Search results for ""wiley""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley International Handbook of Service-Learning for Social Justice
A comprehensive guide to service-learning for social justice written by an international panel of experts The Wiley International Handbook of Service-Learning for Social Justice offers a review of recent trends in social justice that have been, until recently, marginalized in the field of service-learning. The authors offer a guide for establishing and nurturing social justice in a variety of service-learning programs, and show that incorporating the principles of social justice in service-learning can empower communities to resist and disrupt oppressive power structures, and work for solidarity with host and partner communities. With contributions from an international panel of experts, the Handbook contains a critique of the field’s roots in charity; a review of the problematization of Whitenormativity, paired with the bolstering of diverse voices and perspectives; and information on the embrace of emotional elements including tension, ambiguity, and discomfort. This important resource: Considers the role of the community in service-learning and other community‑engaged models of education and practice Explores the necessity of disruption and dissonance in service-learning Discusses a number of targeted issues that often arise in service-learning contexts Offers a practical guide to establishing and nurturing social justice at the heart of an international service-learning program Written for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, scholars, and educators, The Wiley International Handbook of Service-Learning for Social Justice highlights social justice as a conflict‑ridden struggle against inequality, xenophobia, and oppression, and offers practical suggestions for incorporating service-learning programs in various arenas.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Forensic Neuroscience, 2 Volume Set
Explores how the explosion of neuroscience-based evidence in recent years has led to a fundamental change in how forensic psychology can inform working with criminal populations. This book communicates knowledge and research findings in the neurobiological field to those who work with offenders and those who design policy for offender rehabilitation and criminal justice systems, so that practice and policy can be neurobiologically informed, and research can be enhanced. Starting with an introduction to the subject of neuroscience and forensic settings, The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Forensic Neuroscience then offers in-depth and enlightening coverage of the neurobiology of sex and sexual attraction, aggressive behavior, and emotion regulation; the neurobiological bases to risk factors for offending such as genetics, developmental, alcohol and drugs, and mental disorders; and the neurobiology of offending, including psychopathy, antisocial personality disorders, and violent and sexual offending. The book also covers rehabilitation techniques such as brain scanning, brain-based therapy for adolescents, and compassion-focused therapy. The book itself: Covers a wide array of neuroscience research Chapters by renowned neuroscientists and criminal justice experts Topics covered include the neurobiology of aggressive behavior, the neuroscience of deception, genetic contributions to psychopathy, and neuroimaging-guided treatment Offers conclusions for practitioners and future directions for the field. The Handbook of Forensic Neuroscience is a welcome book for all researchers, practitioners, and postgraduate students involved with forensic psychology, neuroscience, law, and criminology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Contemporary British and Irish Literature
THE WILEY BLACKWELL COMPANION TO CONTEMPORARY BRITISH AND IRISH LITERATURE An insightful guide to the exploration of modern British and Irish literature The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Contemporary British and Irish Literature is a must-have guide for anyone hoping to navigate the world of new British and Irish writing. Including modern authors and poets from the 1960s through to the 21st century, the Companion provides a thorough overview of contemporary poetry, fiction, and drama by some of the most prominent and noteworthy writers. Seventy-three comprehensive chapters focus on individual authors as well as such topics as Englishness and identity, contemporary Science Fiction, Black writing in Britain, crime fiction, and the influence of globalization on British and Irish Literature. Written in four parts, The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Contemporary British and Irish Literature includes comprehensive examinations of individual authors, as well as a variety of themes that have come to define the contemporary period: ethnicity, gender, nationality, and more. A thorough guide to the main figures and concepts in contemporary literature from Britain and Ireland, this two-volume set: Includes studies of notable figures such as Seamus Heaney and Angela Carter, as well as more recently influential writers such as Zadie Smith and Sarah Waters. Covers topics such as LGBT fiction, androgyny in contemporary British Literature, and post-Troubles Northern Irish Fiction Features a broad range of writers and topics covered by distinguished academics Includes an analysis of the interplay between individual authors and the major themes of the day, and whether an examination of the latter enables us to appreciate the former. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Contemporary British and Irish Literature provides essential reading for students as well as academics seeking to learn more about the history and future direction of contemporary British and Irish Literature.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook on the Aging Mind and Brain
A thought-provoking treatise on understanding and treating the aging mind and brain This handbook recognizes the critical issues surrounding mind and brain health by tackling overarching and pragmatic needs so as to better understand these multifaceted issues. This includes summarizing and synthesizing critical evidence, approaches, and strategies from multidisciplinary research—all of which have advanced our understanding of the neural substrates of attention, perception, memory, language, decision-making, motor behavior, social cognition, emotion, and other mental functions. Written by a plethora of health experts from around the world, The Wiley Handbook on the Aging Mind and Brain offers in-depth contributions in 7 sections: Introduction; Methods of Assessment; Brain Functions and Behavior across the Lifespan; Cognition, Behavior and Disease; Optimizing Brain Function in Health and Disease; Forensics, Competence, Legal, Ethics and Policy Issues; and Conclusion and New Directions. Geared toward improving the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of many brain-based disorders that occur in older adults and that cause disability and death Seeks to advance the care of patients who have perceptual, cognitive, language, memory, emotional, and many other behavioral symptoms associated with these disorders Addresses principles and practice relevant to challenges posed by the US National Academy of Sciences and National Institute of Aging (NIA) Presents materials at a scientific level that is appropriate for a wide variety of providers The Wiley Handbook on the Aging Mind and Brain is an important text for neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, physiatrists, geriatricians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, and other primary caregivers who care for patients in routine and specialty practices as well as students, interns, residents, and fellows.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Religion and Social Justice
