Search results for ""terrain""
Faber & Faber 4 3 2 1
On March 3rd, 1947, Archibald Isaac Ferguson, the only child of Rose and Stanley Ferguson, is born. From that single beginning, Ferguson's life will take four simultaneous paths. Four Fergusons will go on to lead four parallel and entirely different lives. Family fortunes diverge. Loves and friendships and passions contrast. Each version of Ferguson's story rushes across the fractured terrain of mid-twentieth century America, in this sweeping story of birthright and possibility, of love and the fullness of life itself.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gläubigerschädigung
Die Verletzung schuldrechtlicher Verpflichtungen, insbesondere die Nichterfüllung von Verträgen, ist nach heutigem Verständnis grundsätzlich kein strafwürdiges Unrecht. Ein "Schuldnerstrafrecht" gab und gibt es freilich dennoch. Sein Terrain beschränkt sich auch keineswegs auf das Arbeits- und Insolvenzstrafrecht, sondern reicht möglicherweise noch weiter - von der Verletzung der Unterhaltspflicht über das unerlaubte Entfernen vom Unfallort bis hin zum Betrug. Auf der Grundlage einer Normentheorie, die subjektive Gläubigerrechte und Straftatbestände unmittelbar miteinander verknüpft, untersucht Andreas Popp die Erfassung gläubigerschädigenden Verhaltens durch das deutsche Strafrecht seit dem RStGB 1871 und die dogmatischen und rechtstheoretischen Problemstellungen, die sich damit verbinden.
WW Norton & Co 50 Hikes in South Carolina
Seasoned hiking author Johnny Molloy details 50 hikes of varied lengths and difficulties throughout verdant South Carolina, from the Chattooga River to the diverse terrain of the Midlands, including Congaree National Park, all the way to the Lowcountry, land of beaches and forgotten swamps and designated wildernesses. Specific emphasis is placed on the most scenic destinations and unique places that make the Palmetto State special. Each hike includes a helpful information section, trail map, trailhead directions, and stunning photographs, with intriguing commentary about the human or natural history along the way.
Fly on the Wall Press Imperfect Beginnings
Imperfect Beginnings lays its poems out to rest on uncertain terrain. Visa paperwork deadlines hang in the air. New-borns, torn too early from their mother's breast, learn to adapt to harsh guardianship. Belonging and exile are mirrored in the stories of having to leave one's birthmother-or motherland. From narrative poems such as 'My Father Sold Cigarettes To The Nazis', Fogel takes us on a journey throughout history, spanning ancestry, wartime, adoption and peacetime, as life settles. Family, work, love and the natural world provide purpose, meaning and a sense of coming 'home'.
Cicerone Press Walking in Northumberland: 36 walks throughout the county - coast, Cheviots, Hadrian's Wall and Pennines
A guidebook to 36 walks exploring Northumberland, including the national park, coast, North Pennines and Kielder. Route are graded by difficulty and cover a wide variety of terrain. The walks, accessible from bases such as Alnwick, Rothbury and Hexham, range from 7 to 22km (4–14 miles) and can be enjoyed in 2–7 hours. 1:50,000 OS maps included for each walk Sized to easily fit in a jacket pocket Notes on refreshments and public transport Local points of interest including Hadrian’s Wall Information on the region’s rich geology, history and wildlife
Cicerone Press Walking on the West Pennine Moors: 30 walks around moorland Lancashire
A guidebook to 30 day walks on the West Pennine Moors. Exploring the wild and diverse landscape of moorland Lancashire, the walks are suitable for all abilities, from gentle strolls to more strenuous and demanding walks.The walks range in length from 5 to 15km (3–9 miles) and cover a variety of terrain. 1:50,000 OS maps are included for each walk Easy access from Blackburn and Bolton Details of local public transport and accommodation Information on the rich heritage, geology and natural history of the area
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Border Angels
A charred corpse and a set of footprints in the snow lead Celcius Daly into the twilight world of people trafficking. Inspector Celcius Daly is hunting for a missing woman who disappeared one winter's night along the Irish border, leaving in her wake the corpses of two men. Soon Daly is involved in a life-or-death chase, leading him deep into border country: a wild terrain of disappearing lanes and blown-up bridges, abandoned ghost-estates and thick forests – the ultimate refuge for anyone who does not want to be found.
