Search results for ""experiment""
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Material Enlightenment: Women Writers and the Science of Mind, 1770-1830
A methodologically innovative account of the role of women writers in the development of early psychological theory and practice in the long eighteenth century. Women writers played a central, but hitherto under-recognised, role in the development of the philosophy of mind and its practical outworkings in Romantic era England, Scotland and Ireland. This book focuses on the writings and lives of five leading figures - Anna Barbauld, Honora Edgeworth, Hannah More, Elizabeth Hamilton and Maria Edgeworth - a group of women who differed profoundly in their political, religious and social views but were nevertheless associated through correspondence, family ties and a shared belief in the importance of female education. It shows how through the philosophical language of materiality and embodiment that they developed and the 'enlightened domesticity' that they espoused they transformed educational practice and made substantial interventions into the social reformist politics of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Alive to the manifold overlaps between emotional, and often religious, experience and experiment in the developing science of mind at this time, the book illuminates the potential and the limits of domestic Enlightenment, particularly in projects of moral and industrial 'improvement' and casts new light on a wide variety of other fields: the history of science, early psychology and religion, reformist politics and Romanticism, and how all these reflected the political and social fallout of the French Revolution in the first years of the nineteenth century. JOANNA WHARTON is an Early Career Fellow at Lichtenberg-Kolleg, the Göttingen Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Bucknell University Press,U.S. Historicizing the Enlightenment, Volume 1: Politics, Religion, Economy, and Society in Britain
The Enlightenment has been blamed for some of the most deadly developments of modern life: racism and white supremacy, imperialist oppression, capitalist exploitation, neoliberal economics, scientific positivism, totalitarian rule. These developments are thought to have grown from principles that are rooted in the soil of the Enlightenment: abstraction, reduction, objectification, quantification, division, universalization. Michael McKeon’s new book corrects this defective view by historicizing the Enlightenment--by showing that the Enlightenment has been abstracted from its history. From its past: critics have ignored that Enlightenment thought is a reaction against deadly traditions that precede it. From its present: the Enlightenment extended its reactive analysis of the past to its own present through self-analysis and self-criticism. From its future: much of what’s been blamed amounts to the failure of its posterity to sustain Enlightenment principles. To historicize the Enlightenment requires that we conjure what it was like to live through the emergence of concepts and practices that are now commonplace—society, privacy, the public, the market, experiment, secularity, representative democracy, human rights, social class, sex and gender, fiction, the aesthetic attitude. McKeon’s book argues the continuity of Enlightenment thought, its consistency and integrity across this broad range of conceptual domains. It also shows how the Enlightenment has shaped our views of both tradition and modernity, and the revisionary work that needs to be done in order to understand our place in the future. In the process, Historicizing the Enlightenment exemplifies a distinctive historiography and historical method. Published by Bucknell University Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Novel Affinities: Composing the Family in the German Novel, 1795-1830
Challenges traditional novel scholarship that emphasizes the individual and the Bildungsroman, broadening the focus to the family and both canonical and non-canonical novels, reading them together with biological, legal and pedagogical texts. The novel, according to standard scholarly narratives, depicts an individual's path to maturity. Scholarship on the rise of the novel in Germany and in Europe more broadly, from Watt to Moretti, has essentially collapsed the genreinto the individualist Bildungsroman, exemplified by a narrow canon. This study challenges and nuances these narratives, first by expanding the focus from the individual to the family, second by broadening the field of novels treated to include not only canonical works but also so-called trivial literature, and third, by reading novels alongside contemporary biological, legal, and pedagogical texts. This perspective reveals that the novel and the family around 1800 were mutually constitutive and that the two together were instrumental in the development of conceptions of individuality, kinship, and society that are still relevant today. Sarah Vandegrift Eldridge reads novels by Goethe, Wolzogen, Engel, Karoline Fischer, August Lafontaine, and Brentano, showing that they exhibit varying degrees of "imaginative didacticism": suggestions not of what to think and feel, but that thinking and feeling in reaction to literature are central to cultural practices of self-reflection and development. The family is a crucial locus for this practice, and reading novels together with nonliterary texts illuminates how they experiment productively with the infinite possibilities presented by the relationships they portray. Sarah Vandegrift Eldridge is Associate Professor of German at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Hodder & Stoughton Foul Lady Fortune: From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends
Assassin. Immortal. Spy.From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of These Violent Delights comes the first book in a captivating new duology following an ill-matched pair of spies posing as a married couple to investigate a series of brutal murders in 1930s Shanghai. It's 1931 in Shanghai, and the stage is set for a new decade of intrigue. Four years ago, Rosalind Lang was brought back from the brink of death, but the strange experiment that saved her also stopped her from sleeping and aging - and allows her to heal from any wound. In short, Rosalind cannot die. Now, desperate for redemption for her traitorous past, she uses her abilities as an assassin for her country. Code name: Fortune. But when the Japanese Imperial Army begins its invasion march, Rosalind's mission pivots. A series of murders is causing unrest in Shanghai, and the Japanese are under suspicion. Rosalind's new orders are to infiltrate foreign society and identify the culprits behind the terror plot before more of her people are killed. To reduce suspicion, she must pose as the wife of another Nationalist spy, Orion Hong. Although Rosalind finds Orion's cavalier attitude and playboy demeanour infuriating, she is willing to work with him for the greater good. But Orion has an agenda of his own, and Rosalind has secrets that she wants to keep buried. As they both attempt to unravel the conspiracy, the two spies soon find that there are deeper and more horrifying layers to this mystery than they ever imagined.
Cornell University Press Plato's "Letters": The Political Challenges of the Philosophic Life
In Plato's "Letters", Ariel Helfer provides to readers, for the first time, a highly literal translation of the Letters, complete with extensive notes on historical context and issues of manuscript transmission. His analysis presents a necessary perspective for readers who wish to study Plato's Letters as a work of Platonic philosophy. Centuries of debate over the provenance and significance of Plato's Letters have led to the common view that the Letters is a motley collection of jewels and scraps from within and without Plato's literary estate. In a series of original essays, Helfer describes how the Letters was written as a single work, composed with a unity of purpose and a coherent teaching, marked throughout by Plato's artfulness and insight and intended to occupy an important place in the Platonic corpus. Viewed in this light, the Letters is like an unusual epistolary novel, a manner of semifictional and semiautobiographical literary-philosophic experiment, in which Plato sought to provide his most demanding readers with guidance in thinking more deeply about the meaning of his own career as a philosopher, writer, and political advisor. Plato's "Letters" not only defends what Helfer calls the "literary unity thesis" by reviewing the scholarly history pertaining to the Platonic letters but also brings out the political philosophic lessons revealed in the Letters. As a result, Plato's "Letters" recovers and rehabilitates what has been until now a minority view concerning the Letters, according to which this misunderstood Platonic text will be of tremendous new importance for the study of Platonic political philosophy.
Princeton University Press Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution
In this novel introduction to modern microeconomic theory, Samuel Bowles returns to the classical economists' interest in the wealth and poverty of nations and people, the workings of the institutions of capitalist economies, and the coevolution of individual preferences and the structures of markets, firms, and other institutions. Using recent advances in evolutionary game theory, contract theory, behavioral experiments, and the modeling of dynamic processes, he develops a theory of how economic institutions shape individual behavior, and how institutions evolve due to individual actions, technological change, and chance events. Topics addressed include institutional innovation, social preferences, nonmarket social interactions, social capital, equilibrium unemployment, credit constraints, economic power, generalized increasing returns, disequilibrium outcomes, and path dependency. Each chapter is introduced by empirical puzzles or historical episodes illuminated by the modeling that follows, and the book closes with sets of problems to be solved by readers seeking to improve their mathematical modeling skills. Complementing standard mathematical analysis are agent-based computer simulations of complex evolving systems that are available online so that readers can experiment with the models. Bowles concludes with the time-honored challenge of "getting the rules right," providing an evaluation of markets, states, and communities as contrasting and yet sometimes synergistic structures of governance. Must reading for students and scholars not only in economics but across the behavioral sciences, this engagingly written and compelling exposition of the new microeconomics moves the field beyond the conventional models of prices and markets toward a more accurate and policy-relevant portrayal of human social behavior.
