Search results for ""PRIMO""
El vino de la soledad
La novela más personal y autobiográfica de Irène Némirovsky.El vino de la soledad (publicada en 1935) recrea el destino de una adinerada familia rusa refugiada en París, y describe la venganza de una joven contra su madre, motivo que la escritora ya había tratado en esa pequeña joya literaria que es El baile. Con una mirada inteligente y ácida, la novela sigue a la pequeña Elena de los ocho años a la mayoría de edad, desde Ucrania hasta San Petersburgo, Finlandia y finalmente París, donde la familia se instala tras el estallido de la revolución rusa, en un recorrido paralelo al que realizó la propia Némirovsky. La madre de Elena, una mujer bella y frívola de origen noble, desprecia a su marido, un potentado judío, y a su hija. Tras la muerte de la gobernanta, la vida de la niña se vuelve aún más difícil, pues su madre instala en la casa a su amante, un primo quince años más joven que ella. No obstante, el tiempo convierte a Elena en una joven hermosa, y el día q
Manuel Hedilla
Qué hago yo con dos condes y un banderillero!, comentó Manuel Hedilla, con sorna, al conocer la composición de la junta política creada por Franco tras el Decreto de Unificación.Si José Antonio fue El ausente, a Manuel Hedilla podría tildársele como El defenestrado, pues tras el asesinato de Primo de Rivera quedó sumido en un anonimato perpetuo. Como Segundo Jefe Nacional de Falange, tomó la valiente decisión de negarse a aceptar el Decreto de Unificación de Franco, que suponía la desaparición de FE de las JONS. Este acto de lealtad a sus principios fue considerado alta traición, y se desató un proceso sumarísimo diseñado para demostrar su supuesta intención de derrocar al nuevo régimen.Para algunos fue un golpista y para otros un traidor. Se le imputaron crímenes ajenos a su persona y dos penas de muerte. Sin embargo, en un giro inesperado, las voces en defensa de la justicia se alzaron, y Franco conmutó sus sentencias por cadena perpetua. El mayor coraje de Hedilla no radicó
De tigres y gacelas
Rocío Martínez fue una belleza cuando tenía quince años, aunque ahora ha engordado demasiado y se ha visto forzada a ocultar media cara tras una máscara. Ella será la inspiradora involuntaria del atraco que David el Mono y su primo, Rubén el Chato, planean contra la organización de don Jorge Illescas, un golpe con el que costear la reconstrucción del rostro de Rocío. Don Jorge Illescas se pasa la vida viajando por el mundo, haciendo negocios de dudosa legalidad que le han labrado incontables enemigos, casi siempre acompañado por Tania, su amante, una tratante de arte. El Chino, un matón salvaje y adicto, recibe el encargo de ir tras los pasos de don Jorge, desaparecido desde hace un tiempo, con el encargo de encontrar una valiosa estatuilla que debía de estar en su poder. Y en la búsqueda de esa escultura se dará de bruces, algún tiempo después, con la familia de Rocío y el Mono.De tigres y gacelas es una fiesta narrativa que nunca deja de sorp
Carcanet Press Ltd Otherwise Unchanged
The poems in Owen Lowery's first collection speak in a range of voices, offer glimpses into many lives and many worlds. At the same time, we hear in all of them Lowery's own voice. Incorporating elements from English, Welsh, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese and Italian poetic traditions, he develops form deftly, giving his work a beautiful, risky movement and musicality. Many of his poems pay tribute to poets writing in the face of war: he enters the worlds of Paul Celan, Keith Douglas, Alun Lewis, Edward Thomas, and - in a powerful sequence based on IF THIS IS A MAN - Primo Levi. Other poems are more directly personal, the poet's confessions both wry and tender: 'Your trademark switching the light on / from the bottom of the stairs / wakes the open secret of his / thank you prayer.' The poet was a British Judo champion but suffered a spinal injury in 1987, as a result of which he is now a ventilator-dependent C2-level tetraplegic. With OTHERWISE UNCHANGED, Owen Lowery embarks on a momentous
De Gruyter Accounting Journals: Scopus, Web of Science, SCImago
This book is a full guidebook among more than 218 accounting international journals with an evaluation of 3,000 publications for over the last two years. It aims to help readers for selecting an appropriate journal for publishing own research in the international arena or to find the required topic for conducting further investigating or to be informed about so large-scale science as accounting. Here a reader will find detailed information about accounting journals in terms of Scopus, Web of Science and SCImago databases. In addition, there are highlighted accounting journals in terms of IFRS and blockchain concentration in accounting researches nowadays. The relevant aims and scope of each journal are also presented. Anyway, this book is an indispensable assistant for students while getting the “Accounting” specialization, as well as teachers and scientists while conducting empirical researches in the practice and theory of the accounting filed. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING Accounting Journals: Scopus, Web of Science, SCImago is covered by the following services: Baidu Scholar Google Books Google Scholar Naviga (Softweco) Primo Central (ExLibris) ReadCube Semantic Scholar Summon (ProQuest) TDOne (TDNet) WorldCat (OCLC)
Descrita como la novela más personal y autobiográfica de Irène Némirovsky, El vino de la soledad (publicada en 1935) recrea el destino de una adinerada familia rusa refugiada en París, y describe la venganza de una joven contra su madre, motivo que la escritora ya había tratado en esa pequeña joya literaria que es El baile . Con una mirada inteligente y ácida, la novela sigue a la pequeña Elena de los ocho años a la mayoría de edad, desde Ucrania hasta San Petersburgo, Finlandia y finalmente París, donde la familia se instala tras el estallido de la revolución rusa, en un recorrido paralelo al que realizó la propia Némirovsky. La madre de Elena, una mujer bella y frívola de origen noble, desprecia a su marido, un potentado judío, y a su hija. Tras la muerte de la gobernanta, la vida de la niña se vuelve aún más difícil, pues su madre instala en la casa a su amante, un primo quince años más joven que ella. No obstante, el tiempo convierte a Elena en una joven hermosa, y el día que descu
Eneida Editorial S.L. La reliquia Confabulaciones Spanish Edition
