Search results for ""author simon"
Capstone Press Fashion Hacks: Tips to Up Your Wardrobe
Capstone Press How Do Pushes and Pulls Affect Motion?
Capstone Press Go Freshwater Fishing!
Capstone Press Go Duck Hunting!
Capstone Press Go Duck Hunting!
Capstone Press Go Whitetail Deer Hunting!
Capstone Press U.S. Army Green Beret Missions
Capstone Press Daily Life
Arcadia Publishing Faribault Woolen Mill Loomed in the Land of Lakes Landmarks
Capstone Global Library Ltd Lion vs Hyena
The massive grassy African savanna is filled with the hunting activity of predators and their prey. The stamina of the hyena allows the animal to hunt until its prey is too tired to fight. The lion’s strength makes its attacks swift and severe. But which animal is the fiercest of the ecosystem? Compare and contrast each animal’s features and skills before you declare the winning predator.
Capstone Global Library Ltd What Is a Habitat?
Some animals live in water. Some animals live on land. The land that animals live on can be very different. What makes a place the right home for an animal? Let’s investigate habitats!
Capstone Global Library Ltd Is It Living or Non-living?
Animals are living things. Rocks are non-living. Why? Let’s investigate the differences between living and non-living things!
University of California Press Black Networked Resistance: Strategic Rearticulations in the Digital Age
Black Networked Resistance explores the creative range of Black digital users and their responses to varying forms of oppression, utilizing cultural, communicative, political, and technological threads both on and offline. Raven Maragh-Lloyd demonstrates how Black users strategically rearticulate their responses to oppression in ways that highlight Black publics’ historically rich traditions and reveal the shifting nature of both dominance and resistance, particularly in the digital age. Through case studies and interviews, Maragh-Lloyd reveals the malleable ways resistance can take shape and the ways Black users artfully demonstrate such modifications of resistance through strategies of survival, reprieve, and community online. Each chapter grounds itself in a resistance strategy, such as Black humor, care, or archiving, to show the ways that Black publics reshape strategies of resistance over time and across media platforms. Linking singular digital resistance movements while arguing for Black publics as strategic content creators who connect resistance strategies from our past to suit our present needs, Black Networked Resistance encourages readers to create and cultivate lasting communities necessary for social and political change by imagining a future of joy, community, and agency through their digital media practices.
University of California Press Black Networked Resistance: Strategic Rearticulations in the Digital Age
Black Networked Resistance explores the creative range of Black digital users and their responses to varying forms of oppression, utilizing cultural, communicative, political, and technological threads both on and offline. Raven Maragh-Lloyd demonstrates how Black users strategically rearticulate their responses to oppression in ways that highlight Black publics’ historically rich traditions and reveal the shifting nature of both dominance and resistance, particularly in the digital age. Through case studies and interviews, Maragh-Lloyd reveals the malleable ways resistance can take shape and the ways Black users artfully demonstrate such modifications of resistance through strategies of survival, reprieve, and community online. Each chapter grounds itself in a resistance strategy, such as Black humor, care, or archiving, to show the ways that Black publics reshape strategies of resistance over time and across media platforms. Linking singular digital resistance movements while arguing for Black publics as strategic content creators who connect resistance strategies from our past to suit our present needs, Black Networked Resistance encourages readers to create and cultivate lasting communities necessary for social and political change by imagining a future of joy, community, and agency through their digital media practices.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Beastly Firepower
Capstone Global Library Ltd Jaguar vs Crocodile
The dark floor and muddy rivers of the rainforest are perfect for hunting, and the jaguar and crocodile both stalk their prey with ease. But which animal is the fiercest of the ecosystem? Does the jaguar's speed give it the edge? Or does the crocodile's strength make it superior? Compare and contrast each animal’s features and skills before you declare the winning predator.
