Search results for ""author mario""
Magellan GmbH Lizzy Carbon und der Klub der Verlierer Band 1
Carlsen Verlag GmbH SWITCH YOU. Völlig übergeschnAPPt 1 Völlig übergeschnAPPt
Hinstorff Verlag GmbH Beständiger Wandel
Kremayr und Scheriau heute graben
Reclam Philipp Jun. Iphigenie auf Tauris von Johann Wolfgang Goethe Lektüreschlüssel mit Inhaltsangabe Interpretation Prüfungsaufgaben mit Lösungen Lernglossar. Reclam Lektüreschlüssel XL
Reclam Philipp Jun. Johann Wolfgang Goethe Faust I Lektreschlssel XL
De Gruyter , Rabenschlacht'
Columbia Books on Architecture and the City Dark Space – Architecture, Representation, Black Identity
This collection of essays by architect Mario Gooden investigates the construction of African American identity and representation through the medium of architecture. These five texts move between history, theory, and criticism to explore a discourse of critical spatial practice engaged in the constant reshaping of the African Diaspora. African American cultural institutions designed and constructed in recent years often rely on cultural stereotypes, metaphors, and cliches to communicate significance, demonstrating "Africanisms" through form and symbolism-but there is a far richer and more complex heritage to be explored. Presented here is a series of questions that interrogate and illuminate other narratives of "African American architecture," and reveal compelling ways of translating the philosophical idea of the African Diaspora's experience into space.
Collective Ink Expanding Reality: The Emergence of Postmaterialist Science
Reality is much more than the physical world before us. In Expanding Reality, Mario Beauregard examines a variety of phenomena investigated by the most open-minded and visionary scientists. These phenomena provide the evidence that mind, consciousness, and spirit cannot be simply reduced to electrical and chemical activity in the brain.
Atlantic Books The Templar Succession
From the Sunday Times No. 1 bestselling author1998. Kosovo is in the grip of civil war, and John Hart is an aspiring photojournalist determined to capture the devastating scenes. On his mission to shed light on the atrocities he discovers a house where women are enslaved purely for the pleasure of the Serbian soldiers. Hart risks his own life to free the imprisoned women.2015. John Hart has his world turned upside down when he is left to care for a young woman - the daughter of one of the women he freed that fateful day in Kosovo. She is determined to track down the man known as the Captain: a war criminal, and her father. Unable to turn his back on the girl, Hart sets out to find the Captain. His quest takes him across Europe and into Africa where, on an isolated plateau in the mountains of Ethiopia, he confronts the man who shows no remorse, and no regard for life...
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Italian At a Glance
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Glass Characterization
The book consists of a series of edited chapters, each written by an expert in the field and focusing on a particular characterization technique as applied to glass. The book covers a variety of techniques ranging from the very common (like Raman and FTIR) to the most recent (and less well known) ones, like SEM for structural analysis and photoelastic measurements. The level of the chapters make it suitable for researchers and for graduate students about to start their research work. It will also: discuss the technique itself, background, nuances when it comes to looking at glassy materials, interpretation of results, case studies, and recent and near-future innovations Fill a widening gap in modern techniques for glass characterization Provide much needed updates on the multiple essential characterization techniques
Duke University Press Storytelling Globalization from the Chaco and Beyond
For more than fifteen years, Mario Blaser has been involved with the Yshiro people of the Paraguayan Chaco as they have sought to maintain their world in the face of conservation and development programs promoted by the state and various nongovernmental organizations. In this ethnography of the encounter between modernizing visions of development, the place-based “life projects” of the Yshiro, and the agendas of scholars and activists, Blaser argues for an understanding of the political mobilization of the Yshiro and other indigenous peoples as part of a struggle to make the global age hospitable to a “pluriverse” containing multiple worlds or realities. As he explains, most knowledge about the Yshiro produced by non-indigenous “experts” has been based on modern Cartesian dualisms separating subject and object, mind and body, and nature and culture. Such thinking differs profoundly from the relational ontology enacted by the Yshiro and other indigenous peoples. Attentive to people’s unique experiences of place and self, the Yshiro reject universal knowledge claims, unlike Western modernity, which assumes the existence of a universal reality and refuses the existence of other ontologies or realities. In Storytelling Globalization from the Chaco and Beyond, Blaser engages in storytelling as a knowledge practice grounded in a relational ontology and attuned to the ongoing struggle for a pluriversal globality.
