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Workman Publishing Bouchon
James Beard Award Winner IACP Award Winner Thomas Keller, chef/proprieter of Napa Valley's French Laundry, is passionate about bistro cooking. He believes fervently that the real art of cooking lies in elevating to excellence the simplest ingredients; that bistro cooking embodies at once a culinary ethos of generosity, economy, and simplicity; that the techniques at its foundation are profound, and the recipes at its heart have a powerful ability to nourish and please. So enamored is he of this older, more casual type of cooking that he opened the restaurant Bouchon, right next door to the French Laundry, so he could satisfy a craving for a perfectly made quiche, or a gratinéed onion soup, or a simple but irresistible roasted chicken. Now Bouchon, the cookbook, embodies this cuisine in all its sublime simplicity. But let's begin at the real beginning. For Keller, great cooking is all about the virtue of process and attention to detail. Even in the humblest dish, the extra thought is evident, which is why this food tastes so amazing: The onions for the onion soup are caramelized for five hours; lamb cheeks are used for the navarin; basic but essential refinements every step of the way make for the cleanest flavors, the brightest vegetables, the perfect balance—whether of fat to acid for a vinaigrette, of egg to liquid for a custard, of salt to meat for a duck confit. Because versatility as a cook is achieved through learning foundations, Keller and Bouchon executive chef Jeff Cerciello illuminate all the key points of technique along the way: how a two-inch ring makes for a perfect quiche; how to recognize the right hazelnut brown for a brown butter sauce; how far to caramelize sugar for different uses. But learning and refinement aside—oh those recipes! Steamed mussels with saffron, bourride, trout grenobloise with its parsley, lemon, and croutons; steak frites, beef bourguignon, chicken in the pot—all exquisitely crafted. And those immortal desserts: the tarte Tatin, the chocolate mousse, the lemon tart, the profiteroles with chocolate sauce. In Bouchon, you get to experience them in impeccably realized form. This is a book to cherish, with its alluring mix of recipes and the author's knowledge, warmth, and wit: "I find this a hopeful time for the pig," says Keller about our yearning for the flavor that has been bred out of pork. So let your imagination transport you back to the burnished warmth of an old-fashioned French bistro, pull up a stool to the zinc bar or slide into a banquette, and treat yourself to truly great preparations that have not just withstood the vagaries of fashion, but have improved with time. Welcome to Bouchon.
Human Kinetics Publishers PE Metrics: Assessing Student Performance Using the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education
If you are looking for the definitive resource to help you measure your students’ achievement, your search is over. PE Metrics: Assessing Student Performance Using the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education, Third Edition, aligns with SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education, was created by SHAPE America and its writing team, and was reviewed by researchers and teachers with expertise in assessment. The result is a text that you can use with confidence as you help develop physical literacy in your students. Written for physical educators, administrators, and curriculum writers (and for physical education majors and minors), this latest edition offers the following: • 130 ready-to-use assessments for kindergarten through grade 12 (65 elementary, 43 middle school, and 22 high school) • Worksheets, checklists, and rubrics that support the assessments • Guidance on creating your own assessments for any lesson or unit These assessments are aligned with the three SHAPE America lesson planning books for elementary, middle, and secondary school and dovetail with SHAPE America’s The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education. The assessments can be used as they are, or you can modify them or use them as samples in creating assessments that are best suited to your needs. PE Metrics, now in a four-color design, is organized into four main parts: Part I introduces the purpose and uses of assessment, how to develop an assessment plan, and the various types of assessments and tools you can use. Part II contains sample assessments for students in grades K-5, focusing on fundamental motor skills; as such, the elementary-level assessments center heavily on Standard 1. In part III, the emphasis shifts to middle school assessments, with a concentration on Standard 2 and on the categories of dance and rhythms, invasion games, net/wall games, fielding/striking games, outdoor pursuits, aquatics, and individual-performance activities. Part IV offers sample assessments for high school students, with a priority on providing evidence of the knowledge and skills students will need to remain active and fit after they leave high school. This resource provides a comprehensive, performance-based assessment system that enables you to incorporate assessment into every facet of your teaching, create assessments that are unique to your program, and measure your students’ performance against the grade-level outcomes. The assessments are process focused and are designed to measure multiple constructs as well as provide meaningful feedback to students—ultimately helping them to develop holistically across all three learning domains (psychomotor, cognitive, and affective). PE Metrics will help you instill in students the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.
Cornell University Press The King's Threshold: Manuscript Materials
From reviews of The Cornell Yeats series: "For students of Yeats the whole series is bound to become an essential reference source and a stimulus to important critical re-readings of Yeats's major works. In a wider context, the series will also provide an extraordinary and perhaps unique insight into the creative process of a great artists."—Irish Literary Supplement "I consider the Cornell Yeats one of the most important scholarly projects of our time."—A. Walton Litz, Princeton University, coeditor of The Collected Poems of William Carols Williams and Personae: The Shorter Poems of Ezra Pound "The most ambitious of the many important projects in current studies of Yeats and perhaps of modern poetry generally.... The list of both general and series editors, as well as prospective preparers of individual volumes, reads like a Who's Who of Yeats textual studies in North America. Further, the project carries the blessing of Yeats's heirs and bespeaks an ongoing commitment from a major university press.... The series will inevitably engender critical studies based on a more solid footing than those of any other modern poet.... Its volumes will be consulted long after gyres of currently fashionable theory have run on."—Yeats Annual (1983) He has chosen death: Refusing to eat or drink, that he may bring Disgrace upon me; for there is a custom, An old and foolish custom, that if a man Be wronged, or think that he is wronged, and starve Upon another's threshold till he die, The common people, for all time to come, Will raise a heavy cry against that threshold, Even though it be the King's. —from The King's Threshold The King's Threshold was first performed in Dublin by the Irish National Theatre Society in 1903 and first published in New York in 1904. The Cornell Yeats edition of this play about a bard's hunger strike includes the preliminary notes and first prose drafts dictated by Yeats to his patron and collaborator, Lady Gregory, in March and April 1903. As well as providing an outline of the play, these preliminary notes identify contemporary persons on whom some of the characters were based. Other features of this edition of The King's Threshold include Yeats's first blank verse drafts, heavily revised and corrected typescripts and galley proofs, and notes for the changes made between 1904 and 1906. A major revision added a tragic ending to the version published in 1922, and this ending has remained in place ever since. Uniquely, this edition presents all four versions of the play, spanning thirty years of Yeats's efforts to perfect it. Declan Kiely presents the biographical and historical context of the play's genesis and Yeats's revisions, and gives accounts of several productions and revivals of the play. The Introduction also explores the relationship between theatrical production and textual revision.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Ashgate Research Companion to Modern Imperial Histories
Written by leading scholars, this collection provides a comprehensive and authoritative overview of modern empires. Spanning the era of modern imperial history from the early sixteenth century to the present, it challenges both the rather insular focuses on specific experiences, and gives due attention to imperial formations outside the West including the Russian, Japanese, Mughal, Ottoman and Chinese. The companion is divided into three broad sections. Part I - Times - surveys the three main eras of modern imperialism. The first was that dominated by the settlement impulse, with migrants - many voluntarily and many more by force - making new lives in the colonies. This impulse gave way, most especially in the nineteenth century, to a period of busy and rapid expansion which was less likely to promote new settlement, and in which colonists more frequently saw their sojourn in colonial lands as temporary and related to the business mostly of governance and trade. Lastly, in the twentieth century in particular, empires began to fail and to fall. Part II - Spaces - studies the principal imperial formations of the modern world. Each chapter charts the experience of a specific empire while at the same time placing it within the complex patterns of wider imperial constellations. The individual chapters thus survey the broad dynamics of change within the empires themselves and their relationships with other imperial formations, and reflect critically on the ways in which these topics have been approached in the literature. In Part III - Themes - scholars think critically about some of the key features of imperial expansion and decline. These chapters are brief and many are provocative. They reflect the current state of the field, and suggest new lines of inquiry which may follow from more comparative perspectives on empire. The broad range of themes captures the vitality and diversity of contemporary scholarship on questions of empire and colonialism, encompassing political, economic and cultural processes central to the formation and maintenance of empires as well as institutions, ideologies and social categories that shaped the lives both of those implementing and those experiencing the force of empire. In these pages the reader will find the slave and the criminal, the merchant and the maid, the scientist and the artist alongside the structures which sustained their lives and their livelihoods. Overall, the companion emphasises the diversity of imperial experience and process. Comprehensive in its scope, it draws attention to the particularities of individual empires, rather than over-generalising as if all empires, at all times, and in all places, behaved in a similar manner. It is this contingent and historical specificity that enables us to explore in expansive ways precisely what constituted the modern empire.
John Wiley & Sons Inc GURPS For Dummies
Let the adventure begin with this straightforward guide to GURPS!This is it—the key that unlocks the riches of GURPS (Generic Universal Role Playing System) and gives you a wealth of information on how to create your character and fine-tune your play. Produced in partnership with Steve Jackson Games, the game's creator, GURPS For Dummies is the ideal companion to GURPS Basic Set, 4th Edition that explains the rules. It gives you insight into the choices you’ll make in everything from creating a fun, dynamic character using the allotted number of points, to playing in an adventure, to becoming a GM. Whether you want to be an Amazon princess or a stalwart warrior, an old-fashioned swashbuckler or a modern investigator, a tough cop or a cat burglar, a sorcerer casting spells or a cosmic ranger, fighting lawlessness in the asteroids, this guide will help you: Determine your character’s basic attributes: IQ, DX (dexterity), ST (strength) and HT (health) Figure out your character’s secondary characteristics Choose advantages (including powers and perks) and disadvantages (including quirks and disadvantages with a self-control roll modifier) Optimize your points by using talents Select your skills based on functional area or the campaign setting Enhance your character with spells, magic items, magic staves, and powerstones Strategically purchase equipment for different characters, tech levels, and campaign types Create and manage a character sheet, write a character background, keep a character log, and more—all with samples Choose good combat techniques and play with your character If you want to become a GM, this guide gets you going with advice on creating the adventure, managing the character creation process, managing combat, and interpreting the rules. There’s even a handy Cheat Sheet tear-out GM screen in the front of the book. There are tips throughout, plus advice on how to: Create your very own GURPS universe for your campaign, whether it’s dungeon-crawl, high-adventure, combat-focused, puzzle-focused, or masquerade-type Provide a basic write-up of the world for your players, including technology level, supernatural and supernormal abilities and powers, races, setting, character templates, cultural and social information, and limitations Create an electronic combat grid, a battle log, a tactical map, and more—with samples Do mapping, planning, and plotting Create memorable NPC (nonplayer characters), both good guys and bad guys GURPS For Dummies helps you create more detailed, exciting, and interesting characters and take your game to the next level. That’s important whether you’re saving a princess or saving the planet…searching for hidden treasure or for secrets to eliminate disease… fighting crime or combating armies of evil robots…casting spells in medieval castles or destroying terrorist cells in modern day milieus. With GURPS, the only limitation is your imagination.
