Search results for ""Author Marion"
Ars Vivendi Safran Soja Süßkartoffel
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Lavendeltage in der Auberge de Lilly Roman
FISCHER Sauerländer Julie Jewels Perlenschein und Wahrheitszauber
Magellan GmbH Am Ende des Regenwaldes
Wochenschau Verlag Brücken bauen Menschen stärken
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Wander dich glücklich Gardasee
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Wander dich glcklich Pfalz 30 erholsame Wanderungen
Bertelsmann Verlag Der Himmel unter dem wir Kinder waren
Bertelsmann Verlag Ein Garten über der Elbe
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Die Kieferninseln
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Chor der Erinnyen
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Nimbus Gedichte
Suedwest Verlag Fit schlank mit dem MiniTrampolin Fr eine schne Figur mehr Gesundheit und gute Laune
Piper Verlag GmbH Spiele mit der Macht Wie Frauen sich durchsetzen
Müller Rudolf BIMProzess kompakt mit EBook PDF
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Lesefreunde 2. Schuljahr. Lesebuch mit Lernentwicklungsheft Östliche Bundesländer und Berlin
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Kunst zu leben
Heyne Taschenbuch Terra Nova
Heyne Taschenbuch Algorytmica
Herder Verlag GmbH Digitale Medien in der Kita
Herder Verlag GmbH MontessoriPdagogik und digitale Medien in Krippe und Kita
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier EKG endlich verständlich
De Gruyter Zwischen "exemplum" und "opus absolutum": Studien zum Abzeichnen im italienischen Tre- und Quattrocento zwischen Mustertransfer und Kopie
Im Italien des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts avancierte das formmimetische Abzeichnen zu einer zentralen Tätigkeit in den Künstlerwerkstätten. Ökonomisierungsprozesse korrelierten mit einem neuartigen Bedürfnis nach Bildpropaganda, aber auch mit der Stilisierung bestimmter Künstler und ihrer Werke zu originellen und kanonischen Vorbildern. So entstanden Zeichnungen, die den Anspruch erheben, das Werk einer individuellen Künstlerpersönlichkeit als abgelöstes Ganzes (opus absolutum) zu transportieren: Im Unterschied zu zeichenhaft verweisenden Kopien scheint hier jedes Bildelement zwingend. Diese Tendenz steht in einem wechselvollen Spannungsverhältnis zu weiterlebenden Traditionen, in denen Vorbildliches als Muster (exemplum) weitergereicht oder bildthematische Vorgaben als iconographic guides nutzbar gemacht wurden.
Bibliograph. Instit. GmbH Deutsch in 15 Minuten Texte schreiben 5.6. Klasse
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Musik hören
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Musik machen
Max Hueber Verlag Deutsch uben - Taschentrainer: Taschentrainer - Wortschatz Grundstufe
Klett Ernst /Schulbuch Green Line Oberstufe Klasse 10 Language and Skills Trainer mit AudioCD und CDROM
FISCHER, S. Ab jetzt ist Ruhe
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Einsterns Schwester 3 Jahrgangsstufe 4 Themenhefte im Paket Bayern Sprache und Lesen
Helvetiq Verlag In den Bergen
St Bede's Publications,U.S. Benedictine Roots of Faith in Australia
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Understanding Cerebral Palsy: A Guide for Parents and Professionals
An invaluable starting point for anyone encountering cerebral palsy for the first time, this book provides essential background information on causes, types and symptoms, as well as vital advice about the treatments, therapies and sources of support available. Practical tips on everyday considerations such as communication, diet and education will help parents achieve the best quality of life for their child. A final chapter explores options after compulsory education and how best to support a young person making the transition to independent adulthood. Using personal experience and case studies as sources of inspiration, as well as a comprehensive list of resources to signpost readers to further information, this positive handbook will help parents and professionals more fully understand cerebral palsy and the different options available to people with the condition.