Eça de Queirós nació en Póvoa de Varzim, localidad del norte de Portugal, el 25 de noviembre de 1845. Estudió derecho en la Universidad de Coimbra e ingresó en el cuerpo diplomático en 1872. Fue cónsul en Cuba, Newcastle, Bristol y París. En esta última ciudad permaneció hasta su muerte, el 16 de agosto de 1900. Si Luis de Camões es el más ilustre de los clásicos portugueses, y Fernando Pessoa el más grande poeta de Portugal, José María Eça de Queirós es el mayor novelista del país vecino, uno de los extraordinarios escritores del siglo XIX que elevaron la novela a categorías insospechadas. Entre ellas destacan: Los maias, Los crímenes del padre AmaroLa ilustre casa de Ramires, La reliquia, El mandarín y El primo Basilio. Eça de Queirós fue asimismo un periodista notable. Sus artículos sobre París, Londres, Europa, Tierra Santa..., se encuentran entre los mejores textos descriptivos del siglo XIX. Carlos Reis, director de la Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa, ha declarado: Si Eça de Que
La vi a lo lejos, parpadeé, volví a los quince años, a aquella vez que fuimos al cine. Fue improvisado.Cris sabe mucho de espectros, desde el asperger hasta el queer. Siguiendo su rutina, va al supermercado un sábado cualquiera, donde se encuentra con quien fue su primer flechazo de la adolescencia.Daniela se ha mudado a Madrid para darle un giro a su vida, aburrida de la que había escogido casi sin querer.Cris tiene ganas de dejarse llevar, de no pensar de más, como de costumbre.Mientras tanto, muchos kilómetros hacia el oeste, su primo Edu ha estado a punto de perder la vida, hecho que despierta en Cris recuerdos de su infancia.En Arreglándome la vida, Aranguren narra una historia sobre la infancia, la idealización de la familia, de los recuerdos, sobre lo difícil de crecer sin dejarle al pasado ocupar demasiado espacio. Esta obra es una historia de amor, de uno que se creía olvidado, guardado como una fantasía irrealizable.Arreglándome la vida es la primera parte de un proyecto en e
Periodisme i llibertat Cartes 19201950
Joan Estelrich (1896-1958) i Josep Pla (1897-1981) van ser companys de generació i companys d?ofici (el periodisme i l?escriptura), dues figures destacadíssimes en el panorama català dels temps de la dictadura de Primo de Rivera, la República i la Guerrra Civil, i tots dos van treballar per al polític Francesc Cambó. Els punts de contacte són molts, i el centenar llarg de cartes que s?han conservat entre l?un i l?altre n?és una bona prova. L?epistolari aporta molta informació de primera mà sobre un vessant essencial de la cultura política a la Catalunya de la primera meitat del segle xx, especialment la dels anys vint.Sílvia Coll-Vinent, professora a la Universitat Ramon Llull, no s?ha limitat a estudiar, transcriure, editar, anotar i prologar les cartes conservades entre Pla i Estelrich, sinó que hi afegeix en apèndix tots els textos que es van dedicar l?un a l?altre (onze articles publicats en diversos diaris i dos documents inèdits).
B de Bolsillo (Ediciones B) La ley de los varones Los Reyes Malditos 4 Spanish Edition
Maurice Druon ha sabido narrar como ningún otro las historias secretas, las pasiones y las debilidades de ese periodo determinante de la historia de Europa.La cuarta entrega de la serie Los Reyes Malditos.Junio 1316. Tras un corto y catastrófico reinado, Luis X acaba de morir envenenado. Han pasado solo dieciocho meses desde la muerte de su padre, Felipe el Hermoso. Por primera vez desde hace trescientos años un rey de Francia desaparece sin dejar un heredero varón.La corona puede ir a parar a la cabeza de una niña de cinco años, sospechosa de bastardía, hija del primer matrimonio de Luis X con Margarita de Borgoña. También puede ser destinada al hijo que espera la segunda esposa del rey fallecido, Clemencia de Hungría. Este cuarto volumen de la serie Los Reyes Malditos revive las luchas encarnizadas que, para apoderarse de la regencia, librarán tres parientes del rey muerto: su hermano el duque de Poitiers, si tío el conde de Valois, y su primo el duque d
Y a ti qué te pasa
Si te gustó Y a ti qué te importa?, no te puedes perder esta divertidísima comedia romántica que recrea la historia del patito feo bajo el sello inconfundible de Megan Maxwell.Menchu ha dejado su trabajo en el parador de Sigüenza y está desarrollando su propia empresa de creación de páginas web. Siempre ha estado enamorada en silencio de Lucas, compañero de Juan en la base de los GEOS, pero cansada de sus desplantes, decide dar un giro a su vida e irse a Los Ángeles a pasar un tiempo en casa de Tomi, primo de su íntima amiga, la actriz Estela Noelia Rice Ponce. Tomi, gurú de la moda, la convencerá para que se haga un cambio de look radical que transformará el patito normal que es en un cisne precioso.Mientras tanto, Noelia, Juan y algunos amigos, entre los que se encuentra Lucas, acuden a Los Ángeles para celebrar el cumpleaños de Tomi. Cuando el GEO descubre a la nueva Menchu, se queda sin palabras, y más viendo que un famoso director de cine no se separa de ella.
Icon Books The Box with the Sunflower Clasp
'A transfixingly readable amalgam of memoir and history... Superbly written and researched.... [Meller] has turned the raw material of her life into literature'Ian Thomson, author of Primo LeviRachel Meller was never close to her aunt Lisbeth, a cool, unemotional woman with a drawling Viennese-Californian accent, a cigarette in her hand. But when Lisbeth died, she left Rachel an intricately carved Chinese box with a sunflower clasp. Inside the box were photographs, letters and documents that led Rachel to uncover a story she had never known: that of a passionate Jewish teenager growing up in elegant Vienna, who was caught up by war, and forced to flee to Shanghai. Far from home, in a strange city, Lisbeth and her parents build a new life - a life of small joys and great hardship, surrounded by many others who, like them, have fled Hitler and the Nazis. 1930s Shanghai is a metropolis where the old rules do not apply - a city of fabulous wealth and crushing poverty, where disease is ri
Nick Hern Books Year of the King
Other early 'stand-out' roles came in the premieres of Caryl Churchill's Cloud Nine (1979) and Mike Leigh's Goose Pimples (1981). He was Malcolm Bradbury's History Man on TV (1981) before joining the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1982, where he has played a huge variety of leading role in modern plays such as David Edgar's Maydays (1983) and Peter Flannery's Singer (1989) but chiefly in Shakespeare. He was the Fool to Michael Gambon's Lear, a famous Richard III, Shylock, Malvolio, Leontes, Macbeth with Harriet Walter, and, currently, Iago. For the RSC he was also Cyrano and Tamburlaine and the Malcontent. Interspersed with these were appearances at the National Theatre - as Astrov to Ian McKellen's Uncle Vanya, as Stanley Spencer in Pam Gems's play and as Titus Andronicus, which he originated at the Market Theatre, Johannesburg. In October 2004 he will appear at the National again in his own play based on Primo Levi's This was a Man. Following his debut as a writer with Year of the King, he has written four novels - Middlepost, Indoor Boy, Cheap Lives and The Feast - as well as an autobiography, Beside Myself (2001), and a play, I.D. (premiered at the Almeida, 2003).
