work of outstanding scholarship that is as thoughtful as it is thought-provoking. . . (it) is an especially and unreservedly recommended addition to community, academic, governmental Contemporary Political Science collections and supplemental studies reading lists for students, academia, political activists, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject.' - John Taylor, Midwest Book Review
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Rise of the City: Spatial Dynamics in the Urban Century
'Cities have been studied and written on from a whole host of unique viewpoints. The contributors of this volume shed light on the city from several perspectives that together constitute the modern singularity of these spaces on Earth. Based on international and cutting-edge research, the content explores critical and sometimes contested issues such as innovation and entrepreneurship, technology, infrastructure, governance and the quality of life of urban inhabitants. The volume brings a clear and refreshing perspective on a fast changing reality.'- Jean-Claude Thill, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, US'The Rise of the City is a must read for those who want to learn about achieving the promise of cities and urbanisation for society and the well-being of their people. The distinguished group of contributors provides a holistic roadmap about how cities can be economic engines of growth that promote innovation and creativity. This will not be easy as they also identify the challenges that must be overcome including better planning, inclusive governance, and sustainable development.'- Mark Partridge, Ohio State University, USCities and city regions are growing throughout the world and this trend is forecast to continue well into the 21st century. The authors of The Rise of the City see the next 100 years as being the ''Urban Century''. In this book they examine urban growth and the dynamics that are transforming the city and city regions, focusing specifically on the spatial aspects of this process.Forces that are driving city growth include agglomeration spillovers, concentration of innovation and entrepreneurship, diversity of information and knowledge resources, better amenities and higher wages. These benefits produce a positive reinforcing system that attracts more people with new ideas and information, fuelling innovation, new products and services and more high-wage jobs, thereby attracting more people. Such growth also produces undesirable effects such as air and water pollution, poverty, congestion and crowding. These combined factors both impact and change the geography and spatial dynamics of the city. These transformations and the public policies that may be critical to the quality of life, both today and in the future, are the substance of this book.Providing a more informed synthesis of the city and its dynamics in the new century than any other volume, as well as a set of specific analyses and questions on the changing nature of the city, this book will be indispensible to scholars and students of regional science and urban studies.Contributors: Å.E. Andersson, D.E. Andersson, M.G. Boarnet, A.M. Bonomi Barufi, S. Brunow, R. Camagni, R. Capello, A. Caragliu, Z. Chen, Z. Daghbashyan, C.F. Del Bo, R.K. Green, E.A. Haddad, B. Hårsman, K.E. Haynes, N. Ishikawa, K. Kourtit, J.P. Larsson, M.M. Mazurencu, V. Miersch, P. Nijkamp, A.R. Olsson, R.R. Stough, M. van Geenhuizen, R.S. Vieira, Y. Wen, H. Westlund, Q. Ye
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Art and Practice of Economics Research: Lessons from Leading Minds
'In this book, Simon Bowmaker offers a remarkable collection of conversations with leading economists about research in economics. He has selected a broad sample of the great economists of our time, including people whose perspectives span most of the major subdivisions of economics research, from micro to macro, from theoretical to empirical, from rationalist to behavioral.'- From the foreword by Roger B. Myerson, University of Chicago and 2007 Nobel Laureate in Economics 'The Art and Practice of Economics Research is the book I wish I had when I was ''growing up'' as an economist. For anyone who is or wants to be an economic researcher, or anyone just interested in how economics ''works'', this is a terrific and inspirational resource.' - David K. Levine, Washington University in St. Louis 'It is hard to imagine an economist in the world who would not enjoy this book. It is fascinating, gripping, and full of the wisdom imparted by age and by scholarly life's ups and downs.'- Andrew J. Oswald, University of Warwick, UK 'Although each has followed his or her own road, these scholars share a passion for economics and a commitment to the research enterprise. The best economists lie sleepless, gripped by their questions.' - Joshua Angrist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology'This is a wonderful book of interviews with some of the most respected economists in the world. It is full of insights into academic life, and clearly conveys the joy of doing economics research.'- Jon Levin, Stanford University'The relaxed frame of the interviews gives interested parties exciting insights into the thoughts and concerns of leading economists and might well inspire some of the best young minds to continue with economics in their later lives.' - Ernst Fehr, University of Zurich, Switzerland The Art and Practice of Economics Research provides an in-depth look into the research methods of leading economists from across the United States and Europe. This innovative volume contains 25 interviews with practicing economists, presenting insightful personal accounts into an often-misunderstood field. Contributors to this volume were asked to reflect on their own experience in economics research, including their methods of working, the process of scientific discovery and knowledge creation, and the challenges of successfully disseminating their work. The unique and compelling interview format showcases each contributor's personal connection to his or her work, presenting a view of current economics research that is technical, comprehensive, and refreshingly human. Both students and current scholars in economics will find much to admire in this book's window into the inner workings of some of the brightest and best-known minds in the field. This volume also makes a great companion to the author's 2010 book, The Heart of Teaching Economics, which showcases the personal experiences of teachers and professors of economics.
Taylor & Francis Inc Sons Talk About Their Gay Fathers: Life Curves
Examine the impact of disclosure on sons whose fathers are gay! In this book, Andrew Gottlieb, author of Out of the Twilight: Fathers of Gay Men Speak, explores yet another side of the impact of homosexuality on families. He now looks at how sons react to learning that their fathers are gay, allowing us to see, over time, how this has changed their family relationships and their own lives. Simply and elegantly written, this psychoanalytically oriented qualitative research study is accessible to both the beginner and the more advanced researcher and practitioner. It draws from a wide range of literary, popular, and psychological sources and includes an interview guide, a reference section, and an index. When someone discloses as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, it is not just an individual event. It is a family event. Based on estimates of married gay, lesbian, and bisexual persons, a spouse's coming out affects up to 2,000,000 couples. Yet, its impact has been largely ignored. Children’s voices are the least often heard. . . . Little has been written about sons of fathers who came out during or after marriage. Data for studies that do exist most often draw from the fathers' point of view. . . . The significance of this study lies in its comprehensive, detailed picture of sons and gay fathers as they develop their separate self-images as well as the images of their son-father relationships over time. Painful, sensitive, often triumphant, the stories and [the author’s] analysis of their thoughts, perceptions, and feelings afford a multidimensional, longitudinal viewing. Step by step, we follow the complicated dance of these sons and fathers as they develop and define their connection. from the Foreword by Amity Pierce Buxton, Author of The Other Side of the Closet: The Coming-Out Crisis for Straight Spouses and Families Sons Talk About Their Gay Fathers: Life Curves is a storybookan extended narrative moved along, but not overshadowed, by psychoanalytic theory. The Introduction briefly reviews more recent writings of the fathering experience as told by gay men themselves, setting the stage for: Father to Childa look at the father as seen through the ever-shifting eyes of his son at different phases of the life cycle The Quest for the Real Fatheran examination of sons' responses to their fathers' homosexuality as captured in film, fiction, nonfiction, television, and the psychological literature Methodologythe story of the research process, including sampling, the search for subjects, trustworthiness, the interview, bias, and data collection The Storiesan anthology of narratives the author constructed from the interview material, painting an intimate portrait of each individual son Findingsa categorical analysis Discussiona summary of all the preceding material cast in a developmental framework, highlighting implications for future research and clinical practice
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Jon Gordon Inspiring Quick Reads Box Set
Overcome the fears and challenges of life—seven of Jon Gordon’s most inspiring quick reads in one collection. Bestselling author and inspirational speaker Jon Gordon has devoted his life to helping people reach their greatest potential. He is celebrated for the way he takes complex subjects and distills them into engaging stories—infusing optimism, encouragement, positivity, and grit into the lives of millions of people around the world. The Jon Gordon Inspiring Quick Reads Box Set features seven of the author’s most powerful books on overcoming fear and anxiety, nurturing personal growth and positivity, thriving through change, creating clarity and focus, cultivating teamwork, and creating meaningful and lasting success. The Shark and the Goldfish, a fable that strengthens the courage and confidence you need to overcome fear and uncertainty in difficult times—and thrive! Features charming illustrations and an action plan filled with practical tips and proven strategies. The Positive Dog, a delightful story that shows you that we all have two dogs inside of us: one is positive, the other is negative. Learn how feeding your positive dog also nourishes those around you—to everyone’s immense benefit! One Word shows you how to create simplicity in your world and develop a discipline for life through the power of just one word. Discover your yearly word to positively impact all six dimensions of your life—and lead the way to clarity and success. Life Word shares a simple yet powerful tool that identifies the word that will inspire you to leave your greatest legacy. Follow the step-by-step process that will help you live your best life with a renewed sense of confidence, purpose, and passion. The Coffee Bean, a powerful illustrated fable that teaches you how to transform your environment, overcome challenges, and create positive change in yourself and those around you. The Garden, the spiritual fable that brings the power of faith, hope, and love to real life. Infused with thought-provoking ideas and practical strategies, this life-changing story shows you how to overcome fear with faith, encouragement, truth, and belief—for yourself and the people you love and care about. Stick Together delivers a critical message about the power of belief, ownership, connection, love, inclusion, consistency, and hope. This illustrated fable takes you on an inspirational journey that will help you and your team create an unbreakable bond, persevere through challenges, overcome obstacles, and create enduring success—together. The time-tested wisdom and practical guidance contained in The Jon Gordon Inspiring Quick Reads Box Set is invaluable for CEOs and leaders, team members and coworkers, parents, mentors, coaches, and individuals looking to instill passion, purpose, and achievement into every aspect of their lives.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Virtual Selling: A Quick-Start Guide to Leveraging Video, Technology, and Virtual Communication Channels to Engage Remote Buyers and Close Deals Fast
