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Sounds True Inc This Is Woman's Work: Calling Forth Your Inner Council of Wise, Brave, Crazy, Rebellious, Loving, Luminous Selves
“A woman’s work is to define herself,” writes award-winning slam poet Dominique Christina. While this task is important for everybody, Dominique says, “There is an urgency for women. When you have inherited a construct that names, describes, and practices an ideology that women are somehow less important, less necessary, then the work of defining yourself carries with it a kind of fury.” This is why she wrote This Is Woman’s Work: to help women reclaim every single aspect of their selves, whether caring or cunning or fierce. Every woman is composed of many selves - archetypal players of the psyche who contribute their voices to her greater “I.” In this paperback edition of This Is Woman’s Work, Dominique introduces us to our council of inner women, delving into the secret wisdom and gifts of the Willing Woman, the Rebel, the Shapeshifter, the Warrior, and more. Combining writing exercises with fresh and dynamic insights, Dominique helps us make an intimate connection with each inner woman - known and unknown, loved and feared - so we may integrate their voices, realise their wisdom, and open ourselves to our full expression and power.
Sounds True Inc The Vibration of Grace: Sound Healing Rituals for Liberation
Each of us walks with deep, sacred wisdom. Our bodies contain an innate intelligence that knows how to heal, and with guidance, we can learn modalities that allow us to live and thrive in ways we dream about. The Vibration of Grace ushers us to our limitless power by sourcing the inexhaustible presence of sound. Here, we are taken on an unparalleled guided immersion with vocalist and sound healer gina Breedlove, who has practiced, shared, and lived this wisdom for decades. With beautiful lyrical prose, she shows us how to find our authentic voice and use it for healing and emotional and spiritual growth. Breedlove’s transformational insights draw on rituals of soul retrieval, vibrational healing, and intention setting, with twelve chapters of instruction on sound rituals, affirmations, and meditation practices that can be done singly, with a partner, or in a group. These concepts are revealed by the spirit of Grace, the energetic entity that has lovingly supported Breedlove on her path since her childhood. Throughout the work, we are gifted with lessons that “root us in our humanness, centering the self as a place of sanctuary and personal sovereignty. This can give us true freedom - domain over our thoughts, body, words, and actions.” Now readers everywhere have the chance to learn directly from Breedlove, with The Vibration of Grace.
Sounds True Inc With Sprinkles on Top: Everything Vanilla People and Their Kinky Partners Need to Know to Communicate, Explore, and Connect
More than 80 percent of adult couples in the US report a desire discrepancy between partners - a misalignment not only in frequency of sex but also in what turns them on. Many people harbour fantasies that they feel uncomfortable sharing. With Sprinkles on Top offers a positive and empowering guide to talking about and working through sexual differences - particularly between kinky and non-kinky, or vanilla, partners. Sex therapist Dr. Stefani Goerlich helps readers explore what excites them, what they want to share with their partner, and how to communicate and try new things. With empathy and understanding, the book addresses the fears experienced on both sides of a desire divide and provides guidance for relationships of many different shapes and orientations. It offers evidence-based facts about BDSM and its effects on relationships, reassurance about what a partner’s interests might imply (or not!), support and validation of one’s own preferences, and important tips for differentiating between violence and kink. Here, readers will find specific suggestions for protecting, preserving, and strengthening their relationships despite differences in fantasy and desire. With Sprinkles on Top invites readers into playful and sex-positive exploration and affirms that vanilla and kinky people can thrive together in healthy relationship.
Sounds True Inc Integrity Advantage: Step into Your Truth, Love Your Life, and Claim Your Magnificence
Are you ready to open up to new levels of self-trust and self-love, to get where you want to go? You vowed to speak up at work, and then sat silent in the meeting yet again. You told yourself "this time the diet is going to stick," only to watch the scale inching up. You felt that something just wasn’t right about someone that—until you learned the hard way that your instincts were right. "Every time you bite your tongue," teaches Kelley Kosow, "you swallow your integrity." Before Kelley Kosow was a renowned life coach and CEO, she constantly second-guessed herself, let her "to-do" lists and others steer her dreams and passions, and played it "small and safe." Inspired by the groundbreaking principles of her renowned mentor Debbie Ford, who hand-picked Kelley to be her successor, The Integrity Advantage is Kelley’s step-by-step guide for facing the fear, shame, and false beliefs that cause us to lose our way. Through life-changing insights, true stories, and proven strategies, this book will show you how to live on your own terms—according to you—from the inside out. Join this transformational leader and motivational speaker to learn how to: • Connect with your inner truth and keep it growing stronger day by day • Level up your self-love and self-trust to get where you want to go • Embrace the totality of who you are • Turn the tide on mediocrity • Break free of the "gravitational pull" of your past • Get fearless and excited about moving outside of your comfort zone • Stop living from your "to-do" list and start living from your "bucket" list • Become the person you want to be Every day, we make promises to ourselves, and then we break them. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re ready to stop fighting with yourself, start trusting your deeper wisdom, and return to wholeness, this is the book for you.
Sounds True Inc Leopard Warrior: A Journey into the African Teachings of Ancestry, Instinct, and Dreams
A Teaching Memoir That Crosses the Barriers Between Worlds A shaman is one who has learned to move between two worlds: our physical reality and the realm of spirits. For John Lockley, shamanic training also meant learning to cross the immense divide of race and culture in South Africa. As a medic drafted into the South African military in 1990, John Lockley had a powerful dream. "Even though I am a white man of Irish and English descent, I knew in my bones that I had received my calling to become a sangoma, a traditional South African shaman," John writes. "I felt blessed by the ancient spirit of Africa, and I knew that I had started on a journey filled with magic and danger." His path took him from the hills of South Korea, where he trained as a student under Zen Master Su Bong, to the rural African landscape of the Eastern Cape and the world of the sangoma mystic healers, where he found his teacher in the medicine woman called MaMngwevu. In Leopard Warrior, John shares a gripping account of his experiences and the wisdom he learned over years of training. Here he invites you to discover: • Powerful insights into the spiritual tradition of the Xhosa lineage of South Africa—the tribe of Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu • Ubuntu—a core concept for recognizing and embracing our deep interconnection with all living things • Ancestor medicine—how we can learn to honor the blood in our veins, the heritage of our soul, and our shared humanity • Recovering our forgotten knowledge about the wisdom of our dreams, the spirits of plants and animals, and the power of the unseen world In traditional African healing circles, the leopard represents intuition, instinct, and harmony with nature and the spirit world. As John Lockley writes, "A leopard warrior is a spiritual soldier who mirrors the natural world and directs their gaze inward to answer the call of their spirit." With Leopard Warrior, he brings us an inspiring call to action—showing how we can bridge the barriers that divide us, embrace the gifts of our ancestors, and reclaim our rightful place as compassionate caretakers of our world.