Harvard University Press Neptune’s Laboratory: Fantasy, Fear, and Science at Sea
An eyewitness to profound change affecting marine environments on the Newfoundland coast, Antony Adler argues that the history of our relationship with the ocean lies as much in what we imagine as in what we discover.We have long been fascinated with the oceans, seeking “to pierce the profundity” of their depths. In studying the history of marine science, we also learn about ourselves. Neptune’s Laboratory explores the ways in which scientists, politicians, and the public have invoked ocean environments in imagining the fate of humanity and of the planet—conjuring ideal-world fantasies alongside fears of our species’ weakness and ultimate demise.Oceans gained new prominence in the public imagination in the early nineteenth century as scientists plumbed the depths and marine fisheries were industrialized. Concerns that fish stocks could be exhausted soon emerged. In Europe these fears gave rise to internationalist aspirations, as scientists sought to conduct research on an oceanwide scale and nations worked together to protect their fisheries. The internationalist program for marine research waned during World War I, only to be revived in the interwar period and again in the 1960s. During the Cold War, oceans were variously recast as battlefields, post-apocalyptic living spaces, and utopian frontiers.The ocean today has become a site of continuous observation and experiment, as probes ride the ocean currents and autonomous and remotely operated vehicles peer into the abyss. Embracing our fears, fantasies, and scientific investigations, Antony Adler tells the story of our relationship with the seas.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Another Modernity: A Different Rationality
This book is Lash's most comprehensive statement in social and cultural theory. It is a book addressed to sociologists and philosophers, to students of urban life, modern languages, cultural studies and the visual arts. Alongside the Enlightenment has emerged another modernity. This second modernity has - in opposition to the Enlightenment rationality of progress, order, homogeneity and cognition - initiated a different rationality of uncertainty, transience, experiment, and the unknowable. This second, this other modernity, is present in notions of 'difference' and 'reflexivity' so central to the contemporary world-view. The logic, however, of such notions can, itself, lead to the same unhappy abstraction of the first modernity. What is forgotten, Scott Lash argues, is the dimension of the ground. This book consists of explorations into this ground: as place, community, belonging, sociality, tradition, life-world; as symbol, sensation, in the tactile character of the sign. The book addresses the other modernity's forgotten ground. The first and second modernities co-existed in a state of irresolvable tension along the history of western industrial capitalism. This is thrown into crisis, Lash argues, with the turn of the twenty-first century emergence of the global information culture. What are the implications of this explosion of first and second modernities into today's technological culture? When the previously existing third space of difference is exploded into the general indifference of information and communication flows? How might we lead our lives in an age in which difference - and indeed the ground itself - become primarily a matter for memory, for mourning?
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Another Modernity: A Different Rationality
This book is Lash's most comprehensive statement in social and cultural theory. It is a book addressed to sociologists and philosophers, to students of urban life, modern languages, cultural studies and the visual arts. Alongside the Enlightenment has emerged another modernity. This second modernity has - in opposition to the Enlightenment rationality of progress, order, homogeneity and cognition - initiated a different rationality of uncertainty, transience, experiment, and the unknowable. This second, this other modernity, is present in notions of 'difference' and 'reflexivity' so central to the contemporary world-view. The logic, however, of such notions can, itself, lead to the same unhappy abstraction of the first modernity. What is forgotten, Scott Lash argues, is the dimension of the ground. This book consists of explorations into this ground: as place, community, belonging, sociality, tradition, life-world; as symbol, sensation, in the tactile character of the sign. The book addresses the other modernity's forgotten ground. The first and second modernities co-existed in a state of irresolvable tension along the history of western industrial capitalism. This is thrown into crisis, Lash argues, with the turn of the twenty-first century emergence of the global information culture. What are the implications of this explosion of first and second modernities into today's technological culture? When the previously existing third space of difference is exploded into the general indifference of information and communication flows? How might we lead our lives in an age in which difference - and indeed the ground itself - become primarily a matter for memory, for mourning?
John Wiley & Sons Inc Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics
Heavy atoms and their compounds are important in many areas ofmodern technology. Their versatility in the reactions they undergois the reason that they can be found in most homogeneous andheterogeneous catalysts. Their magnetism is the decisive propertythat qualifies them as materials for modern storage devices. The phenomena observed in compounds of heavy atoms such asphosphorescence, magnetism or the tendency for high valency inchemical reactions can to a large extent be traced back torelativistic effects in their electronic structure. Thus, in manyaspects relativistic effects dominate the physics and chemistry ofheavy atoms and their compounds. Chemists are usually aware of these phenomena, however, the theorybehind them is not part of the standard chemistry curriculum andthus not widely known among experimentalists. Whilst therelativistic quantum theory of electronic structure is wellestablished in physics, applications of the theory to chemicalsystems and materials have been feasible only in the last decadeand their practical applications in connection with chemicalexperiment is somewhat out of sight of modern theoretical physics. Relativistic Effects in Heavy Element Chemistry and Physicsintends to bridge the gap between chemistry and physics on the onehand and between theory and experiment on the other. Topics covered include: A broad range from quantum electrodynamics to the phenomenology ofthe compounds of heavy and superheavy elements A state-of-the-art survey of the most important theoreticaldevelopments and applications in the field of relativistic effectsin heavy-element chemistry and physics in the last decade Special emphasis on the work of researchers in Europe and Germanyin the framework of research programmes of the European ScienceFoundation and the German Science Foundation
The University of Chicago Press The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism
Sexual scandals in the Roman Catholic Church have been highly public in recent years, and increasingly shrill directives from the Vatican about homosexuality have become commonplace. The visibility of these issues begs the question of how the Catholic Church can be at once so homophobic and so homoerotic. Mark D. Jordan, the authors of the award-winning "The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology", takes up this fundamental question in a deeply learned yet readable study of the relationship between male homosexuality and Catholicism. "The Silence of Sodom" is devoted, first, to teasing out the Church's complex bureaucratic language about sexual morality. Rather than trying to point out that official Catholic documents are simply wrong in their discussions and directives regarding homosexuality, Jordan examines the rhetorical devices used by the Church throughout its history to actively produce silence around the topic of male homosexuality. Arguing that we cannot find the Church's knowledge of homosexuality in its documents, Jordan looks to the unspoken but widely known features of clerical culture to illuminate the striking analogies between clerical institutions and contemporary gay culture, particularly in the mechanisms of discipline, the training of seminarians and the ambiguities of liturgical celebration. The Catholic Church's long experiment with masculine desire cannot be discovered through sensationalist trials of priest-paedophiles or surveys of gay clergy. "The Silence of Sodom" looks deeply into the intertwining, in words and deeds, of Catholicism with homoeroticism; it is a profound reflection on both "being gay" and "being Catholic".
The University of Chicago Press The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism
Sexual scandals in the Roman Catholic Church have been highly public in recent years, and increasingly shrill directives from the Vatican about homosexuality have become commonplace. The visibility of these issues begs the question of how the Catholic Church can be at once so homophobic and so homoerotic. Mark D. Jordan, the authors of the award-winning "The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology", takes up this fundamental question in a deeply learned yet readable study of the relationship between male homosexuality and Catholicism. "The Silence of Sodom" is devoted, first, to teasing out the Church's complex bureaucratic language about sexual morality. Rather than trying to point out that official Catholic documents are simply wrong in their discussions and directives regarding homosexuality, Jordan examines the rhetorical devices used by the Church throughout its history to actively produce silence around the topic of male homosexuality. Arguing that we cannot find the Church's knowledge of homosexuality in its documents, Jordan looks to the unspoken but widely known features of clerical culture to illuminate the striking analogies between clerical institutions and contemporary gay culture, particularly in the mechanisms of discipline, the training of seminarians and the ambiguities of liturgical celebration. The Catholic Church's long experiment with masculine desire cannot be discovered through sensationalist trials of priest-paedophiles or surveys of gay clergy. "The Silence of Sodom" looks deeply into the intertwining, in words and deeds, of Catholicism with homoeroticism; it is a profound reflection on both "being gay" and "being Catholic".
