Search results for ""author paul"
Archaeopress Time and Stone: The Emergence and Development of Megaliths and Megalithic Societies in Europe
This analysis is concerned with the dating of megaliths in Europe and is based on 2410 available radiocarbon results from pre-megalithic and megalithic sites, and to the megaliths contemporaneous contexts and the application of a Bayesian statistical framework. It is, so far, the largest existing attempt to establish a supra-regional synthesis on the emergence and development of megaliths in Europe. Its aim is to assist in the clarification of an over 200-year-old, ongoing research debate.
University of Regina Press Trust the Bluer Skies
Nova Science Publishers Inc Machining: Operations, Technology & Management
Nova Science Publishers Inc California Water Crisis
Nova Science Publishers Inc Tribology & Surface Engineering: Volume 1
Nova Science Publishers Inc Mechatronics & Intelligent Manufacturing: Volume 1
Nova Science Publishers Inc Machining & Forming Technologie: Volume 2
Nova Science Publishers Inc Teaching & Education: 21st Century Issues & Challenges
SPCK Publishing Praise Him: Songs of Praise in the New Testament: York Courses
We are used to singing hymns of praise when we go to church but often we miss the hymns and poems that are there in the New Testament. This course will explore five different Songs of Praise from the New Testament, looking at what they tell us about God and Jesus but also reflecting on what they tell us about us and our faith. The five sessions focus on: Session 1: Gratitude (Ephesians 1.3-14) Session 2: Image of God (Colossians 1.15-20) Session 3: Humility (Philippians 2.5-11) Session 4: New birth (1 Peter 1.3-12) Session 5: Word made flesh (John 1.1-14) The course booklet is accompanied by a lively CD, featuring the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, ‘art nun’, the late Sister Wendy Beckett, the multi-award winning actor, David Suchet CBE, and Editor and Publisher of the Methodist Recorder, Moira Sleight. This York Course is available in the following formats Course Book (Paperback 9781909107069) Course Book (eBook 9781909107854) Audio Book of Interview to support Praise Him York Course (CD 9781909107847) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download 9781909107830) Transcript of interview to support Praise Him York Course (Paperback 9781909107076) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781909107861) Book Pack (9781909107878 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) Large print (9781909107885)
Ozark Mountain Publishing Divine Fire: The Book of the Future: Past & Future Lives Changing Our Time Line
Teachers' College Press Disrupting Hierarchy in Education
Features rich examples of students and teachers, defined as learning partners, disrupting hierarchy in education by collaborating on social change projects. At the book's core is Paulo Freire's theorization of students and teachers working together toward co-liberation.
Pushkin Press Girl in White
Paula Modersohn-Becker was a pioneer of modern art in Europe, but denounced as degenerate by the Nazis after her death. Sue Hubbard draws on the artist's diaries and paintings to bring to life her singular existence, her battle to achieve independence and recognition and her intense relationship with the poet Rainer Maria Rilke. Not only do we discover Paula's vibrant personality and rich legacy of Expressionist paintings, but also come to understand something of the corrupted ideologies of the Third Reich. Written with the eye of a painter and the soul of a poet this moving story is a meditation on love, loss, memory and, ultimately, hope.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Ballet Shoes
Puffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every child. We three Fossils vow to try to put our name into history books, because it's our very own, and nobody can say it's because of our grandfathers.Pauline, Petrova and Posy Fossil are sisters - with a difference. All three were adopted as babies by Great Uncle Matthew, an eccentric and rich explorer who then disappeared, leaving them in the care of his niece Sylvia. When Sylvia starts to run out of money they hit on an inspired idea: Pauline, Petrova and Posy will attend Madame Fidolia's Children's Academy of Dance and Stage Training - and take to the stage. But it's not long before the Fossils learn that being a star isn't as easy as they first thought...Ballet Shoes is the magical, warm-hearted and much loved classic tale of three very different girls who work hard to master their talents.
Behrman House Inc.,U.S. Monster Bar Mitzvah
“With bright and engaging illustrations, Monster Bar Mitzvah is a book that all kids will enjoy — but it’ll be a particular hit among younger siblings." --Paula Chaiken, Jewish Book CouncilIn this unusual graphic novel for younger readers, Eli is feeling left out of the family’s preparations for his older brother’s bar mitzvah. He wants to help but can’t seem to do anything right. Then he meets the monster under his bed, and things begin to change . . . but not always for the better. Will Eli be able to get the monster under control in time for the big event, or will there just be more and more chaos?
Peeters Publishers The Biblical Canons
This volume contains the Proceedings of the 50th Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense: the 40 contributions, written in English, French and German, focus on the canons of the Old and New Testament as well as those of the Bible as a whole. The theme is studied from a variety of historical, hermeneutical and biblical-theological points of view. Several contributions discuss the process that resulted in the canonical status of certain writings, or groups of writings, in particular, such as the Book of Psalms, Ezekiel, the Wisdom of Ben Sira, the Pauline corpus, Acts and the gospels.
Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw The Other Transatlantic – Kinetic and Op Art in Eastern Europe and Latin America
The Other Transatlantic is attuned to the brief but historically significant moment in the postwar period between 1950 and 1970 when the trajectories of the Central and Eastern European art scenes on the one hand, and their Latin American counterparts on the other, converged in a shared enthusiasm for Kinetic and Op Art. As the axis connecting the established power centers of Paris, London, and New York became increasingly dominated by monolithic trends including Pop, minimalism, and conceptualism another web of ideas was being spun linking the hubs of Warsaw, Budapest, Zagreb, Buenos Aires, Caracas, and Sao Paulo. These artistic practices were dedicated to what appeared to be an entirely different set of aesthetic concerns: philosophies of art and culture dominated by notions of progress and science, the machine and engineering, construction and perception. This book presents a highly illustrated introduction to this significant transnational phenomenon in the visual arts.
Dancing Foxes Press Erika Verzutti: New Moons
Leaving fingerprints and tool marks behind, a São Paulo artist evokes the cycles of the cosmos This volume takes an expansive view of the bold and influential practice of Brazilian artist Erika Verzutti (born 1971), surveying more than 60 pieces made over the past 15 years. In Verzutti’s art, moons recur as symbols of renewal and the multiple phases that a person or entity can pass through. Her work presents novel modes of perception by orbiting outside set systems of being—zooming out, in a telescopic sense, to the point where the relations we take so seriously here on Earth can be rethought. Vibrant illustrations of individual works and installation views of New Moons, the artist’s first US museum survey, highlight how her approaches to display and presentation reveal such relationships. Presenting original scholarship on the art historical and theoretical aspects of Verzutti’s practice as well as the artist’s own writing, this book offers insights on the inspiration and multifaceted ideas at play across her work.
University of California Press The San Francisco Tape Music Center: 1960s Counterculture and the Avant-Garde
This book tells the story of the influential group of creative artists - Pauline Oliveros, Morton Subotnick, Ramon Sender, William Maginnis, and Tony Martin - who connected music to technology during a legendary era in California's cultural history. An integral part of the robust San Francisco 'scene', the San Francisco Tape Music Center developed new art forms through collaborations with Terry Riley, Steve Reich, David Tudor, Ken Dewey, Lee Breuer, the San Francisco Actor's Workshop, the San Francisco Mime Troupe, the Ann Halprin Dancers' Workshop, Canyon Cinema, and others. Told through vivid personal accounts, interviews, and retrospective essays by leading scholars and artists, this work, capturing the heady experimental milieu of the sixties, is the first comprehensive history of the San Francisco Tape Music Center.
MASP Judith Lauand: Concrete Detour
A long-overdue introduction to the Brazilian Concrete art protagonist and Grupo Ruptura member Brazilian painter and printmaker Judith Lauand (born 1922) is regarded as a key figure of Concrete art. Lauand is the only woman to have participated in Grupo Ruptura, a collective of artists that pioneered Concretism in Brazil, which counted such luminaries as Waldemar Cordeiro, Luiz Sacilotto, Geraldo de Barros, Lotar Charoux and Anatol Wladyslaw among its ranks. Lauand, initially self-taught, moved to São Paulo in the 1950s and encountered Concrete art while working at the 2nd Bienal Internacional. She then quickly delved into the movement, holding a solo show within the same year. This survey follows Lauand’s tremendous oeuvre across five decades, paying particular attention to her engagement with the Concrete movement. The catalog cover is rendered in striking Concrete style, lined with squares and enclosed within a black slipcase dotted with geometric cutouts.
Hodder & Stoughton An Easter Anthology: Scripture readings, reflections and prayers for Holy Week and Easter
A beautiful gift anthology for the season of Easter with material from Tom Wright, Timothy Radcliffe, Basil Hume, Rowan Williams, Brian McLaren, Paula Gooder, Henri Nouwen, Desmond Tutu, Maria Boulding. This delightful collection is the perfect gift for the Lenten season.Beginning with Palm Sunday and Holy Wee, right through the seven weeks of Easter until the great feast of Pentecost, Canon Arthur Howells provides a portion of scripture, a short extract from an inspirational Christian book, and a prayer for each day. Drawing wisdom from across the tradition of the Church, An Easter Anthology includes writing from Desmond Tutu, C. S. Lewis, Henri Nouwen and William Temple alongside voices such as Eugene Peterson, Paula Gooder, Tom Wright and Maggi Dawn. We're familiar with Lent as a time to deepen our prayer lives, but less aware of Easter as a season that can be savoured in this way. These collected writings will be a gift for anyone looking to continue their spiritual journey during this time of celebration, and explore the wisdom of the Church in greater depth.
