Search results for ""author jérémy"
Macmillan Learning Biochemistry: A Short Course
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Family Business Case Studies Across the World: Succession and Governance in a Disruptive Era
This book presents a unique collection of case studies from across the globe to create a comprehensive understanding of how family firms can respond to future disruptions. Each case contains learning notes with objectives, discussion questions and suggested readings to facilitate learner understanding and engagement with the topic. Cases on topics such as global succession and governance practices will aid strategic decision-making capabilities in family businesses and will also benefit practitioners in these areas.Diverse in terms of generational involvement, demographic groups, cultural aspects, institutional settings and industries, the cases range from founder-led SMEs to multi-generational family conglomerates in 18 countries spanning over four continents. In addition to identifying successful practices, this book offers unconventional wisdom on the impact of family feuds, sudden death, divorce and multiple marriages on family businesses. It concludes by exposing new understandings on succession and the unique role played by rising-generation leaders in this disruptive era.Informed by the common research paradigm of the Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship Practice (STEP) Project Global Consortium, this book will provide a practical learning experience for advanced students and scholars of family business, family entrepreneurship, and strategic management studies.
Amsterdam University Press A History of Photography in Indonesia: From the Colonial Era to the Digital Age
As a former colonized nation, Indonesia has a unique place in the history of photography. A History of Photography in Indonesia: From the Colonial Era to the Digital Age looks at the development of photography from the beginning and traces its uses in Indonesia from its invention to the present day. The Dutch colonial government first brought the medium to the East Indies in the 1840s and immediately recognized its potential in serving the colonial apparatus. As the country grew and changed, so too did the medium. Photography was not only an essential tool of colonialism, but it also became part of the movement for independence, a voice for reformasi, an agent for advocating democracy, and is now available to anyone with a phone. This book gathers essays by leading artists, scholars, and curators from around the world who have worked with photography in Indonesia and have traced the evolution of the medium from its inception to the present day, addressing the impact of photography on colonialism, independence, and democratization.
University of California Press Phoenix Kingdoms: The Last Splendor of China's Bronze Age
This stunning exhibition unveils the remarkable art and historical legacy of two mysterious kingdoms of ancient China. Phoenix Kingdoms brings to life the distinctive Bronze Age cultures that flourished along the middle course of the Yangzi River in South Central China about 2,500 years ago. With over 150 objects on loan from five major Chinese museums, Phoenix Kingdoms explores the artistic and spiritual landscape of the southern borderland of the Zhou dynasty, featuring remarkable archaeological finds unearthed from aristocratic tombs of the phoenix-worshipping Zeng and Chu kingdoms. By revealing the splendid material cultures of these legendary states, whose history has only recently been recovered, Phoenix Kingdoms highlights the importance of this region in forming a southern style that influenced centuries of Chinese art. This exhibition catalogue includes six essays that contextualize the stylistically rich material—mythical creatures, elaborate patterns, and elegant forms—and introduces readers to the technologically and artistically sophisticated cultures that thrived before China’s first empire. Lavishly illustrated with over 240 images, Phoenix Kingdoms showcases works from the exhibition across six categories—jades, bronze ritual vessels, musical instruments and weapons, lacquerware for luxury and ceremony, funerary bronze and wood objects, and textiles and unique objects featuring distinctive designs—many of which are considered national treasures. Published in association with the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco.
Idea & Design Works My Little Pony: 40th Anniversary Celebration--The Deluxe Edition
Whittles Publishing A Year in a Ditch
Rivers, canals and Britain's glorious waterways are championed and admired at every opportunity. They are the subject of countless photos, television programmes and books - and are places to visit and enjoy whenever considering a walk in the countryside. Sadly, not so the humble ditch; yet they are the all-important capillaries supplying the veins of the UK's far more visual watercourses. As well as having a practical farming purpose and being important in preventing flooding, ditches are an essential habitat for many species of flora and fauna. In no way a dry riverbed of hard facts, A Year in a Ditch is informative and a source of knowledge to anyone interested in exploring the delights of this vital habitat. The book is full of relevant quirky notes and obscure snippets, the fanciful and factual; old wives' tales; quotations and snippets of poetry.Ditches are an integral part of some very bizarre sports and pastimes indeed and there are even suggestions as to how one can actually dine out in a ditch!A Year in a Ditch will be a wonderful read for anyone wishing to know more about the 500,000 kilometres of these often-neglected waterways that have threaded their way through the British countryside for millennia.