Louisiana State University Press Creole Son: An Adoptive Mother Untangles Nature and Nurture
Creole Son is the compelling memoir of a single white mother searching to understand why her adopted biracial son grew from a happy child into a troubled young adult who struggled with addiction for decades. The answers, E. Kay Trimberger finds, lie in both nature and nurture. When five- day- old Marco is flown from Louisiana to California and placed in Trimberger's arms, she assumes her values and example will be the determining influences upon her new son's life. Twenty- six years later, when she helps him make contact with his Cajun and Creole biological relatives, she discovers that many of his cognitive and psychological strengths and difficulties mirror theirs. Using her training as a sociologist, Trimberger explores behavioral genetics research on adoptive families. To her relief as well as distress, she learns that both biological heritage and the environment- and their interaction- shape adult outcomes. Trimberger shares deeply personal reflections about raising Marco in Berkeley in the 1980s and 1990s, with its easy access to drugs and a culture that condoned their use. She examines her own ignorance about substance abuse, and also a failed experiment in an alternative family lifestyle. In an afterword, Marc Trimberger contributes his perspective, noting a better understanding of his life journey gained through his mother's research. By telling her story, Trimberger provides knowledge and support to all parents- biological and adoptive- with troubled offspring. She ends by suggesting a new adoption model, one that creates an extended, integrated family of both biological and adoptive kin.
Search Press Ltd The Innovative Artist: The Art of Pyrography: Drawing with Fire
Pyrography is the art of burning a design into wood using a heated metallic point. Most books on the market take a fairly traditional approach to the subject, limited to using pure burning onto a range of wooden surfaces. The Art of Pyrography goes far beyond this. Cherry Ferris takes the subject to new heights, incorporating mixed media, unusual supports and innovative techniques to elevate the craft to an artform. The book is suitable for beginners as well as more advanced pyrographers, and is well-suited to artists from other media who want to experiment with new ideas and incorporate pyrography into their practice. Pyrography machines are easily obtainable from online suppliers and major craft stores. The Art of Pyrography begins with an overview and history of the subject, a tools and equipment section, an introduction to the basic techniques and information on surfaces that you can safely burn. The book moves onto how to transfer designs onto surfaces and incorporate a mixed media approach by looking at shading techniques, introducing colour into your work, playing with backgrounds and how to finish, protect and display your finished pieces. Four shorter mini burns complement ten longer step-by-step projects that walk the reader through the techniques and materials used. A troubleshooting and safety section is also included, making this a one-stop shop to get all your pyrography questions answered. Chapters include: Colour: Incorporating coloured pencils, paint, and inks Using resin to finish your work – which results in a beautiful glass-like finish Using gold leaf to add a touch of magic.
Mango Media Making Vegan Meat: The Plant-Based Food Science Cookbook (Plant-Based Protein, Vegetarian Diet, Vegan Cookbook, Seitan Recipes)
The Vegan Cookbook That Is Rooted in Food Science"Mark is an absolute wizard―he can turn the most unexpected ingredients into vegan meat! You will not be disappointed."―Rose Lee, Cheap Lazy Vegan#1 Bestseller in Raw Cooking, Vegan Cooking, and Vegetarian DietsA one-of-a-kind vegan cookbook for those looking to make juicy burgers, sizzling BBQ ribs, Seitan Bacon, and fried chicken, all through the power of fruits and vegetables.For all food lovers and enthusiasts out there. Making Vegan Meat is a staple cookbook for kitchens where home cooks, professional chefs, foodies, vegans, vegetarians, and the vegan-curious can find super vegan meat recipes. Foodie, food scientist, and YouTuber Mark “Sauce Stache” Thompson shows you a multitude of filling vegan dishes to deeply satisfy your tastebuds.Make nutritious and creative recipes in this vegan cookbook. Step out of your comfort zone and have fun with healthier, delicious, plant based protein. From mouth-watering BBQ ribs made from mushrooms to crispy bacon from a daikon radish, you will have your dinner guests exclaiming, “Wait! That’s a vegetable?”Read Making Vegan Meat and: Learn to experiment in the kitchen with unexpected ingredients and create your own plant-based vegan meat recipes Gain insight into how to produce different flavors, textures, and aromas Discover exciting ways to use a variety of fruits and vegetables, like mushrooms! If you enjoyed plant-based cookbooks like The Complete Plant-Based Cookbook, Vegan for Everybody, or The Vegan Meat Cookbook, then you’ll love Making Vegan Meat.
Human Kinetics Publishers The Physiology of Yoga
While many people practice yoga simply because it helps them feel good, the physiological basis for yoga’s effects on the body and mind is often unknown or misunderstood. Understanding these physiological concepts can help to deepen your yoga practice.The Physiology of Yoga separates speculation from fact by examining how the body responds and adapts to yoga within many systems of the body: musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, endocrine, reproductive, and digestive. Straightforward explanations guide you in sorting through conflicting information about what yoga really can help you achieve and in evaluating whether certain yoga methods provide benefits to any or all of those systems. You can experiment with concepts through Try It Yourself sidebars, which focus on mindful movement, meditation, and breathing. The 14 Myth or Fact sidebars explore popular claims about yoga, such as whether a shoulder stand can stimulate the thyroid or if twists can detoxify the liver. You’ll get the most current research to determine the validity of various claims so you can avoid practices that could be harmful or counterproductive and can decide for yourself what works for your practice. Finally, experience firsthand how yoga affects your physiology by exploring specific yoga poses and four sequences. Each sequence explains which of the physiological principles from the earlier chapters may be most prevalent in that sequence. With The Physiology of Yoga, you or your students can navigate all the conflicting views and opinions about the impact of yoga and learn to practice yoga while fully enjoying the benefits of mindful movement.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Humankind: A Hopeful History
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER A Guardian, Daily Telegraph, New Statesman and Daily Express Book of the Year ‘Hugely, highly and happily recommended’ Stephen Fry ‘You should read Humankind. You’ll learn a lot (I did) and you’ll have good reason to feel better about the human race’ Tim Harford 'Made me see humanity from a fresh perspective' Yuval Noah Harari It’s a belief that unites the left and right, psychologists and philosophers, writers and historians. It drives the headlines that surround us and the laws that touch our lives. From Machiavelli to Hobbes, Freud to Dawkins, the roots of this belief have sunk deep into Western thought. Human beings, we’re taught, are by nature selfish and governed by self-interest. Humankind makes a new argument: that it is realistic, as well as revolutionary, to assume that people are good. By thinking the worst of others, we bring out the worst in our politics and economics too. In this major book, internationally bestselling author Rutger Bregman takes some of the world’s most famous studies and events and reframes them, providing a new perspective on the last 200,000 years of human history. From the real-life Lord of the Flies to the Blitz, a Siberian fox farm to an infamous New York murder, Stanley Milgram’s Yale shock machine to the Stanford prison experiment, Bregman shows how believing in human kindness and altruism can be a new way to think – and act as the foundation for achieving true change in our society. It is time for a new view of human nature.
