Search results for ""Author Simon"
Yale University Press Marie Laurencin: Sapphic Paris
Revealing the vital influence of the French artist Marie Laurencin, her visual idiom, and her sexual expression on the modernism of twentieth-century Paris This book offers a long-overdue reassessment of the career of the Parisian-born artist Marie Laurencin (1883–1956), who moved seamlessly between the Cubist avant-garde and lesbian literary and artistic circles, as well as the realms fashion, ballet, and decorative arts. Critical essays explore her early experiments with Cubism; her exile in Spain during World War I; her collaborative projects with major figures of her time such as André Mare, Serge Diaghilev, Francis Poulenc, and André Groult; and her role in the emergence of a “Sapphic modernity” in Paris in the 1920s. Along with more than 60 full-color plates, Laurencin’s life and career are documented through an illustrated chronology and exhibition history, as well as an appendix charting her network of female patrons and associates. Laurencin became a fixture of the contemporary art scene in pre–World War I Paris, including as a muse and romantic partner of the poet Guillaume Apollinaire. She returned to the city after the war, having developed her signature style of diaphanous female figures in a blue-rose-gray palette. Laurencin’s feminine yet sexually fluid aesthetic defined 1920s Paris, and her work as an artist and designer met with high demand, with commissions by Ballets Russes and Coco Chanel, among others. Her romantic relationships with women inspired homoerotic paintings that visualized the modern Sapphism of contemporary lesbian writers like Nathalie Clifford Barney. Indeed, one of Laurencin’s final projects was to illustrate the poems of Sappho in 1950. Distributed for the Barnes Foundation Exhibition Schedule: Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia (October 22, 2023–January 21, 2024)
Springer International Publishing AG Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms
This textbook is a thorough, up-to-date introduction to the principles and techniques that guide the design and implementation of modern programming languages. The goal of the book is to provide the basis for a critical understanding of most modern programming languages. Thus, rather than focusing on a specific language, the book identifies the most important principles shared by large classes of languages. The notion of ‘abstract machine’ is a unifying concept that helps to maintain an accurate and elementary treatment. The book introduces, analyses in depth, and compares the imperative, object-oriented, functional, logic, concurrent, constraint-based, and service-oriented programming paradigms. All material coming from the first English edition has been updated and extended, clarifying some tricky points, and discussing newer programming languages. This second edition contains new chapters dedicated to constraint, concurrent, and service-oriented programming.Topics and features: Requires familiarity with one programming language is a prerequisite Provides a chapter on history offering context for most of the constructs in use today Presents an elementary account of semantical approaches and of computability Introduces new examples in modern programming languages like Python or Scala Offers a chapter that opens a perspective on applications in artificial intelligence Conceived as a university textbook, this unique volume will also be suitable for IT specialists who want to deepen their knowledge of the mechanisms behind the languages they use. The choice of themes and the presentation style are largely influenced by the experience of teaching the content as part of a bachelor's degree in computer science.
Quart Publishers bergmeisterwolf – Brixen/Bressanone: De aedibus international 17
For over 20 years, an extremely lively and outstanding architectural scene has been thriving in South Tyrol. Gerd Bergmeister and Michaela Wolf have been one of its main protagonists from the very beginning. Their buildings are surprising, imaginative solutions that sound out the entire spectrum of architecture: the formation of space, shaping, construction, materialisation and integration into the Alpine context. Text in Italian and German.
Marquand Books Inc The Circulating Lifeblood of Ideas: Leo Steinberg’s Library of Prints
How the influential American art historian used his print collection to theorize body language and the concept of the copy Beginning in the early 1960s, with only the meager budget of a part-time art history professor, Leo Steinberg (1920–2011) amassed a collection of more than 3,500 prints spanning the medium’s 500-year history in the West. Steinberg’s prints formed a visual library that shaped his scholarship in fundamental ways. His collection, incorporating the work of artists both famous and obscure, illuminates his claim that before photography, prints functioned as the "circulating lifeblood of ideas," disseminating figures and styles across boundaries. Through close observation of his prints, Steinberg developed some of his most innovative arguments about the instructive richness of the copy and the expressive potential of body language. This lavishly illustrated volume examines the development of Steinberg’s remarkable collection and its role in his scholarship. It also serves as an introduction to the history of Western printmaking that these works broadly encompass.
