Search results for ""author robert"
Image Comics Southern Bastards Volume 4
Coach Boss holds sway over Craw County for one reason: he wins football games. But after the biggest, ugliest loss of his career, the coach must become more of a criminal than ever before, if he's gonna keep ahead of his enemies.Enemies like Roberta Tubb, who's come to town with a machine gun and some serious questions about how her daddy died. The 2015 Harvey Award-winning (Best New Series) and 2016 Eisner Award-winning (Best Continuing Series) southern-fried crime comic by JASON AARON & JASON LATOUR is back for another round of football, BBQ, and bloodshed!
Big Finish Productions Ltd The Robots: Volume 5
During the events of Doctor Who: Ravenous 2, Liv Chenka left the Doctor and the TARDIS behind. Just for one year. A year during which she would live on Kaldor, and get to know her sister Tula all over again. But Kaldor is going through a period of tumultuous change. Technology is changing at an advanced rate - the robots are evolving, artificial intelligence is adapting, and with these changes so politics is altering too. Dangerously. Can Liv and Tula make a difference during the most turbulent time in the world's history? CAST: : Nicola Walker (Liv Chenka), Claire Rushbrook (Tula Chenka), Nicholas Asbury (Hari Ventross), Paul Bazely (Elio), Jemma Churchill (Louisha Deltarto), Jon Culshaw (The Source/Sorkov), Anthony Howell (Volar Crick), Sarah Lamble (Graf Kirran/V709), Yasmin Mwanza (Rosama Volf/V557/Shinko Caprice), Finlay Robertson (Kador Arris/V48). Other parts played by members of the cast
labutxaca Dani Santana. La trilogia Se sabrà tot. Homes dhonor. Eufòria
Amb aquest volum reunim les peripècies del carismàtic periodista Dani Santana, protagonista de Se sabrà tot , Homes d?honor i Eufòria. Recuperem els tres casos d?en Dani Santana, des de la investigació del cap del diari Crònica fins a les jugades de l?empresari mexicà Roberto M. Faura.Llibres trepidants carregats d?actualitat: de la crisi immobiliària a la corrupció, de les relacions entre empresaris i polítics a les trames de sexe clandestí. Un volum imprescindible per reviure les magnífiques trames de Xavier Bosch situades a la Catalunya actual.
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Satan's Dare: A Novel
"Satan’s Dare is different from any other Jim DeMint book, and it very well may be his most important." —Glenn Beck“Satan’s Dare is a powerful story that will confirm the faith of Christians and challenge skeptics to search for real truth." —Dr. M. G. "Pat" RobertsonThe Bible is often presented as an antiquated document filled with mysterious prophesies, unbelievable fables, and arbitrary decisions by a God whose actions range from anger and vengeance to love and forgiveness. The Bible's creation story appears to be at complete odds with more credible scientific explanations of the origins and evolution of life. And believers in Biblical truth are further challenged by haunting questions about why a good God would create a world so full of evil, pain, suffering and death. Satan's Dare takes these issues and questions head on.
Five Continents Editions Art Brut. The Book of Books
A revelatory glimpse into the passions and obsessions of 60 visionary artists through the medium of their personal sketchbooks, treatises, storybooks, grimoires, and journals. This unprecedented gathering of handmade books from the most notable Art Brut artists has been brought together expressly for this publication from both public and private collections. Each volume is showcased in separate chapters featuring the cover and a selection of inside pages, with accompanying commentary. They cover the period from the early 20th century to the present, and include works by Horst Ademeit, Alöise, Giovanni Bosco, James Castle, Henry Darger, Charles Dellschau, Malcolm MacKesson, Dan Miller, Michel Nedjar, Jean Perdrizet, Royal Robertson, Charles Steffen, Oskar Voll, August Walla, and Adolf Wölfli, among others. Text in English and French.