University of California Press Fluxus Experience
In this groundbreaking work of incisive scholarship and analysis, Hannah Higgins explores the influential art movement Fluxus. Daring, disparate, contentious--Fluxus artists worked with minimal and prosaic materials now familiar in post-World War II art. Higgins describes the experience of Fluxus for viewers, even experiences resembling sensory assaults, as affirming transactions between self and world. Fluxus began in the 1950s with artists from around the world who favored no single style or medium but displayed an inclination to experiment. Two formats are unique to Fluxus: a type of performance art called the Event, and the Fluxkit multiple, a collection of everyday objects or inexpensive printed cards collected in a box that viewers explore privately. Higgins examines these two setups to bring to life the Fluxus experience, how it works, and how and why it's important. She does so by moving out from the art itself in what she describes as a series of concentric circles: to the artists who create Fluxus, to the creative movements related to Fluxus (and critics' and curators' perceptions and reception of them), to the lessons of Fluxus art for pedagogy in general. Although it was commonly associated with political and cultural activism in the 1960s, Fluxus struggled against being pigeonholed in these too-prescriptive and narrow terms. Higgins, the daughter of the Fluxus artists Alison Knowles and Dick Higgins, makes the most of her personal connection to the movement by sharing her firsthand experience, bringing an astounding immediacy to her writing and a palpable commitment to shedding light on what Fluxus is and why it matters.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Earthly Delights: A History of the Renaissance
A Sunday Times Art Book of the Year: written by one of the UK’s foremost art critics, this new narrative history of the Renaissance takes in the whole of Europe and its global context. What was the 'Renaissance'? In the nineteenth century this flowering of creativity and thought was celebrated as the birth of the modern world. Today many historians are sceptical about its very existence. Earthly Delights rekindles the Renaissance as a seismic change in European mentalities, in a panoramic history that encompasses Florence and Bruges, London and Nuremberg. Artists from northern as well as southern Europe, including Leonardo, Bosch, Bruegel and Titian, star in a captivating and beautifully illustrated narrative that sets their lives against a period of convulsive change across a continent that was finding itself as it ‘discovered’ the world. Art critic and writer Jonathan Jones tells the story of Renaissance artists as pioneers, adventurers and ‘geniuses’, a Renaissance concept. Albrecht Dürer gazes with wonder on Aztec art in Brussels in 1520, Leonardo da Vinci tries to perfect a flying machine, Hieronymus Bosch finds inspiration in West African ivory carvings imported by the Portuguese to Antwerp. A then unknown Netherlandish painter, Pieter Bruegel, arrives in 1550s Rome just as Michelangelo is striving in the same city to raise the new St Peter’s Basilica towards heaven. From Atlantic voyages to Germanic woods, Italian palazzi to the royal castle of Prague, this was an age when people dared to experiment with the occult and dabble in utopias: to think and create new worlds.
University of Pennsylvania Press Animals and Other People: Literary Forms and Living Beings in the Long Eighteenth Century
In Animals and Other People, Heather Keenleyside argues for the central role of literary modes of knowledge in apprehending animal life. Keenleyside focuses on writers who populate their poetry, novels, and children's stories with conspicuously figurative animals, experiment with conventional genres like the beast fable, and write the "lives" of mice as well as men. From such writers—including James Thomson, Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift, Laurence Sterne, Anna Letitia Barbauld, and others—she recovers a key insight about the representation of living beings: when we think and write about animals, we are never in the territory of strictly literal description, relying solely on the evidence of our senses. Indeed, any description of animals involves personification of a sort, if we understand personification not as a rhetorical ornament but as a fundamental part of our descriptive and conceptual repertoire, essential for distinguishing living beings from things. Throughout the book, animals are characterized by a distinctive mode of agency and generality; they are at once moving and being moved, at once individual beings and generic or species figures (every cat is also "The Cat"). Animals thus become figures with which to think about key philosophical questions about the nature of human agency and of social and political community. They also come into view as potential participants in that community, as one sort of "people" among others. Demonstrating the centrality of animals to an eighteenth-century literary and philosophical tradition, Animals and Other People also argues for the importance of this tradition to current discussions of what life is and how we might live together.
Faber & Faber A Gambling Man: Charles II and the Restoration
Charles II was thirty when he crossed the Channel in fine May weather in 1660. His Restoration was greeted with maypoles and bonfires, like spring after long years of Cromwell's rule. But there was no going back, no way he could 'restore' the old. Certainty had vanished. The divinity of kingship fled with his father's beheading. 'Honour' was now a word tossed around in duels. 'Providence' could no longer be trusted. As the country was rocked by plague, fire and war, people searched for new ideas by which to live. Exactly ten years later Charles II would stand again on the shore at Dover, laying the greatest bet of his life in a secret deal with his cousin, Louis XIV.The Restoration decade was one of experiment: from the science of the Royal Society to the startling role of credit and risk, from the shocking licence of the court to the failed attempts at toleration of different beliefs. Negotiating all these, Charles II, the 'slippery sovereign', played odds and took chances, dissembling and manipulating his followers. The theatres were restored, but the king was the supreme actor. Yet while his grandeur, his court and his colourful sex life were on display, his true intentions lay hidden.A Gambling Man is a portrait of Charles II, exploring his elusive nature through the lens of these ten vital years - and a portrait of a vibrant, violent, pulsing world, racked with plague, fire and war, in which the risks the king took forged the fate of the nation, on the brink of the modern world.
Pan Macmillan Wilding: The Return of Nature to a British Farm
‘A poignant, practical and moving story of how to fix our broken land, this should be conservation's salvation; this should be its future; this is a new hope’ – Chris PackhamIn Wilding, Isabella Tree tells the story of the ‘Knepp experiment’, a pioneering rewilding project in West Sussex, using free-roaming grazing animals to create new habitats for wildlife. Part gripping memoir, part fascinating account of the ecology of our countryside, Wilding is, above all, an inspiring story of hope.Winner of the Richard Jefferies Society and White Horse Book Shop Literary Prize.Forced to accept that intensive farming on the heavy clay of their land at Knepp was economically unsustainable, Isabella Tree and her husband Charlie Burrell made a spectacular leap of faith: they decided to step back and let nature take over. Thanks to the introduction of free-roaming cattle, ponies, pigs and deer – proxies of the large animals that once roamed Britain – the 3,500 acre project has seen extraordinary increases in wildlife numbers and diversity in little over a decade.Extremely rare species, including turtle doves, nightingales, peregrine falcons, lesser spotted woodpeckers and purple emperor butterflies, are now breeding at Knepp, and populations of other species are rocketing. The Burrells’ degraded agricultural land has become a functioning ecosystem again, heaving with life – all by itself.Personal and inspirational, Wilding is an astonishing account of the beauty and strength of nature, when it is given as much freedom as possible.Highly Commended by the Wainwright Golden Beer Book Prize.
Little, Brown Book Group The Wish: The 99 Things We Think We Want Most
Uniquely the book will be published with 99 different covers, a selection of which can be seen here. Your cover will therefore be a surprise and we really hope that you like the one that you receive.Just over 1,000 days ago, Bill Griffin launched Crowdwish, a website and app with a single proposition - it simply asked people what three things they thought they wanted most. Wishes poured in from all over the world, with the site promising to take some form of meaningful action for the most up-voted wish every twenty-four hours. Wishes that have gained national press attention range from the assisting of a woman who wanted to find a half-decent boyfriend ('just not a dick basically'), duping Katie Hopkins into signing a gagging order and attaching a faux marble plinth to the offices of the Daily Mail.The Wish reviews 99 of the site's most popular wishes, and asks: what are the things we really want, how can we get closer to them and how much happier would we be if they were to come true? The result is a snapshot of the hopes, dreams and desires that unite us all, part reflection on a fascinating social experiment, part humorous rumination on the nature of happiness and part instruction manual for life.The Wish is funny, upbeat and genuinely helpful - each reader is invited to pick one wish from the book that resonates most with them, and email the author for help in making it happen.
Octopus Publishing Group Wild Brews: The craft of home brewing, from sour and fruit beers to farmhouse ales: WINNER OF THE FORTNUM & MASON DEBUT DRINK BOOK AWARD
WINNER OF THE FORTNUM & MASON DEBUT DRINK BOOK AWARD 2023NOMINATED FOR THE JAMES BEARD FOUNDATION BEVERAGE RECIPE BOOK 2023SILVER AWARD FOR BEST BEER BOOK, BRITISH GUILD OF BEER WRITERS'Jaega Wise is the new brewing superstar' CAMRA BEER magazineProduced using a mixture of naturally occurring yeasts and bacteria, wild fermented beers offer the 'fine dining' of the beer world. These beers are how beer tasted 200 years ago, before brewing was industrialised, and are enjoying a worldwide revival. Jaega Wise, head brewer at East London's Wild Card Brewery and presenter of Amazon Prime's Beermasters, is one of the UK's experts in wild fermentation. Here, she explains the science behind the brewing process and shares her recipes so that you can experiment at home. Learn how to brew, bottle, and age your beer in wooden barrels, and produce a range of different sour beer styles, farmhouse ales and fruit beers.Recipes and styles featured in the book include:- German Berliner Weisse (tart and refreshing) and Gose (salty and dry)- Belgian Lambics, gueze, Flanders red ale and fruit beers- French Farmhouse ales such as saison and biere de garde- Norwegian Farmhouse Ales including the Kveik IPA- English Old Ale Also included is a trouble-shooter section to guide you through what happens when wild yeast and bacteria get out of control and how to remedy it. Whether you are a beer geek or a home brewing novice, Wild Brews contains everything you need to replicate today's sour and wild beer styles at home.
