Search results for ""author robert"
Espanol Santillana Universidad de Salamanca Las llamadas telefonicas
Piensa luego crea Educar para disfrutar
Un alumno me dijo en una ocasión que no estaba acostumbrado a pensar; otro, que su memoria le debería valer para aprobar sin necesidad de asistir a clases. Muchos viven en la idea pasiva de que aprender es sólo adquirir conocimientos para replicarlos luego en las distintas pruebas académicas. Manifiesto error. Y la reflexión Y la búsqueda de soluciones Y la capacidad de adaptación La sociedad del presente y futuro, marcada por los continuos cambios, necesita personas capaces de encontrar fórmulas de vida con un aprendizaje creativo, el que te permite experimentar, disfrutar y aprender.Esto NO es un libro de texto.
Editorial Hidra Harbinger Renegade 2
Cualquier persona que conozcas podría convertirse en un poderoso ?harbinger? con habilidades psiónicas capaces de cambiar el curso de la historia. Tu vecino. Tu jefe. Tu mejor amigo. Tus hijos. Seis meses atrás, un equipo secreto de informantes destapó la existencia de estos extraordinariamente peligrosos individuos y sorprendió al mundo. Hoy, por todo el país, cientos de personas padecen daños cerebrales (o han sufrido un destino peor) a causa de brutales intentos de activación caseros. La aparición de un psiot en una comunidad a menudo causa disturbios y brotes de violencia extrema. Las ventas de armas han tocado techo. América está aterrorizada al pensar en qué será lo próximo.
Editorial Sexto Piso El nico y su propiedad Ensayo Sexto Piso Spanish Edition
Frente a la manía moderna de encasillar todo, la aparición de un pensamiento atípico genera rechazo. La defensa de Stirner del egoísmo radical, basada en la idea de que no hay mayores ególatras que Dios y el Estado (exigen obediencia absoluta), no encaja con las posturas actuales del individualismo, que en nombre de la libertad de acumular instaura un régimen desigual. Si la modernidad destronó a Dios y al Rey, fue sólo para poner otro yugo, que justifica atrocidades similares a las que combatía. En oposición al individuo gregario, Stirner propone al Único, el sujeto que hace suyos sus deseos y pensamientos, que no espera un código moral y que se atreve a aceptar las consecuencias. El Único quiere liberarse de las cadenas sociales y mentales que lo atan a una vida correcta y prefigurada.
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Ana
Años atrás, Ana Tramel fue una brillante penalista a la que se disputaban los mejores despachos. Un oscuro suceso en su pasado cambió su vida y ahora pasa sus días entre recursos administrativos en un mediocre bufete, ahogándose en un vaso de whisky. Pero su vida da un vuelco cuando su hermano Alejandro, con el que no habla desde hace cinco años, la llama angustiado. Ha sido detenido por el asesinato del director del Casino Gran Castilla.Ana pide ayuda a su jefa y vieja amiga, Concha. Necesita la estructura y recursos del despacho para llevar adelante una defensa en la que tiene prácticamente todo en contra. Acompañada de un peculiar equipo (un viejo investigador, una abogada novel y un becario ludópata) se enfrentará a las grandes empresas del juego.Ana, un thriller absorbente protagonizado por una mujer inteligente pero acabada, brillante pero autodestructiva, única.Un oscuro asesinato.Una protagonista que dejará huella.Una batalla que todos dan por perdida.<
Nueva Esperanza Crnicas de la Elegida 3
Hace años, una pandemia arrebató la esperanza al mundo.Ahora, Fallon Swift va a devolvérsela.Pero, para cumplir con su destino, la Elegida necesitaráa todo un ejército a sus espaldas.Esta fascinante aventura desde las tinieblas hasta la luz es el perfecto desenlace de la explosiva trilogía Crónicas de la Elegida, el último éxito de la autora superventas internacional.A pesar de no tener ni veinte años, el futuro de la humanidad recae sobre los hombros de Fallon Swift. Ella sabe que no puede fallar: debe ser implacable y utilizar toda su fuerza y su poder, aunque con ello siembre la destrucción a su alrededor, para que su gente sobreviva.Junto a Duncan, un joven soldado y un líder nato, Fallon ha conseguido salvar a incontables cambiantes, elfos y humanos. Sin embargo, ahora debe ayudarles a sanar y a despertar la luz y la esperanza que anida en su interior. Porque, para cumplir con su destino, la Elegida necesitará a todo un ejérc
Planeta Publishing Mi Policía: La Novela de la Nueva Película de Harry Styles
V&R unipress GmbH Re E Popolo: Istituzioni arcaiche tra storia e comparazione
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG Dictionary of Musical Terms in Four Languages Italian English German French Musik
Piper Verlag GmbH Sibiriens vergessene Klaviere
Brepols N.V. Performing Arts and Technical Issues
Fence Books Like You: Poems
Cheriton Children's Books The Us Civil War
Cheriton Children's Books The Vietnam War
Red Planet Publishing Ltd Rock Stars' Cars
Witty, irreverent, informative text accompanies larger than life photographs of 127 rock stars and their cars.