Anness Publishing Illustrated Encyclopedia of Uniforms of World War I
The war of 1914-1918 was a military, political and social disaster. No other war changed the map of Europe so dramatically and more than 15 million people were killed. The dramatic political and social changes of the period were mirrored in the uniforms of the armed forces, and the contrast between pre-war Europe and 1919 could not be more apparent. This unique illustrated book charts the developments in military uniform in fascinating detail: how the remaining reds and blues of 1900 soldiers died out in preference to browns, greys and greens. It also tracks the evolution of hardware and ammunition. Evocative photographs of the struggle and stunning illustrations of the uniforms show in detail the changes, reforms and modifications of all the major powers, Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary. This unprecedented volume is an incredible visual study of the uniforms of a pivotal period of military history, and of its context.
Peeters Publishers Between Two Worlds: Yiddish-German Encounters
What does Yiddish have to do with German? It is a question that has perplexed Jews and Germans alike for centuries. The relationship between the two languages - both originating from a common source and from a common location - has often become a metaphor for the relationship of German and Jewish societies, a relationship whose fraught and complex history is one of the most important in the study not only of Jews, but of modern European history. The two languages and their literary cultures have continued their intimate and mutually nourishing relationship and exchange over the course of a millennium, as is documented even from the earliest substantial corpus of Yiddish texts (ca. 1382), while during the last four centuries the relationship can be seen surprisingly clearly and profoundly in a broad range of texts and genres. A reevalution of this fraught cultural relationship is the focus of the present volume, whose panoramic approach suggests that the study of German culture is essential for those who wish truly to understand Yiddish literary culture - and, even more provocatively, vice versa.
Simon & Schuster Audio The Democrat Party Hates America
Simon & Schuster Audio Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again
Chronicle Books Balls on the Lawn: Games to Live By
Do you know how to play bocce? What's the difference between that and petanque? What about playing croquet or badminton? Some of the most popular sports in the world fall under the category of 'lawn sports' and yet they have remained largely unexplored. Balls On The Lawn seeks to change that picture, introducing the awesomeness of this most casual and convivial category of sports. The book provides history, lore, rules, and insider tips for 10 lawn sports: Horseshoes, Bocce, Croquet, Petanque, Badminton, Lawn Bowling, Polish Horseshoes, Corn Hole, Kan-Jam, and Stump.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Borrowed
Where there is murder, there is humanity. Hong Kong's greatest detective, Inspector Kwan, is dying. For the past fifty years he has been quietly solving crimes while the world changed around him. Now on his deathbed, his partner Detective Lok needs help with one final case. Through the story of six different but interlocking murders, this bold and intricate crime novel spans five decades of love, honour, jealousy and revenge, in one of the world's most intriguing nations.
Fordham University Press Negative Ecstasies: Georges Bataille and the Study of Religion
Despite Georges Bataille’s acknowledged influence on major poststructuralist thinkers—including Foucault, Derrida, Kristeva, Lacan, Baudrillard, and Barthes—and his prominence in literary, cultural, and social theory, rarely has he been taken up by scholars of religion, even as issues of the sacred were central to his thinking. Bringing together established scholars and emerging voices, Negative Ecstasies engages Bataille from the perspective of religious studies and theology, forging links with feminist and queer theory, economics, secularism, psychoanalysis, fat studies, and ethics. As these essays demonstrate, Bataille’s work bears significance to contemporary questions in the academy and vital issues in the world. We continue to ignore him at our peril.
European Interuniversity Press La Nouvelle Question Religieuse the New Religious Question: Regulation ou Ingerence de l'Etat ? State Regulation or State Interference?