Policy Press Reinventing social solidarity across Europe
As Europe's public realms face upheaval, this is the first book to identify how social solidarity is being reinvented from below and redefined from above. Interdisciplinary transnational approaches provide new insights into the relationship between national and transnational social solidarity across Europe.Valuable to students, policy makers and scholars, it reveals social solidarity as the defining pillar of European integration, bringing a greater dimension and integrity beyond democracy across nation states.
Collective Ink Do You Realize? – A Story of Love and Grief and the Colours of Existence
The other day, as I came out from the station, I caught a glimpse of dark hair and for a second, I thought it was you, Mina. So begins this searingly honest account, written by a psychotherapist, who returns from her summer vacation to discover that one of her patients has died unexpectedly: a young woman, with whom she had felt a particularly close connection. That day she carries on as normal, sees all her patients, only to wake in the middle of the night, sweating and shaking in the dark, and with the strangest sensation of falling. A rapid freefall ensues, a spiralling descent into grief and a kind of madness, as present and past collide and she begins to confront what she has always feared. A compelling narrative centred on death and love and loss, Do You Realize? raises profound and penetrating questions: What is grief? For who and what do we grieve when we lose somebody? and How do we live life fully and passionately, and yet, face up to death?
Hachette Children's Group The ME Book: An Art Activity Book
With creative ideas and inspired prompts, this art activity title will have young artists filling the pages with all sorts of wild and wonderful things about themselves. The activities range from simple things like your birthday, your eye colour, portraits of your family and friends or filling in information about your favourite foods or clothes, to the more weird and wonderful, like your favourite smells, how many star jumps you can do in one minute and what flavour you would be if you were an ice-cream.Perfect for self-expression and building children's confidence through creativity, the celebratory and fun activities will put each child centre-stage as they complete their very own book about themselves!
Edinburgh University Press The Lyric Poem and Aestheticism: Forms of Modernity
Lyric poetry's response to a crisis of relevance in Victorian ModernityThis study explores lyric poetry's response to a crisis of relevance in Victorian Modernity, offering an analysis of literature usually elided by studies of the modern formation of the genre and uncovering previously unrecognized discourses within it. Setting the focal aestheticist poetry (c. 1860 to 1914) within much broader historical, theoretical and aesthetic frames, it speaks to those interested in Victorian and modernist literature and culture, but also to a burgeoning audience of the 'new lyric studies'. The six case studies introduce fresh poetic voices as well as giving innovative analyses of canonical writers (such as D. G. Rossetti, Ezra Pound, A. C. Swinburne).Key FeaturesChallenges and transforms existing narratives of the modern formation of the 'lyric' genre through engagement with a body of work that larger-scale genre histories elideOffers innovative analysis of aestheticist poetry from the 1860s to the early years of the twentieth centuryProvides three fresh theoretical frames to examine the relationship between poetry and modernityIncludes case studies featuring a range of literary figures such as D. G. Rossetti, Alice Meynell, Thomas Hardy, Michael Field, Arthur Symons, A. C. Swinburne and Ezra Pound
Simon & Schuster Ltd Witchcraft
Fort Publishing Ltd Woking: The Way We Were
Common Deer Press The Caves of Wonder
Poolbeg Press Ltd A Soldiers Wife
Fenix Flames Publishing Ltd Celtic Sacrifice: Pre-Christian Ritual and Religion
Spokesman Books Greece: From Resistance to Civil War
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Common Sense: Its History, Method, and Applicability
Manchester University Press Chantal Akerman
Chantal Akerman is widely acclaimed as one of the most original and important directors working in Europe today. A towering figure in women’s and feminist film-making, she has produced a diverse and intensely personal body of work ranging from minimalist portraits of the everyday to exuberant romantic comedies, and from documentaries and musicals to installation art. This book traces the director’s career at the crossroads between experimental and mainstream cinema, contextualising her work within the American avant-garde of the 1970s, European anti-naturalism, feminism and the post-modern aesthetics. While offering an in-depth analysis of her multi-faceted film style, it also stresses the social and ethical dimension of her work, especially as regards her representation of marginal groups and her exploration of exilic and diasporic identities. Particular attention is given to the inscription of the Holocaust and of Jewish memory in her films.