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Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Betriebsrat für Dummies
Die Autorinnen beschreiben die Funktion, die Rechte und Pflichten sowie die tägliche Arbeit des Betriebsrats: von der Zusammensetzung des Gremiums über die Organisation der Arbeit, die Gestaltung der Betriebsversammlung und die Ausübung des Mitbestimmungsrechts bei Einstellung, Abmahnung, Kündigung und Eingruppierung bis zur Verhandlung über Betriebsvereinbarungen oder einen Sozialplan. Sie informieren ausführlich darüber, welche Fragen der Betriebsrat regeln kann und welche nicht, wo er gegebenenfalls Unterstützung erhält und welche Informationsquellen unerlässlich sind.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Abriss der Bierbrauerei
Das Lehrbuch zur Bierbrauerei von Ludwig Narziß ist seit vielen Jahren das Standardwerk auf diesem Gebiet. Die neue, achte Auflage wurde komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Für Studenten ist das Buch ein kurz gefasster Leitfaden, der jedoch alle wesentlichen Aspekte abdeckt. Der bereits im Betrieb tätige Praktiker erhält eine Fülle von Anregungen und einen umfassenden Überblick über den heutigen Stand der Brauereitechnologie sowie der naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Bierbrauerei. Neu in dieser Auflage: * das Kapitel "Die Deutschen Biertypen" * das Kapitel "Malze aus anderen Getreidearten und deren Verarbeitung" * weiterführende Literatur ab Kapitel 3 Das Autorenteam ist um drei hervorragende Fachleute auf dem Gebiet der Bierbrauerei erweitert worden. Werner Back, Martin Zarnkow und Martina Gastl (alle Technische Universität München, Weihenstephan) stehen für die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung dieses Lehrbuches.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH EGitarre fur Dummies
Kein Instrument steht wie die E-Gitarre für die moderne oder klassische Rockmusik. Die E-Gitarre ist neben ihrer akustischen Verwandten sicherlich das populärste Musikinstrument. Und das hat auch seine Gründe: Mit kaum einem anderen Instrument kann man so viel Leidenschaft, Kraft und Ausdrucksstärke beweisen. Jon Chappell zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie die Gitarre richtig halten und stimmen, wie Sie Akkorde und Riffs spielen und Spieltechniken wie Hammer-Ons, Pull-Offs, Slides, Bending und Co. meistern. Sie erfahren alles über die verschiedenen Rockgenres - von Rock''n''Roll und Classic Rock bis Jazz und Heavy Metal. Und natürlich macht Sie dieses Buch auch mit dem Equipment des angehenden Rockmusikers vertraut: Verstärker, Verzerrer und andere Effektgeräte. So erhalten Sie eine umfassende Einführung in dieses vielseitige Instrument. Und weil alle Theorie grau ist und damit Sie gleich richtig loslegen können, finden Sie auf der beiliegenden Audio-CD zahlreiche Beispieltracks zum Anhören und Nach
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Woran du erkennst, dass deine Katze deinen Tod plant
Eine Katze hält sich für einen Puma und ihr Miauen für furchteinflößendes Brüllen. Sie übt im Katzenklo das Verscharren von Leichen. Wenn sie gähnt, ist sie nicht müde - sie zeigt Ihnen ihr Killergesicht. "Woran du erkennst, dass deine Katze deinen Tod plant" enthüllt in skurrilen Comics die wahre Natur der gemeinen Hauskatze. Zu Papier gebracht hat sie der Meister des entlarvenden Humors The Oatmeal - herausgekommen ist eine urkomische und geistreiche Comicsammlung, die uns darüber aufklärt, was Katzen wirklich wollen: die Weltherrschaft (und natürlich am Bauch gekrault werden). Wenn deine Katze auf dir sitzt und trampelt, ist das kein Zuneigungsbeweis. Sie überprüft deine inneren Organe auf Schwachstellen. Wenn deine Katze dir einen toten Vogel bringt, ist das kein Geschenk, sondern eine Warnung. "Woran du erkennst, dass deine Katze deinen Tod plant" ist eine urkomische und geistvolle Sammlung von Katzen-Comics, Fakten und Handlungsempfehlungen aus dem kreativen Wunderland von The Oatmeal.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Efficiently Studying Organic Chemistry: Exam Training for Chemists, Biochemists, Pharmacists, Life and Health Scientists
Efficiently Studying Organic Chemistry Complete yet concise learning resource for organic chemistry exam training Based on the author’s extensive teaching experience, this unique textbook comprises the essentials of organic chemistry in 86 chapters as concise, self-contained units of study. Each chapter, visually presented as one or two double pages, includes questions to allow for immediate and effective self-examination. Answers are summarized in the appendix. Topics covered within the book include: Basic concepts (atomic and molecular orbitals, covalent bonding, hybridization, resonance, aromaticity) Molecular structure (atom connectivity, skeletal isomerism, conformation, configuration, chirality) The classes of organic compounds including natural products, polymers, and biopolymers Types, mechanisms, selectivity, and specificity of organic reactions Molecular structure elucidation (mass spectrometry, UV and visible light absorption, IR and NMR spectroscopy) Planning organic syntheses The perfect fit for bachelor and master students alike, this book is an all-in-one resource for efficiently studying and passing organic chemistry exams.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH High-Entropy Materials: From Basics to Applications
High-Entropy Materials Significant update of knowledge in the field of high-entropy materials, including promising new high-entropy ceramics High-Entropy Materials provides information on state-of-the-art development in the field of high-entropy materials, including high-entropy alloys, high-entropy ceramics, and a variety of their applications, covering many core topics to provide a thorough and detailed overview of the subject. The book also thoroughly explores the applications of high-entropy materials in various areas, such as EBC/TBC coating, superhard and wear resistance coating, nuclear energy, batteries, catalysts, thermoelectric, supercapacitors, biocompatible structure, and microelectronics. In High-Entropy Materials, readers can expect to find specific information on: Basics of high entropy materials, structural features and thermodynamics of high-entropy materials, and theoretical design in high-entropy materials Synthesis and processing of high-entropy materials and characterization of high-entropy materials, as well as their mechanical and functional properties Challenges and future directions of high-entropy materials, a relatively new type of material that has been in development only since the early 2000s How high-entropy materials are a horizon-broadening class of materials that can significantly further humanity’s pursuit of progress Focusing on the fundamentals and developments of high-entropy alloys and ceramics as well as on their microstructure and properties for a wide range of applications, High-Entropy Materials is an essential resource on the subject for materials scientists, metallurgists, mechanical engineers, and professionals in the aerospace industries.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Instrumentation and Applications in Engineering, Life Science, and Energy Research
Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Explore the interdisciplinary applications of magnetic resonance microscopy in this one-of-a-kind resource In Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Instrumentation and Applications in Engineering, Life Science and Energy Research, a team of distinguished researchers delivers a comprehensive exploration of the use of magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) and similar techniques in an interdisciplinary milieux. Opening with a section on hardware and methodology, the book moves on to consider developments in the field of mobile nuclear magnetic resonance. Essential processes, including filtration, multi-phase flow and transport, and a wide range of systems – from biomarkers via single cells to plants and biofilms – are discussed next. After a fulsome treatment of MRM in the field of energy research, the editors conclude the book with a chapter extoling the virtues of a holistic treatment of theory and application in MRM. Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Instrumentation and Applications in Engineering, Life Science and Energy Research also includes: A thorough introduction to recent developments in magnetic resonance microscopy hardware and methods, including ceramic coils for MR microscopy Comprehensive explorations of applications in chemical engineering, including ultra-fast MR techniques to image multi-phase flow in pipes and reactors Practical discussions of applications in the life sciences, including MRI of single cells labelled with super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles In-depth examinations of new applications in energy research, including spectroscopic imaging of devices for electrochemical storage Perfect for practicing scientists from all fields, Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Instrumentation and Applications in Engineering, Life Science and Energy Research is an ideal resource for anyone seeking a one-stop guide to magnetic resonance microscopy for engineers, life scientists, and energy researchers.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Solvent-Free Methods in Nanocatalysis: From Catalyst Design to Applications