Cornell University Press The Ethics of Narrative: Essays on History, Literature, and Theory, 1998–2007
Hayden White is widely considered to be the most influential historical theorist of the twentieth century. The Ethics of Narrative brings together nearly all of White's uncollected essays from the last two decades of his life, revealing a lesser-known side of White: that of the public intellectual. From modern patriotism and European identity to Hannah Arendt's writings on totalitarianism, from the idea of the historical museum and the theme of melancholy in art history to trenchant readings of Leo Tolstoy and Primo Levi, the first volume of The Ethics of Narrative shows White at his most engaging, topical, and capacious. Expertly introduced by editor Robert Doran, who lucidly explains the major themes, sources, and frames of reference of White's thought, this volume features five previously unpublished lectures, as well as more complete versions of several published essays, thereby giving the reader unique access to White's late thought. In addition to historical theorists and intellectual historians, The Ethics of Narrative will appeal to students and scholars across the humanities in such fields as literary and cultural studies, art history and visual studies, and media studies.
New York University Press Holocaust Theology: A Reader
Where was God during the Holocaust? And where has God been since? How has our religious belief been changed by the Shoah? For more than half a century, these questions have haunted both Jewish and Christian theologians. Holocaust Theology provides a panoramic survey of the writings of more than one hundred leading Jewish and Christian thinkers on these profound theological problems. Beginning with a general introduction to Holocaust theology and the religious challenge of the Holocaust, this sweeping collection brings together in one volume a coherent overview of the key theologies which have shaped responses to the Holocaust over the last several decades, including those addressing perplexing questions regarding Christian responsibility and culpability during the Nazi era. Each reading is preceded by a brief introduction. The volume will be invaluable to Rabbis and the clergy, students, scholars of the Holocaust and of religion, and all those troubled by the religious implications of the tragedy of the Holocaust. Contributors include Leo Baeck, Eugene Borowitz, Stephen Haynes, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Steven T. Katz, Primo Levi, Jacob Neusner, John Pawlikowski, Rosemary Radford Reuther, Jonathan Sarna, Paul Tillich, and Elie Wiesel.
University of Massachusetts Press The Venice Ghetto: A Memory Space that Travels
The Venice Ghetto was founded in 1516 by the Venetian government as a segregated area of the city in which Jews were compelled to live. The world's first ghetto and the origin of the English word, the term simultaneously works to mark specific places and their histories, and as a global symbol that evokes themes of identity, exile, marginalization, and segregation. To capture these multiple meanings, the editors of this volume conceptualize the ghetto as a "memory space that travels" through both time and space.This interdisciplinary collection engages with questions about the history, conditions, and lived experience of the Venice Ghetto, including its legacy as a compulsory, segregated, and enclosed space. Contributors also consider the ghetto's influence on the figure of the Renaissance moneylender, the material culture of the ghetto archive, the urban form of North Africa's mellah and hara, and the ghetto's impact on the writings of Primo Levi and Marjorie Agosín.In addition to the volume editors, The Venice Ghetto features a foreword from James E. Young and contributions from Shaul Bassi, Murray Baumgarten, Margaux Fitoussi, Dario Miccoli, Andrea Yaakov Lattes, Federica Ruspio, Michael Shapiro, Clive Sinclair, and Emanuela Trevisan Semi.
La Esfera de los Libros, S.L. Si venimos del mono por qué somos tan cerdos y otras preguntas interesantes locas frikis y descacharrantes de la ciencia y sus alrededores
Si venimos del mono, por qué somos tan cerdos? Es posible estornudar sin cerrar los ojos?Se podrá conseguir el teletransporte? Qué hay de cierto en lo de Moisés y el Mar Rojo? El veneno caducado mata más o mata menos?Se puede ir al infinito y más allá? Existen preservativos de grafeno? Beber cerveza quita la resaca?Estas son solo algunas de las preguntas frikis y descacharrantes que los científicos del grupo Big Van escuchan cada vez que se ponen delante de su público. Sobre ruedas y también en estas páginas, los autores de Si tú me dices gen lo dejo todo vuelven a explicar con humor, no falto de sabiduría, las cuestiones más increíbles de la ciencia, esas que suscitan la curiosidad y el interés de la gente, y que mejor reflejan el ambiente de sus actuaciones en los lugares más recónditos de España y de parte del universo conocido.107 (bello número primo!) preguntas y respuestas que te permitirán saber de una vez por todas qué fue antes: el huevo o la gallina?
Ediciones Pirámide El cerebro del inversor cómo la neurociencia puede ayudarte a optimizar las decisiones en el mercado de valores
Si te has preguntado alguna vez por qué pagas el doble por un café de Starbucks que por uno del bar de la esquina, o por qué invertiste cuando la Bolsa estaba más cara, adquiriste preferentes porque así te lo recomendó tu banquero o compraste un piso para especular porque así lo hizo tu primo, deberías leer este libro y aprender por qué lo hiciste y cómo se puede evitar volver a caer en el mismo error.Todos estos comportamientos no responden a la lógica ni se explican mediante las teorías clásicas de la economía que se basan en las matemáticas y en la estadística. Hay algo más, algo que nos lleva a actuar de un modo erróneo y a evitar las decisiones racionales. Y ese algo más no es sino el cerebro humano. Un cerebro desarrollado durante miles de años con el único propósito de mantener nuestra continuidad como especie y que nos empeñamos en utilizarlo para algo muy diferente del fin con el que inicialmente fue concebido: la economía.Las páginas de este libro te desvelarán por qu
Muoz Molina A Sefarad