John Beaufoy Publishing Ltd 125 Best Bird Watching Sites in Southeast Asia
An expanded and fully updated edition of The 100 Best Birdwatching Sites in Southeast Asia. The book covers sites in Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam. Detailed descriptions of each site cover the type of terrain and specific spots at which certain species are likely to be encountered. A fact file for each site lists the nearest town; the type of habitat; key lowland, montane and winter species to be seen as well as other wildlife specialities, and the best time to visit.
John Beaufoy Publishing Ltd Wild Sabah (2nd edition)
Wild Sabah is a magnificent photographic evocation of the natural splendours of the state of Sabah in Malaysian Borneo. From the peaks of Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in Asia between the Himalayas and New Guinea, to the floodplains of the Kinabatangan River, Sabah teems with wildlife, and the natural history of the region is described with verve and passionate enthusiasm by expert author Junaidi Payne. Landscapes, scenery and natural species are portrayed in Cede Prudente’s spectacular accompanying photographs. Three maps show physical terrain, climate, vegetation and the principal wildlife watching sites.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Theatre and Medicine
Theatre and Medicine offers a tour of this interdisciplinary terrain. Organized into four distinct topics, each represents crucial ways of understanding the theatre-medicine relationship. From discussions on the somatic underpinnings of the body that medicine and theatre take as their subject through to the historical association of theatre and contagion, and the pervasive role of doctors and the practitioners of alternative medicine in Western theatre and role of patients on and off stage. Together, this brief study considers the institutional contexts of theatre’s medical performances in the early twenty-first century.
Wave Books Shelley Gave Jane A Guitar
"Basking in the twilight of Late Romanticism, Meier ...finds the rays seductive but damaging ...Meier's sophisticated debut promises further developments."-Publishers Weekly on Terrain Vague Domesticity, nature, and heartbreak inhabit this seriously playful second collection. Through precise description and inventive vocabulary, Meier's poems are relentless in their efforts to sincerely address contemporary uncertainty and love. A great book for readers looking to rediscover Romantic poetry: "Embrace was a word first used of forts, / until the one body fell down inside the other body, and was lost."
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC US Soldier vs Chinese Soldier: Korea 1951–53
This book examines the US infantry against the Chinese Army amid the unforgiving terrain of Korea during the first real clash of the Cold War. On June 25, 1950, North Korean troops invaded South Korea, triggering a bitter conflict that drew in US and other United Nations forces in support of the South, and soon prompted the Chinese to intervene on the side of the North. Featuring specially commissioned artwork, this study assesses the US and Chinese forces that clashed at Chipyongni (February 13–15, 1951), Triangle Hill (October 14–25, 1952), and Pork Chop Hill (July 6–11, 1953), casting light on the origins, doctrine, and combat effectiveness of these two very different forces during the struggle for victory in Korea. The Chinese forces fighting in Korea were composed of experienced, confident soldiers buoyed by the Communists’ success in the recent Chinese Civil War. Initially armed and equipped with much the same weaponry and doctrine that they had employed in World War II, US Army units in Korea would often find themselves outnumbered, fighting in extremely difficult terrain that precluded the widespread use of armor. Both sides would be tested to the limit by the demands of fighting in such a formidable setting.