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Religion and Social Justice brings together a team of distinguished scholars to provide a comprehensive and comparative account of social justice in the major religious traditions. The first publication to offer a comparative study of social justice for each of the major world religions, exploring viewpoints within Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism Offers a unique and enlightening volume for those studying religion and social justice - a crucially important subject within the history of religion, and a significant area of academic study in the field Brings together the beliefs of individual traditions in a comprehensive, explanatory, and informative style All essays are newly-commissioned and written by eminent scholars in the field Benefits from a distinctive four-part organization, with sections on major religions; religious movements and themes; indigenous people; and issues of social justice, from colonialism to civil rights, and AIDS through to environmental concerns
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook on the Development of Children's Memory
This all-embracing Handbook on the Development of Children’s Memory represents the first place in which critical topics in memory development are covered from multiple perspectives, from infancy through adolescence. Forty-four chapters are written by experienced researchers who have influenced the field. Edited by two of the world’s leading experts on the development of memory Discusses the importance of a developmental perspective on the study of memory The first ever handbook to bring together the world’s leading academics in one reference guide Each section has an introduction written by one of the Editors, who have also written an overall introduction that places the work in historical and contemporary contexts in cognitive and developmental psychology 2 Volumes
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction: English-Spanish/Spanish-English
The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction:English-Spanish/Spanish-English offers the first bilingual updateof civil engineering terminology in forty years. With more than50,000 entries in each language, it provides comprehensive coverageof a broad range of industrial disciplines, including architecture,engineering, surveying, building, heavy construction, and municipalengineering. Entries include technical terms and phrases not found in anygeneral translation dictionary--many of these are taken directlyfrom The Contractor's Dictionary by L. F. Webster, officialpublications, engineering specifications, and engineeringtextbooks. Virtually all terms and their functions were supplied byworking professionals and experts in each field. Each translationhas been confirmed by teams of reviewers in the United States andLatin America to ensure accuracy and reflect a wide range ofSpanish dialects. Since there is considerable overlap amongengineering disciplines, many of the terms in this book are alsoapplicable to electrical, mechanical, and structuralengineering. The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction:English-Spanish/Spanish-English is an indispensable resource forcivil engineers and contractors, translating correspondence,specifications, and working drawings; marketers for engineeringfirms, preparing bids and proposals for international contracts;and engineering students, struggling to understand complex coursetextbooks in a foreign language. It is the only source foraccurate, reliable, up-to-date translations of the entire spectrumof engineering and construction terminology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Survival Guide in Global Telecommunications: Signaling Principles, Protocols, and Wireless Systems
Wiley Survival Guide in Global Telecommunications: Signaling Principles, Protocols, and Wireless Systems provides a rapid introduction to the whole field of telecom technologies and will provide a consistent starting point for further study for the diverse set of interested populations, which the author differentiates into the following five categories: the rare telecom generalists, who can conceptually grasp the full picture; the greater number of individuals who are technical contributors, scientists, and engineers who concentrate on top-level applications; the majority of end users and consumers, professionals and private; the population of some underdeveloped countries who rarely or never use any of these technologies. The book provides a comprehensive approach to telecom accessible to a broad audience. Each chapter concludes with a summary and exercises with solutions in some cases. Advanced equations requiring math background to appear only in the Appendix, and references are limited to books and review papers deemed accessible to the book’s intended broad audience.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Schema Therapy: Theory, Research, and Practice
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Schema Therapy provides a comprehensive overview of developments in the theory, diagnosis, treatment, research, implementation, and management of schema therapy. Presents a comprehensive overview of schema therapy - goes far beyond all previous books on the subject to cover theoretical, research and practical perspectives Covers the latest developments, including work on mindfulness and borderline personality disorder, as well as new applications of schema therapy beyond personality disorders Includes chapters by leaders in the field including Wendy Behary and Arnoud Arntz, as well as a foreword by Jeffrey Young, the founder of schema therapy
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Handbook of Current and Emerging Drug Therapies, Volumes 5 - 8
AT LAST - a comprehensive, authoritative resource customized for biomedical, pharmaceutical and drug discovery research! Easy-to-access information on currently available drugs, plus the status of drug development and approval, for every major therapeutic area! Here is an all-encompassing reference tailored to the needs of research managers, chemists and biologists, clinical scientists, and executives in the pharmacology and biotechnology industry. No other resource focuses on drug discovery and pharmaceutical research from this unique perspective combining scientific and business aspects of today's biotechnology. Within every major therapeutic area, the Wiley Handbook of Current and Emerging Drug Therapies provides a general overview of the etiology and pathophsiology of the important disease indications. Then, you'll find a comprehensive analysis of currently approved drugs targeting these diseases, with information on mechanism of action, efficacy, side effects and future prospects. You'll also find product-by-product analyses of drugs currently in development, including mechanism of action, formulations, and detailed information on the status of clinical trials. Also available in a regularly-updating online version. Visit for more information.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Wiley Guide to Project Technology, Supply Chain, and Procurement Management
A complete guide to managing technical issues and procuring third-party resources The Wiley Guides to the Management of Projects address critical, need-to-know information that will help professionals successfully manage projects in most businesses and help students learn the best practices of the industry. They contain not only well-known and widely used basic project management practices but also the newest and most cutting-edge concepts in the broader theory and practice of managing projects. This fourth volume in the series offers expert guidance on the supply chain and delivery cycle of the project, as well as the technology management issues that are involved such as modeling, design, and verification. Technology within the context of the management of projects involves not so much actually doing the "technical" elements of the project as managing the processes and practices by which projects are transformed from concepts into actual entities-and doing this effectively within the time, cost, strategic, and other constraints on the project. The contributors to this volume, among the most recognized international leaders in the field, guide you through the key life-cycle issues that define the project, ensure its viability, manage requirements, and track changes-highlighting the key steps along the way in transforming and realizing the technical definition of the project. Complete your understanding of project management with these other books in The Wiley Guides to the Management of Projects series: * The Wiley Guide to Project Control * The Wiley Guide to Project, Program & Portfolio Management * The Wiley Guide to Project Organization & Project Management Competencies
