Search results for ""Springer""
Springer Rehabilitation von spezifischem Gewebe: Klinische Überlegungen zur Dosierung in der manuellen Therapie
Dieses essential liefert Physio- und Ergotherapeuten einen Überblick über die Rehabilitation von Gewebe im menschlichen Körper. Spezifische Gewebearten mit ihren individuellen Wundheilungszeiten werden verständlich dargestellt und bilden in Form einer klinischen Konklusion die Grundlage für die therapeutische Arbeit am Patienten. Die Dosierung manueller Behandlungsmaßnahmen wird auf Grundlage der unterschiedlichen Gewebearten und deren Spezifikationen anschaulich erläutert.
Springer Berufsfindungsprozesse von Jugendlichen: Eine qualitativ-rekonstruktive Studie
Im Mittelpunkt des in diesem Band dargestellten Forschungsvorhabens steht die leitende Fragestellung, welche Orientierungsmuster den Berufsfindungsprozessen von angehenden Lehrlingen mit geschlechts(un)typischen Berufswünschen zugrunde liegen. Unter Rückgriff auf ein qualitativ-rekonstruktives Forschungsdesign werden vier Typen von Berufsfindungsprozessen abgeleitet, welche sich hinsichtlich der Berufswerte, des Ausmaßes an Selbst- und Fremdbestimmung sowie der handlungsleitenden Intention der Jugendlichen unterscheiden. Lediglich Jugendliche vom Typ I (u.a. durch ein hohes Maß an Selbstbestimmung charakterisiert) waren in der Lage, einen geschlechtsuntypischen Berufswunsch zu verwirklichen.
Springer Demenzsensible psychosoziale Intervention: Interviewstudie mit Menschen mit demenziellen Beeinträchtigungen
Die Studie beschäftigt sich mit der subjektiven Perspektive und den sozialen Bedingungen von Menschen mit demenziellen Beeinträchtigungen (MmD). Die Erhebung und Auswertung der Daten erfolgt nach den Grundsätzen der qualitativen Sozialforschung mit der Grounded-Theory-Methodologie (GTM) in einer partizipativen Forschungsstrategie. Aus den Ergebnissen generiert der Autor evidenzbasierte, bedarfsgerechte psychosoziale Interventionsformen. Für die praktische Anwendung empfiehlt sich die „Fähigkeit zur Selbsterhaltung“ als Ressource zu fördern, indem Defizitkonfrontationen vermieden und die Selbstorganisation der Betroffenen unterstützt werden.
Springer Führungsstark in Kindertageseinrichtungen: Wertschätzung als neues Erfolgsprinzip für Kita-Leitungen
Dieses essential unterstützt Kita-Leitungen bei der Bewältigung der Belastungen am Arbeitsplatz Kita, die heute eine besondere Führungsstärke brauchen, um ihre Mitarbeiter/-innen, betreuten Kinder und Eltern durch die Wertschätzungskrise zu führen. Nach dem neuen Erfolgsprinzip „Mit Wertschätzung zu Wertschöpfung“ zeigen wir fünf konkrete Schritte, wie Kita-Leitungen ihre Mitarbeiter/-innen binden, qualifizieren, gesund erhalten, motivieren und zufriedenstellen – für eine Verbesserung des „Lebens und Arbeitens“ und der frühpädagogischen Qualität in Krippe, Kindergarten und Hort.
Springer Der Zahlen gigantische Schatten: Mathematik im Zeichen der Zeit
In einem informativen und anregenden Streifzug von Pythagoras über Bach zu Bohr zeigt der Autor den Einfluss der Zahlen in der Welt des Wissens und unserer Kultur. In einer lebendigen und persönlich gefärbten Sprache, unterstützt durch eine Fülle bestechend schöner Abbildungen, wird der weit gespannte Themenbereich einem breiten Leserkreis verständlich dargestellt. Dass nach einem Jahr nach Erscheinen bereits die dritte Auflage erfolgte, belegt die These, dass viele Menschen Mathematik vor allem als wesentlichen Bestandteil unserer Kultur empfinden und darüber mehr erfahren wollen. In der dritten Auflage wurden einige Fußnoten im Anmerkungsteil ergänzt.