Marvel Comics Spider-man Vs. Venom Omnibus
Penguin Books Ltd Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Vol.1
'This isn't just any cookery book. It is Mastering the Art of French Cooking, first published in 1961, and it's a book that is a statement, not of culinary intent, but of aspiration, a commitment to a certain sort of good life, a certain sort of world-view; a votive object implying taste and appetite and a little je ne sais quoi. Julia Child was like Amelia Earhart, or Eleanor Roosevelt: she was a hero who'd gone out there and made a difference. Her books are a triumph, and also a trophy.' AA GILL, The TimesThis is the classic guide to French cooking, with over 1,000 clear, authentic and delicious recipes for everything from Boeuf Bourguignon to the perfect omelette. Bon appetit!
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Popular Furniture of the 1920s and 1930s
Popular Furniture of the 1920s and 1930s is a facsimile reproduction of the Elgin A. Simonds Company's furniture catalog. It presents the reader with an extensive resource of traditional and commercial furniture styles of the 1920s and 1930s. Founded in 1901, the Elgin A. Simonds Company engaged exclusively in the production of faithful reproductions of the finest work of master furniture craftsman of the past. The company president would spend much of his time researching styles in Europe looking for patterns that were worthy of reproduction by the craftsmen at the Simonds Company. Current values of the furniture have been added to make this book a useful addition to the collector's library. This nostalgic look at furniture styles of the 1920s and 1930s includes over 850 photographs, with important information about size, materials, and the period of the reproduction.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Historical and Critical Dictionary: Selections
Richard Popkin’s meticulous translation--the most complete since the eighteenth century--contains selections from thirty-nine articles, as well as from Bayle’s four Clarifications. The bulk of the major articles of philosophical and theological interest--those that influenced Leibniz, Berkeley, Hume, and Voltaire and formed the basis for so many eighteenth-century discussions--are present, including David, Manicheans,Paulicians,Pyrrho,Rorarius,Simonides,Spinoza, and Zeno of Elea.
Inhabit Media Inc Our First Caribou Hunt
A sweet and simple introduction to Inuit hunting practices and the proper treatment of game. Nutaraq and Simonie are eager to go on their first hunting trip with their father. As they load up their snow machine and sled for the trip, Nutaraq hopes that she will be able to catch her first caribou that weekend, with some help from her dad. But when the trip nears its end and Nutaraq still hasn't caught her first caribou, she tries her very hardest to follow all of her father's advice about how Inuit traditionally hunted on the land. This book focuses not only on basic, practical hunting techniques, but also on traditional values around the treatment of animals and the sharing of food.
Springer Literary Heterogenesis
Introduction The conditions for creation and invention.- Literary Language.- Diagramming Literary Meaning.- Differential Heterogenesis Mutant forms Sensitive bodies.- The Simondonian Concepts of Pre-individual Individual Individuation Becoming and Transduction.- Simondons concepts and art.- Constituting new spaces of possibilities. How does artistic creation play with space(s).- Difference, Differential.- Virtual Actual.- Conclusion.
