Search results for ""author marina"
Maria Dismondy Incorporated This Could Be You: Be Brave Be True Believe Be You
Ave Maria Press Living the Seasons: Simple Ways to Celebrate the Beauty of Your Faith Throughout the Year
Ave Maria Press The Mystery of Suffering
Ave Maria Press The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within
Ave Maria Press Encountering Jesus in the New Testament
Ave Maria Press BeDADitudes: 8 Ways to Be an Awesome Dad
Maria Dismondy Incorporated It'll Be Irie
Ave Maria Press Restore: A Guided Lent Journal for Prayer and Meditation
Ave Maria Press Awakening at Lourdes: How an Unanswered Prayer Healed Our Family and Restored Our Faith
Maria Dismondy Incorporated Lila Lou's Little Library: A Gift From the Heart
Maria Dismondy Incorporated Sunny Side Upbringing: A Month by Month Guide to Raising Kind and Caring Kids
Maria Dismondy Incorporated Sunny Side Upbringing: A Month by Month Guide to Raising Kind and Caring Kids
Maria Dismondy Incorporated Dazzling Travis: A Story About Being Confident & Original
Maria Dismondy Incorporated The Fruit Salad Friend: Recipe for A True Friend
Edilingua Pantelis Marin Forte! 2: + online audio + audio CD + CD ROM
Fundación María Deraismes El cimiento mixto en masonera el derecho humano en Espaa 18941963
Este libro cuenta la historia de los hombres y mujeres que en el primer tercio del siglo XX fundaron las primeras logias masónicas mixtas en España y cómo la mujer fue partícipe de la Masonería de aquel tiempo. De las diversas obediencias que existen actualmente en nuestro país El Derecho Humano fue la primera en sumar los dos géneros al trabajo masónico y la única que pervive de aquella época de esplendor intelectual que luego se cubriría de sufrimiento, oscuridad y oprobio con el estallido de la Guerra Civil.La escritura de este libro responde a un trabajoso y documentado proceso que es obra de María José Lacalzada de Mateo. Su tarea reúne dos rasgos que hacen el libro muy aconsejable: la primera que la autora no pertenece a la masonería, hecho que garantiza su imparcialidad; la segunda, la ímproba labor de investigación historiográfica que ha desarrollado para reunir los vestigios y testimonios muy dispersos que quedaban de esta historia de los albores de la Masonería en España.
Ave Maria Press Moment by Moment: A Retreat in Everyday Life
Ave Maria University Press Confronting the Language Empowering the Culture of Death
This book reveals how through a discourse of truth-telling—calling things by their proper name—Pope John Paul II effectively exposed the corruption of language and thought fueling a death culture that is becoming increasingly embedded in medicine, human experimentation, commerce, law, and ideology. This is an indispensable guide to Pope John Paul’s profound and practical insights, meditations, principles, and actions to protect society’s most defenseless individuals.
Ave Maria University Press Wisdom and Holiness, Science and Scholarship: Essays in Honor of Matthew L. Lamb
In his Foreword to this Festschrift presented to Father Matthew L. Lamb on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, Archbishop Charles Chaput comments, ""It is a privilege to call him my friend, and to wish on the bishops of the century ahead the good counsel of men like Father Lamb."" The fifteen contributors to this volume include Don Briel, Romanus Cessario, OP, Michael Dauphinais, Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ, Paul Gondreau, Jeremy Holmes, Matthew Levering, Guy Mansini, OSB, Francis Martin, Charles Morerod, OP, Edward T. Oakes, SJ, Giovanni B. Sala, SJ, Michele M. Schumacher, Lawrence J. Welch, and Jeremy D. Wilkins. These eminent contributors, among whom are long-time friends, colleagues, and students of Father Lamb, offer fascinating scholarly treatments of a variety of themes, from ""The Idea of a University"" to ""The Coming Middle Ages.
Ave Maria University Press Ecumenism and Philosophy: Philosophical Questions for a Renewal of Dialogue
Ecumenism is generally done by theologians, but as Charles Morerod, OP makes clear in this groundbreaking book the divisions between Christians often have at their roots different philosophical pre-understandings. Furthermore, ecumenical dialogue itself is often conceived along lines similar to the progress one might hope to make in reconciling divergent scientific paradigms. Morerod sheds much needed light on the ecumenical issues and approaches that offer a path toward Christian unity.
Ave Maria University Press Shakespeare the Papist
Shakespeare, who wrote at the beginning of the long period in which the Catholic faith as violently suppressed in the British Isles, has long enjoyed an iconic status. Some readers have interpreted him as an early agnostic, expressing modern angst about whether anything exists besides ""this mortal coil"" that seems to be merely ""full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."" In recent years, however, thanks largely to the work of Peter Milward, close study of Shakespeare's plays has raised the question: Was Shakespeare in fact a believing Catholic? To this question, which radically changes the way that Shakespeare's plays should be read, Milward here offers, in his definitive study of the topic, a resounding ""Yes.