Crown House Publishing The GCSE Mindset: 40 activities for transforming commitment, motivation and productivity
The GCSE Mindset: 40 activities for transforming student commitment, motivation and productivity, written by Steve Oakes and Martin Griffin, offers a wealth of concrete, practical and applicable tools designed to supercharge GCSE students' resilience, positivity, organisation and determination. At a time when GCSE teaching can feel like a conveyor belt of micromanaged lessons and last-ditch interventions, Steve and Martin - acclaimed authors of The A Level Mindset - suggest a different approach, underpinned by their VESPA model of essential life skills: vision, effort, systems, practice and attitude. These five non-cognitive characteristics beat cognition hands down as predictors of academic success, and in The GCSE Mindset Steve and Martin take this simple model as their starting point and present a user-friendly month-by-month programme of activities, resources and strategies that will help students break through barriers, build resilience, better manage their workload and ultimately release their potential - both in the classroom and beyond. The book's forty activities, while categorised thematically under the VESPA umbrella, have been sequenced chronologically by month in order to better chart the student's journey through the academic year and to help them navigate the psychological terrain ahead. Each activity can be delivered one-to-one, to a tutor group or to a whole cohort, has been designed to take fifteen to twenty minutes to complete, and has been written with a pupil audience in mind. However, to complement the tasks' practical utility, the authors also explore the underpinning research and theory - including the pioneering work of Angela Duckworth, Dr Steve Bull and Carol Dweck - in more detail in the introduction to each section. Informed by the authors' collective thirty-plus years of teaching and coaching, this essential handbook for GCSE success also suggests key coaching questions and interventions for use with pupils and includes expert guidance on how schools can implement and audit the core components and outcomes of the VESPA approach in their own settings. Additionally - and indeed pertinently in the present educational environment where empirical data is valued so highly - the book features a chapter dedicated to the measurement of mindset, written by guest contributors Dr Neil Dagnall and Dr Andrew Denovan from Manchester Metropolitan University. They present the twenty-eight-item VESPA questionnaire, which they helped Steve and Martin to design, and take the reader through the research process behind its origins before going on to describe how it can be used to identify areas for development and to measure the impact of interventions. Suitable for teachers, tutors and parents who want to boost 14-16-year-olds' academic outcomes and equip them with powerful tools and techniques in preparation for further education and employment.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physics (2006-2010)
This volume is a collection of the Nobel lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches by Nobel Committee members for the period 2006-2010. The criterion for the Physics award is to the discoverer of a physical phenomenon that changed our views, or to the inventor of a new physical process that gave enormous benefits to either science at large or to the public. The biographies are remarkably interesting to read and the Nobel lectures provide detailed explanations of the phenomena for which the Laureates were awarded the Nobel Prize.Aspiring young scientists as well as more experienced ones, but also the interested public will learn a lot from and appreciate the geniuses of these narrations.List of prizewinners and their discoveries:(2006) to John C Mather and George F Smoot “for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation”The very detailed observations that the Laureates have carried out from the COBE satellite have played a major role in the development of modern cosmology into a precise science.(2007) to Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg “for the discovery of Giant Magnetoresistance”Applications of this phenomenon have revolutionized techniques for retrieving data from hard disks. The discovery also plays a major role in various magnetic sensors as well as for the development of a new generation of electronics. The use of Giant Magnetoresistance can be regarded as one of the first major applications of nanotechnology.(2008) to Yoichiro Nambu “for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics“, and to Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa “for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature”Why is there something instead of nothing? Why are there so many different elementary particles? The Laureates presented theoretical insights that give us a deeper understanding of what happens far inside the tiniest building blocks of matter.(2009) to Charles Kuen Kao “for groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication“, and to Willard S Boyle and George E Smith “for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit — the CCD sensor”Kao's discoveries have paved the way for optical fiber technology, which today is used for almost all telephony and data communication. Boyle and Smith have invented a digital image sensor — CCD, or charge-coupled device — which today has become an electronic eye in almost all areas of photography.(2010) to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov “for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene”The Laureates have shown that a thin flake of ordinary carbon, just one atom thick, has exceptional properties that originate from the remarkable world of quantum physics.
Merrell Publishers Ltd Ed Kluz: The Lost House Revisited
The artist Ed Kluz has a fascination for the sites of lost buildings. Kluz grew up in the wilds of the Yorkshire Dales, surrounded by the landscape of the past, and the sense of remoteness he felt there sparked an interest in forgotten places, such as country houses and follies. Once-celebrated houses that were abandoned to ruin, burned or deliberately destroyed have now become the haunting subject matter of his distinctive collages.Kluz is meticulous in his research. He spends hours at a site, sketching, taking photographs and generally 'getting to the heart of a place'. Then, in a process in which he likens himself to a collector of fragments or relics, he gathers all the material he can find before adding a little invention of his own to revive or reimagine the house. His highly original works are a combination of watercolour and layer upon layer of delicate painted collage elements, the tension between colour and texture achieving a sense of depth and light. Kluz's lost houses conjure up the vanished buildings in all their pomp, perched on stark, treeless plains under threatening skies, as if briefly illuminated in the glare of lightening or the beam of an arc light. In his introduction to the book, the art and architectural historian Tim Knox describes Kluz's views of houses, with their concentration on the filigree architecture and silhouette of building itself, as heirs to the highly finished perspective drawings produced by professional architectural artists in the early nineteenth century, but he also draws parallels with the bold graphic tradition of Eric Ravilious and Edward Bawden. Kluz himself, too, explains that his aim is to evolve the long tradition of country-house painting - a tradition that began in Britain in the sixteenth century and continued into the 1800s, only declining with the advent of photography. Over recent decades, public interest in lost country houses has been growing; there are an increasing number of books and websites devoted to the theme. In his search for information about his often elusive subjects, Kluz has made full use of these sources, presenting in this book a wide range of materials - engravings, paintings, plans, maps, written accounts and his own preparatory sketches - before the final spread in each chapter unveils the finished collage. Ten English houses are featured in depth, among them the Tudor palace of Holdenby House in Northamptonshire, the magnificent mansion of Hamstead Marshall in Berkshire, Vanbrugh's Claremont in Surrey, and the grandiosely Gothic Fonthill Abbey in Wiltshire. Each house is introduced by the architectural historian Olivia Horsfall Turner, who details its history and fate. As Knox concludes, one yearns to have all the houses back, 'But in a sense we have, in Kluz's scenographic visions.'
Random House USA Inc Fodor's Best Road Trips in the USA: 50 Epic Trips Across All 50 States
Whether you want to drive Route 66, head out on the Pacific Coast Highway, or explore the Blue Ridge Parkway, the local Fodor’s travel experts across the United States are here to help! Fodor’s Best Road Trips in the USA guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This brand new title has been designed with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos. Fodor’s Best Road Trips in the USA travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top thing to see and do in every state 50 ROAD TRIP ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 60 DETAILED MAPS to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, driving there and back, and recommended pit stops along the way HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, music, geography and more LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming Planning on visiting certain destinations in the United States? Check out Fodor’s Alaska, Fodor’s Arizona and the Grand Canyon, Fodor’s Black Hills of South Dakota, Fodor’s California, Fodor’s Carolinas and Georgia, Fodor’s Chicago, Fodor’s Colorado, Fodor’s Florida, Fodor’s Essential Hawaii, Fodor’s InFocus Santa Fe, Fodor’s Inside Nashville, Fodor’s Las Vegas, Fodor’s Montana and Wyoming, Fodor’s Complete National Parks, Fodor’s National Parks of the West, Fodor’s New England, Fodor’s New Orleans, Fodor’s New York City, Fodor’s Pacific Northwest, Fodor’s Philadelphia, Fodor’s Utah, and Fodor’s Washington DC. *Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition. ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor’s has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Hay House UK Ltd Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
Discover how to reprogram your biology and thinking, and break the habit of being yourself so you can truly change your mind and life. Bestselling author, international speaker, chiropractor, and renowned researcher of epigenetics, quantum physics, & neuroscience, Dr. Joe Dispenza shares that you are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life.New science is emerging that empowers all human beings to create the reality they choose. In Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Dr. Joe Dispenza combines the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and genetics to show you what is truly possible and how to recondition the body and create better health. Not only will you be given the necessary knowledge to change your energy and any aspect of yourself, but you will be taught the step-by-step tools to apply what you learn in order to make measurable changes in any area of your life.Chapters Include:Foreword by Daniel G. Amen, M.D. Introduction: The Greatest Habit You Can Ever Break is the Habit of Being YourselfPART I: The Science of YouThe Quantum YouOvercoming Your EnvironmentOvercoming Your BodyOvercoming TimeSurvival vs. CreationPART II: Your Brain and MeditationThree Brains: Thinking to Doing to BeingThe GapMeditation, Demystifying the Mystical, and Waves of Your FuturePART III: Stepping Toward Your New DestinyThe Meditative Process: Introduction and PreparationOpen the Door to Your Creative StateStep 1: InductionPrune Away the Habit of Being Yourself(Week Two)Step 2: Recognizing Step 3: Admitting and DeclaringStep 4: SurrenderingDismantle the Memory of the Old You(Week Three)Step 5: Observing and RemindingStep 6: RedirectingCreate a New Mind for Your New Future (Week Four)Step 7: Creating and RehearsingDemonstrating and Being Transparent: Living Your New Reality Dr. Joe demystifies consciousness and ancient understandings to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. Through his powerful healing workshops and lectures, thousands of people in 24 different countries have used these principles to change from the inside out. Once you break the habit of being yourself and truly change your mind, your life will never be the same!"In this book, I want to share some of what I learned along the way and show you, by exploring how mind and matter are interrelated, how you can apply these principles not only to your body, but to any aspect of your life." - Dr. Joe Dispenza“Anyone who reads this book and applies the steps will benefit from their efforts. Its cutting-edge content is explained in a simple language that is accessible to anyone, and provides a user-friendly guide for sustained change from the inside out." - Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Director of Research, HeartMath Research Center
Titan Books Ltd Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie
Discover the secrets of the Spider-Verse in this visually stunning collection of more than 500 pieces of artwork from the Oscar-winning, groundbreaking animated feature film! Fans can go behind the scenes with the creators of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and get a look at concept art, final designs, and artist commentary, plus previously unseen storyboards. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the creative minds behind The Lego Movie and 21 Jump Street, bring their unique talents to a fresh vision of a different Spider-Man universe. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse introduces Brooklyn teen Miles Morales, and the limitless possibilities of the Spider-Verse where more than one wears the mask. This luxurious oversized art book unmasks the artistry behind the dazzling and thoroughly original movie with a unique visual style that’s the first of its kind. Here you’ll find fascinating insights into the filmmakers’ creative process: • Exclusive commentary from creators Phil Lord and Christopher Miller on their inspirations for their unique new take on Spider-Man, rooted in his comics origins and the idea of a post-modern Spider-Man in an environment that has multiple spider-people from all of the comics, and giving the film an even stronger visual identity by leaning into the comic book language. • Concept art and sketches of every featured character and location in the film. Meet Miles Morales, the Peter Parkers, Spider-Gwen/Ghost-Spider, Spider-Ham, Peni and SP//dr and Spider-Man Noir—as well as villains Green Goblin, Scorpion, Tombstone, the Prowler, Doctor Octavius and Kingpin. Explore New York City and State, from Miles’s Brooklyn home to Manhattan, the Hudson Valley Forest, Spider-Man’s hideout and Wilson Fisk’s particle collider. • Unseen storyboards and paintings of key scenes—including Miles meeting the older Peter Parker for the first time; Miles swinging through the city, exploring the subway, and swinging through the forest; the fight at Aunt May’s; and Uncle Aaron’s death. • 2 gatefolds feature the film’s complete color script by Dave Bleitch and artwork by Justin K. Thompson, Wendell Dalit, Alberto Mielgo and Yuhki Demers depicting Miles Morales/Spider-Man; storyboards by Ryan Savas of Miles exploring his powers for the first time; and lighting keys by Wendell Dalit of the same sequence. • A foreword written by Brian Michael Bendis, Miles Morales’ co-creator and executive producer of the film. Go into the Spider-Verse any time you want with this special compilation of art from the film that belongs on every fan’s coffee table! “The visual look of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a marvel. Seeing how they came to the design choices they did is... worth the price of this book and then some - Vespe's Holiday Gift Guide
Manning Publications Parallel and High Performance Computing
Complex calculations, like training deep learning models or running large-scale simulations, can take an extremely long time. Efficient parallel programming can save hours—or even days—of computing time. Parallel and High Performance Computing shows you how to deliver faster run-times, greater scalability, and increased energy efficiency to your programs by mastering parallel techniques for multicore processor and GPU hardware. about the technologyModern computing hardware comes equipped with multicore CPUs and GPUs that can process numerous instruction sets simultaneously. Parallel computing takes advantage of this now-standard computer architecture to execute multiple operations at the same time, offering the potential for applications that run faster, are more energy efficient, and can be scaled to tackle problems that demand large computational capabilities. But to get these benefits, you must change the way you design and write software. Taking advantage of the tools, algorithms, and design patterns created specifically for parallel processing is essential to creating top performing applications. about the book Parallel and High Performance Computing is an irreplaceable guide for anyone who needs to maximize application performance and reduce execution time. Parallel computing experts Robert Robey and Yuliana Zamora take a fundamental approach to parallel programming, providing novice practitioners the skills needed to tackle any high-performance computing project with modern CPU and GPU hardware. Get under the hood of parallel computing architecture and learn to evaluate hardware performance, scale up your resources to tackle larger problem sizes, and deliver a level of energy efficiency that makes high performance possible on hand-held devices. When you’re done, you’ll be able to build parallel programs that are reliable, robust, and require minimal code maintenance. This book is unique in its breadth, with discussions of parallel algorithms, techniques to successfully develop parallel programs, and wide coverage of the most effective languages for the CPU and GPU. The programming paradigms include MPI, OpenMP threading, and vectorization for the CPU. For the GPU, the book covers OpenMP and OpenACC directive-based approaches and the native-based CUDA and OpenCL languages. what's inside Steps for planning a new parallel project Choosing the right data structures and algorithms Addressing underperforming kernels and loops The differences in CPU and GPU architecture about the readerFor experienced programmers with proficiency in a high performance computing language such as C, C++, or Fortran. about the authors Robert Robey has been active in the field of parallel computing for over 30 years. He works at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and has previously worked at the University of New Mexico, where he started up the Albuquerque High Performance Computing Center. Yuliana Zamora has lectured on efficient programming of modern hardware at national conferences, based on her work developing applications running on tens of thousands of processing cores and the latest GPU architectures.