Crown Publishing Group (NY) The Golden Ratio: The Story of PHI, the World's Most Astonishing Number
Princeton University Press Mnemosyne: The Parallel Between Literature and the Visual Arts
The classic study of the timeless relationship between literature and the visual artsIn his search for a common link between literature and the visual arts, Mario Praz draws on the abundant evidence of mutual understanding and correspondence they have long shared. Praz explains that within literature, each epoch has “its peculiar handwriting or handwritings, which, if one could interpret them, would reveal a character, even a physical appearance,” and while these characteristics belong to the general style of a given period, the personality of the writer does not fail to pierce through. Praz contends that something similar occurs in art. He shows how the likeness between the arts within various periods of history can ultimately be traced to structural similarities that arise out of the characteristic way in which the people of a certain epoch see and memorize facts aesthetically. Mnemosyne, at once the goddess of memory and the mother of the muses, presides over this view of the arts. In illustrating her influence, Praz ranges widely through Western sources, providing an incomparable tour of the literary and pictorial arts.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mass Spectrometry in Sports Drug Testing: Characterization of Prohibited Substances and Doping Control Analytical Assays
Enables you to detect, identify, and characterize hundreds of drugs that may be used by athletes Mass spectrometry has become essential to sports drug testing. This book examines both the principles of sports drug testing and the use of mass spectrometry techniques and mass spectral data to detect, identify, and characterize hundreds of known and unknown drugs that athletes may use to enhance their performance. The author provides a detailed overview of the mass spectrometry of numerous classes of therapeutics and agents, various analyzers to detect low- and high-molecular weight drugs, as well as techniques to discriminate between endogenously produced and synthetically derived compounds. Mass Spectrometry in Sports Drug Testing begins with a full chapter dedicated to the history of sports drug testing. Next, the book provides the principles and techniques needed to maximize the specificity and sensitivity of mass spectrometric assays, including: Detailed, step-by-step assays with sample preparation Discussion of both chromatographic separation and mass spectrometric analysis Characterization of analytes in order to unequivocally identify banned substances Mass spectrometric behavior of low- and high-molecular weight analytes Throughout the book, descriptive examples illustrate the principles, advantages, and limitations of different assays. Mass Spectrometry in Sports Drug Testing not only sets forth the role mass spectrometry plays in detecting drug use among athletes, it also adds new insights into the health and ethical issues of doping in sports.
Random House USA Inc The Sicilian: A Novel
University of Texas Press Roman Tragedy: Theatre to Theatricality
Roman tragedies were written for over three hundred years, but only fragments remain of plays that predate the works of Seneca in the mid-first century C.E., making it difficult to define the role of tragedy in ancient Roman culture. Nevertheless, in this pioneering book, Mario Erasmo draws on all the available evidence to trace the evolution of Roman tragedy from the earliest tragedians to the dramatist Seneca and to explore the role played by Roman culture in shaping the perception of theatricality on and off the stage. Performing a philological analysis of texts informed by semiotic theory and audience reception, Erasmo pursues two main questions in this study: how does Roman tragedy become metatragedy, and how did off-stage theatricality come to compete with the theatre? Working chronologically, he looks at how plays began to incorporate a rhetoricized reality on stage, thus pointing to their own theatricality. And he shows how this theatricality, in turn, came to permeate society, so that real events such as the assassination of Julius Caesar took on theatrical overtones, while Pompey's theatre opening and the lavish spectacles of the emperor Nero deliberately blurred the lines between reality and theatre. Tragedy eventually declined as a force in Roman culture, Erasmo suggests, because off-stage reality became so theatrical that on-stage tragedy could no longer compete.