Solvent-Free Methods in Nanocatalysis Discover solvent-free approaches for the synthesis of nanocatalysts as well as various catalytic transformations in this unique one-stop resource Solvent-free methods have attracted wide attention in organic synthesis and catalysis as a promising approach towards “greener” and more sustainable chemical transformations. In this regard, nanocatalysis has seen particular growth in recent years. Solvent-Free Methods in Nanocatalysis gives an in-depth overview of nanocatalysts and their catalytic applications using solvent-free methods. After a brief introduction, it covers various synthetic techniques for the preparation of nanocatalysts and supports using solvent-free methods, e.g. ball-milling, microwave- and plasma-assisted methods. The book discusses in detail different catalyst classes, such as metal oxides, doped and functionalized nanocarbons, as well as nitride- and silica-based materials to help researchers to understand the efficiency and nature of these catalysts/supports based on their chemical structure. In the book readers will also find: A brief account of the history, challenges, and recent advances in the field Detailed discussion of advantages and disadvantages of solvent-free techniques for nanocatalyst preparation Treatment of important solvent- and catalyst-free organic transformations (i.e. oxidation, coupling and multicomponent reactions) A chapter on supported ionic liquids for solvent-free catalysis Written by leading researchers in the field, Solvent-Free Methods in Nanocatalysis is a useful reference for researchers and students working in organic synthesis, catalysis, and nanomaterials science.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Exploring Immunology: Concepts and Evidence
This concise introductory textbook uses carefully chosen examples from clinical and experimental observations to provide an insight into the principles underlying the immune system. As a result, it encourages readers to ask critical questions in order to further advance our understanding of this unique organ. Both authors are experienced lecturers and highly regarded researchers.The book is professionally illustrated in four color throughout with beautiful artwork which by itself distinguish the title from any comparable title.Website:
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Perovskite Materials and Devices, 2 Volumes
Perovskite Materials and Devices A comprehensive overview of the important scientific and technological advances in commercialization of this important mineral Perovskite has held much interest for scientists and industrialists, as the mineral is abundantly available in nature. Due to the intriguing and unusual physical properties of perovskite materials—the high-absorption coefficient, low exciton-binding energy, and high dielectric constant, for example—there has been substantial focus on perovskite’s potential in applications. In particular, they have been of great use in sensors and catalyst electrodes, certain types of fuel cells, solar cells, lasers, memory devices, and spintronics, and as a result hold exciting opportunities for physicists, chemists, and material scientists alike. Perovskite Materials and Devices comprehensively covers all the milestone work in perovskites research, systematically introducing the properties, methods, and technologies associated with the mineral from fundamentals to promising applications to commercialization issues. The book focuses on traditional and novel electronic operations, such as solar cells, LEDs, lasing, photodetectors, X-ray detectors, transistors, and more. It also investigates ways to make the use of such materials more environmentally friendly, which in turn can make perovskite minerals more commercially viable. Perovskite Materials and Devices readers will also find Summaries of the latest state-of-the-art developments and technologies, such as perovskite nanocrystals and novel electronic devices Detailed discussion of organic/inorganic hybrid perovskites, all-inorganic perovskite CsPbX3, and lead-free halide perovskites Investigation of the photovoltaic applications, namely single-crystal devices, tandem cells, integrated devices, semi-transparent devices, and flexible devices Description of large-area module fabrication and stability investigating Perovskite Materials and Devices is a useful reference for materials scientists, solid state physicists and chemists, surface physicists and chemists, and electronic engineers. It is also an ideal resource for libraries that supply these fields.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Erfolgreich führen für Dummies
Teamleitung ist heutzutage nicht mehr nur das Privileg von Managern, Abteilungsleitern oder Pfadfindern. Jeder, der einmal mit Führungsaufgaben betraut war, weiß um die Schwierigkeiten, eine Gruppe zusammen zu halten und zu motivieren. Marshall Loeb und Stephan Kindel zeigen Ihnen, worauf es in solchen Situationen ankommt und wie Sie sie bewältigen können. Lernen Sie Ihr Team zu motivieren, gemeinsame Ziele zu formulieren und sie auch umzusetzen. Sie werden schnell erkennen: Führungsqualitäten kann man lernen!
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Softwaretesten nach ISTQB für Dummies
Soll in Ihrem Unternehmen neue Software eingeführt werden und Sie müssen sie testen? Und Sie wissen nicht, wie Sie das angehen sollen? Oder wollen Sie als Entwickler über den Tellerrand schauen und sich auch mit dem Softwaretesten beschäftigen? Dieses Buch erläutert alle vom ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level geforderten Lerninhalte sowohl für den Anwender mit Fachkenntnissen, der Software später einsetzen wird, als auch für den Programmierer. Die Übungen sind leicht in die eigene Praxis übertragbar und sorgen für eine optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung. Darüber hinaus wird für alle Testaktivitäten gezeigt, wie diese jeweils im klassischen oder im agilen Kontext aussehen.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Selbstbewusstsein trainieren für Dummies
Nobody is perfect - man muss nicht ohne Fehler sein, um ein glückliches Leben zu führen, sondern ein gesundes Selbstbewusstsein haben. Dieser praktische Ratgeber, verfasst von zwei Kognitiven Verhaltenstherapeuten, erklärt Ihnen, welche Bedeutung Selbstbewusstsein in Ihrem Leben hat und wie Sie Ihren eigenen Wert (wieder)entdecken. Die Autoren zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie sich realistische Ziele setzen, Ihr Selbstbewusstsein stärken und Ihr Leben genießen.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Requirements Engineering für Dummies
Für den Erfolg von Softwareprojekten ist es entscheidend, sich erstmal klar zu machen, wozu das System überhaupt dienen soll und wie es dafür beschaffen sein muss. Klingt eigentlich selbstverständlich, und doch scheitern Projekte oft gerade an der Anforderungsanalyse. Das Buch "Requirements Engineering für Dummies" beschreibt verständlich und pragmatisch, wie Sie vorgehen sollten - und zwar sowohl für klassische als auch für agile Projekte. Es liefert Ihnen Techniken, wie Sie Ziele bestimmen und Releases sinnvoll zusammenstellen, wie Sie Anforderungen erheben und verstehen, wie Sie mit Änderungen umgehen und wie Sie Fallstricke vermeiden. Das Buch ist auch geeignet zur Vorbereitung auf die CPRE-FL-Prüfung.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Allgemeinbildung für Dummies
Allgemeinbildung FOR DUMMIES Das Wichtigste über Natur, Gesellschaft, Mensch und Kunst Eine gute Allgemeinbildung haben, wer will das nicht? Mit einer breiten Allgemeinbildung machen Sie einen guten Eindruck, sie hilft Ihnen, viele Sachverhalte schneller zu verstehen und immer mehr Arbeitgeber prüfen sie bei Einstellungstests. Die beiden Professoren Horst Herrmann und Winfried Göpfert erzählen Ihnen, was Sie wissen müssen: der eine über geisteswissenschaftliche, der andere über naturwissenschaftliche Themen. Sie erfahren das Wesentliche aus Geschichte, Physik, Philosophie, Chemie, Kunst, Wirtschaft, Sport, von der Entstehungsgeschichte der Erde, des Alls und des Menschen. Erstmals stehen hier in einem Band über Allgemeinbildung Natur- und Geistes- wissenschaften gleichberechtigt nebeneinander und so Sind Sie wirklich umfassend gebildet, wenn Sie dieses Buch gelesen haben. Sie erfahren: Wie der menschliche Körper aufgebaut ist Was in der Geschichte so alles passierte Wer die wichtigsten Musiker waren Wie unsere Wirtschaft funktioniert Was es mit dem Rechtswesen auf sich hat Wie das Leben entstand
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Six Sigma für Dummies
Möchten Sie verstehen, was Six Sigma genau ist? Wollen Sie die Vorteile von Six Sigma in Ihrer Firma nutzen und so Abläufe optimieren? Dann greifen Sie zu "Six Sigma für Dummies" und lassen Sie sich leicht verständlich erklären, was es damit genau auf sich hat. Six Sigma ist eine auf Effizienz ausgerichtete Qualitätssicherungsmethode. Es ist eine quantitative Methode, bei der genau ermittelt wird, wie das Ziel aussehen soll und wie groß die Fehlerabweichung von diesem Idealziel ist, sei es ein Produktionsprozess oder die Kundenorientierung eines Unternehmens. Es ist eine erfolgreiche Methode, viele Unternehmen setzen Six Sigma bereits ein.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Practical Guide to Materials Characterization: Techniques and Applications