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley IFRS 2015: Interpretation and Application of International Financial Reporting Standards
The globally-sourced guide to the latest IFRS, with practical application advice Wiley IFRS 2015 is a complete guide to the latest International Financial Reporting Standards set forth by the International Accounting Standards Board. Written by an international team of experts in global accounting standards, this guide provides detailed information on the latest changes to the IFRS, with comprehensive coverage of IFRIC interpretations and the tools needed to maintain IFRS-compliance. Readers will find clear, concise explanations delineated by topic for easy navigation, designed for both quick reference in-depth study, with practical advice for implementing IFRS in real-life scenarios. The goal of the IASB is to achieve global convergence of accounting standards, reducing preparation costs and facilitating the assessment of business outcomes. The IFRS are a key part of the strategy, simplifying reporting for multinational corporations and the analysts and investors tasked with evaluating results. Wiley IFRS 2015 details the most recent changes to the standards, with expert guidance toward implementation. Readers will: Grasp the underlying framework of the International Financial Reporting Standards Understand how to interpret the standards and apply them in the real world Follow the Disclosure Checklist to verify completeness and IFRS compliance Learn from the experts when implementing IFRS for the first time More and more countries are either adopting IFRS or adapting local standards to align with those set by the IASB. The standards change annually, and failure to stay up to date can affect business strategy and outcomes, especially when working internationally. Wiley IFRS 2015 provides the latest information and expert guidance, helping practitioners match IFRS to real-world practice.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Knowledge for Generations: Wiley and the Global Publishing Industry, 1807 - 2007
A lively history of one of America's oldest publishing houses, published in conjunction with Wiley's bicentennial Founded in New York City when Thomas Jefferson was president, Wiley has been a significant player in the publishing industry for two centuries. Now, on the occasion of Wiley's bicentennial, a distinguished team of authors brings Wiley's rich history to life, showing how the company has reacted to trends within the publishing industry as well as to larger economic, social, and cultural forces. Knowledge for Generations sheds light on the long-term strengths and weaknesses of Wiley's business, illuminates the continuities and changes over time, and shows how family ownership has influenced the company's strategies, values, and corporate culture. Drawing on unrestricted access to company archives and interviews with key executives, the authors capture a story of sustained business success, intriguing personalities, and dramatic changes in the industry. Illustrated throughout with illuminating photographs and graphics, Knowledge for Generations is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of publishing.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Measurement and Assessment
Volume 2, Measurement and Assessment of The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences (EPID) is organized into four volumes that look at the many likenesses and differences between individuals. Each of these four volumes focuses on a major content area in the study of personality psychology and individuals' differences. The first volume, Models and Theories, surveys the significant classic and contemporary viewpoints, perspectives, models, and theoretical approaches to the study of personality and individuals' differences (PID). The second volume on Measurement and Assessment examines key classic and modern methods and techniques of assessment in the study of PID. Volume III, titled Personality Processes and Individuals Differences, covers the important traditional and current dimensions, constructs, and traits in the study of PID. The final volume discusses three major categories: clinical contributions, applied research, and cross-cultural considerations, and touches on topics such as culture and identity, multicultural identities, cross-cultural examinations of trait structures and personality processes, and more. Each volume contains approximately 100 entries on personality and individual differences written by a diverse international panel of leading psychologists Covers significant classic and contemporary personality psychology models and theories, measurement and assessment techniques, personality processes and individuals differences, and research Provides a comprehensive and in-depth overview of the field of personality psychology The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences is an important resource for all psychology students and professionals engaging in the study and research of personality.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 8 Volume Set
The Encyclopedia received the 2011 RUSA Award for Outstanding Business Reference Source AN UNPARALLELED UNDERTAKING The Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science is the first multi-volume encyclopedia devoted to advancing the areas of operations research and management science. The Encyclopedia is available online and in print. The Encyclopedia was honored with the distinction of an "Outstanding Business Reference Source" by the Reference and User Services Association DETAILED AND AUTHORITATIVE Designed to be a mainstay for students and professionals alike, the Encyclopedia features four types of articles at varying levels written by diverse, international contributors. Introductory articles provide a broad and moderately technical treatment of core topics. Advanced articles review key areas of research in a citation-rich format similar to that of leading review journals. Technical articles provide more detailed discussions of key concepts addressed in related articles. Case Studies/Historical Interludes present successful and/or interesting examples of operations research and management science methodology in practical or historical contexts. KEY FEATURES OF THE ENCYCLOPEDIA Offers the only cohesive multi-volume reference devoted to operations research and management science theory, methodology, and applications Includes over 600 articles with contributions from over 1,000 authors from 45 countries. Features an Editorial Board comprised of experts in the field who have vast experience in academia, industry, and government Designed to make the content useful and accessible to the widest possible readership Provides practical tools to maximize benefits and minimize cost and risk
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Models and Theories