Columbia University Press Barbary Captives: An Anthology of Early Modern Slave Memoirs by Europeans in North Africa
In the early modern period, hundreds of thousands of Europeans, both male and female, were abducted by pirates, sold on the slave market, and enslaved in North Africa. Between the sixteenth and the early nineteenth centuries, pirates from Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and Morocco not only attacked sailors and merchants in the Mediterranean but also roved as far as Iceland. A substantial number of the European captives who later returned home from the Barbary Coast, as maritime North Africa was then called, wrote and published accounts of their experiences. These popular narratives greatly influenced the development of the modern novel and autobiography, and they also shaped European perceptions of slavery as well as of the Muslim world.Barbary Captives brings together a selection of early modern slave narratives in English translation for the first time. It features accounts written by men and women across three centuries and in nine different languages that recount the experience of capture and servitude in North Africa. These texts tell the stories of Christian pirates, Christian rowers on Muslim galleys, house slaves in the palaces of rulers, domestic servants, agricultural slaves, renegades, and social climbers in captivity. They also depict liberation through ransom, escape, or religious conversion. This book sheds new light on the social history of Mediterranean slavery and piracy, early modern concepts of unfree labor, and the evolution of the Barbary captivity narrative as a literary and historical genre.
The University of Chicago Press The Wealth and Poverty of Regions – Why Cities Matter
Why do some places prosper while others lag behind? Surely the advent of the Internet and ever newer communications technologies will level the playing field. Not so, argues Mario Polese in "The Wealth and Poverty of Regions"; rather, geography will matter more than ever before in a world where distance is allegedly dead. This provocative book surveys the globe, from London and Cape Town to New York and Beijing, contending that regions rise - or fall - due to their location, not only within nations but also on the world map. Polese reveals how initial concentrations of industries and populations in specific locales often result in minor advantages that accumulate over time, resulting in reduced costs, improved transportation networks, higher productivity, and, not least of all, "buzz" - the excitement and vitality that attracts ambitious people. However, these are attributes that can also be lost. Even big cities can falter. And small places can succeed, given the right conditions. "The Wealth and Poverty of Regions" maps out how a heady mix of size, proximity, technological change, and just plain chance will determine which places become the thriving metropolises of the future, and which become the deserted backwaters of the past. Engagingly written, the book provides insight into the past, present, and future of regions.
The University of Chicago Press Galileo's Instruments of Credit: Telescopes, Images, Secrecy
In six years, Galileo Galilei went from being a mathematics professor to a star in the court of Florence to a target of the Inquisition. And during that time, he made a series of astronomical discoveries that reshaped the ideas of the physical nature of the heavens and transformed him from a university mathematician into a court philosopher. Galileo's "Instruments of Credit" proposes radical new interpretations of key episodes of Galileo's career, including his telescopic discoveries of 1610, the dispute over sunspots, and the conflict with the Holy Office over the relationship between Copernicanism and Scripture. Galileo's tactics shifted as rapidly as his circumstances, argues Mario Biagioli, and these changes forced him to respond swiftly to the opportunities and risks posed by unforeseen inventions, other discoveries, and his opponents. Focusing on the aspects of Galileo's scientific life that extended beyond court culture and patronage, Biagioli offers a revisionist account of the different systems of exchanges, communication, and credibility at work in Galileo's career. Galileo's "Instruments of Credit" will fascinate readers interested in the history of astronomy and the history of science in general.
