Search results for ""author gabriele""
Columbia University Press Haunting Legacies: Violent Histories and Transgenerational Trauma
From mass murder to genocide, slavery to colonial suppression, acts of atrocity have lives that extend far beyond the horrific moment. They engender trauma that echoes for generations, in the experiences of those on both sides of the act. Gabriele Schwab reads these legacies in a number of narratives, primarily through the writing of postwar Germans and the descendents of Holocaust survivors. She connects their work to earlier histories of slavery and colonialism and to more recent events, such as South African Apartheid, the practice of torture after 9/11, and the "disappearances" that occurred during South American dictatorships. Schwab's texts include memoirs, such as Ruth Kluger's Still Alive and Marguerite Duras's La Douleur; second-generation accounts by the children of Holocaust survivors, such as Georges Perec's W, Art Spiegelman's Maus, and Philippe Grimbert's Secret; and second-generation recollections by Germans, such as W. G. Sebald's Austerlitz, Sabine Reichel's What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?, and Ursula Duba's Tales from a Child of the Enemy. She also incorporates her own reminiscences of growing up in postwar Germany, mapping interlaced memories and histories as they interact in psychic life and cultural memory. Schwab concludes with a bracing look at issues of responsibility, reparation, and forgiveness across the victim/perpetrator divide.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Macedonian Army of Philip II and Alexander the Great, 359–323 BC: History, Organization and Equipment
This book provides a complete and detailed analysis of the organization and equipment of the Macedonian army built by Philip II and later employed to world-changing effect by his son, Alexander III (the Great). This work explains how Philip took the traditional forces of Macedon and reformed them into the most modern and sophisticated combined-arms force in the Mediterranean world. Not only the formidable pike phalanx and the hard-charging Companion cavalry, but also the less famous components, such as light and cavalry types, are described in detail. The tactics employed in the great battles that won the largest empire the world had seen are analysed. With numerous colour photos showing replica weapons and equipment in use, this is a vivid, detailed and accessible study of the army that made Alexander great.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Armies of Early Colonial North America 1607 - 1713: History, Organization and Uniforms
Gabriele Esposito presents a detailed overview of the military history of Colonial North America during its earliest period, from the first colonial settlement in Jamestown to the end of the first continental war fought in the Americas. He follows the development of organization and uniforms not only for the British Colonies of North America but also for the French ones of Canada. Every colonial unit formed by the Europeans in the New World, as well as the regular troops sent to America by Britain and France, is covered in detail: from the early militias of the Thirteen Colonies to the expeditionary forces formed during the War of the Spanish Succession. Great military events, like King Philip s War or Bacon s Rebellion, are analysed and the evolution of tactics employed in this theatre are discussed, showing how much warfare was influenced by the terrain and conditions in North America. Dozens of illustrations, including colour art works, show the first military uniforms ever worn in North America, as well as interesting details of weaponry and equipment used.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Carthaginian Armies of the Punic Wars, 264–146 BC: History, Organization and Equipment
The Carthaginians were undoubtedly the most formidable enemies of the ever-expanding Roman Republic, due to their sophisticated and often well-led military forces. Although the citizens of Carthage itself, a seafaring, mercantile state by tradition, may not have had the same military ethos as the Romans, they compensated by fielding varied multinational armies consisting of subject, allied and mercenary contingents, many of them recruited from the most famous warrior peoples of the Mediterranean. These included the incomparable Numidian light cavalry, the famed slingers of the Balearic islands, fierce Celts and skilled Spanish swordsmen, not forgetting the famous war elephants. During the first of the three conflicts that they fought against the Roman Republic - the famous Punic Wars - the Carthaginians completely reformed their land forces along Hellenistic lines and invited an experienced Spartan officer to command it. During the Second Punic War, they obtained a series of stunning victories over the Romans under the brilliant leadership of their own Hannibal Barca, marauding through Italy for some fifteen years. Gabriele Esposito reconstructs the history, organization and weapons of the Carthaginian military forces across the Punic Wars (264-146 BC). The weapons, armour and tactics of each of the various ethnic components is analyzed and the accessible text is supported by dozens of excellent colour photographs, showing replica equipment in use.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Napoleon's Infantry: French Line, Light and Foreign Regiments. 1799–1815
This volume covers the infantry units of Napoleon's Imperial Army, during the crucial years 1800-1815. When the future Emperor assumed control of France, the infantry of his army was disorganized and poorly equipped; it lacked discipline and was trained in a quite old-fashioned way. Napoleon acted very rapidly to resolve the major problems of his foot troops, by giving them a new structure and by teaching them new tactics. By 1805, the French infantry was without a doubt the best in the world in terms of combat capabilities. The book will cover all the categories of units that were part of Napoleon's infantry: line regiments, light regiments, foreign corps and special corps. It is not always realized that the French infantry of 1800-1815 included large numbers of foreign soldiers and even an Irish Legion; all these little-known corps are taken into consideration, together with several special corps like Corsican light infantry and mountain infantry. Gabriele Esposito provides a complete guide to the French infantry of Napoleon, illustrated with rare contemporary uniform plates that have never been published before.
