Search results for ""mp-amm american mathematical""
MP-AMM American Mathematical Algebra an Elementary Textbook for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools and for Colleges Part 1
In addition to the standard topics, this volume contains many topics not often found in an algebra book, such as inequalities, and the elements of substitution theory. Especially extensive is Chrystal's treatment of the infinite series, infinite products, and (finite and infinite) continued fractions.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Introduction to Mathematical Finance
The foundation for the subject of mathematical finance was laid by Bachelier in his fundamental work, ""Theorie de la speculation"". In this work, he provided the first treatment of Brownian motion. This work contains articles contributed by a list of recognized researchers and practitioners.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Metastability and Markov State Models in Molecul Modeling Analysis Algorithmic Approaches
MP-AMM American Mathematical Probability Theory
This volume presents topics in probability theory covered during a first-year graduate course given at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, USA. The necessary background material in measure theory is developed, including all the standard topics.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Combinatory Analysis Volume 1 2
By 'combinatory analysis', the author understands the part of combinatorics now known as 'algebraic combinatorics'. He presents the classical results of the outstanding 19th century school of British mathematicians.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Combinatorial Problems and Exercises
The main purpose of this book is to provide help in learning existing techniques in combinatorics. The most effective way of learning such techniques is to solve exercises and problems. This book presents all the material in the form of problems and series of problems (apart from some general comments at the beginning of each chapter).
MP-AMM American Mathematical Surfaces with Constant Mean Curvature
The mean curvature of a surface is an extrinsic parameter measuring how the surface is curved in the three-dimensional space. A surface whose mean curvature is zero at each point is a minimal surface, and it is known that such surfaces are models for soap film. This book presents many examples of constant mean curvature surfaces.
MP-AMM American Mathematical A Terse Introduction to Lebesgue Integration
Provides a student's first encounter with the concepts of measure theory and functional analysis. This book reflects the belief that difficult concepts should be introduced in their simplest and most concrete forms. It is suitable for an advanced undergraduate course or for the start of a graduate course.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Trends in Mathematical Physics
Presents the proceedings of the conference on 'Trends in Mathematical Physics' held at the University of Tennessee. The conference drew international experts from mathematical and computational physics. The following topics were addressed: superstrings and quantum gravity, pattern formation, and crystallographic topology.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Function Spaces Third Conference
Presents 36 papers given by experts during the Third Conference on Function Spaces held at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. This book presents a range of topics, including spaces and algebras of analytic functions of one and of many variables, $L^p$ spaces, spaces of Banach-valued functions and isometries of function spaces.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Quantum mechanics is arguably the most successful physical theory. It provides the structure underlying all of our electronic technology, and much of our mastery over materials. Suitable for undergraduates with minimal mathematical preparation, this title presents a logical path to understanding what quantum mechanics is about.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Second Order Elliptic Equations and Elliptic Systems
Divided in two parts, this book presents an introduction of various kinds of a priori estimate methods for the Dirichlet problem of second order elliptic partial differential equations. It also introduces the existence and regularity theories of the Dirichlet problem for linear and nonlinear second order elliptic partial differential systems.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups Number 5
The classification of finite simple groups is a landmark result of modern mathematics. This work presents critical aspects of the classification. It begins with the proof of a major theorem from the classification grid, namely Theorem $\mathcal{C}_7$. It is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in group theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Asymptotic Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group and Its Applications in Analysis
Reproduces the doctoral thesis written by a remarkable mathematician, Sergei V Kerov. This book discusses the properties of the distribution of the normalized cycle length in a random permutation and the limiting shape of a random (with respect to the Plancherel measure) Young diagram.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Algebra an Elementary TextBook for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools and for Colleges Parts 1 2
Contains many topics in algebra such as inequalities, and the elements of substitution theory. This volume includes over 2,400 exercises with solutions. It also gives a treatment of the infinite series, infinite products, and (finite and infinite) continued fractions.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Mathematics 1
Presents the translation from the Japanese textbook for the grade 10 course, 'Basic Mathematics'. This book covers algebra (including quadratic functions, equations, and inequalities), trigonometric functions, and plane coordinate geometry.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures and Exercises on Functional Analysis
Based on courses taught by the author at Moscow State University, this book features such topics as the theory of Banach and Hilbert tensor products, the theory of distributions and weak topologies, and Borel operator calculus. It contains many examples illustrating the general theory presented, as well as multiple exercises to help the reader.
MP-AMM American Mathematical qseries from a Contemporary Perspective
Presents the proceedings of the Joint Summer Research Conference on $q$-series, combinatorics, and computer algebra held at Mount Holyoke College (South Hadley, MA). This book includes articles which reflect the diversity of areas that overlap with $q$-series, as well as the usefulness of $q$-series across the mathematical sciences.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Algebraic Number Fields
Presents main theorems about class fields of algebraic number fields. This book features calculations with quadratic fields that show the use of the norm residue symbol.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Classical Groups and Geometric Algebra
Intended for graduate students who have completed standard courses in linear algebra and abstract algebra, this title provides a single source for the basic facts about the classical groups and also includes the required geometrical background information from the first principles.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Number Theory 1
Introduces 'Fermat's Dream', core theories in modern number theory. This book gives developments in elliptic curves, $p$-adic numbers, the $\zeta$-function, and the number fields.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Proofs Without Words III Further Exercises in Visual Thinking
MP-AMM American Mathematical A Guide To Complex Variables
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Calculus Collection A Resource for AP8727 and Beyond
MP-AMM American Mathematical Hungarian Problem Book IV
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Schwarz Function and Its Applications
One of the principles of mathematical growth is that the relabelling process often suggests a new generation of problems. Means become ends; the medium rapidly becomes the message. This book is not wholly self-contained. Readers will find that they should be familiar with the elementary portions of linear algebra and of the theory of functions of a complex variable.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Mathematical Modeling in the Environment
This book has a dual objective: firstly to introduce some of the most important and widespread environmental issues; secondly to illustrate the vital role played by mathematical models in investigating these issues. The emphasis throughout is on fundamental principles and concepts, not on technical mastery of state-of-the-art models.