Ecole des Loisirs Cest moi le plus fort
Verso Books Workers and Capital
Workers and Capital is universally recognised as the most important work produced by operaismo, a current of political thought emerging in the 1960s that revolutionised the institutional and extra-parliamentary Left in Italy and beyond. In the decade after its first publication in 1966, the debates over Workers and Capital produced new methods of analysis and a new vocabulary for thousands of militants, helping to inform the new forms of workplace, youth and community struggles. Concepts like 'neocapitalism', 'class composition', 'mass-worker', 'the plan of capital', 'workers' inquiry' and 'co-research' became an established part of the Italian Left's political lexicon. Over five decades since it was first published, Workers and Capital is a key text in the history of the international workers' movement, yet only now appears in English translation for the first time. Far from simply an artefact of the intense political conflicts of the 1960s, Tronti's work offers extraordinary tools for understanding the powerful shifts in the nature of work and class composition in recent decades.
Verso Books Workers and Capital
Workers and Capital is universally recognised as the most important work produced by operaismo, a current of political thought emerging in the 1960s that revolutionised the institutional and extra-parliamentary Left in Italy and beyond. In the decade after its first publication in 1966, the debates over Workers and Capital produced new methods of analysis and a new vocabulary for thousands of militants, helping to inform the new forms of workplace, youth and community struggles. Concepts like 'neocapitalism', 'class composition', 'mass-worker', 'the plan of capital', 'workers' inquiry' and 'co-research' became an established part of the Italian Left's political lexicon. Over five decades since it was first published, Workers and Capital is a key text in the history of the international workers' movement, yet only now appears in English translation for the first time. Far from simply an artefact of the intense political conflicts of the 1960s, Tronti's work offers extraordinary tools for understanding the powerful shifts in the nature of work and class composition in recent decades.
Casemate Publishers German and Russian Tank Models 1939–45
The Second World War is a favorite for modelers, and this comprehensive guide to techniques suitable for 1/72, 1/48 and 1/35 scale tank models will be invaluable to modelers wanting to recreate the iconic tanks of this conflict. From the Russian T-34 at the time of the battle of Kursk, and Su-152 in winter camoflague, to the German Panzer I in North Africa, and the gigantic Maus, as it might have appeared just after the war ended, this book offers a wealth of detail into the necessary tools, paints and techniques to perfect a realistic finish.
Pearson Education Big English 5 Pupils Book and MyLab Pack
Share in your students' success. Watch them excel in English. BIG ENGLISH prepares students for the challenges they will find in today's world: CLIL: because students are learning English and so much more 21st Century Skills: because students want to get ahead and need to be prepared for the world around them Assessment for Learning: because confidence leads to success Think Big! Dream Big! BIG ENGLISH!
Ilios Editore Luigi Moretti. Fencing Academy in the Mussolini's Forum, Rome 1933-1937
Set in the widest urban neighbourhood of the fascist Rome, the "casa delle armi" building show the deep and sophisticated typological research around the "balilla houses". Born as an advanced typological experiment it is the most modern of the "National Balilla Opera" buildings: an architecture both with a solid image and a massive functional complexity. The "fluxes" of athletes and the one of clients are sharply driven with no interference in the body of the building. Notwithstanding such a complexity, the parts are clear: two different immense interiors so much different each other. But, like in a Dostoevsky drama, the plot meet some troubles that made impossible the full completion and the celebration of its success. Quickly inaugurated, never really opened, abandoned and soon forgotten, it can be told that the building was born dead. Its oblivion lasted for thirty years when, in the eighties, the need to find a safe place to celebrate the trials against the terrorism, convinced the Ministry of Justice to finally destroy the interiors. The aim of this book is rather not to enter in the field of refurbishment of modern architecture than to tell about the story and the composition rules of this architecture: an affresco of the history and political, urban and architectural frame in which "Casa delle armi" is set. A very sharp 3d model help to come over the old shots imposed by the architect to the photographer, to set new points of view discovering, again, new sides and emotions.