University of Minnesota Press Hermes I: Communication
For the first time in English, the introductory volume in a major French philosopher’s groundbreaking series of poetic transdisciplinary works Michel Serres is recognized as one of the giants of postwar French philosophy of knowledge, along with Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, and Gilbert Simondon. His early five-volume series Hermes, which appeared in the 1960s and 1970s, was an intellectual supernova in its proposition that culture and science shared the same mythic and narrative structures. Hermes I: Communication marks the start of a major publishing endeavor to introduce this foundational series into English. Building on the figure of the Greek god Hermes, who presides over the realms of communication and interpretation, Hermes I embarks on a reflection concerning the history of mathematics via Descartes and Leibniz and culminates by way of a Bachelardian logoanalytic reading of Homer, Dumas, Molière, Verne, and the story of Cinderella. We observe a singular poetic philosopher seeking to bridge the gap between the liberal arts and the sciences through a profound mathematical and poetic fable regarding information theory, history, and art, establishing a new way to think about the production of knowledge during the late twentieth century. In these pages, students and scholars of philosophy will discover an extraordinary project of thought as vital to critical reflection today as it was fifty years ago.
Museum Tusculanum Press Ethnologia Europaea vol. 48:2
This special issue of Ethnologia Europaea focuses on tour guides as cultural mediators. It opens with a discussion of tour guiding in the anthropology of tourism by Jackie Feldman and Jonathan Skinner and consideration of how tour guiding should be seen as imaginative and performative practice. This is illustrated by a highly international and comparative collection by leading anthropologists and ethnologists, many of whom have guiding experience themselves: Valerio Simoni on intimacy, informality and sexuality in guiding relations in Cuba; David Picard on modern guiding and traditional values in La Réunion; Jackie Feldman on Jewish-Israelis guiding Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land; Amos Ron and Yotam Lurie on the intimacy and trust in guide -- tourist relations in Israel; Annelou Ypeij, Eva Krah and Floor van der Hout on the impact of gender on guide -- local relations in Peru; Irit Dekel on the manipulation of the past and the present in home museums in Germany; Jonathan Skinner on the imagination and props involved in the re-animation of heritage in a historical fantasy home in the UK. The issue ends with discussion commentaries from Noel Salazar and Erik Cohen that reiterate tour guiding as a particularly temporal and physical mediating pursuit, one which raises critical questions as to the future mechanics of tour guiding and how a performative approach to guiding engages with authenticity and new technologies.
Fordham University Press Reified Life: Speculative Capital and the Ahuman Condition
Reified Life addresses the most pressing political question of the 21st century: what forms of life are free and what forms are perceived legally and economically as surplus or expendable, human and otherwise. The 2008 economic crisis solidified the dominion of neoliberal and financial capital to organize human societies much to the detriment of the world’s populations. Reified Life theorizes the dangerous social implications of a posthuman future, whereby human agency is secondary to algorithmic processes, digital protocols, speculative financial instruments, and nonhuman market and technological forces. Employing new readings of Deleuze, Guattari, Foucault, Marx, Vico, Gramsci, Berardi, and Gilbert Simondon, Narkunas contends that it is premature to speak of a posthuman or inhuman future, or employ an ‘ism, given how dynamic and contingent human practices and their material figurations can be. Over several chapters he diagnoses the rise of “market humans,” the instrumentalization of culture to decide the life worth living along utilitarian categories, and the varied ways human rights and humanitarianism actually throw members of the species like refugees outside the human order. To combat this, Reified Life argues against Reified Life calls to abandon the human and humanism, and instead proposes the ahuman to think alongside the human, what philosopher Gilbert Simondon calls the transindividuation of ontogentic processes rather than subjectivity. To aid the “figurating animal,” Reified Life elaborates speculative fictions as critical mechanisms for envisioning alternative futures and freedoms from the domineering forces of speculative capital, whose fictions have become our realities. Narkunas offers, to that end, a novel interpretation of the post-anthropocentric turn in the humanities by linking the diminished centrality of humanism to the waning dominion of nation-states over their populations and the intensification of financial capitalism, which reconfigures politics along economic categories of risk management.