Austin Macauley Publishers Toogle Turtle: Travels to Australia
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Stryer Biochemie
„Oft kopiert, nie erreicht.“ Biologen heuteSeit vier Jahrzehnten prägt dieses außergewöhnliche Lehrbuch weltweit die Lehre der Biochemie. Die überaus klare und präzise Art der Darstellung, die Aktualität, die ausgefeilte Didaktik und die Verständlichkeit sind zu Markenzeichen dieses von Lehrenden wie Lernenden hoch geschätzten Standardwerkes geworden. Sie zeichnen auch die nun vorliegende achte Auflage aus, die erneut die Brücke von den biologischen und chemischen Grundlagen zu den physiologischen und medizinischen Fragestellungen schlägt. Zu den wichtigsten Neuerungen und Verbesserungen der vollständig überarbeiteten Neuauflage zählen: Kapitel 5: erweiterte Darstellung von Massenspektrometrie, Proteinmasse, Proteinidentität und Proteinsequenz Kapitel 9: neuer Abschnitt zu krankheitsauslösenden Mutationen in Hämöglobingenen, neue Fallstudie zu Thalassämien Kapitel 13: neue Fallstudie zu Proteinkinase-A-Mutationen und Cushing Syndrom Kapitel 14: erweiterte Darstellung zu Vorstufen von Verdauungsenzymen und zur Proteinverdauung im Dünndarm, neue Fallstudien zu Proteinverdauung im Magen und zur Zöliakie Kapitel 15: neuer Abschnitt zu den Grundfunktionen des Energiestoffwechsels, erweiterte Darstellung zu Phosphaten in biochemischen Prozessen Kapitel 16: neue Fallstudien zu exzessiver Fructoseaufnahme und zu schnellwachsenden Zellen und aerober GlykolyseKapitel 29: neue Fallstudien zu Phosphatidylcholin, zur Regulation des LDL-Rezeptor-Kreislaufs und zum klinischen Management von Cholesterinwerten Kapitel 30: neue Fallstudie zu Blutspiegelwerten der Aminotransferase als diagnostischer Prädiktor Stimmen zu früheren Auflagen: Der Stryer ist der "Goldstandard" für Biochemie-Lehrbücher. Prof. Dr. Michael Rychlik, TU München Aktuell, didaktisch hervorragend präsentiert, bietet der "Stryer" einen umfassenden Überblick über das Feld und ist als Nachschlagewerk unverzichtbar. Prof. Dr. Dieter Adam, Universität Kiel Dieses Lehrbuch gibt Studierenden am Anfang ihrer Ausbildung einen hervorragenden Einstieg in die Biochemie, ist aber genauso für Fortgeschrittene ideal. Prof. Dr. Mike Boysen, Universität Göttingen Der Klassiker, er ist und bleibt in der Breite und Tiefe und seinem sehr guten didaktischen Aufbau unübertroffen! Ein Muss für jeden Studierenden und Dozenten im Umfeld biomedizinischer Studiengänge. Prof. Dr. Robert Fürst, Universität Frankfurt Trotz der unglaublichen Detailfülle vermittelt der Stryer Verständnis für die Zusammenhänge in der Biochemie. Prof. Dr. Katja Gehrig, Universität Mainz Biochemie anschaulich gemacht: So sollte ein Lehrbuch sein … Dieses Buch nimmt jedem Studierenden die Angst vor der Biochemie! Prof. Dr. Wolf-Michael Weber, Universität Münster Als Lehrbuchautor packt einen beim Studium des Stryer der Neid. So schöne Fotos, so gekonnte, bunte, eingängige Zeichnungen, soviel Grips, so wenige Fehler. Laborjournal
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Cardiovascular System at a Glance
Everything you need to know about the cardiovascular system... at a Glance! The Cardiovascular System at a Glance is the essential reference guide to understanding all things circulatory. Concise, accessible, and highly illustrated, this latest edition presents an integrated overview of the subject, from the basics through to application. Featuring brand new content on stroke, examination and imaging, heart block and ECGs, and myopathies and channelopathies, The Cardiovascular System at a Glance goes one step further and offers new and updated clinical case studies and multiple-choice questions on a supplementary website. Integrates basic science and clinical topics Offers bite-size chapters that make topics easy to digest Includes coverage of anatomy and histology, blood and haemostasis, cellular physiology, form and function, regulation and integration of cardiovascular function, history, examination and investigations, pathology and therapeutics Filled with highly visual, colour illustrations that enhance the text and help reinforce learning The fifth edition of The Cardiovascular System at a Glance is an ideal resource for medical students, junior doctors, students of other health professions, and specialist cardiology nurses.