En estas páginas Primo Levi, Franz Kafka, Evgenia Ginzburg, Milena Jesenska, Dolores Ibárruri o Walter Benjamin mezclan sus tragedias con las de personajes ficticios. Todos ellos comparten un estigma: un día despiertan convertidos en lo que otros cuentan de ellos, en lo que alguien que no les ha conocido cuenta que le han contado, en lo que alguien que les odia imagina que son. Perseguidos por la infamia y arrojados de su casa y de su país, se ven obligados a abandonar sus vidas.Sefarad, nombre que en la tradición hebrea se da a España, designa aquí todos los exilios posibles. El Holocausto y el nazismo, el Gulag, la guerra civil española, el Imperio austrohúngaro, la Inquisición y la expulsión de los judíos articulan a través de cada capítulo una sinfonía en la que la idea coral es una sola: la intolerancia, la persecución y la irracionalidad que asolan la historia de la humanidad, y que dan lugar al título.Antonio Muñoz Molina nos ofrece una aproximación al mundo de los excluid
Las arenas cantarinas
De baja por fatiga mental, nuestro elegante inspector Alan Grant, de Scotland Yard, viaja rumbo a Escocia para disfrutar de unas fugaces vacaciones en la granja de su prima Laura. Sus planes no van más allá de pescar en compañía de su primo pequeño Pat, experto en cebos monstruosos, tomarse la obligada copita de antes de cenar con Laura y su marido Tommy o esquivar con disimulo a las variopintas candidatas solteras que su prima acostumbra a hacer desfilar ante él.Sin embargo, en el tren nocturno que lo conduce a su retiro, un hombre aparece muerto en un vagón. Tentado por las enigmáticas líneas de un poema garabateadas por el difunto en un periódico, Grant no duda en zambullirse en este inesperado caso, cuyo rastro lo conducirá hasta las remotas Hébridas Exteriores y más allá de los confines de la gris Britania. No hay médico ni nervios que puedan frenar el instinto policial de este afable y certero inspector?Las arenas cantarinas es el quinto y último caso de Alan Grant, un mi
Los perros y los lobos
Teñida de marcados ecos autobiográficos, la novela se construye con retazos de la infancia y del exilio, la crisis de identidad, las historias de amor, todo sujeto a los azarosos caprichos del destino.Publicada por primera vez en 1940 -año en que Irène Némirovsky huyó de París en compañía de su marido y sus dos pequeñas hijas para refugiarse en un pueblo de la Borgoña-, ésta es la última obra que la autora de la magistral Suite francesa publicó en vida, dos años antes de su deportación y asesinato en Auschwitz.Ada y Harry Sinner, parientes lejanos, son dos jóvenes judíos procedentes de niveles sociales muy distintos a quienes un recuerdo infantil ha dejado una huella imborrable en sus vidas. Ada abandonó Ucrania poco antes de la revolución bolchevique, se ha casado con su primo Ben y lucha por abrirse camino como pintora. Harry, por su parte, ha contraído matrimonio con una joven francesa, hermosa, rica y católica, y se mueve en el mundo de las altas finanzas. Pero
Alhena Fábrica de Contenidos, S.L. Córdoba impresiones de viaje
Córdoba es un extracto del libro De París a Cádiz, que se inscribe dentro del interés que despierta nuestro país entre los literatos y artistas románticos, que ven España como un lugar exótico e insólito.Alejandro Dumas padre visitó España entre octubre y noviembre de 1846 (dos años después de la publicación de Los tres mosqueteros y El conde de Montecristo) como cronista de las bodas reales entre Isabel II y su primo Francisco de Asís, y el duque de Montpensier y la infanta Luisa Fernanda, hermana de la reina Isabel II. Le acompañan su hijo, su secretario, el poeta Auguste Maquet, los pintores Adolphe Desbarolles y Eugène Giraud y Eau Benjoin, su criado etíope. Como resultado de este viaje surgieron tres libros: De París a Cádiz, escrito por Dumas, Dos artistas en España, firmado por Desbarolles y Giraud, y un tercero posterior sobre cocina española.Esta no es una novela de viajes al uso; allá donde no llega la realidad, Dumas da rienda suelta a su imaginación. Y esta es la que
La muerte de Vivek Oji
A menudo me pregunto si morí de la mejor manera posible.Una tarde, en una ciudad del sureste de Nigeria, una madre abre la puerta de su casa y se encuentra el cuerpo de su hijo, envuelto en tela de colores, a sus pies. Así comienza la vibrante historia de una familia y sus dificultades para comprender a un hijo de espíritu tan delicado como enigmático. Criado por un padre distante y una madre comprensiva pero sobreprotectora, Vivek a menudo sufre desmayos, momentos confusos de desconexión entre su ser y el mundo que lo rodea. Cuando la adolescencia dé paso a la edad adulta, Vivek hallará consuelo en la amistad de un grupo de chicas cálidas y escandalosas, todas hijas de las Nigerwives, una asociación de mujeres nacidas en el extranjero y casadas con hombres nigerianos. Sin embargo, será Osita, su primo, con quien forje el vínculo más profundo. Lleno de vida y más experimentado que Vivek, Osita oculta tras una fachada burlona de seguridad en sí mismo una vida privada que no comparte
El hijo de Eulalia
Luis Fernando de Orleans y Borbón, hijo de la infanta Eulalia y nieto de Isabel II, nació infante de España en 1888 pero murió en 1945 despojado de título y honores por decisión de su primo el rey Alfonso XIII, quien no pudo perdonar los escándalos que le convirtieron en uno de los protagonistas más excéntricos de la Belle Époque y de los locos años veinte en París.Así pasó de ser uno de los miembros de la familia real más cercanos al joven monarca a reinar él mismo tanto en los grandes salones aristocráticos franceses como en los divertidos cabarés y en los burdeles de baja estofa. Fue amigo de los personajes más singulares de la realeza de su tiempo y de ilustres artistas y literatos que formaban parte de su peculiar séquito. Su desenfreno llegó a convertirse en un gran quebradero de cabeza para la corte española. Homosexual indisimulado, no le faltaron sin embargo riquísimas pretendientes, aunque solo se casaría con la septuagenaria princesa de Broglie que vio cómo su enorme fort
Dos biberons a la postguerra
Poques vegades el lector té l?oportunitat de llegir memòries que impacten tant pel seu contingut, i encara menys dues en una mateixa obra. Les memòries d?aquest llibre són nascudes de realitats intellectuals, personals i socials ben diferents, però amb unes vivències marcades per un destí similar. Un soldat de la lleva del biberó i un ciutadà que, vivint a França, en tornar és declarat pròfug. Destí horrorós, inhumà, arran del resultat final de la Guerra Civil espanyola.En aquesta obra es contextualitzen les vides de Ramon Arau i Latre i la de Miguel Expósito Simón (més conegut a l?àmbit familiar i d?amistats com Tomás), protagonistes de l?odissea en una Espanya on la separació de poders no existia. S?entra de ple en l?anàlisi repressor dut a terme en la postguerra pura i dura, submergint-se en publicacions de l?època que mostren l?enaltiment de l?odi, de la venjança i el culte a la personalitat de José Antonio Primo de Rivera i a la del Caudillo Francisco Franco.