Sounds True Inc Sex That Works: An Intimate Guide to Awakening Your Erotic Life
Awaken Your Erotic Life "Making sex work—embracing your erotic soul and deepening the intimacy in your life—is both a consequence of deep presence and its gift. Healing our selves in our deepest erotic space can only be a deliberate act, and the doing of it miraculously seems to heal everything else. Tapping into the courage to know your own deepest sexual thoughts and feelings, and offering them with your whole being, is both a life work and lasting gift that will be long remembered." —Wendy Strgar, Sex That Works If you and your partner have lost that special spark, here is a book with the power to save your sex life—and your relationship. Sex That Works invites you to experience a new level of feeling and a new level of freedom in your sexuality. Wendy Strgar offers healing insights, potent practices (for you alone and with your partner), and guidance drawn from her marriage of over 30 years and her work with thousands of people to encourage the full awakening and expression of your erotic life. Nine core topics include: Freedom Taking responsibility for your sexual evolution • Healing our harmful behaviors • Claiming erotic freedom • Overcoming silence • Giving yourself permission • Finding forgiveness Pleasure Pleasure as a medium of communication • Restoring our humanity • Orgasm • Relaxing our judgments about sexuality • The many benefits of self-pleasure • Owning the pleasure response • Calling pleasure by its true name • Transcendent orgasms • Broadening our sexual vocabulary • Pleasure as a fountain of youth Finding your normal The universal uncertainty • Bridging the erotic with the rational • Putting sexual health in context • The Sexual Identity Grid • The malady of sexual dysfunction • Trusting our erotic nature • Beyond right and wrong Courage The gift of choice • Growing up sexually • Living well with risks • Befriending our fear • The four attributes of courage • Desire as courage • Daily practice • Becoming who you really are • Healing erotic wounds • Letting our erotic self teach us Curiosity Overcoming sexual boredom • Filling in the gaps of our sexual education • Exploration as the leader • Sensory intrigue • Opening as a creative act • Awakening to life, sexual and otherwise Sensation Awakening the senses • Out of the head and into the body • Trusting erotic impulses • Building a vocabulary of scent and taste • The healing language of touch • Erotic connections • Making noise • Negotiating shared sensations • Mindfulness • Falling into the body Fantasy Eliciting arousal through stories • Witnessing your fantasies • Fantasies as charged erotic fuel • The space between witnessing and enacting • Inner erotic landscapes • Uncovering the subconscious source of pleasure • Expressing desire • Submission and domination Attention Listening • Making the time • A radical leap • Creating a love container • Sustaining an atmosphere conducive to intimacy • Showing up vs. coexisting • Compassion as a way to connect • Sourcing from our center • Committing to something bigger than our selves Gratitude Letting go and receiving • Grateful sex • Healing through kindness • Receiving abundance • The importance of sexual freedom, revisited • A simple gratitude practice • A passionate love affair with your fleeting life
Sounds True Inc Nourishing Intimacy: Cultivating Trust, Understanding, and Love in All Our Relationships
A Mindful Approach to the Unique Challenges of Intimate Relationships Why is it often so hard to truly connect with others, even those we care most about? "Our capacity to engage fully in relationship starts with becoming more awake and aware within ourselves," says Tara Brach. With Nourishing Intimacy, this renowned teacher offers a treasury of tools and insights for cultivating self-compassion, overcoming inner obstacles, and fostering authentic communication. Recorded at a live two-day event, this training brings you Tara’s special blend of storytelling, tender guidance, and potent meditations for applying mindfulness and loving-kindness to our relationships, including: • Dissolving the illusion of separation that keeps us isolated • Awakening from the belief that we are unworthy of love • How to address the true needs underneath our surface conflicts • Practicing forgiveness, healing from past relationship trauma, breaking stuck patterns in conflict, and much more. "When we are grounded in compassionate awareness," teaches Tara, "we can stay heart to heart with another, even when we don’t see eye to eye." Here she offers a gentle and practical guide for building healthy, openhearted relationships with Nourishing Intimacy.
Sounds True Inc Things That Join the Sea and the Sky: Field Notes on Living
A Reader for Navigating the Depths of Our Lives The Universe holds us and tosses us about, only to hold us again. With Things That Join the Sea and the Sky, Mark Nepo brings us a compelling treasury of short prose reflections to turn to when struggling to keep our heads above water, and to breathe into all of our sorrows and joys. Inspired by his own journal writing across 15 years, this book shares with us some of Mark’s most personal work. Many passages arise from accounts of his own life events—moments of "sinking and being lifted"—and the insights they yielded. Through these passages, we’re encouraged to navigate our own currents of sea and sky, and to discover something fundamental yet elusive: How, simply, to be here. To be enjoyed in many ways—individually, by topic, or as an unfolding sequence—Things That Join the Sea and the Sky presents 145 contemplations gathered into 17 themes, each intended to illuminate specific situations. The themes include: Unraveling Our Fear, Beyond What Goes Wrong, The Gift of Deepening, The Practice of Relationship, What Holds Us Up, Right-Sizing Our Pain, The Reach of Kindness, Burning Off What’s Unnecessary, How We Make Our Way and many more. For those interested in either beginning or expanding their own journaling explorations, this reader also provides a guide to the practice of daily writing, with 100 compelling questions to get us started. "Joy is the sea that holds all," writes Mark, "the Unity of Being where feelings don’t separate, but surface like waves to remind us we are alive." Here, he helps us swim in those waters until we are held in the mystery of their buoyancy.
Sounds True Inc Return Home: Essential Meditation Training for a Vital, Centered Life
Teachings and Tools for Clarity, Balance & Energetic Vitality in Your Daily Life Yoga has the power to connect us deeply with our body’s energies and wisdom. But once we’re off the mat, it can seem impossible to extend those gifts into the crises and chaos of the real world. Acclaimed yoga teacher and author Elena Brower understands—she’s also a devoted mother and a partner in a lifelong relationship. In this guided training course, we are invited to learn the key insights and inner practices that have helped Elena and her students the most in daily life. Step by step, she teaches us meditations, gentle movement, and many other ways to cultivate five principles: Attunement, Allowing, Alignment, Acceptance, and Advancement. "This course is not about running from your life—it’s about embracing all of it. Together, we’ll be learning how to evolve distraction into attunement, self-sabotage into allowing, confusion into alignment, denial into acceptance, and ambivalence into advancement." Whether you’re a yoga practitioner, a student of mindfulness meditation, or completely new to a daily practice, The Return Home will help you to discover a wealth of effective tools to embrace your challenges and flow through both the calms and currents of your life. HIGHLIGHTS Attunement—Listening to the wisdom of your physical, mental, and spiritual self • Allowing—Flowing with, not against, the river • Alignment—Moving from confusion into balance • Acceptance—Receiving and relating to yourself completely and with kindness • Advancement—Growing into mastery and confidence to serve your true purpose, and to support others • More than eight hours of teachings, meditations, guided practices, and inspiration with acclaimed yoga instructor and author Elena Brower
Sounds True Inc The Courage to Love: Meditations for Embracing Everything
Heart-Centered Meditations for Opening to the Depths of all Experience The heart can hold everything—our joys and our sorrows, our victories and our failures, our deepest fears and our greatest longings. In The Courage to Love, Jeff Foster invites us to embrace all the heart knows, to courageously "meet ourselves—and everything else—right now, just as we are." With warmth and compassion, Jeff guides us through four progressive meditations, each accompanied by an insightful teaching session. Guided practices include: A breath-based meditation for becoming unconditionally receptive to your immediate experience • A meditation for opening to the present moment with attention to sound • A body-scan practice for awakening acceptance through physical awareness • A heart-opening meditation for embracing the present moment completely and fully "In true meditation, we don’t want to move away from life," Jeff teaches, "We want to become more intimate with life in all her forms." Through these heartfelt sessions, we learn to cultivate a fearless acceptance of our total experience, returning to peace and inspiration with every listening.
