Search results for ""author morris"
Waterford Press Ltd Texas Freshwater Fishes: A Waterproof Folding Guide to Native and Introduced Species
Illuminate Publishing WJEC Physics for AS Level: Study and Revision Guide
Endorsed by WJEC, and written by experienced teachers and examiners, this Study and Revision Guide provides the essential underpinning knowledge you will need to recap and revise the studies, theories and key terms in the course. Supports the development of skills students need to correctly interpret and answer the new exam questions.
Policy Press Rediscovering mixed-use streets: The contribution of local high streets to sustainable communities
Local urban high streets have frequently suffered from neglect in comparison to town centres and out-of-town retail. Yet they have the potential to meet contemporary policy aspirations with regard to sustainability, social inclusion and place making. Rediscovering mixed-use streets is the first in-depth investigation of local mixed-use high streets. Drawing on case-studies in three different locations in England, the report provides a wealth of data and findings produced from a variety of sources, both quantitative and qualitative. In particular, the report offers a comprehensive view of local high streets, from the point of view of transport, local residents, visitors, businesses and practitioners; provides a series of suggestions for their improvement and demonstrates how local high streets belong to future sustainable communities. Providing a significant contribution to current interest in mobility, urban design and social inclusion, the findings have particular relevance for 'Sustainable Communities', 'Cleaner, Safer, Greener', and 'Place Matters' policies. The study will be of interest to policy makers and practitioners involved in the making and managing of streets and those with an interest in regeneration.
Bristol University Press Protecting Children: A Social Model
The state is increasingly experienced as both intrusive and neglectful, particularly by those living in poverty, leading to loss of trust and widespread feelings of alienation and disconnection. Against this tense background, this innovative book argues that child protection policies and practices have become part of the problem, rather than ensuring children’s well-being and safety. Building on the ideas in the best-selling Re-imagining child protection and drawing together a wide range of social theorists and disciplines, the book: • Challenges existing notions of child protection, revealing their limits; • Ensures that the harms children and families experience are explored in a way that acknowledges the social and economic contexts in which they live; • Explains how the protective capacities within families and communities can be mobilised and practices of co-production adopted; • Places ethics and human rights at the centre of everyday conversations and practices.
Phaidon Press Ltd Honar: The Afkhami Collection of Modern and Contemporary Iranian Art
The first and only book on one of the finest private collections of contemporary Iranian art This sumptuous volume features almost 250 contemporary artworks and a selection of medieval and early modern Islamic art - the heralded collection of Mohammed Afkhami, a prominent player at the cultural and regional front line of Middle Eastern art. Honar (meaning 'art' in Farsi, the language of Iran), includes works ranging from the disturbingly subversive to exquisitely inclusive, exhibiting the pain of exile, the querying of ideology, and the artistic insistence on personal independence.
Princeton University Press Lectures on Fourier Integrals. (AM-42), Volume 42
The description for this book, Lectures on Fourier Integrals. (AM-42), will be forthcoming.
Indiana University Press Varieties of Russian Activism: State-Society Contestation in Everyday Life
Despite decades of Putin, it is too simplistic to assert that authoritarianism has eliminated Russian activism, especially in relation to everyday life. Instead, we must build an awareness of diverse efforts to mobilize citizens to better understand how activism is shaped by and, in turn, shapes the regime. Varieties of Russian Activism focuses on a broad range of collective actions, from labor unions to housing renovation, religion, electoral politics, minority language rights, and urban planning. Contributors draw attention to significant forms of grassroots politics that have not received sufficient attention in scholarship, or that deserve fresh examination. The volume shows that Russians find novel ways to redress everyday problems and demand new services. Together, these essays interrogate what kinds of practices can be defined as activism in a fast-changing, politically volatile society. An engaging collection, Varieties of Russian Activism unites leading scholars in the common aim of approaching the embeddedness of civic activism in the conditions of everyday life, connectedness, and rising society-state expectations.
BAIZDON The Tower Bridge Cat and The Baby Whale
A baby whale is stuck under Tower Bridge and a giant ship is coming up the river that will squash him if Bella The Tower Bridge Cat doesn't rescue him. The Tower Bridge team have lots of fun and creative ideas to try and get the baby whale to swim back down the river - but Bella doesn't think the baby whale would like any of them. She realises the baby whale misses his Mum and thinks of a plan, it is dangerous and daring as the colossal cruise ship is getting nearer every minute! Just in time, Bella the Tower Bridge Cat rescues the baby whale spectacularly with the help of her friend, the famous acrobatic pilot Maya the Flyer and the baby whale is reunited with his Mum who is waiting out at sea for him.