And just like that, everything changed . . . A global pandemic. Panic. Social distancing. Working from home. In a heartbeat, we went from happy hours to virtual happy hours. From conferences to virtual conferences. From selling to virtual selling. To remain competitive, sales and business professionals were required to shift the way they engaged prospects and customers. Overnight, virtual selling became the new normal. Now, it is here to stay. Virtual selling can be challenging. It's more difficult to make human to human connections. It's natural to feel intimidated by technology and digital tools. Few of us haven't felt the wave of insecurity the instant a video camera is pointed in our direction. Yet, virtual selling is powerful because it allows you to engage more prospects and customers, in less time, at a lower cost, while reducing the sales cycle. Virtual Selling is the definitive guide to leveraging video-based technology and virtual communication channels to engage prospects, advance pipeline opportunities, and seal the deal. You'll learn a complete system for blending video, phone, text, live chat, social media, and direct messaging into your sales process to increase productivity and reduce sales cycles. Jeb Blount, one of the most celebrated sales trainers of our generation, teaches you: How to leverage human psychology to gain more influence on video calls The seven technical elements of impactful video sales calls The five human elements of highly effective video sales calls How to overcome your fear of the camera and always be video ready How to deliver engaging and impactful virtual demos and presentations Powerful video messaging strategies for engaging hard to reach stakeholders The Four-Step Video Prospecting Framework The Five-Step Telephone Prospecting Framework The LDA Method for handling telephone prospecting objections Advanced email prospecting strategies and frameworks How to leverage text messaging for prospecting and down pipeline communication The law of familiarity and how it takes the friction out of virtual selling The 5C's of Social Selling Why it is imperative to become proficient with reactive and proactive chat Strategies for direct messaging – the "Swiss Army Knife" of virtual selling How to leverage a blended virtual/physical selling approach to close deals faster As you dive into these powerful insights, and with each new chapter, you'll gain greater and greater confidence in your ability to effectively engage prospects and customers through virtual communication channels. And, with this newfound confidence, your success and income will soar. Following in the footsteps of his blockbuster bestsellers People Buy You, Fanatical Prospecting, Sales EQ, Objections, and Inked, Jeb Blount's Virtual Selling puts the same strategies employed by his clients—a who's who of the world's most prestigious organizations—right into your hands.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Break Down Your Money: How to Get Beyond the Noise to Profit in the Markets
Praise for Break Down Your Money "Tracy Byrnes writes like she speaks on FOX-clearly, passionately, and yes, lovingly. She is that rare expert who helps enrich your portfolio and your soul. You can do both, and Tracy shows you how. Others talk about what your goals should be. For the first time, finally, someone who shows you how to reach them in finances, and in life."—Neil Cavuto, FOX News Channel, FOX Business Network "Break Down Your Money is unique-smart, wisecracking market insights. You'll learn and laugh, a lot."—Dan Colarusso, Managing Editor, Conde Nast "Tracy Byrnes is truly one of the best at helping investors get a grip on their finances. In Break Down Your Money, she delivers on that promise so eloquently-with the kind of bite-size information and entertaining flair that makes her a TV standout. This is one money book you won't want to put down."—Jennifer Openshaw, author, The Millionaire Zone, host of ABC Radio's Winning Advice "Being in the financial business, I have read plenty of books about the markets, and would never use the word 'fun' to describe any of them. Until now. Tracy paints a colorful picture of the markets. Her book is an entertaining, well-informed, fun read for the expert and the novice alike."—Steven Grasso, Floor Governor at the NYSE, Managing Director, Stuart Frankel & Co. "Tracy offers a comprehensive walk through the basics of finance in an easy-to-understand manner. A great read!"—Todd Harrison, founder and CEO, Minyanville Publishing and Multimedia, LLC "As a money manager, university professor, financial writer, and frequent media guest, I am constantly challenged with the objective of explaining complex concepts to an audience that is trained to focus on sound bites and instant messages. You have to boil down these complex concepts to a quick and digestible form accented by down-to-earth language and humor when necessary. Tracy Byrnes has accomplished these goals in Break Down Your Money and, in the process, makes learning about financial and money management more enjoyable to the reader. I wholeheartedly recommend Break Down Your Money to readers of all ages and investment skill levels."—Scott R. Rothbort, founder and President, LakeView Asset Management, LLC, Professor of Finance, Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University, founder and Manager, "Tracy has a unique knack of explaining the market to folks who are not 'in the market.' It is really a wonderful gift. A must-read for anyone wanting to invest and who is too overwhelmed to dive in."—John Layfield, CEO, Layfield Energy, and, as WWE wrestler John "Bradshaw" Layfield, the longest reigning World Champion in SmackDown history
Human Kinetics Publishers Sports Massage
On the field, post-event, or in the clinic, Sports Massage is the essential resource for developing and perfecting your sports massage technique! Sports Massage provides an in-depth discussion of applications of foundational massage techniques within a sports massage approach. Thorough instructions and over 130 full-color photos demonstrate the correct application of each massage stroke for muscle groups of the neck, shoulder, torso, pelvis, legs, and feet. You’ll also learn how to use advanced working positions in prone, supine, side-lying, and sitting orientations to address each muscle group, helping you achieve a more comfortable and therapeutic session for your client. This practical guide explains the foundations of sports massage as a profession, including performance-related benefits of sports massage, common environments for professional practice (practice, event, clinical), range of clientele (recreational or serious athletes, physically active people), and applications (pre-, inter-, and post-event, or as part of a training regimen or rehabilitation program). Sports Massage emphasizes proper therapist mechanics, including working posture, proper table height, and effective client positioning to help improve the delivery of your technique and reduce strain to your arms, hands, and back. Highlighted in the text are tips on technique adjustments, and special “Client Talk” boxes offer suggestions for ways to communicate technical information to your clients. Throughout the text, self-test questions with answers allow you to check your understanding and reinforce your learning. In addition, a photo gallery index provides quick reference for checking techniques and their application. Organized for quick reference, Sports Massage explains massage modifications for common injuries and conditions and provides technical information to support your decision-making process. Information regarding contraindications and pathologies will prepare you to adapt your technique to accommodate a wide range of soft tissue conditions. In addition, discussion of equipment, hygiene, and safety considerations will help you be prepared for each therapy session. A discussion of client assessment and consultation will assist you in learning how to obtain the necessary information to address muscular issues during the therapy session. Sports Massage also discusses considerations in administering the technique to special populations, including individuals with spinal cord injuries, limb deficiencies and visual impairments, and cerebral palsy. In addition, you’ll find information on conducting sports massage before, during, and after sporting events. Part science and part art, effective sports massage relies on a therapist’s thoughtful application of knowledge and experience. Sport Massage provides a solid knowledge base, helping you learn how to work with your body efficiently and apply each technique with sensitivity. With its emphasis on correct body mechanics and effective client positioning, Sports Massage will help you improve your technique, reduce strain as you work, and provide a better quality of touch.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Psychological Assessment of Children: Best Practices for School and Clinical Settings
Psychological Assessment of Children, Second Edition offers comprehensive coverage of the most effective approaches to the psychological and educational assessment of children in clinical and school settings. Completely revised and updated, this widely acclaimed resource provides practical, step-by-step guidance on measuring children's adaptive behavior, intelligence, motor skills, neurological functioning, cognitive abilities, vocational aptitudes, interests, and more. Drawing on the firsthand experiences of leading experts, this book reflects the state-of-the-art thinking in the field of assessment, and helps practitioners determine when and how to use the wide variety of tools at their disposal. It presents the central issues and best practices for the full range of assessment strategies. Its broad scope includes all the major tests used with children, including the WISC-III, the Woodcock-Johnson Revised, Bender Gestalt, Halstead-Reitan, and Luria-Nebraska, as well as invaluable information on conducting clinical interviews and performing informal assessments. This new edition reflects the latest developments in the field and offers new chapters on perceptual-motor skills, social skills, autistic disorders, mental retardation, and curriculum-based assessment. Careful attention is also given to cultural issues in assessment and to the assessment of special populations. Each chapter offers an in-depth, practical discussion of an assessment instrument, a presentation of the best practices for administration and interpretation of the instrument, and a detailed case study, illustrating real-world applications of the assessment technique. In addition, each chapter presents a thorough explanation of how to interpret and integrate test results. Readers will appreciate the numerous time-saving resources, including quick-reference tables and charts, that support the text. Psychological Assessment of Children, Second Edition is an indispensable guide for school, educational, and developmental psychologists; clinical child psychologists; educational diagnosticians; graduate students; and other professionals involved with psychological assessment. Comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date, Psychological Assessment of Children, Second Edition offers step-by-step guidance on the most effective approaches to the psychological and educational assessment of children. Written by leading authorities, this indispensable resource covers all the major assessment tools, including the WISC-III, the Woodcock-Johnson Revised, Bender Gestalt, Halstead-Reitan, and Luria-Nebraska; it provides invaluable information on conducting clinical interviews and performing informal assessment. This Second Edition includes new material on curriculum-based assessment and on the assessment of perceptual-motor skills, social skills, autistic disorders, and mental retardation. Praise for the previous edition . . . "Provides important information regarding the best practices in assessment procedures."--Contemporary Psychology "Assessment and diagnostic practices have undergone dramatic changes. [This book] presents the current wisdom and projected trends of this rapidly evolving field."--Intervention "An instructive, even-handed book that will orient the reader to the theories, issues, and practicalities. . .[of] the assessment process."
University of Washington Press Testimony, Tensions, and Tikkun: Teaching the Holocaust in Colleges and Universities
The Holocaust was a cataclysmic upheaval in politics, culture, society, ethics, and theology. The very fact of its occurrence has been forcing scholars for more than sixty years to assess its impact on their disciplines. Educators whose work is represented in this volume ask their students to grapple with one of the grand horrors of the twentieth century and to accept the responsibility of building a more just, peaceful world (tikkun olam). They acknowledge that their task as teachers of the Holocaust is both imperative and impossible; they must “teach something that cannot be taught,” as one contributor puts it, and they recognize the formidable limits of language, thought, imagination, and comprehension that thwart and obscure the story they seek to tell. Yet they are united in their keen sense of pursuing an effort that is pivotal to our understanding of the past-and to whatever prospects we may have for a more decent and humane future. A “Holocaust course” refers to an instructional offering that may focus entirely on the Holocaust; may serve as a touchstone in a larger program devoted to genocide studies; or may constitute a unit within a wider curriculum, including art, literature, ethics, history, religious studies, jurisprudence, philosophy, theology, film studies, Jewish studies, German studies, composition, urban studies, or architecture. It may also constitute a main thread that runs through an interdisciplinary course. The first section of Testimony, Tensions, and Tikkun can be read as an injunction to teach and act in a manner consistent with a profound cautionary message: that there can be no tolerance for moral neutrality about the Holocaust, and that there is no subject in the humanities or social sciences where its shadow has not reached. The second section is devoted to the process and nature of students' learning. These chapters describe efforts to guide students through terrain that hides cognitive and emotional land mines. The authors examine their responsibility to foster students' personal connection with the events of the Holocaust, but in such a way that they not instill hopelessness about the future. The third and final section moves the subject of the Holocaust out of the classroom and into broader institutional settings-universities and community colleges and their surrounding communities, along with museums and memorial sites. For the educators represented here, teaching itself is testimony. The story of the Holocaust is one that the world will fail to master at its own peril. The editors of this volume, and many of its contributors, are members of the Pastora Goldner Holocaust Symposium. Led since its founding in 1996 by Leonard Grob and Henry F. Knight, the symposium's scholars--a group that is interfaith, international, interdisciplinary, and intergenerational--meet biennially in Oxfordshire, England.