Springer Technology Enhanced Learning for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education
.- Exploring Children's Interaction with AR to Enhance Spatial Skills: Case Study on Geometry Learning..- Mapping Employable Skills in Higher Education Curriculum Using LLMs..- Exploring collaboration readiness with multimodal learning analytics: The value of generative preparation activities..- Singular Action, Complex Cognition: An Intelligent Tutoring System in Riichi Mahjong..- Leveraging Intelligent Tutoring Systems to Enhance Project-Based Learning in Workforce Training at Community Colleges..- Learning Analytics-Supported Learning Design for a Dutch Distance Learning University..- Evaluation of an LLM-powered student agent for teacher training..- Achieving tailored feedback by means of a teacher dashboard? Insights into teachers' feedback practices..- Learning Analytics Beyond Traditional Classrooms: Addressing the Tensions of Cognitive and Meta-Cognitive Goals in Exercise Sessions..- An experimental study into th
Springer Computer Security ESORICS 2024
Springer Principal Symbol Calculus on Contact Manifolds
Preface.- Foreword by Nigel Higson.- Introduction.- Principal Symbol on the Heisenberg Group.- Equivariance of the Principal Symbol Under Heisenberg Diffeomorphisms.- Principal Symbol on Contact Manifolds.- Bibliography.
Springer Privacy in Statistical Databases
Privacy models and concepts.- Microdata protection.- Statistical table protection.- Synthetic data generation methods.- Synthetic data generation software.- Disclosure risk assessment.- Spatial and georeferenced data.- Machine learning and privacy.- Case studies.
Springer Scalable Disruptors
Springer Emerging Technologies for Smart Cities
Part 1: Introduction and Setting the Scene.- Chapter 1: Emerging Technologies and Concept of Transportation and Development.- Chapter 2: Transportation Development in the Global North: Lessons from Germany, United States and Singapore.- Chapter 3: Transport Situation in the Global South: Evidence from Nigeria, South Africa and India.- Part 2: Sustainable Development, Smart Cities and Emerging Technologies.- Chapter 4: Sustainable Transport Planning.- Chapter 5: Smart Cities and Their Impact on Urban Transportation.- Chapter 6: Transportation Technologies and Transportation.- Chapter 7: Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data as a Revolutionary Approach for Traffic Management.- Part 3: Prospects of Emerging Technologies and The role of Government and Citizen in Smart Cities and Urban Transportation Development.- Chapter 8: Benefits and Challenges of Emerging Technologies in Urban Transportation Pl
Springer Deep Learning Theory and Applications
Geometrical Realization for Time Series Forecasting.- Brains over Brawn: Small AI Labs in the Age of Datacenter-Scale Compute.- Time Series Prediction for Anomalies Detection in Concentrating Solar Power Plants Using Long Short-Term Memory N Networks.- Bayes Classification Using an Approximation to the Joint Probability Distribution of the Attributes.- Pollutant Source Localization Based on Siamese Neural Network Similarity Measure.- Automatic Emotion Analysis in Movies: Matteo Garrone's Dogman as a Case Study.- Empowering Cybersecurity: CyberShield AI Advanced Integration of Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Dynamic Ransomware Detection.- Empirical Performance of Deep Learning Models with Class Imbalance for Crop Disease Classification.- Automating the Conducting of Surveys Using Large Language Models.- Computer Vision Based Monitoring System for Flotation in Mining Industry 4.0.- Self-Supervised Learning for Robust Surface Defect Detection.- Efficient Deep Neural Network Veri
Springer Rejuvenation and Longevity
Introduction to optimistic gerontology.- The origin of life, immortality, and aging.- Cellular learning, decision-making, and rejuvenation.- Sporulation, meiosis and rejuvenation.- Longevity secrets of the three marine beautiessponges, corals and sea anemones.- Metazoans who live longer than Jeanne Calment.- Transposable elements and rejuvenation of genome.- Embryonic stem cells and the last-minute' correction.- Muse cells and VSEL stem cells in longevity and rejuvenation.- The paradox of the adult stem cells: Relevance to aging and rejuvenation.- Biological age can be moved in both directions.- Rejuvenation is on its way.