Aspen Publishing Examples & Explanations for Constitutional Law: Individual Rights
National Geographic Society Star Talk: Everything You Ever Need to Know About Space Travel, Sci-Fi, the Human Race, the Universe, and Beyond
This beautifully illustrated companion to celebrated scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson's popular podcast and National Geographic Channel TV show is an eye-opening journey for anyone curious about the complexities of our universe. For decades, beloved astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson has interpreted science with a combination of brainpower and charm that resonates with fans everywhere. In 2009, he founded StarTalk, the wildly popular podcast that became an Emmy-nominated talk show on the National Geographic Channel. Tyson's pioneering, provocative book will take the greatest hits from the airwaves to the page in one smart, richly illustrated compendium. Featuring vivid photography, thought-provoking trivia, enlightening facts, and fun quotes from science and entertainment luminaries like Bill Nye and Dan Aykroyd, StarTalk reimagines science's most challenging topics--from how the brain works to the physics of comic book superheroes--in a relatable, humorous way that will delight fans and new readers alike.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Albert Renger-Patzsch: Die Ruhrgebietsfotografien
Springer Nature Switzerland AG AI for Disease Surveillance and Pandemic Intelligence: Intelligent Disease Detection in Action
This book aims to highlight the latest achievements in the use of artificial intelligence for digital disease surveillance, pandemic intelligence, as well as public and clinical health surveillance. The edited book contains selected papers presented at the 2021 Health Intelligence workshop, co-located with the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) annual conference, and presents an overview of the issues, challenges, and potentials in the field, along with new research results. While disease surveillance has always been a crucial process, the recent global health crisis caused by COVID-19 has once again highlighted our dependence on intelligent surveillance infrastructures that provide support for making sound and timely decisions. This book provides information for researchers, students, industry professionals, and public health agencies interested in the applications of AI in population health and personalized medicine.
Rutgers University Press Islam and Me: Narrating a Diaspora
Growing up in Mogadishu, Somalia, Shirin Ramzanali Fazel was immersed in the language and culture of Italy, Somalia’s former colonizer. Yet when she moved to Italy as a young mother in the 1970s, she discovered a country where immigrants and Muslims were viewed with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion–where, even today, she and her children must seemingly prove they are Italian. In Islam and Me, Fazel tells her story and shares the experiences of other Muslim women living in Italy, revealing the wide variety of Muslim identities and the common prejudices they encounter. Looking at Italian school textbooks, newspapers, and TV programs, she invites us to change the way Muslim immigrants, and especially women, are depicted in both news reports and scholarly research. Islam and Me is a meditation on our multireligious, multiethnic, and multilingual reality, as well as an exploration of how we might reimagine national culture and identity so that they become more diverse, inclusive, and anti-racist.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Mycotoxicoses in Animals Economically Important
Lexington Books Environment and Pedagogy in Higher Education
The commitment to participate in ecological protection has grown considerably and, in the academic world, it has been tackled primarily by the Social Sciences. The Humanities has followed suit and several books have dealt with the reasons why such commitment is essential and morally imperative. What has been crucially lacking, however, are books that propose concrete pedagogical approaches to the study of environmental issues and aim at inspiring and motivating both educators and students to become actively engaged in the pursuit of ecological preservation. It is here that this book comes into play. Faced with the polluting of the earth, the devastating effect of climate change, and the inequalities of North/South resources to counter the throes of environmental degradation, our responsibility as educators and in particular as eco-pedagogues is to engage in theoretical discourses on the subject matter but also to begin to provide practitioners in all fields with essential tools to shape an ecological sense of consciousness among future leaders of the earth: our students.