John Wiley & Sons Inc NMR in Pharmaceutical Science
NMR in Pharmaceutical Sciences is intended to be a comprehensive source of information for the many individuals that utilize MR in studies of relevance to the pharmaceutical sector. The book is intended to educate and inform those who develop and apply MR approaches within the wider pharmaceutical environment, emphasizing the toolbox that is available to spectroscopists and radiologists. This book is structured on the key processes in drug discovery, development and manufacture, but underpinned by an understanding of fundamental NMR principles and the unique contribution that NMR (including MRI) can provide. After an introductory chapter, which constitutes an overview, the content is organised into five sections. The first section is on the basics of NMR theory and relevant experimental methods. The rest follow a sequence based on the chronology of drug discovery and development, firstly 'Idea to Lead' then 'Lead to Drug Candidate', followed by 'Clinical Development', and finally 'Drug Manufacture'. The thirty one chapters cover a vast range of topics from analytical chemistry, including aspects involved in regulatory matters and in the prevention of fraud, to clinical imaging studies. Whilst this comprehensive volume will be essential reading for many scientists based in pharmaceutical and related industries, it should also be of considerable value to a much wider range of academic scientists whose research is related to the various aspects of pharmaceutical R&D; for them it will supply vital understanding of pharmaceutical industrial concerns and the basis of key decision making processes. About eMagRes Handbooks eMagRes (formerly the Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance) publishes a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of eMagRes Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of eMagRes articles. In consultation with the eMagRes Editorial Board, the eMagRes handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles are written to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this handbook and the complete content of eMagRes at your fingertips!Visit:
WW Norton & Co Case Studies in Cancer
Cancer is the focus of intense clinical and scientific interest. This research increasingly leverages our understanding of molecular biology for the development of targeted therapeutics. Well-selected case studies provide an opportunity to explain specific examples of cancers and their management in the context of engaging, patient-centered cases. This text is a clinical companion for Weinberg’s The Biology of Cancer. However, it includes sufficient background and explanatory detail to be used on its own.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Entrepreneurship and Research Methods
The mission of the Research Methodology in Strategy and Management book series is to provide a thoughtful medium to comment, critique, and build knowledge relevant to techniques that advance the strategic management field. This ninth volume in the series explores the theme of "Social Entrepreneurship and Research Methods." This volume provides a critical examination of previous approaches used to explore phenomena of interest in the growing study of social entrepreneurship. The importance of construct management in this emerging field is explored in depth, and the contributors to this volume provide thoughts on a number of valuable approaches to collect both qualitative and quantitative data germane to the study of social enterprise. This volume also highlights the promise of longitudinal techniques, the use of configurational approaches, and other techniques that allow for the incorporation of rich qualitative information to aid in the study of social enterprise growth and performance.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Estuarine Ecology
Estuarine Ecology A detailed and accessible exploration of the fundamentals and the latest advances in estuarine ecology In the newly revised third edition of Estuarine Ecology, a team of distinguished ecologists presents the current knowledge in estuarine ecology with particular emphasis on recent trends and advances. The book is accessible to undergraduate students while also providing a welcome summary of up-to-date content for a more advanced readership. This latest edition is optimized for classroom use, with a more intuitive mode of presentation that takes into account feedback from the previous edition’s readers. Review questions and exercises have been added to assist in the learning and retention of complex concepts. Estuarine Ecology remains the gold standard for the discipline by taking stock of the manifold scientific breakthroughs made in the field since the last edition was written. It also offers: Thorough introductions to estuarine geomorphology, circulation, and chemistry In-depth treatments of estuarine primary and secondary production, including coastal marshes and mangrove wetlands A holistic view of estuarine ecosystems, their modeling and analysis, as well as the impact of human activities and climate change A companion website with detailed answers to exercise questions Perfect for students of estuarine ecology, environmental science, fisheries science, oceanography, and natural resource management, Estuarine Ecology will also earn a place in the libraries of professionals, government employees, and consultants working on estuary and wetlands management and conservation.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Respiratory System at a Glance