Springer Intelligent Systems Design and Applications
Misdirection attack in wireless sensor network using threshold method.- Blockchain for data traceability in the agricultural sector.- Detection of fake URLs using deep LSTM architecture over Social Media.- Leveraging Blockchain for Secure Water Meter Reading.- A Hybrid Differential-Evolution-based approach to the sensor network localisation problem.- A Review on Physical Abuse Detection Techniques using Video Surveillance Systems.- Detection of Suspicious Activities at Hypervisor in Cloud Computing A Brief Study.- A Simple Genetic Algorithm for the Maximum Min Sum Dispersion Problem Max MinSum DP and New Node Similarity based Variants.- Towards Analysis of Threat Modeling of Software Systems According to Key Criteria.- Deepfake Detection System for Facial Evidence Verification in Criminal Justice and its Legal and Ethical Implications.- A methodology to evaluate the security of block ciphers against neurocryptanalytic attacks.
Springer Twenty Years of Theoretical and Practical Synergies
.- Invited abstracts..- Special Session: Computing Knowledge: Computational Aspects of Epistemic Logics (HaPoC)..- The theory of enumeration degrees and its fragments..- Further extensions of the point to set principle..- Uniform distribution and algorithmic randomness..- Computable aspects of symbolic dynamics and tilings..- How much pattern complexity can help us solve the domino problem ?..- Sufficient conditions for non-emptiness of a subshift and computability of its entropy..- Reasoning about (Negative) Trust under Uncertainty..- Quantum computating from reversible classical computing..- Complexity of well-ordered sets in an ordered Abelian group..- Invited papers..- If CiE Did not Exist, It Would be Necessary to Invent It..- Some Open Questions and Recent Results on Computable Banach Spaces..- Kolmogorov complexity as a combinatorial tool..- Cellular Automata: Communicati
Springer Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing
.- Intelligent Computing. .- Neural Network Approach for Early detection of Sugarcane Diseases..- Enhanced Residual Network Framework for Robust Classification of Noisy Lung Cancer CT Images..- Single-Cell Drug Perturbation Prediction Using Machine Learning..- Underwater Image Enhancement using Convolutional Neural Network and the MultiUnet Model..- A hybrid time series model for the spatio-temporal analysis of air pollution prediction based on PM2.5..- Detection of Lung Diseases Using Deep Transfer Learning-Based Convolution Neural Networks..- DG-GAN: A Deep Neural Network for Real-World Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos..- Auto-LVEF: A novel method to determine Ejection Fraction from 2D echocardiograms..- Phishing Detection in Browser-In-The-Middle: A Novel Empirical Approach Incorporating Machine Learning Algorithms..- Feature Engineering for Predicting Consumer Purchase Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis..-
Springer OrganicBased Nanomaterials in Food Packaging
Organic nanomaterials and their synthesis.- Characteristics, composition, and structure of organic nanomaterials.- Mechanical Properties of Organic Nanomaterials for Food Packaging.- Organic- Based Nanomaterials and their use in Food Packaging.- Cellulose based nanomaterials for food packaging: Opportunities and challenges.- Starch-based nanomaterials for food packaging.- Chitosan-based nanomaterials for food packaging.- Proteins-based nanomaterials for food packaging.- Conjugated organic nanomaterials.- Nano-Emulsions for Edible Coating.- Safety and Regulatory Issues of Organic Nanomaterial.
Springer Computational Science ICCS 2024
Springer CuttingEdge Mathematics
A survey on applications of a new approach to Quillen rational homotopy theory.- The Yang problem for complete bounded complex submanifolds a survey.- Orthogonal polynomials and operator theory.- Open problems and applications.- A Sample of problems where ULRICH BUNDLES show up.