White Star Peru: An Ancient Andean Civilization
Peru is a silent and mysterious world, a land of solemn and impressive landscapes, sometimes terrifying but in harmony with the forces of nature and the universe. It is also the land of the proud, often silent but always resolute descendants of the noble, ancient people who built a formidable civilisation: the Incas. Invincible warriors and able politicians, these new 'owners of the earth' founded their capital at Cuzco and, little by little, subjected the surrounding peoples, assimilating their culture and arts and expanding in all directions. Only the Spanish under Francisco Pizarro succeeded in severing their roots and consigning to oblivion the riches of El Dorado and the marvelous treasures hidden among the arid highlands and snowy peaks. Here, among the dense sub-equatorial forests on the eastern slopes that face toward the Amazonian basin, archaeological sites of great interest have been found, from early raw-brick pyramids to mysterious cities built of stone. Peru has the highest railway line in the world; it runs along the backbone of South America with stations perched at heights over 15,400 feet. It is also where the spirits of the Andes live, the apu, and the shamans of Peru with their ancient medicine, who still represent the strength of the ancient American people.
teNeues Publishing UK Ltd One of a Kind: The Unique World of Island Animals
"It's likely that a book like this is the only way you might see many of these creatures for yourself." — Amateur Photographer This book of photographs puts the spotlight on a group of animals that is little-noticed, and undeservedly so: endemic species that exist only on their respective islands. Isolated from continents by the ocean, certain species have been able to evolve further and differently than their counterparts on the mainland, where they are subjected to far more threats such as predators and diseases. Over time, giants like the Indonesian Komodo dragon have evolved, which grows up to three metres long and weighs 70 kilos. The comet moth lives on Madagascar, and the odd King of Saxony bird-of-paradise flies around on New Guinea. The flightless cormorant on Galapagos, on the other hand, retracted its flight instruments over time because it had no need for them. Readers can expect a variety of animal beauty and extravagance. The following locations are included in the book: Island of Sainte Marie (Madagascar) Madagascar Philippines Lesser Sunda Islands (Indonesia) Aru Islands Regency (Indonesia) New Guinea Australia Tasmania (Australia) New Zealand Santa Catalina Island, Channel Islands (California, US) Cozumel (Mexico) Cuba Isla Escudo de Veraguas (Panama) Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) Falkland Islands Svalbard Archipelago Text in English and German.
University of Texas Press Roman Tragedy: Theatre to Theatricality
Roman tragedies were written for over three hundred years, but only fragments remain of plays that predate the works of Seneca in the mid-first century C.E., making it difficult to define the role of tragedy in ancient Roman culture. Nevertheless, in this pioneering book, Mario Erasmo draws on all the available evidence to trace the evolution of Roman tragedy from the earliest tragedians to the dramatist Seneca and to explore the role played by Roman culture in shaping the perception of theatricality on and off the stage. Performing a philological analysis of texts informed by semiotic theory and audience reception, Erasmo pursues two main questions in this study: how does Roman tragedy become metatragedy, and how did off-stage theatricality come to compete with the theatre? Working chronologically, he looks at how plays began to incorporate a rhetoricized reality on stage, thus pointing to their own theatricality. And he shows how this theatricality, in turn, came to permeate society, so that real events such as the assassination of Julius Caesar took on theatrical overtones, while Pompey's theatre opening and the lavish spectacles of the emperor Nero deliberately blurred the lines between reality and theatre. Tragedy eventually declined as a force in Roman culture, Erasmo suggests, because off-stage reality became so theatrical that on-stage tragedy could no longer compete.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Brain Wars: The Scientific Battle Over the Existence of the Mind and the Proof that Will Change the Way We Live Our Lives
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press Conrad in Italy
Conrad in Italy provides international students and researchers with a variety of critical approaches. Richard Ambrosini surveys Conrad's reception within the Italian academy. Franco Marenco's essay on "Heart of Darkness" outlines Conrad's centrality in English Modernism. Alessandro Serpieri deals with Conrad's impressionistic treatment of space in The Secret Agent and other texts. Giuseppe Sertoli focuses on Conrad's debt to the Comtesse de Boigne's Memoires and to James's Portrait of a Lady in the writing of Suspense. Fausto Ciompi investigates the isotopy of dream in Lord Jim and other early novels. Elio Di Piazza reads the The Mirror of the Sea as an inquiry into British and Russian empires. Maria Teresa Chialant's study of "Amy Foster" and "Tomorrow" accounts for the interest of Italian critics in Conrad's minor works. Francesco Marroni unfolds the moral structure of "The Secret Sharer". Nicoletta Vallorani tackles the theme of the double in "The Secret Sharer" from the perspective of the art of photography. Luisa Villa illuminates the complex structure of Chance in the light of Conrad's re-elaboration of the Victorian multi-plot novel. Mario Domenichelli proposes a reading of Conrad's cooperation with Ford. The Inheritors is the subject of Mario Curreli's essay on Conrad's debt to H.G. Wells, Zangwill, and Drumont, while it places the issue of fourth-dimension in the context of European colonialisms. Marialuisa Bignami's survey of Conrad's influence on Primo Levi and Marilena Saracino's intertextual analysis of "Heart of Darkness" and Luigi Guarneri's Tenebre sul Congo are two exercises in dialogic reading which confirm Conrad's well-established reception in Italian culture.