Pearson Education (US) PHP, MySQL & JavaScript All in One, Sams Teach Yourself
In just a short time, you can learn how to use PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript together to create dynamic, interactive websites and applications using three leading web development technologies. No previous programming experience is required. Using a straightforward, step-by-step approach, each lesson in this book builds on the previous ones, enabling you to learn the essentials of full-stack web application development – from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the front end, to PHP scripting and MySQL databases on the server. Regardless of whether you run Linux, Windows, or MacOS, the book includes complete instructions to install all the software you need to set up a stable environment for learning, testing, and production. Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common web application development tasks. Practical, hands-on examples show you how to apply what you learn. Quizzes and exercises help you test your knowledge and stretch your skills. Learn how to: • Build web pages with HTML5 and CSS • Use JavaScript to build dynamic, interactive web pages • Get PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript to work together to create modern, standards-compliant web applications • Enhance interactivity with AJAX • Leverage JavaScript libraries such as jQuery • Work with cookies and user sessions • Get user input with web-based forms • Use basic SQL commands • Interact with the MySQL database using PHP • Write maintainable code and get started with version control • Decide when frameworks such as Bootstrap, Foundation, React, Angular, and Laravel can be useful • Create a web-based discussion forum or calendar • Add a storefront and shopping cart to your site Contents at a Glance PART I Web Application Basics 1 Understanding How the Web Works 2 Structuring HTML and Using Cascading Style Sheets 3 Understanding the CSS Box Model and Positioning 4 Introducing JavaScript 5 Introducing PHP PART II Getting Started with Dynamic Web Sites 6 Understanding Dynamic Web Sites and HTML5 Applications 7 JavaScript Fundamentals: Variables, Strings, and Arrays 8 JavaScript Fundamentals: Functions, Objects, and Flow Control 9 Understanding JavaScript Event Handling 10 The Basics of Using jQuery PART III Taking Your Web Applications to the Next Level 11 AJAX: Getting Started with Remote Scripting 12 PHP Fundamentals: Variables, Strings, and Arrays 13 PHP Fundamentals: Functions, Objects, and Flow Control 14 Working with Cookies and User Sessions 15 Working with Web-Based Forms PART IV Integrating a Database into Your Applications 16 Understanding the Database Design Process 17 Learning Basic SQL Commands 18 Interacting with MySQL Using PHP PART V Getting Started with Application Development 19 Creating a Simple Discussion Forum 20 Creating an Online Storefront 21 Creating a Simple Calendar 22 Managing Web Applications PART VI Appendixes A Installation QuickStart with XAMPP B Installing and Configuring MySQL C Installing and Configuring Apache D Installing and Configuring PHP
Canelo Summer on the Turquoise Coast
It's never too late to start living your life...Nina likes her life exactly as it is. Happy(ish) in her teaching job, and with no love interests on the horizon, she knows she can’t get hurt if she doesn’t rock the boat. But Nina’s octogenarian grandmother, Flossie, has plans to drag Nina kicking and screaming from her comfort zone.When the two of them arrive in Turkey, Nina’s plans for a quiet holiday are blown out of the water by Flossie’s antics. And that’s before Nina meets lovely and handsome Leo on a trip to the ancient ruins of Ephesus. Despite her grandmother determined to play matchmaker, Nina knows that holiday romances are not built to last. But there’s something about the turquoise coast – and Flossie’s shenanigans – that compels Nina to loosen up and have some fun… Perfect for fans of Mandy Baggot and Tilly Tennant, join Nina and Flossie as they learn to let go, enjoy the time they have and maybe even find love in the process.What readers are saying about Summer on the Turquoise Coast:'Oh I absolutely LOVED this book! Lilac Mills has such a fabulous lyrical writing style that she magically sweeps us away to picturesque Turkey in her latest novel.' Reader Review'Great summer read. Hilarious and a surprise at the end. Would recommend.' Reader review'Brilliant I haven't read a book that's made me laugh like this did for aeons. Well written great story and lots of ahhh moments.' Reader review'This was an absolute laugh a minute. Lilac Mills certainly makes this one gripping story and you just want to keep turning the page. Fantastic descriptions throughout. I was so sad to see this end and it was over before I realised it... I am looking forward to the next one from this author.' Reader review'Perfect summer holiday reading, this book is so so funny and incredibly easy to read. I was transported on Flossie and Nina's holiday as a fly on the wall, laughing at their various antics... My only regret is that the book isn't longer, I finished it far too quickly, for it only took me a morning of sitting in the sun to read. I was devouring it with a massive grin on my face and think it's a brilliant romantic comedy.' Reader review'Witty writing that had me giggling along especially at the inappropriate bits and it definitely put me in a fabulous mood.Then factor in a gorgeous romance that just made this story all the more perfect. Before I knew it I was nearing the end and it was such a shame as I was having so much fun... makes you want to step out of your comfort zone and embrace life!' Reader review
Nova Science Publishers Inc Glycome: The Hidden Code in Biology
This book addresses one of the most fundamental questions in biology today. The book targets readers with little expertise as well as the experts in Glycoscience. Sugars are electroneutral. However, linking sugars to sugars, or attaching sugars to proteins or lipids changes the structural and functional identities of the glycoconjugate, and enables to form cellular networks of 4Gs [i.e., glycoproteins (N-linked or O-linked), glycosphingolipids, proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)]. These glycans (i) support growth, proliferation and differentiation of cells and tissues; (ii) protect cells from foreign invasions including bacteria, viruses, parasites as well as from changes in the extracellular environment; (iii) act as biomarkers and participate in transmembrane signalling. The glycans are not ubiquitous but they are tissue/species specific. Structurally, the glycans are diverse, and form linear to highly branched structures. This diversity is present not only across the species but also within cells of the same species, i.e., the glycoforms. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometric (MS) studies (i.e., Glycomics) have evaluated and contributed significantly in delineating the structural diversity of glycans. Glycomics, in fact, has helped in overcoming many earlier technological barriers which were otherwise very laborious and time consuming. Plant lectins being carbohydrate binding proteins with a high degree of sugar specificity have been useful tools to characterize the carbohydrate structures they recognize. The glycan structures complement their biosynthetic processes. Because of the highly compartmentalized nature of the process, the glycans move between compartments during their assembly. This is believed to be mediated by vesicular structures but the participation of exosomes cannot be ruled out. A large number of genetic disorders [gangliosidosis, mucopolysaccharidoses, congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG)] are due to abnormal glycan synthesis or degradation. Disproportionate expression of glycans is also found in diseases like cancer, neurological disorders, diabetes, metabolic syndromes, and infection. This raises questions about the regulatory principle(s) in glycan biosynthesis. There is no template for glycan chain synthesis, elongation, processing or termination. The cells/tissues follow a highly conserved mechanism. The assumption is glycosylation uses donor and acceptor interactions as the driving force. Increased or decreased synthesis of glycans in response to the environmental change influence cell function, i.e., growth, survival or death favour of a "push-pull" hypothesis. In the absence of a genetic code for sugars, the assembly as well as the processing of glycan chains are controlled by the Glycome. Unlike the genome, the Glycome is hidden for the normal eye but its communication skills with the cellular microenvironment and genome for glycan synthesis and degradation are enormous. Seventeen chapters in the book are dedicated to walk the readers through the diversities of the Glycome. The authors have used mammalian, microbial and plant systems to achieve the desired goal.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Homo within the Sapiens
While creativity and solidarity form the main constructive profile for our species, the primal animal drive for dominance involving basal brain circuits places our future at risk. This bipolar nature distorts the global perspective of our collective future and ecological conditions. Our species' behavioural construction has its roots in ancestral habits and survival drives that were crystallized in basic neurobehavioral circuits over millennia, be it as predators or potential prey. Its expression acquired further complexity through the development of social/cultural cues, and was kept-in-check by conditional inhibitory processes. How much of our current drive - individually and as a global community - is caused by those inherited traits imprinted in our animal condition? This book analyses the increasing bipolar construction in terms of dominant groups affecting critical access to current knowledge and information, a profound gap among populations concerning a modern humane quality of life, and present trends pertaining to our ecological habitat. These dynamic processes seem to be in a free-running mode, only conditioned by the prevalence of power concentration in the hands of worldwide minority groups. This worldwide disjointed perspective is further distorted by diverse cultural profiles and interests accessing information and its impact on lifestyles. Our species' true nature has highly conserved remnants of our animal origin expressed as animal drives embodied before and during the evolutionary process as Homo and under inhibitory social control. These involve territorial, survival, and dominant cues on top of which sapiens' cultural development profiles have taken place; that is, the hidden ancestral human nature. Competition to control and prevail in those domains has unveiled a long-lived struggle for dominance in political and financial (corporate- or state-bound) prevalence. Below this stratum of power-seekers, a large proportion of the service-bound and marginal populations crawl for their survival, often approaching inhuman conditions. Fundamentalist beliefs, the disregard of environmental abuse, belligerence to resolve discrepancies, personal and group-centred greed, growing inequalities, disinformation from dominant carriers, and intolerance to alternative viewpoints describe our species' developmentally immature collective behaviour. If not just an evolutionary stage, then we in fact belong to the "wrong species" (Colombo, 2010), and are on a path toward our demise or a bipolar evolution of our species, but not necessarily a collective, cooperative, shared development that respects various cultural profiles. The increasing speed of knowledge development widens the gap among populations with different cultural values and those that are underdeveloped or living in subhuman conditions. Since we exited the period of egalitarian-prone hunter gatherers, we have been conditioned by elite or institutionalized dominant powers and given limited access to information, which is used as a means for domination. Hence, our future depends not only on our social, political, and financial decision-makers but also on the degree of our permissive, functional absence from such a scenario.