Springer Biomedizinische Nanomaterialien
1. Grundlegende Trends in der Nanobiotechnologie.- 2. Molekulares Design, Synthese und Eigenschaften von oberflächenaktiven, kammartigen PEG-haltigen Polymeren und abgeleiteten supramolekularen Strukturen für die Verabreichung von Medikamenten.- 3. Eine neuartige wasserlösliche C60-Fulleren-basierte Nanoplattform erhöht die Effizienz der Chemotherapie gegen Krebs.- 4. Magnetische Eisenoxidpartikel für die Theranostik.- 5. Geregelte Abgabe und verringerte negative Nebenwirkungen von Krebsmedikamenten, die mit polymeren Nanoträgern komplexiert sind - 6. Nano- und Mikropartikel und ihre Rolle bei Entzündungen und Immunreaktionen.- 7. Grundprinzipien der Nanotoxikologie - 8. Bio-Imaging, Biokompatibilität und Funktionalität von polymeren Nanocarriern für die Genübertragung - 9. Aufnahme, Bio-Verteilung und Mechanismen der Toxizität von metallhaltigen Nanopartikeln in wirbellosen Wassertieren und Wirbeltieren - 10. Die Rolle des Metallothionein-Systems bei der Reaktion auf die toxische W
Springer Beyond Houses
Researching crises and solutions with urgency and agency: An introduction.- Part 1: Mainstreaming risk reduction in recovery and reconstruction.- Disentangling governance for nature-based restoration projects.- Female leadership and everyday hazards: Care practices and solidarity networks in Campamento Dignidad.- Structural measures for wildfire risk reduction in informal contexts in Chile.- Analyzing urban Tsunami evacuation through evacuees' spatial behaviors.- Part 2: Enhancing inclusion through humanitarian architecture.- Integrating soft infrastructure in design to build community resilience in Puerto Rico.- Can a gender perspective fulfill the end-user's needs in housing reconstruction projects?.- Leaving the slum: International collaborative design initiatives to shape capabilities during resettlement.- Architecture and incremental housing in climate change and pandemic times in Lisbon and Bhopal informal settings.- Part 3: Disentangling urban forced displacement challenges.-
Springer Innovative Practices in Teaching Information Sciences and Technology
Teaching as Innovation.- The false promises of application-driven learning: Mathematical thinking in today's rapidly evolving technology landscape.- Professor in a Strange Land: An Expat Metaphor for Classroom Discussions.- When Less is More A Java Introductory Course.- Teaching Information Technology Without the Technology: An unplugged approach to introducing IT concepts to first-year students.- Scenario-Based Design with ChatGPT: A First-Year Seminar Experience.- Hitting the Sweet Spot: Designing an Accessible Introductory Machine Learning Course for Informatics Students.- Unleashing the Problem-Solving Potential of Next-Generation Data Scientists.- Providing Iterative Cybersecurity Hands-on Learning Experience: Reflections on Teaching Cyber-Defense to Second Year IT Students.- Learning About Explainable AI with Very Little Programming For 4th Year Undergrads (or Younger).- Traversing the Software Development Life Cycle: Reflections on Teaching Object-Oriented Programming to Thi
Springer Concise Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields
Introduction to Electromagnetics and Essential Mathematics.- Maxwell equations and the structure of electromagnetics.- Vector algebra and vector calculus.- Time Independent Electromagnetics.- Electrostatics.- Currents and resistance.- Magnetostatics.- Time Dependent Electromagnetics.- Quasi statics and dynamics.- Plane wave propagation.- Plane wave reflection and refraction.- Transmission lines.- Waveguides and cavities.- Radiation and Antennas.- Antenna fundamentals.- Electromagnetic radiation and auxiliary potentials.- Wire antennas.- Antenna arrays.- Integral equations.