Gecko Press I am So Clever
In this retelling of a classic fairytale, the big bad wolf is back, all dressed up in Grandma's nightie-but it's not having quite the effect he was hoping for One glorious day the wolf meets Red Riding Hood strolling through the woods. She looks a clever girl, but the wolf knows who is the cleverest. He has a plan to outwit her. But this little girl is not so easily duped. And the wolf finds unexpected hazards in wearing a frilly petticoat in the deep dark woods.
APress The Data-Driven Project Manager: A Statistical Battle Against Project Obstacles
Discover solutions to common obstacles faced by project managers. Written as a business novel, the book is highly interactive, allowing readers to participate and consider options at each stage of a project. The book is based on years of experience, both through the author's research projects as well as his teaching lectures at business schools.The book tells the story of Emily Reed and her colleagues who are in charge of the management of a new tennis stadium project. The CEO of the company, Jacob Mitchell, is planning to install a new data-driven project management methodology as a decision support tool for all upcoming projects. He challenges Emily and her team to start a journey in exploring project data to fight against unexpected project obstacles.Data-driven project management is known in the academic literature as “dynamic scheduling” or “integrated project management and control.” It is a project management methodology to plan, monitor, and control projects in progress in order to deliver them on time and within budget to the client. Its main focus is on the integration of three crucial aspects, as follows: Baseline Scheduling: Plan the project activities to create a project timetable with time and budget restrictions. Determine start and finish times of each project activity within the activity network and resource constraints. Know the expected timing of the work to be done as well as an expected impact on the project’s time and budget objectives. Schedule Risk Analysis: Analyze the risk of the baseline schedule and its impact on the project’s time and budget. Use Monte Carlo simulations to assess the risk of the baseline schedule and to forecast the impact of time and budget deviations on the project objectives. Project Control: Measure and analyze the project’s performance data and take actions to bring the project on track. Monitor deviations from the expected project progress and control performance in order to facilitate the decision-making process in case corrective actions are needed to bring projects back on track. Both traditional Earned Value Management (EVM) and the novel Earned Schedule (ES) methods are used. What You'll Learn Implement a data-driven project management methodology (also known as "dynamic scheduling") which allows project managers to plan, monitor, and control projects while delivering them on time and within budget Study different project management tools and techniques, such as PERT/CPM, schedule risk analysis (SRA), resource buffering, and earned value management (EVM) Understand the three aspects of dynamic scheduling: baseline scheduling, schedule risk analysis, and project control Who This Book Is ForProject managers looking to learn data-driven project management (or "dynamic scheduling") via a novel, demonstrating real-time simulations of how project managers can solve common project obstacles
Watkins Media Limited Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies for The Future (Sunday Times No. 1 Bestseller)
Nostradamus is widely known as the greatest diviner and visionary who ever lived. In the whole of publishing history, only the Bible has sold more copies than his prophecies, which have been in print since his death on 1 July 1556 – an event he accurately foretold the night before it happened. Using a revolutionary new analysis of the secret dating of Nostradamus’s prophecies, in this, The Complete Prophecies for The Future, Mario Reading reveals startling new interpretations. Is the demise of the British monarchy inevitable? Will Britain leave the EU after all – and will this spell the end of the EU project as a whole? Will there be a Global War – and, if so, what will this mean for the world’s climate? Nostradamus predicted the Twin Towers disaster of 9/11, the 2003 Iraq War, the devastating tsunamis of 2004/5 and the great flood of New Orleans – and he foretold the future for decades to come. Thanks to Mario Reading’s groundbreaking translations and sharp, knowledgable commentaries, readers can now scan the future history of the 21st century – before it happens.