Skyhorse Publishing Frankenstein
A handsome, affordable edition of the legendary modern classic. “Enduring power.” —The New York TimesFrankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus, is often referred to as one the most important literary works of all time. Having been adapted and reprinted thousands of times, and often cited as the birth of the gothic novel and the science fiction genre, Frankenstein has captivated readers for centuries. It is the haunting tale of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a grotesque and cognizant being through a scientific experiment. “The monster,” as it’s frequently referred to throughout the novel, consists of sewn body parts from multiple cadavers being used for scientific research.On a dark, stormy night, the creature is brought to life by being shocked with an electrical current harnessed from a lightning storm. The novel explores scientific practices such as galvanism, as well as the ethical repercussions of bringing the deceased back to life.With its grim, but gripping narrative, Frankenstein is the classic story of life and death, humanity and monstrosity, and blurring the lines in between.Packaged in handsome and affordable trade editions, Clydesdale Classics is a new series of essential literary works. The series features literary phenomena with influence and themes so great that, after their publication, they changed literature forever. From the musings of literary geniuses such as Mark Twain in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, to the striking personal narratives from Harriet Jacobs in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, this new series is a comprehensive collection of our literary history through the words of the exceptional few.
Encounter Books,USA From Poverty to Prosperity: Intangible Assets, Hidden Liabilities and the Lasting Triumph over Scarcity
The discipline of economics is not what it used to be. Over the last few decades, economists have begun a revolutionary reorientation in how we look at the world, and this has major implications for politics, policy, and our everyday lives. For years, conventional economists told us an incomplete story that leaned on the comfortable precision of mathematical abstraction and ignored the complexity of the real world with all of its uncertainties, unknowns, and ongoing evolution. What economists left out of the story were the positive forces of creativity, innovation, and advancing technology that propel economies forward. Economists did not describe the dynamic process that leads to new pharmaceuticals, cell phones, Web-based information services--forces that fundamentally alter how we live our daily lives. Economists also left out the negative forces that can hold economies back: bad governance, counterproductive social practices, and patterns of taking wealth instead of creating it. They took for granted secure property rights, honest public servants, and the willingness of individuals to experiment and adapt to novelty. From Poverty to Prosperity is not Tipping Point or Freakonomics. Those books offer a smorgasbord of fascinating findings in economics and sociology, but the findings are only loosely related. From Poverty to Prosperity on the other hand, tells a big picture story about the huge differences in the standard of living across time and across borders. It is a story that draws on research from the world's most important economists and eschews the conventional wisdom for a new, more inclusive, vision of the world and how it works.
Coach House Books The Xenotext: Book 1
"Many artists seek to attain immortality through their art, but few would expect their work to outlast the human race and live on for billions of years. As Canadian poet Christian Bök has realized, it all comes down to the durability of your materials."—The Guardian Internationally best-selling poet Christian Bök has spent more than ten years writing what promises to be the first example of "living poetry." After successfully demonstrating his concept in a colony of E. coli, Bök is on the verge of enciphering a beautiful, anomalous poem into the genome of an unkillable bacterium (Deinococcus radiodurans), which can, in turn, "read" his text, responding to it by manufacturing a viable, benign protein, whose sequence of amino acids enciphers yet another poem. The engineered organism might conceivably serve as a post-apocalyptic archive, capable of outlasting our civilization. Book I of The Xenotext constitutes a kind of "demonic grimoire," providing a scientific framework for the project with a series of poems, texts, and illustrations. A Virgilian welcome to the Inferno, Book I is the "orphic" volume in a diptych, addressing the pastoral heritage of poets, who have sought to supplant nature in both beauty and terror. The book sets the conceptual groundwork for the second volume, which will document the experiment itself. The Xenotext is experimental poetry in the truest sense of the term. Christian Bök is the author of Crystallography (1994) and Eunoia (2001), which won the Griffin Poetry Prize. He teaches at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada.
Oxford University Press Supplying Compliance with Trade Rules: Explaining the EU's Responses to Adverse WTO Rulings
Trade agreements have become politicized in part because of public concerns that trade rules constrain regulatory decisions. How much international obligations constrain state behaviour, however, is contested in the International Relations literature. This book seeks to explain whether, why, and how jurisdictions comply with inconvenient international obligations. It does so through detailed process tracing of European Union (EU) policies found incompatible with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules: its ban on hormone-treated beef, its banana trade regime, its moratorium on the approval of genetically modified crops, its sugar export subsidies, and its anti-dumping duties on bed linen from India. It uses the adverse rulings as the 'treatment' in a 'natural experiment', contrasting the policy-relevant politics before and after each ruling. The case studies are supplemented by a qualitative comparative analysis of all EU policies found to contravene WTO rules that had to be changed by the end of 2019. The book contributes to debates on the impact of international institutions, on the effectiveness of the WTO, and on the nature of the EU as an international actor. It argues that the preferences of policy makers (the 'supply' of policy change) matter more than demands from societal actors in determining whether compliance occurs. It also argues that while policy change in response to adverse WTO rulings is the norm (good news for trade), WTO members do resist obligations that would compromise cherished policy objectives (good news for legitimacy). This volume contends that the EU's compliance performance is like that of most WTO members; it is not a unique international actor.
Whittles Publishing Halcyon in the Hebrides
To celebrate 60 years of sailing Scottish waters, the author single-handedly sailed Halcyon, a 32' wooden yawl, from Fairlie on the Clyde, round the Mull of Kintyre by way of numerous inner islands to Barra in the Outer Hebrides and to the Atlantic side of the islands, not often visited by cruising yachts. Bad weather forced a diversion to explore the sea lochs of the west coast of Harris and Lewis, the islands of Taransay (of the BBC's Castaway series) and Scarp, famed for its ingenious 'Rocket Post' experiment. While visiting these numerous islands, he met local people and experienced the sometimes violent extremes of weather such as when he was storm-bound in Stornoway for several days. There are stories galore about the island people, snippets of interesting history, legends and folklore, tales of the sea and island life, the Hebridean fishermen and lighthouses - thus uncovering another dimension of island life. Bob recounts his travels and tales, some previously unpublished, in a relaxed and highly-readable style. As well as being a unique travel book, it is an insight into the rapidly-changing ways of island life and a useful sailing guide to the Western Isles and anchorages in the Hebrides. It would be of immeasurable help to sailors keen to venture into some of the lesser-known sailing areas of Western Scotland. This vivid and entertaining story of adventurous sailing among Scotland's beautiful but challenging Western Isles will be enjoyed by keen sailors and armchair travellers alike - a truly memorable journey of over 1000 miles!