Hodder & Stoughton Walk With Your Wolf: Unlock your intuition, confidence & power with walking therapy
'Drawing on perceptive insight and profound wisdom, Jonathan Hoban reveals how the simple act of walking can displace our minds from a place of chaos to tranquil calm, and makes a beautiful and inspiring case for walking with your wolf.' - Dr Mithu Storoni, author of Stress-ProofNature is our greatest healer. It's time to start walking and reclaim the wildness in all of us.When did you last take a walk? Not a stroll to the shops, or to the pub, but a walk that got you energised, stimulated your senses, allowing you to de-stress? If the answer is that you'd love to walk, but don't have the time, there really are more reasons to get outside than you might think.When we walk we find the space to process our feelings and we begin to have the courage to be vulnerable and honest with ourselves. Walking awakens the intuition that helps us face up to our difficulties and walk alongside them, enabling us to find positive solutions to our problems. Our ancestors knew all about movement - they walked across the planet, understanding nature and learning to respect and work in harmony with it. Written by a London-based therapist, Walk with your Wolf is part memoir, part self-help and part reflection on the connection we must re-establish with our natural, intuitive selves if we are to live healthy, fulfilling lives. Offering practical advice and exercises on how to walk and think as a method of confronting difficult emotions, this book will allow you to reconnect with your intuition, confidence and power.'An important message about the power of reconnecting with the primal self to achieve balance in the modern world. A fascinating read' - Megan Hine'Deftly blending science, his own narrative and his experience as a therapist, he is at our side as we find a way of engaging with and being healed by nature. Like the wolf in the book's title, we can reconnect with our own elemental lupine instincts which are so often repressed in our stressful and artificial world - both a wolf's wildness as well as its sociability and need to be part of a pack. Follow in Hoban's easy to apply footsteps and you will never walk alone again. - Rachel Kelly, bestselling author of Walking on Sunshine and The Happy Kitchen'Jonathan Hoban challenges us to use nature as a setting for reconsidering our lives and our stresses. He asks us to 'walk alongside our difficulties' giving ourselves the physical and mental space to look at ourselves anew and to decide what we really need. For that commute to work, or indeed for that break on the park bench, I commend this book.' - Sir Ciarán Devane, CEO of the British Council
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Unbreakable: How I Turned My Depression and Anxiety into Motivation and You Can Too
Hey Teammate,We all face obstacles-physical, emotional, between the ears. The good news is that everything we have fought back against can empower us, IF WE KNOW HOW TO USE IT. My obstacles happen to be anxiety and depression. I call it living in the gray, and I've been mired in it my whole life. To be honest, it sucks. But I have also recently recognized that this same gray that has held me down has also empowered me to make my wildest dreams come true. You have probably overcome many of your own obstacles, but you;ve been too close to the conflict to clearly see what you’ve accomplished. We are all UNBREAKABLE, no matter what we do, who we are, or what traumas we may have experienced. We just need to admit that we can’t walk this walk alone.--Jay GlazerAfter years of rejection but with constant hustle, Jay Glazer has built a career has one of the most iconic sports insiders, earning himself a spot on the Emmy award-winning Fox NFL Sunday, a role as the confidant of coaches and players across the league, and a role as himself alongside Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson on HBO series Ballers. His gym, Unbreakable Performance Center, attracts some of the biggest names in Hollywood, and is the headquarters to the powerful charity MVP (Merging Vets and Players) that Jay founded in 2015. MVP began as a weekly physical and mental health huddle with combat veterans and retired athletes has expanded to seven locations, helping soldiers and players transition to a new team. In Unbreakable, Jay Glazer talks directly to you, his teammates, and shares his truth. All of his success from his screeching-and-swerving joy ride through professional football, the media, the fighting world, Hollywood, the military-warrior community, comes with a side of relentless depression and anxiety. Living in the gray, as Jay calls it, is just a constant for him. And, in order to work through the gray and succeed, Jay has to maintain an Unbreakable Mindset. With this book, you can too. · Be of Service—help others and help yourself in the process· Build Your Team—give support, get support· Never Underestimate the Power of Laughter—never take yourself too seriously· Be Proud of Your Scars—our trauma makes us who we areThroughout Unbreakable, Jay will use his stories—featuring some of the biggest, baddest, and most fascinating characters in the public eye today—to show how he walks this walk, has learned that while the gray is very real, it doesn’t have to define him. And it doesn’t have to define you either.
John Murray Press Leading Teams In A Week: Team Leadership In Seven Simple Steps
Leading a team just got easierWe live in a world of teams made up of all kinds of people. We see this every day on TV, in newspapers and on the web - it might news about a winning sports team, a company's leadership team who have succeeded in buying another company or it might be a about a group of homeowners who have won a battle against a big developer. This book is aimed at helping all of us no matter what kinds of teams we might need to lead - it might be a group of people running a country, playing a sport for university, organizing a Church fete, leading a start-up company, or managing a global multinational group. All such teams have leaders, who are those individuals given the task of ensuring that their team works well together to achieve whatever goals and objectives are required. Very few if any of us will spend our entire lives without at some point leading other people even if only for a short time and in many cases we often lead others without having a formal leadership title.In seven chapters, this book will walk you through the entire process of successfully leading and managing a team, showing you the key dos and don'ts and spelling out where you need to put special attention and focus. These seven chapters cover:- How to get started with a team, exploring what a great team looks like and how it performs, and how to create a new team from scratch with individuals who bring their own habits, skills and expectations- The stages of development of a team and how a new manager can gain the respect and understanding of a team - The importance of aligning a team and setting common goals and expectations with clear agreement on a mission, vision and values.- How to create a team culture and processes of excellent communication, with clearly understood expectations, well run team meetings and discussions, and the minimizing of any conflict and gossip- How to work with remote or virtual team members where face-to-face meetings are difficult to arrange- How to identify and work with problematic and nonperforming members of your team and how to balancefairness and discipline- How to ensure that each team member's job role is clear and that the work is efficiently delegated and shared among the team members- How to grow your team through excellent training and development, including coaching, mentoring and on-thejob training- How to turn a good team into a team with a culture of excellence- How to create a self-functioning team which can operate in your absence and in which you have groomed a successor to take over from you if needed.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Veg in One Bed New Edition: How to Grow an Abundance of Food in One Raised Bed, Month by Month
Grow your own vegetable garden with this practical, straightforward gardening guide.There is nothing more fulfilling than growing your own home produce. You don't have to be a seasoned gardener to produce a healthy, flourishing garden - all you need is a few seeds, water, sunlight, good advice and patience!In just one raised bed, author Huw Richards, shows you exactly how to grow vegetables organically, abundantly and inexpensively so you have something to harvest every month of the year. Here's what you'll find inside:- Month-by-month guide to what to do and how to do it, including what pests to look out for, and what can be harvested. - Covers first year in detail, with the final chapter on 'Next Steps' providing suggestions of what to do in years two and three.- Illustrations show you what the bed should look like month to month.- Windowsill planting ensures early success cultivating plants before they are transferred into the bed.- Maintenance sections ensure readers know how to keep their plants (and raised bed) healthy each month.- Includes instructions on assessing your site and building a 4x10ft (1.2x3m) raised bed.- Alternative vegetables are recommended, allowing readers to tailor their bed to their taste.- Plans chart growing season for different circumstances: cool climate, low rainfall, low effort, salad bed, winter bed, herbs and edible flowers.Month by month, discover what you need to do and how to do it. Try becoming more self-sufficient in your allotment, a small garden, or even on a roof terrace. Veg In One Bed shows you that you can have a small thriving garden and still be able to maintain it, yielding fresh vegetables all year round. Learn what to do each month on your windowsill, where you'll raise seedlings, and in your raised bed, where your plants will grow to maturity. Everything is explained in clear, illustrated steps: building your bed, growing from seed, planting, feeding, and harvesting.This gardening book not only guides you through the whole process of building your raised bed through to harvesting your vegetables but also provides sustainable gardening practices, which will resonate with all gardeners committed to protecting our planet. This makes for the perfect book for new gardeners who want to grow their own produce, as well as the new generation of gardeners who are seeking a gardening guru of their own age.Veg in One Bed goes beyond the inspiring demonstrations on his YouTube channel "Huw Richards - Grow Food Organically". In this book he organises all his ideas and suggestions into a blueprint for growing your own vegetables month by month. Little growing experience? Only a small space? No matter - with Veg in One Bed, you can still eat food you have grown all through the year.
Quarto Publishing PLC Conscious Creativity: Look, Connect, Create
“Full of tips and tricks on how to look at the world with a curious eye, it’s a brilliant way to breathe creativity (back) into our lives.” – Flow magazine“Crammed with practical ideas, inspirational images & creative exercises, Conscious Creativity leads the reader through the process of establishing what kind of creative you are...”–Mslexia“The purpose of this book is to enable you to look at things in an alternative and more substantial way, so that you arrive at composition through genuine interest.”–Juno magazine“Philippa Stanton is passionate about people connecting to their innate creativity and has distilled these incredible techniques and ideas on how we can tap into that. Philippa is a massively successful Instagramer at @5ftinf and yet she is only too aware how these little two dimensional squares can limit our experiences and restrict our creativity, so it’s not without a little irony that she’s written a book to encourage people to step away from their screens and connect more with the 3D world. It’s a fascinating subject and I wholeheartedly recommend the book for anyone who’s working in the creative industry or is curious about the world around them.”–Sophie Robinson (DIY SOS, The Great British Interior Design Challenge, This Morning)Unlock your creative potential with Conscious Creativity: a practical, playful guide bursting with inspiration to help bring more colour into to your life. There is creativity in all of us, but it can easily be buried beneath our everyday concerns or need a spark to bring it back to life. Whether you’ve lost your mojo or just need some fresh ideas, artist and photographer Philippa Stanton’s lively guide will stimulate your imagination and reinvigorate your creative life.Engage your curiosity and connect your observations to your creative practice with activities such as: Noticing all the hues of one colour you can see around you Creating an abstract textured image using herbs, spices and other dry ingredients from your kitchen cupboards Collecting shadows: photograph hidden shapes and dark spaces that you haven’t noticed before Conscious Creativity will help you open your senses to the beauty you may not notice every day, and show you how to capture it. Simple, engaging exercises that encourage observation and experimentation will give you an insight into your own aesthetics as you take a conscious step to note the colours, shapes, shadows, sounds and textures that fill your world, and how they make you feel.Bursting with practical ideas and inspirational images, embrace the joy of creating, and learn to use your natural curiosity to take a leap into the most creative time of your life. If you like this, you might also like Creative Flow and Nature Tonic.