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Propa Propaganda
Propa Propaganda was Benjamin Zephaniah’s second collection from Bloodaxe. First published in 1996, it includes some of his classic poems, such as ‘I Have a Scheme’, ‘The Death of Joy Gardner’, ‘White Comedy’ and ‘The Angry Black Poet’. Best known for his performance poetry with a political edge for adults – and his poetry with attitude for children – he was the first person to record with the Wailers after the death of Bob Marley, in a musical tribute to Nelson Mandela, which Mandela heard while in prison on Robben Island. He has published three other poetry books with Bloodaxe, City Psalms, Too Black Too Strong and To Do Wid Me (a DVD-book including a film portrait by Pamela Robertson-Pearce). His autobiography, The Life and Rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah, was published by Scribner in 2018.
Simon & Schuster Rosie
Nick Robertson has become used to his grandmother Rosie's dotty behaviour. At 86, a widow now, she is determined that before life passes her by, she will live a little. Or, preferably, a lot.It wouldn't be so bad if Nick had nothing else to do, but with a job to find, two warring parents to cope with and a love life in terminal decline, he would prefer his grandmother to get on with things quietly. But, Rosie insists, there is no time like the present. Life is to be enjoyed to the full and to hell with the consequences. She'll help Nick find the soulmate he clearly lacks and he can help her make the most of her few remaining years. Alan Titchmarsh's sparkling new novel is a delicious blend of humour and romance, and a resounding affirmation that there is no such thing as the generation gap.
The Perseus Books Group Shattered Bonds The Color of Child Welfare
Penguin Publishing Group Sea Swept
Little, Brown The Mirror
MIT Press Ltd The Hero of Doubt
Youth Large Print The Barren Grounds
Youth Large Print The Stone Child
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Urbs Salvia: Forma E Urbanistica
Recolectores Urbanos Editorial Arquitectura del espejismo ensayos sobre la ciudad mediática y el fin de lo público
Canica Books Tic Tac Cuac
Suma Nocturno / Nightwork
Debolsillo La casa de la playa Whiskey Beach
Debolsillo Hotel Boonsboro 1. Siempre hay un mañana
La trilogíaHotel BoonsboroEl histórico Hotel Boonsboro ha superado tiempos de guerra y de paz, cambios de propietarios e incluso rumores de estar embrujado. Ahora, el hotel está sufriendo una remodelación completa en manos de los tres hermanos Montgomery y su excéntrica madre. La vida social de Beckett, el arquitecto de la familia, consiste sobre todo en hablar del trabajo mientras come pizza y bebe cerveza. Pero esta vez la atención de Beckett no está centrada totalmente en las reformas: lo distrae una chica, la misma que ha querido besar desde que tenía dieciséis años.Después de perder a su marido, Clare Brewster se centra en sus tres niños mientras se encarga de la librería del pueblo. Los hijos no le dejan tiempo para pensar en el amor, pero Clare se siente fascinada por la transformación del viejo hotel que Beckett está llevando a cabo y querrá inspeccionarlo más de cerca... el edificio y el hombre que elabora los diseños.La gran inauguración se acerca, y Beckett se co
Debolsillo Las sombras del bosque
Un sangriento hecho marca para siempre la vida de Olivia cuando cuenta sólo cuatro años de edad. Su madre muere asesinada y su padre, a quien ella misma encuentra con el arma del delito entre las manos, es acusado del crimen. Controvertida ya en una hermosa joven, un escritor quiere novelar su trágica experiencia. Entre ambos surge un apasionado amor. Pero cuando el padre de Olivia sale de la cárcel, la pesadilla revive.