Oxford University Press Fascism
Fascism as a political ideology is a product of the modern age. It is an ideology which has been identified with totalitarianism, state terror, social engineering, fanaticism, orchestrated violence, and blind obedience. Yet once again fascism is in the ascendant, suggesting that it is time for us to renew our understanding of its ideas, ideals, and inhumanities. What is fascism? Why does it still hold such strong appeal? Why does it create charismatic and dangerous movements? To what may these lead? This Reader offers a wide selection of texts written by fascist thinkers and propagandists both inside and outside Europe, before and after the Second World War. There are extracts on fascism in Italy and Germany, on the abortive pre-1945 fascisms, on reactions to fascism, and on post-war and contemporary fascism. With contributions from writers as diverse as Benito Mussolini and Primo Levi, Joseph Goebbels and George Orwell, this Reader provides a fascinating insight into the depths and breadths of fascism, prompting the student and general reader alike to give greater consideration to this expanding political force.
Orion Publishing Co I Shall Bear Witness: The Diaries Of Victor Klemperer 1933-41
A publishing sensation, the publication of Victor Klemperer's diaries brings to light one of the most extraordinary documents of the Nazi period.'A classic ... Klemperer's diary deserves to rank alongside that of Anne Frank's' SUNDAY TIMES'I can't remember when I read a more engrossing book' Antonia Fraser'Not dissimilar in its cumulative power to Primo Levi's, is a devastating account of man's inhumanity to man' LITERARY REVIEWThe son of a rabbi, Klemperer was by 1933 a professor of languages at Dresden. Over the next decade he, like other German Jews, lost his job, his house and many of his friends.Klemperer remained loyal to his country, determined not to emigrate, and convinced that each successive Nazi act against the Jews must be the last. Saved for much of the war from the Holocaust by his marriage to a gentile, he was able to escape in the aftermath of the Allied bombing of Dresden and survived the remaining months of the war in hiding. Throughout, Klemperer kept a diary. Shocking and moving by turns, it is a remarkable and important account.
El primer capità
Una novella sobre els inicis del Barça i el seu fundador, Joan Gamper.Barcelona, tardor del 1898. Un jove suís, Hans Gamper, arriba en tren a l?estació de França. La ciutat bull d?activitat i ell, per primera vegada en molt de temps, se sent feliç. Només troba a faltar una cosa: el futbol. N?era campió a Suïssa, però aquesta nova pràctica anglesa no acaba de quallar a Barcelona.Però la illusió i la determinació d?en Gamper no tenen límits. Un anunci al setmanari Los Deportes i, el novembre del 1899, el Foot-Ball Club Barcelona queda constituït. Més que un club, un espai de llibertat i democràcia, d?esperit cívic, on gent de tot arreu se senti barcelonina.El camí dels pioners, però, no és mai fàcil, i encara menys en una ciutat en plena transformació, on sovint els esdeveniments socials i polítics ?des de la Gran Guerra, fins a l?auge de la Lliga, la dictadura de Primo de Rivera o el crac del 29? corren en parallel als inicis del club i trastoquen el seu dia a dia
Profile Books Ltd A Lucky Child: A Memoir of Surviving Auschwitz as a Young Boy
Thomas Buergenthal is unique. Liberated from the death camps of Auschwitz at the age of eleven, in adulthood he became a judge at the International Court in The Hague. In his honest and heartfelt memoirs, he tells the story of his extraordinary journey - from the horrors of Nazism to an investigation of modern day genocide. Aged ten Thomas Buergenthal arrived at Auschwitz after surviving the Ghetto of Kielce and two labour camps, and was soon separated from his parents. Using his wits and some remarkable strokes of luck, he managed to survive until he was liberated from Sachsenhausen in 1945. After experiencing the turmoil of Europe's post-war years - from the Battle of Berlin, to a Jewish orphanage in Poland - Buergenthal went to America in the 1950s at the age of seventeen. He eventually became one of the world's leading experts on international law and human rights. His story of survival and his determination to use law and justice to prevent further genocide is an epic and inspirational journey through twentieth century history. His book is both a special historical document and a great literary achievement, comparable only to Primo Levi's masterpieces.
Indiana University Press Gulag Literature and the Literature of Nazi Camps: An Intercontexual Reading
Devoted to the ways in which Holocaust literature and Gulag literature provide contexts for each other, Leona Toker's book shows how the prominent features of one shed light on the veiled features and methods of the other. Toker views these narratives and texts against the background of historical information about the Soviet and the Nazi regimes of repression. Writers at the center of this work include Varlam Shalamov, Primo Levi, Elie Wiesel, and Ka-Tzetnik, and others, including Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Evgeniya Ginzburg, and Jorge Semprún, illuminate the discussion. Toker's twofold analysis concentrates on the narrative qualities of the works as well as on the ways in which each text documents the writer's experience and in which fictionalized narrative can double as historical testimony. References to events might have become obscure owing to the passage of time and the cultural diversity of readers; the book explains them and shows how they form new meaning in the text. Toker is well-known as a skillful interpreter of Gulag literature, and this text presents new thinking about how Gulag literature and Holocaust literature enable a better understanding about testimony in the face of evil.
Orion Publishing Co Looking For Eliza
'Clever, warm and funny' - ADAM KAY'Beautifully rendered, thoughtful and original' - Pandora Sykes'A marvellous read' - Ruth HoganAda is a widowed writer, navigating loneliness in Oxford after the death of her husband. She has no children. No grandchildren. She fears she is becoming peripheral, another invisible woman. Eliza is a student at the university. She finds it difficult to form meaningful relationships after the estrangement of her mother and breakup with her girlfriend.After meeting through Ada's new venture, 'Rent-a-Gran', and bonding over Lapsang Souchong tea and Primo Levi, they begin to find what they're looking for in each other. But can they cast off their isolation for good? An exquisite story of connection and loss, and how a person can change another person's life. Full of heartache yet joyful and life-affirming, this is for fans of Normal People, Expectation and Sarah Winman's Tin Man.'Leaf's writing is warm and lyrically funny - she has an eye for details both sublime and ridiculous.Looking for Eliza is an intelligent and big-hearted read with the human condition at its core.' - Harriet Walker, The Times
Un amor de gira
Qué harías si pudieras irte de gira con tu cantante favorito?Martina acaba de ganar una cena con el famosísimo Marc Luna en un sorteo de Instagram. Lleva toda su vida preparándose para ese momento; lo que no entraba en su ecuación es que la cita quedara inmortalizada por los paparazzis. Las fotos se hagan supervirales y ahora todo el mundo habla de la química que hay entre los dos. Este dato no le pasa desapercibido a Ricardo, el mánager de Marc, que ya está tramando un plan para avivar el rumor y volver a colocar al cantante en la cima de las listas de Spotify. Pero para que todo vaya según lo previsto, Martina tendrá que acompañarlos en su gira de verano haciéndose pasar por su novia. Un poco de fanservice nunca ha hecho daño a nadie, no?La vida de nuestra protagonista acaba de ponerse patas arriba y, por si fuera poco, tendrá que lidiar con Álex, el primo y community manager de Marc, con el que ya ha tenido algún que otro roce.Conseguirá de verdad enamorar a Marc Luna?Po
Edinburgh University Press Asbestos the Last Modernist Object
Few modern materials have been as central to histories of environmental toxicity, medical ignorance, and legal liability as asbestos. A naturally occurring mineral fibre once hailed for its ability to guard against fire, asbestos is now best known for the horrific illnesses it causes. This book offers a new take on the established history of asbestos from a literary critical perspective, showing how literature and film during and after modernism responded first to the material's proliferation through the built environment, and then to its catastrophic effects on human health. Starting from the surprising encounters writers have had with asbestos Franz Kafka's part-ownership of an asbestos factory, Primo Levi's work in an asbestos mine, and James Kelman's early life as an asbestos factory worker the book looks to literature to rethink received truths in historical, legal and medical scholarship. In doing so, it models an interdisciplinary approach for tracking material intersections between modernism and the environmental and health humanities. Asbestos The Last Modernist Object offers readers a compelling new method for using cultural objects when thinking about how to live with the legacies of toxic materials.Arthur Rose is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Exeter.