Practical Guide to Materials Characterization Practice-oriented resource providing a hands-on overview of the most relevant materials characterization techniques in chemistry, physics, engineering, and more Practical Guide to Materials Characterization focuses on the most widely used experimental approaches for structural, morphological, and spectroscopic characterization of materials, providing background, insights on the correct usage of the respective techniques, and the interpretation of the results. With a focus on practical applications, the work illustrates what to use and when, including real-life examples showing which characterization techniques are best suited for particular purposes. Furthermore, the work covers the practical elements of the analytical techniques used to characterize a wide range of functional materials (both in bulk as well as thin film form) in a simple but thorough manner. To aid in reader comprehension, Practical Guide to Materials Characterization is divided into eight distinct chapters. To set the stage, the first chapter of the book reviews the fundamentals of materials characterization that are necessary to understand and use the methods presented in the ensuing chapters. Among the techniques covered are X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray spectroscopy, electron microscopies, magnetic measurement techniques, infrared spectroscopy, and dielectric measurements. Specific sample topics covered in the remaining seven chapters include: Bragg’s Law, the Von Laue Treatment, Laue’s Equation, the Rotating Crystal Method, the Powder Method, orientation of single crystals, and structure of polycrystalline aggregates Classical theory of Raman scattering, quantum theory of Raman spectroscopy, high-pressure Raman spectroscopy, and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy Basic principles of XAS, energy referencing, XPS spectra and its features, Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), and interaction of electrons with matter Magnetization measuring instruments, the SQUID magnetometer, and the advantages and disadvantages of vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) With comprehensive and in-depth coverage of the subject, Practical Guide to Materials Characterization is a key resource for practicing professionals who wish to better understand key concepts in the field and seamlessly harness them in a myriad of applications across many different industries.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Solids and Surfaces: A Chemist's View of Bonding in Extended Structures
This unique book shows how chemistry and physics come together in the solid state and on surfaces. Using a lively, graphic, descriptive approach, it teaches chemists the language that is necessary to understand the electronic structure of extended systems. And, at the same time, it demonstrates how a chemical, frontier-orbital, approach to solid state and surface bonding and reactivity may be constructed. The book begins with the language of crystal orbitals, band structures and densities of states. The tools for moving back from the highly delocalized orbitals of the solid are then built up in a transparent manner; they include decompositions of the densities of states and crystal orbital overlap populations. Using these tools, the book shapes a meeting ground between detailed quantum mechanical calculations and a chemical frontier orbital perspec- tive. Applications include a general picture of chemisorption, bond-breaking and making in the solid state, bonding in metals, the electronic structure of selected conducting and supercon- ducting structures, dissociation, migration and coupling on surfaces and the forces controlling deformation of extended systems.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Das dämliche Geschlecht: Warum es Noch Immer Kaum Frauen im Management gibt
Auch mit Angela Merkel als 1. Bundeskanzlerin gibt es immer noch sehr wenige weibliche Topmanagerinnen in Unternehmen. Die meisten Frauen glauben, die Männer sind schuld. Am Krieg, an der Kälte im Unternehmen, an der Abwesenheit von Frauen in allen wichtigen Funktionen des öffentlichen Lebens. Barbara Bierach wagt den Widerspruch. Ihre These ist: Frauen sind nicht unterprivilegiert in diesem Land, sondern Frauen verhalten sich häufig einfach saublöd. Gegen Frau muss Mann sich nicht verschwören, Frauen erledigen sich schneller und gründlicher selbst, als Männer das je könnten. Dämlich sind Frauen, weil sie sich nicht einfach die Hälfte des Himmels nehmen. Frauen sind weder intellektuell schwächer als Männer, noch körperlich unterlegen. Sanft, einfühlsam und teamorientiert lassen sich Frauen immer noch mit den Krümeln von den Tellern der Macht abspeisen. Viele Akademikerinnen erkennen mit Mitte Dreißig, dass Karriere zwar glamourös klingt, aber tatsächlich ungeheuer viel Arbeit ist. Entnervt von dem ständigen Ringkampf um Positionen und Budgets ziehen sie sich in eine Villa am Stadtrand zurück und werden Mutter. Dagegen ist auch nichts einzuwenden. Unaufrichtig wird dieses Verhalten nur dann, wenn Frauen nicht zugeben, dass sie sich bewusst gegen Macht und Verantwortung entschieden haben und sich hinter der Mär von der Glasdecke verschanzen, jenem unsichtbaren Deckel, der ihre Karriere bremst. Wer Anglistik studiert, wird nicht Vorstand, wer nicht in der Lage ist, sein Gehalt zu verhandeln, wird immer den Kürzeren ziehen, wenn es darum geht "und wer von uns beiden passt jetzt auf die Kinder auf?". Und wer erschöpft aufgibt, sollte hinterher nicht jammern, dass andere immer noch die Macht haben.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH IFRS–Wörterbuch / –Dictionary Englisch–Deutsch/ Deutsch–Englisch
The first of its kind to concentrate on those terms related to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), this dictionary provides more than mere translations, explaining as it does the keywords like a glossary. In addition, cross-references lead the user quickly and easily to further associated or explanatory terms. In this way, the dictionary is an essential aid to translating and analyzing the IFRS accounts of German companies, while also proving invaluable in drawing up English annual reports or financial reports. A useful, timesaving tool for both German and English speakers.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Nanophysics and Nanotechnology: An Introduction to Modern Concepts in Nanoscience
Long awaited new edition of this highly successful textbook, provides once more a unique introduction to the concepts, techniques and applications of nanoscale systems by covering its entire spectrum up to recent findings on graphene.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Phase-Field Methods in Materials Science and Engineering
This comprehensive and self-contained, one-stop source discusses phase-field methodology in a fundamental way, explaining advanced numerical techniques for solving phase-field and related continuum-field models. It also presents numerical techniques used to simulate various phenomena in a detailed, step-by-step way, such that readers can carry out their own code developments. Features many examples of how the methods explained can be used in materials science and engineering applications.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Advanced Chemical Process Control: Putting Theory into Practice
Advanced Chemical Process Control Bridge the gap between theory and practice with this accessible guide Process control is an area of study which seeks to optimize industrial processes, applying different strategies and technologies as required to navigate the variety of processes and their many potential challenges. Though the body of chemical process control theory is robust, it is only in recent decades that it has been effectively integrated with industrial practice to form a flexible toolkit. The need for a guide to this integration of theory and practice has therefore never been more urgent. Advanced Chemical Process Control meets this need, making advanced chemical process control accessible and useful to chemical engineers with little grounding in the theoretical principles of the subject. It provides a basic introduction to the background and mathematics of control theory, before turning to the implementation of control principles in industrial contexts. The result is a bridge between the insights of control theory and the needs of engineers in plants, factories, research facilities, and beyond. Advanced Chemical Process Control readers will also find: Detailed overview of Control Performance Monitoring (CPM), Model Predictive Control (MPC), and more Discussion of the cost benefit analysis of improved control in particular jobs Authored by a leading international expert on chemical process control Advanced Chemical Process Control is essential for chemical and process engineers looking to develop a working knowledge of process control, as well as for students and graduates entering the chemical process control field.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Titanium Carbide MXenes: Synthesis, Characterization, Energy and Environmental Applications