Reformation Heritage Books John Newton
ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE & HU 15661788 v 3 Jews in the Duchy of Milan
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Velzna II. Lo Scavo Di Campo Della Fiera Di Orvieto: Materiali Di Epoca Romana (Terra Sigiliata Italica. Ceramica Africana. Lucerne)
Jysk Arkaeologisk Selskab Daily Life at the Turn of the Neolithic: A comparative study of longhouses with sunken floors at Resengaard and nine other settlements in the Limfjord region, South Scandinavia
Aarhus University Press Slave Stories: Law, representation, and gender in the Danish West Indies
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Reflexiones sobre las causas de la libertad y de la opresión social
Trotta Poemas - Venecia Salvada
Editorial Sexto Piso Zumbidos en la cabeza
El nombre de Keber era pronunciado con respeto en la prisión de Maribor. Ladrones, falsarios, estafadores, delincuentes comunes y grandes criminales se inclinaban ante él y contaban sus aventuras con admiración y con miedo. Zumbidos en la cabeza es una novela sobre la emancipación, sobre la dignidad, sobre la libertad y, ante todo, sobre la capacidad de la imaginación para derribar todo muro, toda prisión mental y física, toda esclavitud y todo servilismo. Es una novela contra el poder. Es una novela que nos recuerda que sólo a través de la rebeldía el hombre alcanza su verdadero lugar en el mundo.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Parasema: Offizielle Symbole Griechischer Poleis Und Bundesstaaten
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Das Gesunde Chaos: Status Und Entwicklungen Der Jugenddelinquenzpravention
LYX After Work
Harrassowitz Civitas Equitata Eine Archaologische Studie Zu Equiden Bei Den Treverern in Keltisch-Romischer Zeit
Harrassowitz Siedlungsgeschichte Im Mittleren Osttigrisgebiet: Vom Neolithikum Bis in Die Neuassyrische Zeit
Classiques Garnier Condorcet Et Adam Smith: Reformes Economiques Et Progres Social Au Siecle Des Lumieres
Les Belles Lettres Philostrate, Sur Les Heros: L'Heroique
Central Recovery Press Dark Wine Waters My Husband of a Thousand Joys and Sorrows
Special Interest Model Books Airflow
Airflow examines and describes the many ways in which modellers and practitioners of a wide range of hobbies and sports (even cricket!) can understand and confront, harness and exploit the physical properties of wind and air. The book's admirable breadth and depth offers something not only for students of many science and technical subjects, but also to the hobbyists and disciples of 'alternative energy'. The book will be of particular interest to the increasing number of people who are hooked on the thrill and excitement of sports such as yachting, aeromodelling, ballooning, car racing, parachuting, kite flying, boomerang throwing, hang gliding, soaring in sailplanes and power flying.
Archaeopress Maritime-Related Cults in the Coastal Cities of Philistia during the Roman Period: Legacy and Change
Maritime-Related Cults in the Coastal Cities of Philistia during the Roman Period questions the origins and the traditions of the cultic rites practised during Roman times along the southern shores of the Land of Israel. This area was known since biblical times as ‘Peleshet’ (Philistia), after the name of one of the Sea Peoples that had settled there at the beginning of the Iron Age. Philistia’s important cities Jaffa, Ashkelon, Gaza and Rafiah were culturally and religiously integrated into the Graeco-Roman world. At the same time, each city developed its own original and unique group of myths and cults that had their roots in earlier periods. Their emergence and formation were influenced by environmental conditions as well as by ethno-social structures and political circumstances. Philistia’s port cities served as crossroads for the routes connecting the main centres of culture and commerce in ancient times. Most of their cults were closely associated with the sea, and reflect the existential dependency of the inhabitants on the sea that supplied them with sustenance and livelihood and was regarded as a divine beneficent power. The myths also echo the lives of the sailors, their beliefs and fears derived from encountering the dangers of the sea: storms, floods, reefs and giant fish portrayed as monsters. The population of the cities was of mixed and varied ethnic and cultural origins. This was the result of the waves of conquests and migrations over the ages, yet each city was noted for its unique ethnic components. The book also deals with the political circumstances, which had a decisive impact on the formation of religious life and cultic rites in all four cities. It sheds new light to the understanding of the events and historical processes in the region.
DC Comics Flash: United They Fall
Barry Allen and Iris West take a vacation, but their relaxation is cut short when their cruise ship is attacked by King Shark! Can the Fastest Man Alive save a sinking ship when there s no land in sight or will he be fish food?
Rockridge Press The Essential Family Therapy Workbook: Exercises to Improve Communication, Resolve Conflict, and Build Connection
Barbour Kidz 3-Minute Bedtime Devotions for Little Hearts
Candlewick Press,U.S. The Secret Time Machine and the Gherkin Switcheroo
Capstone Press The Joker An Origin Story