Edicoes Tecnicas Lidel Ensino/Aprendizagem do Portugues como Lingua Estrangeira
Editorial Dilema Anatomía tántrica
Formato: Epub Adobe DRMAnatomía Tántrica es la primera guía práctica en español sobre la anatomía sutil del ser humano según la tradición tántrica de la India. En su contenido se expone claramente el recorrido y funcionamiento de los nadis o canales de energía y las marmas literalmente "secretos" o puntos vitales escondidos en el cuerpo físico así como sus funciones. Este conocimiento es imprescindible para profesores de yoga, profesores de meditación, artes marciales, masajistas y terapeutas para poder profundizar es su labor así como para conocer más la naturaleza y dimensión del hombre.
Acantilado La venganza de David
Si bien para Christian Kestner, tranquilo profesor de instituto, el viaje efectuado siete años atrás a la Georgia soviética no es más que un recuerdo, la actual visita de su antiguo intérprete David Ninoschwili provoca en él graves incertidumbres. Para qué habrá venido? Querrá vengarse del flirteo de hace años entre Christian y su mujer? Qué contactos mantiene Ninoschwili con las facciones georgianas o con los antiguos servicios secretos soviéticos? Y, ya instalado en su casa, cuál es la relación entre su invitado y la señora Kestner? Deliberadamente, el protagonista de esta novela ignora la delgada línea que separa la imaginación de la realidad y los peligros de creerse las propias fantasías: construye castillos en el aire sin percatarse de que se adentra en un terreno peligroso y resbaladizo, donde tal vez deba enfrentarse a consecuencias insospechadas. Con talento y maestría, Kettenbach nos muestra los entresijos de la mente humana con una envidiable mezcla de humor y melancolía.
Lettera Publicaciones La igualdad objetivo en la empresa marcol legal recomendaciones y buenas prácticas
Ediciones Medici, S.L. Alimentación hasta los tres años
Alimentar a su hijo es mucho más que limitarse a nutrirlo de una forma sana, aunque, desde luego, eso es parte de la alimentación. Alimentarlo también es una forma de estar cerca de su bebé, desde el principio. Y muy poco tiempo después, disfrutar de unas comidas divertidas y agradables, al tiempo que su hijo o hija descubre nuevos sabores y texturas y adquiere mayores habilidades. Sería una pena que la alimentación de las primeras semanas, meses y años resultara un problema y se interpusiera en su intimidad y diversión. En este libro, obra de una reconocida experta en nutrición, encontrará múltiples consejos y soluciones posibles para evitar este tipo de problemas. Proporciona, además, algunas recetas sanas y apetitosas.
Arantzazuko kondaira bertsotan Mendebeteko 18461956 hamar bertso sorta
Arantzazuko Andre Mariaren irudiaren aurkikuntza eta ondorengo tradizio historikoa bertsotan kontatua eta kantatua biltzen du ADK liburu sailaren III tomo honek. Bertso-kopuru handiko hamar kondaira dira, beste hainbeste bertso-jartzailerenak: Aurrena 1834-1846koa, azkena 1956koa. Horien artean bereziki nabarmentzekoa da 1854ko Telleriarteko Plazaolaren?Gure Ama Birjina? sorta, 22 bertsokoa; herritar Arantzazu-zaleen artean oso zabaldua eta kantatua. Sortaren 20tik gorako aldaeren konparazio-azterketa zabala eskaintzen du.
Estilos de enseñanza y aprendizaje conceptualizaciones investigaciones y orientaciones para la práctica educativa
Estilos de enseñanza y aprendizaje presenta como novedades, además de las investigaciones en la Formación Profesional cuyos resultados pueden ser tomados como referentes, el marco teórico conceptual de los Estilos de Enseñanza en relación con los Estilos de Aprendizaje en el que se incluye el Cuestionario de Estilos de Enseñanza (CEdE), descrito para ser aplicado por investigadores y profesionales de la educación que quieran abordar los EdE y EdA desde la coherencia investigativa.Además, con un lenguaje pedagógico sencillo, aporta una propuesta reflexionada y coherente de orientaciones metodológicas sobre cómo desarrollar equilibradamente los estilos en las aulas.Por último, como docentes, los autores estamos en disposición de colaborar y proporcionar, en la medida en que nos sea posible, la ayuda que se nos requiera en el diseño y desarrollo de proyectos que ahonden en la temática del texto.