Springer Asymptotic Expansions and Summability
- Part I Asymptotic expansions.- Taylor expansions.- Gevrey formal power series.- Gevrey asymptotics.- Part II Summability.- k-summability: definition and first algebraic properties.- First characterization of the k-summability: the successive derivatives.- Second characterization of the k-summability: the Borel-Laplace method.- Part III Moment summability.- Moment functions and moment operators.- Moment-Borel-Laplace method and summability.- Linear moment partial differential equations.
Springer A Taste of the Science of Eating
.- Cooking, Eating, Tasting..- The Tongue, Chewing and Tasting..- The Five Basic Tastes..- The Nose and Smelling..- Adaptation, Cross-Adaptation and Masking of Odours..- Feeling in the Nose, Mouth and Throat..- Psychology of Tasting and Eating.
Springer Technical Landfills and Waste Management
Chapter 1: Electrical and electromagnetic prospecting for the characterization of municipal waste landfills: A review.- Chapter 2: Characteristics and impacts of municipal solid waste (MSW).- Chapter 3: Characteristics and Impact Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW).- Chapter 4: Characteristics and Impacts of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW): A Review.- Chapter 5: An Overview on Municipal Solid Waste Characteristics and Its Impacts on Environment and Human Health.- Chapter 6: Landfills in Developing Economies: Drivers, Challenges, and Sustainable Solutions.- Chapter 7: The Environmental Pressure by Open dumpsites and Way Forward.- Chapter 8: Assessing two sanitary landfills in the West Bank of Palestine: Current situation and future obstacles.- Chapter 9: Industrial solid wastes and environment: an overview on global generation, implications, and available management options.- Chapter 10: Micro/Nanoplastics Pollution from Landfill Sites:A
Springer IR Playbook
Part 1 - Radiology Basics.- Evolution of IR Training.- Radiation Safety.- Tools of the Trade.- Patient Care in IR.- Pharmacology in IR.- The IR Road Map: Vascular Anatomy Overview.- Introduction to Cross-Sectional Imaging.- Part 2 - Venous Interventions.- Vascular Access Techniques and Closure Devices.- Central Venous Access.- Acute and Chronic Lower Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis.- Pulmonary Embolism.- IVC filters.- Dialysis.- Pelvic Venous Disorders.- Varicocele.- Varicose veins.- Vascular malformations.- Adrenal Vein Sampling.- Part 3 - Aortic Interventions.- Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms.- Abdominal and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms.- Aortic Dissection.- Endoleaks.- Traumatic Aortic Injury.- Part 4 - Thoracic Interventions.- Bronchial Artery Embolization.- Pulmonary Angiography: Arteriovenous Malfor
Springer Digital Diplomacy in the OSCE Region
Chapter 1. Introduction to Digital Diplomacy in the OSCE Region.- Chapter 2. Digital Diplomacy in Azerbaijan: Lessons Learned and Future Opportunities.- Chapter 3. Balkan Style Digital Diplomacy.- Chapter 4. Digitalisation in Central Asia: Progress and Potential.- Chapter 5. German Digital Diplomacy.- Chapter 6. A New Frontier in Diplomacy: Digital Diplomacy Implementations in Kazakhstan.- Chapter 7. Digital Diplomacy in Spain: A Steep Learning Curve.- Chapter 8. Türkiye's Digital Diplomacy Initiative: Challenges and Opportunities.- Chapter 9. UK Digital Diplomacy.- Chapter 10. The Impact of Twitter on Digital Diplomacy in the Context of International Media.- Chapter 11. The Impact of Digital Diplomacy on Security: the Case of the Russia-ukraine War.- Chapter 12. Bringing Diplomacy to the Digital Age.- Chapter 13. Essential Attributes Guiding the Danish Practice of Digital Diplomacy on Global Affairs.- Chapter 14. Diplomacy and Challenges in the Digital Age: the Italian Case Study.-
Springer IsraelPalestine in World Religions
Introduction: From Theological to Secular Claims.- Part I: Secular Claims.- Chapter 1: Conquest, Treaties and Self-Determination.- Chapter 2: From Discovery to Rediscovery.- Chapter 3: Possession and Dispossession through Labor and Purchase.- Chapter 4: History as Legitimacy.- Part II: Theological Claims.- Chapter 5: Judaism; A Multiplicity of Interpretations.- Chapter 6: Christianity; A Kaleidoscope of Theologies.- Chapter 7: Islam: Encountering a Contemporary Challenge.- Part III.- Chapter 8: Concluding Reflections.