APress The Data-Driven Project Manager: A Statistical Battle Against Project Obstacles
Discover solutions to common obstacles faced by project managers. Written as a business novel, the book is highly interactive, allowing readers to participate and consider options at each stage of a project. The book is based on years of experience, both through the author's research projects as well as his teaching lectures at business schools.The book tells the story of Emily Reed and her colleagues who are in charge of the management of a new tennis stadium project. The CEO of the company, Jacob Mitchell, is planning to install a new data-driven project management methodology as a decision support tool for all upcoming projects. He challenges Emily and her team to start a journey in exploring project data to fight against unexpected project obstacles.Data-driven project management is known in the academic literature as “dynamic scheduling” or “integrated project management and control.” It is a project management methodology to plan, monitor, and control projects in progress in order to deliver them on time and within budget to the client. Its main focus is on the integration of three crucial aspects, as follows: Baseline Scheduling: Plan the project activities to create a project timetable with time and budget restrictions. Determine start and finish times of each project activity within the activity network and resource constraints. Know the expected timing of the work to be done as well as an expected impact on the project’s time and budget objectives. Schedule Risk Analysis: Analyze the risk of the baseline schedule and its impact on the project’s time and budget. Use Monte Carlo simulations to assess the risk of the baseline schedule and to forecast the impact of time and budget deviations on the project objectives. Project Control: Measure and analyze the project’s performance data and take actions to bring the project on track. Monitor deviations from the expected project progress and control performance in order to facilitate the decision-making process in case corrective actions are needed to bring projects back on track. Both traditional Earned Value Management (EVM) and the novel Earned Schedule (ES) methods are used. What You'll Learn Implement a data-driven project management methodology (also known as "dynamic scheduling") which allows project managers to plan, monitor, and control projects while delivering them on time and within budget Study different project management tools and techniques, such as PERT/CPM, schedule risk analysis (SRA), resource buffering, and earned value management (EVM) Understand the three aspects of dynamic scheduling: baseline scheduling, schedule risk analysis, and project control Who This Book Is ForProject managers looking to learn data-driven project management (or "dynamic scheduling") via a novel, demonstrating real-time simulations of how project managers can solve common project obstacles
Hay House Inc The Law of Attraction Cards
A BEAUTIFUL 60-CARD POSITIVE AFFIRMATION CARD DECK FROM THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLING AUTHORS OF ASK AND IT IS GIVEN THAT MOTIVATED MILLIONS AND INSPIRED THE HIT MOVIE – THE SECRETThis positive law of attraction card deck by Esther and Jerry Hicks features the classic teachings of Abraham and beautiful artwork to help you manifest your dream life. "Although you’ve always been surrounded by the evidence of the Law of Attraction, a conscious awareness of this powerful Law will be activated within you as you experience these beautiful cards; and your deliberate control of your experience will be dramatically enhanced. We know that you are meant to live a joyful life; and we also know that conscious, deliberate self-empowerment is essential to be able to live a joyful life.It pleases us to know that these cards will remind you that you do have personal control of your own life experience." -- Esther and Jerry HicksFeaturing 60 cards, The Law of Attraction deck offers both affirmations and positive quotes on topics like:· Allowing well being· Segment intending · Appreciation· Turning imagination into reality· Deliberately reaching for joyous thoughts· Manifestation... and much more. Here are a few examples of the wisdom you'll find in the Law of Attraction Cards:* I Can Turn a Downward Spiral Up - As you focus on the best of what you do have, even if it only is a small part of your experience, the Law of Attraction will now bring you more of the essence of that. And so, you can replace a `downward spiral' with a fast-moving `upward spiral' by simply directing your thoughts more to things you do want.* When Focusing Upon Solutions, I Feel Good - Focusing upon a solution brings you positive emotion; focusing upon a problem brings you negative emotion. While the differences are subtle, they are very important, for when you are feeling positive emotion, you are attracting into your experiences that which you want. When you are feeling negative emotion, you are in the process of attracting that which you do not want.* My Appreciation of It Attracts Its Essence to Me - An extremely effective use of your Creative Workshop is to ponder the aspects you appreciate regarding your most important subjects. Utilizing the Workshop in this way accomplishes everything required for Deliberate Creation. In your emotion of appreciation, you are allowing that which you desire to manifest in your life experience.If you enjoy the Teachings of Abraham, especially the book The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks, you'll absolutely love these motivational Law of Attraction affirmation cards.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar: The Technical Analysis of Price Action for the Serious Trader
While complex strategies and systems may work for some traders, understanding price action is all you really need to succeed in this arena. Price action analysis is an effective approach to trading today's marketswhether you're involved in stocks, futures, or options. It allows you to focus on the process of trading without being overwhelmed by a complicated collection of trading techniques. And while this method may appear elementary, it can significantly enhance returns as well as minimize downside risk. One way to apply price action analysis to your trading endeavors is with chart patterns. Nobody understands this better than author Al Brooks, a technical analyst for Futures magazine and an independent trader for more than twenty years. Brooks discovered ten years ago that reading price charts without indicators proved to be the most simple, reliable, and profitable way for him to trade. Mastering that discipline is what made him consistently successful in trading. Now, with Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar, Brooks shares his extensive experience on how to read price action. At the end of the day, anyone can look at a chart, whether it is a candle chart for E-mini S&P 500 futures trading or a bar chart for stock trading, and see very clear entry and exit points. But doing this in real time is much more difficult. Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar will help you become proficient in the practice of reading price actionthrough the use of trendlines and trend channel lines, prior highs and lows, breakouts and failed breakouts, and other toolsand show you how this approach can improve the overall risk-reward ratio of your trades. Written with the serious trader in mind, this reliable resource addresses the essential elements of this discipline, including the importance of understanding every bar on a price chart, why particular patterns are reliable setups for trades, and how to locate entry and exit points as markets are trading in real time. Brooks focuses on five-minute candle charts to illustrate basic principles, but discusses daily and weekly charts as well. Along the way, he also explores intraday swing trades on several stocks and details option purchases based on daily chartsrevealing how using price action alone can be the basis for this type of trading. There's no easy way to trade, but if you learn to read price charts, find reliable patterns, and get a feel for the market and time frame that suits your situation, you can make money. While price action trading doesn't require sophisticated software or an abundance of indicators, this straightforward approach can still put you in a better position to profit in almost any market. Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar will show you how.
Pearson Education (US) Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic Book, The
Since Lightroom first launched 15 years ago, Scott Kelby's The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book for Digital Photographers has been the world's #1 top-selling Lightroom book (it has been translated into dozens of different languages), and in this latest version, Scott did his biggest update ever, sharing all his newest techniques, insights, and invaluable tips using his award-winning, plain-English style that makes learning Lightroom easy and fun. Scott doesn't just show you which sliders do what (every Lightroom book does that, right?). Instead, he shares his own personal settings, his time-tested techniques, and his proven step-by-step method of learning Lightroom, so you can begin using it like a pro from the start. Each year, he trains thousands of Lightroom users at his live seminars, online conferences, and through his blog at, and he has learned firsthand what really works and what doesn't. He tells you flat-out which techniques work best, which ones to avoid, and why. You'll learn: His famous SLIM (Simplified Lightroom Image Management) system that will teach you, step by step, how to organize your images, back them up, and be able to find them quickly and easily. Scott's SLIM system is taught at colleges and universities around the world, because it's so simple, straightforward, and it works. How to make your images look like the pros, and how to take advantage of the camera, creative, and B&W profiles—you'll finally "get" the whole image editing thing, and you'll know exactly what to do, which sliders to move (and which to avoid) in what order, and why. How to unlock the power of Lightroom's Masking tools and how to "paint with light" to take your images to another level. How to use Lightroom along with Photoshop, and how to make the two work together absolutely seamlessly. You'll be surprised at what you'll be able to do, even if you've never used Photoshop before. How to expand Lightroom's power to your phone or tablet, so you can organize and edit your images from anywhere. How to share your images in print and in gorgeous coffee table books, or online, including how to do online client proofing or share images with a group. Download most of the same images used in the book to follow right along with. You'll get a killer collection of custom Lightroom Develop and Print presets to give you some of the most sought-after looks and effects, all with just one click. This is the first and only book to bring the whole process together in such a clear, concise, and visual way. There is no faster, more straight-to-the-point, or more fun way to learn Lightroom.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Head Strong: The Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster-in Just Two Weeks
From the creator of Bulletproof Coffee and author of the bestselling The Bulletproof Diet comes a revolutionary plan to upgrade your brainpower-in two weeks or less. For the last decade, Silicon Valley entrepreneur Dave Asprey has worked with world-renowned doctors and scientists to uncover the latest, most innovative methods for making humans perform better-a process known as "biohacking." In his first book, The Bulletproof Diet, he shared his biohacking tips for taking control of your own biology. Now, in Head Strong, Asprey shows readers how to biohack their way to a sharper, smarter, faster, more resilient brain. Imagine feeling like your mind is operating at its clearest and sharpest, and being able-possibly for the first time in your life-to do more in less time? What it suddenly became easier to do the very hardest things you do? Or if you could feel 100% confident about your intellect, and never again fear being the person in the room who just isn't smart enough, or can't remember something important? How would you treat people if the mood swings, short temper, and food cravings that disrupt your day could simply disappear? In Head Strong, Asprey shows us that all of this is possible-and more. Using his simple lifestyle modifications (or "hacks") to take advantage of how the structure of your brain works, readers will learn how to take their mental performance to the next level. Combining the latest findings in neuroscience and neurobiology with a hacker-inspired "get it done now" perspective, Asprey offers a program structured around key areas of brain performance that will help you: * Power the brain with exactly what it needs to perform at its best all day long* Eliminate the sources of "kryptonite," both nutritional and environmental, that make the brain slower.* Supercharge the cellular powerhouses of our brains, the mitochondria, to eliminate cravings and turn up mental focus.* Reverse inflammation to perform better right now, then stay sharp and energized well into your golden years.* Promote neuron growth to enhance processing speed and reinforce new learning-hotwiring your brain for success. Asprey's easy to follow, two-week program offers a detailed plan to supercharge brain performance, including: which foods to eat and which ones to avoid, how to incorporate the right kinds of physical activity into your day, a detox protocol for your home and body; meditation and breathing for performance, recommended brain-boosting supplements; and how to adjust the lighting in your home and work space to give your brain the quality light it thrives on. A better brain-and a happier, easier, more productive life-is within reach. You just need to get Head Strong.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Modern Statistics: A Computer-Based Approach with Python