Liverpool University Press The Ancient Sea: The Utopian and Catastrophic in Classical Narratives and their Reception
In the ancient Mediterranean world, the sea was an essential domain for trade, cultural exchange, communication, exploration, and colonisation. In tandem with the lived reality of this maritime space, a parallel experience of the sea emerged in narrative representations from ancient Greece and Rome, of the sea as a cultural imaginary. This imaginary seems often to oscillate between two extremes: the utopian and the catastrophic; such representations can be found in narratives from ancient history, philosophy, society, and literature, as well as in their post-classical receptions. Utopia can be found in some imaginary island paradise far away and across the distant sea; the sea can hold an unknown, mysterious, divine wealth below its surface; and the sea itself as a powerful watery body can hold a liberating potential. The utopian quality of the sea and seafaring can become a powerful metaphor for articulating political notions of the ideal state or for expressing an individual’s sense of hope and subjectivity. Yet the catastrophic sea balances any perfective imaginings: the sea threatens coastal inhabitants with floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes and sailors with storms and the accompanying monsters. From symbolic perspectives, the catastrophic sea represents violence, instability, the savage, and even cosmological chaos. The twelve papers in this volume explore the themes of utopia and catastrophe in the liminal environment of the sea, through the lens of history, philosophy, literature and classical reception.Contributors: Manuel Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Vilius Bartninkas, Aaron L. Beek, Ross Clare, Gabriele Cornelli, Isaia Crosson, Ryan Denson, Rhiannon Easterbrook, Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz, Georgia L. Irby, Simona Martorana, Guy Middleton, Hamish Williams.
ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE & HU 13871477 v 1 Jews in the Duchy of Milan
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Frammenti Delle Orazioni Di Cassiodoro: Edizione, Traduzione, Commento
L'Erma Di Bretschneider L'Arte Di Vivere Al Tempo Di Roma: I Luoghi del Tempo Nelle Domus Di Pompei
Viella Editrice La Lingua Dei Trobadores: Profilo Storico-Linguistico Della Poesia Galego-Portoghese Medievale
Not Avail LA Traicion De Borges
Obelisco El Sendero Cristalino
Obelisco Ayunar Es Facil
Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones Vuelve a la vida
Aunque todos estamos llamados a una vida bella, buena y abundante, muchas veces encontramos en nuestro camino el mal que impide a la vida nacer y desplegarse, lo que lleva a la destrucción y a la muerte. Existen unas leyes de vida que están grabadas en el corazón de todo ser humano. El objeto de este libro es mostrar cinco leyes que se refieren al restablecimiento de las heridas para conseguir evangelizar la profundidad de nuestro corazón.Extracto del Índice:PRIMERA LEY DE VIDA: Elegir vivir. No elijas la muerte.SEGUNDA LEY DE VIDA: Aceptar la condición humana.La transgresión y sus consecuencias: la omnipotencia. La creencia ilusoria en un mundo sin fallos, fracaso ni muerte. La voluntad de dominarlo todo. La desvalorización de uno mismo. La no aceptación de la propia historia. Respuestas de Cristo a los límites humanos.TERCERA LEY DE VIDA. El despliegue de la identidad personal en Dios y en la relación con el otro. La alegría del descubrimiento. Caminos erróneos. El
Madre que estás en los cielos
Madre que estás en los cielos se ha convertido en una de las novelas favoritas de los lectores. Esta edición incluye un prólogo del autor en el que desvela la historia de esta obra que lo consagró en el mundo literario chileno e internacional.A los setenta y siete años, Julia Bartolini decide escribir sus memorias. En ellas deshilvana miedos fraguados en su infancia, para los que no tuvo solución en la edad adulta. Intenta descifrar la relación con sus padres y su marido, y en especial con dos de sus hijos, quienes desafiaron los códigos de su tiempo y sus esperanzas. Sobre todo, quiere encontrar una explicación para haber fracasado en aquello que mayor importancia tenía para ella: formar una familia feliz.Un libro inteligente, transparente y emocionante. A través del recuento de una mujer que va a morir de cáncer, con gracia y sensibilidad se hace un retrato de la familia chilena, sus tabúes y liberaciones.Antonio Skármeta