Archaeopress Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and Saxon Settlements Along the Route of the A43 Corby Link Road, Northamptonshire
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry
The most comprehensive book available on the subject, Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 11th Edition continues its tradition of fostering the development of problem-solving skills, featuring numerous examples and coverage of current applications. Skillfully anticipating areas of difficulty and pacing the material accordingly, this readable work provides clear and logical explanations of chemical concepts as well as the right mix of general chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry. An emphasis on real-world topics lets readers clearly see how the chemistry will apply to their career.
Chef Media John Slattery's Creative Chocolate
Fitness Information Technology, Inc, U.S. Sport & Exercise Psychology: International Perspectives
Contemporary Art Museum St Louis Cindy Sherman: Working Girl
When curators at Saint Louis's Contemporary Art Museum asked Cindy Sherman whether there was a moment in her career whose resonance might be underappreciated, one around which she might like to develop an exhibit and a book, she selected her earliest adult creative years, beginning while she was still a student at Buffalo State College in the mid-1970s. Working Girl is full of rarely seen pieces, and it features, for the first time, documentation of and stills from Sherman's 1975 animated short Doll Clothes, which is among the pieces that bring Sherman's early exploration of gender and identity into focus. The mostly small-scale work, including many early black-and-white, hand-colored, and sepia-toned photographs, is culled primarily from the artist's family members' collections and her own, and includes the pieces that laid the groundwork for her first major success, the acclaimed Film Stills series. Working Girl is a unique glimpse into the early development of Sherman's artistic practice, and into the genesis of her inimitable substance and style. It illuminates her conceptual approach to photography and foretells the career that would be launched in the late 1970s, positioning her as one of the most significant artists of our time.
Five Leaves Publications The Shallow Grave: Memoir of the Spanish Civil War
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Legacy: An Off-color Novella For You To Color
The History Press Ltd The 43 Group: Battling with Mosley's Blackshirts
Oswald Mosley decided he could carry on where Hitler and Mussolini had left off. On street corners his fascist speakers would proclaim ‘not enough Jews were burned at Belsen’. Enter the 43 Group. In a ferocious, bloody and brilliantly covert five-year campaign, they destroyed the Mosleyites. The membership of the Group was almost entirely made up of British servicemen, the original 43 members quickly swelling to more than 300 and including a Battle of Britain ace, a VC winner – and Vidal Sasson! The Groups philosophy of the ‘3 D's’ - Discuss, Decide and Do it – were quickly manifested on the streets of London, with thousands of fascist meetings and rallies sent packing. The Group was organised in 'wedges' of a dozen or so. These wedges would attend a BUF rally and at a given signal would storm the speaker’s platform, attacking BUF stewards and speaker. The members' military background ensured tight discipline and brutally effective actions. This, combined with a number of spies within the fascist ranks, ensured the 43 Group almost always came out on top, closing down two-thirds of all fascist activity in the UK until its simultaneous demise with organised fascism in Britain in 1950. As capitalism falters, fascism is gathering strength in Europe today. This book is a timely reminder of how it gathers that strength - and one way of stopping it.
Prim-Ed Publishing Teaching Writing Strategies
Teaching Writing Strategies is a series of six books using modelling, guided and independent practice to teach pupils strategies they can use to improve the clarity, correctness and richness of their writing. The focus is on sentences, their structure, punctuation and word choices and on developing editing and proofreading skills and their habitual use.Teaching Writing Strategies is a series of six books with the explicit, overarching aim of teaching the skills and strategies required to improve the clarity, correctness and richness of children’s writing. Within the series, children are taught to recognise, choose and use specific strategies. The focus is on the process, rather than on practising, in this instance, specific text types. To this end, priority is given to improving writing at the sentence level. There is a strong hands-on emphasis; that is, there is an expectation that the children will write to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. Unlike many other writing activity books, the desired outcome is to have the children structuring correct, enriched sentences to more clearly convey ideas and information. The ultimate goal is for them to produce clear, precise writing for a specific purpose and to understand that proofreading and editing is an integral part of the writing process. Each of the 16 units has a page of assessment activities and an assessment writing topic. These should be worked on independently and will: (a) give the teacher a record of individual understanding and achievement; and (b) highlight common points of weakness, which may require further assistance. Teacher recording sheets, a pupil proofreading checklist and a pupil self-evaluation sheet are provided.