Orenda Books The Beaver Theory: The triumphant finale to the bestselling Rabbit Factor Trilogy – 'The comic thriller of the year' (Sunday Times)
Can everyone’s favourite insurance mathematician, Henri, combine the increasingly dangerous world of adventure parks with the unpredictability of blended-family life? He’s about to find out in the final instalment of the hilarious, nail-biting Rabbit Factor Trilogy. 'A joyous, triumphant conclusion to Tuomainen’s trilogy … the comic thriller of the year' Sunday Times THRILLER OF THE YEAR ‘Quirky crime capers don’t come more left field than the Rabbit trilogy … extremely funny, with a wicked line in social satire’ Daily Mail ‘One of those rare writers who manages to deftly balance intrigue, noir and a deliciously ironic sense of humour’ Vaseem Khan _______ Henri Koskinen, intrepid insurance mathematician and adventure-park entrepreneur, firmly believes in the power of common sense and order. That is until he moves in with painter Laura Helanto and her daughter… As Henri realises he has inadvertently become part of a group of local dads, a competing adventure park is seeking to expand their operations, not always sticking to the law in the process… Is it possible to combine the increasingly dangerous world of the adventure-park business with the unpredictability of life in a blended family? At first glance, the two appear to have only one thing in common: neither deals particularly well with a mounting body count. In order to solve this seemingly impossible conundrum, Henri is forced to step far beyond the mathematical precision of his comfort zone … and the stakes have never been higher… Warmly funny, quirky, touching, and a nail-biting triumph of a thriller, The Beaver Theory is the final instalment in the award-winning Rabbit Factor Trilogy, as Henri encounters the biggest challenge of his career, with hair-raising results… Soon to be a major motion picture starring Steve Carell ––––––––– Praise for the Rabbit Factor Trilogy: ‘Finland's greatest export’ M.J. Arlidge ‘The funniest writer in Europe’ The Times ‘Thrilling and warmly human. In these uncertain times, what better hero than an actuary?' Chris Brookmyre ‘Delightfully funny’ Guardian ‘Unlike anything else out there' The Times ‘A thrilling and hilarious read’ Liz Nugent ‘Charming, funny and clever, this is a novel to cheer up anyone who is finding life a little tough’ Literary Review ‘A delight from start to finish’ Big Issue 'Original and brilliant story-telling' Helen FitzGerald ‘A coruscating comedy’ Sunday Times 'You don’t expect to laugh when you’re reading about terrible crimes, but that’s what you’ll do when you pick up one of Tuomainen’s decidedly quirky thrillers' New York Times ‘A refreshing change from the decidedly gloomier crime fiction for which Scandinavia is known’ Publishers Weekly Right up there with the best’ Times Literary Supplement ‘A thriller with black comedy worth of Nabokov’ Telegraph
Little, Brown Book Group All the Feels: a heart-warming Hollywood romance
'An absolutely witty, swoon worthy behind the scenes romp! Delightful from beginning to end!' Julie Murphy, No.1 New York Times bestselling author of Dumplin'Olivia Dade returns with another utterly charming romantic comedy about a devil-may-care actor - who cares more than anyone knows - and the no-nonsense woman hired to keep him in line. Alexander Woodroe has it all. Charm. Wealth. A starring role on the biggest show on TV. But the showrunners have wrecked his character, he's hounded by old demons and his future remains uncertain. When all that reckless emotion explodes into a bar fight, the tabloids and public agree: his star is falling. Enter Lauren, the former therapist hired to keep him in line. Compared to her previous work, watching over a handsome but impulsive actor shouldn't be especially difficult. But the more time she spends with Alex, the harder it is to hold on to her professionalism, and her heart . . . When another scandal lands him in major hot water, and costs Lauren her job, Alex becomes determined to keep his impossibly stubborn and extremely endearing minder in his life any way he can. On a road trip up the California coast together, he intends to show her exactly what a falling star will do to catch the woman he loves . . . Praise for Olivia Dade'I adore All the Feels. This slow burn romance had me falling in love every step of the way' Meryl Wilsner, author of Something to Talk About 'All the Feels leaves you swooning and eager for more!' Denise Williams, author of How to Fail at Flirting 'Joyful, clever and full of heart . . . All the Feels is all the things I love about romance' Rachel Lynn Solomon, national bestselling author of The Ex Talk 'Whip-smart dialogue, scorching chemistry, and side-splitting humour . . . This author is an absolute gem!' Mia Sosa, USA Today bestselling author of The Worst Best Man 'Hilarious and poignant at the same time' Cat Sebastian, author of The Queer Principles of Kit Webb 'Olivia Dade once again delivers a book as sexy and charming as it is cathartic. I adored All the Feels and can't wait to see what Dade writes next' Jessie Mihalik, author of Chaos Reigning '[All the Feels] weaves in sharp wit and dry humour even as it tugs at the reader's heartstrings . . . A consistently entertaining and often insightful romance' Kirkus Reviews (starred review) 'Olivia Dade writes with such compassion and kindness for her characters, and in the process, makes you want to live in the world she creates' Jenny Holiday, USA Today bestselling author 'With richly drawn characters you'll love to root for, Olivia Dade's books are a gem of the genre - full of humour, heart, and heat' Kate Clayborn, author of Love Lettering
Casemate Publishers Heaven High, Ocean Deep: Naval Fighter Wing at War
In 1944, with the invasion of Europe underway and Battles in the Atlantic and Mediterranean all but won, the Royal Navy`s strength could be focussed on the Far East and the Pacific where the Japanese were still a long way from defeat. Since the Battle of Midway, in June 1942, the United States had been slowly forcing the Japanese back, but it was a long, bloody process. The Allies needed to combine their forces more effectively if they were to bring the war to an end quickly. In response the Royal Navy massed its ships to add weight to the US Navy. With an attack force of four fleet carriers, and two more on the way, the RN`s role would be significant, but would take time to work up to the state of preparedness of their American cousins. And so a fleet was born for use in the Indian Ocean and, later, the Pacific.From April 1944 to August 1945 they would successfully fight many long, intensive battles. In this time each carrier would contribute greatly to victory, none more so than HMS Indomitable with her 5th Fighter Wing. They would be in thick of the fighting, achieve success and live perilously for a prolonged period, losing many men along the way. It was a war of attrition, which allowed little room for compassion or benevolence.The story told in this book is about the exceptional group of young men, from Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Holland and South Africa who joined the Fleet Air Arm as pilots. With their American-built Hellcats they were in the thick of the action, providing a hard, professional core to this fighting fleet that few would equal. Although its operational history is second to none, this was only achieved by the sacrifice and endurance of the men who flew many dangerous missions and daily lived with the spectre of a searing death. And so the book is about them, with war providing a back drop that broods and eviscerates in turn. How did these men come to be fighting as pilots with the Fleet Air Arm, how were they trained, how did they live, how did they prepare themselves to kill or be killed, what sustained them and what did they feel about their extremely dangerous experiences? Luckily some survived to record their thoughts and others left poignant memories for the curious to follow and explore. And here the author was lucky to meet or correspond with nearly all the survivors and be privileged to hear their stories. He follows the young pilots lives from selection, through training to operations. The 5th Wing went to sea in 1944 and were in continuous action, in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, from then until the last days of the war. They participated in strikes on Sumatra with the aim of destroying its highly important oil refineries, then they joined in the battles for Leyte and Okinawa, before moving with the British Fleet to begin the invasion Japan itself.
Sounds True Inc Self-Therapy: Transform Stuck Parts of Yourself into Inner Resources of Strength, Love, and Freedom
Course objectives: Discuss an overview of the Internal Family Systems Therapy—recognizing your stuck parts in need of healing, while accessing Self as the calm, centered, ground in your life. • Practice, through guided meditation, the necessary steps to access, "un-blend" from, and get to know the various parts of your psyche in service to healing and transformation. • Utilize the recordings of complete IFS demonstration sessions as a way to observe the outlined steps within an individual's process. • Outline the seven types of inner critics—the steps to access them, un-blend from them, get to know them and transform them. • Discuss the seven types of inner champions and practice a guided meditation for accessing your inner champion—the antidote to the inner critic that supports you in being your Self. Psychotherapy works through dialogue between the therapist and client—but what if you could have an effective healing dialogue with yourself? "Because our minds are actually a home to many sub-personalities," Dr. Jay Earley explains, "we have the ability to heal ourselves by engaging directly with the each of our parts." With Self-Therapy, Dr. Earley offers a complete audio training course in a revolutionary therapy called Internal Family Systems (IFS), a powerful psychological tool for finding freedom from chronic emotional issues such as depression and anxiety, and creating internal harmony where the aspects of your psyche are working together for your well-being. Your True Self—The Wellspring of Inner Healing The IFS method teaches you how to access the Self—the grounded, spiritual center of your being that is the source of all healing. You’ll learn to engage with each of your parts from your Self with open curiosity, compassion, and love. Dr. Earley offers guided practices and step-by-step instructions for healing the exiled parts that carry emotional wounds from childhood, the protectors that try to shield you from pain, the inner critics that judge you and undermine your self-worth, the parts that make you procrastinate or overeat, and more. "Each part of us is trying to help or protect us," explains Dr. Jay Earley. "Though they may unintentionally cause suffering by being stuck in the past, we can learn to transform them into caring allies." Self-Therapy is a complete training course in a revolutionary method for inner exploration, psychological self-healing, and cultivating love for your whole being. HIGHLIGHTS Internal Family Systems—an effective tool for creating harmony among our many sub-personalities • Recognizing the Self—how to operate from the grounded and compassionate core of your being • Why many of our parts remain stuck in childhood, and how to release them • Protectors—how their efforts to wall us off from pain can keep us from fully experiencing life • Exiles—helping the parts that hold our deepest wounds to heal and transform • Inner Critics—techniques for turning self-sabotaging parts into Inner Champions • Practical guidance for "un-blending" from a part that has taken you over • How to bring harmony to parts of ourselves that are in conflict with each other • More than seven hours of guided practices, step-by-step instructions, and immersive training in IFS therapy from Dr. Jay Earley
Human Kinetics Publishers Christian Paths to Health and Wellness
God created people to be well in body, mind, and spirit—a unified and healthy whole. Christian Paths to Health and Wellness, Third Edition, helps undergraduate students explore key topics that affect their health and well-being and apply what they learn to their daily lives. This updated text examines wellness from a holistic perspective, delving into how students can thrive in body, mind, and spirit. Students will learn how to more fully understand God, themselves, and their purpose in life; have strong and healthy relationships with others; develop cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, and flexibility and mobility; have a healthy attitude toward their bodies, eat well, and manage weight properly; understand and apply good sleep hygiene to maximize alertness; and adopt emotionally healthy habits and deal with stress in a constructive way. All of this material is based on current research and is delivered through a faith-based perspective that will help students apply aspects of behavior modification as they learn how to take charge of the health of their bodies, minds, and spirits. Written by highly respected Christian academics, the text includes chapter objectives, a glossary that defines key terms from each chapter, and easy-to-read charts that highlight specific information. This latest edition also features a new web study guide that makes Christian Paths to Health and Wellness a particularly valuable and unique resource. For each chapter in the text, the web study guide supplies readers with an introductory self-assessment activity on the chapter’s topic; application and learning activities; self-reflection writing prompts to help students process the chapter’s content; suggested websites and readings for further exploration of the topic; and an interactive key terms quiz. (The web study guide is included with all new print books and some ebooks. For ebook formats that don’t provide access, the web study guide is available separately.)Christian Paths to Health and Wellness offers instructors free access to online ancillaries, including an instructor guide, a presentation package, and a test package. “This text,” says coauthor Peter Walters, “is a book about accepting our God-given roles and capacities. Then empowered by the Spirit of God, we can make healthy choices regarding our mind, body, and soul. The end result is what ancients called ‘the good life,’ current academics call ‘human flourishing,’ and what scriptures call ‘shalom’.” “Personal wellness is often achieved through mental and physical discipline,” adds coauthor John Byl. “However, it is also important to open yourself to the power of God through the Holy Spirit. It is written in Bible that ‘the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control’ (Galatians 5:22–23). Ideas related to the fruit of the Spirit have been woven through the text, and a couple of chapters offer brief vignettes on a particular fruit of the Spirit, which demonstrates how the Spirit heals and makes one well.”Christian Paths to Health and Wellness, Third Edition, will equip students with the knowledge and tools they need to adopt healthy lifestyles in all aspects of their lives. And that lifestyle will be pleasing to God and help them live out their purpose.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Managing Biotechnology: From Science to Market in the Digital Age
A comprehensive overview of the new business context for biopharma companies, featuring numerous case studies and state-of-the-art marketing models Biotechnology has developed into a key innovation driver especially in the field of human healthcare. But as the biopharma industry continues to grow and expand its reach, development costs are colliding with aging demographics and cost-containment policies of private and public payers. Concurrently, the development and increased affordability of sophisticated digital technologies has fundamentally altered many industries including healthcare. The arrival of new information technology (infotech) companies on the healthcare scene presents both opportunities and challenges for the biopharma business model. To capitalize on new digital technologies from R&D through commercialization requires industry leaders to adopt new business models, develop new digital and data capabilities, and partner with innovators and payers worldwide. Written by two experts, both of whom have had decades of experience in the field, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the new business context and marketing models for biotech companies. Informed by extensive input by senior biotech executives and leading consultancies serving the industry, it analyzes the strategies and key success factors for the financing, development, and commercialization of novel therapeutic products, including strategies for engagement with patients, physicians and healthcare payers. Throughout case studies provide researchers, corporate marketers, senior managers, consultants, financial analysts, and other professionals involved in the biotech sector with insights, ideas, and models. JACQUALYN FOUSE, PhD, RETIRED PRESIDENT AND CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, CELGENE “Biotech companies have long been innovators, using the latest technologies to enable cutting edge science to help patients with serious diseases. This book is essential to help biotech firms understand how they can–and must–apply the newest technologies including disruptive ones, alongside science, to innovate and bring new value to the healthcare system.” BRUCE DARROW, MD, PhD, CHIEF MEDICAL INFORMATION OFFICER, MOUNT SINAI HEALTH SYSTEM “Simon and Giovannetti have written an essential user’s manual explaining the complicated interplay of the patients who deserve cutting-edge medical care, the biotechnology companies (big and small) creating the breakthroughs, and the healthcare organizations and clinicians who bridge those worlds.” EMMANUEL BLIN, FORMER CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER AND SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB “If you want to know where biopharma is going, read this book! Our industry is facing unprecedented opportunities driven by major scientific breakthroughs, while transforming itself to address accelerated landscape changes driven by digital revolutions and the emergence of value-based healthcare worldwide. In this ever-changing context, we all need to focus everything we do on the patients. They are why we exist as an industry, and this is ultimately what this insightful essay is really about.” JOHN MARAGANORE, PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, ALNYLAM PHARMACEUTICALS “Since the mapping of the human genome was completed nearly 15 years ago, the biotechnology industry has led the rapid translation of raw science to today’s innovative medicines. However, the work does not stop in the lab. Delivering these novel medicines to patients is a complex and multifaceted process, which is elegantly described in this new book.”