University of Toronto Press Contingent Work, Disrupted Lives: Labour and Community in the New Rural Economy
Contingent Work, Disrupted Lives examines the repercussions of economic globalization on several manufacturing-dependent rural communities in Canada. Foregrounding a distinct interest in the 'grassroots' effects of such contemporary corporate strategies as plant closures and downsizing, authors Anthony Winson and Belinda Leach consider the impact of this restructuring on the residents of various communities. The authors argue that the new rural economy involves a fundamental shift in the stability and security of people's lives and, ultimately, it causes wrenching change and an arduous struggle as rural dwellers struggle to rebuild their lives in the new economic terrain. Beginning with broader theoretical and empirical literature on global changes in the economy and the effects of these changes on labour, the text then focuses exploration on manufacturing in Ontario with an analysis of five community case studies. Winson and Leach give considerable attention to the testimony of numerous residents; they report on in-depth interviews with key respondents and blue-collar workers in five separate communities, ranging from diverse manufacturing towns to single-industry settlements. The result is an intimate contextual knowledge of the workers' lives and their attempts to adapt to the tumultuous economic terrain of 1990s rural Canada. Winner of the John Porter Prize for 2003, awarded by the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies
"Read this important book to learn how cancer is an environmental, metabolic disease with many small causes that stack up—and what you can do to prevent or even reverse it."—Dave Asprey, New York Times bestselling author of The Bulletproof Diet The Optimal Terrain Ten Protocol to Reboot Cellular Health! The Metabolic Approach to Cancer offers an innovative, metabolic-focused nutrition protocol that works. Naturopathic, integrative oncologist and cancer survivor Dr. Nasha Winters and nutrition therapist Jess Higgins Kelley have identified the ten key elements of a person’s “terrain” (think of it as a topographical map of our body) that are crucial to preventing and managing cancer. Each of the terrain ten elements—including epigenetics, the microbiome, the immune system, toxin exposures, and blood sugar balance—is illuminated as it relates to the cancer process, then given a heavily researched and tested, non-toxic and metabolic, focused nutrition prescription. The ketogenic diet—which relies on the body’s production of ketones as fuel—is the centerpiece of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer. Further, Winters and Kelley explain how to harness the anticancer potential of phytonutrients abundant in low-glycemic plant and animal foods to address the 10 hallmarks of cancer—an approach Western medicine does with drug-based therapies. The optimized, genetically-tuned diet shuns: Grains Legumes Sugar Genetically modified foods Pesticides Synthetic ingredients The optimized, genetically-tuned diet emphasizes: Whole, wild foods Local Organic Ferments Heirloom Low-glycemic Other components of their approach include harm-reductive herbal therapies like mistletoe (considered the original immunotherapy and common in European cancer care centers) and cannabinoids (which shrink tumors and increase quality of life, yet are illegal in more than half of the United States). Through addressing the ten root causes of cancer and approaching the disease from a nutrition-focused standpoint, we can slow cancer’s endemic spread and live optimized lives. "The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is a powerhouse of detailed information on how to prevent, manage, and treat cancer. . . . It is written in an intimate conversation style that comes from decades of deep personal experience, research, and genuine passion."—Travis Christofferson, author of Tripping over the Truth
Penguin Books Ltd The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing
Longevity is the only indicator of literature that really matters, and this book is built to last' Nick HornbyOne of the most beloved coming-of-age tales ever written, The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing tells of Jane Rosenal and her spirited expedition through the perilous terrain of sex, love, and the treacherous waters of the workplace. From cocktail parties to country houses, young love to older men, Jane's experiences form an unforgettable, hilarious patchwork of contemporary romance. This twenty-fifth anniversary edition includes a insightful, poignant foreword by Nick Hornby. Beautifully written and very funny' Guardian
Denver Art Museum Redrawing Boundaries: Perspectives on Western American Art
Memorial to a passing era? Mistress to history? Illustration of popular legend? Where is the art in traditional narrative western art? Is it kitsch or kunst? Six writers on art and popular culture survey the terrain of western art in the twenty-first century, tracing and refining its boundaries in the areas of aesthetics and national identity. Their sharp-eyed observations support a newly emerging history of western art that places it in a social, psychological, and political—as well as aesthetic—context. The result is a refreshing, vigorous, and substantial contribution in America art history.
Cicerone Press Short Walks Lake District - Coniston and Langdale
Paddy Dillon has chosen 15 of the best short walks around Coniston and Langdale for you to explore. Our guide comes with easy-to-read Ordnance Survey maps and clear route descriptions, perfect if you're new to walking or are looking for something you can enjoy with the whole family. We've included information on local beauty spots and tasty refreshment stops, and most of the walks can be completed in under 4 hours. We haven't included any walks with challenging terrain or complicated navigation, and all you'll need to take with you are a waterproof jacket and a pair of comfortable trainers.
Bristol University Press The Changing Politics and Policy of Austerity
This collection of original essays explores the myriad expressions of austerity since the 2008 financial crisis. Case studies drawn from Canada, Australia and the European Union provide extensive comparative analysis of fiscal consolidation and the varied political responses against austerity. Contributions examine such themes as privatization, class mobilization and resistance, the crisis of liberal democracy and the rise of the far right. The potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in shaping future austerity and alternatives is signalled. Given the rapidly shifting terrain, this comprehensive handbook provides important insights into a complex and fast-changing period of politics and policy.