New York University Press For Liberty and the Republic: The American Citizen as Soldier, 1775-1861
In the early decades of the American Republic, American soldiers demonstrated and defined their beliefs about the nature of American republicanism and how they, as citizens and soldiers, were participants in the republican experiment through their service. In For Liberty and the Republic, Ricardo A. Herrera examines the relationship between soldier and citizen from the War of Independence through the first year of the Civil War. The work analyzes an idealized republican ideology as a component of soldiering in both peace and war. Herrera argues that American soldiers’ belief system—the military ethos of republicanism—drew from the larger body of American political thought. This ethos illustrated and informed soldiers’ faith in an inseparable connection between bearing arms on behalf of the republic, and earning and holding citizenship in it. Despite the undeniable existence of customs, organizations, and behaviors that were uniquely military, the officers and enlisted men of the regular army, states’ militias, and wartime volunteers were the products of their society, and they imparted what they understood as important elements of American thought into their service. Drawing from military and personal correspondence, journals, orderly books, militia constitutions, and other documents in over forty archives in twenty-three states, Herrera maps five broad, interrelated, and mutually reinforcing threads of thought constituting soldiers’ beliefs: Virtue; Legitimacy; Self-governance; Glory, Honor, and Fame; and the National Mission. Spanning periods of war and peace, these five themes constituted a coherent and long-lived body of ideas that informed American soldiers’ sense of identity for generations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Process Improvement with CMMI® v1.2 and ISO Standards
In this age of globalization, process improvement practitioners must be able to comprehend and work with the different standards and frameworks used around the world. While many systems and software engineering organizations rely on a single standard as the primary driver of process improvement efforts (CMMI®-based process improvement in the U.S. and ISO 9001 around the world), the most successful incorporate multiple frameworks. Process Improvement with CMMI® v1.2 and ISO Standards helps users become more versatile in using multiple process standards when creating organizational and project processes.Compares and Contrasts Different StandardsThe book begins by discussing the motivations for process improvement, the factors that make improvement difficult, and the conditions and activities that enable improvement. It examines the structure and content of Capability Maturity Model IntegrationSM, version 1.2, provides summaries of several ISO standards, and discusses the detailed relationships between four specific ISO standards (ISO 9001, ISO 15288, ISO 12207, and ISO 20000) and CMMI. The book concludes by addressing the synergy and use of multiple frameworks, discussing the process of conducting appraisals against multiple frameworks, and examining the collection of objective evidence required by each standard and appraisal method. The authors also discuss similarities and differences among the appraisal and certification approaches.Free DownloadsThis volume is highly supplemented with numerous appendices to clarify material and a website is provided where readers can download detailed maps and corresponding correlation matrices. This bonus material allows users to further experiment with the framework relationships and be more equipped to deal with the myriad of standards and frameworks they may encounter.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Transformational Diplomacy after the Cold War: Britain’s Know How Fund in Post-Communist Europe, 1989-2003
This book examines the 'Know How Fund', Britain’s bilateral technical assistance programme in post-communist central and eastern Europe, devised in response to the end of the Cold War.The Know How Fund (KHF) was the technical assistance programme which Margaret Thatcher’s government launched in the spring of 1989 to encourage Poland’s transition from communism to democracy and free-market capitalism. It was subsequently extended to other countries of central and eastern Europe and might be considered a novel experiment in what the US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, would later term ‘transformational diplomacy’. Drawing upon still-closed records of the Cabinet Office, the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, this book explores the political origins of the KHF. In particular, the author examines its influence upon the transitional process in the lands of the former Soviet bloc; its part in attenuating the potentially destabilising effects of revolutionary change in Europe; the interdepartmental cooperation and rivalry to which its administration gave rise in Whitehall; and the links forged between officials and the worlds of business, finance and academe in project design and implementation. The volume offers new insights into Britain’s reactions to the collapse of communism in central Europe and the Soviet Union; the role of aid in the making and conduct of British foreign policy; and the significance of New Labour’s establishment of DFID as a separate government department.This book will be of much interest to students of British Foreign Policy, Diplomacy Studies, European history, Post-Communist Transitions and IR in general.
Duke University Press The Manly Masquerade: Masculinity, Paternity, and Castration in the Italian Renaissance
The Manly Masquerade unravels the complex ways men were defined as men in Renaissance Italy through readings of a vast array of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century evidence: medical and travel literature; theology; law; myth; conduct books; and plays, chivalric romances, and novellas by authors including Machiavelli, Tasso, and Ariosto. Valeria Finucci shows how ideas of masculinity were formed in the midst of acute anxiety about paternity by highlighting the beliefs—widely held at the time—that conception could occur without a paternal imprimatur or through a woman’s encounter with an animal, or even that a pregnant woman’s imagination could erase the father’s "signature" from the fetus. Against these visions of reproduction gone awry, Finucci looks at how concepts of masculinity were tied to issues of paternity through social standing, legal matters, and inheritance practices.Highlighting the fissures running through Italian Renaissance ideas of manliness, Finucci describes how, alongside pervasive images of the virile, sexually active man, early modern Italian culture recognized the existence of hermaphrodites and started to experiment with a new kind of sexuality by manufacturing a non-man: the castrato. Following the creation of castrati, the Church forbade the marriage of all non-procreative men, and, in this move, Finucci identifies a powerful legitimation of the view that what makes men is not the possession of male organs or the ability to have sex, but the capability to father. Through analysis, anecdote, and rich cultural description, The Manly Masquerade exposes the "real" early modern man: the paterfamilias.
Princeton University Press Newton the Alchemist: Science, Enigma, and the Quest for Nature's "Secret Fire"
A book that finally demystifies Newton’s experiments in alchemyWhen Isaac Newton’s alchemical papers surfaced at a Sotheby’s auction in 1936, the quantity and seeming incoherence of the manuscripts were shocking. No longer the exemplar of Enlightenment rationality, the legendary physicist suddenly became “the last of the magicians.” Newton the Alchemist unlocks the secrets of Newton’s alchemical quest, providing a radically new understanding of the uncommon genius who probed nature at its deepest levels in pursuit of empirical knowledge.In this evocative and superbly written book, William Newman blends in-depth analysis of newly available texts with laboratory replications of Newton’s actual experiments in alchemy. He does not justify Newton’s alchemical research as part of a religious search for God in the physical world, nor does he argue that Newton studied alchemy to learn about gravitational attraction. Newman traces the evolution of Newton’s alchemical ideas and practices over a span of more than three decades, showing how they proved fruitful in diverse scientific fields. A precise experimenter in the realm of “chymistry,” Newton put the riddles of alchemy to the test in his lab. He also used ideas drawn from the alchemical texts to great effect in his optical experimentation. In his hands, alchemy was a tool for attaining the material benefits associated with the philosopher’s stone and an instrument for acquiring scientific knowledge of the most sophisticated kind.Newton the Alchemist provides rare insights into a man who was neither Enlightenment rationalist nor irrational magus, but rather an alchemist who sought through experiment and empiricism to alter nature at its very heart.
Princeton University Press For Love of the Prophet: An Ethnography of Sudan's Islamic State
For some, the idea of an Islamic state serves to fulfill aspirations for cultural sovereignty and new forms of ethical political practice. For others, it violates the proper domains of both religion and politics. Yet, while there has been much discussion of the idea and ideals of the Islamic state, its possibilities and impossibilities, surprisingly little has been written about how this political formation is lived. For Love of the Prophet looks at the Republic of Sudan's twenty-five-year experiment with Islamic statehood. Focusing not on state institutions, but rather on the daily life that goes on in their shadows, Noah Salomon's careful ethnography examines the lasting effects of state Islamization on Sudanese society through a study of the individuals and organizations working in its midst. Salomon investigates Sudan at a crucial moment in its history--balanced between unity and partition, secular and religious politics, peace and war--when those who desired an Islamic state were rethinking the political form under which they had lived for nearly a generation. Countering the dominant discourse, Salomon depicts contemporary Islamic politics not as a response to secularism and Westernization but as a node in a much longer conversation within Islamic thought, augmented and reappropriated as state projects of Islamic reform became objects of debate and controversy. Among the first books to delve into the making of the modern Islamic state, For Love of the Prophet reveals both novel political ideals and new articulations of Islam as it is rethought through the lens of the nation.
Princeton University Press Inventing the Job of President: Leadership Style from George Washington to Andrew Jackson
From George Washington's decision to buy time for the new nation by signing the less-than-ideal Jay Treaty with Great Britain in 1795 to George W. Bush's order of a military intervention in Iraq in 2003, the matter of who is president of the United States is of the utmost importance. In this book, Fred Greenstein examines the leadership styles of the earliest presidents, men who served at a time when it was by no means certain that the American experiment in free government would succeed. In his groundbreaking book The Presidential Difference, Greenstein evaluated the personal strengths and weaknesses of the modern presidents since Franklin D. Roosevelt. Here, he takes us back to the very founding of the republic to apply the same yardsticks to the first seven presidents from Washington to Andrew Jackson, giving his no-nonsense assessment of the qualities that did and did not serve them well in office. For each president, Greenstein provides a concise history of his life and presidency, and evaluates him in the areas of public communication, organizational capacity, political skill, policy vision, cognitive style, and emotional intelligence. Washington, for example, used his organizational prowess--honed as a military commander and plantation owner--to lead an orderly administration. In contrast, John Adams was erudite but emotionally volatile, and his presidency was an organizational disaster. Inventing the Job of President explains how these early presidents and their successors shaped the American presidency we know today and helped the new republic prosper despite profound challenges at home and abroad.