Sounds True Inc The Power of Off: The Mindful Way to Stay Sane in a Virtual World
Effective mindfulness practices for transforming your relationship with technology and reconnecting with your real life Our reliance on technology is rapidly changing how each of us experiences life. We’re facing new issues and difficulties, we’re encountering new emotional triggers, and we’re relating to each other in new ways. As Dr. Nancy Colier writes, "How we spend our time, what motivates us, and what we want are all are on a radical course of transformation." The promise of technology is that it will make our lives easier; yet to realize that promise, we cannot be passive users—we must bring awareness and mindfulness to our relationships with our devices. "The compulsion to constantly check our devices plays on primal instincts," teaches Colier. "Even people with strong spiritual practices or those who have never had other addiction issues now find themselves caught in the subtle trap of these miraculous tools we’ve created." Through The Power of Off, she offers us a path for making use of the virtual world while still feeling good, having healthy relationships, and staying connected with what is genuinely meaningful in life. You’ll explore: How and why today’s devices push our buttons so effectively, and what you can do to take back control of your life • Tips for navigating the increasingly complex ways in which technology is affecting our relationships—with ourselves, others, and our devices themselves • Self-evaluation tools for bringing greater awareness to your use of technology • Mindfulness practices for helping you interact with your devices in more conscious ways • A 30-day digital detox program to kick-start a new healthier relationship with technology With The Power of Off, Colier sounds the call for wakefulness, reminding us that we can use technology in a way that promotes, rather than detracts from, our well-being. This book provides an essential resource for anyone wanting to create a more empowered relationship with technology in the digital age.
Sounds True Inc Break the Norms: Questioning Everything You Think You Know About God and Truth, Life and Death, Love and Sex
Have you ever felt like you’re living out a script written for you by others—in your work, your relationships, or spirituality? "To break through the norms we’ve been conditioned to believe is an act of rebellion," writes Chandresh Bhardwaj. "We must be prepared to be brutally honest. We must overturn our assumptions and unlearn our suffering. We must be willing to discover our real reasons for being alive." In Break the Norms, Chandresh illuminates the unconscious beliefs we carry about matters of sex, death, love, ego, God, and gurus—then offers penetrating questions and self-inquiry practices to help us separate our own truth from the products of the status quo. Join him to explore: • Your Inner Truth—how to set aside your conditioned, ego-based perspective and bring forth your authentic wisdom • Spiritual Practice—where you can get stuck practicing meditation and yoga, and how to keep moving toward a deeper experience of God • Mastering the Ego—developing a healthy approach for dealing with anger, fear, and desire • Seeking Your Guru—dispelling the myths about gurus and finding the right teacher to hold up a mirror to your soul • Love, Sex, and Spirit—how we can the integrate the physical world and the transcendent through the path of devotion • Mortality and Morality—overcoming our fear of death and our resistance to creating heaven on earth There are no "right answers" in spirituality, but asking the right questions can help us discover who we are and what we are becoming. "Authenticity is inherent each of our souls," writes Chandresh. "When we start to be authentic, we start to get back in touch with our divine source." Break the Norms is the first book from a compelling new teacher—and a clarion call to embrace our own spiritual authority.
Sounds True Inc Healing Light: An Apprenticeship in Peruvian Shamanism
How does one begin upon the shamanic path of healing and wisdom? "At the core of the Pachakuti Mesa tradition," reflects don Oscar Miro-Quesada, emerge four keys: "By doing, we learn. With study, we refine. Through dreaming, we create. And in loving, we fulfill." With Healing Light, this respected healer and teacher guides us into the direct teachings, practices, and profound worldview of Peruvian shamanism. In-Depth Learning with a Respected Guide to the Spirituality of "the Heart Island" More than 30 years ago, don Oscar Miro-Quesada was privileged to acquire, practice, and share the teachings of two revered shamanic wisdom holders from the northern coast and southeastern Andes of Peru, don Celso Rojas Palomino and don Benito Corihuaman Vargas. In this full-length audio curriculum, we have the opportunity to honor and partake in this legacy, directly and in the original way, through the spoken word. With don Oscar’s personal guidance, listeners are offered singular apprenticeship in: the principles and methods of Peruvian curanderismo; guided shamanic journeys of transformation and healing; empowering rituals; and a treasury of other insights, many shared here with a Western audience for the first time. If you’ve ever been compelled by the root spirituality of South America, "the Heart Island"— or simply wish to experience more deeply our primordial connection with the natural world—Healing Light offers a rare and welcoming invitation to this perennial path of soul wisdom.
Sounds True Inc Make Me One with Everything: Buddhist Meditations to Awaken from the Illusion of Separation
What did the Dalai Lama say to the pizza guy from Brooklyn? "Make me one with everything!" It’s a familiar joke, muses Lama Surya Das, but it holds a profound truth: that in addition to inner peace, meditation is a path for all-inclusive connection .With Make Me One with Everything, he invites us to experience this expansive dimension of the dharma through the art of intermeditation. "If you’ve ever felt `at one’ with something—your beloved or your child, a wooded trail, a favorite song—then you’ve experienced intermeditation," teaches Surya Das .Based on Tibetan Buddhism’s core insights into the deeply connected nature of who we are, intermeditation offers both new and experienced meditators a fresh new way to commune with every moment—on and off the cushion—in oneness with our partners, our family and friends, our enemies, those in need near or far, our higher Selves, and Nature itself.
Sounds True Inc Recovering Joy: A Mindful Life After Addiction
Addiction recovery requires a serious commitment, yet that doesn’t mean it has to be a bleak, never-ending struggle. "Recovering takes us through many difficult steps of discipline, humility, and self-realization," says Kevin Griffin ."In doing so, many of us forget that we are capable and deserving of basic happiness." With Recovering Joy, Kevin Griffin fills in what is often the missing piece in addiction recovery programs—how to regain our ability to live happier lives. Recovering Joy offers a deeply insightful look at how we can cultivate positive mind states within the challenging context of addiction. Through reflections, self-inquiry, and mindfulness practices, Griffin reveals how we can better act in accordance with our core values, cultivate healthy and satisfying relationships, renew our sense of playfulness, and find the unexpected joys in the journey of recovery.
Sounds True Inc Darkness Before Dawn: Redefining the Journey Through Depression
There’s no shortage of psychology self-help books on depression—but this collection, envisioned and edited by Sounds True founder Tami Simon, is not one of them. You won’t be revisiting familiar therapies or antidepressant options. What you will find is a gathering of 16 exceptional and compassionate teachers who have faced profound depression themselves. Their purpose? To radically shift the way that we perceive the experience. To offer insights and practices that reach beyond conventional models. And to help us receive depression’s uninvited yet singular gifts. The guidance presented here supports traditional psychotherapy and medication as valuable tools. But for those who’ve found these approaches incomplete—or seek to help others at an impasse—there’s much to discover within these pages, including: Thomas Moore, PhD, on Saturn’s gifts; Sally Kempton on shifting from suffering and into witnessing awareness; poet Mark Nepo on embracing both emptiness and aliveness; Mary Pipher, PhD, on how despair can open us to long-hidden joy; Christina Baldwin on "ineffable sorrow"; Parker J. Palmer, PhD, on finding meaning and connection through the experience of depression; plus exceptional contributions by Ann Marie Chiasson, MD; James Gordon, MD; Sandra Ingerman; Karla McLaren; Robert Augustus Masters, PhD; Amy Weintraub; Jeff Foster; Elizabeth Rabia Roberts, EdD; Michael Bernard Beckwith; and Reginald A. Ray, PhD.