Bristol University Press The New Politics of Home: Housing, Gender and Care in Times of Crisis
Home and care are central aspects of everyday, personal lives, yet they are also shaped by political and economic change. Within a context of austerity, economic restructuring, worsening inequality and resource rationing, the policies and experiences around these key areas are shifting. Taking an interdisciplinary and feminist perspective, this book illustrates how economic and political changes affect everyday lives for many families and households in the UK. Setting out both new empirical material and new conceptual terrain, the authors draw on approaches from human geography, social policy, and feminist and political theory to explore issues of home and care in times of crisis.
University of California Press The Mating Game: How Gender Still Shapes How We Date
Despite enormous changes in patterns of dating and courtship in twenty-first-century America, contemporary understandings of romance and intimacy remain firmly rooted in age-old assumptions of gender difference. These tenacious beliefs now vie with cultural messages of gender equality that stress independence, self-development, and egalitarian practices in public and private life.Through interviews with heterosexual and LGBTQ individuals, Ellen Lamont’s The Mating Game explores how people with diverse sexualities and gender identities date, form romantic relationships, and make decisions about future commitments as they negotiate uncertain terrain fraught with competing messages about gender, sexuality, and intimacy.
University of Illinois Press An African in Paris
Writing in an informal and episodic style, Bernard Dadié recounts a West African man's first journey to France, from the exhilarating moment when he obtains his ticket through a humorous and fascinating tour across the City of Light. In 1959, when Un Negre a Paris first appeared, the French still held West Africa under colonial rule. Dadié's subtle parodies draw on intimate knowledge obtained over decades spent observing the colonizers abroad and now, suddenly, on their own home terrain. His remarks on Parisian living conditions, wordplay, manners, and and morals are entertaining and poignant, charming yet profound.
Pocket Mountains Ltd Angus and Dundee: 40 Coast and Country Walks
Angus is the historical heartland of Scotland, a county where the past has left an indelible mark on the present. Prehistoric forts, ancient castles and Pictish standing stones dot a rich and varied landscape where bracing coastal hikes, tranquil riverside rambles, sheltered woodland wanders and more challenging hill ascents await the walker. This book features 40 walks, combining exploration of the county's stunning coastline where rocky cliffs and coves reveal swathes of golden sand, with gentle inland trails and more adventurous forays into the celebrated Angus Glens where the terrain is altogether wilder and more dramatic.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Modeling Military Miniatures: Tips, Tools, & Techniques
Building upon his previous book, Sculpting Miniature Military Figures, Kim Jones shows how his various techniques and hand-made tools can make the sculptor’s project easier. Kim gives tips on constructing weapons, adding straps and belts to a figure, and creating realistic terrain using materials that can be found around the house. In this new book, Kim helps solve some of the seemingly difficult problems that can confront the novice sculptor. Each technique is detailed using close-up photography and clear, concise captions to explain every step. This book is a must for not only military miniaturists, but modelers of all kinds.
Goose Lane Editions Kalila
Shortlisted, George Bugnet Award for FictionKalila chronicles the lives of Maggie and Brodie, whose joy collides with devastation when their daughter's birth also heralds the news of her congenital heart condition. In this startlingly inventive novel, Rosemary Nixon braids light and darkness into a narrative chain pulled exquisitely taut. Through Maggie and Brodie's shifting viewpoints, the isolating impenetrability of hospital life, the mediation of physics, music, and family, Nixon propels the reader into unmapped emotional terrain where a shell-shocked family grapples with the horror, joy, and mystery of impermanence. The result is a spellbinding tale, provocative for the emotions and the intellect.
Cicerone Press Short Walks in Arnside and Silverdale
David Jordan has chosen 15 of the best short walks around Arnside and Silverdale for you to explore. Our guide comes with easy-to-read Ordnance Survey maps and clear route descriptions, perfect if you're new to walking or are looking for something you can enjoy with the whole family. We've included information on local beauty spots and tasty refreshment stops, and most of the walks can be completed in under 3 hours. We haven't included any walks with challenging terrain or complicated navigation, and all you'll need to take with you are a waterproof jacket and a pair of comfortable trainers.
Canterbury Press Norwich The Nearer You Stand: Poems and pictures
Roger Wagner is one of the most significant Christian artists and poets working today. This collection combines his poems and paintings in pairs to explore specific places and familiar biblical narratives, inviting us to see them from new and unexpected angles. Roger's poems and pictures range over a wide terrain. Some are located in particular places in Oxfordshire and Suffolk and in particular moments of spiritual autobiography. Others take their starting point from biblical stories or moments in church history. Together, they show that to grasp spiritual truths we often need to approach them from different directions at the same time.