Graffeg Limited Arglwydd y Fforest
Ebury Publishing Doctor Who: Whotopia
Welcome to the Whoniverse. First stop: everywhere.Six decades may only be a handful of heartbeats to a Time Lord, but for Doctor Who it's the adventure of several lifetimes. Evolving over 60 years, the world's longest-running sci-fi TV show has gifted us a universe of menacing monsters and unforgettable heroes. You might even call it a 'Whotopia'.Now you can roam free through the Doctor's dimension as never before in this special commemorative book for Doctor Who's diamond anniversary. Join all the Doctors as each tells their own story. Learn about their legions of legendary allies - and hear from the monsters' own mouths about what makes them tick. Find danger on alien worlds and threats here on Earth in all eras. And explore the gadgets, robots, spaceships, computers and mind-blowing creations that crowd the never-ending corridors of Whotopia.Crammed with exciting new images and in full colour throughout, Whotopia: The Ultimate Guide to the Whoniverse is the essential celebration of 60 years of Doctor Who.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who Main Range: 233 - Static
Big Finish have been producing Doctor Who audios since 1999, starring Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, David Tennant and John Hurt. Colin Baker reprises his role as the Sixth Doctor, or "ol' Sixie" as he refers to the character he's played for nearly 100 Big Finish productions! Miranda Raison, playing a war time WREN travelling with the Doctor, is a regarded British actor from stage and screen, including a notable run in BBC1's Spooks. CAST: Colin Baker(The Doctor), Miranda Raison (Mrs Constance Clarke), Lisa Greenwood (Flip Jackson), Scott Chambers (Andy Clover / Sergeant Webster), Pippa Nixon(Joanna Nash), Jo Woodcock(Susannah Nash), David Graham (Percy Till), Brian Protheroe (Captain Hardwick), Chris Dale (Soldiers /Static).
Big Finish Productions Ltd Revenge of the Swarm
The Doctor thought he had defeated the Nucleus of the Swarm. He was wrong. It survived within the TARDIS, and now has brought it back to Titan Base, to the point of its own creation. If the Doctor is to save the day, he must risk everything he holds dear.
American Psychological Association Adverse and Protective Childhood Experiences: A Developmental Perspective
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can negatively influence development. However, the lifelong effects of positive childhood experiences (PACEs) can mitigate the detrimental effects of adverse ones. By integrating existing knowledge about (ACEs) with developmental research on preventing, buffering, and treating the effects of adversity, stress, and trauma on child development and subsequent health and functioning, this book identifies the most important of these (PACEs). It provides an interdisciplinary lens from which to view the multiple types of effects of enduring childhood experiences, and recommends evidence-based approaches for protecting children and repairing the enduring negative consequences of (ACEs) they face as adults. Students, researchers, clinicians, and health-care providers can use this research to understand the science of early life adversity, lifelong resilience, and related intervention and prevention programming to help those suffering from the lifelong effects of (ACEs). Chapters include many figures, graphs, diagrams, stories, and activities that aim to help readers apply the science to everyday life.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Finite Mathematics: Models and Applications Set
This set includes Finite Mathematics: Models and Applications & Solutions Manual to accompany Finite Mathematics: Models and Applications Finite Mathematics: Models and Applications emphasizes cross-disciplinary applications that relate mathematics to everyday life. The book provides a unique combination of practical mathematical applications to illustrate the wide use of mathematics in fields ranging from business, economics, finance, management, operations research, and the life and social sciences. The book features coverage including: Algebra Skills; Mathematics of Finance; Matrix Algebra; Geometric Solutions; Simplex Methods; Application Models; Set and Probability Relationships; Random Variables and Probability Distributions; Markov Chains; Mathematical Statistics; Enrichment in Finite Mathematics
John Wiley & Sons Inc Solutions Manual to accompany Fundamentals of Calculus
A solutions manual to accompany Fundamentals of Calculus Fundamentals of Calculus illustrates the elements of finite calculus with the varied formulas for power, quotient, and product rules that correlate markedly with traditional calculus. Featuring calculus as the “mathematics of change,” each chapter concludes with a historical notes section. Fundamentals of Calculus chapter coverage includes: Linear Equations and Functions Integral Calculus The Derivative Integrations Techniques Using the Derivative Functions of Several Variables Exponents and Logarithms Series and Summations Differentiation Techniques Applications to Probability
Elsevier India Dictionary of Energy: (South Asia Edition)
A dictionary that covers various aspects of energy and its role in society, as well as various areas critical to modern studies.