Volume 1, Models and Theories of The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences (EPID) is organized into four volumes that look at the many likenesses and differences between individuals. Each of these four volumes focuses on a major content area in the study of personality psychology and individuals' differences. The first volume, Models and Theories, surveys the significant classic and contemporary viewpoints, perspectives, models, and theoretical approaches to the study of personality and individuals' differences (PID). The second volume on Measurement and Assessment examines key classic and modern methods and techniques of assessment in the study of PID. Volume III, titled Personality Processes and Individuals Differences, covers the important traditional and current dimensions, constructs, and traits in the study of PID. The final volume discusses three major categories: clinical contributions, applied research, and cross-cultural considerations, and touches on topics such as culture and identity, multicultural identities, cross-cultural examinations of trait structures and personality processes, and more. Each volume contains approximately 100 entries on personality and individual differences written by a diverse international panel of leading psychologists Covers significant classic and contemporary personality psychology models and theories, measurement and assessment techniques, personality processes and individuals differences, and research Provides a comprehensive and in-depth overview of the field of personality psychology The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences is an important resource for all psychology students and professionals engaging in the study and research of personality.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Guide to Fair Value Under IFRS: International Financial Reporting Standards
Your one indispensable guide to all the Fair Value requirements of IFRS Acomplete guide to the complex valuation requirements of IFRS, this book includes chapters on theoretical and practical applications, with extensive examples illustrating the required techniques for each application. Appropriate for anyone involved professionally with finance—managers, accountants, investors, bankers, instructors, and students—this guide draws on a stellar panel of expert contributors from fourteen countries who provide international coverage and insight into a diverse range of topics, including: Fair Value in implementing IFRS Market Approach Income Approach—Capitalization and Discounting Methods Economic and Industry Conditions Cost of Capital Financial Statement Analyses Impairment Testing Intellectual Property Rights (patents, copyrights, trademarks) Projecting Financial Statements Liabilities Customer Relationships Share-based Payment Plant and Equipment Guide to Fair Value Under IFRS is the first international valuation book of its kind. Fully compliant with the Certified Valuation Analyst curriculum, it provides detailed guidance as to how fair value is to be determined and fills numerous gaps in common understanding of IFRS requirements.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Eighteenth-Century Writers and Writing 1660 - 1789
The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Eighteenth-Century Writers and Writing1660-1789 features coverage of the lives and works of almost 500 notable writers based in the British Isles from the return of the British monarchy in 1660 until the French Revolution of 1789. Broad coverage of writers and texts presents a new picture of 18th-century British authorship Takes advantage of newly expanded eighteenth-century canon to include significantly more women writers and labouring-class writers than have traditionally been studied Draws on the latest scholarship to more accurately reflect the literary achievements of the long eighteenth century
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Encyclopedia of Food Science and Technology, 4 Volume Set
Now in a thoroughly-updated and expanded second edition, Wiley Encyclopedia of Food Science and Technology covers fundamental concepts and practical requirements in food science, as well as cutting-edge technological and industry information. The encyclopedia features A-to-Z coverage of all aspects of food science, including: the properties, analysis, and processing of foods; genetic engineering of new food products; and nutrition. In addition, nontechnical information is included, such as descriptions of selected scientific institutions, and research and development in government agencies. Like the first edition, this Second Edition will become the standard reference for food scientists, bioengineers, and biotechnologists. From reviews of the first edition: "...fills a definite need in the food science and technology literature.... I have little doubt that this encyclopedia will become one of the classic works in this ever-growing subject."—Food and Chemistry
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Cognition and Assessment: Frameworks, Methodologies, and Applications
This state-of-the-art resource brings together the most innovative scholars and thinkers in the field of testing to capture the changing conceptual, methodological, and applied landscape of cognitively-grounded educational assessments. Offers a methodologically-rigorous review of cognitive and learning sciences models for testing purposes, as well as the latest statistical and technological know-how for designing, scoring, and interpreting results Written by an international team of contributors at the cutting-edge of cognitive psychology and educational measurement under the editorship of a research director at the Educational Testing Service and an esteemed professor of educational psychology at the University of Alberta as well as supported by an expert advisory board Covers conceptual frameworks, modern methodologies, and applied topics, in a style and at a level of technical detail that will appeal to a wide range of readers from both applied and scientific backgrounds Considers emerging topics in cognitively-grounded assessment, including applications of emerging socio-cognitive models, cognitive models for human and automated scoring, and various innovative virtual performance assessments
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Coaching and Mentoring
A state-of-the-art reference, drawing on key contemporary research to provide an in-depth, international, and competencies-based approach to the psychology of coaching and mentoring. Puts cutting-edge evidence at the fingertips of organizational psychology practitioners who need it most, but who do not always have the time or resources to keep up with scholarly research Thematic chapters cover theoretical models, efficacy, ethics, training, the influence of emerging fields such as neuroscience and mindfulness, virtual coaching and mentoring and more Contributors include Anthony Grant, David Clutterbuck, Susan David, Robert Garvey, Stephen Palmer, Reinhard Stelter, Robert Lee, David Lane, Tatiana Bachkirova and Carol Kauffman With a Foreword by Sir John Whitmore
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literature Collection, Parts One and Two
Blue Hills Press The Wiley Canning Company Cookbook: Recipes to Preserve the Seasons
LOCAL. LASTING. DELICIOUS.The Wiley Canning Company Cookbook is a guide to home food preservation rooted in seasonality, education, and family.Chelsea J. O’Leary focuses equally on seasonal recipes and the foundational knowledge required to preserve food with sharp intuition and holistic understanding. No matter where you live—a downtown high-rise, suburban bungalow, or countryside ranch—these recipes are for you. In fact, most recipes can be created using produce picked up from any local farmers’ market.As you use this cookbook, you will become a steward of your local land, farms, and home.INSIDE YOU’LL FIND: A case for why home food preservation matters today more than ever 45 seasonal canning, pickling, preserving, and freezing recipes Tips and tricks to create an intuitive and efficient workflow in your kitchen The history, science, and safety of home food preservation Resources to further expand your personal preserving practice
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory, 5 Volume Set