Peirene Press Ltd Shadows on the Tundra
An extraordinary piece of international survival literature, joining the likes of Primo Levi and Anne Frank. In 1941, 14-year-old Dalia and her family are deported from their native Lithuania to a labour camp in Siberia. As the strongest member of her family she submits to twelve hours a day of manual labour. At the age of 21, she escapes the gulag and returns to Lithuania. She writes her memories on scraps of paper and buries them in the garden, fearing they might be discovered by the KGB. They are not found until 1991, four years after her death. This is the story Dalia buried. The immediacy of her writing bears witness not only to the suffering she endured but also the hope that sustained her. It is a Lithuanian tale that, like its author, beats the odds to survive. 'There is only one word to describe this book: Extraordinary. It blew me away when I first read it in German translation. Dalia's account goes far beyond a memoir. This is an outstanding piece of literature which should be read by anyone who wishes to understand the Soviet repression.' Meike Ziervogel, Peirene Press Publisher
Indiana University Press Gulag Literature and the Literature of Nazi Camps: An Intercontexual Reading
Devoted to the ways in which Holocaust literature and Gulag literature provide contexts for each other, Leona Toker's book shows how the prominent features of one shed light on the veiled features and methods of the other. Toker views these narratives and texts against the background of historical information about the Soviet and the Nazi regimes of repression. Writers at the center of this work include Varlam Shalamov, Primo Levi, Elie Wiesel, and Ka-Tzetnik, and others, including Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Evgeniya Ginzburg, and Jorge Semprún, illuminate the discussion. Toker's twofold analysis concentrates on the narrative qualities of the works as well as on the ways in which each text documents the writer's experience and in which fictionalized narrative can double as historical testimony. References to events might have become obscure owing to the passage of time and the cultural diversity of readers; the book explains them and shows how they form new meaning in the text. Toker is well-known as a skillful interpreter of Gulag literature, and this text presents new thinking about how Gulag literature and Holocaust literature enable a better understanding about testimony in the face of evil.
Karolinum,Nakladatelstvi Univerzity Karlovy,Czech Republic Fragmented Lives: Chronicles of the Gulag
In Fragmented Lives, Gulag survivor Jacques Rossi opens a window onto everyday life inside the notorious Soviet prison camp through a series of portraits of inmates and camp personnel across all walks of life--from workers to peasants, soldiers, civil servants, and party apparatchiks. Featuring Rossi's original illustrations and written in a tone as sharp and dry as that of Russian writer Varlam Shalamov, Rossi's vignettes are also filled with surprising humor. A former agent in the Spanish Civil War and a lifelong Communist, Rossi never considered himself a victim. Instead, in the manner of Primo Levi, Solzhenitsyn, and Margaret Buber-Neumann, he sought to share and transmute his experience within the living hell of the Gulag. In so doing, he gives voice to the inmates whose lives were shattered by one of the most corrupt and repressive regimes of the twentieth century. An impassioned reminder to always question one's beliefs, to have the courage to give up one's illusions at the risk of one's life, Fragments of Life lays bare, with acute observations and biting wit, the falsity of the Soviet utopia that transformed Rossi's home into a "huge Potemkin village, a farcical sham dissimulating oceans of mud and blood."
Edinburgh University Press Prison Writing in the Twentieth Century: A Literary Guide
Provides a comprehensive survey of twentieth-century prison writing from around the world Analyses texts from the UK, USA, Australia, Kenya, South Africa, Egypt, Ireland, Germany, and the USSR Texts by male and female writers considered with structural balance Approaches texts chronologically within an historical sequence of social and institutional changes Brings a specifically literary approach to material generally approached sociologically and criminologically Tracking the evolutionary arc of prison writing across the twentieth century in an international and comparative framework, this study proposes an integrated account of the major shifts and movements in this relatively neglected genre of autobiography. Dwelling on works memoirs, novellas, poems by actual detainees, the book offers a close stylistic analysis of 12 important texts to show how prison writing moved away from the confessional and self-scrutinizing modes of an earlier tradition, to espouse openly political sentiments and solidarities. Looking at works by Oscar Wilde, Rosa Luxemburg, Ezra Pound, Primo Levi, Bobby Sands, Angela Davis, Ng?g? wa Thiong'o, and Behrouz Boochani (among others), the book shows how themes such as the annihilation of experience, dehumanization, sensory deprivation, brutality, and numbing routine are woven into distinctive textual artefacts that give evidence of an abiding human resilience in the face of raw state power.
Stanford University Press The Implicated Subject: Beyond Victims and Perpetrators
When it comes to historical violence and contemporary inequality, none of us are completely innocent. We may not be direct agents of harm, but we may still contribute to, inhabit, or benefit from regimes of domination that we neither set up nor control. Arguing that the familiar categories of victim, perpetrator, and bystander do not adequately account for our connection to injustices past and present, Michael Rothberg offers a new theory of political responsibility through the figure of the implicated subject. The Implicated Subject builds on the comparative, transnational framework of Rothberg's influential work on memory to engage in reflection and analysis of cultural texts, archives, and activist movements from such contested zones as transitional South Africa, contemporary Israel/Palestine, post-Holocaust Europe, and a transatlantic realm marked by the afterlives of slavery. As these diverse sites of inquiry indicate, the processes and histories illuminated by implicated subjectivity are legion in our interconnected world. An array of globally prominent artists, writers, and thinkers—from William Kentridge, Hito Steyerl, and Jamaica Kincaid, to Hannah Arendt, Primo Levi, Judith Butler, and the Combahee River Collective—speak to this interconnection and show how confronting our own implication in difficult histories can lead to new forms of internationalism and long-distance solidarity.