Sounds True Inc Energy Medicine Yoga: Amplify the Healing Power of Your Yoga Practice
?2015 Nautilus Award Winner What is it that makes yoga practitioners feel so good after a session—more so than after other kinds of exercise or stretching? "Yoga was created to directly stimulate and move us at the energetic level," teaches Lauren Walker. Yet many of us don't have the time to spare for the kind of extensive regular practice we'd need to gain the full benefits yoga was meant to offer. That's why Walker created Energy Medicine Yoga—a breakthrough book that combines yoga with the most effective techniques of energy medicine to vastly increase the healing power of your practice. Created for yoga practitioners of any background or experience—even complete newcomers—this clear, easy-to-use guidebook features: Energy medicine essentials—key concepts about your subtle anatomy and its profound influence on your physical, emotional, and spiritual health • An eight-week learning plan for working with your body's energy systems—with practices focused on your meridians, chakras, vibrational field, and more • Power poses—the most valuable "if you do nothing else, do these" techniques for each of your body's energy systems • The 20-minute template—putting it all together to create your own custom-made, supercharged daily practice Lauren Walker has adapted the renowned energy medicine methods pioneered by her own teacher, Donna Eden, so they integrate seamlessly into yoga movements and postures. "Energy medicine yoga teaches you to take the things you're doing now, layer them together with complementary techniques, and exponentially increase the benefits of your practice," Walker explains. "You'll learn to work smarter, not harder—so you can have a healthy body full of energy, zest, and joy for what life has to offer."
Sounds True Inc Positive Neuroplasticity: The Power of Taking in the Good
Rewire Your Brain for Happiness—A Step-By-Step Program Self-Directed Brain Change is based on a key emerging insight from neuroscience: that to keep our ancestors alive, the human brain evolved to stick to negative experiences like Velcro and shrug off the positive ones like Teflon. The good news, teaches Rick Hanson, is that we can retrain our neural structure out of "sheer survival" mode and into one of greater well-being, mental clarity, and moment-to-moment appreciation. In this practice-focused program, Dr. Hanson teaches us how to: Shift our evolutionary fear and survival bias into one of "taking in the good" • Use positive moments or states to rewire happiness as an enduring neural trait • Heal difficult or painful emotional memories to "fill the hole in the heart" • Increase and deepen daily experiences of love, gratitude, and contentment • Build inner resilience in the face of stress and challenging situations, improve relationships, and much more Is it possible to rewire yourself for happiness? A growing body of evidence from this pioneering neuropsychologist and his colleagues says yes, we can—and experience greater fulfillment and contentment the moment we begin. With Self-Directed Brain Change, you will learn how.
Sounds True Inc Saint Teresa of Avila: Passionate Mystic
"The important thing is not to think much, but to love much, and so to do whatever best awakens us to love." —St. Teresa of Avila Journey to the 16th century to discover the fiery passion of Saint Teresa of Avila, one of Christianity's most inspiring saints. A tireless reformer and the mentor of Saint John of the Cross, Teresa's greatest legacy is her revelation of ecstatic love for God—a love so powerful that it pierces the heart like a burning sword. Through illness, hardship, and persecution by the Inquisition, this courageous mystic lit the way with her unquenchable spirit to an "interior castle," a place of unimaginable beauty and light where no darkness can touch us. Saint Teresa of Avila gives you a direct link to the living presence of this brave and gentle woman, to draw upon her strength in your own times of need.
Sounds True Inc Awakening the Heart: A Somatic Training in Bodhicitta
A Somatic Training Program to Open Your Heart to the World There is no more powerful vehicle for knowing yourself and others than the human heart. For it is through the opening of the heart that we touch our own deepest experience, and come to connect with each other. In Awakening the Heart, Dr. Reggie Ray presents a 24-CD somatic training curriculum designed to help us dismantle the walls around our hearts and dwell in bodhicitta (literally "awakened heart mind"). Rediscovering the Vast and Mysterious Domain of the Human Heart "In the modern world," explains Reggie, "we often feel lost in our relationships and uncertain in our ability to care about other people. But at the same time, as social creatures, we share a very deep inspiration toward connection, loving, and communion with others." We find ourselves in this predicament because of our culture’s emphasis on the left-brain or "thinking mind" as the primary lens for viewing oneself and the world. In Awakening the Heart, Reggie will lead you through a progressive series of teachings and body-based meditations for rediscovering the vast and mysterious domain of the human heart—and accessing the depths of wisdom available within your body at this very moment. This is the path of bodhicitta, a compassionate commitment to be present to life and transform oneself in order to love everything that is in a way that is infinite and unconditional. "Who we are in our essence is a living field of awakened and boundless love," teaches Reggie. Awakening the Heart is your invitation to the lifelong journey of reconnecting to our fundamental goodness and cultivating our capacity to love.
Sounds True Inc Energetic Boundaries: How to Stay Protected and Connected in Work, Love, and Life
Identifying "energetic boundaries" through which our psyche and spirit shield out harmful influences, a guide to tapping the power of spiritual boundaries to connect the soul to the universe explains how to promote positive experiences, optimal health and balanced relationships. Original.
Sounds True Inc Path of the Yoga Sutras: A Practical Guide to the Core of Yoga
Delineates 51 lessons on concepts that can be learned from the ancient Yoga Sutras, including the idea of opening one's heart and mind, becoming more compassionate, living with integrity and much more. Original.