Titanium Carbide MXenes Discover the future of solar energy with this introduction to an essential new family of materials MXenes are a recently-discovered family of two-dimensional organic compounds formed from transition metal carbides. Their unique properties, such as high stability and electron conductivity, have made them a sought-after commodity with many industrial applications in cutting-edge industries. In particular, titanium carbide MXenes look poised to have significant applications in the solar energy industry, with potentially revolutionary consequences for the sustainable energy future. Titanium Carbide MXenes offers a thorough and accessible introduction to this family of compounds and their possible applications. It begins by surveying the fundamentals of the MXene groups, before characterizing titanium carbide MXenes and their processes of synthesis. It then moves on to discuss applications, current and future. The result is a must-read for researchers and professionals looking to synthesize and construct these materials and apply them in sustainable industry. Titanium Carbide MXenes readers will also find: Detailed treatment of MXenes including nitrides composites, perovskites composites, and more Discusses applications in photocatalytic CO2 reduction, hydrogen production, water splitting, and more Roughly 100 figures illustrating key concepts Titanium Carbide MXenes is a must-have for materials scientists, catalytic chemists, and scientists in industry.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Wearable Solar Cells: Mechanisms, Materials, and Devices
Wearable Solar Cells Understand a groundbreaking new energy technology Solar energy is one of the most important paths to a sustainable future. In recent years, extensive research and development has begun to produce wearable solar cells, whose novel planar and fiber format gives them enormous flexibility and a wide range of potential uses. The possibility of a solar energy source that can be fitted to the human body promises to become an extraordinary tool for meeting various kinds of personal energy needs. Wearable Solar Cells: Mechanisms, Materials, and Devices serves as a comprehensive introduction to this cutting-edge technology and its applications. Recent research pointing towards fiber-format solar cells as a bold new frontier is summarized and explored. The result is an essential resource for both experienced researchers and newcomers to the field. Wearable Solar Cells readers will also find: Close coverage of integrated energy harvesting and storage devices Detailed discussion of dye-sensitized solar cells, polymer solar cells, perovskite solar cells, and more An authorial team with decades of combined research experience Wearable Solar Cells is ideal for materials scientists, polymer chemists, electrical engineers, solid-state physicists, and advanced students interested in these and related topics.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Point-of-Care Biosensors for Infectious Diseases
Point-of-Care Biosensors for Infectious Diseases Comprehensive resource covering key developments in biosensor-based diagnostics for infectious diseases With its overview of currently available technologies, Point-of-Care Biosensors for Infectious Diseases serves as a starting point for the successful development and application of pathogen biosensors in a point-of-care setting. Here, expert authors review current challenges in pathogen detection and the selection of suitable biomarkers, detail currently available biosensor platforms including electrochemical, piezoelectric, magnetic, and optical sensors, and cover technology development for point-of-care biosensors for viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections. Point-of-Care Biosensors for Infectious Diseases covers key topics such as: Fundamentals of biosensor detection, with a focus on optical and electrochemical techniques Organic and inorganic based nanomaterials for healthcare diagnostics Strategies for miniaturizing biosensor devices, and state-of-the-art integrated sensing platforms Latest trends in point-of-care biosensing systems to detect, diagnose, and monitor infectious diseases Providing comprehensive coverage of the subject, Point-of-Care Biosensors for Infectious Diseases is an excellent reference for all developers, researchers, and technology managers in the areas of molecular diagnosis, infectious diseases, biosensors, and related fields.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Wiley-Schnellkurs Organische Chemie III: Synthese
Bei organischer Synthese entstehen neue Stoffe. Dieser Wiley-Schnellkurs führt Sie schnell und kompetent in dieses Gebiet der Organischen Chemie ein. David R. Klein erklärt Ihnen was Sie zu elektrophiler und nukleophiler aromatischer Substitution wissen sollten und was Sie bei Ketonen, Aldehyden, Aminen, Enolen und vielem mehr beachten sollten. Mit zahlreichen Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen können Sie Ihr Wissen festigen und testen. So ist dieses Buch das richtige für Sie, wenn Sie sich schnell in diesen Bereich der Organik einarbeiten wollen.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Phases of Matter and their Transitions: Concepts and Principles for Chemists, Physicists, Engineers, and Materials Scientists
Phases of Matter and their Transitions An all-in-one, comprehensive take on matter and its phase properties In Phases of Matter and their Transitions, accomplished materials scientist Dr. Gijsbertus de With delivers an accessible textbook for advanced students in the molecular sciences. It offers a balanced and self-contained treatment of the thermodynamic and structural aspects of phases and the transitions between them, covering solids, liquids, gases, and their interfaces. The book lays the groundwork to describe particles and their interactions from the perspective of classical and quantum mechanics and compares phenomenological and statistical thermodynamics. It also examines materials with special properties, like glasses, liquid crystals, and ferroelectrics. The author has included an extensive appendix with a guide to the mathematics and theoretical models employed in this resource. Readers will also find: Thorough introductions to classical and quantum mechanics, intermolecular interactions, and continuum mechanics Comprehensive explorations of thermodynamics, gases, liquids, and solids Practical discussions of surfaces, including their general aspects for solids and liquids Fulsome treatments of discontinuous and continuous transitions, including discussions of irreversibility and the return to equilibrium Perfect for advanced students in chemistry and physics, Phases of Matter and their Transitions will also earn a place in the libraries of students of materials science.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production for Sustainable Energy
Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production for Sustainable Energy A complete discussion of photocatalytic hydrogen production, including water splitting, biomass or waste valorization, solar reactors, photoelectrochemical technologies, and more In Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production for Sustainable Energy, distinguished researcher Dr. Alberto Puga delivers a comprehensive exploration of photocatalytic hydrogen production. In the book, readers will find explanations of why and how this technology is called to have a significant impact on cleaner and sustainable production of fuels and find a valuable source of information on the mechanisms of light harvesting and the chemical transformations occurring in these processes. The book explains the technical and engineering approaches currently being used in photocatalytic hydrogen production, as well as approaches that may be used in the future for both commercial and research purposes. A fulsome approach to the subject, covering everything from fundamental aspects of photocatalytic water splitting to waste valorization and solar plant operations, the book also includes: A thorough introduction to sustainability and photocatalytic hydrogen production in the context of renewable energy Comprehensive explorations of water splitting under visible light and ultraviolet irradiation Practical discussions of photoreforming and photocatalytic organic synthesis with convenient hydrogen release Fulsome treatments of photoelectrocatalytic water splitting for hydrogen production Perfect for photochemists and catalytic chemists, Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production for Sustainable Energy will also benefit other chemists, chemical engineers, materials scientists, energy engineers and physicists seeking a one-stop resource on the subject.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Flexible Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters and Sensors
Flexible Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters and Sensors A systematic and complete discussion of the latest progress in flexible piezoelectric energy harvesting and sensing technologies In Flexible Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters and Sensors, a team of distinguished researchers delivers a comprehensive exploration of the design methods, working mechanisms, microfabrication processes, and applications of flexible energy harvesters for wearable and implantable devices. The book discusses the monitoring of normal force, shear force, strain, and displacement in flexible sensors, as well as relevant artificial intelligence algorithms. Readers will also find an overview of design and research challenges facing professionals in the field, as well as a variety of perspectives on flexible energy harvesters and sensors. With an extensive focus on the use of flexible piezoelectric material technologies for medical applications, Flexible Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters and Sensors also includes: A thorough introduction to the working principles of piezoelectric devices, including discussions of flexible PEH and piezoelectric sensors Comprehensive treatments of the design of flexible piezoelectric energy harvesters, including the challenges associated with their structural design Fulsome explanations of the fabrication of flexible piezoelectric energy harvesters, including piezoelectric ceramic thin and think films In-depth treatments of cantilever piezoelectric energy harvesters, including optimized cantilever, bimorph, and optimized bimorph PEH Perfect for materials scientists, electronics engineers, and solid-state physicists, Flexible Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters and Sensors will also earn a place in the libraries of sensor developers, and surface physicists.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Calculations and Simulations of Low-Dimensional Materials: Tailoring Properties for Applications