This innovative textbook presents material for a course on modern statistics that incorporates Python as a pedagogical and practical resource. Drawing on many years of teaching and conducting research in various applied and industrial settings, the authors have carefully tailored the text to provide an ideal balance of theory and practical applications. Numerous examples and case studies are incorporated throughout, and comprehensive Python applications are illustrated in detail. A custom Python package is available for download, allowing students to reproduce these examples and explore others.The first chapters of the text focus on analyzing variability, probability models, and distribution functions. Next, the authors introduce statistical inference and bootstrapping, and variability in several dimensions and regression models. The text then goes on to cover sampling for estimation of finite population quantities and time series analysis and prediction, concluding with two chapters on modern data analytic methods. Each chapter includes exercises, data sets, and applications to supplement learning.Modern Statistics: A Computer-Based Approach with Python is intended for a one- or two-semester advanced undergraduate or graduate course. Because of the foundational nature of the text, it can be combined with any program requiring data analysis in its curriculum, such as courses on data science, industrial statistics, physical and social sciences, and engineering. Researchers, practitioners, and data scientists will also find it to be a useful resource with the numerous applications and case studies that are included. A second, closely related textbook is titled Industrial Statistics: A Computer-Based Approach with Python. It covers topics such as statistical process control, including multivariate methods, the design of experiments, including computer experiments and reliability methods, including Bayesian reliability. These texts can be used independently or for consecutive courses.The mistat Python package can be accessed at"In this book on Modern Statistics, the last two chapters on modern analytic methods contain what is very popular at the moment, especially in Machine Learning, such as classifiers, clustering methods and text analytics. But I also appreciate the previous chapters since I believe that people using machine learning methods should be aware that they rely heavily on statistical ones. I very much appreciate the many worked out cases, based on the longstanding experience of the authors. They are very useful to better understand, and then apply, the methods presented in the book. The use of Python corresponds to the best programming experience nowadays. For all these reasons, I think the book has also a brilliant and impactful future and I commend the authors for that."Professor Fabrizio RuggeriResearch Director at the National Research Council, ItalyPresident of the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS)Editor-in-Chief of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (ASMBI)
Canelo Dreaming of St-Tropez: A heart-warming, feel-good holiday romance set on the Riviera
The perfect summer escape on the French Riviera. Sun, sea and secrets…After a disagreement with a billionaire, architect Jess Milton is ‘let go’ from her job. However fortune intervenes – an elderly client asks Jess to dog-sit overweight, but loveable dog Brutus in St. Tropez.Fed up with the mega-rich, Jess is reluctant to visit the playground of billionaires, but an all-expenses-paid trip and the promise of sunshine seals the deal.Little does Jess know how much time she’ll be spending with the family living in St. Tropez. The sullen, but very good-looking David and his millionaire father are both welcoming but guarded, haunted by their pasts…Can Jess bring some sunshine back into their lives – and, just maybe, find love in the process?A heart-warming, funny and emotional journey for fans of Holly Martin, Tilly Tennant and Jenny Oliver.Praise for T.A. Williams' Dreaming of St-Tropez 'I loved every page. Can't wait to read more by this author.' The Cosiest Corner'I was enthralled from start to finish in this immensely enjoyable story of sun, sea, sand, swimming and St. Tropez.' Rachel's Random Reads'The perfect summer read' Reader review'This is a delightful, laugh out loud romance... another superb story from this highly talented author. Get ready for a humorous story with great characters, stupendous settings and a plot filled with fun, mystery, suspense and, of course, romance!' Splashes into Books'Can I say my dream is to actually BE a character in one of T.A.'s books?? I've read and reviewed several of his books, and I absolutely love them!! This book is no exception... I enjoyed every minute of this book and it's the perfect vacation or beach read.' Reader review'I love T.A. Williams' books... A very entertaining and enjoyable read. Strongly recommended.' Reader review'I've loved reading Dreaming of St Tropez and have found it very difficult to close the book. I want so much to be back at the beach bar but since I can't I'll just keep on dreaming of St. Tropez.' Blooming Fiction‘You’ll laugh, cry, and say “Oh! No!” Definitely a fun weekend read’ Reader review'A super fun book about where dreams can take you when you least expect it... such a great read. It had a bunch of twists and turns that were completely unexpected. It made me want to get to St. Tropez right away!' Reader review'If you're looking for the perfect holiday read, for the beach or even the back garden, this is it. Sun, sea, a troubled hero, a lovable dog and an intelligent, kind heroine who lives her life with integrity make this an absorbing read with plenty of laughs.' Jane Hunt Writer'Could not put it down.' Reader review
SAGE Publications Inc Teacher Voice: Amplifying Success
Help teachers listen, learn, and lead for powerful school reform! Teacher insight and experience is a powerful yet underutilized resource in education, especially in these days of the new ESSA. Help teachers find their voice and positively influence their school’s learning environment with this inspiring guide. Student aspirations pioneer, Russell Quaglia, helps you expertly facilitate the process. Using the author’s three-part School Voice Model, you’ll discover in-depth action steps to help you incorporate teacher voice that has to be heard to sustain change. With Quaglia and Lande’s clear, step-by-step guidance, teacher interviews, reflections, and expert research, you’ll help teachers: Work collaboratively for school change Inspire and positively affect education stakeholders Effectively express themselves Build self-worth and realize their potential Increase engagement and define a sense of purpose Amplify their voice via technology Bolster teacher leadership and improve retention, innovation, professional development, and student achievement with this breakthrough guide! "In this innovative book, Russell Quaglia and Lisa Lande sets out how we can change that and how the voice of teachers can serve to systematically advance the knowledge-base of the profession and establish opportunities for exchange, collaboration and support. In today’s world, even the best Minister of Education can no longer solve the challenges of millions of teachers. But if we can capitalise on the expertise of millions of teachers, we can create the world’s best school system." Andreas Schleicher OECD "Quaglia and Lande have produced a treasure trove of new and high leverage ideas. Teachers Voice contains two powerful messages. One is that teacher voice contains the seeds of widespread transformation of learning. The other main message, alas, is that teacher voice is vastly under utilized---and teachers know it! This book is a call and guide to action to leverage a resource that is under our noses. Read it and act." Michael Fullan, Professor Emeritus University of Toronto "Teaching and fishing? Only a couple very imaginative educators would pair these two topics in a book. But that is just what Russell Quaglia and Lisa Lande have done, and that is just what they are—imaginative, optimistic, and deep-thinking educators. Their triadic epigram—Listen, Learn, Lead—would have saved many a frustrated school administrator who thought they should start with ′lead.′ This book is chock-full of sound advice, practical ideas, and voices of teachers, all describing how teachers work together and communicate with each other, with students, and with parents. Who, other than teachers, deserves a more prominent, yes central, role in any discussion of how schools improve. This is a delightful read that makes a less-imaginative educator want to get up in the morning and go to work. Or go fishing." Dr. Sam Redding, Executive Director Academic Development Institute
Oxford University Press Inc The Oxford Handbook of Public History
The Oxford Handbook of Public History introduces the major debates within public history; the methods and sources that comprise a public historian's tool kit; and exemplary examples of practice. It views public history as a dynamic process combining historical research and a wide range of work with and for the public, informed by a conceptual context. The editors acknowledge the imprecision bedeviling attempts to define public history, and use this book as an opportunity to shape the field by taking a deliberately broad view. They include professional historians who work outside the academy in a range of institutions and sites, and those who are politically committed to communicating history to the wide range of audiences. This volume provides the information and inspiration needed by a practitioner to succeed in the wide range of workplaces that characterizes public history today, for university teachers of public history to assist their students, and for working public historians to keep up to date with recent research. This handbook locates public history as a professional practice within an intellectual framework that is increasingly transnational, technological, and democratic. While the nation state remains the primary means of identification, increased mobility and the digital revolution have occasioned a much broader outlook and awareness of the world beyond national borders. It addresses squarely the tech-savvy, media-literate citizens of the world, the"digital natives" of the twenty-first century, in a way that recognizes the revolution in shared authority that has swept museum work, oral history, and much of public history practice. This volume also provides both currently practicing historians and those entering the field a map for understanding the historical landscape of the future: not just to the historiographical debates of the academy but also the boom in commemoration and history outside the academy evident in many countries since the 1990s, which now constitutes the historical culture in each country. Public historians need to understand both contexts, and to negotiate their implications for questions of historical authority and the public historian's work. The boom in popular history is characterized by a significant increase in both making and consuming history in a range of historical activities such as genealogy, family history, and popular collecting; cultural tourism, historic sites, and memorial museums; increased memorialization, both formal and informal, from roadside memorials to state funded shrines and memorial Internet sites; increased publication of historical novels, biographies, and movies and TV series set in the past. Much of this, as well as a vast array of new community cultural projects, has been facilitated by the digital technologies that have increased the accessibility of historical information, the democratization of practice, and the demand for sharing authority.
Pearson Education (US) Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, A
The Most Useful Tutorial and Reference, with Hundreds of High-Quality Examples for Every Popular Linux Distribution “First Sobell taught people how to use Linux . . . now he teaches you the power of Linux. A must-have book for anyone who wants to take Linux to the next level.” –Jon “maddog” Hall, Executive Director, Linux International Discover the Power of Linux--Covers macOS, too! Learn from hundreds of realistic, high-quality examples, and become a true command-line guru Covers MariaDB, DNF, and Python 3 300+ page reference section covers 102 utilities, including macOS commands For use with all popular versions of Linux, including Ubuntu,™ Fedora,™ openSUSE,™ Red Hat,® Debian, Mageia, Mint, Arch, CentOS, and macOS Linux is today's dominant Internet server platform. System administrators and Web developers need deep Linux fluency, including expert knowledge of shells and the command line. This is the only guide with everything you need to achieve that level of Linux mastery. Renowned Linux expert Mark Sobell has brought together comprehensive, insightful guidance on the tools sysadmins, developers, and power users need most, and has created an outstanding day-to-day reference, updated with assistance from new coauthor Matthew Helmke. This title is 100 percent distribution and release agnostic. Packed with hundreds of high-quality, realistic examples, it presents Linux from the ground up: the clearest explanations and most useful information about everything from filesystems to shells, editors to utilities, and programming tools to regular expressions. Use a Mac? You'll find coverage of the macOS command line, including macOS-only tools and utilities that other Linux/UNIX titles ignore. A Practical Guide to Linux® Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, Fourth Edition, is the only guide to deliver A MariaDB chapter to get you started with this ubiquitous relational database management system (RDBMS) A masterful introduction to Python for system administrators and power users In-depth coverage of the bash and tcsh shells, including a complete discussion of environment, inheritance, and process locality, plus coverage of basic and advanced shell programming Practical explanations of core utilities, from aspell to xargs, including printf and sshfs/curlftpfs, PLUS macOS–specific utilities from ditto to SetFile Expert guidance on automating remote backups using rsync Dozens of system security tips, including step-by-step walkthroughs of implementing secure communications using ssh and scp Tips and tricks for customizing the shell, including step values, sequence expressions, the eval builtin, and implicit command-line continuation High-productivity editing techniques using vim and emacs A comprehensive, 300-plus-page command reference section covering 102 utilities, including find, grep, sort, and tar Instructions for updating systems using apt-get and dnf And much more, including coverage of BitTorrent, gawk, sed, find, sort, bzip2, and regular expressions
Random House USA Inc Fodors Washington D.C.