Old Earth Books Pavane
Hampton Roads Publishing Co Rap to Live by: Positive Rap for Kids on Love, Friendship, Self-Esteem, School, Money, Sex and Much More...
New World Library The Magical Approach: Seth Speaks About the Art of Creative Living
Amber-Allen Publishing,U.S. The Nature of Personal Reality: Seth Book - Specific, Practical Techniques for Solving Everyday Problems and Enriching the Life You Know
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Soil Mechanics
Knowledge of the behavior of soil mechanics is essential for forecasting the internal displacements and actions of any construction. This book, although theoretical at first glance, also offers a more practical scope, giving readers adequate tools to plan geotechnical projects correctly.
John Hunt Publishing OffModern The Psychology Estranged
A new psychology for a new society.
Welbeck Publishing Group Unicorns and Magical Horses: A spellbinding ride through classic tales of wonder
Collective Ink So You Want To be A Healer?
This book is the perfect handbook for all aspiring healers, containing easy to follow exercises and meditations to help cultivate the healing skills. The book explores the scientific as well as the metaphysical facts, with a detailed analysis of the different types of healing methods, ranging from magnetic and pranic healing, to spiritual and mental healing. Through antiquity gifted individuals have administered healing to the sick, from the Biblical accounts of Jesus, to the more radical practises of Rasputin the so-called Mad Monk. Why do some people possess that certain something that they are able to impart to others? What is personal magnetism, and why is that a powerful healing force? Apart from the exercises to help with the development of healing skill, So You Want To Be A Healer analyses the actual process, with a detailed look at the chakra system and the subtle anatomy. Eastern masters used the term Prana to describe all energy in the universe; this book explains how this energy may be harnessed to be used to heal others at a great distance.
Biblioasis 1979: A Novel
It’s 1979 and Tom Buzby is thirteen years old and living in the small working- class city of Chatham, Ontario. So far, so normal. Except that Tom’s dad is the local tattoo artist, his mother is a born-again former stripper who’s run off with the minister from the church where the pet store used to be, and his sister can’t wait to leave town for good. And everyone along his daily newspaper route looks at him a little differently, this boy who’s come back from the dead, who just might be the only one who understands the miraculous, heart-breaking mystery that is their lives. Set in the year that real newspaper headlines told of North America’s hard turn to the right, 1979 offers a smalltown take on the buried lives of those who almost never make the news, and one boy’s attempt to make sense of it all.