Calculations and Simulations of Low-Dimensional Materials A comprehensive guide to methods for calculating and simulating the properties of low-dimensional materials Two-dimensional materials are those, such as graphene and 2D oxides, whose thickness is so small as to approach the atomic scale. Potential applications for these materials exist in an enormous range of scientific and industrial fields. A previous era of low-dimensional materials focused on direct experimentation to demonstrate the properties, reactions, and potential applications of these materials; however, in recent years, calculation and simulation have been shown to have considerable predictive power, reducing the period between design and deployment of these potentially critical materials. Calculations and Simulations of Low-Dimensional Materials offers the first comprehensive survey of this exciting new approach to low-dimensional materials. It guides readers through the foundational physics and through a range of calculation and simulation methods, each with different predictive capacities. Mastery of these methods will enable readers to narrowly tailor the properties of particular materials towards real-world applications, providing confidence in the underlying mechanics and in the range of possible outcomes. Calculations and Simulations of Low-Dimensional Materials readers will also find: Broad coverage of material properties, including electronic, spin, magnetic, photonic, optical, electrochemical and transport properties Discussion of potential applications in areas such as electronics, spintronics, and valleytronics Examination of further potential applications regarding quantum Hall phase, photonics, optoelectronics, multiferroic, and photocatalysis Calculations and Simulations of Low-Dimensional Materials is a useful reference for materials scientists, electrochemists, inorganic chemists, physical chemists, photochemists, and the libraries that support these professions.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Nanowire Energy Storage Devices: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
Nanowire Energy Storage Devices Comprehensive resource providing in-depth knowledge about nanowire-based energy storage technologies Nanowire Energy Storage Devices focuses on the energy storage applications of nanowires, covering the synthesis and principles of nanowire electrode materials and their characterization, and performance control. Major parts of the book are devoted to the applications of nanowire-based ion batteries, high energy batteries, supercapacitors, micro-nano energy storage devices, and flexible energy storage devices. The book also addresses global energy challenges by explaining how nanowires allow for the design and fabrication of devices that provide sustainable energy generation. With contributions from the founders of the field of nanowire technology, Nanowire Energy Storage Devices covers topics such as: Physical and chemical properties, thermodynamics, and kinetics of nanowires, and basic performance parameters of nanowire-based electrochemical energy storage devices Conventional, porous, hierarchical, heterogeneous, and hollow nanomaterials, and in-situ electron microscopic and spectroscopy characterization Electrochemistry, advantages, and issues of lithium-ion batteries, unique characteristic of nanowires for lithium-ion batteries, and nanowires as anodes in lithium-ion batteries Nanowires for other energy storage devices, including metal-air, polyvalent ion, alkaline, and sodium/lithium-sulfur batteries Elucidating the design, synthesis, and energy storage applications, Nanowire Energy Storage Devices is an essential resource for materials scientists, electrochemists, electrical engineers, and solid state physicists.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Introduction to Adhesive Bonding
Introduction to Adhesive Bonding A step-by-step introduction to basic principles and practical applications of adhesive bonding, designed for students and professionals alike Adhesive bonding—the process of joining two surfaces using glues, epoxies, plastic agents, and other adhesives—is a major technique with wide applications in industries as a diverse as aerospace, footwear manufacturing, and food packaging. Adhesive bonding holds several advantages over conventional joining techniques, such as uniform stress concentrations, protection of the bonded surfaces or joints, and the ability to join a variety of different materials and irregular surfaces. Introduction to Adhesive Bonding provides an accessible overview of the principles and common applications of adhesive bonding. Using a systematic approach, the authors thoroughly explain each step necessary to achieve a successful adhesive bond, including surface preparation, bonding agent selection, design and construction of bonded joints, health and safety considerations, and quality control. Readers are provided with both the theoretical foundation and practical information required to plan and complete their own adhesive bonding projects. This comprehensive yet reader-friendly volume: Highlights the inherent advantages of adhesive bonding in various applications Describes the use of adhesive bonding in the development of novel and advanced projects in different industries Features numerous real-world examples of adhesive bonding in areas such as the transportation industry, civil engineering, medical applications, and sports equipment Discusses how adhesives enable development of new products and constructions of reduced weight and size Identifies important limitations and durability concerns of the use of adhesives in specific applications Introduction to Adhesive Bonding is an ideal textbook for undergraduate or graduate Engineering and Chemistry programs, and a useful reference for researchers and industry professionals working in fields such as Engineering, Surface and Polymer Chemistry, and Materials Science.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Halide Perovskite Semiconductors: Structures, Characterization, Properties, and Phenomena
Halide Perovskite Semiconductors Enables readers to acquire a systematic and in-depth understanding of various fundamental aspects of halide perovskite semiconductors Halide Perovskite Semiconductors: Structures, Characterization, Properties, and Phenomena covers the most fundamental topics with regards to halide perovskites, including but not limited to crystal/defect theory, crystal chemistry, heterogeneity, grain boundaries, single-crystals/thin-films/nanocrystals synthesis, photophysics, solid-state ionics, spin physics, chemical (in)stability, carrier dynamics, hot carriers, surface and interfaces, lower-dimensional structures, and structural/functional characterizations. Included discussions on the fundamentals of halide perovskites aim to expand the basic science fields of physics, chemistry, and materials science. Edited by two highly qualified researchers, Halide Perovskite Semiconductors includes specific information on: Crystal/defect theory of halide perovskites, crystal chemistry of halide perovskites, and processing and microstructures of halide perovskites Single-crystals of halide perovskites, nanocrystals of halide perovskites, low-dimensional perovskite crystals, and nanoscale heterogeneity of halide perovskites Carrier mobilities and dynamics in halide perovskites, light emission of halide perovskites, photophysics and ultrafast spectroscopy of halide perovskites Hot carriers in halide perovskites, correlating photophysics with microstructures in halide perovskites, chemical stability of halide perovskites, and solid-state ionics of halide perovskites Readers can find solutions to technological issues and challenges based on the fundamental knowledge gained from this book. As such, Halide Perovskite Semiconductors is an essential in-depth treatment of the subject, ideal for solid-state chemists, materials scientists, physical chemists, inorganic chemists, physicists, and semiconductor physicists.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Managing Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning Projects: A Chemical Engineer's Guide