Ave Maria University Press The Trinity: Eternity and Time
In this book Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Cap. examines the Trinity's eternity in relationship to creation's time, particularly in relation to human persons. Because the persons of the Trinity are subsistent-relationsfully-in-act as the one God, they are immutable as to who they are in relationship to one another. Thus they exist in a timeless manner. Moreover, this volume assesses how the eternal Trinity is personally related to human persons over the course of time, and how human persons are personally related to the persons of the eternal Trinity.In the first part of the book Weinandy treats, in an original and innovative manner, an issue that has been addressed throughout the history of theology, while the second part addresses a related topic that rarely, if ever, has been considered: How does the relationship between the persons of the Trinity and humans change through the saving works of the Trinity—the Incarnation, cross, and Resurrection—and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Through faith in the incarnated Son of God, and by participating in the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist, human persons abide in the risen Jesus. The relationship between eternity and time, in the light of salvation, now takes on a whole new perspective, both epistemologically and ontologically. What will be the relationship between the eternal persons of the Trinity and glorified human beings at the end of time? Time will assume a new heavenly and everlasting dimension. But what will this heavenly novelty be like? The Trinity: Eternity in Time answers these questions and more in a thoroughly philosophical, biblical, and theological manner.
Ave Maria University Press Transformed in Christ: Essays in the Renewal of Moral Theology
In calling for a renewal of moral theology, the Second Vatican Council also charted a course for the Church’s future. The Decree on Priestly Formation specified the need for “livelier contact with the mystery of Christ and the history of salvation” and called for the discipline to be “more thoroughly nourished by scriptural teaching.” To this can be added the teaching of the Pastoral Constitution on the Church, which found the mystery of the human person disclosed in the person of Christ, and the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church’s recovery of the universal call to holiness. The essays in this volume reflect an effort to explore and respond to these hallmarks of renewal indicated by the Council fathers. They therefore treat topics of theological anthropology, the use of Scripture, and growth in holiness through the pursuit of virtue, and also engage the increasingly important question of the role of Scripture in moral theology. These sources of Catholic moral teaching are brought to bear on a variety of pressing contemporary issues: sexual difference, the relationship of sexual expression to marital commitment, methods of family planning, reproductive technologies, and public moral discussion of abortion. Important figures of this postconciliar renewal—such as Alasdair MacIntyre, Servais Pinckaers, OP, Benedict XVI, and particularly John Paul II—figure prominently in this volume. Drawing on these outstanding thinkers, these essays seek to follow the course of renewal illumined by the Council so as, in the words of Optatum totius, no. 16, “to shed light on the loftiness of the calling of the faithful in Christ and the obligation that is theirs of bearing fruit in charity for the life of the world.”
Ave Maria University Press Jesus: Essays in Christology
Acknowledged as one of the leading contemporary Catholic Christologists, Thomas G. Weinandy has collected in one volume his most important contributions to our understanding of Jesus as the incarnate Son of God and Saviour of the world. In four distinct sections he examines some of the biblical revelation concerning Jesus, historical and systematic issues in Christology, contemporary Christological questions and concerns, and the importance of Jesus within our Christian life.These essays manifest Weinandy's considerable biblical knowledge, extensive understanding of the historical and doctrinal Christological tradition, judicious discernment of current Christological debates, and fresh, innovative analysis of today's pressing Christological concerns. All of this is achieved within, and so advances, the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith. Jesus: Essays in Christology confirms Weinandy's prominent place in the Catholic academic community.
Ave Maria University Press The Presence of Christ in the Church: Explorations In Theology
Dr. Welch shows the importance of Christ’s sacramental presence in the Church through the magisterium, the priesthood, marriage, and the moral life.
Fundación María Deraismes El arte de trabajar en logia
Un libro fundamental para conocer cómo trabajar en una logia masónica. Inspirador para los oficiales; fuente de formación para los hermanos y hermanas.Francis Frankeski sorprende gratamente, transmite a través de hermosas palabras la sensación que compartimos dentro de una Logia, esa comunión equilibrada entre lo material y lo espiritual que consigue trasladarnos a otro tiempo, en otro lugar.A través de un relato claro y concreto, de una manera notable, va introduciéndonos en el verdadero espíritu que debe presidir un buen trabajo masónico, capaz de crear entre sus miembros sólidos lazos de unión y forjando la cadena que los une a la vez que avanzan en la construcción del templo de la humanidad.
Editorial Marín, S.A. Enciclopedia del hierro forjado
Ave Maria Press This Is Our Faith: A Catholic Catechism for Adults
Ave Maria Press Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena
Ave Maria Press May You Rejoice: A Blessing for Your Birthday
Edilingua Pantelis Marin I verbi italiani per tutti: Libro
Edilingua Pantelis Marin Via della Grammatica: Libro dello studente + versione interattiva online
Edilingua Pantelis Marin Forte!: Libro dello studente ed esercizi 3 + CD + CD-ROM (A2)
Georg Olms Verlag Fur Gott, Die Kirche Und Das Vaterland: Spiritualitat Und Padagogik Der Jesuiten Im Spiegel Des Gymnasiums Mariano-Josephinum in Hildesheim (1595-1773)
Ana María Manzano Espel De amores
Joana Maria Pastor Perelló Pastor Perelló J Món màgic de Lot els dos capitans
Fundación María Mensajera Secreto oculto de Fátima
Ave Maria Press Touching the Holy: Ordinariness, Self-esteem and Friendship
Ave Maria Press The Ave Treasury of Catholic Prayers
Ave Maria Press Real Men Pray the Rosary: A Practical Guide to a Powerful Prayer
Ave Maria Press All Will be Well
Edilingua Pantelis Marin Primiracconti
Ave Maria Press Can You Drink the Cup?