Springer Flora and Vegetation of Nepal
Chapter 1: Nepal: An Introduction.- Chapter 2: Flora and Phytogeography of Nepal.- Chapter 3: Vegetation and forest in Nepal.- Chapter 4: An overview of the Middle Miocene to Early Pleistocene Flora of the Siwalik sediments in Nepal.- Chapter 5: A Comprehensive Review of Algal Exploration in Nepal.- Chapter 6: Fungi of Nepal.- Chapter 7: Bryophyta Plant Diversity in Nepal.- Chapter 8: Lichens of Nepal.- Chapter 9: Fern and fern-allies of Nepal.- Chapter 10: Gymnosperms of Nepal: diversity, distribution, economic importance and future perspectives.- Chapter 11: Angiosperm diversity in Nepal.- Chapter 12: Economically important plants in Nepal.- Chapter 13: Plant invasions in Nepal: What we do not know?.- Chapter 14: Impact of climate change on plants in the Nepal Himalayas.- Chapter 15: Plant Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal Himalaya: Status, Policies, and Legislative Frameworks.
Springer Computational Design of Battery Materials
Battery materials: Bringing it all together for tomorrow's energy storage needs.- Atomistic Simulations of Battery Materials and Processes.- Ab Initio Interfacial Electrochemistry Applied to Understanding, Tuning and Designing Battery Chemistry.- Electrolyte-Electrode Interfaces: A Review of Computer Simulations.- Many-particle Na-ion dynamics in NaMPO4 olivine phosphates (M=Mn, Fe).- Crystal Structure Prediction for Battery Materials.- Nanoscale Modelling of Substitutional Disorder in Battery Materials.- Machine learning methods for the design of battery manufacturing processes.- Machine learning methods for the design of battery manufacturing processes.- Applications of Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics for Modeling Batteries.- Forming a Chemically-Guided Basis for Cathode Materials with Reduced Biological Impact using Combined Density Functional Theory and Thermodynamics Modeling.- Oxygen Redox in Battery Cathodes: A Brief Overview.- Theoretical Investigatio
Springer Echography of the Eye and Orbit
Physical principles : propagation of the US beam and formation of the US picture Tissular characterization.- Echographic units and probes.- Doppler.- (Very) High Frequency Ultrasound.- Settings.- Artifacts.- Indications and examination techniques.- Normal Ultrasonographic Anatomy.- A practical guide to US interpretation - Quantitative Ultrasound.- Ocular Biometry IOL Power calculation.- (Very) High Frequency Ultrasound of the Anterior Segment.- Echography of the Posterior Segment.- Ocular masses in adults.- Ocular masses in children.- Ultrasound of orbital disorders: an introduction.- Dysthyroid orbitopathy.- Inflammatory lesions.- Masses and tumors of the optic nerve fibers and sheath.- Masses and tumors of the optic nerve fibers and sheath.- Optic neuropathies and vascular occlusions.- Vascular lesions and tumors.- Masses of the lacrimal gland fossa.- Masses of the extraocular muscles.- Cysts and cystic lesions of the orbit.- Malignant tumors.- Orbital trauma.- Orbital masses
Springer Retargetable Compilers for Embedded Core Processors: Methods and Experiences in Industrial Applications
Embedded core processors are becoming a vital part of today's system-on-a-chip in the growing areas of telecommunications, multimedia and consumer electronics. This is mainly in response to a need to track evolving standards with the flexibility of embedded software. Consequently, maintaining the high product performance and low product cost requires a careful design of the processor tuned to the application domain. With the increased presence of instruction-set processors, retargetable software compilation techniques are critical, not only for improving engineering productivity, but to allow designers to explore the architectural possibilities for the application domain. Retargetable Compilers for Embedded Core Processors, with a Foreword written by Ahmed Jerraya and Pierre Paulin, overviews the techniques of modern retargetable compilers and shows the application of practical techniques to embedded instruction-set processors. The methods are highlighted with examples from industry processors used in products for multimedia, telecommunications, and consumer electronics. An emphasis is given to the methodology and experience gained in applying two different retargetable compiler approaches in industrial settings. The book also discusses many pragmatic areas such as language support, source code abstraction levels, validation strategies, and source-level debugging. In addition, new compiler techniques are described which support address generation for DSP architecture trends. The contribution is an address calculation transformation based on an architectural model. Retargetable Compilers for Embedded Core Processors will be of interest to embedded system designers and programmers, the developers of electronic design automation (EDA) tools for embedded systems, and researchers in hardware/software co-design.