Whether you want to explore the Smithsonian Museums, stroll along the Wharf, or dine in the city''s increasingly sophisticated restaurant scene, the local Fodor''s travel experts in Washington D.C. are here to help! Fodor''s Washington D.C. guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos.Fodor''s Washington D.C. travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 20 DETAILED MAPS and a FREE PULL-OUT MAP to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “What to Buy,” “Under the Radar,” “D.C. with kids,” and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, music, and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “What to Watch and Read Before You Visit,” and “What to Eat and Drink” LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: The Washington Monument, the White House, the Capitol Building, the National Mall, the Lincoln Memorial, the Smithsonian museums, Arlington National Cemetery, Georgetown''s boutiques, U Street''s restaurants, Alexandria, Mount Vernon, Annapolis, Baltimore, and more. Planning on visiting other parts of the east coast? Check out Fodor''s New York City, Fodor''s Boston, and Fodor''s Maine Coast.*Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR''S AUTHORS: Each Fodor''s Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor''s has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Taylor & Francis Inc Teachers As Mentors: Models for Promoting Achievement with Disadvantaged and Underrepresented Students by Creating Community
The book describes two similar and successful models of youth mentoring used by two acclaimed urban high schools that have consistently achieved exceptional graduation rates. Providing a detailed description of their methods – based upon extensive observation, and interviews with teachers, students, administrators, and parents – this book makes a major contribution to the debate on how to reduce the achievement gap.Using similar teacher-as-youth mentor and youth advising models, these two inner city schools – Fenway High School in Boston, Massachusetts; and the Kedma School in Jerusalem – have broken the cycle of failure for the student populations they serve—children from underrepresented groups living in poverty in troubled neighborhoods with few resources. Students in both schools have excelled academically, rarely dropout, and progress to college in significant numbers (Fenway has 90% graduation rate, with 95% of graduates going on to college. Kedma outperforms comparable urban schools by a factor of four). Both schools have won numerous awards, with Fenway High School gaining Pilot School status in Massachusetts, a recognition the state only awards to a few exemplary schools; and Kedma School being declared one of the 50 most influential educational endeavors in Israel.The success of both schools is directly attributable to their highly developed teacher-as-a-youth mentor programs that embody an ideology and mission that put students at the center of their programs and structures. The models are closely integrated with the curriculum, and support the social, emotional, cultural, and academic needs of students, as well as develop close mentor-student-parent relationships. The model furthermore includes extensive support for the mentors themselves. Apart from the potential of these models to narrow the achievement gap, these two schools have a record of creating a school climate that promotes safety, and reduces the incidence of bullying and violence. At the heart of both programs is creating community—between departments and functions in the school; and between teachers, staff, students, and parents. Everyone in the school system should read this book.Research suggests that caring relationships between students and teachers significantly enhance Social Emotional Learning (SEL) -- defined as the process through which children develop their ability to integrate thinking, feeling, and behaving to achieve important life tasks -- which is recognized as an important factor in children's success in school. However, caring schools are usually the exception, especially at the secondary level where relationships between students and teachers seem to deteriorate significantly. This book provides a schoolwide model for establishing caring secondary schools and enhancing SEL using a teacher-as-a youth mentor model.
Edinburgh University Press The Kurdish Nobility in the Ottoman Empire: Loyalty, Autonomy and Privilege
Studies the making and unmaking of the Ottoman Empire's Kurdish nobility Challenges a long-standing spatial-geographical bias in Ottoman-Middle East history by bringing Kurdish and Armenian histories back into the Ottoman imperial framework Presents the first study to use the framework of hereditary nobility to examine Kurdish elite formation and its decline in the Ottoman Empire Demonstrates the complex social, economic and political background to massacres and pogroms that targeted the Armenian population of Palu before the Armenian Genocide Provides a much-needed bottom-up historical perspective to Kurdish and Armenian historiographies Uses an array of sources that includes Ottoman, British and American archival documents and interviews conducted with the Palu beys' descendants This book narrates the rise and fall of Kurdish nobility in the Ottoman Empire from the sixteenth through to the nineteenth century. Focusing on one noble Kurdish family based in the emirate of Palu, a fortressed town in the eastern provinces of the Ottoman Empire, it provides the first systematic analysis of the hereditary nobility in Kurdistan. The book centres on the crucial moment in the 1840s during which the Ottoman state set out to abolish the hereditary privileges of the Kurdish beys, confiscating their large landholdings and setting the stage for a conflict over the fertile lands of Palu that would last nearly six decades. This tug-of-war between Armenian financiers, Armenian and Muslim sharecroppers, the Kurdish beys and the Ottoman state ended in 1895 with a series of massacres against the Armenian population of Palu. Through exhaustive archival research in an untapped body of sources, this book sheds light on the impact this conflict-filled process had on the intercommunal relations in the locality. In doing so, the author brings the voices of Armenian and Kurdish commoners to the fore and highlights the important roles that they, too, played in the local struggles and wider changes in governance. As the first study to present the dissolution of the Kurdish nobility using a social history lens, the book gets to the heart of the historical transformations that changed Palu from a diverse and economically affluent town into an ethnoreligiously homogenised, culturally conservative and economically deprived place. Peppered with vignettes and stories culled from a wide range of archival sources, the author presents a cohesive narrative of the region's socio-economic and political history between 1720 and 1895, situating developments taking place in the small province of Palu within the larger developments in the Ottoman Empire and the world at large.
University of Hawai'i Press Remembering Traditional Hanzi 2: How Not to Forget the Meaning and Writing of Chinese Characters
This book is the second of two volumes designed to help students learn the meaning and writing of the 3,000 most frequently used traditional Chinese characters. (A parallel set of volumes has been prepared for simplified characters.) The 1,500 characters introduced in Book 1 include the top 1,000 by frequency, plus another 500 best learned at an early stage. Book 2 adds the remaining 1,500 characters to complete the set.The lessons of Book 2 have been arranged in such a way that they may be studied either after those of Book 1 or simultaneously with them. Students who wish to focus initially on the 1,000 most frequently used characters in the language can do so by studying Book 1 before moving on to Book 2. Many, if not most, learners will find this preferable. Students who wish to apply the logical ordering found in these pages to the entire list of 3,000 characters from the very beginning can take the more exacting, but also more rationally satisfying, approach of studying the parallel lessons of the two volumes together.The lessons in this book are followed by two short, additional sections, one that introduces a number of “compounds,” or characters that are best learned in pairs, and another that adds two “postscripts.” The book also includes a number of comprehensive indexes that are designed to facilitate work with both volumes. Of central importance to the approach found in these pages is the systematic arranging of characters in an order best suited to memory. In the Chinese writing system, strokes and simple components are nested within relatively simple characters. These characters, in turn, can serve as parts of more complicated characters, and so on. Taking advantage of this allows a logical ordering, making it possible for students to approach most new characters with prior knowledge that can greatly facilitate the learning process.Guidance and detailed instructions are provided all along the way. Students are taught to employ “imaginative memory” to associate each character’s component parts or “primitive elements” with one another and with a key word that has been carefully selected to represent an important meaning of the character. This is accomplished through creation of a “story” that engagingly ties the primitive elements and key word together. In this way, the collections of dots, strokes and components that make up the characters are associated in memorable ways, dramatically shortening the time required for learning and helping prevent characters from slipping out of memory.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Neuroethology of Birdsong
Vocal signals are central for social communication across a wide range of vertebrate species; consequently, it is critical to understand the mechanisms underlying the learning, control, and evolution of vocal communication. Songbirds are at the forefront of research into such neural mechanisms. Indeed, songbirds provide a particularly important model system for this endeavor because of the many parallels between birdsong and human speech. Specifically, (1) songbirds are one of the few vertebrate species that, like humans, learn their vocal signals during development, (2) the processes of song learning and control in songbirds shares many parallels with the process of speech acquisition in humans, and (3) there exist deep homologies between the circuits for the learning, control, and processing of vocal signals across songbirds and humans. In addition, because of the diversity of songbirds and song learning strategies, songbirds offer a powerful model system to use the comparative method to reveal mechanisms underlying the evolution of song learning and production. Taken together, research on songbirds can not only reveal general principles underlying vertebrate vocal communication but can also provide insight into potential mechanisms underlying the learning, control, and processing of speech. This volume will cover a range of topics in birdsong spanning multiple level of analysis. Chapters will be authored by the world’s leading experts on birdsong and will provide comprehensive reviews of the processes underlying song learning, of the neural circuits for song learning and control as well as for the extraction and processing of song information, of the selection pressures underlying song evolution, and of genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying the learning and evolution of song. The primary goals of this volume are to provide comprehensive, integrative, and comparative perspectives on birdsong and to underscore the importance of birdsong to biomedical research, evolutionary biology, and behavioral, systems, and computational neuroscience.The target audience of this volume will be graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and established academics and neuroscientists who are interested in mechanisms of communication from an integrative and comparative perspective. The volume is intended to function as a high-profile and contemporary reference on current work related to the learning, control, processing, and evolution of birdsong. This volume will have broad appeal to comparative and sensory biologists, neurophysiologists, and behavioral, systems, and cognitive neuroscientists who attend meetings such as the Society for Neuroscience, the International Society for Neuroethology, and the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Because of the relevance of birdsong research to understanding human speech, it is likely that the volume will also be of interest to speech researchers and clinicians researching communication, motor, and sensory processing disorders.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Bob Hisrich is uniquely talented and experienced to offer a book of this nature. His international teaching and business experience, combined with his broad scholarship are a potent source of unique insights and lessons. Students at all levels will benefit from this provocative new book.'- Thomas N. Duening, El Pomar Chair of Business and Entrepreneurship and Director, Center for Entrepreneurship, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, US'Governments worldwide recognize that entrepreneurial behavior is essential to economic health and prosperity. Universities have responded with an explosion of entrepreneurship courses. Hisrich answers the demand for education with innovation. He shows how entrepreneurship and innovation connect, and he takes an innovative approach in this book. He introduces the latest in research findings with a storyteller's enthusiasm. This is the rare textbook that readers will have trouble putting down. When they do, they will have skills to be successful in entrepreneurial careers.'- Frank Hoy, Director of the Collaborative for Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USElgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.Renowned entrepreneurship scholar Robert D. Hisrich provides insights into the venture creation process, as well as the entrepreneur as a person. He outlines the characteristics, motivations and decision making processes of the entrepreneur in different settings (including businesses, government organizations and non-profits/social enterprises) to provide a comprehensive understanding of the individual who creates a new venture.Key features include:- Insights into how creativity and innovation provide a base for developing an idea- A history of the development of entrepreneurship and the changing nature of the entrepreneur- A focus on important aspects of a business plan- Unique perspectives from corporate executives, entrepreneurs and small business managers- Ideas on building a lasting company and/or ending the venture.Offering a concise, accessible and timely introduction to entrepreneurship, this thoughtful book will prove a valuable supplement to advanced students as well as practitioners of entrepreneurship and anyone interested in the field.Contents: Entrepreneurship - A Historical Perspective 2. The Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurial Decision Making 3. Corporate, Government and Social Entrepreneurship 4. Creativity and Innovation 5. Identifying Opportunity 6. Creating and Protecting the Business Idea 7. The Business Plan 8. The Marketing Plan 9. The Financial Plan 10. The Organizational Plan 11. Obtaining Capital and other Resources 12. Launching the Venture 13. Growing the Venture 14. Building a Lasting Company and Ending the Venture Index
Human Kinetics Publishers Contemporary Leadership in Sport Organizations
In a quickly growing and evolving society, organizations at all levels face ongoing challenges and complexities that require specific leadership skills. Contemporary Leadership in Sport Organizations, Second Edition With HKPropel Access, brings together research on leadership—both within and outside of sport settings—to provide comprehensive knowledge of skills and practices relevant to the sport industry. With sport-specific examples, students will learn an effective approach to leadership thought, strategy, and action to apply in recreational, interscholastic, intercollegiate, and professional sport organizations as well as the rapidly growing esports industry. Students will first learn the historical and foundational concepts of leadership, defining what effective leadership is and the primary outcomes of good leadership. Contemporary thought and leadership approaches for present-day challenges are then presented, bringing concepts to life within the unique contexts of sport organizations of all levels and types. Modern leadership concepts that are explored include emotional intelligence and its role in developing authentic leadership, data-informed decision making and problem solving, behaviors and actions that are most effective in crisis situations, and the leadership-as-practice movement. Updates in this edition include the following: Expanded content on leadership for achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion in sport organizations, including new content on LGBTQ+ research in sport Content on global leadership in sport, including the emergence of esports and sport as a tool for social change Discussion of ethical decision making and the challenges and responsibilities for leaders in the development of the values and culture of an organization New student learning activities, delivered through HKPropel, are designed to engage students in a learning experience that turns the principles learned into practical leadership skills. Case studies (some of which include video examples) expand on chapter content and present real-world examples of sport leadership across a broad range of roles. These contain open-ended discussion questions that encourage students to think critically about the cases and about their own future careers. Activities encourage students to put research into practice, while interactive branching scenarios immerse students in the decision-making process, applying strategies presented in the book to navigate through each simulation to discover the most optimal outcome. Modern sport organizations at all levels are evolving into increasingly complex and diverse entities that require adaptable and effective leaders. Contemporary Leadership in Sport Organizations provides the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to inspire students to become successful leaders in the sport industry. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with this ebook.