The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory presents a comprehensive, interdisciplinary compendium of original entries focusing on the origins, evolution, and global development of contemporary social theory. Presents a comprehensive, interdisciplinary overview and analysis of all aspects of social theory Features more than 850 in-depth, original entries contributed by international experts Includes all major theories, theorists, schools of thought, disciplines, debates, doctrines, developments, epistemologies, and methodologies relating to the development of modern social theory Brings in concepts from contemporary cultural studies, feminism, post-secularism, and postmodernism Explores controversial contemporary debates relating to the clash of civilization, environmentalism, post-colonialism, post-humanism, cyborgs, and the life-extension project
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Companion to East and Inner Asian Buddhism
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to East and Inner Asian Buddhism combines outstanding contributions covering Buddhism as it developed and is practiced in this region. These newly-commissioned essays provide fresh scholarly perspectives on a wide range of concepts, texts, and practices. Offers a comprehensive and balanced survey of Buddhism within East and Central Asia, from the time of the Buddha through to the present day Provides fresh perspectives on a wide range of concepts, texts, traditions, doctrines, practices, and institutions – on topics spanning gender roles, tantric rituals, and the spread of Zen into Europe Brings together cutting-edge research by an interdisciplinary and international contributor team, including historians, literature scholars, and historians, as well as those from religious studies Presents a panoramic view of the extraordinary richness and variety of local Buddhist expressions and practices within Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Tibetan, cultures
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Personality Processes and Individuals Differences
Volume 3, Personality Processes and Individuals Differences of The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences (EPID) is organized into four volumes that look at the many likenesses and differences between individuals. Each of these four volumes focuses on a major content area in the study of personality psychology and individuals' differences. The first volume, Models and Theories, surveys the significant classic and contemporary viewpoints, perspectives, models, and theoretical approaches to the study of personality and individuals' differences (PID). The second volume on Measurement and Assessment examines key classic and modern methods and techniques of assessment in the study of PID. Volume III, titled Personality Processes and Individuals Differences, covers the important traditional and current dimensions, constructs, and traits in the study of PID. The final volume discusses three major categories: clinical contributions, applied research, and cross-cultural considerations, and touches on topics such as culture and identity, multicultural identities, cross-cultural examinations of trait structures and personality processes, and more. Each volume contains approximately 100 entries on personality and individual differences written by a diverse international panel of leading psychologists Covers significant classic and contemporary personality psychology models and theories, measurement and assessment techniques, personality processes and individuals differences, and research Provides a comprehensive and in-depth overview of the field of personality psychology The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences is an important resource for all psychology students and professionals engaging in the study and research of personality.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Handbook for the Assessment of Children's Behaviours, Includes Wiley Desktop Edition
Handbook for the Assessment of Children’s Behaviours with Wiley Desktop Edition This ground-breaking book takes a new approach to the assessment of behaviour in children and adolescents. Written by an expert author team, combining one (Jonathan Williams) with higher qualifications in general practice, child neuropsychiatry, and child and adolescent psychiatry, with one (Peter Hill) with higher qualifications in medicine, paediatrics and child and adolescent psychiatry, the book draws on many thousands of multidisciplinary case discussions, at Great Ormond Street Hospital, in the Children’s Multispecialty Assessment Clinic in North London, and in private practice. The book is ideal for the busy mental health professional working in a small team. Organised to allow rapid look-up of behaviours with comprehensive lists of their possible causes, it synthesizes research evidence and clinical experience. The authors interpret behaviour broadly, including not just voluntary actions, but also actions whose voluntary nature is questionable (such as drop attacks, personal preferences, and pseudobehaviours). They also include problems that lead to referral through their behavioural manifestations (e.g. aggression, anxiety, or a poor relationship with mother). Overall, the book spans the behavioural, cognitive, social and emotional problems of children and adolescents. With the child and family in the room, and with detailed school reports and psychometric results available, it is usually possible to identify causes of symptoms that are specific to the child and his environment, and which can guide behavioural, cognitive, social, and family interventions. Purchasers of the book will also be entitled to a Wiley Desktop Edition—an interactive digital version featuring downloadable text and images, highlighting and note taking facilities, in-text searching, and linking to references and glossary terms.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security, 4 Volume Set
The Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security is an essential and timely collection of resources designed to support the effective communication of homeland security research across all disciplines and institutional boundaries. Truly a unique work this 4 volume set focuses on the science behind safety, security, and recovery from both man-made and natural disasters has a broad scope and international focus. The Handbook: Educates researchers in the critical needs of the homeland security and intelligence communities and the potential contributions of their own disciplines Emphasizes the role of fundamental science in creating novel technological solutions Details the international dimensions of homeland security and counterterrorism research Provides guidance on technology diffusion from the laboratory to the field Supports cross-disciplinary dialogue in this field between operational, R&D and consumer communities
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Wiley Engineer's Desk Reference: A Concise Guide for the Professional Engineer
The Reference of Choice for Today's Engineer. Revised, expanded, updated -- and ready to use! Every engineer should have a copy of the bestselling Wiley Engineer's Desk Reference -- the ideal all-in-one resource for practical engineering applications and daily problem solving. Now fully updated to address the latest developments in theory and practice, this brand-new Second Edition balances authoritative coverage of classical engineering topics with new material on state-of-the-art subjects such as composites, lasers, automatic data collection, and more. No other book on the market covers the broad spectrum of engineering in as concise a fashion. So whether you're looking for a specific piece of data or general background knowledge, this conveniently sized ready reference puts the information you need right at your fingertips. Contents include: * Mathematics * Mechanics and materials * Hydraulics * Structures * Thermodynamics * Electricity and electronics * Process control * Statistics and economics * Energy sources * Engineering practice * The design process * Tables and reference data.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development, Volume 2: Applied and Policy Issues