The Respiratory System at a Glance has been thoroughly updated in line with current practice guidelines and new techniques to provide a highly illustrated and comprehensive guide to normal lung structure and function, as well as associated pathophysiology. Each topic has been fully revised and is accompanied by clear diagrams to encapsulate essential knowledge.Reflecting changes to the content, teaching and assessment methods used in medical education, this new edition now includes more information on acid base and its clinical ramifications, further detail on defence mechanisms and immunology, and also features online access to clinical cases and flashcards. The Respiratory System at a Glance:• Integrates basic and clinical science – ideal for integrated and systems-based courses• Includes both the pathophysiology and clinical aspects of the respiratory system• Is fully revised and updated to reflect current practice guidelines and new therapies• Provides online clinical cases, brand new flashcards, and MCQs • Includes a companion website at featuring interactive multiple choice questions and digital flashcards
John Wiley & Sons Inc Managing and Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit Organizations: An Integrated Approach
New edition of a classic guide to ensuring effective organizational performance Thoroughly revised and updated, the second edition of Managing and Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit Organizations is a comprehensive resource for designing and implementing effective performance management and measurement systems in public and nonprofit organizations. The ideas, tools, and processes in this vital resource are designed to help organizations develop measurement systems to support such effective management approaches as strategic management, results-based budgeting, performance management, process improvement, performance contracting, and much more. The book will help readers identify outcomes and other performance criteria to be measured, tie measures to goals and objectives, define and evaluate the worth of desired performance measures, and analyze, process, report, and utilize data effectively. Includes significant updates that offer a more integrated approach to performance management and measurement Offers a detailed framework and instructions for developing and implementing performance management systems Shows how to apply the most effective performance management principles Reveals how to overcome the barriers to effective performance management Managing and Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit Organizations identifies common methodological and managerial problems that often confront managers in developing performance measurement systems, and presents a number of targeted strategies for the successful implementation of such systems in public and nonprofit organizations. This must-have resource will help leaders reach their organizational goals and objectives.
The University of Chicago Press Evolutionary Patterns: Growth, Form, and Tempo in the Fossil Record
With advances in molecular and evolutionary biology, one could almost wonder why we need the fossil record. Molecular sequence data can resolve taxanomic relationships, experiments with fruit flies demonstrate evolution and development in real time, and field studies of Galapagos finches have provided the strongest evidence for natural selection ever measured in the wild. What, then, can fossils teach us that living organisms cannot? This text demonstrates the rich variety of clues to evolution that can be gleaned from the fossil record. Contributors explore modes of development, the tempo of speciation and extinction, and macroevolutionary patterns and trends.
Macmillan Learning Biochemistry (International Edition)
Rowman & Littlefield Closed Minds?: Politics and Ideology in American Universities
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Studying Literature: The Essential Companion
Studying Literature: The Essential Companion is a unique guide for English undergraduates. It combines practical advice on study skills with key information on literary theories and theorists, offering invaluable support throughout any English degree. 'Excellent introduction to the mechanics of degree-level study of literature - very practical.' - Professor M Moran, Brunel University, UK 'Clearly set out and there is likely to be something for everyone in most of the five sections.' - Writing in Education
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Respiratory System at a Glance
The Respiratory System at a Glance The market-leading at a Glance series is popular among healthcare students and newly qualified practitioners for its concise, simple approach and excellent illustrations. Each bite-sized chapter is covered in a double-page spread with clear, easy-to-follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text. Covering a wide range of topics, books in the at a Glance series are ideal as introductory texts for teaching, learning and revision, and are useful throughout university and beyond. Everything you need to know about The Respiratory System… at a Glance! Highly-illustrated overview of the structure and function of the lungs and airways, with sections on history, examination, pathophysiology, treatment and management Respiratory System at a Glance is a comprehensive guide to normal