Springer Initiatives of Precision Engineering at the Beginning of a Millennium: 10th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE) July 18–20, 2001, Yokohama, Japan
Faced with ever-increasing market demands, manufacturing industry is forced to seek innovation and technological breakthrough. This state-of-the-art text aims to integrate broad aspects of precision and production engineering to cope with rapid changes in market needs and technological developments as we enter the 21st century. It addresses basic theory, extensive research in advanced topics, industrial applications, and relevant surveys in related fields. Major subjects covered by this book include: Advanced manufacturing systems; Ultra-precision machining and micro machining; Nanotechnology for fabrication and measurement; Chemo-mechanical processes; Rapid prototyping technology; New materials and advanced processes; Computer-aided production engineering; Manufacturing process control; Planning. This volume contains the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE), which was held in July 2001, in Yokohama, Japan. ICPE is a well-established conference in the field of production and precision engineering, covering a wide range of topics for future-oriented manufacturing systems and processes; it is organized by the Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE). This book can be used as a reference for graduate and undergraduate courses in precision and production engineering, and also for researchers and industrial engineers to capture current trends in this field.
Springer Laboratory Techniques in Thrombosis — a Manual
The first edition of this manual appeared in 1992 and was entitled ECAT Assay Procedures. It was the result of a unique cooperation between experts brought together by the European Concerted Action on Thrombosis and Disabilities (ECAT). The Concerted Action was at that time under the auspices of the Commission of the European Union. The second edition, like the first edition, deals with diagnostic tests within the field of thrombosis. However, the second edition has a broader scope because it is no longer limited by the frontiers of ECAT. Experts allover the world, in and outside ECAT, have contributed to this edition. The editors are very grateful for their contributions. The need for a new edition is obvious. Since 1992 new assays have been introduced for research, diagnosis, and therapy of thrombosis; for other assays improvements have been suggested, while a few others became redundant. The editors waived the radioimmunoassays of ~-thrombog1obulin and platelet factor 4 due to the fact that the kits required for these assays are rarely, or no longer, available. Also the PAI-1 activity assay was waived as it is liable to many inconsistencies and to large variations. A list of names and addresses of manufacturers marketing the kits and reagents has been compiled, together with a list of the recommended nomenclature of quantities in thrombosis and haemostasis, in order to facilitate the use of the updated version. These lists have been carefully compiled by Johannes J. Sidelmann, PhD, Department of Clinical Biochemistry in Esbjerg, Denmark.
Springer Collected Papers IV
Following the thematic divisions of the first three volumes of Alfred Schutz's Collected Papers into The Problem of Social Reality, Studies in Social Theory and Phenomenological Philosophy, this fourth volume contains drafts of unfinished writings, drafts of published writings, translations of essays previously published in German, and some largely unpublished correspondence. The drafts of published writings contain important material omitted from the published versions, and the unfinished writings offer important insights into Schutz's otherwise unpublished ideas about economic and political theory as well as the theory of law and the state. In addition, a large group contains Schutz's reflections on problems in phenomenological philosophy, including music, which both supplement and add new dimensions to his published thought. All together, the writings in this volume cover Schutz's last 15 years in Europe as well as manuscripts written after his arrival in the USA in 1939. Audience: Students and scholars of phenomenology, social theory and the human sciences in general.