Taylor & Francis Inc The Psychological Assessment of Abused and Traumatized Children
The past decade has seen more and more clinicians involved in the assessment and treatment of abused and traumatized children. They have contributed to an impressively large body of literature on the impact of abuse and trauma at all ages, the focus of which has been the short and long-term sequelae apparent in the child's behavior, emotional experience, and social interaction. But there have been few efforts to investigate the ways in which abuse and trauma damage the intrapsychic systems and structures that often guide, direct, and inform the child's manifest adjustment and functioning. The need to redress the balance was the major impetus for this book. Kelly offers a clinical paradigm for the personality assessment of abused or traumatized children via projective instruments--the TAT and Rorschach--and shows how various projective measures and indices can be utilized as sensitive barometers of changes in self, object, and ego functioning following therapeutic interventions and other corrective experiences. But further, integrating the tenets of trauma theory and those of psychoanalytic theory, he sets this clinical paradigm in a meaningful theoretical context, and draws on both theory and clinical experience to develop a comprehensive psychological composite of the child who has been maltreated. Part I provides an overview of theoretical models relevant to the assessment and diagnosis of the maltreated child. Contemporary psychoanalytic theory serves as one frame and is discussed first, with particular emphasis on object relations and ego functions. Equal attention is devoted to developmental psychology as another frame. Part II reviews relevant research. The Mutality of Autonomy Scale (MOA) and the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale (SCORS) are introduced as examples of reliable and valid instruments readily employed to assess the impact of abuse or trauma on a child's object relations functioning. Additional Rorschach indices--boundary disturbance measures, thought disorder indices, trauma markers, and defensive functions measures--are discussed as measures of the impact on different facets of ego functioning. These various projective measures can be utilized as sensitive barometers of changes in self, object, and ego functioning following therapeutic interventions and other corrective experiences. Part III includes a variety of extended clinical illustrations. Seven cases of boys and girls subjected to varying degrees of abuse and trauma are presented to demonstrate the clinical utility of projective material for assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning. For the clinician who takes the idiographical-phenomenological approach, appropriate given the uniqueness of each situation of abuse or trauma and the frequent brevity and barrenness of the protocol, such material can open a window onto a rich vista of the child's psychological terrain. The resulting map can point the way to wise decisions about type, timing, and level of therapeutic intervention, the resolution of such process issues as transference and countertransference, plus additional questions. Two cases of adult women who were abused as children and find themselves continuing to struggle with enduring unresolved issues vis a vis their own children are also presented. These cases underscore the value of TAT and Rorschach material, and object relations measures, in assessing and understanding the abusive and potentially abusive parent.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc My Grandfather's Life - Second Edition: Grandpa, I Want to Know Everything About You: Volume 37
Record your grandfather’s life story in this beautiful keepsake journal with 200 guided exercises and prompts that take him back through each stage of his life and its accompanying adventures. Whether called Papa, Grampie, Grandpa, or something else, grandfathers are a family’s most-prized treasure and whose patriarchal wisdom, love, and support are needed and appreciated by every member. Grandfathers have lived full lives that show that, even though times may change, most of life’s truths are timeless. With a compassionate ear always at the ready, their experiences have also gifted them with profound insight to share. In this second edition of My Grandfather’s Life featuring a new cover design, both thought-provoking and lighthearted writing prompts and guided exercises are organized into chapters based on your grandfather’s life stages to help him record his life’s memoir. Beginning with early childhood, questions like What are some family holiday traditions you remember? followed by early adulthood prompts such as Did a particular person inspire you in pursuing a job or career? and then moving to the wisdom he has learned and would like to share such as If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?, the My Grandfather’s Life journal jump starts the reflective writing process to open your grandfather’s mind to dig deeper into who he is, where he started, and, most importantly, what he has learned. Complemented with poignant quotes about grandfathers throughout history, this beautifully designed journal will give your grandfather everything he needs to record his life’s experiences to not only shed light on the events that shaped him into the man he is today, but also to preserve his life’s memories and stories for you and your family to learn from, become inspired by, and cherish for future generations. With so much of our lives and contact going digital, the Creative Keepsakes journals offer an intimate way to nurture your connection with yourself and the people around you. An entertaining way to get off your screen, these guided and free-form journals are great for writers and artists alike. Each journal offers content around a different theme, including silly prompts for a laugh, random yet thoughtful questions, inspiration for art and composition, interactive prompts to learn about your heritage, and blank interiors on high-quality paper stock to use as your creative canvas. Beautifully designed and full of mindful prompts, channel your inspiration as you put pen (or pencil, or marker, or crayon!) to paper to learn more about yourself, your talents, and the people you love. Also in this Series: 3,001 Questions All About Me, 3,001 Would You Rather Questions, 3,001 This or That Questions, 301 Things to Draw, 301 Writing Ideas, Anti-Anxiety Journal, Complete the Drawing, Create a Poem, Create a Story, Create Comics: A Sketchbook, Design & Destroy, Forever Friends, Gratitude Journal, Inner Me, Inspired by Prayer, Internet Password Book, Mom & Me, My Family Story, My Father's Life, My Grandmother's Life, My Life Story, My Mother's Life, Our Love Story, Sermon Notes, Sketch - Large Black, Sketch - Large Kraft, Sketch - Medium Black, Sketch - Medium Kraft, This is Me, Write - Medium Black, Write - Medium Black
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Most Beautiful Molecule: The Discovery of the Buckyball
The Most Beautiful Molecule "The molecule, buckminsterfullerene, is beautiful physically and intellectually. Its qualities, and even some of its properties, can be appreciated instantly and intuitively by nonscientists. Its uniqueness is bound to lead to novel applications-superconductivity is the leading contender at the moment." "The commercial potential of buckminsterfullerene has heightened the excitement and controversy in recent years, while the exact nature of the discovery process in 1985 has been the subject of a heated feud between the British and American scientists involved."-Hugh Aldersey-Williams Ten years ago, the discovery of buckminsterfullerene, a previously unknown form of carbon, stunned the scientific community, as much for the discovery itself as for the manner in which it came about. In the words of author Hugh Aldersey-Williams, it was an example of "classic bootleg science". The work was done on the back of other, funded projects, and when time would allow. Yet its commercial implications are probably immense. Now, with objectivity and insight, The Most Beautiful Molecule recounts the events leading up to this momentous discovery and chronicles the ongoing, often frenzied aftermath. Hugh Aldersey-Williams leads us on a thrilling expedition to the very forefront of modern chemistry research. Houston, Texas, 1985. Two industrious chemists discover a previously unknown form of carbon and christen it buckminsterfullerene, for its striking resemblance to American architect Richard Buckminster Fuller's geodesic domes. This unusual molecule-also known as the buckyball-is composed of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a hollow sphere, with hexagonal and pentagonal configurations similar to those found on a soccer ball. Its near-perfect symmetry is just one reason why scientists have since dubbed it "the most beautiful molecule." The discovery of buckminsterfullerene-by American physicist and chemist Richard Smalley and British physical chemist Harry Kroto-rocked the scientific community. After all, generations believed graphite and diamond to be the only pure forms of carbon. How had this third form gone undetected? In fact, the actual discovery was merely the beginning of an intense-and ongoing-quest to master this newest form of the most basic of elements. Confirmation would take five years and launch an unprecedented flood of investigation and investment. The unique physical structure of buckminsterfullerene-a "cage" into which atoms of other materials may be inserted-had huge commercial potential and inspired scientists, industrial laboratories, and corporations alike. Backed by such giants as AT&T, DuPont, Exxon, and IBM, a highly competitive search for practical applications began-and continues. Possibilities range from the creation of a revolutionary rocket fuel to nanotechnology-the construction of microscopic "molecular machines"-to developments in the fight against AIDS. Here, then, is a fascinating, multilayered look at one of the most important scientific findings of our time. The Most Beautiful Molecule is a brain-teasing detective story, a marvelously detailed, inside look at the workings of the scientific community, and an exciting contemplation of what lies ahead. From the forefront of research in modern chemistry, author Hugh Aldersey-Williams offers, in his own words, "a celebration of the intimate world of physical science and its practitioners."