lung structure and function and associated pathophysiology, featuring key information on all major respiratory disorders. As per the familiar, easy-to-use ‘at a Glance’ format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread, with key facts accompanied by clear diagrams that encapsulate essential knowledge. This ‘one-stop’ resource has been revised and updated for this 5thedition to include recent advances in our understanding and/or treatment of asthma, COPD, pulmonary vasculitis, sarcoidosis, cystic fibrosis, respiratory infections (including COVID-19), and the most recent national clinical management guidelines. The accompanying website includes self-assessment case studies, flashcards and MCQs to support learning or for review. Respiratory System at a Glance also provides information on: Structure and function of the respiratory system, the thoracic cage and respiratory muscles, gas laws, diffusion, and elastic forces Acid-base balance and disorders, control of breathing through chemical and neural mechanisms, and pulmonary circulation and ventilation-perfusion matching Exercise, altitude, and diving, complications of development and congenital disease, lung defense mechanisms, and immunology of the lungs Public health and smoking, respiratory failure, and the pathophysiology and management of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other respiratory disorders With accompanying self-assessment clinical cases and multiple-choice questions, The Respiratory System at a Glance is the ideal companion for anyone about to start a respiratory module or rotation, and will appeal to medical students and junior doctors, as well as nurses, dentists, physiotherapists, technicians, and biomedical scientists. For more information on the complete range of Wiley nursing and health publishing, please visit: To receive automatic updates on Wiley books and journals, join our email list. Sign up today at All content reviewed by students for students Wiley Medical Education books are designed exactly for their intended audience. All of our books are developed in collaboration with students. This means that our books are always published with you, the student, in mind. If you would like to be one of our student reviewers, go to to find out more. This new edition is also available as an e-book. For more details, please see
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins The Washington Manual® Surgery Survival Guide
Prepared by residents and fellows at Washington University School of Medicine, this pocket-sized survival guide provides all the essential information that every surgery intern needs from Day 1 on the wards—including daily routine, rounds, chart reviews, preoperative and postoperative care, operating room conduct, radiology, critical care, and interaction with families, colleagues, and allied health professionals. Content includes algorithms, useful formulas, patient notes, and common calls and complaints. Comprehensive sections on common problems in general surgery, neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery, urology, and plastic surgery present evaluation, diagnostic testing, and treatment in an easy-to-follow format. Other chapters cover crashing patients, tubes and drains, bleeding, codes, and nutrition.The Washington Manual® Surgery Survival Guide is also available electronically for handheld computers. See PDA listing for details.The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by LWW under license from Washington University.
Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology,U.S. Excavations at Seibal, Department of Peten, Guatemala: III: 1. Major Architecture and Caches. 2. Analyses of Fine Paste Ceramics
MIT Press Ltd Bicycling Science
Royal Society of Chemistry Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry: 4th Edition, Abridged Version
The first IUPAC Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physicochemical Quantities and Units was published in 1969 with the objective of 'securing clarity and precision, and wider agreement in the use of symbols, by chemists in different countries, among physicists, chemists and engineers, and by editors of scientific journals'. Subsequent revisions have taken account of many developments in the field and were also substantially expanded and improved in presentation in several new editions of what is now widely known as the ‘Green Book of IUPAC’. This abridged version of the forthcoming 4th edition reflects the experience of the contributors and users of the previous editions. The book has been systematically brought up to date and provides a compilation of generally used terms and symbols with brief, understandable definitions and explanations. Tables of important fundamental constants and conversion factors are included. In this abridged guide, the more specialized and complex material has been omitted, retaining, however, the essence of the Green Book. It is particularly intended to be suitable for students and teachers but it should also be useful for scientists, science publishers and organizations working across a multitude of disciplines requiring internationally approved terminology in the area of Physical Chemistry. It now includes the most up to date definitions and constants in agreement with the ‘new SI’ as established by agreement on the International System of Units in Paris in 2019. It should find the widest possible acceptance and use for best practice in science and technology.