Sounds True Inc Realization Process: A Step-by-Step Guide to Embodied Spiritual Awakening
A Step-By-Step Course in Embodied Spiritual Awakening It is possible to live more deeply, more intimately in touch with yourself and with the world around you. It is possible to experience your interconnection with everything, even as you express your own utter uniqueness. All it takes is a subtle inner attunement to your own body and mind. With The Realization Process, Dr. Judith Blackstone shares for the first time a complete audio training course in her original method for embodied spiritual awakening, through a series of transformational exercises taught here step by step. Attunement to "Fundamental Consciousness" At the heart of this work is what Dr. Blackstone calls fundamental consciousness—a primary dimension of being that is the basis of both our individual sense of self and the transcendence of our separateness. This is not something we can grasp conceptually; we need to touch it directly. "As fundamental consciousness, we pervade both the subject and the object of experience," she explains. "We move from imagination to actuality—to truly see, truly touch, truly hear." For the past 25 years in her psychotherapy practice, Dr. Blackstone has developed meditative practices for attuning to fundamental consciousness in oneself and in others. On The Realization Process, she guides you through beginner and advanced versions of these practices, including the core breath technique for accessing the body's central energetic pathway; seeing, hearing, and moving with fundamental consciousness; attuning to the three qualities of fundamental consciousness (awareness, emotion, and physical sensation); and relational exercises for healing and growth in intimate partnerships. Highlights Undoing the "holding patterns" that impede spiritual realizationThe subtle core—your entryway into fundamental consciousnessThe maturation of the egoHow to stabilize and expand your spiritual awakeningFollowing your body's energetic "circuitry" as a path to deeper embodimentSix hours of insights and guided exercises for transforming your experience of yourself, your relationships, and the world
Sounds True Inc Meditation and Psychotherapy: A Professional Training Course for Integrating Mindfulness into Clinical Practice
Course objectives: Apply the R.A.I.N. technique in your work with clients • Utilize mindfulness meditation to clear blockages that prevent living fully • Discuss basic concepts of Buddhist psychology • Recognize aspirations and intentions that support awakening • Practice a variety of different guided meditations • Adapt specific mindfulness practices to individual client needs • Integrate mindfulness into your personal and professional life Learning How to Face Our Tangled Emotions and Release Our Limiting Beliefs There are many skillful means that we can use to train ourselves and our clients to become aware, teaches Brach, a psychotherapist and meditator of more than 30 years. But they all lead to one essential question: Can I be here in this moment? Using her R.A.I.N. technique, a four-part process that helps us learn how to stop running away from our tangled emotions and start to lovingly face them, we'll investigate and unblock the beliefs that cause suffering. Guiding us through meditations and practices on mindfulness, loving-kindness, forgiveness, allowing, and more, Brach shares key tools and expert insights for moving through this liberating process so that we can open and allow our lives to unfold, moment by moment. "Mindfulness can strengthen our attention, awaken compassion and empathy, and expand our acceptance of our own inner states," teaches Brach. Meditation and Psychotherapy draws on the strengths of mindfulness meditation and the practice of modern therapeutic methods to help clear the emotional blocks holding us back. Highlights: R.A.I.N., a liberating four-step process for learning how to end the suffering caused by clinging to our emotions • How we all can awaken from the trance of unworthiness using mindful awareness and lovingkindness • The alchemy of self-compassion and how it can help in our relationships with others • Why we don't have to believe our thoughts—the transformative power of self-inquiry • "Touch and go," an approach for gently disarming the energy of trauma • Tips for adapting practices for your individual client's needs • A new model of psychotherapy that emphasizes the client/therapist relationship as an unfolding partnership • More than eight hours of expert insights, practices, and tips for using mindfulness meditation and modern therapeutic methods to help untangle our difficult emotions
Sounds True Inc The Mindful Brain: The Neurobiology of Well-Being
Does mindfulness practice improve your physical, social, and mental well-being? To what extent can your mind shape your brain? What does the latest research have to say about meditation and other awareness practices? Now on The Mindful Brain, Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, a pioneer of the emerging field known as interpersonal neurobiology, answers these questions and more in this original adaptation to complement his breakthrough book. From paradigm-stretching new discoveries in brain science, to the ways that mindfulness practice can amplify health and meaning in your life, Dr. Siegel invites you to discover the many facets of the mindful brain, including: For meditators of all levels, mental health professionals, educators, or anyone wanting to know more about the power of human consciousness, this acclaimed psychiatrist offers an illuminating exploration of The Mindful Brain. Course objectives: Gain an understanding of the science behind Mindful Awareness • Receive direct, first-person experience of mindful awareness • Integrate the science of mindful awareness with that of mind, brain, and relationships • Understand ways in which mindful living can be directly applied to everyday life The long-term effects of mind training on your physiology and mental health • Attunement and mindfulness: the measurable influence of individual consciousness • Curiosity, openness, acceptance, and love: the extraordinary effects of simultaneously experiencing these qualities • How mindfulness practices foster emotional balance, physical health, body-based empathy, and deep self-understanding
Sounds True Inc Mindfulness and the Brain: A Professional Training in the Science and Practice of Meditative Awareness
The Buddha Meets Neurobiology in the Science of Heightened Awareness Mindful awareness creates scientifically recognized enhancements in our mental functions and interpersonal relationships. But how can we integrate this information into our personal or professional lives? In the Mindfulness and the Brain audio learning course, Jack Kornfield, PhD, and Daniel Siegel, MD, offer theoretical and experiential teachings on the power of inner transformation and the cultivation of a wise and loving heart. Whether you’re a therapist, healer, educator, parent, meditation practitioner—or anyone interested in developing a healthy mind—this training offers a practical exploration of what it means for our world and us to be able to nurture and sustain heightened awareness Course objectives: Summarize basic concepts of neurobiology and neuroplasticity • Explain the difference between the concept of mind and the brain • Summarize the Buddhist model of mental health • Compare awareness with mental activity • Discuss how mindfulness practices can change the brain • Practice mindfulness meditation exercises • Evaluate the practical relevance of these insights on the individual and on the world as a whole An Integration of Head and Heart In this training, you’ll discover how mindful practice helps reduce suffering and promote resilience; the "resonance circuit" that enables an individual to attune to oneself and others; and how intrapersonal attunement can catalyze mental, interpersonal, and psychological well-being. /p> From scientific findings and down-to-earth Buddhist perspectives to memorable anecdotes and real-life stories that illustrate key concepts, Mindfulness and the Brain invites you to discover a more integrated and connected way of knowing and developing a wise and loving heart. Course Highlights Clinical findings on the transformative power of interpersonal neurobiology • The structure of the mind and how understanding consciousness can lead to freedom • Neural integration and how it helps create more balanced lives • How to incorporate compassion and forgiveness into our personal and professional life • More than six hours of essential teachings and tools for cultivating healthy change in ourselves and others
Sounds True Inc Meditations for Emotional Healing: Finding Freedom in the Face of Difficulty
Despite our best intentions, we often have trouble dealing effectively with strong emotions. What if you had a conscious, skillful way to respond in times of anger, fear, jealousy, shame, and other powerful emotions? Meditations for Emotional Healing gives us a collection of insights and practices for bringing compassion, clarity, and understanding to our emotional livesinstead of expressing or repressing them in unhealthy ways. Leading meditation teacher and clinical psychologist Tara Brach guides us through a transformative series of exercises to cultivate greater self-acceptance and emotional liberation. Meditations include: How to work with trauma, fear, and shame • Forgiveness meditation • Compassion meditation • Invoking loving presence in the face of difficulty • The power of yes As Tara puts it, When we touch what is painful with awareness, the armoring around our heart melts and we become more tender and kind. Meditations for Emotional Healing is an invitation to return to our natural stateat peace with what is energetically whole and spiritually free.
Sounds True Inc Shamanic Meditations: Guided Journeys for Insight, Vision, and Healing
The first meditators in history were the shamans whose practices for contemplation and connecting with the divine are echoed in virtually every spiritual tradition today. On Shamanic Meditations, Sandra Ingerman invites you to return to the source of human spirituality—and experience for yourself the enduring power of these ancient practices for healing, guidance, and awakening. With seven guided meditations—called “journeys” in the shamanic tradition—from a renowned author and teacher, this two-hour program features an overview of shamanic principles, guided practices for finding your “spirit teachers” and “power animals,” the shamanic initiation into oneness, and more.
Sounds True Inc Your Breathing Body
Your breath is a gateway to the vastness of the universe—and the path to your highest fulfillment. This is the premise behind Your Breathing Body, a landmark two-volume breathwork curriculum from esteemed meditation teacher and Tibetan Buddhist scholar Reggie Ray. Volume Two contains 10 CDs for the advanced practitioner. Blending somatic practices and breathing techniques from cultures and traditions around the world, Reggie gives you a practice-focused program that will show you how to “fathom your breath to its full depths” for physical healing, emotional balance, and, ultimately, the direct experience of who you are and where you fit in the cosmos.