HarperCollins Publishers Sharpes Escape
*SHARPE'S COMMAND, the brand new novel in the global bestselling series, is available to pre-order now*Portugal, 1811Captain Richard Sharpe's renegade ways leave him discarded by his regiment and waging a war against a private Portuguese enemy one fought through the burning, pillaged streets of Coimbra.Forced to retreat across treacherous terrain, the British army prepare vast defences at the Lines of Torres Vedras their greatest secret and their last hope of stopping the French reaching Lisbon. And risking everything to re-join his regiment, and lead the army into battle once more, is Sharpe . . .A master storyteller' DAILY TELEGRAPH
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Bolt Action: Campaign: New Guinea
In 1942, Japanese forces invaded the island of New Guinea and started a bitter, three-year campaign against allied Australian and American forces. Fought in dense jungles and across rugged mountaintops, the grueling fight pushed men to their very limits and forced commanders to adopt new strategies and tactics for the harsh island terrain. Filled with new rules, scenarios, and unit types, this supplement for Bolt Action provides players with all of the information they need to set their games in this unforgiving battlefield.
Penguin Books Ltd Guerrilla Warfare
'Guerrilla warfare is a war of the masses, a war of the people'First published in 1961, following the successful Cuban Revolution, this is Che Guevara's handbook for guerrilla war.It covers strategy, tactics, terrain, organization of an army, logistics, field medical treatment, intelligence, propaganda and training, and focuses on seven 'golden rules' of guerrilla warfare. Widely studied both by insurrectionist movements and those who have tried to suppress them, this is the key text to understand how revolutions can be fought and won by ordinary people.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG JÃ"dische Religion, Geschichte und Kultur: Die Säkularisierung des Hebräischen im 18. Jahrhundert
Die vorliegende Studie blickt auf die jëdischen Aufklärer, die nach Möglichkeiten suchten, die "Heilige Sprache" in eine Sprache der Gegenwart zu verwandeln - in die Sprache der jëdischen Nation in der Diaspora. Angesiedelt zwischen Kultur- und Geschichtswissenschaften entwirft das Buch ein neues dynamisches Bild der jëdischen Aufklärung des 18. Jahrhunderts. Ihre umstrittenen und heterogenen Anfänge - vor, mit und nach Moses Mendelssohn - zeigen, wie sich die jëdische Moderne auf einem Terrain herauskristallisiert, auf dem Hebräisch, Jiddisch und Deutsch, jëdische und christliche Traditionen, säkularisierende und resakralisierende Tendenzen aufs Engste miteinander verbunden sind.
WW Norton & Co The Photographer's Guide to Death Valley
Death Valley is truly a land of extremes. From otherworldly texture and terrain to ghost towns and abandoned mines, this expansive park is home to some of the most unique and inspiring landscapes anywhere on the planet, and visitors from around the world come to experience its striking geology and charismatic cultural sites. This guide offers detailed descriptions, seasonal recommendations, and trip planning suggestions so you'll know where and when to craft stunning photos of the park's attributes. Also included are detailed maps, instruction and suggestions for both digital and film photography enthusiasts.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Zona Alfa: Salvage and Survival in the Exclusion Zone
Zona Alfa is a set of simple, fast-play skirmish rules for scavenging, exploring, and surviving in a near-future, post-apocalyptic Eastern European setting. Players take on the role of bandits, mercenaries, and military units fighting over the blasted Exclusion Zone and its abandoned artefacts. Customise your fighters with a variety of weapons and specialisms to create your ideal warband. With extended rules for campaigns, character progression, terrain, and environmental hazards, Zona Alfa contains all the tools required to engage in blistering firefights within the Exclusion Zone.
University of Nebraska Press The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Volume 1: Atlas of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
When the Corps of Discovery left the vicinity of St. Louis in 1804 to explore the American West, they had only sketchy knowledge of the terrain that they were to cross—existing maps often contained large blank spaces and wild inaccuracies. William Clark painstakingly mapped every mile of the journey, drawing from both direct observation and from the reports of Indians and a few fur traders. On their return Lewis and Clark directed the execution of new maps detailing with remarkable accuracy the features of the country that they had traversed.