Springer Abstract Algebra
Springer Principles of Supply Chain Management and Their Implications
Preface.- Principles of Supply Chain Management.- Analysis of Ordering Patterns in Serial Supply Chains.- Pooling in Supply Chains.- Mathematics of Pooling.- Including Capacity Limitations in Planning Models.- Real-time Execution Systems.- Design and Operation of the Vaccine Distribution Supply Chain.- Bibliography.- Index.
Springer Quanta in Distress
Chapter 1: Of gods, goddesses, and philosophers.- Chapter 2: Sins of the fathers.- Chapter 3: Certainty of the probable.- Chapter 4: Pathway to quantum mysticism.- Chapter 5: Quantum consciousness crosses the Atlantic.- Chapter 6: Eastern plague of the sixties.- Chapter 7: Inventing modern physics.- Chapter 8: The Standard Model.- Chapter 9: Are you the universe.- Chapter 10: Messenger is not the message.- Chapter 11: What is to be done.
Springer Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security in Industry 4.0
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security for Industry.- Role of AI and its impact on the development of cyber security applications.- AI and IoT in Manufacturing and related Security Perspectives for Industry 4.0.- IoT Security Vulnerabilities and Defensive Measures in Industry 4.0.- Adopting Artificial Intelligence in ITIL for Information Security Management - Way forward in Industry 4.0.- Intelligent Autonomous Drones in Industry 4.0.- A review on automatic generation of attack trees and its application to automotive cybersecurity.- Malware Analysis using Machine Learning Tools and Techniques in IT Industry.- USE OF MACHINE LEARNING IN FORENSICS AND COMPUTER SECURITY.- Control of feed drives in CNC machine tools using artificial immune adaptive strategy.- Efficient Anomaly Detection for Empowering Cyber Security by Using Adaptive Deep Learning Model.- Intrusion Detection in IoT based Healthcare Using ML an
Springer The Pursuit of Reality
1. The Quest For Knowledge.- 2. Perpetual Motion Dream.- 3. Born Rebellious.- 4. Atoms and Radioactivity.- 5. Revolution Within Revolution.- 6. Schrodiger's Wave Mechanics.- 7. Complementarity Embraces Particles and Waves.- 8. Sixth Solvay Conference and Titans Meet Again.- 9. Einstein at Princeton.- 10. Bohm's Hidden Variables and Bell's Inequality.- 11. The Gist of Quantum Mechanics.- 12. Can We Ever Hope to Understand Quantum Mechanics?.- 13. Navigating Between the Classical and the Quantum Worlds.- 14. Mathematics, Physics, and Nature.
Springer Statistical Physics for Biological Matter
This book aims to cover a broad range of topics in statistical physics, including statistical mechanics (equilibrium and non-equilibrium), soft matter and fluid physics, for applications to biological phenomena at both cellular and macromolecular levels. It is intended to be a graduate level textbook, but can also be addressed to the interested senior level undergraduate. The book is written also for those involved in research on biological systems or soft matter based on physics, particularly on statistical physics.Typical statistical physics courses cover ideal gases (classical and quantum) and interacting units of simple structures. In contrast, even simple biological fluids are solutions of macromolecules, the structures of which are very complex. The goal of this book to fill this wide gap by providing appropriate content as well as by explaining the theoretical method that typifies good modeling, namely, the method of coarse-grained descriptions that extract the most salient features emerging at mesoscopic scales. The major topics covered in this book include thermodynamics, equilibrium statistical mechanics, soft matter physics of polymers and membranes, non-equilibrium statistical physics covering stochastic processes, transport phenomena and hydrodynamics. Generic methods and theories are described with detailed derivations, followed by applications and examples in biology. The book aims to help the readers build, systematically and coherently through basic principles, their own understanding of nonspecific concepts and theoretical methods, which they may be able to apply to a broader class of biological problems.