Now part of a two-volume set, the fully revised and updated second edition of The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development, Volume 2: Applied and Policy Issues provides comprehensive coverage of the applied and policy issues relating to infant development. Updated, fully-revised and expanded, this two-volume set presents in-depth and cutting edge coverage of both basic and applied developmental issues during infancy Features contributions by leading international researchers and practitioners in the field that reflect the most current theories and research findings Includes editor commentary and analysis to synthesize the material and provide further insight The most comprehensive work available in this dynamic and rapidly growing field
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of The Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety
Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety presents a collection of readings from leading experts that reveal the most effective evidence-based interventions for the prevention and treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. Features expertise of the foremost scientist-practitioners in the field of child and adolescent anxiety Includes state-of-the art information on psychological interventions from each author Written in a clear and easy-to-follow manner for a wide audience
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Healthcare Treatment Engagement: Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice
Winner of the 2021 PROSE Award for CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY and PSYCHIATRY Against a global backdrop of problematic adherence to medical treatment, this volume addresses and provides practical solutions to the simple question: "Why don't patients take treatments that could save their lives?" The Wiley handbook of Healthcare Treatment Engagement offers a guide to the theory, research and clinical practice of promoting patient engagement in healthcare treatment at individual, organizational and systems levels. The concept of treatment engagement, as explained within the text, promotes a broader view than the related concept of treatment adherence. Treatment engagement encompasses more readily the lifestyle factors which may impact healthcare outcomes as much as medication-taking, as well as practical, economic and cultural factors which may determine access to treatment. Over a span of 32 chapters, an international panel of expert authors address this far-reaching and fascinating field, describing a broad range of evidence-based approaches which stand to improve clinical services and treatment outcomes, as well as the experience of users of healthcare service and practitioners alike. This comprehensive volume adopts an interdisciplinary approach to offer an understanding of the factors governing our healthcare systems and the motivations and behaviors of patients, clinicians and organizations. Presented in a user-friendly format for quick reference, the text first supports the reader’s understanding by exploring background topics such as the considerable impact of sub-optimal treatment adherence on healthcare outcomes, before describing practical clinical approaches to promote engagement in treatment, including chapters referring to specific patient populations. The text recognizes the support which may be required throughout the depth of each healthcare organization to promote patient engagement, and in the final section of the book, describes approaches to inform the development of healthcare services with which patients will be more likely to seek to engage. This important book: Provides a comprehensive summary of practical approaches developed across a wide range of clinical settings, integrating research findings and clinical literature from a variety of disciplines Introduces and compliments existing approaches to improve communication in healthcare settings and promote patient choice in planning treatment Presents a range of proven clinical solutions that will appeal to those seeking to improve outcomes on a budget Written for health professionals from all disciplines of clinical practice, as well as service planners and policy makers, The Wiley Handbook of Healthcare Treatment Engagement is a comprehensive guide for individual practitioners and organizations alike. 2021 PROSE Biological and Life Sciences Category for Clinical Psychology & Psychiatry
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security, V 1
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, 5 Volume Set
The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies provides an invaluable resource for students and scholars in the overlapping areas of gender, feminist, queer, masculinity, and sexuality studies; and acknowledges the growing interdisciplinary impact of these fields. Edited by a first rate team of geographically diverse scholars drawn from disciplines across the social sciences and humanities with international reputations in the field Entries are written in an approachable and accessible manner and include a short bibliography and a list of cross-references Unique in its interdisciplinary approach across allied social sciences including sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, economics, literary studies, politics, history, and psychology as well as the fields of women's, gender and sexuality studies Attention paid to the identification and inclusion of feminist activism, regional and national diversity, international context, social policy, economics, non-governmental organizations and key term 5
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of the Internet at Work
This authoritative Wiley Blackwell Handbook in Organizational Psychology focuses on individual and organizational applications of Internet-enabled technologies within the workplace. The editors have drawn on their collective experience in collating thematically structured material from leading writers based in the US, Europe, and Asia Pacific. Coinciding with the growing international interest in the application of psychology to organizations, the work offers a unique depth of analysis from an explicitly psychological perspective. Each chapter includes a detailed literature review that offers academics, researchers, scientist-practitioners, and students an invaluable frame of reference. Coverage is built around competencies set forth by regulatory agencies including the APA and BPS, and includes E-Recruiting, E-Leadership, and E-Learning; virtual teams; cyberloafing; ergonomics of human-computer interaction at work; permanent accessibility and work-life balance; and trust in online environments.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Practitioner's Guide to GAAS 2023: Covering All SASs, SSAEs, SSARSs, and Interpretations
The most comprehensive and up-to-date guide to critical auditing standards, practices, and procedures for 2023 The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) sets the Generally Accepted Auditing Standards—or GAAS—under which U. S. audits are conducted. Auditors must comply with and understand every aspect of GAAS to comply with AICPA standards. As a result, it is crucial for CPAs to be up to date on all applicable guidelines, rules, and regulations. Wiley Practitioner’s Guide to GAAS 2023 delivers a thorough description and analysis of not only auditing standards—SASs—but also SSAEs, SSARSs, and the Interpretations necessary to fully understand all the latest professional standards. The 2023 Guide offers the most recent revisions to the standards, including those on: Audit evidence Auditing accounting estimates Use of pricing evidence Inquiries of predecessor auditors Quality management Materiality, SSAE direct examination engagements, and Practitioner’s review reports. Practical direction on the steps necessary to help you comply with GAAS Comprehensive guidance on the entire auditing process, from start to finish Explanations of all attestation and review, compilation, and preparation standards A glossary of relevant terminology for each subject It explains the standards clearly and accurately, providing explicit information on how to conduct your engagements efficiently, effectively, and properly—all in one resource. In addition, Wiley Practitioner’s Guide to GAAS 2023 provides readers with: A crucial resource for accountants and auditors who are looking for a comprehensive explanation of the information used daily, Wiley Practitioner’s Guide to GAAS 2023 is an invaluable resource written to save you time and simplify your compliance with professional standards.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Sustainability in Higher Education Learning and Teaching