University of Nebraska Press How Was It Possible?: A Holocaust Reader
As the Holocaust passes out of living memory, future generations will no longer come face-to-face with Holocaust survivors. But the lessons of that terrible period in history are too important to let slip past. How Was It Possible?, edited and introduced by Peter Hayes, provides teachers and students with a comprehensive resource about the Nazi persecution of Jews. Deliberately resisting the reflexive urge to dismiss the topic as too horrible to be understood intellectually or emotionally, the anthology sets out to provide answers to questions that may otherwise defy comprehension. This anthology is organized around key issues of the Holocaust, from the historical context for antisemitism to the impediments to escaping Nazi Germany, and from the logistics of the death camps and the carrying out of genocide to the subsequent struggles of the displaced survivors in the aftermath. Prepared in cooperation with the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, this anthology includes contributions from such luminaries as Jean Ancel, Saul Friedlander, Tony Judt, Alan Kraut, Primo Levi, Robert Proctor, Richard Rhodes, Timothy Snyder, and Susan Zuccotti. Taken together, the selections make the ineffable fathomable and demystify the barbarism underlying the tragedy, inviting readers to learn precisely how the Holocaust was, in fact, possible.
Peeters Publishers La versione siriaca della Vita di Giovanni il Misericordioso di Leonzio di Neapolis: T.
Leonzio vescovo di Neapolis in Cipro compose alla metà del VII secolo la biografia del patriarca di Alessandria Giovanni il Misericordioso (610-619). L’opera conobbe una grande diffusione non solo nell’Impero bizantino, ma anche in altre tradizioni letterarie. La versione siriaca della Vita costituisce un importante testimone indiretto dell’originale greco e risulta interessante per lo studio della ricezione dei testi agiografici bizantini in ambito siro-ortodosso. Il valore ecdotico della versione siriaca ci ha incitato a ricostruire il suo testo nella forma più prossima all’originale, tenendo conto dell’apporto di tutti i manoscritti e recensioni esistenti. Il primo volume presenta un’introduzione relativa alla tradizione manoscritta. Segue l’edizione, corredata di un apparato critico che tiene conto, oltre che dei tre principali testimoni, dell’apporto di alcuni frammenti, della “versione corta” del codice Par. syr. 234, dei principali codici greci e della versione latina del codice Par. lat. 3820. Completa il volume l’indice dei sostantivi siriaci, dei prestiti greci, dei nomi propri. Il secondo volume comprende la traduzione in lingua italiana ed uno studio delle differenze tra testo greco e versione siriaca. La traduzione italiana resta volutamente fedele al testo siriaco, affinché meglio possano essere apprezzate le difformità tra le due versioni. Le note di commento sono funzionali alla descrizione della storia del testo e dello stile della traduzione. Il volume presenta in appendice un elenco dei luoghi biblici e delle cose notevoli.
Peeters Publishers La versione siriaca della Vita di Giovanni il Misericordioso di Leonzio di Neapolis: V.
Leonzio vescovo di Neapolis in Cipro compose alla metà del VII secolo la biografia del patriarca di Alessandria Giovanni il Misericordioso (610-619). L’opera conobbe una grande diffusione non solo nell’Impero bizantino, ma anche in altre tradizioni letterarie. La versione siriaca della Vita costituisce un importante testimone indiretto dell’originale greco e risulta interessante per lo studio della ricezione dei testi agiografici bizantini in ambito siro-ortodosso. Il valore ecdotico della versione siriaca ci ha incitato a ricostruire il suo testo nella forma più prossima all’originale, tenendo conto dell’apporto di tutti i manoscritti e recensioni esistenti. Il primo volume presenta un’introduzione relativa alla tradizione manoscritta. Segue l’edizione, corredata di un apparato critico che tiene conto, oltre che dei tre principali testimoni, dell’apporto di alcuni frammenti, della “versione corta” del codice Par. syr. 234, dei principali codici greci e della versione latina del codice Par. lat. 3820. Completa il volume l’indice dei sostantivi siriaci, dei prestiti greci, dei nomi propri. Il secondo volume comprende la traduzione in lingua italiana ed uno studio delle differenze tra testo greco e versione siriaca. La traduzione italiana resta volutamente fedele al testo siriaco, affinché meglio possano essere apprezzate le difformità tra le due versioni. Le note di commento sono funzionali alla descrizione della storia del testo e dello stile della traduzione. Il volume presenta in appendice un elenco dei luoghi biblici e delle cose notevoli.
Vintage Publishing Cold Crematorium: Reporting from the Land of Auschwitz
A lost classic of Holocaust literature translated for the first time - from journalist, poet and survivor József Debreczeni'A literary diamond... A holocaust memoir worthy of Primo Levi' THE TIMES'A masterpiece' NEW STATESMANWhen József Debreczeni arrived in Auschwitz in 1944, had he been selected to go 'left', his life expectancy would have been approximately forty-five minutes. One of the 'lucky' ones, he was sent to the 'right', which led to twelve horrifying months of incarceration and slave labour in a series of camps, ending in the 'Cold Crematorium' - the so-called hospital of the forced labour camp Dörnhau, where prisoners too weak to work were left to die.Debreczeni beat the odds and survived. Very soon he committed his experiences to paper in Cold Crematorium, one of the harshest and powerful indictments of Nazism ever written. This haunting memoir, rendered in the precise and unsentimental prose of an accomplished journalist, compels the reader to imagine human beings in circumstances impossible to comprehend intellectually.First published in Hungarian in 1950, it was never translated due to the rise of McCarthyism, Cold War hostilities and antisemitism. This important eyewitness account that was nearly lost to time will be available in fifteen languages, finally taking its rightful place among the great works of Holocaust literature more than seventy years after it was first published.