Indiana University Press Light Traces
What is the effect of light as it measures the seasons? How does light leave different traces on the terrain—on a Pacific Island, in the Aegean Sea, high in the Alps, or in the forest? John Sallis considers the expansiveness of nature and the range of human vision in essays about the effect of light and luminosity on place. Sallis writes movingly of nature and the elements, employing an enormous range of philosophical, geographical, and historical knowledge. Paintings and drawings by Alejandro A. Vallega illuminate the text, accentuating the interaction between light and environment.
Discover more of the great outdoors with Navigation Skills for Walkers and Pathfinder (R) Guides. Build confidence and competence in reading maps: using grid references, contour interpretation and visualising terrain. Learn how to use a compass, with map and compass navigation: taking a bearing, magnetic variation and `aiming off'. Make the most of your GPS device: using the information it provides, understanding the limitations of GPS, and geocaching. Gain familiarity with digital mapping: introducing OS Maps, its app and online versions ideal for creating, following and reviewing your own walks.
John Wiley & Sons Inc AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 Essentials: Autodesk Official Press
Start designing today with this hands-on beginner's guide to AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 Essentials gets you quickly up to speed with the features and functions of this industry-leading civil engineering software. This full-color guide features approachable, hands-on exercises and additional task-based tutorials that help you quickly become productive as you master the fundamental aspects of AutoCAD Civil 3D design. Each chapter opens with a quick discussion of concepts and learning goals, and then briskly moves into tutorial mode with screen shots that illustrate each step of the process. The emphasis is on skills rather than tools, and the clear delineation between "why" and "how" makes this guide ideal for quick reference. The companion website provides starting and ending files for each exercise, so you can jump in at any point and compare your work with the pros. Centered around the real-world task of designing a residential subdivision, these exercises get you up to speed with the program's functionality, while also providing the only Autodesk-endorsed preparation for the AutoCAD Civil 3D certification exam. Master the AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 interface and basic tasks Model terrain using imported field survey data Analyze boundaries, pipe networks, surfaces, and terrain Estimate quantities and create construction documentation If you're ready to acquire this must-have skillset, AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 Essentials will get you up to speed quickly and easily.
Peeters Publishers L'arabe Yemenite De Sanaa
Son emplacement aux confins de l'aire arabophone, son isolement politico-economique et sa geographie accidentee font du Yemen une des regions les plus riches sur le plan dialectal. Historiquement, les parlers yemenites sont dits de type " bedouin ", generalement plus conservateurs que les dialectes de type " sedentaire ". La situation linguistique actuelle montre un net desequilibre entre les generations lie aux effets de la scolarisation. Cette etude repose sur des materiaux de premiere main recueillis sur le terrain. Une attention particuliere est accordee aux usages sociaux de la generation non alphabetisee, aupres de laquelle des elements d'un argot feminin aujourd'hui disparu ont ete decouverts.
Chronicle Books Lowriders Blast from the Past
When new friends Lupe, Flapjack, and Elirio are each bullied by Las Matamoscas, they know they're going to like one another. When they find out they all love lowrider cars, they know they'll be friends for life. But the bullies won't leave the Lowriders alone—and they don't let any girls or babies into car clubs. Can these three determined outcasts prove they deserve to be in the car show? Humor, Spanish words, and lowrider culture come together in this heartwarming graphic novel of three friends navigating the bumpy terrain of friendship, bullying, and standing up for what you believe in. ¡Vámonos!
Cicerone Press Short Walks in the Lake District: Keswick, Borrowdale and Buttermere
Vivienne Crow has chosen 15 of the best short walks around Keswick, Borrowdale and Buttermere for you to explore. Our guide comes with easy-to-read Ordnance Survey maps and clear route descriptions, perfect if you're new to walking or are looking for something you can enjoy with the whole family. We've included information on local beauty spots and tasty refreshment stops, and most of the walks can be completed in under 3 hours. We haven't included any walks with challenging terrain or complicated navigation, and all you'll need to take with you are a waterproof jacket and a pair of comfortable trainers.
Rowman & Littlefield Greg Davenport's Advanced Outdoor Navigation: Basics And Beyond
This guide takes readers well beyond the basic skills of map and compass, moving readers to a level of complete understanding of navigation in the outdoors--regardless of terrain or time of day, whether traveling over rock or ice, through desert or jungle, on a river or at sea. As one of the most thorough books on the subject, Advanced Outdoor Navigation complements Falcon's successful list of navigation titles by going beyond the basics and offering readers the most comprehensive study of navigational skills ever published. Written by Greg Davenport, considered one of the best global survival experts in the world.