National Academies Press Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities After Disasters: Strategies, Opportunities, and Planning for Recovery
In the devastation that follows a major disaster, there is a need for multiple sectors to unite and devote new resources to support the rebuilding of infrastructure, the provision of health and social services, the restoration of care delivery systems, and other critical recovery needs. In some cases, billions of dollars from public, private and charitable sources are invested to help communities recover. National rhetoric often characterizes these efforts as a "return to normal." But for many American communities, pre-disaster conditions are far from optimal. Large segments of the U.S. population suffer from preventable health problems, experience inequitable access to services, and rely on overburdened health systems. A return to pre-event conditions in such cases may be short-sighted given the high costs - both economic and social - of poor health. Instead, it is important to understand that the disaster recovery process offers a series of unique and valuable opportunities to improve on the status quo. Capitalizing on these opportunities can advance the long-term health, resilience, and sustainability of communities - thereby better preparing them for future challenges. Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities After Disasters identifies and recommends recovery practices and novel programs most likely to impact overall community public health and contribute to resiliency for future incidents. This book makes the case that disaster recovery should be guided by a healthy community vision, where health considerations are integrated into all aspects of recovery planning before and after a disaster, and funding streams are leveraged in a coordinated manner and applied to health improvement priorities in order to meet human recovery needs and create healthy built and natural environments. The conceptual framework presented in Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities After Disasters lays the groundwork to achieve this goal and provides operational guidance for multiple sectors involved in community planning and disaster recovery. Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities After Disasters calls for actions at multiple levels to facilitate recovery strategies that optimize community health. With a shared healthy community vision, strategic planning that prioritizes health, and coordinated implementation, disaster recovery can result in a communities that are healthier, more livable places for current and future generations to grow and thrive - communities that are better prepared for future adversities. Table of Contents Front Matter Abstract Summary PART I: A HEALTHY COMMUNITY APPROACH TO DISASTER RECOVERY 1 Introduction 2 Post-Disaster Opportunities to Advance Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities 3 A Framework for Integrating Health into Recovery Planning 4 Leveraging Recovery Resources in a Coordinated Manner to Achieve Healthier Post-Disaster Communities PART II: OPERATIONAL GUIDANCE TO SUPPORT A HEALTHY COMMUNITY APPROACH TO DISASTER RECOVERY 5 Public Health 6 Health Care 7 Behavioral Health 8 Social Services 9 Place-Based Recovery Strategies for Healthy Communities 10 Healthy Housing PART III: APPENDIXES Appendix A: The Federal Policy Environment Influencing Disaster Recovery Appendix B: Disaster Recovery Funding: Achieving a Resilient Future? Appendix C: Additional Resources Appendix D: Measures and Tools for Healthy Communities Appendix E: Committee-Identified Research Needs Appendix F: Key to Select Terms Used to Describe Primary Actors and Key Partners in Chapter 510 Checklists Appendix G: Public Committee Meeting Agendas Appendix H: Committee Biosketches
Nova Science Publishers Inc Current Challenges and Management of Diseases in the Elderly Population
Current Challenges and Management of Disease in the Elderly Population is a comprehensive insight into the diseases and their management in elderly population during ageing. The book provides information on the development in understanding, diagnosis and management of major diseases through biological and technological interventions. Non-communicable diseases currently infesting old age population will have a huge epidemiological burden on the health care system in near future. Middle- and high-income countries warrant sincere efforts to provide information on the current challenges and management of disease in elderly population in health care professionals and social organizations related to the health of society. The book is a holistic approach by international authors from different fields on major diseases, which are predominantly increasing at an alarming rate in old age population around the globe. The first chapter provides information on stem cells involved in the regulation of cell homeostasis by process of DNA-based methylation/demethylation and regulating gene expression involved in cell fate to undergo apoptosis. The second chapter emphasizes the immunological decline in innate and adaptive immunity in ageing cells, which leads to decreased activity of T-cell and T-regulatory cells. The third, fourth and fifth chapters deal with chronic diseases like Type 2 Diabetes mellitus based neuropathy, different bone diseases in old age and involvement of Vitamin D in women's bone health in elderly population. The problem of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus based neuropathy is the result of unattended or poor medical interventions, therefore emphasis on this problem and its prevention is dealt with in detail. Further disease like osteoporosis, Paget disease, and Arthritis, which are very common in old age population and deficiency of Vitamin D, calcium, phosphorous in elderly women after menopause, where estrogen based hormonal deabsorbtion of Vitamin D lead to poor bone health, is detailed from mechanism, diagnosis, current challenges and future perspective of preventions. Ageing eye problems and associated challenges are incorporated with in depth information on dry eyes and vitreous detachment, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy, which leads to irreversible visual impairment or blindness, the details information on detection, treatment and prevention are discussed in Chapter 6. The task of detecting specific diseases is paramount for the treatment of neurodegenerative disease. Chapter 7 & 8 on biomarkers using omics technology and metalobomics provides complete information on the recent development in identification and analysis of metabolites and biomolecules using different technology platforms to detect the disease condition at an early stage. They also highlight challenges in the field that need to be addressed to overcome the problem of disease diagnosis for timely intervention. The majority of neurodegenerative disorders influencing the population above the age of 65 is mainly related to neurodegeneration and oxidative stress. Tthe last two chapters, 9 &10, of this book have tried to provide information related to mechanism of neurodegeneration in various neuronal disorders and the role of various plant flavanoids in prevention of disease onset, the effect on the choice of nutraceuticals and their role in brain heath and prevention from old age neuronal problems.
Open University Press Coaching Positively: Lessons for Coaches from Positive Psychology
"If you are looking for an introductory book on how to do PP coaching, this will give you an excellent, clearly written, practical introduction with some useful references in the bibliography."AICTP Newsletter, November 2012"Coaching Positively is the book that the coaching profession needed. The growing positive psychology evidence base has a multitude of applications to coaching, and Matt Driver shows us exactly how in this superb book. Blending narrative case examples with masterly insights from the empirical literature, Driver provides a roadmap that will help any coach become masterfully effective in applying the lessons of positive psychology in their coaching. Coaching Positively shares theoretical insights combined with a wealth of practical examples, activities and exercises that any coach can start using immediately. The result is a golden resource for coaches looking for the missing ingredient that enables them to help their clients achieve their goals – and keep achieving them. If you’re a coach who wants your clients to succeed, this is the book that will help you ensure they do."Alex Linley, Founding Director, Capp, Author, The Strengths Book: Be Confident, Be Successful and Enjoy Better Relationships by Realising the Best of You"Driver has a writing style that is easy to read and adsorb. He provides a breadth of information together with practical examples and resources such as questions a positive coach might typically ask and is therefore a valuable resource; no mean achievement in only 141 pages."Kevin Chamberlain, Member of the Association for Coaching, UK"Coaching Positively is a cauldron of evidence-based research and personal experiences of how contemporary coaches can implement the latest practices. The author uses his experiences, and those from his panel, to link positive psychology and related disciplines to coaching. He covers a wide range of topics from individual needs through to leadership and all the way to organisational coaching from both practitioners and clients perspective. He also injects humour to let the coaches know they are human."Yvonne Thackray, The Good CoachCoaching is a positive practice which focuses on building people's resourcefulness and positive beliefs about themselves. Recent research into positive psychology supports and builds upon current coaching practice and also refines it. This straightforward, practical book brings together: Substantial psychological research The author's experience of coaching and the practice of many other coaches Examples from coaching clients that shows what has worked best for them The importance of relationships, autonomy and achievement in the coaching process Like many other coaches, managers and consultants, Matt Driver has found this relatively new field to be inspiring and to offer practical insights into his work. It is proving to be of enormous value to people who are interested in what works rather than what does not and who aim to fulfil themselves by developing their natural strengths. Whether you are a coach or a line manager, learning the skills or commissioning coaching for others, you will find this book adds to your knowledge of current practice and gives you a range of practical tools and techniques that will have an immediate impact.
Ebury Publishing Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World
Tim Ferriss, the #1 New York Times best-selling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, shares the ultimate choose-your-own-adventure book—a compilation of tools, tactics, and habits from 130+ of the world's top performers. From iconic entrepreneurs to elite athletes, from artists to billionaire investors, their short profiles can help you answer life's most challenging questions, achieve extraordinary results, and transform your life.From the author:In 2017, several of my close friends died in rapid succession. It was a very hard year, as it was for many people.It was also a stark reminder that time is our scarcest, non-renewable resource.With a renewed sense of urgency, I began asking myself many questions:Were my goals my own, or simply what I thought I should want?How much of life had I missed from underplanning or overplanning?How could I be kinder to myself?How could I better say “no” to the trivial many to better say “yes” to the critical few?How could I best reassess my priorities and my purpose in this world?To find answers, I reached out to the most impressive world-class performers in the world, ranging from wunderkinds in their 20s to icons in their 70s and 80s. No stone was left unturned.This book contains their answers—practical and tactical advice from mentors who have found solutions. Whether you want to 10x your results, get unstuck, or reinvent yourself, someone else has traveled a similar path and taken notes.This book, Tribe of Mentors, includes many of the people I grew up viewing as idols or demi-gods. Less than 10% have been on my podcast (The Tim Ferriss Show, more than 200 million downloads), making this a brand-new playbook of playbooks.No matter your challenge or opportunity, something in these pages can help.Among other things, you will learn:More than 50 morning routines—both for the early riser and those who struggle to get out of bed.How TED curator Chris Anderson realized that the best way to get things done is to let go.The best purchases of $100 or less (you'll never have to think about the right gift again).How to overcome failure and bounce back towards success.Why Humans of New York creator Brandon Stanton believes that the best art will always be the riskiest.How to meditate and be more mindful (and not just for those that find it easy).Why tennis champion Maria Sharapova believe that “losing makes you think in ways victories can’t.”How to truly achieve work-life balance (and why most people tell you it isn’t realistic).How billionaire Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz transformed the way he engages with difficult situations to reduce suffering.Ways to thrive (and survive) the overwhelming amount of information you process every day.How to achieve clarity on your purpose and assess your priorities.And much more.This reference book, which I wrote for myself, has already changed my life. I certainly hope the same for you.I wish you luck as you forge your own path.All the best,Tim Ferriss
Human Kinetics Publishers Foundations of Professional Personal Training
Foundations of Professional Personal Training, Second Edition With Web Resource, serves as a road map toward becoming a successful certified personal trainer. Developed and written by canfitpro, Canada’s foremost education and certification provider for fitness professionals, this full-color edition of Foundations of Professional Personal Training contains information for building skills, increasing confidence, and preparing for the Personal Training Specialist (PTS) certification with canfitpro.Reorganized, redesigned, and extensively updated to match the canfitpro certification standards, this second edition includes colorful new artwork and all of the information needed for preparing for the PTS certification process. The second edition includes the following elements:• A new web resource with online video to demonstrate exercise and assessment techniques• New chapters on foundational movement sequences and dynamic assessments• Color-coded “traffic light” elements that highlight key information for practical application by indicating when to exercise caution (red), think critically (yellow), or put a concept into practice (green)• Three client case studies that are developed throughout the book for practice and application of concepts• Details about canfitpro’s recommendations for optimal health, which integrates physical activity, nutrition, and mental well-being• Strategies for cultivating the personal trainer–client relationship• New information regarding exercise and back pain, myofascial slings and their relationship to flexibility, functional movement patterns, and postural assessmentThe book is divided into four easy-to-manage parts. Part I presents an overview of the fundamentals of personal training and the personal trainer–client relationship as well as recommendations for and components of optimal health. Part II explains the essentials of the human body, including chapters on bioenergetics, the cardiorespiratory system, skeletal and muscular anatomy, flexibility and mobility, and foundational movement. Part III provides thorough guidance on both passive and dynamic assessment of clients. Part IV offers direction on program design and delivery based on client assessment as well as strategies for recognition and prevention of injury. To aid learning and prepare readers for the certification exam, each chapter includes objectives, a summary, a list of key study terms, and review questions. Readers will also benefit from a glossary, illustrated appendixes organized by muscle group and filled with information on technique for a range of resistance and flexibility exercises, and an appendix of norms for fitness assessments.Additionally, a new web resource for Foundations of Professional Personal Training, Second Edition, provides readers with further practice opportunities before the PTS exam, featuring video clips, printable forms, and other supplemental materials. Thirty-six video clips demonstrate proper technique of various exercises as well as dynamic assessment techniques for identifying improper movement patterns or imbalance. The reproducible forms can be printed and used in assessing clients and documenting training sessions. The web resource includes answers to the in-text review questions found throughout the book, which will aid in comprehension and retention.Foundations of Professional Personal Training, Second Edition, prepares new and prospective personal trainers for all aspects of their exciting profession. Providing key concepts, guidelines, and considerations, this text is an essential resource for preparation for the PTS exam and for a successful career in personal training.