St Augustine's Press Slave State – Rereading Orwell`s 1984
David Lowenthal transposes present society onto that in the novel, 1984, and illustrates “how the quest for a perfect society led instead to the worst––in the course of revolting against which the true ends of life are established.” It is more than suspicion: the year 2021 is 1984. What many understand by instinct, Lowenthal here articulates in clear terms using the political prophesy of this no longer futuristic literature. To be one without truthful unity? This is the picture of human brotherhood ushering in the only thing worse than inequality––enslavement. There is no positive political message in 1984, argues Lowenthal, but there is positive moral message that is nearly always overlooked by commentators. “Through the movement of the novel, Orwell tries to impress on the passions, hearts and minds of his readers the most valuable lessons concerning the right and wrong way to live. With the decline of Christianity’s influence in forming the moral sense of the West and the concomitant increase in power hunger, wielding instruments born of modern enlightenment, what mankind most needed was moral guidance, conveyed not abstractly, through philosophy, but in such a way as to grip the whole soul.” But can Orwell be trusted as a guide to the goodness in human nature? Lowenthal says he can be, and more. He gives us a sketch of the intellectual process that compels Orwell to ultimately outgrow Marxism, his detection and rejection of totalitarian regimes (above all in Communism), and in what way the principles of liberalism of his day were given warning labels by a writer who was not a formally educated political philosopher. Laced with relativism, any current of thought that does not acknowledge the proper ends of man will be effaced by the next master of the masses. Lowenthal echoes Orwell when he says, “we have abandoned inculcating good citizenship, higher ideals and a sense of personal worth in the schools, encouraging instead an aimless low-level conformist ‘individuality’ just waiting to be harnessed together and directed. Given these conditions, can we be sure we have left the conditions to the horrors of 1984 far behind as mere fiction?” Orwell and Lowenthal are unlikely co-collaborators, unless one perceives how much alike in their exhortations to fellow man they are. The steady tenor of their hard warning is made possible by a hope-soaked confidence that, in utter sobriety, is repulsed by anything that threatens human freedom and dignity. This book is required reading for anyone who believes in the return of socialism. Indeed, any recent university graduate should be debriefed by Lowenthal before entering the real world.
Human Kinetics Publishers Evidence-Based Practice in Athletic Training
As one of the first texts of its kind, Evidence-Based Practice in Athletic Training contains essential information on the fundamentals of evidence-based practice (EBP) for students who are working toward certification in athletic training and athletic trainers who wish to stay up to date on best practices in the field. With EBP, all clinical decisions are based on available research studies, and these studies are selected and assessed according to specific criteria that yield evidence of benefit. EBP is a continuing education requirement for athletic trainers who are certified with the Board of Certification (BOC). Grounded in solid science, Evidence-Based Practice in Athletic Training explains the basics of EBP and the research design methods that are so vital to its implementation. Starting in part I, the text introduces the various levels of evidence, well-built question development using the PICO technique (patient problem or population, intervention, comparison, and outcomes), the five steps of searching for evidence, and search techniques. Part II guides readers through researching specific questions and evaluating research studies, including how to incorporate the evidence they find into their clinical practice. Part III reviews the various research types, their uses and benefits, and research ethics as a critical part of the process of EBP. Through these step-by-step chapters, readers will be able to formulate clinical questions, perform research on current studies, analyze the available data, and apply the principles in their practice in order to provide the best and most accurate care possible. In addition to in-depth information on the principles and application of EBP, Evidence-Based Practice in Athletic Training presents clinically based scenarios that allow students to apply their recently acquired knowledge to real-life situations, thus encouraging a deeper understanding of the topics presented throughout the text. These scenarios allow those who are learning EBP concepts for the first time to understand how EBP is incorporated clinically. The most efficient, systematic, and thorough resource of its kind, Evidence-Based Practice in Athletic Training encourages students and current certified athletic trainers to ask meaningful questions, gain the knowledge they need for excelling in future practice, and rise to the top of their profession. For students who want a thorough skill base in EBP and for credentialed health care professionals who seek further knowledge in the area, Evidence-Based Practice in Athletic Training will help all current and future athletic trainers provide the best care for their athletes and clients.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Chemistry of Fear: Harvey Wiley's Fight for Pure Food
A fascinating examination of the controversial work of Harvey Wiley, the founder of the pure food movement and an early crusader against the use of additives and preservatives in food.Though trained as a medical doctor, chemist Harvey Wiley spent most of his professional life advocating for "pure food"—food free of both adulterants and preservatives. A strong proponent of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, still the basis of food safety legislation in the United States, Wiley gained fame for what became known as the Poison Squad experiments—a series of tests in which, to learn more about the effects of various chemicals on the human body, Wiley's own employees at the Department of Agriculture agreed to consume food mixed with significant amounts of various additives, including borax, saltpeter, copper sulfate, sulfuric acid, and formaldehyde. One hundred years later, Wiley's influence lives on in many of our current popular ideas about food: that the wrong food can kill you; that the right food can extend your life; that additives are unnatural; and that unnatural food is unhealthy food. Eating—the process of taking something external in the world and putting it inside of you—has always been an intimate act, but it was Harvey Wiley who first turned it into a matter of life or death.In The Chemistry of Fear, Jonathan Rees examines Wiley's many—and varied—conflicts and clashes over food safety, including the adulteration of honey and the addition of caffeine to Coca-Cola, formaldehyde to milk, and alum to baking powder. Although Wiley is often depicted as an unwavering champion of the consumer's interest, Rees argues that his critics rightfully questioned some of his motivations, as well as the conclusions that he drew from his most important scientific work. And although Wiley's fame and popularity gave him enormous influence, Rees reveals that his impact on what Americans eat depends more upon fear than it does upon the quality of his research. Exploring in detail the battles Wiley picked over the way various foods and drinks were made and marketed, The Chemistry of Fear touches upon every stage of his career as a pure food advocate. From his initial work in Washington researching food adulteration, through the long interval at the end of his life when he worked for Good Housekeeping, Wiley often wrote about the people who prevented him from making the pure food law as effective as he thought it should have been. This engaging book will interest anyone who's curious about the pitfalls that eaters faced at the turn of the twentieth century.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Free Space Optical Systems Engineering: Design and Analysis
Gets you quickly up to speed with the theoretical and practical aspects of free space optical systems engineering design and analysis One of today's fastest growing system design and analysis disciplines is free space optical systems engineering for communications and remote sensing applications. It is concerned with creating a light signal with certain characteristics, how this signal is affected and changed by the medium it traverses, how these effects can be mitigated both pre- and post-detection, and if after detection, it can be differentiated from noise under a certain standard, e.g., receiver operating characteristic. Free space optical systems engineering is a complex process to design against and analyze. While there are several good introductory texts devoted to key aspects of optics—such as lens design, lasers, detectors, fiber and free space, optical communications, and remote sensing—until now, there were none offering comprehensive coverage of the basics needed for optical systems engineering. If you're an upper-division undergraduate, or first-year graduate student, looking to acquire a practical understanding of electro-optical engineering basics, this book is intended for you. Topics and tools are covered that will prepare you for graduate research and engineering in either an academic or commercial environment. If you are an engineer or scientist considering making the move into the opportunity rich field of optics, this all-in-one guide brings you up to speed with everything you need to know to hit the ground running, leveraging your experience and expertise acquired previously in alternate fields. Following an overview of the mathematical fundamentals, this book provides a concise, yet thorough coverage of, among other crucial topics: Maxwell Equations, Geometrical Optics, Fourier Optics, Partial Coherence theory Linear algebra, Basic probability theory, Statistics, Detection and Estimation theory, Replacement Model detection theory, LADAR/LIDAR detection theory, optical communications theory Critical aspects of atmospheric propagation in real environments, including commonly used models for characterizing beam, and spherical and plane wave propagation through free space, turbulent and particulate channels Lasers, blackbodies/graybodies sources and photodetectors (e.g., PIN, ADP, PMT) and their inherent internal noise sources The book provides clear, detailed discussions of the basics for free space optical systems design and analysis, along with a wealth of worked examples and practice problems—found throughout the book and on a companion website. Their intent is to help you test and hone your skill set and assess your comprehension of this important area. Free Space Optical Systems Engineering is an indispensable introduction for students and professionals alike.
Fordham University Press New York After 9/11
An estimated 2 billion people around the world watched the catastrophic destruction of the World Trade Center. The enormity of the moment was immediately understood and quickly took on global proportions. What has been less obvious is the effect on the locus of the attacks, New York City, not as a seat of political or economic power, but as a community; not in the days and weeks afterward, but over months and years. New York after 9/11 offers insightful and critical observations about the processes set in motion by September 11, 2001 in New York, and holds important lessons for the future. This interdisciplinary collection brings together experts from diverse fields to discuss the long-term recovery of New York City after 9/11. Susan Opotow and Zachary Baron Shemtob invited experts in architecture and design, medicine, health, community advocacy, psychology, public safety, human rights, law, and mental health to look back on the aftereffects of that tragic day in key spheres of life in New York City. With a focus on the themes of space and memory, public health and public safety, trauma and conflict, and politics and social change, this comprehensive account of how 9/11 changed New York sets out to answer three questions: What were the key conflicts that erupted in New York City in 9/11’s wake? What clashing interests were involved and how did they change over time? And what was the role of these conflicts in the transition from trauma to recovery for New York City as a whole? Contributors discuss a variety of issues that emerged in this tragedy’s wake, some immediately and others in the years that followed, including: PTSD among first responders; conflicts and design challenges of rebuilding the World Trade Center site, the memorial, and the museum; surveillance of Muslim communities; power struggles among public safety agencies; the development of technologies for faster building evacuations; and the emergence of chronic illnesses and fatalities among first responders and people who lived, worked, and attended school in the vicinity of the 9/11 site. A chapter on two Ground Zeros –in Hiroshima and New York – compares and historicizes the challenges of memorialization and recovery. Each chapter offers a nuanced, vivid, and behind-the-scenes account of issues as they unfolded over time and across various contexts, dispelling simplistic narratives of this extended and complicated period. Illuminating a city’s multifaceted response in the wake of a catastrophic and traumatic attack, New York after 9/11 illustrates recovery as a process that is complex, multivalent, and ongoing.
Duke University Press Mounting Frustration: The Art Museum in the Age of Black Power
Prior to 1967 fewer than a dozen museum exhibitions had featured the work of African American artists. And by the time the civil rights movement reached the American art museum, it had already crested: the first public demonstrations to integrate museums occurred in late 1968, twenty years after the desegregation of the military and fourteen years after the Brown vs. Board of Education decision. In Mounting Frustration Susan E. Cahan investigates the strategies African American artists and museum professionals employed as they wrangled over access to and the direction of New York City's elite museums. Drawing on numerous interviews with artists and analyses of internal museum documents, Cahan gives a detailed and at times surprising picture of the institutional and social forces that both drove and inhibited racial justice in New York's museums. Cahan focuses on high-profile and wildly contested exhibitions that attempted to integrate African American culture and art into museums, each of which ignited debate, dissension, and protest. The Metropolitan Museum's 1969 exhibition Harlem on My Mind was supposed to represent the neighborhood, but it failed to include the work of the black artists living and working there. While the Whitney's 1971 exhibition Contemporary Black Artists in America featured black artists, it was heavily criticized for being haphazard and not representative. The Whitney show revealed the consequences of museums' failure to hire African American curators, or even white curators who possessed knowledge of black art. Cahan also recounts the long history of the Museum of Modern Art's institutional ambivalence toward contemporary artists of color, which reached its zenith in its 1984 exhibition "Primitivism" in Twentieth Century Art. Representing modern art as a white European and American creation that was influenced by the "primitive" art of people of color, the show only served to further devalue and cordon off African American art. In addressing the racial politics of New York's art world, Cahan shows how aesthetic ideas reflected the underlying structural racism and inequalities that African American artists faced. These inequalities are still felt in America's museums, as many fundamental racial hierarchies remain intact: art by people of color is still often shown in marginal spaces; one-person exhibitions are the preferred method of showing the work of minority artists, as they provide curators a way to avoid engaging with the problems of complicated, interlocking histories; and whiteness is still often viewed as the norm. The ongoing process of integrating museums, Cahan demonstrates, is far broader than overcoming past exclusions.