Managing Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning Projects An invaluable real-world guide to managing large-scale and complex Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) projects Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) infrastructure projects require engineers from several disciplines to adhere to strict budgetary, scheduling, and performance parameters. Chemical engineers involved in EPCC projects are involved primarily in ensuring that the process plant is designed correctly and safely—interacting with the client, contributing to feasibility studies, selecting specific technologies, developing process flow diagrams, and other key tasks. Managing Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning Projects: A Chemical Engineer’s Guide clearly defines the role of a chemical engineer in the EPCC industry and provides detailed and systematic coverage of each phase of an EPCC project. Drawing from their extensive experience in process design, optimization, and analysis, the author identifies and discuss each key task and consideration from a chemical engineer’s perspective. Topics include scope and process planning, construction support, operator training, safety and viability evaluation, and detail engineering. Provides a structured overview of the various challenges chemical engineers face in each project phase Introduces the essential aspects of the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning industry Describes the roles of chemical process engineers in each phase of EPCC projects and in different EPCC industry positions Discusses the interaction of process engineers with other disciplines and clients Managing Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning Projects: A Chemical Engineer’s Guide is a must-have resource for chemists in industry, process engineers, chemical Engineers, engineering consultants, and project managers and planners working on EPCC projects across the chemical Industry.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Helicenes: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
Helicenes A thorough introduction to everything there is to know about this fascinating compound class The intriguing nature of this highly interesting compound class has inspired much research over the last decade, and much of what has been produced is highly interdisciplinary, with applications found in catalysis, material science, and spectroscopy. Indeed, the field has reached maturity such that elegant synthetic methods are now available and novel applications in arenas such as enantioselective catalysis and optoelectronics are appearing. Helicenes provides not only an introduction to the synthesis of the fascinating compound class of helicenes, but also describes the properties and, most importantly, their applications. The book thoroughly explains several synthetic routes from classical to state-of-the-art methods. In addition, the different classes of helicene-based molecules – organic, organometallic, oligo-meric, and multidimensional – are covered. Helicenes readers will also find: Edited by world-leading experts in the field of chirality A comprehensive and well-structured approach that deals with every aspect of this compound class Discussions of the applications of helicenes in organic synthesis, photophysics, material science, optoelectronic devices, on-surface chemistry, and theoretical calculations A special focus on the applications of helicenes in catalysis, optoelectronics, non-linear optics, and chiroptical spectroscopy Chapters focusing on helicenes as theoretical helically chiral models Helicenes is an essential reference for organic chemists, materials scientists, spectroscopists, polymer chemists, inorganic chemists, and catalytic chemists, as well as students in these fields and libraries supplying them.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Applied Organic Chemistry: Reaction Mechanisms and Experimental Procedures in Medicinal Chemistry
An indispensable guide for all synthetic chemists who want to learn about the most relevant reactions and reagents employed to synthesize important heterocycles and drugs! The synthesis of natural products, bioactive compounds, pharmaceuticals, and drugs is of fundamental interest in modern organic chemistry. New reagents and reaction methods towards these molecules are being constantly developed. By understanding the mechanisms involved and scope and limitations of each reaction applied, organic chemists can further improve existing reaction protocols and develop novel efficient synthetic routes towards frequently used drugs, such as Aspirin or Penicillin. Applied Organic Chemistry provides a summary of important (name) reactions and reagents applied in modern organic chemistry and drug synthesis. It covers rearrangement, condensation, olefination, metathesis, aromatic electrophilic substitutions, Pd-catalyzed C-C bond forming reactions, multi-component reactions, as well as oxidations and reductions. Each chapter is clearly structured, providing valuable information on reaction details, step-by-step mechanism, experimental procedures, applications, and (patent) references. By providing mechanistic information and representative experimental procedures, this book is an indispensable guide for researchers and professionals in organic chemistry, natural product synthesis, pharmaceutical, and medicinal chemistry, as well as post-graduates preparing themselves for a job in the pharmaceutical industry. Hot Topic: Reviews important classes of organic reactions (incl. name reactions) and reagents in medicinal chemistry. Useful: Provides information on reaction details, common reagents, and functional group transformations used to synthesize natural products, bioactive compounds, drugs, and pharmaceuticals, e.g. Aspirin, Penicillin. Unique: For every reaction the mechanism is explained step by step, and representative experimental procedures are given, unlike most books in this area. User-friendly: Chapters are clearly structured making it easy for the reader to compare different reactions. Applied Organic Chemistry is an indispensable guide for researchers and professionals in organic chemistry, natural product synthesis, pharmaceutical, and medicinal chemistry, as well as post-graduates preparing themselves for a job in the pharmaceutical industry.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Miniaturized Analytical Devices: Materials and Technology
Miniaturized Analytical Devices An in-depth overview of integrating functionalized nanomaterials with mass spectrometry, spectroscopy, electrophoresis, and other important analytical techniques Miniaturized Analytical Devices: Materials and Technology is an up-to-date resource exploring the analytical applications of miniaturized technology in areas such as clinical microbiology, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and environmental analysis. The book covers the integration of functional nanomaterials in mass spectrometry, microscopy, electrophoresis, and more—providing the state-of-the-art information required for successfully implementing a range of chemical analysis techniques on microchips. Featuring contributions from a panel of international experts in the field, the book begins with an introduction to selected miniaturized devices, nanomaterials, and analytical methods. Subsequent sections describe functionalized nanomaterials (FNMs) for miniaturized devices and discuss techniques such as miniaturized mass spectrometry for bioassays and miniaturized microscopy for cell imaging. The book concludes by exploring a variety of applications of miniaturized devices in areas including metal analysis, bioimaging, DNA separation and analysis, molecular biology, and more. This timely volume: Surveys the current state of the field and provides a starting point for developing faster, more reliable, and more selective analytical devices Focuses on the practical applications of miniaturized analytical devices in materials science, clinical microbiology, the pharmaceutical industry, and environmental analysis Covers a wide range of materials and analytical techniques such as microvolume UV-VIS spectroscopy, microchip and capillary electrophoresis, and matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) analysis Discusses the role of miniaturized analytical devices in securing a green and sustainable future Miniaturized Analytical Devices: Materials and Technology is essential reading for analytical chemists, analytical laboratories, materials scientists, biologists, life scientists, and advanced students in related fields.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Amorphous Nanomaterials: Preparation, Characterization and Applications