Cornerstone The Sicilian
Michael Corleone's exile in Sicily is ending, but on the instructions of his father, The Godfather, he must bring back to him the young man known as Salvatore Giuliano - if he can find him. At sea amid the treacheries of a brutal and unfamiliar land, Michael must find a way through the labyrinthine deceits that surround him, while Giuliano prepares himself for a final confrontation with Don Croce, Capo di Capi of the Sicilian Mafia. A novel of explosive suspense, heroic action - and evil on an epic scale. In the hands of Mario Puzo's brilliantly sinister talent, the reader comes to know again the terrible magic of the Mafia.
Cornerstone The Fortunate Pilgrim
A CLASSIC TALE OF THE LOVES, CRIMES AND STRUGGLES CONFRONTED BY ONE FAMILY OF IMMIGRANTS LIVING IN NEW YORK CITY.From the barren farms of Italy to the cramped tenements of New York, Lucia Santa - wife, widow and mother of two families - must steer them through the Depression and the early years of war as they adapt to life in a strange land. However, she cannot prevent the conflict between Italian and American values - nor the violence and bloodshed which must surely follow...
Cornerstone Fools Die
FROM THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER OF THE GODFATHER A STORY OF BIG-TIME GAMBLERS IN A FEVERISH WORLD WHERE LAW AND ORGANISED CRIME ARE ONE AND THE SAME...From New York to Las Vegas, Merlyn and his brother Artie obey their own code of honour in the ferment of contemporary America - a world of greed, lust, violence and betrayal, where the power of corruption and the corruption of power are nowhere better explored.
Cornerstone The Family
_____________________________________From the legendary author of THE GODFATHER comes a novel of the original Italian crime familyFifteenth-century Italy. The Renaissance is in full swing, heralding a new golden age for Europe. But where there is gold – and power – there are those who are willing to do anything to get their hands on them.Enter the Borgias. Headed by Rodrigo Borgia, better known as Pope Alexander VI, this tight-knit family is fighting to keep its iron grip on Italy – but theirs is a lethal game, and the cost of failure is surely death.Scheming and plotting for their own ends are his children: Giovanni, the much-favoured golden boy; his younger brother Cesare, jealous and vicious; and Lucrezia, cunning, calculating and passionate. The Borgias face immense opposition from all quarters of Italy, but their deadliest foes may be far closer to home._____________________________________A tale of brutality and betrayal that crowns Mario Puzo's remarkable career_____________________________________'We are a family,' Alexander told his children. 'And the loyalty of the family must come before everything and everyone else. We must learn from each other, protect each other, and be bound first and foremost to each other. For if we honour that commitment, we will never be vanquished – but if we falter in that loyalty, we will all be condemned...'
GEDISA Memorias entre dos mundos
Nowtilus Conspiracion Maine
Ediciones del Viento, S.L. Mañana es el día siguiente
Laetoli Democracias y socialismos