Cano Pina S.L. Representaciones de construcción
Errata Naturae Editores S.L. El show de Berlusconi una historia crtica de la quiebra poltica econmica y moral de Italia a travs de los chistes del Cavaliere
De forma tan imprevista como dramática, la Era Berlusconi ha terminado. Ha llegado el momento de reflexionar críticamente sobre uno de los dirigentes políticos más excéntricos y controvertidos de nuestro tiempo, pero por qué hacerlo de forma austera y ceñuda? Como seguramente sabrá el lector, Silvio Berlusconi comenzó a ganarse la vida cantando y contando chistes en cruceros y, muchos años después, tras crear un imperio empresarial y ser elegido primer ministro, convirtió la política en la más obscena de las comedias. Para ello utilizó estratégicamente el humor como una forma de poder e hizo del chiste una de sus municiones políticas de mayor alcance. Como él mismo afirmó con cierto espíritu categórico: Yo no cuento chistes sin más. Hago uso de los chistes para esculpir conceptos.El show de Berlusconi es una antología de todos los chistes contados por il Cavaliere durante sus años en el gobierno y la oposición: chistes contados en los consejos de gobierno, en las cumbres europeas,
Les aventures den Thor
Al llunyà regne d?Asgard, hi vivien els déus guerrers de la mitologia nòrdica. D?entre tots ells, n?hi havia un que sobrepassava la resta per la seva força i el seu poder: el gran Thor! En Thor era l?encarregat de protegir déus i humans de la terrible amenaça dels gegants, uns éssers malvats que poblaven els cims glaçats de Jotunheim. Per fer-ho, comptava amb l?ajut del martell màgic, una arma capaç de desempallegar-se del pitjor enemic. Endinsa?t en aquestes pàgines i diverteix-te amb les aventures d?en Thor, el més intrèpid dels déus nòrdics!
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Controller and Network Design Exploiting System Structure
Universitatsverlag Winter Modernist Authenticities: The Material Body and the Poetics of Amy Lowell and William Carlos Williams
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Nein Und Ja Zur Abtreibung: Die Evangelische Kirche in Der Reformdebatte Um 218 Stgb (1970-1976)
Archaeopress Aegean Mercenaries in Light of the Bible: Clash of cultures in the story of David and Goliath
The story of the duel of David and Goliath, the Philistine champion, is narrated in the Bible in several versions. While its symbolic importance in Judaism and later in Christianity gradually came to represent the battle between good and evil, true faith and paganism, attempts were made since ancient times to solve its ambiguities. In modern research, the story arouses many disputes. There is controversy about the degree of realism and fantasy in it and there is also no agreement as to the time it was composed. Some claim that this was close to the time when the event occurred at the beginning of the monarchy period. Others postpone the time of its writing to the end of the Judaean monarchy and even to Second Temple times by pointing out its similarities to Greek literature and the characteristics of Goliath as an Aegean hoplite. The purpose of the study is not only to shed light on the enigmas about the protagonists and the time of the story, but also to understand why the importance of its message did not lessen and in what circumstances the interest in it was prolonged. The study employs a textual analysis (literary and philological) of the story together with its comparison to Greek, Egyptian and Mesopotamian literary sources, historical analysis, and also a comparative analysis with archaeological findings. It examines sources which until now have not been included in research and suggests a new date, place and motive for the compilation of the duel story.
Sourcebooks, Inc American Prince
Rockridge Press Relationship Reconnected: Proven Strategies to Improve Communication and Deepen Empathy
Reformation Heritage Books Irenaeus
Stone Arch Books Beauty and the Dreaded Sea Beast: A Graphic Novel
Capstone Press Catwoman An Origin Story