JP Medical Ltd MRCS Part B OSCE: Anatomy
MRCS PART B OSCE: ANATOMY is unique in focussing solely on providing the knowledge necessary to pass one of the toughest exam components facing surgical trainees. Offering the most up-to-date coverage of anatomy practice questions and presented in a clear layout, chapters are mapped to the syllabus to deliver structured revision in all the key topics. Featuring a wealth of questions and fully descriptive answers, this book provides the essential revision text to maximise chances of exam success. 150 scenario-based anatomy questions, model answers and enhanced with concise revision notes Highly illustrated with diagrams and tables to improve understanding of complicated anatomy Includes practical advice on how to approach the exam and useful tips to achieve the highest marks Familiarizes candidates with the full range of presentations: surface anatomy, prosections and radiological imaging Edited by highly experienced anatomist, Professor Vishy Mahadevan Highly Commended at the BMA Medical Book Awards 2013
Simon & Schuster Audio The Silence
Inhabit Media Inc It's Time for Bed
It’s time for Siasi to go to bed, but she doesn’t want to brush her teeth or put away her toys. It’s so much more fun to play with all the animals of the Arctic! Wouldn’t everyone rather dance with polar bear, howl with the wolves, and swim with the fish instead of get ready for bed? In this charming bedtime story, readers follow Siasi on a nighttime adventure as she comes up with excuse after excuse for why she’s not quite ready to go to bed.
PM Press Strike! (50th Anniversary Edition)
Interlink Publishing Group, Inc Prairies of Fever
Springer International Publishing AG Core Techniques in Flap Reconstructive Microsurgery: A Stepwise Guide
This book provides a practical, step-by-step guidance on modern workhorse flaps for plastic and reconstructive surgeons in training or in their early career. The 50 chapters cover everything from surgical fundamentals to preconditions of microsurgical techniques, but also covers pre-operative planning, steps of microsurgical dissection and management of complications in a straightforward, explanatory style, and are supplemented by over 600 clinical illustrations and cadaveric images. Further videos demonstrations with pertinent steps in flap dissection, anatomical nomenclature and long-term outcomes are also demonstrated. For each flap a detailed discussion of key papers concerning its origin, pitfalls, technical refinements and tips for success are also included. Thanks to specific notes on common reconstructive challenges and complications, this book offers a valuable reference tool and would be unquestionably an integral reference guide for every surgeon interested in reconstructive microsurgical techniques, especially during their early microsurgical career.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Performance Auditing: Contributing to Accountability in Democratic Government
This state-of-the-art book examines the development of performance audit, drawing on the experience in a number of different countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, the Netherlands, and Belgium. The expert contributors identify the trajectory of performance audit, examine how it is conducted and consider what it is contributing to effective government. They conclude that, in the face of new challenges, performance auditors should focus both on their core responsibilities to ensure accountability, and continue to develop more insightful and sophisticated approaches to enable them to assess the growing complexity of the delivery of public services. By doing so, they can continue to play a valuable role in democratic accountability.Providing an up-to-date overview and discussion of performance audit, this highly topical book will appeal to all those working within audit, academics working in the fields of public management and public administration, as well practitioners in and close to state audit institutions. Members of Parliament, evaluators, internal auditors, researchers, policy analysts and consultants will also find this book invaluable. Contributors: E. Bechberger, R. Boyle, M. Funkhouser, J.-E. Furubo, J. Keen, F.L. Leeuw, T. Ling, J. Lonsdale, V. Put, A. Scharaschkin, R. Turksema, P. van der Knaap, E. Van Loocke, K. Weets, P. Wilkins
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Everyday Playfulness: A New Approach to Children's Play and Adult Responses to It
Seeing play as an important and vital element of life for children and adults alike, this book addresses the ways in which practitioners take account of and act responsibly with moments of children's play and playfulness.Working with the Playwork Principles, the book draws on alternative concepts to traditional approaches, including ideas from materialist and posthuman philosophy and human geography, to explore playing as process rather than product. Topics covered include play and wellbeing, play and space, and the micro-politics of playing, critical cartography and adult account-ability and response-ability. It concludes by considering the implications for professional practice and offering ways that professionals can develop practices that maintain and co-create favourable conditions in which children's play can flourish.
CABI Publishing Innovation in Agri-food Clusters: Theory and Case Studies
Innovation has moved through a range of revolutionary epochs, but there is no clear picture of how, or even if, innovation can be managed. This book explores the models, methods and metrics of innovation analysis in the context of a single centre: the Global Oilseeds Complex centred in Saskatoon, Canada. It is a single, coherent volume that outlines the theory and practices related to innovation, offering a critical assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches, backed up with empirical evidence.