Ediciones Tutor, S.A. Los caballos de mi vida
Anaya & Mario Muchnik Cuando me trabaje en el circo
Anaya & Mario Muchnik Cuando me converti en lobo
Ediciones SM Como arreglar un libro mojado
Ediciones SM Futbolisimos: El misterio del portero fantasma
Debolsillo Cuentos completos
Punto de Lectura Las estrellas de la fortuna
Primer libro de la trilogía Los Guardianes.Una fantástica mezcla de peligro, romanticismo y misterio.RT Book ReviewsSasha Riggs es una artista recluida, acosada por sueños y pesadillas que ella transforma en maravillosas pinturas. Sus visiones la llevan a la isla griega de Corfú, donde otros cinco han llegado atraídos por la legendaria estrella de fuego, mencionada en una ancestral profecía. Sasha los reconoce porque los ha dibujado: un mago, un arqueólogo, un vagabundo, un luchador, un ermitaño. Todos en su búsqueda. Todos con secretos que esconder.Sasha es el nexo de unión entre ellos, la vidente. Y en Bran Killian, el mago, ve un hombre de inmenso poder y compasión. Mientras Sasha se enfrenta a su raro don, Bran está ahí para apoyarla, para retarla, para creer en ella.Pero cuando la amenaza de la oscuridad aceche, los seis deberán aprender a combinar sus habilidades para encontrar la estrella de fuego y permitir así que el mundo siga su cu
Suma de Letras 2666
Suma de Letras Monsieur Pain
Anagrama Vente Conmigo
GEDISA La posverdad una cartografía de los medios las redes y la política
El fenómeno de la posverdad es considerado como una de las principales amenazas a la democracia actual: convierte a la ciudadanía en consumidora de noticias, la responsabiliza del alcance de las fake news a la vez que la empuja a la desconfianza, y cuest
ESIC Editorial Revolucin mobile los cambios sociales y de marketing producidos por las tecnologas mviles
Estamos viviendo y somos los protagonistas de un nuevo salto evolutivo en la especie homo digitalis. Una transformación provocada por dispositivos que permiten a miles de millones de personas poder hacer en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar todo lo que antes solo podían hacer de una manera limitada y condicionada. Es la revolución mobile.En términos de marketing, esto se traduce en retos trascendentales y en nuevas oportunidades.Mobile es una nueva dimensión de la comunicación que se sobrepone a todas las anteriores y las devora. Por ello, es urgente comprender y dominar las reglas de esta nueva realidad.Y tú? Crees que es un medio como otro? Todavía piensas que no es el momento de revisar los modelos establecidos? Que solo podemos entender el sistema mobile a través del costoso método ensayo-error?Este libro te ayudará a entender los continuos cambios que se están produciendo y su dimensión para que puedas comunicarte de un modo más competente y eficaz en la mAge.
Prh Grupo Editorial Nunca volveré a Berlin I Will Never Return to Berlin
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Alquimia para el éxito / The Alchemy of Success
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2013
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Mitten in der Nacht Roman
Heyne Taschenbuch Frühlingsträume
Carl Hanser Verlag Der Kampf geht weiter Widerstand gegen Mafia und Korruption
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Aufschrei
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Esthetique Du Virtuel
Brepols N.V. Protest Music in the Twentieth Century
Classiques Garnier Theorie(s) de l'Ecphrasis
Penguin Putnam Inc The Pagan Stone
Gray & Company Publishers The Ashtabula Hat Trick
Biblioasis I Was There the Night He Died
A mid-life crisis novel that reads like a Beat romp: think Kerouac, in his 50s, cooped up & caring for his dad Blend of fiction and philosophy with plain-spoken voice makes accessible, interesting, entertaining general reading Has demonstrated consistent sales growth in CDN & US sales David, though past its reviewing season, generated considerable interest from librarians, booksellers, professors, and the NPR staff at BEA NPR is interested in having Ray review/write essays for their website Fast-moving, funny read that is thoughtful and poppy Ray is Ray: funny, crude, philosophical, engaging. Hard-drinking, loud-talking, down-to-earth guy. Will appeal to same. The rejuvenating power of music is a big theme for Ray (as is mental illness/coping with death). Non-fiction angle could be taken on crossover music-arts programming, esp. for radio and/or magazines A good talker. This is the white guy with the handlebar moustache who in the past 8 months went on every black radio program that asked him to for David, whether they were religious shows or wanting to talk about the history of slavery. He kicked ass every time.