Nova Science Publishers Inc U.S. Tax Reform: Challenges & Considerations
Nova Science Publishers Inc Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act
Flame Tree Publishing Cyrus the Great: Epic and Legendary Leaders
Cyrus the Great created the first Persian Empire in the 500s BCE, and sealed his pre-eminence as one of the greatest founders of empire. He conquered all major civilizations in his region and his influence reached from the Balkans in the West to the Indus river in the East. His brilliant campaigns brought vast wealth and grandeur to his homeland and a reputation for military leadership that has stood the test of time. FLAME TREE 451: From myth to mystery, the supernatural to horror, fantasy and science fiction, Flame Tree 451 offers a healthy diet of werewolves and mechanical men, blood-lusty vampires, dastardly villains, mad scientists, secret worlds, lost civilizations and escapist fantasies. Discover a storehouse of tales gathered specifically for the reader of the fantastic.
The New York Review of Books, Inc Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man
Simon & Schuster Plátanos Are Love
A delicious picture book about the ways plantains shape Latinx culture, community, and family, told through a young girl’s experiences in the kitchen with her abuela.Abuela says, “plátanos are love.” I thought they were food. But Abuela says they feed us in more ways than one. With every pop of the tostones, mash of the mangú, and sizzle of the maduros, a little girl learns that plátanos are her history, they are her culture, and—most importantly—they are love.
Hanser Publications Rubber Reinforcement with Particulate Fillers
In the rubber industry, one of the most widely practiced processes is the reinforcement of rubber by particulate fillers, especially carbon black and silica. This process is of such importance that more than 99% of rubber products contain fillers, and the research and development of fillers have become the most widely researched area in rubber science and technology. This book covers the most important theoretical and practical aspects of rubber reinforcement, such as filler basic properties and their characterization methods, the effect of fillers in polymers, the processability of compounds, and the properties of filled vulcanizates. Special chapters deal with applications of fillers in tires and industrial rubber goods and the reinforcement of silicone rubbers. Testing methods and their principles, applications, and limitations are reviewed, with emphasis on the surface activity, widely accepted as the “third dimension” of filler characterization, after particle size and structure. This has not been described in depth in other books on rubber reinforcement. The effects of fillers on rubber and their mechanisms, which are important links between filler properties and the performance of rubber goods, are explained. A guide for selecting the most appropriate reinforcing systems for specific applications is provided, taking into account processabilities and properties of filled compounds and performance of rubber products. With solutions to many practical problems related to rubber research and compounding, this book serves as a valuable companion to engineers and product developers in the rubber industry, material scientists, and teachers and students in material science and rubber courses.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Lord's Resistance Army: U.S. Response To A Brutal Central African Group
Amazon Publishing Eduardo Guadardo, Elite Sheep
Eduardo Guadardo may look fluffy. He may look cute. But he’s no little lamb. He’s about to graduate from the FBI—that’s the Fairytale Bureau of Investigations—as an Elite Sheep. He knows five forms of kung fu, and he can outfox the foxiest of foxes. In fact, he’s so good they put him on his own case: to keep the farmer’s daughter, Mary, safe from Wolf, Troll, and Witch. It’s a job for somebody baaaaaaad—someone like a soon-to-be Elite Sheep. The thing is, protecting Mary isn’t quite as easy as Eduardo expected… This imaginary backstory for “Mary Had a Little Lamb” is hilarious, action-packed, and filled with subterfuge (that means pulling the wool over your eyes, for you civilians).
Baker Publishing Group The Genesis Record – A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings
Massive and scholarly, but written for scientific and theological lay persons, this book combines the findings of many disciplines.