A valuable overview covering important fundamental and applicative aspects of amorphous nanomaterials! Amorphous nanomaterials are very important in non-crystalline solids, which have emerged as a new category of advanced materials. Compared to the crystalline counterpart, amorphous nanomaterials with isotropic nature always exhibit fast ion diffusion, relieved strain, and higher reactivity, enabling such materials to exhibit high performance in mechanics and catalysis, as well as other interesting properties. Amorphous Nanomaterials: Preparation, Characterization, and Applications covers the fundamental concept, synthesis, characterization, properties, and applications of nanoscaled amorphous materials. It starts with the introduction of amorphous materials, then gives a global view of the history, structure, and growth mechanism of amorphous nanomaterials. Subsequently, some powerful techniques to characterize amorphous materials, such as X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, spherical aberration electron microscope, in-situ-Transmission Electron Microscope, Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, and some other defect characterization technologies are included. Furthermore, the emerging innovative methods to fabricate well-defined, regularshaped amorphous nanomaterials, including zero-, one-, two-, and three-dimensional amorphous nanomaterials are systematically introduced. The fascinating properties and applications related to amorphous nanomaterials including the applications in electrocatalysis, batteries, supercapacitors, photocatalysis, mechanics, etc., are presented. It will greatly help the researchers to find professional answers related to amorphous materials. Great topic: amorphous nanomaterials are a very large and important field in both academia and industry Comprehensive: in-depth discussion of various important aspects, from both a fundamental and an applied point of view, on the chemistry, physics and technological importance of the amorphous nanomaterials are presented Vitally needed: the understanding of the fundamentals of amorphous nanomaterials is a prerequisite for devising new applications of such materials Highly relevant: amorphous nanomaterials have found specific applications in chemistry, catalysis, physics, sensing, batteries, supercapacitors, and engineering Amorphous Nanomaterials is a vital resource for materials scientists, inorganic and physical chemists, solid state chemists, physicists, catalytic and analytical chemists, as well as organic chemists.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Successful Drug Discovery, Volume 5
Filled with unique insights into current drugs that have made it to the marketplace In the fifth volume of Successful Drug Discovery, the inventors and primary developers of drugs that made it to the market tell the story of the drug�s discovery and development. Case studies of drugs from different therapeutic fields reveal the all-too-often unpredictable path from the first drug candidate molecule to the successfully marketed drug. In addition, this new volume addresses overarching topics for drug discovery, such as drug discovery in academia, and discusses currently important classes of small molecule as well as biological drugs. Comprehensive in scope, the book�s nine chapters provide a representative cross-section of the present-day drug development effort. The authoritative fifth volume is filled with relevant data and chemical information, as well as the insight and experience of the best contemporary drug creators. This important volume: - Puts the focus on recently introduced drugs that have not yet made it into standard textbooks or general references - Contains information and insight that is new and often not even available from the primary literature - Reveals what it takes to successfully develop a drug molecule that has made it all the way to the market - Is endorsed and supported by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Written for medicinal chemists, pharmaceutical chemists, organic chemists, Successful Drug Discovery, Volume Five reveals the most recent techniques used by drug innovators in the drug development process.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Sodium-Ion Batteries: Materials, Characterization, and Technology, 2 Volumes
Presents uparalleled coverage of Na-ion battery technology, including the most recent research and emerging applications Na-ion battery technologies have emerged as cost-effective, environmentally friendly alternatives to Li-ion batteries, particularly for large-scale storage applications where battery size is less of a concern than in portable electronics or electric vehicles. Scientists and engineers involved in developing commercially viable Na-ion batteries need to understand the state-of-the-art in constituent materials, electrodes, and electrolytes to meet both performance metrics and economic requirements. Sodium-Ion Batteries: Materials, Characterization, and Technology provides in-depth coverage of the material constituents, characterization, applications, upscaling, and commercialization of Na-ion batteries. Contributions by international experts discuss the development and performance of cathode and anode materials and their characterization - using methods such as NMR spectroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computational studies - as well as ceramics, ionic liquids, and other solid and liquid electrolytes. Discusses the development of battery technology based on the abundant alkali ion sodium Features a thorough introduction to Na-ion batteries and their comparison with Li-ion batteries Reviews recent research on the structure-electrochemical performance relationship and the development of new solid electrolytes Includes a timely overview of commercial perspectives, cost analysis, and safety issues of Na-ion batteries Covers emerging technologies including Na-ion capacitors, aqueous sodium batteries, and Na-S batteries The handbook Sodium-Ion Batteries: Materials, Characterization, and Technology is an indispensable reference for researchers and development engineers, materials scientists, electrochemists, and engineering scientists in both academia and industry.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Emerging Fluorinated Motifs, 2 Volume Set: Synthesis, Properties and Applications
A must-have resource for all the researchers working in the organofluorine and related fields This timely two-volume set uniquely focuses on emerging fluorinated motifs beyond R-CF3 and R-F, like R-CF2H, R-OCF3, R-SCF3 and R-SF5. It also offers descriptions of the properties, synthesis, and applications of these emerging fluorinated motifs in order to help readers design new chemical entities, while providing new interest for researchers in organofluorine chemistry and new tools for those in other areas. Emerging Fluorinated Motifs: Synthesis, Properties and Applications begins with a description of carbon-linked fluorine-containing groups that include monofluoromethyl and difluoromethyl groups. It then details combinations of heteroatoms, Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus with fluorine-containing groups, outlining subsections of the most popular current motifs. Fluoroalkyl ethers, thioethers, and the recent blossoming of the SF5 unit is covered. Other chapters look at: selenium-linked fluorine-containing motifs; construction of N?CF2H, N?CF3, N?CH2CF3 motifs; and the synthesis and applications of P¿Rf-containing molecules. -Focuses on the synthesis, properties, and applications of emerging fluorinated motifs -Covers carbon-linked fluorine-containing motifs, oxygen-linked fluorine-containing motifs, sulfur-linked fluorine-containing motifs, and more -Appeals to academic and industrial researchers working in organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, food chemistry, and materials science -Edited by world-renowned experts in organofluorine chemistry Emerging Fluorinated Motifs is intended for academic research institutes, university libraries, researchers, graduate students, postdoctors, and researchers in the chemical industry.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Nanoparticles in Catalysis: Advances in Synthesis and Applications
Nanoparticles in Catalysis Discover an essential overview of recent advances and trends in nanoparticle catalysisCatalysis in the presence of metal nanoparticles is an important and rapidly developing research field at the frontier of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. In Nanoparticles in Catalysis, accomplished chemists and authors Karine Philippot and Alain Roucoux deliver a comprehensive guide to the key aspects of nanoparticle catalysis, ranging from synthesis, activation methodology, characterization, and theoretical modeling, to application in important catalytic reactions, like hydrogen production and biomass conversion.The book offers readers a review of modern and efficient tools for the synthesis of nanoparticles in solution or onto supports. It emphasizes the application of metal nanoparticles in important catalytic reactions and includes chapters on activation methodology and supported nanoclusters. Written by an international team of leading voices in the field, Nanoparticles in Catalysis is an indispensable resource for researchers and professionals in academia and industry alike.Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:A thorough introduction to New Trends in the Design of Metal Nanoparticles and Derived Nanomaterials for CatalysisAn exploration of Dynamic Catalysis and the Interface Between Molecular and Heterogeneous CatalystsA practical discussion of Metal Nanoparticles in Water: A Relevant Toolbox for Green CatalysisOrganometallic Metal Nanoparticles for CatalysisA concise treatment of the opportunities and challenges of CO2 Hydrogenation to Oxygenated Chemicals Over Supported Nanoparticle CatalystsPerfect for catalytic, organic, inorganic, and physical chemists, Nanoparticles in Catalysis will also earn a place in the libraries of chemists working with organometallics and materials scientists seeking a one-stop resource with expert knowledge on the synthesis and characterization of nanoparticle catalysis.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Templated Fabrication of Graphene-Based Materials for Energy Applications