Open University Press Communication Skills for Mental Health Nurses
"An extremely informative and useable book covering many aspects of communication ... highly recommended for students and practitioners in the mental health field, whether nurses or not."Mental Health Practice"Learning to communicate effectively is vital for all nurses ... This exciting new book, with an accessible and engaging style, provides nurses working in mental health, with a valuable and comprehensive introduction to successful communication."Martina Mc Guinness, Nurse Practice Development Co-ordinator, HSE Dublin, Ireland"The book is thought provoking and provides examples not only of what we should be doing but also examples of what we should not to be doing. It is a text that I would have loved to have had access to in my student days and early practice and would therefore strongly recommend this book to students and indeed beginner mental health practitioners of any discipline."Sinead Frain, Clinical Nurse Specialist - Home CareBallyfermot/Lucan Mental Health Service"This accessible book takes you through the core communications skills required as a novice through to a more advanced level... The inclusion of clinical scenarios and practice exercises demonstrate clearly how to apply theoretical elements whilst working in a clinical situation ... It is a very good read and a valuable tool for anyone stepping out into the world of mental health nursing!"Antony Johnson, Mental Health Nursing Student, University of Salford, UK"The combination of knowledgeable discussion and richly illustrated case examples makes this an innovative text and an essential resource for those who are challenged with delivering mental health care. A must read for all students." Allison Tennant, Nurse Consultant and Psychotherapist, Rampton Hospital, UK"This useful book focuses on the skills that are absolutely central and essential to all mental health nursing, from basic communication skills to specific interventions and approaches."Dr Neil Brimblecombe, Director of Nursing/Chief Operating Officer, South Staffordshire & Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust"This is a fantastic book, absolutely packed with just about everything a mental health nurse needs to know about communication skills ... The succinctly written chapters cover a wide range of key communications skills and each provides clear explanations, examples from 'everyday' life and clinical practice, with opportunities to reflect on your own experiences. Highly recommended."Alan Simpson, Professor of Collaborative Mental Health Nursing, City University London, UKThis practical book provides a comprehensive guide to communication in mental health nursing, with an emphasis on demonstrating the use of different skills in various clinical settings. Written by experienced mental health professionals, the book is richly illustrated with a range of clinical case examples that will be recognisable to all nurses.Centred on the communication process as a whole, the topics are carefully presented through the use of patient-nurse dialogues and exchanges which bring the subject to life. This will help you to: Develop essential communication skills Communicate confidently Use phatic communication effectively Use self-reflection in your practice Develop the ability to deal with conflict Develop empathic helping relationships Draw upon various therapeutic models of communication Communication Skills for Mental Health Nurses is ideal for all nurses and healthcare professionals seeking to improve the skills required to communicate confidently and effectively with patients, their carers and other key people involved within the care environment.
Hodder & Stoughton Languages of Loss: A psychotherapist's journey through grief
'This is the most startlingly honest book about grief I have ever read. Its immediacy hits you on the first page and takes you on an unforgettable journey. No one has set out so clearly the stages we go through as we try to come to terms with facing the enormity of death.' - Dame Penelope Wilton, DBE'Sasha writes exquisitely and honestly, the sheer rawness of what she has gone through and is still going through, sitting in balance with the calm and clear-sighted objectivity of the therapist, who is also her.' - Hugh BonnevilleOne person, two perspectives on grief. Plunged unexpectedly into widowhood at just 49 years old, psychotherapist Sasha Bates describes in searing honesty the agonisingly raw feelings unleashed by the loss of her husband and best friend, Bill. At the same time, she attempts to keep her therapist hat in place and create some perspective from psycho-analytic theory. From the depths of her confusion she gropes for ways to manage and bear the pain - by looking back at all that she has learnt from psychotherapeutic research, and from accepted grief theories, to help her make sense of her altered reality. Languages of Loss starts a necessary and overdue conversation about death and loss. It breaks down taboos and tries to find humour and light amidst the depressing, bewildering reality. It is an essential companion to help support readers through the agony of those early months, giving permission for all the feelings, and offering various methods of living with them.This book's overriding message is that everyone's experience of grief is different, but knowing more about the theory, and learning a new vocabulary, while not necessarily easing the grief, can help you feel less alone, and at some point enable you to reflect back and see how far you have come.'This is a useful as well as a moving book. The writing is energetic, down-to-earth and bracingly honest, and many readers will feel consoled and enlightened by Bates's take on her experience.' - The Times'Bates's skill as a psychotherapist is married to her deft ability to use language and metaphor to create this vital treatise on loss. As much as Languages of Loss is an essential text on grief, it is also a story of love.' - Sunday Business Post Review'This book will give anyone grieving the death of their partner an insight into their experience, and help those around them understand the difficult and painful process of grief.' - Julia Samuel, author of This Too Shall Pass and Grief Works'A really powerful book. I hadn't read a book before that melds the professional, as a psychotherapist, and the personal, as someone that lost their partner. Sasha's book covers the course of one year since she lost her husband Bill, where she describes how she feels and tries to apply what she has learnt as a therapist. She explores the times when that really exposes the shortcomings of grief counselling, and how incapable anything is really at helping you navigate this absence. I've never read anything like that, a mixture of the practical and the emotional.' - Pandora Sykes
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Glauben Uben: Grundlinien Einer Evangelischen Theologie Der Geistlichen Ubung Und Ihre Praktische Entfaltung am Beispiel Der Exerzitien Im Alltag
English summary: Ascetics - the reflection on spiritual exercises - has for a long time been the poor cousin of practical theology. The question whether one can exercise faith has been less frequently looked into than the question whether one can learn faith. Silke Harms investigates the significance of exercise for Protestant theology and practise. She demonstrates that in present times the communication of the content of faith requires the practical initiation into Christian living. Harms takes an exemplary look at the course "Exercises in Daily Life" which has its origins in Jesuit spirituality and has become increasingly popular in the Protestant church in Germany since the 90s. She not only expounds the way in which the exercises were adopted into Protestant praxis - which was a remarkable process from the point of view of church history - but she also demonstrates that spiritual exercises can be applied with good reason to the Protestant heritage. The author unfolds the significance of Martin Luther and Friedrich Schleiermacher for modern Protestant ascetics by means of a detailed analysis of their writings. A distinct feature of spiritual exercises in the Protestant church is the emphasis on the relational-communicative dimension. The aim is not perfection but the transformation through an existential encounter with the living God. Exercise is done within the polarity of individuality and sociality, activity and passivity, and everyday life and special times and places. Protestant ascetics has to ascertain that all three polarities are kept in balance. German description: Aszetik - die Lehre von der geistlichen Ubung - war lange Zeit ein Stiefkind der Praktischen Theologie. Die Frage, ob man Glauben uben kann, wurde bisher weit weniger bedacht, als die Frage, ob man Glauben lernen kann. Silke Harms untersucht die Bedeutung der Ubung fur die evangelische Theologie und Praxis. Sie weist nach, dass die Vermittlung von Inhalten des Glaubens in der Gegenwart notwendig einer Einubung in christliche Glaubensvollzuge bedarf. Exemplarisch nimmt Harms das ursprunglich aus jesuitischer Praxis erwachsene und seit den 90er Jahren verstarkt auch in der evangelischen Kirche popular gewordene Kursmodell der Exerzitien im Alltag in den Blick. Sie zeigt nicht nur den Weg dieser kirchengeschichtlich bemerkenswerten Ubernahme der Exerzitien in evangelische Praxis auf, sondern legt dar, dass sich das geistliche Uben mit gutem Grund auf protestantisches Erbe beziehen lasst. Anhand einer ausfuhrlichen Untersuchung der Schriften von Martin Luther und Friedrich Schleiermacher entfaltet die Autorin die Bedeutsamkeit dieser beiden Theologen fur die evangelische Aszetik der Gegenwart. Geistliche Ubung innerhalb der protestantischen Kirche zeichnet sich durch die Betonung der relational-kommunikativen Dimension aus. Ihr Ziel ist nicht eine Meisterschaft, sondern eine Verwandlung durch die Begegnung mit dem lebendigen Gott. Ubung geschieht in der Polaritat von Individualitat und Sozialitat, von Aktivitat und Passivitat und von gewohnlichem Alltag und besonderen Zeiten und Orten. Evangelische Aszetik hat sicherzustellen, dass alle drei Dimensionen im Blick behalten werden und keine einseitige Beschrankung auf einen der jeweiligen Pole erfolgt.