£20.00 La guerra del ponte
Duomo Ediciones Pececito Multicolor
Viella Editrice Guerre Civili in Italia: 1796-1799
Wydawnictwo STRATUS, Artur Juszczak Armies of the South American Caudillos
Since 1825, South America has gained independence from the colonial rule of Spain and Portugal. As a result, numerous new independent countries emerged on the continent. Each of these nations developed its own military forces, characterized by unique organizational patterns and vibrant uniforms. This book represents the first comprehensive work dedicated entirely to the armies of South America during the period from 1825 to 1865. It offers, for the first time in English, comprehensive details about the history, organization, uniforms, and weapons of all the armies in South America. The book covers a total of ten countries: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador. The historical period between 1825 and 1865 was a critical era for South America, marked by the outbreak of several wars that significantly influenced the continent's political map and led to the development of diverse uniform trends. This work is fully illustrated in color, featuring original uniform plates and contemporary pictures showcasing the attire of the South American military forces from 1825 to 1865.
Trauner Verlag Englisch für die standardisierte Reife und Diplomprüfung Forms and Structures 78 AHS IIII HAKHTLHLWHLMHLKHLT
V&R unipress GmbH Ephemer und leibhaftig: Schauspielerische Erkundungen von Ariane Mnouchkine, Carmelo Bene und Jerzy Grotowski
Universitatsverlag Winter New Media - New Teaching Options?!
Universitatsverlag Winter Popularliteratur ALS Kulturelles Gedachtnis: Eine Vergleichende Studie Zu Zeitgenossischen Britischen Und Amerikanischen 'popular Romances' Der Verlagsgruppe Harlequin Mills & Boon
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft The Conference on the Future of Europe: National and Regional Participation in an Innovative Reform Process
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Der Mondgott in Den Religionen Syrien-Palastinas: Unter Besonderer Berucksichtigung Von Ktu 1.24
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Klio Macht Karriere: Die Institutionalisierung Der Geschichtswissenschaft in Frankreich Und Den USA in Der Zweiten Halfte Des 19. Jahrhunderts
Insel Verlag GmbH Lavendelträume
Jrp Ringier Sacre 101 An Anthology on The Rite of Spring
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Horn of Africa Diasporas in Italy: An Oral History
This book delves into the history of the Horn of Africa diaspora in Italy and Europe through the stories of those who fled to Italy from East African states. It draws on oral history research carried out by the BABE project (Bodies Across Borders: Oral and Visual Memories in Europe and Beyond) in a host of cities across Italy that explored topics including migration journeys, the memory of colonialism in the Horn of Africa, cultural identity in Italy and Europe, and Mediterranean crossings. This book shows how the cultural memory of interviewees is deeply linked to an intersubjective context that is changing Italian and European identities. The collected narratives reveal the existence of another Italy – and another Europe – through stories that cross national and European borders and unfold in transnational and global networks. They tell of the multiple identities of the diaspora and reconsider the geography of the continent, in terms of experiences, emotions, and close relationships, and help reinterpret the history and legacy of Italian colonialism.
Skira Last Words
mandelbaum verlag eG Buchweizen
Goldegg Verlag GmbH Weil ich alles sein kann was ich will Der Schlssel zu mehr Selbstvertrauen Lebensfreude und Erfolg
DruckVerlag Kettler If You Cant Say It with Words Say It with Chicken
Kohl Verlag Auf der Straße nach Weihnachten Grundschule
Engelsdorfer Verlag Aber Du liebst mich ja Zum Briefwechsel zwischen Ingeborg Bachmann und Max Frisch
Kohl Verlag Soziale Kompetenz fördern fordern
Vista Point Verlag GmbH GO VISTA Reisefhrer Azoren Mit Faltkarte und 3 Postkarten
Südost-Verlag Mystisches Niederbayern
Regionalia Verlag Wilde Köchelei
Molino Verlag GmbH Der Beamte Wieler
ABW Wissenschaftsverlag G Die Berliner Medizinische Gesellschaft ihre Geschichte von 1844 bis heute
Innsalz, Verlag Stallblut
Promedia Verlagsges. Mbh Nordlandfahrt Eine Reise nach Skandinavien und Island im Jahre 1845
Schoeffling + Co. Vom Frhling und von der Einsamkeit Reportagen aus den Gerichten
Fidula - Verlag Frühlings und Maienlieder
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Meine Kräuterhexengeheimnisse
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Ins Mittelalter und zurck Schulausgabe
VML Verlag Marie Leidorf Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen BergbauMuseum Bochum Das Imperium macht Blau
Balance Buch + Medien Fhren und leiten in sozialen Einrichtungen
Metropol Verlag Zeitspuren
Mabuse-Verlag GmbH Es wird gut kleine Maus Ein Bilderbuch fr Kinder die nach einer Verlusterfahrung verstummen
AB Die Andere Bibliothek In Dschungeln. In Wüsten. Im Krieg.