Sounds True Inc Transforming Trauma: A Seven-Step Process for Spiritual Healing
A Mystical Approach to Healing TraumaTo heal trauma, we have to start with its origin: disconnection from spiritual experience. This is the breakthrough premise of Transforming Trauma, Caroline Myss and James Finley's first audio-learning course on how combining contemplative and clinical practices can dramatically enhance our ability to heal. This landmark seven-CD program begins with Caroline Myss, as she describes trauma as a gateway to transformation that beckons each one of us to the next phase of human evolution. Next, James Finley teaches you a seven-step process for spiritual healing, including how to follow the lead of mystics across the ages in the practice of meditation. Caroline Myss concludes your seminar by revealing why trauma “shatters our survival instinct”—and how the path of the mystic can return us to wholeness. Suffering is an inherent part of an authentic spiritual life—but so is the liberation we find by working through it. With Transforming Trauma, now you have the support of two modern luminaries as you yourself become a healing presence for our collective human family. Program Highlights: The Axial Moment: the critical turning point in the healing process • How to avoid the trap of spiritual escapism • The seven spiritual wounds of human experience and the steps to heal each one • Recognizing and sustaining your moments of spontaneous spiritual experience • Guided meditations inspired by history's great mystics • Seven CDs to help you devote yourself to the process of transforming trauma through prayer, contemplation, and compassionate love
Sounds True Inc True Meditation
What would happen if you were to allow everything to be exactly as it is? If you gave up the need for control, and instead embraced the whole of your experience in each moment that arose? In the 14 years that he studied Zen Buddhism, Adyashanti found that most seasoned meditators had used the practice as a means to a goal they never reached. Ultimately he realized that only when you let go of all techniques—even the concept of yourself as a meditator—will you open to the art of true meditation: dwelling in the natural state. True Meditation invites you to join the growing number of seekers who have been touched by the wisdom of Adyashanti to learn: How to make the "effortless effort" that will vivify the present moment • Meditative self-inquiry and The Way of Subtraction—how to ask a spiritually powerful question, and how to determine the real answer • Three guided meditations intended to reveal what Adyashanti calls your home as awareness itself We've been taught that awakening is difficult, explains Adyashanti, that to wake up from the illusion of separation takes years. But all it really takes is a willingness to look into the depths of your experience here and now. True Meditation gives you the opportunity to reclaim the original purpose of meditation—as a gateway to the objectless freedom of being.
Sounds True Inc Theatre of the Imagination
Come to the stage between two worlds—come to the Theatre of the Imagination. On this six-part live performance series, bestselling author and beloved cantadora (keeper of the old stories) Clarissa Pinkola Estés shares the work of her lifetime: myths, tales, and poetry with the power to nourish and heal. Contained within Theatre of the Imagination are the great universal themes—tales of loss and resurrection; of love and sacrifice; of the courage to survive—yet it is as if Dr. Estés is speaking only to you. With words that weave in and out of the interior and exterior worlds, she creates an amazing fabric of the purest wisdom—fought for, won, and preserved to teach all generations—that which is most worth knowing. You will hear more than 40 original poems, archetypal insights, and dozens of strengthening stories from Dr. Estés' own family's oral traditions. Dr. Estés teaches that each story holds a key to a deeper self-knowing: "Stories cut fine wide doors in previous blank walls, openings that lead to the dreamland, that lead to love and learning that lead us back to our own real lives." Presented in her one-of-a-kind lyrical style, Theatre of the Imagination seats you in the front row at these performances of a lifetime. More than five hours of signature stories, plus earthy and wise advice, archetypal insights, poetry, and much more. Six Healing Stories Include: Las Tres Osas Viejas (The Three Old Ones) • The Fisherman's Wife • Skeleton Woman • The Crescent Moon Bear • Sealskin/Soulskin • Wolfen Learn More About: The cycles of life and death • How the language of symbols translates into everyday life • Community and healing the homesickness within the soul • How to stop your destructive inner critic • Reclaiming the bodies we were born with • Facing the cycles of change in a relationship • Agelessness and the aerial view of the elder • How to awaken the 1,000 eyes of your intuition • Transformation through the four vital steps to forgiveness • The power of the Divine Child • Finding courage and the sacred center of the psyche • When others try to silence you: how to claim your strength
Sounds True Inc Spontaneous Awakening
Enter the “Ordinary State” of Enlightenment Many of us share the belief that enlightenment is rare—that true spiritual awakening only happens for extraordinary people. According to Adyashanti, this idea may actually be the most powerful impediment to our awakening. On Spontaneous Awakening, he invites you to inquire into the “ordinary nature” of enlightenment—and the profound truth of who you really are. “Do not think that enlightenment is going to make you special—it’s not. If you feel special in any way, then enlightenment has not occurred,” teaches Adyashanti. So where do we start? With the desire to look fearlessly at and inquire passionately into truth, explains Adyashanti. “When you stop resisting experience, what remains is the bliss of sheer nothingness. And everything that is possible lives in that nothingness.” With more than seven hours of teachings, two guided meditations, and an exclusive Sounds True interview, Spontaneous Awakening is an eye-opening program that explores topics including: The self-authenticating nature of spiritual discovery • The link between personal awareness and awareness itself • How attachment can lead to complete freedom and unattachment • Why genuine spiritual knowing requires mental subtraction—not addition.