Fordham University Press Witnessing Witnessing: On the Reception of Holocaust Survivor Testimony
Witnessing Witnessing focuses critical attention on those who receive the testimony of Holocaust survivors. Questioning the notion that traumatic experience is intrinsically unspeakable and that the Holocaust thus lies in a quasi-sacred realm beyond history, the book asks whether much current theory does not have the effect of silencing the voices of real historical victims. It thereby challenges widely accepted theoretical views about the representation of trauma in general and the Holocaust in particular as set forth by Giorgio Agamben, Cathy Caruth, Berel Lang, and Dori Laub. It also reconsiders, in the work of Theodor Adorno and Emmanuel Levinas, reflections on ethics and aesthetics after Auschwitz as these pertain to the reception of testimony. Referring at length to videotaped testimony and to texts by Charlotte Delbo, Primo Levi, and Jorge Semprun, the book aims to make these voices heard. In doing so, it clarifies the problems that anyone receiving testimony may encounter and emphasizes the degree to which listening to survivors depends on listening to ourselves and to one another. Witnessing Witnessing seeks to show how, in the situation of address in which Holocaust survivors call upon us, we discover our own tacit assumptions about the nature of community and the very manner in which we practice it.
Stanford University Press The Implicated Subject: Beyond Victims and Perpetrators
When it comes to historical violence and contemporary inequality, none of us are completely innocent. We may not be direct agents of harm, but we may still contribute to, inhabit, or benefit from regimes of domination that we neither set up nor control. Arguing that the familiar categories of victim, perpetrator, and bystander do not adequately account for our connection to injustices past and present, Michael Rothberg offers a new theory of political responsibility through the figure of the implicated subject. The Implicated Subject builds on the comparative, transnational framework of Rothberg's influential work on memory to engage in reflection and analysis of cultural texts, archives, and activist movements from such contested zones as transitional South Africa, contemporary Israel/Palestine, post-Holocaust Europe, and a transatlantic realm marked by the afterlives of slavery. As these diverse sites of inquiry indicate, the processes and histories illuminated by implicated subjectivity are legion in our interconnected world. An array of globally prominent artists, writers, and thinkers—from William Kentridge, Hito Steyerl, and Jamaica Kincaid, to Hannah Arendt, Primo Levi, Judith Butler, and the Combahee River Collective—speak to this interconnection and show how confronting our own implication in difficult histories can lead to new forms of internationalism and long-distance solidarity.
Quercus Publishing Parallel Lines: A Journey from Childhood to Belsen
"I have read few autobiographies more extraordinary . . . Astonishing" OBSERVER"A classic. I preferred it to Primo Levi's If This is a Man" EDWARD WILSON"A child's clear-eyed journey to hell" ANNE SEBBAThis is a story of a young boy's journey from a sleepy provincial town in Hungary during the Second World War to the concentration camp in Bergen-Belsen. After a winter in Bergen-Belsen where his father died, he and his mother were liberated by the Americans outside a small German village, and handed over to the Red Army. They escaped from the Russians, and travelled, hiding on a goods train, through Prague to Budapest. Unlike other books dealing with this period, this is not a Holocaust story, but a child's recollection of a journey full of surprise, excitement, bereavement and terror. Yet this remains a testimony of survival, overcoming obstacles which to adults may seem insurmountable but to a child were just part of an adventure and, ultimately, recovery. After having established a career in the West, the author decided to revisit the stages on his earlier journeys, reliving the past through the perspective of the present. Along the way, ghosts from the past are finally laid to rest by the kindness of new friends.With an introduction by Lisa Appignanesi
Stanford University Press Fatal Love: Spousal Killers, Law, and Punishment in the Late Colonial Spanish Atlantic
One night in December 1800, in the distant mission outpost of San Antonio in northern Mexico, Eulalia Californio and her lover Primo plotted the murder of her abusive husband. While the victim was sleeping, Prio and his brother tied a rope around Juan Californio's neck. One of them sat on his body while the other pulled on the rope and the woman, grabbing her husband by the legs, pulled in the opposite direction. After Juan Californio suffocated, Eulalia ran to the mission and reported that her husband had choked while chewing tobacco. Suspicious, the mission priests reported the crime to the authorities in charge of the nearest presidio. For historians, spousal murders are significant for what they reveal about social and family history, in particular the hidden history of day-to-day gender relations, conflicts, crimes, and punishments. Fatal Love examines this phenomenon in the late colonial Spanish Atlantic, focusing on incidents occurring in New Spain (colonial Mexico), New Granada (colonial Colombia), and Spain from the 1740s to the 1820s. In the more than 200 cases consulted, it considers not only the social features of the murders, but also the legal discourses and judicial practices guiding the historical treatment of spousal murders, helping us understand the historical intersection of domestic violence, private and state/church patriarchy, and the law.
Edinburgh University Press On Art and War and Terror
This book, a collection of Alex Danchev's essays on the theme of art, war and terror, newly available in paperback, offers a sustained demonstration of the way in which works of art can help us to explore the most difficult ethical and political issues of our time: war, terror, extermination, torture and abuse. It takes seriously the idea of the artist as moral witness to this realm, considering war photography, for example, as a form of humanitarian intervention. War poetry, war films and war diaries are also considered in a broad view of art, and of war. Kafka is drawn upon to address torture and abuse in the war on terror; Homer is utilised to analyse current talk of 'barbarisation'. The paintings of Gerhard Richter are used to investigate the terrorists of the Baader-Meinhof group, while the photographs of Don McCullin and the writings of Vassily Grossman and Primo Levi allow the author to propose an ethics of small acts of altruism. This book examines the nature of war over the last century, from the Great War to a particular focus on the current 'Global War on Terror'. It investigates what it means to be human in war, the cost it exacts and the ways of coping.Several of the essays therefore have a biographical focus.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Nexus 6: Essays in German Jewish Studies
Features a new section on the institutional settings of German Jewish Studies, a Film Forum on Shahar Rozen's 1998 documentary Liebe Perla, and interviews with Paul Mendes-Flohr and Barbara Honigmann, among other contributions. Nexus is the official publication of the biennial German Jewish Studies Workshop at the University of Notre Dame. Together, Nexus and the Workshop constitute the first ongoing German Jewish Studies forum in North America. Because the locus of scholarship is never incidental, Nexus 6 introduces a new section, "Contexts," to examine, in this case, what it means to pursue German Jewish Studies at a Catholic university, Notre Dame. And because research is never static, it inaugurates a series in which scholars revisit their own prior scholarly publications. Robert Smith launches this initiative by revising his view of Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a source for post-Holocaust Christian-Jewish dialogue. The volume also offers conversations with the legendary Paul Mendes-Flohr on his understanding of the German Jewish "legacy" and with Barbara Honigmann on her distinctive prose style and what it means to her to practice Judaism. The popular Film Forum section returns, this time focusing on Shahar Rozen's 1998 documentary Liebe Perla. Nexus 6 also presents new scholarship on Babi Yar Holocaust memorials, Freud's famous Moses essay, Primo Levi's translation of Kafka, and an introduction to and first English translation of the 18th-century philosopher Salomon Maimon's understudied essay History of His Philosophical Authorship in Dialogues.