Human Kinetics Publishers Chicken and Noodle Games: 141 Fun Activities With Innovative Equipment
Chicken and Noodle Games: 141 Fun Activities With Innovative Equipment will help you offer a variety of games that will keep everyone participating, provide inclusive and nontraditional games in which no player starts with an advantage, adapt games to various settings and occasions, and increase players' physical activity. Take this book, add rubber chickens, pool noodles, tennis balls, sponges, and bolts, sprinkle in kids, and what do you get? A recipe for pure, unadulterated—and wacky—fun!Written by game masters John Byl, Herwig Baldauf, Pat Doyle, and Andy Raithby; Chicken and Noodle Games: 141 Fun Activities With Innovative Equipment is your ticket to promoting fun and active participation for all involved. The games use easy-to-find equipment in nontraditional ways—which means no player will start with an advantage. In addition, the equipment is inexpensive and allows you to provide a diverse selection of innovative games for very little money. The unusual equipment will capture participants' interests, and the fun games in this book will keep them coming back for more. And some games call for no equipment at all.The games require little organization and provide great opportunities to include children of all ages and abilities. The activities present fun motivators for increasing physical activity, and they help release tension and excessive energy, assist with personal self-control, and encourage social growth. They also enhance perceptual motor development; assist with focus, attention span, concentration, and perseverance; develop the thinking process; and enhance physical fitness and physical abilities. The games are divided into seven categories: games using rubber chickens, foam pool noodles, and tennis balls; games of tag and rock, paper, scissors; games with equipment bought at dollar stores; and games with equipment bought at hardware stores. Games are laid out for you to quickly grasp the game play and facilitate the game with a minimum of preparation time. Each game includes an objective, the number of players and type of equipment needed, setup, and rules. Many games come with variations to make them more suitable for your group—and the authors encourage adults and children to come up with their own variations as well.Chicken and Noodle Games will satisfy your appetite for new, different, and definitely fun games using ordinary and unusual equipment in extraordinary ways. In doing so, it offers oodles of choices for kids of all abilities to have fun while increasing their physical activity. When they take part in these games, kids are actively engaged and developing both physically and mentally. But if you ask them about it, they'll just say they're having fun.
Princeton University Press Suburbs under Siege: Race, Space, and Audacious Judges
In Suburbs under Siege Charles Haar argues passionately that all people--rich or poor, black or white--have a constitutional right to live in the suburbs and that a socially responsible judiciary should vigorously uphold that right. For various reasons, American courts have generally failed to question local zoning regulations that trap the urban poor in the squalor of inner cities, away from decent housing and jobs in the suburbs. No U.S. Supreme Court case, for instance, has confronted exclusionary zoning rules, as Brown v. Board of Education once attacked school segregation. Instead, judges at all levels have most often reinforced the residential segregation that may well destroy American society. In this provocative book on the landmark Mount Laurel cases, Haar shows how the N.J. state judiciary broke out of this pattern of judicial behavior. These courageous, innovative judges attracted nationwide attention by challenging the forces of affluence that ruled the suburbs (and the legislature) of their state. Furthermore, they based their reasoning on the N.J. state constitution in order to protect their rulings from invalidation by the U.S. Supreme Court. In the early 1970s, when the cases began, the plaintiffs, Ethel Lawrence and her daughter Thomasene, were barely making ends meet in the Philadelphia suburb of Mount Laurel, a town where their African-American ancestors had lived for seven generations. The Lawrences' dream was to live in a Mount Laurel garden apartment planned by a grassroots reform group as affordable housing: in their way stood a typical minimum acreage zoning ordinance. The eventual court victory of the Lawrences and their young public interest attorneys inspired other N.J. suits and a process of remediation that continues to this day, as judges, experts (special masters), the state legislature, and other citizens work to carry out the Mount Laurel principles. Haar's book is a bold attack on conventional doctrines of the separation of powers limitations on the judicial branch and a plea that judges across the country assume their proper responsibilities for fair housing before it is too late. Originally published in 1996. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Faber & Faber Great Hatred: The Assassination of Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson MP
THE IRISH TOP 10 BESTSELLERA gripping investigation into one of Irish history's greatest mysteries, Great Hatred reveals the true story behind one of the most significant political assassinations to ever have been committed on British soil.'Heart-stopping . . . The book is both forensic and a page-turner, and ultimately deeply tragic, for Ireland as much as for the murder victim.'MICHAEL PORTILLO'Gripping from start to finish. McGreevy turns a forensic mind to a political assassination that changed the course of history, uncovering a trove of unseen evidence in the process.'ANITA ANAND, author of The Patient Assassin'Invaluable.' IRISH TIMES'Intelligent and insightful.' IRISH INDEPENDENTOn 22 June 1922, Sir Henry Wilson - the former head of the British army and one of those credited with winning the First World War - was shot and killed by two veterans of that war turned IRA members in what was the most significant political murder to have taken place on British soil for more than a century. His assassins were well-educated and pious men. One had lost a leg during the Battle of Passchendaele. Shocking British society to the core, the shooting caused consternation in the government and almost restarted the conflict between Britain and Ireland that had ended with the Anglo-Irish Treaty just five months earlier. Wilson's assassination triggered the Irish Civil War, which cast the darkest of shadows over the new Irish State. Who ordered the killing? Why did two English-born Irish nationalists kill an Irish-born British imperialist? What was Wilson's role in the Northern Ireland government and the violence which matched the intensity of the Troubles fifty years later? Why would Michael Collins, who risked his life to sign a peace treaty with Great Britain, want one of its most famous soldiers dead, and how did the Wilson assassination lead to Collins' tragic death in an ambush two months later?Drawing upon newly released archival material and never-before-seen documentation, Great Hatred is a revelatory work that sheds light on a moment that changed the course of Irish and British history for ever.'McGreevy provides more than the anatomy of a political murder; in reconstructing this era of blood, poverty and wartime trauma, he also gives full expression to the terrible forces that WB Yeats once called the "fanatic heart" and the "great hatred".'THE TIMES'Thoughtful and well-researched . . . an important and valuable addition to the library of the Irish Revolution.'PROFESSOR DIARMAID FERRITER, University College Dublin
John Wiley & Sons Inc Trading 101: How to Trade Like a Pro
"I vowed to one day write a book so that other novices would nothave to go through the same grueling process to learn abouttrading."--Sunny Harris With a surge in the number of people trying their hand at tradingtoday--baby boomers, retirees, individual investors--it's moreimportant than ever to develop a solid working knowledge of therudiments of this potentially profitable practice. Trading 101 is aclearly written, concise, and thorough introduction to thebasics. The author, renowned for her successful Trading 101 seminars,creates an indispensable reference covering everything fromcharting techniques and trading vehicles to technical analysis andcurrent market buzzwords. With easy-to-read charts and graphssupplementing the text, this is an invaluable resource for completeinformation on: * The whats and the how-tos: What is a put? What is a call? How doI place a trade? How do I select a broker? * Fundamental analysis and its economic indicators -- leadingindicators, real GDP, interest rates, productivity * Developing your own trading system--design, costs, backtestingthe system, and evaluating your performance * Obtaining fundamental data--bulletin board services, commercialdata vendors, the Internet, chart services * Setting up your trading as a business -- developing a businessplan, legal and tax questions, back office services * Discipline--sticking to your system, finding coaches that canhelp you stay motivated, keeping a diary Trading 101 also provides details on which newsletters offerdependable investment advice, how to choose the best discountbrokerage, and which of today's computers and financial softwarepackages are the best for planning and evaluating trades. Complete with glossary, bibliography, and listings of networkingand educational meetings on the Internet, as well as beginnerseminars and conferences, software vendors, and recommended books,this comprehensive, easy-to-use guide is the one to have in handbefore entering the unpredictable and competitive world oftrading. Praise for Trading 101 "Trading 101 should be required reading for every new orprospective futures trader. It provides more solid information andall-around knowledge than any other book I've ever seen on thesubject. It receives my unqualified endorsement and takes top placeon my list of recommended titles for futures traders."--EdwardDobson, President, Traders Press, Inc. "Trading 101 is a great idea. There was nothing like this when Istarted out. The novice trader now has a place to start the search.Oh, the time it would have saved me!"--John Bollinger, CFA, CMT,President, Bollinger Capital Management, Editor, The Capital GrowthLetter "Sunny has done a great job in bringing a highly complex anddiverse topic to the level of human understanding--must reading forevery new trader."--Jake Bernstein, author The Investor's Quotient,Second Edition
Brookes Publishing Co The SCERTS® Model: A Comprehensive Educational Approach for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
A groundbreaking synthesis of developmental, relationship-based, and skill-based approaches, The SCERTS® Model provides a framework for improving communication and social-emotional abilities in preschool and primary school students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families. Developed by internationally recognized experts, SCERTS® supports developmental progress in three areas: Social Communication (communicating spontaneously and establishing relationships), Emotional Regulation (regulating emotional arousal to support learning and engagement), and Transactional Supports (elements that aid a child's progress as he or she works toward a goal).With the two-volume manual set, early intervention professionals will have comprehensive and practical guidance on using SCERTS® in assessment and intervention.Volume I: Assessment gives detailed background information on The SCERTS® Model and guides professionals through the assessment process. Early interventionists will examine the research foundations and the recommended practices that inform the model; learn about specific goals and objectives for each of the three SCERTS® components; get a detailed listing of developmental milestones that contribute to the recommended assessment and intervention plans; explore The SCERTS®e; Model's similarities and differences with other models; and discover how to use the model in educational settings. Assessment report and observation forms are included to help collect information and monitor child progress.Volume II: Program Planning & Intervention gives early interventionists explicit instruction on how to help children reach their goals following assessment. They'll learn how to prioritize and set social communication and emotional regulation goals for young children; choose meaningful and purposeful activities to help them reach the goals, implement four types of transactional support (learning supports, interpersonal support, support to families, and support among professionals); and learn how to link all three SCERTS® components in program planning. In-depth vignettes on diverse children and families illustrate implementation of the model, and forms are included to help with intervention planning.Semi-structured yet flexible enough to respond to individual differences, SCERTS® can be applied in many different settings and used with other intervention approaches. With this child- and family-centered model, based on over two decades of research and clinical experience, early interventionists will have everything they need to evaluate and promote the social and emotional development of children with ASD.These manuals are part of The SCERTS® Model, a groundbreaking framework for improving communication and social-emotional abilities in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families. Developed by internationally recognized experts, SCERTS effectively supports developmental progress in three domains: Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, and Transactional Support.
Glitterati Inc Andy Warhol's Brain: Creative Intelligence For Survival
To this day, mention the name “Andy Warhol” to almost anyone and you’ll hear about his famous images of soup cans and Marilyn Monroe. But although Pop Art became synonymous with Warhol’s name and dominated the public’s image of him, his life and work and worldwide influences are infinitely more complex and multi-faceted than that. And Phillip Romero, MD is just the person to explain exactly what that impact was and is and from whence it derives.In Andy Warhol’s Brain, esteemed psychiatrist Phillip Romero takes on Andy Warhol in all his depth and dimensions. The book is essentially a return to renowned psychiatrist Phillip Romero’s scheduled interview with his friend Warhol that never happened, as it was scheduled for the day after Andy’s untimely death. The book is both homage to Warhol for his inspiring friendship with the author and a platform for Romero to explore his thesis, “Art for Survival.” Romero here presents the extraordinary results of an agreement between the approaches to a topic of different academic subjects: in this case science and the humanities. It offers a unique and exceptional advance in thinking about artistry and intellect.Doctor Romero’s work as a family/child psychiatrist led him to formulate the concept of “Creative Intelligence,” which he defines as the effortful attention of the individual “mind” to recruit both these attributes to change oneself, to evolve social systems, and to sustain the environment to improve the quality and duration of human life. Romero found himself deep into researching the brain-mind/art-culture continuum of Creative Intelligence, and in doing so, his friend Andy Warhol presented a perfect example of the concept. This book is an effort to integrate the life and art of Andy Warhol with the brain-mind/art-culture system that informs the evolution of human civilization. The struggle between Creative Intelligence and adversity exists within each human being. Romero uses Warhol’s life as a mirror to inspire the reader’s Creative Intelligence in reinventing themselves through the complex and challenging times we live in. In this groundbreaking work that comes from the unique perspective of a world-class psychiatrist and practicing artist himself, Romero explains that for individuals, creativity protects us from our painful pasts and inspires us to create a better present for a more secure future. Creative Intelligence harnesses our inborn resilience and creativity. It is an ongoing mind-body process of effortful attention: remembering, reflecting, reframing, reimagining, reinventing, and reconnecting with oneself and the world.