Pennsylvania State University Press The First Inauguration: George Washington and the Invention of the Republic
“Among the vicissitudes incident to life, no event could have filled me with greater anxieties than that of which the notification was transmitted by your order, and received on the fourteenth day of the present month.”With these words to the assembled members of the Senate and House of Representatives on April 30, 1789, George Washington inaugurated the American experiment. It was a momentous occasion and an immensely important moment for the nation. Never before had a people dared to invent a system of government quite like the one that Washington was preparing to lead, and the tensions between hope and skepticism ran high.In this book, distinguished scholar of early America Stephen Howard Browne chronicles the efforts of the first president of the United States of America to unite the nation through ceremony, celebrations, and oratory. The story follows Washington on his journey from Mount Vernon to the site of the inauguration in Manhattan, recounting the festivities—speeches, parades, dances, music, food, and flag-waving—that greeted the president-elect along the way. Considering the persuasive power of this procession, Browne captures in detail the pageantry, anxiety, and spirit of the nation to arrive at a more nuanced and richly textured perspective on what it took to launch the modern republican state. Compellingly written and artfully argued, The First Inauguration tells the story of the early republic—and of a president who, by his words and comportment, provides a model of leadership and democratic governance for today.
Pennsylvania State University Press Electromagnetism and the Metonymic Imagination
How does the imagination work? How can it lead to both reverie and scientific insight? In this book, Kieran M. Murphy sheds new light on these perennial questions by showing how they have been closely tied to the history of electromagnetism.The discovery in 1820 of a mysterious relationship between electricity and magnetism led not only to technological inventions—such as the dynamo and telegraph, which ushered in the “electric age”—but also to a profound reconceptualization of nature and the role the imagination plays in it. From the literary experiments of Edgar Allan Poe, Honoré de Balzac, Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, and André Breton to the creative leaps of Michael Faraday and Albert Einstein, Murphy illuminates how electromagnetism legitimized imaginative modes of reasoning based on a more acute sense of interconnection and a renewed interest in how metonymic relations could reveal the order of things.Murphy organizes his study around real and imagined electromagnetic devices, ranging from Faraday’s world-changing induction experiment to new types of chains and automata, in order to demonstrate how they provided a material foundation for rethinking the nature of difference and relation in physical and metaphysical explorations of the world, human relationships, language, and binaries such as life and death. This overlooked exchange between science and literature brings a fresh perspective to the critical debates that shaped the nineteenth century.Extensively researched and convincingly argued, this pathbreaking book addresses a significant lacuna in modern literary criticism and deepens our understanding of both the history of literature and the history of scientific thinking.
The University of Chicago Press The Story of Radio Mind: A Missionary's Journey on Indigenous Land
At the dawn of the radio age in the 1920s, a settler-mystic living on northwest coast of British Columbia invented radio mind: Frederick Du Vernet—Anglican archbishop and self-declared scientist—announced a psychic channel by which minds could telepathically communicate across distance. Retelling Du Vernet’s imaginative experiment, Pamela Klassen shows us how agents of colonialism built metaphysical traditions on land they claimed to have conquered. Following Du Vernet’s journey westward from Toronto to Ojibwe territory and across the young nation of Canada, Pamela Klassen examines how contests over the mediation of stories—via photography, maps, printing presses, and radio—lucidly reveal the spiritual work of colonial settlement. A city builder who bargained away Indigenous land to make way for the railroad, Du Vernet knew that he lived on the territory of Ts’msyen, Nisga’a, and Haida nations who had never ceded their land to the onrush of Canadian settlers. He condemned the devastating effects on Indigenous families of the residential schools run by his church while still serving that church. Testifying to the power of radio mind with evidence from the apostle Paul and the philosopher Henri Bergson, Du Vernet found a way to explain the world that he, his church and his country made. Expanding approaches to religion and media studies to ask how sovereignty is made through stories, Klassen shows how the spiritual invention of colonial nations takes place at the same time that Indigenous peoples—including Indigenous Christians—resist colonial dispossession through stories and spirits of their own.
Vintage Publishing Dawn of the New Everything: A Journey Through Virtual Reality
Named a Best Book of the Year by the Economist, Wall Street Journal & Vox‘The father of virtual reality’ (Sunday Times) explains why virtual reality presents the ultimate test for humanity.‘Essential reading, not just for VR-watchers but for anyone interested in how society came to be how it is, and what it might yet become’ EconomistWelcome to a mind-expanding, life-enhancing, world-changing adventure.Virtual reality has long been one of the dominant clichés of science fiction. Now virtual reality is a reality: from the startling beauty of lifelike video games to the place where war veterans overcome PTSD, surgeries are trialled, and aircraft and cities are designed. VR is, in fact now, the most effective device ever invented for researching what a human being actually is – and how we think and feel. More than thirty years ago, legendary computer scientist, visionary and artist Jaron Lanier pioneered its invention. Here he blends scientific investigation, philosophical thought experiment and his memoir of a life lived at the centre of digital innovation to explain what VR really is: the science of comprehensive illusion; the extension of the intimate magic of earliest childhood into adulthood; a hint of what life would be like without any limits. We are standing on the threshold of an entirely new realm of human creativity, expression, communication and experience, and as we use VR to test our relationship with reality, it may test us in return.‘Vivid and absolutely extraordinary’ Evening Standard
National Association for the Education of Young Children Media Literacy for Young Children: Teaching Beyond the Screen Time Debates: Teaching Beyond the Screen Time Debates
Midwest Book Review calls this book a " seminal and groundbreaking instructional guide [that] is an essential and substantive contribution that should be a part of every professional, school district, college, and academic library Early Child Education and Media Literacy collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists." It's also a Spring 2023 Smart Book winner from the Academics' Choice Awards.Media literacy is about wonder and imagination, questioning and learning, thinking and reflecting! Media Literacy for Young Children: Teaching Beyond the Screen Time Debates is about all these things, and more importantly, it is about how early childhood educators and professionals can prepare children for their digital future. This book is a first-of-its-kind guide for pre-service and currently practicing teachers and child care professionals looking for pedagogically sound and developmentally appropriate ways to help today’s children navigate their media-rich world with confidence, curiosity, and critical thinking. Detailed descriptions of media literacy competencies, along with dozens of activities, strategies, and tips designed for children ages 2–7, demonstrate how to integrate foundational skills, knowledge, and dispositions into existing routines as well as experiment with new lessons. By examining media through a literacy lens, this book will show you ways to · Use inquiry and media-making to teach children about media · Plan activities to engage children in meaningful media discussions · Engage with families about the importance of media literacy education for young children · Address media concerns with joy and creativity rather than anxiety or fear . . . and much more!
Plough Publishing House The Inconvenient Gospel: A Southern Prophet Tackles War, Wealth, Race, and Religion
“Clarence Jordan spoke with an unwavering prophetic voice. He firmly rejected materialism, militarism, and racism as obstacles to authentic faith… He was a fearless and innovative defender of human rights.” —President Jimmy CarterOn 440 depleted acres in Sumter County, Georgia, a young Baptist preacher and farmer named Clarence Jordan gathered a few families and set out to show that Jesus intended more than spiritual fellowship. Like the first Christians, they would share their land, money, and possessions. Working together to rejuvenate the soil and the local economy, they would demonstrate racial and social justice with their lives.Black and white community members eating together at the same table scandalized local Christians, drew the ire of the KKK, and led to drive-by shootings, a firebombing, and an economic boycott.This bold experiment in nonviolence, economic justice, and sustainable agriculture was deeply rooted in Clarence Jordan’s understanding of the person and teachings of Jesus, which stood in stark contrast to the hypocrisy of churches that blessed wars, justified wealth disparity, and enforced racial segregation. “You can’t put Christianity into practice,” Jordan wrote, “You can’t make it work. As desperately as it is needed in this poor, broken world, it is not a philosophy of life to be ‘tried.’ Nor is it a social or ethical ideal which has tantalized humankind with the possibility of attainment. For Christianity is not a system you work – it is a Person who works you.”This selection from his talks and writings introduces Clarence Jordan’s radically biblical vision to a new generation of peacemakers, community builders, and activists.