Templated Fabrication of Graphene-Based aterials for Energy Applications An illuminating look at the latest research on graphene-based materials and their applications in energy In Templated Fabrication of Graphene-Based Materials for Energy Applications, a team of distinguished materials scientists delivers a unique and topical exploration of a versatile fabrication method used to create high-quality graphene and composites. The book offers a three-part approach to current topics in graphene fabrication. The first part introduces graphene-based materials and is followed by cutting-edge discussions of template methods used in the preparation of graphene-based materials. The editors conclude with the latest research in the area of graphene-based materials applications in various energy-related pursuits. Readers will find relevant content that refers to original research conducted by the editors themselves, as well as work from up-and-coming and established researchers that explores the most interesting horizons in the study of graphene-based materials. The book also provides: A thorough introduction to graphene, including its history and physical properties An in-depth analysis of current graphene synthesis strategies, including the classification of graphene preparations Expansive discussions of various kinds of template methods for graphene production, including the study of porous metals and the preparation of graphene in large quantities Comprehensive explorations of the applications of various graphene-based materials, including lithium-ion batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries, and supercapacitors Perfect for materials scientists, electrochemists, and solid-state physicists, Templated Fabrication of Graphene-Based Materials for Energy Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of physical chemists and professionals in the electrotechnical industry.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design
Presents comprehensive coverage of process intensification and integration for sustainable design, along with fundamental techniques and experiences from the industry Drawing from fundamental techniques and recent industrial experiences, this book discusses the many developments in process intensification and integration and focuses on increasing sustainability via several overarching topics such as Sustainable Manufacturing, Energy Saving Technologies, and Resource Conservation and Pollution Prevention Techniques. Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design starts discussions on: shale gas as an option for the production of chemicals and challenges for process intensification; the design and techno-economic analysis of separation units to handle feedstock variability in shale gas treatment; RO-PRO desalination; and techno-economic and environmental assessment of ultrathin polysulfone membranes for oxygen-enriched combustion. Next, it looks at process intensification of membrane-based systems for water, energy, and environment applications; the design of internally heat-integrated distillation column (HIDiC); and graphical analysis and integration of heat exchanger networks with heat pumps. Decomposition and implementation of large-scale interplant heat integration is covered, as is the synthesis of combined heat and mass exchange networks (CHAMENs) with renewables. The book also covers optimization strategies for integrating and intensifying housing complexes; a sustainable biomass conversion process assessment; and more. Covers the many advances and changes in process intensification and integration Provides side-by-side discussions of fundamental techniques and recent industrial experiences to guide practitioners in their own processes Presents comprehensive coverage of topics relevant, among others, to the process industry, biorefineries, and plant energy management Offers insightful analysis and integration of reactor and heat exchanger network Looks at optimization of integrated water and multi-regenerator membrane systems involving multi-contaminants Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design is an ideal book for process engineers, chemical engineers, engineering scientists, engineering consultants, and chemists.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Transition Metal Oxides for Electrochemical Energy Storage
Transition Metal Oxides for Electrochemical Energy Storage Explore this authoritative handbook on transition metal oxides for energy storage Metal oxides have become one of the most important classes of materials in energy storage and conversion. They continue to have tremendous potential for research into new materials and devices in a wide variety of fields. Transition Metal Oxides for Electrochemical Energy Storage delivers an insightful, concise, and focused exploration of the science and applications of metal oxides in intercalation-based batteries, solid electrolytes for ionic conduction, pseudocapacitive charge storage, transport and 3D architectures and interfacial phenomena and defects. The book serves as a one-stop reference for materials researchers seeking foundational and applied knowledge of the titled material classes. Transition Metal Oxides offers readers in-depth information covering electrochemistry, morphology, and both in situ and in operando characterization. It also provides novel approaches to transition metal oxide-enabled energy storage, like interface engineering and three-dimensional nanoarchitectures. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to the landscape and solid-state chemistry of transition metal oxides for energy storage An exploration of electrochemical energy storage mechanisms in transition metal oxides, including intercalation, pseudocapacitance, and conversion Practical discussions of the electrochemistry of transition metal oxides, including oxide/electrolyte interfaces and energy storage in aqueous electrolytes An examination of the characterization of transition metal oxides for energy storage Perfect for materials scientists, electrochemists, inorganic chemists, and applied physicists, Transition Metal Oxides for Electrochemical Energy Storage will also earn a place in the libraries of engineers in power technology and professions working in the electrotechnical industry seeking a one-stop reference on transition metal oxides for energy storage.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Heterogeneous Catalysis for Sustainable Energy
Heterogeneous Catalysis for Sustainable Energy Explore the state-of-the-art in heterogeneous catalysis In Heterogeneous Catalysis for Sustainable Energy, a team of distinguished researchers delivers a comprehensive and cutting-edge treatment of recent advancements in energy-related catalytic reactions and processes in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. The book includes extensive coverage of the hydrogen economy, methane activation, methanol-to-hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide conversion, and biomass conversion. The authors explore different aspects of the technology, like reaction mechanisms, catalyst synthesis, and the commercial status of the reactions. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to the hydrogen economy, including hydrogen production, the reforming of oxygen-containing chemicals, and advances in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Comprehensive explorations of methane activation, including steam and dry reforming of methane and methane activation over zeolite catalysts Practical discussions of alkane activation, including cracking of hydrocarbons to light olefins and catalytic dehydrogenation of light alkanes In-depth examinations of zeolite catalysis and carbon dioxide as C1 building block Perfect for catalytic, physical, and surface chemists, Heterogeneous Catalysis for Sustainable Energy also belongs in the libraries of materials scientists with an interest in energy-related reactions and processes in the field of heterogeneous catalysis.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Laboratory Applications
Provides comprehensive coverage on using X-ray fluorescence for laboratory applications This book focuses on the practical aspects of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy and discusses the requirements for a successful sample analysis, such as sample preparation, measurement techniques and calibration, as well as the quality of the analysis results. X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Laboratory Applications begins with a short overview of the physical fundamentals of the generation of X-rays and their interaction with the sample material, followed by a presentation of the different methods of sample preparation in dependence on the quality of the source material and the objective of the measurement. After a short description of the different available equipment types and their respective performance, the book provides in-depth information on the choice of the optimal measurement conditions and the processing of the measurement results. It covers instrument types for XRF; acquisition and evaluation of X-Ray spectra; analytical errors; analysis of homogeneous materials, powders, and liquids; special applications of XRF; process control and automation. An important resource for the analytical chemist, providing concrete guidelines and support for everyday analyses Focuses on daily laboratory work with commercially available devices Offers a unique compilation of knowledge and best practices from equipment manufacturers and users Covers the entire work process: sample preparation, the actual measurement, data processing, assessment of uncertainty, and accuracy of the obtained results X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Laboratory Applications appeals to analytical chemists, analytical laboratories, materials scientists, environmental chemists, chemical engineers, biotechnologists, and pharma engineers.