Tilbury House,U.S. The Lemonade Hurricane: A Story of Mindfulness and Meditation
Emma doesn’t really like hurricanes. After a busy day of school and activities, Emma likes to sit still and rest. Her little brother, Henry, does everything but. She calls him The Lemonade Hurricane. Henry is a lot of fun when he’s not storming through the house so Emma decides to teach him how to be still. By showing him how to sit, bow and breathe, Emma is able to calm the hurricane within Henry. The illustrations bring the story to life with delightful whimsy. When a glass of lemonade is stirred, the pulp swirls around. When it sits quietly, the pulp settles and the liquid becomes clear. In this way, a glass of lemonade is a metaphor for how meditation and mindfulness work. That is why this book is called The Lemonade Hurricane and practicing mindfulness and meditation helps us tame the hurricane within. Includes a back-of-book presentation of simple mindfulness techniques that can be shared at home and in the classroom.
Ermor Enterprises,U.S. beinganddoing
HarperCollins Publishers Wedding Night With Her Viking Enemy
B de Bolsillo (Ediciones B) Las sandalias del pescador The Shoes of the Fisherman
Thule Ediciones Y Tu Dragón, ¿Cómo Es?
Noches secretas
Mi vida estaba perfectamente organizada, suave y fácil como mi whisky escocés favorito. Tenía relaciones que empezaban y acababan. Mi lema era Sin ataduras románticas de ningún tipo.Hasta que conocí a Maggie. Una mujer joven y guapísima que trataba de encontrar su sitio en el áspero universo que es Manhattan. Se merecía algo mejor que un hombre de vuelta de todo como yo, por lo que la dejé marchar.Pero el destino me tenía preparada una sorpresa, y descubrí que era padre de una niña que no sabía que existía. Desesperado, contraté, sin verla antes, a una niñera que tenía excelentes recomendaciones. Cuando ella llamó a la puerta de mi ático, abrí para encontrarme con Maggie al otro lado.Ver cómo Maggie cuidaba tan amorosamente de mi hija me hizo querer aprender a ser buen padre. Pero tener a Maggie tan cerca era peligroso. Era un terrorífico rayo de sol que amenazaba con derretir mi helado corazón.La necesitaba para mi niña.Al menos, eso era lo que me decía a mí mismo?
Planeta Publishing El Viaje de Cilka
Downtown Bookworks Super Hero ABC
Archaeopress The History and Archaeology of Cathedral Square Peterborough
Northamptonshire Archaeology, now MOLA Northampton, was commissioned by Opportunity Peterborough (Peterborough City Council) to undertake archaeological work ahead of an improvement scheme centred on Cathedral Square, the historic centre of Peterborough. The construction of two triangular arrays of fountains in the central part of Cathedral Square formed the core of the archaeological investigation, which was undertaken from November 2008 to August 2011. The archaeological work identified a succession of stone surfaces from the creation of the market square in the 12th century through to the 19th century. The cobbled surface of the original market square was overlaid by an accumulation of dark organic silts, containing finds dating through to the 16th century. At the start of the 15th century the parish church of St John the Baptist was constructed over the western half of the medieval market square with a cemetery immediately to the west of the church. Following the closure of this cemetery by the later 16th century, a small area of floor surfaces were the probable remains of a building, perhaps the Sexton’s house, at the north end of Butchers Row. On the south side of the market square there were the remains of a rectangular stone building, dated to the late 15th to 17th centuries, perhaps containing shops. Between this building and the church, a raised area of rubble was probably a remnant of the plinth for the recorded market cross. The late 17th century saw the construction of the still extant Guildhall to the east of the church. The raising of the ground level and resurfacing of the square was probably contemporary with the Guildhall. This would have involved the removal of all existing buildings on the south side of the square, as well as the removal of the market cross. In the late 18th or early 19th centuries the square was again raised and resurfaced, now with pitched limestone. Shallow gutters between the pavement and the road facilitated drainage. A surface of granite sets of the 19th-century survived in a few places below the late 20th-century slab pavement, which has now been replaced by the fountain development.
Allen & Unwin The Shoes of the Fisherman
The pope is dead and the corridors of the Vatican hum with intrigue as cardinals gather to elect his successor. The result is a surprise: the new pope is the youngest of them all - a bearded Ukrainian. The Shoes of the Fisherman is the moving story of Kiril I, recently released from seventeen years in Siberian labour camps and haunted by his past. Not only is he the leader of a fractured Catholic Church, but he also finds he must confront his inquisitor and tormentor in order to avert another world war.
Pegasus Books Castles
BookBaby The Night Before Catmus