Hardie Grant Books Still Life Drawing: A creative guide to observing the world around you
Still Life Drawing is a creative drawing activity book filled with quick, achievable and fun exercises from graphic artist and designer Alice Oehr. It takes inspiration from the traditions of still life drawing, helping you to create artworks with what you have on hand. Since the dawn of time, humans have drawn the items that surround them. Ancient Roman paintings of fruits and flowers kicked off a tradition adopted by artists from Caravaggio to Van Gogh. Still life requires us to slow down and pay attention to often-overlooked details – an art in itself. Colours, patterns and textures are everywhere, and noticing the shape of the coffee cup on our desk or the orange of a pumpkin at the market can spark all kinds of ideas. With Still Life Drawing learn to: Use uncomplicated techniques to represent objects on paper, Experiment with pattern and colour, Create texture with different mediums: collage, paint or even pixels, Take the time to appreciate the small things and build creativity into your routines, And of course use artistic license and find your own style. So many people say they can't draw, but everyone can. Still Life Drawing reminds us that putting pen to paper is a simple pleasure, available to anyone. And when it comes to combining colours, playing with pattern and exploring shapes, there are no rules. Taking inspiration from the objects we encounter is a great place to start, and can help us to find creativity and meaning in our everyday lives.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co Wildcrafted Vinegars: Making and Using Unique Acetic Acid Ferments for Quick Pickles, Hot Sauces, Soups, Salad Dressings, Pastes, Mustards, and More
‘Pascal Baudar is a culinary visionary.’ Sandor Ellix Katz, author of New York Times bestseller The Art of Fermentation Award-winning author and forager Pascal Baudar uncovers incredible flavours and inspiring recipes to create unique, delicious vinegars. Wildcrafted Vinegars includes more than 100 simple recipes for quick vinegars, pickles, soups, sauces, salad dressings, beverages, desserts, jams and more! In his latest book, Wildcrafted Vinegars, pioneering food expert Pascal Baudar continues his exploration into wild gastronomy, turning his attention this time to the unique world of vinegars. After covering yeast fermentation in The Wildcrafting Brewer and lactic acid fermentation in Wildcrafted Fermentation, Baudar completes his wild fermentation trilogy by tackling acetic acid ferments and the wide array of dishes you can create with them. Baudar delves deep into the natural world for wild-gathered flavors: herbs, fruits, berries, roots, mushrooms – even wood, bark and leaves – that play a vital part in infusing distinctive gourmet-quality vinegars. Wildcrafted Vinegars is packed with more than 100 recipes including: Pine, fir, and spruce–infused vinegar Smoked mushroom and seaweed vinegar Blueberry-mugwort vinegar Wilder curry vinaigrette Wasabi ginger vinegar sauce Pickled walnuts And many more Once you’ve mastered the basics for making and aging vinegars at home, you’ll be inspired to experiment on your own, finding local plants that express the unique landscape and terroir of where you live. Or you might decide to forage for ingredients in your own garden or at a local farmers market instead. Either way, Pascal Baudar will be your guide to creating safe, responsible and delicious vinegars and ferments.
Princeton Architectural Press The Kaufmann Mercantile Guide: How to Split Wood, Shuck an Oyster, and Master Other Simple Pleasures
A trusty companion for the slow and thoughtful home and the inner utilitarian in us all, The Kaufmann Mercantile Guide: How to Split Wood, Shuck an Oyster and Master Other Simple Pleasures allows you to experience the singular satisfaction of doing it yourself. Each project, whether caring for cast iron or planting with the seasons, is supplemented with expert tips to inspire and empower. Organised into five sections—Kitchen, Outdoors, Home, Gardening, and Grooming—the comprehensive guide features detailed instructions and original artwork for tasks both simple, such as brewing the perfect cup of coffee and exploratory, such as fording a stream and reading the sky. Accompanying the how-tos are tried-and-true products selected from the Kaufmann Mercantile store that not only help one get the job done but are also a joy to use. As editors Alexandra Redgrave and Jessica Hundley describe in the introduction, "This book began out of a curiosity for how we grow, build, and craft the world around us. We discovered that there's an art to a simple task done well - it calls for consideration and creativity, the rolling up of sleeves, and the digging into of details. It means getting messy, and, perhaps, messing up. In our world of modern convenience, doing it yourself is immensely rewarding. And so, consider the book in your hands as a starting point. We hope you, like us, find inspiration in these pages to experiment, to investigate, to create, and to enlighten your everyday."
Columbia University Press Why Chimpanzees Can't Learn Language and Only Humans Can
In the 1970s, the behavioral psychologist Herbert S. Terrace led a remarkable experiment to see if a chimpanzee could be taught to use language. A young ape, named “Nim Chimpsky” in a nod to the linguist whose theories Terrace challenged, was raised by a family in New York and instructed in American Sign Language. Initially, Terrace thought that Nim could create sentences but later discovered that Nim’s teachers inadvertently cued his signing. Terrace concluded that Project Nim failed—not because Nim couldn’t create sentences but because he couldn’t even learn words. Language is a uniquely human quality, and attempting to find it in animals is wishful thinking at best. The failure of Project Nim meant we were no closer to understanding where language comes from.In this book, Terrace revisits Project Nim to offer a novel view of the origins of human language. In contrast to both Noam Chomsky and his critics, Terrace contends that words, as much as grammar, are the cornerstones of language. Retracing human evolution and developmental psychology, he shows that nonverbal interaction is the foundation of infant language acquisition, leading up to a child’s first words. By placing words and conversation before grammar, we can, for the first time, account for the evolutionary basis of language. Terrace argues that this theory explains Nim’s inability to acquire words and, more broadly, the differences between human and animal communication. Why Chimpanzees Can’t Learn Language and Only Humans Can is a masterful statement of the nature of language and what it means to be human.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Ceramic-Matrix Composites
High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Ceramic-Matrix Composites Covers the latest research on the high-temperature mechanical behavior of ceramic-matrix compositesDue to their high temperature resistance, strength and rigidity, relatively light weight, and corrosion resistance, ceramic-matrix composites (CMCs) are widely used across the aerospace and energy industries. As these advanced composites of ceramics and various fibers become increasingly important in the development of new materials, understanding the high-temperature mechanical behavior and failure mechanisms of CMCs is essential to ensure the reliability and safety of practical applications.High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Ceramic-Matrix Composites examines the behavior of CMCs at elevated temperature—outlining the latest developments in the field and presenting the results of recent research on different CMC characteristics, material properties, damage states, and temperatures. This up-to-date resource investigates the high-temperature behavior of CMCs in relation to first matrix cracking, matrix multiple cracking, tensile damage and fracture, fatigue hysteresis loops, stress-rupture, vibration damping, and more.This authoritative volume: Details the relationships between various high-temperature conditions and experiment results Features an introduction to the tensile, vibration, fatigue, and stress-rupture behavior of CMCs at elevated temperatures Investigates temperature- and time-dependent cracking stress, deformation, damage, and fracture of fiber-reinforced CMCs Includes full references and internet links to source material Written by a leading international researcher in the field, High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Ceramic-Matrix Composites is an invaluable resource for materials scientists, surface chemists, organic chemists, aerospace engineers, and other professionals working with CMCs.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Experiments: Design and Practice
In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Experiments Design and execute cutting-edge experiments with transmission electron microscopy using this essential guide In-situ microscopy is a recently-discovered and rapidly-developing approach to transmission electron microscopy (TEM) that allows for the study of atomic and/or molecular changes and processes while they are in progress. Experimental specimens are subjected to stimuli that replicate near real-world conditions and their effects are observed at a previously unprecedented scale. Though in-situ microscopy is becoming an increasingly important approach to TEM, there are no current texts combining an up-to-date overview of this cutting-edge set of techniques with the experience of in-situ TEM professionals. In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Experiments meets this need with a work that synthesizes the collective experience of myriad collaborators. It constitutes a comprehensive guide for planning and performing in-situ TEM measurements, incorporating both fundamental principles and novel techniques. Its combination of technical detail and practical how-to advice makes it an indispensable introduction to this area of research. In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Experiments readers will also find: Coverage of the entire experimental process, from method selection to experiment design to measurement and data analysis Detailed treatment of multimodal and correlative microscopy, data processing and machine learning, and more Discussion of future challenges and opportunities facing this field of research In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Experiments is essential for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and early career researchers entering the field of in-situ TEM.