Hodder Education AQA A Level Physics (Year 1 and Year 2)
Expand and challenge your knowledge and understanding of Physics with this updated, all-in-one textbook for Years 1 and 2 that builds mathematical skills and provides practical assessment guidance.Written for the AQA A-level Physics specification, this revised textbook will:- Provide full coverage of all five option topics: Astrophysics is covered in book, with Turning Points in Physics, Engineering Physics, Medical Physics and Electronics available to download online- Offer support for the mathematical requirements of the course with worked examples of calculations and a dedicated 'Maths in physics' chapter.- Measure progress and assess learning throughout the course with 'Test yourself' and 'Stretch and challenge' questions.- Support all 12 required practicals with applications, worked examples and activities included in each chapter.- Develop understanding with free online access to 'Test yourself' answers and 'Practice' question answers*.DOWNLOADABLE OPTION TOPIC CHAPTERS To request your downloadable copies please email
Cult Epics Sylvia Kristel: From Emmanuelle to Chabrol
Stanford University Press Judging Bush
There is no shortage of opinions on the legacy that George W. Bush will leave as 43rd President of the United States. Recognizing that Bush the Younger has been variously described as dimwitted, opportunistic, innovative, and bold, it would be presumptuous to draw any hard and fast conclusions about how history will view him. Nevertheless, it is well within academia's ability to begin to make preliminary judgments by weighing the evidence we do have and testing assumptions. In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks and the initially successful military campaign in Afghanistan, Bush and his administration enjoyed nearly unprecedented popularity. But after failures in Iraq and in the federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina, Bush's approval ratings plummeted. Guided by a new framework, Judging Bush boldly takes steps to evaluate the highs and lows of the Bush legacy according to four types of competence: strategic, political, tactical, and moral. It offers a first look at the man, his domestic and foreign policies, and the executive office's relationship to the legislative and judicial branches from a distinguished and ideologically diverse set of award-winning political scientists and White House veterans. Topics include Bush's decision-making style, the management of the executive branch, the role and influence of Dick Cheney, elections and party realignment, the Bush economy, Hurricane Katrina, No Child Left Behind, and competing treatments of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Contributors include Lara M. Brown, David B. Cohen, Jeffrey E. Cohen, Laura Conley, Jack Covarrubias, John J. DiIulio, Jr., William A. Galston, Frederick M. Hess, Karen M. Hult, Lori A. Johnson, Robert G. Kaufman, Anne M. Khademian, Lawrence J. Korb, Patrick McGuinn, Michael Moreland, Costas Panagopoulos, James P. Pfiffner, Richard E. Redding, Neil Reedy, Andrew Rudalevige, Charles E. Walcott, and Shirley Anne Warshaw.
University of British Columbia Press Recognition versus Self-Determination: Dilemmas of Emancipatory Politics
The political concept of recognition has introduced new ways of thinking about the relationship between minorities and justice in plural societies. But is a politics informed by recognition valuable to minorities today?Contributors to this volume examine the successes and failures of struggles for recognition and self-determination in relation to claims of religious groups, cultural minorities, and indigenous peoples on territories associated with Canada, the United States, Europe, Latin America, India, New Zealand, and Australia. The chapters look at cultural recognition in the context of public policy about intellectual and physical property, membership practices, and independence movements, while probing debates about toleration, democratic citizenship, and colonialism.Together the contributions point to a distinctive set of challenges posed by a politics of recognition and self-determination to peoples seeking emancipation from unjust relations.
University of California Press Transparent and Reproducible Social Science Research: How to Do Open Science
Recently, social science has had numerous episodes of influential research that was found invalid when placed under rigorous scrutiny. The growing sense that many published results are potentially erroneous has made those conducting social science research more determined to ensure the underlying research is sound. Transparent and Reproducible Social Science Research is the first book to summarize and synthesize new approaches to combat false positives and non-reproducible findings in social science research, document the underlying problems in research practices, and teach a new generation of students and scholars how to overcome them. Understanding that social science research has real consequences for individuals when used by professionals in public policy, health, law enforcement, and other fields, the book crystallizes new insights, practices, and methods that help ensure greater research transparency, openness, and reproducibility. Readers are guided through well-known problems and are encouraged to work through new solutions and practices to improve the openness of their research. Created with both experienced and novice researchers in mind, Transparent and Reproducible Social Science Research serves as an indispensable resource for the production of high quality social science research.