Sounds True Inc energymedicinekit
Sounds True Inc Yoga Matrix
Within the Yoga Sutra, an ancient text about the practice of yoga, only two verses mention asanas, or the postures we commonly associate with yoga in the West. Patanjali, the legendary sage and author of this 2,250-year-old work, was concerned not solely with physical development, or even mental development. In fact, the original purpose of yoga was—and remains—to function as a complete spiritual path where the body serves as a gateway to enlightenment. On The Yoga Matrix, the renowned instructor Richard Freeman immerses us in the rich teachings and sutras that inform the many schools of yoga, and reveals how the body can serve as the ultimate laboratory, temple, and place of pilgrimage for spiritual inquiry. Looking back 5,000 years, Freeman uncovers the living roots of yoga philosophy, and observes how they have grown into many schools, techniques, and philosophies that are united by a vast, interpenetrating matrix that holds the key to understanding yoga's full depth and greater purpose. Freeman first traveled to India in 1968, where he began a lifetime of study with the living masters of yoga and its mysteries. Now he teaches these authentic lessons and their original subtleties, with the questions and concerns of the serious Western student in mind. What is the yogic view of reality? Why was yoga first developed? How is progress traditionally measured? What are the principles of working with the body's subtle energy? Where do I start? From profound concepts at the center of this ancient cosmic philosophy, to the cherished teaching stories and chants that enrich its daily practice, here is a complete audio curriculum with the power to catalyze your daily yoga practice. Highlights: Yoga, nondualism, and the present moment • How the major schools of yoga relate to one another • The Jeweled Net of Indra, and the metapattern of the yoga matrix • Your body—its surprising place in the yoga matrix • Asanas: containers for meditation practice • Nadis—the body's rivers of energy • Kundalini energy and how it awakens • Five Element Theory—its application to yoga • The Sankhya System—from solid earth to transparent mind • The nectar of Tantra • The nine obstacles to yoga practice, and how to overcome them • Yamas and Niyamas—yoga's core moral precepts • The ultimate guru • More than seven hours of chants, divine lore, and advanced yoga teachings
Sounds True Inc Realizing the Power of Now: 6 Spoken Word CD'S
Perhaps you can recall a time when you felt more alive than at any other moment—when you had a sudden recognition of beauty, a feeling of deep contentment, and a sense of connection with life greater than you had ever thought possible. And then, this fleeting moment was gone. What if you could recapture that remarkable opening, and make it a consistent way of living in the world? Course objectives: Practice using your inner body as an anchor to the "Now"—realizing the gift of full attention, and cultivating moments of pure awareness through the simple act of noticing. • Discuss the authentic grace, original innocence, the liberation of laughter, and nature as a bridge to the divine—available to us all. • Define "awakening", discover how to dissolve your pain-body with the light of consciousness and why creativity and healing can come only from presence. • Explain why "the teacher" is always within you and how to enter the "Now" through the portal called "allow." • Describe how to find peace that underlies loss. • Summarize how to catch your reactive thoughts before they catch you, and how to expand the space between your thoughts for a deeper experience of the "Now." Throughout Europe and North America, a man named Eckhart Tolle has emerged as a teacher with the unique ability to draw us into the awakened state he calls presence. With Realizing the Power of Now: An In-Depth Retreat with Eckhart Tolle, you have an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in the timeless dimension—a place within us that always is and ever will be beyond the turmoil of life, a world of calm beyond words, of joy that has no opposite. Return to Presence Again and Again A walk in nature. A personal crisis. A moment of laughter. These can all serve as portals that take us to the depth and wonder of the Now. But how do we access these portals so that we dwell in presence more and more often? With Tolle's guidance, you will discover many simple ways to leave behind the chaos and suffering of the mind-made world, and enter this state of serenity and grace. On Realizing the Power of Now, Eckhart will show you how to go beyond the endless stream of thoughts, and simply allow whatever is happening to occur; how to use sense perceptions and your inner body to find a peace that exists independent of conditions; and how to see past the "little me" and my story, and find your home in the living Now. An Extended Retreat with Eckhart Tolle Since the spiritual transformation that changed his life more than 20 years ago, Eckhart Tolle has replaced the park bench where he gave his first lessons with a chair and microphone, and now helps countless men and women from all walks of life to perceive what it really means to be alive. Recorded at a momentous five-day retreat led by Eckhart Tolle, here is a special invitation to transcend the finite world of fluctuating thoughts, ambitions, and fears, and touch your true essence: that which has no form, no time, and no name. Spoken simply, with his hallmark warmth, humor, and compassion, here is Eckhart's full presentation of a beautiful way to live that arises through Realizing the Power of Now. Realizing the Power of Now highlights: Using your inner body as an anchor to the Now • The gift of full attention • Cultivating moments of pure awareness • The power in the simple act of noticing • Authentic grace and the original innocence we all possess • The liberation of laughter • How to expand the space between your thoughts for a deeper experience of the Now • Nature as a bridge to the divine • Why the teacher is always within you • Reactive thoughts how to catch them before they catch you • Definition of awakening • Entering the Now through the portal called "allow" • Why creativity and healing can come only from presence • Dissolving your pain-body with the light of consciousness • How to find the peace that underlies loss • Separating your life situation from your life • More than seven hours of personal guidance with the author of The Power of Now
Sounds True Inc Mandala of the Enlightened Feminine: Awaken the Wisdom of the Five Dakinis
The Tibetan Buddhist tradition carries exotic tales about fearless female sky dancers, or wisdom dakinis, who dance in limitless space and act as messengers, guides, and protectors. These five dakinis manifest the feminine wisdom energy, bringing strength, power, and transformation to our lives. On The Mandala of the Enlightened Feminine, Tsultrim Allione, one of the first women to be ordained a Buddhist nun more than 30 years ago, guides listeners through 12 rich, image-filled sessions of meditations and visualizations, teaching us how to embody these archetypes of enlightenment and experience their transformative powers.
Sounds True Inc Soul Shift: The Weary Human's Guide to Getting Unstuck and Reclaiming Your Path to Joy
Reclaim Joy, Inner Freedom, and Zest for Life. How often do you feel joy--a truly pure, unadulterated experience of ease, bliss, and happiness? In childhood, our joy arises in the moment, spontaneous and free. But as we become adults, we're faced with the pressure of increased responsibilities, endless demands, and a barrage of breaking news. And along the way, we forget how to be present in our own lives. In Soul Shift, Rachel Macy Stafford offers us a practical, inclusive guide to navigating a culture of distraction and depletion to find our way back to what delights our heart, makes us feel alive, and brings us peace. She illuminates how to embody the practice of presence, where we return home to our authentic selves and the joy found only in the here and now. Like a wise, empathetic friend, Stafford accompanies you on a wondrous exploration of self-discovery. She walks you through a symbolic botanical garden made up of eight areas designed to help you practice: presence, worthiness, letting go of perfection, self-kindness, authenticity, forgiveness, looking after yourself, and cultivating your gifts. Soul Shift helps you rediscover the joy inside you at a pace that is natural, with an approach that is gentle and practical exercises that are easy to follow. Here, you will learn how to: - Release external measurements of success so you can focus on what matters - Respond to life's challenges with awareness and compassion - Realign with your heart and the calm presence within - Create a framework to center you when life steers you off course - Experience the healing power of presence for yourself and with the ones you love In practicing this work, "our innermost truths come to the surface," Stafford writes. "Barriers crumble, the past loses its grip, and we are finally free to show up as our fully human selves and make our unique contributions to the world."
Sounds True Inc Opening to Darkness: Eight Gateways for Being with the Absence of Light in Unsettling Times
"In darkness, we become devoted to clarity, courage, peace, and harmony. We discover the basic goodness of all humanity when we experience darkness together," Zenju Earthlyn Manuel writes. "Life itself is a dark experience--a magical experience." When you hear the word "darkness," what does it make you feel--horror, danger, or maybe despair? We've been conditioned to fear and avoid darkness and blackness, yet Zenju Earthlyn Manuel challenges us to consider: "What if we chose to go deeper into darkness instead of running from it? What might we find there beyond our longing for light?" Drawing on the ancient wisdom found in Zen Buddhism and African and Native American indigenous traditions, Osho Zenju reveals how a change in perspective and increased wisdom can help us awaken to the sacredness of dark experiences in our lives--so we may experience a reality beyond avoidance and fear. Opening to Darkness will take you on a courageous journey into the mandala of darkness, a symbolic expression of your inner world, where you will travel through eight gateways that are inspired by Buddha's Eightfold Path. Along your way, you will meet dark mothers from India, Nigeria, Japan, Haiti, and Dahomey, who both protect and destroy. Osho Zenju provides reflective inquiry, blessings, and meditations as you navigate your way through the vast depths of the unseen. It is through this spiritual pilgrimage that we learn how to: - Experience the wonders of life that can flourish only in the dark - Discover a collective doorway to healing and deep transformation - Awaken to the illusory nature of light versus dark - Illuminate false perceptions and beliefs of darkness - Heal the fear and anxiety around darkness and blackness Wrapped in gorgeous lyrical prose, Osho Zenju's offerings provide deep soul relief and collective strength to embrace the dark--so we may reunite with the sacred process of darkness that flows through the canvas of our lives.