MP-AMM American Mathematical G.Lejeune Dirichlets Werke
Dirichlet (1805-1859) is well known for his significant contributions to several branches of mathematics. In analysis, he is remembered for his work in potential theory, especially his study of harmonic functions with prescribed boundary values, now known as the Dirichlet problem. This work features two volumes of ""Dirichlet's Collected Works"".
MP-AMM American Mathematical Matrix Theory
Matrix theory is a classical topic of algebra that had originated, in its current form, in the middle of the 19th century. It is remarkable that for more than 150 years it continues to be an active area of research full of new discoveries and new applications. This presents modern perspectives of matrix theory at the level accessible to graduate students.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Analysis and Geometry of Metric Measure Spaces Lecture Notes of the 50th Seminaire de Mathematiques Superieures SMS Montreal 2011
Contains lecture notes from most of the courses presented at the 50th anniversary edition of the Seminaire de Mathematiques Superieure in Montreal. This 2011 summer school was devoted to the analysis and geometry of metric measure spaces, and featured much interplay between this subject and the emergent topic of optimal transportation.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Probability Theory in Finance A Mathematical Guide to the BlackScholes Formula
MP-AMM American Mathematical Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Optics
This book introduces graduate students and researchers in mathematics and the sciences to the multifaceted subject of the equations of hyperbolic type, which are used, in particular, to describe propagation of waves at finite speed. Among the topics presented are nonlinear geometric optics, the asymptotic analysis of short wavelength solutions, and nonlinear interaction of such waves.
MP-AMM American Mathematical A Course in Ring Theory
Suitable for an undergraduate first course in ring theory, this work discusses the various aspects of commutative and noncommutative ring theory. It begins with basic module theory and then proceeds to surveying various special classes of rings (Wedderbum, Artinian and Noetherian rings, hereditary rings and Dedekind domains.).
MP-AMM American Mathematical A Course on Large Deviations with an Introduction to Gibbs Measures
Presents an introductory course on the methods of computing asymptotics of probabilities of rare events: the theory of large deviations. The book combines large deviation theory with basic statistical mechanics, namely Gibbs measures with their variational characterization and the phase transition of the Ising model, in a text intended for a one semester or quarter course.
MP-AMM American Mathematical A Decade of the Berkeley Math Circle
Presents possible paths to studying mathematics and falling in love with it, via teaching two important skills: thinking creatively while still obeying the rules, and making connections between problems, ideas, and theories. The book encourages you to apply the newly acquired knowledge to problems and guides you along the way.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Mathematical Theory of Huygens Principle
A monograph that deals with the mathematical theory of Huygens' principle in optics and its application to the theory of diffraction. It concerns with the general theory of the solution of the partial differential equations governing the propagation of light.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Differential Geometry and Symmetric Spaces
Suitable as a text for both Riemannian geometry and for the analysis and geometry of symmetric spaces, this title features chapters on differential geometry and Lie groups. It also includes a chapter on functions on symmetric spaces, that gives an introduction to the study of spherical functions, and the theory of invariant differential operators.
MP-AMM American Mathematical A Course in Complex Analysis and Riemann Surfaces
MP-AMM American Mathematical Analytic Function Theory Volume 2
Emphasizes the conceptual and historical continuity of analytic function theory. This work covers topics including elliptic functions, entire and meromorphic functions, as well as conformal mapping. It features chapters on majorization and on functions holomorphic in a half-plane.
MP-AMM American Mathematical An Introduction to Theoretical Fluid Mechanics
Gives an overview of classical topics in fluid dynamics, focusing on the kinematics and dynamics of incompressible inviscid and Newtonian viscous fluids, and including some material on compressible flow. It illustrates the mathematical methods of classical fluid dynamics.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures on Linear Partial Differential Equations
MP-AMM American Mathematical Complex Algebraic Geometry
Contains lectures presented at the 3rd Regional Geometry Institute at Park City in 1993. This text offers an introduction to Hodge theory and intersection homology based on simple topological ideas of Lefschetz and an overview of the interactions between algebraic geometry and theoretical physics, which involve mirror symmetry and string theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Combinatorial Games
Contrasts combinatorial games, which have complete information and no chance moves, with those of classical game theory. This book introduces a theory of numbers, including infinitesimals and transfinite numbers, which has emerged as a special case of the theory of games. It also describes impartial games.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Stochastic Integrals
Presents Brownian motion and deals with stochastic integrals and differentials, including Ito lemma. This book is devoted to topics of stochastic integral equations and stochastic integral equations on smooth manifolds. It is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in probability, stochastic processes, and their applications.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Invariant Theory and Superalgebras Regional Conference
Superalgebras are algebras containing positively-signed and negatively-signed variables. This book contains some topics in superalgebras and symbolic method in invariant theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Moscow Mathematical Olympiads 20002005
MP-AMM American Mathematical Ricci Flow and the Sphere Theorem
Deals with the Ricci flow, and the convergence theory for the Ricci flow. This title focuses on preserved curvature conditions, such as positive isotropic curvature. It is suitable for graduate students and researchers.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Papers on Topology Analysis Situs and Its Five Supplements
Chronicles Henri Poincaré's journey in algebraic topology between 1892 and 1904, from his discovery of the fundamental group to his formulation of the Poincaré conjecture. For the first time in English translation, one can follow every step (and occasional stumble) along the way, with the help of translator John Stillwell's introduction and editorial comments.