G&D Media Dick Sutphen's Wisdom
Willford Press Haptic Technology Handbook
Willford Press Nuclear Physics: Theory and Applications
Murphy & Moore Publishing Novel Techniques and Applications of Gamma Radiation
Crooked Lane Books Text Appeal: A Novel
Texas A & M University Press The Cedar Choppers: Life on the Edge of Nothing
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press A Studio of One's Own: Fictional Women Painters and the Art of Fiction
A Studio of One's Own: Fictional Women Painters and the Art of Fiction is a critical study of the portrayal of women artists in nineteenth- and twentieth-century novels in English, including British, American, Irish, and Canadian women writers. This book traces the gradual progression from amateur parlor painters in the novels of Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, and others, to the serious professional painters depicted by contemporary writers such as Margaret Atwood, Mary Gordon, and A. S. Byatt. In fiction as in history, the woman artist's working space enlarges through time - by uneven steps - from a portfolio in a cupboard to a studio or atelier where work may be completed and prepared for sale or exhibition. This working space is a measure of the claim that the artist makes upon the world. Unlike several previous critical studies, which interpret the term 'artist' broadly so as to include women writers and musicians, A Studio of One's Own restricts the subject to visual artists to allow a sharper focus on the many and varied transactions between the sister arts of painting and fiction. In particular, a writer's use of ekphrasis - verbal descriptions of works of visual art - serves to authenticate the fictional painter and to manifest the tensions between verbal and visual representation. The purpose of this book is, first, to interpret the implied dialogue of the writers with the artist figures they create so as to reveal the writer's view of creativity in both its aesthetic and political dimensions; and, second, to explore certain remarkable continuities in the imagery depicting women artists in the novels. Most notably, recurrent images present the artist as liminal and her work as suspended or unfinished, terms which reflect not only the woman painter's historic marginality, but also her creative potential. In eight of the novels under discussion, the painter lives or works at the edge of an ocean, a literally liminal position with a variety of symbolic implicati
PublicAffairs,U.S. Superfast Primetime Ultimate Nation
Bella Books Vagabond Heart
Bella Books A Secret to Tell
Bella Books Pleasure of the Chase
Bella Books Deadly Intersection
Bella Books White Offerings
Large Print Press The Last Boyfriend
Harvard Common Press The Plant Protein Revolution Cookbook Supercharge Your Body with More Than 85 Delicious Vegan Recipes Made with ProteinRich PlantBased Ingredients
Tyndale House Publishers Desperate Forgiveness
Edinburgh University Press Shakespeare, the Reformation and the Interpreting Self
Reconceptualises Shakespeare's representations of selfhood by drawing on the long history behind the modern West's assumption that to be human is to be an interpreter of reality Provides a ground-breaking contribution to the expanding field of study situated at the intersections of Shakespeare, religion and philosophy Illuminates the indebtedness of Shakespeare's dramatization of human understanding as interpretive to the Protestant Reformation's reconfiguring of people's relation to knowledge and people as knowers (that is, the Reformers' theological hermeneutics) Offers a distinctive vantage point on our sense of Shakespeare's modernity by employing a critical framework that shows the influence of the Reformers' hermeneutics on the thinking about humans as knowers of Hans-Georg Gadamer and other prominent modern philosophers of hermeneutics Presents innovative, substantial readings of Shakespeare's 'problem plays' Hamlet, Troilus and Cressida, Measure for Measure and All's Well That Ends Well and their viewpoints on human subjectivity We share with Shakespeare, it seems, the assumption that to be human is to know through interpretation. This innovative study examines Shakespeare's compelling dramatisations of the interpreting self through the lens of a hermeneutical tradition that spans culture-shaping early modern religious beliefs about human knowing and pivotal philosophical ideas of our age. What is it to be an interpreting self? Shakespeare, the Reformation and the Interpreting Self offers fresh perspectives on critical questions about the self's finitude, agency, motivations, self-knowledge and ethical relation to others; questions that were of great relevance in Shakespeare's England and which continue to frame present-day dilemmas and debates about human experience and human being.
Chronicle Books Paris in Color Notebook Collection
Rouge, vert, jaune! The photographs on the covers of these lined notebooks capture the unique colours and charming details of Paris, as seen in the popular book Paris in Color.
Simon & Schuster The Midwife of Venice
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Rage Within
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Voices of World War I: Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life
Bringing together a diverse collection of primary source documents, this book illuminates the events and experiences of World War I from a variety of perspectives, from soldiers on the front lines to civilians supporting the war effort at home. Part of Bloomsbury’s Voices of an Era series, this carefully curated collection highlight the wartime experiences of a diverse array of individuals from around the globe. In addition to covering major military innovations and turning points, documents explore how issues of gender, race,diplomacy, and empire building impacted individuals’ experience of the Great War. Each of the 42 documents includes contextual information and thought-provoking questions to guide readers in their exploration of the text. In addition to high-interest sidebars, in-text glossary definitions, biographical snapshots of key figures, and a comprehensive chronology of the war, the book also includes a guide to evaluating and interpreting primary sources that bolsters readers' analytical and critical thinking skills. Although it was nicknamed "the war to end all wars," World War I heralded the start of modern-day conflicts. The human toll of the Great War was immense—an estimated 9 million soldiers died on the battlefield, while more than 5 million civilians died as the result of military actions, disease, or famine. In the wake of World War I, empires crumbled and new nations won their independence. Although the events and aftermath of World War I happened on an epic scale, the conflict is best understood through the human lens provided by these primary sources.
Large Print Press The Awakening
Silhouette Books Catch My Heart