Western Horseman Western Fences
Fences across the American West are a symbol of the hard work and perseverance of working cowboys and cowgirls. David Stoecklein's images in this volume of the ever-expanding Cowboy Gear series depict the fences that snake across the varying terrain of the West, ranging from simple barbed wire to old wooden panels. Fences serve an important purpose and they also have a certain symbolism. They communicate ownership and mark property lines, but they also protect livestock and symbolize the teamwork that is so important to surviving in a harsh environment.
Anness Publishing Taste of Scotland
The food of Scotland reflects the glorious natural landscape; game from the heather-clad moors and dense forests; fresh fish caught from the seas, lochs and rivers; wild fruits, berries and herbs gathered from the hedgerows, and oats and barley harvested where the terrain allows. The dishes that stem from these ingredients are steeped in local history and tradition. Celebrate the culinary heritage of Scotland in this delightful collection of 30 recipes ranging from the iconic haggis, celebrated in verse by national poet Robert Burns, to the finest shortbreads, bannocks and buns.
The History Press Ltd The Range Rover Story
It’s easy to forget that the original Range Rover, launched in 1970, created the luxury sport-utility vehicle market from scratch. A marvel of British ingenuity developed on a shoestring budget, it was the first four-wheel drive car that was as happy on tarmac as it was on rocky terrain. It truly blazed a trail for a worldwide motoring trend. The Range Rover Story is a timely and concise reminder of all that Range Rover has achieved since a tight-knit group of engineers first turned their thoughts to something ground-breaking.
Bristol University Press Communities, Archives and New Collaborative Practices
This innovative book examines the changing relationship between communities, citizens and the notion of the archive. Archives have traditionally been understood as repositories of knowledge and experience, remote from the ordinary people who fund and populate them, however digital resources have led to a growing plurality of archives and the practices associated with collecting and curating. This book uses a broad range of case studies which place communities at the heart of this exciting development, to illustrate how their experiences are central to our understanding of this new terrain which challenges traditional histories and the control of knowledge and power.
Indiana University Press Ethnographic Encounters in Israel: Poetics and Ethics of Fieldwork
Israel is a place of paradoxes, a small country with a diverse population and complicated social terrain. Studying its culture and social life means confronting a multitude of ethical dilemmas and methodological challenges. The first-person accounts by anthropologists engage contradictions of religion, politics, identity, kinship, racialization, and globalization to reveal fascinating and often vexing dimensions of the Israeli experience. Caught up in pressing existential questions of war and peace, social justice, and national boundaries, the contributors explore the contours of Israeli society as insiders and outsiders, natives and strangers, as well as critics and friends.
BRF (The Bible Reading Fellowship) BRF Lent Book: Loving My Neighbour: A Lenten journey
It’s never been more important to understand how much God loves us and how much he wants us to love each other. Loving My Neighbour takes us on a journey through the challenging terrain of how we can truly love one another, individually and in our communities. Daily Bible readings and reflections from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day explore how we can love in truth, love the vulnerable and the suffering, embrace difference, care for our world, and love ourselves as God loves us. Holy Week brings us back to reflect on Christ on the cross, who loved us to the very end.
Countryside Books On Your Bike Oxfordshire
The 20 circular routes vary in length from 6½ to 27 miles and are fully described in the text and shown on the accompanying maps. The rides visit a wide variety of interesting and historic sites including the picturesque village of Great Tew; the Victorian tower brewery at Hook Norton; the church at Bloxham; Shotover Country Park with its spectacular views and Great Coxwell Barn. The book also covers the type of terrain to be covered and where to find refreshments along the way, as well as brief notes about places of interest en route or nearby.
Little, Brown Book Group Frostbitten: Book 10 in the Women of the Otherworld Series
After years of struggle, Elena Michaels - journalist, investigator, werewolf - has finally come to terms with her strange fate, and learned how to control her wild side. At least, that's what she believes when she sets off to Alaska with her partner Clay. A series of gruesome maulings and murders outside Anchorage seem to implicate a rogue band of werewolves. But the truth is more complicated. Trapped in a frozen, unforgiving terrain, they are forced to confront a deadly secret, and their own, untamed nature...Gripping, intense and deeply satisfying, Frostbitten is a brilliant novel of suspense with a supernatural twist.