A comprehensive resource for higher education professionals interested in sustainability pedagogy In The Wiley Handbook of Sustainability in Higher Education Learning and Teaching, a team of distinguished researchers delivers an insightful reference for higher education professionals seeking to embed sustainability in learning and teaching. The book offers a way for higher education institutions to implement sustainability goals in their curricula and provides comprehensive guidance to educators, researchers and practitioners. The authors discuss recent developments in technological innovations, best practices, lessons learned, current challenges, and reflections in the area of sustainability teaching in higher education. They also examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sustainability education. With contributors from a variety of disciplines, including engineering, medicine, urban design, business, environmental science, and social science, the book considers the embedding of sustainability in regenerative learning ecologies, living laboratories, and transgressive forms of learning. It also includes: A thorough introduction to activist learning for sustainability and outcome-based education towards achieving sustainable goals in higher education Comprehensive explorations of factors that hinder the implementation of sustainability initiatives in higher education institutions Practical discussions of developing stakeholder agency in higher education sustainability initiatives In-depth examinations of global trends and country-specific initiatives in sustainability teaching Perfect for education developers seeking to incorporate sustainability, The Wiley Handbook of Sustainability in Higher Education Learning and Teaching is also ideal for academics, researchers, policymakers, and accreditation personnel working in the area of sustainability.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Politics in the U.S.
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Politics in the U.S. provides a broad, inclusive, and rich range of chapters, in the study of religion and politics. Arranged in their historical context, chapters address themes of history, law, social and religious movements, policy and political theory. Broadens the parameters of this timely subject, and includes the latest work in the field Draws together newly-commissioned essays by distinguished authors that are cogent for scholars, while also being in a style that is accessible to students. Provides a balanced and inclusive approach to religion and politics in the U.S. Engages diverse perspectives from various discourses about religion and politics across the political and disciplinary spectra, while placing them in their larger historical context
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Memory, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and the Law
An Important Contribution to Understanding Autobiographical and Eyewitness Memory in Those with ASD and the Unique Legal Challenges They Present This book offers an in-depth discussion of how autobiographical and eyewitness memory operate in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and provides unique insights into current challenges faced by legal professionals, forensic psychologists, clinicians, and others who extend services to those with ASD. Throughout the book, authors demonstrate why a nuanced understanding of autobiographical and eyewitness memory is required when assessing individuals with ASD, given the developmental, social, and cognitive deficits at play. Authors review current legal services and structures, and explore ideas on whether and how modifications can be made to meet the needs of all individuals who seek and deserve justice, including individuals with ASD. The Wiley Handbook of Memory, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and the Law is sure to spark debate within the mental health and legal communities, while advancing knowledge on the role of key clinical features of ASD in autobiographical and eyewitness memory. The book is distinct in its exploration of ways in which the legal system, with its formal yet inherently social infrastructure and regulated due process demands, should offer services to those with ASD. Of note, authors question if current policies and practices, such as reliance on interviewing protocols standardized for typically developing individuals, are adequate. The book is divided into three sections with the first providing a discussion of theoretical viewpoints on how memory functions in those with and without ASD, and providing a specialized consideration of developmental issues. A second section reviews empirical evidence, followed by a third and final section addressing legal and clinical considerations, including techniques for interviewing individuals with ASD. The first book offering an expert, science-based review of autobiographical and eyewitness memory research on those with ASD and the associated legal challenges Provides thought-provoking, informative, often debated observations on memory in ASD from an international team of experts Offers summaries of what is known about memory abilities in those with ASD as well as what is left unknown that future researchers will need to address and that legal professionals should consider. A book that does much to advance the research frontier in the study of memory in ASD and application to the legal system, The Wiley Handbook of Memory, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and the Law is important reading for academic researchers, clinicians, judges, jurors, law enforcement officials, and public policy makers alike.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Developmental Psychology in Practice: Implementation and Impact
An authoritative new work exploring the themes of communication and implementation of research within developmental psychology – a scientific field with extensive real world value in addressing problems faced by individuals, families and services Brings together the insights of a stellar group of contributors with personal experience translating developmental psychology research into practice Accessibly structured into sections exploring family processes and child rearing practices; educational aspects; and clinical applications Goes beyond traditional reviews of literature in the field to report on practical implementation of research findings, including the challenges faced by authors Serves as an invaluable resource for developmental psychologists, practitioners working in the field of child development, and policymakers working on issues affecting children and families
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Occupational Safety and Workplace Health
A Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Psychology focusing on occupational safety and workplace health. The editors draw on their collective experience to present thematically structured material from leading thinkers and practitioners in the USA, Europe, and Asia Pacific Provides comprehensive coverage of the major contributions that psychology can make toward the improvement of workplace safety and employee health Equips those who need it most with cutting-edge research on key topics including wellbeing, safety culture, safety leadership, stress, bullying, workplace health promotion and proactivity
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Occupational Safety and Workplace Health
A Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Psychology focusing on occupational safety and workplace health. The editors draw on their collective experience to present thematically structured material from leading thinkers and practitioners in the USA, Europe, and Asia Pacific Provides comprehensive coverage of the major contributions that psychology can make toward the improvement of workplace safety and employee health Equips those who need it most with cutting-edge research on key topics including wellbeing, safety culture, safety leadership, stress, bullying, workplace health promotion and proactivity
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Employee Retention
An unmatched collection of resources perfect for psychologists, scholars, and HR practitioners In The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Employee Retention, an expert team of authors presents a comprehensive and authoritative perspective on critical issues in employee recruitment, selection, and retention. Every chapter offers an in-depth review of the most recent literature and provides academics, researchers, industry practitioners, and students with a holistic reference to relevant data and theory. The book includes job analyses, biodata, simulation exercises, talent management guides, talent assessment guides for leadership development, and online employee selection strategies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Training, Development, and Performance Improvement
"This Handbook is sure to become a key resource for any researcher or professional looking for the latest and most innovative thinking from around the world on the full range of topics related to training, development, and performance management." Bradford S. Bell, PhD, Cornell University, USA. Editor, Personnel Psychology "I wish I could have accessed this book many years ago. Comprehensive and scholarly, the four sections training, e-learning, personal and professional development and performance management fit well together and address a gap in the literature that has been apparent for some time. The psychological perspective speaks to growing interest in the micro-foundations of strategic success, and the blending together of both formal and informal perspectives on learning in organizations ensures a holistic rather than piecemeal approach to the question of how to build individual knowledge, skills, and competences in organizations. I believe that this book will make a significant impact on its target audience in this critical area." Helen Shipton, Professor of International Human Resource Management, Nottingham Trent University, UK The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Training, Development, and Performance Improvement provides up-to-date, contemporary information for researchers and professionals by reviewing the latest literature and research in the interconnected fields of training, development, and performance appraisal. It brings a psychological perspective to bear on a multidisciplinary field that links to management, human resources, and education. Unique to reference works in this area, it maintains a truly global focus on the field with top international contributors looking at research and practice from around the world, including South America, Europe, Canada, and Australia, as well as the United States and the United Kingdom. The chapters cover a diverse range of important contemporary topics, such as needs analysis, job design, active learning, self-regulation, simulation approaches, 360-degree feedback, and virtual learning environments. Together, they offer researchers and professionals essential information for building a talented organization, a critical and challenging task for organizational success in the twenty-first century.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Leadership, Change, and Organizational Development
A state-of-the-art reference, drawing on key contemporary research to provide an in-depth, international, and competencies-based approach to the psychology of leadership, change and OD Puts cutting-edge evidence at the fingertips of organizational psychology practitioners who need it most, but who do not always have the time or resources to keep up with scholarly research Thematic chapters cover leadership and employee well-being, organizational creativity and innovation, positive psychology and Appreciative Inquiry, and leadership-culture fit Contributors include David Cooperrider, Manfred Kets de Vries, Emma Donaldson-Feilder, Staale Einarsen, David Day, Beverley Alimo-Metcalfe, Michael Chaskalson and Bernard Burnes
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Anthology of African American Literature, Volume 2: 1920 to the Present
The Wiley Blackwell Anthology of African American Literature is a comprehensive collection of poems, short stories, novellas, novels, plays, autobiographies, and essays authored by African Americans from the eighteenth century until the present. Evenly divided into two volumes, it is also the first such anthology to be conceived and published for both classroom and online education in the new millennium. Reflects the current scholarly and pedagogic structure of African American literary studies Selects literary texts according to extensive research on classroom adoptions, scholarship, and the expert opinions of leading professors Organizes literary texts according to more appropriate periods of literary history, dividing them into seven sections that accurately depict intellectual, cultural, and political movements Includes more reprints of entire works and longer selections of major works than any other anthology of its kind This second volume contains a comprehensive collection of texts authored by African Americans from the 1920s to the present The two volumes of this landmark anthology can also be bought as a set, at over 20% savings.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Pathways Healthcare Management: Tools and Techniques for Managing in a Health Care Environment
You can get there Where do you want to go? You might already be working in the health care field and may be looking to expand your skills. You might be setting out on a new career path. Or, you might want to learn more about exciting opportunities in health care management. Wherever you want to go, Health Care Management will help you get there. Easy-to-read, practical, and up-to-date, this text not only helps you learn fundamental health care management concepts; it also helps you master the core competencies and skills you need to succeed in the classroom and beyond. The book's brief, modular format and variety of built-in learning resources enable you to learn at your own pace and focus your studies. With this book, you will be able to: * Understand the health care supervisor's job, roles, functions, and authority. * Respond to common types of ethical dilemmas. * Explore the fundamentals of organizational structures. * Lead and develop work teams that are efficient, focused, and flexible. * Examine the legal and labor issues that impact human resource management. * Implement planning tools and techniques. * Use controls to assess performance, improve processes, and boost quality. * Make smart decisions with effective strategies for analyzing situations. * Become an effective leader and guide others through challenging times. * Develop outstanding interpersonal communication skills. Wiley Pathways helps you achieve your goals When it comes to learning about health care management, not everyone is on the same path. But everyone wants to succeed. The new Wiley Pathways series in Health Care Management helps you achieve your goals with its brief, inviting format, clear language, and focus on core competencies and skills. The books in this series--Introduction to US Health Care, Health Care Management, Health Care Economics, and Health Care Law & Ethics--offer a coordinated curriculum for learning health care management. Learn more at
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Wiley Guide to Strategies Ideas and Applications for Implementing a Total Worker Health Program