Advantage Media Group More Than a Mission Statement: How To Enhance Culture to Create Quality Growth
What Alpha Controls & Services does is very simple. They make buildings comfortable, efficient, and secure. As technology has evolved over the past twenty years, they’ve partnered with cutting-edge companies to expand their business to include analytics, energy efficiency, and cybersecurity. They do the job well, and they do it responsibly by providing best-in-class service. They’ve set a high standard that involves systems and processes that streamline what they do and allow them to continue to leverage technology to achieve quality growth. All of the gears fit together, so the Alpha machine can run smoothly.Frank Rotello and Brent Bernardi have run Alpha Controls & Services for almost two decades, so it’s no surprise they have been on the same page from day one. Their perspectives might differ, but their core values have been aligned, and so has their message. They have the same expectations, management styles, and leadership qualities. Neither of them manages with a sharp tongue. They manage with direction, authority, and resolve. And they’re both willing to take the risk for the organization to move forward. That’s why they’ve been successful partners going into their twentieth year. Most partnerships don’t last that long.The foundational cornerstone of their success is the strong company culture that was established on day one. It started with a mission statement, and as leaders, they made sure to set an example and live that culture. Everything they do in their business is a direct result of their culture. A straight line can be drawn from their success to their core belief system. That culture and belief system is built on fairness, and that is applied to how they treat their customers and their employees. They take care of their customers because they know that without their customers, they don’t have a business. Because of that approach, they’ve built incredibly strong and lasting working relationships over the past ten years. Fairness also applies to how they treat their employees because without them, they know they wouldn’t be in business either. That means providing them with the career opportunities to grow, so they can take care of their families.Frank and Brent may have started Alpha Controls & Services and created the company culture that allowed it to thrive, but they understand better than anyone that the company’s success is not about them. It’s been an entire team effort, and in More than a Mission Statement, they’ll tell the story of their success and, in the process, show you how you can follow in their footsteps.
Random House USA Inc Fodor's South Florida: with Miami, Fort Lauderdale & the Keys
Whether you want to snorkel in the Keys, party on Miami Beach, or tour the Everglades, the local Fodor's travel experts in South Florida are here to help! Fodor's South Florida: With Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and the Keys guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos.Fodor's South Florida travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 20 DETAILED MAPS to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “Best Beaches in South Florida,” “Best Day Trips From Miami,” and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local art, architecture, cuisine, and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “An Art Lover's Guide to Miami,” “What to Watch and Read Before You Visit,” “What to Eat and Drink,” “Art Deco Guide” and “The Everglades” LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Miami and Miami Beach with South Beach, Wynwood, Brickell, the Design District, Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, Little Havana, Aventura, and Bal Harbour; Fort Lauderdale; Hollywood; Palm Beach; Everglades National Park; and the Florida Keys with Key West, Key Largo, Bahia Honda Key, and Dry Tortugas National Park. Planning on visiting other destinations in Florida? Check out Fodor'sFlorida and Fodor's InFocus Florida Keys.*Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor's has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Random House USA Inc Fodor's Utah: with Zion, Bryce Canyon, Arches, Capitol Reef and Canyonlands National Parks
Whether you want to hike through Zion, ski in Park City, or visit the Great Salt Lake, the local Fodor's travel experts in Utah are here to help! Fodor's Utah guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos. Fodor's “Essential” guides have been named by Booklist as the Best Travel Guide Series of 2020!Fodor's Utah travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 18 DETAILED MAPS and a FREE PULL-OUT MAP to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “Utah's Best Ski Resorts and Lodges,” “ Best Natural Wonders,” and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, music, geography, and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “What to Watch and Read Before You Visit,” and “What to Eat and Drink” LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Arches National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, Canyonlands National Park, Park City, Salt Lake City, Logan, Ogden, Provo, Vernal, St. George, Escalante, Moab, Blanding, Bluff, Lake Powell, Springdale, and more.Planning on visiting other nearby destinations in the Southwest? Check out Fodor's Las Vegas, Fodor's Complete Guide to the National Parks of the USA, and Bucket List USA.*Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor's has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Random House USA Inc Fodor's Essential Portugal
Whether you want to explore Lisbon, go on a wine-tasting trip in the Douro Valley, or lounge on the beaches of the Algarve, the local Fodor's travel experts in Portugal are here to help! Fodor's Essential Portugal guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos. Fodor's “Essential” guides have been named by Booklist as the Best Travel Guide Series of 2020!Fodor's Essential Portugal travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 30 DETAILED MAPS to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “Best Beaches,” “Best Vineyards in Portugal,” “Best Free Things to Do,” and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, geography and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “Portugal's Most Impressive Castles and Fortified Cities” “Spectacular Gothic Churches in Portugal,” and “What to Eat and Drink in Portugal" LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE PRIMER with useful words and essential phrases UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Lisbon, Porto, the Algarve, Estoril, the Douro Valley, Alentejo, Sintra, Óbidos, Serra da Estrela, Coimbra, Monsanto, Braga, Madeira, and the Azores Planning on visiting Spain or spending more time in Lisbon? Check out Fodor's Essential Spain, Fodor's Barcelona, and Fodor's Inside Lisbon.*Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor's has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Globe Pequot Press 25 Years of Grace: An Anniversary Tribute to Jeff Buckley's Classic Album
This signature limited edition numbered and autographed on the first page by Merri Cyr! Available only as a pre-publication order for a limited time only! Jeff Buckley made only one album, but the one he made has proved to be seminal. Grace emerged at a time when grunge gripped the charts. Buckley’s refined melodies and wide vocal range made him stand apart from his contemporaries. His rendition of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” is arguably the most memorable version ever recorded. His talent awed industry giants and moved the hearts of fans spanning generations. Grace made clear a remarkably talented force had come upon the world, and it promised a wellspring of astonishing music for years to come. But Buckley’s untimely death in 1997 left his fans to wonder about all the sonic magic that could have been and to hold dear the few but brilliant songs he left behind. In the wake of his passing, Buckley has continued to garner new fans and influence countless artists. And while a number of posthumous releases of unpolished, deep cuts have helped satiate listeners over the years, it is his official studio album Grace that reverberates with timelessness: at its release in 1994, the album sounded like nothing that had come before—and no album has repeated its essence since. Photographer Merri Cyr was there along the way. She has documented Buckley’s career from his days at the East Village coffee shop Sin-é to his iconic Grace cover shoot to his rigorous tour around the world as he promoted his unprecedented debut. In 25 Years of Grace, Cyr joins forces with Jeff Buckley biographer Jeff Apter (A Pure Drop: The Life of Jeff Buckley) to produce an illustrated tribute to this classic album in celebration of its twenty-fifth anniversary. The book features brand new interviews with Buckley insiders—Matt Johnson, Mick Grøndahl, Michael Tighe, Gary Lucas, Karl Berger, Andy Wallace, George Stein, Steve Berkowitz, and others—revealing the details about Buckley’s signing to a major label, the role of the band in creating arrangements, finding the right creative direction for the multifaceted songsmith, the songwriting process and final song selections, key meetings and collaborations, recording techniques, memorable moments in the studio, and more. The book also includes reflections about Buckley and Grace from an array of music artists—Butch Walker, Pete Yorn, Jimmy Gnecco, Glen Hansard, Holly Miranda, and Lenny Kaye, to name a few. Lavishly illustrated with many never-before-seen photographs, 25 Years of Grace takes a fresh look at the making and legacy of this classic album.
Little, Brown Book Group Darke Matter: A Novel
The Times Best Novels of 2020'Clever, witty and perceptive . . . Gekoski writes movingly about love, loss and grief, while handling the difficult issue of assisted dying with considerable balance and finesse. Beautifully written, engrossing and heartbreakingly funny' Mail on Sunday'Stylish, funny and daring . . . the clarity and energy of Darke Matter fill you with light' The Times (best summer books)'Harrowing, funny, tender and nearly always beautifully written' Sunday TimesJames Darke is dreading the first family Christmas without his wife Suzy. Engulfed by grief, his grudging preparations are interrupted by a persistent knock at the door. Questions about the circumstances of his wife's death force him to confront the outside world and what really happened to her.Isolated, angry and diminished, James soon faces a crisis both legal and psychological. It will test his resolve and threaten his freedom. Darke Matter is a brilliant, mordant examination of the nature and obligations of love. Both immensely sad and extremely funny, the story wrestles with one of the great moral issues of our time.The surprising sequel to Darke . . . Praise for Darke:'An original and bleakly funny portrait of grief' Economist 'Surprising . . . with a warmth that is genuinely and unexpectedly moving' Guardian 'A wondrous book with two fathers, Kingsley Amis and Dante' Sebastian Barry 'Makes for dark, thrilling reading . . . In James Darke, Gekoski has created a powerful, raging voice' Spectator 'I was beguiled and charmed by the vivid personality being revealed. By that, and by the fact that I couldn't stop reading. Gekoski puts words together with a sure touch and deep craftsmanship' Philip Pullman 'Rick Gekoski's impressive debut novel . . . Darke is both a tender and hard-hitting examination of grief and the slow, singular healing process . . . A brilliantly vivid creation . . . life-affirming and life-shattering' The Herald'Staggeringly accomplished. Heartbreakingly true. A shockingly monumental first novel' John Niven 'Stuffed with more wisdom, bile, wit and tenderness than many writers create in a lifetime. In James Darke we have a hero as troubled and eternal as King Lear . . . And in Rick Gekoski we have a late-flowering genius of a novelist who proves it's never too late to start a glittering career in fiction' The Times 'An immensely enjoyable elegy . . . done with precision and patience' The Scotsman 'Debut delight . . . Just how this gleefully conjured misanthrope came to wall himself off from the world is the mystery at the heart of a singular first novel that evolves into a moving meditation on loss and redemption' Mail on Sunday
Open University Press Action Research: The Challenges of Understanding and Changing Practice
How can practice be understood and developed? What part can action research play in that process? What principles lie at the heart of action research and how can they be adopted? How can action research bring about democratic and collaborative changes to practice? These and other questions are answered in this book which offers both a practical step-by-step guide to action research and an examination of the underlying principles and challenges. Action research as an approach aims to generate knowledge and achieve principled change. This book explores the overarching features and a variety of models of action research to provide advice, guidance, and support on its conduct and to identify challenges that may arise, with a focus on understanding and changing practice as a result. Throughout the book examples of action research illustrate each of the stages of action research so that you can see how action research has been conducted and applied in practice, and how this relates to the principles and practices of action research discussed in the book. Conducting action research can present a number of challenges. This book includes reflection points on the challenges posed, as well as advice on how these challenges may be addressed in order to achieve embedded and sustainable change. “The book to recommend to your students to help them understand how action research has developed as a form of inquiry and support them to plan their own studies.”Professor Mark Hadfield, Director, Centre for Developmental and Applied Research in Education, University of Wolverhampton, UK “This book fully embraces the ‘glorious and challenging diversity of action research’ and is essential reading for anyone interested in undertaking any form of educational research.”Ian Abbott, Director, Institute of Education, University of Warwick, UK “This refreshing new book will prove invaluable to teachers embarking on Masters-level Action Research studies. It will help teachers to redefine their practices and to confidently establish themselves as principled andprofessional teacher-researchers.”Dr Andy Convery, University of Sunderland, UK “This book is a rich and useful text both for those wanting to explore the practice of action research and the key ideas underpinning it as an approach. Andrew Townsend brings much experience as a researcher, thinker and developer of action research in educational settings to this book.”Professor Colleen McLaughlin, University of Cambridge (moving to Sussex) “I have recommended this book for practitioners on the action research programme we carry out. It is much more than a how to guide; it raises the fundamental questions about the nature of action research”Mick Hammond, University of Warwick, UK