Herder Editorial Topología de la violencia
Hay cosas que nunca desaparecen. Entre ellas se cuenta la violencia. Su forma de aparición varía según la constelación social. En la actualidad, la violencia ha mutado de visible en invisible, de frontal en viral, de directa en mediada, de real en vi
Editorial Fundamentos Canciones I de Iron Maiden
No resulta fácil que todos y cada uno de los discos de una banda, tanto en estudio como en directo, lleguen a los Top 10 en el Reino Unido y triunfen en más de veinticinco países; pero aún tiene más mérito si esa banda es de heavy metal, la oveja negra del rock...Desde sus comienzos, IRON MAIDEN se ha labrado con creces su condición de banda mítica con una fórmula tan sencilla como eficaz: compromiso total con su música, sin atenerse a las modas ni hacer concesiones. Además, los británicos han sabido aunar calidad y potencia musical en el estudio con esas espectaculares giras maratonianas que les han mantenido en estrecho contacto con su público.Pese a diversos cambios en su formación, la fuerza y la energía del sonido Maiden, aquel con el que reinventaron el heavy metal de los ochenta, han sido una constante en su trayectoria. Este primer volumen de canciones de IRON MAIDEN recoge las letras originales y su traducción al castellano de los seis primeros elepés, publicados entre 1
Brill Schoningh Estonia as a Captive Nation: International Cooperation in Exile Within the Assembly of Captive European Nations, 1954-1972
Insel Verlag GmbH Blankow oder Das Verlangen nach Heimat
University of Pennsylvania Press Mapping Mongolia: Situating Mongolia in the World from Geologic Time to the Present
With its small population and low GDP, Mongolia is frequently deemed "unique" or tacked onto various area studies programs: Inner Asia, Central Asia, Northeast Asia, or Eurasia. This volume is a response to the concern that countries such as Mongolia are marginalized when academia and international diplomacy reconfigure area studies borders in the postsocialist era. Would marginalized countries such as Mongolia benefit from a reconfiguration of area studies programs or even from another way of thinking about grouping nations? This book uses Mongolia as a case study to critique the area studies methodology and test the efficacy of another grouping methodology, the "-scapes" method proposed by Arjun Appadurai. Could the application of this approach for tracing individuals' social networks by theme (finance, ethnicity, ideology, media, and technology) be applied to nation-states or peoples? Could it then prevent Mongolia from slipping through the cracks of academia and international diplomacy? Experts from ecology, genetics, archaeology, history, anthropology, and international diplomacy contemplate these issues in their chapters on Mongolia through the ages. Their work includes over 30 maps to help situate Mongolia in its geologic, geographic, economic, and cultural matrix. By comparing maps of different time periods and intellectual orientations, readers can consider for themselves the place of Mongolia in the world community and the relative benefits of these and other grouping methodologies. Content of this book's DVD-ROM may be found online at this location:
Fons Vitae,US Merton and the Protestant Tradition Fons Vitae Thomas Merton The Fons Vitae Thomas Merton Series
New Harbinger Publications Toxic Striving
Skyhorse Publishing Wildfire A Novel
Skyhorse Publishing Wildfire
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Lost Restaurants of Knoxville American Palate
Arcadia Publishing (SC) The Little Greenbrier School
Rowman & Littlefield The Competition Paradigm: America's Romance with Conflict, Contest, and Commerce
Competition has long been a hallmark of patriotism and the American way of life. Could there be better models of competition that lead to a more productive society? This intriguing question is taken up in The Competition Paradigm, the first book in more than a decade to scrutinize America's enchantment with competition. Rosenau's engaging inquiry finds surprisingly little evidence of competition's benefits and much on its harmful effects. Research from biology to psychology to international relations shows that unbridled competition compromises individual health, threatens the quality of community life, lowers commercial productivity, increases inequality, and jeopardizes globalization. Yet Rosenau does not condemn all competition. Instead she judiciously distinguishes between its constructive and destructive forms, pointing to new workplace and national policies that can enhance life and American productivity.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Beatriz Decidió No Casarse
Dielmann Axel Verlag Aurea
Fischer, Karin Verlag Bunt gewürfelt
Fachm. Recht u.Wirtschaft EuInsVO Europische Insolvenzverordnung
C.H. Beck Die Mongolen
AKI Verlag Unertrunken
Honno Welsh Women's Press Little Brown Dog
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wear of Advanced Materials
Recent advances into the wear of advanced materials In general, wear is currently defined as “the progressive loss of material from the operating surface of a body occurring as a result of relative motion at the surface”. It is related to surface interactions and more specifically to the form of contact due to relative motion. Wear is rarely catastrophic but does reduce the operating efficiency of machine components and structures. At this time of economic crisis, this is a very important field of study because of the huge impact the wear of materials has on the economy. The purpose of this book is to present a collection of examples illustrating the state of the art and research developments into the wear of advanced materials in several applications. It can be used as a research book for a final undergraduate engineering course (for example into materials, mechanics, etc.) or as the focus of the effect of wear on advanced materials at a postgraduate level. It can also serve as a useful reference for academics, biomaterials researchers, mechanical and materials engineers, and professionals in related spheres working with tribology and advanced materials.