Sounds True Inc Revolution of the Soul: Awaken to Love Through Raw Truth, Radical Healing, and Conscious Action
"My first lessons in spirituality and yoga had nothing to do with a mat, but everything to do with waking up. They included angels, seeing God, and being in Heaven. But, believe me, not the way you might think." So begins Revolution of the Soul. What comes next reads like a riveting memoir filled with uncensored moments of joy, pain, wonder, and humor. Except, this book is so much more than that. Seane's greater purpose is to guide us into a deep, gut-level understanding of our highest Self through yoga philosophy and other tools for emotional healing-not just as abstract ideas but as embodied, fully felt wisdom. Why? To spark a "revolution of the soul" in each of us, so we can awaken to our purpose and become true agents of change. Just a few of the stops along the way include: the everyday "angels" Seane finds in the gritty corners of New York's 1980s East Village; her early struggles as a total yoga class misfit; the profound shadow work and body-based practices that helped her to heal childhood trauma, OCD, unhealthy behaviors, and relationship wounding; hard-earned lessons from some of the most heartbreaking places on the planet; and many other unforgettable teaching stories.
Sounds True Inc The Awesome Human Project: Break Free from Daily Burnout, Struggle Less, and Thrive More in Work and Life
Are you overwhelmed by work, relationships, and responsibilities-and wrestling with inner doubt and fear of burning out? "Challenges in life are constant. But struggle is optional," Nataly Kogan reassures us. "You can't always control what comes your way, but you can change how you meet those demands." A leading expert on emotional fitness and leadership, Nataly has helped more than a million people live with greater resilience and joy. Now, with The Awesome Human Project, she makes available to all of us her proven method for reducing daily struggle and burnout, so we can live and work with more energy, joy, and meaning. "Small changes in mindset can create big impacts in your ability to thrive in work and life," Nataly teaches. In a supportive, no-BS, energetic voice, she shows you how to handle pressure with self-compassion, reduce self-doubt by editing your brain's stories, and strengthen your emotional fitness skills so you can not just survive but grow through challenges. Nataly guides you every step of the way with relatable stories, insightful self-exploration exercises, talk-back-to-your-brain scripts, and simple, science-backed practices for both immediate relief and long-term growth-to become the awesome human that you're meant to be.
Sounds True Inc The Direct Way: Thirty Practices to Evoke Awakening
For renowned teacher Adyashanti, every single moment contains a doorway into spiritual awakening. But what does it actually mean to "wake up" to the truth of reality? And what does it take to recognize these opportunities? In The Direct Way, Adya (as his students call him) offers a sequence of 30 practices intended to connect with and cultivate ever-greater awareness of the unseen dimensions of your being. From the simple expression of "I am," to an exploration of the spiritual heart, and all the way into the fundamental ground of being, these exercises emphasize that the process of awakening takes "many small glimpses, experienced many times." Adya concludes these lessons with practical pointers on how to integrate transcendent experiences into the everyday fabric of life-including your career, personal goals, and intimate relationships. No one experiences awakening quite the same way. With The Direct Way, not only will Adya show you dozens of pathways toward spiritual realization, but you will also discover an awareness as wide as the sky and as personal as your innermost heart.
Sounds True Inc Use Your Planets Wisely: Master Your Ultimate Cosmic Potential with Psychological Astrology
Learn how you can accept yourself and grow into your highest potential using psychological astrology “Who am I, really? What did I come here to do? Who am I in relationships?” A good therapist will help you answer these questions; so will a good astrologer. Dr. Jennifer Freed has a deep understanding of both these areas of practice, and she has incredible success in combining them in her work with individuals and groups for the last 25 years. In Use Your Planets Wisely, Dr. Freed introduces you to psychological astrology as a way to dive deep into understanding yourself and others in a profound and life-changing way. If you think of yourself as simply a Virgo or a Pisces or a Capricorn, be prepared to expand your self-knowledge many-fold. “Your birth chart reveals at least ten times more about you than you might have thought,” says Dr. Freed. “The knowledge in this book will give you a far more complete picture of your psychological and emotional blueprint.” By understanding your cosmic DNA, nine core strengths, and cosmic committee, you’ll come to trust that there is a divine orchestration that guides you, that you have a purpose in the world, and that both your light and your shadows are welcome participants in your psychological and relational lives. Use Your Planets Wisely is for everyone who would like to better know themselves, have better relationships, and enjoy greater happiness and fulfillment in community.
Sounds True Inc Til Stress Do Us Part
What if the problem isn't your partnerit's stress? This relatable and empowering guide offers indispensable tools to stress-proof your relationship.Full of clear strategies for overcoming the overwhelm. A must-read!Eve Rodsky, New York Times bestselling author of Fair PlayEvery week, couples come into Elizabeth Earnshaw's therapy room claiming their relationship issues are stressing them out. The reality is just the opposite, she says. The unprecedented collective stress we all face today is the cause of many relationship challenges couples are experiencing. With 'Til Stress Do Us Part, this trusted expert shares the tools you need to protect yourself and your relationship from distressand restore harmony, understanding, and love.Beginning with an overview of many kinds of stress we facefrom acute to chronic stress and even positive stressEarnshaw uses client stories and personal experiences to reveal the visib
Sounds True Inc Sovereign Love
From couples therapist Dené Logan comes a new perspective on understanding our inner masculine and feminine energetics as the key to experiencing fulfillment in our partnerships.Does something feel off about your intimate relationships? If you haven't been able to pin down exactly what, you aren't alone. While attempting to connect the dots of her own experience to the patterns she observes within the relationships of her clients, couples therapist Dené Logan came to a vital understanding in the search for relational fulfillment: the answer often lies in the inherent interplay of the masculine and feminine energy that everyone possesses.Both masculine and feminine polarities are present in every person and relationship. When we're out of touch with the energetics within ourselves and those around us, it can create an internal struggle and sense of disharmony in our partnerships. Understanding these dynamics is the key to ending the unspoken war of the sexes th
Sounds True Inc Handbook for the Heartbroken
In a heartbreak-illiterate world, Handbook for the Heartbroken offers solace and support through personal and collective losses of all kindsincluding the end of a relationship or a job, death of a loved one, a natural disaster, infertility, abortion, a financial crisis, or any other form of loss.Heartbreak sends us reelingwe can feel alone and adrift. After her own experience of serial heartbreaks over the span of five years, Sara Avant Stover felt deeply impacted by our culture's dysfunctional relationship with lossespecially for women. We're encouraged at every turn to hurry up and get on with it, she says. But by trying to power through these messier seasons of life, we're denying ourselves the very answers to our healing and growth.With Handbook for the Heartbroken, Sara offers the grounded guidance she needed during her own falls from grace to help you navigate loss and turmoil. Blending her expertise in Internal Family Systems and various w
Sounds True Inc Releasing the Mother Load
Winner of the Gold Literary Excellence Award from the Institute of Child PsychologyIf you''ve ever felt like you''re the only one struggling with motherhood, this book is for you. Eve Rodsky, New York Times bestselling author of Fair PlayFrom a maternal mental health specialist comes an empowering guide to help reshape your internalized expectations and beliefs around motherhood.Every mom wants to be a good parentbut if you've found yourself burned out and overwhelmed trying to be the perfect mom, you're not alone. We get handed a rulebook of motherhood without realizing it, says Erica Djossa. That rulebook comes with an invisible loada world of mental and physical tasks that keeps us pushing toward perfection while barely being able to breathe. With Releasing the Mother Load, this renowned parenting specialist shares a guide to help you break free from the crushing burden of unrealistic expectations and
Sounds True Inc Unruly